UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /31 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <BBWonder> ugh
[00:12] <BBWonder> guys, I installed Xubuntu 8.10 but X still will not load (like with the RC)
[00:12] <BBWonder> my screen just flashes three times and than it falls back to the command line interface
[00:13] <BBWonder> is this a common problem with the official 8.10?
[00:14] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: not really... tried bootting to recovery mode and select fix x?
[00:15] <BBWonder> will that help? I mean, it's a clean install, can anything be broken already?
[00:15] <BBWonder> Odd-rationale: thanks for replying btw
[00:16] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: probably just your xorg.conf...
[00:16] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: the fix x options should set you up to use the vesa drivers...
[00:16] <Odd-rationale> then you can trouble shoot after you can at lest log into X :P
[00:16] <BBWonder> that's true
[00:17] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: you know how to get to recoverymode?
[00:17] <BBWonder> My chipset uses ATI drivers btw
[00:17] <BBWonder> yes I do, thanks
[00:17] <Odd-rationale> my ati works flawlessly, i can even do desktop effects without installing proprietary drivers...
[00:18] <BBWonder> I'll do that and if it doesn't work I'll be back to whine about it :p
[00:18] <Odd-rationale> k :P
[00:18] <BBWonder> :P
[00:27] <BBWonder> whine whine whine :))
[00:28] <BBWonder> so I did: fix x, which was an automated process and helped precisely nothing.
[00:29] <BBWonder> I got the following errors, maybe they ring a bell:
[00:29] <BBWonder> *when giving command: startx* -- Chrome(0): no valid modes found
[00:29] <BBWonder> screens found, but none have usable configurations
[00:30] <BBWonder> furthermore, it returned
[00:30] <BBWonder> xinit: error in lockign authority
[00:30] <BBWonder> file (Xauthority)
[00:30] <BBWonder> I was logged in as SU, by the way
[00:30] <BBWonder> all this really stumps me
[00:31] <BBWonder> Odd-rationale: bump :p
[00:36] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: try removing the ~/.Xauthority in your users home directory...
[00:36] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: also, can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[00:36] <Odd-rationale> ?
[00:38] <BBWonder> I don't know how to pastebin :D
[00:39] <BBWonder> Odd-rationale: when I remove xauthority, won't that harm the operating system somehow?
[00:39] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: not the one in your $HOME dir...
[00:41] <Odd-rationale> !paste
[00:41] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[00:41] <BBWonder> how do I do this from CLI?
[00:41] <BBWonder> I have to reboot into xubuntu
[00:42] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: sudo apt-get install pastebinit
[00:42] <Odd-rationale> cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit
[00:42] <BBWonder> thanks will do
[00:49] <aro> worst
[00:49] <aro> fucking
[00:49] <aro> day
[00:49] <aro> of
[00:49] <aro> my
=== bill is now known as Guest76722
[01:31] <BBWonder> Odd-rationale: still there?
[01:31] <BBWonder> http://pastebin.com/f500bd8f4
[01:31] <BBWonder> my xorg.conf
[01:31] <BBWonder> sorry it took a little long :S
[01:33] <ball> Oh no. I see torrent files for xubuntu-8.04.1-* but none for 8.10
[01:34] <BBWonder> ball: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/hardy/release/desktop/
[01:34] <BBWonder> oh wait shit.. :D
[01:34] <BBWonder> haha
[01:35] <BBWonder> http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/intrepid/release/desktop/
[01:35] <ball> Found it, thanks!
[01:35] <BBWonder> np
[01:35] <ball> Sadly it means tearing the hard disk out of this machine, but oh well...
[01:36] <ball> Ah, there we go
[01:37] <ball> rtorrent's doing its thing now.
[01:37] <BBWonder> I dl-ed that same torrent, it was mighty fast
[01:37] <ball> let's see, where did I put xcalc
[01:40] <ball> there we go: downloading at 221 kbit/sec, uploading at 33 kbit/sec
[01:40] <ball> (doing my bit)
[01:40] <ball> Hang on, that can't be right
[01:40] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: sorry. just got back from dinner...
[01:41] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: try editing your xorg.conf file to look like this: http://pastebin.com/m5d5f07b
[01:41] <Odd-rationale> basically adding the Driver "vesa" line
[01:42] <ball> uploading at 295 kbits/sec
[01:42] <BBWonder> thanks Odd-rationale - damn long time since I vim-ed...
[01:42] <ball> downloading at 41 k/sec
[01:42] <ball> :-)
[01:42] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: :P also try nano if you prefer..
[01:43] <Odd-rationale> i like vim myself... but nano is simpler...
[01:43] <BBWonder> never nano'd... does it explain how to save, etc?
[01:43] <j1mc> vim ftw :)
[01:43] <j1mc> nano is simpler, though, and i do use it, too.
[01:43] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: ^x ^y
[01:43] <BBWonder> thanks, looks like vim :D
[01:43] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: but you know vim, i'd say to just stick to it... :P
[01:44] <BBWonder> ok adding the line, what do you think the chances are of this solving my problem? :D
[01:44] <Odd-rationale> pretty good... :D
[01:44] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: you don't need to reboot...
[01:45] <Odd-rationale> just from the commnad line try "sudo /etc/ini.d/gdm start"
[01:45] <BBWonder> init.d right?
[01:45] <Odd-rationale> init.d
[01:45] <Odd-rationale> yes
[01:46] <Odd-rationale> sorry... :(
[01:46] <BBWonder> np you've been a big help so far
[01:46] <BBWonder> bbiab
[01:56] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: no luck?
[01:56] <BBWonder> Odd-rationale: I'm back
[01:56] <BBWonder> I edited the file and did what you said
[01:57] <BBWonder> this time the error said: failed to load "vesa" -- no drivers available
[01:57] <BBWonder> which is new and exciting
[01:57] <BBWonder> :S
[01:57] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: did you install xubuntu 8.10?
[01:57] <BBWonder> yes
[01:57] <BBWonder> clean install by means of the alternate install cd
[01:58] <BBWonder> how can there be no vesa drivers I wonder?
[01:58] <Odd-rationale> try "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-vesa"
[01:58] <Odd-rationale> are you on livecd right now?
[01:59] <BBWonder> no
[01:59] <BBWonder> I'm in windows
[01:59] <Odd-rationale> oh
[01:59] <BBWonder> last time I tried, the live-cd didn't work either
[02:00] <BBWonder> the same thing: it drops into CLI
[02:00] <BBWonder> anyway, anyway bbiab
[02:00] <Odd-rationale> BBWonder: well try the apt-get comnad then
[02:00] <BBWonder> oh
[02:01] <Odd-rationale> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start
[02:01] <Odd-rationale> i gtg in a bit... :(
[02:01] <BBWonder> No problem
[02:01] <BBWonder> you've been a big help so far
[02:01] <BBWonder> gonna reboot again
[02:01] <BBWonder> bbiab
[02:09] <rerobins> anyone else have the problem where the last row of pixels is shifted over to the left?
[02:11] <BBWonder> Odd-rationale: not sure if you still have time
[02:11] <BBWonder> it said the vesa package was already installed
[02:12] <BBWonder> /etc/init.d/gdm start did nothing, neither did startx
[02:12] <BBWonder> the screen just flashes two or three times and that's it
[02:19] <BBWonder> aww looks like he's gone
[02:19] <BBWonder> damn
[02:20] <ball> yay! I made an ext2 filesystem on a USB flash thing
[02:20] <ball> Ah crap, need to tweak the file permissions
[02:23] <SmoothPorcupine> So... Suppose I don't like purple.
[02:23] <SmoothPorcupine> How do I change GUI the colors?
[02:24] <SmoothPorcupine> Globally, as oppsed to just for a custom theme.
[02:24] <SmoothPorcupine> the GUI*
[02:25] <ball> There's a theme thing in the menu I think
[02:25] <ball> brb
[02:30] <rerobins> where does xfce keep the session information at?
[02:31] <SmoothPorcupine> I believe it to be at ~/.cache/sessions
[02:33] <rerobins> thanks
[02:34] <ball> pwd
[02:35] <ball> sorry :-)
[02:35] <ball> I'm used to focus-follows-mouse
[02:37] <SmoothPorcupine> More specifically, the Window Manager XPM files can use colors like "active_text_color".
[02:38] <SmoothPorcupine> I have reason to believe it gets these colors from some kind of GTK source.
[02:46] <SmoothPorcupine> Pretty much this question... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=898092
[02:51] <favro> SmoothPorcupine: the way I overide the theme settings is by putting this line - include "/home/$USER/.gtkrc.mine" in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and in ~/.gtkrc.mine setting the value I want to change
[02:53] <SmoothPorcupine> What value do I want to change?
[02:53] <favro> e.g. style "panel" = "default" { bg[NORMAL] = "#22478e" }
[02:53] <favro> I don't know - what part don't you like?
[02:55] <rerobins> where does xubuntu keep it's system menu include at?
[02:55] <rerobins> err menu.xml
[03:11] <SmoothPorcupine> favro, how about something easy like title bar text color?
[03:13] <favro> SmoothPorcupine: open a theme from /usr/share/themes and read what your present theme is using to call that - I'm not on an xfce box atm
[03:15] <favro> SmoothPorcupine: style "clearlooks-frame-title" = "clearlooks-default"
[03:15] <favro> {
[03:15] <favro> fg[NORMAL] = "#2a2a2a"
[03:15] <favro> } - is from one I have here
[03:16] <favro> fg means foreground or text
[03:21] <SmoothPorcupine> My current theme has no gtkrc file.
[03:22] <SmoothPorcupine> Making it somewhat hard to understand where the colors are coming from.
[03:29] <SmoothPorcupine> Er, maybe my question is how to set my GTK theme.
[03:37] <gaurdro> any word on how slow the servers are for an upgrade?
[03:38] <gaurdro> SmoothPorcupine: applications->settings->settings manager->user interface
[03:39] <SmoothPorcupine> Aren't you supposed to give me a command line?
[03:39] <SmoothPorcupine> Instead of a path I may not be able to follow?
[03:41] <gaurdro> that's where you go to set the colors graphicallly, i don't know the specifics of how one goes about it from a CLI but i'd imagine if that's what you're looking for google is your friend
[03:46] <Bumphead> i love 8.10
[03:47] <gaurdro> working on upgrading my lappy now.
[03:51] <favro> SmoothPorcupine: it was the way you asked the question - top left of the desktop has a menu labelled applications
[03:56] <SmoothPorcupine> Ah, I remember that now.
[03:56] <favro> :)
[03:57] <SmoothPorcupine> Turns out it was Crux.
[03:58] <Bumphead> how do i change the number of available workspaces to pager?
[04:03] <favro> that's in the settings manager Bumphead
[04:04] <favro> right click the pager prob works as well
[04:10] <SmoothPorcupine> Any way to avoid cramming gtk_color_scheme into one line?
[04:20] <favro> SmoothPorcupine: err, what do you mean by that - or what are you trying to do?
[04:21] <SmoothPorcupine> In the gtkrc file is this: gtk_color_scheme = "reallyreallyreallylonglistofcolors"
[04:24] <favro> do they have a comment (#) in front of each line? - never seen that in a gtkrc before
[04:53] <Guma> What ware the possible C++ GUI debuggers/IDE that come with 8.10?
[05:23] <MHz128> hello world!
[05:23] <Odd-rationale> hi, MHz128
[05:24] <MHz128> I am looking for something similar to Launchy, Katapult, or Gnome-Do for the Xfce desktop. Does one exist? or can Launchy be run under xfce?
[05:25] <SmoothPorcupine> Can I change the GTK engine without changing the CTK theme?
[05:25] <SmoothPorcupine> GTK*
[05:26] <Odd-rationale> MHz128: really launchy and gnome-do can run in xfce... even katapult for that matter. :P
[05:26] <Odd-rationale> i liked gnome-do, never tried launchy...
[05:26] <MHz128> Odd-rationale, oh ok. Launchy needs a QT core lib... will that affect anything?
[05:27] <Odd-rationale> nah, it won't really effect anything...
[05:27] <Odd-rationale> MHz128: if you want a lightweight alternative, look up dmenu
[05:28] <MHz128> Odd-rationale, awesome thanks!
[06:03] <Ben_Cs> hello
[06:04] <Ben_Cs> what does it mean when i try to apt-get upgrade, and it tells me some packages are kept back? why are they kept back and not upgraded?!
[06:06] <gaurdro> you haven't run apt-get update. you have version mismatches between the repository and your system.
[06:06] <Ben_Cs> gaurdro: i did run update first
[06:07] <gaurdro> are you using any 3rd party repo's?
[06:07] <Ben_Cs> getdeb's repo
[06:08] <gaurdro> that's prolly what is causing it.
[06:09] <Ben_Cs> maybe what's kept back are totally new versions and not upgrades and that's why i must install them manuallly?
[06:10] <gaurdro> it's a version mismatch somewhere along the line. a package you're trying to upgrade is upgradeable but it can't find the correct version of a library or another package that can't be upgraded. also manually installed versions are set to manual in the local package database , which i believe makes them not upgrade normally.
[06:10] <gaurdro> I dunno about that. i'm just a user not a developer or anything
[06:10] <Ben_Cs> gaurdro: when i try to upgrade one of the packages through synaptic i get the message that i have unresolved dependencies. strange.
[06:11] <gaurdro> yea, the package was prolly compiled against a different version of a library that is not available in a repo
[06:12] <Ben_Cs> gaurdro: you mean because getdeb's version is too new for xubuntu's repo's libs?
[06:13] <Ben_Cs> it's weird. don't remember this conflict before.
[06:13] <gaurdro> yea, so instead of installing a new package that prolly won't work because it can't use the libraries it has it just doesn't install it.
[06:14] <Ben_Cs> ok, makes sence.
[06:14] <Ben_Cs> thanks!
[06:48] * Tokorona should probably update to intrepid.
[06:50] <Tokorona> I'm just waiting for the 3rd party repo from array to be updated.
=== wormsxulla__ is now known as wormsxulla
[08:18] <MaxFrames> hello. I am running Xubuntu 8.04 and the Update Manager is not showing 8.10 in the available updates list; yet it's available since yesterday. How do I install it?
[08:20] <deoks> MaxFrames: Try open Software sources, click "Update" and change "Show new distribution releases" to "Normal releases"
[08:21] <MaxFrames> ok, I got it, the problem is that "LTS releases only" is selected. Thanks :)
[08:22] <MaxFrames> you nailed it. downloading right now :)
[08:28] <deoks> MaxFrames: Yay :)
[08:29] <MaxFrames> yesterday I tried the ubuntu 8.10 live CD on my home desktop PC, and a couple of application crashed when exiting, let's hope it was due to a bad CD
[08:44] <iMax> does anyone know if geforce2 support is going to be added later to 8.10 or is it just dropped?
[08:44] <iMax> the upgrade tool even notified my that no driver is available, which is nice :)
[08:47] <favro> polite isn't it - I don't know why they would drop that but some others have mentioned it
[08:48] <favro> does your present xorg.conf have more in it then "configured devics"?
[08:50] <favro> s/devics/devices
[08:51] <iMax> just ServerLayout and the glx module
[08:52] <iMax> I would have waited with the upgrade but my radio of my WinTV card does not seem to be working with 8.04
[08:52] <iMax> so I trade radio for compiz
[08:52] <favro> well a backup would be no good then...
[08:53] <favro> maybe ask again in a bit when those "in the know" wake up :)
[08:53] <iMax> hehe
[08:54] <iMax> I tried it earlier and it seems that the nvidia drivers <100 have a problem compiling with the 2.6.27 kernel
[08:55] <favro> not much the *buntus can do about that afaik
[08:55] <iMax> I am afraid so, yes
[08:55] <favro> I'm sure that'll be fixed soon if that is the case
[08:55] <iMax> if this is really the problem, was just something I noticed, not sure if I was doing anything wrong
[08:56] <iMax> hope so, yes :)
[08:56] <iMax> but on the other hand, the geforce2 is not so state of the art anymore, so compiz effects are limited anyway :)
[08:56] <iMax> or lets say "useful" effects
[08:59] <favro> 'cause it isn't state of the art anymore isn't a reason to remove it - I'm sure it would just be a clitch
[09:00] <favro> s/clitch/glitch
[09:00] <iMax> sure
[09:00] <iMax> nvidia's problem I would assume
[09:01] <favro> or a bad choice in the new kernel config
[09:01] <iMax> possible
[09:02] <iMax> but I'll just wait for the updates to arrive :)
[09:02] <favro> or for the xubuntu ops to wakeup and confirm it
[09:03] <iMax> hope the didn't stay up late attending a release party :)
[09:03] <iMax> they
[09:05] <favro> for sure they know it will be busier here today/tonight
[09:12] <knome> wot?
[09:13] <knome> !version
[09:13] <ubottu> To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »
[09:16] <favro> knome: do you know about geforce drivers having kernel issues with ibex's kernel?
[09:16] <knome> favro, sorry, nope
[09:17] <favro> knome: been a couple of folks today mention it
[09:17] <knome> hmhm
[09:18] <knome> have they been able to fix it?
[09:18] <iMax> especially the drivers for older cards seem to have problems
[09:18] <JinKazama> hi all. I haven't a button to upgrade my xubuntu in update manager. how to get it ?
[09:18] <iMax> the updgrade manager informed my that no driver for my card is available if I upgrade
[09:19] <knome> !upgrade
[09:19] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[09:20] <knome> JinKazama, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading
[09:21] <favro> in the update manager you need to deselect lts only
[09:22] <JinKazama> yes. its OK now :) thanks knome :)
[09:25] <iMax> it's kind of frustrating if the install process of the upgrade takes four times longer than the download. old hardware cannot keep up with the bandwidth nowadays it seems :)
[09:26] <favro> iMax: with a separate /home partition I always install new os instaed of upgrade
[09:27] <deoks> favro: why?
[09:27] <iMax> favro: yeah that would probably be quicker. otoh I have to do some other work anyway ;-)
[09:28] <favro> deoks: I feel it is cleaner and I have the system configs backed up on my file server
[09:29] <iMax> favro: although I have to say that most of the upgrades went really well so far
[09:29] <favro> and configs for apps like firefox etc are retained in my home partition so i don't have to set them up
[09:31] <deoks> favro: I guess you will have to install all your software again thou.
[09:32] <favro> deoks: you have to with an upgrade as well - I do dpkg -l > dpkg.txt to get a list
[09:33] <favro> deoks: I should say the upgrade would install newer versions for you - which can take ages
[09:34] <deoks> Probably there are newer version in the repository, but an automatic reinstallation of all my software?
[09:35] <knome> deoks, that's the point of a new release. if you want to keep with the old software, do not upgrade
[09:35] <favro> deoks: that is how the upgrade works - it's not just the system files that are upgraded - all apps that have a newer version get upgraded - try doing that in windows :)
[09:36] <deoks> Of course. Just a little bit confused. :)
[09:36] <favro> we've all been there deoks :)
[09:37] <deoks> Im used to building world on my FreeBSD systems. It's not really the same thing I guess. But you're right about that. Ubuntu is not an OS, it's a software distribution.
[09:39] <iMax> I usually do not mind getting my applications upgraded, but I usually use Linux not as my primary OS, so nothing too important would get lost
[09:40] <favro> we just need the devs to stop removing the verbosity of the various configs - Generated by NetworkManager - is useless when things aren't working
[09:41] <iMax> hmm, is there an easy way to share keyboard and mouse between two computer? I have two computers connected to one monitor (analog/digital) but want to avoid using two keyboards and mice
[09:41] <iMax> favro: true
[09:41] <iMax> is there a vnc minus video?
[09:41] <favro> iMax: try googling kvm
[09:41] <iMax> ok, sorry was looking for a software solution :)
[09:42] <favro> for the mouse/keyboard
[09:42] <favro> ssh for no X connection
[09:42] <favro> !ssh
[09:42] <ubottu> SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
[09:43] <iMax> I know ssh, but that would not make use of my monitor connection
[09:44] <iMax> so X would be preferred, if there is any useful solution
[09:44] <iMax> X forwarding through SSH would work as well of coufse
[09:44] <iMax> course
[09:45] <favro> !vnc
[09:45] <ubottu> VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX
[09:45] <favro> I use vnc
[09:46] <iMax> thanks for the link, tried to get vino running yesterday but it did not work properly
[09:51] <knome> iMax, you could also ssh -x if you want x forwarding, but that might be a bit heavy.
[09:52] <iMax> knome: yes, I am just thinking about the different options. bandwidth should not be an issue as this is all on the same LAN
[09:53] <knome> sorry, ssh -X
[09:53] <favro> I vnc to my headless file server and have set the router to block the servers' access to the net except for the torrent port
[09:57] <iMax> hmm, there is also an xrdp server, interesting :)
[10:00] <returnCode> iMax; what is xrdp server? something like "terminal server" in windows?
[10:01] <iMax> returnCode: yes
[10:01] <iMax> uses the rdp protocol
[10:01] <iMax> could be useful for desktop access from win machines
[10:01] <iMax> but I haven't tried it yet
[10:01] <returnCode> iMax: ... and the client?
[10:01] <returnCode> Could I use rdp client from win?
[10:02] <iMax> either use rdesktop or default win client
[10:02] <iMax> yes, that is my understanding
[10:02] <returnCode> mmm ... sound very good!
[10:02] <iMax> rdesktop works quite well, so there is good protocol implementation anyway
[10:03] <iMax> as I said, haven't tried it, so I do not know how well it works :)
[10:04] <returnCode> I want try it on my virtual desktop ...
[10:05] <returnCode> iMax: Is this the link of the project: http://xrdp.sourceforge.net/?
[10:06] <iMax> yes
[10:06] <returnCode> Do you know if there is a repository for the project?
[10:07] <returnCode> .. to include in sources.list
[10:07] <iMax> I haven't checked, my upgrade is still running
[10:07] <iMax> don't know of any other repos, no
[10:07] <returnCode> ok .. must compile the project ...
[10:08] <returnCode> It's no good for me ... I am not a guru :-(
[10:09] <iMax> usually you just run configure and make, but I guess this needs some rdesktop libs
[10:09] <favro> !info xrdp
[10:09] <ubottu> xrdp (source: xrdp): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0~dfsg-8 (intrepid), package size 204 kB, installed size 728 kB
[10:09] <deoks> returnCode: You don't need to be a guru to compile. I can assure you the packages comes with configure scripts and makefiles.
[10:09] <favro> no need to compile it is in the universe repo
[10:09] <favro> !repo
[10:09] <ubottu> The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[10:09] <iMax> uhh, smart bot :)
[10:10] <wormsxulla> !botsnack
[10:10] <ubottu> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!
[10:10] <wormsxulla> :)
[10:11] <iMax> hehe
[10:47] <BBWonder> oi channel
[10:47] <knome> !hi
[10:47] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[10:50] <favro> oi oi oi aussie aussie aussie
[10:54] <BBWonder> hehe
[10:55] <BBWonder> I'm Dutch, we say "hoi" - same thing
[10:57] <favro> BBWonder: need to ask about sumthin'?
[10:58] <BBWonder> yeah my vesa is broken despite having xserver-sorg-video-vesa installed and despite adding the line: *driver "vesa"* to my xorg.conf
[10:58] <BBWonder> I asked Odd-rationale last night but things didin't improve
[10:58] <BBWonder> I have xubuntu 8.10 installled on a new partition
[10:58] <BBWonder> chipset needs Mobility Radeon 9000 drivers
[11:00] <favro> !ati | BBWonder (best I know)
[11:00] <ubottu> BBWonder (best I know): For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[11:00] <favro> that chip "should" be ok if the new kernel hasn't borked it
[11:02] <BBWonder> I had Ubuntu 8.04 before this and that worked fine
[11:02] <BBWonder> I am looking at the guide now
[11:02] <BBWonder> obuttu is the room bot?
[11:03] <favro> there seems to be an issue with X, the kernel and various drivers for X from todays issues
[11:03] <favro> !bot
[11:03] <ubottu> Hi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[11:03] <favro> !messagethebot
[11:03] <ubottu> Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".
[11:04] <BBWonder> k thanks
[11:06] <favro> np
[11:07] <BBWonder> you nudged me on my way
[11:07] <knome> nudge nudge
[11:12] <chewit> does any one know if Xfce 4.4.3 will be on the Ibex repos soon?
[11:25] <web_knows> eae o/
[11:26] <favro> web_knows: do you need a constanant?
[11:27] <web_knows> favro, always helpful
[11:28] <favro> hehe
[11:29] <favro> I had 4 goes at spelling constanant - still not convinced I spelt it right ...
[11:32] <knome> consonant
[11:33] <favro> that doesn't look right either - but obviously I'm no judge
[11:34] <favro> hehe
[11:34] <knome> that's the correct spelling
[11:34] <favro> thnx knome
[11:34] <knome> np:]
[11:45] <favro> web_knows: did you want to ask something after all?
[11:48] <KLingeN> hi, what version is the best 8.04 or 8.10 xubuntu?
[11:48] <vidd> KLingeN, "better" is in the eye of the beholder
[11:49] <vidd> KLingeN, what are your needs?
[11:49] <vidd> 8.10 is newer, 8.04 will be supported longer
[11:49] <KLingeN> ok
[11:50] <KLingeN> the computer is penrium 3 1200 ghz gfx geforce 3 ti and 256 mb ram
[11:50] <vidd> 8.10 will work on that....
[11:50] <vidd> i recommend the alt install
[11:51] <knome> KLingeN, if you already have a working 8.04 install i suggest you to think whether you want to go adventurous or not
[11:51] <vidd> but you could have a top-of-the-line machine and i'd recommend the alt install =]
[11:51] <KLingeN> i have windows xp pro on my pentrium 3 now
[11:52] <KLingeN> surfing, music and movies that what i wanna do
[11:53] <vidd> KLingeN, are you looking to dual boot, or replace the os?
[11:53] <favro> KLingeN: is it slow? xp?
[11:53] <KLingeN> yeah kind of
[11:54] <KLingeN> my friend use linux and he says that ubuntu 8.04 is better then the new 8.10 .
[11:55] <TheSheep> apples and oranges
[11:55] <vidd> 8.10 has only been "officially released" for a day....
[11:55] <favro> KLingeN: best bet is to try the livecd if you have enough memory - with the older h/ware I would try the 8.04 first - your mate might lend you his
[11:55] <TheSheep> depends on what you will use it for
[11:56] <KLingeN> thesheep movies and music and internet
[11:56] <KLingeN> and diablo 2 and wc3 :P
[11:56] <vidd> KLingeN, for those uses, either version should be fine
[11:56] <KLingeN> ok
[11:57] <vidd> diablo2 will be hard to get working in wine
[11:57] <vidd> and thats assuming your hardware can take it
[11:57] <KLingeN> :(
[11:58] <knome> meh, sounds like one is wanting to cook gourmet meal with a microwave oven
[11:58] <KLingeN> i have crossover on cd :P
[11:58] <vidd> KLingeN, you might want to consider getting more ram
[11:58] <KLingeN> ok
[11:58] <vidd> knome, hehe...yeah
[11:59] <vidd> its difficult to make filet mignon on an easy-bake oven !
[11:59] <knome> :]
[11:59] <knome> or see the world in all it's glory if you're behind *windows*
[11:59] <knome> ;)
[12:02] <vidd> ill be back
[12:02] <knome> ok, i'm front then
[12:02] <favro> who's left?
[12:02] <knome> or right?
[12:02] <knome> or wrong?
[12:03] <favro> who's on third
[12:03] <knome> haha
[12:03] <knome> is left hand the right hand for lefthanders?
[12:03] <knome> if it is, they have two right hands, right?
[12:03] <knome> so why are they called lefthanders?
[12:06] <favro> if the left is right then the right is wrong - do lefties get confused?
[12:06] <knome> sure
[12:08] <knome> and is west really east if you travel far enough?
[12:09] <knome> and when traveling towards west or east fast enough, is that travelling back and forth in time?
[12:09] <MiCKi> my labtop's ram is 256mb, can i use live-cd to install xubuntu??
[12:09] <knome> MiCKi, i'd suggest the alternative cd
[12:10] <favro> if you're travelling west for long enough when do you end up in the east?
[12:10] <favro> has it moved from needing 192mb for the livecd?
[12:10] <knome> and if you travel to west will you be in west and east at the same time?
[12:11] <knome> favro, don't know, but 256 is still quite little
[12:11] <favro> it is - the live cd would be slow but I thought would still work...
[12:12] <favro> and the live cd lets folk check vid drivers etc
[12:26] <vidd> upgrade only nuked one system
[12:26] <favro> one out of...?
[12:27] <vidd> not bad...6 out of seven
[12:27] <favro> well done :)
[12:27] <vidd> seven systems
[12:27] <knome> i have to go
[12:27] <favro> that's good odds
[12:27] <knome> see you after the weekend!
[12:27] <vidd> and i think the nuked system was more hardware failure then software
[12:28] <vidd> but i havent had the time to anylize it fullly yet
[12:28] <favro> bye knome
[12:28] <favro> 'ave a good weekend :)
[12:28] <vidd> l8r Knightlust
[12:28] <knome> i'll try to... going to a camp with 50 teenagers
[12:28] <knome> ;)) ->
[12:28] <vidd> l8r knome
[12:28] <favro> bloody tab completion - I did that too
[12:29] <vidd> hehe
[12:29] <vidd> itchy pinky-finger
[12:30] <vidd> at least none of my working servers failed upgrade
[12:31] <favro> that isimportant
[12:31] <vidd> yes
[12:31] <favro> is important even
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[12:59] <Ahtenus> why cant i remove files from my usb-stick? (It says premission denied)
[12:59] <favro> prob mounted read only
[13:00] <Ahtenus> ok how to change that?
[13:00] <JinKazama> lol ! and where im my exaile player now !! :-(
[13:01] <favro> how are you mounting it now? Ahtenus
[13:01] <favro> !lol
[13:01] <ubottu> Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.
[13:01] <Ahtenus> favro: just plugging it in...
[13:01] <JinKazama> sorry ... :)
[13:01] <favro> np
[13:02] <vidd> Ahtenus, can you see the files on the usb-stick in thunar?
[13:03] <Ahtenus> tunar? but i can see the files in the default file viewer
[13:03] <vidd> (or what ever file manager you use)
[13:03] <vidd> ok....in the file browser....right-click the item you wish to delete and choose properties
[13:04] <vidd> who OWNS the file?
[13:04] <vidd> your user account or root?
[13:04] <vidd> (or some other user)
[13:04] <Ahtenus> My user acc
[13:04] <vidd> ok...and what are the file properties?
[13:05] <Ahtenus> ok i think i got it thanks :)
[13:05] <favro> JinKazama: how are you trying to start it?
[13:06] * favro should point out he doesn't use exaile
[13:07] <JinKazama> from my task list shortcyt
[13:07] <JinKazama> exaile seems to be unninstaled
[13:07] <JinKazama> in Add/Remove sayis that is not installed
[13:08] <JinKazama> when I try to instal again it says that there is error :
[13:08] <JinKazama> Cannot install 'exaile'
[13:08] <JinKazama> This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'exaile' the conflicting software must be removed first.
[13:08] <JinKazama> Switch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict.
[13:09] <favro> that'll make it hard to start then - sudo apt-get install exaile maybe?
[13:09] <favro> ohh
[13:10] <favro> JinKazama: have you seen in synaptic what it wants to uninstall? - it will give the option to cancel
[13:11] <JinKazama> in sinaptic is not installed too
[13:12] <favro> JinKazama: if you select it to install you can see what it will remove - then cancel that - just to see what the conflict is
[13:12] <JinKazama> ofers me to remove libgpod3-nogtk
[13:14] <favro> well I have no idea what that library does - is that the only thing it wants to remove?
[13:14] <JinKazama> yes
[13:15] <favro> JinKazama: I would take the chance if I wanted exaile - but that is a choice for you to make...
[13:16] <favro> you could try to install that lib after if you have issues
[13:16] <favro> write the name down
[13:17] <JinKazama> yes :) thank you favro . I will install exaile. the next line after conflict , ofers me to install something similar : libgpod3
[13:17] <favro> sounds fine :)
[13:18] <JinKazama> :)
[13:18] <favro> maybe an updated version
[13:18] <JinKazama> nope :) error again !
[13:18] <knome> -nogtk is probably cli or qt version
[13:19] <favro> knome is wise :)
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
[13:19] <favro> JinKazama: it would help to know the error...
[13:19] <vidd> JinKazama, try this: remove libgpod3
[13:20] <vidd> see what removing that entails (what else it marks for removal)
[13:20] <JinKazama> I will try to upload skreenshot now ...
[13:20] <JinKazama> just a minute ..
[13:22] <vidd> JinKazama, that library (libgpod3) is for writing to an ipod
[13:22] <knome> vidd is right :P
[13:23] <vidd> chances are , you have several package conflicts
[13:24] <favro> JinKazama: it would help to know the error...
[13:24] <knome> ;)
[13:25] <JinKazama> http://jinkazama.data.bg/Screenshot.png
[13:25] <JinKazama> the error ...
[13:25] <JinKazama> :)
[13:36] <favro> JinKazama: I'm torrenting like mad atm - one min
[13:37] <favro> I time out for that link...
[13:38] <znh> how can I add gnome applets to Xfce panel?
[13:38] <knome> znh, there's a gnome panel applets applet
[13:39] <knome> znh, look at the applet list. with that you can add gnome applets
[13:39] <favro> JinKazama: I can't get to http://jinkazama.data.bg/Screenshot.png
[13:39] <znh> knome, cant find anything named 'gnome' in that list?
[13:39] <znh> Im searching for the brightness one
[13:39] <JinKazama> now I try to upload some else website
[13:39] <favro> k
[13:40] <knome> znh, i'm not on a xubuntu computer right now. please search the list and read the descriptions. there is an applet for using gnome applets.
[13:40] <favro> I even stopped the torrents...
[13:40] <knome> znh, when you install that, you can select which gnome applets to use in *its* configuration
[13:40] <knome> favro, ^ you remember the applet name?
[13:41] <favro> knome: never used it sorry
[13:41] <knome> znh, XfApplet
[13:41] <ablomen> xfce4-xfapplet-plugin
[13:41] <knome> ablomen, thanks.
[13:42] <ablomen> np :)
[13:42] <JinKazama> here myst be no problem : http://img227.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotos9.png
[13:43] <knome> JinKazama, seems like broken dependencies
[13:44] <knome> !dependencies
[13:44] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about dependencies
[13:44] <ablomen> JinKazama, did you install it from getdeb?
[13:45] <JinKazama> exaile or what ?
[13:45] <ablomen> or any other source for that matter
[13:45] <ablomen> yeah exaile
[13:45] <ablomen> *source other then the official repo's
[13:45] <JinKazama> I don't remember. I have instaled exaile before upgrade xubuntu
[13:46] <favro> !find libffi4
[13:46] <ablomen> ok, did you try to remove it? (sudo apt-get remove exaile)
[13:46] <favro> !lag
[13:46] <ubottu> You have lag, I don't have lag
[13:46] <favro> barstard bot
[13:47] <JinKazama> ablomen: in terminal says : Package exaile is not installed, so not removed
[13:48] <favro> is !find broken?
[13:49] <favro> libffi4 - Foreign Function Interface library runtime - but I use dapper
[13:50] <ablomen> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libffi4
[13:50] <favro> JinKazama: what version are you using? - 8.04 or 8.10 or...
[13:50] <ablomen> no version for .10
[13:50] <favro> so no exaile
[13:51] <JinKazama> today I upgare to 8.10 ... I thing :)
[13:51] <favro> for link
[13:51] <JinKazama> oh... ok :)
[13:51] <favro> * JinKazama
[13:52] <favro> JinKazama: what does exaile do that makes you want it/ - there may be an alternative
[13:53] <favro> s/\//?/
[13:54] <JinKazama> it was good friend ... I spend many - many hours with exaile player :) just that is
[13:54] <favro> I prefer mpg123 for music
[13:54] <JinKazama> ill expect now the new Listen Music Player
[13:55] <vidd> favro, its amorok for gtk
[13:55] <favro> ahh - lots of overhead then
[13:55] <vidd> amarok
[13:56] <favro> I keep spelling amarok with 2 o's as well
[13:56] <vidd> its minus a bunch of amarok's baggage...but yeah..
[13:56] <vidd> it will never find its way onto MY systems
[13:56] <knome> amarok with xfce is way too much overhead, if no other kde apps are used
[13:57] <knome> *+especially
[13:57] <favro> +1 knome
[13:57] <vidd> gxine is perfect....i think totem is bloat! =]
[13:57] <ablomen> rhythmbox \o/
[13:57] <favro> here mpg123 uses 1% cpu
[13:57] <ablomen> rhythmbox 2% :P
[13:58] <knome> depends on the cpu
[13:58] <ablomen> yep sure
[13:58] * vidd doesnt care about CPU usage
[13:59] * vidd cares about usability
[14:00] <knome> amarok 1.x series is usable ;)
[14:01] <JinKazama> I have this repository on my list : ttp://ppa.launchpad.net/exaile-devel/ubuntu . if come out new version of Exaile Player may be il get it automatically ??
[14:02] <ablomen> JinKazama, they might already have that package in theyr repo's
[14:02] <ablomen> if they are at least a bit active
[14:03] <favro> but watch out for the dependencies
[14:03] <ablomen> hmm ok doesnt look like they have
[14:04] <knome> ->
[14:04] <ablomen> JinKazama, just download the source and hack out the bit that executes external functions ;)
[14:04] <JinKazama> ok ablomen . just a minute ...
[14:04] <JinKazama> :D
[14:05] <ablomen> lol ;)
[14:09] <ablomen> Package libffi5* intrepid << ah that explains it
[14:10] <favro> !find libffi5
[14:10] <ablomen> hmm but exaile in the universe repos doesnt need any libffi
[14:11] <ablomen> http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/exaile << not in the dependencies
[14:11] <ablomen> JinKazama, try removing the ppa repo, update and install exaile
[14:11] <favro> hehe - well done ablomen :)
[14:12] <ablomen> lets hope it actually works :P
[14:36] <PovAdct_w> hmm problem
[14:37] <PovAdct_w> if I run wubi.exe from the xubuntu desktop CD, I get a wizard driving me through *Kubuntu* installation
[14:56] <Eeyore-Jr> lol
[14:57] <knome> PovAdct_w, well you can install with the live cd
[14:58] <MaxFrames> hi. I've upgraded to 8.10 and now I get no sound from the sound card. help!
[15:02] <favro> MaxFrames: in terminal what does aplay -l return?
[15:03] <MaxFrames> "no soundcards found" :(
[15:03] <MaxFrames> it worked in 8.04
[15:03] <favro> heh - what about lspci | grep audio
[15:04] <MaxFrames> it says "Intel Corporation 82801AA AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)"
[15:05] <favro> prob the new kernel dropping stuff - any return from lsmod | grep snd ?
[15:05] <MaxFrames> no, if I type it I get no message
[15:06] <MaxFrames> I dunno what it means anyway
[15:06] <MaxFrames> ;P
[15:06] <favro> go back to 8.04 'till the kernel gets sorted is my recommendation
[15:06] <MaxFrames> how do I go back to 8.04?
[15:07] <favro> reinstall - but it is only my recommendation - someone else might know a solution
[15:07] <MaxFrames> :((((
[15:07] <MaxFrames> you mean format + reinstall?
[15:07] <knome> !downgrade
[15:07] <ubottu> Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.
[15:08] <MaxFrames> that's horrible
[15:08] <knome> favro, not even modprobe snd?
[15:08] <MaxFrames> this is the 1st time ubuntu seriously lets me down
[15:08] <favro> there's been a few people mention that old h/ware drivers are removed from the kernel in intrepid
[15:08] <Odd-rationale> sometimes upgrading breaks stuff...
[15:09] <Odd-rationale> you should try a clean install of either Intrepid or Hardy.
[15:09] <Odd-rationale> Hardy is LTS, so you can stay with it for another 3 years
[15:10] <knome> but then you don't get the latest packages..
[15:11] <Odd-rationale> sometimes it is the latest packages that breaks the stuff... :P
[15:11] <knome> sure
[15:11] <MaxFrames> there must ne a way to enable the sound card
[15:11] <favro> what good is the latest mp3 player without a sound module
[15:11] <knome> usually it is them
[15:11] <knome> favro, a nice gui? ;)
[15:11] <favro> hehe
[15:13] <MaxFrames> google says ppl with this intel 82801 all have no sound ;(
[15:16] <maestrolinux> hola
[15:16] <maestrolinux> una pregunta
[15:16] <Eeyore-Jr> http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/ - xubuntu link is a dead link from here
[15:17] <maestrolinux> Eeyore-Jr, xubuntu update cdrom what???
[15:17] <Eeyore-Jr> iso.torrent
[15:17] <Eeyore-Jr> actually the link from ubuntu download page
[15:17] <maestrolinux> i download cdrom
[15:18] <maestrolinux> cdrecord xbunto.iso
[15:18] <MaxFrames> found this http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=8788db36a2f8c3aad2b92c90b87a9b76&t=958303&page=2
[15:18] <Eeyore-Jr> it's the link on those pages
[15:18] <MaxFrames> it says to modify alsa-base
[15:18] <maestrolinux> upgrade version??
[15:19] <Eeyore-Jr> another mirror, same result
[15:19] <MaxFrames> if I try it says cannot open for writing
[15:19] <MaxFrames> how do i write to alsa-base?
[15:19] <favro> !torrent
[15:19] <ubottu> Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P
[15:19] <Eeyore-Jr> it appears that the xubuntu link, about mid-way down doesn't work
[15:19] <Eeyore-Jr> so getting to an ubuntu mirror from the ubuntu download page is not going to work. it appears that mythbuntu is the same
[15:24] <MaxFrames> so is this lack of sound problem due to the new kernel?
[15:33] <vidd> can someone recommend a dialer program?
[15:35] <webber> could someone please tell me how to sort out a wireless connection via an adapter connected to my usb port?
[15:38] <webber> i will say again, could someone please tell me how to sort out a wireless connection via an adapter connected to my usb port?
[15:41] <webber> maybe the forums will prove more usefull.............
[15:43] <MaxFrames> what were the commands to see if the sound card is recognized again?
[15:43] <MaxFrames> lspci what?
[15:45] <MaxFrames> please?
[15:45] <MaxFrames> anybody?
[15:48] <MaxFrames> :(((
[15:52] <MaxFrames> can please somebody help?
[15:57] <vidd> MaxFrames, the command is lspci
[15:58] <MaxFrames> the other command, the one which gave "no device" as result
[15:58] <MaxFrames> lspci says my audio controller is intel 82801aa
[15:58] <vidd> ok....so now we know what card you are using
[15:58] <vidd> and is this a laptop or desktop?
[15:59] <MaxFrames> desktop, a compaq
[15:59] <vidd> you have verified the speakers are plugged in corectly and powered up?
[16:00] <MaxFrames> yes of course
[16:00] <ablomen> MaxFrames, if you run alsamixer, what does it say in the "card:" section?
[16:00] <MaxFrames> upgrade to 8.04 broke audio
[16:01] <MaxFrames> to run alsamixer I just type alsamixer in command prompt?
[16:01] <ablomen> yep
[16:01] <MaxFrames> it gives error and doesnt'run, error is "function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory"
[16:02] <MaxFrames> so I can't say what it says in "card:"
[16:02] <MaxFrames> problem is that the card is not recognized
[16:02] <ablomen> hmm ok thats not good
[16:05] <MaxFrames> so....
[16:05] <ablomen> MaxFrames, did you take a look at this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=945401&mode=linear
[16:06] <ablomen> last post in particular
[16:09] <MaxFrames> aplay -l says "no soundcards found" so I cannot do anything in alsa-base
[16:13] <MaxFrames> those suggestions don't help because I can't do anything if aplay -l says I have no sound card
[16:13] <MaxFrames> all those suggestions imply that the card is recognized and mine is not
[16:14] <TheSheep> !sound
[16:14] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[16:15] <MaxFrames> been there, done that, still no joy
[16:15] <TheSheep> :(
[16:16] <MaxFrames> this is not an old known problem, it's a new problem introduced with 8.10 which means with kernel 2.6.27
[16:16] <MaxFrames> google => others with different distros but same kernel have the same problem
[16:17] <TheSheep> well then fill a bug report
[16:17] <TheSheep> did you read teh release notes? maybe it's mentioned in there
[16:21] <MaxFrames> what bugs me is that there are plenty of bug reports about this bug from testers of 8.10 pre-releases
[16:21] <MaxFrames> it's like nobody cared about these reports
[16:22] <MaxFrames> "sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel" => "FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found."
[16:22] <MaxFrames> shouldn't that module be loaded? How do I load it?
[16:26] <TheSheep> MaxFrames: that was the command to load it
[16:27] <MaxFrames> so what does it mean "not found"?
[16:28] <TheSheep> MaxFrames: exactly what it says, there is no module by that name
[16:28] <MaxFrames> could this be the problem?
[16:31] <TheSheep> it's snd-hda-intel
[16:32] <MaxFrames> can I install the missing module?
[16:32] <TheSheep> it's there in my installation
[16:32] <TheSheep> try that command again, with - instead of _
[16:33] <MaxFrames> tried
[16:33] <MaxFrames> same result
[16:33] <MaxFrames> same error message even
[16:33] <MaxFrames> "sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel" => "Module snd_hda_intel not found" (notice the "_" instead of "-" in error message)
[16:34] <Odd-rationale> i have a intel 82801CA sound card. i use the snd-intel8x0 kernel moduls... and i'm on .27
[16:34] <Odd-rationale> idk if that helps you any...
[16:35] <Odd-rationale> also try "sudo modprobe snd<tab><tab>" to see if there are any other modules that start with snd
[16:35] <MaxFrames> so I should do what? type "sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0"?
[16:35] <TheSheep> MaxFrames: what does 'uname -r' say for you?
[16:36] <Odd-rationale> MaxFrames: is this an upgrade or clean install?
[16:37] <MaxFrames> upgrade from 8.04 (everything worked 100% in 8.04)
[16:38] <aherron> y0
[16:38] <aherron> anyone notice network manager disappearing after the ibex upgrade?
[16:38] <Odd-rationale> The other thing i might try is a clean install of 8.10. Maybe the installer can autodetect your settigs... which might be differnet from hardy.
[16:40] <MaxFrames> uname -r => 2.6.25-2-386
[16:40] <MaxFrames> shouldn't it say 2.6.27??
[16:40] <TheSheep> MaxFrames: did you restart after the upgrade?
[16:40] <MaxFrames> yes, multiple times
[16:40] <aherron> how do i launch network manager from console?
[16:41] <TheSheep> aherron: it doesn't display when you're not connected to any networks
[16:41] <aherron> but right now i am
[16:41] <MaxFrames> when I boot, it says kernel 2.6.25!!!
[16:41] <TheSheep> aherron: or when you have your network card disabled
[16:41] <aherron> plus, its not seeing my wifi
[16:41] <aherron> its connected via cat5 right now
[16:41] <TheSheep> MaxFrames: press esc when booting and select 2.6.27 from teh list
[16:41] <MaxFrames> so I am running the OLD kernel and I am getting no sound...
[16:41] <aherron> but i'm not getting the network icon in the systray and i cant see "Network" in the xfce menu
[16:42] <Odd-rationale> aherron: make sure you have a notification area in your panel
[16:42] <Odd-rationale> aherron: then in a terminal, try "gnome-nm-applet"
[16:42] <aherron> ruh roh
[16:43] <aherron> not found
[16:43] <MaxFrames> if I press esc i do not see kernel 2.6.27
[16:44] <Odd-rationale> aherron: umm. maybe it was "nm-applet"
[16:44] <aherron> hey! there we go
[16:44] <aherron> thanks!
[16:45] <aherron> now why didnt that start with startup? and how would i fix that?
[16:45] <Odd-rationale> aherron: :P i haven't used networkmanager in a long time...
[16:45] <Odd-rationale> aherron: add "nm-applet --sm-disable" to your autostarted applications?
[16:45] <MaxFrames> xubuntu 8.10 is kernel 2.6.27 right???
[16:46] <Odd-rationale> aherron: then you might also want to delete you ~/.cache/sessions/ dir...
[16:46] <Odd-rationale> MaxFrames: it should be...
[16:46] <MaxFrames> but I have 2.6.25 how come?
[16:47] <Odd-rationale> MaxFrames: no idea... maybe it was a faulty upgrade?
[16:48] <Odd-rationale> aherron: fyi, the --sm-disable is to prevent mutiple instanced of nm-applet
[16:48] <aherron> ok
[16:49] <aherron> where do i add to autostart?
[16:49] <MaxFrames> I've rebooted and now I've lost synergy too :((((
[16:49] <Odd-rationale> aherron: applications --> Settings --> settings manager --> autostarted applications
[16:49] <Odd-rationale> aherron: don't forget to delete ~/.cache/sessions/
[16:50] <aherron> i did
[16:50] <aherron> hmm, i see network manager in my start up, odd that it failed
[16:50] <Odd-rationale> aherron: hmm. it was already there?
[16:50] <aherron> yeah
[16:50] <Odd-rationale> aherron: do you save you sessions on logout?
[16:50] <aherron> only if its set that by default
[16:50] <aherron> i've not explicitely set anything about sessions
[16:51] <Odd-rationale> aherron: try this. delete ~/.cache/sessions/ disbale saved sessions on logout. then logout. and back in... see if nm-applet starts...
[16:51] <aherron> k, trying that now
[16:52] <MaxFrames> 8.10 destroyed everything... I'll have to format... this is the last time I upgrade ubuntu :(
[16:52] <aherron> MaxFrames: just install on top of it
[16:52] <MaxFrames> how?
[16:52] <Odd-rationale> MaxFrames: i almost always do clean installs...
[16:52] <aherron> i've upgraded to till i get a usb disk to back up
[16:52] <aherron> then i'm doing a clean of ibex
[16:52] <Odd-rationale> MaxFrames: if you have enough disk space to reate a separate /home partition, clean installs is hardly a hassle...
[16:53] <Odd-rationale> yes, but always do backup!
[16:53] <Odd-rationale> (and test your backups...)
[16:54] <MaxFrames> where is autostart list for xfce? synergyc no longer starts :(
[16:55] <Odd-rationale> applications --> Settings --> settings manager --> autostarted applications
[16:56] <aherron> huh, graphics got wiped out
[16:56] <aherron> gotta love glx
[17:01] <aherron> ugh
[17:01] <aherron> man, this real-time kernel is a whole lotta trouble
[17:04] <aherron> new motto
[17:04] <aherron> "Once you go R-T, you can never be free!"
[17:04] <aherron> got my netman in systray now
[17:04] <aherron> thanks Odd-rationale
[17:05] <Odd-rationale> aherron: np
[17:05] <aherron> of course
[17:05] <aherron> when i select a wifi now the whole thing crashes
[17:05] <aherron> well, freezes is more appropriate
[17:13] <vidd> aherron, what wifi card?
[17:19] <aherron> intel i think
[17:19] <aherron> centrino
[17:19] <aherron> its in this T61
[17:19] <aherron> works now
[17:19] <aherron> i rebooted without my cat5 plugged in and it worked just fine
[17:19] <aherron> i'm not about to mess with it right now
[17:19] <aherron> the bar is calling and i'm hungry
[17:21] <aherron> thanks again!
[17:21] <MaxFrames> re... please tell me how do I run stuff (synergy client) before the login screen appears... it worked before
[17:21] <MaxFrames> I forgot what file must be edited to run stuff before xfce login
[17:21] <aherron> peas owt
[17:21] <MaxFrames> xfce config file which controls automatically startup programs?
[17:27] <Odd-rationale> MaxFrames: applications --> Settings --> settings manager --> autostarted applications
[17:28] <MaxFrames> this starts synergy AFTER logging in
[17:28] <MaxFrames> I need it running BEFORE logging in
[17:31] <Odd-rationale> oh...
[17:36] <vidd> MaxFrames, you do know it only works when X is loaded?
[17:37] <MaxFrames> nope
[17:37] <MaxFrames> it worked before this damned 8.10
[17:37] <MaxFrames> as soon as the logon screen appeared, voila, synergyc was started
[17:37] <vidd> yeah....after X was started
[17:37] <MaxFrames> then I logged on, synergyc was killed, and started again as soon as the desktop appeared
[17:38] <MaxFrames> now it doesnt start anymore at logon screen
[17:38] <vidd> give me a sec....
[17:38] <vidd> i had the same issue
[17:38] <MaxFrames> I recall there were config files that I edited to accomplish this
[17:38] <MaxFrames> forgot which ones
[17:39] <vidd> MaxFrames, im reviewing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto
[17:40] <MaxFrames> me too
[17:40] <MaxFrames> doesnt mention xfce
[17:40] <vidd> its the same....
[17:40] <MaxFrames> this too
[17:40] <MaxFrames> http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/autostart.html
[17:40] <vidd> xubuntu and xubuntu both use GDM
[17:40] <MaxFrames> I'm almost sure this link is what I followed to make it work
[17:40] <MaxFrames> now I'm lost though
[17:41] <MaxFrames> so which are those files according to you?
[17:42] <vidd> MaxFrames, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto#Client%20Configuration there is a section Making it Autostart, Gnome
[17:44] <vidd> MaxFrames, you need to edit /etc/gdm/Init/Default as it was likely overwritten in the update
[17:44] <MaxFrames> OK
[17:45] <MaxFrames> then there are two other files to be modified
[17:45] <MaxFrames> one which tells the synergyc to die right after login
[17:45] <MaxFrames> so to avoid double instance of synergyc
[17:45] <vidd> the other 2 are probably untouched, as they are user files
[17:45] <MaxFrames> the other one to launch it again
[17:46] <vidd> as long as all your scripts have the "/usr/bin/killall synergyc" and the "sleep1" lines in them, there will NEVER be multiple instances
[17:46] <vidd> (its the reason for thier inclusion=])
[17:47] <MaxFrames> let's see... rebooting
[17:49] <MaxFrames> ok
[17:49] <MaxFrames> works
[17:49] <vidd> =]
[17:49] <vidd> simple stuff eh?
[17:49] <MaxFrames> now lets go back to the sound card not working :P
[17:50] <TheSheep> start with getting proper kernel to work
[17:50] <vidd> MaxFrames, sorry...thats outside of my league
[17:50] <MaxFrames> right. is it possible to "correct" the installation without reinstalling? I mean, upgrading just the kernel?
[17:51] <TheSheep> MaxFrames: sure, just finish the upgrade
[17:51] <TheSheep> MaxFrames: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[17:53] <MaxFrames> in my case "dist" stands for "distruction" :P
[17:53] <vidd> ah....dont be afraid
[17:53] <vidd> we are here to help
[17:53] <MaxFrames> :)
[17:54] <MaxFrames> "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" says I need 0 packages
[17:54] <MaxFrames> and quits
[17:54] <MaxFrames> he thinks Im OK
[17:54] <TheSheep> then you must be ok
[17:55] <MaxFrames> yet I have kernel 2.6.25-2-386
[17:55] <TheSheep> MaxFrames: select the 2.6.27 kernel at boot
[17:55] <TheSheep> MaxFrames: from the menu that appears when you press esc
[17:55] <MaxFrames> it doesn't show in the list
[17:55] <MaxFrames> I press esc, I get a list of kernels, and the most recent is 2.6.25-2
[17:55] <vidd> MaxFrames, which kernel are you using ATM?
[17:55] <MaxFrames> I have kernel 2.6.25-2-386
[17:56] <TheSheep> MaxFrames: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic
[17:56] <Odd-rationale> MaxFrames: what does "lsb_release -a" give you?
[17:56] <MaxFrames> No LSB modules are available. Ubuntu. Ubuntu 8.10. 8.10. Intrepid
[17:57] <MaxFrames> sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic => generic or 386?
[17:59] <Odd-rationale> generic, i believe...
[17:59] <MaxFrames> are you running xubuntu 8.10?
[17:59] <Odd-rationale> no..
[17:59] <MaxFrames> what then?
[17:59] <Odd-rationale> archlinux
[18:01] <MaxFrames> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/i386/kernel-image-2.6.25-2-386-di
[18:02] <MaxFrames> I'm not sure the kernel is wrong
[18:02] <kthakore2> how do I view network drives in xfce?
[18:02] <kthakore2> network places
[18:02] <TheSheep> kthakore2: windows network?
[18:03] <TheSheep> kthakore2: you have to either install some client, like pyneighbourhood, or use a fuse filesystem for that
[18:03] <kthakore2> TheSheep, yeah ! like nautilus has network places
[18:03] <Odd-rationale> thunar does not (yet) support finding and browsing networks like nautilus
[18:03] <kthakore2> ok
[18:03] <kthakore2> also
[18:03] <kthakore2> when I share a folder using samba in intrepid and I try to access it from winxp home over the network it prompts me for a username and password. What password is this nothing I tried worked?
[18:03] <Odd-rationale> youwill have to mount the network drive
[18:04] <Odd-rationale> manually
[18:04] <Odd-rationale> MaxFrames: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic
[18:04] <kthakore2> I did do that
[18:04] <Odd-rationale> kthakore2: sorry, i was talking about using thunar...
[18:05] <kthakore2> I go add a new network place type in my address like //
[18:05] <kthakore2> and it asks me for a username and password
[18:05] <kthakore2> wth?
[18:05] <Odd-rationale> as for samba sharing with windows... i'm not too knowledgeable with that...
[18:05] <Odd-rationale> !samba
[18:05] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098
[18:05] <MaxFrames> Odd-rationale: if I install it, do you think my sound problem will go away?
[18:05] <Odd-rationale> MaxFrames: idk... do you have it installed already?
[18:06] <MaxFrames> no
[18:06] <MaxFrames> trying now
[18:06] <MaxFrames> fingers crossed lets hope it does not get worse
[18:07] <MaxFrames> I mean, there must be some reason why it wasnt installed automatically
[18:08] <Odd-rationale> MaxFrames: i still suggest trying a clean install and see if the problem still exists... :P
[18:10] <MaxFrames> rebooting...
[18:12] <MaxFrames> yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:12] <MaxFrames> sound!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:12] <MaxFrames> Odd-rationale you are officially a genius and my new hero
[18:13] <MaxFrames> you too vidd
[18:13] <Odd-rationale> well. that was odd...
[18:14] <Odd-rationale> i think it must have been a faulty upgrade...
[18:14] <MaxFrames> yes
[18:14] <Odd-rationale> i need to boot a livecd and see what kernel they got on it...
[18:14] <MaxFrames> now all seems to work... kernel is up to par, sound works, synergy works :)
[18:14] <Odd-rationale> brb
[18:17] <MaxFrames> thanks again folks, community rocks
[18:17] <vidd> ty
[18:17] <MaxFrames> cya
[18:20] <Odd-rationale> yeah, this livecd i'm on now has the .27 kernel as expected... :|
[18:27] <dissociative> it's a way to change or force a specific display bit depth in livecd mode?
[18:27] <dissociative> is there
[18:30] <vidd> dissociative, you want like 16-bit color?
[18:49] <aherron> computer wont wake from sleep on a lenovo t61 with ibex
[18:53] <aherron> hmm, looks like it might be related to the 177 nvidia driver
[18:53] <aherron> with the quadro 140m
[18:53] <aherron> heads up folks
[19:01] <dissociative> oops sorry
[19:02] <dissociative> did anyone answered to something more to my question aside of viddd
[19:06] <vidd> dissociative, no
[19:07] <dissociative> I think that I'm already using 16 bit color by default
[19:08] <dissociative> I need to test 8-bit and 24-bit bpp display depth
[19:08] <dissociative> for running a game under wine
[19:18] <dissociative> looks like I would need to change the DefaultDepth in xorg.conf but I'm unsure about how to do it correctly while being in livecd mode
[19:25] <dissociative> I'm going to try it, X restart needed
[19:50] <stweston> hello. I'm trying to install a PPC version of Xubuntu, but I'm getting initramfs, which I forgot how to work with. Is anyone willing to help?
[19:50] <stweston> er... I'm at least trying to find out if the disc works.
[19:59] <stweston> my question still stands, if anyone wants to help.
[19:59] <ball> Does your question involve trout?
[20:00] <Odd-rationale> !ppc
[20:00] <ubottu> PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ
[20:00] <Odd-rationale> i soppuse you read that already?
[20:00] <Odd-rationale> suppose*
[20:00] <stweston> no, actually. I don't think I have.
[20:00] <ball> I have some PowerPC boxen
[20:00] <stweston> thanks! I didn't think about that.
[20:01] <Odd-rationale> stweston: i hardly know anything about ubuntu on ppc... so i can't be of much more help...
[20:01] <stweston> Odd-rationale: okay... thanks, though!
[20:02] <stweston> Odd-rationale: do you happen to know if there's a PPC channel?
[20:02] <Odd-rationale> hmm. not that i know of...
[20:02] <stweston> okay.
[20:02] <ball> stweston: probably
[20:02] <ball> brb
[20:02] <favro> #ubuntu-ppc
[20:02] <stweston> okay. thanks, favro!
[20:12] <stweston> so, does anyone know anything about how to work with initramfs?
[20:21] <stweston> !initramfs
[20:21] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about initramfs
[20:21] <stweston> !init
[20:21] <ubottu> Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto
[20:22] <stweston> !ramfs
[20:22] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ramfs
[20:22] <stweston> !ram
[20:22] <ubottu> A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html
[20:59] <DaveDixonII> If i made a logo from scratch that looked like the Ubuntu logo but dif colors, would that be ok to use with my project?
[21:01] <zoredache> DaveDixonII: this may answer your questions http://www.ubuntulinux.org/aboutus/trademarkpolicy/
[21:05] <DaveDixonII> All i see is that if i modified the original logo. i made one from scratch.
[21:06] <zoredache> IANAL, but I don't believe it matters how your image was created when it comes to trademark. It only matters that it looks like something that is already trademarked
[21:33] <avihayb> hello. I'm searching for a file search GUI. is there one built into xubuntu? if not, can you recommand a package? I know strigi should do the trick, but I fear it's oriented twards gnome, and the targeted machin is kind of underpowered
[21:33] <Odd-rationale> avihayb: the newest xubuntu has catfish.
[21:33] <avihayb> you mean since 8.10?
[21:33] <Odd-rationale> yes
[21:33] <avihayb> thanks
[21:49] <nikolam> avihayb, you also can use file search inside pcmanfm file manager.
[21:49] <avihayb> I've never saww pcmanfm
[21:49] <avihayb> !pcmanfm
[21:49] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about pcmanfm
[21:50] <Odd-rationale> !info pcmanfm
[21:50] <ubottu> pcmanfm (source: pcmanfm): an extremely fast and lightweight file manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-3 (intrepid), package size 331 kB, installed size 1280 kB
[21:50] <avihayb> thenks. I was helping a freind, but I might acctualy do that on my ole laptop
=== DaveDixonII is now known as dbdii-treating
[22:43] <nagelus> Hey, is there a text somewhere about the main differences between xubuntu
[22:43] <nagelus> +? :)
[22:44] <nagelus> or would somebody like to talk about those differences?
[22:45] <favro> main diff between xubuntu and...?
[22:45] <nagelus> ho
[22:45] <nagelus> oh
[22:45] <nagelus> just "ubuntu"
[22:45] <nagelus> the main differences between xubuntu and ubuntu, that is
[22:45] <favro> they use the same base - the desktop environment and some apps are the diff
[22:46] <nagelus> I know ubuntu uses gnome and xubuntu uses xfce
[22:46] <nagelus> but does that affect stuff besides the desktop user interface?
[22:46] <nagelus> i.e. can I use all the same programs on both?
[22:47] <favro> you should be able to do that yes
[22:47] <favro> they both use the same repos
[22:47] <favro> !repo
[22:47] <ubottu> The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[23:16] <chickengeorge> *MEGA_SHOK*
[23:22] <Bumphead> is there a way to get quicktime running in firefox in ubuntu?
[23:22] <Odd-rationale> !quicktime
[23:22] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[23:24] <Bumphead> ty
[23:29] <zerothis> my cursor is trapped on my second monitor. previously it resisted going back to the 1st.
[23:34] <gaurdro> any idea why xchat is highlighting just about every nick, even though i don't have any highlights set?