UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /31 /#ubuntu-x.txt
Initial commit
[00:53] <bryce> superm1: see my comment to 214840 - does that look okay? If so, I'll do that on all 2.6.22 and 2.6.24 fglrx bugs
[05:30] <superm1> bryce, yeah that should leave people with a warm fuzzy feeling too
[05:30] <superm1> sounds good
[05:31] <superm1> well maybe not fuzzy, but at least warm
[05:35] <bryce> ok, that hit about 70 bugs
[05:58] <wgrant> bryce: Wow, you got -synaptics down to 40 bugs. Nicely done.
[05:59] <bryce> wgrant: unfortunately it was a script error
[05:59] <bryce> closed all Incomplete bugs, not just ones that were >60 days
[06:00] <bryce> silly python.
[06:00] <wgrant> bryce: It left some untouched...
[06:00] <wgrant> And those that were closed had been incomplete for a while. And the reporter can always reopen them.
[06:01] <bryce> wgrant: ok, I'm just spot checking and definitely have found some errors
[06:01] <wgrant> I love some users.
[06:01] <wgrant> user: "Ubuntu 8.10 should focus on making input devices work."
[06:01] <wgrant> dev: "Well then, please try your touchpad in Intrepid"
[06:02] <wgrant> user: "I think you should fix it in Ubuntu 8.04"
[06:02] <wgrant> Well, thanks.
[06:02] <wgrant> Don't actually bother to confirm that it's at all fixed.
[06:02] <wgrant> That would be too easy.
[06:04] <bryce> heh
[06:05] <bryce> my favorites are, "This is a complete showstopper. It is unacceptable that <blah blah>."
[06:06] <wgrant> I'M GOING BACK TO WINDOWS!
[06:07] <bryce> :-D
[06:08] <bryce> heh, a lot of these it appears I set to Incomplete on the 10th, so 20 days to respond isn't _too_ bad. I think I can leave a lot of these expired, and hand wave something about it being release day, so I meant to do that. no really
[06:09] <wgrant> Heh.
[06:09] <bryce> ironically, I'd deliberately put a "dry run" option into these scripts, but I was literally in a hurry to get to a release party and rushed the script changes.
[06:10] <wgrant> You have release parties in your part of the world? :(
[06:12] <bryce> well, really just dinner with co-workers who are here in portland
[06:12] <wgrant> Hmm, I hope there's some provision in XI properties to reset some property to the default.
[06:13] <wgrant> Ah. Even so...
[06:14] * wgrant might seek out GNOMEish people today.
[06:14] <wgrant> I need to see if I can get that g-s-d SRU approved.
[06:29] <bryce> bug 184027 - heh, I'm not the only one with out of control scripts this evening
[06:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 184027 in mesa "glxinfo crashed with SIGSEGV in viaXMesaWindowMoved()" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184027
[06:29] <wgrant> I wonder if we need a tag for bugs that should be looked at for the input config utility.
[06:30] <bryce> how do you mean?
[06:30] <wgrant> There are lots of bugs which complain about missing options for Synaptics touchpads and other input devices.
[06:31] <wgrant> They should all be able to be seen together somewhere, I think.
[06:41] <bryce> ah, gotcha, yeah good idea
[06:44] <bryce> ok whew, the vast bulk of these were expired appropriately
[06:45] <wgrant> Excellent.
[06:45] <wgrant> I wonder what will die if I throw -synaptics master into my PPA.
[06:55] <tjaalton> morning
[06:55] <wgrant> Morning tjaalton.
[06:59] <tjaalton> wow, bug count down to ~1900 from 2150+
[07:01] <wgrant> In X?
[07:01] <tjaalton> yep
[07:03] <bryce> \o/
[07:03] <bryce> tjaalton: yeah my expire script lost its mind and closed pretty much all the Incomplete bugs
[07:04] <tjaalton> bryce: aww, keep it that way :)
[07:04] <bryce> :-)
[07:05] <bryce> actually the vast bulk of these had been sitting as New, and I had a script request more info on the 10th, and there's been no response
[07:05] <bryce> so 20 days ought to be enough time to justify expiring them
[07:05] <tjaalton> yep
[07:05] <bryce> plus it's Release Day. :-)
[07:06] <tjaalton> "nothing we can do about it - neext!"
[07:06] <bryce> yep, 1900 bugs is still plenty for us
[07:07] <wgrant> What is the distribution across the various packages?
[07:07] <tjaalton> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+packagebugs
[07:07] <wgrant> Oh, your instance of that page might actually be usable.
[07:08] <wgrant> My other teams that could make use of that have hundreds of packages with no bugs, so it's entirely useless.
[07:08] <tjaalton> xorg needs cleaning, since it's what people use when filing/triaging bugs
[07:08] <tjaalton> heh
[07:09] <tjaalton> probably some of the input drivers will be dropped when upstream does the same
[07:09] <bryce> wgrant: yeah we actually use that page as our listing of packages we support. My scripts screenscrape that page to get the list of packages to process
[07:09] <bryce> when we drop the l-r-m's we'll be able to cut out a lot of irrelevant bugs too
[07:10] <wgrant> Yep.
[07:10] <wgrant> Most of -synaptics are being sent to Incomplete now.
[07:11] <bryce> heh, I triaged bug 261197 so quick, I asked for info the day before it was filed ;-)
[07:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261197 in xorg "my screen brightness decreases with ubuntu 8.4" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261197
[07:12] <wgrant> Stupid slow Internets!
[07:12] <wgrant> Did you have a bogus date header on it?
[07:12] <wgrant> Ah, not, just two months later.
[07:12] <wgrant> But LP has a habit of trusting nasty bogus Date mail headers, making things confusing.
[07:14] <tjaalton> ok, bug 267241 is real, getting multiple dupes too
[07:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 267241 in xorg-server "[intrepid] X11: no device detected" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/267241
[07:14] <tjaalton> the xserver can't decide which device to use
[07:18] <bryce> heh
[07:19] <bryce> Hi hamsterzombie-deactivatedaccount,
[07:19] <bryce> ...
[07:40] <tjaalton> hehe
[08:00] <bryce> wgrant: wow you've been busy
[08:00] <wgrant> bryce: Have I?
[08:01] <bryce> with the Incompletes
[08:01] <wgrant> Ah, yes... there's too many changes to not do that, I'm afraid.
[08:02] <bryce> yep
[08:02] <wgrant> And I might get all the people with speed issues to try master, as that is completely different.
[08:07] * wgrant blinks.
[08:07] <wgrant> 'Invalid whois information' phishing.
[08:07] <wgrant> Nice.
[08:12] <tjaalton> oh great, the problem with multiple devices seems to be 64bit specific
[08:14] <wgrant> More!?
[08:14] <wgrant> X does have more than its fair share of 64-bit unsafeness.
[08:14] <tjaalton> this is with multiple graphics devices
[08:15] <tjaalton> compare these logs for instance: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/17352098/xorg.log http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18858927/XorgLog.txt
[08:15] <tjaalton> the part where it lists the PCI devices
[08:15] <tjaalton> on 64bit you have "(!!) More than one possible primary device found
[08:15] <tjaalton> "
[08:15] <tjaalton> on x86 it picks the first
[08:16] <wgrant> Hmmm.
[08:22] <wgrant> Oh look, a GNOME person.
[08:25] <wgrant> seb128: Hi.
[08:25] <seb128> hey wgrant
[08:26] <wgrant> seb128: You are lord of gnome-settings-daemon, aren't you?
[08:26] <seb128> hum, I don't master the code but I do the updates and the bug triage usually
[08:26] <wgrant> Right.
[08:26] <seb128> why?
[08:27] <wgrant> Well, bug #280148
[08:27] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 280148 in gnome-settings-daemon "g-s-d needs to set mouse properties when a new device appears" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/280148
[08:27] <wgrant> Since we moved to input hotplug in Intrepid, mouse settings don't affect hotplugged devices.
[08:28] <wgrant> Which means that settings drop after suspend on some machines, or when Bluetooth devices are reattached, or even when some devices go idle (if they're particularly braindead).
[08:28] <seb128> g-s-d is likely applying settings on session start only
[08:28] <seb128> and not dynamically
[08:28] <wgrant> I know.
[08:28] <wgrant> And I have a patch to fix it.
[08:28] <wgrant> http://www.qeuni.net/f/1/2008/20_mouse_devicepresencenotify.patch
[08:28] <wgrant> But I wonder what the chances of getting that into Intrepid are.
[08:28] <wgrant> (I plan to seek upstream approval, of course)
[08:29] <seb128> would be nice to bugzilla.gnome.org it
[08:30] <seb128> if it's accepted upstream I see no issue to get it sru-ed in intrepid
[08:30] <wgrant> Sure, I'll do that now.
[08:30] <wgrant> Great, thanks!
[08:30] <seb128> np, thanks for working on that ;-)
[08:31] <seb128> wgrant: bug #223170, do you think there is gtk changes required there?
[08:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 223170 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Trackpad scrolling is jerky and difficult to be precise with" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/223170
[08:31] <wgrant> seb128: There are changes all over the stack.
[08:31] <seb128> there is a gtk task open but I'm not sure if it makes sense
[08:31] <wgrant> seb128: I suggest Won't Fixing it.
[08:31] <seb128> ok
[08:31] <wgrant> X doesn't do delta scrolling yet.
[08:32] <wgrant> There was a discussion about it in July, and something might happen once axes can be annotated (XI2)
[08:32] <wgrant> I think we should just wontfix it, as we're certainly not going to fix it here.
[08:32] <seb128> ok
[08:35] <wgrant> I suppose I should actually make the patch relevant to upstream before I submit it.
[09:19] <crevette> hello
[09:19] <crevette> hey it's time to update the topic :)
=== wgrant changed the topic of #ubuntu-x to: Ubuntu 8.10 released! | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X
[09:59] <tjaalton> hehe, bug 290249
[09:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290249 in xorg "[intrepid] failsafe xorg asks what to do after telling it already" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290249
[09:59] <tjaalton> a couple of dupes too, but the description on that one is charming
[10:05] <wgrant> tjaalton: Do we have docs for setting resolutions in xorg.conf in Intrepid?
[10:05] <wgrant> It's one of the big issues ATM
[10:06] <wgrant> tjaalton: Haha, nice description.
[10:06] <tjaalton> wgrant: the same as in hardy
[10:07] <wgrant> tjaalton: Wasn't one meant to use displayconfig-gtk in Hardy?
[10:07] <wgrant> I've not seen any docs recently on the wiki about it.
[10:07] <tjaalton> oh
[10:08] <tjaalton> there's no gui for it, that's knonw
[10:08] <tjaalton> -wn
[10:08] <wgrant> I know.
[10:08] <wgrant> But I'd like to be able to get some docs out there.
[10:09] <wgrant> As it is one of the most common questions now.
[10:09] <tjaalton> so unless just setting the Modes isn't enough, it needs a Modeline as well
[10:10] <wgrant> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto looks like it should be the relevant page.... but that hurts.
[10:10] <wgrant> That is so old it's not funny.
[10:11] <tjaalton> heh, 915resolution
[10:11] <wgrant> I think that page needs abolition.
[10:11] <wgrant> Exactly.
[10:11] <tjaalton> take it behind the shed
[10:11] <wgrant> Those gconf keys also don't exist any more.
[10:12] <wgrant> I'm going to chop pre-hardy bits out of it and see if anything is left over.
[10:12] <tjaalton> great
[11:05] <wgrant> tjaalton: I killed that page entirely, and added a new section to X/Config: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config#Adding%20undetected%20resolutions
[11:06] <wgrant> How does that latter one look?
[11:07] <tjaalton> wgrant: better. Maybe add something about cvt and modelines?
[11:08] <wgrant> tjaalton: Sure, I'll look that up.
[11:08] <tjaalton> thanks
[11:08] <wgrant> I haven't had to add a modeline for years!
[11:09] <tjaalton> hmm, or force the HorizSync/VertRefresh values
[11:09] <tjaalton> if that doesn't help, then a Modeline should
[11:10] <wgrant> OTOH, my Internet connection seems to have gone incredibly slow, so I won't be doing any more tonight.
[11:15] <crevette> wgrant, it lack a word in the setion you put "gksudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
[11:15] <crevette> I'm correcting that
[11:15] <wgrant> crevette: Blurgh, you're right.
[11:16] <crevette> bah not a big problem :)
[11:16] <wgrant> It should also say to reboot, probably.
[11:16] <wgrant> I seem to be able to get about 20kbps inbound...
[11:34] <Ng> so, on the subject of editing xorg.confs
[11:34] <Ng> should a random person find themselves in need of doing so, chances are that these days they have nothing to work with
[11:35] <Ng> given that X does actually construct a default one internally, and can dump it, could we maybe have it write something out to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.skeleton or so?
[11:35] <Ng> then these "add modelines..." tutorials can start with "copy xorg.conf.skeleton to xorg.conf"
[11:35] <tjaalton> dexconf -o foo
[11:36] <tjaalton> the default installation still creates one
[11:36] <Ng> huh, really?
[11:36] <Ng> as xorg.conf?
[11:36] <tjaalton> if they know how to delete it, they really should know how to bring it back :)
[11:36] <tjaalton> yes
[11:36] <Ng> is it just an empty skeleton?
[11:37] * Ng retracts above wibbling
[11:37] <tjaalton> pretty much
[11:37] <tjaalton> just run that command to see
[11:44] <Ng> yeah, that's fine :)
[11:44] * Ng whistles and goes back to not wasting peoples' time ;)
[11:47] <tjaalton> hehe
[14:56] <Q-FUNK> howdy
[14:56] <Q-FUNK> could someone look at Bug #287462 ?
[14:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 287462 in gnome-settings-daemon "Intrepid: left-handed mouse setting forgotten after resuming from sleep/hibernation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/287462
[14:57] <Q-FUNK> I had marked it as g-s-d, but it could also be caused by the new inputdev
[14:57] <Q-FUNK> I wouldn't know for sure
[14:59] <Q-FUNK> seb128: since you're also on the desktop team, would you know which package Bug #287462 should be assigned to?
[14:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 287462 in gnome-settings-daemon "Intrepid: left-handed mouse setting forgotten after resuming from sleep/hibernation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/287462
[15:00] <seb128> gsd seems to be correct
[15:01] <Q-FUNK> ok
[15:01] <Q-FUNK> I wasn't sure.
[15:02] <Q-FUNK> for all I know, the migration from x-input-kbd to the generic inputdev might have done it.
[15:02] <seb128> that's similar to the bug wgrant is working on
[15:02] <Q-FUNK> it's pretty much the only thing preventing me from upgrading to intrepid.
[15:02] <seb128> gnome bug #558644
[15:02] <ubottu> Gnome bug 558644 in plugins "Hotplugged mice not reconfigured" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=558644
[15:02] <Q-FUNK> other than that, intrepid looks like a fantastic release :)
[15:04] <Q-FUNK> seb128: seems to match my problem fairly closely. I'm guessing that on the way back from sleep/hibernate, the mouse is seen as a new device all over again and then loses its settings.
[15:04] <Q-FUNK> should I point my bug to that upstream?
[15:04] <Q-FUNK> even thoguh it's not quite the same, they indeed seem related
[15:05] <seb128> I think there is some bug about that already on launchpad, ask to wgrant
[15:05] <seb128> otherwise add bug watch to this one
[15:08] <Q-FUNK> wgrant: can you confirm or mark as duplicate?
[15:44] <tseliot> mvo, bryce: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19130338/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-hppa.gnome-control-center_1:
[15:46] <mvo> tseliot: hppa ...
[15:46] <mvo> :)
[15:47] <tseliot> mvo: shall we ignore it?
[15:49] <mvo> yes
[15:49] <mvo> hppa is a bit of a problem currently, a lot of FTBFS
[15:51] <tseliot> ah, ok