UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /30 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <batcoder-7> they make this Xfce so much better
[00:00] <knome> batcoder-7, shouldn't have any effect.
[00:00] <batcoder-7> ah ok
[00:00] <batcoder-7> do i need java installed or does it include it itself ?
[00:02] <knome> uhh.. don't know
[00:10] <batcoder-7> whats the best linux best ftp client ?
[00:11] <Bumphead> personally, i use filezilla. even though it's made for windows
[00:12] <batcoder-7> is it made in c++ or javascript ?
[00:12] <Bumphead> c, i'd imagine
[00:13] <Bumphead> c++
[00:13] <Bumphead> but it's cross-platform. windows, linux, mac os x, etc
[00:14] <frenzy42> i'm having a problem enabling wi-fi on a compaq presario v4000
[00:14] <frenzy42> can someone help?
[00:15] <Bumphead> enabling it, or connecting to an access point?
[00:16] <frenzy42> enabling it
[00:17] <frenzy42> when i do iwconfig it says the radio is off
[00:20] <batcoder-7> anyone here use ftp clients ?
[00:21] <knome> fireftp
[00:21] <knome> it's a plugin for firefox
[00:22] <batcoder-7> how is that any different then filezilla ?
[00:23] <knome> i don't know filezilla.
[00:23] <batcoder-7> i need an edit feature that will allow me to open up an editor and then save in the editor and automatically upload
[00:23] <knome> then you might want to look at ftpfs
[00:23] <batcoder-7> http://filezilla-project.org/
[00:23] <batcoder-7> by far the most popular ftp using the mozilla framework
[00:23] <knome> yes, i know that, but haven't used
[00:27] <powertool08> I don't have a panel, clicking on panel manager opens nothing, I have xfce-panel installed. Does anyone know why its not running?
[00:28] <knome> powertool08, alt+f2 > xfce4-panel
[00:29] <powertool08> knome: alt-f2 doesn't open a run dialog, but I ran it from the terminal and it shows up, thanks, any ideas on the alt+f2 issue?
[00:29] <knome> powertool08, have you customized the kb settings?
[00:30] <powertool08> knome: no
[00:30] <knome> powertool08, can you try to run xfrun4 in terminal?
[00:31] <powertool08> knome: that works
[00:31] <knome> powertool08, ok, then go to settings manager > keyboard and tab shortcuts
[00:32] <knome> in the shortcut list, is alt+f2 linked to xfrun4?
[00:33] <powertool08> knome: I don't have a keyboard and tab shortcut, only desktop, panel (doesn't open another screen), preferred aps, sessions/startup, splash scree, window manager, window manager tweaks, and workspaces/margins
[00:34] <BBWonder> Hello room
[00:34] <knome> powertool08, oh, which version are you running?
[00:34] <knome> hello BBWonder
[00:34] <BBWonder> hey :)
[00:35] <powertool08> knome: 4 something xfce-about isn't found
[00:35] <knome> powertool08, of xubuntu?
[00:35] <knome> !version
[00:35] <ubottu> To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »
[00:36] <BBWonder> Hey I am having trouble getting xfce to start (I am probably visitor nr. 1.000.000) - actually my xubuntu 8.10 boots in CLI only. Now, I am reading all about nvidia and ati drivers trouble, but I've got a via chipset on my notebook. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
[00:37] <BBWonder> I am pretty n00b on hardware and drivers so bear with me
[00:37] <powertool08> knome: oh ubuntu version... I'm using arch
[00:38] <knome> powertool08, then you should ask #arch or sth. the conf tool and confs are different, afaik
[00:38] <knome> BBWonder, which via chipset?
[00:38] <powertool08> knome: ok, thanks
[00:40] <BBWonder> VIA KM400
[00:40] <BBWonder> I have an acer aspire 1350 (from 2003 I believe)
[00:42] <BBWonder> oh wait that's the motherboard I think *blush*
[00:43] <BBWonder> do you know whether I use nvidia or ati drivers at all?
[00:43] <BBWonder> 'cause I don't have a clue :P
[00:43] <knome> sounds weird that you can't get to graphical mode at all
[00:44] <knome> the gc seems to be ati mobility radeon 9200
[00:45] <knome> BBWonder, did you install with the normal cd?
[00:46] <BBWonder> here's the thing- I had Ubuntu 8.04 running like a charm. It was an upgrade from 7.x - Then I wanted a clean install, I reformatted my hd partition and tried to install Ubuntu 8.04 from an *official disk,* which always failed when trying to get into the GUI part of install. Same now with Xubuntu 8.10 RC, which I ended up installing using the alternate install disk.
[00:48] <knome> ok, so what does 'startx' say when running from the cli?
[00:48] <BBWonder> the screen starts to flash
[00:48] <BBWonder> and it ends with ... what was it... an error message about not being able to recognise screens?
[00:49] <BBWonder> after which it falls back to CLI
[00:49] <BBWonder> now I got Ubuntu 8.04 running so my notebook *can* handle the gui
[00:50] <knome> why didn't you just upgrade? ;)
[00:50] <BBWonder> yeah....
[00:50] <knome> anyway, i think i'm out of ideas
[00:50] <knome> haven't really had to fiddle with gc drivers
[00:50] <BBWonder> the crazy thought of installing (X)ubuntu 7.x and upgrading from there crossed my mind
[00:51] <BBWonder> but there has to be some crazy install parameter or workaround
[00:51] <knome> possibly yes.
[00:51] <BBWonder> anyway thanks for helping me and other people out in your spare time :p
[00:51] <knome> yeah... it's only 3am
[00:51] <BBWonder> 2am here
[00:52] <knome> if you hang out, i think somebody will be able to help
[00:52] <knome> you could also ask #ubuntu, because this is not xubuntu-specific
[00:52] <knome> usually there is more people
[00:53] <BBWonder> oh, and another little nag, why isn't "vga=771" somehow integrated into the install of alternate xubuntu 8.10 rc? I thought to be rid of this since ubuntu 5.1 :P
[00:53] <knome> uh, way too hard question for me :)
[00:53] <BBWonder> :D
[00:53] <BBWonder> ok going to nag about my driver trouble in #ubuntu
[00:54] <knome> hehe
[00:54] <BBWonder> I'm sticking around to see what other people are complaining about :P
[00:58] <knome> i will sleep now so i could get some work done tomorrow. good night everybody
[00:58] <BBWonder> night knome
[00:58] <BBWonder> woehoo
[00:58] <BBWonder> released now!
[00:59] <BBWonder> it says on the site
[00:59] <BBWonder> http://xubuntu.org/
[00:59] <BBWonder> :)
[00:59] <BBWonder> ok gonna restart and try to upgrade :p
[00:59] <knome> hmm...
[00:59] <knome> it's not released yet, tbh
[00:59] <BBWonder> oh
[00:59] <knome> that is just automatic script
[01:00] <BBWonder> oh that's bad!
[01:00] <BBWonder> :))
[01:00] <knome> sure ;)
[01:00] <knome> now ->
[01:00] <BBWonder> bye
[01:43] <Bumphead> will i be able to use the update manager tomorrow to upgrade to 8.10, or will i need to install from an iso?
[01:54] <Odd-rationale> Bumphead: yes, you can ues the update manager to upgrade...
[02:00] <lexvegas> does anyone know if 8.10 supports broadcom wireless cards?
[04:22] <newnick> hi
[04:22] <gaurdro> hellos
[04:23] <newnick> OK, so this is the first time i've gotten this IRC thing to work, so sweet for me
[04:23] <gaurdro> it failed in the past?
[04:23] <newnick> well i Just didn't know what the hell i was doing, hurray for the noob!
[04:24] <cody-somerville> :)
[04:25] <gaurdro> well it's working now, welcome to the wonderful world of irc. just don't feed the trolls they tend to bite.
[04:25] <newnick> so i really don't know what is the appioate way to go about doing this, but i've been trying in the forum for weeks to get support on one particualr issue with no real luck. when I go APPLICATIONS/QUIT/SHUTDOWN my system goes to a flash screen with the mouse logo and a bar menu, but it never finishes shutting down and I end up always having to do a hard shut down
[04:29] <charlie-tca> newnick: logo and menu? or just a bar
[04:47] <Techlari> Hello, I'm kinda new to ubuntu, on live cd now, tried to install on hard drives but I get Err5, I checked if the cd was error free and it was, tried on both harddrives, it stops loading at 24%.
[05:34] <raevol> does anyone have a .desktop file frmo /usr/share/applications for sfce-settings?
[05:35] <raevol> from* xfce-settings* woop
[05:37] <raevol> i manually installed xfce and didn't get one, could someone donate theirs to me?
[05:52] <raevol> nvm got it
=== TaffinFoxcroft is now known as taneth111
=== taneth111 is now known as TaffinFoxcroft
[07:11] <TaffinFoxcroft> anyone got some beginners advice for setting up xubuntu 8.04 and windows xp in dual boot (on seperate HDDs)?
[08:13] <MaxFrames> hello
[08:14] <MaxFrames> today it's 8.10 day but I still can't see it available in update manager (gui version)
[08:14] <MaxFrames> is it true that I can install it with "sudo update-manager -d" ?
[08:15] <MaxFrames> or will this install a release candidate?
[08:16] <xxploit> probably will install the rc
[08:16] <MaxFrames> ok, better to wait then
[08:17] * MaxFrames is impatient :P
[09:06] <batcoder-7> when is the new xubuntu coming out ? today right ?
[09:06] <TheSheep> yes
=== auskadi is now known as aussieman
[09:07] <batcoder-7> is it out yet TheSheep?
[09:07] <TheSheep> no
[09:07] <vinnl> In a few hours :)
[09:07] <batcoder-7> ah
[09:07] <batcoder-7> how will i update?
[09:07] <TheSheep> there will probably be some delay compared to ubuntu too
[09:07] <TheSheep> !update
[09:07] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[09:09] <batcoder-7> will i need to burn it to a cd ?
[09:09] <batcoder-7> or can i just change my sources.list i forget ehat ubuntu calls it and upgrade that way ?
[09:10] <vinnl> batcoder-7, you can just follow the instructions above
[09:10] <batcoder-7> yes i just read that
[09:11] <vinnl> Oh, there's no information on 8.10 yet :(
[09:11] <vinnl> Ehm, just see xubuntu.org/get#upgrade
[09:11] <MaxFrames> er... "sudo update-manager -d" ? :)
[09:12] <batcoder-7> i see
[09:13] <vinnl> MaxFrames, no, not when it's released
[09:13] <MaxFrames> no?
[09:13] <vinnl> You can just use Applications->System->Update Manager
[09:13] <vinnl> The "-d" says to upgrade to a development release
[09:13] <MaxFrames> I thought it meant "distro" :)
[09:13] <MaxFrames> OK, got it
[09:13] <vinnl> The Update Manager will notify you when a new release is available
[09:13] <vinnl> ;-)
[09:14] <MaxFrames> so far, I only had trouble upgrading from dapper drake, subsequent upgrades went flawlessly with update manager
[09:15] <batcoder-7> i see
[09:15] <batcoder-7> cool stuff
[09:16] <batcoder-7> i really do like xubuntu
[09:16] <batcoder-7> i never liked gnome or kde
[09:26] <MaxFrames> i like gnome but must use xfce due to poor system resources :D
[10:26] <iMax> hmm, anyone tried using nvidia driver 71.x or 96.x on 2.6.27?
[10:27] <iMax> both install fail, either by using the supplied kernel modules (fails in dhe DKMS compile step), nor the nvidia supplied drivers from the web site work
[10:29] <Tesssa> i liove in UK can anyone tell me when version 8.10 can be downloaded
[10:29] <Tesssa> or live even
[10:29] <cody-somerville> Tesssa, #ubuntu-release-party :)
[10:30] <Tesssa> thank you
[10:48] <Tesssa> thinking about trying xubuntu 8.10 would like some information if possible how it performs
[10:48] <Tesssa> that is when i can download 8.10
[11:20] <returnCode> :)
[11:22] <cody-somerville> :)
=== cody-somerville changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 8.04 Released: http://xubuntu.org/news/hardy/release | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Get Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Need help and no one around? Get in on the mailing list action at http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Waiting for the release? Visit #ubuntu-relea
=== cody-somerville changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Get Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Need help and no one around? Get in on the mailing list action at http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Waiting for the release? Visit #ubuntu-release-party
[11:33] <batcoder-7> is it released yet ?
[11:36] <cody-somerville> Not yet! :)
[11:51] <returnCode> Is released yet? ... this is the question of the day :-)
[11:56] <cody-somerville> :)
[11:58] <returnCode> see #ubuntu-release-party
[11:58] <returnCode> !
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
[13:43] <ernesto> hello, may i ask will xubuntu go out today
[13:43] <ernesto> or maybe in afew more days?
[13:43] <ernesto> thx
=== ramses-sv is now known as worellana
[13:47] <Owe1> is ll available for download yet? i cant find it.
[13:48] <TheSheep> not yet
[13:48] <TheSheep> it will be released today
[13:48] <ernesto> kk, thx for info :P
[13:54] <Owe1> ok
[14:08] <Cheard> http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/intrepid/release/desktop/xubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent
[14:08] <Cheard> good morning!
[14:09] <charlie-tca> Good morning ChanServ
[14:09] <charlie-tca> Good morning Cheard
[14:09] <Cheard> haha
[14:09] <charlie-tca> Itś not out yet.
[14:10] <Cheard> well, i'm downloading it
[14:11] <Cheard> anyone try the apt-p2p that upgrades packages in the repos. with bittorrent ?
[14:11] <matt427> when the new xubuntu out
[14:11] <Cheard> http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/intrepid/release/desktop/xubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent
[14:12] <Cheard> right now
[14:12] <ciapsadm> Hi
[14:12] <ciapsadm> How can I find out the name of the database
[14:12] <matt427> cheers is that offical release
[14:12] <TheSheep> ciapsadm: the database?
[14:12] <ciapsadm> Yes
[14:12] <Cheard> matt427, indeed
[14:13] <TheSheep> ciapsadm: which database?
[14:13] <Cheard> http://www.xubuntu.org/get
[14:13] <matt427> cheers
[14:13] <ciapsadm> Myqsl
[14:13] <Odd-rationale> cody-somerville: Hurray! Congrats on another successful release!!!
[14:13] <cody-somerville> :)
[14:13] <Cheard> i've been looking forward to this for quite some time. thanks to all the devs!
[14:14] <charlie-tca> Great job, cody-somerville
[14:14] <TheSheep> ciapsadm: I'm sure there are millions of mysql databases all with different names
[14:14] <TheSheep> ciapsadm: you have to be more specific
[14:15] <ciapsadm> I installed myqsl
[14:15] <ciapsadm>
[14:15] <ciapsadm> And do not know that name
[14:16] <Odd-rationale> Change the topic!! :D
=== cody-somerville changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 8.10 is out! Download, Share it, Seed it! | Get Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Need help and no one around? Get in on the mailing list action at http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users
[14:17] <TheSheep> ciapsadm: I don't understand what name you mean
[14:17] <TheSheep> ciapsadm: and there is no such thing as myqsl, you must mean mysql
[14:19] <ciapsadm> I give erroarea this: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
[14:19] <ciapsadm> And I do not know what to do
[14:20] <TheSheep> ciapsadm: try starting it
[14:21] <TheSheep> ciapsadm: in system->services
[14:28] <ciapsadm> How do I know that the user name of the database:
[14:28] <ciapsadm> Access denied for user 'ciapsadm'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[14:29] <cody-somerville> ciapsadm, please see #ubuntu-server for support with mysql
[14:34] <Cheard> dude, there are WAY too many people in #ubuntu
[14:35] <benthemeek> is there a way to do an expert installation of xubuntu that will let me choose packages?
[14:36] <cody-somerville> no
[14:36] <cody-somerville> well, sorta
[14:36] <cody-somerville> just install the server
[14:36] <cody-somerville> and then install what ever you want on to;
[14:36] <cody-somerville> *top
[14:36] <benthemeek> hmm
[14:36] <benthemeek> does the server come with a gui?
[14:36] <benthemeek> stupid qustion
[14:37] <benthemeek> but a few versions ago i did feisty server with added gui and it didnt behave well
[14:38] <TheSheep> no, the server doesn't have gui
[14:41] <FauLi> hi, amd64 is for intel 64 bit also?
[14:41] <FauLi> ty :)
[14:41] <TheSheep> yes, as long as it's not Intel Itanium
[14:42] <FauLi> thanks, can you also tell me what is the difference between the desktop and alternate version?
[14:43] <TheSheep> !alternate
[14:43] <ubottu> The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent
[14:43] <FauLi> thank you :D
[14:44] <benthemeek> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/minimal
[14:44] <benthemeek> that has some info about installing fromt he alternate
[14:48] <FauLi> thanks :D i gonna give a try to xubuntu, but i'm prepared to fail hard :)
[14:51] <bytor4232> FauLi, 8.10 just landed as well, if you wanted to give that a choke.
[14:53] <FauLi> im dling atm :)
[14:53] <benthemeek> 3 hrs and 34 min remaining :(
[14:53] <ml> ?
[14:53] <benthemeek> on my 8.10 alternate xubuntu
[14:53] <benthemeek> i shoudl really use bt
[14:54] <benthemeek> but im behidn too many firewalls herer at work
[14:54] <ml> oh :(
[14:54] <ml> using bt 30 mins or so
[14:55] <worellana> benthemeek, that is why I use jigdo
[14:57] <ml> burning almost done on ubuntu :)
[15:01] <worellana> I like the new web Xubuntu
[15:01] * benthemeek looking up jigdo
[15:01] <Groggy> !torrent
[15:01] <ubottu> Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P
[15:02] <Groggy> !torrents
[15:02] <ubottu> Intrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).
[15:03] <tomaustin> ubottu: is there any torrents for 8.10 for ppc?
[15:03] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[15:03] <worellana> xD
[15:03] <tomaustin> :D
[15:03] <ml> lol
[15:03] <The-Kernel> tomaustin nope
[15:03] <tomaustin> :(
[15:03] <tomaustin> ok
[15:04] <tomaustin> what about install older ver and upgrade?
[15:04] <tomaustin> would that work
[15:04] <The-Kernel> they killed that a few releases back i believe
=== The-Kernel is now known as the-place-holder
[15:07] <djohngo> Can anyone recommend a featherweight audio player?
[15:07] <djohngo> I've only got 256 megs of ram on this box. I can't be giving up 16 of them just to listen to internet radio.
[15:07] <TheSheep> djohngo: audacious
[15:08] <TheSheep> djohngo: you could also try to use mpd with some client for it -- then you only need the client when you change the song
[15:09] <djohngo> TheSheep: Thanks.
[15:40] <fschmitt> Is 8.10 released? All mirror links in the frontpage just give errors.
[15:41] <benthemeek> still propigating i think
[15:41] <benthemeek> i found a workign link but its takign forevere
[16:01] <Mimi> Hello, I was told to ask here: I cant find any xubuntu torrents, (810) is it no longer supported by canonical?
[16:25] <matt427> http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/intrepid/release/desktop/xubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent
[16:32] <djohngo> Am I right in guessing that Xubuntu doesn't use pulseaudio?
[16:33] <vinnl> djohngo, yep
[16:37] <nikolam> Also xubuntu does not turn on compiz by default :)
[16:41] <vinnl> It doesn't even install it
[16:44] <nikolam> a that is even mor enice :)
[16:45] <djohngo> You said it!
[16:45] <djohngo> Alsa is confusing enough.
[17:09] <Ben_Cs> hello
[17:09] <Ben_Cs> i don't understand: is xubuntu 8.10 out or no?
[17:09] <TheSheep> it is
[17:11] <Ben_Cs> TheSheep: so ALL the servers are down?
[17:11] <TheSheep> tee hee
[17:11] <Ben_Cs> TheSheep: actually i was thinking if to upgrade 8.04.1 right now or wait for the version that'll have BIG changes, like xfce 4.6?
[17:11] <TheSheep> use torrent
[17:12] <TheSheep> I don't know, this version has some changes too
[17:12] <TheSheep> mostly in xorg
[17:12] <Ben_Cs> TheSheep: can't find torrent for XUBUNTU 8.10
[17:12] <TheSheep> http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/intrepid/release/desktop/xubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent
[17:12] <TheSheep> hmm... doesn't work :/
[17:13] <TheSheep> Ben_Cs: try http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/
[17:14] <Ben_Cs> TheSheep: the torrent you gave me is downloading
[17:21] <Siegfried> is the update manager supposed to tell me to upgrade?
[17:23] <dcolish> upgrade-manager
[17:24] <nikolam> dcolish, Where is upgrade-manager?
[17:26] <dcolish> try which upgrade-manager
[17:26] <dcolish> just run it in terminal
[17:28] <nikolam> dcolish, sudo: upgrade-manager: command not found
[17:28] <charlie-tca> do not need sudo, in terminal type
[17:28] <charlie-tca> update-manager -d
[17:30] <Siegfried> update-manager -d should be in the topic :P
[17:30] <nikolam> well update-manager does not gives option to upgrade yet. Maybe with -d, right.
[17:31] <Siegfried> yep with -d it works, great
[17:31] <nikolam> BUT if people upgrade to 8.10 ther dvd drives won`t be able to open, then
[17:33] <TheSheep> nikolam: ?
[17:33] <TheSheep> nikolam: my dvd drive opens just fine
[17:33] <nikolam> so it is solved?
[17:33] <TheSheep> nikolam: what is solved?
[17:34] <nikolam> just a sec
[17:37] <nikolam> TheSheep, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/283316
[17:37] <nikolam> ohh, fix is released
[17:41] <dcolish> sorry i had upgrade-manager confused. confirmed that i ran update-manager -d
[17:43] <nikolam> dcolish, thank you for an update ;)
[17:44] <dcolish> nikolam: looks like its been correctly anyway earlier
[17:44] <nikolam> i found an command "do-release-upgrade" that maybe does just that ;)
[17:48] <dcolish> it looks like that calls UpdateManager and apt python classes
[17:49] <dcolish> you'll still need to pass it -d
[17:51] <nikolam> it seems that it is not goot thing to do -d at the moment.
[17:51] <dcolish> according to who?
[17:51] <dcolish> or what?
[17:52] <dcolish> on do-release-upgrade, -d pulls in the development code
[17:52] <nikolam> Maybe 8.10 is not in regular update manager for a good reason
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[17:52] <nikolam> server congestion.. few packages needing to be fixed, i don`t know
[17:52] <dcolish> yeah that -d does the same thing in both do-release-upgrade and update-manger
[17:53] <dcolish> its going to pull in the latest devel-release
[17:53] <johanzebin> hi all, the download links on xubuntu.org are all down?
[17:53] <johanzebin> i mean wts?!
[17:53] <nikolam> that is interesting for someone who wants to go from Interpid to Jaunty
[17:54] <nikolam> johanzebin, use torrent
[17:54] <dcolish> possibly, I'd be cautious about what the diffs on packages are
[17:55] <nikolam> johanzebin, http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/intrepid/release/desktop/
[17:55] <dcolish> if there has not be proper testing on the devel tree, then you could end up in dpkg hell
[17:55] <johanzebin> nikolam, ah thx
[17:56] <johanzebin> seems i ignored the clearly visible note ;) sry
[17:57] <nikolam> ;)
[17:58] <dcolish> nikolam: have you fully upgraded?
[17:58] <nikolam> no. I plan to do that on VM this evening and to install of 8.10 on other partition after restart.
[17:59] <nikolam> dcolish, i zou want to test something, i could go to 8.10
[18:00] <dcolish> playing it safe, good call. I've had issues before, but I work with someone who was able to upgrade without issue if that means anything
[18:00] <dcolish> I'm thinking of wingin' it later on todya
[18:04] <Nece228> congrats on xubuntu 8.10
[18:04] <Nece228> gdm looks awesome and modern
[18:05] <Odd-rationale> Nece228: are you on it?
[18:05] <Nece228> no, just seen screenshots
[18:06] <Odd-rationale> oh ok... i'm trying to get the iso... the torrent is slow... not a lot of seeders...
[18:06] <Nece228> everyone downloads now
[18:06] <Nece228> so servers aer busy
[18:06] <Nece228> :]
[18:06] <Nece228> my internet is very slow
[18:06] <charlie-tca> dcolish, nikolam : why not take a look at the upgrade procedures and do the upgrade that way?
[18:06] <charlie-tca> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading
[18:07] <Nece228> i would love if xubuntu would have shipit
[18:07] <Nece228> by the way does xubuntu 8.10 ships with xfce 4.4.3?
[18:08] <Odd-rationale> it is the latest stable version...
[18:08] <dcolish> charlie-tca: thats probably going to work fine and accomplish the same thing. I prefer cli tools
[18:08] <nikolam> Nece228, you can stay with 8.04 ;) Also you can look for your nearest Loco for someone to give you a copy
[18:09] <Nece228> i dont have xubuntu 8.04
[18:09] <Nece228> i have gutsy
[18:10] <Nece228> but i have idea
[18:10] <Nece228> my friend has got fast internet
[18:10] <Nece228> so i download xubuntu via it
[18:11] <vinnl> Nece228, still Xfce
[18:11] <Nece228> man xfce 4.4.3 was released yesterday
[18:12] <Nece228> developers forgot to see xfce updates
[18:12] <vinnl> No, it just can't be tested that way
[18:12] <vinnl> One day isn't enough to make sure it works fine
[18:13] <nikolam> Nece228, You would need Both 8.04.1 AND 8.10 disks to upgrade from Gutsy
[18:14] <Nece228> well now im using ubuntu hardy
[18:15] <Nece228> since i bought new computer i dont need xubuntu
[18:16] <Nece228> but still gnome needs optimisations
[18:16] <Nece228> so i think maybe i should switch to xfce
[18:16] <Nece228> for very good performance
[18:16] <dcolish> why wouldn't you need xubuntu?
[18:16] <nikolam> Nece228, I switched from Xubuntu 32-bit so Xubuntu 64-bit after hardware upgrade
[18:17] <nikolam> And I am one Very happy puppy. Everything is faster and lighter with Xubuntu
[18:17] <dcolish> nikolam: any particular reason for going with 64 bit?
[18:19] <nikolam> You cen use 8Gigs of ram. Instantly ;)
[18:19] <nikolam> dcolish, And 64-bit is a bit faster
[18:19] <nikolam> and 64-bit is the future, etc
[18:19] <dcolish> and 64 bit barely works with flash
[18:20] <nikolam> Nope. 64-bit works Fine with flash
[18:20] <dcolish> I only haev 2gb of ram anyway
[18:20] <dcolish> if you use nsplugin
[18:20] <nikolam> I am using 64-bit since 6.10.
[18:20] <nikolam> i also have 2 gigs
[18:20] <dcolish> i
[18:20] <nikolam> But I am ready for next weeks +4Gigs ;)
[18:20] <dcolish> nice!
[18:21] <nikolam> Firefox 3 works just fine with flash
[18:21] <nikolam> And thats because i choosed 64-bit ;)
[18:21] <dcolish> well i'm pretty sure its running as a 32 bit application in a 64bit env, adobe has not released 64 that i know of
[18:21] <nikolam> Also, Xfce is damn fine
[18:22] <nikolam> dcolish, Yes, and that is ok, i like it better that way
[18:22] <nikolam> If some flash bug stops browser in 2-bit it stops it all
[18:22] <nikolam> On 64-bit i just kill npviewer.bin and continue to work ;)
[18:22] <nikolam> without clowsing browser
[18:22] <vinnl> Hmm, I guess some Diggers could help spreading the word here as well, sorry if you consider this spam: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Xubuntu_8_10_released
[18:23] <dcolish> vinnl: sorry not a digger
[18:23] <vinnl> :)
[18:23] <nikolam> is digg private owned company or the comunity_
[18:24] <vinnl> Private, I guess
[18:25] <dcolish> nikolam: http://www.jamesward.com/wordpress/2008/05/16/where-is-64-bit-linux-support-for-flash-player/
[18:26] <dcolish> there is an update too, sounds like they're close to releasing a flash 64bit
[18:26] <nikolam> Many closed souce thing are going 32-bit only..
[18:27] <dcolish> off the top of my head, i can't think of anything besides flash that was closed that i cared about
[18:27] <nikolam> but never mind, 64-bit is safe bet now.
[18:28] <nikolam> skype, but it works. Second life, but it works
[18:28] <nikolam> i run both happily on 64bit
[18:29] <dcolish> yeah, i dont run either of those... flash was my bit 64bit dissapointment. I've had it running in 64 bit before, but it was not as good as native 32bit
[18:31] <nikolam> dcolish, flash is closed-source anyway
[18:31] <nikolam> so i don`t care about it so much anyway
[18:31] <nikolam> i even use noscript extension
[18:31] <nikolam> coz flash pages tend to misuse cpu time
[18:31] <nikolam> on any platform
[18:32] <dcolish> ha you can say that again
[18:32] <dcolish> my cpu doubles when i run any flash vid or music
[18:33] <nikolam> with noscript, I only see those commercials that are pictur-only or animated gifs. Not a flash.
[18:33] <Nece228> dcolish: ise opera
[18:33] <Nece228> dcolish: use opera
[18:33] <nikolam> so flash is just stupid.
[18:33] <nikolam> Opera is closed source.
[18:33] <dcolish> Nece228: firebug is in firefox
[18:33] <Nece228> dcolish: in opera there isnt that problem
[18:34] <Nece228> dcolish: ive tried myself
[18:34] <nikolam> Firefox is ok. I use Seamonkey, personally
[18:34] <Nece228> but its free
[18:34] <Nece228> and its available in reposities
[18:34] <nikolam> Seamonkey have integrate mail client from which Thunderbird is derived
[18:34] <dcolish> i use mutt
[18:34] <nikolam> Nece228, And is unsupported
[18:35] <nikolam> Seamonkey has smaller tabs so i can open 5-6 windows with up to 20+ tabs in them
[18:35] <nikolam> +mail +editor +..
[18:36] <dcolish> what do you all use for network conn management?
[18:36] <dcolish> i like wicd
[18:38] <nikolam> What is wicd?
[18:38] <dcolish> a replacement for network manager
[18:38] <dcolish> i prefer to have as little gnome code as possible on my desktop
[18:38] <dcolish> thats why i use xubuntu
[18:52] <FauLi> hi, does anyone know something about installing a wlan in a dell notebook?
[18:52] <FauLi> i tried just adding a wireless network, but it didnt work at all :D
[19:08] <nikolam> FauLi, try to figure out what wlan card is there in that computer. try to use lspci
[19:08] <nikolam> the you can search for soultion/driver
[19:11] <FauLi> as far as i know, its a dell 1505 draft-n card
[19:11] <FauLi> i read something about ndiswrapper, but it looks very complicated to me
[19:37] <oncl0ud9> hey guys I updated xubuntu to 8.10
[19:37] <oncl0ud9> but I lost my network manager applett
[19:37] <oncl0ud9> :(
[19:39] <zoredache> I haven't switch myself... have you tried running nm-applet to see if it starts?
[19:40] <oncl0ud9> errors out
[19:48] <vidd> the hardy update manager isnt telling me the upgrade is available
[19:54] <charlie-tca> It won´t according to the release notes. since Hardy is LTS, they didn´t put it in.
[19:54] <vidd> ah...ic
[19:55] <vidd> so gksu update-manage -d?
[19:55] <charlie-tca> It even took about two days deciding how to word the sentence. No need for dksu
[19:55] <charlie-tca> gksu
[19:56] <vidd> ok...ty
[20:09] <DaveDixonII> Anyone have a direct link to the iso?
[20:10] <vidd> DaveDixonII, what do you mean?
[20:11] <DaveDixonII> A direct link...... to download.... the iso... for xUbuntu
[20:11] <bobbo> http://bobbo.me.uk/mirror/ubuntu/xubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso
[20:11] <zoredache> you will probably have better luck if you download via bittorrent
[20:12] <bobbo> http://bobbo.me.uk/mirror/ubuntu/xubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent
[20:13] <vidd> wow...massive lag-time
[20:14] <vidd> DaveDixonII, you want the mini-iso?
[20:15] <vidd> one disk to install all varients
[20:16] <DaveDixonII> Bobbo. Thank you very much for the link. Fast download. :)
[20:17] <bobbo> DaveDixonII: no problem :)
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[21:39] <Zerothis> can a dd made image be used, somehow, in virtualbox?
[21:48] <favro> Zerothis: there is #vbox - they'll know
[21:52] <aLeSD_> hi all
[21:52] <aLeSD_> in what an LVM partition could help me ?
[21:52] <favro> !lvm
[21:52] <ubottu> Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO
[22:00] <znh> Hello
[22:01] <znh> is there a brightness applet for xfce?
[22:01] <knome> !hi
[22:01] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[22:01] <aduran> Hi, I am new to linux, I recently started my computer from a usb drive
[22:01] <aduran> at some point I turned the machine off and now many files are locked
[22:01] <aduran> how can I unlock them?
[22:01] <aduran> thanks for any suggestions
[22:02] <znh> did you try to unmount manually, like from a Livecd? Or check it with fsck.ext3
[22:02] <zoredache> files where? What filesystem are the files on?
[22:02] <aduran> its a usb drive
[22:03] <aduran> I wanted to install wine in order to install ie (I am a firefox user, only I need to access some activex pages)
[22:03] <jals> hmm
[22:03] <jals> i just went to upgrade to 8.10 and it told me there was no driver for my graphics card??
[22:03] <znh> is there a brightness applet for xfce?
[22:04] <znh> like the one in Gnome?
[22:04] <zoredache> !repeat
[22:04] <ubottu> Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience
[22:05] <aduran> also, does anybody know how to recover a damaged boot sector in windows from linux?
[22:15] <jals> is this info accurate, or will it be ok once i install?
[22:23] <TRD> hello everyone
[22:23] <TRD> i will download xubuntu 8.10 ibex
[22:24] <TRD> this version support via/s3g graphics cards ?
[22:24] <favro> jals: was it the livecd that gave you that warning?
[22:24] <jals> no
[22:24] <jals> i tried to upgrade using update manager
[22:24] <jals> the driver works fine currently in 8.04
[22:25] <TRD> in 8.04 the driver not work
[22:25] <favro> does xorg.conf have more in it then configured device?
[22:25] <favro> jals: ^
[22:25] <jals> sorry?
[22:26] <TRD> i have a screen 1224*800 the xubuntu support this
[22:26] <TRD> when i use vias3g
[22:26] <favro> the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf is where the vid card is set up - is it basic or is there a driver listed?
[22:26] <favro> jals: ^
[22:26] <jals> oh there's a driver
[22:27] <favro> jals: I would make a backup of that file in case 8.10 has issues
[22:27] <jals> i think i'll just stick with 8.04
[22:28] <jals> i can't imagine intrepid will fix any of my issues
[22:28] <favro> I would for a while
[22:28] <favro> issues?
[22:29] <jals> suspend has never worked for me
[22:29] <jals> or hibernate
[22:29] <favro> all I know about that is the swap partition should be larger than your ram size
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[22:35] <Odd-rationale> some of 8.10's software choices surprised me..
[22:36] <Odd-rationale> like i wasn't expectin to see gpicview from lxde...
[22:36] <Odd-rationale> (especially in place of ristretto... :P0
[22:36] <Odd-rationale> but i like gpicview better than ristretto anyways..
[22:36] <TheSheep> Odd-rationale: gpicview is much older than lxde
[22:37] <TheSheep> Odd-rationale: try mirage one day
[22:37] <Odd-rationale> true...
[22:37] <Odd-rationale> yeah, i've tried mirage...
[22:37] <TheSheep> Odd-rationale: comix is my favorite, but it's python so slow and ram-hungry
[22:37] <Odd-rationale> pretty much similar to gpicview, mirage is
[22:37] <TheSheep> but less windowsy
[22:38] <TheSheep> interface-wise
[22:38] <Odd-rationale> i chose to go with gpicview because straight gtk seemed faster than pygtk...
[22:38] <TheSheep> wasn't mirage written in C?
[22:38] <Odd-rationale> also listen instead of rhythmbox was a surprise...
[22:38] <Odd-rationale> i'm quite sure mirage is python...
[22:38] <TheSheep> I didn't like rhythmbox, and listen is usable
[22:39] <Odd-rationale> yeah, it seemed like a good choice...
[22:39] <Odd-rationale> i haven't played with it much...
[22:39] <Odd-rationale> i'm a console junkie... ncmpc
[22:39] <TheSheep> used quod libet before, but it's pretty complicated
[22:40] <TheSheep> I've given up on mpd when I couldn't make it work on my single-channel sound card in new computer
[22:41] <TheSheep> Odd-rationale: what's sad is that inkscape is still not included by default
[22:41] <TheSheep> it's a great piece of software
[22:41] <Odd-rationale> was it ever included by default?
[22:42] <TheSheep> no idea
[22:42] <Odd-rationale> it is not even in ubuntu by default...
[22:42] <TheSheep> yeah, it's sad
[22:42] <TheSheep> it can edit pdfs now, you know
[22:42] <TheSheep> and open .cdr files
[22:42] <Odd-rationale> wow. i didn't know inkscape could open pdf's
[22:43] <TheSheep> they added it like half a year ago
[22:43] <Odd-rationale> also the new xubuntu includes xchat, but ubuntu does not...
[22:44] <TheSheep> I have no opinions on gui irc clients, they are abominations anyways ;)
[22:45] <knome> +1
[22:45] <TheSheep> gftp would be nice
[22:45] <Odd-rationale> i would have been happier if they didn't include xchat...
[22:45] <Odd-rationale> as i would remove it anyways...
[22:45] <knome> ftpfs > gftp
[22:45] <knome> ssh > ftp
[22:45] <TheSheep> Odd-rationale: if it makes it easier for people to get here and get help, then why not?
[22:46] <knome> write a piece of software with only one text box (nick) and one dialog which after inputting nick connects to #xubuntu on freenode
[22:46] <knome> and why not a few other channels
[22:46] <Odd-rationale> TheSheep: well, xubuntu ALSO was pidgin... i know it is an awful irc client, but anyone can just apt-get xchat...
[22:47] <TheSheep> it still has pidgin?
[22:47] <Odd-rationale> having both seemed a little redundant, at least for defaults..
[22:47] <Odd-rationale> TheSheep: yeah...
[22:47] <TheSheep> I can't remember, it's the first thing I remove :)
[22:47] <Odd-rationale> TheSheep: even ubuntu is keeping pidgin over empathy...
[22:47] <TheSheep> and a resource hog
[22:47] <TheSheep> isn't empathy still in early beta?
[22:48] <Odd-rationale> no. it is in gnome 2.24 final
[22:48] <TheSheep> I remember a lot of breakage last time I tried it
[22:48] <TheSheep> a year ago or so
[22:49] <Odd-rationale> that's all the new apps i remember...
[22:49] <Odd-rationale> but the new theme is a great improvement!
[22:49] <TheSheep> vlc has a new gui
[22:49] <Odd-rationale> Artwork, that is
[22:50] <Odd-rationale> yeah, vlc is now qt...
[22:50] <knome> d'oh
[22:50] <Odd-rationale> that kind of sucked...
[22:50] <Odd-rationale> so i switched to mplayer...
[22:52] <TheSheep> I eagerly wait for that gtk2 qt theme
[22:53] <TheSheep> qt4 is said to finally be capable of simulating at least most of gtk2
[22:54] <Odd-rationale> there was one small issue with gdm though, at least on the livecd...
[22:54] <Odd-rationale> and that was that by default gdm uses the clearlooks theme... which is not on xubunut... so it fellback to the uge raleigh gtk theme...
[22:55] <Odd-rationale> it is easy to fix though... just a small glitch..
[22:56] <TheSheep> good first impression consists of 700 irrelevant details
[22:59] <Odd-rationale> appearntly the artwork team leader is Jmakz ... i hardy see him online...
[23:00] <TheSheep> Odd-rationale: he's not the artwork team leader, he's the artwork team ;)
[23:00] <Odd-rationale> :p
[23:01] <knome> WUT?
[23:01] <TheSheep> knome: calm down, notice the sarcasm mark
[23:02] <knome> :P
[23:02] <TheSheep> knome: did you talk with him?
[23:03] <knome> changed a few words, yes