UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /30 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <oobe> i didnt write this script but was looking for somthing just like it
[00:00] <oobe> its for people who have tonnes of tveps and movies downloaded from internet who want accurate metadata
[00:00] <oobe> it can work with unorganised mess of videos but why bother
[00:01] <oobe> it will make screenshots but thats not really the purpose
[00:02] <oobe> there is someone who responded to my thread with a link to a script that only makes screenshots
[00:02] <oobe> you could try and check that out
[00:02] <oobe> probably less complicated
[03:53] <captmo> does anyone here have any experience with the ati tv wonder ve?
[03:54] <captmo> i was able to get it to work in a standalone version of mythbuntu but when i installed the control centre on my ubuntu build it now will not put out any sound
[07:23] <benzon> Okay here we go just updated the kernal thing there was a flaw there but now i got another wird problem now i can se the channels but they freeze up
[07:43] <Decepticon> why wont mythbuntu come out?
[07:44] <benzon> Decepticon, what do you meen?
[07:45] <Decepticon> 8.10
[07:46] <benzon> because they have to wait for the final ubuntu release
[07:46] <benzon> and then incorperate the mythtv platform and make sure its good, before they release a stabel 8.10
[07:47] <Decepticon> is there some deadline
[07:48] <Decepticon> or its just work at your own pace at mythbuntu
[07:48] <Decepticon> ive been refreshing like every second
[07:48] <benzon> that i dont know
[07:49] <benzon> but i dont think they wil make the 8.10 release today but to be honest they can suprise i still need to fix a stupid audio problem sad enuf
[07:51] <Decepticon> man
[07:51] <Decepticon> that sucks
[07:57] <hads> Ubuntu doesn't get released at 00:00:01 on release day.
[07:59] <benzon> precise its not even released yet :)
[08:03] <benzon> Ill try again then, my MSI K9AGM2-FIH - got a Realtek HD Audio Build in soundcard, the chip is Realtek ALC888 - cant get sound of it is there a known problem with this or is there a way to fix it
[08:26] <oobe> will svn fixes still be available for 8.04 when 8.10 comes out as 8.04 is LTS
[08:38] <benzon> sad that i cant get it to work add all have to go back to the sucky Vista MCE
[08:54] <mrmowgli> anyone know the voodoo to get the hauppage remote control to work for a wintv hvr 1600?
[08:54] <mrmowgli> or do I have to set it up from scratch?
[08:55] <oobe> benzon, this link says it works http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/no-sound-w-alsa-mcp61alc888-529206/ in later versions of alsa
[08:55] <benzon> just updatet alsa
[08:55] <oobe> benzon, you could perhaps try compiling the newer alsa
[08:56] <oobe> i think its worth a try
[08:56] <benzon> no change just alot of buffer overrun
[08:56] <oobe> oh you already compiled latest alsa?
[08:56] <benzon> ye :(
[08:56] <benzon> still just problems, and the HDMI out on my gfx aint found :(
[08:56] <benzon> XML Grapper dossent grap the danish stuff either, just a lot of problems
[08:57] <oobe> HDMI rarely works in xorg
[08:57] <mrmowgli> i'm using HDMI right now
[08:57] <oobe> you can use HDMI > DVI cable
[08:57] <oobe> you just said you it aint found
[08:57] <benzon> true but there is only vga out and HDMI out on the build in gfx card :(
[08:58] <mrmowgli> what graphics card are you using?
[08:58] <benzon> and the picture is crappy, and its normaly not that bad
[08:59] <benzon> bump ehm some ati card cant find the name right now ofc
[08:59] <mrmowgli> lspci in a teminal
[08:59] <benzon> x1200
[09:01] <benzon> and using the restricted driver
[09:01] <mrmowgli> hrmmm mine's working but my xorg.conf doesn't have anything special in it. I only have that connected however so it was detected on boot
[09:01] <mrmowgli> your trying to use both connections?
[09:02] <benzon> nope right now only the vga connection
[09:02] <benzon> since i wanted to make the bacis configuring before hooking it up to the tv
[09:02] <mrmowgli> try just booting with only the HDMI connected
[09:03] <oobe> this thread has a noob with the same problem same card http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=550753&page=11 he has seemed to solve it by compiling alsa
[09:03] <benzon> and normaly i get a clear picture with my Hauppauge WinTV-PVR500
[09:03] <oobe> read it carefully you will figure it out
[09:03] <benzon> right now its just rly corny
[09:04] <mrmowgli> I have an older ATI, but when I tried getting it working with a dual head configuration it wouldn't take. Just connecting HDMI worked fine
[09:04] <mrmowgli> did you run alsaconf?
[09:05] <benzon> ill try and do a recompile like oobe asked for and linked to :)
[09:05] <benzon> but still dossent change the qual of the video
[09:06] <mrmowgli> benzon: sometimes the quality is affected by the physical connectors, have you reseated everything and kept the cables away from power cords etc?
[09:06] <benzon> yep its as fare as it can get from power cords so on
[09:09] <benzon> even got a signal amplifier just 1 meter or so from the computer
[09:09] <mrmowgli> and everything is properly grounded?
[09:10] <benzon> yep in vista the image is rly good thats the wird part
[09:10] <mrmowgli> what's wrong with your image?
[09:11] <mrmowgli> jittery with lots of aliasing?
[09:14] <benzon> just rly rly ehm grained
[09:14] <benzon> ye like you sai
[09:14] <benzon> said
[09:15] <mrmowgli> well that could just be the mythbuntu playback
[09:15] <mrmowgli> the capture is probably working just fine
[09:16] <mrmowgli> I'm running a huappauge 1600 and the playback isn't so nice, but if you open one of the captures with VLC and set the deinterlace to blend it looks fine
[09:16] <mrmowgli> I believe it's just the deinterlacinf filter that makes it look so bad
[09:16] <mrmowgli> de-interlacing
[09:17] <mrmowgli> Not sure where you set that in the Mythbuntu settings but I think you can change them
[09:19] <benzon> ill make a try
[09:37] <mrmowgli> Does anyone have a huappauge with a working remote control?
[09:42] <benzon> got the realtake linux driver packet lets se how that works out :D
[09:43] <Seeker`> is it possible to get the "watch recordings" menu to give you three menus, one to select category, the other to select the program, and the third to select the episode of that program
[09:43] <mrmowgli> Seeker`: I don't know if it can do that but there are filters
[09:44] <mrmowgli> m button on that screen
[09:44] <Seeker`> I know you can set it to ask you which category to browse when you enter the "watch recordings" option, but I want it to actually be part of the main screen
[09:44] <mrmowgli> no idea
[09:45] <benzon> brb reboot time
[09:55] <benzon> damn just made a lot of errors and screwed up some usb things and it says something with fuse cant start
[09:56] <benzon> it says the right codec tho but cant select it in the sound manager thingy jawww
[09:58] <mrmowgli> have you run aslaconf?
[10:01] <mrmowgli> or if you run dmesg, it should tell you what's going on
[16:14] <myth> hello all, I need some help getting the front end to detect the backend
[16:15] <myth> I launch the frontend and I get a No UPnP found
[16:15] <myth> when I go through the config I get a cannot connect to database error
[16:15] <myth> I check and the backend and mysql are running
[18:29] <r3z> Would their be a direct upgrade path from the RC to the released build of 8.10?
[18:30] <tgm4883_laptop> r3z, yes
[18:30] <tgm4883_laptop> apt-get upgrade
[18:30] <r3z> Ok.
[18:30] <r3z> I have been using mythdora and a yum upgrade is not recommended.
[18:30] <r3z> I wanted to see if this was the case with mythbuntu.
[18:31] <tgm4883_laptop> r3z, well we don't recommend a yum upgrade either ;)
[18:31] * r3z peers at tgm4883_laptop
[18:31] <r3z> ::snicker::
[18:37] <Decepticon> when will they release 8.10 mythbuntu
[18:39] <tgm4883_laptop> Decepticon, when it's ready
[18:40] <Decepticon> it will be ready when it will be ready kind of deal
[18:41] <tgm4883_laptop> we are just waiting on mirrors to sync up
[18:41] <Decepticon> nice
[18:43] <r3z> So its ready just not deliverable yet?
[18:43] <r3z> ;)
[18:44] <tgm4883_laptop> allegedly
[21:12] <Wicked> hello all. is mythtbuntu 8.10 out?
[21:13] <Wicked> im dling kubuntu 8.10 now and am wondering if ill be able to install mythbuntu-control-center...im hoping to have my pvr up by 9pm est tonight so i can start recording my shows.
[21:14] <MythbuntuGuest99> Hello?
[21:14] <MythbuntuGuest99> When is going to be released mythbuntu 8.10?
[21:19] <superm1> today or tomorrow
[21:19] <superm1> MythbuntuGuest99,
[21:19] <superm1> depends on when all the mirrors get it synched
[21:20] <balz> is it safe to upgrade from hardy to intrepid?
[21:20] <superm1> read the release notes first to make sure none of the cases affect you (say nvidia 96 or 71) and then you can determine
[21:21] <superm1> for most people it should be
[21:22] <balz> superm1: okay thanks. where might i find the release notes?
[21:23] <Wicked> so the new mythtbuntu should be out in the next 24 hours?
[21:23] <superm1> yeah Wicked
[21:23] <Wicked> awesome.
[21:24] <superm1> http://mythbuntu.org/8.10/release_notes, there is a link to the mainline ubuntu release notes too
[21:24] <Wicked> i wish 8.10 dropped on tues or wed
[21:24] <superm1> no corner cases are identified specific to mythbuntu yet, so that's why it's emptyish right now
[21:27] <balz> superm1 i'm getting a "page not found" page
[21:28] <Wicked> yea connection reset
[21:28] <superm1> balz, oh that's interesting. wonder if that page is still locked down until release
[21:28] <Wicked> now it loaded.
[21:28] <superm1> there is some load on the server right now, so that's probably all it was
[21:28] <balz> superm1: it's not a big deal anyway. i'll rpobably end up waiting a week or so
[21:28] <balz> yeah that makes sense too
[21:29] <balz> got it
[21:30] <KjetilK> Has anybody gotten two remotes and an IRblaster working with lirc at the same time?
[21:30] <KjetilK> does it require running three lircd instances?
[21:31] <superm1> KjetilK, it should need 2-3 lirc instances
[21:31] <superm1> depending on the hardware you are using
[21:31] <KjetilK> superm1: I have an MS MCE USB thingie
[21:32] <superm1> KjetilK, you can do an ir blaster and remote on the same lirc instance
[21:32] <superm1> if both remotes use that same receiver you can do it all on the same lirc instance
[21:32] <KjetilK> and a iMon in the box that controls the volume knob
[21:32] <KjetilK> ok
[21:33] <KjetilK> I allready run two lirc daemons, one for the iMon volume knob (an Antec Fusion v1 chassis), and one for the MCEUSB
[21:33] <superm1> then that's all you need
[21:34] <KjetilK> it works great, but I did quite a lot of hacking in the init.d that was in mythbuntu 7.10, now the system is a 8.04
[21:34] <KjetilK> superm1: OK, I tried running:
[21:35] <KjetilK> root@tigger:/etc/lirc# irsend SET_TRANSMITTERS 1
[21:35] <KjetilK> irsend: command failed: SET_TRANSMITTERS 1
[21:35] <KjetilK> irsend: hardware does not support sending
[21:35] <KjetilK> that's why I figured I might need another instance...
[21:35] <KjetilK> irsend LIST mceusb ""
[21:35] <KjetilK> lists the things I want
[21:36] <KjetilK> actually, I only need the power button, all I want to do is turn the TV on and off... :-)
[21:36] <superm1> mceusb or mceusb2?
[21:36] <KjetilK> errr
[21:36] <balz> wait, you can caputre codes from other remotes and control appliances with the IR blaster?
[21:36] <balz> whaaaaaaat?
[21:37] <superm1> yup
[21:37] <balz> the things you learn =)
[21:37] <KjetilK> superm1: the kernel module is lirc_mceusb2
[21:38] <KjetilK> balz: yup, most people use it to control a set-top-box
[21:38] <balz> KjetilK: riiiigiht.... i knew that, it just never crossed my mind that I could roll all my remotes into one
[21:38] <superm1> KjetilK, i dont think you need to use SET_TRANSMITTERS
[21:38] <superm1> just transmit
[21:38] <superm1> mceusb2 only supports one transmitter anyway
[21:39] <KjetilK> ok
[21:39] <balz> so wait. I have 1 remote for myth (MCEUSB), 1 remote to control the volume (i use a hifi stereo set for sound), and 1 remote to turn the tv on and off ... i could roll all of those into one?
[21:39] <superm1> well the mceusb2 remote you have actually can learn those buttons
[21:39] <superm1> for vol and power
[21:39] <superm1> and you wouldn't need an ir blaster
[21:40] <superm1> do you still have the manual for your mceusb2?
[21:40] <KjetilK> hmmm, so the "TV Power" button I have on my remote can be used to turn the TV on and off directly?
[21:41] <hads> oem.microsoft.com/static/Worldwide/file/MCE_Remote_Manual.pdf
[21:41] <superm1> yes it can
[21:41] <KjetilK> cool, perhaps I don't need the irblaster either :-)
[21:41] <superm1> the only 3 buttons that are programmable are vol+/vol-/tv power
[21:41] <superm1> thanks hads
[21:41] <KjetilK> also, it didn't seem to work:
[21:41] <KjetilK> # irsend SEND_ONCE mceusb Power
[21:41] <KjetilK> irsend: command failed: SEND_ONCE mceusb Power
[21:41] <KjetilK> irsend: hardware does not support sending
[21:42] <superm1> KjetilK, try specifying the device you are sending
[21:42] <superm1> irsend can be picky, especially when you've got a few lirc instances dangling around
[21:42] <balz> superm1: i don't think i do.
[21:42] <superm1> balz, hads posted it above
[21:42] <balz> oh right!
[21:43] <KjetilK> superm1: OK, I'll try the MS manual first
[21:49] <balz> how do i know if i have the MCEUSB remote or the MCEUSB2 remote?
[21:50] <hads> http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MCE_Remote
[21:51] <KjetilK> woooohoooo, it worked great!
[21:52] <KjetilK> thanks a lot, superm1!
[21:52] <KjetilK> and thanks to hads for posting the link to the manual!
[21:52] <hads> :)
[21:57] <balz> win! i have mceusb2! thanks hads
[22:32] <MythbuntuGuest94> hello guys
[22:33] <MythbuntuGuest94> I have been trying the last few weeks to get LinuxMCE working with no luck as my hardware is to new.. but that is not why I am here
[22:33] <MythbuntuGuest94> So I am looking into mythbuntu as it is alot newer and will support all my hardware..
[22:34] <MythbuntuGuest94> the main question that I cant tget on google is, is there a way that I can get mythtv to contral my TV and Cable box
[22:34] <MythbuntuGuest94> ?
[22:35] <MythbuntuGuest94> as I am trying to get all this remotes out of my room
[22:35] <MythbuntuGuest94> I got myself an usbird
[22:45] <KjetilK> MythbuntuGuest94: this should get you started: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Using_an_IR_Blaster_with_MythTV
[22:45] * KjetilK runs off to bed though :-)
[23:08] <Seeker`> how can I get it to list all unwatched recordings in the "watch list"
[23:19] <Seeker`> currently it will only display one episode from each series
[23:21] <fastie82> hi guys
[23:21] <fastie82> Can I get Mythbunto to control my cable box and tv?
[23:21] <fastie82> so that I only have one remote
[23:22] <fastie82> I did read something in the documentation about ir sending but there is not much info and google is not much better
[23:23] <gregL_> fastie82: Yes but you will have to use LIRC and a blaster or firewire to switch channels..
[23:24] <hads> LIRC if you're in New Zealand. We don't have firewire STBs
[23:24] <hads> The MS MCE remote is good if you can find it and comes with a blaster.
[23:24] <fastie82> yes I get that I need to LIRC but there any steps on how to do this?
[23:25] <fastie82> I got my self a usbird from the local shop that they normaly us for mobile phones
[23:25] <fastie82> from what I read this would do the job
[23:25] <fastie82> ??
[23:26] <gregL_> Most any thing will work if you can find out how to implement it..
[23:27] <gregL_> Search the web is the best way..
[23:27] <fastie82> true, that is why I am here see if any of you guys can help me in the right direction?
[23:27] <hads> Basically all you need is a script which does an `irsend SEND_ONCE $REMOTE_NAME $DIGIT`
[23:29] <fastie82> that is as far as I can make out yes but don't know much more than that
[23:29] <gregL_> What is the make and model of the device?
[23:30] <fastie82> the usbird or the sky box?
[23:32] <gregL_> I did a search using those two words and nothing,so i would guess noone use's it...
[23:33] <fastie82> ok I am so confused now.. I see you need to add the codes in to the lird.conf file.. but how does it know what device need to be control as both have 1 2 3 4 enc
[23:35] <fastie82> do I need to setup a key what I need to press with it or will it switch it.
[23:35] <gregL_> Did you check and see if it's loaded?
[23:36] <fastie82> I know when I was in the uk they sky+ remotes had the option to control you tv and when you want to control your tv you need to press the tv button and when you wanted to control the skybox you needed to press the sky button first does it work on the same prin?
[23:37] <hads> Are you in New Zealand?
[23:37] <fastie82> yes I don;t have a problem with the usbird
[23:37] <fastie82> yes I am
[23:37] <hads> What type of Sky box do you have?
[23:37] <fastie82> I just need to get my head around who to send command to the box
[23:38] <fastie82> well I have the new sky myskyhdi box
[23:38] <hads> I don't know what type of box that is
[23:39] <hads> Perhaps you should ask the mythtvnz mailing list
[23:39] <fastie82> Well what I can find out I think it is a pace box.. the same as the foxtel box in AUS
[23:40] <hads> http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/pace/
[23:41] <hads> RC30 is common here
[23:41] <fastie82> o ok..
[23:41] <Seeker`> anyone able to tell me how to chage the watch list to show all recordings not yet watched instead of just 1 per series?
[23:41] <fastie82> thanks. so do I add it to my current conf file?
[23:42] <hads> Seeker`: Don't believe you can
[23:42] <fastie82> and do I need to program a key on the remote for the device?
[23:43] <fastie82> cause how do I tell it I want to watch channel 072
[23:43] <fastie82> cause I thing if I just press 072 it will change my tv card and not the sky box
[23:43] <hads> You setup a channel change script in mythtv and then mythvbackend tells your STB to change channels
[23:45] <fastie82> where can I find sampel scrips.. sorry I am a bit thik...
[23:45] <hads> Perhaps you should ask the mythtvnz mailing list
[23:45] <fastie82> ok I will send them a mail not..
[23:45] <fastie82> now even
[23:45] <fastie82> thanks for your help hads
[23:46] <Seeker`> hads: :(
[23:46] <hads> fastie82: http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=mythtv+channel+change+script
[23:47] <fastie82> sweet thanks again
[23:50] <r3z> tgm4883 mirrors updated yet?
[23:50] <Seeker`> hads: that makes the watch list much less useful than I thought it would be