UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /30 /#ubuntu-motu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <danbh_intrepid> Sylphid: Im using nvidia, so maybe thats why
[00:00] <danbh_intrepid> but the graphics seem like basic qt or something, so its weird
[00:00] <danbh_intrepid> anyway, Im off
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[02:45] <ajmitch> so should I leave that rc bugs tracker defaulting to intrepid for a few weeks yet?
[02:46] <slangasek> seems advisable; nobody's going to be proactively merging specific fixes for jaunty for about that long
[02:46] <slangasek> as opposed to "mass-import everything"
[02:46] <ajmitch> I'll have to fix it up so that it displays the per-release info
[02:47] <ScottK> intrepid-proposed is a valid upload target right now.
[02:47] <ScottK> No reason to stop fixing major bugs.
[02:48] <ajmitch> yep
[02:48] <ajmitch> the comments are currently per-bug, that may need to be changed to include the release affected as well
[02:49] <ajmitch> I imagine it could still have useful data for hardy that isn't being shown at the moment
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[03:54] <Awsoonn> are there any blockers for tomarrow? Is the release still a go for the 31st?
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[04:13] <danbh_intrepid> Awsoonn: sorry mate, the release has been delayed by two days do to Mark Shuttleworth being held up in an airport by a snowstorm. Then, the release was delayed yet another day because penguins began to gather, further blocking the runways.
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[06:45] <dholbach> good morning
[06:46] <wgrant> Happy release day, dholbach.
[06:46] <dholbach> hi wgrant :)
[06:50] <iulian> :)
[06:50] <iulian> Heya dholbach, wgrant.
[06:50] <dholbach> hi iulian
[06:52] <geser> Hi dholbach, wgrant, iulian
[06:52] <dholbach> hi geser
[06:53] <wgrant> Hey iulian, geser.
[06:55] <iulian> Hello geser.
[07:20] <highvolt1ge> urgh @ http://preview.ubunut.com/8.10
[07:20] <highvolt1ge> I *hate* it when that happens
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[08:00] <ajmitch> wgrant: I'm going to change the rcbugs stuff to also store a release field for the bug comments, so that it can have separate comments for hardy, intrepid, jaunty
[08:01] <ajmitch> any thoughts on that?
[08:01] <verwilst> hi guys
[08:01] <wgrant> ajmitch: Excellent idea.
[08:01] * ajmitch has it working per-distro on this side, just not on the display side
[08:01] <wgrant> Given that I hope we'll be SRUing lots.
[08:01] <ajmitch> yeah
[08:01] <verwilst> TKIP isnt available for intrepid to connect to secured wireless networks
[08:01] <ajmitch> and it's still useful for hardy SRUs
[08:01] <wgrant> Hmm... UI-wise...
[08:01] <verwilst> known issue?
[08:01] <wgrant> verwilst: This isn't a support channel.
[08:01] <verwilst> oh sorry
[08:01] <verwilst> wrong channel :)
[08:02] <wgrant> ajmitch: Perhaps we should have a separate page for each release?
[08:02] <ajmitch> UI-wise, I'm not sure how to either avoid duplicating entering comments
[08:02] <ajmitch> that was the plan
[08:02] <verwilst> what is the next-version channel again plz?
[08:02] <ajmitch> though it'd be nice to be able to copy a comment from jaunty to intrepid, it may not be needed
[08:02] <verwilst> #ubuntu+1!
[08:03] <ajmitch> you already saw that it has missing-fixes-rc.intrepid.txt, I just need to re-run it for other versions
[08:03] <wgrant> Yep.
[08:05] * ajmitch thinks a simple ALTER TABLE should be all that's needed once a release field is in
[08:05] <wgrant> ALTER TABLE + UPDATE
[08:06] <wgrant> Unless you set the default to Intrepid, but that sounds wrong.
[08:07] <ajmitch> I was undecided what to do with a blank string
[08:07] <ajmitch> whether to show it on all releases, or just the latest
[08:07] <wgrant> Disallow it.
[08:08] <ajmitch> probably simpler that way, and fill in the release for any new comments
[08:09] * ajmitch tries to resist asking 'are we there yet?!?' in release-party
[08:10] <txwikinger> Happy Ibex Day!
[08:29] <ajmitch> ok, just need to do the UI part now
[08:29] <ajmitch> mostly url mangling, I think
[08:40] <wgrant> ajmitch: Excellent. Easy enough, particularly now the template is extracted.
[08:40] <ajmitch> yes, thanks for that
[08:40] <wgrant> Although the template needs refactoring from my hackish copy+paste just before release.
[08:40] <ajmitch> fixing up a "My First Django Project"
[08:40] <wgrant> Heh.
[08:40] <wgrant> I recall my first Django attempts were utterly awful.
[08:40] <ajmitch> which wasn't really meant to go live, but that's how they start
[08:41] <wgrant> You can never write useful things thinking they'll not be used.
[08:41] <ajmitch> quite true
[08:41] <wgrant> Particularly when they're as useful as rcbugs.
[08:41] <ajmitch> now to sort out the urls, I'd like http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ to point to the latest release, and http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/intrepid/ to point to a specific release
[08:42] <ajmitch> while keeping all the addcomment, remove, etc in place
[08:42] * ajmitch tinkers
[08:42] <wgrant> That sounds good.
[08:42] <wgrant> addcomment will need some extra magic, but remove should be fine.
[08:43] <wgrant> Except that remove's and demote's templates should mention the release.
[08:43] <ajmitch> just looking at that now
[08:43] <ajmitch> and some way of navigating between releases
[08:43] <wgrant> That's easy enough.
[08:44] <ajmitch> easy to put in, harder to look good
[08:45] <ajmitch> as you can tell from my initial table layout, I don't do visual design :)
[08:45] <wgrant> I'm pretty awful at it too, but I made it look a bit better and asked some friends for hints.
[08:46] <ajmitch> it was appreciated
[08:47] <wgrant> As was your much greater work in getting it going in the first place.
[08:48] <ajmitch> it was something interesting to do at the time, I think it came out of a MOTU meeting quite awhile ago
[08:49] <ajmitch> hm, trolls in release-party spreading misinformation
[08:52] <StevenK> Like they have all afternoon?
[08:52] <ajmitch> of course
[08:52] <ajmitch> this one was doing a fake announcement that servers had been compromised
[08:53] <StevenK> Sigh.
[08:53] <ajmitch> nothing imaginative, really
[09:12] <wgrant> ajmitch: It inevitably gets worse. And quicker.
[09:12] <ajmitch> oh I expect that
[09:12] <ajmitch> especially as ZOMG its teh 31st! hits
[09:12] <wgrant> Yes...
[09:13] <wgrant> It is then that the power of ubuntu/member/* becomes useful.
[09:13] <ajmitch> so what if it's the 31st in UTC+13...
[09:13] <wgrant> Then it must be out!
[09:13] <ajmitch> obviously
[09:13] <ajmitch> there's even a few people alive in #ubuntu-nz tonight
[09:14] <ajmitch> usually it's only alive during work hours :)
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[09:56] <sebner> sistpoty|work: morning =)
[09:56] <sistpoty|work> hi sebner
[09:57] <ajmitch> hi sistpoty|work
[09:57] <sistpoty|work> hi ajmitch
[09:57] <ajmitch> how's it going? I haven't seen you round much for awhile :)
[09:58] <sistpoty|work> ajmitch: quite good, how about you?
[09:58] <ajmitch> good also
[09:58] <ajmitch> the usual with work :)
[09:59] <sistpoty|work> heh
[10:43] <quadrispro> hi
[10:43] <quadrispro> verification done for bug 282146
[10:43] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 282146 in havp "chown: cannot access `/var/run/havp': No such file or directory " [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/282146
[11:25] <Laney> welcome mgdm!
[11:26] <mgdm> 'lo :)
[11:34] <Laney> methinks cdimage.u.c is being hammered
[11:56] <marcin_ant_> hi
[11:57] <pangloss> hi =)
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=== sistpoty|work changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Intrepid: RELEASED. | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | Next MOTU meeting: Fri, October 31st 04:00 UTC
[14:17] <sistpoty|work> hm... anyone got a clue when/if intrepid-proposed will open up?
[14:17] <sistpoty|work> (or is it already open?)
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[14:22] <slangasek> sistpoty|work: already open
[14:23] <sistpoty|work> slangasek: oh, cool, thanks
=== sistpoty|work changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Intrepid: RELEASED. | Good time to work on fixing intrepid bugs via SRUs, See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | Next MOTU meeting: Fri, October 31st 04:00 UTC
[14:33] <bddebian> Heya gang
[14:33] <sistpoty|work> hi bddebian
[14:33] <bddebian> Hi sistpoty|work
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[16:33] <huats> nxvl: ping
[16:35] <nxvl> huats: pong
[16:37] <Laney> So, anyone want to review a package for Jaunty? ;)
[16:38] <Laney> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=goocanvasmm
[16:39] <nxvl_> huats: i have problem with my conection i didn't get anything after the ping
[16:39] <huats> nxvl pv
[16:39] <huats> :)
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
[17:33] * sistpoty|work heads home... cya
[18:03] <jdong> superm1: WHOOOOOOOO got it paired!
[18:03] <jdong> superm1: had to unpair it from OS X first, then pair it with Ubuntu
[18:03] <jdong> superm1: oddly even then there was a 50-50 between "pairing failed" and "enter PIN xxxx"
[18:03] <superm1> jdong, "unpair"?
[18:03] <superm1> i didnt know a function like that even existed
[18:03] <jdong> superm1: tell OS X to forget the keyboard
[18:04] <jdong> i.e. bluetooth app, remove remove remove.
[18:04] <superm1> jdong, ah
[18:04] <superm1> jdong, told you i was crazy, but these keyboards were worse than me~
[18:04] <jdong> superm1: I have a feeling OS X touches the EFI or NVRAM in some way that Ubuntu doesn't know how
[18:04] <jdong> superm1: I don't think it's normal for BT keyboards to work at the EFI level
[18:04] <superm1> to set the hid proxy with them before it boots?
[18:05] <jdong> yeah I'm pretty sure it does
[18:05] <superm1> Dell added functionality like that in the last year too
[18:05] <jdong> resetting the PRAM requires reassociating both the keyboard and mouse on next OS X boot.
[18:05] <jdong> that's probably something I should've tested too!
[18:05] <jdong> but at any rate I'm just glad to get this working
[18:05] <superm1> Broadcom chips have support for it
[18:05] <jdong> no more while true; sleep 20; hidd --connect .... :D
[18:05] <superm1> oh gosh what a hack
[18:06] <jdong> superm1: how else do you get hidd to reocnnect to lost devices :-/
[18:06] <jdong> I felt so dirty for that hack
[18:06] <superm1> one month from now i'm going to go on the forums with a blowtorch, and if i see people on intrepid using hidd still, i'm not going to be happy
[18:07] <jdong> superm1: yeah, though this was a HUGE pain to set up
[18:07] <jdong> what has it been... roughly a week since we last talked? :)
[18:07] <superm1> jdong, well do the world a favor and make a blog post about it
[18:08] <superm1> or at least document it somewhere people will find it
[18:08] <jdong> superm1: yeah, will do
[18:08] <jdong> superm1: first I'm gonna try to use this keyboard with OS X again to make sure nothing died.
[18:12] <jdong> slightly ungood news: needed a new PIN to pair with OS X
[18:12] <jdong> now trying Ubuntu again....
[18:12] <jdong> *cringe*
[18:15] <jdong> and we're good!
[18:15] <jdong> muahaha
[18:15] <jdong> yay swsusp
[18:37] <iulian> Hello and happy release day!
[18:37] <directhex> "merry releasemas"
[18:38] <iulian> Heh, right.
[18:38] <iulian> That sounds better.
[18:39] <nxvl> slangasek: so we are at the point that we can only write SRU's and wait for jaunty to open?
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[18:39] <jdong> superm1: is it just me or did the intrepid-security kernel lose fn keys on the keyboard?
[18:39] <sebner> nxvl: yep. another 1-2 weeks until jaunty :(
[18:40] <nxvl> boring time
[18:40] <nxvl> \o/
[18:40] <sebner> nxvl: yep, nothing to break ,.. ^ ^
[18:46] <jdong> superm1: it definitely seems like in BlueZ input mode I lose my fn keys
[18:46] <superm1> jdong, intrepid-security kernel? wha..
[18:47] <jdong> 00:1F:5B:B1:C3:B7 jdong’s mouse [0000:0000] connected
[18:47] <jdong> 00:1E:52:FC:A8:B4 jdong’s keyboard [0000:0000] connected
[18:47] <superm1> lets see the diff on it
[18:47] <jdong> could that be the culprit?
[18:47] <jdong> when hidd connects, there are usb IDs in those fields
[18:47] <jdong> but when BlueZ does it, those seem to all be zeroes
[18:47] <jdong> the fn key doesn't do anything special anymore
[18:47] <superm1> okay one sec, there's something you need to check
[18:47] <jdong> i.e. no access to volume keys, pgup/pgdn
[18:48] <jdong> pb_fnmode?
[18:48] <superm1> not that, unless youve change dit
[18:48] <jdong> not that I can tell
[18:49] <Laney> nxvl: You can always do REVUing if you're bored.................. ;)
[18:49] <superm1> jdong, there is somewhere else that you query the vid/pid of bt devices
[18:50] <superm1> once you're in userspace
[18:50] <superm1> i wonder if yours is needing an extra quirk
[18:50] <superm1> that 0000:0000 in the log is not what userspace will see
[18:50] <jdong> hmm
[18:52] <superm1> i can't remember how I got it before. hcitool info doesn't seem to be the trick
[18:52] <nxvl> Laney: and where do i upload them?
[18:52] <nxvl> :P
[18:52] <Laney> nxvl: Then you'll have something to upload as soon as Jaunty opens
[18:52] <Laney> :P
[18:53] <Laney> (not that I want you to look at my package, oh no...)
[18:53] <nxvl> yeap
[18:54] <iulian> Oh and by the way. Can non-MOTUs review/comment on packges from REVU?
[18:54] <Laney> Of course, they just can't ack
[18:54] <iulian> Sure, cool.
[18:55] * iulian is going to review some packages tonight.
[18:56] * iulian -> supper.
[18:59] <jdong> superm1: bug 227501
[18:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 227501 in linux "id of apple aluminum wireless keyboard changed??" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227501
[18:59] <jdong> superm1: looks like 0x22{c,d,e} are all valid?
[18:59] <superm1> oh wonderful
[19:00] <superm1> jdong, okay well feeling like testing a patch then?
[19:00] <superm1> i'll point you where needs patching
[19:00] <jdong> I wonder if that explains it though
[19:00] <superm1> well if you can find your id somehow we can see
[19:00] <superm1> there are two bugs going on here; all the quirks from the hid system don't carry over
[19:01] <superm1> so i've got a single quirk for what i thought was the valid id, but if there are more my single quirk doesnt handle it
[19:01] <jdong> MODALIAS=input:b0005v0000p0000e0000-e0
[19:01] <jdong> it seems like sys/class/input doesn't see the vendor ID either?/
[19:01] <jdong> is that normal
[19:02] <superm1> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git;a=blob;f=net/bluetooth/hidp/core.c;h=fc6e64335a38d52edbcbc86dd6dbd07b6973af8f;hb=c25072126a591fec9481197aab361469661c050e
[19:02] <superm1> try adding your id to that once you find your pid/vid
[19:02] <superm1> or even better; track down the bug why the hid quirks don't apply here :)
[19:05] <superm1> jdong, /sys/class/bluetooth/hci0:46/input34/id gives me valid info for vendor and product
[19:05] <superm1> should be similar for you
[19:05] <jdong> superm1: 0000:0000
[19:06] <jdong> eep.
[19:06] <superm1> jdong, well that's really really bzr
[19:06] <jdong> should I dare to try a re-pair? :)
[19:06] <jdong> nothing a good old rm -rf /var/lib/bluetooth won't fix ;-)
[19:06] <superm1> did you steal a prototype or something?
[19:06] <jdong> superm1: hey! hidd shows em just fine!
[19:07] * directhex still thinks the ps3 bluetooth remote needs some magic
[19:07] <superm1> jdong, the other thing that needs to be figured out yet, input device names change every time the keyboard or mouse go in low power mode
[19:08] <superm1> currently my keyboard is this: [1705501.858886] input: Apple Wireless Keyboard as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.2/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/hci0/acl001B63FC4288/input/input2164
[19:10] <Adri2000> ScottK: I don't understand your comment in bug #284755
[19:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 284755 in wxwidgets2.8 "Filezilla and the New Human Theme" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/284755
[19:11] <jdong> superm1: [ 1620.721147] input: jdong’s keyboard as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.1/1-1.1:1.0/bluetooth/hci0/hci0:11/input16
[19:12] <superm1> yeah yours is already jumping. wait a week or two (provided your macbook suspends stably and you dont shutdown), you'll get to the hundreds quick
[19:23] <jdong> superm1: *cringe* blacklist 0000:0000
[19:23] <jdong> look away!
[19:24] <superm1> oh gosh
[19:24] <superm1> you and your hacks
[19:24] <superm1> dont want to find the root cause, so put bandages on it
[19:25] <jdong> superm1: I want my fn keys first, then I'll see why session->input and session->hid are both unset
[19:40] <\sh> damn, this "put mc on the cd" thread is really annoying
[19:42] <Laney> jdong: Have you installed on a macbook?
[19:42] <jdong> Laney: macbook and iMac
[19:42] <Laney> jdong: Awesome, I'm just doing it now. Is there any problem with creating a swap partition? The wiki page is making me nervous about doing so
[19:43] <jdong> Laney: no problems at all
[19:43] <Laney> \o
[19:46] <jdong> superm1: what does the blue (i) thing mean in bluetooth-applet
[19:46] <superm1> jdong, depends on your theme if it's a blue (i), but it means trusted device
[19:46] <superm1> that bluez won't ask you if it can use the device
[19:46] <jdong> oh
[19:47] <Laney> untu-motu]
[19:47] <Laney> excuse that
[19:47] <laga> no.
[19:47] <jdong> superm1: does "did" in /var/lib/bt store the device ID?
[19:49] <superm1> does did?
[19:49] <superm1> oh did the file
[19:49] <jdong> yeah seems like it
[19:49] <superm1> yeah it does
[19:49] <jdong> comes back as 00:1F:5B:B1:C3:B7 FFFF 0000 0000 0000
[19:49] <jdong> superm1: which fields are supposed to be the device IDs?
[19:49] <jdong> (another ugly hack coming)
[19:49] <superm1> 00:1B:63:FA:CD:5A 0002 05AC 022C 0136
[19:50] <superm1> second and third
[19:51] <jdong> holy crap that worked.
[19:51] <jdong> wow.
[19:52] <jdong> 00:1E:52:FC:A8:B4 FFFF 05AC 022C 0000
[19:52] * jdong whistles innocently
[19:52] <superm1> lol
[19:52] <jdong> lol
[19:52] <jdong> probably not the right way to set device ID ;-)
[19:58] <Laney> Anyone know how to list all packages Changed-By a particular person?
[20:03] <DktrKranz> Laney, {python,perl,whathever} regex?
[20:35] <ScottK> Adri2000: IIRC DktrKranz said that upload was good. I may remember wrong.
[20:36] <sevenseeker> start-stop-daemon is yielding 'Exec format error' when I run it, however I can run the executable manually with the same arguments. Verbose is not revealing anything more. Where should I start looking for trouble?
[20:58] <Adri2000> ScottK: ok
[21:05] <directhex> woo @ commercial games running fine in compiz
=== thekorn__ is now known as thekorn_
[21:25] <laga> jono: hey, we're gonna do an install party at my school next week. are there any special resources? the wiki doesn't list anything useful when i search for "install party", so i'm wondering if there is a special term
[21:25] <jono> lacqui, what do you mean by "special resources"?
[21:25] <laga> jono: i'm just looking for ideas.
[21:26] <jono> ahhh
[21:26] <laga> and maybe checklists. stuff like backups etc.
[21:26] <jono> I recommend asking for help in #ubuntu-locoteams
[21:26] <laga> ah, thanks.
=== zpowers is now known as Milyardo
[23:37] <gouki> Guys ... My mentor told me to check merges.ubuntu.com and "find some merges to work on, submit a bug along with a patch'.
[23:37] <gouki> I was wondering if someone could explain what exactly is merges.ubuntu.com.
[23:37] <azeem> when was that?
[23:37] <azeem> I don't think intrepid+1 is open for merging yet
[23:37] <Hobbsee> many months ago, hopefully
[23:37] <Hobbsee> azeem: i'm damn sure it sin't...
[23:37] <gouki> No, it was actually ~5 hours ago.
[23:38] <nhandler> gouki: Well, the jaunty repos won't open for about a week
[23:38] <nhandler> You can't really do merges until then
[23:38] <Hobbsee> gouki: who was your sponsor?
[23:38] <gouki> :S
[23:38] <Hobbsee> s/was/is/ ; s/sponsor/mentor/
[23:38] <Hobbsee> (might be good to educate them a little)
[23:38] <gouki> Hobbsee, it was Nicolas (nxvl).
[23:39] <Hobbsee> hmm, i thought he should know better.
[23:39] <gouki> So ... I shouldn't worry about practice that part now. OK.
[23:39] <nhandler> Hobbsee: He probably wanted gouki to wait until the jaunty repos open
[23:39] <Hobbsee> nhandler: possibly, but there's a toolchain, etc, to be built first too.
[23:40] <gouki> My bad people!
[23:40] <gouki> <nxvl> we will need to wait for jaunty to open, which will be in 1 or 2 weeks
[23:40] <gouki> I just skipped that part. I'm sorry.
[23:40] <Hobbsee> ahh
[23:40] <nhandler> That is ok gouki.
[23:40] <Hobbsee> gouki: you'll see mails going around about jaunty being open for general uploads in a couple of weeks.
[23:41] <gouki> So, until Jaunty is open there isn't anything to practice on?
[23:41] <Hobbsee> gouki: after that...go for your life (well, ish)
[23:41] <Hobbsee> gouki: well,you can probably do something like new packages, but they might not build with the new release, with all those new packages.
[23:41] <Hobbsee> well, updated packages
[23:41] <Hobbsee> most people take a bit of a holiday
[23:42] <gouki> Yeah, deserved ones :)
[23:42] <Hobbsee> i presume there's also ubuntu developer week stuff to do, too
[23:42] <gouki> I might have picked the wrong time to start too :)
[23:42] <gouki> BTW ... What exactly is merges.ubuntu.com?
[23:42] <coppro> gouki: it says exactly what it is on the site