UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /30 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
[00:55] <davidm_> hmm seems to work
[00:56] <ogra> why shouldnt it ? :)
[01:33] <davidm> ogra, I was testing a CD image
[01:34] <davidm> so that was kde in kvm
[01:34] <ogra> ah
[01:34] <ogra> well, umpc is good for release
[02:09] <StevenK> Hmmm. My -mid install is behaving wierd
[02:10] <ogra> how ?
[02:11] <StevenK> "client 1 rejected from local host"
[02:11] <ogra> xorg ?
[02:11] <ogra> i didnt have that
[02:12] <stgraber> did you break your .Xauthority or /etc/hosts ?
[02:12] <stgraber> (I had similar issues when NM went crazy and rewrote my hosts file)
[02:12] <ogra> it doesnt do that anymore though
[02:13] <stgraber> indeed
[02:14] <StevenK> Hmm
[02:14] <StevenK> Let me boot it again
[02:14] <ogra> was that in the livefs ?
[02:14] <StevenK> No, the installed system
[02:18] <StevenK> /etc/hosts looks fine
[02:18] <StevenK> I didn't touch .Xauthority
[02:18] <ogra> still the error ?
[02:19] <StevenK> Right
[02:19] <ogra> bah
[02:20] <ogra> whats the falout of that error ? do you get the desktop ?
[02:20] <StevenK> Nope
[02:20] <StevenK> Just the X cursor
[02:24] <ogra> weird
[02:24] <ogra> it defintely worked for me
[02:24] <StevenK> On an installed system?
[02:24] <ogra> as well as for loic
[02:24] <ogra> ye
[02:24] <ogra> s
[02:25] <StevenK> I'm happy to put it down to me doing something dumb and trying again
[02:39] <davidm> StevenK, let me know your results when you retest
[02:40] <StevenK> davidm: Shall do. Finding lunch first.
[04:22] <davidm> StevenK, status?
[04:25] <StevenK> davidm: Watching the install
[04:25] <davidm> OK
[04:34] <StevenK> davidm: Reproducable on second install. :-(
[04:36] <davidm> StevenK, what is different for you?
[04:36] <StevenK> davidm: I'm not sure -- I went through the install like usual
[04:36] <davidm> I'm confused why you have issues and lool and ogra did not
[04:37] <StevenK> As am I
[04:37] <davidm> Try and debug and keep me posted
[04:46] <StevenK> davidm: Right. Setting tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sda1 and rebooting helped.
[04:47] <StevenK> davidm: Which is just a fault of the device I'm installing on having so little drive space.
[04:50] <davidm> Ah
[04:50] <davidm> df -h
[04:51] <StevenK> davidm: Before the tune2fs, available was 0
[04:51] <davidm> Ah, tht could be the problem then
[04:52] <StevenK> Right. So, setting the reserved percentage to 0% gave 70 odd MB free and after a reboot, X worked
[04:58] <davidm> did we have a howto to convert the USB image to a iso image?
[04:59] <StevenK> I'm not sure that we can do that.
[05:00] <davidm> Ah, OK. Seems like it should be possible but maybe not tonight
[05:01] <StevenK> It's probably doable, we just don't provide tools or a howto
[05:48] <pururu> is release date for ubuntu-mobile same as ubuntu ?
[05:49] <pururu> ... and wtf is ubuntu-umpc lol
[05:55] <Burgundavia> pururu: a version of ubuntu mobiile for things like eee
[05:57] <pururu> wow cool, is it optimized for SSD by default? (like disabling logging to ssd and such)
[05:58] <pururu> and mounting ext2 with noatime
[05:58] <pururu> also midbrowser shoulbe replaced with firefox
[05:59] <pururu> imho
[06:00] <pururu> mmm... and how netbook remix mix into these distros? lol
[06:14] <Burgundavia> netbook remix is a canonical thingy, not an ubuntu one
[06:14] <Burgundavia> some technologies are crossing over
[11:28] <crevette> hello
[11:29] <ogra> hey crevette
[11:29] <persia> hey crevette
[11:29] <ogra> happy release day !
[11:29] <ogra> persia, to you too
[11:29] <crevette> hello ogra & persia
[11:29] <crevette> is it allowed to push fixes or not ? because I have a bug in gnome-user-share due to a bug in obex-data-server
[11:29] * ogra sees #ubuntu-release-party slowly moving over the 400 ppl mark
[11:30] <crevette> I laready reported the bug upstream few days ago and it was fixes
[11:30] <ogra> crevette, it will need an SRU bug
[11:30] <persia> crevette, The issue with not being able to send from the phone to the PC?
[11:30] <crevette> persia, not this one, but a minor one
[11:30] <persia> crevette, Which bug?
[11:30] <crevette> no notification on file reception
[11:30] <crevette> I didn't had time to opena bug in LP I was doing it right now
[11:31] <crevette> blame me
[11:31] * crevette would lie to be an OSS company unemploye :)
[11:32] <crevette> persia, moving obex-data-server to 0.4.1 solved my problems in file recption
[11:32] <crevette> :)
[11:32] <crevette> it is extrem but efficient in my case
[11:33] <persia> Yeah. My thought was to do that for Jaunty. For the new small issue, do you think it's worth fixing in intrepid?
[11:35] <crevette> file recption seems to not work for some people, I would like if it affect only nokia user
[11:35] <crevette> Mine is nokia, and I seen another nokia user
[11:36] <ogra> who has nokia phones anyway :)
[11:36] <crevette> yeah, just some foolish people
[11:50] <persia> Team meeting in 10 minutes
[11:51] <ogra> really ?
[11:51] <ogra> do we really hold one on release day ?
[11:53] <persia> Should be short :)
[11:54] <ogra> right ...
[12:26] <crevette> persia, not being able to receive files is not a small issue for me
[12:26] <crevette> :)
[12:27] <persia> crevette, heh. Makes sense. Did you open the bug?
[12:27] <crevette> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/obex-data-server/+bug/289487
[12:27] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289487 in obex-data-server "Unable to received files" [Undecided,New]
[12:29] <persia> crevette, Does it need the full upgrade, or can a patch be extracted?
[12:29] <Burgundavia> the latest ubuntu-umpc image hangs in QEMU when it hits the desktop
[12:30] <crevette> persia, that what I would like to know too, I try to extract a diff between our snapshot and the current version, but I'm unable do that
[12:30] <crevette> I"m using the web interface cause I'm using windows now
[12:30] <crevette> :)
[12:30] <persia> crevette, Aha! ping me when you have a chance to look at it in better circumstances, and I'll help try to get the patch into intrepid.
[12:31] <crevette> perhaps the easiest thing is too find the root cause of the problem, and see if a fix is applicable on top of our snapshot
[12:32] <crevette> because moving to 0.4.1 will bring us on unknow road :)
[12:32] <crevette> I think fedora is using 0.4.
[12:33] <crevette> persia, as said before, my available time is tiny, I'm on lucnh break now, that's why I have some time now
[12:33] <crevette> tonight I won't have time to look to this
[12:35] <persia> crevette, Understood. A few days either way isn't critical, as we're hard-frozen for release anyway.
[12:35] <crevette> yep
[12:35] <CaPriCoRN^80> hi
[12:35] <crevette> but I don't think this is possible to change version during a stable release
[12:35] <crevette> right?
[12:36] <CaPriCoRN^80> i like to join ubuntu team to work with them through some mean . I have network experience like LAN/WAN , router , switches and configuration of different servers on linux and solaris
[12:37] <Burgundavia> crevette: getting a new version would require a SRU and I don;t see one being granted for a whole new version
[12:37] <persia> crevette, It's possible, but finding the specific change we want is easier to get approved.
[12:37] <crevette> yeah I understand
[12:37] <persia> None of the people here can approve any patch, so it's best to minimise it before we submit it.
[12:59] <lool> CaPriCoRN^80: Which image did you try out so far?
[13:00] <persia> CaPriCoRN^80, As you raised this during the Mobile meeting, did you want to work on stuff for the MID and UMPC flavours, or just help out more generally?
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[13:22] <CaPriCoRN^80> lool: image ?
[13:22] <CaPriCoRN^80> sorry i didnt know about the meeting
[13:22] <CaPriCoRN^80> sorry for disturbing
[13:23] <CaPriCoRN^80> persia: i dont know about MID and UMPC
[13:24] <persia> CaPriCoRN^80, OK. What sort of thing do you want to do?
[13:29] <crevette> :)
[13:29] <CaPriCoRN^80> persia: well i am not sure what type of work is available
[13:29] <CaPriCoRN^80> little confused on that
[13:30] <CaPriCoRN^80> but i am not a good developer
[13:30] <CaPriCoRN^80> so perhaps i can cut that thing
[13:31] <persia> CaPriCoRN^80, Maybe you could help track down bugs?
[13:31] <CaPriCoRN^80> persia: that will be good
[13:31] <CaPriCoRN^80> persia: i have to do this along with my studies
[13:32] <persia> CaPriCoRN^80, I'm going to suggest you join #ubuntu-bugs, and read the contents of the /topic. That's a great way to get started.
[13:32] <CaPriCoRN^80> persia: ok
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[15:55] <ian_brasil> @all: congrats on the release!
[15:57] <p0rky> есть кто из русскоязычных?
[15:59] <ian_brasil> p0rky:no, its english here
[17:25] <lool> amitk: Would it make sense to switch initrd to squashfs?
[17:25] <lool> It would mean building the module in the kernel, but I don't think it's a big deal
[17:25] <lool> However I think it could help performance from USB key and hard disk; not sure about ssd
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[18:45] <smp4488> when will the next image be released?
[18:46] <ogra> in 6 months
[18:46] <ian_brasil> ha ha
[18:46] <smp4488> no i heard the new kernel was released today
[18:47] * ogra still had no chance to check the ubuntu-umpc final url
[18:47] <ogra> there is no way to get to cdimage.ubuntu.com
[18:52] <ian_brasil> nor me...but that is not suprising
[18:59] <ogra> well, i'D like to know its where it belongs :)
[19:02] <tonyyarusso> Hi, could someone explain the process that was used in preparing the MID img? I'd like to make bootable USB keys of other architectures and versions.
[19:09] <ogra> tonyyarusso, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageCreation
[19:09] <tonyyarusso> excellent
[19:41] <persia> tonyyarusso, You may also be interested in the usb-creator utility, for flavours that come on CD
[19:41] <ogra> well, that wont get him MID :)
[19:43] <tonyyarusso> That actually looks fairly promising.
[19:50] <lool> tonyyarusso: What arch(es) are you interested in?
[19:51] <tonyyarusso> lool: i386 and amd64 primarily. (I know, I'm boring)
[19:51] <tonyyarusso> Basically just wanting to make live and/or install CDs in USB stick format
[19:52] <lool> tonyyarusso: I'm not sure building an i386 image is a good idea
[19:52] <lool> tonyyarusso: Oh you just want to use an ISO on an USB stick?
[19:52] <lool> tonyyarusso: There's a tool for that in intrepid
[19:52] <lool> tonyyarusso: usb-creator
[19:53] <tonyyarusso> Yeah, I'm thinking I'll try that.
[20:19] <amitk> lool: squashfs for intrepid or jaunty?
[20:19] <lool> amitk: jaunty!!
[20:20] <lool> amitk: I was thinking that it was kind of sad to use the ancient cramfs for initrd
[20:20] <lool> When squashfs is theoritically superior
[20:21] <amitk> lool: we already have squashfs as a module, so building it in shouldn't be a problem
[20:22] <lool> amitk: Hmm I wonder whether the kernel knows mounting initrd when they are squashfs?
[20:39] <ogra> lool, i doubt that
[20:39] <ogra> and i'D expect more overhead
[20:39] <lool> ogra: How so?
[20:40] <ogra> no idea, would need tests, just a guess
[20:40] <lool> Well it's faster than cramfs in benchmarks I've seen
[20:40] <lool> See squashfs inclusion in this week's lwn
[20:41] <ogra> haha, fedore moves the X server
[20:42] <ogra> s/e/a/
[20:42] <ogra> i havent had time this week to look at lwn yet
[20:42] <lool> Yeah, and I'm afraid it makes sense
[20:44] <ogra> sure it does
[20:46] <ogra> well, i'm a big squashfs fan, we use squashfs images in ltsp because of this ;) i wouldnt object having update-initramfs using a -squash switch :)
[20:46] <ogra> but i assume ram and CPU requirements might be higher than cramfs
[20:46] <ogra> booting the current -generic kernel requires about 48M (including initramfs)
[20:47] <lool> ogra: The initrd is thrown away, so I'm not worried about ram
[20:48] <ogra> well, wearing my ltsp hat i am :)
[20:48] <lool> and concerning cpu, I'd expect it to be a net win in the end in terms of boot speed as we have CPU at this stage usually
[20:48] <lool> ogra: We're only speaking of initrd here
[20:48] <ogra> right
[20:48] <lool> I wouldn't expect ram usage to be anywhere high during initrd
[20:48] <ogra> with early compcache in initrd i am able to boot a 32M client
[20:49] <ogra> without it i need at least 48M
[20:49] <ogra> the kerne alone takes about 10M before even loading initrd into ram
[20:50] <ogra> or even more, its a while ago that i looked
[20:50] <ogra> for mobile i fully agree its a good thing
[20:50] <ogra> since we will rarely see 32M devices :)
=== ogra changed the topic of #ubuntu-mobile to: Ubuntu Mobile | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/FAQ | UMPC img http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/release/ubuntu-8.10-umpc-i386.img | MID img http://releases.ubuntu.com/intrepid/ubuntu-8.10-mid-lpia.img
[21:32] <ogra> .oO( fixed the image links to the proper release files )
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