UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /30 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[10:43] <l3on> Hi all...
[10:44] <l3on> Someone can help me? I'm traslating IntrepidReleaseNotes/it ... there's something that I don't understand, like this:
[10:44] <l3on> This may cause the system to drop to a busybox initramfs shell on boot with a "Gave up waiting for root device." error.
[10:44] <l3on> what means "busybox" ?
[10:44] <l3on> "system waiting for a reply from initramfs" ???
[10:45] <l3on> mdke: are you there?
[10:45] <mdke> l3on: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)
[11:45] <newz2000> hi, doe anyone know if there's an equiv of this page for intrepid? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements
[12:22] <Burgundavia> newz2000: afaik, it hasn't changed
[12:22] <Burgundavia> we still require a 3D card due to compiz, basically
[12:23] <newz2000> I don't suppose you (or someone) would have some time to update the wording on that page to indicate it's relevant to 8.04 and newer would you? I'm going to be linking to this page directly from the download page starting with this release
[12:24] <Burgundavia> will do it right now
[12:24] <newz2000> thanks a bunch
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[15:05] <kirkland> mdke: search engine updated on your search page; are we pretty much "there"?
[16:07] <tuxx67> who do i contact in relation to reporting typos on a website?
[16:07] <tuxx67> http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/810features/music/ -> 'avaiable for purchse'
[16:08] <tuxx67> i do now have a launchpad a/c so if someone could log that as a bug or something :)
[19:41] <Slash_Network> hello all
[19:41] <Slash_Network> I wanna ask one question
[19:41] <Slash_Network> I'am now running ubuntu hardy 32 bit, I want to upgrade to intrepid 64 bit. is it possible without loosing my programes installed hardy on I should do a new install ?
[19:46] <jjesse> Slash_Network: this is not for suppor ask in #ubuntu
[19:48] <Slash_Network> ah okey, excuse me for the disturb
[19:48] <jjesse> no problems
[19:49] <jjesse> just w2aqnt to make sure you get the help you need
[19:50] <Slash_Network> thank you very much jjesse :)
[19:51] <jjesse> np
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