UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /30 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <luisbg> slangasek: good night (its late here) :)
[00:01] <slangasek> luisbg: 'night!
=== spm_ is now known as spm
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[02:21] <evand> cody-somerville: doing test installs of xubuntu and I have to admit, it's very pretty.
[02:21] <cody-somerville> evand, thank you :)
[02:22] <cody-somerville> evand, I'll be sure to pass on the compliments to our art guys :)
[02:26] <slangasek> cody-somerville: will there be a xubuntu announcement page that you want linked from the ubuntu-announce mail?
[02:27] <cody-somerville> slangasek, yes please. I'll prepare it right now.
[02:27] <slangasek> ok
[02:56] <ptx0> who do i contact about hosting a mirror for 8.10 on ipv6
[02:57] <Keybuk> ptx0: how much bandwidth do you have?
[02:58] <ptx0> 400mbit commit
[02:59] <ptx0> Keybuk, 100mbit if that's what you meant
[03:01] <ptx0> Keybuk, ?
=== TheMuso_ is now known as TheMuso
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[04:24] <bokey> hey guys whats the ETA for intrepid final release?
[04:25] <bokey> need to update the channel topic
[04:25] <Keybuk> bokey: October 30th
[04:25] <bokey> Keybuk: its oct 30th here :P)
[04:25] <cody-somerville> bokey, not everywheres in the world
[04:25] <jdong> it's released when it's released.
[04:25] <jdong> how's that?
[04:26] <bokey> i know cody-somerville just asking the ETA
[04:26] <Keybuk> bokey: and it will be October 30th somewhere for at least the next 32 hours
[04:26] <bokey> Keybuk: any specific time?
[04:26] <Keybuk> bokey: no, there is no specific time
[04:26] <elmo> can we have a FAQ page for this?
[04:26] <bokey> Keybuk: okie then
[04:26] <cody-somerville> bokey, Please see #ubuntu-release-party
[04:26] <Keybuk> bokey: if you need the toilet, or to eat, of drink, I would recommend that you go now
[04:27] <Keybuk> rather than waiting for the release
[04:27] <bokey> lmao :P)
[04:27] <cjwatson> bokey: the release team will update the topic at the appropriate time
[04:31] <bokey> thanks Keybuk cjwatson for all canonical/ubuntu/debian devs for yet another distro!
[04:31] <slangasek> yes, don't be like the kid in Alaska who got permission during the 8.04 release to stay up until 4am
[04:32] <bokey> s/for/and/g :P)
[04:32] <bokey> see yaa all when it gets released.. i'll hear the noise ;)
[04:33] * jdong watches slangasek count to 10 and push the big RELEASE button
[04:34] * Keybuk watches slangasek count to 10 in base 1,000,000
[04:34] <StevenK> Which is the same as counting 1 to 10 in base 10
[04:34] <Keybuk> no, it's really not
[04:34] <StevenK> Oh, duh
[04:35] <Keybuk> math, hard
[04:35] <StevenK> Yup
[04:35] <Keybuk> and you're awake in your _own_ timezone!
[04:36] * slangasek grins
[04:39] <lifeless> perhaps chinese has enough characters
[04:42] * StevenK tries to debug "X: client 1 rejected from local host"
=== evand changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: 8.10 - http://preview.ubunut.com/8.10 | 8.10 RC released | archive: Release Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs || Evil bug 286175
[05:02] <jdong> evand: oh I see what you did there.
[05:03] * jdong hugs /etc/squid/rickroll.acl
[05:04] <evand> ;)
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
[05:51] <Chipzz> ptx0: not 100% sure if it's apropriate, but you could also try to ask your question in #canonical-sysadmin
[06:24] <nenolod> i don't know how one could have 400mbit 95% commitment on a 100mbit port.
[06:33] <genii> Hi. Is there any plan anywhere along the line to implement some kind of differential update system? Mostly curious why this has not been worked on or so.
[06:35] <Burgundavia> genii: the issue is from delta from what?
[06:36] <genii> Burgundavia: Base release version on CD would be my first thought. Then diffs based from there for each update.
[06:37] <Burgundavia> genii: I suspect it comes down to lack of development time
[06:37] <genii> However this may require some re-engineering of the dpkg system in some radical way, I suppose
[06:37] <Burgundavia> although a delta-deb from the last stable might not be a bad idea, even if only for the big packages
[06:38] <genii> Burgundavia: The idea occurs to me at times like these when the servers will be bogged down for extended periods....
[06:39] <Burgundavia> again, lack of development resources is the big issue, I suspect
[06:40] <genii> Burgundavia: OK, thanks at least for responding.
[06:41] <Burgundavia> if you want to volunteer to help, talk to michael vogt
[06:41] <Burgundavia> mvo on irc
[06:42] <genii> Burgundavia: OK. My C is rusty but I'm willing to give what I can
[06:43] <Burgundavia> there is already apt-delta stuff
[06:43] <genii> Burgundavia: Any idea which channel they frequent?
[06:43] <Burgundavia> this one
[06:43] <Burgundavia> mvo is European, so likely on in a few hours
[06:43] <genii> OK. Apparently not here atm then
[06:43] <Burgundavia> basically, delta-apt already exists
[06:43] <Burgundavia> the issue is choosing to and from for the deltas
[06:44] <genii> Burgundavia: I'll look at Launchpad for it to bone up on the subject
[06:45] <dholbach> good morning
[06:46] <genii> Bah. No assignee or in fact much of anything for this project.
[06:48] <genii> No, wait. delta-apt and not apt-delta :) <does a Homer Simpson sound>
[06:50] <Burgundavia> genii: there are a few specs floating around about the subject
[06:50] <Burgundavia> hey dholbach
[06:50] <dholbach> hi Burgundavia
[06:50] <genii> Burgundavia: Found Vogt's page there. He's a very busy boy.
[06:58] <Chipzz> genii: indeed he is
[07:06] <RAOF> TheMuso: Incidentally, good work on the Pulseaudio shenanagins. Everything works here; even the 32bit Skype.
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[08:17] <siretart> oh, first package in intrepid-updates?
[08:18] <wgrant> Some time ago.
[08:18] <wgrant> Copied from -security, IIRC.
[08:18] <wgrant> More coming.
[08:22] <stefanlsd> I think im gonna reinstall. I've upgraded from feisty to gutsy to hardy and intrepid. Im missing things like that unified shutdown button i've heard about :)
[08:23] <wgrant> stefanlsd: Intrepid will ask you if you want to switch over to it.
[08:23] <wgrant> Or you can do it manually.
[08:23] <wgrant> I've machines upgraded from Warty that work fine.
[08:24] <stefanlsd> wgrant: heh. yeah. i think i've also just got tons of cruft from the dev cycles. would rather start fresh. also gonna evaluate ext4 or xfs (now with hans being in prison and all)
[08:30] <geser> stefanlsd: I tried XFS some years ago switched back to ext3 after I got a fs corruption on the same day on my desktop and my notebook after doing a package update
[08:31] <geser> I hope you will have more luck with XFS
[08:33] <stefanlsd> geser: i've done some testing, and it seems ok. From what im reading, ext4 sounds pretty good. Just need to see if it can do online resize. I really like that feature of reiser.
[08:37] <mdke> I guess people are aware that "xscreensaver setup" and "orca" have popped up in their own new menus in the Applications menu in intrepid?
[08:37] <mdke> I can't find a bug about it, but I think that should be fixed before release if at all possible...
[08:38] <ajmitch> mdke: under what menu?
[08:38] <mdke> it wasn't notified as a UI freeze exception that I can see, and they look strange having their own menu
[08:38] <ajmitch> I'm a few days behind updates, but I don't see them
[08:38] <mdke> ajmitch: "System Tools" and "Universal Access" respectively
[08:38] <mdke> both are the only items in those menus
[08:39] <pitti> Good morning
[08:39] <ajmitch> hey pitti
[08:39] <mdke> hiya pitti
[08:39] <pitti> hey mdke
[08:39] <pitti> hi ajmitch, long time no see!
[08:39] <ajmitch> pitti: I've been around, just not active :)
[08:40] <davmor2> guys still bbc connection from totem
[08:40] <mdke> I've filed the xscreensaver one as bug 291000, not sure about the orca one, maybe that is justifiable, but it still looks odd all on its own in the menu
[08:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 291000 in xscreensaver "xscreensaver has appeared in System Tools menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291000
[08:46] <davmor2> mdke: is this on Ubuntu if so I don't have on either test install from last night
=== genii-2 is now known as genii
[08:54] <mdke> davmor2: yes, on Ubuntu
[08:55] <davmor2> mdke: no xscreensaver in my main install or either of my test installs
=== tseliot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: 8.10 - http://preview.ubuntu.com/8.10 | 8.10 RC released | archive: Release Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs || Evil bug 286175
[08:57] <mdke> davmor2: ok?
[08:57] <pitti> bah, what the heck is wrong with ddebs.ubuntu.com's Release files
[09:07] <lool> pitti: The release file references itself?!?
[09:08] <lool> pitti: e.G. http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/hardy-updates/Release references da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 0 dists/hardy-updates/Release
[09:08] <pitti> lool: that, too, but that doesn't hurt
[09:08] <lool> pitti: What's the issue?
[09:08] <pitti> lool: the intrepid one has an invalid structure and references the entire tree
[09:09] <pitti> and I didn't implement race-free updating of Packages.gz, Release, and Release.gpg
[09:09] <pitti> bah, I don't want to rewrite half of soyuz for that
[09:10] <lool> Bah we can't really make it fully race free anyway
[09:25] <tseliot> pitti: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=122139
[09:32] <directhex> tseliot, nice timing, nvidia :/
[09:34] <tseliot> directhex: will need an SRU (sooner or later)
[09:34] <directhex> tseliot, was that the missing piece causing the nvidia->nv thing?
[09:34] <tseliot> directhex: yep
[09:34] <tseliot> 96 and 71
[09:34] <directhex> so 71 still needs an update?
[09:35] <tseliot> no, they have updated that too
[09:35] <tseliot> they are beta drivers though
[09:36] <directhex> could be worse. i have some nvidia kit that locks up on any driver other than 171.06.01
[09:36] <tseliot> :-/
[09:36] <directhex> gets detected fine with anythign 8800gtx-happy, but locks up when actually using it
[09:37] <directhex> 10:00.0 3D controller: nVidia Corporation Tesla S870 (Compute Server Component) (rev a2)
[09:37] <tseliot> did you report the problem?
[09:37] <tseliot> (to nvidia)
[09:38] <directhex> to nvidia? no point. technically it's the only driver they show as supported
[09:38] <directhex> try picking the S870 on nvidia.com
[09:38] <directhex> which, of course, is dumb, since the big pull for tesla is meant to be it uses normal drivers
[09:41] <directhex> i blame the silly approach to PCI busses it has
[09:41] <directhex> [jms@durandal ~]$ /sbin/lspci | grep Tesla | grep -c "PCI bridge"
[09:41] <directhex> 10
[09:42] <tseliot> what's the output of this command? lspci -n |grep 300
[09:43] <directhex> nothing
[09:43] <tseliot> ???
[09:43] <mvo> hey tseliot!
[09:43] <tseliot> mvo: hi :-)
[09:44] <tseliot> directhex: what do you mean by "nothing"?
[09:44] <directhex> tseliot, nothing.
[09:44] <directhex> [jms@durandal ~]$ /sbin/lspci -n | grep 300
[09:44] <directhex> [jms@durandal ~]$
[09:45] <mvo> tseliot: I just read about a new translation of "the waste land" this morning :)
[09:45] <directhex> tseliot, technically tesla has no vga out, so it sorta makes sense for it not to be a vga controller
[09:45] <tseliot> mvo: did you enjoy it?
[09:45] <tseliot> aah read "about"
[09:45] <mvo> tseliot: but of course I have something more serious going on too, have you ever seen something lik ethis https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/290638 ?
[09:45] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290638 in update-manager "kubuntu upgrade error" [Undecided,New]
[09:46] * tseliot has a look
[09:46] <mvo> tseliot: I just read about it, never read it myself, but it sounded fascinating! are you a fan (I would guess so)?
[09:46] <tseliot> mvo: yes, hence my nickname
[09:49] <tseliot> mvo: maybe this line didn't work? if dpkg-divert --list 'nvidia-glx-new' | grep /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1
[09:49] <tseliot> hmm...
[09:50] <tseliot> directhex: I get something like this: 01:00.0 0300: 10de:02e2 (rev a2)
[09:51] <directhex> tseliot, so do i, but not on the tesla box
[09:51] <mvo> tseliot: I think its not wide-spread, I test it on two different systems and both times nvidia-glx-new upgraded fine from hardy to intrepid, but I think this failure is real too - we just need to figure out what triggers it
[09:53] <tseliot> davmor2: did you install the nvidia driver from NVIDIA's website too?
[09:53] <tseliot> mvo: right
[09:56] <tseliot> directhex: weird...
[10:00] <tseliot> directhex: I'm still convinced that you problem is worth reporting to nvidia
[10:02] <tseliot> directhex: if driver 177 can be loaded using your card and it locks up then it's a bug
[10:02] <tseliot> in the sense that it shouldn't load at all or that it shouldn't lock up when loaded
[10:02] <directhex> hm, intrepid seems a bit screwy on my laptop. how odd
[10:03] <directhex> compiz is a complete failure on here. how disappointing, it's worked for years
[10:04] <Tonio_> hi
[10:04] <Tonio_> I have a little problem with repository signing...
[10:04] <davmor2> tseliot: no it was the nvidia driver from jockey
[10:05] <Tonio_> the repo is signed, the key imported to my laptop, and apt§get update downloads the Release.gpg, and doesn't complain the key is missing
[10:05] <Tonio_> but when I want to install a package from that repo, apt complains the package is unauthenticated....
[10:05] <Tonio_> am I missing something ? should work afaik....
[10:07] <mvo> Tonio_: might be proxy issues, you could try to move away the stuff in /var/lib/apt/lists/* to see if that helps
[10:08] <Tonio_> mvo: I have no proxy set for apt, but I'll try this
[10:08] <Tonio_> mvo: I had the same problem on one computer and it started to work with no reason after a couple of hours...
[10:09] <tseliot> davmor2: I didn't mean the last driver that you installed. Have you ever installed the driver from nvidia's website in that Ubuntu installation?
[10:10] <Tonio_> mvo: didn't help I'm affraid.....
[10:12] <mvo> Tonio_: you could try to run: "sudo apt-get update -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=true" and see if that helps, it might be transparent proxy
[10:13] <davmor2> tseliot: no it was a fresh install
[10:14] <Tonio_> mvo: hum I think there is a reverse proxy indeed... let's try this
[10:15] <tseliot> davmor2: ok, so you installed Hardy and then upgraded to Intrepid, right?
[10:16] <mvo> the line "nvidia-glx-new is not properly installed - ignoring any dependencies on it." makes me wonder whats going on there
[10:16] <davmor2> tseliot: I installed hardy did all the updates, rebooted and then added the nvidia-glx-new driver from jockey-kde, rebooted and then upgraded to intrepid
[10:17] <Tonio_> mvo: still no luck :/
[10:17] <Tonio_> mvo: I've never seen that problem, this is weird, really
[10:17] * davmor2 checks to see if he still has the lshw on this machine
[10:18] <pitti> tseliot: nice; do they have an updated 71, too?
[10:18] <tseliot> mvo, davmor2: yes, something wrong happened in Hardy then
[10:18] <tseliot> pitti: yep
[10:21] <mvo> Tonio_: could you run "sudo apt-get update -o Debug::Acquire::http=true" and put the output somewhere ? that will record the http traffic and might give us clues
[10:21] <davmor2> tseliot, mvo: lshw should be at http://www.davmor2.co.uk/64test.html
[10:22] <Tonio_> mvo: well on a native intrepid computer I don't have the issue, so I suspect there is something broken somewhere on that laptop.... trying to reinstall and eventually try as you said if it doesn't work
[10:22] <Tonio_> mvo: thanks for the help given :)
[10:23] <tseliot> davmor2: what I meant is that maybe nvidia-glx-new wasn't installed correctly for some reason
[10:23] <tseliot> in Hardy
[10:23] <mvo> davmor2: you were able to reproduce that, right?
[10:23] <tseliot> davmor2: since dpkg said that "nvidia-glx-new is not properly installed - ignoring any dependencies on it"
[10:23] <mvo> davmor2: did you install it via jockey?
[10:24] <pitti> asac: hm, wasn't there a time when firefox would ask me to install flash? (I have a clean intrepid installation)
[10:24] <asac> pitti: only if you visit a site that doesnt use the flash-detection-kit
[10:24] <asac> pitti: try video.google.com
[10:24] <pitti> asac: hm, I could have sworn it worked on youtube before
[10:24] <davmor2> mvo: yeap
[10:25] <mvo> davmor2: with the kubuntu jockey?
[10:25] <davmor2> mvo: yeap
[10:25] <asac> pitti: no it never worked there.. however, once you have a first üplugin installed you can use the "tools -> manage content plugins ..." to switch plugins and install more alternatives ... give it a try
[10:26] <tseliot> mvo: is it a known problem with the kubuntu jockey?
[10:26] <davmor2> mvo, tseliot: how about this then if I reinstall kubuntu hardy and get the apt.logs from that before upgrade would that help?
[10:26] <mvo> davmor2: *maybe* there is something wrong with it that causes the problem, or maybe its something like that it reports that the install finished too early and you shut down while it was working - to throw out some theories :)
[10:27] <pitti> asac: ah, thanks
[10:27] <mvo> tseliot: not that I know of
[10:27] <davmor2> mvo: no it finishes and say system requires reboot
[10:27] <davmor2> it is at that point that I reboot
[10:28] <mvo> davmor2: right, I was wondering if it might display this notification too early for some reason (again, just a theory)
[10:29] <tseliot> davmor2: but yes, the logs could be useful
[10:29] <davmor2> mvo: pass I can try it again and leave it for 10 minutes before rebooting see if that helps either way I'll reinstall it now :)
[10:30] <mvo> davmor2: excellent, thanks a lot
[10:32] <dholbach> hi sabdfl! happy release day! :)
[10:34] <ogra> sabdfl, come to #ubuntu-release-party :)
[10:35] <ogra> though they might run you down :)
[10:35] <mvo> davmor2: aother test might be to install the nvidia module manually via apt-get and see if you expeirnece the same failure in this case
[10:36] <davmor2> mvo: wilko, I'll do it via jockey first for the log and then try that after :)
[10:38] <mvo> davmor2: thanks a lot!
[10:38] * mvo hugs davmor2
[10:39] <Hobbsee> ogra: yeah, they probably will, come to think of it
[10:39] <Hobbsee> but that might be enjoyable
[10:40] <ogra> lol
[10:51] <davmor2> asac: dude the homepage is still kinda sparse ;)
[10:52] <asac> davmor2: i am not doing the homepage ;)
[10:52] <asac> thats the website team ;)
[10:52] <davmor2> Ah cool
[11:06] <cjwatson> davmor2: totem/bbc seems to be fixed now
[11:07] <davmor2> cjwatson: Yay
[11:07] <davmor2> cjwatson: get much sleep?
[11:07] <cjwatson> a few hours
[11:09] <davmor2> mvo, tseliot: right doing the updates now do you want a log pre-nvidia install?
[11:11] <mvo> davmor2: yes please, /var/log/dpkg.log is probably most helpful, if there is a /var/log/apt/term.log too, that too
[11:11] <davmor2> no probs
[11:17] <davmor2> mvo: term.log is empty all the other logs will be going to http://www.davmor2.co.uk/h-k-logs/
[11:17] <mvo> davmor2: did you wait a bit or reboot immediately this time?
[11:18] <davmor2> mvo: this is pre-nvidia install I'll be doing that in a second
[11:18] <mvo> davmor2: ok, thanks
[11:19] <davmor2> dpkg.log should be up and accessible
[11:20] <davmor2> mvo: installing now
[11:24] <didrocks> mvo: I noticed a lot of (250 on a basic installation) "_usr_share_...png" icon names in /usr/share/app-install/icons/. Is that wanted? (which has more than 3000 files)
[11:25] <davmor2> mvo, tseliot: Right dpkg1.log up jockey window is open and says reboot but dpkg1.log says half configured
[11:25] <tseliot> davmor2: can we see the log?
[11:26] <davmor2> tseliot: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/h-k-logs/ is where I'll be putting all the logs
[11:26] <mvo> davmor2: ok, if you now wait a bit, does that change anything?
[11:26] <mvo> i.e. does it update it?
[11:26] <mvo> tseliot: does jocky write some logs somewhere?
[11:27] <davmor2> mvo: no entry beyond the 11:20:43
[11:28] <tseliot> mvo: AFAIK it writes logs only in debug mode, right pitti?
[11:28] <pitti> ATM yes
[11:28] <mvo> davmor2: hm, "2008-10-30 11:20:43 status installed nvidia-glx-new 169.12+" <- that looks good actually
[11:28] <pitti> I recently opened a wishlist bug to always write one, with log rotation
[11:28] <pitti> makes things so much easier
[11:28] * tseliot nods
[11:29] <davmor2> mvo: safe too reboot then?
[11:29] <mvo> davmor2: what does "dpkg -l nvidia-glx-new" tell you ?
[11:29] <mvo> davmor2: yeah
[11:30] <danbh_intrepid> bug 286175
[11:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 286175 in fontconfig "evince crashed with SIGSEGV in FcConfigSubstituteWithPat()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/286175
[11:32] <davmor2> mvo: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/h-k-logs/dpkg-l.txt
[11:33] <davmor2> rebooting
[11:35] <mvo> thanks davmor2, looks fine
[11:36] <joaopinto> for users eager to get 8.10 final, it should be safe to run update-manager -d now, right ?
[11:36] <davmor2> mvo, tseliot: Right rebooted. Screen is now correct resolution, size and position.
[11:37] <danbh_intrepid> joaopinto: its just update-manager -d isnt necessary after release
[11:37] <davmor2> mvo: no change to the dpkg.log
[11:37] <davmor2> mvo: shall I go for the upgrade now?
[11:38] <tseliot> davmor2: does this command say anything? sudo dpkg --configure -a
[11:38] <joaopinto> danbh_intrepid, right now -d is still needed right ? Or is it already set as released ?
[11:38] <ogra> it isnt, watch #ubuntu-release-party :)
[11:39] <davmor2> tseliot: nope
[11:39] <joaopinto> so my question is related to using -d now :P
[11:39] <tseliot> davmor2: ok, good. You shouldn't have problems with the dist-upgrade now
[11:39] <ogra> joaopinto, yes, you still need -d until its released
[11:42] <davmor2> tseliot, mvo: Right upgrade in progress ping you when it's done
[11:42] <tseliot> ok, thanks
[11:54] <davmor2> mvo, tseliot: ping http://www.davmor2.co.uk/h-k-logs/Error.png
[11:54] <tseliot> davmor2: logs?
[11:55] <davmor2> tseliot: do you want them now or at the end of the upgrade?
[11:56] <tseliot> davmor2: let it complete the upgrade
[11:56] <davmor2> okay
[12:13] <highvoltage> there's some weird people on ubuntu-devel-discuss sometimes.
[12:14] <Treenaks> highvoltage: But mc should be on the CD!
[12:14] <highvoltage> Treenaks: hah!
[12:14] <Treenaks> ;)
[12:16] <davmor2> tseliot, mvo: dpkg2.log is up an others you want/need?
[12:24] <tseliot> davmor2: thanks I'll have a look at it ASAP
[12:24] * tseliot > lunch
[12:34] <pitti> seb128: FYI, I stopped the retracers (well, most were already ^C'ed), since I'm working on ddebs.u.c. index generation
[12:34] <pitti> seb128: this should now be much more robust, so that we'll hopefully lose much fewer ddebs and don't run into locking issues any more
[12:34] <seb128> pitti: ok thanks, they are not really useful right now anyway since we don't have apport running by default
[12:34] <seb128> pitti: good
[12:34] <liw> command-not-found primarily finds out commands/packages relationships from Contents files, yes?
[12:35] <mvo> thanks davmor2
[12:36] <davmor2> mvo: any thing else you're likely to need?
[12:36] <mvo> liw: I scan the archive regularly and generate shorter contents file out of it
[12:37] <mvo> liw: it does a bit more too, simple alternatives scanning for example
[12:37] <mvo> (update-alternatives)
[12:37] <liw> mvo, so the reason it suggests system-cleaner is in system-cleaner is because the database is out of date?
[12:37] <mvo> liw: yes
[12:37] <liw> mvo, when does it get updated? for the point release?
[12:37] <mvo> liw: we should do a SRU for it
[12:37] <mvo> let me prepare that
[12:37] <liw> ook, thanks
[12:38] <mvo> liw: would be nice if you could file a bug and help with the sru paperwork
[12:38] <liw> mvo, will 290444 do?
[12:38] <mvo> bug #290444
[12:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290444 in system-cleaner "Running "system-cleaner" from the command line is wrong" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290444
[12:39] <mvo> liw: yes
[12:40] <liw> mvo, can I reassign that to command-not-found-data?
[12:40] <mvo> yes
[12:41] <liw> now I just need to learn how to do that
[12:43] <liw> "Also affects project"?
[12:44] <Hobbsee> liw: also affects distribution, if you mean the ubuntu package
[12:45] <liw> Hobbsee, oh, so that's what that is, I thought it was ubuntu vs debian vs red hat vs etc
[12:45] <Hobbsee> liw: it is, but you can specify the source package.
[12:49] <cjwatson> if you want to reassign a bug rather than saying that it affects *both* system-cleaner and command-not-found-data, you should use the drop-down rather than also affects distribution
[12:50] <liw> cjwatson, the... drop-down?
[12:51] <pitti> liw: click on the status or priority
[12:51] <Hobbsee> liw: little down arrows
[12:51] <pitti> liw: with the little down arrows
[12:51] <liw> oh, the eject button
[12:51] <pitti> doesn't that usually go upwards? :)
[12:52] <liw> pitti, given how cavalier web pages are with symbols, should I care about the direction? :)
[12:52] <pitti> liw: hey, I'm not claiming that it is utterly discoverable, or I like it, or so :)
[12:54] <Hobbsee> liw: i'm told it's definetly *not* an eject button
[12:54] <Hobbsee> :)
[12:56] <directhex> Hobbsee, i don't find that icon ambiguous. i had never realised that the yellow pencil icon was a pencil, though
[13:04] <slangasek> superm1: ping
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[13:27] <joaopinto> cloning a system into a directory using rsync and then upgrading it from a chroot should be reliable for testing ?
[13:33] <tseliot> davmor2: can you upload the files that you have in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ ?
[13:39] <slangasek> superm1: around? we're converging, and http://mythbuntu.org/8.10/release will need to be unembargoed fairly soon if I'm to include it in the announce mail
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[13:43] <cody-somerville> slangasek, http://xubuntu.org/news/intrepid/release will be our release page announcement
[13:43] <slangasek> how soon will it be? :)
[13:43] <directhex> i spy release images on my local mirror
[13:43] <cody-somerville> slangasek, please let me know when we're about to release so that I can quickly migrate our website
[13:44] <slangasek> cody-somerville: we're about to release :-P
[13:44] <cody-somerville> eck
[13:46] <Mirv> heh, I guess I could to the web site rehauls as well, then (ubuntu-fi.org)
[13:47] <Mirv> do, that is
[13:49] <superm1> slangasek, dont include it in the announce mail. the umenu thing ended up still being trouble so we're gonna be ~1day late it looks
[13:51] <slangasek> superm1: ack
[13:55] <slangasek> mvo: ping
[13:56] <mvo> slangasek: pong
[13:57] <slangasek> mvo: hi, is there another meta-release update that needs to be done for the final release?
[13:58] <mvo> slangasek: yes, when the release is officially out, the meta-release file needs to be updated to include intrepid. this is prepared in bzr, it just needs to be copied in place (that is currently done manual)
[13:58] <mvo> slangasek: but its "cp meta-release-bzr/meta-release www/"
[13:58] <slangasek> mvo: ok, please do :)
[13:58] <tseliot> pitti: I think I know how to fix the treeview bug in jockey-gtk but I can't make it display the icon in the systray. Is there a way to do this?
[13:59] <tseliot> pitti: and yes, I removed /var/cache/jockey
[14:00] <pitti> tseliot: removing /var/cache/jockey/check and jockey-gtk --check should do it
[14:00] <pitti> tseliot: if that returns immediately, then it doens't find any drivers
[14:00] <tseliot> pitti: aah it was "--check"
[14:03] <mvo> slangasek: done and verified that it works
[14:03] <slangasek> mvo: thanks
[14:04] <mvo> (people still need to explicitely trigger it via software-properties-gtk because of lts->non-lts upgrade)
[14:05] * mvo has done this a couple of times now, but every single time is exciting
[14:06] * slangasek grins
[14:10] <ogra> slangasek, geeez
[14:10] <slangasek> wot? :)
[14:10] <ogra> kicking off the masees :)
[14:12] <cjwatson> slangasek: congratulations
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 8.10 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs || Evil bug 286175
[14:12] <james_w> congratulations everyone. congratulations slangasek. And thank you.
[14:12] <slangasek> great job, everyone :)
[14:12] * pitti jumps for joy
[14:13] <davmor2> congrats everyone it's out :)
[14:13] <nxvl> slangasek: we have a release already?
[14:13] * ogra dances
[14:13] <ogra> nxvl, we do ! :)
[14:13] <directhex> Checking for a new ubuntu release
[14:13] <directhex> No new release found
[14:13] <directhex> LIES!
[14:13] <StevenK> directhex: Because Hardy is LTD
[14:13] <soren> So when does Jaunty open? :)
[14:13] <StevenK> LTS
[14:13] <joaopinto> directhex, have you switch to non LTS ?
[14:13] <nxvl> \o/
[14:14] <nxvl> i just make it to the unofficial annouce
[14:14] <nxvl> \o/
[14:14] <nxvl> congratulations everyone
[14:14] <mvo> directhex: check http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading
[14:14] <jdstrand> slangasek: fyi-- I assigned bug #291091 to you
[14:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 291091 in pam "passwd -e locks account" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291091
[14:15] <jdstrand> slangasek: it just came in and is a result of the changes in common-account
[14:15] <jdstrand> slangasek: I assigned it to you cause of your pam-auth-update fu
[14:15] <directhex> mvo, oh, hm. clever. i'm just used to handing a -c to update-manager
[14:15] <pitti> directhex: what's even worse -- dist-upgrade to jaunty doesn't work!!11!
[14:16] <directhex> pitti, whyso?
[14:16] <Koon> \o/
[14:16] <directhex> oh, wait, JAUNTY
[14:16] <pitti> stable releases are soo boring :-P
[14:16] <mvo> directhex: no problem -d will work as well, but in +6month you will get a hardy->jaunts update this way ;)
[14:16] <mvo> directhex: hm, probably even earlier .)
[14:16] <directhex> mvo, yay, jaunty!
[14:16] <pitti> mvo: why do we support hardy->jaunty (which we don't usually), but not hardy->intrepid?
[14:16] <slangasek> jdstrand: right, nijaba already prodded about that and I asked him to subscribe me; thanks
[14:17] * directhex has Plans(tm) for jaunty
[14:17] <jdstrand> slangasek: interesting-- he asked me to look at it *shrug*
[14:17] <slangasek> <shrug. :)
[14:17] <directhex> wake me when jaunty opens, i wanted to have a package downgraded to universe
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[14:20] <mvo> pitti: we don't sorry, I think what I said was misleading. "update-manager -d" will bring people from hardy to intrepid too (in addition to the way via software-propoerties"
[14:20] <pitti> mvo: right, I meant why would u-n announce jaunty in hardy?
[14:22] <jdstrand> lamont: debdiffs attached to bug #277370 and bug #289060
[14:22] <mvo> pitti: I was thinking we might do that later (not automatically, only for people using update-manager -d) to test upgrades from hardy->jaunty (I talked about it with riddell earlier because of kde3->kde4 changes he may want people to skip intrepid
[14:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277370 in bind9 "apparmor exception missing for keytab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277370
[14:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289060 in bind9 "named bind9 apparmor profile error " [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289060
[14:22] <lamont> jdstrand: thanks
[14:22] <jdstrand> lamont: hard to test ipv6 one since it's busted though ;)
[14:22] <lamont> heh
[14:23] <lamont> just add __GNU_SOURCE to CFLAGS et al :-)
[14:23] * lamont will test the ipv6 stuff
[14:23] <jdstrand> lamont: it was the 'et al' that prevented it ;)
[14:24] <jdstrand> lamont: fyi, I updated the test case in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/ServerInstall#Bind9 so we can catch this type of thing sooner
[14:24] <lamont> + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -D_GNU_SOURCE"
[14:35] <nijaba> jdstrand: I had thought slangasek might have wanted to know about it asap... sorry
[14:36] <evand> mvo: Any thoughts on what could be causing bug 290925?
[14:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290925 in ubiquity ""only free software" option installs linux-restricted-modules" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290925
[14:37] <jdstrand> nijaba: np-- it's triaged
[14:41] <mvo> evand: looking
[14:41] <evand> thanks
[14:42] <mvo> evand: do you have the system in front of you were you ran the commands?
[14:42] <evand> yes
[14:43] <mvo> evand: I suspect its because sources.list contains "de.archive.ubuntu.com" but the livecd copies "archive.ubuntu.com_..." to /var/lib/apt/lists" - does that make sense, i.e. does your sources.list (in target) has a mirror and /var/lib/apt/lists/ indexfiles that are not matching it?
[14:44] <evand> checking
[14:45] <mvo> evand: hm, but why its written in target without the restircted/base into /v/l/d/status is odd, especially since a bunch of other packages seems to have the correct section
[14:46] <davmor2> tseliot, mvo: there up now I'll just check you can access them
[14:46] <evand> mvo: in my case it's us.archive, but yes, I see what you mean
[14:46] <mvo> evand: could you rename the in-target indexfiles and see if that gives the right python-apt output please?
[14:47] <evand> mvo: will do
[14:47] <mvo> thanks!
[14:47] <davmor2> yeap should be fine
[14:47] <tseliot> davmor2, mvo: here's the error: dpkg-divert: error checking `/usr/lib32/libGL.so.1': No such file or directory
[14:48] <tseliot> I'll check nvidia-glx-new
[14:48] <mvo> davmor2: ohhh, this is amd64? that explains why I have not seen it :( I tested i386 when trying to reproduce (*head desk*)
[14:51] <pitti> mvo: I reject your compiz upload, there are no bugs referenced in the changelog
[14:56] <s0u][ight> hello i have a better workaround for Cannot reactivate Intel 3945/4965 wireless if booting with killswitch enabled
[14:56] <s0u][ight> the site says that you have to reboot with the rfkillswitch disabled
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[14:57] <s0u][ight> my way: disabling the rfkillswitch when the driver iwlagn is loaded then reload the driver
[14:57] <s0u][ight> works fine ;)
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[14:57] <s0u][ight> if this is not the right place for workarounds for known issues, where should i go?
[14:58] <mvo> pitti: d'oh, sorry, fixing now
[15:00] <cjwatson> s0u][ight: bug report on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bugs
[15:01] <s0u][ight> cjwatson: this is a known bug
[15:01] <s0u][ight> i just have a better workaround
[15:02] <cjwatson> s0u][ight: if it's already a bug on that list, then add a comment to it
[15:02] <cjwatson> s0u][ight: I think perhaps you misunderstand the purpose of the bug list above
[15:02] <cjwatson> s0u][ight: that list tracks problems in the release notes themselves
[15:02] <s0u][ight> ok
[15:02] <s0u][ight> but i'm not familiar with these things
[15:03] <mvo> evand: please keep me updated, I'm curious about this myself
[15:03] <doko> binutils_2.19-0ubuntu1 rejected: unable to find distroseries: jaunty ;p
[15:03] <cjwatson> doko: elmo tried to create it and got an OOPS from LP
[15:03] <cjwatson> he's going to chase it up when he gets a few minutes
[15:03] <evand> mvo: will do. I messed the system up so I am in the middle of a reinstall now.
[15:03] <cjwatson> doko: thanks for being proactive though ;-)
[15:03] <s0u][ight> cjwatson: it isn't there
[15:04] <pitti> mvo: oh, is that bug 259385 ?
[15:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259385 in compiz "Intrepid Compiz hangs on login for i830MG and i845 video cards" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259385
[15:04] <cjwatson> s0u][ight: then file a new bug there
[15:05] <mvo> pitti: yes
[15:05] <mvo> Riddell: did you had a chance to release note the virtualbox-ose problem with kubuntu upgrades?
[15:05] <cjwatson> mvo: that got fixed
[15:05] <mvo> oh? excellent!
[15:06] <cjwatson> mvo: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox-ose top entry
[15:06] <mvo> cjwatson: that is really good news, thanks
[15:07] * mvo hugs blueyed (in his absence)
[15:09] <s0u][ight> cjwatson: found the bug and posted a reply
[15:17] <broonie> aa/win 19
[15:18] <Treenaks> broonie: aa/fail :)
[15:19] <joaopinto> <n8tuser> weirdo-> please your language...btw use a fresh install instead of upgrade <- related to our discussion yesterday
[15:20] <tseliot> pitti: I have just fixed bug 278071: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/jockey/jockey-generic/revision/480
[15:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 278071 in jockey "jockey-gtk weird installed driver display" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278071
[15:20] * Treenaks wonders why everyone keeps doing fresh installs, while I've been upgrading since hoary..
[15:20] <jdong> Treenaks: likewise.
[15:20] <pitti> tseliot: nice!
[15:21] <pitti> tseliot: uh, we need to do the entire initialization every time? that sounds quite expensive
[15:21] <pitti> tseliot: I hoped we could make the icon disappear when clicking on it, or os
[15:22] <pitti> s/os/so/
[15:22] <pitti> anyway, I need to run out for 45 mins
[15:22] <tseliot> pitti: ok, we'll talk later then
[15:23] <joaopinto> Treenaks, general perception of greater chances of having problems
[15:25] <Treenaks> joaopinto: people are too used to other OSes :)
[15:27] <evand> mvo: I'm assuming it's sufficient to rename the archive.ubuntu.com lists in /var/lib/apt/lists and then run than chunk of python again? If so, it did not fix the problem.
[15:28] <mvo> evand: you may (but be sure) remove the (in-target) /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin too
[15:29] <mvo> but it should get this right automatically
[15:30] <mvo> evand: where can I select "free software only" ? I think I would like to install it here in a VM to have a look
[15:31] <evand> mvo: hit f6 twice
[15:31] <evand> mvo: removing pkgcache.bin did not help
[15:31] <evand> mvo: this is off the desktop CD, if that wasn't clear
[15:31] <rtg> superm1: phone call today?
[15:32] <mvo> evand: ok, thanks, I run it now, I hope kvm does not hate me today (as it did yesterday)
[15:33] <evand> haha, very much appreciated
[15:34] <evand> you'll know it works if apt-setup/restricted is set to false
[15:34] <evand> er worked
[15:34] <evand> the selection of the free software option, that is
[15:50] * cjwatson creates jaunty seeds
[15:50] <jdong> sounds sexy :)
[15:50] <cjwatson> cody-somerville: I couldn't do xubuntu.jaunty because I'm not in ~xubuntu-dev; please bzr branch xubuntu.intrepid xubuntu.jaunty; cd xubuntu.jaunty; bzr push lp:~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.jaunty; bzr bind lp:~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.jaunty
[15:51] <cjwatson> superm1: I couldn't do mythbuntu.jaunty because I'm not in ~mythbuntu; please bzr branch mythbuntu.intrepid mythbuntu.jaunty; cd mythbuntu.jaunty; bzr push lp:~mythbuntu/ubuntu-seeds/mythbuntu.jaunty; bzr bind lp:~mythbuntu/ubuntu-seeds/mythbuntu.jaunty
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[15:53] <superm1> cjwatson, okay will do
[15:55] <cody-somerville> cjwatson, okay will do
[15:56] <cjwatson> thanks
[15:56] <lool> thanks for doing mobile.jaunty :)
[16:19] <mvo> evand: I followed up in the bug, I hope my explaination makes sense
[16:26] <bdmurray> pitti: are package available in -proposed now?
[16:27] <rtg> kirkland: why doesn't the live CD offer the Private directory like the alternate does?
[16:27] <kirkland> rtg: 2 reasons, I think
[16:27] <cjwatson> rtg: I didn't get to it
[16:27] <cjwatson> it should
[16:28] <kirkland> rtg: 1) cjwatson/evand didn't find a UI that fit the livecd workflow to Ubuntu standards/satisfaction
[16:28] <rtg> ok. how is the name obfuscation coming?
[16:28] <rtg> you mentioned several weeks ago that he was working on it.
[16:29] <kirkland> rtg: 2) i didn't help/push it more, in that I think I'll have plenty of support requests to sift through with the slightly-more-advanced users that figure out how to do it by dropping to a command prompt in the desktop :-)
[16:30] <Chipzz> hrrrm
[16:30] <rtg> kirkland: file/directory name obfuscation?
[16:30] <Chipzz> is there any reason ubuntu doesn't ship the make info pages?
[16:31] <Chipzz> lemme guess... DFSG bullshit?
[16:32] <pitti> bdmurray: yes
[16:32] <kirkland> rtg: let me find you a git tree....
[16:32] <azeem> Chipzz: apt-get install make-doc?
[16:32] <kirkland> rtg: it's coming along
[16:32] <rtg> kirkland: cool, just checking.
[16:32] <Chipzz> so errm
[16:32] <kirkland> rtg: last i saw, they were trying to get symlinks working properly ;-)
[16:32] <cjwatson> Chipzz: as an organisation, we have no objection to shipping those pages; however it hasn't always been worth repackaging things to diverge from Debian on this where they've already created separate packages
[16:32] <kirkland> rtg: for obvious reasons, that involves a new layer of complexity :-)
[16:33] <Chipzz> $ apt-cache showsrc make | grep ^Binary
[16:33] <Chipzz> Binary: make
[16:33] <rtg> kirkland: indeed, there is likely some black magic involved.
[16:33] <cjwatson> apt-cache search -n ^make
[16:34] <tseliot> pitti: the problem is that when jockey updated the treeview it simply appended a new column, hence our treeview bug
[16:34] <kirkland> rtg: Oct 24 11:19:57 <mhalcrow> kirkland: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/ecryptfs/ecryptfs-filename-crypto-2.6.27-rc7-20081024.txt
[16:35] <kirkland> rtg: that was a snapshot of the patch from earlier in the week
[16:35] <evand> mvo: thanks, I'll check it out in a bit
[16:35] <Kano> hi, could you set packages.ubuntu.com to intrepid?
[16:35] <rtg> kirkland: I wonder if it'll require an underlying filesystem with xattrs
[16:36] <kirkland> rtg: almost certainly
[16:36] <Chipzz> cjwatson: right. while I can understand your pov, I think debian is being anal with their dfsg... but anyway, thx for the pointer
[16:36] <Chipzz> should have looked more closely I guess
[16:37] <rtg> kirkland: fortunately we set CONFIG_EXT3_FS_XATTR=y
[16:37] <kirkland> rtg: if you have any interest in discussing the design/implementation details with mhalcrow, he's quite passionate about it, and would be glad to chat
[16:38] <rtg> kirkland: well, that would require that I get smart about it, and I'm not sure I have that kind of time :)
[16:38] <kirkland> rtg: ;-)
[16:38] <Chipzz> btw, congratulations on the release! :)
[16:38] <kirkland> rtg: yeah, i'm handling most of the userspace side for him now, which has freed him up to concentrate more on the kernel side
[16:38] <kirkland> rtg: he has another kernel developer, tyhicks that's working on it with him
[16:39] <kirkland> rtg: they're also trying to fix a real bugger of a problem, getting it to work properly on networked mounted (nfs, cifs) filesystems
[16:39] <rtg> kirkland: good to know. guess I'll go back to herding cats in the wireless arena.
[16:40] <kirkland> rtg: ;-) np
[16:41] <joaopinto> I am experiencing bug 291161, is there any visible syntax problem with the resolv.conf file ?
[16:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 291161 in bind9 "nslookup: parse of /etc/resolv.conf failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291161
[16:43] <joaopinto> I didn't had this problem with Hardy
[16:44] <joaopinto> anyone familiar with the changes on dnsutils ?
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[16:53] <hunger> Congatulations to the release!
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[17:32] <kirkland> rtg: tyhicks> kirkland: filenamecrypto branch of git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/mhalcrow/ecryptfs.git
[17:32] <rtg> kirkland: cloning
[17:34] <kirkland> rtg: a new userspace ecryptfs-utils will be required too; i'll merge that for jaunty as soon as the archive re-opens
[17:35] <kirkland> rtg: or, you can pass the options manually on the mount options (easier)
[17:35] <rtg> kirkland: I'll look you up at UDS about it.
[17:35] <kirkland> rtg: deal ;-)
[17:37] <seb128> evand, cjwatson: where is the code for the ubiquity partitioner bar?
[17:37] <seb128> rhythmbox guys are asking because they are interested to use something similar so they are looking around for existant implementation of such widget
[17:37] <cjwatson> seb128: ubiquity/segmented_bar.py
[17:37] <cjwatson> in the ubiquity source
[17:37] <seb128> thanks
[17:38] <kirkland> rtg: basically: ecryptfs_sig=7fa06f4b66fcde02,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16,ecryptfs_fnek_sig=7fa06f4b66fcde02,ecryptfs_passthrough,rw,noauto
[17:38] <kirkland> rtg: ecryptfs_fnek_sig = signature of the filename encryption key
[17:38] <kirkland> rtg: in this case, same, for simplicity
[17:38] <cjwatson> seb128: originally from the Hyena UI library in Banshee, Evan sayd
[17:38] <cjwatson> says
[17:39] <rtg> kirkland: urk! it really needs an app helper then.
[17:39] <seb128> cjwatson: ok, I think they looked at banshee but the code is C#, they are trying to figure if there is a C version somewhere ;-)
[17:39] <kirkland> rtg: i'm going to handle all of that in ecryptfs-utils ;-)
[17:39] <cjwatson> seb128: yeah, we can't help there; if there were a C version in some common library we might well want to use it though :)
[17:46] <Cheard> paste from #ubuntu: i just wanted to again thank the developers and support for this great release (in addition to all the kernel, package and WM devs). 8.10 is without a doubt, the best ubuntu release, yet
[17:53] <\sh> who has some insights into usb-creator? I just pushed the live cd iso i386 image onto a kingston datatraveller 1GB stick...and my thinkpad r60 tells me: invalid or damanged bootable partition
[17:54] <maxb_> Sort of on that note, is it documented anywhere why usb-creator installs using an .iso, rather that just putting a vanilla ubuntu install onto the usbstick? I suppose it's hardware driver related?
[18:35] <MaximLevitsky> How I can run a script on gnome shutdown?
[18:35] <MaximLevitsky> I need to stop azureus
[18:35] <MaximLevitsky> Can't see anything useful on google
[18:38] <thom> MaximLevitsky: try #ubuntu for support
[18:38] <MaximLevitsky> I tried there
[18:39] <MaximLevitsky> This is advanced question
[18:39] <Pici> This is not a support channel.
[18:39] <thom> doesn't matter, this is not a support channel
[18:39] <MaximLevitsky> I know, sorry
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[18:39] <Pici> MaximLevitsky: Just be patient in #ubuntu, its busy due to the Intrepid release. :)
[18:40] <MaximLevitsky> It was released?
[18:40] <iulian> Yes, today and we should take a nap.
[18:40] <MaximLevitsky> Great!
[18:41] <MaximLevitsky> I thought that few more days are left for release
[18:42] <bdmurray> pitti: I'm still not seeing the -proposed version of rhythmbox fwiw
[18:43] <pitti> bdmurray: hm, it's on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox
[18:44] <pitti> bdmurray: it built, too; seems to be a soyuz problem with publishing them, or so
[18:46] <pitti> bdmurray: other packages are there, just RB is missing
[18:46] <pitti> bdmurray: for now I'd blame general slowness due to release traffic
[18:46] <pitti> bdmurray: I'll check again tomorrow
[18:47] <bdmurray> pitti: of course, the one I was going to verify is missing ;-)
[19:28] <directhex> failed upgrade.
[19:48] <directhex> not sure why though. rebuilding all UUID stuff in menu.lst and fstab, and running update-grub, was enough
[19:52] * pochu congrats everybody for the Intrepid release \o/
[20:02] <pcc1> is aggregated hwdb data available anywhere?
[20:10] <pcc1> is the source code for http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/ publicly available?
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[20:26] <mpt> pcc1, I don't know where the code is for hwdb.ubuntu.com is, but its successor will be part of Launchpad, which will be open source within a year
[20:30] <Mithrandir> mpt: the hwdb will be open source or lp itself?
[20:30] <mpt> both
[20:30] <Mithrandir> mpt: as in all of it?
[20:30] <Mithrandir> (and are you on record saying this?)
[20:31] <siretart> Mithrandir: that has been mentioned already various times on #launchpad by various lp devs
[20:31] <mpt> erm, this is nothing new
[20:31] <mpt> http://arstechnica.com/journals/linux.ars/2008/07/23/mark-shuttleworth-launchpad-to-be-open-source-in-12-months
[20:31] <Mithrandir> it's new enough that at least I haven't seen it before.
[20:32] <Mithrandir> but then, I pay less attention to LP stuff than I used to
[20:32] <ajmitch> Mithrandir: you've been cut off from the world :)
[20:33] <ajmitch> good to see you around, btw
[20:47] <wgrant> Mithrandir: They didn't actually publicise it anywhere... I only heard about it by noticing a link on some other Canonical-related article.
[20:47] <wgrant> I was rather surprised, gtiven that it would surely have markedly improved Launchpad's image.
[20:48] <pwnguin> it seemed like a sort of slip of the tongue more than an intentional plan
[20:49] <wgrant> pwnguin: That was my first thought too.
[20:53] <Mithrandir> wgrant: I'd have assumed planets should have picked it up.
[20:53] <Mithrandir> apparently, they didn't
[20:55] <wgrant> I think there might have been a mention or two...
[20:56] <wgrant> But nothing like I would have expected.
[21:02] <ogra> argh, the return of libflashsupport
[21:03] * ogra just notices it got imported from debin
[21:03] <ogra> *debian
[21:03] <ogra> flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound
[21:03] <ogra> asac, ^^^
[21:03] <ogra> luckily nothing uses it by default
[21:03] <asac> ogra: what?
[21:03] <asac> lol
[21:04] <asac> damn thing ;)
[21:04] <asac> just want to go away
[21:04] <ogra> yeah
[21:07] <pitti> tseliot: so, the problem is that multiple clicks on the icon cause ui_show_main() to be called several times
[21:07] <pitti> tseliot: I'll add a test case to ensure that this will be sufficiently idempotent, and then fix it to not append the columns again
[21:09] <tseliot> pitti: yes, that's the problem. While in kde we can simply clear the treeview and start filling it with items the same is not true for gtk.
[21:10] <tseliot> pitti: do you want to block the app after the 1st click on the icon?
[21:10] <pitti> tseliot: I'd like the icon to go away
[21:10] <pitti> tseliot: but nevertheless you shold be able to call ui_show_main() multiple times without damage
[21:10] <pitti> so I'd like to fix both
[21:11] <tseliot> pitti: aah, you want the icon to go away after you have clicked on it
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[21:12] <tseliot> pitti: let me know how it goes
[21:12] <pitti> tseliot: in gtk I plan to call get_columns(), and if that already has stuff, don't init it again
[21:13] <tseliot> pitti: just make sure that it actually refreshes the treeview after you install something
[21:22] <pitti> tseliot: ok, got nice test cases (which explicitly test the column counts, too), KDE is fine
[21:23] <tseliot> good
[21:24] <pitti> ui_show_main() idempotency ... ok
[21:24] <pitti> \o/
[21:25] <tseliot> congrats ;)
[21:27] <pitti> tseliot: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jockey-hackers/jockey/trunk/revision/499 FYI
[21:27] * pitti is a test case fetishist
[21:27] <tseliot> hehe
[21:28] <pitti> oh, speaking of fetishes -- http://xkcd.com/468/
[21:31] <tseliot> pitti: but won't get_columns() return an empty list? Maybe try with if len(self.treeview.get_columns()) == 0:
[21:31] <pitti> tseliot: yes, it will
[21:31] <pitti> tseliot: in Python, [] is considered "false"
[21:32] <pitti> tseliot: None, [], set(), (), 0, and False
[21:32] <pitti> oh, and ''
[21:32] <tseliot> pitti: aaah
[21:32] <tseliot> ok then
[21:32] <pitti> tseliot: but yes, it would be a little more readable, I guess
[21:32] <pitti> old habit (and laziness)
[21:33] <tseliot> pitti: I was expecting a NoneType object but yes, whatever you prefer
[21:34] <pitti> good night everyone
[21:34] <tseliot> good night
[21:34] <ajmitch> night pitti
[21:36] <ogra> pitti, enjoy your spare day tomorrow :)
[21:46] <glatzor> jcastro, hello
[21:47] <glatzor> jcastro, have got recieved my email?
[21:48] <glatzor> jcastro, I just want to confirm my participation in foss camp and uds
[21:48] <ogra> yay
[21:48] <ogra> great to hear
[21:49] <bryce> heya glatzor
[21:49] <glatzor> hello bryce !
[21:49] <glatzor> evening ogra!
[21:50] <ogra> :)
[22:01] <bryce> ogasawara: when you get a chance could you look at bug 279999? This is a handless mouse device henrik lent me, but it seems to be not functioning at some layer below X (maybe kernel or hal)
[22:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 279999 in hal "NaturalPoint SmartNav4 support" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/279999
[22:01] <ogasawara> bryce: sure
[22:03] <jdstrand> kees: re bug #291091-- I didn't want to mess with it too much cause of all of slangasek's pam-auth-update magic
[22:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 291091 in pam "passwd -e locks account" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291091
[22:36] <Hobbsee> morning all
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[22:44] <ogasawara> bryce: for bug 279999, just curious if anything it spit out to dmesg when you plug in the device?
[22:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 279999 in hal "NaturalPoint SmartNav4 support" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/279999
[23:02] <bryce> ogasawara: yep:
[23:02] <bryce> [714855.492077] usb 4-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2
[23:02] <bryce> [714856.320559] usb 4-3: string descriptor 0 read error: -22
[23:02] <bryce> [714856.320683] usb 4-3: string descriptor 0 read error: -22
[23:02] <bryce> [714856.321530] usb 4-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[23:05] <nixternal> anyone able to explain why I can't ls /foo/bar/blah when I copy and paste, but if I manually type it and tab complete it works?
[23:06] <nixternal> I am have issues with my ant build scripts that worked yesterday, but today they don't, and the only update I got was base-files since then
[23:12] <soren> nixternal: Did you type that or cut and paste it?
[23:14] <soren> nixternal: And what error do you get?
[23:14] <nixternal> if I cut and paste it, i get the following error:
[23:15] <nixternal> ls: cannot access /home/rjohnson/cleversafe/svn/swdev_mgmt/trunk/driveswap/output/build/SOURCES/dsnet-driveswap-1.0.tar.gz: No such file or directory
[23:16] <soren> nixternal: If you first tab-complete your way to a functioning command line, can you copy and paste it then?
[23:17] <nixternal> no
[23:20] <soren> nixternal: /me blames KDE or something :)
[23:22] <nixternal> soren: ahh, I found it
[23:22] <nixternal> for some reason
[23:22] <nixternal> that swdev_mgmt is now swdev-mgmt
[23:22] <nixternal> err, or it is being read as that
[23:23] <nixternal> when I run ant, it replaces the - with a _
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