UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /30 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== maco_ is now known as maco
[01:11] <calc> just realized i only have about 25 non triaged non incomplete bugs
[01:11] <calc> out of 526 :)
=== paul__ is now known as Elbrus
[01:50] <hggdh> persia, ping
[02:10] <Hammonjj> hi everyone
[02:11] <Hammonjj> i'm a cs student looking to get involved with bug fixing. i was wondering if anyone knew of a resource i cold contact
[02:11] <Hammonjj> could***
[02:16] <hggdh> well, he was fast... fast in and fast out
=== woody86_ is now known as woody86
[04:30] <techno_freak> NetworkManager has totaly screwed up in the latest update, it doesn't even run dhclient when booting up and even if I restart NM manually, the applet still shows no wired connections activated
[04:47] <Juanelone> ubunti 8.10 woohooo
=== graydog is now known as graydot
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
[06:34] <thekorn> good morning
[06:35] <maco> hiya
[06:45] <dholbach> good morning
[06:47] <thekorn> good morning dholbach
[06:47] <dholbach> hi thekorn
[06:52] <maco> hi dholbach
[06:52] <dholbach> hi maco
[06:53] <maco> so, for QA stuff, laserjock and i were talking about our utter lack of unit tests. so i started a set of wiki pages to write up test cases for us to do manually. they can eventually be turned into automated ones, i suppose, but at least we'll have the specs for when that time comes
[06:53] <maco> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApplicationTesting
[06:57] <maco> if anyone wants to help write up things that need to be tested repeatedly during unstable to ensure a minimal set of functionality...feel free
[06:59] <maco> tjaalton: about the joysticks...if they wont be evdev, how will they be handled?
[07:00] <tjaalton> maco: just like before
[07:00] <tjaalton> ie. games work
[07:01] <tjaalton> if you want to use them as pointer devices, wait for the patch to hal that mjg59 posted
[07:01] <tjaalton> then x-x-i-joystick only needs to check for input.joystick devices, not the product id
[07:02] <maco> tjaalton: do you need to set them up in xorg.conf?
[07:02] <tjaalton> maco: with those updates, no
[07:02] <maco> tjaalton: awesome! will update post
[07:02] <maco> tjaalton: wacom's still screwed though, right?
[07:02] <tjaalton> I'm not sure if the hal patch will be SRU'd, but hope so
[07:03] <tjaalton> maco: yes, you can only initialize the device with one set of parameters when using input-hotplug
[07:03] <tjaalton> so the driver needs some love
[07:04] <maco> tjaalton: updated version ok?
[07:06] <tjaalton> YABC, a sec
[07:07] <maco> yabc?
[07:07] <tjaalton> yet-another-browser-crash
[07:07] <tjaalton> just invented it myself ;)
[07:08] <maco> gotcha
[07:09] <tjaalton> maco: yep, looks fine
[07:09] <maco> kk thanks
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
[10:30] <niadh> I know this is probably gonna be a pain, but I've just got up, intending to upgrade ubuntu while I am out today, any reason why upgrade manager ain't showing the update option?
[10:30] <RAOF> 'cause it's not released yet? Also, probably better asked on #ubuntu+1, I'd wager :)
[10:31] <niadh> Was under the impression it's out today
[10:31] <niadh> Of course it doesn't mean 9AM today
[10:31] <niadh> Just wondered
[10:32] <Hew> niadh: Watch #ubuntu+1. It's not out yet, but should be out some time today.
[10:32] <RAOF> Yeah. It'll be out sometime today, barring huge last minute problems.
[10:32] <Hew> niadh: Also #ubuntu-release-party
[11:15] <BUGabundo_work> asac: ping
[11:16] <Bodsda> morning
[11:16] <BUGabundo_work> good morning
[11:17] <asac> BUGabundo_work: hey ;)
[11:17] <Bodsda> downloading intrepid rc atm -- 8.04 is running really slow for me so i think its time for some spring cleaning
[11:17] <asac> BUGabundo_work: got my messages?
[11:17] <BUGabundo_work> not yet
[11:17] <asac> BUGabundo_work: look in mail + bug ;)
[11:17] <BUGabundo_work> I publish one of my passwords online!
[11:18] <asac> BUGabundo_work: he?
[11:18] <BUGabundo_work> took most of the morning to change my old passwords
[11:18] <asac> BUGabundo_work: oh :)
[11:18] <BUGabundo_work> and now I'm in meetings
[11:18] <BUGabundo_work> didn't even had time to turn laptop on
[11:18] <asac> BUGabundo_work: yeah. ok anyway ... PPA version should work.
[11:18] <asac> BUGabundo_work: i gave hints how to workaround without that patch in bug
[11:18] * BUGabundo_work opens ubuntu mailbox
[11:19] <asac> s/PPA version/new PPA version/
[11:21] * BUGabundo_work laptop booting
[11:42] <BUGabundo_work> is anyone getting "floating point exception" on skype 64bits?
[11:48] <BUGabundo_work> asac: sorry to say, but VPN still won't work after the update!
[11:48] <BUGabundo_work> do I need to reboot?
[11:49] <asac> BUGabundo_work: depends
[11:49] <asac> BUGabundo_work: which -pptp version do you have installed now?
[11:50] <asac> BUGabundo_work: does the workaround work for you?
[11:50] <asac> for me stuff works now
[11:50] <BUGabundo_work> PPA version of course
[11:51] <asac> BUGabundo_work: which ;)?
[11:51] <BUGabundo_work> haven't read it yet
[11:51] <BUGabundo_work> brb
[11:51] <BUGabundo_work> user probs
[11:54] <BUGabundo> $ apt-cache show network-manager-pptp
[11:54] <BUGabundo> Architecture: amd64
[11:54] <BUGabundo> Version: 0.7~~svn20081015t024626-0ubuntu2~nm2
[11:54] <asac> BUGabundo_work: works for me
[11:55] <asac> i am currently connected
[11:55] <asac> BUGabundo_work: i had to select MPPE
[11:55] <asac> thats all
[11:55] <BUGabundo_work> I have it on
[11:55] <asac> and dont use password
[11:55] <asac> because that doesnt work
[11:55] <asac> BUGabundo_work: dump your connection
[11:55] <asac> create a new one
[11:55] <asac> most likely you tweaked something else
[11:55] <BUGabundo_work> 1st thing I did
[11:56] <BUGabundo_work> the ballon won't even show up...
[11:56] <BUGabundo_work> it desapears in less then half a sec
[11:56] <asac> which balloon?
[11:56] <BUGabundo> the FAILED connection
[11:56] <asac> well. i think you have other issues then. what error do you get in syslog now?
[11:57] <BUGabundo_work> just tested to a 2nd vpn and it also failed!
[11:57] <BUGabundo> let me tail it
[11:58] <BUGabundo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/64567/
[11:58] <BUGabundo_work> nothing there!
[11:59] <asac> BUGabundo_work: you should really get to a clean state
[11:59] <BUGabundo_work> ok
[11:59] <asac> wipe keyring stuff
[11:59] <asac> and such
[11:59] <BUGabundo_work> what do I need?
[11:59] <asac> you need to have a new password dialog triggered
[11:59] <asac> not sure
[11:59] <BUGabundo_work> rm /etc ?
[12:00] <BUGabundo_work> ROFL
[12:00] <asac> i dont know
[12:00] <asac> really
[12:00] <BUGabundo_work> apt-get remove --purge nm *
[12:00] <asac> no
[12:00] <asac> you need to remove your keyring stuff
[12:00] <asac> open seahorse
[12:00] <asac> and remove stuff from there
[12:00] <asac> all passwords and things
[12:00] <asac> and also dont fill the password in the connection editor
[12:00] <BUGabundo_work> ok
[12:00] <BUGabundo_work> the ONLY key there as been removed
[12:01] <asac> well
[12:01] <asac> then ensure that you dont have a password in the connection
[12:01] <asac> at best dump it again
[12:01] <BUGabundo_work> deleting VPNs and doing new ones
[12:01] <BUGabundo_work> wait..
[12:01] <BUGabundo_work> I'm going to boot livecd
[12:01] <asac> just fill in username gateway and no passord
[12:01] <BUGabundo_work> and test from there
[12:01] <asac> BUGabundo_work: no need to
[12:01] <BUGabundo> no ?
[12:01] <asac> you just need get back to a state you always had yesterday
[12:01] <asac> i am sure you can figure that out
[12:02] <asac> i mean that you get asked for password and such
[12:02] <asac> and that there is actually a connect attempt in the log
[12:02] <asac> the package certainly didnt change anything in this regard
[12:02] <BUGabundo_work> no need for domain??
[12:02] <BUGabundo_work> I'm entereing it!
[12:02] <asac> BUGabundo_work: yes domain is ok
[12:02] <asac> BUGabundo_work: if you read bug/mail you see how you can encode that in the username though
[12:02] <BUGabundo_work> CAPS or lower case?
[12:03] <asac> ... which allows you to use it without the ppa package
[12:03] <asac> BUGabundo_work: domain? here its caps
[12:03] * BUGabundo checks LP bugmil
[12:03] <BUGabundo> windows uses it as CAPS
[12:03] <asac> BUGabundo_work: i think it even works here without a domain ;)
[12:04] <BUGabundo_work> does it escape passwords correctly?
[12:04] <asac> what do i know
[12:04] * BUGabundo connetcing
[12:04] <asac> my password was simple enough
[12:04] * BUGabundo VPN Connection Failed
[12:04] <asac> that error is unimportant
[12:04] <asac> you need to get the ssylog as always
[12:05] <BUGabundo> LCP terminated by peer (;'w^I^@<M-Mt^@^@^BM-f)
[12:05] <BUGabundo> I guess this is it now
[12:05] <asac> BUGabundo_work: yeah. .. thats MPPE
[12:05] <asac> BUGabundo_work: yeah
[12:05] <BUGabundo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/64569/
[12:05] <asac> enable MPPE ... at least that made it work here
[12:06] * BUGabundo makes MPPE on... forgot last time
[12:06] <asac> BUGabundo_work: cool. also i just verified. at least my account works without domain :)
[12:06] <asac> but also with domain or with domain encoded in username
[12:06] <asac> e.g. DOMAIN\username or username@DOMAIN
[12:08] <BUGabundo_work> yeah
[12:08] <BUGabundo_work> it should work
[12:08] <BUGabundo_work> hey... my messages didn't came
[12:08] <BUGabundo_work> IT WORKSSSSS
[12:08] <asac> cool ;)
[12:08] <asac> BUGabundo_work: so passwords get properly encoded
[12:08] <asac> gtk
[12:09] <asac> BUGabundo_work: now please test WPA-Enterprise ;)
[12:09] <asac> i think the problem with the password in the settings directly needs to be dealt too
[12:09] <BUGabundo_work> not there!
[12:09] <asac> but i can figure that ;)
[12:09] <BUGabundo_work> only tonight when I get to Universaty
[12:09] <BUGabundo_work> can we make MPPE on by default?
[12:10] <asac> BUGabundo_work: not sure :/
[12:10] <asac> i mean technically for sure
[12:10] <asac> not sure what is wanted
[12:10] <BUGabundo_work> 2nd vpn is failing
[12:11] <asac> BUGabundo_work: which error?
[12:11] <BUGabundo_work> http://paste.ubuntu.com/64573
[12:12] <asac> BUGabundo_work: but it succeeds first right?
[12:12] <asac> i mean it gets ip an all
[12:12] * BUGabundo hates when VPNs disconect IRC
[12:12] <BUGabundo> diff VPNs
[12:12] <BUGabundo> not the company anymore
[12:12] <BUGabundo> its the univ VPN now
[12:12] <BUGabundo> I think I can talk to the admin to get you an account too
[12:13] <asac> BUGabundo_work: maybe try options first
[12:13] <BUGabundo> MPPE disabled
[12:13] <BUGabundo> why did it got disable?
[12:13] <asac> BUGabundo_work: you definitly connected and got an IP
[12:13] <BUGabundo> nm-pptp-service-4519 warn[decaps_gre:pptp_gre.c:331]: short read (-1): Message too long
[12:13] <asac> BUGabundo_work: yeah. thats most likely the reason why its disconnecting
[12:13] <asac> the MPPE disabled stuff is most likely just output when shutting down
[12:15] <asac> BUGabundo_work: is the gateway and stuff correct?
[12:15] <asac> looks a bit "simple" :)
[12:16] * BUGabundo_work checking
[12:16] * BUGabundo asking the Univ network admin for VPN logs
[12:17] <asac> also a bit strange that the second DNS comes from a complete different net:
[12:17] <asac> <->
[12:17] <BUGabundo_work> VPN is now on!
[12:18] <BUGabundo_work> tried a mirror server
[12:18] <asac> ok. so bogus vpn server
[12:18] <asac> BUGabundo_work: please talk to admin
[12:18] <BUGabundo_work> talking
[12:18] <asac> and figure out if its a misconfiguration and if it is figure out if windows users are affected or if they have more magic
[12:19] <BUGabundo_work> http://paste.ubuntu.com/64576 Success
[12:19] <asac> BUGabundo_work: yay ;)
[12:19] <asac> good stuff
[12:19] <asac> BUGabundo_work: do you remember how the domain/username encoding looks like in a windows login box?
[12:19] <asac> BUGabundo_work: is it like DOMAIN\user ... or DOMAIN\\user ?
[12:20] <asac> i think i saw that once ... but thats years ago :(
[12:20] <BUGabundo_work> retested inicial server and it failed again
[12:20] <BUGabundo_work> its a server setting I guess
[12:21] <BUGabundo_work> mirror server works
[12:21] <BUGabundo_work> but requires MPPE
[12:21] <BUGabundo_work> DOMAIN\user single slash on windows
[12:21] <asac> BUGabundo_work: so the other doesnt require MPPE?
[12:21] <BUGabundo_work> user@DOMAIN also valid
[12:21] <asac> BUGabundo_work: try to disable it then (though i guess thats obvious to test ;))
[12:21] <asac> BUGabundo_work: ok cool
[12:21] <asac> thanks
[12:21] <asac> (domain encoding)
[12:21] <asac> BUGabundo_work: yes know that @ is the modern way
[12:22] * BUGabundo_work testing all 3 servers without MPPE
[12:22] <asac> but most likely it will never be THE standard way ... as always ;)
[12:22] <asac> BUGabundo_work: i think the first already failed right?
[12:22] <asac> oh sorry
[12:22] * asac confuses work/school
[12:23] <BUGabundo> School server 1 with MPPE fail http://paste.ubuntu.com/64580/
[12:23] <asac> BUGabundo_work: yeah thats the bogus address stuff
[12:23] <asac> we need admin input on whats special and if that server works at all on windows
[12:23] <asac> BUGabundo_work: or doese it work without MPPE?
[12:24] <BUGabundo> School server 1 withOUT MPPE fail http://paste.ubuntu.com/64581
[12:24] <asac> oh that server at least tells that MPPE is required
[12:24] <BUGabundo> School server mirror withOUT MPPE fail
[12:24] <asac> your work server just continues
[12:25] <BUGabundo_work> got a time out now
[12:25] <BUGabundo_work> on the mirror
[12:26] <BUGabundo> School server mirror WITH MPPE timeout http://paste.ubuntu.com/64583/
[12:27] <asac> BUGabundo_work: which server worked before?
[12:27] <BUGabundo_work> that one
[12:27] <asac> BUGabundo_work: try again
[12:27] <BUGabundo_work> msvpn1.dei....
[12:27] <BUGabundo_work> and now it Simply Worked
[12:28] <asac> BUGabundo_work: ok. try a few times ... with and without disconnecting first
[12:28] <BUGabundo> School server mirror WITH MPPE Success http://paste.ubuntu.com/64585/
[12:28] <BUGabundo_work> School server mirror WITH MPPE SUCESS http://paste.ubuntu.com/64585
[12:29] <BUGabundo_work> humm I'm lagging!!! lol missed that on IRC
[12:29] <BUGabundo_work> the admin is offline now! not sure if he went to check this stuff
[12:29] <BUGabundo> ubottu: ping
[12:29] <ubottu> ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore
[12:30] <asac> BUGabundo_work: well ... i think the failure might also been have due to the server
[12:30] <asac> BUGabundo_work: you should try multiple times to get a better feeling about the fail ratio
[12:30] <BUGabundo_work> at least I know have 2 working servers
[12:30] <asac> BUGabundo_work: so you have 3 servers in school
[12:30] <BUGabundo_work> tonigh I'll teste the VPN over open WiFi
[12:31] <BUGabundo_work> and test EDUROAM
[12:31] <BUGabundo_work> no asac
[12:31] <BUGabundo_work> 2 vpn server at school
[12:31] <BUGabundo_work> plus one at work
[12:31] <BUGabundo_work> I know I'm babbling all over the place
[12:31] <BUGabundo_work> making it hard for you to follow
[12:32] <BUGabundo_work> now we have a post release update to do
[12:33] <BUGabundo_work> asac: admin is back
[12:33] <BUGabundo_work> trying to get him to look at the server
[12:33] <asac> BUGabundo_work: ok
[12:33] <asac> BUGabundo_work: anyway. even the current package works if you encode the domain in the username
[12:34] * BUGabundo finally some time to look at backlog emails!
[12:34] <asac> and dont use the domain field in NM
[12:34] <BUGabundo_work> LOL
[12:34] <BUGabundo_work> release notes maybe?
[12:34] <asac> not sure. the vpn plugins should be more important, but they are not on CD
[12:34] <asac> and not even in main
[12:35] <BUGabundo_work> but people upgrading
[12:35] <asac> we will get the update in asap. that should be good enough i think
[12:35] <BUGabundo_work> will get a non working VPN
[12:35] <BUGabundo_work> that might leave some users without ANY chance to fix
[12:38] <snap-l> Did anyone else receive a security update today?
[12:38] <asac> BUGabundo_work: well. the notes are all done and so ;)
[12:38] <asac> snap-l: whats the problem?
[12:39] <BUGabundo_work> I did snap-l
[12:39] <snap-l> I'm not seeing any notes for what the issue was.
[12:39] <snap-l> More curious than anything
[12:42] <asac> snap-l: not sure. look http://www.ubuntu.com/usn
[12:43] <asac> most likely you got one of the more recent ones then
[12:43] <jdstrand> snap-l: it is expected. base-files needed an update before intrepid was released, so no USN. it went through -security because of the extrememly late hour in the release process
[12:43] <asac> jdstrand: thanks for helping out ;)
[12:44] <snap-l> jdstrand: Thanks for the clarification. :)
[12:44] <jdstrand> np
[13:20] <asac> BUGabundo_work: could you post a syslog that shows the authentication error to the bug?
[13:20] <asac> at best replace the description
[13:21] <asac> BUGabundo_work: if oyu want you can open a new bug for the MPPE by default thing
[13:21] <asac> and point the other reports in the bug to that one (as some appear to have been struck by that too)
[13:34] <BUGabundo_work> asac: it could be great if we made a poll, and ask users on that bug to vote if it worked best with or without MPPE
[13:37] <asac> BUGabundo_work: well. bugs attract a highly biased user base :)
[13:38] <Bit_Breaker> hello all
[13:39] <Bit_Breaker> i was wondering if the images provided here, can be crafted to work in VBox
[13:39] <Bit_Breaker> http://isv-image.ubuntu.com/vmware/
[13:39] <BUGabundo_work> asac: (13:02:56) André:
[13:39] <BUGabundo_work> Embora os dois serviços (msvpn e msvpn1) sejam semelhantes, têm algumas diferenças entre eles, por exemplo o msvpn1 suporta MPPC e também chaves statefull.
[13:39] <BUGabundo_work> the admin says both machines are similar
[13:40] <Bit_Breaker> they are a part of this wikihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase
[13:40] <asac> Bit_Breaker: wouldnt think so. you could ask QA folks if they have prepared vbox images
[13:40] <BUGabundo_work> but mirror server as MPPC and statefull keys
[13:40] <Bit_Breaker> asac: ok who would that be? QA that is .
[13:41] <asac> Bit_Breaker: maybe ask on #ubuntu-testing .... but i think to remember that thats on their todo list. so most likely there are no vbox images yet
[13:42] <CaPriCoRN^80> persia: hi
[13:42] <CaPriCoRN^80> i have read the documentation
[13:43] <CaPriCoRN^80> i tried to report a bug related to 8.04
[13:43] <CaPriCoRN^80> but didnt get any response
[13:43] <BUGabundo_work> asac: you got me lost now!
[13:44] <BUGabundo_work> what bug log do you mean I should post to the bug??
[13:44] <asac> BUGabundo_work: no. reproduce the bug log that leads to the AUTHETNTICATION failure
[13:44] <asac> that wone with the =691 code
[13:44] <asac> BUGabundo_work: if you still have it somewhere just use that :)
[13:45] <Bit_Breaker> asac: thanks
[13:46] <BUGabundo_work> ill have to look for IRC logs and get the pastebin of it
[13:46] <Bit_Breaker> asac: how can i help make images for Vbox
[13:46] <BUGabundo_work> or my console logs... even maybe by grepping my syslog
[13:46] <BUGabundo_work> I never delete them
[13:46] <asac> Bit_Breaker: ask folks on #ubuntu-testing. they are the one to coordinate that imo. at best wait a day to make release dust settle there
[13:46] <asac> Bit_Breaker: they are most likely still busy
[13:46] <Bit_Breaker> ok
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
[14:31] <seb128> mvo: should bug #290921 stays open as an ubuntu bug if you opened a rt about it?
[14:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290921 in ubuntu "archive.ubuntu.com config prevents caching" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290921
[14:33] <bddebian> Boo
[14:33] <mvo> seb128: I have no idea, it feels like it should given that its not resolved yet
[14:33] <mvo> but I don't have a strong opinion on it
[14:33] <seb128> mvo: that's not an ubuntu bug though, it has been moved to a rt which seems to correct media no?
[14:34] <mvo> ok, fine with me to close it "notforus" :)
[14:34] * mvo thinks we need more close states
[14:34] <seb128> I don't really care but that's the sort of bugs which stay open for ever
[14:34] <seb128> that seems noise
[14:35] <mvo> I included the bugnumer in the ticket in the hope that RT would close it
[14:35] <mvo> but yeah, we might as well close it now that its forwarded
[14:37] <Ohmu_> I got a bug in gnome-ppp. The init-string fields start at 2, not 1 (zero would be ok by me...), and they eat whatever values you put in them. Next time you bring up the box, the values are reset.
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[16:19] <joaopinto> anyone ever found this error: nslookup: parse of /etc/resolv.conf failed ?
[16:20] <joaopinto> my resolv.conf is a mixed result from networkmanager and the AT&T VPN client
[16:20] <joaopinto> and it looks fine to me :P
[17:13] <afflux> we had some issues with -386 packages being installed around gutsy or so, didn't we?
[17:13] <afflux> anyone happen to have the report at hand?
[18:37] <psusi> so what do you do with a bug report that has been filed in a language you do not understand?
[18:38] <bdmurray> psusi: do you have any idea what language it is?
[18:38] <psusi> looks like it might be german
[18:39] <bdmurray> I think we have some people who know german here
[18:40] <bdmurray> I hate to just close the bug report as the person is making an effort to help out
[18:40] <thekorn> psusi, can you give me the bug number
[18:40] <psusi> yea, bug #175329
[18:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 175329 in dmraid "dmraid lies sich nicht installieren oder aktualisieren" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175329
[18:41] <thekorn> psusi, yes germen, let me have a look
[18:41] <psusi> well, the report is also a year old so... maybe I should just close it for being old and ask them to change it back to new if they are still around...
[18:44] <thekorn> hmm, its about updating this package in 7.10, I think I'll close this bug and ask him to reopen if this is still a problem
[18:44] <psusi> sounds good to me
[18:44] <psusi> thanks
[18:44] <bdmurray> thekorn: could you also mention bug reports are more likely to get attention if reported in English?
[18:44] <thekorn> yes, will do
[18:45] <bdmurray> Thanks!
[19:51] <asac> bdmurray: you really want to keep non-native bugs open?
[19:52] <asac> bdmurray: i mean then we should do that officially and try to get a "bug" translator team up ;)
[19:52] <asac> i usually just close stuff
[19:52] <bdmurray> asac: yeah, I think having a bug translation team would be a good idea
[19:54] <asac> well. for me requiring a proxy isnt that promissing ;)
[19:54] <asac> translation team would be at least more-responsive than the average bug triager ;)
[19:54] <asac> otherwise they would probably be a bottle neck
=== thekorn__ is now known as thekorn_
[21:27] <hamza> hi , i have a problem with playing video w
[21:27] <hamza> anyone here ?!
[21:28] <maco> yes, but if it's a help request, that goes in #ubuntu
[21:28] <maco> this channel's mostly for triaging
[21:34] <BUGabundo> asac: ping
[21:35] <asac> BUGabundo: ?
[21:35] <BUGabundo> hi
[21:35] <BUGabundo> just uploaded a log to 272185
[21:35] <BUGabundo> updating now to nm4
[21:35] <BUGabundo> and trying the new timeout
[21:36] <asac> BUGabundo: do you get the timeout error?
[21:36] <maco> oh oh where's the server team (i think?) so they can freak about contentless-pings?
[21:36] <BUGabundo> with nm3 yes
[21:36] <maco> ^_^
[21:36] <asac> BUGabundo: right
[21:36] <asac> BUGabundo: yeah give it a try .... buts ridiculous already
[21:36] <BUGabundo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/64815/
[21:37] <BUGabundo> I'm now 3mts from the AP
[21:37] <BUGabundo> of course RADIUS servers here suck...
[21:37] <asac> BUGabundo: well. go ahead
[21:37] <asac> let me know if this thing succeeds after ages ;)
[21:37] <BUGabundo> I also failed to connect to another AP with out encription
[21:37] <BUGabundo> and noticed that if I ran sudo dhclient wlan2 I would get connected
[21:37] <asac> thats something different most likely
[21:38] <asac> BUGabundo: thats a driver bug then most likely
[21:38] <asac> or maybe wpasupplicant in a bad state after broken EAP attempts
[21:39] * BUGabundo hopes PPA download speed is better then Main and mirrors
[21:39] <BUGabundo> I've seen mirrors with 70 system load
[21:39] <BUGabundo> its crazy!!!
[21:39] <ogra> the whole datacenter suffers on release day :)
[21:39] <BUGabundo> I know
[21:39] <asac> sounds warm ;)
[21:39] <BUGabundo> I track a mirror here!
[21:39] <asac> like holiday ;)
[21:39] <BUGabundo> and we just wish it can make through the weekend
[21:39] <ogra> asac, well, there is a holiday tomorrow :)
[21:40] <asac> ogra: not here
[21:40] <BUGabundo> http://neacm.fe.up.pt/stats/sysinfo/
[21:40] <ogra> unless hamburg switched to be catholic
[21:40] <BUGabundo> Load Averages 24.17 22.36 22.19
[21:40] <asac> ogra: no ... its not a public holiday here even though we are not catholic
[21:40] <BUGabundo> asac: reboot to get the new NM4
[21:40] <asac> most likely this means that there is no religion here
[21:41] <ogra> heh
[21:41] <asac> ogra: or maybe i just have never heard of this day ;)
[21:41] <ogra> oh, carp
[21:41] <ogra> *crap even
[21:41] <asac> I'll will certainly notice when no stores have open tomorrow
[21:41] <asac> ;)
[21:41] <ogra> "am Fr.,31.10. ist Reformationstag
[21:41] <ogra> gesetzlicher Feiertag in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen."
[21:41] <asac> see
[21:41] <ogra> gah
[21:41] <asac> thats how it works
[21:42] <asac> ostfeiertag halt
[21:42] * ogra has to work tomorrow
[21:42] <ogra> heh
[21:42] <BUGabundo> by the way asac
[21:42] <asac> ogra: glaube das liegt daran, dass die dort luther hatten ;)
[21:42] <BUGabundo> how do I do use wpa manually?
[21:42] <BUGabundo> I'm out of train
[21:42] <BUGabundo> haven't used it since gutsy
[21:42] <BUGabundo> brb
[21:42] <ogra> asac, niedersachsen hatter reformationstag bis vor n paar jahren :/
[21:45] <BUGabundo> asac: back
[21:46] <asac> BUGabundo: well. now it takes at most 3 minutes until we know more
[21:46] <BUGabundo> ehehe
[21:46] <BUGabundo> Oct 30 21:46:06 blubug NetworkManager: <info> (wlan2): supplicant connection state change: 0 -> 4
[21:46] <BUGabundo> Oct 30 21:46:21 blubug NetworkManager: <info> wlan2: link timed out.
[21:46] <BUGabundo> or not!
[21:46] <asac> BUGabundo: no thats ok
[21:46] <asac> the usual confusing messages from driver
[21:46] <asac> if you wouldnt get that it wouldnt take so long in the first place
[21:46] <BUGabundo> ah ok
[21:47] <asac> BUGabundo: do you tail the wpasupplicant.log?
[21:47] <BUGabundo> OT do you have a LP bug for the Tainted Network messages when modprob -r iwlagn && modprob iwlagn
[21:47] <asac> thats important ... i want to see whats going on during connect attempt
[21:47] <BUGabundo> i'am
[21:48] <asac> BUGabundo: tainted?
[21:48] <BUGabundo> hummm no
[21:48] <asac> i dont get those ;)
[21:48] <BUGabundo> not wpasupp
[21:48] <BUGabundo> just syslog
[21:48] <BUGabundo> I get ... should I file a new bug?
[21:48] <asac> BUGabundo: yes why not.
[21:48] * BUGabundo tailing wpasup
[21:48] <asac> BUGabundo: if it still fails after 3 minutes i need wpasupp
[21:49] <asac> log together with syslog
[21:49] <BUGabundo> ok
[21:49] <BUGabundo> CTRL-EVENT-EAP-FAILURE EAP authentication failed
[21:49] <BUGabundo> 2nd try with fresh logs
[21:49] <asac> BUGabundo: flush the drivers too before that
[21:49] <BUGabundo> OpenSSL: tls_connection_handshake - Failed to read possible Application Data error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
[21:50] <BUGabundo> how do I do that?
[21:50] <asac> BUGabundo: reload the modeules
[21:50] <BUGabundo> naaa
[21:50] <asac> then give NM some time to settle
[21:50] <BUGabundo> if I do that I need to reboot
[21:50] <asac> then tail stuff and reproduce
[21:50] <asac> BUGabundo: you need?
[21:50] <BUGabundo> I can't get my wifi back
[21:50] <BUGabundo> if I remove the module
[21:50] <BUGabundo> that's why I said I get a tainted message
[21:51] <asac> sounds quite bad
[21:51] <BUGabundo> even if I turn WiFi off from NM
[21:51] <BUGabundo> it won't came back
[21:51] <asac> please paste output of modinfo iwlagn
[21:51] <BUGabundo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/64824/
[21:51] <asac> BUGabundo: but you are sure its Tunneled TLS what you need?
[21:52] <BUGabundo> yep
[21:52] <BUGabundo> I'm sure
[21:52] <BUGabundo> it worked just fine with Hardy
[21:52] <asac> yeah get me the logs first then
[21:52] <BUGabundo> and previous versions of nm0.7
[21:52] <asac> BUGabundo: do you still have the hardy kernels ?
[21:52] <BUGabundo> but now it won't even connect
[21:52] <BUGabundo> nop
[21:52] <asac> BUGabundo: what did you do with those?
[21:52] <BUGabundo> just 2.6.26-5 and 2.6.27-7
[21:52] <BUGabundo> apt-get remove
[21:52] <asac> BUGabundo: maybe try .26
[21:53] <asac> BUGabundo: thats a bad idea
[21:53] <asac> you should always keep them ;)
[21:53] <asac> they do no harm :-P
[21:53] <BUGabundo> it was working!!! lol
[21:53] <BUGabundo> as I said, only in the last week and a halt it stoped
[21:53] <asac> BUGabundo: what is working?
[21:53] <BUGabundo> before that I had lots of timeouts
[21:53] <BUGabundo> wifi with eduroam
[21:53] <asac> BUGabundo: yeah try 26 kernel please
[21:53] <BUGabundo> aint that what we are talking about?
[21:54] <asac> well you are not always precise
[21:54] <asac> so i have to ask seemingly stupid questions sometimes
[21:54] <BUGabundo> eheh
[21:54] <BUGabundo> no prob
[21:54] <BUGabundo> I'll try to be more precise
[21:54] <BUGabundo> be right back
[21:55] <BUGabundo> NM [finally] connected to the other AP (without encription)
[21:55] <BUGabundo> going to test VPN over WiFi
[21:55] <asac> BUGabundo: that works for me
[21:55] <BUGabundo> need to unplug the eth to be sure I'm using the correct connection
[21:55] <asac> BUGabundo: better get this issue sortd. dont get distracted ;)
[21:55] <BUGabundo> brb
[21:55] <asac> try .26 kernel
[21:56] <asac> also try to do it manually with a wpa_supplicant.conf
[21:59] <asac> Burgundavia: ^^ also i am still waiting for a supplicant log ;)
[22:10] <angusthefuzz> do any of you maintain the list of bug testing virtualbox images: http://isv-image.ubuntu.com/vmware/
[22:10] <angusthefuzz> The link is on the bug wiki knowledgebase page
[22:19] <bdmurray> angusthefuzz: I'm familiar with them but don't maintain them
[22:20] <angusthefuzz> bdmurray: the list is just really out of date and I wondered how I might help make some new images for testing
[22:20] <angusthefuzz> bdmurray: I happen to have server and desktop default installs for virtualbox already and I thought i might package them up for others to use
[22:21] <angusthefuzz> (8.10)
[22:22] * BUGabundo loves to run on 800x600.... bah old kernels...
[22:22] <BUGabundo> asac: 2.6.26-5 only has iwl4965 not iwlagn
[22:22] <BUGabundo> can't even turn my wifi on!
[22:22] <bdmurray> angusthefuzz: could you e-mail the ubuntu-qa mailing list about that so it can be discussed?
[22:23] <angusthefuzz> sure
[22:23] <BUGabundo> asac: rebooting to 2.6.27-7
[22:23] <bdmurray> We've discussed providing virtual machine images before and I think it would be quite useful
[22:24] <BUGabundo> bdmurray: for upgrade testing?
[22:24] * BUGabundo rebooting
[22:24] <bdmurray> BUGabundo: or SRU verification
[22:26] <angusthefuzz> bdmurray: I also think it would be useful, that way triagers can test things without messing with their own system
[22:26] <bdmurray> angusthefuzz: right and install strange packages
[22:26] <angusthefuzz> or patches, etc
[22:28] <BUGabundo> asac: tailing new logs
[22:29] <BUGabundo> asac: [ 16.660173] cfg80211: Regulatory domain: US
[22:29] <BUGabundo> I'm in Europe... lol
[22:34] <BUGabundo> asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/64846/ & http://paste.ubuntu.com/64847/
[22:34] * BUGabundo is this thing on??
[22:34] <BUGabundo> ping ubottu
[22:35] <BUGabundo> ping ubottu
[22:35] <BUGabundo> ubottu: ping
[22:35] <ubottu> ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore
[22:35] <BUGabundo> ahh its alive
[22:35] <BUGabundo> asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/64846/ & http://paste.ubuntu.com/64847/
=== apw is now known as ap
[22:40] <angusthefuzz> bdmurray: the email has been sent, hopefully it will be well-received
[22:41] <BUGabundo> Call Trace: \n [<ffffffff8024e9b4>] warn_on_slowpath+0x64/0x90 \n Pid: 7019, comm: wpa_supplicant Tainted
[22:41] <BUGabundo> means anything to anyone?
=== ap is now known as apw
[22:48] <BUGabundo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/291291
[22:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 291291 in wpasupplicant "wpa_supplicant Tainted" [Undecided,New]
[22:53] <asac> BUGabundo: looks bad ... i think its a bad idea to unload reload module when wpasupp is still running
[22:53] <BUGabundo> then make it resileant to it
[22:53] <BUGabundo> I just used NM
[22:54] <asac> NM has nothing to do with that tainted thing
[22:56] <BUGabundo> I just clicked on the nm-applet to turn WiFi off
[22:56] <BUGabundo> if that is what is inloading modules
[22:56] <BUGabundo> then there is where we need to start fixing
[22:56] <asac> no its the driver that goes down
[22:56] <asac> no its not
[22:56] <asac> anyway thanks so far. we will see
[22:57] <BUGabundo> sure
[22:57] <BUGabundo> just trying to debug
[22:58] <BUGabundo> asac: I also uploaded the wpa logs
[23:37] <angusthefuzz> bdmurray: I just found out that test image maintainer is an open qa position: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/KeyPositions
[23:38] <bdmurray> angusthefuzz: oh, so it is!
[23:40] <angusthefuzz> maybe this will prompt them to fill the position :-)
[23:48] <hggdh> angusthefuzz, why don't you propose for that?
[23:50] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: I am thinking about it. I am worried that my upload isnt fast enough for multiple weekly images (i only get about 50 KB/s)
[23:50] <hggdh> huh, that's not going to do the trick...
[23:50] * Hobbsee is wondering how the images actually get made.
[23:51] * hggdh was also thinking (in a tortuous way) about that
[23:51] <angusthefuzz> Hobbsee: basically you perform an install in virtualbox, then take the resulting image file and zip it up
[23:51] <Hobbsee> angusthefuzz: ahhh
[23:51] <angusthefuzz> the trick is to do nothing to the install, to keep it as default as possible
[23:51] <hggdh> aye
[23:52] <angusthefuzz> but whoever filled that role would constantly be downloading isos and installing and reuploading them
[23:52] <hggdh> methinks VBox could be automated for that
[23:52] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: I agree
[23:52] <Hobbsee> the biggest problem there would be when the iso's don't install.
[23:52] * Hobbsee --> uni
[23:52] <Hobbsee> which is a lot of the time
[23:52] <Hobbsee> and/or the installer dosen't work.
[23:53] <hggdh> the problem is actually more complex: in the US most ISPs now impose a download cap per month -- 5G, usually
[23:53] <angusthefuzz> luckily mine isnt one of them
[23:53] <Hobbsee> hggdh: not all countries have that, fortunately.
[23:53] <Hobbsee> (mine does too, though)
[23:53] <hggdh> downloading all ISOs may very much blow the cap
[23:53] <angusthefuzz> and actually, I have access to a university network that is plenty fast enough
[23:53] <Hobbsee> hggdh: stick 'em on a linode or something. WOuldn't be overly difficult.
[23:53] <Hobbsee> a lot fo people have servers around
[23:53] <hggdh> but this could be split, with some people working, each on a ISO image
[23:54] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: also, im not sure weekly is necessary, maybe even every other week would provide updated enough images most of the time
[23:54] <angusthefuzz> its better than right now, I think 7.10 is the latest they have
[23:54] <hggdh> we would need an update every time a new alpha, beta, or rc, or GA is put out
[23:54] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: yes, definitely
[23:55] <hggdh> so this puts the crunch only in the last few weeks of a release cycle
[23:55] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: back to your automation comment, I am not sure vbox could go through an install without any manual input
[23:56] <hggdh> I am not sure how we could answer the default install questions automated
[23:56] <angusthefuzz> that would be tricky, if its even possible, plus I wouldnt be there to file new bugs if I found problems
[23:57] <mrooney> Is there an easy way to switch locales, say to debug an issue?
[23:58] <hggdh> mrooney, I *knew* the answer -- and it was simple. But I forgot... :-(
[23:59] <mrooney> For example if I want to see an issue with a translation, how might I get applications to use it?