UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /30 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[03:04] <duanedesign> what does everyone think of the new intrepid look.
[03:24] <BHSPitMonkey> There's a new look?
[03:26] <DShepherd> look? new look? what you talking about
[03:27] * DShepherd gets excited about this new look thing
[03:51] <duanedesign> diffrent default background
[04:03] <duanedesign> some icon changes, cool new tabbed browsing in nautilus, eject icons next to cds and hot swappable usb devices
[05:03] <CITguy08> Does anybody know where I can download the DarkRoom theme? I don't want to upgrade to Intrepid.
[05:05] <BHSPitMonkey> CITguy08, if you wade around packages.ubuntu.com you can find the theme package
[05:05] <CITguy08> Oh, I didn't think about that. Thanks.
[05:06] <BHSPitMonkey> might have to actually pry open the deb and just take the theme from inside it
[05:06] <BHSPitMonkey> with your fingers
=== aantn is now known as aantn|away
[14:36] <xivulon> thorwil: hi, I sent you a few suggestions
[14:36] <thorwil> xivulon: hi. yes, and i replied ;)
[14:37] <xivulon> ah am in the office no gmail access here :)
[14:43] <xivulon> thorwil: ok I read it on another machine, agree on all points :)
[14:43] <thorwil> xivulon: cool :)
[14:43] <xivulon> do you plan to change anything?
[14:44] <xivulon> only thing in my mind is that the window looks a bit to autocaddish if you see what I mean
[14:44] <xivulon> the window frame I a mean
[14:44] <thorwil> xivulon: yes. adding a few details and improving the landscape
[14:44] <xivulon> cool I'll update tonight then
[14:45] <thorwil> autocaddish?
[14:45] <xivulon> if I am still standing after the party
[14:47] <xivulon> like one 3D autocad blueprint
[14:47] <thorwil> hmm
[14:48] <thorwil> not sure what to do there
[14:50] <xivulon> http://spacedoutli.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/open-window-to-bucolic-landscape-photographic-print-c12454047.jpg
[14:53] <thorwil> heh. i discarded that one as reference, since i never saw a window opening outwards in my whole life. also obfuscates the view a bit, this way
[14:53] <thorwil> and the white color is much harder to get across (on white ground)
[14:54] <thorwil> maybe adding gradients to make the frame look slightly rounded, not plane will help
[14:54] <thorwil> bbl
[14:54] <xivulon> I know but the opening outwords conveys more the feeling of gooing out, and maybe a slightly hinted white frame with proper shades and borders wouldn't be too bad
[14:56] <xivulon> more importantly it takes less horizontal space, which is easier to place in the current web page design (which now uses a vertical image!)
[15:03] <xivulon> also we could use a very stylized version as a logo
[15:04] <xivulon> I like the frame above but with only 2 panes per side, more like the other os logo
[15:52] <thorwil> xivulon: even if i would agree, at this point i'm not going to redraw the window
[15:53] <xivulon> thorwil: can we take the one above, cut it out, and use some filters?
[15:54] <thorwil> xivulon: no, due to copyright
[15:56] <xivulon> yep was hoping for cc
[15:56] <xivulon> it's in fact on sale...
[15:56] <thorwil> xivulon: should i even bother to finish my work, or do we declare it a failure?
[15:57] <xivulon> but do you think that it would be that difficult to turn the window inside out? It makes the layout easier, and can be then turned into a logo
[15:59] <thorwil> xivulon: due to the realistic perspective, the 3d look, any other placement or angle requires everything to be redone. furthermore i think it's a bad idea, as common windows don't work like that
[16:01] <xivulon> the point is that I'd have to change the design of the rest of the website as if the screensize is small, there is no way I can place a large object on the right hand side column
[16:01] <xivulon> large = horizontally large
[16:01] <thorwil> xivulon: sheesh, it's made to be 256px wide
[16:05] <thorwil> xivulon: if i resize my browser window to take not much more than half the screen width, the side bar on the wubi page is still wide enough for that
[16:06] <xivulon> that's good then
[16:15] <xivulon> I will replace the heron tonight :)
[16:17] <thorwil> xivulon: ok, i will tweak it today and maybe tomorrow, you will see it in the repo
[16:18] <xivulon> great, drop me an email if there is anything you wish to discuss. If you can try with a white frame too.
[16:19] <xivulon> thanks a lot for everything
[16:20] <thorwil> xivulon: no problem. i really thought the photo-mashup concept would rule out issues like these :)
[16:22] <xivulon> just to be clear, I like your img a lot, just saw the other img today and it occurred to me that an outward white frame might have worked well too
[16:22] <thorwil> ok. just a case of bad timing :)
[16:23] <xivulon> no big deal at all, just details, the core concept of an open window is really cool
[16:27] <thorwil> today i received mail from a 14 year old, asking me for advice on how to learn to design with gimp and inkscape. that's a first :)
[16:38] <aantn> thorwil: cool :)
[16:40] <thorwil> aantn: now i'm writing him that the tools are secondary and that he should draw and learn about the basics like perspective. hope i don't scare him away, but it is the best advice i can give :)
[16:40] <kwwii> thorwil: I was talking to guy once and he said "sorry, I have to go, my mom keeps yelling at me to clean my room"
[16:40] <thorwil> lol
[16:41] <thorwil> kwwii: better than "sorry, i have to go, my owner takes me for a walk" ;)
[16:41] <kwwii> thorwil: what do you think of this? http://sinecera.de/rockstar3.png
[16:41] <kwwii> hehe
[16:42] <thorwil> kwwii: it has quite a bit of that rock quality it likely shall have. overall, the tone is too cool/gray, i think
[16:43] <thorwil> the "can be a" is on the edge of getting lost
[16:44] <thorwil> the type suggest that it's a rather gentle rock star. a bolder type could make clear it's a bout being a beast of a person ;)
[16:45] <thorwil> kwwii: does that help?
[16:45] <kwwii> thorwil: yes, that helps a lot, thanks!
[16:45] <thorwil> np :)
[22:11] <Kingorgg> Hi