UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /30 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== Verterok is now known as Verterok|afk
=== spm_ is now known as spm
=== Verterok|afk is now known as Verterok
[03:56] <darkscreamz> Hey guys, hoping someone can help me out. We have a launchpad account for an Ubuntu mirror we run, however I'm unsure of the login details or the e-mail address that was used for the account, hoping someone can help me out with recovering this info?
[04:06] <ia> hello, everybody. could you tell me please, where can i get, if that possible, sources of launchpad? :-)
[04:07] <spm> ia: at this point in time you can't
[04:12] <ia> spm: I see. Well, could you tell me, please, does canonical have plans to release code, so anyone can take this, compile, run it at some server for some personal aims/projects? it's just a curiosity, not some critical necessity :-)
[04:14] <spm> ia: sure. I *believe* the timeline is mid 2009 to have the codebase for LP open sourced. But that's my possibly faulty memory at work. :-)
[04:21] <NCommander> ia & spm it was one year from May-July
[04:21] * NCommander can't remember specifically which month
[04:22] <stgraber> IIRC it was announced at OSCON or really near OSCON, so that was in July
[04:23] <spm> http://arstechnica.com/journals/linux.ars/2008/07/23/mark-shuttleworth-launchpad-to-be-open-source-in-12-months
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
[05:46] <spm> wgrant: you were right :-) Too much.
[05:46] <wgrant> spm: It'll get at least 10 times as fast a few minutes after release.
[05:46] <wgrant> It is completely impossible to read it often.
[05:47] <wgrant> Screenfulls in a few seconds.
[05:48] <spm> I was starting to worry about disk space from the auto-irc-logging... ;-)
[05:48] <wgrant> Heh.
=== poolie_ is now known as poolie
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
[07:39] <stefanlsd> Does LP have the feature to upload multiple attachments at once?
[07:40] <wgrant> stefanlsd: Only via email, and perhaps the API.
[07:40] <RAOF> Oh, does attaching multiple attachments work now?
[07:40] <RAOF> Last I heard that would fail because not all the attachments were GPG-signed?
[07:41] <wgrant> I'm not entirely sure.
[07:41] <wgrant> I think that only failed if you attempted to make modifications while attaching.
[07:43] <RAOF> The only time I try to upload multiple attachments is when apport is filing a crash :)
[07:54] <mdke> exit
[08:08] <stefanlsd> Anyone have an idea as to why im getting u'Package wireshark not published in Debian' while trying to do 'Also affects distribution/package'. packages.debian.org does indeed list the package.
[08:08] <wgrant> stefanlsd: It isn't published *in Launchpad*.
[08:08] <elmo> actually it should be
[08:08] <wgrant> But that would seem to be a bug, and it worked just a few days ago for me.
[08:09] <wgrant> elmo: Oh, it's being gina'd on prod now?
[08:09] <elmo> yeah
[08:09] <wgrant> Oh.
[08:09] <wgrant> But publisher won't be running.
[08:09] <elmo> which probably explains this breakage
[08:09] <elmo> well, yeah, we don't publish it
[08:09] <wgrant> Yes.
[08:09] <wgrant> They'll all be PENDING.
[08:09] <elmo> stefanlsd: file a bug, and subscribe cprov
[08:09] <wgrant> This could be regarded as a rather severe regression.
[08:09] <stefanlsd> elmo: ok. can do.
[08:10] <stefanlsd> Will leave package name blank for now
[08:10] <wgrant> Ah, I see it was only imported today.
[08:10] <wgrant> And... wow.
[08:10] <wgrant> That's confusing.
[08:10] <wgrant> It has a Published date, but is still pending..
[08:12] <wgrant> elmo: Are the statuses going to be faked at some point so that Debian isn't entirely pending and having very little useful on its SP pages? It'd be nice to be able to see the versions in each series right there.
[08:13] <elmo> wgrant: pass (to cprov)
[08:14] <wgrant> elmo: Sorry, you just seem mildly knowledgable on this sort of stuff most of the time.
[08:14] <elmo> oh, I don't mind you asking, I just genuinely don't have a clue :) I just know cprov turned it on because he wanted my rubber duck to do so
[08:15] <wgrant> elmo: Some duck needs to fix the lenny and sid names.
[08:15] <stefanlsd> k. bug #290993
[08:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290993 in launchpad "Launchpad 'Also affects distribution/package' unable to find Debian package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290993
[08:15] <wgrant> We now have Debian Debian Sid and Debian Debian Lenny
[08:16] <elmo> wgrant: that can be some duck not busy with the release ;-)
[08:16] <wgrant> elmo: Good point.
[08:16] * wgrant cracks the whip.
[08:18] <wgrant> I find it a bit strange that one would gina an entirely new distro less than 24 hours before release, but it seems to have survived remarkably well!
[08:19] <wgrant> I note that there's no way to notice stable updates without diffing Packages now :(
[08:19] <wgrant> Since everything is now done by copies, which don't notify the changeslist.
[08:19] <wgrant> I think I filed a bug on that a while ago.
[08:56] <highvoltage> hi launchpadders
[08:56] <mwhudson> hello highvoltage
[08:57] <highvoltage> we want a PPA for our loco team, is there a way we can limit uploaders to the PPA (we don't want all our members to be able to upload), or should we create a seperate team and PPA?
[08:57] <highvoltage> hey mwhudson
[08:57] <mwhudson> highvoltage: ppas are tied to a team
[08:57] <beuno> highvoltage, create a new team? :)
[08:58] <highvoltage> ok, I'll create a new team then, thanks
=== stub1 is now known as stub
[09:00] <wgrant> I've heard that there are plans to untie upload rights from the basic membership right in the foreseeable future...
[09:09] <beuno> mwhudson, just forwarded you an email in spanish
[09:10] <beuno> which may interest you
[09:10] <beuno> heapy on bzr-xmloutput
[09:13] <mwhudson> 10 megs of "dict of RLock" ?
[09:14] <beuno> according to heapy, yes
[09:15] <beuno> Verterok_ has been poking at the memory issue as well
[09:16] <mwhudson> pretty sure bazaar doesn't take out RLock's :)
[09:17] <beuno> right, that's probably the rpc or something
[09:23] <beuno> mwhudson, also, I left my laptop running the whole night, no requests to LH, and it kept it's 400mb of ram
[09:23] <beuno> released them as soon as I killed it
[09:23] <wgrant> Woo, leaks.
[09:27] <beuno> yeah, loggerhead is a bit gready
[09:28] <wgrant> Like all those people in #ubuntu-release-party
[09:29] <beuno> maybe, are they taking ram and not giving it back unless you kill them?
[09:29] <wgrant> No, they take sanity instead.
[09:34] <mwhudson> :)
[09:34] <ajmitch> I doubt they had sanity
[09:36] <mwhudson> that's why they need to steal it?
[09:45] <Hobbsee> greetings
[09:59] <ajmitch> good evening Hobbsee
[12:13] <hernad> hi, can somebody help me
[12:13] <hernad> there is strange think with this repos https://launchpad.net/~hernad-ooo-ba/+archive
[12:14] <hernad> build process started 1,5 day ago
[12:15] <hernad> and according to the infos on web interface it's never ending story :)
[12:16] <hernad> think->thing
[12:18] <beuno> cprov, ^
[12:20] <kiko> hernad, the builds only just started, 2 minutes ago
[12:20] <kiko> hernad, expand the table and see the actual builds
[12:20] <kiko> hernad, you're asking about OOO right?
[12:20] <hernad> yes
[12:21] <kiko> look at the individual builds
[12:21] <hernad> it was in something like wait pool for 1,5 day ?
[12:21] <hernad> it is strange becase the other libs were built almost instantly
[12:22] <hernad> I am aware that ooo needs one day but ...
[12:22] <kiko> hernad, maybe a dependency was missing?
[12:22] <Hobbsee> hernad: looks like a bug in the ppa software
[12:22] <kiko> huh?
[12:22] <Hobbsee> kiko: not according to that log, i don't think.
[12:22] <Hobbsee> dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.
[12:22] <hernad> I have dependencies to the other ppa
[12:23] <kiko> the log says it started the build a few minutes ago though
[12:23] <Hobbsee> oh, and more 404's.
[12:23] <Hobbsee> kiko: yes, and failed.
[12:23] <Hobbsee> got set back to needs-build
[12:23] <kiko> ah
[12:24] <Hobbsee> Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/hernad-b-out-ba/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debhelper/debhelper_7.0.13~hernad~ppa1_all.deb 404 Not Found
[12:24] <Hobbsee> Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/hernad-b-out-ba/ubuntu/pool/main/p/poppler/libpoppler3_0.8.7-1~hernad~ppa1_i386.deb 404 Not Found
[12:24] <Hobbsee> Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/hernad-b-out-ba/ubuntu/pool/main/p/poppler/libpoppler-dev_0.8.7-1~hernad~ppa1_i386.deb 404 Not Found
[12:24] <Hobbsee> Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/hernad-b-out-ba/ubuntu/pool/main/s/saxonb/libsaxonb-java_9.0.0.4+svn20080322~hernad~ppa1_all.deb 404 Not Found
[12:24] <hernad> I have made a successful build on my machined
[12:24] <wgrant> Must have hit that tiny period where the PPAs are out of sync.
[12:24] <wgrant> I don't see that happen too often.
[12:24] <hernad> and these dependencies are from the other ppa
[12:25] <kiko> how strange
[12:25] <hernad> hah I am master of strange things :)
[12:26] <hernad> these libs are build few days ago ... a week ago I think
[12:27] <Hobbsee> hernad: based on those addresses, i'd say it's not looking into the right place.
[12:27] <kiko> there's something wrong with your hernad-b-out-ba
[12:27] <Hobbsee> hernad-b-out-ba is not a user of launchpad
[12:28] <kiko> it has no pool
[12:28] <kiko> http://ppa.launchpad.net/hernad-b-out-ba/ubuntu/
[12:28] <hernad> i don't get
[12:29] <hernad> hm I see now there is no pull
[12:29] <hernad> pool
[12:29] <kiko> right
[12:29] <hernad> but why ?
[12:29] <kiko> cprov, bigjools: why would a PPA have no pool?
[12:29] <kiko> https://edge.launchpad.net/~hernad-b-out-ba/+archive
[12:30] <hernad> let me clear something about these acounts
[12:30] <Hobbsee> kiko: why would a ppa exist, where a user doesn't?
[12:31] <hernad> hah
[12:31] <jamesh> Hobbsee: if a user had previously existed?
[12:31] <wgrant> Because the user got renamed, maybe.
[12:31] <hernad> i think
[12:31] <hernad> I know
[12:31] <hernad> yes
[12:31] <kiko> Hobbsee, the user exists. what are you talking about?
[12:31] <Hobbsee> jamesh: i was wondering about that.
[12:31] <hernad> it is renamed
[12:31] <wgrant> I probably still have an old semi-PPA sitting around from before my rename.
[12:31] <Hobbsee> hmmm. when i checked that, it didn't exist.
[12:31] <kiko> https://edge.launchpad.net/~hernad-b-out-ba
[12:32] <kiko> it's interesting that it was renamed though
[12:32] <hernad> I have used both of the accounts
[12:32] <hernad> hernad-b-out-ba is for the customized packages of bring.out.ba
[12:32] <kiko> hernad, it sounds like something cprov needs to look at
[12:33] <cprov> kiko: renaming will be always a problem, the pool/ was remove because it was empty.
[12:33] <hernad> and the hernad-ooo-ba is meant for customez openoffice.ba packages
[12:33] <cprov> kiko: after the renaming (you got it)
[12:33] <kiko> cprov, but there is stuff in the published files?
[12:33] <hernad> I have prepared packages on both accounts
[12:34] <kiko> cprov, I mean, dists/.../Packages isn't empty
[12:34] <hernad> I think there was pool after renaming
[12:34] <cprov> kiko: yes, in fact pool/ was never created with the new repo path.
[12:34] <hernad> maybe some cleanup procedure delete that
[12:34] <kiko> cprov, ah. needs some manual fixing?
[12:35] <cprov> kiko: the index might get re-generated because of a removal .
[12:35] <cprov> kiko: yes, I will fix it as soon hernad decides which account he wants to use.
[12:35] <kiko> cprov, both
[12:36] <kiko> https://edge.launchpad.net/~hernad-b-out-ba/+archive
[12:36] <kiko> and the other one too
[12:36] <kiko> hernad, you could have created a new team to avoid having too account
[12:36] <hernad> as I sad there are two projects which we work on:
[12:36] <hernad> bring.out.ba => hernad-b-out-ba
[12:36] <hernad> openoffice.ba => hernad-ooo-ba
[12:37] <cprov> hernad: what are the old names of those PPAs ?
[12:38] <hernad> the renamed is hernad-b-out-ba
[12:38] <hernad> hmmm I can't remember :(
[12:39] <hernad> something with ernad ... I can serach in my notes
[12:39] <hernad> kiko, you suggest team settings
[12:39] <kiko> hernad, yeah. you should have only one account on LP -- what you want is a team for your second PPA.
[12:39] <cprov> hernad: yes, PPA can be owned by teams
[12:40] <cprov> PPA*s*
[12:40] <hernad> is it problem to explain in few words that organization
[12:40] <hernad> ok than, I have to make bring.out.ba team and ...
[12:40] <kiko> hernad, not at all. just visit launchpad.net/people, select "create new team", and then you can enable a PPA for it
[12:41] <hernad> and what you suggest with these accounts ?
[12:41] <kiko> hernad, and then merge the accounts.
[12:42] <hernad> aha I am going to do that immediately
[12:44] <cprov> hernad: and please give me the details so I can move your packages around.
[12:49] <hernad> ok cprov
[12:52] <hernad> cprov, I have made team bring.out.ba
[12:52] <hernad> sould I merge account or you ?
[12:52] <kiko> hernad, you can!
[12:58] <hernad> i have merged hernad-ooo-ba into hernad-b-out-ba
[12:58] <hernad> so now hernad-b-out-ba is the "integrated one" ?
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
[13:00] <hernad> I have also activated team's PPA
[13:00] <hernad> should I merge/transfer all to the team ?
[13:03] <hernad> I must say, I am not clear with relation team's PPA <-> individual account PPA's
[13:04] <cprov> hernad: http://ppa.launchpad.net/hernad-b-out-ba/ubuntu/ has your latest OO upload only, I need to know the previous name of you account
[13:04] <cprov> hernad: all members of the team will be able to upload sources to the team PPA.
[13:05] <cprov> hernad: only team administrator will be able to delete packages.
[13:05] <hernad> ok, should/we can we transfer existing libraries to the team PPA ?
[13:06] <hernad> the old repos name was ernad-husremovic
[13:06] <hernad> than it was renamed to hernad-b-out-ba
[13:08] <cprov> hernad: good, wait a sec.
[13:10] <hernad> a little digression: dput openoffice.org sources from the host which is located on vpslink.com was incredibly fast
[13:10] <hernad> it is at the same datacenter/location or what ?
[13:11] <hernad> i thought something was wrong with the upload but later on I have seen it on launchpad really uploaded ...
[13:12] <cprov> hernad: I can't really say if it's same location
[13:12] <cprov> hernad: your repository should be fine now.
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
[13:13] <cprov-afk> hernad: will be back soon, if you have doubts.
[13:13] <hernad> ok thank you
[13:14] <Ursinha> wgrant, do you think it's nice to play with trolls like that? I don't
[13:15] <beuno> Ursinha likes dolls better
[13:15] <Ursinha> beuno, I really mean that
[13:15] <wgrant> Ursinha: It's not my bot, but it isn't too bad. The channel has been fairly tame this time.
=== mrevell is now known as revhead
=== revhead is now known as sophisticated-sw
=== sophisticated-sw is now known as mrevell
[14:04] <cprov> hernad: ping
[14:04] <hernad> tu sam
[14:04] <hernad> sorry
[14:04] <hernad> sad on my language :)
[14:05] <hernad> cprov, I see openoffice sources are there
[14:05] <hernad> but they are not on the list of packages
[14:05] <hernad> are they going to be ?
[14:06] <cprov> hernad: no, that's what I was going to tell you.
[14:06] <cprov> hernad: oo wasn't uploaded to that PPA, right ?
[14:07] <hernad> no it was on hernad-ooo-ba
[14:07] <hernad> suppose you have to start build manually
[14:08] <cprov> hernad: I can't
[14:08] <hernad> is there limit with an archive size ?
[14:08] <cprov> hernad: you will have to upload it again :(
[14:08] <cprov> hernad: yes, there is a limit (1Gb, by default)
[14:27] <hernad> cprov, can I somewhere reduce number target architectures ? (ie. only i386)
[14:27] <hernad> to reduce size of the archive
[14:35] <hernad> cprov1 I have uploaded to hernad-ooo-ba but I am afraid of breaking limit
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
=== NfNit|oop is now known as NfNitLoop
[18:20] <Jaspsoft> I'm getting PPA rejection email saying 'Section "libs" is not allowed in jaunty.' Why is it? Thanks.
=== fta_ is now known as fta
=== Verterok_ is now known as Verterok
[19:18] <rom1v> hi
[19:18] <rom1v> I subscribed to "ubuntu" on launchpad to receive mail notifications
[19:18] <rom1v> I would like to disable it, I don't find the option anymore :(
[19:53] * mpt told rom1v where to find it
[21:03] <Robb_M> I just received Error ID: OOPS-1034G3068 trying to view https://launchpad.net/~bugsquad/+members......was that just a server "burp"?
[21:03] <ubottu> https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/1034G3068
=== thekorn__ is now known as thekorn_
[21:31] <bdmurray> I tried an advanced search for ubuntu bugs about the 'main' component and I'm not finding any which seems odd
[21:32] <bdmurray> It seems to work on staging though
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=== spm_ is now known as spm