UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /30 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <rgreening> Riddell: I did a bzr commit for the changes to update-notifier-kde and bumped the changelog to 0.10. Can you check to see if it worked?
[00:01] <a|wen> ubuntu: do you have a volume control in the systray (or what that thing is called)?
[00:01] <rgreening> a|wen: kmix
[00:01] <ubuntu> no
[00:01] <rgreening> ubuntu: ^
[00:01] <ubuntu> there is no volume control
[00:01] <rgreening> run kmix (ALT+F2) then type kmix and enter
[00:02] <ubuntu> I have run it
[00:02] <rgreening> try it from a konsole thwen and see if there are error messages
[00:02] <Riddell> rgreening: where did you commit to?
[00:03] <ubuntu> mmh
[00:03] <ubuntu> no errors
[00:03] <ubuntu> from the console
[00:03] <rgreening> Riddell: I have a bzr copy and did a bzr commit... guess I need to do something different...
[00:04] <rgreening> do I bzr merge?
[00:04] <a|wen> ubuntu: sounds like your hardware wasn't recognized ... do you know what kind of sound hardware it is?
[00:04] <Riddell> rgreening: what does bzr info say you have?
[00:04] <rgreening> 1 sec
[00:04] <rgreening> parent branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ejr/adept/update-notifier-kde/
[00:05] <ubuntu> mmh
[00:05] <ubuntu> wait i check
[00:05] <ubuntu> can i launch some command too
[00:05] <ubuntu> see my hardware_
[00:06] <Riddell> rgreening: so you have a local branch and have committed locally
[00:06] <Riddell> rgreening: you now need to push it somewhere
[00:06] <rgreening> ok...
[00:06] <rgreening> I tried bzr merge
[00:06] <Riddell> rgreening: that'll bring in any updates from the URL above
[00:06] <Riddell> rgreening: but you need to push it somewhere
[00:06] <rgreening> right...
[00:07] <rgreening> ok. so, how do I push back to yours
[00:07] <Riddell> rgreening: so start with creating an update-notifier-kde product (dunno why I put it under adept, that was silly of me)
[00:07] <a|wen> ubuntu: "lspci -v" in a terminal ... look down through the list
[00:07] <rgreening> start a new one?
[00:07] <Riddell> rgreening: https://launchpad.net/projects/+new-guided
[00:08] <ubuntu> I have a centrino 2
[00:08] <ubuntu> Built-in Azalia compliant audio chip, with 3D effect & full duplex
[00:08] <ubuntu> Built-in speaker and microphone
[00:09] <ubuntu> Built-in Azalia compliant audio chip, with 3D effect & full duplex
[00:09] <ubuntu> Built-in speaker and microphone
[00:09] <ubuntu> excuse
[00:09] <ubuntu> i-ve found it
[00:09] <ubuntu> Built-in Azalia compliant audio chip, with 3D effect & full duplex
[00:09] <ubuntu> Built-in speaker and microphone
[00:09] <Riddell> ubuntu: this isn't the best channel for sound problems, not our speciality, best to submit a bug report on alsa and attach the output of dmesg
[00:11] <ScottK> JFTR our guidance-power-manager 4.1.2 claims it's 4.1.1
[00:11] <ubuntu> INtel corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD audio controller
[00:12] <ubuntu> ok
[00:12] <ubuntu> i have another question
[00:12] <a|wen> ubuntu: report it here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+filebug ... include that kind of information, as well as dmesg output
[00:13] <ubuntu> every time I start kubuntu
[00:13] <ubuntu> when I open menus
[00:13] <rgreening> Riddell: https://launchpad.net/update-notifier-kde
[00:14] <Riddell> ScottK: I never updated the version number in time, but I don't think there were significant changes
[00:14] <ubuntu> I see for an instant "the shadow" of the menu I m opening
[00:14] <ubuntu> just for one time
[00:14] <ubuntu> if I reopen it
[00:14] <ubuntu> it doesnt eppear anymore
[00:14] <ubuntu> appear anymore
[00:15] <Riddell> bug in oxygen theme that
[00:15] <Riddell> or X I guess depending on who you ask
[00:16] <ScottK> Riddell: No, I don't think there were. More of a FYI.
[00:17] <ubuntu> it happens with every application
[00:17] <ubuntu> also kickoff
[00:17] <Riddell> ScottK: I really wish there was a way to update version numbers automatically
[00:17] <a|wen> ubuntu: it's a known problem ... see Riddell's comments
[00:18] * ScottK too (about version numbers)
[00:18] * ScottK usually updates the version string right after a release in svn so he doesn't forget later.
[00:19] <ubuntu> ok
[00:19] <ubuntu> thank you
[00:19] <ubuntu> very much for your help...and good work!
[00:21] <a|wen> thx ubuntu ... good luck with the ibex
[00:22] <rgreening> Riddell: I subscribed you to that lp I created. Not sure I have everything done correctly. If you have a moment to look...
[00:22] <Riddell> rgreening: so you created a project?
[00:22] <Riddell> rgreening: done the push yet?
[00:22] <rgreening> yeah..
[00:22] <rgreening> I gues it's correct.
[00:22] <rgreening> :)
[00:23] <rgreening> https://code.launchpad.net/~roderick-greening/update-notifier-kde/trunk shows the code is there....
[00:23] <Riddell> rgreening: excellent
[00:24] <rgreening> SO, I have much to read/learn about using lp for code... but it seems simple enough (at a first glance)
[00:25] <Riddell> rgreening: main thing with bzr is keeping track of what branch or checkout you're working on :)
[00:25] <Riddell> rgreening: you currently have a local branch so any more changed you'd need to bzr commit to commit locally then bzr push to push to launchpad
[00:26] <Riddell> rgreening: but you can also bzr checkout lp:~roderick-greening/update-notifier-kde/trunk then you can commit straight back
[00:27] <rgreening> ok. I'll do the later.. testing it now.
[00:28] <a|wen> rgreening: if you've already downloaded a big branch using bzr branch you can "convert" it to a checkout using bxr branch
[00:28] <a|wen> bzr even
[00:28] <rgreening> cool
[00:29] <a|wen> bzr bind of course :)
[00:29] * a|wen is tired ... just finishing up todays last test
[00:30] <Riddell> don't give up, DVDs still to come :)
[00:31] <a|wen> he ... it's already past 1:30 in my tz, and needs to go to $work tomorrow
[00:31] <rgreening> Riddell: what's the correct way to maze a tarball of the bzr src then for making a new deb
[00:32] <a|wen> rgreening: bzr export ~/myproject.tar.gz :)
[00:33] <rgreening> a|wen: that's cool
[00:33] <rgreening> ty
[00:33] <arby-testing> o/
[00:33] <Riddell> rgreening: no special way, mv trunk/.bzr dot-bzr; tar zcf foo.tar.gz trunk; mv dot-bzr trunk/.bzr
[00:33] <Riddell> oh well, a|wen knows better than me :)
[00:33] <rgreening> lol
[00:34] * a|wen has started using bzr for $education projects :)
[00:34] <ScottK> 20081029.1 is the one we are meant to be testing now, right?
[00:34] <Riddell> ScottK: yes please
[00:34] <ScottK> OK. Got to get kids to bed first, but it's downloaded.
[00:35] <rgreening> a|wen: omg that command rocks
[00:36] <a|wen> rgreening: functionality-wise bzr rocks
[00:36] <rgreening> I'm beginning to see that
[00:37] <vorian> smooth install for meh
[00:38] <vorian> 86_64
[00:40] <rgreening> Riddell: I assume you'll make the other update-notifier-kde under adept go away?
[00:41] <Riddell> rgreening: I'll mark it as obsolete at some point
[00:41] <Riddell> rgreening: really we need a branch under ~kubuntu-members rather than under individual accounts
[00:42] <rgreening> ok, how do we move it then? or add it there?
[00:42] * rgreening == sponge
[00:42] * Arby launches one last test
[00:43] <Socceroos> Riddell: i386 CD worked well for me, didn't reformat the partition, and used the install now option.
[00:43] <Riddell> Socceroos: excellent, mind and record on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
[00:43] <Riddell> rgreening: push to ~kubuntu-members
[00:43] <Socceroos> Riddell: ok
[00:45] <a|wen> vorian: cool, you remembered to report on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all too :)
[00:45] <vorian> oh yeah
[00:46] <a|wen> :)
[00:50] <rgreening> Riddell: Ok, pushed to ~kubuntu-members
[01:00] <rgreening> Riddell: Looks good to me. I updated the X-Vcs-Bzr in the control file as well. Yay \o/
[01:02] <Riddell> great
[01:05] <rgreening> Riddell: So, I'm going to head home. I'll rsync the DVD later and test it (are they out yet?)
[01:05] <Riddell> not yet
[01:06] <rgreening> ok, I'll watch for them. thanks for the help
[01:16] <Socceroos> Riddell: what was the problem with the DVDs?
[01:21] <Riddell> Socceroos: only that they don't exist yet :)
[01:23] <Socceroos> Ah...
[01:23] <Socceroos> soo, there wasn't any critical bug?
[01:23] <Riddell> Socceroos: there was an important bug in ubiquity, that's why we're doing all this last minute rebuilding and testing
[01:24] <Riddell> "cdimage 18019 0.0 0.0 10196 1388 pts/11 S+ 01:02 0:00 \_ /bin/sh /home/cdimage/bin/buildlive kubuntu-dvd" looks like they're in progress
[01:24] <Arby> test coverage is looking pretty good now
[01:25] <Riddell> Arby: that's what happens when we get our CDs made before ubuntu desktop ones :)
[01:25] <Arby> nice to see we get something first :P
[01:26] <Arby> just going to finish this last test then time for sleep
[01:26] <Arby> unless there's any out standing cases
[01:26] <Arby> I could launch one overnight
[01:28] <arby-testing> o/
[01:28] <arby-testing> another successful test
[01:29] * ScottK reboots to try Live CD
[01:31] <Arby> right that's me done
[01:31] <Arby> good night all
[01:31] <Riddell> night Arby, thanks
[01:36] <a|wen> no more testing for me either ... night everyone
[01:36] <ScottK-liveCD> Good night.
[01:40] * ScottK-liveCD explores ironic testing by reading about MS maybe releasing a test version of Windows 7 while testing Kubuntu.
=== Socceroos is now known as Socceroos_away
[01:58] <ScottK-liveCD> Is Konqueror expected to work with flashplugin-nonfree?
[01:59] <Riddell> ScottK-liveCD: yes, works for me
[02:00] <ScottK-liveCD> I tried it on cnn.com and no working.
[02:00] * ScottK-liveCD looks for another one.
[02:00] <Riddell> youtube is a good test
[02:00] <rgreening> cnn is a bad test
[02:00] <Riddell> ScottK-liveCD: but you might need to scan for plugins manually and restart
[02:00] * ScottK-liveCD tries
[02:00] <Riddell> 4:30 UTC estimated DVD time
[02:00] <rgreening> cnn doesnt like us
[02:05] <ScottK-liveCD> Does it matter if the base-files fix is installed to the live session before installing?
[02:06] <ScottK-liveCD> After scanning for plugins youtube admitted I had flash.
[02:06] <ScottK-liveCD> I think I'm not patient enough for doing Youtube on Live CD.
[02:07] * ScottK-liveCD is ready to declare victory.
[02:10] * ScottK-laptop marks down the test passed.
[02:10] <ScottK-laptop> I think that's about it for me.
[02:10] <ScottK-laptop> I'll be offline mostly tomorrow at $WORK meetings.
[02:10] <ScottK-laptop> Happy release day everyone.
[02:10] * rgreening thinks ScottK-laptop shoul dwait for the DVD and test with me. hahah
[02:11] * ScottK-laptop has to leave the house at 0430 local and drive three states away to be at an 0800 meeting.
[02:12] <rgreening> ouch
[02:12] * rgreening takes it back
[02:12] <ScottK-laptop> ... That I found out I was going to less than 24 hours ago.
[02:12] <rgreening> lol
[02:12] <Riddell> ~twitter update last hour bug fixes ment ISO testing restarted, CDs done, DVDs still being made
[02:12] <kubotu> status updated
[02:14] <ScottK-laptop> Riddell: I did try to follow to the link on adobe's web site and install flash using gebi. It was really straightforward.
[02:15] <ScottK-laptop> I just had to pick I wanted the Ubuntu .deb.
[02:16] <Riddell> adobe: no longer totally incompetant with linux
[02:16] <rgreening> new slogan
[02:18] <ScottK-laptop> I see jono beat me to blogging about Stani (of Stani's Python Editor fame) winning the .nl competition for their new 5 eu coin.
[02:18] <ScottK-laptop> He did the design all with FOSS stuff on Ubuntu.
[02:20] <Riddell> nice
[02:20] <rgreening> Riddell: ScottK-laptop: I just uploaded a test build of update-notifier-kde to kubuntu testing ppa. I changed the KPassivePopup to KNotification (thanks jtechidna for some assistance/suggestions). I need some peeps the test/verify. It may need some additonal work/polish
[02:20] <ScottK-laptop> rgreening: OK. Not tonight and when I do it, I'll grab the source and build it myself.
[02:20] <rgreening> lol
[02:21] <ScottK-laptop> I don't trust PPA repos until they are signed or someone convinces me DNS cache poisoning is fixed.
[02:21] <Riddell> rgreening: grab a screenshot and blog
[02:21] <rgreening> sure thing...
[02:22] <rgreening> how do we sign PPA's (or can we)
[02:22] <ScottK-laptop> I am so totally out of touch. I didn't even notice the world series was going on (baseball)
[02:22] <Riddell> PPAs have no signatures
[02:22] <rgreening> ah
[02:22] <ScottK-laptop> rgreening: You beat on Kiko until he fixes it.
[02:22] <Riddell> rgreening: make sure you add your blog to planet ubuntu first
[02:22] <rgreening> @ Riddell too bad. @ ScottK-laptop lol
[02:23] <rgreening> me blog is dere
[02:23] <rgreening> :)
[02:23] <Riddell> ScottK-laptop: is that the one with the very American definition of "world"? :)
[02:23] <rgreening> I posted one the other day
[02:23] <rgreening> Americans and geography... hmmm...
[02:24] * rgreening hides
[02:24] <ScottK-laptop> Riddell: It is. I didn't name it.
[02:24] <ScottK-laptop> Although there are Canadian teams in the league (or are there still, dunno) so it's not entirely US only.
[02:26] <ScottK-laptop> rgreening: I would agree that Americans tend to be more geographically ignorant than they should.
[02:26] * ScottK-laptop however, is not one of them.
[02:27] <Riddell> that sounds like an invitation to test :)
[02:28] <Riddell> ScottK-laptop: what's the capital of Australia? and no wikipaedia!
[02:31] <rgreening> lol
[02:31] <rgreening> Is it 'A'
[02:31] <rgreening> :)
[02:32] <Riddell> ho ho
[02:32] * rgreening has a bad sanse of humor
[02:32] <rgreening> s/sanse/sense
[02:32] <rgreening> an kant spel 4 beens
[02:35] <rgreening> Riddell: update-notification-kde is only in intrepid, correct? or was it made available in Hardy
[02:35] <Riddell> rgreening: intrepid only
[02:35] <rgreening> k. writing up my blog
[02:35] <ScottK> Riddell: Canberra.
[02:37] <ScottK> When I was in college I met a girl who was from Singapore. As she wound up to explain where in the world that was because she was certain I wouldn't know, I said, "Oh, right next to the Straights of Malacca".
[02:37] <rgreening> lol
[02:37] * rgreening points at the Navy boy
[02:37] <rgreening> :P
[02:39] <ScottK> It helps to have been a history buff growing up.
[02:42] * ScottK could really use that sematic file system just now.
[02:42] <ScottK> I need to find one slide out of a presentation I put toghether about 7 years ago and take it to the meeting tomorrow.
[02:45] <ScottK> Got it.
[02:49] <Riddell> ScottK: just do a presentation on how cool plasmoids are
[02:50] <ScottK> That's a little OT for the meeting in question, but I will show the slide on my KDE4 laptop....
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Only 1/2 day left! | Test test! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
[02:57] <Riddell> 02:51 < slangasek> the amd64 kubuntu-dvd livefs is finished; i386 will have started about the time I commented on the last one finishing, so eta on kubuntu dvds is 04:00 UTC
[02:57] <Riddell> an hour. just time to go for a canoe
[03:18] <rgreening> omg... http://start.ubuntu.com/8.10/ in FF.. shouldn't Kubuntu have a kubuntu default page for FF? lol
=== Socceroos_away is now known as Socceroos
[03:43] <Riddell> that canal is mirror smooth, very pretty indeed
[03:44] <Riddell> rgreening: it would be nice to have the search box back in Konqueror's about page
[03:45] <rgreening> I agree... I'll add it to my todo list :)
[03:45] <rgreening> I just blogged...
[03:49] <Riddell> rgreening: what do you mean by "interactive"?
[03:50] <rgreening> KNotifications can be clicked and have triggered actions
[03:50] <rgreening> not that I have any in there atm
[03:50] <rgreening> passive popups do not
[03:52] <rgreening> omg.. that showed up horrible on planet compared to the original
[03:52] <rgreening> lol
[03:53] <Riddell> Kubuntu DVDs are up! free hugs to all testers! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/20081030/
[03:55] <Riddell> ~twitter been out canoeing, DVDs now up for testing
[03:55] <kubotu> incorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help twitter'
[03:55] <Riddell> ~twitter update been out canoeing, DVDs now up for testing
[03:55] <kubotu> status updated
[04:00] <rgreening> Riddell: that post looks so bad on planet. I edited it on blogger. Will planet get an updated version?
[04:01] <Riddell> rgreening: yes, although it'll still do whatever html tidying it did before
[04:02] <KDesk> why is http://www.kubuntu.net/ still with the old look? Should it not be the same as the http://www.kubuntu.org ?
[04:03] <Riddell> KDesk: shows how often that domain is used :)
[04:04] <rgreening> Riddell: yes, but I have fixed some of that (hopefully) by compromising on the pic on the left/right and changed the text to match.
[04:05] <rgreening> since planet doesn't support that
[04:06] <rgreening> Riddell: I use kubuntu.net... about 50% of the time by mis-type... should we redir the main site from there?
[04:10] <Riddell> rgreening: yes, I've just filed a ticket to request that
[04:11] <KDesk> What happend firefox-qt? Will it be ready for FF3.1?
[04:11] <rgreening> wiked. mind reading is a good skill
[04:11] <Riddell> KDesk: that's up to upstream
[04:12] <rgreening> ~twitter update Cleaning up my todo list... removed 3 items out of 12
[04:12] <kubotu> status updated
[04:12] <KDesk> aah, hopefully it is ready for 3.1 :-)
[04:15] <rgreening> R-syncing DVD now to test...
[04:22] <NCommander> hey Riddell
[04:23] <Riddell> morning NCommander
[04:24] <NCommander> Riddell, how goes it?
[04:24] <Riddell> DVDs needing testing
[04:26] <NCommander> I can probably test the AMD64 one
[04:27] <Riddell> great
[04:27] <rgreening> yeah, and I'll get the i386
[04:27] <rgreening> just rsync-ing
[04:28] <rgreening> it's at 37%
=== Socceroos is now known as Socceroos_Intrep
=== Socceroos_Intrep is now known as Socceroos
[06:28] <Socceroos> Riddell: how are we looking for the ISO's?
[06:31] <emonkey> Good morning everybody and just a little thank you from me to all of you. I'm sure we'll have a nice release today. Thanks for alle the efforts.
[07:22] <BernhardRode> Hi, I just wanted to thank you for the great RC. Yesterday, I installed it on my Lenovo T61. The installation did work without a clue. Only the Add Language dialog and the Non-Free Hardware Driver tools crashed ... after they finished their job. So everythings works great. Thank you.
[07:27] <dwidmann_laptop> ooh, good, the url I was about to ask for is in the topic :)
[10:06] <Tonio_> alleeHol: hey :)
[10:06] <Tonio_> may I bug you just a second ?
[10:07] <alleeHol> Tonio_: Hi, how's it going?
[10:07] <alleeHol> yes, ask
=== Greenery_ is now known as Greenery
[11:07] * smarter waves
[11:07] <smarter> are we there yet? :]
[11:10] * davmor2 slaps smater sorry the bot made me do it
[11:11] <davmor2> smarter: ^ even
[11:24] <Riddell> morning friends, are we excited today?
[11:25] <smarter> of course we are :p
[11:39] <echidnaman> gooooood morning
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
[11:40] <Socceroos_home> hello
[11:42] <_Sime_> ok, so today is the big-ish day.
[11:42] <Hobbsee> yes, Riddell's getting married. Who's the best man?
[11:42] <_Sime_> his job I'm guessing. ;-)
[11:42] <Hobbsee> ;)
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Nearly there! | Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs
[11:50] <Riddell> ~twitter update fell asleep around 6 in the morning, feels like a good day to do a distro release
[11:50] <kubotu> howdy, Riddell
[11:50] <kubotu> status updated
[11:52] <Socceroos_home> Riddell: all the ISO's are tested now?
[11:52] <Riddell> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all is looking good
[11:58] <rgreening> ~twitter update Intrepid is here... waiting for bug reports...
[11:58] <kubotu> status updated
[11:58] <rgreening> \o/ \o/ \o/
[12:00] <rgreening> morning Riddell and friends
[12:00] <JontheEchidna> rgreening: mornign
[12:00] <JontheEchidna> ~facts about coffee
[12:00] <kubotu> I know nothing about coffee
[12:00] <JontheEchidna> ~order coffee
[12:00] * kubotu slides coffee with milk down the bar to JontheEchidna.
[12:10] <JontheEchidna> the bug tracker is so quiet this morning
[12:14] <Riddell> no bugs left, they've all been fixed
[12:14] <JontheEchidna> that's what I'm hoping :]
[12:15] <rgreening> hehe
[12:19] <vorian> yo
[12:20] <rgreening> JontheEchidna: bug 290717... It doesn't crash for me either. In users backtrace, nothing stood out to me...
[12:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290717 in kdebase "Dolphin crashes when path contains two slashes behind each other" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290717
[12:21] <JontheEchidna> yeah, that's the thing
[12:21] <JontheEchidna> strange
[12:22] <JontheEchidna> well, there aren't any debug symbols so there's nothing that could jump out at us
[12:24] <rgreening> Im going to suggest some stuff... which dbg package would be necessary
[12:24] <JontheEchidna> I commented requesting him to install kdebase-dbg
[12:25] <Riddell> Hobbsee: simon__ needs kicked from #ubuntu
[12:26] <Hobbsee> Riddell: hmm, he left before i saw anything from him
[12:29] <rgreening> JontheEchidna: I never saw it.. (never refreshed page) and added a similar comment... lol... doh
[12:30] <rgreening> You should be able to edit your post to LP
[12:37] <rgreening> ~order breakfast
[12:37] * kubotu slides a cigarette, a cup of hot coffee and a bagel with cream cheese down the bar to rgreening.
[12:37] <rgreening> mmmm... breakfast of champions
[12:41] <rgreening> JontheEchidna: bug 291064.. I can't reproduce. how bout you?
[12:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 291064 in kdebase-kde4 "SIGSEGV 11, crash during deleting files from fish protocol" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291064
[12:42] <jjesse> today is the big day right?
[12:43] <Riddell> jjesse: yep, today is when we start on jaunty :)
[12:44] <JontheEchidna> rgreening: I don't have the setup to test fish I don't think
[12:44] <jjesse> congrats again gang on the release
[12:44] <jjesse> it rocks on my dell 9
[12:44] <JontheEchidna> or at least, I don't know how to
[12:44] <jjesse> for those of you going to UDS i will be bringing it so you can see how it works/l0ooks
[12:45] <rgreening> JontheEchidna: Got any ssh account? fish is just a gui based ssh
[12:45] <JontheEchidna> nope, that's the thing
[12:46] <rgreening> ah. ok then. :)
[12:47] <hunger> Riddell: Are the jaunty repositories open yet? Or are you doing conceptional work only at this time?
[12:47] <rgreening> This one is strange... bug 290989
[12:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290989 in kdebase-workspace "KDE4 sensitive to /tmp space" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290989
[12:48] <JontheEchidna> yeah, no clue what they're talking about
[12:48] <JontheEchidna> hunger: the jaunty repos aren't open yet
[12:49] <hunger> JontheEchidna: Thought so:-(
[12:49] * hunger hates the time between beta 1 and the opening of the repos for the next version.
[12:50] <hunger> Soooo boring. Nothing breaks:-)
[12:50] <JontheEchidna> hehe
[12:51] <Riddell> hunger: not yet open, usually it takes a day or two of tollchain setup anyway
[12:51] <hunger> Riddell: I know:-( I was just developing some hope since you mentioned to be working on jaunty already.
[12:52] <hunger> I guess I can at least activate the backport repos then:-)
[12:52] <Riddell> 4.1.3 should appear for packaging today
[12:54] <hunger> New OOo version is out, too.
[12:54] <JontheEchidna> my CPU fan is already whining at me^
[12:54] <hunger> Of course git is extremly outdated in ubuntu.
[12:54] <JontheEchidna> but that's because ktorrent is taking 340 MB RAM o.o
[12:55] <jjesse> to install open office 3 how would i do it?
[12:58] <jjesse> wow start.ubuntu.com/8.10/ is nice
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[13:14] <_gunni_> jjesse: For OOo 3 you can look at a ppa https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive
[13:16] <rgreening> Riddell: what's the process to start packaging 4.1.3 (I came in rather late in 4.1.2 last time).
[13:28] <hunger> kbluetooth is broken:-( Can't find any device, even though gnome apps find several.
[13:29] <Riddell> hunger: yeah, known problem, it got broken by a late bluez update
[13:29] <Riddell> we'll do an update of solid-bluez when there's something working
[13:34] <Riddell> who has bandwidth? torrents need seeding
[13:35] * Riddell eyes up seaLne
[13:38] <xerosis> is the kubuntu wiki working for anyone?
[13:39] <Riddell> it might be a bit overloaded
[13:46] <seaLne> Riddell: currently downloading will seed when finished
[13:47] <Riddell> thanks
[14:04] <ryanakca> Riddell: at school, but anything to do for the website?
[14:05] <Riddell> ryanakca: don't think so, unless you want to add a screenshots page
[14:05] <ryanakca> Riddell: ok, I'll try to work on that between assigned tasks
[14:06] <ryanakca> s/assigned tasks/assignements/g
[14:11] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: zomg, it's out
[14:12] <JontheEchidna> can I hit the jolly, shiny, candy-like publish button on the news story now?
[14:13] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: go for it!
[14:13] <davmor2> congrats everyone it's out
[14:14] <JontheEchidna> woo
[14:14] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: remove RC from masterhead and update link too
[14:15] <JontheEchidna> how do I do that?
[14:16] * JontheEchidna isn't familiar with drupal
[14:16] <JontheEchidna> DIGG IT; http://digg.com/linux_unix/Kubuntu_8_10_Released_refreshes_the_desktop
[14:18] <ryanakca> Weee!
[14:19] <ryanakca> JontheEchidna: Go to the admin, edit the masthead block.
[14:20] <davmor2> Riddell: that digg link hooks into this page http://www.kubuntu.org/news/8.10-release note the title at the top ;)
[14:20] <JontheEchidna> davmor2: working on it
[14:21] <JontheEchidna> davmor2: fixed
[14:22] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: title is too long s/Released/Out/
[14:22] <Riddell> in masterhead
[14:22] <davmor2> :)
[14:22] <JontheEchidna> kk
[14:23] <JontheEchidna> Great work guys :]
[14:24] <Arby> \\o \\o \\o
[14:24] <Arby> o// o// o//
[14:24] <ryanakca> :D
[14:24] <Riddell> group hug!
[14:24] <Riddell> you all rock!
[14:24] <JontheEchidna> :D-/<
[14:24] <JontheEchidna> :D-\<
[14:25] <JontheEchidna> :D-/<
[14:25] <JontheEchidna> :D-\<
[14:25] * JontheEchidna dances
[14:26] * Riddell ceilidhs
[14:26] <ryanakca> *sigh*, after the announcement, the left sidebar moves into the middle of the screen in IE6
[14:26] * rgreening sings.... breaks all the windows...
[14:27] <rgreening> \o/ /o\ \o/
[14:29] <ryanakca> JontheEchidna: did you get the masthead?
[14:29] <Riddell> people still use IE 6
[14:29] <JontheEchidna> ryanakca: yeah
[14:29] <Riddell> ?
[14:29] <ryanakca> Riddell: my school does :/
[14:30] <ryanakca> JontheEchidna: *patiently waits for the cache to get updated*
[14:30] <JontheEchidna> can we get the #kubuntu topic changed?
[14:30] <JontheEchidna> oh, nvm
[14:30] <JontheEchidna> already changed ;-)
[14:30] <rgreening> Riddell: any changes from the DVD last night to todays release?
[14:34] <Tm_T> http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download <-- KDE3 mentioned?
[14:35] <Riddell> rgreening: nope
[14:35] <Riddell> Tm_T: fixed, waiting cache update
[14:35] <rgreening> kool. I'll burn it
[14:35] <rgreening> and re-install clean (I think)
[14:35] <Tm_T> Riddell: great, thanks
[14:40] <JontheEchidna> so who's gonna submit a story to the Dot?
[14:42] <rgreening> here's a question, how do I export my Kmail mail (or what do I need to backup to keep my mail)? If anyone knows...
[14:42] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: a volunteer!
[14:42] <JontheEchidna> hehe
[14:42] <JontheEchidna> I'll do it in a bit
[14:52] * JontheEchidna has to go
[14:53] <JontheEchidna> bbl, and congrats again everyone
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
[14:59] <vorian> yay! congrats all \o/
[15:03] <Riddell> awooga
=== arnl is now known as Aranel
[15:25] <nixternal> hey everyone, a big congrats to all of you this go round. I wish I could have been more active this time around and look forward to working with everyone in Jaunty!
[15:25] <nixternal> Congrats again! Job well done!
[15:28] <mvo> Riddell: could you please have a look at bug #291115
[15:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 291115 in update-manager "Kubuntu Update Manager crash problem with Turkish language" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291115
[15:28] <Riddell> mvo: yeah, just been helping him
[15:29] <Riddell> I think it's a turkish only isue
[15:29] <mvo> Riddell: breakage in the translation? not utf-8?
[15:29] <Riddell> mvo: breakage in pykde probably, still looking
[15:30] <mvo> thanks Riddell
[15:39] <Riddell> I wonder which important people I left out of http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3729
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
[16:08] <rgreening> mvo: poke
[16:10] <rgreening> Riddell: nice post :) Just call me Mr Fixit.
[16:11] <rgreening> Riddell: a|wen?
[16:12] <rgreening> mvo: so, working on apt fix for SRU? Do you need me to do anything with it?
[16:12] <vorian> rgreening: mrfixit
[16:12] <vorian> :)
[16:12] <rgreening> :P
=== rgreening is now known as MrFixit
[16:13] <vorian> yay
[16:13] <vorian> MrFixit: now /msg nickserv group
=== MrFixit is now known as rgreening
[16:13] <rgreening> lol
[16:13] <vorian> haha
[16:13] <rgreening> apparantly already registered
[16:13] <rgreening> dam
[16:13] <vorian> oh well
[16:14] <rgreening> The most fun is getting broken things to work... that's why I am loving this so much
[16:16] * rgreening needs to get my karma into 4 digits...
[16:20] <mvo> rgreening: oh, right. sorry was busy with something else, all you need to do is to write a testcase in the bugreport
[16:21] <rgreening> got any example/template or should I wing it? and do it in the bug that I put the patch on? or a new bug?
[16:22] <stdin> I'm looking at bug #290589 and I think this edit should fix it http://pastebin.com/d7d63b982 - any feedback before I attach to the bug?
[16:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290589 in kdelibs "Long dbus command displayed on dialog when trying to mount hard drive via dolphin" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290589
[16:24] <Riddell> ryanakca: how about a link to http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/screenshots/index.php?linux_distribution_sm=Kubuntu%208.10%20Intrepid%20Ibex somewhere prominant?
[16:41] <KDesk> My Plasma has crashed without doing anything, has it a log to look at?
[16:44] <Riddell> ~twitter update Kubuntu 8.10 is out, see kubuntu.org for download/upgrade
[16:44] <kubotu> status updated
[16:48] <hunger> kongrats to the release!
[16:50] <Riddell> thanks hunger!
[16:51] <Riddell> KDesk: check /var/crash
[16:52] <KDesk> Riddell: It is empty
[16:54] <KDesk> there is something in .xsession-errors
[17:02] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: looks like the dot story got published
[17:41] <KDesk> Why are the -kde4 (like digikam-kde4) packages removed from the repo?
[17:42] <rgreening> the kde4 version is broken
[17:42] <rgreening> badly
[17:42] <Riddell> it was an early beta
[17:42] <Riddell> newer one is probably in the ~kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa
[17:46] * Nightrose hands out cookies to everyone
[17:46] <Nightrose> nice work folks :)
[17:46] <Nightrose> kubotu: party
[17:47] <Nightrose> apachelogger: kubotu can't party?
[17:47] <Nightrose> ew ew ew
[17:47] <rgreening> ~order a round of drinks
[17:47] * kubotu slides a round of drinks down the bar to rgreening
[17:47] <rgreening> dam... I'm gonna get drunk
[17:47] <Nightrose> rgreening: our little insanity can party like no other - i hoped kubotu can do that as well :/
[17:48] <rgreening> ~order wine for Nightrose
[17:48] * kubotu pours Nightrose a delicious glass from the channel's wine cellar.
[17:48] <rgreening> :)
[17:48] <Nightrose> :) thx
[17:48] <rgreening> yw
[17:58] <Riddell> Nightrose: this is a more refined channel than those amarok ones :)
[17:58] <Nightrose> haha
[17:58] <Nightrose> i see
[17:58] <emonkey> We've got a big party tonight at our university, the party of the bachelors, I'll drink some beer in cheers of you all. BIG THANKS and cheers!
[17:59] <Nightrose> Riddell: but the twitter fewer spilled over :P
[17:59] <Riddell> it's quite a nice interface to titte
[17:59] <Nightrose> i fear we infected kubuntu with that
[17:59] <Nightrose> *nod*
[18:00] <emonkey> *g*
[18:14] <apachelogger> Nightrose: the twittering is also more refined
[18:18] <apachelogger> ~topic del 1
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs
[18:18] <apachelogger> ~topic learn
[18:18] <kubotu> okay then :)
[18:19] <apachelogger> ~topic replace Kubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Released- http://www.kubuntu.org/news/8.10-release
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | | | | | | | | Intrepid Ibex Released- http://www.kubuntu.org/news/8.10-release
[18:19] <apachelogger> hm
[18:19] <apachelogger> ~topic set Kubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Released- http://www.kubuntu.org/news/8.10-release
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Released- http://www.kubuntu.org/news/8.10-release
[18:19] <apachelogger> there we go :D
[18:27] <rgreening> mvo.. where'd ya go.. oh no... :)
[18:29] <yuriy> and it's out... congratulations everyone! great job!
[18:38] <yuriy> nice article on the site too
[19:03] <jussi01> mrgh... my nvidia settings is playing up - ever since i change which side each monitor is... are there known issues with nvidia settings?
[19:15] <pthulin> hi! Have anyone had any luck trying out the preview release of Qt 4.5 yet?
[20:05] <jjesse> is there a reason my windows don
[20:05] <jjesse> dang it
[20:06] <jjesse> is there a reason my windows don't save size when i restart?
[20:06] <jjesse> am i missing something stupdi?
[20:13] <smarter> jjesse: I think this is due to the kwinrulesrc shipped with kubuntu-default-settings
[20:14] <smarter> but I thought it had been solved
[20:14] <smarter> seele, Riddell: ^ ?
=== Daskreec1 is now known as DaskreecH
[20:18] <rgreening> smarter: I think the patch explicitly said forget changes due to the resizing issues....
[20:18] <rgreening> jjesse ^
[20:18] <Riddell> it probably will keep the size, there wasn't time to change it
[20:18] <Riddell> and the correct way removes the maximise button for no reason
[20:19] <rgreening> lol
[20:19] <jjesse> oh
[20:19] <rgreening> it was stolen by the autobots
[20:22] <KDesk> I also think this is a bad config. I have delete all thouse rules (but not the one for focuse).
[20:26] <DaskreecH> Hooray Ibex is out!! :)
[20:26] <DaskreecH> Grats all!
[20:31] <xerosis> if a screen fails to unlock would that be a kwin problem or something in the backend?
[20:42] <vorian> woops
[20:45] <ryanakca> Riddell: should I just append the codingstudio link to http://www.kubuntu.org/tour ?
[20:46] <DaskreecH> Hmm am I missing something for the searchbar in konqueror?
[20:51] <Riddell> ryanakca: good plan
[20:51] <smarter> DaskreecH: konqueror-plugin-searchbar ?
[20:53] <smarter> oh, http://discover.kde.org is nice
[20:53] <DaskreecH> already installed
[20:53] <smarter> "[text: blurb about usability]" << but unfinished :P
[20:55] <DaskreecH> smarter: plus the front page says 4.0 coming soon
[20:56] <smarter> yup, it needs s/4.0/4.1/g and updated screenshots
[20:56] <DaskreecH> 4.2
[20:59] <DaskreecH> smarter: just having the plugin installed should be all I can't flip it off in Konqueror settings ?
[20:59] <smarter> DaskreecH: Settings --> Configure extensions maybe
[21:01] <DaskreecH> Nope :-( It's enabled everywhere I can think of. It only affects the location toolbar right?
[21:03] <smarter> think so
[21:04] <ryanakca> Hmmm... would a few pixels padding between the screenshot and 'out' in the masthead be nice?
[21:05] <JontheEchidna> yeah, it would look better
[21:09] <ryanakca> JontheEchidna: look better? (might have to go to www-admin to see)
[21:10] <JontheEchidna> ryanakca: yes, much better
[21:23] <Arby> JontheEchidna: what do you think to bug 290607 ?
[21:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290607 in kdebase "Missing entries for keyboard shortcuts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290607
[21:23] <Arby> Are those options actually supposed to be there?
[21:24] <JontheEchidna> I'm assuming they were in there in KDE3, so a wishlist + upstream report would be needed
[21:24] * JontheEchidna exercises dog for 15 mins
[21:24] <Arby> JontheEchidna: I'm not sure if the behaviour has just changed, you can set the options he asks for by right clicking on the corresponding menu items.
[22:05] <Riddell> 4.1.3 up!
[22:07] <KDesk> Riddell: Do you build the packages manually? One per one?
[22:07] <Riddell> yep
[22:11] <KDesk> wow
[22:11] <KDesk> How many people are you building packages?
[22:11] <Riddell> three or four usually
[22:11] <Riddell> want to help?
[22:11] <KDesk> aah, also, will the 4.1.3 packages get into Intrepid as update?
[22:12] <Riddell> yes should do
[22:12] <KDesk> Riddell: hmm, I would like, but I don't know how to do that. Is there a manual for that?
[22:13] <Riddell> in theory https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide should tell you
[22:14] <Riddell> but I think it's not as good as it should be
[22:15] <KDesk> Riddell: I will read that and do some practice, and if I have time I will come here back :)
[22:16] <Riddell> there's also http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/packaging-presentation.pdf and even http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwTp1YnehoI
[22:20] <KDesk> Riddell: thanks for the links :)
[22:21] <xerosis> Riddell: when does packaging start?
[22:31] <Riddell> xerosis: right about now, want to help?
[22:31] <xerosis> Riddell: sure, I've only got as far as debuilder though, not used pbuilder
[22:33] <SiNiESTrO> what's revu?
[22:35] <apachelogger> SiNiESTrO: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU
[22:35] <SiNiESTrO> thanks
[22:47] <Hobbsee> mmm...seeding...
[22:50] * DaskreecH waves at Hobbsee
[22:51] <Hobbsee> heya DaskreecH!
[22:52] <nixternal> did base-files break stuff today?
[22:52] <nixternal> [rpm] error: File /home/rjohnson/cleversafe/svn/swdev_mgmt/trunk/driveswap/output/build/SOURCES/dsnet-driveswap-1.0.tar.gz: No such file or directory
[22:53] <DaskreecH> Hobbsee: How are you?
[22:53] <nixternal> there is a such file or directory
[22:53] <Hobbsee> DaskreecH: enjoying watching seeding
[22:54] <DaskreecH> Ha ha That's a new one on me for hobbies
[23:15] <reisi> hmm just noticed; my laptops keyboard doesn't work after resuming from suspend2ram, it works in the console though.. can anyone remember reports of this?
[23:16] <reisi> it doesn't work in X in any way other than triggering virtual terminal change (alt+f-keys), mouse does work though
[23:16] <reisi> i guess it's a bit late for 8.10 :)
[23:27] <JontheEchidna> aaaargh
[23:27] <JontheEchidna> I told pbuilder to get stuff from nl.archive, not us.archive