UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /28 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:29] <CarlFK> does xubuntu include a vnc server ?
[00:59] <CarlFK> I installed vino - I ran vino-preferences and set "allow others to connect to your desktop" and yet port 5900 is still closed (according to nmap)
[02:03] <jeward> Hi, I've somehow lost the System button on my Xubuntu Intrepid Ibex?
[02:03] <jeward> How do I get it back?
[02:05] <charlie-tca> jeward: as in Applications -> System?
[02:06] <jeward> Oh, before I updated, it had a System button on the top bar?
[02:06] <jeward> Did that feature go away?
[02:06] <XFCEntral> jeward: for shutdown, restart, and so on?
[02:06] <charlie-tca> upgrade from Gnome?
[02:07] <charlie-tca> Xubuntu only uses Applications and Places
[02:07] <jeward> No, I installed Xubuntu from the start.
[02:07] <jeward> Okay, maybe I dreamt it.
[02:07] <jeward> :-)
[02:07] <charlie-tca> np
[02:08] <jeward> Thanks!
[02:46] * cody-somerville blinks slowly at j1mc.
[03:08] <j1mc> cody-somerville: hai!
[03:37] <excalibas> hello, my xubuntu doesnt play audio cds :(
[03:37] <excalibas> any help please?
[03:39] <excalibas> totem gives an error "** (totem:16618): WARNING **: Failed to create dbus proxy for org.gnome.SettingsDaemon: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name
[03:39] <excalibas> "
[03:40] <excalibas> I searched google for this error and found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-767958.html
[03:43] <excalibas> famicommander says " I would try installing ubuntu-desktop" but if I do this I loose wicd and it will install lots of stuff I dont need (like compiz) mabie there is another way?
[03:47] <excalibas> I also found this "https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+bug/275882" looks the same but I have xubuntu hardy, not intrepid
[03:58] <excalibas> ok, seems like audacious can play them, thanks for your silent help ;)
[04:09] <madwho> good evening
[04:10] <madwho> anybody could give me hint on how to set keyboard layouts in xubuntu 8.10 ?
[04:10] <madwho> i tryed dpkg-reconfigure console-setup didn't help
[04:11] <madwho> also created /etc/hal/fdi/policy/x11-keyboard.fdi didn't work either
[04:11] <madwho> anybody alive here?
[07:35] <Sylent> what command could I use to change the name of all files in a folder so "%20" becomes " " ?
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[08:10] <Soriel> Bonjour, Hello
[08:10] <favro> !hi
[08:10] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[08:10] <Soriel> Is there some french channel to ask some questions ?
[08:11] <favro> !fr
[08:11] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[08:11] <Soriel> I don't speak english very well ;) Thanks !!
[08:11] <favro> np :)
[08:11] <Soriel> have a good day
[08:12] <favro> u 2
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
[09:51] <MaxFrames> hello
[09:51] <MaxFrames> I need some help in trying to make an USB wifi stick to work under Xubuntu 6.04
[09:52] <MaxFrames> for now, I've installed ndiswrapper, but if I issue "lspci" the adapter is not listed, and anyway the "power" led is not lit, which would mean that the adapter is not even powered on
[09:52] <MaxFrames> what now?
[10:08] <knome> MaxFrames, what is that stick? model/brand?
[10:22] <MaxFrames> knome: it's an atlantis land a02-up-w108
[10:23] <knome> MaxFrames, there is a thread which i think could help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=654826
[10:29] <knome> MaxFrames, or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper#head-4b7c00c6654b2d109b9330c28d9210db329ba573
[10:30] <MaxFrames> the problem is that the card is not listed in lspci
[10:31] <knome> you might try lsubs if it's a usb stick
[10:31] <knome> *lsusb
[10:31] <MaxFrames> lsusb lists two devices
[10:31] <MaxFrames> one is "global sun technology inc"
[10:31] <MaxFrames> the other one is nameless
[10:32] <MaxFrames> perhaps the former is the w108?
[10:32] <knome> possible
[10:32] <knome> you can always try
[10:33] <MaxFrames> oh, another problem
[10:34] <MaxFrames> the page with the ndiswrapper compatible adapters gives "500 internal server error" :(
[10:34] <knome> ?
[10:35] <knome> yours is listed?
[10:36] <MaxFrames> the list is here
[10:36] <MaxFrames> http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/46385/
[10:36] <MaxFrames> this page gives error 500
[10:36] <MaxFrames> sorry wrong link
[10:36] <MaxFrames> http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list/
[10:36] <MaxFrames> this is the right link
[10:37] <MaxFrames> apparently the sourceforge server has problems
[10:38] <MaxFrames> all in all, installing a driver in linux is a major hassle :(
[10:39] <knome> with ndiswrapper... yes a bit.
[10:40] <MaxFrames> I'll try later, hopefully the list page will be made available again
[10:41] <MaxFrames> any chance of this adapter being supported in ubuntu 8?
[10:42] <MaxFrames> I mean without ndiswrapper
[10:44] <knome> i have no idea
[10:47] <MaxFrames> just for curiosity... why doesnt canonical develop drivers as well?
[10:47] <knome> lack of people and funding
[10:47] <knome> it's not free to pull out a driver
[10:47] <MaxFrames> I'll send mark shuttleworth a check :P
[10:48] <knome> plus, there's really no sense to develop those drivers two times
[10:48] <knome> if the manufacturers would keep their specs/driver sources open, linux wouldn't have this problem
[10:48] <MaxFrames> there should be a law imposing it
[10:48] <knome> if you really want to help ubuntu, there is many ways
[10:49] <knome> but that doesn't of course mean that your problem is the first one solved.
[10:49] <knome> there is also paid support, where you *will* get your problem most probably solved
[10:50] <knome> but that doesn't really help others/(x)ubuntu
[10:50] <MaxFrames> unfortunately I can't write code
[10:50] <MaxFrames> even if there were sources for the drivers I wouldn't know what to do with them
[10:51] <MaxFrames> the only thing I can do is try to make this stick work and then post on the forum the detailed steps
[10:51] <knome> yes.
[10:52] <xxploit> any1one know how to replace the places-plugin icon?
[11:02] <MaxFrames> bye
=== whaletales is now known as aptanet
[13:32] <Owe1> what is the encryption strength in the private folder feature in ll?
[13:35] <nikolam> Owe1, Try #ubuntu+1
[13:56] <Owe1> found it according to the wiki its 128bit.
[14:02] <deoks> Im looking for a solution to install system wide truetype fonts for use with Firefox, Gimp, OpenOffice etc. Anyone who can point me to the right direction?
=== Cephisus is now known as Narcissus
[14:33] <Owe1> i know viruses in linux are rare. does anyone here use a antivirus and do you keep it running all the time or do you just run it when needed like to do a scan or something?
[14:34] <vidd> Owe1, i use rkhunter for root kit detection....
[14:34] <vidd> the only system i run an anti-virus on is my mail server
[14:39] <vidd> my one desktop gets "out of sync" message on the monitor when the usplash should be loaded
[14:40] <vidd> will running dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-[version number] fix it?
[14:43] <Owe1> thanks vid
[15:15] <zerothis> I finally got a 2nd monitor working, somewhat, using my USB2VGA. But, I have to 'yank' my cursor to change monitors. I cannot drag windows between them. grandr does not see the USB adapter. xrandr only sees the monitor I run it from and does not name the USB adapter (how do I xrandr it specifically?). xorg is manually edited. I have pastebins of everything.
[15:16] <oncl0ud9> hey guys how do I remove the icons on my desktop
[15:16] <oncl0ud9> like home, trash etc..
[15:16] <XFCEntral> go to settings manager
=== leche_y_galletas is now known as leche
[15:16] <XFCEntral> then to Desktop
[15:16] <XFCEntral> > Behavior
[15:17] <XFCEntral> and uncheck the boxes of icons you do not want
[15:17] <oncl0ud9> I can't select multiple things on my desktop
[15:18] <oncl0ud9> highlight and delete
[15:19] <XFCEntral> oncl0ud9: what are you trying to select and delete?
[15:19] <zerothis> oncl0ud9: does any multi selectiong work? shift+arrow keys, drag with mouse shift+click control+click ?
[15:20] <XFCEntral> yes. shift to select mutiple objects should work
[15:20] <oncl0ud9> have muitlple things on my desktop zip and mp3 files
[15:20] <XFCEntral> works for me on my xubuntu desktop
[15:20] <oncl0ud9> want to highlight them and delete them
[15:21] <XFCEntral> choose one item, hold down 'Shift' and choose the last item in the range of files you'd like to delete
[15:21] <oncl0ud9> yeah that works
[15:21] <oncl0ud9> but I mean why doesn't highlight with mouse not work?
[15:22] <XFCEntral> oooh i see. you want to drag a box around the icons to select them that way?
[15:23] <vidd> oncl0ud9, to the best of my knowledge, that has never worked in xfce
[15:24] <vidd> IDK if it even works on gnome or KDE
[15:24] <oncl0ud9> yeah it works with gnome and kde
[15:24] <zerothis> Oncl0ud9: if you click an icon it does not highlight?
[15:24] <oncl0ud9> yeah a single icon does
[15:24] <XFCEntral> i think he means Windows-style selecting of several items by dragging a box around them
[15:24] <XFCEntral> Xfce wont do that
[15:25] <vidd> oncl0ud9, mayby in the next xfce release
[15:25] <oncl0ud9> that should be there dont ya think lol
[15:25] <vidd> should be in JJ
[15:25] <tomaustin> hi. i keep reading about problems with airport cards and xubuntu, is it possible to get one running?
[15:26] <vidd> tomaustin, what does lspci or lsusb say your card is?
[15:26] <XFCEntral> oncl0ud9: Xfce hasnt even had desktop icon support for very long! haha
[15:26] <tomaustin> vidd.. buying a g4 from a friend. i just researching to make sure the purchase is worth it
[15:26] <tomaustin> so i dont know yet
[15:26] <tomaustin> might just buy it and hope for the best
[15:26] <oncl0ud9> what really xfc lol :)
[15:27] <vidd> well....it all depends on what the chipset is
[15:27] <vidd> but it shouldnt be all that hard
[15:27] <oncl0ud9> will I have to do a reinstall when 8.10 comes out?
[15:28] <vidd> oncl0ud9, no....you "should" get a pop-up in your systray telling you there are updates available....
[15:28] <zerothis> XFCEntral:yes, just making sure I understand the issue. as it stands I'm out of ideas
[15:28] <vidd> and you "should" have a button to upgrade to 8.10
[15:29] <vidd> tomaustin, is that g4 intel based, or PPC?
[15:30] <tomaustin> vidd
[15:30] <tomaustin> ppc
[15:30] <tomaustin> 1gig i think
[15:30] <vidd> tomaustin, i see issues in your future....
[15:30] <tomaustin> does that tell you the card type?
[15:30] <tomaustin> :(
[15:30] <tomaustin> issues that can be fixed?
[15:30] <vidd> ppc is no longer an "officially" supported arch....
[15:31] <vidd> but there is a hardy install disk and the intrepid install disk should be fixed in the near future
[15:31] <tomaustin> vidd, is there an intrepid port daily build
[15:32] <tomaustin> will that make everything work?
[15:32] <vidd> tomaustin, i believe there is...but last i heard, the disk was broken
[15:32] <tomaustin> ok
[15:32] <vidd> but you can easily install hardy and upgrade to intrepid
[15:32] <tomaustin> what about isntalling ubuntu server and adding the desktop afterwards?
[15:33] <tomaustin> ye. so will the card work with hardy?
[15:33] <vidd> tomaustin, that is the way to install PPC
[15:33] <vidd> the will work....
[15:33] <vidd> ^card^
[15:34] <vidd> it will just maY need tinkering
[15:34] <tomaustin> i dont mind some tinkering, just as long as its possible
[15:34] <tomaustin> :0
[15:34] <tomaustin> :)
[15:34] <vidd> EVERYTHING is possible in linux....
[15:34] <vidd> just a matter of what you have to do to get it to work =]
[15:35] <vidd> tomaustin, have you located the PPC server install disk for hardy?
[15:36] <zerothis> vidd:so, can I make Linux count to infinity, twice?
[15:41] <vidd> zerothis, if infinity was a number you could count to....
[15:42] <tomaustin> vidd. no, is it hard to find?
[15:42] <vidd> but with the wonders of multi=threading, you can have linux count to infinity 8 or 9 times...at once!
[15:42] <vidd> its in the "backports"
[15:43] <vidd> let me get you a link
[15:43] <vidd> !ppc
[15:43] <ubottu> PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ
[15:45] <vidd> tomaustin, if you get the airportExtreme wifi card, look me up after you have linux installed....
[15:45] <tomaustin> ok, thanks vidd
[15:45] <vidd> ive always had trouble getting the fwcutter app to work correctly
[15:45] <vidd> but i have a super-easy method
[15:46] <vidd> download a tarbal from my downloads page, unpack it, and sudo cp -Rf [the entire folder] /lib/firmware
[15:46] <vidd> works like a charm
[15:48] <vidd> tomaustin, here is the install disk location: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads
[15:48] <tomaustin> thanks
[15:49] <vidd> my assistance only costs you a promise to help others! =]
[15:49] <vidd> just kidding
[17:11] <SuperATP1> anyone know why everytime i browse my linux machine from my windows machine it asks for a login??
[17:12] <vinnl> What do you mean by "browse my Linux machine from my Windows machine?" (With Linux you mean Xubuntu, I presume?)
[17:12] <SuperATP1> yeah
[17:13] <SuperATP1> have samba installed
[17:35] <SuperATP1> sorted it now
[17:35] <SuperATP1> do you know why my shared folders gui would be all grey'd out??
[17:41] <oncl0ud9> guys will I have to reinstall xubuntu when 8.10 is released?
[17:42] <vinnl> Nope
[17:42] <vinnl> See xubuntu.org/get for upgrade instructions
[17:43] <vidd> oncl0ud9, didnt you see what i told ya last time you asked?
[17:44] <oncl0ud9> I went to a meeting
[17:44] <oncl0ud9> sorry :(
[17:45] <vidd> ah...ic
[17:45] <vidd> no harm...no foul
[17:45] <vidd> =]
[17:47] <oncl0ud9> lol :) I really love xubuntu this is great
[18:08] <ILoveYouMan> hi
[18:09] <vidd> hello ILoveYouMan
[18:10] <ILoveYouMan> hey there
[18:10] <ILoveYouMan> i have a question about xubuntu....
[18:10] <ILoveYouMan> I was hoping to install it on my iBook G4 with 256mb of RAM and I was doing some reading up on it......
[18:11] <ILoveYouMan> some people say that it is difficult to get the airport wireless card to work with xubuntu, is this really the case?
[18:12] <cody-somerville> PPC isn't really supported so that may be the case if you've heard others complain.
[18:12] <cody-somerville> ILoveYouMan, I'd love to hear back from you on any problems you might experience.
[18:14] <vidd> ILoveYouMan, do you have the g4 yet?
[18:15] <mouser-> ILoveYouMan: They used to have a supported PPC version a few years ago, but I think it's "just" a community project now.
[18:15] <ILoveYouMan> sorry
[18:16] <ILoveYouMan> yaeh I have the G4
[18:16] <ILoveYouMan> it's an old computer I don't use
[18:16] <vidd> ILoveYouMan, here is the install disk location: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads
[18:16] <ILoveYouMan> perhaps fluxbuntu would work better for me?
[18:16] <ILoveYouMan> thanks, vidd
[18:17] <vidd> i ask because i spoke with another individual less then 4 hours ago with the same concerns...wanted to see if it was a different person =]
[18:17] <ILoveYouMan> ahh
[18:17] <ILoveYouMan> i see
[18:17] <vidd> but he didnt have the g4 yet
[18:18] <ILoveYouMan> oh right
[18:18] <ILoveYouMan> well, i have an iMac now so I thought that it would be cool to try something different
[18:18] <vidd> ILoveYouMan, so you get xubuntu installed and ill help ya get the card to work
[18:18] <ILoveYouMan> plus, if it doesn't work, I can always install Mac OS X back on the iBOok again
[18:18] <ILoveYouMan> OK, Vidd,
[18:18] <ILoveYouMan> thanks
[18:18] <ILoveYouMan> I plan to do this over the weekend
[18:18] <ILoveYouMan> so I'll download and see what happens
[18:19] <vidd> then your in luck....
[18:19] <ILoveYouMan> should i get the latest version?
[18:19] <vidd> i work weekends, and im here while i work
[18:19] <ILoveYouMan> coool
[18:19] <vidd> get the "hardy" version
[18:20] <ILoveYouMan> ok, will do.....should I get the live cd version?
[18:20] <ILoveYouMan> desktop CD rather
[18:21] <ILoveYouMan> i'm just looking here, I wouldn't have enough RAM to install the hardy herron - it says you need at least 384mb RAM and my iBook only has 256
[18:22] <vidd> ILoveYouMan, there is only the server install....
[18:22] <vidd> you will have to "sudo apt-get install [flavor]-desktop
[18:23] <vidd> where [flovor] is ubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu, or xubuntu
[18:24] <ILoveYouMan> ok
[18:25] <ILoveYouMan> well i will do this and let you know how I get on
[18:25] <ILoveYouMan> thanks :D
[18:25] <ILoveYouMan> seeyas later perhaps
[19:00] <bytor4232> I'm running cairo dock under xubuntu intrepid, and there is no option or configuration to change it to the 3d angled look.
[19:32] <g_> hello, how can I browse the samba shares on my network with xfce?
[19:34] <rob__> hi I am having a strange problem with the keyboard on a thinkpad t30
[19:35] <rob__> some keys are sending odd characters.. like the apostrophe for example
[19:35] <rob__> ´´
[19:35] <rob__> I had this problem once before but cant remember how I resolved it and googling is not helping :/ can anybody point me in the right direction?
[19:39] <kthakore> how can I edit the folder that the PIctures Folder screensaver gets the images from?
[19:43] <rob__> fiddling in dpkg-reconfigure seems to have '"' resolved my problem :) thanks.
[19:45] <kthakore> how can I edit the system menu entry in my main menu?
[19:45] <kthakore> like in development and so far
[19:46] <kthakore> so one*
[19:46] <Diego_A> hola
[19:46] <Diego_A> hello
=== danopia__ is now known as danopia
[20:09] <ceva_> Where off Xubuntu 8.10?
[20:09] <knome> ?!
[20:10] <ceva_> How download Xubuntu 8.10
[20:10] <knome> ceva_, it's not out yet.
[20:11] <ceva_> Ok
[20:12] <Owe1> its going to be released on the 30 of this month.
[20:56] <Owe1> is it safe to delete the contents of /var/cache?
[20:56] <Odd-rationale> Owe1: some...
[20:56] <Odd-rationale> `sudo apt-get clean` might help too...
[20:59] <Owe1> thanks odd-rationale that freed up 1.3gb on my AA1.
[21:01] <yotux> I have just installed xubuntu coming from ubuntu what files to do need to delete to allow my other users to login
[21:01] <yotux> files are locked in the home directory
[21:01] <zoredache> eh? why would you need to delete something?
[21:02] <yotux> I think that xubuntu uses some of the same config files that ubuntu uses in the home dir
[21:02] <zoredache> yes, but that shouldn't prevent people from logging in
[21:02] <yotux> .dmrc locked will not allow them to log in
[21:03] <yotux> term they can log in no X sessions
[21:03] <zoredache> do they own all the files in their directories?
[21:04] <yotux> they should
[21:04] <yotux> I have a home directory that I use when I upgrade to the next ubuntu version
[21:04] <yotux> I have / @ /sda1 /home @ /sda2
[21:05] <yotux> so is there a possible ownership problem?
[21:06] <favro> what does ls -l /home return?
[21:06] <yotux> one sec
[21:08] <yotux> favro - results http://paste.ubuntu.com/63761/
[21:09] <zoredache> the problem is that your users don't own their own files
[21:09] <yotux> if I understand right yotux owns all of these
[21:09] <yotux> where can i find out how to correct this permission problem
[21:10] <zoredache> the command 'chown -R nathan:nathan /home/nathan' should fix nathan's directory
[21:10] <yotux> ok
[21:11] <yotux> chown - what does that mean
[21:11] <zoredache> change ownership
[21:11] <yotux> thankz sorry just starting to use CLI
[21:11] <favro> no need to be sorry - we were all new once :)
[21:12] <yotux> I have come to like CLI more that GUI tools
[21:12] <zoredache> just to satisfy my personal curiosity why did you make /home a seperate partition?
[21:13] <yotux> I have an external drive that I copy all of my files in home to every 7 days
[21:14] <yotux> Also this way I can delete the root system and install a new version without bothering my /home files
[21:14] <yotux> Right now I am running Xubuntu 8.10
[21:15] <yotux> if it is a bad idea please advise
[21:16] <favro> I think a separate /home partition is one of the smartest things to do
[21:16] <Odd-rationale> i have a separte /home partiton as well
[21:16] <zoredache> I can understand that reinstalling without having to break /home is a good thing. My experience is that 95% of the people that do this have no backup whatsoever. And think that having a seperate /home is a good backup strategy
[21:16] <Odd-rationale> and i have a backup
[21:17] <favro> I do it so I don't have to set firefox etc up every 6 months
[21:17] <yotux> zoredache: nice point, also my first install was with a friend that used slackware
[21:17] <yotux> favro: I take it you do a clean install after the new release?
[21:18] <zoredache> it sounds like you do have a backup system, so in your case it isn't as bad as I have seen from others. Of course the problem with the reinstall thing is that unless you play close attention userids will changes, and so ownership and permissions get screwed up
[21:18] <favro> mostly yes
[21:19] <yotux> zoredache: this is something that I need to learn more about
[21:19] <dcolish> the best justifications for having /home or any partition on a separate volume are for resizing and performance. backup is just wrong. also if you're not using lvm the whole point is moot
[21:19] <Odd-rationale> after a reinstall, i chown my ~
[21:26] <zoredache> favro, Odd-rationale: Since you like having a sperate /home, how do you decide how much disk space to allocate to /home? Where do you put shared media at into your filesystem? FHS seems to suggest that belongs in /srv
[21:27] <Odd-rationale> i got a 40gb drive. 10 /, 29 /home, 1 swap
[21:27] <favro> zoredache: I use 5G for the system - set a swap and the rest is for /home
[21:27] <favro> and shared media goes on the nfs server here
[21:28] <Odd-rationale> i would say, if you have les the 20 gb, you should not use a separate /home...
[21:28] <zoredache> what, but what if this IS the nfs server... and I have 1.5tb
[21:28] <yotux> I have a XFS partition on /media/myth 250GB
[21:30] <yotux> being new to linux and trying to be a more than a normal user where can I learn more about commands
[21:31] <dcolish> i'm curious are you all partitioning your drives or using logical volumes?
[21:31] <favro> my /home on my server is basically just for the configs so I set it as 2G just to have elbow room - it is 96% free
[21:31] <yotux> dcolish I don't know anything aobut lvm I use logic
[21:32] <Odd-rationale> i have / in a primary partition. /home and swap in a logical (extended) partition.
[21:32] <yotux> favro I use wine so my home is large
[21:33] <zoredache> See, whenever I create lots of partitions I find that I need to change things. So I have just given up, and use one big partition. But I also have a dirvish setup to make backups every 12 hours
[21:33] <yotux> dcolish what do you gain from lvm?
[21:33] <dcolish> yotux: lvm is logical volume manager
[21:33] <favro> there's no need for wine on a server tho
[21:33] <yotux> true
[21:33] <dcolish> you can move , resize, etc any logical volume
[21:33] <yotux> sound really nice
[21:33] <zoredache> yotux: encryption, easy ability to change partitions sizes, some neat jbod style features
[21:33] <dcolish> you can span physical disks as well
[21:33] <favro> but if one disk dies the whole system is gone
[21:34] <yotux> sound like keep a good backup
[21:34] <dcolish> favro: assuming you have a lvm that is backed up that should be any more risky than normal one phys vol
[21:34] <dcolish> also you can layer lvm on top of raid
[21:34] <favro> yep
[21:35] <dcolish> but raid is not a backup plan, its just redundancy
[21:35] <yotux> I have heard that
[21:35] <favro> but with 4 disks the chance of failure is 4 times that of one disk
[21:35] <yotux> I use to hd's
[21:36] <zoredache> but the chance of a user error where the type rm -rf remains constant
[21:37] <yotux> thankz for you help every one time to go meet the in-laws
[21:40] <masque7> what are the advantages of xfce over gnome anyway?
[21:41] <Odd-rationale> lighter on the resources...
[21:43] <cyzie> is there a way to switch from xubuntu to server edition and if so, how ?
[21:44] <nikolam> masque7, I like xfce over gnome, because of xfce`s ability to make it look like I want.
[21:45] <nikolam> masque7, I can still use gnome panel addons if i want with xfapplet
[21:46] <nikolam> cyzie, I think that is related to the repository you use
[21:46] <zoredache> cyzie: mostly you just remove all the stuff you don't need
[21:47] <cyzie> nikolam, zoredache ... hmm, okay that might sound like a lot of works but i was thinking maybe there is a package to install that will do the change.
[21:48] <nikolam> cyzie, that is it. you just add another repository also i think zou can change kernel you use by installing another kernel package and boot with it.
[21:49] <nikolam> Also you can load server cd/dvd and add its packages and do the same.
[21:50] <cyzie> ok
[21:59] <Ldeath45> hello
[22:00] <favro> !hi
[22:00] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[22:00] <Ldeath45> I am trying to get flash
[22:00] <Ldeath45> and i got flash.tar.gz
[22:00] <favro> !flash
[22:00] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[22:00] <Ldeath45> and tried to download, did the terminal, said installation complete
[22:00] <Ldeath45> and didn't work
[22:01] <favro> did you close/reopen firefox?
[22:01] <Ldeath45> yes
[22:02] <Ldeath45> i re installed xubuntu just to make sure somethin didn't happen and still won't work
[22:04] <favro> I did that ages ago and forget how - try reading here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash
[22:04] <favro> unless someone else knows...
[22:05] <Odd-rationale> usually, "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras" does the trick
[22:06] <Ldeath45> so type that in my terminal and it should download flash
[22:06] <Odd-rationale> Ldeath45: 32bit? or 64?
[22:06] <Ldeath45> how can i tell
[22:07] <Odd-rationale> arch
[22:08] <Ldeath45> so how do i tell
[22:08] <Odd-rationale> Ldeath45: you type "arch" in terminal
[22:08] <Ldeath45> kk
[22:09] <Odd-rationale> if you got i386, then it is 32bit
[22:10] <Ldeath45> alright
[22:11] <Ldeath45> i tried and said bash:arch:command not found
[22:12] <favro> try uname -a
[22:17] <Ldeath45> i686
[22:18] <favro> I use 32bit and mine is i686 as well
[22:19] <Ldeath45> ah
[22:19] <favro> don't know if that counts for anything...
[22:19] <Ldeath45> ah
[22:19] <Ldeath45> well i have had xubuntu before and was able to use flash
[22:19] <R[a]ndom> uname -a should cut it
[22:19] <Ldeath45> then i got rid of it since i got windows xp to run, now im back here
[22:19] <R[a]ndom> random@computasaurus:~$ uname -a
[22:19] <R[a]ndom> Linux computasaurus 2.6.24-21-generic #1 SMP Mon Aug 25 16:57:51 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[22:20] <favro> unless you wanted 64bit it would be hard to install it accidentally - I would hope
[22:21] <favro> so i686 is 32bit and x86_64 is 64bit - thnx
[22:22] <Ldeath45> ah, i used wubi downloader if that counts for anything
[22:23] <favro> I've never used wubi but I beleive it shouldn't matter
[22:23] <Ldeath45> alright
[22:24] <Ldeath45> oh
[22:24] <Ldeath45> since im here
[22:24] <Ldeath45> how do i increase my screen resolution to 1024x740
[22:25] <Ldeath45> sorry to change the subject
[22:25] <favro> 1024x740 seems an odd size
[22:25] <Ldeath45> something along that screen size
[22:26] <Ldeath45> i just hate having the screen up close
[22:26] <favro> xrandr in a terminal will tell the available sizes - then xrandr -s 1024x768 or whatever size to set it
[22:31] <Ldeath45> the max size is 800x600
[22:32] <Ldeath45> owell i will live
[22:37] <favro> you need to set the vid card driver up then Ldeath45
[22:40] <Ldeath45> which would be how(im like a newb with xubuntu)
[22:42] <masque7> !flash
[22:42] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[22:42] <favro> in terminal lspci | grep VGA to find out the card
[22:43] <Ldeath45> okay
[22:43] <Ldeath45> i will do that in a little, computer is freezing
[22:44] <favro> k
[22:45] <Ldeath45> xubuntu and my computer don't agree, then again my comp was built with like okay parts from 2000
[22:45] <Ldeath45> like not great but not bottom of the line
[22:58] <Ldeath45> sorry computer froze
[23:02] <Ldeath45> what do i type
[23:02] <favro> in terminal lspci | grep VGA to find out the card
[23:02] <Ldeath45> ty
[23:02] <favro> np
[23:04] <Ldeath45> grr won't let me copy paste
[23:05] <favro> highlight in terminal by dragging the mouse and in irc middle click to paste
[23:05] <Ldeath45> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corportaion NV17 [GeForce 4 MX 420] (rev a3)
[23:05] <Ldeath45> i know it wouldn't let me paste
[23:06] <favro> iirc that card needs the nvidia-glx-legacy driver - but don't quote me on that
[23:07] <Ldeath45> alright
[23:07] <Ldeath45> like i said this has decent parts from like 2000-2005
[23:07] <Ldeath45> there is one thing im happy about though with this computer
[23:07] <Ldeath45> is it's not running windows ME
[23:07] <favro> you have tried the restricted drivers manager from the menu?
[23:07] * Ldeath45 shivers
[23:08] <Ldeath45> don't think so
[23:08] <favro> that would be my first go
[23:08] <Ldeath45> im just repeating what i did last time i had xubuntu
[23:10] <Ldeath45> so how do i do the restricted drivers manager?
[23:13] <favro> I never use it - open it from the menu would be a start - it is pretty straightforward
[23:17] <Ldeath45> think i found it
[23:17] <Ldeath45> so thats why the matrix screen saver won't work
[23:19] <favro> it pays to set the vid card up for anything eyecanyish
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[23:36] <nonie> hello guys
[23:37] <favro> hello nonie :)
[23:37] <nonie> remember the problem with my xubuntu not playing dvd movie
[23:38] <nonie> it was caused when i upgraded online from 7.10 to 8.04
[23:38] <nonie> i found it when i tried a full install in my office and try playing dvds
[23:38] <nonie> it worked.
[23:39] <nonie> it seems for whatever reason there's still a bug doing upgrades online.
[23:40] <favro> it might have missed a package - it can happen sometimes if the server is busy
[23:41] <nonie> i guess but never bothered to troubleshoot it
[23:42] <favro> sometimes I have to have three goes to get all my installs happening
[23:43] <nonie> i still have my pc at home do i have to go to synaptics again and mark all upgrades
[23:44] <nonie> or do i have to go directly to root and do the upgrade?
[23:44] <nonie> like apt-get dist-upgrade?
[23:45] <favro> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade is how I get the updates
[23:45] <nonie> i'd like to experiment if the problem with dvd will go away.
[23:46] <favro> the update bit is important
[23:47] <nonie> kewl.
[23:47] <nonie> ill do that when i get home
[23:47] <favro> luck :)
[23:48] <nonie> tnx.
[23:48] <nonie> how about upgrading it to super duper 8.10 .lol???
[23:48] <nonie> just kidding.
[23:49] <favro> 8.10 comes out tomorrow...
[23:49] <nonie> lets rock and roll....
[23:50] <nonie> its the final??
[23:51] <favro> yep - and the servers will be hammered so update before then is my recommendation
[23:51] <nonie> its server crash time....
[23:53] <favro> they do get a flogging every 6 months :)
[23:54] <nonie> ill just stick around for 8.04 for the meantime, havent explored much of the features
[23:55] <nonie> not much of the new features on the 8.10 is it?
[23:56] <favro> I haven't looked at it yet - #ubuntu+1 will know :)
[23:57] <nonie> nice.
[23:59] <nonie> xubuntu is fast on slower pcs. I only have a Pentium 3 128M