UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /28 /#ubuntu-testing.txt
Initial commit
[00:59] <yotux> how can one help with testing
[01:02] <heno> yotux: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures has an introduction
[01:02] <heno> yotux: the images in need of testing are listed at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/all
[01:02] <heno> there are links to ISO images and test cases
[01:04] <yotux> herno -- I am not sure where all log files are but I can find them if there is a guide that will tell me how
[01:05] <yotux> Thakns for the reply also
[01:09] <yotux> is there an easy way to read ASCII art style I am having a hard time with it
[01:12] <yotux> I got it kde browser doesn't display nicely Firefox does
[01:21] <yotux> I want to test a dvd image is there going to be direction how how to complete this test?
[02:20] <ScottK-laptop> Anyone intersted in dist-upgrade horror stories?
[03:28] <persia> ScottK-laptop, Not directly, but if you've something that breaks hard, please register it on the tracker.
[03:29] <ScottK-laptop> persia: Not sure where to put it on the tracker.
[03:29] <ScottK-laptop> It was Kubuntu tests that failed, but it's likely across the board
[03:32] <persia> ScottK-laptop, I'd probably add it to the appropriate place on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/upgrade/all , file the bug against the offending package, and mark it serious.
[03:33] <ScottK-laptop> OK.
[03:33] <persia> That gets it on release-team radar, and if it's very hard broken, it's possible to shim (although It needs to be *very* hard broken).
[03:33] <ScottK-laptop> Yeah, well I'm working towards enough information for the release notes.
[05:46] <ScottK-laptop> OK, well test case completed. It's not pretty news.
[05:47] * ScottK-laptop goes and falls over because it's very late here.
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[07:37] <ara> morning all :-)
[08:13] * ara reboots
=== ara_ is now known as ara
[08:27] <davmor2> Good Morning Everybody
[08:27] <davmor2> slangasek: are all the iso's stable now?
=== persia_ is now known as persia
[08:34] <ara> good morning davmor2
[08:35] * ara is testing alternate i386 OEM
[08:36] <slangasek> davmor2: 'stable'?
[08:36] <davmor2> Cool :)
[08:36] <slangasek> ... I hope that wasn't in answer to me
[08:36] <davmor2> slangasek: As in not about to be respun
[08:36] <slangasek> there are some images that we're considering a respin of
[08:37] <davmor2> sooner than latter I hope :)
[08:40] <slangasek> as soon as the right people come on-line in London
[08:50] <davmor2> slangasek: which cd are likely to be re-spun? Will it affect netboot?
[08:50] <slangasek> it won't affect netboot
[08:50] <slangasek> we're probably looking at ubuntu {alternate,desktop,server,dvd}
[08:50] <davmor2> Okay cool I'll get them out the way then
[08:51] <davmor2> slangasek: okay cool?
[08:51] <slangasek> hmm?
[08:52] <davmor2> slangasek: rather now than later :)
[08:53] <slangasek> what rather now than later? netboot?
[08:54] <davmor2> slangasek: No the re-spin
[08:55] <slangasek> yes, the decision hasn't been made yet
[09:12] <slangasek> confirmed that dvd,alternate,desktop will be rerolled
[09:37] <ara> slangasek: do we know when?
[09:37] <slangasek> as soon as I can get the bits I need out of the publisher
[09:38] <slangasek> (which will be a bit yet, I just missed the start of this hour's publisher run)
[10:10] <slangasek> ok, the ones that are being rerolled are all disabled on the tracker
[10:10] <slangasek> there are still some images we believe we don't need to reroll
[10:43] <slangasek> oops, image-building pipeline wound up a little suboptimal; will be a bit yet before the new images start trickling in, maybe ~1h or so
[10:43] <eduardwitteveen> hello, i try to get my wacom intuos3 working
[10:44] <eduardwitteveen> i have the /dev/input/wacom but my xorg.conf is empty
[10:45] <davmor2> eduardwitteveen: probably best to ask on #ubuntu
[10:45] <eduardwitteveen> well, in 8.04 i had a lot more lines in my xorg.conf :D
[10:46] <eduardwitteveen> and before 8.04 the wacom intuos worked out of the box
[10:46] <slangasek> eduardwitteveen: please see the release notes
[10:47] <slangasek> er, no
[10:47] <eduardwitteveen> slangasek: it's there, the zero config for x :D
[10:47] <slangasek> sorry, it's not in the release notes yet, it still needs to be added before release
[10:47] <slangasek> eduardwitteveen: please see bug #282203 instead
[10:48] <eduardwitteveen> slangasek: thanx!
[10:49] <eduardwitteveen> and keep on the good work (i couldnt fix it my selve anymore, since my xorg.conf was empty and i didnt know how to fix it,..)
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[11:04] <davmor2> heno: edubuntu netboot may be borked completely
[11:06] <heno> davmor2: is that the same problem as last week?
[11:07] <davmor2> no it's stuck at 2% doing nothing
[11:14] * pedro_ syncing ubuntu alternate i386
[11:14] <slangasek> good timing, since I just posted it :)
[11:15] <pedro_> I just reloaded the tracker and the build appear there ;-)
[11:17] <davmor2> Anyone can you confirm that edubuntu install hangs a 2% on netboot please
[11:24] * liw starts preparing ubuntu 8.04 (hardy) images for upgrade testing
[11:27] <heno> davmor2: I'll have a look
[11:28] <davmor2> heno: thanks
[11:28] <davmor2> I'll write a bug for it now it only happens on edubuntu
[11:28] <liw> there's jigdo available for RC images, right? and the delta between RC and current dailies is fairly small, right? so it would be possible to get an ISO faster by using jigdo to get an RC ISO, and then rsync to update to the current one, yes?
[11:29] <slangasek> yes
[11:29] <slangasek> there's also jigdo available for dailies, though
[11:29] <slangasek> so that might be faster still :)
[11:29] <liw> there are? ok
[11:30] * liw suggested to sbeattie earlier today via e-mail that dl-ubuntu-test-iso could be improved to use a jigdo+rsync combination
[11:30] <slangasek> not linked from the tracker, but present alongside the isos in the same directory on the server
[11:30] <slangasek> jigdo gets tricky because of how quickly old packages get superseded on the mirrors
=== BaD-Laptop is now known as BaD_CrC
[11:31] <slangasek> but once we're frozen for release, it certainly helps
[11:31] <liw> perhaps adding jigdo support to dl-ubuntu-test-iso would be good during the jaunty cycle, then
[11:34] <liw> interestingly, the server gets half-installed in the time the live cd boots
[11:35] <davmor2> liw: maybe if the script could detect if the there is a file already installed and rsync if there is and jigdo if there isn't
[11:35] <liw> davmor2, definitely
[11:51] <slangasek> almost all images are refreshed, now
[11:52] <slangasek> just waiting on xubuntu desktop, ubuntu dvd, umpc
[12:00] * ara takes alternate i386 OEM
[12:03] <davmor2> heno: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/290234
[12:03] <ubot5`> Launchpad bug 290234 in ubuntu "Intrepid: Netboot locks up at 2% installing the selected edubuntu desktop" [Undecided,New]
[12:10] <heno> davmor2: confirmed
[12:10] <davmor2> slangasek: you might want to add that one to the release notes :)
[12:11] <slangasek> was this tested before, with RC?
[12:11] <slangasek> and is edubuntu desktop the only one broken?
[12:12] <davmor2> slangasek: RC was tested and it passed but was missing some apps. However now the install just stops at 2% had it there for the install length of another netboot install
[12:13] <heno> AFAIR it failed differently before, suffering from nested recommends
[12:14] <davmor2> slangasek: I should say sorry it installed but failed due to the missing apps
[12:14] <slangasek> alright
[12:14] <davmor2> stgraber: are you about yet?
[12:16] <davmor2> I'm just wondering if it is building the lstp stuff too or trying to without the elements being there
[12:21] <slangasek> xubuntu desktop posted; just ubuntu dvd and UMPC now
[12:26] <dholbach> hum... my alternate amd64 install is hanging at 18% for more than half an hour (in KVM, 500M of memory) right now, md5sum is looking good
[12:31] * dholbach restarts
[12:34] <liw> ah yes, my old nemesis: "grub-install (hd0)" failure
[12:50] <ScottK-laptop> heno: Do you know if you have any successful test reports with Intel D945 systems or could you point me in the right direction to find out?
[12:54] <heno> schwuk: can we search our results for this? ^
[12:54] <heno> ScottK-laptop: my only other suggestion is https://edge.launchpad.net/+search?field.text=d945
[12:54] <schwuk> What is the D945?
[12:55] <ScottK-laptop> It's an intel motherboard chipset
[12:56] <ScottK-laptop> I'm trying to find out if Bug #290153 is just that box being 'special' or if it's a real problem.
[13:07] <schwuk> heno: We can, but don't have any results.
[13:08] <ScottK-laptop> schwuk: Thanks for looking.
[13:13] <liw> this upgrade testing is going to fail, because several of my attempts to install hardy fail on the grub-install failure
[13:44] <heno> liw: try using http://files.omma.net/kvm/
[13:45] <ScottK-laptop> heno: Since 1 of 1 test samples fails for Intel D945 motherboards, I think it should be release noted. I have a workaround now.
[13:45] <liw> heno, i386 is one of the ones that does work for me, actually
[13:46] <liw> heno, ubuntu amd64 not, kubuntu i386 yes, kubuntu amd64 not, both i386 and amd64 server ys
[13:46] <heno> ScottK-laptop: I agree
[13:47] <ScottK-laptop> OK. Thanks.
[13:47] <heno> liw: can you install server 64 and add ubuntu-desktop?
[13:47] <liw> heno, I can try that, at least
[13:48] <liw> I wonder if it would be a good idea to investigate these grub-install failures (under kvm only?) after the intrepid release -- since hardy is LTS, it'll be used for years to come
[13:50] <heno> liw: agree. did you file a bug?
[13:51] <liw> heno, no, but I will, now
[13:51] <liw> heno, can you suggest against which package?
[13:51] <heno> thanks. We'll milestone for 8.04.2 so we don't forget
[13:51] <heno> liw: not sure - grub?
[13:54] <liw> heno, 252901 has already been reported
[13:54] <heno> thanks
[13:55] <liw> 219165 has already been reported, oops
[13:58] <ScottK-laptop> heno: So I've added an ubuntu-release-notes task on Bug #290153 and included a proposed note. Anything else I should do on that?
[13:59] <heno> ScottK-laptop: sounds fine, thanks
[14:00] <dholbach> mvo, koon: is that current amd64-alternate?
[14:01] <mvo> dholbach: I had it with i386-alternate the other day
[14:01] <Koon> dholbach: I experience lockups with installed systems too, that's not installation realted
[14:01] <dholbach> Koon: oopsie :-(
[14:02] <Koon> that's since I upgraded the host to intrepid, so probably something taht has to do with kvm on the host
[14:02] <dholbach> the install just went fine, I'll try installing on a real disk tomorrow
[14:02] <Koon> I've been trying to crosscheck if that's not virtio related
[14:03] <Koon> couldn't reproduce it so far on virtio-enabled VMs
[14:04] <dholbach> I have another install hanging right now.... kvm is still using 100% CPU
[14:04] <mathiaz> dholbach: where does the install hang?
[14:05] <dholbach> mathiaz: at various stages, right now it says "configuring linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic"
[14:05] <mathiaz> dholbach: right - it may take a while
[14:05] <dholbach> only one out of 4 attempts succeeded
[14:05] <dholbach> the last one was hanging for like 30 minutes before I killed it
[14:05] <mathiaz> dholbach: I've also noticed some slow down when configuring the kernel
[14:05] <mathiaz> dholbach: hm - are you testing in kvm?
[14:05] <dholbach> mathiaz: yes
[14:05] <Koon> It locks up during IO intensive tasks afaict
[14:06] <mathiaz> I've also noticed that generating the language can take quite some time
[14:06] <mathiaz> during which the install seems stuck
[14:07] <mathiaz> but I hadn't had to kill install for months now
[14:07] <dholbach> mathiaz: your host is hardy? intrepid?
[14:08] <mathiaz> dholbach: hardy
[14:08] <dholbach> ah ok :)
[14:08] <dholbach> Koon and I are on intrepid on the host too :)
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
[14:24] <dholbach> now I have a LiveCD session hanging too - is there anything I could debug?
[14:25] <heno> cking says cruft-remover is still on the 64 bit desktop image
[14:31] * davmor2 starting the wubi m-a run#
[14:31] * heno food, bbl
[14:32] <liw> bleh, two kvm instances crashed
[14:32] <liw> and dumped core
[14:32] <liw> soren, are you interested? if so, what should do dig out for you?
[14:37] <soren> liw: Quite interested, yes.
[14:37] <soren> liw: What's the host?
[14:37] <liw> soren, this is with an intrepid host, and hardy guests
[14:37] <soren> liw: Hardy guests? Why are you testing hardy guests?
[14:38] <liw> soren, I'm preparing hardy images in order to do upgrade tests
[14:38] <soren> liw: Ah, clever.
[14:38] <soren> liw: Amd or Intel hardware?
[14:39] <liw> soren, Intel
[14:39] <soren> liw: Using the stock kvm modules or the ones from the kvm-source package?
[14:40] <liw> soren, hmm, how do I check? I forget if I switched back to stock kvm modules or not
[14:40] <soren> liw: Check dmesg. If it says "kvm-72" somewhere, you're using the ones from kvm-source.
[14:40] <liw> soren, kvm-source is installed, no kvm-72 in dmesg output
[14:41] <liw> soren, also not in syslog
[14:41] <soren> liw: Hm... Han gon.
[14:41] <soren> Hang on, even.
[14:42] <soren> liw: Can you pastebin the output of "dkms status" and "uname -r", please?
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
[14:42] <liw> soren, http://paste.ubuntu.com/63638/
[14:43] <soren> :(
[14:44] <soren> liw: try "dpkg-reconfigure kvm-source"
[14:44] <liw> soren, will that affect the nine other kvm instances I have running?
[14:49] <soren> liw: It shouldn't, no.
[14:49] <soren> liw: You won't be able to replace the kernel modules while they're running, though.
[14:50] <liw> soren, no worries, I can shut them down, I'll just wait until that one install is finished
[14:50] <soren> liw: Alright. The dpkg-reconfigure ought to recompile the modules for your current kernel version.
[14:51] <liw> soren, ack; can I do something useful with the two core files I have?
[14:52] <soren> liw: How big are they?
[14:52] <liw> soren, 1.1 gigs, uncompressed
[14:53] <liw> soren, I see from dmesg that the kernel has logged the segfaults: [96440.788175] kvm[6006]: segfault at 284 ip 0000000000435355 sp 00007fff7f68df40 error 4 in kvm[400000+19e000]
[14:53] <liw> [96441.051001] kvm[5585]: segfault at 284 ip 0000000000435355 sp 00007fffb7e2c6c0 error 4 in kvm[400000+19e000]
[14:53] <liw> soren, note the same ip for both
[14:53] <soren> liw: Ok. I don't think the possible value of the data outweighs the hassle of exchanging those files.
[14:54] <liw> soren, they're about 415 megs gzipped, so yeah, pretty big
[14:55] <soren> That segfault info might be valuable, though.
[14:56] <liw> soren, is there something you want me to look at before I reboot?
[14:57] <soren> liw: No, I think I'm good.
[15:16] * pedro_ doing desktop i386 oem
[15:18] <davmor2> It's snowing :)
[15:22] <liw> heno, I did the server+ubuntu-desktop thing, seems to have worked, so I now have something to do an upgrade test with; good
[15:23] <heno> cool
[15:32] <slangasek> sorry folks, ubuntu desktop CDs being rebuilt once more, system-cleaner-gtk was still installed in the livefs when it should've gone away with the last build
[15:34] <ogra> not easy to clean up ... that cleaner app ....
[15:34] <davmor2> bugger
[15:35] <heno> just 2 CDs, not so bad :)
[15:35] <liw> not the dvds?
[15:36] <persia> Well, it probably *should* have been more images, but system-cleaner came late enough in the cycle that most seeds weren't updated to include it.
[15:36] <davmor2> heno: Going onto slowband and I'd just about finished syncing the first lot :)
[15:37] * heno wanders of for a break, back for more testing later
[15:41] <slangasek> liw: dvds built later so weren't hit by the race condition
[15:41] <liw> slangasek, ok
[15:41] * liw starts upgrade testing edubuntu
[15:51] <ara> davmor2: where are you based?
[15:51] <davmor2> Wolverhampton
[16:07] <jdstrand> fyi-- I'm testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/2127/46 (upgrade Ubuntu i386)
[16:11] <davmor2> slangasek: have the ubuntu cd's been re-rolled?
[16:45] <davmor2> ara: http://picasaweb.google.com/davmor2/Christmassy#5262246690783571394
[16:45] <ara> davmor2: :-)
[16:58] <ara> well, guys, I am off for today. See you tomorrow. have a nice day/evening (apply to your time zone)
[17:00] * pedro_ starts xubuntu i386
[17:54] <davmor2> slangasek: are the new, new, new ubuntu iso's up yet?
[17:59] <liw2> blip
[18:01] * liw takes on ubuntu amd64 and i386 upgrades
[18:17] <davmor2> finally :)
[18:22] <davmor2> I will mostly be testing ubuntu wubi and m-a which will include desktop and autoresize
[19:02] * heno takes the remaining 64 bit studio tests and u-alt-64 expert and rescue
[19:11] <davmor2> asac: query on the new home page, is the Ubuntu help meant to go to the 8.04 help page?
[19:12] <asac> davmor2: which link is that?
[19:13] <asac> i mean ... where are you looking at new homepage?
[19:13] <davmor2> asac: in firefox on a fresh install
[19:13] <davmor2> on intrepid
[19:13] <asac> davmor2: i dont have a new homepage there yet
[19:14] <asac> its still 8.04 here
[19:14] <asac> http://start.ubuntu.com/8.10/
[19:16] <davmor2> asac: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/home.png
[19:16] <asac> davmor2: well. that url isnt in my yard ;)
[19:16] <davmor2> just realised though it just goes to help.ubuntu.com
[19:16] <asac> also the caching invalidation didnt work (it wasnt updated here)
[19:17] <asac> davmor2: yeah. its unversioned
[19:17] <asac> davmor2: please ping newz2000 about that
[19:17] <asac> davmor2: ok i pinged him and asked him to come here
[19:17] <davmor2> I threw me because of the big Ubuntu 8.04LTS in the title ;)
[19:18] <davmor2> :)
[19:18] <asac> davmor2: well. thats definitly wrong ;) ... and should be fixed
[19:18] <newz2000> hey
[19:18] <asac> in one way or the other
[19:18] <asac> newz2000: hey ;)
[19:18] <asac> thanks for the prompt join-up ;)
[19:18] <newz2000> np
[19:18] <asac> newz2000: two things:
[19:18] <newz2000> what's up?
[19:18] <asac> newz2000: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63720/
[19:19] <asac> newz2000: so: a) help points to 8.04 (or at least help.ubuntu.com suggests that)
[19:19] <asac> (is that mdke i need to bug?)
[19:19] <davmor2> newz2000: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/home.png the link for Ubuntu Help takes you to help.ubuntu.com but it has a big 8.04 LTS on the front page ;)
[19:19] <asac> newz2000: b) for me the new homepage wasnt refreshed (proxy problem?)
[19:19] <asac> newz2000: i had to run shift-ctrl+reload to get the new homepage
[19:20] <newz2000> well, regarding a: I suspect the doc team will provide me an update homepage for help.u.c soon
[19:20] <asac> newz2000: ok. i will check that with mdke
[19:20] <newz2000> regarding b: that's interesting, maybe your shift+reload fixed it for all
[19:20] <asac> newz2000: will the homepage from 8.04 point to a versioned help then too?
[19:20] <asac> newz2000: hah ;)
[19:21] <newz2000> what do you mean by "homepage from 8.04" ?
[19:21] <newz2000> oh, on the start page
[19:21] <newz2000> ah, good question
[19:21] <asac> newz2000: i got the page that was previously used for 8.10 ... which was a copy
[19:21] <newz2000> no, it won't, but there will be a tab at the top that says 8.04 I think
[19:21] <asac> forcing reload brought the new to my face
[19:22] <asac> newz2000: ok. maybe we should also display which version they are currently running then ;)
[19:22] <asac> (if possible
[19:22] <asac> )
[19:22] <asac> but not a big thing
[19:22] <newz2000> I wonder if we should link the 8.04 start page directly to the 8.04 docs
[19:22] <newz2000> we probably should
[19:22] <asac> newz2000: thats what i mean
[19:22] <asac> newz2000: we should ask mdke what the plan is for versions et al
[19:23] <asac> newz2000: imo we should always link to the versioned doc page
[19:23] <newz2000> yeah, if things are the same as they have been for the last several releases he'll have a tarball for me to upload soon. At that time I'll change the 8.04 start page's help link
[19:23] <newz2000> I agree
[19:24] <asac> newz2000: ok. if there is a version namespace available for help.ubuntu.com that will work
[19:24] <asac> is that the case?
[19:24] * asac just revealed his ignorance about help.ubuntu.com
[19:24] <newz2000> yes, it follows the convestion help.ubuntu.com/8.04/
[19:25] <asac> newz2000: ok. anything i should do to properly remind you of that?
[19:25] <asac> or is all handed over now ;)
[19:26] <newz2000> no, it doesn't make sense to do anything until the help docs are uploaded so when that happens i'll know to do the start page too
[19:26] <asac> newz2000: ok :) ... ACTION: make help link versioned for 8.04 and 8.10 homepage when the content gets deployed
[19:27] <davmor2> asacbot back in action then ;)
[19:46] * davmor2 moves onto Xubuntu
[20:28] <liw3> yo
[20:34] <liw> I think I'm done for today
[20:34] <davmor2> liw: Nooooooooooooooooooo, Oh alright then ;)
[20:34] <liw> there's three upgrade tests remaining, and I couldn't get a Kubuntu amd64 hardy install done so that needs someone else; I can do the two Xubuntu ones tomorrow, though
[20:41] <davmor2> liw: I'll take the 64bit upgrade but not till tomorrow :)
[20:47] <mdz> note that the BBC plugin is non-functional due to a server-side problem, will be fixed tomorrow
[20:55] * heno afk
[22:08] <slangasek> davmor2: how goes the testing? do things feel on-track to you?
[22:08] <slangasek> (and others)
[22:09] <davmor2> slangasek: getting there as long as there are no more re-spins should be okay
[22:10] <davmor2> I'm finishing off xubuntu tonight which leave 3 upgrades and a handful of tests on each cd tomorrow
[22:10] <mathiaz> slangasek: -server is rolling well.
[22:11] <TheMuso> heno: thanks for doing studio amd64.
[22:11] * TheMuso is going to do studio i386 now, and also test studio amd64 just to be sure.
[22:11] <slangasek> davmor2: "handful of tests on each CD" - is that intentional? Seems suboptimal to me
[22:12] <davmor2> slangasek: as in 2-3 on 70% ish and 1 test on the rest
[22:13] <slangasek> yes, is that intentional to have the unfinished cases distributed in such a manner?
[22:14] <slangasek> because that makes it harder to get other people to help sweep up if we fall behind due to the larger download requirements
[22:14] <davmor2> slangasek: No I think people are just grabing 1 or 2 tests and that is all
[22:14] <davmor2> but on a plus side it does knock the overall amount down :)
[22:16] <slangasek> ok; some of our testers for final have just a few assigned test cases, so in that case it makes sense
[22:16] <davmor2> slangasek: it also means tomorrow we'll split the tasks remaining between the regular tester and blitz through them :)
[22:16] <slangasek> ok. :)
[22:17] <heno> slangasek: I try to do some of the more odd-ball and time consuming tests first like OEM and expert that others are less likely to mop up in the end
[22:17] <heno> TheMuso: rock! thank you :)
[22:18] <heno> The remaining stuff doesn't look to bad, provided the mobile guys take care of MID and UMPC
[22:19] <slangasek> ok
[22:19] <davmor2> heno: I can run the umpc test whilst the others are running
=== kabads_ is now known as kabads
[22:19] <heno> ok, cool :)
[22:20] <slangasek> davmor2: I think UMPC is better left to the mobile team, unless you happen to have hardware that matches their targets?
[22:20] <davmor2> but they'll need to hit mid I don't have the hardware for it :)
[22:20] <davmor2> slangasek: acer aspire one netbook
[22:20] <stgraber> heno: I'll do LTSP tonight
[22:20] <stgraber> heno: so consider both Ubuntu Alternate as done
[22:21] * heno had a quick rest while his text box was IO-bound and is now fresh for more hours of testing
[22:21] <heno> stgraber: cool!
[22:21] <slangasek> davmor2: I don't know if that's specifically among the target hardware - thus I was going to leave it to Mobile to sort out :)
[22:21] <davmor2> slangasek: It works. But I don't mind leaving it to them :)
[22:22] <davmor2> saves me putting netbook remix back on it :)
[22:22] <slangasek> "works" != "targeted", so I really would recommend leaving it for them to sort out
[22:37] <davmor2> heno: I'm running the last 2 tests on Xubuntu now then I'm hitting the sack
[22:38] <heno> davmor2: ok, sleep well :)
[22:40] <bdmurray> I'm doing kubuntu alt amd64 entire disk w/ encryption now
[23:59] <slangasek> krafty: hi, you marked http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/2175/27 as a failed test for you; is this because of the two issues you commented on?