UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /28 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== e-jat is now known as norly
[20:37] <hunmaat> hi
[20:38] <erUSUL> !hi
[20:38] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-irc!
[20:38] <hunmaat> i'd like to get my members' irc cloak
[20:38] <afflux> Hi there
[20:38] <hunmaat> my profile is https://launchpad.net/~orymate
[20:38] <afflux> yup, that's why I'm here too. https://launchpad.net/~afflux
[20:39] <erUSUL> PriceChild: nalioth : ICMP ECHO REQUEST ^^^^^^^
[20:39] <Myrtti> , please read all the steps in http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup and make sure you've completed them, after which a cloak can be set up for you.
[20:39] <erUSUL> afflux: hunmaat do you have your nick properly registered?
[20:39] <hunmaat> erUSUL: yes
[20:39] <afflux> yes I have
[20:40] <afflux> I'm already cloaked as unaffiliated ;)
[20:40] <Myrtti> so I see
[20:42] <PriceChild> erUSUL: just so you're aware, there are two other members on the ircc capable of getting these cloaks sorted. Asking and waiting also helps.
[20:42] <erUSUL> PriceChild: ok; sorry :/
[20:43] <PriceChild> erUSUL: nothing to be sorry for ;)
[20:43] * erUSUL :)
[20:45] <PriceChild> afflux: hunmaat: all done
[20:45] <afflux> PriceChild: thanks! Do I have to contact freenode staff now?
[20:45] <PriceChild> afflux: I'm a member of freenode staff.
[20:45] <afflux> aha!
[20:45] <afflux> cool thanks
[20:46] <hunmaat> thank you
[21:23] <LjL> when rafik quits it always looks like a client bug at first
[21:25] <erUSUL> LjL: i see the arabic script just fine XXDD althought do not understand a word of it ;P
[21:25] <nalioth> run it through the fish
[21:25] <LjL> erUSUL: i see it fine too
[21:26] <LjL> it's just the line being at the right of the screen instead of the left
[21:26] <LjL> that's... strange
[21:27] <erUSUL> LjL: i see appears just like any other quit msg in irssi...
[21:27] <LjL> erUSUL: ah, irssi - then you probably don't really see it fine, either
[21:27] <LjL> does the first (leftmost) character look like an | or a small e?
[21:28] <LjL> nalioth: So long ... In the next: and I Ubuntu
[21:28] <LjL> makes ... sense
[21:29] <erUSUL> LjL: well i pastd it as is in google translate and got the same as you (in spanish)
[21:29] <erUSUL> LjL: Tanto tiempo ... En la siguiente: Ubuntu y yo
[21:29] <erUSUL> LjL: yes the first graph looks like a |
[21:30] <LjL> erUSUL: it shouldn't. you're seeing it reversed.
[21:30] <Myrtti> funky.
[21:30] <LjL> that happens on the console.
[21:31] <erUSUL> LjL: thought that pango took care of that...
[21:32] <erUSUL> nalioth: btw fish does not support arab :/
[21:34] <Myrtti> translate.google.com ♥
[21:34] <erUSUL> Myrtti: that's what i ended up using
[21:34] <Myrtti> I haz it on my pink iGoogle ♥
[21:34] * erUSUL wonders what most of us will do if google disappeared tomorrow...
[21:35] <Myrtti> I'd scream
[21:35] <Myrtti> then I'd scream again
=== juliux is now known as Guest15244
[21:48] <nalioth> erUSUL: 'fish' is generic for any translator you wish. i never use babelfish.
[21:55] <Myrtti> :-D
[22:02] <riot_le> hi, i am new ubuntu member and me was told that i should ask here for Member Cloak ;-)
[22:02] <LjL> sure
[22:02] <LjL> riot_le: hold on a moment
[22:04] <LjL> riot_le: you should set up your nickname first
[22:04] <LjL> riot_le: you should have an alternate nickname, and also an email address set in nickserv (it can be hidden)
[22:04] <LjL> !register
[22:04] <ubottu> Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode
[22:04] <riot_le> ah ok
[22:04] <LjL> riot_le: follow all the steps above and you'll be all set
=== riot_le is now known as riot_le_
=== riot_le_ is now known as riot_le
[22:11] <riot_le> so i hope i do it all correct, i received an message that i was added to the lp-group
[22:11] <LjL> riot_le: to set your mail, /msg nickserv set email address
[22:13] <riot_le> so thats done
[22:14] <LjL> riot_le: and you have your cloak
[22:14] <riot_le> LjL: thank you
[22:14] <LjL> welcome
[22:14] <riot_le> thanks
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu