UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /28 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:41] <Onkabetse> Hi,are there any tutorials that can help me get started in developing desktop applications in ubuntu ?
[00:42] <andreasn> Onkabetse: maybe this one: http://zetcode.com/tutorials/gtktutorial/
[00:43] <Onkabetse> andreasn,thanks ,that will get me going .
[00:44] <andreasn> post a e-mail to http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-app-devel-list/ if you have any issues, people are usually pretty quick to help
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[08:48] <didrocks> morning o/
[09:32] <huats> morning everyone !
[09:33] <didrocks> hi huats ;)
[09:33] <seb128> lut didrocks huats
[09:33] <huats> hello seb128 and didrocks
[09:33] <didrocks> lut seb128 !
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
=== andreasn_ is now known as andreasn
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
=== ember_ is now known as ember
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa