UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /28 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
=== andreasn_ is now known as andreasn
[17:20] <ubendu> hello! :)
[17:20] <thorwil> hi ubendu
[17:31] <thorwil> kwwii: http://www.heise.de/bilderstrecke/510/nt51ccfe
[17:32] <kwwii> thorwil: yeah, I was just reading http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20081028-first-look-at-windows-7.html
[17:32] <thorwil> heh
[17:32] <kwwii> to be honest, I am not that impressed by the look of things
[17:33] <kwwii> seems like they add a few new intersting ideas and people are amazed
[17:33] <thorwil> windows never impressed me by look
[17:33] <thorwil> adding stuff to "libraries" is surely much better than tagging/grouping ;)
[17:35] <kwwii> yeah, it seems like they learned from photo software
[17:41] * thorwil -> dinner
[17:53] <ubendu> so what OS do you guys all use to do art work?
[18:16] <kwwii> ubendu: lol, linux, of course
[18:17] <ubendu> kwwii: what distro?
[18:20] <kwwii> ubendu: guess, it shouldn't be hard
[18:21] <ubendu> the obvious would be ubuntu, but i don't see why you would have to be using ubuntu to create artwork for it.
[18:22] <ubendu> i would be interested in getting involved in the art team though :>
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
[18:25] <kwwii> ubendu: I work for canonical, so it is kinda my job to use ubuntu ;_)
[18:26] <ubendu> kwwii: :)
[18:47] <thorwil> ubendu: you don't have to be using ubuntu. some people actually contributed work done in photoshop on windows (or perhaps via wine)
[18:47] <ubendu> thorwil: okay that's great. i'm an OS X user (Photoshop CS4).
[18:47] <thorwil> ubendu: using free/open-source tools is of course preferred. especially when it comes to providing the "source"
[18:48] <ubendu> thorwil: i'm guessing that the people who use ubuntu to contribute are using gimp though.
[18:48] <thorwil> yes
[18:48] <thorwil> gimp and inkscape
[18:48] <thorwil> ubendu: if you do vector work, SVG is pretty much a must
[18:49] <ubendu> thorwil: okay.
[18:50] <thorwil> ubendu: do you have something specific in mind, that you would like to work on?
[18:50] <ubendu> no not as such.
[18:50] <thorwil> ubendu: what's your background, do you have examples of your work online?
[18:51] <ubendu> thorwil: no, i've done a bit of work for some on-line networking web sites.
[18:51] <ubendu> who runs the team here?
[18:52] <thorwil> ubendu: it's ... kinda headless
[18:52] <ubendu> thorwil: ok
[18:53] <thorwil> ubendu: kwwii is employed by canonical as art director. there have been so called theme teams, small groupd os people working on themes
[18:54] <thorwil> ubendu: with the release coming on the 30th, not much is going on right now, i think
[18:54] <ubendu> thorwil: okay
[18:54] <kwwii> thorwil: my title is "platform art lead"
[18:54] <ubendu> thorwil: i've subscribed to the mailing list.
[18:54] <kwwii> I wrote my job description a couple of days ago :p
[18:54] <thorwil> kwwii: gosh, i though that was still in future
[18:56] <thorwil> ubendu: then there's the Breathe icon effort, led by _MMA_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/
[18:56] <ubendu> thorwil: ok.
[18:56] <ubendu> thorwil: i think i would be best suited doing wallpapers etc.
[18:57] <thorwil> ubendu: and an ambitious project trying to build a solid base for a theme: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/KyudoGuidelines. led by me
[18:58] <ubendu> thorwil: that looks good.
[18:58] <ubendu> thorwil: i've just been reading http://thorwil.wordpress.com/, do you do icons for free?
[18:59] <thorwil> ubendu: yes
[18:59] <ubendu> thorwil: okay :)
[19:04] * kwwii heads off to band practice
[19:04] <thorwil> kwwii: have a good time!
[19:07] <kwwii> thorwil: thanks, I'll try...bit of a cold atm, not sure how that'll affect my voice
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