UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /27 /#ubuntu-testing.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
[11:23] <davmor2> morning heno
[11:24] <heno> morning davmor2
[11:55] <stgraber> hello
[11:56] <davmor2> hello stgraber
[11:56] * heno does a sanity check of kub oem
[11:57] <davmor2> heno: check you got the right cd riddell only uploaded an hour ago
[11:57] <heno> ok, thanks
[12:00] <davmor2> heno: made the same mistake the fiwes are in 1.10.8 of ubiquity
[12:02] <davmor2> s/fiwes/files
[12:10] <davmor2> heno: direct install works
[12:30] <Zombieff> hi all
[12:31] <davmor2> Hi
[12:31] <Zombieff> I've just installed Intrepid on my Eee PC 701 and found eeepc-acpi-scripts package broken
[12:32] <Zombieff> it requires acpi-support package, which is not present
[12:35] <Zombieff> does anyone use 8.10 on Eee PC?
[12:36] <davmor2> nope
[12:36] <davmor2> acer aspire one
[12:36] <davmor2> but it works on that
[12:40] <Zombieff> ok, this bug is already reported at launchpad
[12:54] <davmor2> heno: oem works here
[14:21] <slangasek> first candidate ISOs for final posted
[14:22] <stgraber> cool
[14:24] <IrishDavid> how can i upgrade 8.04 to 8.10 RC1?
[14:27] * stgraber takes Ubuntu alternate amd64
[14:32] <davmor2> slangasek: Ahead of yourself aren't you ;)
[14:32] <slangasek> ?
[14:33] <davmor2> First candidate cd's......Wasn't expecting any till at least tomorrow :)
[14:34] <slangasek> that means we're on schedule
[14:34] <davmor2> :)
[14:39] <davmor2> slangasek: is it only alt's at the minute then?
[14:39] <stgraber> slangasek: that's great, should happen more often :)
[14:39] <slangasek> davmor2: yes, alternates always finish quicker
[14:39] <slangasek> (desktop CD build started at the exact same time)
[14:40] <davmor2> slangasek: Okay cool :)
[14:40] <stgraber> I take: Ubuntu alt amd64 -> erase disk / erase disk + lvm / LTSP / free software only / expert
[14:59] <slangasek> oops, kubuntu alternate oversized, respinning
[14:59] <muibe> wlan works oddly - it takes many minutes until I'm able to get the connection
[14:59] <muibe> my wlan is atheros 5006
[15:00] <muibe> the driver i use is madwifi-hal-
[15:01] <muibe> it worked all ok before but i've had these problems since i upgraded the os yesterday
[15:06] <slangasek> muibe: this is not the best channel on which to seek help for such issues; you may want to try #ubuntu-kernel instead
[15:07] <slangasek> muibe: but if you upgraded the OS to Ubuntu 8.10 RC, there are known problems with ath5k in the 2.6.27 kernel - you're probably lucky that it worked at all(!)
[15:11] <slangasek> kubuntu alternate respun; first desktop images posted
[15:13] <muibe> slangasek: thanks for the advice ;)
[15:15] * heno syncs
[15:17] * davmor2 stops syncing as bandwidth is being killed by wubi upgrade
[15:19] * pedro_ syncing desktop i386
[15:20] * davmor2 thinks netboot can wait till I have bandwidth in the morning :)
[15:24] <kwwii> ok, someone tell me what to test :-)
[15:25] <davmor2> kwwii: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/all any of these
[15:26] <kwwii> davmor2: cool, rysnc-ing now
[15:29] <davmor2> heno: How many minimum tests each?
[15:30] <heno> davmor2: we'll aim for two of each
[15:30] <davmor2> Cool :)
[15:32] * heno grabs some food
[15:43] <slangasek> xubuntu alternates got built with some out-of-date packages due to an archive sync issue; trying a respin
[15:56] <slangasek> ok, xubuntu alternates appear fixed
[16:21] <ad_> hey anyone here
[16:33] <davmor2> ad_: yes
[16:33] <ad_> hey im trying to install yelp-dbgsym=2.24.0-0ubuntu2.8.10 to backtrace a bug on intrepiud but cant seem to install it
[16:37] <davmor2> ad_: That's cause it's not there. I'm not sure if it got integrated into the yelp package itself
[16:37] <ad_> ok then well I run this could you taek a look
[16:37] <ad_> http://pastebin.com/m38d2d98a
[16:38] <ad_> maybe you know whats going wrong
[16:38] <davmor2> Hmmm no hang on
[16:38] <ad_> is that correctly backtraced is my first question
[16:40] <davmor2> ad_: what's the bug?
[16:41] <ad_> edit will not function after upgrading to Intrepid from Hardy - either running gedit from the menu or terminal renders the same output.
[16:41] <ad_> *gedit
[16:59] <mvo> could someone please check if the spx file in the example folder plays for them? I just did a test install on a system with no soundcard (VM) and totem hangs for me when I try to open it
[17:12] <kwwii> mvo: works for me
[17:13] <stgraber> half of Ubuntu alternate amd64 is now done
[17:14] <mvo> kwwii: thanks, I think its because I have no working soundcard in the test system (somewhat unusual :)
[17:16] <kwwii> yeah, that cannot be the way things should work
[17:22] <tuxxy__> hey anyone here, I wondering if my open/close compiz animations being faulty is worth a bug report
[17:23] <davmor2> tuxxy__: what happens
[17:24] <tuxxy__> none of the clos/opene animations work with this error in .xsession
[17:24] <tuxxy__> /usr/bin/compiz.real (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Close event.
[17:24] <tuxxy__> this was an upgrade
[17:24] <davmor2> mvo: ^
[17:25] <tuxxy__> /usr/bin/compiz.real (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in "Animation Selection" list for Open event.
[17:25] <tuxxy__> etc
[17:26] <mvo> tuxxy__: I check it out
[17:26] <tuxxy__> no bug then
[17:26] <tuxxy__> thanks
[17:27] <mvo> tuxxy__: thank you! did you change the animation settings or did you stick with the hardy defaults ?
[17:28] <tuxxy__> yes I enabled the new animations plugin and everything seems to work fine except open/close animations and also I get a little distortion with some effects when I minimize/maximize
[17:28] <tuxxy__> usually distortion is in the top window frame maybe an issue with emerald I dont kno
[17:29] <tuxxy__> I plan to fresh install again in 3 days so hopefully that should fix it all although I have my /home partition seperate so I hope it doesnt happen again
[17:30] <tuxxy__> *frsh install
[17:31] <tuxxy__> hardly any animations worked at first until I enabled the enw animations plugin in compiz then my minimize/maximize worked fine but not the open/close
[17:33] <tuxxy__> i also tried the old nvidia driver v173 but no luck
[17:36] * stgraber takes Ubuntu Desktop amd64
[17:36] <mvo> tuxxy__: please add a bugreport just so that this information does not get lost and let me know about the bugnumber when its finished, I'm running a test to see if I can reproduce it
[17:37] <tuxxy__> ok will do, this is on AMD64 - nvidia 8600GTS
[17:37] <tuxxy__> upger
[17:37] <tuxxy__> upgrade to Ibux from Hardy
[17:49] <tuxxy__> mvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/289966
[17:49] <ubot5`> Launchpad bug 289966 in compiz "Open/Close animations do not function after upgrade to Intrepid" [Undecided,New]
[17:56] <TedC> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/289952
[17:56] <ubot5`> Launchpad bug 289952 in update-manager "[8.10] update-manager ignores sources.list during hardy->intrepid upgrade" [Undecided,New]
[18:12] <stgraber> OEM tests successful on both desktop and alternate (Ubuntu)
[18:29] <heno> I'm getting a black screen on kub oem 64-bit (kvm)
[18:30] <heno> but in a different place this time, after the user config
[18:30] <heno> davmor2 reported success earlier though
[18:31] <heno> could someone try that on hw, vm or vbox?
[18:31] <heno> to rule out kvm-isms
[18:56] * heno starts xubuntu 64 alt
[19:06] * stgraber takes edubuntu amd64
[19:07] <stgraber> failed
[19:07] <stgraber> slangasek: ^
[19:07] <stgraber> it tried to get packages from the internet (as usual)
[19:07] <stgraber> libgsm1 and libavcodec51
[19:08] <stgraber> slangasek: what do we expect from the edubuntu addon ? being able to install without internet or just to install (I did have internet enabled when installing so I have it in my sources.list)
[19:09] <stgraber> heno: ^
[19:10] <heno> hm, it worked here, but I had network
[19:11] <stgraber> yeah, with network it'd have downloaded these two packages
[19:11] <stgraber> my question is: Is it supposed to install without internet ?
[19:11] <stgraber> IIRC it was supposed to but never quite did
[19:11] <heno> how ungracefully does it fail?
[19:11] <stgraber> (since we turned the recommends on)
[19:12] <heno> I guess you can install most apps individually
[19:12] <stgraber> heno: "Some softwares can't be installed because the installer is unable to get some needed packages" or something similar
[19:12] <stgraber> so only part of it won't be installed
[19:12] <heno> I guess those two packages should be seeded
[19:13] <stgraber> and I suspect that if I didn't have internet when doing the install it wouldn't even have tried to download these
[19:13] <heno> sounds like a fairly simple fix - there is certainly space now
[19:13] <stgraber> yeah, IIRC we have some free space on the edubuntu CD
[19:13] <heno> 300+MB
[19:13] <heno> WinFOSS has been removed now
[19:14] <stgraber> oh, ok I'll add that to my testcase change list, so they get removed
[19:14] <heno> I've counted removed winfoss as a PASS :)
[19:15] <stgraber> yeah because it was successfully removed :)
[20:08] <mvo> bdmurray: do you think you could squeeze in a SRU verification ? (for #289855 and #255545)?
[20:10] <bdmurray> mvo: I'll get with sbeattie and see what we can work out
[20:10] <bdmurray> mvo: bug 289855 seems the more important of the two is that right?
[20:13] <bdmurray> mvo_: did you see my last msg?
[20:18] <mvo_> bdmurray: no, looks like I disconnected before :/
[20:18] * mvo_ kicks his network
[20:20] <bdmurray> I'll get with sbeattie and see what we can work out
[20:20] <bdmurray> bug 289855 seems the more important of the two is that right?
[20:20] <mvo_> thanks! its hopefully really easy/straightforward
[20:20] <mvo_> the apt one is slightly more important, but they are roughtly equal
[20:21] <bdmurray> okay
[20:42] <bdmurray> sbeattie: mvo was looking for some help with sru verification of a hardy2intrepid upgrade
[20:43] <bdmurray> sbeattie: actually 2 of them
[20:43] <bdmurray> maybe we can split them between us?
[20:43] <sbeattie> bdmurray: sure.
[20:44] <bdmurray> sbeattie: actually dependent on each other
[20:44] <sbeattie> the update-manager one and the apt one?
[20:44] <bdmurray> hmm, actually they seem dependent on each other
[20:45] <bdmurray> yeah, that's them
[20:45] <bdmurray> I have a hardy vm I could do it with
[20:46] <sbeattie> I don't mind, I was going to do some more upgrade testing today.
[20:47] <sbeattie> if nothing else, it's also useful to an upgrade from a system with hardy-proposed enabled as well.
[20:51] <bdmurray> It might be good for the SRU screencast too - or maybe bug 270777. I have hardware for that