UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /27 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
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[01:33] <Coded1> im trying to set up my remote its a pinnacle pctv (old SD capture card) with a serial adaptor for the remote. I cant seem to get it to work though. any one know how to trouble shoot this kind of thing?
[02:12] <||ChAoS||> I am stumped, and I have been out on the ubutu channel trying to get help because this didnt seem like the right place. I have mythbuntu installed.. and I cant get my sound card working.. makes recording from my tvcard kinda hard... anyone have time to talk though this and offer up some suggestions?.
[02:16] <ajhtiredwolf> oobe, heya
[02:20] <||ChAoS||> anyone around that can help with my audio problem?
[05:38] <morphine> Hi folks, I am trying to install a 0.20 frontend on my machine, but can't figure out how to install that older version
[05:49] <trumpetmic> how do mythbuntu and linuxmce compare?
[06:07] <trumpetmic> how does mythbuntu compare with elisa?
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[16:30] <captmo> anyone here ever use the ati tv wonder ve? I got it working but it will only scan 14/98 channels.
[16:30] <captmo> !help
[16:30] <Zinn> Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi
[16:43] <tgm4883_laptop> captmo, is that 14 and 98, or 14 of 98
[16:44] <tgm4883_laptop> I don't know jack about your card, but if it's only scanning 14 of 98 channels, you probably have it set to us-bcast instead of us-cable in mythtv setup
[16:45] <captmo> 14 out of 98
[16:46] <captmo> i will try that also
[16:47] <captmo> other than the channel issue it is working great
[16:48] <tgm4883_laptop> yea try that, the symptoms of your problem are textbook us-bcast setting
[16:50] <captmo> is the us-bcast for over the air programming?
[16:52] <tgm4883_laptop> yep
[16:52] <tgm4883_laptop> bcast = broadcast
[16:52] <captmo> makes sense
[16:53] <captmo> now i just need a better card that is not fuzzy
[16:54] <tgm4883_laptop> yep, the hauppauge cards are nice
[16:55] <tgm4883_laptop> IIRC, the hvr-1800 works oob in 8.10
[16:57] <captmo> what would i have to do to make my normal ubuntu run myth? so that i am not dual booting?
[16:58] <tgm4883_laptop> easiest way is to install mythbuntu-control-centre
[16:58] <tgm4883_laptop> then configure from there
[17:01] <captmo> so install mythbuntu and turn that into my regular desktop?
[17:01] <captmo> instead of install ubuntu and install myth after?
[17:02] <tgm4883_laptop> no
[17:02] <tgm4883_laptop> you could
[17:02] <tgm4883_laptop> or just install mythbuntu-control-centre from ubuntu
[17:04] <captmo> will that run the backend too?
[17:10] <tgm4883_laptop> captmo, yes, sec
[17:10] <tgm4883_laptop> captmo, you can add mythbuntu to a ubuntu system, or ubuntu to a mythbuntu system
[17:10] <tgm4883_laptop> which is already setup?
[17:11] <captmo> well both now
[17:12] <captmo> so im getting control-centre for my ubuntu build
[17:12] <tgm4883_laptop> ok
[17:13] <captmo> it will make it a lot easier so i dont have to reboot to watch tv
[17:14] <tgm4883_laptop> captmo, yep
[17:14] <tgm4883_laptop> i'd recommend installing the backend part from MCC, but for the frontend installing it via synaptic
[17:16] <captmo> i just did the control-centre from synaptic and it did the entire thing
[17:16] <captmo> should i change that
[17:19] <tgm4883_laptop> no thats fine, you installed the control ceentre, but that only allows you to configure the parts so it only will install what you need
[17:19] <tgm4883_laptop> you haven't installed the mythtv parts yet
[17:20] <tgm4883_laptop> take a look at this screenshot
[17:20] <tgm4883_laptop> http://www.mythbuntu.org/node/148
[17:20] <tgm4883_laptop> this is MCC and this is where you will tell it what type of system you want so it can install and configure the mythtv parts
[17:24] <captmo> ok i know that mythbuntu
[17:24] <captmo> so do i just enable the frontend and backend in cc?
[17:25] <tgm4883_laptop> you can, but like I said, I wouldn't enable the frontend part in CC
[17:25] <tgm4883_laptop> the reason is because it will install the themes, XFCE and such IIRC
[17:25] <tgm4883_laptop> so I'd just install the backend then install mythtv-frontend from synaptic
[17:27] <captmo> oh ok that makes sensse
[17:28] <tgm4883_laptop> yea if you wanted to convert the whole thing to a frontend only, then you use mcc to install the frontend, but sincce you want to use it as a desktop too i'd use synaptic
[17:29] <captmo> ok
[17:29] <captmo> and it configures the same?
[17:30] <tgm4883_laptop> the frontend doesn't need much configuring. You might have to tell it the ip of the backend, but I doubt it
[17:30] <tgm4883_laptop> most configuring is done for the backend
[17:30] <tgm4883_laptop> which should be done for you
[17:33] <captmo> is there any way to transfer my settings from my mythbuntu build?
[17:34] <tgm4883_laptop> yea you need to backup your db and then restore it here
[17:35] <tgm4883_laptop> are you familiar with how to do that?
[17:39] <captmo> no not really i have used mysql for websites before but i have not run my own server
[17:39] <captmo> google has become my best friend
[17:40] <MythbuntuGuest76> does anyone know of a website with specs (what hardware was used) for systems that are known to run mythbuntu
[17:43] <tgm4883_laptop> captmo, i'd use phpmyadmin if I were you, it seems easier to use for me anyway. Either someone else will have to run you through the steps or i'll have to do it later, I have to run
[17:43] <tgm4883_laptop> or google is your friend ;)
[17:44] <tgm4883_laptop> MythbuntuGuest76, the only one I know of is not Mythbuntu related and is out of date. I do know of some vendors you can purchase preinstalled mythbuntu on though
[17:45] <tgm4883_laptop> !merch%
[17:45] <Zinn> Sorry I don't know about merch%
[17:45] <tgm4883_laptop> http://www.mythbuntu.org/merchandise
[18:11] <captmo> tgm4883_laptop: thanks a ton for the help... If i have any troubles I will post here later
[19:35] <gpd> my .dmrc file is ok - now lost as to how to fix.
[19:35] <gpd> I lost my /home drive. I setup using mythbuntu-control-panel - to auto login and stat mythbuntu session - but it just comes up with a standard XFCE desktop and doesn't run mythfrontend.
[20:26] <Marcus-R> Setting up IR. PVR-150 or USB-UIRT. Experiences?
[22:39] <CRXLPY> I need a link to a good doc to help me with migrating my dvr to new hdwr
[22:40] <CRXLPY> I am swapping the mobo and cpu, the rest is staying the same
[22:52] <CRXLPY> does the doc here backup the names of the recordings? http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Backup_your_database
[22:54] <CRXLPY> I dont care about hardware setup info. I have alot of recordings that are named in the gibberish that mythtv names them and I dont want to be forced to spend days renaming them by hand after I change my mobo and reinstall
[22:54] <mighty-d> Hi
[22:55] <CRXLPY> hi
[22:55] <mighty-d> do you know if the wintv hvr 1950 card works on mythbuntu?
[22:56] <CRXLPY> I know of no wintv cards that DONT work. but I know nothing about that card
[22:57] <mighty-d> CRXLPY, which kernel runs the current stable mythbuntu?
[22:57] <CRXLPY> mine is running 2.6.24-21
[22:57] <mighty-d> is this the latest?
[22:58] <CRXLPY> as far as I know..... I keep it updated
[22:59] <mighty-d> ok, thanks
[22:59] <CRXLPY> not the latest kernel. but the latest kernel packaged for mythbuntu
[22:59] <mighty-d> thanks a lot CRXLPY
[22:59] <CRXLPY> yw
[22:59] <mighty-d> going to battle this now... cya
[23:00] <CRXLPY> maybe that karma will pay off and I will get help ;^)
[23:01] <tgm4883_laptop> your wish is granted
[23:02] <tgm4883_laptop> CRXLPY, i've never seen that script before
[23:02] <CRXLPY> hi tgm4883_laptop how r u?
[23:02] <tgm4883_laptop> you could try it, but i'm not sure what would happen
[23:02] <tgm4883_laptop> in theory, it should work
[23:02] <tgm4883_laptop> what exactly do you want to migrate? Just recordings?
[23:02] <tgm4883_laptop> i'm good
[23:02] <CRXLPY> well how would you backup your stuff b4 swapping the mobo?
[23:03] <CRXLPY> I am upgrading the cpu+mobo
[23:03] <CRXLPY> the rest is staying the same
[23:03] <CRXLPY> so new chipset and all will make me need to do a new install (right?)
[23:04] <tgm4883_laptop> not necessarly
[23:04] <tgm4883_laptop> are you switching vid cards from ati/nvidia/intel to a different one?
[23:04] <CRXLPY> moving from athXP to ath64
[23:04] <tgm4883_laptop> ie, ati to nvidia
[23:04] <tgm4883_laptop> do you want to install the 64-bit version?
[23:05] <CRXLPY> no, only the mobo+cp will change. same hdd, vid
[23:05] <CRXLPY> maybe change the soundcard
[23:05] <CRXLPY> the driver for the one in it has been flakey
[23:06] <tgm4883_laptop> well if you stay the same architecture, then you could just try switching out the boards
[23:06] <tgm4883_laptop> i'd backup though first just in case
[23:06] <CRXLPY> but I play my recordings on remote frontends and the sound is fine there so the sound card isnt a big issue
[23:07] <tgm4883_laptop> I'd probably backup the entire db and all my recordings to a separate drive
[23:07] <CRXLPY> I have a bunch of recordings and I dont want to loose the info on them
[23:07] <tgm4883_laptop> exactly
[23:07] <CRXLPY> I record to a separate drive
[23:07] <tgm4883_laptop> sweet
[23:07] <tgm4883_laptop> then i'd just backup the db then
[23:07] <CRXLPY> well some of my rec are on the system drive
[23:08] <tgm4883_laptop> do you have room to move them?
[23:08] <CRXLPY> oh yeah
[23:08] <tgm4883_laptop> I believe you can just move them onto your other drive and they should be fine
[23:09] <CRXLPY> and the db will still know what the rec is? it isnt drive dependent?
[23:10] <tgm4883_laptop> I don't believe so. IIRC, it is just dependent on the file name, so as long as you have that drive in a storage directory then it should be able to find it
[23:11] <tgm4883_laptop> i don't belive so was directed toward the second part
[23:11] <tgm4883_laptop> the drive dependent question
[23:11] <CRXLPY> ok
[23:11] <tgm4883_laptop> worst case, we move them back right?
[23:11] <tgm4883_laptop> you could probably test this right now by just moving one
[23:12] <CRXLPY> yeh that make sense , I will try
[23:12] <CRXLPY> gonna shut down the backend first (not the sys, just mythtv)
[23:14] <CRXLPY> ummmm how do I tell the backend to shutdown w/o telling it to shutdown the computer? I never needed to do that b4
[23:16] <tgm4883_laptop> sudo /etc/init.d/mythbackend stop
[23:16] <tgm4883_laptop> or
[23:16] <tgm4883_laptop> sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend stop
[23:16] <tgm4883_laptop> I forget which one it is
[23:16] <CRXLPY> no dash ok
[23:17] <CRXLPY> oops with hyphen
[23:19] <CRXLPY> there is a flaw in this test...... I have so many recordings I wont know if it gets lost or not. I have no way to know which file I am moving
[23:20] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[23:20] <tgm4883_laptop> sec
[23:21] <tgm4883_laptop> do you have a desktop on your backend?
[23:21] <CRXLPY> yes
[23:22] <tgm4883_laptop> would you recognize which show it was if you watched it?
[23:22] <CRXLPY> I can find one ,sure
[23:25] <CRXLPY> hmmm, I may be better off than I thought
[23:26] <CRXLPY> I dont record to the system drive at all
[23:27] <CRXLPY> I realized the dirs I have are on other drives once I started tracking one down to move
[23:27] <CRXLPY> now about backing up the db
[23:29] <CRXLPY> I am noticing that there is a "create DB backups group" option in the setup. Is that part of making backup of the recordings db tgm4883_laptop?
[23:29] <CRXLPY> I never set it
[23:29] <tgm4883_laptop> I don't know
[23:30] <tgm4883_laptop> I'd just make a backup of the whole db using phpmyadmin
[23:31] <CRXLPY> ok I have never used that. is it a pkg I need to get?
[23:34] <tgm4883_laptop> I would, it allows you to manage your mysql db via a web interface
[23:34] <CRXLPY> ok
[23:36] <hads> Or use mysqldump
[23:38] <CRXLPY> I screwed up. I picked the wrong apache now it wont finish installing
[23:39] <CRXLPY> removing and starting over
[23:40] <hads> mysqldump --all-databases > mysql_back.sql
[23:40] <hads> Or if you just want the mythtv database `mysqldump mythconverg > mythtv_backip.sql`
[23:40] <CRXLPY> mmm thx
[23:45] <CRXLPY> I was in the process of bringing up phpmyadmin hads. so since I have it in front of me now.... I cant log in. what user/passwd is it wanting?
[23:48] <CRXLPY> tgm4883_laptop ?
[23:49] <hads> CRXLPY: No idea
[23:50] <CRXLPY> hads can mysqldump backup only the rec info (w/o setup info)
[23:51] <hads> mysqldump will dump your database. If you want to remove parts of it you'll have to edit the dump.
[23:52] <tgm4883_laptop> sorry, had to take the dogs out
[23:52] <tgm4883_laptop> err
[23:52] <tgm4883_laptop> root
[23:53] <tgm4883_laptop> root I think
[23:53] <tgm4883_laptop> mysqldump should be able to do table only, but I don't know the commands for that
[23:57] <CRXLPY> back
[23:57] <CRXLPY> I cant login as root
[23:58] <CRXLPY> access denied
[23:59] <tgm4883_laptop> CRXLPY, do you have a root password on your mysql?
[23:59] <CRXLPY> I dont remember setting one