UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /27 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, find . -name ".svn" -exec "rm -rf {}"
[00:01] <Jazzva> something like that should work
[00:05] <gnomefreak> even with .svn gone it fails on .xpt
[00:09] <gnomefreak> FireGPGCall/ipc/public/nsIIPCService.xpt: failing again i may have to revert the fix in rules from last time
[00:12] <gnomefreak> ill work on it this week sometime
[03:16] <[reed]> fta: some testing tool
[03:16] <[reed]> not exactly sure
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[08:15] <asac> hi
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[18:27] <fta> asac, as i said in pragues, sulphur is to flock what minefield is to firefox
[18:28] <fta> so it's not a free branding, but a "dev" branding
[18:29] <asac> yep
[18:29] <asac> thats what i reemphasized in bug
[18:30] <[reed]> it's free in the sense we don't retain any rights to it
[18:31] <[reed]> but not specifically set aside to be the non-Firefox name
[18:31] <fta> i would not use a branding with a bomb in it as a free alternative to the main/non-free one
[18:32] <fta> it's fine for dev snapshots
[18:34] <[reed]> yes
[18:34] <[reed]> asac: plan Firefox stuff towards the latter end of the week
[18:34] <[reed]> as in, not on Monday or first part of Tuesday
[18:34] <[reed]> :)
[18:34] <[reed]> I'll probably get there Tuesday lunch
[18:35] <asac> [reed]: thanks
[18:35] <asac> will try to get appropriate slots
[18:35] <[reed]> cool, thanks
[18:36] <fta> asac, i crash a disk at work (and my home dir with it) so i experienced the 1st vanilla desktop, and a fresh ff3. the about:rights is broken
[18:36] <fta> crashED
[18:36] <[reed]> and I'll take you and fta over to MoCo for a tour
[18:36] <[reed]> :)
[18:37] <fta> nice :)
[18:37] <asac> fta: which CD?
[18:38] <fta> not a cd, an up-to-date intrepid
[18:38] <asac> in which way?
[18:38] <fta> my system is fine, i just lost my data disk, including /home
[18:39] <fta> xml error at line 3, at <!--
[18:39] <asac> heh?
[18:39] <fta> i have a screenshot
[18:39] <asac> thats an old bug that was fixed
[18:39] <fta> yep, thought so, but it's still there
[18:40] <fta> hm
[18:40] <asac> fta: please paste the source
[18:40] <asac> i mean what you get by ctrl+u
[18:41] <fta> i lost my ssh keys so difficult to reach my box at the moment
[18:42] <asac> fta: works here.
[18:45] <asac> fta: try about.rights in your firefox-3.0 install
[18:46] <asac> i tried with a fresh user ... worked
[18:48] <fta> asac, nm, hardy
[18:50] <asac> uff. thanks ;)
[19:27] * fta is trying to save some data from a dying hd
[19:55] <plun> Hello, any songbird guru around...? (fta repo)
[19:55] <plun>
[19:55] <fta> what's wrong ?
[19:56] <fta> plun, what's wrong with it?
[19:57] <plun> wrong... ;) no Songbird works great ! but teh Album Arts addon gives this
[19:57] <plun> sbAlbumArtManager: _filterAlbums Called
[19:57] <plun> sbAlbumArtManager: No albums in the list!
[19:57] <plun> *** Blocklist::_loadBlocklist: no XML File found
[19:57] <plun> albumArtHelper: [ERROR] - Unable to add Fetcher: @songbirdnest.com/Songbird/cover/metadata-fetcher;1
[19:57] <plun> Addon broken or Songbird blocked ?
[19:58] <fta> the native cover feature or an addon ?
[19:59] <plun> Both seems to me "out of order".... update is greyed out and maybe thats the problem ?
[20:00] <fta> the "Drag album artwork here" is broken for me too
[20:04] <plun> OK... I check upstream if this is a known problem, Thanks !
[20:06] <fta> plun, just asked upstream, it is supposed to work
[20:08] <fta> plun, i get this in the error console: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63388/
[20:08] <plun> fta: this is the addon I am testing
[20:08] <plun> http://addons.songbirdnest.com/addon/102
[20:12] <plun> fta: "fetch missing covers" is also greyed out and I wonder if this also is blocked if main update is blocked ?
[20:14] <fta> plun, is that addon supposed to work with that version of sb ? sb changed a lot since 0.6
[20:15] <plun> Well, the download button was green ;)
[20:15] <plun> You can also right click and download from Amazon
[20:15] <plun> sbAlbumArtManager: No albums in the list!
[20:15] <plun> albumArtHelper: [ERROR] - Unable to add Fetcher: @songbirdnest.com/Songbird/cover/metadata-fetcher;1
[20:15] <plun> sbCoverDownloader: [ERROR] - Failed to extract the extension from : - TypeError: aURI.match(/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/) is null
[20:15] <plun> Probably broken addon...
[20:15] <fta> yep
[20:16] <fta> hm.. upstream is preparing sb 1.0
[20:17] <plun> I test others just for fun... nothing is broken with your version at least ! ;)
[20:18] <fta> plun, did you test instantbird?
[20:26] <plun> fta: yup it works but misses functions, I just did a "quick test". Pidgin "rules" for the moment ;)
[20:30] <fta> plun, it's still young, i packaged it more as a matter of curiosity
[20:30] <fta> plun, http://blog.songbirdnest.com/2008/10/22/mac-builds-updated-to-use-the-os-native-title-bar/
[20:32] <plun> fta: Yup, it looks promising, coordinate with Empathy maybe (mission impossible).... ;)
[20:32] <plun> TB3 and Lightning "beats" everything nevertheless... ;) I am also testing "Weave".
[20:32] <plun> Up in the cloud world...;)
[20:33] <fta> I'll probably do weave too. I want something i can setup on my own servers, not something hosted by a 3rd party is don't really trust
[20:34] <fta> -is+I
[20:47] <plun> Yup, its handy with Weave, also using DropBox ... about servers.. have you tested Dustin Ks Musica, Just great ! ;)
[20:48] <fta> nope
[20:50] <plun> So simple and easy just to browse to your server... http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2008/10/announcing-musica-for-ubuntu-intrepidp.html something for Mozilla-team to make even better ;)
[21:36] <fta> \o/ i recovered all my data
[21:52] <asac> fta: sounds like luck ;)
[21:54] <fta> asac, i had to ruse. this disk made my desktop at work crash/freeze about 20 times today
[21:54] <fta> no log, no oops, no nothing
[21:55] <fta> hardy
[21:55] <fta> took me a while to find it was that disk and not something else
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