UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /27 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
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[08:09] <slomo> pitti: can we get gstreamer0.10 and gst-plugins-bad0.10 synced again? :) the latter only is the final release now, no code changes only translation updates... the former is http://freedesktop.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/gstreamer/gstreamer/libs/gst/base/gstbasetransform.c.diff?r1=1.127&r2=1.128 (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=557649)
[08:10] <ubottu> Gnome bug 557649 in gstreamer (core) "GstBaseTransform can cause ivalid memory references" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]
[08:18] <pitti> slomo: default answer is "no, needs to go into SRU" now; slangasek coordinates CD builds now, so if it's super-urgent, you need to convince him :)
[08:18] <pitti> slomo: but I don't think it's a release breaker, is it?
[08:28] <slomo> pitti: no, it would be just nice to have... sru sounds good then ;)
[08:41] <mvo> seb128: did you get my mail about gnome-terminal ?
[08:41] <seb128> mvo: no
[08:43] <mvo> seb128: hm, let me bounce it to you again
[08:43] <seb128> ok
[08:43] <seb128> or discuss on IRC directly?
[08:47] <mvo> seb128: is it there now?
[08:47] <seb128> mvo: I'm working on an evolution bug fix upload which has to land before the next publisher run in 15 minutes so wait
[08:49] <mvo> seb128: ok, sorry for being pushy, I was just a bit worried that my mail might be broken (or eating mails)
[08:55] <huats> morning all
[08:55] <huats> hey crevette
[08:55] <huats> o/ seb128
[08:55] <crevette> hello there
[08:55] <seb128> lut huats
[08:57] <seb128> mvo: ok, got the mail this time, I might have spammed it before by mistake or something
[08:58] <seb128> mvo: it's late now for changes, keeping the current version seems fair enough
[08:58] <mvo> thanks
[09:42] <pochu> pitti, slomo: hello! gst-plugins-bad is not on the CDs ;)
[09:42] <pochu> (it's in universe)
=== Keybuk is now known as Guest49306
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[10:27] <Laney> mvo: Hey, didn't manage to catch you before. I guess updating g-t is out (reading the above)?
[10:29] <mvo> laney: did you get my mail?
[10:29] <mvo> laney: unless I miss something the current version is good, no?
[10:29] <Laney> I think it has a crash bug
[10:29] <Laney> but other than that, basically yes
[10:30] <mvo> laney: hm, which bit (or commit) of 2.24.1 -> is that?
[10:31] <mvo> laney: I went through the diff and my impression was that its just a revert of the previous commit
[10:31] <Laney> Hold on, I'm just testing
[10:31] <mvo> laney: if there is a crash fix missing, I will do a SRU
[10:35] <Laney> mvo: It seems fine, my bad.
[10:35] <mvo> excellent, thanks for testing laney
[10:35] <mvo> and sorry that this all took so long to resolve, but its busy times :)
[10:35] <mvo> (or time?)
[10:35] <Laney> I understand
[10:35] <Laney> "it's a busy time"
[10:36] <Laney> I expect a bug about the missing keybinding editor options though
[10:37] <mvo> right, we will have to point them to gconf (or you could do a version in your PPA or the gnome team PPA) with the editor
[10:39] <Laney> I don't have access to the gnome team PPA
[10:40] <Laney> but I'll just push what's in the bzr branch to mine
[10:41] * mvo nods
[10:42] <Laney> Ooh! Couple of interesting kernel talks at uni today
[10:42] <Laney> someone from redhat is here
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[14:09] <tedg> mpt: So, if we use "Available" should the "Offline" got "Unavailable" then?
[14:09] <tedg> I guess that's what busy is for.
[14:09] * tedg lines "disconnected" but that's probably too long.
[14:09] <mpt> What's wrong with Offline?
[14:09] <tedg> s/lines/likes/
[14:10] <tedg> It seems like Online and Offline match. Changing one should imply changing the other?
[14:10] <mpt> ah
[14:10] <mpt> but no
[14:11] <mpt> That was precisely why Online needed changing: because it *wasn't* the opposite of Offline.
[14:13] <tedg> Okay, I can see that.
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
[16:10] <asomething> Anyone know what happened to gnome-font-viewer? I think it was part of gnome-control-center. I still have a desktop file for it in my menu, but the program doesn't appear to exist any more. I don't see anything in gnome-control-center's changelog about it being removed...
[16:11] <dobey> there was never a gnome-font-viewer in gnome-control-center afaicr
[16:12] <dobey> if there's a menu item still in your menu, it's probably because you customized/created it at some point, and it's till in your ~/.local/share/applications/ folder
[16:12] <asomething> hmmm... the desktop file has these fields: X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product=gnome-control-center
[16:12] <asomething> X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gnome-control-center-2.0
[16:13] <dobey> hrmm. i don't know. perhaps it was a part of the fonts:/// vfs thing, and that was in control-center
[16:16] <awalton__> it was
[16:16] <asomething> it is in ~/.local/share/applications/ folder, so it's not a bug in the upgrade process. I must have added it myself. Though I'd still like to the program. I guess I'll just have to use gnome-specimen or something. thanks...
[16:16] <awalton__> fontilus and the theme one too lived in g-c-c
[16:21] <asomething> hmmm... gnome-specimen doesn't seem to be able to look at uninstalled fonts. any ideas for a gnome-font-viewer replacement?
[17:08] <lapo> hi
[17:09] <seb128> hey lapo
[17:09] <lapo> ciao seb128
[17:09] <Keybuk> seb128: who is upstream for xchat-gnome?
[17:09] <Keybuk> is there one?
[17:09] <lapo> I just upgraded to intrepid, nice work guys slick upgrade
[17:10] <lapo> Keybuk: David Trowbridge IIRC
[17:11] <lapo> purplecow or something on irc
[17:11] <seb128> Keybuk: nobody is really working on it nowadays, cassidy was working on it some months ago but stopped since apparently, chpe did code cleaning and update but he does that randomly on GNOME components so I would not call him a maintainer either
[17:11] <seb128> Keybuk: why?
[17:12] <Keybuk> it really annoys me that when you focus the window, the notification icon goes away
[17:12] <Keybuk> even if you don't read the message it was notifying you about
[17:12] <Keybuk> so I fixed it :p
[17:12] <cassidy> I think chpe is the one closer the be the new xchat-gnome maintainer
[17:12] <Keybuk> now the notification icon stays as long as you have unread messages
[17:12] <cassidy> as nobody else worked on it since months
[17:13] <seb128> Keybuk: bugzilla it
[17:14] <Keybuk> it's sufficiently invasive that I didn't really want to do that without talking to the maintainer
[17:15] <seb128> Keybuk: try talking to chpe on the gnome irc then
[17:15] <Keybuk> thanks
[17:22] <seb128> mvo: bug #289950, can you look if you get the issue when using alsa? I bet that's another pulseaudio issue
[17:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289950 in totem "hangs when opening a spx file without a working soundcard" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289950
[17:26] <mvo> seb128: sure, give me a sec (you are quick!)
[17:29] <mvo> seb128: hm, does not seem to make a difference, but I get some debug output I think
[17:30] <seb128> mvo: can you get a stacktrace of totem while it's hanging?
[17:30] <mvo> seb128: hm, looks ike it does not honor when I switch with gstreamer-properties to alsa
[17:30] <mvo> the message is "gst_pluseink_prepare()
[17:30] <seb128> stop pulseaudio the time to try?
[17:31] <mvo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/63316
[17:33] <mvo> killal pulseaudio
[17:33] <mvo> helps
[17:34] <seb128> ok, either gstreamer, alsa or pulseaudio then
[17:35] <seb128> I think I got the issue in a virt-manager while trying the rc too
[17:35] <seb128> I've no real clue what is to blame but since that's only an issue when trying to play sound on a machine which has no soundcard I think I'll not bother too much for intrepid
[17:36] <seb128> you can restart your pulseaudio ;-)
[17:59] <jcastro> Is packagekit a blessed gnome dependancy yet?
[18:02] <dobey> jcastro: i don't think so
[18:02] <crevette> jcastro, nope
[18:02] <dobey> jcastro: http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointTwentythree/ExternalDependencies
[18:03] <jcastro> thanks guys
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