UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /27 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:03] * djdarkman goes to make a coffe as hard as h3ll
[00:05] <quinn> Can someone help me? I'm connected but I can't get Konqueror to load web
[00:09] <cuznt> !Konqueror
[00:09] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about konqueror
[00:09] <cuznt> well crap
[00:11] <quinn> ok, wierd though. this is working but can't use a browser. thanks anyway
[00:12] <cuznt> well try settings>configure Konqueror>proxy
[00:12] <cuznt> make sure connect to internet directly is chosen
[00:15] <quinn> yes it is
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[00:55] <emma> hey i have what might be a pretty easy question :)
[00:55] <emma> how do I make the digital clock in the taskbar read in am/pm format?
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[01:09] <tehkde> In kde4 how do I edit text control keyboard shortcuts like "Select all" and "goto beginning of the line" Like I could in kde3
[01:10] <favro> tehkde: try asking in #kubuntu-kde4 :)
[01:10] <tehkde> Thanks!
[01:16] <ytoox> hi
[01:16] <ytoox> what package brings kcontrol on ubuntu?
[01:18] <ytoox> hello?
[01:22] <ardchoille> ytoox: apt-cache search --names only kcontrol
[01:23] <ytoox> ok
[01:23] <ardchoille> ytoox: sorry, apt-cache search --names-only kcontrol
[01:23] <ytoox> ok
[01:23] <ytoox> it only shows kcontrol autostart
[01:23] <ardchoille> That'll also show you how to search for stuff in the future
[01:24] <ardchoille> ytoox: are you in kde4?
[01:24] <ytoox> nop
[01:24] <ytoox> I need kde3
[01:24] <ytoox> I installed some kde3 apps on ubuntu but the fonts are too big
[01:25] <ardchoille> I'm in Kubuntu 8.04 (kde3) and kcontrol is in the repos
[01:25] <ardchoille> But I heard that kcontrol is gone starting in kde4
[01:25] <ytoox> do you know what package brings it up?
[01:25] <ardchoille> the package is kcontrol
[01:26] <ytoox> mmm
[01:26] <ytoox> maybe I need another repo
[01:26] <ytoox> like the kubuntu repo
[01:26] <ardchoille> it's in main
[01:26] <ardchoille> kubuntu and ubuntu use the same repos
[01:26] <ytoox> mmm
[01:26] <ytoox> ok
[01:26] <ytoox> weird cuz I don't see kcontrol anywhere
[01:27] <ardchoille> can you pastebin your source.list file?
[01:27] <ardchoille> !paste
[01:27] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
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[01:27] <ytoox> where do I find that file
[01:27] <ytoox> ?
[01:28] <ardchoille> /etc/apt/sources.list
[01:28] <ytoox> ok
[01:28] <ytoox> hold on
[01:28] <ardchoille> ytoox: use pastebin
[01:28] <ytoox> http://pastebin.com/m115102f7
[01:29] <ardchoille> ytoox: you're on intrepid?
[01:29] <ardchoille> I think that is kde4 only
[01:29] <ardchoille> if you're on kde4, then kcontrol is no longer in the repos
[01:29] <ardchoille> use systemsettings instead
[01:30] <ytoox> systemsettings can't change kde 3 stuff
[01:30] <ytoox> I installed basket note pads
[01:30] <ardchoille> systemsettings is a kde app
[01:31] <ytoox> yes, but it does not change kde3 apps
[01:31] <ardchoille> try this: kcmshell fonts
[01:31] <ytoox> basket note pads is only for kde3
[01:31] <ytoox> ok
[01:31] <schuyler_> EVERYTHING is huge, can anyone help me resise it?
[01:32] <ardchoille> schuyler_: you mean fonts?
[01:32] <ytoox> yeah
[01:32] <ardchoille> ytoox: did that work for you?
[01:32] <schuyler_> no
[01:32] <schuyler_> as in
[01:32] <ytoox> no
[01:32] <ardchoille> :(
[01:32] <schuyler_> Taskbar, windows, everything
[01:32] <ardchoille> I'm afraid I don't know much about the new kde4
[01:33] <ardchoille> ytoox: try asking in #kubuntu-kde4
[01:33] <ytoox> I help kde but right now I am testing ubuntu
[01:33] <ytoox> ok
[01:33] <ardchoille> ok
[01:33] <ardchoille> schuyler_: You on intrepid?
[01:33] <schuyler_> no, KDE4
[01:34] <ardchoille> schuyler_: try asking in #kubuntu-kde4
[01:34] <ardchoille> intrepid is kde4
[01:34] <schuyler_> oh xD
[01:34] <ytoox> yeah, I noticed
[01:35] <ardchoille> ytoox: But, your sources.list file looks good
[01:36] <ytoox> I know
[01:39] <Alan_Lockwood> Hello.
[01:39] <Alan_Lockwood> Is here someone that use Listen (music player) ?
[01:39] <ncfi1013_> is kde3 still supported, namely k3b? or is everything kde4 now?
[01:40] <Alan_Lockwood> Listen use Xine, GStreamer or Mplayer? please, help.
[01:41] <ardchoille> ncfi1013_: kde3 will be supported as long as Hardy is supported
[01:42] <ncfi1013_> then why can't i get k3b to burn discs on either a dvdr or dvdrw?
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[01:44] <ncfi1013_> then why can't i get k3b to burn discs on either a dvdr or dvdrw?
[01:45] <favro> !info dvdrtools | ncfi1013_
[01:45] <ubottu> ncfi1013_: dvdrtools (source: dvdrtools): DVD writing program. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.3.1-4 (hardy), package size 129 kB, installed size 304 kB
[01:46] <favro> !info dvd+rw-tools
[01:46] <ubottu> dvd+rw-tools (source: dvd+rw-tools): DVD+-RW/R tools. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0-9ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 144 kB, installed size 412 kB
[01:47] <ncfi1013_> ubottu, what does that mean? find it in adept?
[01:47] <ubottu> I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
=== John is now known as Guest36544
[01:48] <ncfi1013_> well can somebody else help me
[01:48] <Guest36544> 8.10 current release candidate is running extreemly slow reminds me of win 95 any ideas on why this is?
[01:50] <quinn> still looking for help with Konqueror not connecting
[01:51] <Guest36544> does anyone know if this issue effects only kubuntu of if ubuntu is equally hobbled ?
[01:52] <favro> ncfi1013_: to write dvds you need to install the dvd+rw-tools package - you can use adept or konsole and apt-get install
[01:53] <favro> Guest36544: you should ask that in #ubuntu+1
[01:54] <KDesk> witch is the best software to encode a dvd (vob files) to xvid?
=== Guest36544 is now known as John
=== John is now known as Guest83827
=== Guest83827 is now known as acee12345
[02:05] <acee12345> has anyone had issues with kubuntu 8.10(current release candidate) running extremely slow ?
[02:07] <KDesk> acee12345: maybe it is a related problem with you graphics and the 2d acceleration, witch graphics card do you have?
[02:08] <acee12345> ati x1400
[02:08] <acee12345> install fglrx?
[02:10] <acee12345> <KDesk> what driver do you recommend ?
[02:14] <KDesk> acee12345: I am not very sure, but I think the free radeon driver should be ok
[02:14] <Snowball> hi
[02:15] <KDesk> acee12345: are the graphics slow or the overall performance?
[02:15] <Snowball> What happens, when I install Kubuntu 8.10 RELEASE CANDIDATE(!) on a PC and next weeks comes the final release.... Do I then have to install from new ??
[02:15] <acee12345> <KDesk> when i try to open konsole there is a 5 -7 sec lag before it comes up
[02:15] <KDesk> Snowball: no, you can upgrade from internet
[02:15] <acee12345> <KDesk>how do i install the radeon drivers
[02:16] <KDesk> acee12345: I think you are using them right now.
[02:16] <Snowball> KDesk, Will the update affect all packages or just some packages?
[02:16] <Snowball> I am afraid of issues like mixing up testing and stable packages on debian
[02:17] <acee12345> <KDesk> so why is 8.10 goint 10x slower than 8.04?
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[02:18] <KDesk> Snowball: you will only have to uodate your system like allways
[02:18] <acee12345> <KDesk> im not even running compiz
[02:18] <KDesk> acee12345: I dont know, sorry.
[02:18] <KDesk> acee12345: and the kwin4 compositor?
[02:18] <Snowball> KDesk, and 8.10 only uses KDE 4, no more KDE 3, right?
[02:18] <ardchoille> acee12345: Did you run "top" in a terminal and see if there's an app slowing the system down?
[02:18] <ardchoille> Snowball: Correct
[02:19] <Snowball> ardchoille, no chance to get KDE 3 ?
[02:19] <acee12345> nothing is hogging resources
=== Guest79486 is now known as fernando_
[02:19] <acee12345> cpu usage at 5% total Ram at 15%
[02:19] <Snowball> when I gave KDE 4 a try I really disliked it a lot
[02:19] <ardchoille> Snowball: You can install Hardy, but in Intrepid, kde4 is the only choice for kde
[02:19] <KDesk> Snowball: dont you like 4.1, or do you need 3.5?
[02:19] <Snowball> KDesk, first ... I dislike 4.1
[02:19] <KDesk> ah
[02:19] <ardchoille> Snowball: Me too, I'll be staying in Hardy until it's no longer supported
[02:20] <Snowball> ardchoille, what chance will we have in the future?
[02:20] <Snowball> ardchoille, I feel like WinXP -> Win Vista
[02:20] <KDesk> why you both dislike kde 4.1?
[02:20] <Snowball> KDE 3 -> KDE 4 is kinda same shock
[02:20] <ardchoille> Snowball: There are dozens of other window managers. I plan to switch to Window Maker or fluxbox when Hardy is no longer supported
[02:20] <acee12345> <KDesk> i guess i go back to 8.04 or even 7.10 untill these issues are fixed
[02:21] <Snowball> KDesk, just because *g* (+100 more reasons)
[02:21] <ardchoille> Snowball: http://xwinman.org/
[02:21] <Snowball> thank you ardchoille
[02:21] <aitd> I use both 3.5 and 4.1 Mostly use the 3.5 because 4.1 crashes during some rather critical points.
[02:21] <KDesk> Snowball: Hardy will be suported with kde 3 12 months more, still then kde 4.3 will be out, and I think it will be very good.
[02:21] <aitd> Can't have that... :(
[02:22] <Snowball> KDesk, well when I tried KDE 4 the last time, I did not even get a chance to edit the height of the "kicker"
[02:22] <ardchoille> KDesk: you have a good point, I may try kde4 in 12months, things should have quieted down by then
[02:22] <Snowball> I wanted 2 rows of minimized windows
[02:22] <Snowball> and there was no chance to, only 1 row
[02:23] <Snowball> and all the simple preferences and options like in KDE 3 were gone
[02:23] <Snowball> it was so annoying
[02:23] <KDesk> Snowball: did you used kde 4.0? 4.1 is much better, and kde 4.2 will be ok to replace 3.5 I think.
[02:23] <ardchoille> Snowball: Oh, didn't know that. I don't even use a taskbar
[02:23] <Snowball> ardchoille, no need for minimizing windows?
[02:23] <KDesk> Snowball: Now it is posible with and plasmoid from kde-look.org
[02:24] <Snowball> guys, gimme a tip please.... Kubuntu 8.04 or 8.10 ?
[02:24] <Snowball> I need to install now or in 6 hours
[02:24] <acee12345> 04
[02:24] <Snowball> but no chance for a later installation
[02:24] <KDesk> Maybe if you tray K 8.10...
[02:24] <KDesk> tray the live cd a few minutes
[02:25] <acee12345> ati+8.10=death
[02:25] <Snowball> acee12345, I have an ATI chip in my laptop :)
[02:26] <ardchoille> Snowball: If you install Interpid now and keep it up to date, then you will have the same system as when it's released as stable
[02:26] <KDesk> acee12345: but that is with fglrx I think with the free/normal driver it *should* be ok.
[02:27] <acee12345> KDesk so how do i track the issue none of my resources seem hogged
[02:27] <KDesk> I have a friend that uses kde 4.1 with also no panels and with many plasmoids in the dashboard, it is also useful
[02:27] <Snowball> ardchoille, I am not sure how I can think of that .... in debian times it would be like installing from "testing" and later install "stable" packages
[02:27] <ardchoille> Snowball: This is no debian ;)
[02:27] <KDesk> Snowball: only change the hardy with intrepid in the sources.list
[02:28] <ardchoille> Snowball: The repos used for the RC will be the same repos used for the stable, the only thing is that the repos will be updated with new packages so you only need to update your system to keep up
[02:28] <KDesk> acee12345: ok, lets, see. run this in a konsole:
[02:28] <KDesk> x11perf -aa10text
[02:29] <Snowball> good, I think the best option is: Hardy for _now_ and when I have a fast enough internet connection again, I will set up 8.10 in about 3 month
[02:29] <ardchoille> Snowball: Sounds like a good plan
[02:29] <KDesk> Snowball: can you now download both?
[02:30] <KDesk> If I were you I would burn both and test both live cds.
[02:30] <Snowball> KDesk, yes, but the thing is ... lemme explain:
[02:30] <ardchoille> KDesk: his internet connection may be a problem
[02:30] <Snowball> the system I plan to set up is very complex, and I have a protocoll of 7.04 from about 300 packages I installed
[02:30] <acee12345> KDesk http://pastebin.com/m70071bd5
[02:30] <Snowball> (additionally installed)
[02:31] <Snowball> I guess it would take too much time to try around with 8.10
[02:31] <Snowball> because I am leaving for 3 month by tomorrow
[02:31] <schuyler_> what is the address for KDE4 irc
[02:31] <KDesk> Snowball: aah. Then kde 3.5 will be easer. :)
[02:31] <Snowball> good, I am about to download now
[02:32] <KDesk> #kubuntu-kde4
[02:32] <ardchoille> schuyler_: you mean #kubuntu-kde4 ?
[02:32] <Snowball> guys, thank you very much for the nice conversation and the tips
[02:32] <KDesk> acee12345: It seems to be ok.
[02:32] <ardchoille> good luck Snowball
[02:32] <schuyler_> ardchoille: yeah thanks
[02:32] <KDesk> yes, good luck!
[02:33] <KDesk> acee12345: tray running the compiz check script.. maybe It shows something broken in you system.
[02:34] <KDesk> acee12345: http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check
[02:37] <acee12345> KDesk http://pastebin.com/m36d7a611
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[02:38] <Hand_Solo> Sup guys
[02:38] <KDesk> acee12345: again is every thing ok...
[02:39] <KDesk> acee12345: maybe the if you have installed from a cd it was damaged or the data was corrupt. have you made a md5sum check or something similar?
[02:40] <acee12345> i did checksum on both burn and install
[02:40] <cefek> yo is there any update manager for kubuntu like there's that one in ubuntu?
[02:40] <KDesk> acee12345: it is strainge. Some one has in the forum the x1400 with no problems http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=942584
[02:41] <KDesk> cefek: adept is one.
[02:41] <KDesk> cefek: in kubuntu 8.04?
[02:41] <cefek> thanks
[02:41] <cefek> 8.10 rc
[02:41] <acee12345> KDesktop it just seems that a 12 second delay to open konsole is a bit excessive
[02:42] <cefek> just checking out whether kde4.2 is worth anything
[02:42] <cefek> and funny, 8.10 starts faster on one disk than vista on raid...
[02:43] <KDesk> vista is crap...
=== ep_ is now known as ep
[02:44] <acee12345> KDEsk seems to be a memory leak
[02:44] <cefek> yeah I know that already, been with linux since slackware in '97, however i am a gamer...
[02:44] <KDesk> acee12345: yes, it is to much.
[02:44] <KDesk> cefek: oh, slackware, I haven't tried that one.
[02:44] <acee12345> KDesk im watching my ram disappear
[02:45] <cefek> yeah don't bother if you don't like command line
[02:45] <BluesKaj> KDesk: we don't need to knock other OS's , we just help with kubuntu if we can
[02:45] <KDesk> acee12345: hmm, that is strainge! Do you know witch process is that?
[02:45] <KDesk> BluesKaj: ?
[02:46] <KDesk> acee12345: maybe it is you chipset. or a bad RAM, have you made a RAM test?
[02:46] <acee12345> KDesk i have like 200 instances of scim-panel-gtk .... wtf
[02:47] <KDesk> gtk? hmm
[02:48] <KDesk> hmm, how to know with package provides scim-panel-gtk ?
[02:48] <KDesk> acee12345: have you killed scim-panel-gtk?
[02:48] <KDesk> killall scim-panel-gtk
[02:48] <acee12345> i did kill all and the ram when back to norm
[02:49] <KDesk> acee12345: and the response time?
[02:49] <acee12345> instant
[02:49] <ep> After using 3d my nvidia 5200 fx for weeks, it suddenly stopped working. Everything is fine using the generic 'nv' driver. Can a video card just go halfway bad, e.g. 2d will work but 3d wont? The reason I suspect this is that I now get a black screen booting into win2k and this used to work as well. Any ideas on what th problem could be?
[02:50] <acee12345> KDesk so i installed something it didnt like and i now have no clue what
[02:50] <KDesk> acee12345: hehe, tray searching for all the installed gtk packages.
[02:51] <ardchoille> ep: If it's doing the same thing in two different OS's, chances are you need a new card
[02:51] <ep> okay
[02:52] <ardchoille> I mean, these are two completely different OS's and you're getting the same symptoms
[02:52] <acee12345> KDesk wow there is a lot of gtk and i dont remember installing any of it
[02:53] <ardchoille> acee12345: may be deps from a package you installled
[02:53] <KDesk> acee12345: maybe dependencies or default installed package to have native them in gtk apps in kde
[02:53] <acee12345> <ardchoille> so how do i undo this without breaking the system?
[02:54] <ardchoille> acee12345: scim-panel giving you problems?
[02:54] <KDesk> acee12345: I think there is a apt log, but dont know where.
[02:54] <acee12345> <ardchoille> yes its like rabbits in australia
[02:55] <ardchoille> hehe
[02:55] <ardchoille> acee12345: The safest thing to do would be to make sure scim is not being started as a service
[02:55] <ardchoille> upon bootup
[02:56] <ardchoille> I'm not sure which package you should uninstall because there are a lot of scim packages and none named "scim-panel"
[02:56] <KDesk> acee12345: tray with: dpkg -S /usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-panel-gtk
[02:58] <ubuntu__> Hey everyone, I'm trying to help a friend save the data from his windows computer. I've got the kubutu live cd in and I just need to know how to mount the drive so I can pull the data onto a flash drive
[02:58] <KDesk> maybe also with dpkg-query
[02:59] <acee12345> KDesk syntax
[02:59] <acee12345> ?
[02:59] <KDesk> dpkg -S /usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-panel-gtk ?
[02:59] <KDesk> with dpkg-query also with -S
[03:00] <KDesk> http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/equivalent-of-rpm-qf-command/
[03:01] <acee12345> KDesk returned scim
[03:02] <KDesk> acee12345: but that is strainge...
[03:03] <KDesk> acee12345: do you need scim?
[03:04] <ArkoldThos> scim-gtk got installed with update thingy on ibex
[03:04] <ArkoldThos> no clue why
[03:04] <KDesk> http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid it includes a gtk program
[03:06] <acee12345> joy so update killed me
[03:10] <ubuntu__> Can anyone tell me how to mount the hard drive from the computer I'm on? I'm running from the live CD and I need to get some of the files off
[03:11] <ardchoille> ubuntu__: First you need a mount point: sudo mkdir /mnt/wintmp
[03:11] <favro> it might be mounted already in /media
[03:12] <glade88> hello.. after the latest update, I could not at all use kernel-- the system starts, but I cannot launch any apps, and it takes forever.. Using the oldest does work, but when I launch any app (say dolphin), there is an unneeded and unnecessary lag to launch the app for about 3-4 secs..
[03:12] <ubuntu__> I checked media...it's not...ok, directory made
[03:12] <ardchoille> Then you need to mount the drive to the mount point.. it's likely /dev/sda1. so try: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/wintmp
[03:13] <glade88> ubuntu__: sudo mkdir /media/disk && sudo mount /dev/sdax /media/disk -- where /dev/sdax is the device link to the drive displayed by typing "sudo fdisk -l"
[03:14] <Chani> how do I install kde4.1 in hardy? I seem to still have 4.0.3
[03:14] <ardchoille> !kde4
[03:14] <ubottu> KDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[03:14] <ArkoldThos> Chani: you should wait until intrepid release
[03:14] <ArkoldThos> or just update to intrepid rc
[03:14] <Chani> konqueror just stopped loading kubuntu.org... *sigh*
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[03:15] <Chani> ...is that url syupposed to have spaces? where does the url end?
[03:16] <Chani> eeeew. I'd forgotten how unstable 4.0 was
[03:16] <Chani> ardchoille: that url doesn't get me anything useful
[03:16] <glade88> oh and additional info to my problem, while booting into, I get a keyboard icon at the systray, idk what's it for.. I didn't have that earlier/dont have it with 26.4
[03:17] <glade88> Chani: http://www.vibgyorlife.com/Tech/article.aspx?xcatid=57
[03:17] <Chani> all there is is an announcement saying 4.1.2 was released and linking to the dot
[03:17] <ardchoille> Chani: Support in #kubuntu-kde4 ?
[03:17] <Chani> that doesn'
[03:17] <Chani> that doesn't tell me how to *install* it
[03:18] <ardchoille> no, but that will get you to the channel where the kde4 support is
[03:18] <ardchoille> !topic
[03:18] <ubottu> Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic
[03:18] <Chani> ohh, I see now. I pared it wrong
[03:18] <Chani> *parsed
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[03:23] <ubuntu__> Ok, got everything he needed. Thank you all so much...it was a couple of years ago when a similiar situation happened to me that I moved to Kubuntu...maybe tonight will create another convert
[03:23] <ardchoille> ubuntu__: Hopefully :)
[03:23] <ubuntu__> Thanks again
=== Guest60418 is now known as alexandre_
[03:24] <alexandre_> hello
[03:24] <metbsd> my kubuntu live cd taking forever to load
[03:26] <Chani> metbsd: cds are slow. how long has "forever" been so far?
[03:26] <metbsd> it's been 10 minutes
[03:27] <ardchoille> 10 minutes is too long, sounds like something went wrong. you might try restarting it.
[03:29] <metbsd> what if it still freeze
[03:33] <admins> Hi, can I ask Kubuntu questions here?
[03:34] <mr---t-> !ask
[03:34] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[03:37] <admins> I'm running Kubuntu 8.04 on an IBM laptop and have installed KLaptop to work as my battery/power management. But in the bottom right I still show Kubuntu's original 'Power Manger' running. This means I have 2 similar utilities running at the same time. I prefer KLaptop. Is there any way to permanently uninstall/delete Power Manager? Tks
[03:43] <emma> How do you make the digital clock in the system tray read am/pm rather than 24 hour time?
[03:43] <metbsd> kubuntu cd says Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 228016
[03:44] <jdnewmil> emma: right click on it and look at the date/time format
[03:45] <emma> jdnewmil: no such option.
[03:45] <commie_cary> why is kde better then gnome?
[03:46] <emma> jdnewmil: there is something there that says digital clock settings, but it also has no option for date/time format
[03:46] <jdnewmil> commie_cary: why is green better than blue?
[03:46] <mr---t-> emma: kde 3?
[03:46] <metbsd> kubuntu cd says Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 228016, what should i do?
[03:46] <emma> mr---t-: no this is kde4
[03:47] <mr---t-> !kde4
[03:47] <ubottu> KDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[03:47] <mr---t-> try asking in ther
[03:49] <cilkay> Hello. How can I make my USB headset the default for sound output? The headset works fine for Skype but Skype has its own configuration control panel for setting the default output.
[03:49] <cilkay> I'm using Hardy, if that makes any difference.
[03:50] <emma> mr---t-: eventually this channel must be for kubuntu intrepid support right?
[03:50] <emma> I'm afraid all the people who know what they are talking about aren't going to use kde4 and no one will be able to help new people. :)
[03:53] <mr---t-> yeah but I 'm not running it so I can't help you :-)
[03:54] <mr---t-> the answer given above works in kde3
[03:54] <admins> How do I create a new .rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ ?
[03:56] <Stroud> :^) hello - to one & all..
[03:57] <corigo> Anyone know why OpenOffice3.0 isn't in the repositories yet?
[03:58] <Stroud> I have no idea.
[03:58] <Stroud> I only have 2.4
[03:58] <ArkoldThos> oh
[03:59] <ArkoldThos> started to use launchpad
[03:59] <ArkoldThos> i like it
[03:59] <Stroud> hello Lurkan
[03:59] <Stroud> I really like launchpad 2.
[03:59] <corigo> What's it for?
[04:10] <admins> Is there a similar channel where (newbie) questions regarding Kubuntu might get answered?
[04:11] <mr---t-> this is the place , but you are at a time when there is low activity
[04:12] <admins> I see. Thanks. Any chance you know how to create a new .rules file? I'm trying to get laptop volume keys working.
[04:12] <mr---t-> sorry no
[04:12] <ardchoille> corigo: repos for Hardy?
[04:18] <corigo> Yes Hardy 8.10
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[04:21] <ardchoille> corigo: Once the distro is released, the only things that change in the repos are bug fixes and security updates. We don't usually see new software after release.
[04:21] <ardchoille> You'd have to wait for the next release (Intrepid)
[04:21] <KDesk> Which is the best software to transform a DVD (vob files) to xvid?
[04:21] <ardchoille> corigo: btw, Hardy is 8.04
[04:21] <stdin> sometimes -backports will have new releases backported from the latest development release
[04:21] <ardchoille> stdin: Ah, that's true, thanks
[04:22] <ardchoille> Forgot about backports
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[04:37] <Skii> there's a friend of mine trying to send me a pic through yahoo through kopete and she is using window's but i don't know why the pic wont open, can anyone help?
[04:38] <Skii> me*?
[04:38] <Skii> there's a friend of mine trying to send me a pic through yahoo through kopete and she is using window's but i don't know why the pic wont open, can anyone help me out?
[04:39] <Skii> wtf i need help why wont anyone help me out???
[04:40] <Skii> what the hell is everyone in hear can't help thoughs in need or just don't wanna help anyone out and be dick's!!!
[04:42] <BluesKaj> !PATIENCE | Skii
[04:42] <ubottu> Skii: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[04:42] <Skii> i will have patience when someone start's to help me out with what i need help with.
[04:43] <Skii> there's a friend of mine trying to send me a pic through yahoo through kopete and she is using window's but i don't know why the pic wont open, can anyone help me out?
[04:43] <Skii> that's my problem
[04:44] <ardchoille> Skii: Not everyone in the channel knows everything there is to know about the entire distro
[04:44] <ardchoille> And not everyone is watching their screen every second
[04:45] <Skii> ok then fuck ya very much
[04:47] <KDesk> Which is the best software to converte a DVD (vob files) to xvid?
[04:48] <ardchoille> KDesk: The only thing I can think of is k9copy, have you tried that?
[04:49] <ardchoille> k9copy is good for copying a dvd9 to dvd5, if that helps any
[04:49] <KDesk> ardchoille: no, but I will install it, thanks.
[04:51] <ardchoille> KDesk: Also..
[04:51] <ardchoille> !dvd
[04:51] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[04:51] <ardchoille> I keep forgetting we have a nice bot here
[04:52] <Darthfrog> KDesk: Also have a look at dvd::rip. I think it'll rip a DVD to MPEG-4.
[04:52] <KDesk> ardchoille: k9copy seams to only copy dvds, I have already the vob files.
[04:53] <ardchoille> KDesk: Oh, ok
[04:53] <KDesk> Darthfrog: thanks, I will also install that to see if it works.
[04:53] <Darthfrog> KDesk: Have fun. :-)
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[04:54] <Darthfrog> It might be in the Medibuntu repository.
[04:54] <Darthfrog> !medibuntu
[04:54] <ubottu> medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[04:55] <ardchoille> dvdrip is in multiverse
[04:56] <KDesk> intrepid comes with JDK1.7?
[05:04] <xyh> gocad
[05:14] <Tukon> hey all, just wanted to say ibex 8.10 is looking GREAT. excellent work to all devs!
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[05:16] <apparle> all the desktop effects are enabled by default, Isn't it so??
[05:18] <Tukon> yes with nvidia drivers enabled
[05:18] <Tukon> although some of the effects are a bit slow
[05:18] <Tukon> wobbly windows doesnt work too well when you try to scale the window
[05:18] <emilsedgh> if KWin detects your graphic card supports them, they will be enabled automatically afaik
[05:36] <apparle> I have an onboard ATI radeon
[05:39] <morphine> so if I want to install older packages than the ones in the repos, how would I do that?
[05:39] <morphine> The one I want used to be in the repos, but has been replaced by the newer bersion
[05:40] <ardchoille> morphine: You would have to compile the app yourself. But, keep in mind you might run into dependency problems with currently install packages.
[05:40] <morphine> ugh
[05:40] <morphine> sure do
[05:41] <ardchoille> morphine: Also..
[05:41] <ardchoille> !compile
[05:41] <ubottu> Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)
[05:42] <morphine> yeah, I know, but I am not about to deal with the dependency problems
[05:42] <morphine> that is just endless
[05:43] <ardchoille> morphine: Which app is it?
[05:43] <morphine> mythtv-frontend
[05:44] <morphine> My backend is 0.20, and the frontend needs to be exactly the same version
[05:44] <ardchoille> I can only imagine the deps for that
[05:44] <morphine> Yes, it is a nightmare
[05:44] <admin__> my cd / dvd burner is not recongised
[05:45] <admin__> help
[05:46] <admin__> can someone help me please??????????
[05:46] <ardchoille> !patience
[05:46] <ubottu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[05:46] <admin__> ok
[05:48] <morphine> haha
[05:50] <admin__> hi i just got cut off
[05:52] <admin__> what is the website to download ubuntu
[05:53] <ardchoille> !download
[05:53] <ubottu> Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php
[06:03] <apparle> does 8.10 have OSS sound support
[06:04] <ardchoille> apparle: questions about 8.10 might be better answered in #kubuntu-kde4
[06:04] <stdin> no, #ubuntu+1
[06:04] <ardchoille> stdin: Ah, thanks
[06:05] <stdin> OSS support should still be about, it's built-in to the kernel
[06:05] <ardchoille> stdin: #ubuntu+1 is for both ubuntu and kubuntu?
[06:06] <stdin> yeah
[06:06] <ardchoille> ok
[06:06] <stdin> if you try to join #kubuntu+1 it will actually forward you there too
[06:06] <ardchoille> right, but I wonder why #kubuntu-kde4 was created
[06:07] <stdin> for KDE 4 support (hint is in the name ;)
[06:07] <ardchoille> that can get confusing for newbies
[06:07] <stdin> it was created when we released 8.04 remix with KDE 4
[06:07] <admin__> what is the remix
[06:07] <ardchoille> ah, that explains it
[06:08] <stdin> it'll merge here in a few days anyway
[06:08] <ardchoille> 8.04 with kde4
[06:08] <ardchoille> cool
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[06:13] <admin__> where can i get free good sercurity
[06:14] <ardchoille> admin__: Security for what? viruses? Firewall?
[06:14] <admin__> viruss and if you can firewall
[06:15] <ardchoille> admin__: Kubuntu comes with a firewall but it isn't configured. You can install one of the several iptables gui's to configure the firewall
[06:15] <admin__> how
[06:15] <stdin> !firewall
[06:15] <ubottu> Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).
[06:15] <ardchoille> !virus
[06:15] <ubottu> A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21
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[06:19] <ralpho> av linux software is so you dont foward virus to windows users you may email ect.
[06:19] <admin__> i get reloading postfix configurating with black background then it goes to login screen what is this, i have kde 4
[06:28] <admin__> help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/63136/
[06:32] <shira> How do I get Descent? I have the CD for the dos version, but so far I can't find a linux version that works with the data files
[06:43] <Greenery> video being played flickered even on mplayer, any idea how to fix this?
[06:44] <admin__> http://www.icanhelp.pastebin.com/m905cf73
[06:45] <admin__> how do u get red text on this irc
[06:47] <tapas> in what format do i need to specify a "resource location" for a korganizer calender?
[06:47] <geek> admin__: 'this irc'?
[06:47] <geek> what client?
[06:47] <tapas> i have ssh/sftp access to the diretory with the calender
[06:48] <tapas> the manual just speaks of "remote resource location" and that's that
[06:48] <tapas> as if there weeren't one million different ways to specify one :)
[06:48] <admin__> yess
[06:49] <admin__> admin__: yes
[06:49] <shira> talking to yourself?
[06:50] <admin__> ha ha
[06:50] <tapas> and if i enter something like
[06:50] <tapas> sftp://username@server/homes/username i get an error dialog without a message on every "/" i type
[06:50] <tapas> totally annoying
[06:52] <admin__> how do i become channel operaer
[06:52] <geek> admin__: i make it a policy not to answer PMs. if it so happens i don't know the answer someone else might be able to help. what client? if its konversation it should be insert then irc colour
[06:52] <tapas> ok, once entered it even kinda works
[06:53] <admin__> admin_ just testing colour
[06:53] <tapas> great and now it crashes everytime i open it
[06:53] <tapas> awesome
[07:07] <admin__> how can i add more storage to a parttion i still have unallocated space
[07:10] <shira> admin: Some may bash me for this but I suggest usage of LVM
[07:11] <Tm_T> shira: oh we will bash you anyway (;)
[07:13] <ardchoille> hehe
[07:14] <admin__> how do i become a channel operator
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[07:30] <Guest2335> #libros
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[07:55] <schuh> hallo
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[08:04] <Logi_Khoo> Hi Guys, am new KUBUNTU user!!!
[08:04] <Logi_Khoo> =)
[08:04] <Logi_Khoo> any mentor here to hold my lil hand?
[08:06] <Logi_Khoo> After looking around google for steps to get lamp installed, i'm stucked
[08:06] <jussi01> Logi_Khoo: usually lots of people to help :)
[08:06] <jussi01> Logi_Khoo: can you use the commandline at all?
[08:06] <Logi_Khoo> the prob is... I can't add folders manually using dolpin
[08:07] <Logi_Khoo> I can use the command-line, if there's a step by step =p
[08:07] <jussi01> Logi_Khoo: please tell us what ypou have done so far
[08:07] <Logi_Khoo> within these 3 days, i understood sudo su apt-get etc
[08:07] <Guest64252> Guest64252 is UbuntuHelper
[08:07] <Guest51694> Good Evening everyone, I'm having some problems getting Kubuntu or Compiz to give me anymore than a single Desktop, I'm running a Dual Monitor Nvidia Card, The other Desktop effects work fine? any ideas? I have come over to Kubuntu from PCLOS, same hardware and PCLOS had 4 virtual dektops in compiz, so must be something I'm not doing right. Any Ideas?
[08:07] <Logi_Khoo> ok, i have got kubunu running
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[08:08] <Logi_Khoo> couldn't get it connected with wrieless, but got it online with eth
[08:08] <Logi_Khoo> i have a LAMP installed, looking into webmin
[08:09] <jussi01> !webmin
[08:09] <ubottu> webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.
[08:09] <Logi_Khoo> but now the prob is... i can't put files in from the desktop, like windows
[08:09] <Logi_Khoo> yup that;s the prob ubottu
[08:09] <jussi01> !ebox | Logi_Khoo
[08:09] <ubottu> Logi_Khoo: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox
[08:09] <Logi_Khoo> i tried ebox, but none of the commands are getting the package
[08:09] <jussi01> ubottu: is a bot
[08:09] <ubottu> Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.
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[08:09] <Logi_Khoo> oh opps
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[08:10] <Logi_Khoo> the terminal says the package is broken or something like that
[08:10] <MellowDude> what linux has a big ballon on the desktop ask default background
[08:10] <jussi01> Logi_Khoo: go have a read of the ebox wiki page listed there, if you havent already
[08:10] <jussi01> MellowDude: no idea
[08:11] <Logi_Khoo> yup, i did the apt-cache + ^ebox*"
[08:11] <Logi_Khoo> spent almost 6 hours on ebox now =(
[08:11] <UbuntuHelper> #ubuntu
[08:11] <MellowDude> my freind in japan im try to help her with her computer but she not no what linux she has
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[08:12] <MellowDude> i told her it could be about any kind
[08:12] <MellowDude> lol
[08:12] <jussi01> Logi_Khoo: please do the following and tell me the results: sudo apt-get install ?^ebox-.*
[08:12] <Logi_Khoo> is there any clear step by step for ebox someone can point me to?
[08:12] <Logi_Khoo> okie
[08:12] <UbuntuHelper> #debian
[08:12] <jussi01> Logi_Khoo: copy paste them into a pastebin
[08:12] <Logi_Khoo> let me login from kubuntu station
[08:12] <jussi01> !pastebin
[08:12] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[08:12] <Logi_Khoo> yup, understood, i'm from drupal btw =)
[08:14] <geek> MellowDude: lsb_release --all
[08:15] <MellowDude> ok
[08:15] <UbuntuHelper> bye everyone
[08:16] <Logi_Khoo> jussi01: sry this is the 3rd time i did hard reboot on kubuntu
[08:16] <Logi_Khoo> jussi01: rebooting kubuntu, 1 sec
[08:16] <geek> MellowDude: that should work on most LSB compliant linux distros
[08:17] <MellowDude> ok ty
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[08:19] <Logi_Khoo> jussi01: the err= E: Regex compilation error - Invalid preceding regular expression
[08:19] <jussi01> Logi_Khoo: hrm ok. 1 sec
[08:20] <Logi_Khoo> i have edit source.list as shown in the wiki
[08:20] <UbuntuHelper> !Codecs
[08:20] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[08:20] <Logi_Khoo> did an apt-get update
[08:20] <UbuntuHelper> mp3 player mplayer comes up error
[08:20] <Logi_Khoo> okie
[08:21] <jussi01> Logi_Khoo: try just manually installing all the ebox packages
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[08:22] <Logi_Khoo> ok, i have the iso image
[08:22] <Logi_Khoo> but i'm trying to move it over to my vista on a lan network
[08:22] <Logi_Khoo> got samba installed
[08:22] <Logi_Khoo> but i am stucked from here
[08:23] <Logi_Khoo> vista can only see "printers"
[08:23] <Logi_Khoo> my aim is to get vista to see the "Desktop" folder, so i can move the iso over to burn
[08:24] <Logi_Khoo> am i making this too comlicated?
[08:24] <jussi01> Logi_Khoo: to be honest, you are likely better off asking this stuff in #ubuntu-server - with ebox they are likely to have a better knowledge
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=== Ubuntu is now known as ubuntu
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[08:26] <Logi_Khoo> jussi01: ok
[08:27] <UbuntuHelper> i have kde 4 and it comes up black screen then goes back to logon
[08:28] <UbuntuHelper> i have kde 4 and it comes up black screen then goes back to logon
[08:28] <Logi_Khoo> who is ubuntuhelper?
[08:28] <MellowDude> well did u down load the new realase for kd4
[08:28] <UbuntuHelper> can i downgrade from 8.10 kde4 to latest stable
[08:29] <UbuntuHelper> logi_Khoo hi
[08:29] <UbuntuHelper> hi
[08:30] <jazman> just updated to kde 4 how do i get i ging in hardy it still looks like kde 3.5
[08:30] <UbuntuHelper> hi
[08:30] <jazman> helper
[08:30] <UbuntuHelper> hello
[08:30] <MellowDude> hit alt+Ctrl+F1 at logon
[08:30] <UbuntuHelper> can i downgrade kubuntu 8.10 to 8.04
[08:30] <MellowDude> then in the prompt type sudo apt-get update
[08:31] <Logi_Khoo> anyone can guide/point me to setting up a network sharing folder with vista to ubuntu?
[08:31] <MellowDude> and no u cant downgrade
[08:31] <jazman> thank uy mellow
[08:32] <UbuntuHelper> help
[08:32] <MellowDude> if u read on the site it say u can not downgrade 8.10
[08:32] <jazman> any one used intrepid
[08:32] <UbuntuHelper> MellowDude Where
[08:33] <jazman> any one used intrepid
[08:33] <UbuntuHelper> yes jazman
[08:34] <jazman> what u think
[08:34] <jazman> u got beta
[08:34] <jazman> or rc
[08:34] <Logi_Khoo> i realised, when it comes to e-box... no ones answering, not even #ubuntu-server
[08:34] <t4ed> rc + kde4 lol
[08:34] <UbuntuHelper> WUBI
[08:35] <Logi_Khoo> ubuntuhelper, you are using WUBI?
[08:36] <UbuntuHelper> logi_khoo yes
[08:38] <charolastra_> hi, could someone tell me where to change the shortcut for yakuake (where it drops down)? i can't find it in the shortcut config of yakuake :/
[08:38] <Logi_Khoo> UbuntuHelper: how's the performance?
[08:39] <stdin> charolastra_: Configure Global Shortcuts
[08:39] <UbuntuHelper> pretty good
[08:40] <charolastra_> stdin: where's that?
[08:41] <stdin> charolastra_: do you see the arrow icon by the '+' in the bottom right?
[08:43] <charolastra_> yes, and the "configure shortcuts" only mentios "open/retract yakuake" which has no effect on it
[08:44] <stdin> that is the setting for it
[08:44] <charolastra_> also, the key which it is mapped to, isn't mentioned there
[08:45] <charolastra_> that setting was empty but it was mapped to scrolllock (i set that when it asked me on the first run; now i want to change it)
[08:45] <UbuntuHelper> how do you in IRC make the other user see text as red
[08:46] <stdin> charolastra_: click the settings, then the button to set the new key
[08:46] <stdin> UbuntuHelper: just insert the nick in the line
[08:46] <charolastra_> stdin: i did; and as i said, it has abolutly no effect ...
[08:46] <stdin> well, that is the setting for it
[08:47] <stdin> try closing yakuake and starting it again maybe
[08:47] <UbuntuHelper> how do you in IRC make the other user see text as red
[08:47] <charolastra_> still mapped to scolllock :(
[08:49] <geek> UbuntuHelper: insert, irc colour
[08:50] <UbuntuHelper> but in the tabs it should change color not green RED
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[08:50] <sd5t> UbuntuHelper: what client are you using
[08:50] <stdin> charolastra_: you can try editing ~/.kde/share/config/yakuakerc and adding "AccessKey=F12" under "[Global Shortcuts]" (if you want to set it to F12)
[08:50] <UbuntuHelper> sdft KONVERSTION
[08:51] <sd5t> settings ->cofigure konversation -> colours UbuntuHelper
[08:51] <jazman> i have got kde 4 on my system how do i get it going
[08:51] <charolastra_> stdin: yes, but there is no "[Global Shortcuts]" and the all there is, is a
[08:51] <charolastra_> [Shortcuts]
[08:51] <charolastra_> toggle-window-state=Back
[08:52] <stdin> you can just add it
[08:52] <stdin> or set "firstrun=true" under "[Options]" to make it ask again
[08:55] <Logi_Khoo> Kubuntu vs KDE4, which is better?
[08:55] <charolastra_> stdin: are you using kde4 or 3? but thanks, the firstrun= finally worked
[08:55] <stdin> charolastra_: I have both
[08:56] <stdin> Logi_Khoo: Kubuntu comes with either KDE 3 or KDE 4
[08:56] <UbuntuHelper> hi
[08:57] <charolastra_> well, here it was in ~/.kde4/.. and the structure of the yakuake config file is different; firstrun is under [Dialogs] here
[08:57] <Logi_Khoo> stdin: oh, dumb me
[08:57] <stdin> I guessed you meant the KDE 3 one, seeing as you asked here
[08:58] <UbuntuHelper>
[08:59] <Logi_Khoo> I have been trying to write "index.html" in the /var/www/ folder, but Kubuntu says that the docu could not be saved, as it was not possible to write to /var/www/index.html.
[08:59] <charolastra_> uhm, where am i supposed to ask for kde4 stuff? i got it when i installed kubuntu from cd
[08:59] <stdin> until Intrepid is released #kubuntu-kde4 is the KDE 4 support channel for Kubuntu
[09:00] <jazman> and itd quit
[09:00] <charolastra_> ah, ok
[09:00] <stdin> Logi_Khoo: /var/www/ is owned by root, you need to start the editor as root. "kdesu kate" would start kate as root
[09:02] <Logi_Khoo> stdin: ok, understood, thanks alot!
[09:03] <UbuntuHelper> %c4 hi
[09:03] <UbuntuHelper> HELLO
[09:04] <stdin> UbuntuHelper: color is disabled in this channel, so there's no point trying to send any colors
[09:04] <Logi_Khoo> stdin: i have tried doing: kdesu kate in terminal, but nothing is happening =(
[09:04] <UbuntuHelper> how did you make that color
[09:05] <stdin> Logi_Khoo: it should popup a dialog asking for your password to start kate
[09:05] <Logi_Khoo> do i have to instal kdesu?
[09:05] <stdin> it should be pre-installed in Kubuntu
[09:05] <UbuntuHelper> Stdin how did you do that color then
[09:05] <Logi_Khoo> it say no such command
[09:05] <stdin> UbuntuHelper: you just include the persons nick in the line you send, like this one
[09:06] <stdin> Logi_Khoo: what version of Kubuntu do you have?
[09:06] <UbuntuHelper> stdin tell me if this works
[09:06] <stdin> it does
[09:06] <Logi_Khoo> i assume it's the latest
[09:06] <Logi_Khoo> hold on
[09:06] <Logi_Khoo> oh, how do i check? lol
[09:06] <UbuntuHelper> send me what you type for the color
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[09:06] <stdin> !version | Logi_Khoo
[09:06] <ubottu> Logi_Khoo: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »
[09:07] <stdin> UbuntuHelper: I just include your nick in the text, _your_ client adds the color
[09:07] <Logi_Khoo> stdin: it's ubuntu 8.10
[09:07] <Logi_Khoo> distro Kubuntu
[09:08] <UbuntuHelper> on the bottom of my window it goes red when you do type that
[09:08] <stdin> Logi_Khoo: use "kdesudo kwrite" then
[09:08] <stdin> UbuntuHelper: yes, it happens when anyone types your nick or you get a private message
[09:08] <UbuntuHelper> ok cool
[09:09] <Logi_Khoo> stdin: No protocol specified,kdesodo: cannot connect to x-server :0
[09:09] <UbuntuHelper> does /msg UbuntuHelper
[09:10] <stdin> Logi_Khoo: are you in a root shell?
[09:10] <Logi_Khoo> yup. it says: root@username: /home/username#
[09:10] <stdin> kdesudo needs to be ran as you, not root. just press Alt-F2 and put in "kdesudo kwrite" or "kdesudo kate"
[09:11] <UbuntuHelper> How do you use KICK IN IRC KONVERSATION
[09:11] <stdin> UbuntuHelper: you can't unless you are an operator, you can ask general IRC questions in #freenode
[09:13] <Logi_Khoo> omg, stdin: thanks alot man
[09:14] <Logi_Khoo> i'll be coding away from here, thanks alot!!
[09:14] <stdin> :)
[09:14] <Logi_Khoo> can i leech more knowledge from u?
[09:14] <stdin> depends on what you want to know
[09:15] <Logi_Khoo> i'm currently using vista on the other laptop, i wanna use it to remotely access this KDE via GUI to edit files on the lamp
[09:15] <Logi_Khoo> so i assume webi is the one
[09:15] <Logi_Khoo> i have tried VPN remote desktop, but it's too buggy
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[09:16] <stdin> you have a few options, VPN, VNC, SSH or Samba
[09:16] <Logi_Khoo> i have the "window eye already", so am looking for a way to access this kubuntu server solely by ssh and some GUI file brower
=== alsh__ is now known as alsh
[09:17] <stdin> VNC will let you share the X session on another system. with SSH you can run application on the server from another system. and Samba will let you share directories over the LAN
[09:17] <Logi_Khoo> hmm, then i guess i'll go research on samba abit
[09:17] <Logi_Khoo> oh ya, VNC
[09:18] <Logi_Khoo> it's kinda laggy though
[09:18] <UbuntuHelper> #kuhelp
[09:18] <stdin> I'd say ssh is probably easiest. you can just run one application
[09:18] <Logi_Khoo> oh ya, one more step i forgot
[09:19] <Logi_Khoo> that's copying the files into root
[09:19] <Logi_Khoo> usually in windows, i'd just open the tarball and winrar will show me the files, which i;d drag and drop them either in a network folder or ftp
=== U is now known as Guest81995
[09:20] <Logi_Khoo> i have looked into the scp/wget in commandline, but still...
[09:20] <Logi_Khoo> i kinda work faster with drag and drop now =p
[09:20] <stdin> to copy files from where to where?
[09:21] <sd5t> df -h
[09:22] <Logi_Khoo> from a browser download
[09:22] <Logi_Khoo> you know drupal?
[09:23] <stdin> never used it :) are you trying to extract from an archive or just copy files?
[09:23] <Logi_Khoo> usually the php modules, will be opened by winrar str8 from the browser, which then i'll drop it from winrar to the server via explorer in windows
[09:23] <Logi_Khoo> in kubuntu, i'm kinda lost how to go about doing it the fastest way
[09:24] <stdin> drupal is available in the repositories
[09:24] <stdin> !info drupal5
[09:24] <Logi_Khoo> oh, again. I'm 3 day's old Kubuntu user =)
[09:24] <ubottu> drupal5 (source: drupal5): a fully-featured content management framework. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.7-1ubuntu1.1 (hardy), package size 754 kB, installed size 3352 kB
[09:24] <Logi_Khoo> oh
[09:24] <Logi_Khoo> ohhhh, IC
[09:25] <stdin> it'll be less trouble getting it setup when you use the packages
[09:25] <Logi_Khoo> stdin, point me in the right direction to fully ultilise it man
[09:25] <Logi_Khoo> i see it now
[09:25] <stdin> just install the package then set it up however you normally do
[09:25] <Logi_Khoo> there's a command that copies it from the cvs to the folder i want it to go?
[09:26] <Logi_Khoo> oh, not only that, the modules too
[09:26] <U> hi
[09:26] <stdin> cvs export <url> /place/to/save
=== U is now known as Guest58639
[09:26] <Logi_Khoo> try try that
[09:26] <stdin> prefix with sudo to extract outside your home dir
[09:26] <Logi_Khoo> thanks again man
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[09:27] <ubuntu> me
=== ubuntu is now known as UbuntuHelper
[09:27] <UbuntuHelper> me
[09:27] <UbuntuHelper> hello
[09:29] <UbuntuHelper> !ops
[09:29] <ubottu> Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!
[09:30] <jussi01> UbuntuHelper: dont abuse the ops call!!
[09:30] <UbuntuHelper> ok
[09:31] <jussi01> UbuntuHelper: if you do that again without good reason, I will ban you from here. The call is only for emergency use.
[09:31] <UbuntuHelper> ok
[09:31] <chris_> Hi - When I try and use a java applet firefox uses a whole CPU and firefox freezes...any tips on getting it to work?
[09:32] <chris_> I have sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jre, sun-java6-plugin installed
[09:33] <UbuntuHelper> hello
[09:36] <geek> chris_: sounds like the applet is badly written
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[09:44] <chris_> geek: hmm I don't think so - its a commercial program for virtual machines
[09:44] <chris_> geek: also, I can get it working on another machine
[09:52] <Logi_Khoo> stdin: thank you so much, u opened the path to linux for me =)
[09:52] <Logi_Khoo> imma go figure out how to install ebox b4 i move on =)
[09:55] <ActionParsnip> yo yo yo
[10:04] <sd5t> where is the config file that sets the path to write in /var/log/authlog on ssh log in
[10:07] <ActionParsnip> sd5t: hmm, not sure
[10:07] <ActionParsnip> so you want to change the location of sshd logins log?
[10:08] <sd5t> yes ActionParsnip should be in /etc/ssh/sshd_config or
[10:10] <ActionParsnip> sd5t: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=958971
[10:11] <ActionParsnip> sd5t: any good to you?
[10:11] <ActionParsnip> sd5t: you could always symlink the file to where you want it to appear
[10:11] <ActionParsnip> which is probably easier
[10:12] <sd5t> yes thanks too easy ... didn't even think about that one :)
[10:12] <ActionParsnip> np man
[10:15] <zarlino> hi all, can i use the usb installion utility in Ubuntu to create a Kubuntu usb setup?
[10:20] <ActionParsnip> !usb
[10:20] <ubottu> For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[10:33] <Zharf> hi, is there a netinstall image?
[10:33] <Zharf> or preferrably for USB stick
[10:33] <bazhang_> !usb | Zharf
[10:33] <ubottu> Zharf: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[10:33] <alarm> hello there, i need some help with an application that autostarts without knowing how :)
[10:34] <Zharf> bazhang_, thanks
[10:34] <alarm> it is about compiz-fusion . first i did create an executable sh file in the Autostart dir
[10:34] <alarm> and it did start. after removing the file compiz was still running on every boot.
[10:34] <alarm> removed also every entry from ksmserverrc , but still the same, compiz starts
[10:35] <bazhang_> alarm, how about setting visual settings to none
[10:35] <alarm> how do i do that ?
[10:35] <alarm> i mean on which part ? compiz , kcontrol ? where is that setting
[10:36] <bazhang_> alarm, I am currently on gnome; the quickest answer would be found in #compiz-fusion
[10:37] <alarm> they do not know , at least not the users that are now in the channel :)
[10:37] <bazhang_> well I can take a guess then :)
[10:41] <charolastra> does the audio preview in konqueror need any special packages?
[10:42] <bazhang_> alarm, does alt f2 kwin --replace turn off compiz?
[10:44] <alarm> yes
[10:44] <alarm> stopping it is not a problem
[10:44] <alarm> the problem is that it starts on every log in
[10:45] <bazhang_> there should be a setting for visual effects; you need to set that to none
[10:45] <alarm> and i want to change that for the moment at least, as something is going wrong with systray icons and i want to check one by one
[10:45] <alarm> where is that ?
[10:45] <alarm> kcontrol ?
[10:47] <bazhang_> alarm, the only thing I can suggest is go into adept package manager and remove all compiz stuff
[10:47] <bazhang_> the alternative is wait for someone running kde to come and help out :)
[10:48] <alarm> ehe ok . i did some changes, lets see what happening
[11:23] <Zharf> meh
[11:23] <Zharf> my box loads the linux from the USB stick and then boots again <.<
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[11:30] <dr_willis> Hmm.. someone remove compiz again and goof things up?
[11:31] <admins> Can anyone help me uninstall/remove 'Power Manager' program/icon from my taskbar on 8.04? I have KLaptop running and don't need both. Tks!
[12:12] <n3glv_> hello gent
[12:12] <n3glv_> s
[12:12] <n3glv_> even
[12:12] <n3glv_> lol
[12:13] <n3glv_> quick question, running 64bit kernel etc, (studio 64bit) what's the pkg for 32bit backwards compat?
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[12:15] <hateball> n3glv_» ia32libs or something like that (not on 64bit atm)
[12:20] <glade88> is this official? http://www.kubuntuforums.net o.O
[12:22] <ross> .
[12:23] <Dragnslcr> glade88- yes
[12:23] <ross> ;/ just checking what my nick is
[12:23] <DarkTan> how do i get my sound card working? it's an onboard
[12:24] <glade88> Dragnslcr: strange.. I though all questions regarding *ubuntu distros are addresses at ubuntuforums.org -- (topic tags->kubuntu)
[12:24] <Zharf> is kde4 stable enough for a really newb user who has never uused a computer?
[12:24] <Zharf> (I don't use kde/gnome/xfce)
[12:25] <Dragnslcr> Zharf- for what they'd probably be doing, sure
[12:25] <Zharf> Dragnslcr, browsing the internet :)
[12:25] <Dragnslcr> Firefox works fine for me
[12:26] <Zharf> I hate how firefox keeps creating ~/Desktop
[12:26] <Zharf> I do NOT want that <.<
[12:27] <kniolet> konqueror 4 is much better on a lot of sites than 3 was
[12:27] <kniolet> thats what i use as my normal browser
[12:30] <Zharf> I have to use firefox since there's no vimperator for any other browser
[12:31] <glade88> kniolet: can I get konqueror to support Gmail and other google services like Orkut?
[12:31] <chris_> .
[12:31] <n3glv_> tnx hateball
[12:31] <kniolet> glade88: not sure, i have never used those sites
[12:31] <dr_willis> konqueror worked with gmail last i tried it.
[12:32] <glade88> kniolet: ok.. ty
[12:32] <glade88> dr_willis: it works only as basic html view
[12:32] <glade88> dr_willis: not with the enhanced interface..
[12:32] <dr_willis> never noticed.. :) i may have my normal page set to basic..
[12:32] <glade88> :)
[12:32] <dr_willis> i dont do a lot of gmail. :) but then again.. gmail does support pop3 i belive dont it.
[12:33] <glade88> dr_willis: yes.. but I'd prefer not to download my 80000 mails to my disk :)
[12:33] <DarkTan> anyone know how to install a sound card?
[12:33] <dr_willis> glade88, one normally deletes those spam. :)
[12:33] <dr_willis> thats how my mail is.. 3 mail.. 800000000 spam
[12:33] <glade88> dr_willis: even do I :)
[12:34] <root> hi i have a problem with connectiong to the wifi
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[12:34] <glade88> dr_willis: mine is somewhat an old account.. and I have every mail within the All Mail (Archived) folder.. spam goes unnoticed.
[12:35] <glade88> dr_willis: with all other mail like ubuntu mail directed to my mailbox, I have plenty everyday
[12:35] <dr_willis> and somedays you even read it! :)
[12:35] <chris_> Hi guys... Can Linux Kubuntu read the Memory Sticks of the camera?
[12:36] <glade88> dr_willis: often.. just the relevant ones.. :)
[12:36] <glade88> rest go straight to arvhives..
[12:37] <dr_willis> archive them and never read them... :)
[12:37] <glade88> dr_willis: maybe lol
[12:38] <kniolet> chris_: do you mean if you take the memory stick out of the camera or if you plug the camera in directly?
[12:40] <chris_> kniolet: without the usb cable. I used to put the card in the computer directly and read it with window$, but I can't with linux. Is there a command?
[12:41] <Guest35688> hi, i have a problem with connecting to wifi network, i know essid name, thereis no encryption, but when i try to write manually wireles, s-essid to /etc/network/interfaces, i can only see dhcp discover, no ip granted
[12:43] <kniolet> chris_: normally it would pop-up and tell you there is a new drive plugged in if it worked, but not all internal card readers work with linux unfortunately. any usb card reader should work though. (i know, not a good solution)
[12:44] <kniolet> chris_: also, it may work plugging the camera in via usb, depending on the camera
[12:44] <chris_> kniolet: I lost the usb cable :-(((((
[12:44] <kniolet> chris_: :-/
[12:50] <jjdiamond> is #ubuntu down?
[12:51] <OxDeadC0de> can anyone tell me what the cpu frequency scaling applet for kde4/ubuntu ibex is? (I installed kubuntu-desktop via synaptic from regular ubuntu)
[12:57] <jjdiamond> can someone help me with network connection
[13:00] * DarkTan twiddles his thumbs
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[13:15] <payam> hi
[13:15] <Goan> How to use networked printers on kubuntu?
[13:15] <payam> How can I install .Deb flash plugin
[13:15] <payam> on ubuntu
[13:15] <genii> !flash | payam
[13:15] <ubottu> payam: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[13:17] <payam> Install the package flashplugin-nonfree.
[13:17] <payam> how can i do that?
[13:18] <payam> where can i find package flashplugin-nonfree.
[13:18] <payam> #ubuntu.se
[13:19] <Goan> anyone?
[13:20] <DarkTan> stilll need sounds card help
[13:21] <dr_willis> fire up the package manager, search/install payam
[13:21] <dr_willis> payam, or just install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package.. it grabs a lot of things you may want
[13:23] <payam> okej thank you
[13:25] <Goan> dr_willis, any help on configuring a network printer on kubuntu - using ip address
[13:25] <dr_willis> I normally install the gnome cups-manager tool and use its gui. :) its a little easier to use the the kde one
[13:25] <dr_willis> depends on what kind of networked printer/service its using also..
[13:25] <dr_willis> Or try the cups web interface
[13:29] <Cephisus> !es | Cephisus
[13:29] <ubottu> Cephisus, please see my private message
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[13:39] <kexman> hello
[13:39] <kexman> i wanted to install xchat
[13:39] <kexman> and i got back some stuff
[13:40] <kexman> xchat: Depends: libsexy2 (>= 0.1.8) but it is not going to be installed
[13:40] <kexman> Depends: tcl8.4 (>= 8.4.5) but it is not going to be installed
[13:40] <kexman> Depends: xchat-common (= 2.8.4-0ubuntu7) but it is not going to be inst
[13:40] <genii> kexman: Please don't flood the channel
[13:41] <genii> !pastebin | kexman
[13:41] <ubottu> kexman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[13:56] <jannott> What is wrong with kde4 desktop icons? Its shows icons for files i dont even have anymore :/
[13:56] <the_darkside_986> What would make Kubuntu 8.04.1 run too slowly on a desktop machine in which Ubuntu 8.04.1 runs normally? It has 1 GB of RAM and Nvidia binary drivers enabled...
[13:57] <the_darkside_986> I suspect the IDE drive but I can't put the SATA drive in until I find my SATA cables.
[13:58] <the_darkside_986> The liveCD runs at a normal speed though.
[13:58] <the_darkside_986> The post-installation desktop runs at nearly 5 fps (mouse movement)
[13:59] <buko> maybe java eats up all resources
[14:00] <payam> #ubuntu-ir
[14:04] <glade88> the_darkside_986: disabling effects make it normal? system settings-
[14:04] <glade88> the_darkside_986: system settings->desktop-> disable effects
[14:05] <W_S> the_darkside_986: try to $dxdiag | grep render
[14:05] <rohan> i installed kde4 on kubuntu 8.04 using the PPA packages. now i want to remove it. how do i do that?
[14:19] <glade88> hi.. I need urgent help.. I set my openGL method to fallback and as I clicked on Apply, I cannot log in further.
[14:20] <glade88> im in via tty1 using irssi ;)
[14:22] <glade88> how do I reset the graphics settings?
[14:28] <eagles0513875> hi
[14:28] <eagles0513875> LjL: hey i cannot say anything in offtopic
[14:28] <eagles0513875> LjL: [404] #ubuntu-offtopic Cannot send to channel
[14:29] <LjL> eagles0513875: i've forwarded you to ##fix_your_connection, you were joining and parting quickly.
[14:30] <eagles0513875> LjL: that channel is dead
[14:30] <LjL> of course it's dead, it's just intended to give you the message that you should fix your connection.
[14:31] <BluesKaj> howdy
[14:35] <Logi_Khoo> Hi, i tried using wubi to install kubuntu kde4 on my vista
[14:35] <Logi_Khoo> unfortunately it encountered some error and couldn't download
[14:35] <Logi_Khoo> anyone faced this problem?
[14:36] <Logi_Khoo> the sad thing is... i chose Ubuntu desktop instead =\
[14:40] <DarkTan> can anyone help with finding my sound card?
[14:40] <BluesKaj> wubi is ok on xp but it encounters more hardware probs on vista, Logi_Khoo
[14:41] <geek> DarkTan: lspci or lshw (preferably the latter) and pastebin it?
[14:42] <DarkTan> k
[14:42] <Logi_Khoo> omg, i am using vista... it's like contracting a deadly flu virus
[14:42] <geek> DarkTan: also sudo lshw | grep Audio
[14:43] <buko_> DarkTan: sudo asoundconf list
[14:43] <BluesKaj> DarkTan: in thebterminal , lspci | grep audio
[14:44] <kniolet> lol 3 different commands to get the same info
[14:44] <geek> kniolet: lovely innit ;p
[14:44] <DarkTan> here's lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63270/
[14:44] <geek> none of them are wrong ;p
[14:45] <ingo86> hi all
[14:45] <buko_> ingo86 ello
[14:45] <DarkTan> lspci | grep audio gets me this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/63270/
[14:45] <DarkTan> wait no
[14:45] <DarkTan> this: 00:0c.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] (rev 04)
[14:46] <geek> DarkTan: thats your soundcard
[14:46] <DarkTan> ok, how do i make it work
[14:46] <BluesKaj> DarkTan: asoundconf set-default-card "Ensoniq ES1371"
[14:46] <ingo86> i don't know if this is something not yet implemented or a bug, however, when i add something to the panel, such a clock, i can define how much size of the panel it takes, also i can't put it into the right side of the panel, it stays in middle
[14:47] <ingo86> anyone has an idea?
[14:47] <buko_> ingo86: you're using kde4?
[14:47] <ingo86> buko_: yes, kubuntu 8.10 rc
[14:47] <BluesKaj> ingo86: right click and drag the icon , then click when you place it
[14:48] <buko_> yeah, that should do the trick
[14:48] <BluesKaj> oops , disregard my advice there ingo86
[14:48] <BluesKaj> that doesn't work in kde4
[14:49] <buko_> in kde4, gotta unlock the panel, the you can move everything
[14:50] <ingo86> buko_: this doesn't work for me
[14:50] <ingo86> i deleted the panel accidentally, now when trying to re-add the common things to the new panel i can't giva a good positioning
[14:51] <buko_> gotta add the panel, from the widgets menu
[14:53] <DarkTan> ok i drops to the next line ">" is all it says
[14:55] <jannott> Is there a way to get rid off those ghost icons on my desktop? KDE shows icons for files that i dont even have anymore.
[14:56] <rohan> how do i remove all packages related to kde4?
[14:56] <rohan> i want to remove kde4 which i installed using ppa
[14:56] <jannott> remove kde-desktop?
[14:57] <jussi01> no
[14:57] <jannott> kubuntu-desktop*
[14:57] <Tm_T> no
[14:57] <Tm_T> !purekde
[14:57] <ubottu> If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »
[14:57] <Tm_T> hmm, no, not that one
[14:57] <buko_> remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop
[14:57] <jussi01> just search for and remove all packages you have in stalled which have kde4 in the name
[14:57] <rohan> buko_: removing that doesn't removing the dependent packages
[14:58] <genii> jussi01: Won't do much for kdelibs5 for instance :)
[14:59] <jussi01> genii: true, but usually removing all of them will trigger a lovely list on apt-get autoremove ;)
[14:59] <rohan> is there any way of doing "aptitude remove *kde4*" ?
[15:00] <buko_> rohan: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop
[15:00] <Tm_T> sure but you have to be careful with it
[15:00] <buko_> yes
[15:00] <rohan> buko_: 20:27 < rohan> buko_: removing that doesn't removing the dependent packages
[15:00] <sfears> does anyone know how i can get my wireless interenet connection to push through to my ethernet port to hook up a computer without a wireless card??
[15:00] <sfears> i have a crossover cable
[15:00] <buko_> rohan: then clean up with autoremove
[15:00] <genii> rohan: The kubuntu-kde4-desktop with purge should take most of it out
[15:00] <jussi01> !ics | sfears
[15:00] <ubottu> sfears: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php
[15:00] <sfears> thank you
[15:01] <rohan> no, genii , it's just removing that single package
[15:01] <jussi01> sfears: yw :)
[15:02] <eagles0513875> jussi01: where can i download the intrepid rc iso
[15:02] <jussi01> !intrepid | eagles0513875
[15:02] <ubottu> eagles0513875: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[15:03] <genii> rohan: kubuntu-kde4-desktop contains a bunch of smaller packages which are specific to kde4, this is what it's removing
=== fale_ is now known as fale
[15:04] <rohan> genii: it's not removing anything else except that one pacakge
[15:04] <buko_> rohan: then apt-get autoremove
[15:07] <DarkTan> ok, still have no sound
[15:08] <buko_> DarkTan: maybe its in your kernel?
[15:08] <DarkTan> i dunno
[15:08] <buko_> well, did you kompile it yourself?
[15:09] <buko_> or its the one that came with the distro
[15:09] <DarkTan> uummmm...i had some install issues
[15:09] <DarkTan> i ran the alternative install distro, but only wound up with a text os
[15:09] <buko_> so no kde
[15:09] <buko_> hmm
[15:10] <DarkTan> i installed the kubuntu WDM from the Ced tho
[15:10] <DarkTan> CD*
[15:11] <buko_> well i had the same problem, in kde3 i had no sound, but in kde4 all works well
[15:11] <buko_> maybe you got the same prob
[15:12] <buko_> kernel
[15:14] <ArShAm> hi all
[15:15] <buko_> ello there
[15:15] <ArShAm> I think I'm missing something
[15:15] <ArShAm> in intrepid , is the kde3 going to be removed?
[15:16] <genii> ArShAm: It will be kde4 by default there, but you could still install kde3 if you so wished
[15:16] <DarkTan> so, should i try an upgrade?
[15:16] <ArShAm> genii, how can I keep my old kde3 then?
[15:16] <buko_> DarkTan: if you can upgrade, id say go for it
[15:17] <buko_> ArShAm: it stays by default, then you can choose
[15:17] <DarkTan> ok, will try
[15:17] <buko_> KDE3 or 4
[15:17] <genii> ArShAm: If you currently have 3.5 it will not wipe it out on you through a distribution upgrade
[15:17] <eagles0513875> !repository
[15:17] <jimmy51_> hello, i'm trying to install kubuntu 8.10 on a virtual machine. previous tutorials say to start with safe mode graphics, but the 8.10 installer doesn't have a safe mode option
[15:17] <ubottu> The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[15:17] <ArShAm> in the repos , when I want to upgrade , so , there is kde4 then
[15:17] <jimmy51_> is there a kernel switch to do safe mode graphics?
[15:18] <eagles0513875> jimmy51_ ask in #ubuntu+1
[15:18] <buko_> ArShAm: gotta add a repo, from kde website
[15:18] <ArShAm> ok , thnx all
[15:20] <jimmy51_> oh... hit f4 :)
[15:23] <DarkTan> hmmm...used to have a "full upgrade" option, no more tho
[15:24] <buko_> DarkTan, you have kde4?
[15:25] <DarkTan> no
[15:25] <DarkTan> i dunno if this comp will hold up under it
[15:25] <buko_> mm k
[15:25] <DarkTan> 256 ram, 64mb G-force
[15:25] <buko_> oh ok
[15:25] <buko_> then prob alsa or oss problems
[15:25] <buko_> or no driver
[15:26] <geek> DarkTan: i'm running gutsy on a laptop with more ram, but otherwise similar specs
[15:26] <DarkTan> kde 4?
[15:27] <geek> DarkTan: er... intrepid, kde4
[15:27] <geek> not gutsy
[15:27] <geek> it runs quite well
[15:28] <DarkTan> ok, i'll try it
[15:28] <DarkTan> how do i go about installing it?
[15:28] <geek> get the disk (i always use the alternate) and boot into it?
[15:29] <DarkTan> ....
[15:29] <geek> gonna dual boot, or single os?
[15:29] <DarkTan> i am out of CD-R's right now
[15:29] <geek> DarkTan: do you already have an OS on the box, and a network connection?
[15:29] <DarkTan> yeah, on the box now
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[15:29] <geek> DarkTan: take a look at unetbootin
[15:30] <DarkTan> unetbootin?
[15:30] <geek> it takes longer but no disks needed. just a wired internet connection and patience
[15:30] <geek> DarkTan: its a programme that bootstraps a net install
[15:30] <DarkTan> how do i do it?
[15:31] <DarkTan> ...
[15:31] <geek> DarkTan: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
[15:32] <DarkTan> i just realized i havea sound plaster card lying around here somewhere
[15:32] <l3d> ok I am running aybss webserver and using kompozer to make the page and well the images dont seem to show when i go to the site I was wondering why this would happen?
[15:33] <DarkTan> i'm gonna try the sound blaster first, then that if it don't work
[15:46] <jb_> :-)
=== colton is now known as azucar
[15:47] <azucar> hey
[15:47] <mot_> will i be able to upgrade from 8.10rc to 8.10?
[15:47] <mot_> or better yet, 8.04.1 to 8.10?
[15:48] <mot_> i just bought a brand new laptop and i don't want to wait until thurs. to wipe it and do an install
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[15:48] <eagles0513875> !upgrade | mot_
[15:48] <ubottu> mot_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[15:48] <azucar> I got 8.10 pre rc and it works fine
[15:49] <eagles0513875> azucar: wish i could say same for me im downloading rc after doing cdless upgrade but that seems to have broken somethings
[15:49] <mot_> also, amd64 is the install iso for all 64bit processors yea?
[15:50] <eagles0513875> mot_: yes
[15:51] <azucar> @eagles053875: ah just did a full install, are you using 64 bit? also what filesystem are you using?
[15:51] <azucar> Iam using ext3
[15:51] <azucar> * am
[15:54] * azucar is going back to classes, ick calculus
[15:56] <eagles0513875> azucar: that cant be that bad im doing discreet maths
=== geek is now known as faileas
[16:08] <ubuntu> lo
[16:14] * Zharf sighs
[16:14] <Zharf> can I try to resume installation
[16:15] <anita> hi
[16:15] <Zharf> it said input/output error and then went to the live distro.. (this is why I hate installing from a cd and not directly from the net, but I couldn't get netinstall images to boot)
[16:16] <faileas> Zharf: how about alternate installer?
[16:19] <Zharf> that'd require me to download another image and waste another cd..
[16:24] <genii> !debootstrap | Zharf
[16:24] <ubottu> Zharf: debootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for more information
[16:25] <Zharf> I did that once, too bothersome <.<
[16:25] <Zharf> debian netinstall beats them all
[16:27] <genii> Zharf: You have several boxes with linux or just the one?
[16:27] <Zharf> genii, four
[16:29] <genii> Zharf: I have followed previously the instructions found here https://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install with much success to pxe boot and install a mounted iso image off a second box
[16:29] <Zharf> I wonder if I have any twisted pair cables..
[16:30] <navetz> does anyone know how to do some basic video editing in linux?
[16:36] <emilsedgh> navetz: search for kino
[16:36] <Zharf> hmmmm
[16:36] <navetz> emilsedgh: thanks
[16:48] <carlos> good afternoon. - Somebody can help me to form serial port com1?
[16:50] <rickest> carlos: if recognized it should /dev/ttyS0
[16:50] <carlos> rkc.
[16:52] <carlos> rickest.....but you have a Copy paste of the instruction to form ttyS0?
[16:53] <rickest> carlos: no, mine are recognized automatically at boot I guess
[16:55] <carlos> rickset ...no.. no automatically
[16:57] <carlos> rickset.. es Hardy 8.04 LTS
[16:57] <rickest> don't know then, sorry
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[16:57] <rickest> clear
[16:58] <carlos> rickest... Thank you very much
[17:07] <ubuntu> Hi
[17:11] <jimmy51_> on my home machine, i'm sick of losing stuff every time i upgrade. do you guys ever make another partition and mount /home/whatever on that partition..... so an upgrade only wipes out / on sda1?
[17:15] <NikLP> that's the sane thing to do, yes - run the custom partition tool next time you set up and you won't have that problem
[17:26] <ubuntu> Hehe, kubuntu live cd + School with networked printers = Lots of fun!
[17:26] <Zharf> pft
=== ubuntu is now known as azucar
[17:27] <azucar> @Zharf: Why the pft?
[17:29] <Zharf> I\ve tried pretty much every installation method now and failed with all of them
[17:29] <Zharf> getting tiredd
[17:30] <azucar> Ah, try the alternate cd?
[17:31] <Zharf> I don't have CDs
[17:31] <Zharf> USB refuses to bot
[17:31] <Zharf> boot
[17:31] <Zharf> and I fail at PXE
[17:31] <azucar> Ah damn, I dont know how to help you but do you want some IP's for school printers to cheer you up?
[17:32] <Zharf> no
[17:32] <azucar> Oh ok
[17:32] <CANTV-SUCKS> Zharf: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Alternative-Installation-Methods-for-Hardy-86977.shtml
[17:35] <Zharf> apparently my CD doesn't have install/netboot directory either
[17:37] * Zharf sighs and goes back to debian, less waste of time to configure the stuff by myself
[17:40] <ArShAm> hi all
[17:41] <ArShAm> I want to upgrade the distro , but I have a very slow connection
[17:41] <ArShAm> so I need the least upgrades
[17:41] <ArShAm> how can I do that?
[17:41] <Goan> Is there any guide to install blackberry pearl drivers to my kubuntu machine?
[17:41] <ArShAm> because with the current tutorials, it gets me over 1400 Mb of data
=== francis__ is now known as francis
[17:50] <Goan> no one?
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[17:59] <sorush20> time server is not updating
[17:59] <jimmy51_> how do i force an upgrade of any packages on my system from the command line?
[18:01] <W_S> apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade
[18:01] <jimmy51_> W_S: thanks
[18:02] <Freku> dist-upgrade ?
[18:02] <Freku> not just upgrade ?
[18:03] <sorush20> my time server will not set to anything other than the bios time any help?
=== joe_ is now known as devo
[18:03] <W_S> Freku: yes
[18:04] <Freku> ok i read man apt-get dist-upgrade idd
[18:04] <devo> how can i get my webcam to work so that the person that i'm talking to can see me???
[18:09] <devo> how can i get my webcam to work so that the person that i'm talking to can see me???
[18:09] <Freku> not that i know anything about webcams
[18:09] <Freku> but maybe you should tell things like program you use
[18:10] <devo> i am useing kopete
[18:12] <Freku> and kopete can see your webcam ?
[18:12] <Freku> in settings ?
[18:13] <sergio4> ciao
=== adam is now known as Guest8578
[18:18] <devo> yes in the settings
[18:19] <devo> i can't get my friend to see me through kopete on webcam and i don't know why but if anyone can help me out i would really apprecate it alot
[18:25] <loic> ouaiiiii
[18:25] <loic> Bonsoir :p
[18:25] <loic> c'est décidé je suis un linuxien :)
[18:26] <jussi01> !fr
[18:26] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[18:26] <loic> ooo excuse me
[18:26] <elitrou> I'm play around with KDE4
[18:26] <elitrou> and I'm surprised to see two Xorg's running simultaneously
[18:27] <elitrou> does anyone know why?
[18:28] <loic> i repeat 'yehhh goodafternoon, i decide, i'm a new linuxian :p
[18:33] <loic> !quit
[18:33] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about quit
[18:37] <mr---t-> I have a testing website that requires IE 5.0 or later. Can I run internet explorer from within kubuntu? If so how?
[18:40] <ArkoldThos> mr---t-: http://www.tatanka.com.br/
[18:40] <ArkoldThos> theres information about IEs4Linux
[18:40] <mr---t-> thank you so much
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[18:48] <ubuntu> konsole
[18:48] <ubuntu> sudo -i
[18:50] <ubuntu> /
[18:52] <Darthfrog> Should KMail in Intrepid be working in ~/.kde4?
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[18:54] <Darthfrog> Kmail won't launch cuz it can't find ~/.kde4/share/apps/kmail. In Intrepid???
[18:54] <Darthfrog> I'm beginning to hate Intrepid.
[18:54] <dwidmann> Darthfrog: hmm, it shouldn't be, try symlinking that to ~/.kde/...
[18:55] <Darthfrog> Hold on, it might be a bout of cerebral flatulence!
[18:57] <Darthfrog> Indeed it was. :-) In the immortal words of Emily Litella, "Nevermind."
[19:06] <sredna> hi
[19:07] <sredna> does someone know about a up to date digikam package for kubuntu? (digikam 9.4 that would be)
[19:08] <ArkoldThos> sredna: if it doesn't get updated with that tool you need to add some backport repository or wait for the actualization in ubuntu repostories
[19:08] <sredna> ArkoldThos: i have backport repositories, but there is nothing useful in them
[19:11] <sredna> ArkoldThos: it seems that there isn
[19:12] <condon> Can anyone help me with my window decorations (tried over in compiz-fusion but no one's answering.
[19:12] <sredna> t going to be a stable digikam package in intrepid, since that version will not support kde 3 applications, and there is no stable kde 4 version of digikam. same for koffice and probably lots of other apps
[19:12] <Darthfrog> !dashboard
[19:12] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about dashboard
[19:12] <Darthfrog> Neither do I, Ubottu.
[19:12] <Darthfrog> Doesn't seem to do anything.
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[19:25] <peter_> is there a way to transfer multiple emailfolders (100+) of kmail to thunderbird
[19:26] <admins> Can anyone help me remove/delete/uninstall the 'Power Manager' program down by the clock in 8.04? I am using KLaptop for my thinkpad, and do not need both running. Tks!
[19:27] <dr_willis> Hmm.. no exit on a right click/menu item eh? or could check the kde sessions tool and kill/stop it.. perhaps..
[19:28] <admins> Tks Dr Willis: I can right click and exit it, but I want it permanently gone and not to reappear after every startup. Any ideas?
[19:28] <dr_willis> kde sessions settings...
[19:28] <dr_willis> !session
[19:28] <ubottu> To make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot
[19:29] <dr_willis> Unless somthing else is some how starting it
[19:30] <admins> Cool, but I don't see 'Save Sessions' in the K menu....where should I be looking?
[19:32] <peter_> is there a way to transfer multiple emailfolders (100+) of kmail to thunderbird
=== besitzer is now known as Drache76
[19:34] <Drache76> aha und jetzt
[19:41] <peter_> will Kubuntu II 8.10 also be released end of this week?
=== casa is now known as Gadu
[19:41] <HeMan> Hi! How can I change tabs in konqueror with keyboard?
[19:42] <HeMan> ctrl-pgup/pgdown doesn't seem to work in konqueror
[19:43] <jussi01> peter_: 30th
[19:44] <peter_> jussi01: thanks
[19:48] <ejupin> I'm trying to do updates via Adept and have issues with k3b, cant update until i satisfy k3b, however it wont let me update, delete or do anything to k3b.. ideas?
[19:48] <sunshine> Hallo, ich habe hier komische >Probleme
[19:49] <admins> I right-click exited Power Manager, hit Save Session in K-menu, turned off computer and upon restart the Power Manager was running again. Is there any other way to keep this program from running on startup? Tks
[19:54] <admins> Never mind, I'll just remove Klaptop.
[19:55] <freaky_t> hi all i have a problem. i have a keyboard which uses a bluetooth usb stick. every time i boot up i have to manually connect the keyboard back to the pc. is there a way i can automate this? I also have to pull out the usb stick and put it back into the usb port first.
[19:58] <payam> #ubuntu-se
[20:00] <loic> hein ?
[20:01] <favro> !de
[20:01] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[20:01] <loic> i'm not deutch faccia pain ! ! !
[20:02] <loic> !fr
[20:02] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[20:02] <loic> !ns
[20:02] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ns
[20:02] <loic> !pe
[20:02] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about pe
[20:02] <loic> !jp
[20:02] <ubottu> 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい
[20:02] <loic> !ch
[20:02] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ch
[20:02] <favro> loic: what are you after?
[20:02] <loic> !china
[20:02] <ubottu> For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk
[20:03] <loic> favro: going to my bed and you ?
[20:03] <favro> it's 6am here :)
[20:03] <loic> hahaha i'm in corsica
[20:03] <Chase> I'm trying to install the Kubuntu 8.10 RC on a thinkpad t60 amd64, intel gma 950 graphics
[20:04] <loic> it's my first time in irc, i try ubuntu for the first time too i'm a new linuxian :p
[20:04] <Chase> after selecting to install, X came up but all I see is the X mouse cursor
[20:04] <Chase> otherwise, it's a black screen
[20:04] <loic> i remove kde and instal gnome at this moment
[20:04] <loic> but it take a few long time//...
[20:05] <favro> Chase: it may need a boot option for the graphics
[20:05] <Chase> favro, for what?
[20:05] <loic> Chase: turn on your monitorscreen
[20:05] <loic> :p
[20:05] <Chase> it seems X came up correctly
[20:05] <Chase> nothing in the Xorg log is suspicious
[20:05] <Chase> xrandr reports the right resolution
=== ubuntu is now known as maxxou
[20:06] <Chase> it seems that whatever process was supposed to launch after X loads isn't doing so
[20:08] <HeMan> I'm trying to watch a youtube video in konqueror but all I get is a white "block" where the video should be
[20:08] <HeMan> what could that be?
[20:08] <loic> HeMan: reinstal flashplayer
[20:08] <loic> or reboot your navigator
[20:09] <loic> i has the same probleme this morning
[20:09] <Chase> hmmm, I ran "sudo killall ubiquity" in the terminal and a new X spawned and everything seems to be loading right now
[20:10] <HeMan> loic: it seem to work on other sites
[20:11] <loic> HeMan: so use dailymotion...
[20:11] <HeMan> loic: what is dailymotion?
[20:12] <favro> Chase: from google some thinkpads need the vga=791 as a boot option
[20:12] <Chase> favro, doesn't seem to be the case as it's now working
[20:12] <Chase> that would only apply to the framebuffer anyways
[20:12] <Chase> once you're in X
[20:12] <favro> Chase: fine then :)
[20:12] <Chase> that's irrelevant
[20:12] <HeMan> loic: odd, now youtube started to work...
[20:13] <loic> HeMan: good
[20:13] <Chase> favro, thanks for helping though
[20:13] <favro> np
[20:14] <HeMan> how can I change tab i kvirc with the keyboard?
[20:16] <HeMan> isn't there any standard way of changing tab in kde?
[20:16] <HeMan> konqueror has ctrl+. and ctr+,
[20:16] <HeMan> and konsole has ctrl-pgup and ctrl-pgdown
[20:16] <HeMan> and kvirc seem to something else
[20:17] <jimmy51_> what do i need to do to enable MP3 playback?
[20:17] <jimmy51_> !mp3
[20:17] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[20:18] <ronnie_> is 8:10 released? or is that just a sample b4 the final release?
[20:18] <favro> !ibex
[20:18] <ubottu> Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[20:18] <ronnie_> 30th ok thx = )
[20:20] <Maxa> irrc you can chance tabs in kvirc with ctrl+left/right
[20:21] <ronnie_> I'm still on 8.04 kubuntu, was wondering if any use clam ati-virus?, does it load virus definations automatically? or do I download updates from the internet?
[20:21] <ronnie_> srry klam i mean
[20:23] <ronnie_> testing..1..2..3..is this thing on? haha
[20:23] <Maxa> heh... well i havent had any viruses in windows for years.. not to mention linux..
[20:25] <ronnie_> oh so ya don't even need klam?, just use it to scan music & files I download, tho not sure if would even detect, spyware, malware or whatever else's out there hehe
[20:26] <petra_> !win32codecs
[20:26] <ubottu> medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[20:27] <Maxa> if you download windows programs.. then you probably need it. but i personally havent encountered viruses even then
[20:28] <Maxa> but of course its better to be safe than sorry
[20:28] <ronnie_> i just got a pirate copy of xp pro on my second HD, after finally seeing it, I prefer linux (kubuntu) 100%, not that bluescreen of death hehe
[20:29] <isaac_> quit
[20:29] <isaac_> exit
[20:29] <isaac_> hola
[20:30] <condon> Can anyone here tell me how/where to get the snow/cylinder plugins for compiz, compiz channel's dead.
[20:31] <condon> running 7.4, are they available for this version or do I have to upgrade?
[20:31] <condon> (compiz 7.4 on ubuntu 8.04)
[20:31] <jimmy51_> whoops, i thought 8.10 was ready to go and installed it
[20:31] <jimmy51_> so far so good
[20:32] <condon> how do I upgrade to 8.10?
[20:32] <Nasj> ella stalker
[20:32] <condon> or do I have to completely reinstall
[20:32] <jimmy51_> condon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades/Kubuntu
[20:33] <jimmy51_> it worked for me, except i told it to keep my menu.lst (to preserve my dual boot setup)
[20:34] <jimmy51_> that kept me on an older kernel and my video drivers puked when i rebooted
[20:34] <condon> ah, no need for that here. Clean install as of yesterday, just didn't see 8.1 on the site
[20:34] <condon> was ina bit of a hurry tough, not really looking
[20:34] <PovAddict> ARGH
[20:35] <PovAddict> for the 100th time, I open a Kopete window and all of X crashes
[20:35] <condon> Kopete gave me hell on Feisty
[20:35] <condon> (good year ago though)
[20:36] <PovAddict> it's not really a kopete problem, but X... it also happens about once in a hundred times when I open kdiff3
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[20:37] <PovAddict> worst of all, Xorg.log points at nvidia driver, so it's not even code I can try to run under gdb
[20:37] <PovAddict> (stacktrace, I mean)
[20:39] <blackflag> someone knows wht is with medibuntu.org? Im not able to resolv it via DNS.
[20:39] <blackflag> !codecs
[20:39] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[20:42] <TheFuzzball> Does anyone know why the Kubuntu 8.10 RC1 LiveCD boots into BusyBox?
[20:44] <NeonFloss> i installeld kubuntu within a windows partition. and angry family member deleted the file on this disk not uninstalled it (i dont now why because i like kubuntu). how can i get rid of the corrupted boot option, its still there. is this question in the wrong channel?
[20:45] <favro> NeonFloss: tried to rmove it from the ad/remove in the control panel?
[20:46] <DarkSmoke> NeonFloss: boot the winxp cd, choose recovery console (r) , and do this commands at the comand prompt "fixmbr" "fixboot"
[20:46] <DarkSmoke> :)
[20:46] <DarkSmoke> first fixmbr, then fixboot
[20:46] <Maxa> busybox.. as in "/bin/sh: can't access tty" ?
[20:48] <jimmy51_> i've got mp3 support working with kubuntu-restricted-extras. however, i can't play them over the network (shared on my windows box). i've opened a smb share and when i try to play mp3's over it, i get a "no suitable plugin" error. is it possible to play mp3's in kubuntu/amarok from a samba share?
[20:48] <NeonFloss> DarkSmoke, thank you - how long should this take?
[20:48] <PovAddict> prolly very little NeonFloss
[20:48] <PovAddict> it doesn't have to go through your whole disk, just write a boot sector...
[20:49] <DarkSmoke> depends on how much you're pc takes to boot win xp ? cause those 2commands take less then a second on my p
[20:49] <DarkSmoke> *pc
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[20:51] <Bones122> jimmy51_: I use Kaffeine
[20:52] <PovAddict> jimmy51_: I don't see why it wouldn't work... if you can play local mp3 and you can access remote files, playing remote mp3 should work just fine
[20:53] <jimmy51_> that's what i'd think
[20:53] <jimmy51_> i read an ubuntu form post saying it works if i mount the share
[20:58] <jussi01> jimmy51_: the forum post is correct, mount the share in fstab and it will work fine
[20:59] <jimmy51_> jussi01: ok. how does that work, permissions wise?
[20:59] <jimmy51_> do i have to hardcode the un and pw?
[21:00] <jimmy51_> fstab entry: //xpbox/music /mnt/music defaults 0 0
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[21:10] <peter_> could somebody tell me where i find the configuration file for the X-Server? What happened to xorg.conf? i can only read about configured devices in there....
[21:10] <peter_> nothing that specifies anything
[21:10] <peter_> ??
[21:12] <peter_> hello?
[21:13] <W_S> peter_: locate xorg.conf
[21:14] <peter_> no u got it wrong... take a look in your xorg.conf what can u read there... nothing that specifies anything...
[21:14] <peter_> in 8.10
[21:14] <peter_> kubuntu
[21:15] <W_S> write anything that specifies anything=)
[21:15] <peter_> harhar
[21:24] <dr_willis> X now uses a 'auto config' type feature. the xorg.conf can be very minimal - you however CAN still edit/tweak the xorg.conf file by adding in the proper lines, or by using an older xorg.conf
[21:27] <Dragonath> is there a music playing program that can match the visualizations of winamp?
[21:28] <dr_willis> I like bmpx, theres other players out there.
[21:28] <dr_willis> songbird is nice also.. but its not in the repos. gotta getit from their page.
[21:29] <Dragonath> can they play the winamp ones too or is it just their own?
[21:29] <dr_willis> No idea. I imagine winamp ones are winamp specific
[21:29] <dr_willis> some media players out there can or at least could use winamp skins.. not sure how many still do however.
[21:30] <Dragonath> ok thanks
[21:30] <jimmy51_> dr_willis: so... how do you modify your setup from the cmd line?
[21:31] <dr_willis> jimmy51_ modify what excactly?
[21:31] <jimmy51_> dr_willis: i'm using a KVM, which apparantly masks the true monitor in use to the system. i was about to manually specify the monitor in xorg.conf, but it says Configured Monitor (and the settings are automatically configured, so the settings are ignored)
[21:32] <jimmy51_> where would i go to set that, if xorg.conf isn't the true config file for xserver?
[21:32] <dr_willis> ive seen several people in here with KVM issues.. they have to add a 'modes' lne to the xorg.conf file
[21:33] <dr_willis> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-276511.html has some examples.. of xorg.conf with modes lines.
[21:34] <dr_willis> You dont use the whole xorg.conf shown.. its just to see how mode lines are defined and where they belong.
[21:34] <jimmy51_> so xorg.conf is still important? i'm confused because the comments in the file make it sound like it's been replaced with some other store
[21:35] <dr_willis> X is very 'auto configuring' these days.. you can still use xorg.conf - and settings in it will be used if found
[21:35] <dr_willis> every new release of X - seems to make it better and better at auto configuring.
[21:36] <jimmy51_> ah, so is it a "configure on boot so it's not stored persistently" type of config, with the exception of making exceptions for xorg.conf settings?
[21:36] <dr_willis> your KVM case is a special case.. the kvm switch is not giving X the infomation it needs to properly get the mode lines.
[21:36] <dr_willis> configures when X starts.. not exactly on boot.
[21:36] <dr_willis> You are the 3rd person now in 2 weeks ive seen with KVM Issues. :)
[21:37] <jimmy51_> hehe
[21:37] <jimmy51_> it does decent... it just flickers a lot when the screen needs updating
[21:38] <dr_willis> Im all DVI montiors/conectors now.. no kvm switches here.
[21:38] <dr_willis> or i use 2 monitors + syngery
[21:41] <jimmy51_> dr_willis: i'm off of kvm at home, but here at work i need to control 8 servers at once, in various states of OS setup (some are factory fresh and blank)
[21:43] <jimmy51_> time to go. thanks for the modes tip
[21:43] <jimmy51_> adios
[21:49] <hoonteke> yikes, so I just rsynced up the daily cd live, and I did it a couple of days ago too. it's taking *way* longer than usual. Anyone know what all has changed so drastically on the disc?
[21:57] <dr_willis> server load isent an issue? servers are a bit loaded right now.
[22:02] <hoonteke> dr_willis: maybe. but I actually received 135MB, as opposed to the usual 30-40.
[22:02] <hoonteke> it's probably just getting closer and closer to deadline
[22:03] <dr_willis> normally when a new release is about to hit.. i update/upgrade a few days befor.. then wait a week or more befor i do the next update/upgrade. :) to avoide the high load/slow server tims
[22:04] <TimS> Aww, I thought I was needed. Silly typos :p
[22:04] <dr_willis> :P
[22:04] <dr_willis> That will teach you to use a typo as a nick!
[22:05] <TimS> :p
[22:05] * TimS needs to remove some old useless packages before the dist upgrade, it updates all the packages, which sucks, most don't change
[22:05] <dr_willis> - /nick hello
[22:05] <dr_willis> :)
[22:06] <TimS> LOL
[22:06] <TimS> /nick the
[22:06] <f2> kk
[22:06] <dr_willis> /nick lol
[22:09] <TimS> dr_willis: Do you know if there is a kde front end for packagekit yet?
[22:10] <TimS> And is it safe to remove all old kernels
[22:10] <dr_willis> No idea.. not even sure what 'packagekit' is
[22:10] <TimS> Oh :p
[22:10] <dr_willis> I always keep at least 1 old kernel.
[22:10] <TimS> Ill keep 21(current) and 20 in that case.
[22:11] <ulaas> hi! how can i remove ubuntu-desktop from my kubuntu,,
[22:11] <TimS> Same with linux-headers dr_willis?
[22:11] <dr_willis> you mean remove all the gnome-related files ulass? or just that one meta-package.. which wont really remove much of anything...
[22:12] <dr_willis> TimS, i rarely have to worry about them. :) if you are paranoid.. i would keep the older ones
[22:12] <ulaas> dr_willis: yes sir! all of them
[22:12] <Tann> Hello.
[22:12] <dr_willis> !purekde
[22:12] <ubottu> If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »
[22:12] <TimS> Freed a gig of space :D
[22:12] <Tann> I was wondering if anyone could suggest a utility for virtual machine software other the VirtualBox.
[22:13] <dr_willis> vmware/virtualbox/qemu
[22:13] <dr_willis> thats the big 3... if thers others.. im not aware of them
[22:17] <searcker> hello!
[22:17] <Tann> dr_willis: thanks
[22:21] <SkEmO> how can i browse a directory in terminal?
[22:24] <ardchoille> SkEmO: open a terminal and "cd /path" but here are some helpful tips https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[22:25] <dr_willis> browse?
[22:26] <ardchoille> dr_willis: Ah, he's gonna need ls too
[22:26] <dr_willis> or a few more links to bash tutorials
[22:28] <ardchoille> dr_willis: idk, that link is pretty good for starters
[22:29] <ardchoille> kommander is cool
[22:29] <brandon_> HI
[22:29] <condon> OK, just upgraded to 8.10, now compiz won't work (says Checking for Xgl: not present)
[22:29] <keith> Hi brandon_!
[22:29] <brandon_> I need he;d with DVD playback
[22:29] <brandon_> *need
[22:29] <ardchoille> condon: help for 8.10 is in #ubuntu+1
[22:30] <condon> tx
[22:30] <ardchoille> !dvd
[22:30] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[22:31] <brandon_> ok thanks
[22:31] <keith> My girlfriends machine (on kubuntu) is having trouble connecting to our router. The router assigns her an IP, then kubuntu says its disconnected, and thats it.
[22:32] <keith> the router still thinks she's connected, and she can manually d/c while connecting and it comes up in the logs as a deauth
[22:32] <keith> any clues?
[22:32] <dr_willis> wireless/wired?
[22:32] <keith> wireless sorry
[22:32] <keith> wpa\2-psk only
[22:32] <keith> G/N, the password is correct also
[22:33] <mighty-d> Hi
[22:33] <keith> i should say we're on intrepid
[22:33] <ardchoille> keith: help for 8.10 is in #ubuntu+1
[22:33] <mighty-d> is there a package where i can get a kernel 2.4.26 for hardy or do i have to build it myself?
[22:34] <mighty-d> hmm, and have anyone got a wintv hvr 1950 working with pvrusb2 ?
[22:34] <ardchoille> mighty-d: that's kind of an old kernel
[22:34] <brandon_> Yeah I want to use my wintv in ubuntu
[22:34] <mighty-d> ardchoille, yeah, my bad i meant 2.6.27
[22:34] <ardchoille> ah ok
[22:35] <mighty-d> err. 2.6.26
[22:35] <ardchoille> mighty-d: You'd have to compile it
[22:35] <mighty-d> 27 has some weird issues with pvrusb2
[22:35] <ardchoille> !kernel
[22:35] <ubottu> The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages
[22:35] <mighty-d> ardchoille, ok, thanks
[22:35] <ardchoille> y
[22:35] <ardchoille> w
[22:37] <kieren> Hey, any kdevelop fans? I'm having trouble linking my project
[22:37] <kieren> I keep getting duplicate functions errors and I can't figure out why
[22:38] <keith> whats your function name?
[22:38] <kieren> It's all the functions of a class
[22:39] <keith> you'll need to give them unique names - which aren't listed in the kde/qt api
[22:39] <kieren> qt shouldn't be used as there is no GUI
[22:40] <kieren> I have uploaded the project if you would like to try compiling http://www.ukdragon.com/ami.tar.gz
[22:44] <kieren> I can compile the files manually
[23:16] <brandon_> Does anyone here reccomaned any games?
[23:17] <jussi01> brandon_: which genre?
[23:17] <kieren> What sort of games?
[23:17] <brandon_> like FPS, Raceing and Tetris games
[23:17] <jussi01> brandon_: I really recomend tremulous, its a lot of fun
[23:18] <brandon_> ok
[23:18] <jussi01> !info tremulous
[23:18] <ubottu> tremulous (source: tremulous): Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with elements of an RTS. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0-4 (hardy), package size 645 kB, installed size 1512 kB
[23:18] <zer0o> hi guys i'm trying to watch a part of a movie in reward, and i'd like to hear the sound also, with VLC u dont or at least im not able to. is there a way?
[23:18] <jussi01> !games | brandon_ also have a look here:
[23:19] <ubottu> brandon_ also have a look here:: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[23:19] <dr_willis> in 'reward' ?
[23:19] <brandon_> cool thanks ubottu
[23:19] <dr_willis> depending on the audio codec. some playuers may need extra packages/w32codecs to play them
[23:20] <jussi01> ubottu: is a bot
[23:20] <ubottu> Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.
[23:21] <brandon_> o
[23:21] <jussi01> :)
[23:21] <dr_willis> :)
[23:29] <DarkSmoke> !fixapt
[23:29] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[23:31] <brandon_> Wheres the device manger?
[23:31] <brandon_> on 8.04
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[23:56] <yrjokin> does anyone know why ktorrent doesn't show in the panel when everything else does? I've tried running it from a terminal but it states it is running