UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /26 /#ubuntu-testing.txt
Initial commit
[01:17] <benjo> I had a problem with ubuntu8.10-RC on my macbook, the cursor is slow, the cursor on the touchpad is slow, I have to press for move it
[01:17] <benjo> (hello everybody :D)
[01:18] <benjo> I had the same problem with ubuntu-hardy
[01:19] <benjo> now I use Ubuntu Gutsy - this version is very good :D
[01:22] <benjo> (benjo status: out to dinner) :D
[05:27] <ethana21> anyone here have cheese installed on 8.10?
[05:36] <dcmorton> cheese?
[05:37] <ethana21> yeah, the gnome iSight thing
[05:38] <dcmorton> yea.. i'm installing it now
[05:38] <dcmorton> although i don't think its going to do me any good.. no webcam
[05:38] <ethana21> oh.
[05:39] <ethana21> do you have an external cam with a webcam mode?
[05:39] <dcmorton> i'm going to try to see if i can get it to work in a VM with the webcam on my macbook
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[17:53] <pimpy> hi there
[18:19] <pimpy> hi there
[18:20] <pimpy> question i am on beta 8.10 and i want to know if i have the same as the RC available to download ? thanks guys
[18:25] <persia> pimpy, Just run update-manager, and pull all the updates, and you'll have RC+bugfixes
[18:25] <pimpy> ok i have done all updates
[18:25] <pimpy> so no need to dl the rc
[18:25] <pimpy> thanks
[20:45] <Axio> hi, how can I desativate Emulate3Buttons on intrepid ?
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