UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /26 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[03:56] <bazhang> mac_taylor just joined #ubuntu+1 (evading ban and kline)
[03:57] <bazhang> also #kubuntu
[05:11] <bazhang> @login
[05:11] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[05:11] <bazhang> @bansearch mac_taylor
[05:11] <ubottu> Match: *!*@c-76-119-19-32.hsd1.ma.comcast.net by mneptok in #ubuntu on Oct 24 2008 23:10:00 (ID: 5812)
[05:11] <ubottu> Match: *!*@c-76-119-19-32.hsd1.ma.comcast.net by mneptok in #ubuntu-ops on Oct 24 2008 23:09:51 (ID: 5811)
[07:26] <Flannel> Anyone have ops in -ot?
[07:27] <Mez> yup, sup?
[07:27] <bazhang> guest 77755
[07:27] <Flannel> Possible problem
[07:29] <Mez> http://www.facebook.com/people/Adam_Galvin/547354676 ?
[07:33] <Mez> what was the irssi script equivalent of chanserv.py
[07:34] <stdin> auto_bleh.pl ?
[07:34] <Flannel> I believe so
[07:35] * Mez reads through.
[07:35] <Mez> Maybe not exactly what I want ;)
[07:41] <Mez> but I'll write an equivalent of chanserv.py from that
[07:41] <Mez> right, off to bed
[07:46] <ubottu> In #ubuntu+1, DanaG said: !wrong is You're Doing It Wrong.
[07:49] <Flannel> or not..
[09:19] <ziroday> Hi, can you alias !ch to !cn or !zh
[09:19] <ziroday> please :)
[09:20] <Flannel> ziroday: ch is switzerland
[09:20] <ziroday> it is?
[09:20] <ziroday> !ch
[09:20] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ch
[09:20] <Flannel> ziroday: Thats the country code for switzerland, yes.
[09:20] <ziroday> ah right, well nevermind then
[09:20] <ziroday> thanks Flannel
[09:51] <ubottu> stdin called the ops in #dib5sn (testing)
[09:51] <stdin> bot is de-b0rked again
[09:52] <ubottu> stdin called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (another test)
[09:52] <jussi01> great :)
[10:45] <ubottu> In ubottu, magnetron said: No, intrepid is <reply> Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu
[10:46] <Nafallo> ehrm
[10:46] <Nafallo> broken software?
[10:46] <Nafallo> where?
[10:49] <jussi01> !intrepid
[10:49] <ubottu> Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu
[10:49] <jussi01> meh
[10:49] <jussi01> itll be changed soon anyway
[11:36] <ubottu> In ubottu, magnetron said: serverguide is <reply> The Ubuntu Server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/
[13:32] <LjL> skenderbeu: anyway, i didn't understand a thing. who was banned, where?
[13:32] <skenderbeu> how many hours is a ban
[13:32] <LjL> there's no fixed amount of time
[13:33] <skenderbeu> i am banned
[13:33] <LjL> where from?
[13:33] <skenderbeu> mandriva
[13:33] <LjL> ...
[13:34] <LjL> and why, exactly, are you asking in Ubuntu channels?
[13:34] <skenderbeu> another question how can i find from internet who is calling me in my phone house?
[13:35] <skenderbeu> #gentoo
[13:36] <christel> you could always ask #gentoo, tho, i dont think number tracing is one of their specialities
[13:36] <skenderbeu> i don't care man
[13:40] <LjL> skenderbeu, please, stay ontopic in #ubuntu and watch your language
[13:40] <skenderbeu> lol
[13:40] <LjL> (and for that matter, i strongly suspect the #gentoo people would like you to do the same there)
[13:40] <skenderbeu> lol
[13:41] <LjL> !lol
[13:41] <ubottu> Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.
=== skenderbeu is now known as redi
[13:41] <LjL> @mark redi
[13:41] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[15:18] <PriceChild> lol at lol
[15:18] <PriceChild> !-lol
[15:18] <ubottu> lol aliases: omg, aolspeak, lmao - added by Seveas on 2007-09-09 11:35:50 - last edited by LjL on 2007-09-22 15:24:40
[15:51] <ubottu> In #ubuntu-offtopic, MenZa said: !dk is <reply> For at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.
[15:51] <LjL> done
[15:56] <PriceChild> grrr silly putty making me think my unicode is broken
[16:09] <Tm_T> aww
[16:26] <MercuryRunner> when I try to connect to the ubuntu channel I get sent to the ubuntu-proxy-users?
[16:27] <LjL> MercuryRunner: are you in a school?
[16:28] <MercuryRunner> no, private halls
[16:29] <LjL> MercuryRunner: well, the host you're connecting from appears to be in common with several other people (therefore, a proxy), and has been abused
[16:29] <LjL> anyway, i'll give you a "free ticket" to get in - moment
[16:30] <MercuryRunner> yeah the isp has us all under the same ip
[16:32] <LjL> MercuryRunner: you'll have to ping an op again next time you want to join, unless you register to freenode and obtain a hostname cloak
[16:32] <LjL> !register
[16:32] <ubottu> Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode
[16:32] <LjL> i'd strongly suggest you do that
[16:33] <MercuryRunner> thank you for your help
[16:34] <PriceChild> Heads up on iarwain1/sandsmark in #ubuntu if they appear.
[17:39] <Tm_T> hi nixternal son
[17:48] <Mez> ok, so maybe highlighting [Mm][Ee][Zz] today wasn't a good idea... (timezones)
[19:35] <Flannel> ikonia: kicks trigger rejoins, removes not so much
[19:36] <ikonia> he's doing it manually
[19:36] <ikonia> I'm chatting to him in pm
[19:36] <ikonia> he's inviting random people to "virus_bot" channel
[19:36] <ikonia> it's a real guy
[19:36] <Flannel> er... so, ban it
[19:36] <ikonia> he agreed not to do it again so I didn't ban him, then straight away he did it,
[19:36] <ikonia> if he does it again - I will
[19:37] <ikonia> he has a question to ask, so lets see what he asks
[19:43] <Myrtti> hi kids
[19:44] <ikonia> howdy
[19:44] <Myrtti> @login
[19:44] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.
[19:44] <Myrtti> @btlogin
[19:48] * Mez hugs Myrtti
[19:59] <Flannel> well, that solves that.
[19:59] <Flannel> Howdy Myrtti
[19:59] <Myrtti> hiya Flannel
[19:59] <Myrtti> hi Mez
[20:00] <Mez> :(
[20:01] <ikonia> LjL: do you know the user B-ker in #ubuntu-es ?
[20:02] <Flannel> ikonia: That was likely an accidental paste
[20:02] <LjL> ikonia: no, both nick and ident are unknown to me
[20:02] <ikonia> Flannel: which one ?
[20:02] <LjL> no it wasn't
[20:02] <LjL> [20:59:28] <snajim> what kind of ubuntu should i use for my apple 2?
[20:03] <ikonia> LjL: I know you idle a bit in #ubuntu-es has "it" even spoke
[20:04] <LjL> ikonia: not in my backscroll, but i'll see the logs
[20:05] <Myrtti> right.
[20:05] <ikonia> I think it's a bot being used by a troll to harvest channel nick/pm people
[20:05] <LjL> ikonia: he's said "no :P" once. just once
[20:05] <ikonia> ahh so it does look human
[20:05] <ikonia> ok, fine
[20:05] <LjL> has been on -es at least since august
[20:05] <ikonia> LjL: thanks
[20:06] <LjL> no, since at least march
[20:06] <LjL> still, never spoke. ever. aside from that "no".
[20:06] <ikonia> it's an "op" in a channel called #virus_bot which a user has been hitting channels "invites" with
[20:06] <LjL> and -es in in my autojoin so
[20:06] <LjL> nalioth: ^
[20:07] <ikonia> but that is a theory - it has done nothing directly it's self
[20:08] <Myrtti> hmmmm
[20:08] <ikonia> or his self
[20:08] <Myrtti> has anyone noticed chalcedony saying something?
[20:08] <ikonia> where ?
[20:09] <Myrtti> here
[20:09] <ikonia> nope
[20:09] <Flannel> not for 24 hours at least
[20:09] * Tm_T huggles && cuddles Myrtti
[20:09] <ikonia> I've got 48 hours in the log
[20:09] <ikonia> nothign said
[20:10] <ikonia> nothing even
[20:10] <Myrtti> Tm_T: hows things?
[20:10] <Tm_T> Myrtti: so and so, we are watching elections here now
[20:10] <Myrtti> Tm_T: not Big Bang yet?
[20:10] <Tm_T> nope, not yet, in few weeks though
[20:10] <LjL> ikonia: on where, #debian?
[20:10] <PriceChild> chalcedony: Can we help you?
[20:11] <Tm_T> Myrtti: might have to start it earlier too, slightly biggie he/she/it is atm
[20:11] <Mez> 20:17 [Freenode] -!- idle : 1 days 10 hours 18 mins 43 secs [signon: Thu Oct 23 03:02:46 2008]
[20:11] <ikonia> LjL: ubuntu and windows
[20:11] <Mez> PriceChild: might be a little too idle to respond
[20:11] <LjL> ikonia: ah i guess you've kicked him from #ubuntu then?
[20:11] <Myrtti> Tm_T: just checked since I saw you quickly on IM today before hitting the bathtub and didn't have a chance to ask. Anyway, jolly good.
[20:11] <ikonia> LjL: it wasn't him direct, it was another user of the channel
[20:12] <Tm_T> Myrtti: ah, yes, I haven't been online that much lately, mess with school & stuff
[20:12] <ikonia> LjL: I removed the user doing the invites, but the guy I asked you about is in all the channels the problem user was in, and is an op in the channel being invited too
[20:12] <Tm_T> Myrtti: how's you?
[20:12] <Myrtti> Tm_T: excellent :-D
[20:12] <ikonia> invited "to" not too
[20:12] <LjL> ikonia: well, being in #ubuntu-es since march and not ever saying anything aside from one single "no" (to no question) is... interesting, for sure.
[20:12] <Myrtti> other than IRC for which I have very little patience
[20:12] <Tm_T> heh
[20:13] <ikonia> LjL: more so as every channel this guy was in the user "virus_bot" kept signing in / out of and doing invites to people
[20:13] <Flannel> crap
[20:13] <Myrtti> Flannel: "poo"
[20:14] <ikonia> Flannel: "nice" ;)
[20:14] <Flannel> He's laughing about it, it's all good.
[20:20] <Myrtti> woo, I found my nice black pants
[20:52] <mneptok> from the transmitter. to the receiver. across the ether. out of your speaker.
[20:56] <Myrtti> right
[20:56] <Myrtti> anyways, good night kids.
[20:56] <LjL> mneptok, take this pill
[20:57] <LjL> actually, take the whole box
[20:57] <mneptok> LjL: will that make you look like Laurence Fishburne?
[20:57] <LjL> yes mneptok yes
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[22:06] <ikonia> Flannel: you're being a hero tonight, dealing with some really awkward user ability
[22:06] <Flannel> ikonia: Wha? Which ones are really awkward?
[22:07] <ikonia> Flannel: the c++ guy
[22:07] <ikonia> the chritopher guy
[22:07] <ikonia> the list is long tonight and your handling them all
[22:07] <ikonia> kudos
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[22:10] <Flannel> ikonia: Eh, I do my best ;)
[22:16] <Flannel> When are we opening up -release-party?
[22:17] <PriceChild> it is open
[22:17] <Flannel> Ah
[22:18] <PriceChild> Feel free to add it to a couple of topics.
[22:18] <Flannel> is it like it always is, anyone with a member cloak has ops?
[22:19] * Flannel checks
[22:19] <PriceChild> yes
[22:39] <Seeker`> no ops for me :'(
[22:39] <Seeker`> :P
[23:45] <LjL> eyes on wiivile2