UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /26 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[04:25] <crimsun> asac: removing NM resolves the issue; e.g., using wicd instead
[04:25] <crimsun> asac: it's completely possible that the symptom is triggered by faulty wifi drivers and that the NM bit is just a red herring
[04:26] <crimsun> asac: unfortunately, I haven't the resources to chase it further tonight
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[12:12] <plun> Hello, fta around ?
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[18:03] <fta> plun, ?
[18:09] <plun> fta: yup awake ? ;)
[18:12] <plun> fta: its about this one http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/c/cairo/cairo_1.8.0-0ubuntu1/changelog enabled or not ? dizzy screen ;)
[18:12] <fta> plun, enabled
[18:12] <fta> plun, what is fuzzy ?
[18:13] <plun> fta: prefs > appearance> fonts , do it also youself
[18:13] <plun>
[18:14] <fta> plun, if it's ff3.1, or any xul 1.9.1 app, it's expected
[18:15] <plun> No its FF3.03 and other users within Sweden also asked about it.
[18:15] <plun> Click on "Details" and choose something and close, all is disabled then.
[18:17] <fta> for me, it's all fine.
[18:17] <plun> No it is "dizzy" and I was not out yesterday evening :)
[18:19] <fta> well, i don't see that here. and it's not cairo, the pref thing is about fontconfig
[18:20] <fta> imho, fontconfig default setup is a mess in intrepid
[18:20] <plun> http://ubuntu-pics.de/bild/4849/disable_c16PQ2.jpg
[18:20] <plun> Also this if you choose something from "Details".... everything is "disabled"
[18:22] <fta> do you mean it was different with 1.7.6 ?
[18:22] <fta> cairo 1.7.6
[18:24] <plun> No it seems to come and go ...... something must trigger this from Gnome-settings and Gnomes packages comes within a "flood". 2.24.1 challenge ????
[18:32] <plun> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=343670 Testing with "mlinds" commands again ;)
[18:35] <plun> Native, Always, No bitmapped fonts > Intrepids setting was "Automatic" ???
[18:35] <plun> sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config
[18:35] <plun> sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig
[18:43] <plun> fta: I can see a difference after running fontconfig and enabled full hinting within details ;)
[18:49] <fta> anyone on amd64 willing to try my last songbird build ?
[18:49] <fta> it seems i can't move the main window, while i can on i386
[18:53] <fabrice_sp> Hi fta: I'm on amd64, with Intrepid
[18:53] <fta> fabrice_sp, are you using my ppa ?
[18:53] <fabrice_sp> no yet :-)
[18:53] <plun> fta: found a triaged bug....
[18:53] <plun> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/+bug/153521
[18:53] <plun> What gnome package can it be which communicates with fontconfig ?
[18:53] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 153521 in fontconfig "fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering" [High,Triaged]
[18:54] <fta> fabrice_sp, please have a look there: https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/
[18:58] <plun> fta... is this fixed ?
[18:58] <plun> As of this writing, cairo is unable to read the settings from fontconfig, so let’s add the equivalent X resources for cairo applications to obey.
[18:58] <plun> http://johan.kiviniemi.name/blag/2008/01/12/ubuntu-hardy-fonts/
[19:00] <fta> cairo is able to read some parameters from fontconfig. but upstream is working on that lcd thing in the current dev cycle (ie, for the upcoming stable 1.10.*)
[19:01] <fta> as i said, fontconfig is messy as it provides a lot of tweaks trying to bring a default look acceptable to everyone, but there's no way to please everyone so those tweaks are getting in the way
[19:02] <fta> 53-monospace-lcd-filter.conf is one of those tweaks
[19:02] <fabrice_sp> fta: no sound, and just froze
[19:02] <fabrice_sp> Rhythmbox is playing fine the same mp3 file
[19:02] <fta> fabrice_sp, ? is pulseaudio running ?
[19:03] <fta> fabrice_sp, my question here was, are you able to move the main window?
[19:03] <fabrice_sp> yes, when media detection ended
[19:06] <fabrice_sp> (and yes, pulseaudio is running)
[19:07] <fta> i don't have any problem to play sound with songbird (there's a bug with the control that upstream is currently working on but double clicking on a file in the library should work)
[19:07] <fta> controls (the play/pause/<</>> buttons)
[19:08] <fabrice_sp> fta: I'll try that way
[19:08] <fta> it should never freeze
[19:11] <fabrice_sp> the same: no sound, and when switching to another song => freeze. Maybe something wrong in my setup
[19:12] <fta> fabrice_sp, try to run it with GST_DEBUG=2
[19:12] <fta> it's verbose
[19:12] <fabrice_sp> ok
[19:14] <plun> fta: Ok and thanks....playing around with Johans conf settings just for fun.
[19:14] <plun> One more thing.... Lightning works with TB3 ;) (tested with nightly)
[19:14] <fta> plun, good
[19:14] <fabrice_sp> by the way, I can move the window, but I can't put part out of the principal screen
[19:15] <fabrice_sp> and I'm getting (songbird-bin:7827): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_element_query: assertion `GST_IS_ELEMENT (element)' failed
[19:15] <fabrice_sp> before freezing
[19:15] <fta> GST_DEBUG=2 /usr/lib/songbird/songbird-bin > /tmp/log 2>&1
[19:16] <fta> then look for pulse in /tmp/log
[19:23] <fabrice_sp> no pulse at all :-(
[19:23] <fabrice_sp> http://paste.ubuntu.com/62965/
[19:34] <plun> fta: just a report after a Gnome restart, it is better on my screen with Johans conf files.
[19:34] <plun> But there must probably be room for "howtos" also for Intrepid ;)
[19:34] <plun> Thanks for clarifying this ! ;) See you !
[20:12] <nxvl> hi
[20:12] <nxvl> someone around that can help me find the "firefox is already running" dialog?
[20:41] <fta> asac, mozilla Bug 461082
[20:41] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 461082 in Build Config "Deliver NSS 3.12.2 and NSPR 4.7.2 to Mozilla" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=461082
[20:44] <fta> [reed], what is sisyphus?
[20:45] <fta> mozilla Bug 461135
[20:45] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 461135 in Video/Audio "Audio does not play in <audio> or <video> elements with PulseAudio" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=461135
[21:26] <crimsun> asac: bug 274995 appears to affect both wired and wireless interfaces. There does not seem to be any correlation between certain drivers. However, downing the affected network interfaces /prior/ to saving sound state resolves the hangs. Obviously that workaround is unacceptable.
[21:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274995 in network-manager "storing mixer element values during shutdown hangs nondeterministically if wireless interfaces are still up" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274995
[21:29] <fta> do we have something like that in ubuntu? http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2002/10/msg00018.html
[21:33] <asac> crimsun: so is this pulseaudio doing networking and not failing properly?
[21:33] <asac> crimsun: also there are other claims in the bug that see this without NM
[21:46] <nxvl> is there any way to make firefox crash?
[21:46] <nxvl> for QA
[21:48] <gnomefreak> what it doesnt crash enough for you?
[21:48] <gnomefreak> install libflashsupport to make it crash
[21:49] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: are you around this week sometime?
[21:49] <nxvl> heh
[21:50] <nxvl> gnomefreak: yeah, but i need to test a crash message, so i don't want to wait until it crashes
[21:50] <gnomefreak> ah
[21:51] <gnomefreak> i can honestly say i havent tried to make it crash exept with 2.0 beta
[21:51] <fta> 3.1 didn't crash for me in weeks
[21:51] <gnomefreak> it works here as well
[21:52] * gnomefreak wondes if plastic wrap will work :(
[21:53] <gnomefreak> not to crash anything
[21:54] <gnomefreak> fta: did tb3.0b1 land yet?
[21:54] <fta> nope
[21:54] * gnomefreak might work on tb extensions this week once i get firegpg upgraded
[21:55] <gnomefreak> we really need a working way to upgrade extensions i did it per wiki but i think its a configure failure not an upgrade one
[21:59] <crimsun> asac: don't believe so, but we can ask to eliminate PA from the picture during the tests.
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[22:02] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, most of the time... depends on school. tomorrow I will be off for the whole day.
[22:02] <Jazzva> I'm here now...
[22:02] <gnomefreak> if i unblacklisted something would it have changed back to being blacklisted?
[22:03] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: i have a meetin in morning but sshould be back ~lunchtime. once i find sometihing to wrap wrist in i will get error for you
[22:04] <Jazzva> Ok... tomorrow? I won't be here... well, not until ~midnight, UTC+1
[22:04] <gnomefreak> ok ill see if i can get error now
[22:06] <gnomefreak> i lost sound here about 2 weeks ago :(
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
[22:13] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: its gonna be a while i lost upstream source :(
[22:15] <gnomefreak> we should really find a way to package tarball from svn/cvs
[22:21] <gnomefreak> maybe not
[22:24] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: do we have any "correct" way to tar up source from svn?
[22:33] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, tar it up and then gzip it.
[22:33] <Jazzva> I think you have to pass -9 parameter to gzip, in order to use best compression.
[22:34] <gnomefreak> why tar it up than gzip it? isnt that the same?
[22:35] <Jazzva> tar will produce an archive file, which will be compressed by gzip
[22:37] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, archive file is not the same as compressed file...
[22:37] <gnomefreak> ah
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[22:59] * gnomefreak too tried i jhust fucked up my .ubuntu branch
[22:59] <gnomefreak> just
[22:59] <gnomefreak> tired
[23:01] <gnomefreak> gzip -9 *.tar.gz not working
[23:03] <fta> gzip -9 *.tar
[23:10] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/extension_builds/firegpg/source$ ls
[23:10] <gnomefreak> firegpg firegpg_0.6.2.orig.tar.gz
[23:10] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/extension_builds/firegpg/source$ gzip -9 *.tar
[23:10] <gnomefreak> gzip: *.tar: No such file or directory
[23:10] <gnomefreak> hmmmm
[23:11] <gnomefreak> something wrong with the tarball
[23:11] <fta> well, you already have a file named tar.gz
[23:11] <gnomefreak> ?
[23:12] <fta> is it really a tar.gz ?
[23:12] <fta> file *gz
[23:13] <gnomefreak> not sure i used nautilus to make it that time
[23:13] <gnomefreak> its fixable
[23:13] <fta> file *gz
[23:14] <gnomefreak> should i just use the -cfzv?
[23:15] <fta> yes, tar -zcvf --exclude .svn firegpg_0.6.2.orig.tar.gz firegpg
[23:16] <gnomefreak> ctzf even
[23:16] <fta> no
[23:16] <gnomefreak> errors
[23:17] <gnomefreak> seems --exclide doent work
[23:17] <gnomefreak> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
[23:17] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/extension_builds/firegpg/source$ ls
[23:17] <gnomefreak> --exclude firegpg
[23:17] <fta> tar -zcvf --exclude=.svn firegpg_0.6.2.orig.tar.gz firegpg
[23:17] <fta> oops, sorry
[23:18] <fta> tar --exclude=.svn -zcvf firegpg_0.6.2.orig.tar.gz firegpg
[23:19] <gnomefreak> ahy that one worked :)
[23:19] <gnomefreak> thanks
[23:28] <gnomefreak> ok running build ill check it later im fairly sure its gonna fail but we will see
[23:29] <gnomefreak> that was fast
[23:31] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: fta if either of you have a sec http://pastebin.mozilla.org/562102 all are .svn removed from tarball should i remove from .ubuntu? hold that thought im gonna try that now
[23:33] <gnomefreak> nope still fails
[23:34] <Jazzva> gnomefreak, you should. the best way is to remove it in .upstream branch, then create .ubuntu branch from that one...
[23:34] <Jazzva> but I guess you can just remove it in .ubuntu branch, in case you already applied your modifications.
[23:35] <gnomefreak> removing .ubuntu/.svn didnt work i guess i have to remove it from all files
[23:35] <gnomefreak> or i grab upstream and remove than push again and use it
[23:36] <gnomefreak> there has to be an easy way to remove all .svn files
[23:36] <gnomefreak> its not just in toplevle dir
[23:36] <gnomefreak> level
[23:37] <gnomefreak> i cant use *.svn or all dirs will be removed
[23:42] <fta> hm, good, controls are fixed in the latest songbird
[23:42] <fta> i like the new UI
[23:42] <fta> yet, it's not integrated at all