UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /26 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:23] <PovAddict> can apport be used independently of launchpad and Ubuntu packages?
[00:23] <PovAddict> for example, is there any way for an app I compile from source to configure apport so that it handles its crashes (even though it's not from an APT package), and reports them directly to the developers?
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[00:50] <PovAddict> looks like it's not possible yet...
[00:51] <cjwatson> PovAddict: ask pitti when he's around (European working hours)
[00:51] <PovAddict> I actually found a wiki page about it
[00:51] <PovAddict> about how it's "in plans" :)
[00:51] <PovAddict> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApportForUpstreams
[00:54] <PovAddict> btw why is the launchpad blueprint part of 'ubuntu' instead of 'apport'?
[01:05] <jibel> doko: ping
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[05:08] <NCommander> cjwatson, you around?
[05:10] <ytoox> how can I install TAO on ubuntu?
[05:10] <ytoox> I mean, tao-opengl
[05:12] <ytoox> hello?
[05:14] <NCommander> ytoox, this isn't a support channel, please try #ubuntu
[05:14] <ytoox> I did, but no one pays attention
[05:29] <gQuigs> anyone looking at this: 285323
[05:29] <gQuigs> bug 285323
[05:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 285323 in gnome-power-manager "Losing keyboard and mouse control when changing screen brightness with fn + arrow under intrepid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/285323
[05:43] <NCommander> Does anyone know a good lightweight repo management tool I can run as non-root?
[05:44] <ScottK> NCommander: Dunno if it qualifies, but did you look at falcon?
[05:44] <NCommander> ScottK, never heard of it
[05:44] * NCommander wants to have an easy repo tool he can dump into his homefolder on zinc
[05:45] <ScottK> OK. Try that. It's packaged. Dunno if it fits or not.
[05:45] <NCommander> I don't have root, so packages are kinda useless ;-)
[05:45] <ScottK> Oh.
[05:46] <NCommander> yeah
[05:46] <NCommander> I want a place where I can easily upload built PowerPC (and other ports) kernels
[05:59] <NCommander> ScottK, I think I can use reprepro, although I had to install libdb4.6 into a folder in my home folder
[06:00] <ScottK> Good luck and good night.
[06:01] <NCommander> thanks ScottK
[09:05] <pitti> PovAddict: apport has an abstract "CrashDatabase", so one could implement this to do whatever with the reports; /etc/apport/crashdb.conf does the switching
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[10:17] <jussi01> anyone around? if so, can anyone point me to information about why we change libopenal in intrepid? ie. why it had an ABI change?
[10:19] <Hobbsee> jussi01: when did it have an api change?
[10:19] <wgrant> It broke ABI, not API, I believe.
[10:19] <Hobbsee> oh
[10:19] <jussi01> Hobbsee: not sure exactly, but its different intrepid
[10:20] <wgrant> Why do you ask?
[10:20] <wgrant> It's not abnormal to have ABI breaks.
[10:20] <wgrant> In this case we moved to a different OpenAL implementation.
[10:21] <jussi01> wgrant: I guess Im looking for a bit more information specifically on what changed
[10:21] <jussi01> and why it change - what was broken in the old one that needed fixing
[10:22] <wgrant> Bug #194919
[10:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 194919 in openal "libopenal needs replacement" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194919
[10:22] <wgrant> ABIs break. That's life.
[10:23] <jussi01> yeah
[10:23] <persia> jussi01, Because the old one was creative's and not being updated very much, and buggy, and trending towards greater hardware dependence. We selected a fork that is hardware-independent, and much more active.
[10:23] <jussi01> persia: ok, thanks a lot.
[10:24] <persia> jussi01, Umm. Actually, let me get you a real reason, as that's a bit off-the-cuff
[10:25] <persia> Debian bug #494909 is probably a good reference
[10:25] <ubottu> Debian bug 494909 in ftp.debian.org "RM: openal -- RoRA; superceded by openal-soft" [Unknown,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/494909
[10:26] <persia> Debian bug #473128 has more discussion
[10:26] <ubottu> Debian bug 473128 in wnpp "ITP: openal-soft -- linux-port of the windows implementation of the" [Wishlist,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/473128
[10:27] <persia> jussi01, For even more detail, read the debian-devel-games ML archives.
[10:28] <jussi01> persia: thank you very much, I appreciate your help. :)
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[14:24] <juliux> mdz: displaybrighness is still not working on my x41
[14:33] <askand> Hi! Suppose I would try fixing bug 3235, that would mean adding some files to the defaultinstallation of Ubuntu, how would I do that? How does it work? Would I make a package installing those files?
[14:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 3235 in nautilus "Install Template Documents" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3235
[14:45] <NCommander> wow, such an old bug
[14:55] <smarter> ArneGoetje: ping
[14:56] <smarter> ArneGoetje: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/scim-bridge/0.4.14-2ubuntu4 << I don't understand this change, the new patch checks if scim-helper is running, but there is no binary named scim-helper on Ubuntu...
[14:56] <smarter> so, the bug fixed by 0.4.14-2ubuntu1 is back
[14:56] <smarter> and Kubuntu 8.10 has the 10/20 seconds at startup of each app
[14:56] <smarter> did you test your change?
[15:05] <smarter> ArneGoetje: just saw that the patch was completely disabled in fact, so my comment on scim-helper is not really relevant
[15:05] <smarter> But we should revert to the state in -2ubuntu2
[15:05] <smarter> Riddell: ^
[15:13] <cjwatson> smarter: do you have the scim package installed?
[15:13] <smarter> yes
[15:13] <smarter> and skim
[15:13] <cjwatson> smarter: I commented on the scim-helper thing when reviewing that change, but as you say the patch is disabled so it's not relevant
[15:13] <cjwatson> Arne tells me skim should not be installed
[15:13] <smarter> I tried removing skim but it doesn't work better
[15:14] <cjwatson> as the bug in the changelog indicates, the state in -2ubuntu2 left GTK broken. We can't just revert to it
[15:14] <smarter> wasn't -2ubuntu3 which broke GTK?
[15:15] <cjwatson> I tested Arne's change in GTK when sponsoring it, but was unable to check KDE
[15:15] <cjwatson> possible, I suppose
[15:15] <munckfish> cjwatson: FYI just testing the desktop install CD for PS3 - not working :( - uses usplash of course which is one problem, second problem trying install_nosplash option is it can't mount /dev/loop0 or something - investigating
[15:15] <cjwatson> munckfish: oh, will need to turn usplash off in cdimage too
[15:16] <munckfish> cjwatson: ok
[15:16] <cjwatson> ah, but that's no good if install_nosplash is broken ...
[15:16] <smarter> cjwatson: according to the date of the bug, I'm pretty sure it's -2ubuntu3 which broke GTK
[15:16] <smarter> so Riddell's change should be reverted
[15:16] <munckfish> cjwatson: yep, I'm checking that out now will get logs and other info
[15:16] <cjwatson> smarter: but he made that change for a reason, right?
[15:16] <cjwatson> I'd like to know what that reason was!
[15:16] <smarter> me too :P
[15:17] <cjwatson> I don't approve of reverting changes without finding out what they were for
[15:18] <munckfish> cjwatson: but good news is installed from alt installer on Friday night, the installer has a few scary moments but once installed everything is working lovely :D
[15:18] <NCommander> hey munckfish
[15:18] <cjwatson> smarter: so why would -2ubuntu2 help? all that did was just check whether scim is installed, and the dependency in -2ubuntu4 satisfies that without that patch applied
[15:19] <cjwatson> smarter: in other words, -2ubuntu2 and -2ubuntu4 ought to be equivalent for KDE, aside from the focus fix
[15:20] <munckfish> cjwatson: the one scary in the alt is it hangs for about 20/25 mins at 6% in "Selecting and installing software" section, watching the syslog it seems it's reading packages from the disk for about 10 mins with no log, then after a while it says "Extracting templates: 1%, ... 2% ... etc"
[15:20] <munckfish> NCommander: hi!
[15:21] <NCommander> munckfish, see my email to ubuntu-cell?
[15:21] <munckfish> oh not yet
[15:21] <munckfish> haven't got my email on
[15:21] <munckfish> (checking)
[15:21] <cjwatson> munckfish: anything that isn't a showstopper, I'm ignoring right now
[15:22] <smarter> cjwatson: hmm, you're right, sorry, the bug is there in -2ubuntu2 too, but not on ubuntu3 on KDE
[15:22] <cjwatson> right, and ubuntu3 broke GTK.
[15:22] <cjwatson> so why isn't scim running?
[15:22] <cjwatson> smarter: are you using a locale where you would expect to use an input method?
[15:23] <smarter> nop, fr_FR
[15:23] <munckfish> cjwatson: sure of course wondered if you would be surprised by it thats all
[15:23] <cjwatson> munckfish: vaguely heard of it, not worried at the moment though
[15:23] <cjwatson> smarter: ok, so I tested the same kind of scenario in GTK and it was fine
[15:23] <cjwatson> i.e. scim not running
[15:24] <smarter> if I launch scim-panel-kde or skim, it works
[15:24] <cjwatson> so perhaps we should move the check in that patch to the Qt4 agent
[15:24] <smarter> (no delay on startup)
[15:24] <smarter> that looks like a good idea
[15:29] <cjwatson> or I suppose alternatively we could actually fix the check (scim-helper-launcher IIRC)
[15:29] <cjwatson> scim-helper-manager
[15:30] <cjwatson> smarter: if you launch scim-panel-kde, is there a scim-helper-manager process running?
[15:30] <smarter> yes
[15:33] <cjwatson> smarter: would you be able to build a test package for me from source to try it out, or would you need me to give you test .debs?
[15:33] <smarter> I know how to build a package ^^'
[15:33] <smarter> (I'm a MOTU :P)
[15:34] <smarter> and I'm on amd64 so your .debs would not help me I guess
[15:34] <cjwatson> that would depend where I built it :-)
[15:35] <cjwatson> smarter: in that case, try just applying http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/scim-bridge.debdiff to -2ubuntu4
[15:35] <smarter> ok
[15:37] <smarter> hmm strange, it FTBFS
[15:38] <smarter> http://pastebin.com/m29828974
[15:39] <smarter> 00A0C0T0I0O0N0 0t0r0i0e0s0 0w0i0t0h0 0p0b0u0i0l0d0e0r00
[15:58] <cjwatson> smarter: built fine for me
[15:59] <smarter> built fine on a pbuilder too, strange
[15:59] <smarter> your patch seems to work :)
[15:59] <cjwatson> good, just testing with GTK now
[16:00] <smarter> and no scim-{panel,helper,...} instance running
[16:00] <cjwatson> have you tried in both fr_FR and in some locale that uses scim-bridge (e.g. zh_CN.UTF-8)?
[16:00] <cjwatson> it would be helpful if you could - you just need to check whether you can type letters into an editor or something and have the input method widget appear
[16:01] <smarter> 00A0C0T0I0O0N0 0t0r0i0e0s0 0t0o0 0i0n0s0t0a0l0l0 0o0t0h0e0r0 0l0o0c0a0l0e0 0u0s0i0n0g0 0q0t0-0l0a0n0g0u0a0g0e0-0s0e0l0e0c0t0o0r00
[16:02] <smarter> *another
[16:02] <cjwatson> your IRC client is screwed
[16:03] <cjwatson> 16:01 <smarter> P0AP0AP0CP0TP0IP0OP0NP0 P0tP0rP0iP0eP0sP0 P0tP0oP0 P0iP0nP0sP0tP0aP0lP0lP0 P0oP0tP0hP0eP0rP0 P0lP0oP0cP0aP0lP0eP0 P0uP0sP0iP0nP0gP0
[16:03] <cjwatson> P0qP0tP0-P0lP0aP0nP0gP0uP0aP0gP0eP0-P0sP0eP0lP0eP0cP0tP0oP0rP0AP0
[16:03] <smarter> Oo
[16:03] <persia> smarter, Is that UTF-8?
[16:03] <smarter> no idea
[16:03] <smarter> I didn't see that
[16:03] <cjwatson> it's not UTF-8
[16:03] <cjwatson> each character is surrounded by some control character junk
[16:03] <cjwatson> it's only when you use /me
[16:05] <smarter> über strange
[16:06] <cjwatson> ok, that works for me except that it should be pidof scim-helper-manager >/dev/null
[16:07] <apachelogger> smarter: no garbage here
[16:07] <apachelogger> we learn: quassel ownes them all
[16:08] <cjwatson> you're both using quassel and I guess it must be buggy then
[16:08] <smarter> probably
[16:08] <cjwatson> even smarter's CTCP VERSION output is broken, but apachelogger's isn't
[16:08] <cjwatson> so perhaps smarter has some kind of "use my proprietary format" option checked
[16:08] <apachelogger> smarter: do you run the core on your local machine?
[16:09] <smarter> yes
[16:09] <smarter> maybe I should restart it
[16:09] <smarter> since there was an update today
[16:09] <apachelogger> yes!
[16:09] <apachelogger> that could have done it
[16:09] <apachelogger> we screwed up a QByteArray ;-)
[16:10] <cjwatson> ah yes
[16:10] <cjwatson> scim-bridge uploaded
[16:10] * smarter test
[16:10] <smarter> ^ better?
[16:10] <cjwatson> yes
[16:11] <cjwatson> thanks
[16:11] <smarter> cool
[16:11] <smarter> and thank you cjwatson for your patch :)
[16:11] <cjwatson> smarter: did you have any luck testing in Chinese?
[16:11] <smarter> I'm downloading it
[16:11] <cjwatson> I'd feel better if we knew that it worked in KDE with scim switched on too - the fourth case out of four
[16:12] <smarter> oh, it's installed
[16:12] <smarter> what's the locale name of chinese?
[16:12] <cjwatson> zh_CN.UTF-8
[16:12] <mitsuhiko> is there a chance that wbxml2 is upgraded to 0.9.2-5 before release?
[16:12] <cjwatson> mitsuhiko: what for?
[16:13] <mitsuhiko> the current version seems to have a bug. my nokia phone can't sync with opensync
[16:13] <mitsuhiko> the #opensync guys tell me to upgrade the wbxml2 lib
[16:13] <smarter> cjwatson: LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=zh_CN KDE_LANG=zh_CN kate, kate pops up, but there is no scim running
[16:13] <mitsuhiko> http://libsyncml.opensync.org/ticket/153 <- related bug
[16:14] <smarter> (and it's in chinese, afaik)
[16:14] <cjwatson> smarter: you need to restart the whole session in Chinese for it to work properly
[16:14] <smarter> hmm okay
[16:14] <cjwatson> isn't there a language selection thing in kdm?
[16:14] <smarter> nop
[16:14] <smarter> I'll just change the language using qt-language-selector
[16:15] <persia> mitsuhiko, simultaneous traffic in -motu points at Debian bug #487217 for wbxml2 (and #ubuntu-motu is probably the right forum for this discussion)
[16:15] <ubottu> Debian bug 487217 in libwbxml2-0 "libwbxml2-0: Several SyncML flaws" [Important,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/487217
[16:15] <cjwatson> mitsuhiko: needs an Ubuntu developer to assess bug 267397 / bug 287838 and decide if it's a safe update at this point
[16:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 267397 in wbxml2 "Sync package with debian" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/267397
[16:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 287838 in wbxml2 "msynctool of nokia 6120 crashes with 0x43 permission denied libwbxml" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/287838
[16:15] <smarter> cjwatson: and should I let skim installed or not?
[16:16] * mitsuhiko tries the debian package for a moment to see if that fixes the problem
[16:16] <cjwatson> smarter: I don't believe Kubuntu installs it by default any more now
[16:17] <cjwatson> mitsuhiko: we are five days before release, and any update needs an Ubuntu developer standing behind it and ready to fix any regressions at short notice
[16:17] <smarter> but it's probably installed by the language-selector thing
[16:17] <cjwatson> mitsuhiko: I would suggest that this might be better as a post-release update ...
[16:17] <cjwatson> smarter: not as far as I know
[16:17] <smarter> okay, I'll try without
[16:17] <mitsuhiko> cjwatson: can it become any more broken? :D
[16:17] <cjwatson> in fact, I'm pretty certain it isn't
[16:17] <cjwatson> mitsuhiko: it could break other phones
[16:18] <mitsuhiko> i can't sync a single nokia phone right now
[16:18] <mitsuhiko> at least none with s60 on it
[16:18] <mitsuhiko> is there someone in the ubuntu team that uses opensync i can talk with?
[16:18] <cjwatson> I really can't say whether it's a good idea. Find a developer to investigate it. As persia said, #ubuntu-motu is a better forum
[16:18] <mitsuhiko> okay
[16:18] <mitsuhiko> thanks
[16:20] <smarter> my system is still in french(probably needs a reboot or something else in the config) but I have scim running in the panel
[16:20] <smarter> bbl
[16:25] <cjwatson> smarter: and does typing in an editor go through the input method?
[17:08] <ramvi> Hi, I'm unsure how to ask this question and where to ask it, but I hope maybe you could point me in the right direction: I have a svn server with a web page. How do I do that code accessable as the web page. So that I can make a changes and view it
[17:09] <smarter> cjwatson: nop
[17:10] <smarter> 卡龌
[17:11] <persia> smarter, That looks right.
[17:11] <smarter> oh, it works if I choose some random stuff in the left-click menu of scim and then right click on a field --> IM --> scim-bridge
[17:11] <smarter> at least with pure Qt apps
[17:11] * smarter tests with Kate
[17:12] <smarter> hmm, it doesn't work but IIRC I need to define an env variable to make it work
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[17:23] <smarter> cjwatson: it only works on apps which let me change the input method(Kopete and Quassel, but not Kate or Firefox)
[17:23] <smarter> but that's probably another problem
[17:39] <cjwatson> smarter: ok, this sounds like scim configuration oddness rather than anything wrong with scim-bridge, so I'm content
[17:40] <smarter> I am too :)
[17:47] <PovAddict> pitti: thx for the info, I'll have a look at that file
[17:50] <cjwatson> smarter: thanks for the testing
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[18:56] <zyga> hello, is there anyone interested in usb-creator && vmware && fixing small issue I have identified and resolved?
[18:57] <zyga> I have found that attachning a USB disk enclosure does not allow you to make it bootable for some reason
[18:57] <zyga> after digging for a second I found out that the issue is caused by HAL not thinking this device is removable, usb-creator does not consider non-removable devices
[18:58] <zyga> I commented out that single dependency (on removability) and it appears to work fine
[19:03] <persia> zyga, Surely that's a HAL bug though, rather than a usb-creator bug.
[19:05] <zyga> persia: I'm going to report it for usb-creator first but I think you may be right
[19:05] <zyga> still I'm not sure that usb-creator is doing the right thing to require removable devices
[19:06] <persia> zyga, Hmm. Well, when would you want to use it for a non-removable device?
[19:06] <persia> I can maybe see the use case for mmc cards (where the storage isn't removable, because the entire interface is removable), but that's somewhat of a corner case.
[19:08] <PovAddict> on Windows, if I do "safe remove" on one of the drive letters from my memory card reader, it "unmounts" the card reader, not the card... can't use reader again until I reboot
[19:09] <PovAddict> would my card reader be considered a removable device by Linux's HAL? (can I check?)
[19:10] <zyga> PovAddict: yes you can check
[19:10] <zyga> w8
[19:11] <zyga> PovAddict: I think you can use hal-device to see what hal thinks about your card reader
[19:11] <PovAddict> it thinks it's four devices
[19:11] <ScottK> lamont: Any chance you could give primero a kick and get it going again?
[19:12] <zyga> I'm going to leave and reboot to my usb disk now
[19:13] <zyga> if anyone is interested the bug is id: lp #289599
[19:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289599 in usb-creator "usb-creator does not work with usb/ide disk enclosure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289599
[19:13] <PovAddict> linux.hotplug_type = 3 (0x3) (int)
[19:13] <PovAddict> storage.removable = true (bool)
[19:46] <demontager> why alsamixer shows only one channel "Master"? Where is other tunes?
[20:34] <elliotjhug> hi, this seems like the sensible place to ask this. Does anyone know what the source package is for the Main Menu in ubuntu (the default apps, places, system one)?
[20:51] <persia> elliotjhug, gnome-menus
[20:52] <elliotjhug> persia: Thanks
[21:04] <NCommander> ScottK, you around?
[21:08] <ScottK> For about 120 seconds
[21:08] <ScottK> NCommander: ^^
[21:09] <Laney> Tense! Will he make it back in time?
[21:10] <ScottK> Nope. See you all later.
[21:10] <PovAddict> lol
[21:10] * Laney waves
[21:29] <liw> is it still possible to get a program onto Rosetta (LP's translation thing) for intrepid?
[21:29] <persia> liw, From traffic in -release, I think the final langpack builds just started, which would mean no.
[21:30] <liw> dang. ok, serves me right for being late.
[21:30] <persia> You might be able to get it into the langpack updates, but I don't have any idea how that works.
[21:32] <PovAddict> the name 'Rosetta' is too overloaded :/
[21:34] <Lycus> Is there a way to show the guest account available from user switching on the Login window list?
[21:48] <CarlFK> is there an easy way to get python with debug symbols? my current plan is apt-get source python... build...
[21:49] <PovAddict> python-dbg?
[21:49] <NCommander> CarlFK, python2.5-dbg - Debug Build of the Python Interpreter (version 2.5)
[21:49] <RainCT> CarlFK: uhm.. python-dbg?
[21:49] <NCommander> lol
[21:49] <CarlFK> bam bam bam!
[21:49] <CarlFK> thanks
[21:49] * NCommander loves when answers come in stereo
[21:50] <CarlFK> how many things have a -dbg version?
[21:50] <PovAddict> apt-cache search -dbg | wc -l
[21:50] <NCommander> CarlFK, most libraries do
[21:50] <PovAddict> almost six hundred packages
[21:50] <NCommander> 738
[21:51] <PovAddict> 589 here :)
[21:51] * PovAddict has hardy
[21:51] * NCommander runs intrepid
[21:51] <RainCT> error here xD
[21:51] <NCommander> ahaha
[21:51] <RainCT> E: Command line option 'd' [from -dbg] is not known.
[21:51] <persia> And when there aren't -dbg packages, there are often -dbgsym packages available from ddebs.ubuntu.com
[21:51] <CarlFK> hmm.. guess the count isn't what I was wondering ... just knowing about -dbg is all I need
[21:51] <RainCT> ok, now 735
[21:51] <RainCT> (with \\-dbg)
[21:54] <RainCT> NCommander: did you use \\- too or am I weird? :)
[21:54] <NCommander> YOur just weird
[21:55] <RainCT> ah k, that explains it all
[21:57] <CarlFK> http://dpaste.com/86899/ python import fg; g = fg.Grabber(); help(g) segfault. is that a python problem, or fg.Grabber() ?
[21:57] <CarlFK> persia: how do I use a .ddeb?
[21:58] <CarlFK> fg came from http://antonym.org/libfg
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[22:11] <Rioting_pacifist> i have a pretty bad problem with lsusb #kubuntu and #linux wernt much help
[22:13] <Rioting_pacifist> basically lsusb, lsmod, modprobe -r, rmmod all freeze up the terminal in which i use them (i can still type in it but nothing has any effect), i think its a pretty bad kernel bug and would like to try and find the cause to report it, any ideas?
[22:14] <Rioting_pacifist> it was caused by loading up a beta webcam driver but i dont think freezing up the lsusb can be blamed on the driver
[22:15] <johanbr> Sure it can. Buggy kernel modules can wreak all sorts of havoc.
[22:16] <jdong> sounds like the module oopsed the kernel
[22:16] <jdong> that's typically common of buggy kernel modules.
[22:16] <jdong> look in dmesg for a stacktrace
[22:18] <Rioting_pacifist> got the stacktrace, makes no sense to me should i pastebin it then pass it on to the webcam driver developers?