UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /26 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:07] <angusthefuzz> Log in to launchpad.net and check your user profile
[00:14] <AboSamoor> angusthefuzz, I don't have one yet
[00:15] <angusthefuzz> AboSamoor: please see this link: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey
[00:17] <angusthefuzz> Can bug-control take a look at #286285 I think it needs to be set to high importance
[00:18] <angusthefuzz> bug #286285
[00:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 286285 in linux "kernel 2.6.27-7-generic bug BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper/0/0x00000100" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/286285
[00:18] <AboSamoor> angusthefuzz, Thanks very much
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[01:34] <shmengie> Howdy, I have an issue with compiz I don't know how to resolve.
[01:34] <shmengie> when I alt-tab to switch, the icons are corrupted.
[01:36] <ronc> Hi: This may or may not be a bug, but I noticed an unusual behavior in the 8.10 installer that you might be interested in.
[01:37] <ronc> The problem was that during installation, the time (taken from the computer presumably) was 5 hours off from the time zone selected (in this case, CST in the US).
[01:38] <ronc> I noticed, however, that after installation, the time was correct, so this may be just a cosmetic bug, rather than something that needs attention.
[01:38] <shmengie> That sounds like the computer clock was assumed to be gmt and the timezone was subtracted.
[01:38] <ronc> Incidentally, I installed 8.10 RC on a MacBook via VMWare Fusion 2.0.
[01:38] <shmengie> I saw that too
[01:38] <ronc> Yeah, I noticed that the offset was exactly the difference from GMT.
[01:39] <shmengie> When you alt-tab to switch windows, are the icons for the windows trashed?
[01:39] <ronc> The unfortunate thing is that this is what the novice user would see as one of the few things to do during installation. Not exactly comforting to a newbie.
[01:39] <shmengie> I'm an alt-tab junkie and the corrupted icons are driving me nutzo.
[01:40] <shmengie> I agree.
[01:40] <Hobbsee> shmengie: i can't reproduce that at all :-\
[01:40] <ronc> No, the icons for the windows were not trashed. I have noticed that it is acting much more slowly than 8.04 on the same machine -- but I presume that there are some debugging hooks and that would cause the symptoms.
[01:41] <shmengie> Probably my video driver.
[01:41] <shmengie> ERr.. The intel video driver.
[01:41] <Hobbsee> ronc: not sure what you can do there - it has to take a guess as to whether the clock's in UTC time, or in a local timezone - and waht that might be.
[01:41] <Hobbsee> (hardware clock, that is)
[01:41] <ronc> My MacBook is using an intel graphics chip. Some of the functionality isn't available on the Intel chip, so that may be part of my problem.
[01:42] <shmengie> I saw the computer sync up with a time server then do it.
[01:42] <shmengie> FWIW
[01:42] <ronc> Hobbsee: I thought as much. Not much AI there. Still, you might have a flag or checkbox indicating whether it is taking the machine's time, or UTC.
[01:43] <Hobbsee> ronc: and a name prompt, and a ....
[01:43] <Hobbsee> ronc: if you start along that line, for a temporary session, where do you stop?
[01:43] <Hobbsee> iirc, it does go for the hardware clock time?
[01:43] <ronc> Hobbsee: Yeah, I hear you. Especially for a temporary session. My newbies are having enough trouble getting LiveCD's working.
[01:44] <Hobbsee> ouch :(
[01:44] <Hobbsee> ronc: where do they get trouble?
[01:44] <shmengie> I think the installer tries to sync up with a timeserver
[01:44] <shmengie> So it would be trying to fetch utc, no?
[01:44] <Hobbsee> shmengie: yeah, i think it does after you've picked which place you're in
[01:45] <Hobbsee> prior to that, i'm not sure. I think there's probably a bug somewhere in there
[01:45] <ronc> Hobbsee: The biggest problem is BIOS settings, particularly on laptops. They don't want to boot from the CD. The next thing is the keyboard selection (for language) which throws them a bit.
[01:45] <Hobbsee> ronc: because it pops up with no warning?
[01:45] <Hobbsee> oh, the one at the very start, or the one in the installer?
[01:45] <Hobbsee> bios: yes, agree.
[01:46] <Hobbsee> although i've tended to find that the bios will pick to boot from cd first if it can, then look for other options
[01:46] <ronc> Hobbsee: Yes, exactly. No warning. Most of the time, the keyboard is just fine and doesn't deserve such special treatment.
[01:46] <Hobbsee> ronc: noted.
[01:47] <shmengie> I've been confused by keyboard questions.
[01:47] <Hobbsee> ronc: i guess the converse problem is that it solves the language problem who don't speak english.
[01:48] <Hobbsee> ronc: whereas if there's a prompt saying "press <key> for other languages", in english, you're screwedif you don't speak it.
[01:48] <ronc> Hobbsee: I agree that in most cases, the BIOS is set to boot from the CD before the hard disk because that is how you surmount problems. However, in Dell machines, there is a second partition that runs (of all things, Linux) with a copy of Windows. That partition is used to bring the primary partition back to "factory settings". Hence, the need *not* to boot from a CD and go directly to the second partition on the hard drive.
[01:48] <Hobbsee> ronc: oh yes, i remember deleting that.
[01:48] <Hobbsee> ronc: tis a pity - not sure how much it's possible to change that.
[01:49] <ronc> Hobbsee: Yeah, it is a particular issue for one manufacturer, but Dell is a big one.
[01:50] <Hobbsee> shmengie: keyboard, or language?
[01:50] <shmengie> keyboard, but it's been a little while since I installed 8.10
[01:50] <ronc> Hobbsee: Just out of sheer curiosity, where are you? I'm in Texas (U.S.A.)
[01:50] <Hobbsee> ronc: sydney, australia
[01:50] <Hobbsee> shmengie: yeah, there seem to be so many of them...
[01:51] <shmengie> I'm wondering about the alt-tab icon issue. Then there's an older compaq which quit working with X.
[01:51] <shmengie> Recently.
[01:52] <shmengie> the Compaq was working until a recent update (week ago).
[01:52] * Hobbsee heads out
[01:52] <shmengie> I'm in Florida(us)
[02:06] <waldenasta_> hello all
[02:47] <maco> regarding bug 289319, i just have to ask: wtf?
[02:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289319 in ubuntu "Items in Places Menu open Sound Juicer ????" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289319
[02:47] <maco> oops wrong one
[02:47] <maco> bug 289343
[02:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289343 in ubuntu-wallpapers "Current Intrepid Ibex Wallpaper Considered Harmful" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289343
[02:47] <maco> too many tabs open :)
[02:58] <mrooney> maco: haha classic.
[02:58] <mrooney> I think a lot of people just honestly don't know what an Ibex is
[03:03] <maco> mrooney: im going with "petting zoo goats with *really* *long* horns"
[03:08] <angusthefuzz> so how many unconfirmed comments do we need for the skull bug until it becomes invalid?
[03:10] <maco> angusthefuzz: *shrug* just figured i ought to see if i was the only one sane enough to not find skulls, bleeding animals (remember the heron thing?),and general death in every ubuntu wallpaper
[03:11] <angusthefuzz> maco: could be the proximity to Halloween in this case
[03:11] <maco> LOL
[03:12] <angusthefuzz> lets try to graph # of crazy bug reports vs. days to halloween
[03:14] <maco> well people claimed the heron was bleeding (rather than rather randomly and anatomically-incorrectly coloured) at the totally opposite part of the year from halloween
[03:17] <maco> angusthefuzz: ^
[03:17] <angusthefuzz> maco: sadly, if I look hard enough I see a skull
[03:18] <angusthefuzz> that bug ruined my thoughts of the background forever
[03:18] <maco> heh, one person on identi.ca said that if they stared at it for a while, they could force themself to see a skull
[03:19] <maco> i'm guessing it's like that thing where you hear the devil when you play Stairway to Heaven backwards only *after* someone tells you what words to listen for
[03:20] <angusthefuzz> yeah
[08:31] <Czubek_> Hi, I'm looking for member of the ubuntu-release team
[08:35] <Czubek_> I think I found Intrepid high importance bug which is not listed on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+bugs
[08:36] <Czubek_> It's: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-trident/+bug/223774
[08:36] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 223774 in xf86-video-trident "[HARDY] NoDDC option doesn't work for trident cyberblade/i1 resulting in system lockup" [Unknown,Confirmed]
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[11:18] <askand1> I dont think bug 3235 should be marked as a dublicate of bug 10435
[11:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 3235 in nautilus "Install Template Documents (dup-of: 10435)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3235
[11:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 10435 in nautilus "Nautilus '~/Templates' folder does not exist" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10435
[11:18] <askand1> The second bug is solved but that does not solve the first bug that still exists
[11:27] <askand1> So can someone please re-open the first bug? :)
[12:02] <hggdh> askand1, you can re-open it yourself
[12:04] <hggdh> askand1, go to the bug in question, click on "Mark as a duplicate", and clear the field. The adjust the status as needed
[12:12] <hggdh> askand1, also -- add a comment on why you did it
[12:18] <askand1> hggdh: thanks!
[12:19] <hggdh> askand1, welcome
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[13:50] <lfaraone> Hey, is it just me, or does bug 289209 seem a bit silly?
[13:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289209 in ubuntu "the Linux kernel is not able to turn off the usb memory" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289209
[13:57] <arno_b> lfaraone> I do think so, may be there is a real problem with its usb devise, you should give him this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingUSBStorage in order to have more info on its device.
[13:58] <lfaraone> arno_b: Well, Ubuntu (and Windows AFAICT) both continue to power USB storage devices after they have been 'ejected', iirc
[13:59] <lfaraone> arno_b: and until there is a problem (like short circuting, which atm is just a user fear) its a cosmetic issue.
[14:03] <arno_b> i am not an expert on USB device ;) But you should ask him to give the result of mount -l before unmout and after. If his key is no more here it means that there is no problem
[14:04] <lfaraone> arno_b: kk
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[14:10] <persia> lfaraone, I've short-circuited a USB key before. That said, I think the lesson was that I shouldn't attach/detach USB keys in the rain, rather than that the kernel/laptop had an issue regarding power.
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[14:13] <lfaraone> persia: Lol.
[14:13] <lfaraone> persia: In any case, I've followed arno_b 's advice and asked for info about mount -l
[14:14] <lfaraone> persia: Although I just tested on OSX, and that behavior (light staying on) is completely normal on the proprietary OSs
[14:17] <persia> Generally it's implemented in hardware or BIOS, rather than the OS. Most workstations will provide power to USB when the power supply is on, even if no operating system has ever booted on the components, and the motherboard is powered down. Laptops usually require the motherboard to be powered to provide USB power, although some will provide power when the motherboard is off if they are on AC.
[14:17] <persia> That's part of why USB keyboards usually work before the OS is loaded (e.g. at the grub prompt).
[14:26] <askand> is bug 3235 affecting the correct package?
[14:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 3235 in nautilus "Install Template Documents" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3235
[14:54] <persia> askand, The issue is that templates tend to be in user folders. If you want to fix that bug, I recommend creating a blueprint for a structure by which there can be system installed templates in Nautilus (may exist already : I haven't investigated), and file bugs against packages that have document formats to have them provide templates to this system location, linked to the blueprint.
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[16:05] <patrickod> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=959350 I have apparently discovered a bug with my zonet PCI ethernet card
[16:06] <patrickod> it shows up in ifconfig but it doesn't work
[16:06] <patrickod> I know that the cable and the network are working perfectly as I have tested them with the onboard ethernet
[16:07] <patrickod> any suggestions from anyone/
[16:07] <patrickod> ?
[16:07] <persia> patrickod, I have a USB ethernet interface like that. Needs kernel drivers.
[16:07] <patrickod> persia: have you any links?
[16:08] <persia> patrickod, Sorry, no.
[16:08] <hwilde> if it shows up in ifconfig doesn't it have drivers already
[16:08] <persia> hwilde, but the drivers don't necessarily work completely.
[16:09] <persia> hwilde, Basically, the kernel knows enough to know there is an interface there, but may not have enough information or firmware to actually send packets.
[16:09] <hwilde> i've never seen an ethernet actually show up in ifconfig and not be usable
[16:09] <hwilde> for me they just dont show up
[16:09] <hwilde> if theres no drivers
[16:10] <azimout> apart from new versions of some important core components (kernel, gnome, X, n-m), there are some new tools inside intrepid
[16:11] <persia> patrickod, Best suggestion I have is to file a bug with the output of lspci -vvnn, and see if anything comes of it.
[16:11] <patrickod> ok
[16:11] <azimout> like the enhanced fast-user-switch applet, usb-creator and system-cleaner
[16:12] <azimout> it is my opinion that we should give a higher priority into making sure these new tools (that will get a lot of publicity when intrepid comes out in 4 days) are as high-quality as possible
[16:13] * hwilde stares at azimout
[16:14] <azimout> so i invite anyone willing, to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-cleaner
[16:14] <azimout> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator
[16:14] <azimout> and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fast-user-switch-applet
[18:17] <lfaraone> What's the package that automounts USB FS devices on insertion?
[18:19] <persia> nautilus for Ubuntu Desktop/Ubuntu Mobile/Ubuntu Studio, thunar for Xubuntu/Ubuntu Mobile, I'm not sure for Ubuntu Server, Kubuntu, or Mythbuntu.
[18:19] <persia> Err. thunar for Xubuntu/Ubuntu MID
[19:23] <lfaraone> Hey, does bug 288011 make sense to anyone?
[19:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 288011 in glibc "dns resolver does not support dnssec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/288011
[19:29] <persia> lfaraone, Looks like a refiling of another bug as a new bug in hopes that it gets more attention. I forget to which bug it is a duplicate, but I think that if you check the log of this channel for the time that bug was filed, you will find discussion of the original bug.
[19:31] <cypher1> persia, is it this one bug 242956 ?
[19:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 242956 in openssh "Bind9 (8.04) not returning 'ad' flag when dnssec is enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/242956
[19:32] <persia> Yeah. That's it.
[19:47] <d4rr3ll__> hi, this might be the wrong channel, but, I've just installed 8.10rc and it doesn't appear to have 'svk' in the package list, is this correct?
[19:51] <stgraber> d4rr3ll__: svk - A Distributed Version Control System
[19:51] <stgraber> it's in the package list
[19:53] <d4rr3ll__> aptitude install svk tells me the package is broken
[19:53] <crimsun> d4rr3ll__: note that it's in the universe component.
[19:53] <crimsun> oh, due to libfile-temp-perl (> 0.17)
[19:54] <d4rr3ll__> crimsun: yeah thats the error
[19:54] <d4rr3ll__> svk: Depends: libfile-temp-perl (> 0.17) which is a virtual package.
[19:54] <crimsun> d4rr3ll__: please file a bug, and I'll take care of it
[19:55] <d4rr3ll__> crimsun: will do
[20:00] <d4rr3ll__> crimsun: svk bug filed #289623
[20:00] <crimsun> d4rr3ll__: thanks
[20:01] <d4rr3ll__> np
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[21:03] <liw> hi, could someone #285878 importance to be wishlist?
[21:04] <persia> bug #285878
[21:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 285878 in system-cleaner "purge packages instead of remove" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/285878
[21:04] <persia> liw, done
[21:04] <liw> persia, thank you
[21:33] <liw> persia, could you change #285888 also to wishlist?
[21:33] <persia> bug #285888
[21:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 285888 in system-cleaner "system-cleaner-gtk should just have an option to show obselete packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/285888
[21:34] <persia> liw, I'll encourage you to ask generally. There's usually a lot of people here, and someone who can make that change (for whom it might be a more convenient time of day).
[21:34] <liw> persia, you're right, sorry
[21:35] <persia> No problems : I happen to be up anyway tonight.
[21:35] <persia> What's the status for that one?
[21:36] <persia> Incomplete/Confirmed/Triaged/Wontfix ?
[21:36] <liw> "Triaged" sounds good to me
[21:37] <persia> Done.
[21:37] <liw> thanks again
[21:37] <persia> On a completely different topic, did you have a chance to look at ubottu?
[21:37] <liw> was that the ical parsing thing?
[21:38] <persia> Yeah.
[21:39] <liw> in that case, yes, I did. I did not figure out a solution (I found a minor unrelated buglet, but that's all), sorry to disappoint
[21:39] <persia> No problem. Just wanted to check because the news team asked me about it again. Given the release pressure now, I'll probably try to find another volunteer in a few days.
[21:40] <persia> stdin has the buglet hints and everything?
[21:40] <liw> yeah
[21:40] <persia> Thanks again for looking at it.
[21:40] <liw> no problem
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[22:21] <tzn> hi guys
[22:21] <tzn> ive got a small problem with one reported bug
[22:21] <tzn> 289563
[22:22] <tzn> user is suggesting adding dependency, but it should really recommend/suggest meta-package
[22:22] <tzn> but there is no provides for burning software
[22:22] <tzn> I think I should confirm this bug, am I right?
[22:40] <azimout> bug #289563
[22:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289563 in dvd95 "dvd95 should depend or at least recommend/suggest k3b" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289563
[22:45] <azimout> yes, tzn, you did well to mark as confirmed
[22:45] <azimout> i also marked as priority:low
[22:58] <angusthefuzz> could someone take a look at 289621 and mark it medium, I believe it also should be triaged
[23:01] <hggdh> bug 289621
[23:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289621 in gnome-media "Sound Recorder - microphone recording regression in Intrepid Ibex" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289621
[23:04] <hggdh> angusthefuzz, what led to to think it is traiged?
[23:04] <hggdh> s/trai/tria/
[23:05] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: I believe it is a genuine bug, judging by the number of duplicates. Additionally, the debugging procedures specific to sound recording have been followed and I am confident it should be looked at by a dev
[23:06] <hggdh> angusthefuzz, sounds good. Just checking ;-)
[23:06] <hggdh> angusthefuzz, one think only -- usually is it not a good idea to provide debug data *outside* of launchpad
[23:06] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: its actually nice for me to know that I am doing this correctly, as I have been pretty active triaging without much feedback
[23:07] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: okay, I will pull in the attachment
[23:07] <hggdh> angusthefuzz, thanks (I was preparing to do it)
[23:09] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: done
[23:09] <hggdh> angusthefuzz, you also checked https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems to verify all needed is in?
[23:11] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: yes, this problem seems very specific and I believe it is within the gnome-sound-recording program, rather than alsa
[23:11] <angusthefuzz> hggdh: and yes, the recommended info is attached
[23:12] <hggdh> angusthefuzz, done. Thanks for helping
[23:12] <angusthefuzz> thank you hggdh
[23:12] <hggdh> my pleasure.
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[23:53] <RiotingPacifist> im having a problem with a usb device and ohci_hcd , what project does it go under?
[23:56] <persia> RiotingPacifist, ubuntu/linux
[23:59] <RiotingPacifist> thx