UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /25 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <fta> i trashed my profile a few times today
[00:03] <stevel> hrm - what errors are you seeing in the console? can you pastebin them?
[00:04] <fta> stevel, here is the leak, http://paste.ubuntu.com/62250/
[00:04] <fta> at line 11, i hit play
[00:05] <stevel> wow awesome
[00:05] <stevel> in a totally not-awesome way
[00:05] <stevel> i assume your trunk build was using system GStreamer and not the bundled GStreamer?
[00:05] <fta> i get no sound, the window gets jerky when moved, then it freezes
[00:06] <fta> system GStreamer
[00:07] <fta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/62251/
[00:07] <stevel> hrm - let's take this over to #songbird so we can get MikeS's opinion (he's our resident GStreamer guru)
[00:07] <fta> ok
[00:36] <fta> gnome bug 554771
[00:36] <ubottu> Gnome bug 554771 in gst-plugins-good "totem spins CPU 100% while allocating (infinitely) because pulseaudio process is not available" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=554771
[01:16] <fta> asac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=957268
[01:17] <asac> darn. i know i forgot something
[01:18] <asac> not really this... but we are supposed to provide gnome-www-browser too
[01:19] <nxvl> asac: remove from that sentence
[01:20] <fta> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=956485
[01:20] <fta> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5987637&postcount=11 ???????
[01:21] <asac> fta: ignorable
[01:21] <asac> gone mad
[01:22] <asac> he doesnt see the maybe-flash issue
[01:22] <asac> nxvl: ok :) (which sentence?)
[01:22] <fta> oh, user install of flash
[01:22] <asac> fta: and who knows what
[01:23] <asac> fta: i mean he just copies around libdir files and renames them
[01:23] <asac> most likely he did even worse things to his sysdtem in the past
[01:23] <asac> at some point we have to admit that its not supportable
[01:28] <nxvl> asac: i will subcribe you to the bug report
[01:28] <asac> k
[01:28] <asac> i am off now (long overdue)
[01:28] <asac> will find that in my mailbox then i guess ;)
[01:29] <fta> asac, please anwser bug 94494 when you have time
[01:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 94494 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Songbird" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94494
[01:29] <nxvl> asac: Bug #276451
[01:29] <ubottu> Bug 276451 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/276451 is private
[03:09] <gnomefreak> im here for ~1hour if needed. working on extensions if they have been updated upstream
[03:10] <crimsun> there's a really nasty boog (bug 274995) that appears to be triggered on certain wifi hardware and NM
[03:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274995 in alsa-utils "shutdown freeze on alsa shutdown" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274995
[03:10] <crimsun> I've probably spent about 60 consecutive non-work hours chasing this in the past several days
[03:17] <gnomefreak> holy crap
[03:26] <crimsun> I can't reproduce it with my wifi hardware, and I certainly can't reproduce the alsa-utils bit
[03:27] <crimsun> the next point of debugging will be to ask users to blacklist their wifi kernel module and attempt to reproduce the (seeming) hang
[03:27] <crimsun> if that approach resolves the symptom, my hours will be vindicated ;-)
[03:58] <gnomefreak> eh upgradin extensions section on wiki needs work
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[16:05] <asac> crimsun: oh dear
[16:05] <asac> crimsun: any indication what wifi hw that is?
[19:58] <alsadk> i have installed flash player for linux mint but the firefox still have problem with flash files, it seems every thing ok if u ask about the installation
[20:48] <kbrosnan> .t
[20:49] <alsadk> ?
[20:49] <kbrosnan> /t
[23:26] <crimsun> asac: in the bug report, I've now asked for more information from affected users
[23:55] <asac> crimsun: maybe i missed a few details in the bug, but why is that a NM issue?
[23:56] <asac> what has NM to do with shutting down alsa
[23:56] <asac> i see that some workarounds suggest to ifdown interfaces
[23:56] <asac> but thats not how its supposed to be