UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /25 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest38957
=== Guest38957 is now known as trucMuche
[14:58] <eagles0513875> hey guys
[14:59] <eagles0513875> im setting up an ubuntu-mt channel how do i register it with you guys
[15:00] <nalioth> for malta, right?
[15:00] <eagles0513875> yep
[15:00] <eagles0513875> we have a wiki as well
[15:00] <eagles0513875> i can get you the link for it
[15:00] <eagles0513875> and also on launchpad
[15:01] <nalioth> please :)
[15:01] <eagles0513875> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaltaTeam
[15:01] <eagles0513875> im on that list as well
[15:05] <eagles0513875> nalioth: is everything ok
[15:05] <nalioth> what do you do for the malta team, eagles0513875 ?
[15:05] <eagles0513875> me the linuxmalta.tk i provide kubuntu related support
[15:06] <nalioth> does the team want you to run the channel?
[15:06] <eagles0513875> nalioth: hope in ubuntu-mt channel there is the sean person who setup that pg u can talk to him on there if u like
[15:09] <eagles0513875> nalioth: to answer your question yes they do want me to set it up
[15:09] <LjL> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Coordination https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/CreatingChannels <- useful and important pointers
[15:09] <eagles0513875> ty LjL
[15:10] <eagles0513875> nalioth: is that a good to go to setup the channel?
[15:12] <LjL> eagles0513875: if the team owner is ok with that, you can setup the channel
[15:12] <eagles0513875> ok LjL
[15:18] <eagles0513875> nalioth: how do i get the ubotu into the channel
[15:18] <LjL> i'm afraid you don't, at the time being
[15:18] <LjL> the bot is overloaded
[15:18] <LjL> you can however create your own if you can host it
[15:18] <LjL> !botclone
[15:18] <ubottu> Ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://tinyurl.com/3s8roe
[15:19] <nalioth> i just put ubot3 in there
[15:19] <eagles0513875> nalioth: ty
[15:19] <eagles0513875> nalioth: can i rename it
[15:19] <LjL> you can also request a locobot logging bot to admin at ubuntu hyphen eu dot org
[15:20] <nalioth> eagles0513875: you can make your own bot ( see ljl's link above )
[15:20] <eagles0513875> the 2nd one
[15:20] <eagles0513875> nm
[15:23] <[NikO]> what kind of feature you need on the bot ?
[15:25] <eagles0513875> nalioth: how do i correct this [482] # You need to be a channel operator to do that when i run /MODE #ChannelName -mi command
[15:25] <eagles0513875> [NikO]: not sure yet but just in case i come up with a brilliant idea for a bot lol
[15:26] <eagles0513875> nalioth: its funny cuz im the one who created the channel
[15:26] <LjL> eagles0513875, you surely do need to be a channel operator to change modes
[15:26] <LjL> /msg nickserv help
[15:26] <nalioth> eagles0513875: use the correct channel name?
[15:26] <LjL> err
[15:26] <LjL> i meant /msg chanserv help
[15:26] <eagles0513875> LjL: ya
[15:28] <eagles0513875> nalioth: welcome back to our channel same to u PriceChild
[21:51] <Pici> tell Altairs about wine
[21:51] <Pici> er
[21:52] <Pici> This isn't my ubottu window
[21:52] <Nafallo> Pici: you are right :-)