UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /25 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
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=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen
=== merriam_ is now known as merriam
[11:40] <slytherin> Hi all, does anyone have any sample docbook document which uses SVG image? I am trying to verify a fix for fop but I don't have any test data.
[11:46] <mdke> slytherin: we don't, no
[19:35] <technomensch> good afternoon all
[19:35] <technomensch> how is everyone?
[19:47] <DougieRichardson> very well - you?
[19:56] <technomensch> I'm good
[19:57] <technomensch> Trying to make a decision though
[19:57] <technomensch> and I could also use someone to help me respond to Scott Kitterman's emails to me/the mailing list.
[20:03] <Rocket2DMn> technomensch, you pinged me earlier?
[20:03] <DougieRichardson> what email?
[20:04] <DougieRichardson> about konqueror?
[20:16] <technomensch> yea rocket. don't remember what for though
[20:16] <technomensch> yes dougie
[20:17] <Rocket2DMn> k
[20:23] <technomensch> do you think we need to change the colors? or any idea what he is talking about?
[20:28] <DougieRichardson> we're not talking about his email on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/259436 then?
[20:30] <technomensch> I don't know if that's the same one or not. I'm not subscribed to the bugs. I'm talking about my correspondence with him on the mailing list. Although, I'm betting it might be the same
[20:34] <DougieRichardson> all thats on the list is about moin moin and the openid login problem, is there other stuff in his mails
[20:35] <technomensch> yes. from what I gather, he wants to know why I used "brown" as the main color for the menu bar on the community team home page. and it looked like something else about it not showing up correctly in either older versions or konqueror
[20:36] <DougieRichardson> is this reproducable?
[20:39] <technomensch> not from my end. I'm currently not home and doing wiki work on Windows machines. I CC'ed the mailing list with hopes that someone can reproduce it
[20:40] <technomensch> as for the "brown" in the menu bar, with ubuntu vs. kubuntu, I don't want to get into that argument.
[20:40] <DougieRichardson> lol real men use twm
[20:40] <technomensch> it doesn't "go" with the kubuntu theme
[20:40] <technomensch> twm?
[20:41] <DougieRichardson> when all else fails there's twm http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/Twm.png
[20:42] <DougieRichardson> oops gotta go pick up the missus, brb
[21:13] <technomensch> mdke, you in here?
[21:19] <mdke> technomensch: yes
[21:21] <Atamira> :o
[21:21] <Atamira> ppl are actually talking in here
[21:28] <technomensch> yes.
[21:28] <technomensch> we do come in to communicate with each other from time to time
[21:32] <mdke> go on then!
[21:41] <mdke> technomensch: was there something you were going to ask me?
[21:46] <mdke> technomensch: by the way, about my email "front page for help.ubuntu.com", I think you misunderstood: it's not about the front page of help.ubuntu.com/community, it's about the main front page for help.ubuntu.com (i.e. *not* the help wiki)
[22:00] <technomensch> so you mean help.ubuntu.com, not help.ubuntu.com/community??
[22:00] <mdke> yes
[22:00] <technomensch> I see.
[22:00] <technomensch> Um....
[22:00] <technomensch> I guess...ooops in order?
[22:01] <technomensch> yea, that definitely needs a revamp
[22:01] <mdke> no worries
[22:01] <mdke> it mainly needs a revamp because of the change of theme
[22:01] <technomensch> but how do we make it so it links to the "current" version
[22:01] <technomensch> of the docs that is
[22:01] <mdke> sorry, I don't understand the question
[22:02] <mdke> it already links to the correct version of the documents
[22:02] <technomensch> right, but when it gets upgrade to 8.10
[22:03] <technomensch> who does that?
[22:03] <mdke> me
[22:03] <technomensch> and if you were talking about the theme itself, yea, let dougie do that. I'm still learning css
[22:03] <technomensch> gotcha.
[22:03] <mdke> no, the theme is ok; but the contents need to change a bit
[22:04] <mdke> I think Phil has some ideas about it
[22:04] <technomensch> but the theme of help. doesn't match the theme on /community
[22:04] <technomensch> it still looks like the old one
[22:05] <mdke> i mean, the work on the theme has already been done
[22:05] <mdke> you can see it here: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/about-ubuntu/C/index.html
[22:06] <DougieRichardson> hi matt, @techno i've just mailed you - i see matt is clearing it up
[22:06] <technomensch> yeppers. I see that
[22:06] <technomensch> so where are the changes to the home page we are talking about being made? on that page you just linked me?
[22:07] <technomensch> nm. I see that's for the about-us
[22:07] <mdke> nowhere
[22:08] <technomensch> I think for this upgrade to 8.10, I'm going to stay out of this cleanup portion.
[22:09] <technomensch> better to let you guys who've been doing it for a while and have a handle on it...as an annoying guy here in the states says "gettr' done"
[22:09] <technomensch> and, he IS annoying :)
[22:10] <mdke> ok, we'll see what Dougie comes up with, and Phil is he is around
[22:10] <technomensch> do you understand the email that I recieved about the wiki.ubuntu.com home page???
[22:10] <mdke> yes
[22:10] <technomensch> I'll look at what you guys do and make suggestions via email.
[22:11] <mdke> just click on this link to understand: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/
[22:11] <DougieRichardson> mdke: What time frame are you aiming for?
[22:11] <mdke> DougieRichardson: whenever possible, I guess. Ideally we'd get the site update out in time for the release, but I'm not confident from my side that I'll be able to get everything ready
[22:12] <mdke> am travelling a bit on business this week and generally very busy at work
[22:12] <mdke> also, I'm still waiting for the sysadmins to give me access to the server
[22:12] <technomensch> AH. I SEE
[22:12] <DougieRichardson> I'm busy but not swamped, I haven't heard from Phil in a while.
[22:13] <technomensch> Ok. the problem is, I was just using the exact same colors that it was using previously
[22:13] <mdke> DougieRichardson: we'll just do what we can :)
[22:13] <technomensch> whomever made the release schedule table used those same colors
[22:13] <mdke> technomensch: oh, that's true! I guess because that table was hidden at the bottom, he never noticed it
[22:13] <DougieRichardson> mdke: that should be our mantra ;-)
[22:14] <mdke> technomensch: you can refer Scott to this link then: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Home?action=recall&rev=186
[22:14] <mdke> DougieRichardson: yep
[22:14] <mdke> hmm, i see someone spammed that page with attachments
[22:15] <mdke> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Home?action=AttachFile
[22:15] * mdke gets cliccking
[22:17] <DougieRichardson> mdke:who was the uploader
[22:19] <mdke> DougieRichardson: https://launchpad.net/~enri75ac6
[22:19] <mdke> maybe a genuine mistake, hasn't hidden the email address
[22:20] <technomensch> I also got an email from launchpad, someone changed my information
[22:20] <DougieRichardson> mdke: consistant with the username spambot was generating, checking launchpad
[22:21] <technomensch> someone called "https://launchpad.net/~myniugga"
[22:21] <technomensch> "juzzmane updated your location and time zone"
[22:21] <technomensch> not sure if they are related to this, or not
[22:22] <mdke> no, unrelated. launchpad allows people to set your location unless you have already set it yourself
[22:22] <technomensch> um, ok. I have to go. I'll check the mailing list later. ta
[22:23] <DougieRichardson> that user hasn't the usual one word bug answer, it may be a mistake or a new script
[22:33] <little> Anybody know if Technomensch has been in here recently?
[22:33] <DougieRichardson> yes
[22:33] <mdke> yeah, he left a short time ago
[22:33] <little> Darn. He emailed me and asked if I could meet him in here. Is he coming back>
[22:34] <mdke> 22:22:38 < technomensch> um, ok. I have to go. I'll check the mailing list later. ta
[22:34] <DougieRichardson> dont think so
[22:34] <little> We've been talking about updating https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/Formatting.
[22:35] <little> I have an alternative layout/design of the page here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/littlergirl
[22:35] <mdke> little: you know, I don't believe you are really a little girl. You don't come across as little at all.
[22:36] <jjesse> lol i agree i dont think either ;)
[22:36] <little> I'm not. I'm a full grown 46 year old woman. (:
[22:36] <little> It's just that I'm a former truck driver and that's been my handle forever. (:
[22:36] <mdke> I knew it!
[22:36] <little> LOL
[22:36] <mdke> hmm.
[22:36] <mdke> you drove a truck as a little girl?
[22:36] <jjesse> ha
[22:36] <mdke> that worries me
[22:36] <little> You couldn't possibly have guessed my exact age!
[22:36] <jjesse> that was your cb handle?
[22:36] <little> No, as a grownup. (:
[22:36] <mdke> yes, true
[22:36] <little> Yeah.
[22:37] <little> I'm small, so the handle fits. (:
[22:37] <mdke> yeah, I had in mind that there was another meaning of "little", but it didn't fit my joke
[22:38] <mdke> ok. so formatting
[22:38] <little> Believe it or not, the only place anyone ever questions my username/handle is on the internet. Out in the real world it didn't bother anyone. (:
[22:38] <little> Yeah, take a look at the example I've been working on. I think it's gentler and easier to understand.
[22:38] <mdke> (it doesn't bother us either... I was just messing around)
[22:38] <DougieRichardson> how did you see over the wheel?
[22:38] <little> I used tables instead of code blocks so that I could capture {{{ and }}} properly. It was terrible on the original page.
[22:39] <little> Truck seats are adjustable. (:
[22:39] <mdke> so that page looks excellent. the section headings are a bit screwy but otherwise it is pretty clear in terms of structure
[22:39] <little> The headings are only screwy because it's on my home page. Once it's on its own page, it should lay out nicely.
[22:39] <mdke> I mean, in section number 3, you have skipped a level for the sub-sections
[22:40] <mdke> I like the way the page is detailed without compromising on clarity, very good
[22:40] <little> Checking...
[22:41] <little> Oh yes. I did that for a reason. If you do a level two header instead of level three headers, you get a line beneath each, which makes it harder to distinguish the separate sections. Is there a way to do a level two header without a line?
[22:41] <mdke> no, but that only happens with the old theme
[22:41] <little> I had done them like this originally: '''Header'''<<br>>
[22:43] <mdke> you need to use the sections sequentially, otherwise the table of contents doesn't work
[22:43] <little> How's this? I changed the first two headers in section three now.
[22:43] <little> If I use this method, there won't be a subsection in the Table of Contents under Basic Content.
[22:43] <mdke> best to use the headings normally. It will look better with the new theme, don't worry
[22:44] <little> Okay, let me try it and see if it still looks okay. I didn't like it. I'll let you guys decide. (:
[22:45] <little> How's this?
[22:45] <little> Link, just in case: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/littlergirl#preview
[22:46] <little> It looks really busy with the default theme.
[22:47] <mdke> that's the theme's fault though
[22:48] <mdke> it's the right way to write the page :)
[22:49] <little> The Table of Contents table is running off the right side of the center portion of the screen for me with the ubuntunew theme. I'll play with table width to see if I can fix that.
[22:49] <mdke> yeah, that's a pain
[22:49] <mdke> i think it's a moin bug myself
[22:50] <little> Changing it with <tablestyle="width: 60%"> doesn't seem to do anything. Is there a new method?
[22:51] <mdke> you're missing a ;
[23:00] <mdke> little: there ya go :)
[23:00] <little> Fixed. (:
[23:01] <little> Took me a while. I couldn't figure out what to do with the ; so I just borrowed the code I used for the table that shows the Example Page.
[23:02] <mdke> oh, sorry.
[23:02] <little> I know there's some stuff missing from this page, but it's the basics, and I got the impression that the Formatting page is for the basics, right? And links to more involved help are at the bottom.
[23:02] <mdke> in the thing you posted above, it goes after the %
[23:02] <little> Yeah, I tried that and it didn't fix it. It still ran off the right side of the page. I just do not like that new theme. (:
[23:02] <mdke> little: yes, that's right
[23:04] <mdke> hmm
[23:04] <mdke> little: sorry to hear you don't like it
[23:04] <little> I think I'm just used to the old one, so I resist the change since it's so drastic.
[23:05] <little> Is there any way I can grab a copy of the ubuntu theme for my personal wiki? I'm running MoinMoin in the desktop version.
[23:05] <mdke> don't worry, I'm sure the Ubuntu website will get a redesign in the next 12 months or so anyway
[23:05] <little> Oh good. I might join in the creative efforts. (:
[23:06] <mdke> ok, keep an eye on the ubuntu-website mailing list. Canonical is recruiting designers so I guess they'll get the job, but hopefully it will be a collaborative effort
[23:07] <little> If nothing else, they may ask for opinions from the community even if they don't make it a collaborative effort, right?
[23:08] <little> By the way, you can edit the CategoryCategory page if you have access to the actual file on the server (to fix the reference to nonexistent macros).
[23:09] <mdke> little: hope so
[23:09] <mdke> little: I don't have access, but I can edit the page I think
[23:09] <mdke> what's the error?
[23:09] <mdke> (for the wiki themes, see https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/helptheme and https://code.launchpad.net/~mdke/ubuntu-doc/helpwiki-newtheme)
[23:10] <little> Additionally, you can add lists of all pages which are members of that particular category to the category page using macros like this:
[23:10] <little> Then there'
[23:10] <little> Then there's nothing beneath it, so the colon is leading in to nothing.
[23:11] <mdke> I'm not sure how to fix that. Because the colon is really leading to something, what the author means is that what follows the colon uses macros...
[23:12] <mdke> (the page lists are produced using macros)
[23:13] <little> Ah, then you want something like this: {{{<<PageList(@PAGE@)>>}}}
[23:13] <little> And this: {{{<<FullSearchCached(category:Category@PAGE@)>>}}}
[23:13] <little> And this: {{{<<FullSearch(category:Category@PAGE@)>>}}}
[23:15] <mdke> I don't really want to put code in the page, it will look pretty awkward. I've tried to clarify the language, see what you think
[23:17] <mdke> I've changed the language again now, on reflection
[23:19] <little> Checking...
[23:20] <little> It looks good, although instead of "you can add" you might want to put "you can use macros to add".
[23:21] <mdke> good idea, done
[23:23] <little> I just took the line out entirely on my personal copy. (:
[23:23] <little> Ah, excellent, with a link to help on macros!
[23:24] <little> I think Technomensch still has some ideas for the Formatting page. Should we wait until we feel we have a finished product and then run it by the mailing list?
[23:24] <mdke> that would be good
[23:26] <little> By the way, I got three of these in email:
[23:26] <little> You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Community Ubuntu Documentation" for change notification.
[23:26] <little> Each had this reference:
[23:26] <little> The following page has been changed by dtl131:
[23:26] <little> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonHD?action=diff&rev1=3&rev2=4
[23:26] <little> I'm not subscribed to that page...
[23:27] <little> Who do I contact to fix it? Or should I maybe subscribe and unsubscribe to the page?
[23:28] <mdke> that's very odd
[23:28] <mdke> is it possible the page was renamed and you subscribed to the previous page?
[23:28] <mdke> or that you have a subscription to a regex?
[23:29] <little> Yeah. Two came on 10/24/08 at 11:57 and 11:59 PM and one came on 10/25/08 at 02:26 AM.
[23:29] <little> I had done a wildcard subscription to CategoryCategory. Could that have done it?
[23:29] <mdke> don't think so, no
[23:29] <little> I have an NVIDIA, so I wouldn't have subscribed to anything with Radeon.
[23:30] <mdke> although, the page contains the word "CategoryCategory", for some reason
[23:30] <little> I also went to the page while I was logged in (like now), and it says Subscribe to this page rather than Unsubscribe to this page.
[23:30] <little> Ah, that might do it. (:
[23:30] <mdke> that must be it, weird though that is
[23:31] <little> Ah, that's from the DocumentationTemplate page. That's the example that used to be at the bottom of it.
[23:31] * mdke nods
[23:31] <little> Maybe I'll put that wildcard subscription back on and then remove those links as the emails come in notifying me of them. (:
[23:32] <mdke> that would be a public service, thanks
[23:34] <mdke> I'm off, thanks for the work
[23:34] <little> Is this right? CategoryCategory.* I forget how I did the link. It might have been CategoryCategory/.*
[23:34] <little> Any time. (:
[23:34] <mdke> no idea, sorry
[23:34] <little> I'll try both maybe. (: