UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /25 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <sbeattie> calc: in the upper right corner menu under your username, the first dropdown item should be "guest session"
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=== Guest9734 is now known as bascule
[00:44] <jgoss> hi guys, i was looking at bug #288682 and i was able to confirm it. it seems mono packages do not work in the guest session. is this bug a duplicate? i couldn't find a similar bug. if not, should the package for this bug be gdm-guest-session?
[00:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 288682 in f-spot "f-spot crashes when started in guest session mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/288682
[00:48] <bdmurray> jgoss: did you get an apport crash report? That'd help a bit
[00:52] <woody86_> I came across a bug in LP that I was sure it was spam. If you clicked the link in his report, it would take you to a site with a ton of advertisements for some company. I just received a message from him that he was upset, and asking me why I thought it was spam, I wanted to check out the post again in case I made some kind of mistake, but now I can't find his username anywhere, or the report? was it removed for being
[00:52] <woody86_> spam? Would his username have been removed as well?
[00:54] <bdmurray> woody86_: Did you submit a support request (I think we talked about that earlier today) at all?
[00:54] <woody86_> bdmurray- no, I just wound up editing it, and putting (SPAM) in the title... :(
[00:55] <woody86_> I was going to submit it, but I had to leave for the day, and I didn't get a chance to
[00:55] <woody86_> go back and report it
[00:56] <bdmurray> woody86_: Okay, I'll find it - give me a bit
[00:56] <woody86_> I'm pretty sure the username was "mouse"
[00:57] <jgoss> bdmurray, sorry i did not get an apport crash report. is there anything else i should do to help?
[00:58] <jgoss> i was looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace, would the mono backtrace be applicable here?
[00:59] <bdmurray> nah, if it's easily recreatable, which it seems like it is, and has good steps to reproduce it'll be fine
[00:59] <persia> jgoss, mono backtraces are notoriously impenetrable. an strace might be more interesting, as it would show what apparmor was blocking.
[01:02] <jgoss> thanks for the advice.
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[01:50] <sbeattie> jgoss|persia: also look in dmesg or /var/log/messages to see what the apparmor rejections are.
[01:59] <jgoss> sbeattie, thanks. i'll look into that now.
[02:05] <jgoss> Oct 24 21:00:46 Ubuntopia kernel: [198746.375753] type=1503 audit(1224896446.838:145): operation="capable" name="setuid" pid=4685 profile="/usr/share/gdm/guest-session/Xsession"
[02:06] <jgoss> sorry don't think that was the right message.
[02:07] <jgoss> http://paste.ubuntu.com/62297/ does this look relevant?
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[03:24] <mrooney> Hm, has anyone seen hggdh lately?
[03:24] <Hobbsee> he was here yesterday, iirc
[03:24] <mrooney> Oh, okay!
[03:25] <Hobbsee> [13:25] [Notice] -NickServ- Last seen : Oct 24 10:45:09 2008 (15 hours, 40 minutes, 1 second ago)
[03:25] <mrooney> Hobbsee: thanks! I'll just wait around then and surely eventually see him
[03:25] <Hobbsee> heh, probably
[03:26] <mrooney> I've forgotten how to log in to his server and update/review EeeBotu :|
[03:27] <Hobbsee> oh dear
[05:11] <calc> is it possible to put line breaks into stock replies?
[05:12] <calc> kees: ping
[05:12] <maco> calc: maybe if you type it with line breaks, then copy and paste it in?
[05:13] <calc> hmm maybe so
[05:14] <calc> maco: hmm that doesn't seem to work at least for me :\
[05:23] <bdmurray> calc: that was addressed in a session at ubuntu developer week
[05:23] <bdmurray> I forget the answer though ;)
[05:23] <calc> oh
[05:24] <calc> should put it in the docs once we determine the answer again :)
[05:24] <bdmurray> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek0809/LaunchpadHacks
[05:24] <bdmurray> hmm, not in there
[05:25] <bdmurray> I think copy and paste it in sounds right though
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[05:26] <calc> bdmurray: i tried that from gedit at least and it didn't wrap when i clicked on the stockreply
[05:27] <calc> i'll try from vim
[05:27] <calc> hmm that didn't help either :\
[05:28] <calc> it puts an extra space in where the break should be
[05:31] <calc> oh i see the question in the page now, i'll try \n
[05:31] <bdmurray> yeah, that's not the answer though
[05:31] <bdmurray> maybe copy and paste from firefox
[05:33] <calc> oh hmm yea that might work
[05:34] <calc> no copy/paste in firefox doesn't work either :\
[05:34] <calc> bdmurray: so does this work for you some way, or is it just a guess that it might work at all ;-)
[05:35] <bdmurray> I actually don't use that one and I do remember kees answering that specific question but I don't remember the answer.
[05:35] <calc> yea and the \n obviously doesn't work either :\
[05:36] <calc> i'll have to bug him when i see him online next time
[05:38] <calc> highlight me doesn't seem to work for me either :\
[05:39] * calc wonders if it doesn't stack well with the other scripts
[05:40] <calc> doesn't work even by itself
[05:40] <calc> maybe its not up to date
=== LucidFox_KOTOR34 is now known as LucidFox
[09:02] <thekorn> can somebody with an enabled 3rd party repository please confirm bug 289028
[09:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289028 in synaptic "[intrepid] grey text says "Canonical provides updates" for packages in 3rd party archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289028
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[10:33] <afflux> morning
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[11:33] <Hobbsee> bug 284975
[11:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 284975 in human-theme "[Intrepid]When switch theme, the image of Gnome Panel not change." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/284975
[12:57] <htrejh> hi
[12:57] <htrejh> i see the system cleaner and create a usb disk programs on intrepid have no icons, will this be fixed?
[12:58] <persia> htrejh, A couple icons were submitted for system cleaner, and I think the author was considering. I haven't heard for USB Creator.
[12:58] <htrejh> k
[12:59] <htrejh> also, i saw the shutdown button were replaced, but do you think it wouldn't be nicer if the options each have an icon?
[13:07] <azimout> for system-cleaner: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-cleaner/+bug/274714
[13:07] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 274714 in system-cleaner "System Cleaner Has No Icon" [Low,Triaged]
[13:11] <azimout> and for usb-creator: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/285704
[13:11] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 285704 in usb-creator "missing menu icon" [Low,Fix committed]
[13:18] <azimout> and you're right about the new fast-user-switch applet, icons would be nice...
[16:08] <elmargol> bug #286393 is anoying :(
[16:08] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 286393 in kipi-plugins "Flickr export kipi-plugins broken (Intrepid)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/286393
[16:08] <elmargol> looks like digikam kde3 needs the kde3 konqueror and intrepid has only the kde4 konqueror
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[17:33] <bucket529> Could somebody please change bug 281839 from 'Undecided' to 'Wishlist'?
[17:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 281839 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] osmose" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/281839
[17:49] <greg-g> bucket529: done
[17:49] <bucket529> greg-g: Thanks
[17:51] <greg-g> np
[18:01] <Treenaks> Could someone set 289191 to wishlist please?
[18:05] <greg-g> but 289191
[18:06] <greg-g> bug 289191
[18:06] <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/289191/+text)
[18:09] <greg-g> Treenaks: are you the submitter of the SourceForge bug?
[18:10] <Treenaks> greg-g: yes
[18:10] <Treenaks> uhr wait
[18:10] <Treenaks> yes
[18:10] * Treenaks was confused by the 'timeout' message from the bot
[18:10] <greg-g> in the sourceforge bug, could you please follow the instructions here: http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/newdevice.php
[18:10] <Treenaks> greg-g: I have..
[18:10] <greg-g> ohhh! heh, Ididn't see the attachment! ;)
[18:10] <Treenaks> greg-g: they want USB vendor/product IDs
[18:11] <Treenaks> greg-g: they're in the attached dump, indeed
[18:12] <greg-g> Treenaks: done
[18:12] <Treenaks> thanks
[18:12] <greg-g> and added the SF bug watch
[18:33] <Awsoonn> gooood morning all~
[18:33] <Awsoonn> What package contians the 'gpg-agent' ?
[18:38] <bucket529> I think it's gnupg-agent
[19:02] <KVer> Hey; I just found a bug, would I report it here?
[19:02] <Treenaks> KVer: no, you should file it on launchpad.net
[19:02] <KVer> Gotcha.
[19:13] <csilk> Treenaks, probs would of been a good idea for him to quicky explain it here
[19:14] <Treenaks> csilk: I agree, but I was busy elsewhere as well
[19:14] <csilk> I'll grep the bug tracker in 15 mins and see what he had to say ;)
[19:44] <lfaraone> What does the gnome weather applet use for its location information?
[19:46] <Treenaks> lfaraone: its own database?
[19:50] <lfaraone> Treenaks: ok, so the bug should be against gnome-applet? (thedatabase is wrong on a city)
[19:50] <Treenaks> I think so
[19:58] <lfaraone> Treenaks: nevermind, it was a user-error issue.
[19:58] <Treenaks> ok
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[20:33] <lfaraone> What's the name of the networkmanager package?
[20:33] <Treenaks> lfaraone: network-manager
[20:55] <lfaraone> Treenaks: thanks again.
[21:23] <lfaraone> Should bug 289152 be marked higher than meduim, since it makes tabs unusable?
[21:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289152 in nautilus "unscrollable tab window" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289152
[21:23] <lfaraone> medium*
[21:41] <wgrant> lfaraone: Perhaps, but there is a reasonable workaround and it doesn't affect all systems.
[21:41] <lfaraone> wgrant: what's the reasonable workaround, and what system doesn't it affect? (I'm affected too, I just tested)
[21:42] <wgrant> Hmm.
[21:42] <wgrant> Actually, I just reproduced it, but it doesn't always happen.
[21:42] <wgrant> Took me quite a few tries.
[21:42] <wgrant> lfaraone: Refresh the ta.b
[21:42] <lfaraone> wgrant: ah...
[23:57] <AboSamoor> Hi, how can I know the gpg key-id I have ?