UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /25 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <heather> has anyone tried blackice?
[00:00] <MellowDude> heather im talking about kubuntu 8.10 nt ubuntu 8.1
[00:00] <MellowDude> 8.10*
[00:00] <heather> i was talking about 8.4
[00:00] <heather> lol
[00:01] <heather> either way that is how i fixed mine and got it to load
[00:01] <MellowDude> i have no problems with 8.04 never did
[00:01] <heather> i could never get it to load on this pc
[00:02] <heather> its old
[00:02] <MellowDude> how old is it
[00:03] <maxagaz> how to configure facebook in kopete ?
[00:04] <heather> amd duron
[00:04] <MellowDude> dont konw dont use facebook
[00:05] <heather> ok time to see if the mac will boot with this image
[00:06] <MellowDude> what image healther
[00:08] <heather> inrepid - desktop powerpc
[00:08] <heather> could get it to run off any ubuntu iso's
[00:08] <MellowDude> i thought about trying to out mac os on my pc
[00:08] <heather> you can find a old mac 3 cheap
[00:09] <heather> and i just want it to play movies
[00:09] <MellowDude> o i just like doing things to see can i heather
[00:09] <heather> ya me too
[00:10] <heather> ok be back in 10
[00:10] <MellowDude> i seen it done on youtube a guy put the mac os on a pc ever scen i seen that i thought about trying it
[00:10] <MellowDude> ok hb
[00:10] <heather> going to load the mac up
[00:10] <MellowDude> ok
[00:11] <coreymon77> MellowDude: not worth it
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[00:11] <MellowDude> i know its not but i just liek to try it once to see if i can do it
[00:12] * coreymon77 just has a real mac
[00:13] <MellowDude> is the mac os 10 any good at all
[00:13] <coreymon77> MellowDude: yes
[00:14] <MellowDude> well thats theone i would try to put on it then
[00:14] <MellowDude> if i try it i dont know if i will or not
[00:14] <coreymon77> its still not worth it
[00:15] <coreymon77> hackintosh boxes are quite buggy
[00:15] <MellowDude> oic
[00:16] <powertool08> coreymon77: are hackintoshes better on old hardware or new?
[00:16] <coreymon77> powertool08: neither
[00:17] <powertool08> coreymon77: so the same bugginess on both?
[00:17] <coreymon77> hackintoshes=buggy
[00:17] <grendal_prime> shortcut key to show desktop?
[00:17] <grendal_prime> grrrrrrrrrrr
[00:17] <coreymon77> this is offtopic though
[00:17] <powertool08> grendal_prime: ctrl+alt+D
[00:19] <DaSkreech> powertool08: As I recall grendal_prime wants a mouse button for that
[00:19] <powertool08> DaSkreech: oh ya. That was hours ago, I forgot
[00:20] <DaSkreech> maxagaz: Not that I know of
[00:21] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: Back
[00:22] <DaSkreech> Ok so 8.10 freezes on bootup
[00:22] <DaSkreech> what's the current status of the machine?
[00:23] <DaSkreech> vonkleist: Did you tell ubottu about the new compiz?
[00:24] <vonkleist> DaSkreech, it happens I'm not sure what Desktop effects uses KDE 3.5 (on kubuntu 8.04, i.e.) :P
[00:24] <DaSkreech> compiz
[00:25] <MellowDude> well
[00:25] <MellowDude> im not at my house
[00:25] <MellowDude> im at a female friends house
[00:25] <vonkleist> DaSkreech, ha... it's good I didn't tell that to ubottu
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[00:26] <MellowDude> but like i said it will not go pass boot
[00:27] <pasnox> hi guyz, i just upgraded to kubuntu intrepid
[00:27] <powertool08> grendal_prime: it requires compiz but a possible solution http://tennessee.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=762492
[00:27] <MellowDude> i shows the little box and stuff
[00:27] <pasnox> all is woking fine execpt i can't install nvidia drivers, the dkms build fails
[00:27] <pasnox> is there a workaround ?
[00:28] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: I'd drop to console and run a install kubuntu-desktop
[00:28] <DaSkreech> Might force a X upgrade
[00:28] <werenerd> Lord Jebus thank you!
[00:28] <DaSkreech> pasnox: #ubuntu+1
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[00:28] <pasnox> DaSkreech: thanks
[00:28] <MellowDude> so that would work
[00:29] <SatanClaus> heyho, I'm having problems with the look of some java apps: it seems as if the text in these apps is misplaced, any hints?
[00:29] <werenerd> Just in case anyone wants to have a static address, screw knetworkmanager, just open up /etc/network/interfaces and do it by hand
[00:29] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: Do you know how to go to a virutal Terminal ?
[00:29] <SatanClaus> looks like this: http://rs22gc2.rapidshare.com/files/157255704/1187734/Misplacement1.png
[00:29] <MellowDude> but it does the same thing with the live cd
[00:29] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: Yeah I know
[00:29] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: I'm saying it's the same packages I'd update the packages to see if there was a fix
[00:29] <MellowDude> and yes i know how do the recover and drop down to it
[00:30] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: No need for a recover You can Press alt+Ctrl+F1 to get a command line only terminal and alt+ctrl+F7 to get back to the GUI
[00:30] <powertool08> SatanClaus: you can use imagebin.org and it will load in browser without the need to download
[00:30] <maxagaz> how to drop down all the open windows of the desktop ?
[00:31] <DaSkreech> grendal_prime: Thats your cue
[00:31] <SatanClaus> powertool08: oh nice, thx
[00:31] <MellowDude> to much work i wait until next week see if they fix it if not i just go with sabayon
[00:32] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: Ok?? It's just doing a normal update
[00:32] <powertool08> DaSkreech: I don't think grendal_prime is around right now...
[00:32] <DaSkreech> ah
[00:32] <SatanClaus> ok, so it looks like this: http://imagebin.org/29421
[00:32] <powertool08> maxagaz: ctrl+alt+D
[00:32] <DaSkreech> maxagaz: alt+ctrl+d
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[00:34] <maxagaz> DaSkreech: it doesn't work
[00:34] <maxagaz> DaSkreech: i'M USING KDE4 ON INTREPID
[00:34] <maxagaz> DaSkreech: sorry for upper case
[00:35] <DaSkreech> maxagaz: Did you install compiz?
[00:35] <maxagaz> DaSkreech: yes, but for gnome
[00:35] <MellowDude> so the KDE 4 has a few problems still
[00:35] <DaSkreech> I think alt+ctrl+D should work there as well
[00:36] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: For some definition of problems
[00:36] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: That's an X issue I would think
[00:36] <maxagaz> DaSkreech: i installed ubuntu 8.04, and just migrated to kubuntu 8.10 from it
[00:36] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: kwin starts and loads the composite driver and X freezes
[00:36] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: What happens if you start the Cd on safe graphics?
[00:36] <DaSkreech> maxagaz: ok cool
[00:37] <MellowDude> well in safe mode it goes pass the bootlog thing but black screen then stright back to the bootlogo
[00:39] <DaSkreech> Hmmm
[00:39] <werenerd> now this is weird. firefox and Konversation are still connected, anything else
[00:39] <MellowDude> its a either a graphic problem or for some reason the desktop isnt intalling right
[00:40] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: If it's the second one the update will fix it if it's the first an update might but it's too easy to not try it
[00:41] <maxagaz> DaSkreech: I tried kde many times because i was upset of some features of gnome, but each time I was disappointed by kde, but i'm really impressed by kde4
[00:41] <MellowDude> first i try to update stright from 8.04 to 8.10 it happen so i downloaded the live cd still happen then i downloaded the altenitvie cd and still
[00:41] <MellowDude> so i dont know
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[00:41] <DaSkreech> Well let us know where you aren't impressed so it can be noted to fix it :)
[00:42] <maxagaz> DaSkreech: I'm discovering it though...
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[00:42] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: I'd probably disable kwin to see if it's that. I would highly suspect that
[00:42] <maxagaz> isn't there a button to drop all windows down ?
[00:42] <DaSkreech> Desktopeefects are turned on by default in 8.10
[00:42] <maxagaz> like in gnome ?
[00:42] <DaSkreech> maxagaz: Yes I forget if it's on there by default
[00:43] <DaSkreech> I rearranged mine. I would certainly have taken it off as I always do
[00:43] <tony__> hello
[00:43] <maxagaz> DaSkreech: i guess it's not 'cause i can't see it
[00:43] <DaSkreech> It's in the applets menu
[00:43] <DaSkreech> !hi
[00:43] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[00:43] <maxagaz> what's the applet menu ?
[00:44] <tony__> je cherche un plugin wmp pour firefox...quelqun peut m'aider?
[00:44] <maxagaz> !applet menu
[00:44] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about applet menu
[00:44] <maxagaz> me neither
=== Guest9734 is now known as bascule
[00:45] <tony__> je cherche un plugin wmp pour firefox...quelqun peut m'aider?
[00:45] <DaSkreech> !fr
[00:45] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[00:45] <DaSkreech> no wait
[00:46] <DaSkreech> tony__: what language is that?
[00:46] <tony__> je cherche un plugin wmp pour firefox...quelqun peut m'aider?
[00:46] <DaSkreech> !ch
[00:46] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ch
[00:46] <DaSkreech> grr
[00:47] <DaSkreech> !wmv
[00:47] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[00:47] <MellowDude> maxagaz when did u up grade to 8.10
[00:48] <|0sts0u|> That language was indeed french.
[00:50] <maxagaz> MellowDude: a few hours ago
[00:51] <DaSkreech> tony__: #kubuntu-fr
[00:51] <DaSkreech> Though it's a firefox question
[00:51] <MellowDude> so the realesae one they brought out today is good then
[00:52] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: Doubtful :-) The same thing happened to me on a machine
[00:52] <DaSkreech> I had to mess with the drivers first
[00:53] <DaSkreech> The easier thing to do would be turn off effects in kwin
[00:53] <DaSkreech> Not saying that's your issue
[00:53] <MellowDude> oic
[00:53] <DaSkreech> just seems likely
[00:53] <DaSkreech> The fact it starts up all the way to KDe and partially loads then freezes sounds like an X freeze a
[00:53] <DaSkreech> And something must be loading up pretty far after X has loaded to freeze it
[00:54] <DaSkreech> My culprit of Choice is 3D effects
[00:54] <maxagaz> how to get rid of gnome and all its applications properly after migrating to kde ?
[00:55] <favro> !purekde
[00:55] <ubottu> If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »
[00:55] <maxagaz> thanks!!
[00:56] <maxagaz> how can i size up the DPI of font in kde ?
[00:56] <DaSkreech> hi Roger_Klotz
[00:56] <Roger_Klotz> hey skreech
[00:57] <maxagaz> I have a good screen resolution but my screen is big, i need to enlarge all fonts
[00:58] <DaSkreech> systemsettings I would think
[00:58] <Roger_Klotz> i have a program to install, its built for linux and everything, but the download was a tarball with more tarballs inside it. It didnt come with an ./install or make or config. do i just extract all tarballs or what?
[00:59] <DaSkreech> Roger_Klotz: It's a virus run!!!
[00:59] <DaSkreech> What program?
[00:59] <Roger_Klotz> xsi
[00:59] <Roger_Klotz> 3d animation
[00:59] <djdarkman> hello, can I connect two laptops using the wireless cards_
[00:59] <DaSkreech> :-/
[00:59] <DaSkreech> !find xsi
[00:59] <ubottu> Found: xsidplay
[01:00] <DaSkreech> !info xsidisplay
[01:00] <DaSkreech> !info xsidplay
[01:00] <ubottu> Package xsidisplay does not exist in hardy
[01:00] <ubottu> xsidplay (source: xsidplay): Music player for tunes from C64. In component universe, is extra. Version (hardy), package size 208 kB, installed size 636 kB
[01:00] <DaSkreech> Ha ha that rocks :)
[01:00] <Roger_Klotz> nope XSi isnt music player: softimage.com
[01:00] <Roger_Klotz> i got it from there, its the 30 day trial and they didnt give me any install instructions
[01:01] <djdarkman> can I host a wireless network with a simple wireless card"?
[01:02] <Roger_Klotz> YAY http://softimage.wiki.avid.com/index.php/Install_XSI_on_Linux_from_the_command-line_without_any_GUI
[01:03] <DaSkreech> :-)
[01:03] <|0sts0u|> Roger_Klotz Online docs are here http://softimage.wiki.avid.com/index.php/Category:Documentation
[01:03] <MellowDude> DaSkreech how i turn off the desktop effect and the boot
[01:04] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: edit the ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc file
[01:04] <MellowDude> edit it like sudo kate the tha tright
[01:05] <MellowDude> on the live cd is there a doot sting i can put it to turn it oof on it
[01:05] <MellowDude> boot*
[01:05] <MellowDude> well boot code
[01:06] <DaSkreech> Well kate wouldn't work since there would be no GUI :)
[01:06] <DaSkreech> sudo nano
[01:06] <MellowDude> ok
[01:07] <maximilian-schro> hi. i have got a problem during installation of kubuntu 8.10. may i ask here or which is the correct channel?
[01:07] <Roger_Klotz> hmmm im getting "bash: setup: command not found"
[01:08] <rogan> !intrepid
[01:08] <ubottu> Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[01:09] <DaSkreech> Roger_Klotz: is there a setup in the directory ?
[01:09] <Roger_Klotz> nope thats whats so weird. im gonna extract all those tarballs
[01:09] <DaSkreech> maximilian-schro: Certainly
[01:10] <DaSkreech> though #ubuntu+1 would be better
[01:10] <maximilian-schro> I tried to install out of thje live cd. during installation process the window turns completly black. and nothinghappens
[01:10] <maximilian-schro> heard of this before?
[01:11] <DaSkreech> nVidia?
[01:11] <Roger_Klotz> must be a graphics issue. whats your card
[01:11] <MellowDude> i think i might have found something that might help me
[01:11] <maximilian-schro> ato radeon 700xl
[01:11] <Roger_Klotz> hmm
[01:11] <maximilian-schro> but only the window of the installation turns black
[01:12] <maximilian-schro> the rest works fine
[01:12] <MellowDude> xforcevesa i could us that right force it to start up
[01:12] <Roger_Klotz> so your rebooting then picking live cd then install? try rebooting and picking install from the boot menu
[01:12] <Roger_Klotz> dont load the live cd, go straight to installing.
[01:13] <maximilian-schro> i tried to. noting happens.
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[01:13] <maximilian-schro> is there any special option i might use for booting?
[01:13] <MellowDude> would that work Da
[01:13] <MellowDude> adding xforcevesa to the boot code
[01:14] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: Should make a difference. Can't hurt to try :)
[01:14] <MellowDude> im going to try it
[01:15] <MellowDude> from live cd here at my ladies house and see if it boot up if so its a chipset error right
[01:16] <MellowDude> well a graphice error
[01:17] <maxagaz> when setting the zoom parameters, i can activate it by Super+mouseMiddleButton...
[01:18] <maxagaz> is there a way to do that ?
[01:19] <favro> maxagaz: is that in compiz?
[01:19] <maxagaz> favro: i don't know, probably, it's in kde4
[01:19] <favro> try in #kubuntu-kde4 maybe?
[01:19] <MellowDude> Da can i add two boot codes
[01:19] <gkffjcs> is there a way to configure to chroot any user logged on, so that the user doesn't have access to the rest of the file system?
[01:20] <MellowDude> i want to usa vga=792 and the xforcevesa
[01:20] <favro> MellowDude: you can use many if you want
[01:21] <MellowDude> but them two combine will they both work is what im asking
[01:22] <favro> I don't know - one way to find out...
[01:23] <MellowDude> i try it in a min
[01:23] <MellowDude> but if that works and it boots what do i have do to fix the install to work right
[01:25] <favro> just add the commands to the end of the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst
[01:25] <MellowDude> like edit like this sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
[01:26] <MellowDude> then add it right
[01:26] <favro> yep
[01:26] <favro> to the end of the kernel line
[01:26] <MellowDude> im takeing notes makeing sure i get every thing right
[01:26] <MellowDude> ok
[01:27] <favro> and there is a line near the top of that file for default options - add the boot parameters there as well
[01:27] <MellowDude> ok ty
[01:36] <MellowDude> any other things i should try
[01:36] <Roger_Klotz> how do i manage partitions in kubuntu
[01:40] <granados> hola!!!!!
[01:40] <Roger_Klotz> howdy
[01:40] <MellowDude> hi
[01:41] <granados> me alegro de verles
[01:42] <MellowDude> Roger install qtparted to manage partitions in kubuntu
[01:43] <Roger_Klotz> mellowdude,
[01:43] <MellowDude> what
[01:44] <Roger_Klotz> nvm i was gonna ask for an apt-get but i found it
[01:44] <MellowDude> ok
[01:44] <Roger_Klotz> sorry
[01:44] <MellowDude> its ok
[01:44] <MellowDude> just glade i can help someone
[01:45] <DaSkreech> :-)
[01:45] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: How'd the boot up go?
[01:45] <girao> installed ubuntu 8.04 what to do first
=== portal is now known as Ceasar
[01:46] <MellowDude> u have it installed
[01:47] <MellowDude> u have cableintern
[01:47] <MellowDude> if u do i say tweak the settings get it where it be fast turn off ipv6 and any other thing u dont need
[01:48] <girao> yes i installed on hd
[01:48] <MellowDude> kewl
[01:48] <Ceasar> need assist whit wifi
[01:49] <MellowDude> i google ubuntu internet connection tewaks
[01:49] <MellowDude> then do them
=== Ceasar is now known as ThaJammu
[01:49] <MellowDude> then do the tweaks for performance
[01:49] <MellowDude> and stuff
[01:50] <MellowDude> ceasar whaat wrong
[01:50] <ThaJammu> not working and im a noob
[01:50] <MellowDude> what wifi card u have
[01:50] <ThaJammu> atheros i thnik
[01:50] <ThaJammu> think
[01:51] <ThaJammu> atheros
[01:52] <Roger_Klotz> lol
[01:52] <MellowDude> give me a sec i findout ok
[01:52] <Roger_Klotz> jammu i just did that
[01:52] <Roger_Klotz> install ndiswrapper
[01:52] <coreymon77> lol ndis
[01:52] <coreymon77> my atheros chip card worked ootb
[01:52] <ThaJammu> hi corey
[01:52] <Roger_Klotz> coreymon77: it works for me...
[01:53] <MellowDude> Applications–>Accessories–>Terminal and copy the following command
[01:53] <MellowDude> sudo apt-get install build-essential
[01:53] <MellowDude> wget http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz
[01:53] <coreymon77> MellowDude: wait a sec
[01:53] <MellowDude> tar xfz madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz
[01:53] <MellowDude> what
[01:53] <coreymon77> MellowDude: first we gotta verify what card he has
[01:54] <MellowDude> atheros
[01:54] <DaSkreech> !wifi
[01:54] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[01:54] <coreymon77> MellowDude: he says he thinks
[01:54] <Roger_Klotz> for the most part madwifi can handle any atheros card
[01:54] <MellowDude> that what he said
[01:54] <coreymon77> MellowDude: it doesnt hurt to make sure there is not an easier way
[01:54] <ThaJammu> corey helpped me whit this a while back
[01:54] <MellowDude> ok
[01:55] <coreymon77> ThaJammu: type lspci in a terminal and pastebin it
[01:55] <ThaJammu> what is pastebin?
[01:56] <coreymon77> !pastebin | ThaJammu
[01:56] <ubottu> ThaJammu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[01:56] <ThaJammu> ok
[01:57] <ThaJammu> Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter
[01:57] <MellowDude> see i was telling him right then
[01:58] <coreymon77> MellowDude: continue then
[01:58] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: Checking saves lots of time and frustration
[01:58] <coreymon77> MellowDude: it never hurts to double check
[01:58] <ThaJammu> true
[01:58] <MellowDude> to shorten it go here it tell u how
[01:58] <MellowDude> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=800686
[01:58] * DaSkreech lines up for 201
[01:58] <Roger_Klotz> MEASURE TWICE CUT ONCE
[01:58] <DaSkreech> thismamacooks200: Update your nick :)
[02:00] <MellowDude> tell me if that works Thajammu
[02:00] <ThaJammu> ok MellowDude
[02:01] <coreymon77> man it pays to do a little research
[02:01] <MellowDude> yep
[02:02] <thismamacooks200> nick I don't know. I can switch to guest but not login guest or su guest. have Intrepid
[02:02] <coreymon77> last time i had to get a new wifi card for my linux box, i did research beforehand to make sure it was an easily working card
[02:02] <coreymon77> my atheros chip card works ootb
[02:02] <coreymon77> MellowDude: thats what i mean by it pays to do reasearch
[02:02] <andy_> Hi - Distribution Upgrade from Feisty->Gutsy just hung .. it's at 66% what should I do :o
[02:03] <coreymon77> andy_: leave it
[02:03] <andy_> .. it's remained motionless at 66% for about ten minutes now.
[02:03] <Roger_Klotz> keep it there andy
[02:03] <coreymon77> andy_: leave it
[02:03] <andy_> it gave me error messages saying it couuld not install the linux kernel
[02:03] <Roger_Klotz> most installers hang....
[02:03] <andy_> and kernel modules
[02:03] <andy_> then hung
[02:04] <Roger_Klotz> oh well then thats different :D
[02:04] <coreymon77> oh, thats a problem
[02:04] <Roger_Klotz> why not upgrade to hardy heron?
[02:04] <andy_> :) .. so my question is.. what should I do
[02:04] <andy_> I just want a stable release
[02:04] <andy_> and a stable machine
[02:04] <ThaJammu> Mellow does that link stuf work whit 64bit?
[02:04] <Roger_Klotz> from what ive seen hardy heron is very stable
[02:05] <DaSkreech> andy_: chroot I would guess
[02:05] <andy_> Isn't Gutsy the most stable at the moment?
[02:05] <coreymon77> ThaJammu: look further down
[02:05] <MellowDude> yep
[02:05] <coreymon77> ThaJammu: there is a link for 64 bit
[02:05] <Roger_Klotz> probably true andy
[02:05] <coreymon77> andy_: nope
[02:05] <coreymon77> andy_: hardy
[02:05] <andy_> I thought hardy was like experimental?
[02:05] <Roger_Klotz> but linux stability vs vista stability
[02:05] <ThaJammu> just checking
[02:05] <coreymon77> andy_: no, thats intrepid
[02:06] <Roger_Klotz> ibex is a stable release already compared to vista
[02:06] <killermach> I"m not using my wlan0 interface .. PCI wireless N card, but something keeps starting it and it connects to my neighbor network and corrupts my /etc/resolv.conf
[02:06] <coreymon77> Roger_Klotz: anything is
[02:06] <eamon> how do i share my files onmy ubuntu machine with my windows machines
[02:06] <Roger_Klotz> blacklist it killer mach
[02:06] <DaSkreech> Roger_Klotz: You run vista?
[02:06] <killermach> I have Kubuntu 8.04.1
[02:06] <DaSkreech> !samba
[02:06] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098
[02:07] <MellowDude> killermach disable the card
[02:07] <Roger_Klotz> i have it on this machine. im in the process of converting to linux though :D
[02:07] <coreymon77> ThaJammu: right under what to do for 32 bit is a link for a 64 bit thread
[02:07] <Roger_Klotz> my desktop is on linux now
[02:07] <ThaJammu> cool
[02:07] <coreymon77> Roger_Klotz: intrepid is currently still in development though
[02:07] <coreymon77> Roger_Klotz: hardy is stable
[02:07] <U236Willy> where should I join to get more info on kubuntu 8.10rc (w/kde4) and nvidia driver issues
[02:07] <andy_> erm, so guys what should I do with this hung distribution upgrade ?
[02:07] <Roger_Klotz> i know corey :D
[02:08] <Roger_Klotz> im on hardy just to be safe
[02:08] <MellowDude> but thajammu do the top part its for all version then do the one for 64
[02:08] <killermach> MellowDude: I goto Network Settings and choose disable. restart reset my resolv.conf and internet works fine, then later I find I cannot resolve DNS.. check my resolv.conf only to find wrong ISP info and also my wlan0 is up
[02:08] <killermach> MellowDude: how to make it stay disabled
[02:09] <Roger_Klotz> killermach use bios
[02:09] <killermach> MellowDude: I want to eventually use the wlan0 as my access point for my laptop to connect wireless to my workstation
[02:10] <killermach> Roger_Klotz: I could take the card out of the machine.. but then I could not use it at all
[02:10] <MellowDude> ok just go in there and disable the other one
[02:10] <andy_> Please :o ... What should one do with a Hung distribution upgrade? Any advice much appreciated!
[02:10] <Roger_Klotz> use bios. select wireless card. disable. when you decide you want it just turn it back on.
[02:11] <killermach> Roger_Klotz: it's a PCI card, bios does not have option for this
[02:11] <MellowDude> or u cant edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and add the card u dont want to it
[02:12] <killermach> Roger_Klotz: also I'd like to setup the wlan0 to provide wireless access for my laptop to connect to my network via kubuntu, wireless card is PCI in a PC machine not laptop
[02:12] <DaSkreech> andy_: is this the live CD ?
[02:12] <andy_> I don't know
[02:12] <killermach> more importantly.. why is my network adjusting itself?
[02:12] <andy_> I used Adept's Distribution Upgrade thing
[02:12] <andy_> by clicking on 'Version Upgrade'
[02:13] <MellowDude> killermach do this
[02:13] <Roger_Klotz> hmm shouldve used apt-get i think
[02:13] <killermach> I'm trying to locate the process that makes changes without my confirmation
[02:13] <andy_> so what steps shuld I take?
[02:13] <MellowDude> sudo modprobe -r modulename in teminl
[02:13] <andy_> shall I kill the Distribution Upgrade thing, and run apt-get ?
[02:13] <killermach> MellowDude: I like to set everthing static.. autoscripts are for boot time, if I'm not booting.. I don't need some script hosing purposefully set configs
[02:14] <MellowDude> then find out the cards name then edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist (cardname here)
[02:14] <MellowDude> then save restart and it will not connect agin
[02:15] <killermach> MellowDude: hmm.. but I would like the card on.. but not on my neighbor network
[02:15] <MellowDude> oic
[02:15] <killermach> let me try that .. I'll just set it static for my network
[02:15] <MellowDude> well i dont know then
[02:15] <MellowDude> set the dns and stuff to ur isp then
[02:15] <killermach> I have cellular wireless ppp0 for main connections
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[02:16] <MellowDude> well go in and set the card to it
[02:16] <killermach> and I would like to use the wlan0 to be an access point for my laptop to gateway via my workstation to the internet
[02:16] <killermach> MellowDude: trying that now
[02:16] <DaSkreech> andy_: Oh
[02:16] <MellowDude> ok
[02:16] <DaSkreech> andy_: Umm
[02:16] <DaSkreech> you have a terminal open ?
[02:17] <andy_> yes
[02:17] <DaSkreech> do up still have an update_manager ?
[02:17] <andy_> ? well my 'Distribution Upgrade' applet is still open
[02:18] <andy_> (and hung at 66%)
[02:18] <killermach> MellowDude: I get error "Gateway is invalid"
[02:18] <andy_> It seems strange to include the possibility for a Version Upgrade in Kubuntu, when it can hang...
[02:19] <andy_> Slightly dissapointing.
[02:19] <killermach> MellowDude: IP:, netmask, broadcast, gateway
[02:19] <killermach> these are correct
[02:19] <killermach> but network settings complains.
[02:20] <andy_> DaSkreech: ...?
[02:20] <DaSkreech> andy_: I know I want to know if it's replaced the one on the disk yet
[02:20] <MellowDude> it will not let u apply the settings to it
[02:20] <LjL> andy_, if it were me, i'd kill everything and apt-get dist-upgrade, see what gets stuck, and use a hammer
[02:20] <andy_> hmm
[02:21] <MellowDude> lol
[02:21] <DaSkreech> andy_: There are over 27000 programs in Kubuntu It's impossible to manage them all
[02:21] <andy_> sure
[02:21] <MellowDude> dont use a hammer
[02:21] <andy_> I just want to know what it's best to do
[02:21] <andy_> I'm a Cambridge student and it's 2:21AM here
[02:21] <DaSkreech> LjL: no use update_manager -d
[02:21] <andy_> I would quite like to get this sorted ASAP
[02:21] <andy_> so I can go to bed :)
[02:21] <DaSkreech> andy_: run kdesudo update_manager -d
[02:21] <andy_> ok I'll kill this applet first
[02:21] <andy_> ?
[02:21] <andy_> The hung one
[02:21] <DaSkreech> Umm
[02:22] <DaSkreech> check if you can run that one first
[02:22] <U236Willy> probably will tell him the db is locked
[02:22] <andy_> update_manager: command not found
[02:22] <LjL> DaSkreech: err, i think that's what crashed on him in the first place...?
[02:22] <andy_> nah, it's something adept has LjL
[02:22] <andy_> ?
[02:23] <andy_> What you get when you click on 'Version Upgrade' ?
[02:23] <DaSkreech> !upgrade
[02:23] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[02:24] <killermach> MellowDude: hmm.. so you think a hammer is not the answer, well that saves me a trip down to the basement ;)
[02:24] <andy_> so should I kill 'Distribution UPgrade' and run apt-get dist-upgrade ?
[02:25] <MellowDude> lol
[02:25] <Roger_Klotz> apt-get full release i thought
[02:25] <jay> I had a question at a job interview and would like to know if i got it right, is the correct sequence power on PC > POST > Boot > OS?
[02:25] <Roger_Klotz> if your kernel is broken wouldnt you need a full?
[02:25] <andy_> I don't know
[02:25] <LjL> jay: sure
[02:25] <andy_> I'm not an expert by any means
[02:26] <LjL> it's also not a Kubuntu question, but sure
[02:26] <Roger_Klotz> i think youd want apt-get full release. wait for skreech or someone else
[02:26] <DaSkreech> andy_: ok you are updating to ibex ?
[02:26] <powertool08> sounds like an A+ question
[02:26] <andy_> I kina just want some advice as to what to type to fix my kubuntu installation right now
[02:26] <DaSkreech> Roger_Klotz: He's good as long as he doesn't reboot
[02:26] <jay> yeah its for a tech support job for dell
[02:26] <andy_> I don't know what ibex is
[02:26] <andy_> Gutsy Gibbon is what I wanted
[02:26] <DaSkreech> 8.10 ?
[02:26] <DaSkreech> ooooh
[02:26] <andy_> 7.06 --> 7.10
[02:26] <aurachron> Hi everyone... I just installed 8.10... wondering if anyone had a good source of information regarding setting up a LAMP/mail/file server
[02:27] <andy_> since I gather that in stable
[02:27] <powertool08> Is there any way to update the kernel without a full reboot?
[02:27] <powertool08> !lamp
[02:27] <ubottu> LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)
[02:27] <Roger_Klotz> hardy heron is most stable people have said this before
[02:27] <jay> i run hardy heron its great
[02:27] <DaSkreech> andy_: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
[02:27] <LjL> powertool08: no
[02:27] <andy_> DaSkreech: shall I kill this applet first?
[02:27] <aurachron> thanks powertool... will check that out. been googling around for a decent, up-to-date guide
[02:27] <Roger_Klotz> im on heron too its pimptastic
[02:27] <powertool08> LjL: i didn't think so but one can always hope..
[02:28] <killermach> MellowDude: I just set it in the /etc/network/interfaces
[02:28] <MellowDude> ok
[02:28] <MellowDude> did it work
[02:28] <jay> for some reason i keep coming back to konversation for irc chat, xchat seems to be harder to work with
[02:28] <killermach> MellowDude: it shows up.. and does not corrupt my network
[02:28] <jay> or too cluttered and hard to see whos talking to who
[02:28] <MellowDude> okgood
[02:29] <killermach> MellowDude: now to config dhcp to answer on it
[02:29] <killermach> MellowDude: I've had a few people complain the network manager is broke
[02:29] <andy_> Errors were encountered while processing:linux-image-2.6.22-15-386 inux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-386 linux-image-386 inux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-15-386 inux-restricted-modules-386 linux-386 nvidia-glx
[02:29] <MellowDude> o ok hang on
[02:30] <andy_> DaSkreech: those errors prevent it from installing
[02:30] <jay> LjL; its not an A+ question? kind of off topic but do you know any good links to take a free *curennt* practice exam?
[02:30] <inaety> Hello, I am trying to install OOo3 on my kubuntu 7.04. it installs just fine and i completely removed version two, but when i run it says "
[02:30] <inaety> [Java framework]sunjavaplugin.so could not load Java runtime library:
[02:30] <inaety> file:///usr/lib/../lib/gcj-4.1/libjvm.so.
[02:30] <LjL> more than kind of
[02:30] <DaSkreech> andy_: Right. Bloody hell :-)
[02:30] <LjL> !offtopic
[02:30] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[02:30] <inaety> I'll put that in a pastebin
[02:30] <jay> ok thanks
[02:30] <DaSkreech> andy_: apt-get -f install
[02:30] <LjL> andy_: is there a specific reason why you have the -386 kernel installed?
[02:30] <aurachron> Another quick question (hopefully) -- After installing 8.10, i enabled desktop effects. now when i log in it flashes a white screen, and a dark screen. are there any ways via command line to undo desktop effects? thanks!
[02:30] <DaSkreech> you'll have to kill the upgrade for that
[02:31] <LjL> !8.10 | aurachron
[02:31] <ubottu> aurachron: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[02:31] <Roger_Klotz> can i install to /home?
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[02:31] <DaSkreech> aurachron: nano ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc
[02:31] <DaSkreech> Roger_Klotz: from where?
[02:31] <MellowDude> killer u there
[02:32] <Roger_Klotz> like could i install a program to /home
[02:32] <matthew_> yo whats up all
[02:32] <killermach> MellowDude: yep
[02:32] <MellowDude> http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/network.html go here read
[02:32] <andy_> DaSkreech: have you got my pvt messages? I can't remember if I need to register for that to work
[02:32] <Roger_Klotz> i guess it would be from /home/ as well because thats where the installer lives
[02:32] <andy_> LjL: no
[02:32] <matthew_> doesn any one know how to hack
[02:32] <aurachron> alrighty, looking at kwinrc.
[02:32] <Roger_Klotz> D:
[02:32] <MellowDude> and killermatch here a nother site to that might help http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch08_:_Configuring_the_DHCP_Server
[02:33] <LjL> andy_: then i'd suggest trying to remove the entire -386 thing (after making sure you do have -generic installed, check it all with "dpkg -l | grep whatever") first
[02:33] <andy_> Before I ran the dist upgrade I removed the contents of /boot/
[02:34] <andy_> because it was complaining about space there
[02:34] <andy_> I copied the files accross
[02:34] <andy_> perhaps this is the root of the problem?
[02:34] <LjL> doesn't sound entirely like a good idea...
[02:34] <killermach> MellowDude: good info.. thanks
[02:34] <MellowDude> ur welcome
[02:34] <andy_> well I figured it shouldn't matter for this, but perhaps I was wrong
[02:34] <killermach> MellowDude: any links on turning my wireless interface into an access point in Kubuntu?
[02:34] <U236Willy> you're kidding....
[02:35] <MellowDude> lol hang on killermach
[02:35] <andy_> perhaps I should selectively copy accross the files from my backup /BOOT/ that may be necessary for this distribution upgrade?
[02:35] <andy_> maybe it wanted to merge my old kernel config with a new one?
[02:36] <killermach> MellowDude: http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=738263
[02:36] <andy_> I see it's allready chucked in new kernel files
[02:36] <MellowDude> killermatch here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=179372
[02:37] <killermach> I think I need to set the network mode to ad-hoc to be an access point
[02:37] <Roger_Klotz> i have gparted running, it wont let me resize partitions though. do i need to boot from disc for gparted to f
[02:37] <Roger_Klotz> fully function*
[02:38] <killermach> MellowDude: I already have iptables setup for NAT masquade. this works
[02:38] <MellowDude> should but dont know
[02:39] <MellowDude> cant really find any info on makeing it an access point on kubuntu
[02:39] <MellowDude> sorry
[02:39] <andy_> http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/hardy/ --> this best place for alternate CD ?
[02:39] <killermach> MellowDude: thanks.. I'm googling too
[02:39] <MellowDude> ok
[02:41] <killermach> MellowDude: man iwconfig .... snippet set "mode" to
[02:41] <killermach> Master (the node is the synchronisation master or acts as an Access
[02:41] <killermach> Point),
[02:41] <MellowDude> u have it set to that
[02:41] <MellowDude> it should act as an access point
[02:42] <eamon> how do i install java on my ubuntu
[02:42] <killermach> MellowDude: don't have it set yet.. still reading
[02:42] <MellowDude> ok
[02:42] <MellowDude> in ur wireless router there should be a setting for it
[02:42] <DaSkreech> andy_: how are you partitions arranged?
[02:43] <MellowDude> then set up ips and mac's up for the access point
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[02:43] <killermach> I already have dhcpd-server running and working
[02:43] <killermach> routing works, NAT works
[02:43] <andy_> I use LVM
[02:44] <MellowDude> and i would do the mac filter thing so people dont get on ur wireless router
[02:44] <andy_> it's all split up
[02:44] <eamon> how do i install java on my unbunt box
[02:44] <andy_> so I have a /home/ ... /boot/ .... / ... etc
[02:44] <DaSkreech> ok
[02:44] <manoel> ok
[02:44] <andy_> I mean I guess in principle maybe the best thing is just to install hardy heron from scratch
[02:45] <andy_> and wipe my / directory ?
[02:45] <killermach> MellowDude: yep.. setup my phone, laptop, SkyAngel IPTV box in the mac settings
[02:45] <MellowDude> yep
[02:45] <DaSkreech> andy_: What's the list of things preventing it installing /
[02:45] <andy_> how does LVM work, is there a mini partition somewhere that tells stuff where everything is
[02:45] <DaSkreech> Do you have those?
[02:45] <andy_> sure
[02:45] <DaSkreech> try install those by themselves
[02:46] <manoel> gente disinstalei o amsn 0.97 kurumin pois não funcionava. Instalei o 0.98 e este não inicia. Alguem pode me ajudar?
[02:46] <andy_> Setting up linux-image-2.6.22-15-386 (2.6.22-15.58) ..
[02:46] <andy_> guys can I do a sanity check
[02:47] <andy_> my LVM partitions are not in risk of being lost
[02:47] <andy_> by removing stuff in /boot/ are they?
[02:48] <andy_> ahh how stupid
[02:48] <andy_> I think it was simply the lack of a /boot/grub directory that messed everhing up
[02:48] <Bones122> andy_: looks like maybe your sane
[02:48] <DaSkreech> andy_: no
[02:49] <andy_> well.. I created one and now the update is proceeding
[02:49] <DaSkreech> ha ha
[02:49] <andy_> this update-manager install
[02:49] <andy_> yes, it's run
[02:49] <andy_> hmm.. should I just wipe everthing and install hardy heron from CD ?
[02:49] <andy_> or continue with this fangled upgrade from 7.6 to 7.10
[02:50] <Bones122> Evening DaSkreech nice to see you in here again
[02:50] <Roger_Klotz> what is the command to run shell files
[02:50] <andy_> sh ./file ?
[02:51] <DaSkreech> Hi Bones122
[02:51] <DaSkreech> andy_: no
[02:52] <aurachron> in kde 4.1, is there a way to put widgets such that they only show up when the dashboard is invoked?
[02:52] <DaSkreech> aurachron: no. It's noted and the plasma team is brainstorming a way to have that work
[02:52] <DaSkreech> Though in theory it should be easy to do just make a new container
[02:52] <aurachron> ah ok, didn't really understand the purpose of the dashboard haha
[02:53] <andy_> so what should I do: continue with this upgrade or install hardy heron from scratch?
[02:53] <geek> andy_: personally i'd go for the latter
[02:53] <andy_> sure
[02:53] <aurachron> andy_: i typically prefer to start from scratch
[02:53] <andy_> this is me being a bit stupid but..
[02:53] <DaSkreech> aurachron: It's just a way to bring the desktop forward easily
[02:54] <DaSkreech> andy_: I'd continue
[02:54] <andy_> given that I have all these partitions in my /home /blah blah .. how do I install from scratch
[02:54] <andy_> why DaSkreech ?
[02:54] <DaSkreech> cause so far it's working
[02:54] <andy_> yeah, I think I probably could get it to work
[02:54] <geek> andy_: backup, delete all the partitions, reinstall?
[02:54] <andy_> but even if I make 7.10, then mightn'y hardy heron be better anyway?
[02:54] <DaSkreech> it's faster to install from scratch but then you have to remember all the programs you installed etc
[02:55] <andy_> and to be fair I had dapper originally I think
[02:55] <geek> andy_: or wait a week and get intrepid ;p
[02:55] <andy_> hardy heron is LTS
[02:55] <andy_> would upgrading to 7.10 then to hardy heron work?
[02:57] <Roger_Klotz> go straight to heron?
[02:57] <aurachron> daskreech: ah, i see. thanks for the tip
[02:58] <andy_> how would I remove stuff in / without removing stuff in my other partitions
[02:58] <andy_> ie.. how should I install from scratch
[02:58] <andy_> will the alternate CD give me the option of formating the ROOT partition
[02:58] <killermach> update for all.. I could not set iwconfig wlan0 mode Master, but I did set Ad-hoc, and now my wlan0 PCI is acting as access point
[02:59] <MellowDude> ok i try the xforcecesa and stuff from live cd on this comuter here but it still does the same stuff its like starting it with safe graphics
[02:59] <killermach> MellowDude: I got it working
[02:59] <MellowDude> ok
[02:59] <aaron_> Advice, approx or apt-proxy? and I don't see how to make a list of backup repositories if one is down.. any search terms for me?
[02:59] <killermach> I could not set to "mode Master" but "mode ad-hoc" works
[03:00] <MellowDude> ok
[03:00] <DaSkreech> andy_: custom partitioning
[03:00] <killermach> MellowDude: thanks for the help
[03:00] <MellowDude> ur welcome
[03:04] <l2trace99> anyone running 8.10 on dell inspiron 1721 ?
[03:04] <MellowDude> i cant get 8.10 to run at all
[03:05] <Roger_Klotz> whats a good extracting program? arc doesnt work too well for me
[03:05] <Ceasar> Mellow no bonus
[03:06] <MellowDude> no
[03:07] <Ceasar> nope
[03:07] <Ceasar> what part was i suppossed to do in the first link?
[03:07] <aaron_> Ive got about 5 boxes I need to update, and a laptop that needs to go with me... I want the laptop to update from my desktop when at home, but when i'm gone for a week or so, I want to to grab from the internet
[03:08] <eamon> java?
[03:08] <eamon> how to install
[03:09] <MellowDude> eamon add/remove
[03:09] <MellowDude> and find it in there
[03:09] <aaron_> i have apt-proxy installed, and I guess it might be simply switching the sources dependent on the link...
[03:09] <eamon> i dont spose you know the appt command tho do you
[03:10] <MellowDude> hang on eamon
[03:11] <MellowDude> sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts <<<that in terminal
[03:11] <Roger_Klotz> oooo
[03:11] <Roger_Klotz> nice mellow ty
[03:11] <MellowDude> ur welcome
[03:11] <Roger_Klotz> where do you find all the apt-gets? is there a good list or anything?
[03:11] <MellowDude> people goole is ur frined us it
[03:12] <MellowDude> google*
[03:12] <Roger_Klotz> so u google "apt-get java" and stuff? thats it?
[03:12] <Roger_Klotz> ive found a few on my own doing that, like sudo apt-get install gparted
[03:12] <MellowDude> no i goolge how to install java in kubuntu
[03:12] <Roger_Klotz> i see
[03:13] <favro> there's apt-cache search as well
[03:14] <favro> e.g. apt-cache search java
[03:14] <eamon> theres always the aptitdude search
[03:14] <MellowDude> u get it installed emon
[03:14] <eamon> uo
[03:15] <MellowDude> what
[03:15] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: Sorry 1/2 asleep did you try the vesa at your friends house ?
[03:15] <MellowDude> yeah
[03:15] <MellowDude> it did the same thing that safe graphic did
[03:15] <MellowDude> so no luck
[03:16] <Ceasar> my wifi not work
[03:16] <aurachron> I take it kmenuedit doesn't do anything anymore in 4.1? I tried adding key shortcuts, and they didn't work. didn't know if i should try reporting as a bug?
[03:16] <Roger_Klotz> what kind is it ceasar
[03:16] <MellowDude> Ceasar what is ur wifi card
[03:16] <Ceasar> atheros
[03:16] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: did you try alt+ctrl+F1 when it did that?
[03:16] <MellowDude> no not on the live cd
[03:16] <DaSkreech> aurachron: probably
[03:16] <Ceasar> mellow u gave me that link
[03:16] <MellowDude> i can do tha twith the live cd
[03:16] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: Yep
[03:17] <Roger_Klotz> ok skreech so my program actually has a setup file, do i run it in python if its colored or what
[03:17] <MellowDude> oic
[03:17] <MellowDude> i need to try that
[03:17] <aurachron> daskreech: thanks
[03:17] <DaSkreech> I used to do it on low memory machines so that i didn't have to deal with X
[03:17] <MellowDude> what i put after i do that
[03:17] <DaSkreech> Roger_Klotz: I have no idea :) is there a README ?
[03:17] <Roger_Klotz> nope
[03:17] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[03:17] <Roger_Klotz> like 2 sorta readmes
[03:17] <DaSkreech> INSTALL ?
[03:19] <MellowDude> ok i try it in a few
[03:20] <MellowDude> but that will install kde4 right
[03:20] <MellowDude> Da
[03:20] <DaSkreech> Yes
[03:20] <MellowDude> with out 3D effects right
[03:21] <DaSkreech> Umm
[03:21] <DaSkreech> No that would
[03:21] <MellowDude> im kinda scared to do that on this computer if it not work i have to reinstall 8.04
[03:21] <DaSkreech> sudo nano ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc would turn off effects
[03:21] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: huh? this is from the live CD right ?
[03:21] <MellowDude> yeah
[03:21] <geek> MellowDude: you could back up first...
[03:22] * geek has a 130 gb disk image of his hardy and XP installs... in case
[03:22] <Roger_Klotz> says "cannot stat 'setup': no such file or directory"
[03:22] <DaSkreech> Roger_Klotz: how are you getting that message?
[03:22] <Roger_Klotz> but im at the folder in terminal and directing it to the install path
[03:23] <Roger_Klotz> sudo install setup /home/user/Programs/XSI
[03:23] <Roger_Klotz> and the install files are at /Programs/Temp
[03:24] <favro> is there an install.sh?
[03:24] <Roger_Klotz> no just "setup"
[03:24] <Roger_Klotz> maybe i have to extract more
[03:25] <MellowDude> DaSkreech will that install KDE4 on this computer
[03:25] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: no
[03:25] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: Run the sudo nano first
[03:26] <DaSkreech> find effects enabled=true and change to false
[03:26] <MellowDude> ok
[03:26] <MrInternet> Ubuntu includes this annoying 'apport' thing that makes exceptions take forever. How do I kill it?
[03:26] <DaSkreech> then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
[03:26] <Roger_Klotz> i have an executable actually and it asks me what file to open it with
[03:26] <DaSkreech> Roger_Klotz: install ?
[03:27] <aaron_> MrInternet: man apport? (you got me curious)
[03:27] <aaron_> no man page :(
[03:28] <eamon> is there a system requirement for kde4??
[03:28] <aurachron> anyone happen to know off hand if theres a synaptic package for firefox 3.1 with tracemonkey?
[03:28] <eamon> will it run on thi, its ap4 1.7 512 ram
[03:28] <crimsun> aurachron: fabien maintains one in his ppa
[03:28] <DaSkreech> aurachron: not in the main repos
[03:28] <DaSkreech> ap4 ?
[03:28] <eamon> its a p4
[03:28] <DaSkreech> ah
[03:28] <DaSkreech> should work
[03:28] <eamon> pentium 4
[03:29] <DaSkreech> may want to turn off some services
[03:29] <eamon> dose it matter that i and using gnome at the moment
[03:29] <DaSkreech> I'm on a AMD 1.2 Ghz with 700+ MB
[03:29] <DaSkreech> You would most likely be using one or the other
[03:30] <eamon> gnone or kde
[03:30] <eamon> cani change from gnone to kde
[03:30] <favro> !kubuntu-desktop
[03:30] <ubottu> k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.
[03:31] <DaSkreech> eamon: Sure when you login just choose which you want
[03:31] <notriddle> From the display manager you can choose a desktop.
[03:34] <aman> i cant upgrade to 4.1? software sources are not updating?
[03:35] <eamon> hey compiz has some cool effects for gnome which one do i install. i sea
[03:35] <MellowDude> aman ur noth the only one haveing problems with it
[03:36] <notriddle> 'apt-get update' doesn't work? What errors does it produce?
[03:36] <aman> MellowDude: YES I HAVE DONE IT manually, thank you very much though
[03:36] <eamon> try apt-get install
[03:36] <aman> MellowDude: can i help you with something?
[03:37] <MellowDude> yeah i cant get it too boot
[03:37] <rogan> Any help in resolving this issue would be great. Thanks http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3098507.0
[03:37] <aman> MellowDude: what you talking about? your plasma crashed or something else?
[03:37] <MellowDude> it get to the screen where id shows the little hard drive imaig then it no where else it stops
[03:38] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: you tried the kwinrc ?
[03:38] <MellowDude> not ye im going ot
[03:38] <MellowDude> but i like to find out other ideas also
[03:38] <aman> MellowDude: listen to DaSkreech, you have problem with your oxygen splash screen
[03:38] <MellowDude> ok
[03:39] <aman> MellowDude: you can go through kde4 or 3.1 if you have them and manually edit the files, thanks
[03:39] <DaSkreech> MellowDude: You don't seem to have the paitence to walk through it but you can run the startkde script explicitly to see where it dies
[03:39] <notriddle> aman: Who's using 3.1 nowadays.
[03:40] <aman> notriddle: i do for stability reasons :)
[03:40] <notriddle> aman: Okay.
[03:40] <DaSkreech> Windows 3.1 the revolution in personal electronic computing!
[03:40] <DaSkreech> aman: Where do you get it?
[03:40] <notriddle> DaSkreech: Isn't Windows 3.1 older than KDE 3.1.
[03:41] <MellowDude> windows 3.1 older than dirt
[03:41] <mr---t-> is it cga?
[03:41] <aman> no windows , please...its linux
[03:42] <MellowDude> ok
[03:42] <DaSkreech> aman: Yeah where do you get KDE 3.1 from ?
[03:42] <MellowDude> what version is 8.04 KDE
[03:43] <dude> hello, question, why is it that my desktop cube is not working, i already installed compiz
[03:44] * notriddle thinks that 3.1 would mean KDE 3.1 on Kubuntu...
[03:44] <aman> DaSkreech: i dont think its available anymore i have it ever since it was released
[03:44] <MellowDude> dude u have in enable
[03:44] <dude> MellowDude: ya, i think so
[03:44] <notriddle> aman: k
[03:45] <MellowDude> well i dont know then dude
[03:45] <mr---t-> MellowDude: kde 3.39 or kde4
[03:45] <mr---t-> 3.59
[03:45] <notriddle> MellowDude: It support 3.59 or 4.0.
[03:45] <coreymon77> mr---t-: 3.5.10 actually
[03:45] <MellowDude> kde4 is on 8.10 mr
[03:46] <coreymon77> MellowDude: actually its both
[03:46] <coreymon77> MellowDude: there is hardy with kde3 and hardy with kde4
[03:46] <notriddle> 4.0 as a remix
[03:46] <mr---t-> when did it go to 10?
[03:46] <dude> MellowDude: compiz have their own configuration right? and desktop system settings
[03:46] <coreymon77> mr---t-: little while ago
[03:46] <MellowDude> yep
[03:47] <MellowDude> dude u have to go into compiz manager and enable the effects
[03:47] <mr---t-> hmm I'm going to have to check my updates
[03:47] <Roger_Klotz> how would i extract 48 .bz2 files to the same directory?
[03:47] <Roger_Klotz> in the easiest way possible :P
[03:47] <dude> MellowDude: do i have to enable both configuration
[03:47] <MellowDude> yeah for the cube thing to work
[03:47] <DaSkreech> Roger_Klotz: tar xjf *bz2 /path/to/place
[03:48] <DaSkreech> notriddle: Kubuntu has never offered KDE 3.1 as far as I know
[03:48] <Roger_Klotz> is that per file skreech?
[03:49] <DaSkreech> Roger_Klotz: * means all
[03:49] <DaSkreech> that will work on all bz2
[03:49] <Roger_Klotz> awesome
[03:49] <Roger_Klotz> ty
[03:49] <DaSkreech> I'm assuming that you don't want to exclude any?
[03:50] <Roger_Klotz> nope
[03:50] <DaSkreech> that does it then
[03:51] <Roger_Klotz> for the paths can i still use /? like /home/user/programs/to/home/user/programs
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[03:51] <DaSkreech> yes
[03:51] <DaSkreech> wait
[03:51] <DaSkreech> what?
[03:51] <DaSkreech> why are there two homes there ?
[03:51] <Roger_Klotz> its going from a directory in home to another directory in home
[03:53] <mr---t-> hmm seems I'm still at 3.59
[03:55] <MellowDude> well im going to try this be back in a few
[03:58] <notriddle> mr---t-: Maybe you need to switch session...
[03:58] <aurachron> Ok, i'm getting some random horizontal black lines, real small. occur when i type. also, desktop effects won't work
[03:58] <mr---t-> I'm checking into it now
[03:58] <aurachron> in kubuntu 4.1 ibex
[03:59] <aurachron> are there drivers I should install for my card? nvidia 7900GTS
[03:59] <Ceasar> damn wifi
=== Ceasar is now known as ThaCeasar
[04:00] <PovAddict> how do I enable apport?
[04:00] <PovAddict> "In Gnome, update-notifier keeps an inotify watch on /var/crash", in KDE, it seems I have to run apport-qt by hand after a crash
[04:00] <aurachron> on top of my video card issue, how can i get addl screen savers?
[04:01] <ThaCeasar> can somebody help me whit my wifi
[04:01] <aurachron> thaceasar: what issues are you experiencing?
[04:02] <ThaCeasar> not working
[04:02] <aurachron> thaceasar: what version of kubuntu are you running?
[04:02] <ThaCeasar> ubuntu
[04:02] <PovAddict> ThaCeasar: "not working" is not enough information for anything
[04:03] <ThaCeasar> Ubuntu 8.04 i cant connect to my router
[04:04] <ThaCeasar> it just cee
[04:04] <ThaCeasar> its just askin me for a passcode
[04:04] <Roger_Klotz> skreech its finding all my files but its telling me "not found in archive" for every .bz2
[04:06] <ThaCeasar> any ideas anyone?
[04:06] <mr---t-> Roger_Klotz: if you use his full nick he will probably see the message sooner
[04:06] <mr---t-> did you see my tip on auto complete last night?
[04:06] <genii> ThaCeasar: Sounds like maybe it wants your WEP or WPA password
[04:06] <Roger_Klotz> yeah i couldnt find it though. the machine i talk to you guys on runs vista right now
[04:07] <mr---t-> oh ok
[04:07] <mr---t-> my sympathies
[04:08] <ThaCeasar> genii i think thats it
[04:08] <mr---t-> well depending on his irc client , many flag when thier nick comes up that way they can monitor several channels
[04:09] <Roger_Klotz> any ideas though mr t?
[04:09] <mr---t-> thus the whole nick suggestion
[04:09] <mr---t-> looks like we had a net split
[04:09] <Roger_Klotz> can i make arc extract a bunch of files at once?
[04:10] <mr---t-> Roger_Klotz: repost your original question ,genii may know
[04:11] <ThaCeasar> wireless network key
[04:11] <Roger_Klotz> whats the easiest way to extract 48 .bz2 files at once, same directory for input and output
[04:13] <Roger_Klotz> im trying "tar xjf *bz2 /home/user/Programs/temp/
[04:13] <PovAddict> that won't work
[04:13] <PovAddict> it will expand to tar xjf somefile.bz2 anotherfile.bz2 foobar.bz2 /home/user/Programs/temp/
[04:14] <PovAddict> and only the first will be passed as argument to -f
[04:14] <PovAddict> if using bash:
[04:14] <Roger_Klotz> yeah i want it to be all files to the same directory their in
[04:14] <PovAddict> for file in *.bz2; do tar xjf $file /home/user/Programs/temp/; done
[04:15] <PovAddict> what exactly is "/home/user/Programs/temp/" though?
[04:15] <Roger_Klotz> where im going to install my program to
[04:15] <PovAddict> you said same directory for input and output...
[04:15] <notriddle> /home/user/Programs/temp/ doesn't sound like anything I've used in Kubuntu before.....
[04:15] <PovAddict> I don't really know what tar does with a pathname when extracting
[04:16] <Roger_Klotz> i need to extract these files then the installer is in there, so im putting it all in home because theres more space on there
[04:18] <amarnath> hai
[04:18] <Roger_Klotz> it still gives me "not found in archive"
[04:19] <dude> is it ok to use compiz under kubuntu
[04:19] <amarnath> i don't know how to install software pls guid me
[04:19] <MellowDude> ok back
[04:19] <PovAddict> dude: I am
[04:19] <amarnath> i don't know how to install software pls guid me
[04:19] <notriddle> dude: Sure. Kubuntu "Intrepid" includes software to automatically install Compiz.
[04:19] <MellowDude> ok its done the flashing black screen that time Da
[04:19] <PovAddict> don't repeat yourself amarnath
[04:19] <ThaCeasar> mellow no wifi 4 me
[04:20] <notriddle> amarnath: A few ways. Try K->Add/Remove Programs.
[04:20] <mr---t-> notriddle: 8.04 does also
[04:20] <MellowDude> think i might need to just download and burn ther relase that came out today
[04:20] <notriddle> mr---t-: "Hardy"...
[04:21] <dude> notriddle: im just comfused, in kubuntu there's a built in desktop effects, do i have to download compiz?
[04:21] <notriddle> dude: Are you talking about KDE3 Kubuntu or KDE4.
[04:21] <PovAddict> dude: I think that *is* compiz
[04:22] <PovAddict> enable it and it will be installed
[04:22] <notriddle> dude: Compiz is not shipped with Kubuntu. Enabling it will install it.
[04:22] <dude> PovAddict: KDE4
[04:22] <mr---t-> !compiz
[04:22] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion
[04:23] <notriddle> dude: In KDE4, yes it comes with built-in desktop effects that are not provided with compiz. KDE4 does not, however, come with Desktop Cube effects (will in a newer version).
[04:26] <dude> notriddle: i dont know if compiz is working right now, coz i enable desktop effect as well
[04:26] <notriddle> The Desktop Settings dialog allows for you to use a custom configuration.
[04:28] <dude> notriddle: i tried disabling desktop settings and use compiz but no luck, it seems that its not doing anything
[04:29] <MellowDude> whats a good program to erase a dvd-rw in kubuntu
[04:30] <Roger_Klotz> so it has every file in the temp directory and im getting "tar: /home/user/Programs/temp/somefile.tar.bz2:Not found in archive"
[04:30] <Roger_Klotz> where somefile is actually ever file i have in the folder
[04:30] <Roger_Klotz> every*
[04:30] <notriddle> MellowDude: I recommend K3B.
[04:31] <MellowDude> it will not format the dvd try it
[04:32] <PovAddict> Roger_Klotz: "tar xjf archive.tar.bz2 somepath" tells it to extract somepath from inside the archive
[04:32] <PovAddict> not to extract the contents of the archive into somepath
[04:33] <PovAddict> 'cd' to where you want it extracted, then use the absolute path to where the .bz2 is
[04:33] <genii> -C somepath
[04:33] <PovAddict> ...or that
[04:33] <eamon> which compiz apt do i have to get to get all the cool stuff like a cube desktop
[04:34] <eamon> ?? anyone
[04:34] <notriddle> eamon: apt-get install compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager
[04:35] <eamon> dose it matter that i dont have kde
[04:35] <eamon> i have gnome
[04:35] <MellowDude> nvm im doing the dvd+rw-format -force /dev/dvd im command
[04:35] <notriddle> eamon: and set cube to enabled in Settings->Advanced Desktop Effects
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=== ubuntu is now known as Mamono
[04:45] <Mamono> hopefully someone can help me...I recently rebooted after an update and when the system came back up it was stuck right after post...this has happened before and it has been a corrupt MBR
[04:46] <MellowDude> im redownloading the iso agin
[04:46] <Mamono> I'm trying to restore my MBR but when I go into grb and type "find /boot/grub/stage1" I get "Error 15: File not found"
[04:46] <Mamono> but when I look in /boot/grub stage1 is there (this is done after mounting my partitions and chrooting to my install
[04:46] <Mamono> anyone have any idea what is wrong with grub?
[04:47] <favro> did you sudo grub before find?
[04:47] <Mamono> btw, I am running Kubuntu Hardy
[04:47] <Mamono> favro: yes
[04:47] <MellowDude> mamono reinstall the grub then
[04:48] <Mamono> MellowDude: I tried sudo grub-install /dev/sda but that says something else...hold on
[04:48] <MellowDude> ok
[04:54] <MellowDude> hope that works for u mamono
[04:56] <sebsebseb> seems there is no KDE3 in the Ibex repo?
[05:00] <notriddle> sebsebseb: Yup. No KDE3 in Ibex repository. No KDE3 in Ibex.
[05:00] <sebsebseb> why not?
[05:01] <sebsebseb> I just want a few KDE apps really, but KDE3 not even an option hummmmmmmmm in the repo. a repo for hardy or whatever could be used for it though?
[05:01] <notriddle> sebsebseb: Kubuntu is rather undermanned. No one to maintain the packages. Of course, you probably could use the Hardy packages or compile yourself...
[05:02] <sebsebseb> well yeah there are other distros that do KDE3 better
[05:02] <ThaCeasar> Mellow can u help?
[05:02] <notriddle> sebsebseb: What applications do you need?
[05:02] <sebsebseb> well this is nice to know, I get more of an excuse to do KDE3 hardy in VM now. something I been thinking about doing. I just done my computer again you see sorted loads of stuff out.
[05:03] <sebsebseb> this is a new install of Ubuntu. I could have put the RC on, but since I only had beta Live CD.
[05:03] <sebsebseb> I just did all the updatess
[05:03] <ThaCeasar> any one here good whit wifi?
[05:03] <sebsebseb> not really need as such, I just like some of the apps, and I can get those in Ibex anyway and newer versions if they are KDE4
[05:04] <notriddle> ThaCeasar: I'm afraid I don't know that many... You may ask on #ubuntu? :|
[05:04] <sebsebseb> notriddle: hummmmmmmmm KDE3 Kubuntu hardly being suppouretd, and since new KDE4 they are trying to push that on people in Ibex?
[05:05] <notriddle> sebsebseb: Ubuntu Hardy is LTS. Kubuntu was never extremely well supported...
[05:05] <sebsebseb> ah ha Kubuntu is not LTS?
[05:05] <sebsebseb> Kubuntu hardy is not LTS?
[05:06] <notriddle> sebsebseb: I
[05:06] <sebsebseb> was that a yes it's not LTS?
[05:06] <ThaCeasar> thanks empty chanel
[05:06] <MellowDude> i think there going to make the 8.10LTS
[05:06] <notriddle> sebsebseb: I'm not sure if KDE3 Kubuntu is LTS or not, but KDE4 for sure isn't.
[05:07] <notriddle> And the previous one was a type (on my keyboard, ' is next to return).
[05:07] <favro> hardy is lts wether k/x/ed/ubuntu or ubuntu
[05:08] <notriddle> ThaCeasar: Sorry. I'm no good with wi/fi and I don't hear anyone else...
[05:08] <sebsebseb> http://www.kubuntu.org and it's about the RC for Kubuntu 8.10 at the moment. well then wtf why is not in the repo for Ubuntu Ibex?
[05:08] <favro> !wifi
[05:08] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[05:08] <notriddle> favro: I already mentioned that I wasn't sure if Kubuntu KDE3 Hardy was LTS. I know that Kubuntu KDE4 Hardy was not, could not, be LTS.
[05:09] <favro> any hardy - kde4 or not - is lts
[05:09] <sebsebseb> oh that's for KDE4
[05:10] <mr---t-> no only ubuntu not kubuntu
[05:11] <favro> it is hardy that is lts - the desktop environment doesn't matter
[05:11] <mr---t-> ubuntu hardy is LTS kubuntu hardy is not
[05:12] <mr---t-> the kde apps make it not
[05:12] <favro> do you know kubuntu is ubuntu with kde instead of gnome?
[05:12] <mr---t-> yes
[05:12] <favro> the de doesn't matter
[05:12] <notriddle> favro: Can you prove it? I remember hearing that Kubuntu KDE4 was not going to be LTS. I'm pretty sure KDE3 would be, but KDE 4.0 was not really in a state for a LTS release.
[05:13] <mr---t-> it does to caniocle the support team
[05:13] <favro> my point is the base is lts - whatever you use as a desktop environment doesn't stop that
[05:13] <mr---t-> I read the link last night let me find it for you
[05:13] <notriddle> favro: Of course package updates will come in, since Kubuntu and Ubuntu share the same base. However, they will not support software that was never really stable (KDE4.0).
[05:14] <favro> there's #kubuntu-kde4...how's that not suppoting it?
[05:14] <favro> *supporting
[05:15] <notriddle> favro: #kubunt-kde4 is community-based, isn't it? I'm idling on the channel right now and it seems dead.
[05:16] <favro> it nearly always is dead afaik
[05:17] <notriddle> favro: Many unsupported *buntu distributions are supported by the community..
[05:17] <favro> but they don't have "official" channels
[05:18] <favro> but again the de doesn't matter
[05:19] <notriddle> favro: No, because they weren't released by Canonical. I guess the question is, can you prove that Kubuntu KDE4 is LTS. Tell me how Canonical can support KDE4.0 throughout Hardy's lifetime, a piece of software that is already abandoned by the developers in favor of KDE4.1?
[05:19] <favro> notriddle: you seem to be missing the point that I'm making
[05:20] <izzyb> Is there a way I can get a more current version of kvm and lib-virt without installing from source on my kubuntu hardy system?
[05:20] <mr---t-> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2007-December/002099.html
[05:20] <favro> it is kde that supports kde - gnome that supports gnome etc
[05:20] <izzyb> I checked updates and backports but looks like the latest kvm is 62 and kurrent is 77
[05:21] <izzyb> 62 was released back in february
[05:21] <mr---t-> favro: check the link^
[05:21] <favro> izzyb: there might be a deb on the net for it but if it isn't in the repos then it isn't in the repos
[05:21] <apartamento> hola
[05:21] <apartamento> hi
[05:21] <apartamento> somebody speak spanish
[05:22] <favro> !es
[05:22] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[05:22] <izzyb> is there a way to install from source without loosing package management on it
[05:22] <apartamento> ok
[05:22] <apartamento> thanks
[05:22] <favro> izzyb: yep - use checkinstall instead of make
[05:22] <favro> !checkinstall
[05:22] <ubottu> checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!
[05:23] <favro> oops - use checkinstall instead of make install
[05:23] <mr---t-> coreymon77: are you still here?
[05:23] <notriddle> favro: Of course Canonical will continue to support the components besides KDE4, producing updates and such, but they cannot support KDE4 itself.
[05:23] <izzyb> hmm, thanks.
[05:27] <izzyb> if a debian managed upgrade becomes available will it get installed? and do I need to uninstall the current version before doing this?
[05:27] <notriddle> izzyb: This depends on the version you label your package with. Checkinstall should let you change it.
[05:27] <favro> izzyb: you shouldn't use debian packages in any ubuntu
[05:28] <notriddle> favro: I think that he meant ubuntu packages...
[05:28] * izzyb did
[05:28] <favro> ahh a .deb not a debian package then?
[05:28] <izzyb> yeah.
[05:28] <favro> k
[05:28] <notriddle> favro: a .deb is a (deb)ian package.
[05:29] <izzyb> I use debian for my servers and kubuntu for my desktops
[05:29] <favro> a debian package is for debian afaik...
[05:29] <izzyb> so it was probably just a slip
[05:29] <favro> hehe
[05:29] <notriddle> izzyb: So you would be used to referring to them as debian packages.
[05:29] * izzyb nods
[05:30] * notriddle still thinks a .deb is a debian package.... even though it's not provided by debian.
[05:30] <favro> that could cause issues for the uninitiated
[05:30] <izzyb> yeah, in the same way an rpm is a readhat package, even if it comes from another distro
[05:30] <notriddle> izzyb: On another note: yes, if Ubuntu provides an upgrade, apt should do it.
[05:30] <izzyb> to say the least! :)
[05:30] <favro> !debian
[05:30] <ubottu> Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!
[05:31] <favro> was all I was saying
[05:31] <izzyb> ls
[05:31] <izzyb> er..oops
[05:32] * notriddle thinks that, yes, an rpm is a redhat package for the redhat package manager, even if it's not for redhat itself. Of course, it's confusing...
[05:33] <izzyb> yeah, and the strange spin of debian apt tools being used in other distros
[05:34] <notriddle> izzyb: Yes, confusing... Of course, it'd be better if things weren't so confusing. Note that it's probably easier to refer to them as .debs.
[05:35] <izzyb> but then unix/linux is full off all kinds of oddities like recursive acronyms and plays on words etc
[05:35] <notriddle> izzyb: Oddly enough, I've actually been pretty successful when I've had reason to install a Debian-provided .deb in Ubuntu.
[05:36] <notriddle> izzyb: LINUX = LINus's UniX.... daemon != demon...
[05:37] <izzyb> GNU = GNU is not Unix. less/more, moretif/lesstif
[05:37] <notriddle> This is off-topic a bit.... Does checkinstall seem to be working, izzyb.
[05:37] * izzyb downloading source still
[05:37] <notriddle> izzyb: k.
[05:39] * notriddle ignores a grammar mistake ;).
[05:41] <sackiolis> hi
[05:41] * sackiolis just installed linux for the first time
[05:41] <sackiolis> PWN
[05:41] <favro> well done
[05:41] <sackiolis> so how do i hack?
[05:42] <sackiolis> i wanna fuck shit up.
[05:42] <notriddle> sackiolis: What do you mean?
[05:42] <favro> !ohmy
[05:42] <ubottu> Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[05:42] <notriddle> sackiolis: Please no curse words... And please give more details.
[05:43] <sackiolis> where's the button where i can send an email, forging the 'From'? i want to email my high schools network admin as my math teacher, asking to fix the printer for sexual favors.
[05:43] <sackiolis> :P
[05:43] <favro> sackiolis: wrong channel
[05:44] <sackiolis> but... im reading a hacking book. it said to install liniggz
[05:44] <notriddle> sackiolis: Woa! Way wrong section of the internet. This is not the place for computer cracking........
[05:45] <sackiolis> but...
[05:45] <sackiolis> the hacking book.
[05:45] <favro> we don't support that sort of enterprise here
[05:45] <favro> !topic | sackiolis
[05:45] <ubottu> sackiolis: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic
[05:46] <sackiolis> i thought liniggz is about tear'n it up in Quake and fuck'n peoples computers up and shit.
[05:46] <notriddle> sackiolis: I see your point. It is true that out of all the available OSs, Linux is probably the easiest system to use for cracking, since it provides low-level stuff.
[05:46] <favro> !language | sackiolis
[05:46] <ubottu> sackiolis: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[05:46] <sackiolis> i thought you guys were cool.
[05:46] <dr_willis> There was a big 'issue/debate' with xp when it came out. about it allowing low level access to a lot of things also.
[05:47] <notriddle> sackiolis: However, the people who made Linux do not themselves support that type of enterprise.
[05:47] <UbuntuN00B> coreymon77: u here???
[05:49] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: It doesn't look like he's here...
[05:49] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: Okay. Now I see him in the list....
[05:49] <UbuntuN00B> yep
[05:50] * notriddle blushes.
[05:50] <UbuntuN00B> he is there but not here
[05:51] <mr---t-> he didn't answer me a little while ago...
[05:51] <mr---t-> but I think I found my answer
[05:51] <notriddle> mr---t-: What do you mean?
[05:52] <ubuntu> um
[05:52] <notriddle> ubuntu: Hello?
[05:52] <mr---t-> coreymon77: wasn't answering earlier
[05:52] <UbuntuN00B> me?
=== ubuntu is now known as Mabo
[05:53] <notriddle> Mabo: What do you mean by "um"?
[05:53] <Mabo> nope
[05:53] <notriddle> Mabo: Okay.
[05:56] <UbuntuN00B> i really need some help whit my wifi
[05:57] <notriddle> UbuntuN00B: What's the problem with your wi/fi?
[05:57] <dr_willis> I will be the first to admit.. ive just about given up on wireless... but under 8.10 - the thing WORKED... i was amazified.. :)
[05:57] <UbuntuN00B> well now i have none
[05:57] <notriddle> UbuntuN00B: What card?
[05:57] <UbuntuN00B> atheros
[05:57] <dr_willis> of course now on the other laptop.. i set up wireless and it dident work and killed the wired networking :P doh.
[05:58] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: Has it worked in any previous versions?
[05:58] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: Atheros cards are generally pretty well-supported.
[05:58] <UbuntuN00B> yes coreymon got it working
[05:59] <UbuntuN00B> he just guided me step by step
[05:59] * notriddle thinks that would explain why he wanted to speak to him.
[05:59] <UbuntuN00B> yep
[05:59] <notriddle> UbuntuN00B: So you had it working at one time?
[05:59] <UbuntuN00B> yes
[06:00] <UbuntuN00B> but i had to format my pc
[06:00] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: Do you remember anything about how you got it working?
[06:00] <UbuntuN00B> madwifi
[06:00] <UbuntuN00B> install and the other stuf
[06:00] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: Okay. So does the proprietary drivers manager give any mention of madwifi?
[06:01] <UbuntuN00B> ???
[06:01] <notriddle> In the system tray or in K->System->Hardware Divers manager.
[06:02] <UbuntuN00B> um i have ubuntu
[06:02] <UbuntuN00B> 64bit
[06:03] <UbuntuN00B> there is support for atheros
[06:03] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: Okay. So NetworkManager doesn't list your card at all?
[06:03] <Bones122> !wireless
[06:04] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[06:04] <UbuntuN00B> brb
[06:04] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: k.
[06:06] <UbuntuN00B> looks like i dont have the drivers any more
[06:08] <izzyb> wow! that was painless :) Had to install a few -dev packages but the update is in! :) thanks favro and notriddle
[06:08] <favro> np :)
[06:08] <izzyb> now for updating libvirt and virt-manager :)
[06:08] <notriddle> izzyb: npaa ;P
[06:08] <favro> hehe
[06:09] <izzyb> npaa?
[06:09] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: Okay. Try "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`".
[06:10] <notriddle> izzyb: No Problem At All.
[06:10] <izzyb> ah, of course :)
[06:10] * notriddle made up npaa himself.
[06:10] <UbuntuN00B> all 0
[06:11] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: all 0 meaning that it's already installed?
[06:11] <UbuntuN00B> linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-19-generic is already the newest version
[06:12] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: Meaning that it's already installed...
[06:12] <UbuntuN00B> yes i think
[06:13] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: Okay. Try "lspci"
[06:14] <UbuntuN00B> ok and then?
[06:14] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: What Atheros hardware does it mention.
[06:16] <UbuntuN00B> Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)
[06:18] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros For the HAL your card needs.
[06:19] <UbuntuN00B> part 1 or 2?
[06:21] <notriddle> Part 1 first. If it doesn't work, undo it and try part 2. I don't have a card myself so I don't really know for sure, but you are using an ath5xxx-type card, so both seem to fit.
[06:22] <UbuntuN00B> ok and 1 other thing
[06:23] <notriddle> Yes?
[06:23] <UbuntuN00B> there is someting wierd whit my cube
[06:23] <notriddle> What exactly is it doing...
[06:24] <UbuntuN00B> well not the cube but the litle thing that shows how many work spaces u have
[06:24] <UbuntuN00B> i have 4 but it shows i have 8
[06:25] <UbuntuN00B> i can send a pic
[06:26] <Hadrian> oh man i am so stressed out and pissed off at linux and my understanding of it
[06:26] <notriddle> You mean the pager? It'd sit on the bottom of the screen and give a list of spaces?
[06:26] <Hadrian> i cant get this program sound converter to work
[06:26] <dr_willis> using compiz can confuse that pager at times.
[06:26] <Hadrian> i put it in root and console does not reconise it, add/remove programs has no sign of it, its a tar.gz
[06:27] <UbuntuN00B> if its on in the right corner then yes
[06:27] <favro> Hadrian: you need to unpack it first - and /usr/bin is where most apps go
[06:27] <UbuntuN00B> bottom corner
[06:27] <Hadrian> unpack with ark?
[06:28] <favro> Hadrian: it is in the repos - why not use that one?
[06:28] <notriddle> UbuntuNOOB: Yep, it's the pager... I cannot help with that, having no experience with GNOME.
[06:28] <favro> !info soundconverter
[06:28] <ubottu> soundconverter (source: soundconverter): GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 82 kB, installed size 704 kB
[06:28] <Hadrian> i dont even know what the repos is
[06:28] <UbuntuN00B> ok
[06:28] <favro> !repos | Hadrian
[06:28] <ubottu> Hadrian: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[06:28] <Hadrian> i just want to convert these flac files
[06:29] <favro> Hadrian: try sudp apt-get install soundconverter
[06:29] <favro> *sudo
[06:32] <Hadrian> couldnt find the package
[06:32] <Hadrian> i've unpacked it
[06:33] <favro> Hadrian: is there an executable or do you need to compile it?
[06:34] <Hadrian> no exe in sight
[06:34] <favro> Hadrian: it won't be a .exe that is windows - it will have a diff icon for the executable
[06:35] <Hadrian> then i have no idea
[06:35] <favro> Hadrian: it is in the universe repo - open the adept package manager
[06:35] <favro> it will be easier
[06:38] <Hadrian> how do i find this universe repo? i dont have a list of catagories
[06:40] <notriddle> Hadrian: K Menu->System->Adept Manger
[06:41] <notriddle> File->Manage Repositories
[06:41] <Hadrian> i went there
[06:42] <favro> check the first four boxes
[06:42] <favro> under kubuntu software
[06:42] <Hadrian> the add remove manager has a universe repos
[06:43] <Hadrian> but only orca screen reader is listed
[06:44] <Hadrian> would kaudiocreator be able to convert FLAC audio files?
[06:45] <notriddle> Hadrian: In Manage Repositories, is Community-maintained checked?
[06:45] <notriddle> Hadrian: I believe so, yes.
[06:46] <Hadrian> it wasnt
[06:46] <notriddle> Hadrian: Check it then. That's universe.
[06:47] <Hadrian> found sound converter :D
[06:48] <notriddle> Hadrian: Great!
[06:48] <Hadrian> thanks
[06:49] <Hadrian> now i can go to sleep listening to a beautiful african harp
[06:49] <Hadrian> goodnight
[06:49] <notriddle> Hadrian: goodnight.
[06:49] <favro> :)
[06:49] * notriddle decides now is a good time...
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[07:19] <aurachron> does anyone happen to know how to download new screensavers for kde 4.1? such as electricsheep
[07:19] <aurachron> i apt-get installed electricsheep, but it doesn't show up in the screensavers listing
[07:20] <favro> someone in #kubuntu-kde4 might know :)
[07:20] <aurachron> thanks!
=== |Aryn| is now known as aRyn
[07:35] <aurachron> anyone happen to know how to get screensavers installed in kub ibex? thanks!
[07:42] <MellowDude> ok i got it to work off the new iso i burn but have to do it safe graphic
[07:43] <favro> weren't you going to use vga=792 or something MellowDude
[07:43] <MellowDude> i was going to but it work fine with safe graphic but a little slow though but it is from dvd though
[07:44] <favro> k
[07:44] <MellowDude> so if i install it like that will i have to do any thing special
[07:45] <favro> I would install then sort out the driver - there might be web links for your h/ware in k/ubuntu
[07:45] <MellowDude> ok
[07:50] <MilhousePunkRock> Good morning everyone!
[07:51] <MellowDude> gm
[07:56] <Natanaiel> how can I install kde 4 in ubuntu 8.10 RC ?
[07:56] <MilhousePunkRock> Where would I find the settings for GTK integration again? Both GIMP and Firefox3 look like on windows 95 on my Hardy System with KDE 3.5
[07:57] <DaSkreech> Natanaiel: KDE4 is already there
[07:57] <DaSkreech> !find qt-gtk
[07:57] <ubottu> Please use http://packages.ubuntu.com/
[07:57] <Natanaiel> DaSkreech: no, I have ubuntu 8.10 with gnome, I want to install kde 4 on it
[07:58] <DaSkreech> Natanaiel: kubuntu-desktop
[07:58] <MilhousePunkRock> DaSkreech: The package is called gtk-qt ;)
[07:58] <Natanaiel> DaSkreech: doesn't it install kde 3.5?
[07:59] <DaSkreech> !info gtk-qt-engine | MilhousePunkRock
[07:59] <dr_willis> 8.10 has kde4 not 3
[07:59] <ubottu> milhousepunkrock: gtk-qt-engine (source: gtk-qt-engine): theme engine using Qt for GTK+ 2.x. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.8-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 100 kB, installed size 476 kB
[07:59] <DaSkreech> Natanaiel: There is no KDE3 in 8.10
[08:04] <Natanaiel> DaSkreech: so can't I install kde 3 in 8.10?
[08:04] <dr_willis> Ive not seen kde3 packages in 8.10 - but i havent really looked.
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[08:11] <MilhousePunkRock> DaSkreech: It says it is the newest version already. And I do not find the settings for it in system settings
[08:12] <favro> I had to edit the two .qt* fi
[08:12] <favro> I had to edit the two .qt* files in my home folder to get gtk working for thunar
[08:43] <Natanaiel> why when I install every package I see this : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/89033/
[08:52] <DaSkreech> Natanaiel: Never seen that before
[08:54] <MellowDude> me either
[08:54] <MellowDude> lol
[08:55] <dr_willis> hmmm...
[08:56] <dr_willis> somthing like /usr/lib/libamrnb.so.3 would normally be a link to the actual file/version like /usr/lib/libamrnb.so.3---> /usr/lib/libamrnb.so.
[09:08] <antonio_> salve
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[09:15] <admin__> !list
[09:15] <ubottu> Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
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[09:23] <dr_willis> someone expecting a fileserver? :)
[09:24] <dwidmann> dr_willis: seems it, though that someone left
[09:25] <dr_willis> pssshhhtt.. hay buddy... want a pre-release version of 8.10! everyone wants it... :)
[09:25] <dr_willis> only $5
[09:25] <dwidmann> lol
[09:26] * powertool08 is interested >_>
[09:27] <MellowDude> ok im going to ask u all something
[09:27] <MellowDude> doesnt ipv6 slow the internet down
[09:28] <dr_willis> i wouldent think so.. if it was being implementd everywhere.. from what i gather the slowdown onmany pc's are that its doing ipv6 first and not gettting the info.. then it falls back to ipv4
[09:29] <stefano> divx
[09:29] <MellowDude> thats what i told this guy in frostwire chat he said i was wrong
[09:31] <stefano> divx
[09:32] <dr_willis> xvid!
[09:32] <dr_willis> :)
[09:32] <dr_willis> ask for 'citation needed' :)
[09:35] <MellowDude> if u need divx
[09:35] <MellowDude> u need to go in add/remove
[09:35] <MellowDude> find gstreamers i think thats what its call
[09:35] <MellowDude> and click them all and install them
[09:36] <MellowDude> u will not need it no ore
[09:36] <MellowDude> more
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[09:52] <nigskki> bug reports?
[09:53] <nigskki> okk
[09:55] <dr_willis> I just tend to install w32codecs and the kubuntu-restricted-extras :) it seems to grab everything i need.
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[10:03] <diego> hola
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[10:19] <wtffff> hi how do i install nVidia Corporation GeForce 8400 GS in my new kubuntu?
[10:21] <wtffff> !nvidia
[10:21] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[10:24] <dr_willis> !intrepid
[10:24] <ubottu> Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[10:24] <dr_willis> the little restricted-manager tool should ask/let you install them :)
[10:24] <dr_willis> or whatever its called now
[10:39] <etfb> I disabled Ctrl+Alt+Backspace because I hate the MSDOS-2ishness of it, but now I keep needing to reset my X server for various reasons. Is there a command-line equivalent that does the same thing without needing to log out first? Ideally, one that doesn't require me to log in again too, but that's optional.
[10:40] <dr_willis> restart the gdm/kdm service..
[10:40] <dr_willis> it will instantly kill/restart X
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[10:40] <dr_willis> no need to log out..it will force you to.
[10:40] <DaSkreech> :-)
[10:40] <dr_willis> :) ie: all apps get forced to close
[10:41] * dr_willis dosent see how alt-ctrl-backspace is 'msdos-2ishness' :)
[10:44] <DarkSmoke> lol
[10:44] <DaSkreech> dr_willis: Well you still have it so obviosly
[10:44] <DarkSmoke> ms-dos has a ctrl-alt-backspace restart x server shortcut too?
[10:44] <DarkSmoke> i never knew this :/
[10:44] <dr_willis> aparently
[10:45] * dr_willis goes back to playing nethack.exe
[10:45] <dr_willis> :)
[10:45] <DarkSmoke> but, when the ms-dos started to use x11 ? :|
[10:45] <Kohlrabi> Samsung
[10:45] <Kohlrabi> whoops
[10:45] <Kohlrabi> wrong window
[10:45] <dr_willis> Sony!
[10:45] <dr_willis> :)
[10:46] <Kohlrabi> just checking out launchpad for bugs concerning Samsung Laptops
[10:46] <Kohlrabi> since 8.10 would only boot randomly here :O
[10:48] <krypto_> hi!
[10:49] <krypto_> i installed the new 8.10 rc on my laptop... the only thing thats bothering me is that bluetooth isnt working
[10:49] <Kohlrabi> lucky you :P
[10:50] <DaSkreech> krypto_: Did you read the release notes?
[10:50] <krypto_> not yet :)
[10:51] <DaSkreech> Well wait a few weeks after installing something to read up the release notes
[10:51] <DaSkreech> that's good practice
[10:52] <krypto_> yeah well, theres nothing in it regarding my problem....
[10:53] <asincrono> Hi
[10:53] <asincrono> I'm spanish and I have and old nasty problem.
[10:53] <mopped> Hey, I've got a USB headset and I'm unable to hear anything, how can I diagnose this/fix this?
[10:54] <etfb> dr_willis: It's the sheer unavoidableness (unavoidability? unavoidanceism? whatever) of the keypress, just like in the pre-Windoze days when you'd press Ctrl+Alt+Del and the PC would reset, no matter what you were doing. I much prefer the modern way, where you get a chance to say "oops, I meant Ctrl+Del, sorry about about that" and carry on.
[10:54] <asincrono> I lost accents. In kde 4.1 and gnome.
[10:54] <krypto_> DaSkreech: ok youre right... bluetooth is broken in kubuntu... I only read the ubuntu release notes
[10:55] <etfb> So how does one restart kdm? Just sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart?
[10:55] <asincrono> I just can write '´a' instead accent over the character.
[10:55] <dr_willis> I cant recall ever accidentlly hitting alt-ctrl-backspace. :) but I guess im special
[10:55] <dr_willis> etfb, yes..
[10:55] <asincrono> I can just after I instaled kubuntu, but sothing change and I can't write accents now.
[10:55] <DaSkreech> note also that the fix will be out out shortly after release
[10:55] <asincrono> any idea?
[10:55] <etfb> dr_willis: I've done it often enough to cause near-fatal flashbacks to the days of 8.3 filenames and Turbo Pascal...
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[10:56] <etfb> What's the traditional Linuxy place to put one's own shellscripts? /usr/local/bin?
[10:57] <dr_willis> /home/username/bin
[10:57] <dr_willis> :)
[10:57] <dr_willis> rather unix/linux - oldskool standard
[10:57] <etfb> Then I have to call them as ~/foo instead of foo, which is silly.
[10:57] <dr_willis> No...
[10:57] <dr_willis> You set bin to be in your default path
[10:57] <dr_willis> which is perfically logical
[10:57] <dr_willis> In fact i think the default .bashrc checks for /home/username/bin
[10:58] <dr_willis> a bin 'directory' if im not clear on that. :)
[10:58] <dr_willis> In .bashrc
[10:59] <dr_willis> theres statements that auto add a users bin directory to the default path.
[10:59] <etfb> dr_willis: Can't see any mention of the path in .bashrc
[10:59] <dr_willis> Its in mine here..
[11:00] <etfb> I did see something about setting a colour prompt though, which is good: I've been wanting something like that...
[11:00] <dr_willis> then again., I may be keepiong my old home/.bashrcs also
[11:00] <dr_willis> theres also the .bash_profile scrit
[11:00] <krypto_> DaSkreech: yeah, I just read the bug descri. in launchpad.... I'll try it with bluez-gnome
[11:00] <aes52> hi, how do I install Kubuntu on an EXISTING LVM setup ?
[11:00] <aes52> (Using the Alternate CD)
[11:01] <dr_willis> last 3 lines of my .bashrc set the bin to be in the path.
[11:01] <dr_willis> if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
[11:01] <dr_willis> . /etc/bash_completion
[11:01] <dr_willis> fi
[11:01] <dr_willis> oops wrong paste. :) lets see
[11:02] <dr_willis> if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
[11:02] <dr_willis> PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
[11:02] <dr_willis> fi
[11:02] <aes52> In the partition manager I have the option of selecting 'USE LVM' on the relevant disk.. it's default is 'USE AS: NONE' then the option to 'configure LVM' comes up, but it asks me to write changes to the disk first. I'm cocnerned I might lose my LVM paritions if I do this.. any thoughts?
[11:02] <etfb> dr_willis: Oh, is that all; pretty straightforward.
[11:03] <etfb> ,,, and it worked. And I have a pretty green prompt now too, which makes reading the terminal much easier. A productive evening all round!
[11:05] <asincrono> I can't remeber the last time I get some help asking in an irc channel... and I keep comming.
[11:05] <etfb> aes52: What's an LVM in this context? I don't know the term.
[11:05] <asincrono> my fault after all.
[11:05] <dr_willis> asincrono, proper attitude helps.
[11:05] <etfb> asincrono: I find you get good answers if dr_willis is around...
[11:06] <aes52> Logical Volume Manager
[11:06] <etfb> aes52: Sounds scary-complicated. What's it for?
[11:06] <aes52> It would appear that support for it in the alternate-CD parrition smanager is suspicous
[11:06] <dr_willis> i have no knwledge of forgien languages/accents however. since i use american english
[11:06] <asincrono> dr_willis: sorry I lost my "attitude" time ago after many trys etc.
[11:06] <aes52> Having parritions which can easily be resized or changed
[11:06] <asincrono> and I'm not against anyone... just against me.
[11:06] <asincrono> sorry.
[11:07] <etfb> aes52: Cool idea. Where does the tech come from?
[11:07] <asincrono> my problems are mine and must stay with me...
[11:07] <dr_willis> asincrono, proper positive attitude helps. :) positive about everyone/thing/including yourself.
[11:07] <etfb> asincrono: Since it's a Spanish question, have you asked on the Spanish Ubuntu channel? Let's see...
[11:07] <etfb> !es
[11:07] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[11:07] <aes52> no idea, it's a linux concept
[11:08] <etfb> aes52: Really? In the immortal words of Zaphod Beebelbrox, "See what you miss if you don't stay alert?" I'd never heard of it.
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[11:08] <geek> aes52: well you need to create a PV and LVs to start with
[11:08] <aes52> geek: I have done
[11:08] <geek> if you understand LVM it will hardly seem suspecious ;p
[11:09] <aes52> no
[11:09] <aes52> I already have LVM volumes SET UP
[11:09] <geek> aes52: then?
[11:09] <aes52> I'm trying to get the partition manager set up to install Kubuntu INTO my Lvm partition
[11:09] <geek> ahh
[11:09] <aes52> I have a / partition .. I'm trying to a) wipe it.. b) install hardy heron!
[11:09] <aes52> I need to do this in the partition manager
[11:10] <aes52> when the disk comes up in partition manager it has USE AS: None
[11:10] <aes52> I can select USE AS: LVM disk... but then it wants to write changes to disk
[11:10] <aes52> and I'm slightly nervous about doing that, I don't know if its right
[11:18] <krypto_> why does adept doesnt show my gnome packages? i.e. when I search for bluez-gnome it doesnt get any result but when I install the package via apt it works
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[11:30] <aes52> surely somebody knows about LVM + Kubuntu here :p
[11:31] <schlangen> hi
[11:32] <schlangen> how can i reinstall dbus?
[11:37] <pierrick__> hi,
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[11:38] <pierrick__> i'm looking for some help about Klibido
[11:39] <pierrick__> anyone uses Newsgroups ?
[11:42] <etfb> pierrick__: "KLibido", huh? Cute name. I use Emacs gnus for that, but Usenet is pretty hopeless nowadays: too much spam. What's on there that is still worth looking at?
[11:43] <pierrick__> hi, so i don't even have any Spams with Usenets :p, but Emacs working Well ? always available ?
[11:46] <etfb> Emacs is an acquired taste; it may not be what you're used to. But there are plenty of newsreaders around; if KLibido isn't working for you, there must be alternatives. Or: have you checked for forums and mailing lists on the KLibido site?
[11:48] <pierrick__> No, Klibido works, but there is probleme with the Queue ... it's not a big problem but it's happened many times ... sometimes it works well sometimes it's the BAD :p
[11:49] <pierrick__> and i'm looking for some users of it because i don't wanna change
[11:49] <aes52> Is there ANYONE who knows about Using LVM here ?
[11:49] <aes52> I'm trying to install Kubuntu on an EXISTING LVM volume group
[11:51] <pierrick__> no sorry, i'm on the other channel too :p
[11:54] <etfb> aes52: When all else fails: back up everything to external hard drives, then just dive in. The worst that can happen is you cause your hard disks to explode, which burns down your house and kills your family.
[11:57] <ubuntoil> hi,
[11:57] <ubuntoil> Yesterday I compiled vlc 0.9.4 on a kubuntu linux...works great
[11:57] <ubuntoil> just wanna know...can I have embedded video ??
[11:58] <jussi01> ubuntoil: in firefox/konqueror?
[11:59] <ubuntoil> now embedded in the main vlc windows
[11:59] <ubuntoil> *window
[12:00] <ubuntoil> well, in fact, I've just read a post saying that this has been disable to avoid some crash...
[12:02] <jussi01> ahh
[12:02] <schlangen> how can i reconfigure or reinstall dbus?
[12:03] <schlangen> and is there a config-file that i could edit?
[12:03] <_Ivo> hey. Since I updated to KDE 3.5.10 (in Hardy) my DVD drive stopped working in the desktop environment. It doesn't show on media:/ and K3B can't record a thing. I still can mount it through the shell but this is far from ideal. Anyone else experiencing this?
[12:07] <_Ivo> it had been working in 3.5.6, 3.5.8 and 3.5.9 so I suspect it's a regression, but I'd pretty surprised if no one else is experiencing a similar behavior
[12:08] <TuniX12> not me :D
[12:08] <jussi01> _Ivo: Ive not seen it, but Id report a bug anywya
[12:08] <ubuntoil> same, not me
[12:09] <_Ivo> oh well, thanks anyway
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[12:10] <_Ivo> I wouldn't mind reporting a bug; it's just in my experience KDE developers rarely bother to fix anything. They usually just tell me to "upgrade to KDE 4.x where that's fixed".
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[12:11] <jussi01> _Ivo: Id also check your fstab config, just to see it didnt get corrupted somwhere along the line
[12:13] <_Ivo> jussi01: as I have mentioned, I can mount it through the shell, which means it's just fine
[12:14] <_Ivo> thanks for your time, guys. I'm off.
[12:18] <tzd> will the main repos be updated with openoffice 3 please?
[12:19] <TuniX12> tzd: i dont think
[12:19] <dr_willis> I imagine the forums will have some info on that tzd - i would be suprised
[12:19] <TuniX12> only backport
[12:19] <dr_willis> of course theres always backports and the PPA repos.
[12:20] <tzd> hmm ok. So if i want the 3rd version I'd have to uninstall v2.4 first and then install oo3 via .deb files right?
[12:20] <dr_willis> Perhaps.
[12:20] <tzd> thanks for the info TuniX12 and dr_willis
[12:20] <dr_willis> I was thinking in the OOOo review i saw the other day..you could install 3 alongside 2
[12:21] <dr_willis> but it would depend on how its packaged
[12:21] <TuniX12> sure
[12:21] <emilsedgh> OOOo ?
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[12:21] <amerigo> helllo
[12:21] <emilsedgh> 'O's are still counting?
[12:22] <dr_willis> ooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000000000000000 :)
[12:22] <dr_willis> caterpiller...
[12:22] <dr_willis> :)
[12:22] <amerigo> how can i do to check if my video driver is the best for my video card ...?
[12:23] <amerigo> and if it is working properly?
[12:23] <dr_willis> 'best' depends. :) then again the options for nvidia/ati drivers are a bit limited.. when in doubt try to use whats in the repos even if its not the latest.
[12:24] <TuniX12> amerigo there is one driver for your card and it's the best cause there is no other one!!
[12:24] <TuniX12> i mean open source drivers
[12:24] <schlangen> does anyone know where the path to the dbus-machine-id is saved?
[12:24] <amerigo> yes, but i got a problem with a game...
[12:24] <TuniX12> amerogo with wine?
[12:24] <amerigo> the driver that before run at 120 fps
[12:25] <dr_willis> More details are always helpfull.....
[12:25] <amerigo> noe runs at 10 fps
[12:25] <amerigo> no SL
[12:25] <amerigo> Second Life
[12:25] <dr_willis> sounds like you have no 3d drivers setup then.
[12:25] <amerigo> !nvidia
[12:25] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[12:26] <amerigo> yes it sounds me too
[12:27] <amerigo> !paste
[12:27] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[12:28] <amerigo> I got this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/62456/
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[12:28] <dr_willis> now try...
[12:29] <dr_willis> grep /etc/X11/xorg.conf driver
[12:29] <dr_willis> oops Upper case D
[12:29] <dr_willis> grep /etc/X11/xorg.conf Driver
[12:29] <dr_willis> and im backwards.. on tghe grep lol...
[12:30] <amerigo> may be grep | ....
[12:30] <amerigo> ?
[12:30] <favro> so grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[12:30] <dr_willis> no reverese pattern and file name. :)
[12:31] <dr_willis> yea..
[12:31] <dr_willis> I cant get vnc to cut/paste right for me. :(
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[12:31] <amerigo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/62458/
[12:31] <favro> !root
[12:31] <ubottu> Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[12:33] <amerigo> i have installed nvidia-glx-new on kubuntu 8.04
[12:35] <amerigo> dr_willis: there's a way to test the freme rate and 3d rendering???
[12:35] <dr_willis> try glxgears perhaps
[12:36] <amerigo> i haven't it on reposities
[12:36] <dr_willis> !find glxgears
[12:36] <ubottu> Please use http://packages.ubuntu.com/
[12:36] <favro> try just typing glxgears in a konsole
[12:36] <TuniX12> !info glxgears
[12:36] <ubottu> Package glxgears does not exist in hardy
[12:36] <dr_willis> its in mesa-utils
[12:37] <dr_willis> :)
[12:37] <TuniX12> :P
[12:37] <jannott> How i change volume? lol? :D
[12:37] <dr_willis> little speaker at the panel?
[12:37] <dr_willis> or run kmix if its not showing
[12:38] <jannott> now its there. Thanks
[12:43] <amerigo> dr_willis: i had to reboot after installation?
[12:43] <amerigo> or run X restart?
[12:44] <dr_willis> reinstalling the nvidia driver normally it best to reboot afterwards
[12:44] <amerigo> ok
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[12:47] <glade88> 'lo.. which image editor is included by default in kubuntu intrepid? I dont have gimp, and okular and gwenview aren't of much use when actually "editting" them..
[12:47] <amerigo> dr_willis: it seems to work fine
[12:48] <amerigo> but i've to try it on the game
[12:55] <dr_willis> glade88, install gimp if you like it
[12:56] <glade88> dr_willis: isnt it so much GTK? i can do that, but is there a reason why isnt it included by default
[12:58] <ubuntu_> hi
[12:58] <TuniX12> yes there is
[12:58] <ubuntu_> every body
[12:58] <ubuntu_> i'm a boy from tunisia
[12:58] <dr_willis> gimp uses gtk.. in fact i was thinking GTK was made origianlly for/with gimp
[12:59] <dr_willis> soit uses gtk.. big deal..lots of apps use gtk
[12:59] <TuniX12> ubuntu_ me too
[12:59] <dr_willis> lots of stuff are not included by default - due to the cd-size limit
[12:59] <ubuntu_> ok ay well
[12:59] <ubuntu_> hi tunix12
[12:59] <ubuntu_> nice to meet you
[13:00] <TuniX12> ubuntu_ join #ubuntu-tn
[13:00] <ubuntu_> there is it here any girl
[13:01] <dr_willis> ubuntu_, lots of them in #gentoo
[13:01] <dr_willis> :)
[13:01] <ubuntu_> thanks
[13:02] <dr_willis> they all are.. even if they say they are not.. they all are secetly girls...
[13:02] <dr_willis> :P
[13:02] <glade88> dr_willis: thanks. I asked also at #kubuntu-devel .. I'll try out krita but gimp. thanks for the reply though :)
[13:03] <ubuntu_> ok thanks
[13:03] <dr_willis> glade88, i recall there being some other image editors out -but i cant rember their names.. some were windows/linux both
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[13:07] <alarm> hey there. i got an issue with dolphin file browser. when i try to enter into directories with 1000+ files (generally many files), dolphin crashes. is there some way to fix that ?
[13:08] <dr_willis> other then 'use konqueror' ? :)
[13:09] <alarm> well why not dolphin ? to be integrated it means that it is also good, or not ? :)
[13:10] <tadej_> Hello all. I don't know if this is the right place to be asking this, but I have just bought a new computer with preinstalled FreeDos and I would like to know how to remove that and install kubuntu
[13:10] <dr_willis> I dont see how its really integrated any more then konqueror.. and its missing a lot ofthe fetures i liked
[13:11] <TuniX12> tadej_: insert your ubuntu CD and install that's all
[13:12] <dr_willis> freedos. :) weee...
[13:12] <tadej_> yeah, the problem is that the cd does not run
[13:12] <dr_willis> insert cd.. power up...
[13:12] <dr_willis> get a cd that works.. or make a bootable thumbdrive..
[13:12] <TuniX12> insert Cd and reboot
[13:12] <dr_willis> how did you burn the cd?
[13:13] <tadej_> yes I did it worked just fine with my other computer
[13:13] <tadej_> OK, i've got it working
[13:13] <tadej_> :)
[13:13] <tadej_> don't know why that didn't workd 5 min ago
[13:13] <TuniX12> good
[13:13] <tadej_> thanky guys
[13:19] <bhs> hello
[13:19] <bhs> dkdkdkdk
[13:19] <bhs> how to join another channel?
[13:19] <bhs> plz teach me that anyguyz
[13:19] <bhs> #us
[13:20] <bhs> #english
[13:21] <favro> try /j #newbie
[13:21] <bhs> thx
[13:22] <bhs> you know change another server ?
[13:22] <bhs> i wanna connect irc.hanirc.org
[13:23] <bhs> dd
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[13:40] <gioac> ciao
[13:43] <[|Liam|]> Hi when I play music on Amarok (on Kubuntu) i seem to be getting alot of bass in the background, how do i get rid of it?
[13:50] <freaky_t> i love kubuntu! :D
[13:57] <melanie> Hi, how can I install kdeprint in kubuntu 8.10?
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[14:06] <anpu> can somebody plz tell me how to install driver for my audio card?
[14:13] <wtffff> hi i have 3 tv cards, the first video is at /dev/video0 , but the audio is at /dev/dsp1.. how to make it /dev/dsp0?
[14:19] <wtffff> hi i have 3 tv cards, the first video is at /dev/video0 , but the audio is at /dev/dsp1.. how to make it /dev/dsp0?
[14:22] <maxbaldwin> is kdesu the right word?
[14:22] <maxbaldwin> because it says it's not. :|
[14:23] <jbisenius> hello there
[14:23] <jbisenius> anyone else had any issues with their kubuntu 8.10 after the recent upgrades?
[14:24] <maxbaldwin> no, what problems did you have?
[14:25] <jbisenius> well, it started with my external HDs not being recoginzed anymore, and then loads of weird messages on startup that unfortunately I neither understand nor remember :(
[14:26] <jbisenius> have re-installed 8.04 now, and upgrading again, so no worries...might have been from my side..just wondering if it were a general issue..
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[14:27] <djiezes> hi, any good tips/links for a freshly Kubuntu 8.10 RC 64-bit install?
[14:32] <maxbaldwin> dijiezes: www.google.com
[14:33] <maxbaldwin> jbisenius: Think it's your end. If it was 8.04 it would've been solved by now. :p
[14:42] <spencer> I'm running kubuntu in a vm and for some reason the fonts are really tiny
[14:43] <Reptile> vm ?
[14:43] <spencer> virtual machine
[14:44] <Reptile> have u tried to change system settings
[14:47] <maxbaldwin> It should be under the system setting, or resolution, spencer.
[14:49] <koperton> ---> need of terster for this http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=91817
[14:58] <eagles0513875> i have a question i am making an ubuntu irc channel for malta ubuntu lug how do i register my channel with kubuntu
[14:58] <eagles0513875> nm wrong channel
[15:13] <sicy> list
[15:14] <blip-> hi all, on kubuntu 8.04 is it compiled with the Xinerama USE flag ? thanks
[15:22] <biel> hi
[15:23] <biel> I'm having trouble with kubuntu hardy, kwin weird behaviour
[15:24] <biel> When I enter for the first time (boot), window frames don't work, and I have to enter the session again
[15:27] <koperton> mm
[15:28] <koperton> strange
[15:28] <koperton> maybe graphic card
[15:28] <onur_> how do i disable adept_notifier?
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[15:34] <biel> graphic card, koperton?
[15:36] <koperton> biel: I dunno but that problems i think means you have some troubles with your graphic card , have you ati ?
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[15:38] <biel> let's see
[15:38] <biel> it's a friend's pc, :)
[15:39] <biel> VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GME965/GLE960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)
[15:39] <biel> 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GME965/GLE960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)
[15:39] <biel> koperton, it'an intel
[15:39] <biel> the pc is a laptop
[15:39] <biel> hp 550
[15:39] <geek> very common graphics adaptor ;p
[15:40] <koperton> mm i have 945
[15:40] <koperton> i knew some issues on that card
[15:40] <koperton> but i really don't remember
[15:41] <geek> IIRC the x3100 didn't work well with compiz ;p
[15:41] <geek> least the one that was optional with hardy
[15:41] <geek> i'd check but i upgraded to intrepid yesterday
[15:42] <koperton> yes there are problems maybe in the forums there are solutions
[15:43] <koperton> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=903288
[15:43] <koperton> try to search there
[15:46] <koperton> maybe here there is something http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/cs-010512.htm
[15:46] <koperton> http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/
[15:48] <scribbles> what do I do with a .bundle file? The copy of VMPlayer I downloaded is .bundle
[15:49] <biel> thanx, koperton
[15:49] <freaky_t> 5 days to go :D
[15:49] <koperton> i will stay with hardy
[15:50] <koperton> i will repeat xD
[15:50] <freaky_t> im on intrepid allready :D
[15:50] <koperton> someone wants test this : http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=91817
[15:52] <eagles0513875> freaky_t: ask in #ubuntu+1
[15:52] <eagles0513875> thats intrepid support
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[15:53] <impalad> hola
[15:53] <impalad> alguien de de la sala sabe algo de opencoffe
[15:53] <freaky_t> eagles0513875: i was not asking anything ,p
[15:54] <freaky_t> !es
[15:54] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[15:54] <eagles0513875> any intrepid support if u need any is in that channel
[15:54] <freaky_t> eagles0513875: i know :P
[15:54] <freaky_t> i need no support atm
[15:54] <freaky_t> i was just chatting ;D
[15:55] <eagles0513875> freaky_t: make sure its support related
[15:56] <freaky_t> no if i want to say something i say it ;D
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[15:56] <freaky_t> and now im away ;D
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[16:05] <scribbles> I downloaded VMWare Player as a .rpm and as a .bundle, alien conversion of the rpm gives me a scripts error, what do I do with a .bundle?
[16:05] <scribbles> is it an executable?
[16:12] <BluesKaj> Hiyas
[16:15] <emilsedgh> Howdy BluesKaj :P
[16:15] <BluesKaj> hi emilsedgh
[16:21] <batti5> i need help with kopete
[16:22] <batti5> how use as irc client?
[16:23] <dr_willis> Hmm.. Run it, check its help docs? :)
[16:24] <dr_willis> I dont recall it being too hard to figure out. BUt i perfer xchat for irc
[16:24] <ign0ramus> hey guys... my firefox is slow as heck now, and I realized it's because it spends 2-3 seconds "looking up sitename.com..." before beginning to connect. How can i fix this?
[16:31] <fgutierr> hi, i'm having problems with kernel 2.6.27 and my wireless adapter ipw3945
[16:31] <geek> ign0ramus: sounds like your DNS server
[16:31] <fgutierr> i've tried the backport thing, and ndiswrapper
[16:31] <fgutierr> but nothing worked fine until now
[16:31] <fgutierr> can you help me?
[16:32] <ign0ramus> geeK: yep, i'm checking now... i generally use the Level3 DNS (, etc), but i may go back to OpenDNS
[16:33] <ign0ramus> fgutierr: fwiw, i had the same problem. that kernel worked fine with wireless on Intrepid, but not on Hardy for me (?)
[16:34] * MikHel is unhappy with 8.10 printing....
[16:34] <fgutierr> i have intrepid right now, bue on hardy it wasn't working either
[16:37] <batti5> any help please, how to use kopete as irc?
[16:37] <maxbaldwin> nonono
[16:37] <maxbaldwin> use Konversation
[16:37] <maxbaldwin> batti5
[16:38] <MikHel> Anybody got experience with printing on Intrepid? It is a disaster for me!
[16:38] <maxbaldwin> MikHel: Did you check the community docx?
[16:38] <maxbaldwin> *docs
[16:38] <batti5> maxbaldwin: i dont like konversation
[16:38] <maxbaldwin> :O
[16:39] <maxbaldwin> No, no idea.
[16:39] <coreymon77> batti5: i do
[16:39] <MikHel> maxbaldwin: No, but before I even do that, let me ask this: I installed Intrepid before RC1 and have installed all the updates. Does it mean I effectively have RC1 installed?
[16:40] <batti5> but, no emotions here
[16:40] <geek> MikHel: yes
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[16:41] <TimS> I have connected a joystick, but I'm not sure where its connected to, it shows up as Bus 001 Device 007 when I lsusb
[16:41] <MikHel> Thanks geek. Well the pdftopdf is a total disaster! I have a 200 page pdf file that I want to print and pdftopdf takes almost 2GB of ram to process it and then nothing comes out....
[16:41] <MikHel> :( I prefered the old postscript based printing....
[16:41] <MikHel> At least it worked....
[16:42] <geek> MikHel: ouch. i hardly print on linux so... i can't help there
[16:43] <dr_willis> I cant recall any printing issues under linux.. so cant help much either.
[16:43] <MikHel> geek: I figured ... this is a very narrow scope problem....
[16:44] <dr_willis> and ive rarely used pdf stuff
[16:44] <TimS> Mindfield is ffaaaaasst
[16:44] <TimS> It can load gmail in less than a second :p
[16:47] <biel> koperton, I've found that /etc/X11/xorg.conf does not contain any Driver item.
[16:47] <biel> should I put a Driver "intel" option?
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[16:54] <dr_willis> X tends to 'auto configure' itself a lot these days..
[17:01] <pronoy> I just downloaded kde4.0.3 and i have a problem with mplayer audio....other players work fine....how can i fix it ?
[17:03] <zbyszek> hi i have a huge problem, while booting up the system, i can see problem while starting bluetooth, there is an information "starting bluetooth" and thats it, i can do nothing else
[17:03] <zbyszek> can you help?
[17:03] <zbyszek> hi i have a huge problem, while booting up the system, i can see problem while starting bluetooth, there is an information "starting bluetooth" and thats it, i can do nothing else
[17:03] <zbyszek> hi i have a huge problem, while booting up the system, i can see problem while starting bluetooth, there is an information "starting bluetooth" and thats it, i can do nothing else
[17:04] <winterelf> hi, anyone here knows why i can't find bitchx? can't we use bitchx hardy 8.04?
[17:04] <bazhang> try irrsi
[17:05] <pronoy> I just downloaded kde4.0.3 and i have a problem with mplayer audio....other players work fine....how can i fix it ?
[17:05] <bazhang> !info irrsi
[17:05] <ubottu> Package irrsi does not exist in hardy
[17:05] <bazhang> irssi
[17:05] <bazhang> !info irssi
[17:05] <ubottu> irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-3ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1050 kB, installed size 2840 kB
[17:06] <pronoy> zbyszek: can you help with the problem ?
[17:06] <winterelf> sorry i got offline, i'll repeat
[17:06] <bazhang> try irssi winterelf
[17:07] <winterelf> hi, anyone here knows why i can't find bitchx? can't we use bitchx hardy 8.04?
[17:07] <zbyszek> pronoy try vaious option with -ao switch
[17:07] <zbyszek> all i can say
[17:07] <winterelf> u ment ircii no?
[17:07] <dr_willis> its not in the repos i think.. try irssi if you want a text based irc client
[17:07] <bazhang> no
[17:07] <pronoy> zbyszek: repeat please...total noob here
[17:07] <dr_willis> or the bitchX source
[17:07] <Schuenemann> hey, where does firefox store my history? I need a page I visited a few minutes ago
[17:08] <winterelf> thx
[17:08] <zbyszek> ok pronoy try this
[17:08] <zbyszek> click right on video window
[17:08] <zbyszek> choos preferences
[17:08] <pronoy> ya
[17:08] <zbyszek> go to audio
[17:08] <pronoy> ya
[17:08] <zbyszek> and try with other audio
[17:08] <zbyszek> drivers
[17:09] <zbyszek> remeber to restart mplayer after each change
[17:09] <pronoy> zbyszek : cool works...thanks a lot
[17:10] <Mr-S> for bitchX, check: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=401122
[17:10] <MikHel> zbyszek: I see you are talking about video.... mplayer does not display anything anymore since I upgraded to Intrepid...
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[17:17] <coubeatczech> hello, do anyone know how to shut KDE down and continue working only in shell?
[17:17] <dr_willis> coubeatczech, stop the kdm/gdm service
[17:17] <dr_willis> sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
[17:17] <coubeatczech> ok thanks
[17:19] <portal> hellou there, please can somebody help me with the wireless network??
[17:20] <dr_willis> totally depends on the exact problem/chipset...
[17:20] <dr_willis> and i know very little about wireless.. :)
[17:20] <dr_willis> so state the chipset of the card, and the exact problem to the channel for starters.
[17:21] <emilsedgh> !ask | portal
[17:21] <ubottu> portal: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[17:22] <portal> how to get that wifi system??
[17:23] <Mr-S> open a terminal and type: sudo lspci | grep "Wireless"
[17:24] <Mr-S> it should return something like this: ...BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller ...
[17:25] <portal> umm .. there says ethernet controller..
[17:25] <MellowDude> hi all how is everyone today
[17:26] <Mr-S> do you have a laptop or a desktop computer ?
[17:26] <portal> laptop
[17:26] <Mr-S> wich brand and model ?
[17:26] <portal> umm fujitsu siemens amilo
[17:27] <Mr-S> ok then doing the lspci command, what does the terminal say exactly ?
[17:28] <portal> ispci?
[17:29] <Mr-S> lspci ( it will list all devices including the wireless card )
[17:29] <portal> what command do i type in there
[17:29] <coreymon77> portal: open a terminal and type lspci and press entre
[17:29] <coreymon77> enter
[17:30] <coreymon77> portal: that command displays all hardware attatched to your comptuer
[17:30] <coreymon77> portal: copy the output from it and paste it on www.pastebin.ca
[17:30] <portal> theres says command not found
[17:30] <coreymon77> what?
[17:30] <coreymon77> lspci not found?
[17:30] <Mr-S> try sudo lspci
[17:30] <jussi01> portal: copy-paste it - its an l not a 1
[17:31] <jussi01> Mr-S: no, please dont suggest that
[17:31] <portal> nothing
[17:31] <jozek> czy to wszyscy piszą po angielsku
[17:31] <coreymon77> Mr-S: there is no need to use sudo for that
[17:31] <jussi01> !pl | jozek
[17:31] <ubottu> jozek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl
[17:31] <Mr-S> just in case .... ( i know )
[17:32] <coreymon77> jussi01: why in the world is he getting command not found for lspci
[17:32] <portal> i dont know
[17:32] <jussi01> coreymon77: could be he mistyped it, caps maybe?
[17:32] <dr_willis> using a l for an i, or a 1.
[17:32] <dr_willis> or his path is incorrect
[17:32] <jussi01> yeah, could be that
[17:33] <jussi01> so portal did you try just copying it into the terminal from your irc client?
[17:33] <portal> i tried all of those and nothing
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[17:34] <geek> o0
[17:34] <jussi01> portal: please copy whats in your teminal now to a pastebin for me
[17:34] <dr_willis> it may be wiorth wile to install the 'pastebinit' command.
[17:34] <portal> there just says command not found in everything what i put there
[17:34] <dr_willis> and learn to use it.. of course.. :)
[17:35] <kwin_owna_o_aero> alguem poderia me citar algumas modificações que o Kubuntu vai ter na versão 8.10? (fora ter o KDE4.1.2 por padrão)
[17:35] <jussi01> portal: please do what i say ;) copy everything, including what you typed
[17:35] <Mr-S> type ls into the terminal, what happends
[17:35] <jussi01> !es | kwin_owna_o_aero
[17:35] <ubottu> kwin_owna_o_aero: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[17:35] <portal> portal@portal-laptop:~$ sudo Ispci
[17:35] <portal> sudo: Ispci: command not found
[17:35] <portal> portal@portal-laptop:~$ 1spci
[17:35] <portal> bash: 1spci: command not found
[17:35] <portal> portal@portal-laptop:~$ ispci
[17:35] <portal> bash: ispci: command not found
[17:35] <portal> portal@portal-laptop:~$
[17:35] <jussi01> portal: no, its lspci
[17:36] <kwin_owna_o_aero> i'm not speak english
[17:36] <jcfp> !pt | kwin_owna_o_aero
[17:36] <jussi01> with an l, not an I
[17:36] <ubottu> kwin_owna_o_aero: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[17:36] <kwin_owna_o_aero> obrigado!
[17:36] <portal> haa xD
[17:36] <jussi01> :)
[17:37] <portal> what tthen
[17:37] <andy22> Can anyone help me with Quake3 / Doom3...? Neither work now that I've upgraded to Hardy Heron
[17:37] <andy22> I get Sys_Error: Couldn't load default.cfg with doom3
[17:37] <jussi01> portal: copy everything to a pastebin this time
[17:37] <jussi01> !paste | portal
[17:37] <ubottu> portal: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[17:37] <jussi01> coreymon77: all yours... ;)
[17:38] <coreymon77> jussi01: depending on what care we are talking, i may not actually have the time to do this
[17:39] <coreymon77> card*
[17:39] <portal> umm
[17:40] <aes52> Can anyone help me with Doom3 / Quake3? After upgrading to HArdy Heron they no longer work
[17:42] <coreymon77> portal: so, did you pastebin it
[17:43] <portal> i don't know how -_-''
[17:44] <coreymon77> portal: select the entire output, and copy it, then go to www.pastebin.ca and paste it
[17:44] <coreymon77> then post the thing on the pastebin and give us the url it tells you
[17:44] <coreymon77> holy netsplit batman!
[17:45] <portal> i got an error
[17:45] <Mr-S> aes52: have you tried re-installing quake3 ?
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[17:46] <starpollo> ohai
[17:46] <aes52> no, but why should that be nedcessary Mr-S ?
[17:46] <coreymon77> portal: whats it this tme
[17:46] <Mr-S> becasue you have most likely upgraded the kernel and compiler as well
[17:46] <aes52> hmm
[17:47] <portal> i tried to go on that one link and it started to load something and then it got an error
[17:47] <Mr-S> somtimes upgrading kernel means re-installing games ( software )
[17:47] <aes52> ok Mr-S I'm trying that
[17:47] <aes52> I'm suspicous though
[17:47] <coreymon77> okay then
[17:48] <coreymon77> portal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/
[17:48] <Mr-S> just try first with quake3, if successfull, do it with doom3. If not, we start the troubleshooting
[17:48] <starpollo> hmm, how to make dreamweaver work in ubuntu? :O help for a noob?
[17:48] <coreymon77> portal: do it there
[17:48] <coreymon77> starpollo: cs3?
[17:48] <portal> okay i pasted it and what then??
[17:49] <coreymon77> portal: did you press the paste button?
[17:49] <portal> yeah
[17:49] <coreymon77> it gave you a url right?
[17:49] <geek> starpollo: you will probably need to install wine
[17:49] <Mr-S> with the info of lspci, we can see wich wifi card you are using.
[17:49] <geek> !wine
[17:49] <ubottu> WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[17:50] <coreymon77> portal: copy the url from your browser and paste it here
[17:50] <portal> umm... no i quess
[17:50] <coreymon77> ...
[17:50] <coreymon77> copy the thing in the address bar or your browser
[17:51] <coreymon77> and paste it here
[17:51] <tadej_> Hi all, I'm trying to download classical eclipse (ganymede version), but if I install it through adept manager I only get the old version (3.2). I really need the new one so I downloaded it manually and unzipped it. It "kinda" works but in kosole it's still saying that eclipse is not installed. How should I install it?
[17:51] <portal> http://paste.ubuntu.com/62536/
[17:51] <coreymon77> oh boy
[17:51] <portal> whatt????
[17:51] <coreymon77> this might take a while
[17:52] <Mr-S> ok he is using the Atheros chip.
[17:52] <portal> ok.. is it bad??
[17:52] <Mr-S> should be this one auto installed by kubuntu ?
[17:53] <coreymon77> jussi01: i really dont have te time for this card
[17:53] <coreymon77> Mr-S: not this one
[17:53] <Mr-S> ohhhhh ....
[17:53] <coreymon77> Mr-S: most, yes, but not this one
[17:54] <Mr-S> know how that feels ( bcm43 chip set here )
[17:54] <Bones122> This Atheros chip is a bugger
[17:54] <coreymon77> jussi01: its an AR242x, and i really dont have the time to take care of this particular job (have to be somewhere in an hour), can you take care of it
[17:54] <coreymon77> ya, i know
[17:54] <Bones122> !wireless
[17:54] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[17:54] <coreymon77> most atheros chips are easy
[17:54] <jussi01> nope, Im gone
[17:54] <coreymon77> mine worked ootb
[17:54] <coreymon77> but this one is a bugger
[17:55] <portal> my man tried to get the wireless connection to work but now he put me to do it...
[17:55] <Bones122> coreymon77: checkout that link
[17:55] <coreymon77> Bones122: trust me, i know, wireless problems are typically what i deal with
[17:56] <portal> what i do
[17:56] <coreymon> you do this
[17:56] <coreymon> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=800686
[17:56] <Bones122> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros
[17:56] <Mr-S> this link should work
[17:56] <aes52> No, problem is still there
[17:57] <aes52> I think it's a library or graphics card drivers problem
[17:57] <aes52> since Quake3, doom3 and Tribes2 neither work
[17:58] <aes52> glxgears runs fine
[17:58] <Mr-S> ok for this one, start a terminal and start doom3 ( or any other game)
[17:58] <Mr-S> the game will not start, but the terminal will tell us ( hopefully ) what is going on
[17:59] <aes52> ..Locking assertion failure. Backtrace:
[17:59] <aes52> #0 /usr/lib/libxcb-xlib.so.0 [0xb7c0e767]
[17:59] <aes52> I'm suspecting it's some kind of lib problem
[17:59] <Mr-S> one moment.. checking oon something
[18:00] <jannott__> tuxkart is hard :O
[18:01] <Mr-S> this might be helpfull: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-782765.html
[18:01] <aes52> hrm
[18:02] <wolfie> so knetworkmanager doesn't seem to be scanning for wireless networks or anything. my wireless card sems to be active but i don't know how to find and connect to wireless networks (i'm new to kde)
[18:02] <aes52> Sys_LoadDll(/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/uii386.so) failed:
[18:02] <zabbadapp> huh? reading digg, won't OOo 3 be included in 8.10?
[18:02] <aes52> Mr-S: It's a system wide problem I'm having
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[18:03] <coreymon77> wolfie: which card
[18:03] <Mr-S> define system wide, other applications are not starting as well ?
[18:03] <wolfie> coreymon: uh, lets see. i got a lenovo t60p i'm not sure what the card is, how do i check that?
[18:04] <coreymon77> wolfie: lspci in terminal
[18:05] <coreymon77> wolfie: then pastebin it on http://paste.ubuntu.com/
[18:05] <zabbadapp> any organisation or individual that want maximum stability in the environment won't upgrade from 8.04 LTS anyway ... and the rest must wait another 0.5 years before OO3.0
[18:05] <coreymon77> zabbadapp: 8.04 isnt an lts for kubuntu
[18:05] <wolfie> coreymone: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)
[18:05] <freaky_t> i want oo3 in my kubuntu :(
[18:05] <coreymon77> zabbadapp: and ooo 3.0 will be just a simple apt-get away
[18:06] <zabbadapp> will it?
[18:06] <coreymon77> zabbadapp: why wouldnt it?
[18:06] <freaky_t> im eating an apple :D
[18:06] <coreymon77> wolfie: type iwconfig pastebin what you get
[18:07] <coreymon77> wolfie: type iwconfig and pastebin what you get*
[18:07] <zabbadapp> won't i have to add a new source for it first
[18:07] <wolfie> coreymon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/62547/
[18:07] <coreymon77> zabbadapp: i wouldnt think so
[18:07] <portal> it jammed at that cd madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007 patr
[18:07] <portal> *part
[18:08] <coreymon77> zabbadapp: just because its not included doesnt mean it wont be in the repos
[18:08] <zabbadapp> ok, then I retract my previous whining :-)
[18:08] <wolfie> coremon: whoops pasted too much. jus see bottom :-)
[18:08] <coreymon77> portal: what do you mean by jammed
[18:08] <coreymon77> wolfie: no worries, do you use wep encryption?
[18:08] <wolfie> coremon: yes
[18:09] <portal> i put that command to the terminal and then it want something more ...??
[18:09] <coreymon77> wolfie: that makes things alot easier
[18:09] <wolfie> coreymone: nice :-D
[18:09] <coreymon77> portal: it brings you back to a prompt right?
[18:10] <aes52> MR-S you were right it seems
[18:10] <aes52> Mr-S:
[18:10] <aes52> but I don't understand why
[18:10] <Mr-S> what happend ?
[18:10] <aes52> reinstalling quake3 fixed it
[18:10] <portal> http://paste.ubuntu.com/62551/
[18:10] <aes52> Nothing is compiled
[18:10] <aes52> so I'm really confused by thsi
[18:11] <Mr-S> here is my theory: you have upgarded the kernel and the gcc compiler. This means that quake3 will think nothing has changed.
[18:11] <wolfie> coreymon77: so, any help?
[18:11] <Mr-S> but the new kernel and compiler will create a new enviroment with new links ans paths ...
[18:11] <coreymon77> wolfie: yup, you know the essid and wep key im assuming?
[18:11] <coreymon77> portal: you messed up
[18:11] <wolfie> coreymon77: no doubt.
[18:11] <portal> where
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[18:13] <Mr-S> as reslt: quake3 and the others were going to the wrong libary paths. re-installing solves this
[18:13] <kwin_owna_o_aero> sudo rm -f /
[18:13] <djiezes> freaky, ooo3 has repositories for kubuntu, i just installed them on 8.10 rc, 64-bit. work fine.
[18:13] <kwin_owna_o_aero> :P
[18:14] <coreymon77> portal:hmm, wait a sec
[18:14] <portal> this is the entire thing http://paste.ubuntu.com/62554/
[18:14] <aes52> I see
[18:14] <wolfie> coreymon77: i do know the essid and wep key
[18:14] <aes52> so There are some settings somewhere to library files etc
[18:14] <aes52> when I install
[18:14] <Mr-S> this is why upgrading makes me nervous :)
[18:15] <coreymon77> wolfie: okay, type this, replacing the [] with your info
[18:15] <coreymon77> wolfie: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid [youressid] key [yourwepkey]
[18:15] <coreymon77> example
[18:15] <coreymon77> wolfie: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid blah key blah
[18:17] <wolfie> coreymon77: that seems to have worked. i don't want to disconnect my ethernet quite yet just in case it didn't. now, in gnome there was a nice panel app that did all that for me. it even scanned for all available networks. any such thing in kde?
[18:18] <coreymon77> wolfie: knetworkmanager is awful, sorry
[18:19] <coreymon77> portal: ah, i see, you actually were fine
[18:19] <wolfie> coreymon77: can i use gnome's network manager in kde then?
[18:19] <coreymon77> but, if you looked in the file you unzipped, then you would have realized what i am gonna tell you
[18:19] <wolfie> coreymon77: or is there an alternative to knetworkmanager?
[18:20] <coreymon77> wolfie: you can use gnomes
[18:20] <portal> what i do
[18:20] <coreymon77> portal: type cd into a termina
[18:20] <wolfie> coreymon77: just sudo apt-get gnome-network-manager?
[18:20] <coreymon77> l
[18:20] <nejode> wolfie, take a look at this: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/
[18:20] <root> irssi rules!
[18:20] <wolfie> nejode: will do
[18:20] <root> same as bitchx!
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[18:21] <wolfie> nejode: will i have to remove knetworkmanager before installing wicd?
[18:21] <coreymon> portal: did you type cd into terminal
[18:21] <portal> yeah
[18:22] <nejode> wolfie: yes
[18:22] <coreymon> portal: good, now
[18:22] <portal> what then
[18:22] <coreymon> portal: wget http://snapshots.madwifi.org/madwifi-hal-
[18:23] <wolfie> nejode: how am i supposed to install using apt-get if after i remove knetworkmanager i no longer have an internet connection?
[18:23] <aes52> Has anyone seen Konqueror crash when surfing the net?
[18:23] <aes52> I have :P
[18:23] <nejode> wolfie: download it first
[18:24] <wolfie> nejode: just download the .deb package?
[18:24] <nejode> wolfie: http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reviews/6527/1/
[18:24] <coreymon> portal: done?
[18:24] <wolfie> nejode: thanks
[18:24] <portal> how do i get that open that link
[18:25] <coreymon> portal: just type wget http://snapshots.madwifi.org/madwifi-hal- into terminal
[18:25] <Mr-S> yep ... konqueror is not a perfect web browser :(
[18:25] <coreymon> portal: copy and paste wget http://snapshots.madwifi.org/madwifi-hal- into terminal
[18:25] <freaky_t> firefox keeps crashing on me :(
[18:25] <DaSkreech> Mr-S: No browser is
[18:25] <Mr-S> you do have a point there
[18:26] <DaSkreech> If they were I could download hardware :-(
[18:26] <coreymon> portal: is it done?
[18:26] <coreymon> portal: i have to go soon, so hurry
[18:27] <Mr-S> tried doing so myself, but the dvd burner was to big for my download/directroy :)
[18:27] <portal> haaa
[18:27] <coreymon> yes?
[18:27] <portal> it saved something
[18:27] <coreymon> good
=== kde4 is now known as jirik
[18:27] <coreymon> now
[18:28] <coreymon> tar xfz madwifi-hal-
[18:28] <portal> into terminal??
[18:28] <coreymon> yes
[18:29] <coreymon> everything in terminal
[18:29] <portal> ok then what
[18:29] <coreymon> cd madwifi-hal-
[18:29] <portal> then
[18:29] <coreymon> then sudo make
[18:29] <coreymon> then sudo make install
[18:29] <coreymon> then sudo modprobe ath_pci
[18:30] <coreymon> then reboot and you should be good to go
[18:30] <nejode> wolfie: you can use the -d option in apt-get to download only the required packages...
[18:30] <portal> ok thanks
[18:30] <nejode> ...and then install fron cache
[18:31] <pronoy> how do i download the kdm theme manager using terminal ?
[18:31] <coreymon> portal: now i have to go, if you still have problems, ask someone else
[18:33] <aes52> how do I make konqueror the default file browsing application
[18:34] <aes52> so that when I click on System-> storage fore xample, it opens up konqueror NOT dolphin
[18:34] <aes52> also.. is it safe to remove dolphin?
[18:34] <Mr-S> aes52: you are using KDE4 ?
[18:34] <aes52> don't think so
[18:35] <Mr-S> do you have a black task tray and a strange logo on the upper right corner of your desktop ?
[18:35] <[ifroog]> Quick, Whats the command to free the apt-get/adept database lock?
[18:36] <aes52> nope
[18:36] <aes52> I think it's kde 3.54
[18:36] <aes52> or something
[18:36] <Mr-S> than you are not running KDE$ but the normal one .. one moment ..
[18:39] <Mr-S> konqueror is the default file browser, not sure yet how to set dolphin as the standard browser
[18:39] <aes52> right,
[18:40] <aes52> you know the icon that you can click 2nd from the left
[18:40] <aes52> where you can click 'Home folder' etc
[18:40] <aes52> 'Storage'
[18:40] <aes52> I want that to open up Konqeuror, not Dolphin
[18:40] <aes52> also, I don't know why my Documents folder has an exclamation mark
[18:41] <hume> how can I create program icons in a panel in kde4 as I used to do in kde3?
[18:41] <Mr-S> check this out:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=483897
[18:42] <Mr-S> make sure konqueror is set on the top level
[18:43] <Mr-S> or simply uninstall dolphin ...)
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[18:44] <aes52> thanks for your assistance Mr-S!
[18:44] <Mr-S> no problem
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[18:49] <MellowDude> hi up all
[18:50] <MellowDude> ok i got the kubuntu 8.10 to work
[18:50] <LjL> no, i'll keep sitting down, thanks
[18:50] <LjL> !8.10 | MellowDude
[18:50] <ubottu> MellowDude: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[18:50] <MellowDude> i need to config the xserver
[18:51] <MellowDude> but when i try it dont give an option to pick a graphice what i do
[18:53] <freeksh0w86> Is it possible to configure the screen resolution for kdm and all users?
[18:54] <MellowDude> it will not let me pick my chip set though
[18:56] <Mr-S> MellowDude: KDE4 is not supported here, only KDE3.x. You can check #ubuntu+1 (irc) or edit your xorg.conf
[18:56] <Tukon> hi all
[18:56] <Tukon> i'm running intrepid RC
[18:56] <BluesKaj> MellowDude: perhaps the #ubuntu+1 chat will help you...the discussion there is about 8.10 and KDE4
[18:57] <Tukon> how can i get adept to install koffice 2 beta?
[18:57] <Tukon> i added the repo to the third party software tab, but koffice-kde4 doesnt show in the package list
[18:58] <BluesKaj> beta's are seldom list listed in the source repos
[18:58] <Mr-S> Koffice 2 beta: check http://www.kubuntu.org/news/koffice-2-beta-2
[19:00] <Tukon> Mr-S: i did that, but the koffice-kde4 package isnt showing up in the package list =(
[19:01] <DaSkreech> Tukon: known bug sorry about that. run sudo /usr/sbin/update-apt-xapian-index
[19:01] <DaSkreech> hi MellowDude
[19:01] <BluesKaj> Tukon: did you copy and paste this into your sources.list ? deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu intrepid main
[19:02] <DaSkreech> BluesKaj: he did but adept didn't rebuild the package cache
[19:02] <Tukon> ah
[19:02] <Tukon> thx daskreech
[19:02] <DaSkreech> If he tries to install it from CLI it will work
[19:02] <Tukon> lemme try it
[19:02] <BluesKaj> you have to copy the whole repos line from deb to main
[19:02] <DaSkreech> assuming Tukon is a he :)
[19:03] <BluesKaj> then sudo apt-get update
[19:03] <Mr-S> sorry, i was checking in Koffice 2 beta ... looks nice ..
[19:05] <Tukon> DaSkreech: THANKS! Koffice 2 beta installing now...
[19:06] <MellowDude> i just need to know how to edit the Xorg.confg in kubuntu on how to intall the drivers for the i845g/gl chipset or the 915 chip set
[19:09] <koperton> i am disperate :) i can't find out a guys to test my new mencoder ffmepg ffmpeg2theora slider software
[19:10] <Mr-S> if i understand you correclty: you will need to set Driver "i810" in xorg.conf, video devie section
[19:10] <MellowDude> yes
[19:10] <Mr-S> check : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88876 | there is an xorg.conf example
[19:12] <Mr-S> just open /etc/X11/xorg.conf and edit the driver line yourself. restart X ( ctrl alt backspace ) and check
[19:12] <pronoy> help please....i seemed to have closed the lower panel on kde 4.0.3 environment and now i can't access any applications
[19:13] <pronoy> help please....i seemed to have closed the lower panel on kde 4.0.3 environment and now i can't access any applications
[19:14] <Idzme> just add a panel
[19:14] <Idzme> right mouse klick-add panel
[19:14] <pronoy> Idzme
[19:14] <batti5> its possible to have snow or rain on the desktop?
[19:14] <pronoy> Idzme: ill be right back
[19:14] <Idzme> then select add widget and select the application launcher
[19:14] <Idzme> ok, that will fix it :)
[19:16] <pronoy_> Idzme: no such option..
[19:16] <pronoy_> just says configure desktop
[19:16] <Idzme> on you're right mouse menu-you can select add widget and add panel
[19:16] <Idzme> no??
[19:17] <pronoy_> i'll try
[19:17] <Idzme> maybe firsat Unlock you're widgets
[19:18] <pronoy> Idzme: nope..no such widget
[19:18] <Idzme> pronoy: why do you logg off\
[19:18] <Idzme> ???
[19:19] <pronoy> because kde is on this machine
[19:19] <pronoy> and i have to switch between gnome and kde4 sessions
[19:19] <Idzme> ok, first click with you;re right mouse button on you're desktop and choose Unlcok widgets
[19:19] <Idzme> why?? you can use irc on kde alkso
[19:19] <pronoy> Idzme: to access IRC i need that panel
[19:19] <Idzme> alt-f2
[19:20] <Idzme> then type in youre irc client
[19:20] <Idzme> sorry, that's gnome
[19:20] <pronoy> i'll switch over and talk to you ..brb...and sorry i am a total noob :)
[19:20] <hume> anyone can point to instructions on how to create program icons in a panel in kde4?
[19:21] <pronoy> Idzme: ya done
[19:21] <pronoy> Idzme: no such option of unlock widgets
[19:21] <Idzme> hume: yes, start you're application launcher, right click on wanted programm and then add to panel
[19:21] <Idzme> what do you see under the right mouse menu??
[19:22] <Idzme> under kde4
[19:22] <hume> Idzme, ok.. but if I want it on a second panel, not the main panel?
[19:22] <Idzme> first put the application-launcher widget in that new panel and do teh same
[19:22] <pronoy> run command, configure desktop, add widgets, align horizontally, align vertically, lock widgets, lock screen and logout
[19:22] <Idzme> that's who I did it :)
[19:23] <pronoy> Idzme:run command, configure desktop, add widgets, align horizontally, align vertically, lock widgets, lock screen and logout
[19:23] <pronoy> thats all i got
[19:23] <pronoy> and the main panel was exactly what i was talking about
[19:23] <Idzme> ok so no add panel, starnge, ia have al you're op[tions and teh add panel option
[19:23] <batti5> need help with xsnow
[19:24] <pronoy> Idzme: is there any way i can make it all default ?
[19:24] <Idzme> pronoy, sorry i don't know why that option is not there, it shopuld be
[19:25] <pronoy> can anyone else help me ??
[19:25] <Idzme> pronoy, sorry...maybe google in gnome?? there should be some option to start a terminal with short keys (alt-F2 in gnome)
[19:26] <hume> Idzme, this might sound strang, but my KDE is in swedish - which one is "Application Launcher"? The K meny?
[19:26] <Idzme> =have to go now, good luck, sorry i could't help you
[19:26] <Idzme> hume: yes
[19:26] * Idzme is leaving
[19:26] <Mr-S> i think i can help. In the widget appletm are 2 K icons
[19:27] <Mr-S> 1 K for the new KDE4 menu, and 1 for the tradional. Be aware of the red signs ( - and + ) next to them.
[19:28] <Mr-S> be sure there are no red - or +. Then add 1 K button
[19:31] <pronoy> Mr-S: i am not quite sure...what youi mean ?
[19:32] <Mr-S> I am not at my KDE4 box now, but when moving the mouse in the black panel, right mouse click-> add widget
[19:32] <pronoy> YES
[19:32] <pronoy> go on
[19:33] <Mr-S> a new box appaers with joices, there you will find the K launcher buttons
[19:33] <pronoy> nope
[19:33] <pronoy> just widgets
[19:33] <Mr-S> do you have a new box ?
[19:33] <pronoy> yes
[19:33] <Mr-S> what does the drop down list box say ?
[19:33] <pronoy> categories and all widgets
[19:34] <Mr-S> ok, make that box bigger
[19:34] <Mr-S> no wyou should be able to see different icons
[19:34] <pronoy> full screen
[19:34] <Mr-S> just resize the box to be bigger
[19:34] <pronoy> i just have all the widgets and the search field and a drop down menu
[19:35] <Mr-S> ok now scroll through the widgets.
[19:35] <pronoy> yes
[19:35] <Mr-S> At some point a K ( blue icon with a white K in it ) should be visible
[19:35] <pronoy> yes
[19:36] <pronoy> its an application launcher widget
[19:36] <pronoy> and aplication to launcher menu
[19:36] <Mr-S> yep, this is the one. Next to it, can you see anything which might be a + sign or a - sign ?
[19:36] <Mr-S> or anything in red ?
[19:37] <pronoy> yes its activated so red
[19:37] <pronoy> minus
[19:37] <Mr-S> ok click on it an make sure no red signscan be seen
[19:37] <pronoy> ok done
[19:37] <Mr-S> now select the K buttun and add this one
[19:38] <pronoy> yes
[19:38] <Mr-S> now you should see the icon in the panel ( left hand side )
[19:38] <Mr-S> klick on it, and the Menu should expand
[19:39] <pronoy> there is just this widget having a menu of all my applications...now i want the main panel back....the taskbar as we know it windows
[19:39] <pronoy> having the start menu and stuff
[19:39] <Mr-S> good..
[19:39] <MellowDude> ok intel website said to install the I915 graphics how i do that in terminal
[19:39] <pronoy> Mr-S: but still the problem isn't solved
[19:39] <Mr-S> go back to the add widget panel and seach fotr Taskbar .( BE aware. KDE4 is quite nasty with these widgets)
[19:40] <pronoy> yes but the taskbar panel isn't there
[19:40] <Mr-S> ok start a program ( it is ofthe shrunk so small, nothing can be seen. Been there myself )
[19:40] <pronoy> Mr-S: it has a taskmanager...
[19:40] <batti5> whare can i find a desktop snower for linux?
[19:41] <Mr-S> sorry than we need to add the ... dang forgot how it was named ...
[19:41] <pronoy> yes ?
[19:41] <mrunagi> !jasper
[19:41] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about jasper
[19:41] <Mr-S> the thing is you need to play wih teh wigets. they are quite unstable, it took me quite some time to get these little bastards up and running
[19:42] <pronoy> yes...but the original panel...the one that comes up with the first launch having the clock and the desktops isn't there...how do i bring that
[19:42] <Mr-S> xsnoe : check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5471
[19:43] <Mr-S> welcome to KDE4 ... its playing with the widget
[19:43] <pronoy> o man !
[19:43] <Mr-S> and of course the little red signs next to the widget icons
[19:43] <Mr-S> KDE4 widgets are not so stable and easy to use
[19:44] <pronoy> i tried googling it but what should i write in the field ?? whats that basic panel called ?
[19:44] <Mr-S> took me 20 min to get them back running like the first time. and still ...... ( arrrggggggg)
[19:44] <ross> .
[19:45] <Mr-S> one more tip, create a new account and log into that one
[19:45] <Mr-S> ( that was my sollution )O
[19:45] <pronoy> how will that help
[19:45] <pronoy> the administrator account being the one i use on my gnome interface
[19:45] <Mr-S> new account means that the panel will be original as the first time used. it is complete
[19:46] <pronoy> yes but the i don't need an extra account hanging around
[19:47] <pronoy> the same thing happened on ubuntu 8.04 without the kde and i was able to reset that
[19:47] <Mr-S> in this case you will have to play with the panel settings and the widgets. its also funny that you cannot drag the widgets in the pannel around
[19:47] <mopped> How can I find/search for files/directories/parts of etc, from terminal?
[19:47] <pronoy> but how do i do it in Kubuntu ??
[19:47] <Mr-S> so the order to add widgets is quite important
[19:48] <Mr-S> like i described. the panel in gnome is completly different from the one in KDE
[19:48] <aes52> how do I make my alsamixer settings permanent?
[19:48] <aes52> asactl store does not seem to work
[19:48] <pronoy> the now active programmes where do they show ?? i mean i don't see that panel
[19:49] <Mr-S> I was under the impression we were working in KDE4 all the time ... )
[19:49] <pronoy> kde 4.0.3 over ubuntu 8.04
[19:50] <Mr-S> its all the same ....
[19:50] <ross> I prefer kde
[19:50] <Mr-S> but i think you should ask the #ububntu+1 channel here ....
[19:50] <ross> I like kde4, but I lose some functionality
[19:51] <Mr-S> I really need my KDe4 box to explain every single step, but i am at my laptop now
[19:51] <ross> specifically, my panel doesn't span two monitors
[19:51] <ross> I really like the extra room to spread the icons out
[19:51] <Mr-S> kde4 is like having 3 mothers in law staying for more than 1 week
[19:52] <pronoy> Mr-S: hahah.....well put
[19:52] <Mr-S> :)
[19:52] <ross> but, I've lost my association for text files (not when I double-click on a txt file, xboard opens up): can anyone tell me how to fix that?
[19:53] <ross> I wish gvim would open when I open a txt file from a file browser
[19:53] <Mr-S> right mouse click on the file, select Open with -> enter/or brows to the text editor, make sure to remember the settings. Click OK
[19:53] <ross> Mr-S: Thanks--that's been bugging me for awhile now
[19:53] <Mr-S> np m8 )
[19:53] <mrunagi> can someone explain to me what ./configure is
[19:54] <pronoy> Mr-S: how do i get kubuntu 8.10 ?
[19:55] <chris__> pronoy: update-manager -d
[19:55] <Mr-S> http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu
[19:55] <Mr-S> sorry wrong link
[19:55] <ross> when I use "Open with:", what is the "Run in terminal" option?
[19:56] <Mr-S> instruction Kubuntu 8.1 can be found her : http://www.kubuntu.org/news/8.10-rc
[19:56] <Mr-S> WOrd of caution: its beta !
[19:57] <Mr-S> ross: this means the terminal will be used to run this command. you do not need this one now
[19:58] <ljuwaidah> hi
[19:58] <ross> hi
[19:59] <DaSkreech> batti5: yes
[19:59] <ljuwaidah> i used kubuntu for a while but i really hated the fact that there is no root user and i can't seem to get how you do it
[19:59] <ljuwaidah> so i shifted to fedora
[19:59] <SlimeyPete> erm
[19:59] <SlimeyPete> "sudo passwd"
[19:59] <DarkSmoke> lol @ no root user
[19:59] <SlimeyPete> that'll set up a root account.
[19:59] <ljuwaidah> but i'm willing to give kubuntu another shot if i get it
[19:59] <ljuwaidah> well, it was pretty confusing
[19:59] <SlimeyPete> but jus tusing sudo is generally better
[19:59] <batti5> DaSkreech: yes what?
[19:59] <ross> I really like kubuntu--I tried gentoo but it was too much werk
[20:00] <batti5> or you mean desktop snow?
[20:00] <DarkSmoke> ljuwaidah: there is root user you just have to set the password for it by doing , sudo passwd root , and then use "su" and enter the password you setted
[20:00] <Darthfrog> /msg ljuwaidah "sudo su -" then "passwd" will enable the root account.
[20:00] <ljuwaidah> ross: i used gentoo for 6 months, 3 days of which was innstalling it :(
[20:00] <ross> I was installing it for 3 months
[20:00] <ljuwaidah> and a total of a whole week building kde from source :(
[20:00] <DarkSmoke> omg
[20:00] <DarkSmoke> you do use slow computers :/
[20:01] <DarkSmoke> i installed gento in 2hours
[20:01] <chris__> <-quad core 8gb ram
[20:01] <DarkSmoke> and compiled kde in 8hours
[20:01] <DarkSmoke> :/
[20:01] <ross> well, I kept backing myself into corners---I'm a linux newbie
[20:01] <ljuwaidah> DarkSmoke: why don't you have an option to set it during installation?
[20:01] <DarkSmoke> and by kde i mean kde-meta, all of the kde progs
[20:01] <ross> I have a fast system
[20:01] <ljuwaidah> DarkWizzard: my old comp was slow
[20:01] <ljuwaidah> i'm not sure about this one
[20:01] <DarkSmoke> ljuwaidah: because kubuntu doesn't use "su" by default it uses "sudo <command>"
[20:02] <ross> I'm running Pentium 3.41ghz Intell with 4 gb RAM
[20:02] <ljuwaidah> ross: why do you need 4gb? i have 2 gb and it's more than enough, what do you run?
[20:03] <ljuwaidah> DarkSmoke: humm... that makes a lot of sense
[20:03] <ljuwaidah> i'm giving it another shot :
[20:03] <ljuwaidah> :)
[20:03] <DarkSmoke> so
[20:03] <ljuwaidah> when is 8.10 going to be released?
[20:03] <DarkSmoke> if you want to run konqueror as roo
[20:03] <SlimeyPete> ljuwaidah: end of the month
[20:03] <ross> ljuwaidah: I appreciate your argument, most of my OS's don't even recognize the full 4 gb, I just bought it because I didn't know better
[20:03] <DarkSmoke> i mean
[20:03] <DarkSmoke> if you would like to cp a file as root, you would do "sudo mv file"
[20:03] <ross> although I think it really does help with Vista
[20:03] <ljuwaidah> less than 6 days remaining, woohoo!
[20:03] <DarkSmoke> and that gives you as much permisions as root
[20:04] <ljuwaidah> ross: i see
[20:04] <ross> I probably never use it all in Linux
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[20:05] <ross> Windows Server 03 doesn't seem to use it well at all
[20:05] <ljuwaidah> btw, you do have a 64-bit version, right?
[20:05] <ross> Its a total dog
[20:05] <ross> ljuwaidah: no, I'm only in 32 bits, but I don't regret it
[20:05] <ljuwaidah> haha, i was asking about kubuntu ;)
[20:06] <ross> ljuwaidah: I guess my cpu emulates 64 bits, but I never tried it
[20:06] <ljuwaidah> *sigh* i was asking whether there is a 64 bit version of kubuntu
[20:07] <ljuwaidah> Yes, there is :)
[20:07] <ross> ljuwaidah: I don't know about that--I wasn't even sure you were talking to me :)
[20:08] <ljuwaidah> what's this option for? Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer.
[20:08] <Bones122> 64-PC (AMD64)
[20:09] <Mr-S> who wanted to know about root account un kubuntu ?
[20:09] <ljuwaidah> Mr-S: that'll be me
[20:10] <Mr-S> check : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/default-root-password-371203/?highlight=root+password
[20:10] <ljuwaidah> but i got my answer already, thanks :)
[20:10] <Mr-S> its all there
[20:10] <ljuwaidah> hold on a sec, you don't have torrent downloads?
[20:10] <Mr-S> oh sorry ... ) well better twice than nether at all
[20:10] <ljuwaidah> hahah
[20:10] <ljuwaidah> true
[20:11] <Bones122> http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download download the 64 bit version here
[20:11] <ljuwaidah> Bones122: I think i'm gonna wait for 8.10 to be released
[20:11] <Mr-S> ok who has stolen my cookie !
[20:11] <Bones122> That is 8.10
[20:12] <ljuwaidah> it's still in beta,right?
[20:12] <ljuwaidah> *rc
[20:12] <ross> Mr-S: that'd be me, I was really hungry
[20:13] <ljuwaidah> you guys work in the same place or something?
[20:13] <Mr-S> nopw cant be you, I see my cat with a big big smile... not again )
[20:13] <ross> lol
[20:13] <fabricio> logout
[20:15] <ljuwaidah> seriously guys, do you have a torrent download? 'cause the internet connection is pretty unstable here
[20:15] <ljuwaidah> and it's not cheap either
[20:15] <ross> ls
[20:15] <ljuwaidah> ls?
[20:16] <ross> I had my mouse in the wrong window :(
[20:16] <ljuwaidah> hahaha
[20:21] <ljuwaidah> You don't talk much here, do you?
[20:22] <Mr-S> well this is a support channel
[20:23] <ljuwaidah> Mr-S: So?
[20:23] <Bones122> ljuwaidah: seriously people have trie
[20:23] <Bones122> tried
[20:24] <ljuwaidah> Bones122: But they disappeared and nobody heard from them ever again?
[20:24] <Mr-S> actually you have a point there
[20:24] <Bones122> so seriously try downloading it'
[20:24] <pronoy_> i need help with kde4.0.3..i just uninstalled it and i cant get the inital boot screen of ubuntu and the login screen of ubuntu....i deleted the kde package..how do i get the settings back ?
[20:24] <Mr-S> but i am bussy remapping my laptop keybaord layout
[20:25] <pronoy_> Mr-S:i need help with kde4.0.3..i just uninstalled it and i cant get the inital boot screen of ubuntu and the login screen of ubuntu....i deleted the kde package..how do i get the settings back ?
[20:25] <ljuwaidah> Bones122: i'm not sure we're on the same page
[20:25] <Bones122> pronoy_: DO YOU HAVE WINDOWS ALSO INSTALLED
[20:25] <pronoy_> Bones122: nope
[20:25] <Bones122> oops caps
[20:25] <ljuwaidah> Mr-S: Yipee! You're switching to dvorak?
[20:26] <pronoy_> Bones122: any ideas..how i can get everything back before installing kde 4.0.3
[20:26] <Mr-S> no just remapping the FN buttons and special keys to fit my needs
[20:26] <Alpha_Cluster> pronoy_: is it booting at least?
[20:27] <ljuwaidah> Ah
[20:27] <Darthfrog> pronoy_: What do you see when the machine finishes booting?
[20:27] <pronoy_> i see the kde login screen..but it boots into gnome environment
[20:28] <ljuwaidah> I don't see why people don't switch to dvorak, i mean it really is faster than querty
[20:28] <pronoy_> and the login screen is of kubuntu...intially it was ubuntu
[20:28] <Darthfrog> Then at the login screen (i.e. kdm chooser), go down to the bottom and in the "Session" choose "KDE".
[20:28] <ljuwaidah> sometimes i type so fast that it feels like a made a mistake when i actually haven't
[20:28] <Mr-S> I guess it depends on the needs and skills. not everyone knows how to switch the layout
[20:29] <ljuwaidah> Mr-S: i really doubt that's the problem
[20:29] <pronoy_> Darthfrog: removed Kde...so no session
[20:29] <Darthfrog> ljuwaidah: I can touch type in QWERTY. :-)
[20:29] <Mr-S> my tyoing speed depends on the amount of coffee, and so do the typos
[20:29] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: more like some times people cnanot access the settings to chage to davork
[20:29] <Darthfrog> pronoy_: THen use Synaptic to install "kde-desktop".
[20:29] <ljuwaidah> do you think if people knew that switching the layout is easy they'll all shift to dvorak? i doubt it
[20:29] <ljuwaidah> Darthfrog: i can touch type in dvorak ;)
[20:29] <Mr-S> most likely, this is true.
[20:30] <Darthfrog> ljuwaidah: But I'd have to learn Dvorak. This is a barrier to entry. :-)
[20:30] <Alpha_Cluster> besides ljuwaidah eveyone is switching to colemak now remember?
[20:30] <ljuwaidah> wtf is colemak?
[20:30] <Alpha_Cluster> lol its the one that one the contest to remove the caps lock key
[20:30] <Mr-S> in myh case i alter the Xmodmap files, and create my own xmodmap
[20:30] <ljuwaidah> WTF? yet another keyboard layout?
[20:31] <Mr-S> there are so many variants for keyboards ....
[20:31] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout#Colemak
[20:31] <tadej__> hi could someone please help me installing eclipse... After untaring it I'm stuck...
[20:32] <Alpha_Cluster> tadej__: have you tried the eclipse in the repos its generally easy to use
[20:32] <Mr-S> for eclipe try this one first : http://flurdy.com/docs/eclipse/install.html
[20:32] <tadej__> yes, the problem is that I need the newest version
[20:32] <Alpha_Cluster> ahh
[20:32] <Mr-S> when doing source install
[20:33] <tadej__> I'm new to kubuntu and that is some scary stuff. :)
[20:33] <pronoy_> Darthfrog: i don't want kubuntu up again just the old ubuntu look
[20:34] <ljuwaidah> WTF? why does colemak have r on the home row instead of u? u is a fucking vowel!
[20:34] <Alpha_Cluster> pronoy_: did you remove kubuntu-desktop and install ubuntu-desktop?
[20:34] <Alpha_Cluster> lj
[20:34] <[|Liam|]> My music isnt playing in Amarok, says Xine parameters how do i fix this?
[20:34] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: because its point is to switch as few keys from qwerty as possible while still being better for your typing
[20:35] <pronoy_> Alpha_Cluster: why do i need to install ubuntu-desktop ?? why can't it be done back to default the way i left it upon installing kubuntu ?
[20:35] <Mr-S> Liam : fresh kubuntu install and trying to play mp3 files ?
[20:35] <Darthfrog> pronoy_: Then edit the file /etc/X11/default-display-manager and change it to "/usr/sbin/gdm".
[20:35] <ljuwaidah> but that doesn't make it better than dvorak, it just makes the transition easier
[20:35] <[|Liam|]> No Mr-S
[20:35] <Alpha_Cluster> pronoy_: ubuntu-desktop will pull gdm (the gnome login manager) and the proper boot screen
[20:35] <[|Liam|]> it only lets me play music
[20:35] <[|Liam|]> when i load up Amarok before i load up firefox
[20:35] <[|Liam|]> its weir
[20:35] <Mr-S> ok what codec is in use and can xine play it itself ?
[20:35] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: which is the #1 problem with dvorak which btw ive tried to switch to probably 5 times now all failed
[20:35] <[|Liam|]> MP3
[20:36] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: how come i could?
[20:36] <ljuwaidah> i'm using it right now
[20:36] <tadej__> Mr-S: what is the purpose of Tomcat
[20:36] <Darthfrog> !usplash | pronoy_
[20:36] <ubottu> pronoy_: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork
[20:36] <Alpha_Cluster> oh i know people use it i just get frustrated with typeing slow
[20:36] <ljuwaidah> i know it sucks in the beginning but it's not impossible
[20:36] <Mr-S> http://linux-sxs.org/internet_serving/c62.html#WHAT_IS_TOMCAT
[20:37] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: i got angry learning to touch type qwerty at first lol
[20:37] <pronoy_> Darthfrog: i can't cd to the file you mentioned
[20:37] <[|Liam|]> 'Xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers'
[20:37] <Alpha_Cluster> btw ljuwaidah colemak has backspace on caps lock which i think dvorak needs too
[20:37] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: so have you succeeded in switching to colemak?
[20:37] <Darthfrog> pronoy_: Then put "sudo" in front of the commands.
[20:37] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: nah i just wanted to show it to you from what you were saying
[20:38] <Mr-S> ok usually kubuntu is unable to play mp3 out of the box, it needs to download some files.
[20:38] <Alpha_Cluster> i use qwerty myself right now i plan to someday hopefully get to dvorak with backspace on caps lock
[20:38] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Clusterz: you can map the caps lock to backspace if you want to :/
[20:38] <pronoy_> Darthfrog: it says it is not a directory
[20:38] <Darthfrog> pronoy_: I did say edit the *file*.
[20:38] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: yeah cept on bad keyboards that force the capslock key at the keyboard level
[20:38] <Mr-S> When using amarok, a notification should alert you to download them, and offers you to do so.
[20:38] <Darthfrog> pronoy_: the dir is /etc/X11.
[20:39] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: so you DO believe that dvorak is better/faster than colemak
[20:39] <Mr-S> as alternatief: check the repository: apt-get for xine and its codecs
[20:39] <Alpha_Cluster> [|Liam|]: did you download the xine libraries?
[20:39] <[|Liam|]> yes..
[20:39] <Mr-S> than its wiered !
[20:39] <pronoy_> Darthfrog: how do i edit it ??!?!
[20:40] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: i think dvorak might be a bit better its more that windows (which i will be needing at work) doesnt support colemak
[20:40] <Darthfrog> pronoy_: You're in GNOME,right? Use "sudo gedit /etc/X11/default-display-manager".
[20:41] <pronoy_> Darthfrog: done..should i restart ?
[20:41] <Darthfrog> pronoy_: Sure. That'll bring you back to the GNOME login screen.
[20:41] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: i see
[20:42] <ljuwaidah> WTF? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout#Other_original_layouts_and_layout_design_software
[20:43] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: actually that remindes me i really wish i could use "programmer dvorak"
[20:44] <ljuwaidah> i think the difference is only in the punctuation marks
[20:44] <Alpha_Cluster> i know but im a Software Engineer
[20:44] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: i'm a programmer
[20:44] <Alpha_Cluster> exactly then you understand why its a bit better
[20:45] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: that depends on the language you use ;)
[20:46] <Alpha_Cluster> true i am a C/C++/C# guy
[20:46] <ljuwaidah> I'm a big-time actionscript fan
[20:46] <Alpha_Cluster> never touched it
[20:47] <Mr-S> action script is fun
[20:47] <ljuwaidah> are you kidding me? it's so high-level!
[20:48] <Alpha_Cluster> ive never been a big web programmer
[20:48] <Mr-S> i used to program VHDL hardware level ....
[20:48] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: you can develop normal apps with adobe air
[20:48] <ljuwaidah> which runs on both mac, windows, and linux
[20:48] <Alpha_Cluster> yeah but your still writting "normal apps" like web apps plus adobe air is evil
[20:48] <ljuwaidah> humm... i think i like the developer devorak
[20:49] <Alpha_Cluster> lol
[20:49] <ljuwaidah> it switches the - + and {} back
[20:49] <ljuwaidah> ' too
[20:49] <Mr-S> what do think of Quanta ?
[20:49] <ljuwaidah> Mr-S: me?
[20:49] <Mr-S> yep
[20:49] <ljuwaidah> i've used it to write my website
[20:50] <Mr-S> i love it ...
[20:50] <ljuwaidah> me too, it has just enough features :)
[20:50] <ljuwaidah> I think i'm giving programmer dvorak a shot
[20:50] <Mr-S> I think there is almost noting left ( except flash ) it can handle
[20:50] * ljuwaidah is switching his keyboard layout
[20:52] <ljuwaidah> when i last used it its graphical designer wasn't that good so i ended up writing it myself
[20:52] <ljuwaidah> i kept using it because it made uploading easy :P
[20:52] <eagles1> !ghost
[20:52] <ubottu> On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>
[20:53] <Mr-S> afk for a moment
[20:53] <ljuwaidah> cool
[20:53] <ljuwaidah> i wanna make a keyboard like this: http://www.computerhistory.org/collections/accession/102635868
[20:54] <Alpha_Cluster> why?
[20:54] <ljuwaidah> i forgot who made it
[20:54] <Alpha_Cluster> i got my IBM model M so i dont need anything else
[20:55] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: let me find the page in that book, it can take a while
[20:55] <ljuwaidah> what's that?
=== loxeneba is now known as loxeneba_
[20:55] <Alpha_Cluster> the model M?
[20:55] <Alpha_Cluster> its like the tank of keyboards it is indistructable has keycaps and clicky keys
[20:55] <mjbt38> http://www.sexy-lena.com/en/?uid=359291
[20:55] <Mr-S> i guess this keyboards make 10 finger writing more economical :)
[20:55] <pronoy> Darthforg: hey man that command totally screwed up my system...the login screens not there anymore and i run through cli now !!
[20:56] <ljuwaidah> is mjbt38 a bot?
[20:56] <pronoy> Darthfrog: hey man that command totally screwed up my system...the login screens not there anymore and i run through cli now !!
[20:56] <ljuwaidah> lol
[20:56] <mjbt38> shit
[20:56] <mjbt38> sorry bout that
[20:56] <Mr-S> pronoy: what do you see on the screen now ?
[20:56] <mjbt38> im still not used to the middle mouse button
[20:57] <Darthfrog> pronoy: Sounds like you don't have gdm installed. Install it.
[20:57] <pronoy> Mr-S: i started x again....and now i on a gui
[20:57] <pronoy> but it goes out again.
[20:57] <pronoy> Darthfrog: how do i install gdm ??
[20:57] <ljuwaidah> what's the name of the dude that invented the mouse?
[20:57] <Alpha_Cluster> like i said pronoy try installing ubuntu-desktop
[20:57] <Mr-S> ok no worries, you can get GUI login back again by editing /etc/inittab
[20:57] <ljuwaidah> he invented that keyboard
[20:58] <Darthfrog> pronoy: sudo apt-get install gdm
[20:58] <pronoy> Alpha_Cluster: command to install it...i am a total noob
[20:58] <Mr-S> you should set it to runlevel 4 or 5
[20:58] <ljuwaidah> Douglas Engelbart
[20:58] <pronoy> Darthfrog: says here its already to its newest version
[20:58] <Alpha_Cluster> pronoy: sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop
[20:59] <Guest59137> hi, i'm using hardy 8.04 kde, does anybody have any idea how can i change the login screen, it's the regular blue screan, which is very ugly
[20:59] <Darthfrog> Mr-S: Runlevel 2 in Debian systems.
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[21:00] <Darthfrog> pronoy: Do as Alpha_Cluster suggests.
[21:00] <pronoy> Darthfrog: this command sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm gives a strange output
[21:00] <linuser> what does apparmor do exactly other than log to the syslog?
[21:00] <pronoy> Alpha_Cluster: installing it
[21:00] <Darthfrog> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
[21:01] <Mr-S> to change the login screen, install KDM theme manager from the repository
[21:01] <Mr-S> you can download login screen from kde-look.org
[21:01] <linuser> what does apparmor do exactly other than log to the syslog?
[21:02] <linuser> what does apparmor do exactly other than log to the syslog? where is the set permissions like they have in vista? windows defender
[21:02] <Alpha_Cluster> linuser: it watches communications between apps and the files on your computer
[21:02] <pronoy> Alpha_Cluster: done...how do i access it ?
[21:02] <Guest59137> some1?
[21:03] <ljuwaidah> Guest63872: me! :P
[21:03] <Alpha_Cluster> pronoy: try tyuping /etc/init.d/gdm restart
[21:03] <linuser> Alpha_Cluster and when something fishy happens, then what?
[21:03] <Alpha_Cluster> linuser: i dont know i havent messed with it much i know that YaST has a whole section for it in SUSE but i never touched it myself when i used SUSE
[21:03] <pronoy> Alpha_Cluster: says its not the default display manager
[21:04] <ljuwaidah> Guest65285: <Mr-S> to change the login screen, install KDM theme manager from the repository
[21:04] <Darthfrog> pronoy: What's strange about the reconfigure output?
[21:04] <linuser> Alpha_Cluster SUSE does not support dial ups
[21:04] <ljuwaidah> oops
[21:04] <Alpha_Cluster> pronoy: try sudo apt-get remove kdm
[21:04] <linuser> Alpha_Cluster SUSE does not support dial ups....at least the opensuse 11
[21:05] <Alpha_Cluster> linuser: the only reason i brought it up was cause apparmor was started by Novell i belive
[21:05] <ljuwaidah> Guest59137: <Mr-S> to change the login screen, install KDM theme manager from the repository
[21:05] <pronoy> Alpha_Cluster: says its already removed..hang on i am guessing it requires a restart
=== ljuwaidah is now known as root
[21:05] <Alpha_Cluster> pronoy: that might help.. i dont know why thought
[21:05] * root has banned you
[21:05] <linuser> Alpha_Cluster yes it was it is their answer to windows defender
[21:05] <wesley> i cant get my /dev/sda3 mounted its gives me errors, where can i find the mount file where the mount points stands?
=== root is now known as Guest13075
[21:06] <Guest59137> ljuwaidah: thanks
[21:06] <Guest13075> np
[21:06] <Guest13075> oops
=== Guest13075 is now known as ljuwaidah
[21:06] <Alpha_Cluster> linuser: its much better hten windows defender it found out that for some reason skype was scanning /etc/password
[21:06] <Darthfrog> wesley: What kind of errors?
[21:06] <ljuwaidah> Guest59137: np
[21:06] <Darthfrog> wesley: The file is /etc/fstab but *be careful*.
[21:06] <wesley> wrong file system or like that
[21:06] <ljuwaidah> thank Mr-S
[21:07] <Darthfrog> wesley: What file system is it?
[21:07] <linuser> Alpha_Cluster yes it was they should bring a class action law suit against Skype
[21:07] <ljuwaidah> how come i can't change my nick to 'you'?
[21:08] <Mr-S> np
[21:08] <Alpha_Cluster> linuser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor
[21:08] <Alpha_Cluster> it this what you were looking for?
[21:09] <wesley> Darthfog i though jfs
[21:09] <Alpha_Cluster> wesley to you have jfsutils or whatever its called installed?
[21:10] <wesley> yes
[21:10] <ljuwaidah> domn it! windows doesn't have dvorak programmer :(
[21:10] <Mixed432> ljuwaidan, because you need to register it, and that nick is already taken
[21:10] <Alpha_Cluster> wesley: does it say jfs in the /etc/fstab file?
[21:10] <Mr-S> what DOES windows have ?
[21:10] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: yeah nothing actually has it setup
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[21:11] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: not colemak but odes have simplefied dvorak
[21:11] <ljuwaidah> Mixed432: i don't think that's the prob, i think it's prohibited or something, if i try to change my nick to a registered name it tells me that and asks me to identify myself
[21:11] <Mr-S> sorry .. that was ment sacastically. I am not a fan of windows ( anymore )
[21:11] <wesley> http://paste.ubuntu.com/62591/
[21:11] <ljuwaidah> but it doesn't do that with 'you'
[21:11] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: not even on linux?
[21:12] <Alpha_Cluster> what Mr-S your not excited for Windows 7 with kernel 6.1?
[21:12] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: not that i know of you might find a keylayout for it someone on the interwebs though
[21:12] <wesley> Alpha_Cluster that pastebin is my stab
[21:12] <wesley> fstab
[21:12] <ljuwaidah> what is windows 7 supposed to have?
[21:13] <Mr-S> let me first experience Windows 7. than we will see. It will still be built an Vistas kernel
[21:13] <pronoy> Alpha_Cluster: that totally solved all problems...infact something strange is that eventhough i removed kde4 i still am able to use it
[21:13] <ljuwaidah> i doubt many people will switch to windows 7
[21:13] <pronoy> i am actually using it right now
[21:13] <ljuwaidah> the lifecycle of vista is too short
[21:13] <jannott> Windous 8 will have new kernel. Or so they say
[21:14] <ljuwaidah> they can't do that with windows
[21:14] <Mr-S> hard to tell. Windows 7 will be lighter and more *nix like in setup.
[21:14] <wesley> I will try windos 7 if i can
[21:14] <ljuwaidah> it's fucking paid!
[21:14] <mjbt38> gnome vs. KDE ?
[21:14] <Alpha_Cluster> wesley: try on the last line where it says auto chaning it to jfs
[21:14] <ljuwaidah> Mr-S: more *nix like? how?
[21:15] <Alpha_Cluster> yah they already made the "user" folder which is clearly a home folder
[21:15] <maelcum> hi. how is bluetooth support nowadays? any risk of buying an unsupported (us dongle) device?
[21:15] <maelcum> *usb dongle
[21:15] <ljuwaidah> mjbt38: you're in a kde-based distro's channel, you're expecting to find gnome supporters? :P
[21:15] <Mr-S> The filesystem, will be more like a ext3 journaling system, the mult-user under the hood will have resemblems, and more flexibility
[21:15] <Alpha_Cluster> wait thye are actually guna rlease a new FS?
[21:15] <Alpha_Cluster> who wants to bet they rip off zfs or something
[21:15] <mjbt38> my point exactly to someone in this chan
[21:15] <ljuwaidah> Mr-S: can i read about it somewhere?
[21:16] <mjbt38> kde much better than gnome
[21:16] <mjbt38> they just dont belive
[21:16] <pronoy> Alpha_Cluster: how do i install new themes on kde ?
[21:16] <Mr-S> you need to google for it ... and have a large pot of coffee next to you.
[21:16] <ljuwaidah> hahaha
[21:16] <wesley> Alpha_Cluster i still dont get it mount
[21:16] <ljuwaidah> btw, what happened to that tag-based fs?
[21:16] <Mr-S> but there are blogs of developers, and teh first RC canidates will be released before 2009
[21:16] <Alpha_Cluster> wesley: what command are you using to mount it
[21:17] <mjbt38> http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/New+theme+installation+systeme?content=67650
[21:17] <wesley> mount /dev/sda3 /media/sda3
[21:17] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: rumor out of Redmond says internal planned release date for Win7 is June 3, 2009
[21:17] <Alpha_Cluster> wesley: did you try with sudo?
[21:17] <wesley> yes
[21:17] <Mr-S> yep, for the RC1 canidates. THey will be shipped to the alpha/beta testers
[21:17] <Alpha_Cluster> can i get a pastebin of the error message?
[21:18] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: no i believe for final release is what they were saying
[21:18] <wesley> wait i trying to get the error fixed
[21:18] <Mr-S> the final release is planned witin 14 months
[21:18] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: devs are guna get the first beta next week at Microsoft PDC
[21:18] <linuser> ljuwaidah dongle? why dongle? that is cheap hardware
[21:19] <Mr-S> well watta you know. Redmond is fast
[21:19] <Alpha_Cluster> well it shouldnt be that hard to patch vista and then resell it with a different name and multi touch
[21:19] <Mr-S> My guess is Windows 7 will be a mix if MAC OS with Windows, with a tiny flavor of linux
[21:20] <ljuwaidah> linuser: wrong person
[21:20] <Alpha_Cluster> my guess is its Vista gain
[21:20] <ljuwaidah> btw, what do you guys think of webtops?
[21:20] <Mr-S> in a certain sense. But vista is not that bad, its just the hardware specs which are redicculous
[21:20] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: i got a nettop a AAO its not bad
[21:21] <ljuwaidah> what's that?
[21:21] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: its not that bad but its not as good as ubuntu
[21:21] <linuser> ljuwaidah oh hahah
[21:21] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: Acer Aspire One
[21:21] <Mr-S> everything has its pros and cons. I like ubuntu but it will always be my second OS
[21:21] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: i'm sorry, what?
[21:22] <wesley> http://paste.ubuntu.com/62595/ here fstab
[21:22] <ljuwaidah> what's that got to do with webtops?
[21:22] <Alpha_Cluster> wesley: can i get error message?
[21:22] <wesley> its in dutch
[21:22] <linuser> ljuwaidah what is the differnece between a webtop and a netbook
[21:22] <Alpha_Cluster> yeah i thought htey are the same
[21:22] <Alpha_Cluster> unless your talking about stuff like eye-os
[21:22] <Mr-S> netbook is topless ? :)
[21:22] <ljuwaidah> linuser: webtop is an online desktop
[21:22] <wesley> http://paste.ubuntu.com/62597/
[21:23] <ljuwaidah> you can use it from any computer
[21:23] <Alpha_Cluster> lol its a joke
[21:23] <Alpha_Cluster> that is all
[21:23] <ljuwaidah> come on!
[21:23] <Mr-S> eyes os is for the consumer market. Just like compiz-fusion. I like some features, but in the end it drives me mad
[21:23] <ljuwaidah> it's just that no good ones have been made yet
[21:23] <Alpha_Cluster> gh.o.st and eye-os lack all the features and speed of a convential os
[21:23] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: cloud computing is guna die i mean microsoft is making an OS for it so it must be dying now
[21:24] <Mr-S> just take the application switcher for a change, nice looking but slow ....
[21:24] <Mr-S> from all the windows systems I have been using, in the end i liked windows 2000 very much
[21:25] <Alpha_Cluster> wesley: i dont know what is wrong anymore i mean i cannot actually read the message but ive never got that ending to it with dlmesg | tail
[21:25] <ljuwaidah> i realyl think if a good one is made it'll be the next windows (if made by someone other than ms it'll be super uber cool, if it's made by ms it'll be doomsday)
[21:25] <Alpha_Cluster> lj
[21:25] <Mr-S> in my case, i will be a slacky for life
[21:26] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: actually i doubt anyone can make a really good one and i think Microsoft is guna be saved by something else
[21:26] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: slackware?
[21:26] <ljuwaidah> Alpha_Cluster: why not?
[21:26] <Mr-S> yes, i love slackware
[21:26] <Alpha_Cluster> lol your the first level headed slackware user i have met
[21:27] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: i think 3D is more likely to save Microsoft
[21:27] <Mr-S> i can imagine, many slackers are bit strange
[21:27] <Alpha_Cluster> im talking 3D in the sense of real 3d btw
[21:27] <ljuwaidah> you mean a 3d os?
[21:27] <ljuwaidah> you do realize that can be an online os
[21:27] <ljuwaidah> let's face it
[21:27] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: what do you mean you take the friendly ness of the ubuntu people and make it xenophobia instead
[21:27] <Alpha_Cluster> lj
[21:28] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: no i mean like 3d in the sense of hologram like stuff
[21:28] <Mr-S> :) nice one
[21:28] <ljuwaidah> can we generate holograms yet?
[21:28] <ljuwaidah> lol
[21:28] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: non-free ways of viewing 3d graphics taht would kill computing
[21:28] <Alpha_Cluster> lj
[21:28] <ljuwaidah> you remind me of the movie "the first 20 million dollars is always the hardest"
[21:28] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: im talking desktop screens that can display them prefectly
[21:28] <Mr-S> i just like slackware, but I also like kubuntu. well monogamy was nether my thing
[21:29] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: hey at least your not as bad as me i change linux falvors weekly sometimes and do windows stints randomly
[21:29] <ljuwaidah> they were challenged to make a competer that costs less than 99$
[21:30] <Alpha_Cluster> oh im not saying cheap yet but viewing stuff in 3d would kill linux in the medical industry unless they can get open drivers
[21:30] <ljuwaidah> so to cut on the cost the removed the screen, they removed the keyboard, they removed the mouse, they removed the hd, and they used holograms, lasers and cloud computing :|
[21:30] <Alpha_Cluster> but since companies like adobe are behind the computer stuff and nvidia i am not holding my breath
[21:30] <Alpha_Cluster> ljuwaidah: and behind it is OSX?
[21:30] <Mr-S> was at that point my self, gentoo, fedora, PClinuxOS, red hat, suse,...they all are nice in some way. But i feel most at home with slack. Simple, easy, user friendely ( ok this might be a paradox ), fast, reliable
[21:31] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: how is slack simple or easy or user friendly?
[21:31] <ljuwaidah> hahaha, the dude could gather everything in 70 lines of code!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:31] <Alpha_Cluster> btw Mr-S i got a slackware manual printed out someowhere around here and have used it a bit myself
[21:32] <Mr-S> and then there was the sexy kubuntu, easy, relaxed, zen level, but just liek a woman, complicated
[21:32] <ljuwaidah> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0280674/
[21:32] <pronoy> i installed kdm theme manager...now how do i run it ??
[21:32] <Alpha_Cluster> its in the settings
[21:33] <ljuwaidah> fuck! it's so annoying!
[21:33] <pronoy> i don't see anything...just emerald theme manager
[21:33] <Mr-S> pronoy: Control Center -> System Administration -> KDM Manager
[21:33] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: i think that is pretty accurite especialy wiht 8.10 RC im loving Kubuntu again i left it about 2 releases ago because KDE 4.0 was so pretty but bugy and 3 was to old for me
[21:34] <Mr-S> KDE4 is like a young, vergin. If you wait some more time, it will be much more fun.
[21:34] <ljuwaidah> Mr-S: ?
[21:34] <pronoy> Mr-S: i am using kde 4.0.3 and there is no control centre there
[21:34] <Mr-S> oh KDE4 .. sorry..
[21:35] <pronoy> Alpha_Cluster: any ideas ?
[21:35] <ljuwaidah> how can a young vigin get more fun?
[21:35] <Mr-S> klick on the kde button, and enter control center in the typ box. It will come up
[21:35] <Pici> !offtopic
[21:35] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[21:35] <Mr-S> he is right ... wuit off topic now
[21:35] <pronoy> Mr-S: nope....there is no control centre
[21:36] <ljuwaidah> there aren't as many people there
[21:36] <Mr-S> no control center ? that is srange, or am i missing here something?
[21:36] <pronoy> Mr-S: i searched for it
[21:36] <pronoy> and i can't find it
[21:37] <Mr-S> then search for KDM
[21:37] <pronoy> nope'
[21:37] <ljuwaidah> btw, don't you think botuntu is a better name for ubottu?
[21:37] <pronoy> there is however system settings
[21:37] <Mr-S> mhhhh. dang that i am not at my KDE4 box. one minute ...
[21:38] <ljuwaidah> will i get kicked if i keep talking about off topic stuff?
[21:38] <Mr-S> check system settings
[21:38] * ljuwaidah is checking system settings
[21:38] <ljuwaidah> nothing there :(
[21:39] <pronoy> ya found it
[21:40] <ljuwaidah> ugh, i can't get any work done when i'm on irc
[21:40] <ljuwaidah> later
[21:40] <ljuwaidah> thank y'all
[21:41] <Mr-S> sorry... looks like kdm for KDE4.x is quite a handfull. check the ubunttu forum or linuxquestion.org about it.
[21:42] <Mr-S> i thought you were having KDE3.x
[21:52] <aeonoris> What's it called when Kubuntu opens up everything that you had open when you last logged off/shutdown? I'm trying to disable it but I don't know what it's called so Googling it doesn't help much.
[21:52] <pronoy> Mr-S: i can't seem to install the theme..its in .tar.gz format
[21:53] <Mr-S> in this case untar the files and check for a readme.txt file.Or try to install the file, with KDM.
[21:53] <Mr-S> Please remember, KDE4 is still not supported here. I will try my best to help you, but its no guarantee
[21:54] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: not till next week lol
[21:54] <Mr-S> my kdm themes are also in tar.gz format
[21:55] <aeonoris> Nevermind, it's session management...
[21:55] <Mr-S> next week, please dont remind me of next week, will be hell !
[21:56] <Alpha_Cluster> Mr-S: hey im using hte RC and i have no problems with 4.1.2
[21:57] <Mr-S> you lucky one !
[21:57] <Mr-S> :)
[21:57] <Alpha_Cluster> of course i know wtf im doing which probably helps
[21:57] <Mr-S> i second that lol
[21:58] <Lanoxx> will it be possible to install 8.10 with kde3.5?
[21:58] <Alpha_Cluster> i dont believe so...
[21:59] <mrunagi> is kde 4 finished?
[21:59] <mrunagi> and bug freeish?
[21:59] <Mr-S> nope. KDE4 has gone a long way, but still not there
[21:59] <Alpha_Cluster> im using KDE 4.1.2 and kubuntu 8.10 right now and i have no bugs... well besides the fact akrogator doesnt grabe my goggle reader feed
[21:59] <Darthfrog> mrunagi: KDE 4 won't be finished until KDE 5 comes out. :-)
[21:59] <jannott> KDE4 is total re-write or how so many bugs got in?
[21:59] <Lanoxx> Alpha_Cluster: its not about bugs
[22:00] <Mr-S> details, details, details, .... :)
[22:00] <Lanoxx> its more about features that are std in 3.5 and not yet in 4.1.2
[22:00] <Lanoxx> some will be in 4.2
[22:00] <Alpha_Cluster> lol actualy its more like 4.2 i think they are looking at for "bug-free"
[22:00] <Lanoxx> however
[22:00] <mrunagi> can anyone point me to a bash script
[22:00] <Alpha_Cluster> Lanoxx: i thought KDE 4.2 was supposed to be "feature complete"
[22:00] <mrunagi> or tell me what it is i have to do to get a bash script to run.........like #! or something
[22:00] <Darthfrog> mrunagi: Anything in /etc/init.d/
[22:00] <Mr-S> mu guess with KDE4.3 everything will be "perfect"
[22:00] <Alpha_Cluster> mrunagi: um what do you mean?
[22:01] <mrunagi> i want to make my own bash script
[22:01] <Alpha_Cluster> mrunagi: has tit been made exicutable "chmod +x"
[22:01] <mrunagi> i havent made it yet
[22:01] <favro> mrunagi: the first line in a bash script is #!/bin/bash
[22:01] <mrunagi> there we go
[22:01] <mrunagi> thank you
[22:01] <Alpha_Cluster> btw im doubting htere will be a KDE5 for a long time
[22:01] <Darthfrog> mrunagi: You can either "chmod +x <scriptname>" if the first line in the script is "#! /bin/sh".
[22:01] <Darthfrog> Or "bash <scriptname>".
[22:02] <Mr-S> some basic info on bash scripting, can be found here : http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html
[22:02] <penguiniator> mrunagi: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/
[22:02] <Lanoxx> kde5 +6 years or more i think
[22:02] <blackflag> !ldap
[22:02] <ubottu> LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer
[22:02] <Lanoxx> anyway, for exable there is still now multirow task bar in 4.1.2
[22:02] <Lanoxx> s/now/no
[22:04] <Alpha_Cluster> Lanoxx: thta could be seen as a feature
[22:04] <zabbadapp> yeah, and it's not possible to have a very low profile, no background, taskbar either ...
[22:06] <Lanoxx> Alpha_Cluster: that depends on definition, for a programmes side of view everything that concerns useability might be a feature, while a users generally wants a system that "just works" if such things are not included he will probably rather think of it as a bug
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[22:14] <Mr-S> its time to go ... have fun
[22:15] <raylitalo> can anyone help me with the "find" syntax? I've always been confused by it--if it works for me it's more luck than anything...
[22:20] <raylitalo> can anyone help me with the "find" syntax? I've always been confused by it--if it works for me it's more luck than anything...
[22:22] <byteme_> how can I back up my dvds?
[22:23] <raylitalo> byteme_: burn copies?
[22:23] <byteme_> windows has dvd shrink, but not sure about linux
[22:23] <byteme_> yes
[22:23] <byteme_> of store movies
[22:23] <favro> !dvd
[22:23] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[22:24] <byteme_> I just got the hulk today and my kids are already wanting to eat it
[22:24] <byteme_> cool thanks
[22:24] <raylitalo> lol
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[22:30] <byteme_> sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh
[22:30] <byteme_> I get a bad command
[22:31] <byteme_> I guess the commands are the same for ubuntu as Kubuntu
[22:32] <favro> that file might not be executable
[22:32] <NamShub> byteme: its /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh
[22:32] <NamShub> (no "examples")
[22:32] <byteme_> dang
[22:32] <byteme_> missed that that
[22:33] <byteme_> thanks
[22:33] <NamShub> np
[22:34] <byteme_> cool, something happened
[22:35] <linuser> what happened?
[22:40] <byteme_> able to play dvds
[22:40] <byteme_> now I will be able to copy them
[22:41] <byteme_> I just need a descent program that you guys recommend
[22:43] <byteme_> you use vocopy?
[22:44] <byteme_> sweet, it appears that we have DVD Shrink for linux as well
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[22:48] <Guest30801> Anyone know what 'encodeDlg' is?
[22:48] <Tecumseh> Guest, I guess that it's an encode dialog
[22:49] <Guest30801> thank you tecumseh
[22:55] <linuser> using apparmor how big does your syslog get?
[22:55] <linuser> as if the constant connection attempts dont make you log big enough apparmor makes it 3x bigger
[23:01] <mr---t-> coreymon77: I figured out why Iwas only at 3.5.9, I didn't have the backports enabled.
[23:01] <mr---t-> all better now
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[23:03] <Under_Wraps> Good evening
[23:04] <Under_Wraps> how do I remote access Gutsy from Windows 2000 they are on the same LAN
[23:04] <Under_Wraps> ?
[23:04] <mr---t-> !samba
[23:04] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098
[23:04] <notriddle> Under_Wraps: There are a few ways, depending on what your requirements are.
[23:04] <notriddle> !vnc
[23:04] <ubottu> VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX
[23:05] <notriddle> !ssh
[23:05] <ubottu> SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
[23:05] <Under_Wraps> I guess it's remote desktop that I need, several programmes cause Gutsy to 'crash' but the HD light still flashes
[23:06] <notriddle> Under_Wraps: VNC can be used to remotely access a complete desktop, whereas SSH can be used to remotely run individual applications.
[23:06] <Under_Wraps> I can't use the keyboard or mouse
[23:07] <linuser> ubottu SSH has security problems
[23:07] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[23:07] <Under_Wraps> do I install SSH then VNC?
[23:08] <linuser> Under_Wraps google SSH security then install
[23:08] <notriddle> Under_Wraps: One is not dependent of exclusive of the other.
[23:09] <Under_Wraps> many thank linuser and notriddle :)
[23:10] <notriddle> Under_Wraps: To access a Linux system through SSH, install openssh-server and install a client on the Windows system.
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[23:12] <notriddle> Under_Wraps: To access a Linux system with VNC, install tightvncserver, though I don't know as much about VNC as SSH.
[23:13] <ardchoille> Konqueror keeps asking me to install flash for some websites, but I really don't want to use flash. How do I stop konqueror from reminding me to install flash?
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[23:16] <notriddle> ardchoille: Is Flash installed, or do you simply not want to install Flash and don't want to be asked about it.
[23:17] <ardchoille> I don't want to install flash and I'd like to not be asked about it
[23:18] <ardchoille> it's not currently installed
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[23:22] <mrunagi> is it possible to autorun a script at startup?
[23:22] <ardchoille> mrunagi: you can put an autostart item in ~/.kde/Autostart
[23:24] <aurachron> is there anything different about setting up a static ip between hardy and ibex?
[23:26] <mrunagi> oh awesome thank you
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[23:26] <ardchoille> yw :)
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[23:30] <pulaski> Hi, I have two machines. One is running Hardy 8.04 server and the Hardu 8.04 desktop. I am trying to config NFS on server. After installng nfs-common, nfs-kernel-server, /ect/hosts.allow, /hosts.deny and /etc/exports, then run either "exportfs -ra" or when I try to start the NFS server using "sudo nfs-kernel-server start" I get the following error: "* Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon... exportfs: /etc/exports:1:
[23:30] <pulaski> syntax error: bad option list". My /etc/exports file is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/62611/. I'd appreciate any suggestions including links to helpful docs and NIS info..
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[23:35] <favro> pulaski: try sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start
[23:35] <nejode> pulaski: there can't be spaces after the comas
[23:37] <blip-> hi all, i want to use Kpowermanager instead of the default powermanager utility on kubuntu 8.04... but i can't seem to find the package in in adept so i can remove it. anyone know the package name ? thanks
[23:40] <nejode> blip: kpowersave
[23:42] <blip-> nejode: sorry i got the names mixed up... the tool i installed is called Kpowersave... but kununu 8.04 has a little green battery icon which lets one specify brightness and cpu speed. thats the one i want to remove
[23:42] <blip-> nejode: the About of it says PowerManager 0.8
[23:43] <nejode> blip: powernowd
[23:44] <blip-> i'll check that out. thanks
[23:44] <nejode> blip: I'm not sure, but I was having problems on a desktop machine, removed powernowd and all OK
[23:47] <notriddle> !powernowd
[23:47] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about powernowd
[23:47] <blip-> nejode: a similar question please, you know the Software Sources menu which lets you select mirrors for the repositores ? I currently open it up through clicking Adept->Manage Repositories after starting up Adept power manager.. is there a way to open it manually from a console ? Because i want to uninstall Adept and use Synaptic
[23:50] <nejode> blip: you can use both without problems, sudo apt-get install synaptic
[23:51] <notriddle> blip: Should be software-properties-kde.
[23:51] <jannott> nejode, that command will not work, just tryd :D
[23:52] <blip-> thanks. i'm gonna uninstall Adept now through Synaptic :D
[23:52] <notriddle> !software-properties-kde
[23:52] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[23:53] <nejode> blip: sorry, I don't get it... you want to edit your sources.list manually?
[23:53] <blip-> nejode: it's good now. i wanted the software-properties-kde command. thanks
[23:53] <notriddle> blip: software-properties-kde will allow you to edit your sources list without Adept.
[23:53] <nejode> OK
[23:54] <blip-> oops, Kubuntu-desktop depends on Adept Manager... i'm stuck with Adept for ever :(
[23:54] <ardchoille> jannott: Why won't that command work?
[23:55] <ardchoille> blip-: kubuntu-desktop is only a metapackage, it can be safely removed. But you might want to keep it or re-install it before any upgrades
[23:55] <jannott> try yourself
[23:55] <ardchoille> jannott: I did, and it worked for me
[23:55] <jannott> :O
[23:55] <nejode> blip: remove it fron your K menu
[23:55] <notriddle> blip: Uninstalling kubuntu-desktop is safe.
[23:55] <MellowDude> i got a question
[23:55] <notriddle> MellowDude: What is it?
[23:55] <nejode> ...at least you won't see it
[23:55] <blip-> oh i see. k i'll remove it.
[23:56] <MellowDude> when i click on a pic on the net and try set it as desktop back ground it does nothing y
[23:56] <notriddle> MellowDude: Download the image, then set it as the background.
[23:57] <MellowDude> theres no other way
[23:58] <notriddle> MellowDude: The image has to sometime be downloaded to view it at all. If you want it as your background, you probably want it in a permanent location so it won't be downloaded every time you start your computer.
[23:58] <jameswf> i save all my images to "wallpaper then it auto cycles through em