UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /25 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <jameswf> it seems in 8.10 the ability to connect to VPN via knetwork manager has gone away
[00:45] * hunger is still able to configure VPN via knetworkmanager.
[00:45] <hunger> Dunno whether it will work, but I can configure it.
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
[03:34] <ScottK> sbeattie: Now that I have a minute to look at it, there's no way it can work in Intrepid. It should be removed.
=== |Aryn| is now known as aRyn
[12:01] <smarter> sbeattie: and what happens if you let kdelibs4-dev(still available in the repos) and remove kdemultimedia-dev?
[12:02] * jussi01 waves
[12:03] * Hobbsee waves too
=== TeLLuS_ is now known as TeLLuS
[12:54] <glade88> hello.. kubuntu does not include an image editor by default (gimp is so much GTK, and okular and gwenview arent much help at editting images). can one be included?
[12:56] <jussi01> glade88: iirc, there are space issues...
[12:57] <jussi01> glade88: mind, if you want to just install one, go grab krita :)
[12:57] <Hobbsee> not at this point in release, i expect
[12:57] <glade88> the gimp binary is 7887KB.. why not remove one of okular or gwenview and include gimp
[12:58] <glade88> i have installed gimp.. krita may be worth a try :)
[12:59] <glade88> I shouldn't have asked this on two different channels simultaneously..
[13:00] <Hobbsee> glade88: because we are 5 days from release.
[13:00] <glade88> Hobbsee: oic.. and right.. its impossible at this stage
[13:00] <glade88> maybe jaunty?
[13:00] <Hobbsee> and gimp is gtk, and i'm fairly sure you'll have to add in other toolkit bits
[13:00] <Hobbsee> glade88: would prefer to see krita, etc, in there
[13:01] <Hobbsee> (for jaunty)
[13:01] <glade88> +1 .. I would prefer not dump my kde installation with gnome libs
[13:01] <glade88> thanks :)
[13:01] <Hobbsee> your'e welcome
[13:04] <smarter> hmm, wth
[13:04] <smarter> aptitude is talking to me in caps lock
[13:05] <Hobbsee> smarter: ahh, you're getting hit by that too.
[13:05] <Hobbsee> i don't think the cause has ever been tracked down
[13:05] <glade88> Hobbsee: is it totally pointless to add a wishlist bug asking for inclusion of Krita in jaunty?
[13:06] <smarter> and international caps lock day was three days ago :P
[13:06] <Hobbsee> glade88: not sure. I'd imagine that's one of the things that gets evaluated every release regardless.
[13:06] <Hobbsee> so, probably
[13:07] <glade88> Hobbsee: ok
[13:28] <glade88> is there a specific reason why Konqueror does not support Ctrl+Enter? (ie, auto add www and .com to website names)- this feature is really very handy
[13:39] <Hobbsee> glade88: ask #kde or something for that.
[13:40] <glade88> Hobbsee: ok..
[14:49] <smarter> Riddelll: heya
[15:52] <smarter> apachelogger, ScottK, Riddelll: could one of you please upload this simple fix? http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/kdeaccessibility_4.1.2-0ubuntu2_to_ubuntu3.debdiff
[15:55] <ScottK> smarter: At this point I'm nervous about any more Main uploads that aren't absolutely essential (I think that one could go in -updates). I'd prefer to wait for Riddelll and get his opinion.
[15:57] <smarter> okay, because I'm trying to enable the accessibility stuff, and this is a bit of a problem since one of the accessibility profile use kmousetool
[15:57] <smarter> maybe I should just left all the accessibility stuff disabled
[15:58] <ScottK> Most of the stuff in queue right now is Universe and so this'll mostly jump to the front if we upload it, so waiting a bit for Riddelll shouldn't be a major issue.
[15:59] <smarter> ok
[16:33] <smarter> commited my change for kdeaccessbility to trunk and 4.1.3 ;)
[17:03] * ScottK reads Bug 259180 and gets nervous.
[17:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259180 in kde-i18n-es "KDE translation packages (kde-l10n-xx) missing on Intrepid" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259180
[17:16] <apachelogger> ScottK: should I file a bug to get a FFe for http://git.quassel-irc.org/?p=quassel.git;a=commit;h=b0a1b40f41bcba8bca231235c40c9c6d9ead2432
[17:16] * ScottK looks
[17:17] <ScottK> apachelogger: File a bug and close it debian/changelog. As long as you test it first, you've got my motu-release ack to upload (paste this in the bug when you write it).
[17:17] <apachelogger> ok, thanks
[17:18] <Arby> ScottK: re your report bug 285016
[17:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 285016 in kdepim "kontact crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/285016
[17:18] <Arby> do you see the crash prior to shutdown or folloowing reboot?
[17:18] <ScottK> Arby: After the reboot
[17:18] <Arby> a ha interesting
[17:18] <ScottK> It was an apport crash, so I'm not sure if it died on the way down or on the way up.
[17:19] <Arby> ScottK: does bug 287633 sound the same to you?
[17:19] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 287633 in kdepim "kontact crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/287633
[17:19] <Arby> your's is the first I've seen that isn't on amd64
[17:21] <ScottK> Also, here's another hint, since I started using Kmail directly and not Kontact, no crashes.
[17:21] <ScottK> It does seem similar, but I didn't look at the traces.
[17:21] <Arby> there's almost nothing there
[17:21] <Arby> the entire trace is this
[17:21] <Arby> #0 0x00007f3bae875fd5 in ?? ()
[17:22] <ScottK> Ah.
[17:22] <Arby> I'll add yours as a dupe, thanks for the input
[17:22] <Arby> kontact doesn't seem to like beingleft open between sessions
[17:24] <apachelogger> Arby: between sessions?
[17:24] <apachelogger> with reboot?
[17:24] <Arby> apachelogger: not certain about the necessity of reboot
[17:24] <Arby> apachelogger: I haven't tested if it happens with log out then log back in
[17:25] <apachelogger> well
[17:25] <Arby> all the ones so far imply reboot
[17:25] <apachelogger> sounds weird
[17:25] <Arby> let me see if I can reproduce here
[17:25] <Arby> brb
[17:25] <apachelogger> maybe ksmserver kills the kio slaves and kontact starts whining?
[17:27] <ScottK> New wiki.ubuntu.com looks like crap in the Kubuntu style.
[17:31] <smarter> Riddelll: I have ported and reenabled the accessibility stuff of kubuntu-default-settings, it works(I'll test with a Live-CD to be sure)
[17:31] <smarter> The only thing that I couldn't port was the kickerrc, so I renamed them to TODO_kickerrc2plasmarc
[17:33] <smarter> moderate-visual-impairment has really, really big fonts, is this intended?
[17:34] <Arby> apachelogger: ScottK I got a kontact crash http://paste.ubuntu.com/62532/
[17:34] <Arby> not sure if it's the same thing or not
[17:34] <smarter> also, we need to depend/recommend on kde-icons-mono again for lesser-visual-impairment
[17:35] <smarter> (strange that moderate-visual-impairment doesn't use it too)
[17:36] * apachelogger thinks that is a lot of change one week before release :P
[17:39] * Arby reboots for further testing. biab
[17:40] <NCommander> apachelogger, less than a week
[17:40] <NCommander> five days
[17:40] <apachelogger> true
[17:41] <apachelogger> workweek that was :P
[17:50] <jameswf> so on 8.10 rc1 dell vostro 1000 the hotkeys for volume control works but the screeen volume %bar does not change
[17:51] <ScottK> jameswf: That's a known issue.
[17:53] <jameswf> nm it was me being stupid, the master channel (set to front) was not changing pcm was, id10t error
[17:53] <ScottK> smarter: Would you be able to look at http://bugs.debian.org/488041 and see if there are any relevant changes we need in Kubuntu?
[17:53] <ScottK> Ah. Well then it works better for you than for me.
[17:54] <jameswf> other than it being KDE4 it has been close to flawless, on install i had to restart X to get to the live cd
[17:55] <jameswf> i think thats a platform issue because that happened every time on the vostro but not at all on the compaq
[18:00] <ScottK> For me mute/unmute works. The volume keys just tell me what the volume is without changing it.
[18:00] <jussi01> hrm, Im on the way to reporting a bug, but is anyone having performance issues when using folderview or otherwise interacting with the "desktop" ?
[18:01] <ScottK> jussi01: With Konqueror?
[18:01] <jussi01> ScottK: no, folderview plasmoids
[18:01] <ScottK> Oh. No idea then. I'm old fashioned.
[18:02] <jussi01> ie. simple stuff, right clicks, selecting etc
[18:02] <jussi01> ScottK: this is intrepid - its there by default
[18:02] <jussi01> :D
[18:02] <ScottK> Right, but am I using it?
[18:02] <jussi01> heh...ok then :D
[18:08] <Arby> crash report added to 287633 if anyone has time to take a look
[18:09] <Arby> also, do people think this warrants importance = high ?
[18:09] <ScottK> Arby: No. Crash on exit I think is Low since you get where you wanted to go.
[18:11] <Arby> fair enough
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
[18:49] <Riddell> evening
[18:49] <ScottK> Good evening.
[18:50] <ScottK> Riddell: I think the only pending issues for Kubuntu are smarters RFS (see the scrollback) and more thrashing on Language packs.
[18:50] <ScottK> Riddell: Would you have a moment to do some archive stuff?
[18:50] <Riddell> could do
[18:50] <ScottK> we have a bit of New'ing that needs doing and quassel and lyx could use accepting.
[18:50] <Riddell> what's RFS mean?
[18:50] <ScottK> Request For Sponsorship
[18:51] <ScottK> Riddell: It was http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/kdeaccessibility_4.1.2-0ubuntu2_to_ubuntu3.debdiff
[18:52] <ScottK> Riddell: For the stuff in New: Electric was removed when it shouldn't have been so we're getting -0ubuntu1 back from Debian as -1 essentially and the binary New bit saves needing transitiional packages and a diff from Debian in the future.
[18:52] <ScottK> Those are all properly approved by motu-release.
[18:53] <ScottK> I think that's it.
[18:54] <Riddell> k-d-s seems to have had a lot of work
[18:55] <ScottK> k-d-s?
[18:56] <Riddell> kubuntu-default-settings
[18:57] <ScottK> Ah.
[18:57] <ScottK> This reminds me. ubuntu-restricted-extras has an update yesterday. Do we need to update the Kubuntu one?
[18:57] <Riddell> I've no idea
[18:57] <Riddell> depends on the update I guess
[18:57] * ScottK looks
[18:58] <Riddell> what's happening with libanculus-sharp? "libanculus-sharp" binary going away to be replaced with "libanculus0.3-cil" ?
[18:58] <smarter> Riddell: yes, I did some changes to kds, see my highlights above
[18:58] <ScottK> Yes.
[18:58] <smarter> ScottK: I'll test eric4
[18:58] <Riddell> ScottK: so I should delete libanculus-sharp binary?
[18:58] <ScottK> smarter: Thanks.
[18:58] <ScottK> Riddell: After newing the new one, yes.
[18:59] <Riddell> ScottK: libanculus0.3-cil has no replaces or conflicts
[19:00] <ScottK> Urgh.
[19:00] <ScottK> Let me go hunt someone down and get a new upload.
[19:00] <smarter> Riddell: btw, I commited my patch in kdeaccessibility -0ubuntu3 to the KDE svn
[19:01] * ScottK needs to head out. I pinged the person that wanted it changed.
[19:02] <smarter> ScottK: eric doesn't seem to crashes here, does it crashes for you?
[19:03] <ScottK> smarter: No. I just wanted someone who understood this stuff better than me to see if we needed the quiscintilla (or however you spell it) changes.
[19:04] <ScottK> Riddell: New upload being prep'ed on the libanculus0.3-cil situation.
[19:04] <Riddell> ScottK: groovy
[19:04] <ScottK> Riddell: I think kubuntu-restricted-extras is fine.
[19:04] * ScottK heads out.
[19:05] <Riddell> mdebdiff lyx_1.5.6-0ubuntu1.dsc | wc -l
[19:05] <Riddell> 115206
[19:05] <Riddell> ouch
[19:06] <smarter> http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/q/qscintilla2/qscintilla2_2.2-4/changelog just seem to be rebuild
[19:07] <smarter> I don't know if we need to rebuild our qscintilla, since it looks like it works fine
[19:08] <Riddell> shouldn't imagine so, if he just forgot to change a build-depend version that won't affect us unless we built against an old version too
[19:08] <smarter> there's "Build-depend on python-sip4, fix FTBFS.
[19:08] <smarter> " in -2ubuntu1
[19:08] <smarter> so I guess we fixed it
[19:09] <ScottK> smarter: Thanks. I'll mark it off the RC bugs list then.
[19:14] <Riddell> ScottK: bug 289102 ? it's been uploaded
[19:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289102 in gui-ufw "Please update gui-ufw to 0.20.6 (bzr)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289102
[19:16] <ScottK> Riddell: Last I heard DktrKranz was checking that one. If he didn't mark it OK in the bug, then I'd leave it.
[19:16] <Riddell> ScottK: you're ment to be going out!
[19:16] <Riddell> stop getting distracted by your computer
[19:16] <Riddell> everybody ignore ScottK until he goes out
[19:17] <ScottK> Sorry. Got caught up in flaming the guy who made wiki.kubuntu.org all brown.
[19:17] <Riddell> looks blue here
[19:18] <ScottK> You don't see http://technomensch.net/images/ubuntuwiki/kubuntuwiki.png
[19:18] <ScottK> OK, not all brown.
[19:19] <Riddell> ah, I havn't looked at the front page in ages
[19:19] <ScottK> Yeah. They just changed it.
[19:20] <Riddell> smarter: what does kuriikwsfilterrc do?
[19:21] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks for the archive stuff.
[19:23] <Riddell> smarter: how did you enable accessibility profiles?
[19:31] <eagles0513875> has anyone experienced that after upgrading from hardy to the intrepid rc and after booting into intrepid their resolv.conf goes completely blank. also after rebooting after filling in isp name servers it goes back to being blank
[19:39] <smarter> Riddell: kuriikwsfilterrc is used when you type something in konqueror with {http:/,ftp:/,gg:,...} in front of it
[19:40] <smarter> Riddell: with the change I made, if you type something, it will use the first result of google for the thing you typed
[19:40] <smarter> equivalent to the "I'm feeling lucky" button of Google
[19:40] <smarter> it's the same behaviour as Firefox
[19:40] <smarter> and most modern browser I suppose
[19:41] <smarter> Riddell: for enabling accessibility, I uncommented the cp from the accessibility dir, see the log
[19:41] <smarter> and I ported everything to kde4
[19:42] <smarter> and found a bug in kmousetool that I fixed and commited upstream :)
[19:54] <apachelogger> smarter: why is the tomonochrome stuff commented out?
[19:55] <smarter> apachelogger: see the log
[19:55] <smarter> it looks ugly with oxygen
[19:55] <smarter> and unreadable
[19:55] <smarter> and we don't depend on kde-icons-mono anymore
[19:55] <smarter> s/depend/recommend/
[19:56] <apachelogger> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[19:56] <apachelogger> smarter: so?
[19:56] <apachelogger> how is that related to mono at all?
[19:57] <smarter> it is supposed to use mono
[19:57] <smarter> so I guess it would look better withit
[19:57] <smarter> and with oxygen it doesn't improve usability at all
[19:57] <smarter> install mono is the best solution I think
[19:57] <smarter> (also, in hardy we only recommended it on i386, weird)
[19:58] <apachelogger> why not remove that stuff then?
[19:58] <smarter> what stuff?
[19:58] <smarter> tomonochrome?
[19:58] <apachelogger> yes
[19:58] <smarter> so that when/if kde-icons-mono is installed again with Kubuntu, we don't forget to put it back
[19:58] <apachelogger> well
[19:58] <apachelogger> isn't mono supposed to be monochrome by default?
[19:59] <smarter> no idea :P
[19:59] <smarter> probably
[19:59] <apachelogger> I would assume that from the name :P
[19:59] <smarter> but then, why did we bother to do that change?
[19:59] <apachelogger> left over from times we didn't use mono maybe
[19:59] <apachelogger> needs to be tested really
[20:00] <apachelogger> anywho, how do the profiles get used at all? ... i.e. how does one test that stuff?
[20:00] * smarter installs kde-icons-mono
[20:01] <smarter> apachelogger: I tested it manually by copying the relevant files to my $KDEHOME, I don't know how it works if you select the accessibility stuff on the Live-CD, I guess it changes the rep mentioned by /etc/kde4rc
[20:01] <apachelogger> sounds stupid to me
[20:01] <apachelogger> why does it not inherit from kds?
[20:01] <smarter> maybe it does, no idea what the livecd does
[20:02] <smarter> Riddell: ^ do you know how it works?
[20:02] <apachelogger> oh
[20:02] <apachelogger> new vbox available
[20:04] <Arby> would it be reasonable to close bug 282151 as won't fix?
[20:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 282151 in kdepim "kontact crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/282151
[20:05] <Arby> why does anybody need to be able to do that?
[20:05] <Arby> also I can't reproduce it.
[20:07] <apachelogger> Arby: crash is crash
[20:07] <apachelogger> ask him to get a sensible backtrace, then forward to kde and let the bug rot
[20:07] <Arby> ok
[20:08] <apachelogger> smarter: haha, in KDE 3 the kwin color was not choosen very wisely ;-)
[20:08] <apachelogger> clashes with kdesktop color
[20:10] <smarter> and it looks like it's ignored by kwin4 or ozone
[20:11] <smarter> the BorderSize parameter of kwinrc doesn't seem to work too
[20:11] <apachelogger_> [Directories-default]
[20:11] <apachelogger_> prefixes=/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/,/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/lesser-visual-impairment/,/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/moderate-visual-impairment/
[20:12] <apachelogger> smarter: that stuff is style specific AFAIK
[20:12] <apachelogger_> hm
[20:13] <apachelogger_> if the stuff looks in KDE 4 like it does in KDE 3
[20:13] <apachelogger_> we should not upload but target an overall improvement for jaunty
[20:13] <apachelogger_> stupid konversation doesn't even fit my screen
[20:14] <apachelogger_> smarter: what widget style is it using in KDE 4?
[20:14] <smarter> I let oxygen
[20:14] <smarter> not sure if plastique would improve accessibility
[20:14] <smarter> *left
[20:14] <smarter> or *let?
[20:16] <apachelogger_> hm
[20:16] <smarter> <apachelogger> clashes with kdesktop color
[20:16] <smarter> --> apachelogger_ (n=ubuntu@62-47-49-146.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #kubuntu-devel
[20:16] <smarter> oops
[20:16] <apachelogger_> smarter: there should be some special widget style
[20:16] <apachelogger_> high contrast or something
[20:17] <smarter> doesn't looks like it has been ported to kde4
[20:17] <apachelogger_> kdelibs4c2a: /usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/highcontrast.so
[20:18] <apachelogger_> smarter: IMHO oxygen doesn't make much sense
[20:18] <smarter> anyway, there's more than one profile for accessibility, we could disable those who don't look good and let the others
[20:18] <smarter> apachelogger: we could put CDE, it's the ugliest, but it doesn't have fancy shadows and stuff
[20:18] <apachelogger> smarter: see above
[20:19] <apachelogger> at least the visual stuff inherits
[20:19] <smarter> apachelogger: how did you get that line?
[20:19] <apachelogger> smarter: kde3 livecd
[20:19] <smarter> iirc, you have more than one choice when choosing accessibility
[20:20] <apachelogger> yes
[20:20] <smarter> it just changes the order?
[20:20] <apachelogger> still they seem to be connected to each other
[20:20] <smarter> hmm
[20:21] <smarter> not installing the one who look ugly or at least commenting out the poor colors should be enough, nop?
[20:21] <apachelogger> also, I guess capser, or whatever changes the kderc needs to be modified to kde4rc
[20:21] <apachelogger> that said
[20:21] <apachelogger> it wouldn't work with KDE 3
[20:21] <apachelogger> which is horrible since we still ship konvi, k3b and amarok
[20:22] <smarter> maybe we should do like kde(4)-profile
[20:22] <smarter> and ship both
[20:23] <apachelogger> yes
[20:24] <apachelogger> but what I am trying to say, is we shouldn't at all
[20:24] <apachelogger> not with a 1 day time window
[20:25] <smarter> but the accessibility options are probably still there in the live-cd
[20:25] <apachelogger> they just won't work
[20:25] <apachelogger> I am not sure if we can turn them off
[20:26] <smarter> first, we should find where they are :P
[20:26] <smarter> but isolinux config is easily tunable iirc
[20:26] <apachelogger> smarter: #ubuntu-release :P
[20:28] <smarter> We could disable the accessibility stuff for now, polish it in -updates, and reenable it when we make a kde 4.2 remix for Intrepid?
[20:29] <apachelogger> could do
[20:31] <apachelogger> these iwl issues annoy the shit out of me
[20:31] <apachelogger> smarter: does the accessibility stuff get installed with the current kds in intrepid?
[20:31] <smarter> nop
[20:31] <smarter> it was commented out in the Makefile
[20:31] <apachelogger> well
[20:31] <smarter> you can comment it again if you want
[20:31] <apachelogger> smarter: we should avoid -updates then
[20:31] <smarter> why?
[20:31] <apachelogger> less work
[20:32] <apachelogger> just deploy a seperate source package with the 4.2 remix stuff
[20:32] <apachelogger> kind of branching ;-)
[20:32] <smarter> seems good
[20:49] * smarter just noticed that the logo on the cover of the kubuntu 8.04 liveCD looks a lot like the oxygen konqueror icon :]
[20:53] <apachelogger> ScottK, jpds: is there some kind of requirements list on becoming a backporter?
[20:53] * smarter comments out the accessibility stuff in kds, again
[21:14] <apachelogger> ScottK, jpds: bug 284355
[21:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 284355 in hardy-backports "Please backport Quassel from intrepid to hardy" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/284355
[21:20] <apachelogger> jtechidna: the bug #1 kde-systemsettings affect was removed
[21:20] <ubottu> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Won't display info)
[21:20] <jtechidna> yay!
[21:33] <jtechidna> apachelogger: what do we do with bugs like bug 289174?
[21:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 289174 in kde4libs "missing Icons after Update to kubuntu 8.10" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289174
[21:33] <jtechidna> oh, somebody took care of it
[21:33] <jtechidna> ^_^
[21:34] <jtechidna> namely you
[21:47] * apachelogger is running 4.1 right now, so he can freak out over the 450 unread bugmails
[21:47] <jtechidna> \o/
[21:52] <jtechidna> Hmm, is it just me or does KFind have a crystal icon?
[22:13] <smarter> jtechidna: yup, it does
[22:14] <jtechidna> you can tell how neglected a KDE app is by the type of icon it has (crystal vs Oxygen)
[22:15] <smarter> http://pastebin.com/m60710db0 << wth?
[22:21] <jtechidna> oh, that's kaffiene artwork
[22:21] <jtechidna> er, artwork for use in kaffiene
[22:23] <jtechidna> ~np
[22:23] <kubotu> jtechidna doesn't exist at last.fm. Perhaps you need to: lastfm set <username>
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchinda
[22:23] <JontheEchinda> ~np
[22:23] <kubotu> JontheEchinda doesn't exist at last.fm. Perhaps you need to: lastfm set <username>
[22:23] * JontheEchinda slaps kubotu
[22:24] <JontheEchinda> ~lastfm set dualscreenman
[22:24] <kubotu> incorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help lastfm'
[22:24] <jjesse> kubotu help lastfm
[22:24] <kubotu> lastfm [<user>] => show your or <user>'s now playing track at lastfm. np [<user>] => same as 'lastfm'. other topics: events, artist, album, track, now, set, who, compare
[22:24] <jjesse> that's cool has that aalways done it?
[22:24] <jjesse> is pandora or last.fm better?
[22:28] <JontheEchinda> dunno, I haven't used pandora
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
[23:01] <apachelogger> gnu - ew - poo - new
[23:01] <apachelogger> only 00:01 and that blog post already made my day
=== JontheEchinda is now known as JontheEchidna
[23:08] * a|wen is part of a scout clan called "clan the fallen gnu" ... rather fitted that post :)
[23:19] * apachelogger notes that hurd is hurd and no gnu either :P
[23:20] <apachelogger> at least that is what almighty wiki says