UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /20 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
[00:24] <persia> Celtiore, Re: bluetooth : did you not get a bluetooth icon at the top of the screen? lspci and lsusb are usually good ways to check your hardware.
[01:11] <exaltia> Greetings there
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[01:12] <Exaltia> snif..
=== Exaltia is now known as NotTherealexalti
[01:15] <NotTherealexalti> I wish some help about wifi, had an acer aspire one, curently one live "cd" mobile ubuntu intrepid flavor
[01:15] <NotTherealexalti> drivers loaded, but i don't know how to up the wifi card
[01:16] <NotTherealexalti> sudo ifconfig ath0 (or wifi0 or wather wifi related names) always tell no such interface
[01:16] <NotTherealexalti> wathever*
[01:21] <persia> NotTherealexalti, Have you tried using Network Manager? There should be an icon in the taskbar.
[01:22] <NotTherealexalti> let's try it again in this case, i may have missed something
[01:22] <NotTherealexalti> :)
[01:23] <NotTherealexalti> wireless tab, i see my Wireless connection 1, created by myself a few moment ago
[01:23] <persia> Does it have a signal strength?
[01:24] <NotTherealexalti> not at all
[01:24] <NotTherealexalti> there is a mention "never" on the same line
[01:24] <persia> And does selecting it make network manager start spinning trying for a connection?
[01:24] <persia> Hmm. I've never seen "never".
[01:26] <NotTherealexalti> no spinning when selecting it
[01:27] <NotTherealexalti> shall i remove the ethernet cable to try to force it ?
[01:27] <persia> You could try that, but no spinning makes me suspicious. Is this specific to Mobile?
[01:27] <ogra> can you paste the output of lspci to paste.ubuntu.com
[01:28] <ogra> ?
[01:28] <NotTherealexalti> so, let's reconnect that ethernet cable :)
[01:28] <NotTherealexalti> i can :)
[01:29] * ogra is about to go to bed but will take a quick look
[01:31] <NotTherealexalti> pasted
[01:31] <ogra> url ?
[01:31] <NotTherealexalti> paste.ubuntu.com/59936/
[01:33] <ogra> check with lsmod if ath5k and ath_pci are loaded at the same time, if thats the case, make sure to blacklist one of them (you probably need to find out which by trying) in a file in /etc/modprobe.d
[01:34] <NotTherealexalti> bingo! they are :)
[01:34] <ogra> its likely that your device only works with ath_pci
[01:34] <ogra> so start with blacklisting ath5k
[01:34] <ogra> if that doesnt work try blacklisting ath_pci instead ;)
[01:35] * ogra goes to bed now ...
[01:35] <NotTherealexalti> thanks a lot
[01:35] <ogra> :)
[01:35] <NotTherealexalti> have a sweet night
[01:41] <NotTherealexalti> persia, do you have an idea if the small wifi led should lit up or not when the driver is correctly enabled ?
[01:43] <persia> NotTherealexalti, Not at all. I know it depends on the hardware, and the light works for some people and not for others.
[01:43] <NotTherealexalti> thanks, so i won't count on it :)
[01:43] <persia> Well, actually, it should light up, but there might be a bug :)
[01:44] <NotTherealexalti> can i smash it with an hammer if it doesn't lit up ;)
[01:45] <NotTherealexalti> hmm... looks like emgent connection suffered my hammer too ;)
[02:04] <NotTherealexalti> hm...
[02:04] <NotTherealexalti> what could be interface "pan0" reported by iwconfig
[02:10] <NotTherealexalti> eureka
[02:10] <NotTherealexalti> !!!
[02:25] <NotTherealexalti> persia, are u stil lthere ?
[02:54] <persia> NotTherealexalti, I wasn't, but I'm back now. pan0 is bluetooth.
[02:55] <NotTherealexalti> may be an useless driver loaded, there should be no bluetooth on this computer :)
[02:55] <NotTherealexalti> btw
[02:55] <NotTherealexalti> it worked fine
[02:55] <NotTherealexalti> the light never lit up
[02:55] <NotTherealexalti> but
[02:56] <NotTherealexalti> the correct driver was ath5k
[02:56] <persia> Glad to hear you got it working. Are you sure you have no bluetooth?
[02:56] * persia tests
[02:56] <NotTherealexalti> then i was suddently disconnected, keeping from being asked the wep key, keeping entering it, not working anymore
[02:56] <NotTherealexalti> even with a reboot now it won't work
[02:57] <NotTherealexalti> and for bluetooth, i will check, later , this is not an emergency questio n:p
[02:58] <persia> You may be right : Oddly pan0 doesn't seem to go away when I remove my bluetooth adapter.
[02:58] <NotTherealexalti> :)
[03:02] <NotTherealexalti> very strange
[03:03] <NotTherealexalti> shutdowned
[03:03] <NotTherealexalti> removed the battery, restarted, wifi wirk azgain
[03:03] <NotTherealexalti> work
[03:03] <NotTherealexalti> soorry for mistake, betbook is in my other hand
[03:08] <NotTherealexalti> thanks for all your help
[03:30] <stgraber> persia: ping
[03:30] <NotTherealexalti> humpf, bug occured again :(
[03:30] <persia> stgraber, It's very high on my list.
[03:31] <stgraber> persia: cool, thanks :)
[06:13] * NCommander pops in
[06:14] <persia> NCommander, Where's that bug about the username in ubuntu-mid-default-settings?
[06:14] <persia> I'll file if you haven't, but I want to reference the number.
[06:14] <NCommander> I found it
[06:14] <NCommander> er
[06:14] <NCommander> I filed
[06:14] <NCommander> as soon as LP decides to load ...
[06:15] <NCommander> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mobile/+bug/285508
[06:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 285508 in ubuntu-mobile "User ubuntu must be present for MID install to work" [Undecided,New]
[06:19] <persia> Bah. Wrong project. No source.
[06:19] * persia moves
[06:20] * NCommander whistles innocently
[06:21] <persia> If you actually use the deliverable from that project, the bug doesn't exist, because the ubuntu user is part of the image copied onto the hard drive.
[06:22] <persia> Best practice for filing Ubuntu bugs is to file against the Ubuntu project, and then if they are also confirmed upstream, they can be added there.
[06:22] * NCommander whistles loader
[06:22] <persia> That particular upstream project is mostly dormant, and is unlikely to have other than bugfix releases.
[06:23] <NCommander> Point taken
[06:23] <persia> No problem really : it's fairly confusing for that project to exist :)
[06:25] <NCommander> persia, you aren't on SRU, are you?
[06:25] * NCommander can't remember
[06:25] <persia> No.
[06:26] <persia> (and I suspect -motu is a better channel to find motu-SRU people)
[06:26] <NCommander> Right, sorry, just woke up
[06:43] <Celtiore> hi persiq
[06:44] <Celtiore> persia
[06:44] <persia> Bye Celtiore :)
[06:48] <Celtiore> how can i have 800*480 screen size, the ubntu mobile only give me 640*480
[06:50] <persia> Celtiore, You have a poulsbo graphics card, and you're running the vesa driver.
[06:50] <persia> I don't think there's any easy way to do it : you might be able to create a modeline for xorg.conf, which might help.
[06:50] <Celtiore> ok
[06:51] <Celtiore> i try all later
[06:51] <persia> The vesa driver could be adjusted to also try 800x480 and 1024x600 (has the same issue, but at 800x600), but that's maybe more difficult.
[06:51] <Celtiore> but the current versio start correctly the dispaly :p
[06:52] <persia> Yep. It's a known regression. The pouslbo driver doesn't work with the kernel and X in intrepid.
[06:53] <Celtiore> ok
[09:31] <crevette> hello
[09:32] <persia> crevette, Hey. How are you this morning?
[09:32] <crevette> hello persia, honneslty I'ml really tired, I'm back now at work after 15 days off
[09:33] <crevette> and having a baby
[09:34] <crevette> and having a 1,5 baby is not easy, when you have to feed during the night :)
[09:34] <persia> Back at work already! You must be even more tired now.
[09:34] <crevette> but anyway, I'm fine
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[12:55] <Celtiorus> hi
[12:56] <Celtiorus> i have a question concerning ume and aigo mid
[12:56] <Celtiorus> i start the live usb, and copy from usb the /lib/firmware/mrvl with 4 .bin files
[12:56] <Celtiorus> to start wifi
[12:57] <persia> OK.
[12:57] <Celtiorus> but i don't know how to execute the sd8686.bi ?
[12:57] <Celtiorus> n
[12:57] <Celtiorus> it is : modprobe sd8686 ?
[12:58] <Celtiorus> or perhaps can i start a wifi manager directly from the current intrepid :p
[12:58] <persia> asac, Any ideas?
[12:59] <asac> what is .bi? a firmware?
[12:59] <Celtiorus> yes
[12:59] <stgraber> persia, ogra: I plan to do the update (well, write the SQL and send it to the sysadmins) during my lunch break, that leaves you 4 hours to add your changes to the wiki.
[12:59] <asac> Celtiorus: why do you want to execute that?
[12:59] <asac> Celtiorus: you probably have to modprobe your driver module
[12:59] <asac> yes.
[13:00] <Celtiorus> with aigo mid p8860 we don't have wifi enable with the last current intrepid
[13:00] <asac> not sure. thats marvell right?
[13:00] <Celtiorus> yes
[13:00] <asac> whats the marvel driver module name?
[13:00] <asac> and do you see that its loaded in lsmod?
[13:01] <Celtiorus> i have 4 files : helper_sd.bin / helper_sd8686.bin sd8686.bin sd8688.bin
[13:03] <asac> persia: you should ask tonyespy about marvel. i have no clue where the module is shipped
[13:03] <Celtiorus> lspci : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-5617
[13:03] <persia> asac, Celtiore has the module : just doesn't know how to insert it.
[13:04] <persia> Celtiore, You might try catching tonyespy here in 2-3 hours.
[13:04] <Celtiore> lsmod : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-5618
[13:05] <Celtiore> lsmod : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-5618
[13:05] <Celtiore> oups sorry
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[13:51] <Celtiore> don't find :( i prefer ask tonyespy :) :)
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[14:20] <ogra> stgraber, hrm, there are no testcases for ubuntu-mobile at all ? can you just point users to the desktop testcases for it ?
[14:20] <ogra> (its identical apart from touchscreen support and ui layout of the desktop)
[14:20] * ogra only sees -mid tests listed there
[14:21] <persia> And all the -mid test cases are fairly pointless.
[14:21] <persia> (and who knows if they work : there's been a bunch of SW changse)
[14:22] <persia> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/LiveCDInstall is the entirely of the interesting set of tests.
[14:23] * persia edits and does that.
[14:23] <persia> Bah. Wiki edit crashed :(
[14:27] <persia> ogra, If you want to arrange testing for touchscreens, you'll want to write something up.
[14:27] <ogra> hmm
[14:27] <persia> I only care that the images are available and can be installed, and want to verify that on the tracker for RC.
[14:28] <persia> (and quite possibly for release as well)
[14:31] * ogra has a call soon, not sure i can write up everything needed
[14:32] <ogra> beyond that its a bit odd since it would only cover one driver at all
[14:32] <ogra> out of 6 plus there are lots of wacom driven devices
[14:32] <persia> No point really.
[14:32] <ogra> yeah, thats what i think
[14:33] <persia> Also, it's not very Mobile specific. Doesn't matter if they test on Mobile or something else.
[14:33] <ogra> right
[14:33] <persia> Anyway, we'll see.
[14:33] <ogra> and for the other stuff LiveCD install and desktop tests totally suffice
[14:33] <ian_brasil_> touch can be implemented using dogtail raw_input press and release
[14:34] <ogra> right, i dont think we need a special community page for the one driver we support atm
[14:34] <ogra> if we have generalized touchscreen support in jaunty that covers all of the devices it makes more sense to have a dedicated test case
[14:36] <persia> ian_brasil, Well, only for automated tests. Most humans don't handly dogtail guidance well :)
[14:39] <ian_brasil_> persia: sorry i thought this was for automated testing!..my point is that as far as dogtail is concerned there is no difference between a mouse and a finger (at least in procedural mode)
[14:41] <persia> ian_brasil, No, we don't have any organised automated testing for either -mobile or -mid right now.
[14:41] <persia> We've just registered both flavours as testable images, so we'll need to have a few people check each of them for the RC release later in the week.
[14:42] <persia> This should be an improvement in the future, so we don't have any milestone images that just don't work (as some dailies just don't work).
[14:45] <persia> tonyespy, Celtiore has some .bin files and is trying to get marvell wifi working on an Aigo MID (Jax10). Any suggestions?
[14:45] <Celtiore> hi
[14:53] <ian_brasil_> persia: i will run some scripts against the rc ..i have never run them in a vm mind you so that will be interesting to test in itself
[14:54] <persia> ian_brasil, Cool! It would be lovely to have a proper test framework, and verify stuff cleanly.
[14:58] <NotTherealexalti> heya there
[15:01] <ian_brasil_> i think that this would find *lots* of bugs and mean involving upstream quite a lot..not many gnome apps pass dogtail tests for instance (not because they are bad but often the developer does not know how to add the support)
[15:03] <persia> ian_brasil, That's fine. More bugs is good.
[15:03] <persia> No promises on fixing them, but identifying them and tracking them means that we at least have some idea of what needs to be done, and users finding issues can point out which issue they encounter more easily.
[15:42] <samuel> Hello, I have 'PegasusNotetaker' that very nearly works perfectly with no configuration. After the first click the 'button gets stuck down', as it were
[15:43] <BUGabundo_work> os version please samuel
[15:43] <samuel> Ahh, intrepid
[15:43] <samuel> here's the line from dmesg when I plug the device in
[15:43] <BUGabundo_work> ubuntu generic?
[15:43] <BUGabundo_work> ogra: ping
[15:43] <samuel> [ 2687.417345] usb 1-6: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[15:43] <samuel> [ 2687.448489] hiddev98hidraw4: USB HID v1.10 Device [Pegasus Technologies Ltd. NoteTaker FW Ver 3.03] on usb-0000:00:02.0-6
[15:43] <samuel> [ 2687.476544] input: Pegasus Technologies Ltd. NoteTaker FW Ver 3.03 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/usb1/1-6/1-6:1.1/input/input8
[15:43] <samuel> [ 2687.541618] input,hidraw5: USB HID v1.10 Mouse [Pegasus Technologies Ltd. NoteTaker FW Ver 3.03] on usb-0000:00:02.0-6
[15:44] <samuel> ubuntu generic. But it was upgraded from hardy
[15:46] <BUGabundo_work> now u have to wait for some DEV to show up... good luck samuel
[15:46] <samuel> BUGabundo_work: Thanks very much for your help :)
[15:46] <ogra> the note taker only has proprietary drivers
[15:46] <samuel> ogra: I didn't know it had any - Pegasus were very unhelpful when I emailed them (well, unhelpful in some ways... good in others...)
[15:47] <ogra> no way to make it work without getting the driver from the manufacturer ... there is a mandriva based image for the classmate PC that ships it though
[15:47] <samuel> ogra: but it does... work... to an extent. When I plug it in I can use it as a mouse...
[15:47] <ogra> so you might be able to extract the binary driver from that, but thats likely to only work with the mandriva kernel as well
[15:48] <ogra> thats a matter of luck though
[15:49] <ogra> might be that in intrepid the evdev driver accidentially makes use of the input events
[15:49] <samuel> Then when I make the first (ie touch pen on the surface) the 'hovering' mode stops working and I acn only use it as a mouse if I keep the pen held down... If I hold in the button on the side then it works again in hover mode but I can 't click
[15:49] <ogra> though thats a good sign that we could add future support to it
[15:49] <samuel> ogra: do you know which system is likely to be providing me with the functionality I _do_ have? Cos then I could work out how to start configuring it!
[15:50] <BUGabundo_work> bye guys... good luck samuel
[15:50] <samuel> ogra: it works out of the box as a tablet devive on OS X - so it would _seem_ to implement some standard protocol for tablets...
[15:50] <ogra> all i know about the device is that intel shipped it with the generation 1 of the classmate PC by default and had a driver that supported in in the mandriva image that was preinstalled
[15:50] <samuel> BUGabundo_work: Thanks :)
[15:50] <BUGabundo_work> and you ogra could be at #ubuntu+1 more times! lots of people with this kind of questions!
[15:50] <BUGabundo_work> I keep redirecting them here! lol
[15:50] <ogra> when i tried to get drivers from the manufacturer or intel for the edubuntu classmate image i didnt get anywhere
[15:51] <samuel> ogra: yea - I foun that out too - but I _think_ that was an earlier version of the note-taker that didn't have the detachable mode
[15:51] <ogra> BUGabundo_work, well, i'm trying to get pre-release work done as well :)
[15:51] <BUGabundo_work> eheheeh
[15:51] <BUGabundo_work> to much noise there, right?
[15:52] <samuel> ogra: They are getting Linux tools developed, I do know that...
[15:52] <samuel> ogra: would the dmesg lines tell you which driver was being used for it?
[15:52] <ogra> well, i'm in about 30 channels on two servers and have several PM windows open pretty constantly :)
[15:52] <BUGabundo_work> xiiii
[15:52] <BUGabundo_work> 2 servers here, 4 #
[15:52] <samuel> [ 2687.541618] input,hidraw5: USB HID v1.10 Mouse [Pegasus Technologies Ltd. NoteTaker FW Ver 3.03] on usb-0000:00:02.0-6
[15:53] <BUGabundo_work> plus 3 IM bots from jaiku and identica
[15:53] <ogra> samuel, lshal to a pastebin would be intresting, the dmesg part just shows the kenel driver (usbhid apparently) hal shows the X driver
[15:53] <samuel> great. Will do so :)
[15:54] <ogra> i' assuming that will be evdev which doesnt know how to handle all the input events it gets
[15:54] <ogra> ony parts of them
[15:54] <ogra> *only
[15:55] <samuel> http://pastebin.com/m1f4d3848
[15:55] <samuel> ogra: I tried using xev and hitting the events but I need to set up a clamp or somthing so I can clcik the buttons without filling the output with noise from moving the pen!
[15:56] <samuel> ogra: I take it there isn't any standard tablet config app to configure click, tap, etc behaviour of tablets?
[15:56] <ogra> line 1980
[15:56] <ogra> input.x11_driver = 'evdev' (string)
[15:56] <ogra> there you go
[15:56] <ogra> make evdev understand all the events and it might work
[15:56] <samuel> ogra: thanks... I'll do some more googling :)
[15:57] <samuel> by 'make evdev' are we talking patches or config files?
[15:57] <ogra> best is to file a bug against xserver-xorg-input-evdev and attach lshal, dmesg and lsusb to it
[15:58] <ogra> not sure tht will make intrepid though, release is in 10 days, the archive is pretty deep frozen already
[15:58] <samuel> Thanks. I will do that. Is there a way I can log the events that it will send so someone can see if they are all supported or not?
[15:58] <samuel> ogra: wasn't expecting that! I wasn't expecting it to work at all, to be honest!
[15:58] <ogra> well, xev might be your pest bet for a start
[15:59] <samuel> ogra: is the bug perhaps better filed upstream?
[15:59] <ogra> i guess our xorg guys can tell you more in the bug replies
[15:59] <ogra> they will forward where appropriate
[15:59] <ogra> file it for ubuntu for now
[15:59] <samuel> okie. Thanks for your help. I'll file the bugs and have a play.
[16:00] <ogra> it not really a device mobile usually has to do with
[16:00] * ogra would have liked to tell that to BUGabundo_work, but he left already ... i think he mistook it for y touchscreen
[16:01] <samuel> ogra: I know, but I would think that as these things are getting cheaper and now that their conversion tools are getting linux support isn't likely to become a rather strong netbook companion?
[16:01] <samuel> that is what I'm testing it for
[16:01] <samuel> ogra: I did try and point out it wasn't a tablet pc :)
[16:01] <ogra> heh
[16:02] <ogra> well, i know i have one of these things lying around somewhere, i'll do some testing myself so we can probably get suport into jaunty
[16:02] <samuel> for example Vision Objects (who develop a good handwriting recognition engine) are all QTified as faras I can tell, and offer Linux SDKs. I just can't afford one
[16:02] <samuel> also their tools run under Wine, reasonably well...
[16:03] <ogra> tough i rather see it as a toy ... if your netbook has a convertible touchscreen you are likely rather drawing and writing on it directly
[16:03] <ogra> saves a lot of trees :)
[16:03] <samuel> ogra: this thing comes with a stylus tip for the pen :)
[16:04] <ogra> for handwriting input try our cellwriter
[16:04] <ogra> *out
[16:04] <ogra> though thats still rather letter by letter handwriting recognition ... not out of fluid text from paper
[16:04] <samuel> I have tried it, but I think using some of the tools from Paragraph and Phatware have polluted my mind and I want to write cursively
[16:05] <samuel> Have any of you looked into LipiTk
[16:05] <samuel> that HP are writing/working
[16:05] <samuel> on
[16:05] <ogra> not yet
[16:05] <ogra> i will likely look into such apps in jaunty
[16:06] <samuel> ogra: cool - is it you or is there team working on this?
[16:07] <ogra> the mobile tem is working on touchscreen based devices
[16:07] <ogra> *team
[16:07] <ogra> i'm part of that team
[16:07] <ogra> and indeed we're happy about any kind of contribution ;)
[16:08] <ogra> so if you have knowledge of free software that works we'd appreciate any help ;)
[16:08] * persia notes that anyone who has a good handwriting program, and wants to work to make it work well in Ubuntu is more than welcome to do so. Which is the default for Ubuntu Mobile is largely up to ogra, unless we all decide he's wrong.
[16:09] <samuel> Well, I've been looking into this for a while. And the best I can see is actually Vision Objects running under Wine :S
[16:09] <samuel> Which hassajor, functionality crushing bug... :S So it isn't really the best, but it does show most promise. Not/never free though, I would guess
[16:09] <persia> Yeah, but that requires installing wine, which is fairly big.
[16:12] <samuel> yea, for sure. Though when I talket to VisionObjects they said they had a Linux version on the way - and as I said, it is all QT as far assI can see. The text import/export from the 'HWR window' will probably be Win32 API but I know that the enso (I'm sure among millions of others) have system on linux for sending text to the active window...
[16:12] <samuel> wow, sorry about typing accuracy! *talked, *as I can see, *
[16:19] <samuel> Do you guys do the mobile UI stuff too?
[16:21] <persia> samuel, Well, people here tend to work on selection of the packages that go into the -mobile and -mid flavours, and troubleshoot bugs encountered there. Most of the work on the individual applications happens by the teams that work on those applications, although we sometimes help.
[16:22] <samuel> persia - is there a mailing list I can lurk on? I don't have time to _do_ much but lurking is always informative...
[16:22] <ogra> <ubuntu-mobile@lists.ubuntu.com>
[16:23] <ogra> i occasionally blog about improvements and changes on planet.ubuntu.com as well
[16:23] <persia> And there's chatter here, but most of it leaks out elsewhere over time.
[16:24] <samuel> Ahh, I thought it would be done through joining teams in Launchpad - didn't look at the mailists - sorry that was obvious!
[16:24] <ogra> yeah, this channel is the real time stuff, the ML is the out of realtime things and the blogging is the sumaries :)
[16:25] <samuel> I am 'Who (mailforwho) normally/on Launchpad - I'm actaully testing this on someone else's box and fired up Xchat without thinking!
[16:26] <ogra> are you in the ubuntu-art team ?
[16:26] <samuel> ogra: yea - if you can call it that ;) I have been idle for far to long there - too much talk and not enough art from me on that list...
[16:27] <ogra> well, but thats from where i recognize your name then :) i read lots of the artwork ML stuff regulary
[16:28] <samuel> ogra: Basically in my holidays I have time to do things and in term time I really don't - so mails form me on that list come in bursts!
[16:28] <ogra> heh
[16:29] <filipegarcia> ogra: i have a problem in the X configuration
[16:29] <filipegarcia> i get always loww graphics mode
[16:30] <filipegarcia> and (EE) No devices detected
[16:30] <samuel> ogra, persia: Thanks - I have to do some heavily logging in/out things now (GDM has gone curious on me) and so I will say bye. ogra: I'll submit that bug report soon. Nice to 'meet' you :)
[16:30] <ogra> thanks for that :) i'll try to find my pegasus clamp :)
[16:31] <BUGabundo_work> nice to know you got your way samuel
[16:31] <ogra> BUGabundo_work, well, his device is not really mobile related :)
[16:32] <ogra> its a radio clamp you put at the top of a piece of paper ... more like a realtime scanner
[16:32] <BUGabundo_work> its more like touch
[16:32] <ogra> no
[16:32] <BUGabundo_work> but if you are not the man for it, ill start pointing people the other way
[16:33] <ogra> its a radio device that triangulates the position of a special pen
[16:33] <BUGabundo_work> ahhh
[16:33] <BUGabundo_work> didn't know
[16:33] <samuel> ogra: just for reference mine is an 'Apcom DigiScribble' - might be slightly different hardware :)
[16:33] <BUGabundo_work> he didn't explain that to me
[16:33] <BUGabundo_work> lol
[16:33] <samuel> see you all.
[16:33] <BUGabundo_work> I have a table like that on the CAD room
[16:33] <ogra> well, i know the device though its not really typical mobile HW
[16:34] <BUGabundo_work> they move a special mouse to design or select parts of a design
[16:34] <ogra> its not even that big, its like the clamp at the top of a clipboard
[16:34] <ogra> only the clip
[16:34] <BUGabundo_work> but don't you work also on toucth stuff?
[16:34] <ogra> i do
[16:34] <ogra> but it has not much to do with touch devicess
[16:34] <BUGabundo_work> so you are the guy to talk too, right?
[16:34] <BUGabundo_work> ah ok
[16:35] <ogra> for touchscreen stuff i'm probably the most knowledgeable in the ubuntu dev team atm, yes
[16:35] <ogra> simply beacuse i looked deeply into that stuff the last months and will do so more in jaunty
[16:36] <ogra> filipegarcia, i have to rush out soon to do some shopping, probably persia is able to help you
[16:36] <filipegarcia> ok
[16:37] <filipegarcia> persia: can you help me?
[16:37] <persia> filipegarcia, What are you trying to do?
[16:37] <filipegarcia> it says tha i'm working in low graphics mode
[16:38] <filipegarcia> i would like to remove that
[16:40] <persia> What hardware? What software?
[16:40] <BUGabundo_work> he is using ubuntu mobile iinm
[16:40] <filipegarcia> yes
[16:40] <filipegarcia> todays image
[16:40] <filipegarcia> and a 17" touch screen
[16:41] <persia> OK. What video card?
[16:41] <persia> Which driver does X load?
[16:41] <filipegarcia> i get (EE) No devices detected
[16:41] <filipegarcia> humm
[16:41] <filipegarcia> let me see the video card
[16:42] <BUGabundo_work> ROLF
[16:43] * BUGabundo_work can't stop laughting ubuntu mobile on a 17" screen....
[16:43] <filipegarcia> ubuntu mobile for a POS :)
[16:43] * BUGabundo_work wonders isn't it optimized to 7-9" screens! is filipegarcia mergin two screens lol
[16:43] <ogra> BUGabundo_work, i got a request on sat, to make it work on a 47" touchscreen
[16:43] <BUGabundo_work> eheh I know
[16:43] * ogra is really out now though
[16:43] <BUGabundo_work> bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[16:43] <BUGabundo_work> 47 " ?
[16:44] <persia> Well, it depends on the resolution. If it's only e.g. 1024x768, Mobile might be a good flavour to use on a 47" screen.
[16:44] <persia> Definitely if it's only 800x600.
[16:47] <filipegarcia> persia: i have a SIS Mirage 3+ Integrated Graphics 256
[16:47] <filipegarcia> on a asus motherboard
[16:49] <persia> Hrm. I don't even know which driver is supposed to support that card.
[16:50] <filipegarcia> on 8.10 nonMobile i don't have that problem
[16:53] <persia> Which driver does non-mobile load?
[16:54] <filipegarcia> i don't know ...
[16:54] <persia> Your Xorg.0.log should have the information.
[16:54] <BUGabundo_work> he is running via live cd
[16:56] <filipegarcia> actually i don't have nonmobile know
[16:56] <filipegarcia> will try that
[16:56] <persia> BUGabundo_work, Irrelevant : it works the same either way.
[16:57] <BUGabundo_work> not that... if he had one version installed "maybe" he had a log on disk
[16:57] <BUGabundo_work> running livecd/livepen nothing will get stored after reboot
[16:58] <persia> BUGabundo_work, Well, yeah, but I like fresh boots anyway :)
[16:58] <persia> Essentially, if it works with Desktop and doesn't work with Mobile, what needs doing is to check which driver is being loaded in Desktop, and make sure that driver is installed when booting Mobile.
[16:59] <persia> I don't know why anything would fall into this category : it should just work.
[16:59] <filipegarcia> so i'll try that and get back with the log
=== NotTherealexalti is now known as Falsexaltia
[18:04] <Falsexaltia> Hello, this is the omgwtfbbq ubuntu mobile wifi bug people :)
[18:05] <Falsexaltia> again ;)
[18:06] <Falsexaltia> i have lot of errors "failed to set freq to 24XXMhz for scan that and ath5k phy0: ath5k_chan_set: unable to reset channel (24XXMhz)
[18:07] <Falsexaltia> my comp is 3 bios version different (older) regarding the acer site, could it be the reason ?
[18:12] <ian_brasil_> the NewHumanMobile theme works like this in that it over-rides the Murrine theme with different settings
[18:12] <ian_brasil_> and then uses a few gconf settings for the rest
[18:13] <ian_brasil_> is this a good summary for the workflow
[18:25] * Teiana was dumb enough to desactivate the ethernet to wifi bride of my comp who had this irc channel open just after asking something....
=== Teiana is now known as FalseExaltia
=== ssweeny is now known as scolbert
=== scolbert is now known as ssweeny
[18:57] <FalseExaltia> could someone tell if something will break if i remove brasero, cdparanoia, ekiga, rhythmbot, transmission*, who remove dependencie ubuntu-mobile ?
[20:04] <lool> asac: Hey
[20:05] <lool> asac: Any reason why we would want wireless-tools in the mobile images?
[20:05] <lool> asac: I understand NM uses wpasupplicant which can do everything that wireless-tools can do, but does so directly via ioctls
[20:05] <lool> or some lib
[20:58] <juliux> hi
[21:04] <asac> lool: i think we dont need it. previously we had hacks in NM that directly used libiw
[21:04] <asac> lool: but remember that all wireless user space tools will be gone then
[21:04] <asac> lool: making it harder to debug thing ... though not sure how relevant that is for mobile
[21:20] <lool> asac: Exactly, I don't see the point of having them by default in what is supposed to be a non-command line environment by its very definition
[21:20] <lool> asac: thanks for your advice!
[21:24] <asac> lool: better try. not that i missed something. but afaik 0.7 solely uses wpasupp