UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /20 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:14] <edgy> ;zf
[00:22] * DanaG is glad Flash 10 has finally been released.
[00:22] <DanaG> It'll finally force web sites to fix their broken detection.
[00:22] <DanaG> Lots of sites seem to think 10 < 7.
[00:24] <platius> my credit card site thinks it is < 10, have to go to windows to generate a virtual card # :(
[00:24] <platius> <7
[00:24] <DanaG> Lots of script reference sites have scripts that give 0.0 as the version I'm using.
[00:25] <DanaG> Well, now it'll be broken for Windows users, too (or rather, at least those who let it upgrade)... which is a good thing.
[00:30] <ianliu_88> There is a bug with pt_BR keyboard, with the special keys
[00:30] <ianliu_88> for example
[00:30] <ianliu_88> is I want to type this: ^
[00:31] <ianliu_88> I have to type the key + space
[00:31] <Venin> this one work in 8.04.. http://rafb.net/p/IZ43XD45.html
[00:31] <Venin> but i get that in 8.10
[00:31] <Venin> makes sense?
[00:41] <Holiday> anyone running 8.10? I found a bug but wasn't sure if it's an isolated thing
[00:41] <Holiday> well actually two issues
[00:43] <Venin> are you going to tell about them?
[00:44] <charlie-tca> Holiday: are you gonna make us guess?
[00:45] <Holiday> o sorry i was looking elsewhere lol
[00:45] <Holiday> no
[00:46] <Holiday> i was in class, and have all the sounds disabled (check boxes unchecked), had to reboot, but the start-up sound played at the login window
[00:46] <Holiday> so I went in and manually set all of the sounds to Disable, and it still plays
[00:46] <Holiday> kinda sucked it did it in the middle of class at near full volume
[00:47] <Holiday> the second is, with the nvidia mobility 1300 and the newest updates, the video is now really choppy even not in full screen with VLC
[00:47] <ByteJuggler> sorry but lmao ;)
[00:48] <ByteJuggler> what class was it?
[00:48] <Holiday> it was a little bit blurry with the non-nvidia driver, so I checked and that's when I noticed the newest updates had disabled the driver again. enabled, it downloaded, and rebooted, and now there's pulses of black
[00:48] <Holiday> english lol
[00:48] <Holiday> just didn't know if anyone else has come across either, or if they were isolated
[00:49] <ByteJuggler> well I haven't sorz (does your laptop not have a mute button?)
[00:50] <ByteJuggler> (fwiw, I am having trouble with my ATI based older PC as well though - it has a 9800XT, although it's working okish atm with the oss radeon driver albeit with no compiz)
[00:50] <Holiday> yup, and I can't remember but I typically have that on since it's mainly a use at school deal, which it what really got my attention
[00:50] <ByteJuggler> (which worked before)
[00:50] <Holiday> yeah, the video works great except with the latest update
[00:51] <ByteJuggler> hmm ok so at least I'm not going mad then
[00:51] <ByteJuggler> lol
[00:51] <Cpudan80> Hello all
[00:52] <Cpudan80> Anyone have screenshots of the new II themes?
[00:52] <Holiday> lol nope, too bad Nvidia's stuff seems to work a lot better out of box
[00:53] <Holiday> ah well i'll toy around some more have fun!
[00:59] <Deadboys> can anyone help me install inrepid
[01:00] <Deadboys> when i try to install it it says it will only run in low graphics mode
[01:00] <Deadboys> and im fine with that
[01:00] <Deadboys> but i cant get past that first screen
[01:03] <dli__> Deadboys, no idea about the error, or you can install hardy, and dist-upgrade
[01:04] <histo> Deadboys: try the alternate iso
[01:14] <ZehRique> Deadboys: this seems to be a specific issue with Intrepid, but you can run it using the default VESA video drivers, after install
[01:20] <xxploit> Anyone know the deal with the compiz in intrepid in that the compiz settings manager no longer features the Opacity Settings tab in General options?
[01:21] <crdlb> xxploit: yes, it was moved into a plugin
[01:21] <xxploit> u know which offhand?
[01:22] <xxploit> nvm Im guessing Opacity/Brightness/Saturation
[01:22] <larson9999> i have a dell inspiron 8200 laptop with a geforce 4 440 go. it wasn't working so i installed an old version of the nvidia driver but still not working. is there something with the new xorg.conf that's not letting it work?
[01:23] <crdlb> type 'opacity' in the filter box
[01:24] <dli__> larson9999, binary only drivers are evil:( try nouveau or -nv
[01:26] <larson9999> dli__, err, i've been using them for a dozen or so years. no need to stop now
[01:29] <larson9999> i know they say this xorg rocks. so far it's a big headache. started with the mouse and keyboard. now the display :)
[01:34] <crdlb> larson9999: there is a need to stop now :<
[01:35] <crdlb> nvidia didn't bother updating the -71 and -96 versions of their driver for xserver 1.5
[01:36] <arash_> anyone having keyboard issues with 8.10 in vmware?
[01:36] <larson9999> crdlb, so time for a new laptop eh?
[01:36] <crdlb> larson9999: or one of the open source drivers :)
[01:37] <larson9999> crdlb, as soon as 3d acceleration works i'm in.
[01:37] <crdlb> in that case, or to complain to nvidia for dropping support for your GPU
[01:38] <larson9999> crdlb, i send them a letter about every 2 months. not buying another until they open up.
[01:40] <larson9999> crdlb, nv isn't playing nice either. gives me only one resolution and it's so small i have to squint to see anything.
[01:41] <crdlb> larson9999: LCD monitors can only run at one resolution
[01:42] <larson9999> crdlb, maybe we aren't talking the same thing then. i've always had a pick from a slew of resolutions on this. well, until i chucked the ibex on.
[01:42] <crdlb> you're using the laptop's screen, right? (not an external CRT)
[01:42] <larson9999> crdlb, yep.
[01:43] <crdlb> if so, using any resolution other than the native resolution will hurt your eyes far more than small text will
[01:43] <crdlb> just bump up the text size
[01:43] <crdlb> gtk+ is supposed to get resolution independence in the next release, which should help even more
[01:43] <larson9999> crdlb, i've been using this laptop for 5 years and that was never an issue.
[01:44] <crdlb> you didn't notice how everything was blurry?
[01:44] <larson9999> crdlb, nothing was blurry. it's always been clear.
[01:44] <crdlb> that's probably why nv isn't exposing any other resolutions (but it ought to provide some lower ones for people who just don't care)
[01:45] <crdlb> larson9999: I find that hard to believe
[01:45] <larson9999> crdlb, well it's true
[01:45] <bsnider> i agree with crdlb. drive the monitor to its native resolution and then change things like icons and font sizes or else it will be blurry
[01:49] <larson9999> na. i'm going with my old xorg.conf settings if they'll work.
[01:50] <crdlb> :/
[01:50] <bsnider> whatever dude
[01:51] <Storrgie> is there any reason why screen saver wont work?
[01:51] <saint-takeshi> anyone know if the latest mesa/dri/drm/intel drivers from git are broken?
[01:52] <bsnider> it doesn't work with compiz at the moment
[01:52] <Storrgie> bsnider: at the moment? so hopefully fixed before launch?
[01:52] <bsnider> it will be
[01:52] <saint-takeshi> googling around, it says the problem i'm having is "fixed in the latest mesa 3d driver from CVS/git"
[01:53] <saint-takeshi> but i only started having this problem since i installed the latest mesa 3d drivers from git (using a script i found on the bugtracker for the original problem i had)
[01:56] <Storrgie> bsnider: i dont like AWN, how can i get my bottom panel back?
[01:57] <bsnider> Stormx2, right click on the top panel, select "new panel" then go from there
[01:57] <Stormx2> bsnider: I'm alright thanks.
[01:57] <bsnider> Storrgie, , right click on the top panel, select "new panel" then go from there
[01:58] <Storrgie> what is the thing to add that will make my windows appear horizontally
[01:59] <crdlb> Window List
[01:59] <bsnider> window list
[01:59] <Storrgie> thanks guys
[02:00] <Storrgie> what is the best way to go about removing AWN?
[02:04] <larson9999> for the love of god that was harder than it needed to be. i can finally see.
[02:10] <DanaG> Oh yeah, it's better to use native resolution, and then set DPI correctly in the Gnome font rendering settings.
[02:10] <DanaG> And then if fonts are too small... change the font size, not the DPI setting!
[02:11] <avb> hey all
[02:11] <avb> does somebody know any news regarding new bluetooth issues?
[02:12] <avb> is somebody going to fix this :)
[02:12] <redDEAD> I was trying to reinstall Ubuntu 8.10 Beta on my Dell Mini 9. Instead of going to a LiveUSB desktop it keeps throwing me into a BusyBox Shell I get the error: [ 0.749487] ACPI: GC: GPE storm detected, disabling EC GPE Loading Please wait... BusyBox v1.10.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.10.2-1ubuntu4) built in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-commands.
[02:14] <__mikem> I need help. I can't get wireless to work at all on my laptop. I have a bcm4311 wireless card. I have the proprietary drivers installed, but i can't get the thing to talk to any networks
[02:14] <crashsystems> @redDEAD I have no idea about your question, but how would you say that the Mini compares to the eeePC?
[02:14] <avb> crashsystems: :) i feel they both sux
[02:14] <avb> both are atom
[02:14] <crashsystems> @__mikem Does your wifi card show up in the network monitor applet
[02:15] <crashsystems> @avb I've used the eeePC 1000, and liked it very much
[02:15] <__mikem> crashsystems: no
[02:15] <__mikem> crashsystems: i assume i would look under "wireless networks" right?
[02:15] <crashsystems> yep
[02:16] <__mikem> crashsystems: the only thing that shows up is auto eth, and everything is grayed out anyway there
[02:16] <avb> crashsystems: i was touching 901 and its really slow in compare to c2d 1.6 :(
[02:16] <crashsystems> __mikem run lscpi in the command prompt, and look for an entry for your wifi card
[02:16] <__mikem> crashsystems: its really strange because it worked just fine in 8.04
[02:16] <avb> and 1000 doesnt cost its moneys
[02:16] <__mikem> crashsystems: i did.
[02:16] <__mikem> but I'll do it again
[02:16] <avb> it better to buy something like thinkpad x61 for practically same moneys
[02:16] <avb> and u will get c2d
[02:17] <crashsystems> __mikem btw, make sure the linux-firmware package is installed
[02:17] <__mikem> crashsystems: linux-firmware package?
[02:17] <avb> __mikem: can u post snip of dmesg?
[02:17] <crashsystems> @avb but how does the x61 compare in weight.
[02:17] <crashsystems> @__mikem "sudo apt-get install linux-firmware"
[02:17] <__mikem> avb: I am hoping between machines right now, let me try crashsystems's advice
[02:17] <smil3y> _mikem> be sure you have restricted drivers installed for whatever kernel you using as well
[02:18] <avb> crashsystems: its heavier, but its still light
[02:18] <redDEAD> I was trying to reinstall Ubuntu 8.10 Beta on my Dell Mini 9. Instead of going to a LiveUSB desktop it keeps throwing me into a BusyBox Shell I get the error: [ 0.749487] ACPI: GC: GPE storm detected, disabling EC GPE Loading Please wait... BusyBox v1.10.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.10.2-1ubuntu4) built in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-commands.
[02:18] <__mikem> smil3y: I already did
[02:18] <__mikem> crashsystems: yes its installed
[02:18] <avb> crashsystems: i have extended battery and its still like 1 kilo
[02:18] <avb> and this lappy is owesome
[02:18] <crashsystems> @avb 1 kilo is about what the eeepc is
[02:19] <avb> maybe im missing some :)
[02:19] <__mikem> God I hate broadcom and I hate this laptop. its been nothing but trouble since i brought it home
[02:19] <avb> im not good in measurement
[02:19] <avb> s
[02:19] <crashsystems> @__mikem do you know the kernel module for your wifi card?
[02:19] <avb> __mikem: man, use intel stuff :)
[02:19] <__mikem> crashsystems: no, how would i find out
[02:19] <avb> it just works
[02:19] <crashsystems> lsmod | grep bcm
[02:19] <redDEAD> crashsystems, i like the mini 9. but i am having a hard time getting 8.10 on it
[02:20] <__mikem> crashsystems: returned nothing
[02:20] <avb> crashsystems: take a look at x61, i bet u will love it
[02:20] <crashsystems> ok, it would seem that the module for your wifi card is not running, which would be why you cannot use it
[02:20] <__mikem> crashsystems: okay, that makes sense. How do I run it
[02:21] <crashsystems> well, first we need to try to find out what your wireless card is. can you run lspci and put it on pastebin?
[02:22] <__mikem> crashsystems: can I just give you the relevent line from lspci's output?
[02:22] <crashsystems> if you can find it then sure
[02:22] <crashsystems> @avb what is the battery life like on the x61?
[02:23] <avb> it was 3 hours with regular one and 4.5 with extended
[02:23] <__mikem> 03:00.0 Network Controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 1)
[02:23] <__mikem> crashsystems: ^
[02:23] <avb> without powertop tuning
[02:23] <avb> and max brightness
[02:23] <crashsystems> ah, that would be where the asus laptop does better
[02:24] <crashsystems> @__mikem doing some googleing, brb
[02:24] <avb> i feel i can make 5.5 if i need it
[02:24] <__mikem> thank you
[02:24] <avb> yeh, asus better here
[02:24] <avb> but still
[02:24] <avb> u have c2d
[02:24] <avb> when u need it
[02:25] <avb> and asus have LED backlit i assume
[02:25] <avb> what x61 is missing
[02:25] <crashsystems> @__mikem I'm not done searching, but check out Bug #218763
[02:25] <crashsystems> 218763
[02:25] <__mikem> crashsystems: do you have a link?
[02:25] <crashsystems> grr, where is ubottu?
[02:25] <crashsystems> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/218763
[02:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 218763 in linux "ssb interferes with ndiswrapper (bcm4311, bcm4318)" [Medium,Triaged]
[02:26] <avb> lol
[02:26] <__mikem> crashsystems: do you think it'll be solved by release date?
[02:26] <StyleCHM> any clues about this guys? "WARNING: ATAPI DMA disabled for reliablity issues."
[02:27] <StyleCHM> I cant watch DVDs or anything
[02:27] <StyleCHM> it jumps and farts hideously :D
[02:27] <crashsystems> I don't know. It says "triaged" which makes me think that someone is actively working on it
[02:27] <__mikem> crashsystems: it mentions something about using a startup script. But it doesn't mention how to do it. I have no desire to use ndiswrapper, so could you help me setup the startup script
[02:27] <wgrant> crashsystems: Triaged doesn't mean that. It just means that it's Triaged.
[02:28] <crashsystems> then what does triaged mean?
[02:28] <wgrant> Triaged.
[02:28] <wgrant> Same as any definition of triaged.
[02:28] <bsnider> it's waiting for someone to actively work on it
[02:28] <danbh_intrepid> crashsystems: its a medical term
[02:28] <crashsystems> if this was a field hospital I would understand the usage of the term
[02:28] <bsnider> "in progress" means someone's working on it
[02:28] <__mikem> crashsystems: ^^
[02:28] <crashsystems> @__mikem Perhaps I can, once I am done groking things
[02:29] <charlie-tca> triaged means everything is present and developers can work it
[02:29] <__mikem> what does groking mean?
[02:29] <wgrant> charlie-tca: Basically, yes.
[02:29] <danbh_intrepid> __mikem: understanding
[02:29] <crashsystems> understanding at a deep level
[02:29] <wgrant> If I want to take a bug, I will mark it as Triaged if it isn't already and assign it to myself.
[02:29] <crashsystems> !grok
[02:29] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about grok
[02:29] <wgrant> When I start working on it, I'll change it to In Progress.
[02:30] * avb wish somebody will take care of a bluetooth issue
[02:30] * __mikem wonders how long it will take crashsystems to grok
[02:30] <avb> new version of bluez-* seems breaking a lot of stuff
[02:30] <crashsystems> lol. meanwhile, are you all up to date with your packages?
[02:30] <wgrant> avb: it fixed a lot more than it broke.
[02:30] <__mikem> crashsystems: it appears so
[02:30] <wgrant> Most things just didn't work before.
[02:31] <bsnider> groking is a highly time-consuming and exhausting activity
[02:31] <__mikem> crashsystems: i have to admit, I liked 8.04 better
[02:31] <bsnider> and messy. very, very messy
[02:31] <avb> my bluetooth was working in linux for good 5 years :)
[02:31] <crashsystems> @__mikem check and see if the ssb module is running: "lsmod | grep ssb"
[02:32] <avb> and i even never thought about it coz it was 'just works'
[02:32] <__mikem> crashsystems: yes it is
[02:32] <avb> its not a big deal to buy a new one
[02:32] <avb> anyway its a usb dongle
[02:32] <avb> hmm
[02:32] <avb> good idea
[02:32] <avb> i was thinking to get something little
[02:32] <avb> maybe its time to do this :)
[02:32] <crashsystems> @__mikem try blacklisting it and rebooting
[02:32] * DanaG is angry at nvidia for the breakage of 96 and 71 drivers.
[02:33] <DanaG> I'm actually going to get ATI on my next laptop.
[02:33] <__mikem> crashsystems: how do I do that? Sorry, but I am not that great a UNIX admin :(
[02:33] <DanaG> Even in Windows, the nvidia drivers have been no picnic.
[02:33] * wgrant is angry at people who support companies with proprietary drivers.
[02:34] <crashsystems> sudo cat blacklist ssb >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
[02:34] <slestak_> i am trying to add a vpn connection (a pcf file exported from gutsy NM) but all buttns are greyed out in II
[02:34] <avb> DanaG: u will suffer a lot :)
[02:34] <wgrant> slestak_: Cisco VPN? Install network-manager-vpnc.
[02:34] <wgrant> slestak_: You might also need to reboot.
[02:34] <slestak_> wgrant: no, msft pptp
[02:35] <crashsystems> @__mikem before you reboot, see if the module bcm43xx is running
[02:35] <DanaG> nvidia has been a pain for me...
[02:35] <slestak_> DanaG: an older nvidia?
[02:35] <wgrant> slestak_: Install network-manager-pptp
[02:35] <avb> DanaG: get something on intell
[02:35] <bsnider> wgrant, when amd develops an open source driver with hardware accelerated opengl anf xvideo, i will buy the most outrageously priced ati video card i can find. until then, i will use nvidia
[02:35] <DanaG> Nope, my newer one has had various issues over the times.
[02:35] <wgrant> bsnider: I like my Radeon 9xxxs. They have nice open source support.
[02:36] <avb> DanaG: im about 7 years with intel notebooks. i already forget about any issues
[02:36] <__mikem> crashsystems: that command is returning errors
[02:36] <crashsystems> @__mikem also, have you checked to see if the restricted hardware manager has any proprietary drivers listed?
[02:36] <crashsystems> what kind of errors?
[02:36] <__mikem> it says bash: blacklist ssb no such file or dirrectory
[02:36] <slestak_> wgrant: hmm. that makes sense. befreo I came here, i went into synaptic and searched for network-manager, and saw no other packages. woinder why it wasnt visible in teh gui?
[02:36] <__mikem> crashsystems: yes I did, your command won't run.
[02:36] <wgrant> __mikem: Replace "cat blacklist ssb" with "echo ssb"
[02:36] <DanaG> nvidia is crap, even in Windows. For example, Vista didn't even HAVE a driver for my laptop out-of-the-box.
[02:36] <larson9999> this gets funnier. i got to change the size for all web pages individually.
[02:37] <wgrant> slestak_: You sure you went into synaptic and not gnome-app-install?
[02:37] <__mikem> wgrant: thanks
[02:37] <__mikem> crashsystems: now what do I do before I reboot?
[02:37] <DanaG> So, even if ATI is crap... at least it's now open-source crap.
[02:37] <crashsystems> @__mikem then run "sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" and go to the bottom of the file, then add "blacklist ssb" at the end of it
[02:37] <__mikem> crashsystems: I did
[02:37] <avb> DanaG: it makes u feel better to use oss crap instead of closed source? :)
[02:38] <slestak_> wgrant: nope, synaptic, was the familiar dialog. i think i need to reboot. the pcf file wouldnt parse.
[02:38] <slestak_> brb
[02:38] <__mikem> crashsystems: now do I reboot?
[02:38] <avb> its still piece of not working stuff
[02:38] <crashsystems> @__mikem yes
[02:38] <__mikem> okay thanks
[02:38] <DanaG> So... but it's fixable, because we have access to the code.
[02:38] <DanaG> Plus, it's a matter of principles.
[02:38] <avb> DanaG: believe me, u will be old grandma at a time when oss drivers will be usable
[02:39] <DanaG> Another example: iPod Touch / iPhone are the diametric opposite of Free Software.
[02:39] <crashsystems> @__mikem did you upgrade from 8.04, or is this a fresh install?
[02:39] <avb> its another piece of shit
[02:39] <DanaG> Actually, I'm a guy. Good luck getting me to be a "grandma". =þ
[02:39] <__mikem> DanaG: funny thing is I don't give a crap about Richard Stallman's ideals, I just like linux
[02:39] <avb> even worst then nvidia
[02:39] <__mikem> crashsystems: no clean install
[02:39] <avb> DanaG: :) sorry
[02:39] <avb> anyway, grandfa
[02:40] <DanaG> Actually, I've heard that it's decently usable even now.
[02:40] <wgrant> avb: The open source Radeon driver is excellent.
[02:40] <wgrant> Not sure about RadeonHD, however
[02:40] <bsnider> __mikem, thank you, mr. torvalds
[02:40] <avb> my principles is if something is not working, thats crap. not depending on nothing
[02:40] <__mikem> bsnider: lol, I wish I was torbalds :)
[02:41] <DanaG> Plus, in the laptop I'm going to get, I'll be able to get better battery life with the FireGL V5700 than with the Quadro FX 770M.
[02:41] <avb> wgrant: it supports suspend2ram, dri and the stuff?
[02:41] <bsnider> linus couldn't have said it better
[02:41] <avb> :)
[02:41] <wgrant> avb: Yes.
[02:41] <DanaG> Open-source nvidia doesn't support suspend2ram.
[02:41] <avb> last news i have read, it was not
[02:41] <DanaG> At least, not on the old laptop that would need 96.
[02:41] <wgrant> avb: At least on <= 9xxx.
[02:41] <avb> probably its not that bad now
[02:41] <avb> sounds good :)
[02:41] <DanaG> FireGL V5700 is based on Radeon HD3650.
[02:41] <slestak_> wgrant: i have rebooted, but the pcf for a working gutsy config will not load in II NM. Says error: unknown PPTP file extension. GOnna google it.
[02:42] <wgrant> slestak_: I thought .pcf was for Cisco VPNs...
[02:42] <__mikem> crashsystems: so far it looks like its still not working
[02:42] <avb> maybe somebody already had a change to use new via cpu?
[02:42] <slestak_> wgrant: i clicked on Export in GG NM, hoping to save rekeying eth in II. I have not used pcf's before
[02:42] <avb> whats the name of it
[02:43] <crashsystems> bleh, go ahead and remove that line from the blacklist file then
[02:43] <avb> i forgot
[02:43] <wgrant> slestak_: Ah, well NM has changed a lot since then.
[02:44] <__mikem> crashsystems: okay, the website mentions something about a startup script "There is a workaround, which is to have a startup script modprobe -r b43,b44,ssb,ndiswrapper and then modprobe ndiswrapper,b43,b44, but this isn't a very elegant solution."
[02:44] <slestak_> wgrant: ok, it is already reported under 264145.
[02:44] <crashsystems> @__mikem go ahead and do the equivalent in the command line and see if it makes it work
[02:44] <wgrant> Bug #264145
[02:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 264145 in network-manager "NetworkManager 0.7 Import function does not recognize VPN configuration information exported from earlier versions of NM" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/264145
[02:44] <avb> __mikem: what if u will just run sudo modprobe bcm43xx?
[02:45] <DanaG> Odd.... for some reason, QuodLibet is pausing for like over a minute on each track change.
[02:45] <__mikem> avb: lets try it
[02:45] <__mikem> avb: module not found
[02:45] <crashsystems> you could try it
[02:45] <crashsystems> sudo modrpobe -r b43,b44,ssb,ndiswrapper && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper,b43,b44
[02:45] <__mikem> okay
[02:47] <__mikem> crashsystems: it complained that all those modules are not found
[02:47] <crashsystems> lol, ok
[02:48] <avb> http://300lb.blogspot.com/2008/04/how-to-get-broadcom-wireless-to-work-in.html
[02:48] <__mikem> should I try restarting, so that the change I made to the blacklist file can take affect
[02:48] <avb> here is what i found
[02:48] <avb> probably its the same
[02:48] <DanaG> Don't forget about the 'wl' module.
[02:48] <avb> http://www.mikegerwitz.com/2008/05/15/ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-broadcom-wireless/
[02:48] <avb> and here is few sollutions as well
[02:48] <__mikem> oh man, that solution looks hard
[02:49] <__mikem> and if one of the middle steps fails it looks like it will be impossible to clean up
[02:49] <avb> gimme a sec
[02:49] <avb> i will upload files
[02:49] <__mikem> avb: could you upload a script or something
[02:50] <mercutio22> hello guys. I want to try to set up sli on Ibex. Is it still safe to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? It seems to have gotten smaller
[02:50] <__mikem> mercutio22: they are faseing out use of that file
[02:51] <bsnider> it must be done though that file still, yes
[02:51] <wgrant> mercutio22: What do you want to do?
[02:51] <wgrant> bsnider: No.
[02:51] <wgrant> Oh.
[02:51] <wgrant> Wait, SLI?
[02:51] <mercutio22> wgrant: I want to try out SLI
[02:51] <wgrant> Hmmm.
[02:51] <crashsystems> @__mikem those instructions look rather simple. I could probably walk you through them
[02:51] <mercutio22> yep
[02:51] <wgrant> There might not actually be a better way for that yet. Damn.
[02:51] <larson9999> after i had my bcm43xx card installed the 'unlock' was disabled. forgot what i had to monkey around with to get past that.
[02:51] <__mikem> crashsystems: okay. Which one do you want to try?
[02:51] <slestak_> wgrant: i have keyed eth into II NM, I get a msg like The VPN connection '%s' failed because there were no valid VPN secrets. google shoes nothing pertinant
[02:51] <crashsystems> http://300lb.blogspot.com/2008/04/how-to-get-broadcom-wireless-to-work-in.html
[02:51] <bsnider> you need xorg.conf to load the nvidia driver
[02:52] <__mikem> crashsystems: okay
[02:52] <mercutio22> wgrant: so is the old way the way to go?
[02:52] <crashsystems> @__mikem got a terminal open, and a net connection on that box?
[02:52] <wgrant> mercutio22: I suspect so, for now.
[02:52] <wgrant> slestak_: "eth"?
[02:52] <__mikem> crashsystems: I got an ethernet connection
[02:52] <slestak_> sorry, everything
[02:53] * DanaG wishes there were a sample fdi file in place to put nvidia options in.
[02:53] <slestak_> i started saying that kinda like sth for something
[02:53] <crashsystems> just a moment
[02:53] <bsnider> mercutio22, leave out the input devices crap, and the modules section. don't change anything you don't absolutely have to
[02:53] <wgrant> slestak_: Not sure, sorry.
[02:53] <slestak_> ty
[02:53] <wgrant> DanaG: I'm not sure you can use FDI files for that yet.
[02:53] <larson9999> i have a frankentop. some icons aren't scalable and other are so there are the big ones i can see and the little ones i can't.
[02:53] <meff> hey all, whats the pkg name of the new "kcontrol" for kde4 in intrepid? i'm using gnome but want to configure how kde apps act/look
[02:53] <avb> __mikem: http://www.digiqube.com/~avb/fw.tgz
[02:54] <crashsystems> @__mikem sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter
[02:54] <bsnider> meff, systemsettings
[02:54] <DanaG> I can use them for my touchpad, at least.
[02:54] <__mikem> crashsystems: its already installed
[02:54] <avb> __mikem: just extract this files into /lib/firmware/ and reboot
[02:54] <meff> bsnider: ty
[02:54] <wgrant> DanaG: Input devices that we've explicitly implemented it for != proprietary graphics drivers.
[02:54] <__mikem> avb: okay thanks
[02:54] <crashsystems> @__mikem do what he said
[02:54] <__mikem> crashsystems: okay
[02:54] <DanaG> Aah.
[02:54] <mercutio22> bsnider: I think all the changes necessary are made under the nvidia device section, isn't that right?
[02:54] <DanaG> x11_option
[02:54] <DanaG> Oh, but it's input.x11_option. Oh.
[02:55] <crashsystems> @__mikem what avb said is the short and simple form of the instructions on that page. let me know if you need any help
[02:55] <bsnider> mercutio22, i know a lot about all of it except sli. pastebin the xorg.conf you want to use
[02:55] <larson9999> i think xorg 7.4 says, " to heck with your xorg.cong, i'm doing what i want anyway."
[02:55] <wgrant> DanaG: Precisely. Video drivers don't use HAL yet.
[02:55] <mercutio22> bsnider: I have an old xorg.conf backup file to inspire
[02:55] <wgrant> larson9999: Most xorg.conf are deprecated in favour of less awful methods.
[02:55] <avb> :)
[02:55] <avb> xorg.conf was not that bad
[02:55] <DanaG> Hmm, so no other way to set FPDither on nv.
[02:56] <DanaG> I do end up needing an xorg.conf on the old laptop.
[02:56] <mercutio22> bsnider: ok, I will pastebin the whole thing but I guess I only have to copy the stuff from the nvidia device section
[02:56] <DanaG> And on my current one, too.
[02:56] <wgrant> avb: Try telling that to a normal user.
[02:56] <__mikem> avb what is the commandline to extract that thing?
[02:56] <avb> at least it was human readable and human understandable. not like sendmail.cf
[02:56] <larson9999> wgrant, that make your crappy ge mice not work and your video stuck at one resolution you can't see.
[02:56] <avb> __mikem: cd /lib/firmware
[02:56] <DanaG> Stuck at one resolution you cant' see?
[02:56] <wgrant> larson9999: I have revoked your right to complain until you file bugs.
[02:57] <avb> __mikem: tar -zxf /path/to/file
[02:57] <wgrant> Sounds like a buggy EDID to me.
[02:57] <wgrant> Or a stupid nvidia driver.
[02:57] <crashsystems> I like tar
[02:57] <DanaG> Oddly enough, on the old Toshiba... the edid reports 966x768.
[02:57] <larson9999> DanaG, yeah it's at 1600X1200 and i can't see anything :)
[02:57] <mercutio22> bsnider: http://www.pastebin.ca/1231467
[02:57] <__mikem> avb: okay, let me try rebooting
[02:57] <wgrant> larson9999: Then change the resolution!?
[02:57] <DanaG> So, fix your font settings.
[02:57] <wgrant> Or fix the DPI settings, yes.
[02:58] <larson9999> wgrant, i can't figure out how. when i put it where i used to it doesn't work.
[02:58] <DanaG> http://members.ping.de/~sven/dpi.html
[02:58] <wgrant> larson9999: System->Preferences->Screen Resolution?
[02:58] <avb> wgrant: user dont care, if data is stored in .fdi or in flat conf file
[02:58] <DanaG> gnome-appearance-properties, font tab.
[02:58] <wgrant> avb: They do if we then make a GUI.
[02:58] <avb> once good configurator is in control panel
[02:58] <DanaG> Details...
[02:58] <DanaG> There's DPI setting.
[02:58] <larson9999> wgrant, there is only one choice and it's 1600x1200. that's why i wanted to put more in xorg.conf. apparently that's no longer an option.
[02:59] <wgrant> larson9999: You can still put resolutions in xorg.conf.
[02:59] <DanaG> Oh yeah, how would I go about creating a custom resolution?
[02:59] <wgrant> larson9999: But there are better ways to do it unless you have a broken monitor or video driver.
[02:59] <crashsystems> it has been a long time (several releases) since I've had to mess with xorg.conf
[02:59] <larson9999> it didn't take.
[02:59] <wgrant> DanaG: xrandr --newmode
[02:59] <DanaG> Does it work on nvidia binary?
[02:59] <larson9999> wgrant the better way?
[02:59] <wgrant> DanaG: cvt, xrandr --newmode, xrandr --addmode, basically.
[02:59] <wgrant> DanaG: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[03:00] <DanaG> Exactly why I'm getting ATI next time. :)
[03:00] <wgrant> DanaG: No, nvidia is a pack of sloths.
[03:00] <avb> wgrant: anyway, they need to deal with console in both situations. so we are at the same.
[03:00] <avb> level of 'usability'
[03:00] <wgrant> avb: Yes, but it's a lot easier to write a GUI now.
[03:00] <DanaG> Custom resolutions feature doesn't work in Vista, either. It always "fails custom resolution test".
[03:00] <__mikem> avb: it still isn't working
[03:00] <avb> wgrant: actually, xorg.conf was handled perfect by debconf for about few years
[03:00] <DanaG> Oh yeah, on that 966x768 Toshiba, the nvidia binary driver gets a big black bar down one side.
[03:00] <avb> __mikem: can u post your dmesg?
[03:01] <wgrant> avb: Errrrm, for very restricted values of "perfect"
[03:01] <DanaG> It even affects the Windows driver. Stupid Toshiba.
[03:01] <crashsystems> @__mikem what laptop did you say this is?
[03:01] <__mikem> crashsystems: hp pavilion dv6000
[03:01] <larson9999> xrandr eh? i'll give er a try.
[03:01] <wgrant> avb: ie. "oh look, I'm overwriting everything" values of "perfect".
[03:01] <avb> __mikem: also, have u tried your 'enable wireless' button on the keyboard
[03:01] <DanaG> Only nv and nouveau get it correct.
[03:01] <crashsystems> lol
[03:01] <__mikem> avb: yes, I did.
[03:01] <DanaG> Oh yeah, one thing I noticed on an HP DV4T: disabling bluetooth in Windows actually super-disabled the device in a way that trumps the OS.
[03:01] <crashsystems> it is always a good thing to check the obvious
[03:01] <avb> __mikem: ok, lets see your dmesg then
[03:01] <__mikem> avb: the light is blue which means wireless is turned on at the hardware
[03:01] <meff> bsnider: hmm i installed it and it only lets me change the icons.. what about fonts?
[03:01] * wgrant disappears to lunch.
[03:02] <larson9999> __mikem, my wife's model. she's running hardy now without issues. guess i won't upgrade her to ibex?
[03:02] <larson9999> :)
[03:02] <avb> wgrant: anyway, lets hope that new way will be better :)
[03:02] * DanaG wonders what sort of fun he'll be able to have with UEFI firmware.
[03:02] <bsnider> mercutio22, try this one http://www.pastebin.ca/1231470
[03:03] <larson9999> actually she wants to stick with the lts until it dies.
[03:03] <avb> coz im a bit tired of this stupid 'refactoring', which ruined everything working and adding new bugs
[03:03] <__mikem> larson9999: sounds like a good idea. Its been a horible experience upgrading so far
[03:03] <crashsystems> @__mikem Go to System/Administration/Hardware_Drivers and see if anything is listed
[03:03] <DanaG> The new BlueZ is the biggest breakage for me.
[03:03] <DanaG> As well as Toshiba hotkeys.
[03:03] <__mikem> crashsystems: okay
[03:03] <DanaG> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/261318
[03:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261318 in xorg "Regression: new Toshiba Laptop Support (tlsup) driver breaks Toshiba hotkeys; input device does not support 'kbd' input handler" [Undecided,Invalid]
[03:03] <crashsystems> I love ubottu
[03:04] <avb> DanaG: im not alone then :)
[03:04] <mercutio22> bsnider: ok, brb
[03:04] <DanaG> I linked to the bug in the 'linux' package... why did it read the status from the 'xorg' task?
[03:04] <avb> i have problem with bt as well
[03:04] <__mikem> avb: http://pastebin.com/d6f6d7024
[03:04] <larson9999> __mikem, cam works pretty well too.
[03:04] <slestak_> does anyone know if NM sources /etc/ppp/options.pptp? It seems to contradict the setting I made in the gui. I chose to allow chap, but the options file says "refuse chap"
[03:04] <__mikem> larson9999: glad to hear it
[03:04] <__mikem> :(
[03:04] <meff> anyone know how to change fonts in kde apps under gnome?
[03:05] <larson9999> __mikem, yours doesn't?
[03:05] <slestak_> i think my previous error was relared to not havoing chap-secrets configured. i have that done, but still getting the same error.
[03:05] <__mikem> larson9999: I never could get it to work. I really don't care about the camera right now
[03:05] <__mikem> crashsystems: nothing new in the drivers list
[03:05] <DanaG> install systemsettings and kdebase-workspace-bin
[03:06] <meff> thank-you DanaG
[03:06] <larson9999> being an honest idiot, i'll confess, this lcd is clearer now :)
[03:06] <crashsystems> @__mikem ah, ok. there would be if that firmware thing had worked
[03:06] <DanaG> Oh yeah, and that dpi calculator will give you the correct DPI setting to use.
[03:06] <__mikem> crashsystems: I listed the dmesg output
[03:06] <avb> b43-phy0: Loading firmware version 410.2160 (2007-05-26 15:32:10)
[03:06] <DanaG> Also try +1 or -1, because it can look drastically different.
[03:06] <crashsystems> @__mikem I'm reading it
[03:06] <avb> b43-phy0: Radio hardware status changed to DISABLED
[03:06] <larson9999> __mikem, there's a driver for the cam. took me a bit of searching to find it.
[03:07] <avb> your wireless is switched off
[03:07] <__mikem> avb: I am looking at the switch right now. Its on
[03:07] <avb> please run 'iwconfig'
[03:08] <__mikem> okay, there is a whole bunch of information here, which bits do you want
[03:08] <crashsystems> @avb or shouldn't he just switch it on?
[03:09] <crashsystems> @__mikem is your wifi switch an actual switch, or a button?
[03:09] <__mikem> crashsystems: an actual switch
[03:09] <__mikem> crashsystems: its next to a light that turns blue when it is on and red when it is off. Its currently blue
[03:09] <avb> __mikem: please post whole iwconfig wlan0 output
[03:09] <crashsystems> @__mikem you could just pastebin it
[03:09] <__mikem> avb: hold on
[03:09] <avb> also, disable/enable can help
[03:10] <dubby> hey anyone, using the system -> administration -> hardware drivers , The driver list contains fglrx for ati cards, which we all know of course isn't supported, and people trying to activate it, will crash their system
[03:10] <__mikem> http://www.pastebin.com/d721e937c
[03:10] <crashsystems> @__mikem that seems to be blank
[03:10] <slestak_> i used NM gui to setup a pptp vpn connection. is the creation of a chap-secrets and peers/vpn_name file a manual step? it did not create them, but I think they are necessary
[03:11] <bsnider> dubby, but fglrx does work now
[03:11] <avb> __mikem: also there is 2 switched in laptop
[03:11] <bsnider> dubby, canonical obtained a re-release of catalyst 8.11
[03:11] <__mikem> avb: ???
[03:11] <avb> __mikem: separate hard switch, plus FN+something combination
[03:11] <bsnider> *pre-release
[03:12] <avb> mine have Fn+F5 combination
[03:12] <__mikem> avb: I tried switching it off by the hardware switch and when I switched it back on the light didn't turn blue again
[03:12] <larson9999> xrandr wants the stuff that used to be in xorg.conf :)
[03:12] <avb> __mikem: light is not important
[03:12] <avb> __mikem: sometimes drivers doesnt handle button
[03:12] <__mikem> okay
[03:12] <__mikem> well I don't know the keyboard shortcut
[03:13] <dubby> well then bsnider the Hardware Drivers thing crashes when trying to install it
[03:13] <crashsystems> @avb @__mikem very true. I admin a laptop where the light indicated absolutely nothing, but is randomly ether on or off
[03:13] <avb> lets see iwconfig output
[03:13] <__mikem> avb: I already pasted it above
[03:13] <__mikem> http://www.pastebin.com/d721e937c
[03:13] <avb> its blank
[03:13] <crashsystems> @__mikem blank for me too
[03:14] <__mikem> avb: yes, I know its blank.
[03:14] <mercutio22> bsnider: strangelly, that seems to have worsened performance as read by glxgears fps, but it seems it worked. SLI is on
[03:14] <avb> :)
[03:14] <avb> so
[03:14] <DanaG> Oh yeah, might that laptop be a Toshiba?
[03:14] <bsnider> mercutio22, i screwed up one thing
[03:14] <bsnider> mercutio22, use this one http://www.pastebin.ca/1231472
[03:14] <mercutio22> bsnider: ok
[03:14] <DanaG> The old Toshiba laptop here has a software rfkill hotkey that doesn't work, due to broken 'tlsup' module.
[03:14] <__mikem> avb: its blank yes. so what am I supposed to do about that?
[03:14] <avb> __mikem: post iwconfig then
[03:15] <__mikem> ????????
[03:15] <avb> without wlan0
[03:15] <DanaG> It also has a hardware slide switch with an LED, that turns off but not back on again if you toggle the switch.
[03:15] <avb> just output of 'iwconfig'
[03:15] <__mikem> avb: everything else says "no wireless extensions"
[03:15] <avb> i see
[03:15] <avb> ok
[03:15] <DanaG> And when the switch is off... all that happens is this: ipw2200: firmware error; restarting.
[03:15] <bsnider> mercutio22, you also need to run a command at each log in. the command is: nvidia-settings -a InitialPixmapPlacement=2 -a GlyphCache=1
[03:17] <avb> __mikem: look at your F1-F12 buttons
[03:17] <avb> u should see image on it
[03:17] <avb> like pc is sending waves
[03:17] <mercutio22> bsnider: everytime?
[03:17] <avb> or something
[03:17] <__mikem> avb: no I don't
[03:17] <bsnider> mercutio22, yes. every time. set it up as a session command
[03:17] <avb> or maybe a separate button
[03:17] <mercutio22> bsnider: I see, ok
[03:18] <avb> __mikem: try to disable/enable again
[03:18] <avb> and then resend dmesg
[03:18] <DanaG> What do those settings do?
[03:18] <avb> [ 36.132275] input: b43-phy0 as /devices/virtual/input/input12
[03:18] <DanaG> the nvidia ones.
[03:18] <avb> u have a button which control your wireless
[03:18] <__mikem> avb: nothing changed
[03:19] <avb> do u have any extra buttons on your laptop
[03:19] <bsnider> DanaG, http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=118088
[03:19] <avb> ?
[03:19] <__mikem> except now the light is red
[03:19] <avb> try iwconfig again
[03:19] <mercutio22> bsnider: what does that command do?
[03:19] <__mikem> avb: i have a play button a stop button
[03:19] <__mikem> avb: I did. nothing changed
[03:19] <__mikem> avb: i have media shortcut buttons, but nothing to do with networking
[03:19] <bsnider> mercutio22, http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=118088
[03:19] <avb> thats weird
[03:20] <avb> ok
[03:20] <avb> how old is your laptop?
[03:20] <bsnider> those features will be worked into the 180 series which is due out soon and will provide hardware-accelerated opengl 3
[03:20] <__mikem> avb: i bought it last year at the beginning of the summer
[03:20] <avb> ah
[03:20] <avb> ok
[03:20] <avb> lets look for a never firmware
[03:21] <__mikem> you mean newer?
[03:21] <avb> b43-phy0: Loading firmware version 410.2160 (2007-05-26 15:32:10)
[03:21] <avb> the one that i uploaded is 1.5 years old
[03:21] <DanaG> Oh yeah, when I get the ATI-based laptop.... will there likely be any benefit to fglrx over the open driver (assuming the open one supports the 3-series cards by then)?
[03:23] <__mikem> DanaG: if the proprietary drivers exist, there is no reason to avoid using them.Its not like the proprietary drivers are going to climb out of your computer at night manifested as ninjas and tie you up in your sleep.
[03:24] <DanaG> Does fglrx support xrandr 1.4?
[03:24] <bsnider> __mikem, have you ever used fglrx? it literally does so
[03:24] <__mikem> bsnider: I have used the nvidia counterpart
[03:24] <bsnider> hahahaaaaa
[03:25] <bsnider> there's no connection at all
[03:25] <crdlb> DanaG: does XRandR 1.4 exist? ...
[03:25] <__mikem> bsnider: I know there isn't. But I don't have an ATI card so I wouldn't have any good reason to use the ati drivers
[03:25] <DanaG> er, 1.2?
[03:25] <bsnider> nvidia replaces mesa, while ati makes use of it
[03:25] <DanaG> 1.3?
[03:25] <DanaG> Whatever is the one that nvidia doesn't do properly.
[03:25] <mercutio22> bsnider: sweet.
[03:25] <crdlb> DanaG: afaik, 1.3 isn't finished
[03:25] <mercutio22> bsnider: I will try that out
[03:25] <DanaG> nvidia deals very badly with hot-unplugging monitors.
[03:26] <avb> __mikem: digiqube.com/~avb/fw.tgz
[03:26] <crdlb> no idea if they support 1.2 though
[03:26] <avb> __mikem: unpack this one
[03:26] <__mikem> avb: hold on
[03:26] <avb> and reboot after
[03:26] <histo> Going to reinstall and see how borked things are.
[03:26] <DanaG> If I have my CRT as secondary, set to higher res than my laptop LCD, and with the two centered over each other... then I get my panels in an odd place... but it looks fine on the CRT.
[03:26] <DanaG> Once I disconnect the CRT and hotkey-display-switch, though... the panels don't move back to the right place for the LCD.
[03:27] <histo> Are the beta images updated at all? Or is usplash breoken still?
[03:27] <bsnider> usplash is fine
[03:27] <eodchop> Has anyone had any luck with their wireless on an acer aspire one.
[03:27] <bsnider> the beta images should be ignored in favour of the daily-live image
[03:27] <histo> bsnider: it was borked when I did a dist upgrade after the beta release
[03:28] <__mikem> I just think the degree to which Richard Stallman hates capitalism is ridiculous
[03:28] <bsnider> RMS doesn't hate capitalism
[03:28] <__mikem> bsnider: then why does he hate apple so much even though they use open source software and the OSX kernel is itself open source
[03:28] <__mikem> bsnider: also OSX does not have any kernel level DRM like vista does
[03:29] <bsnider> because apple leeches off the open source community and gives little or nothing back
[03:29] <__mikem> bsnider: no they don'e
[03:29] <bsnider> ok
[03:29] <bsnider> whatever
[03:29] <avb> coz apple is a bunch of asshole
[03:29] <__mikem> ever hear of CLang or cups
[03:29] <Deadboys> can any one help me install intrepid ibex on my compaq cq50
[03:29] <__mikem> those are open source projects apple started
[03:29] <crdlb> avb: please watch your language
[03:29] <avb> who makes crap for ridiculus price
[03:29] <wgrant> avb: Sometimes you have to break things to make them better.
[03:29] <larson9999> i like the guys who hate windows and then code for linux on their macbooks.
[03:29] <Deadboys> it has an nvidia video card and wont seem to load the correct driver
[03:29] <mercutio22> bsnider: performance seems still worse then when SLI was off. I am just saying, for the record.
[03:30] <Deadboys> so when i use the live cd it says it will run in low graphics mode but i cant get past that screen
[03:30] <bsnider> mercutio22, based on which benchmark?
[03:30] <larson9999> Deadboys, welcome to the club :)
[03:30] <Deadboys> same thing happened to you larson9999?
[03:30] <Deadboys> i know at least one person has installed it on a cq50 but im not sure how he did it
[03:31] <avb> but still we can thank apple for a webkit
[03:31] <larson9999> Deadboys, yeah. mine's an old card and apparently nv is the only love i'm getting from now on.
[03:31] <mercutio22> bsnider: based solely on glxgears. I know its not the best benchmark tool. I just don't know any other one
[03:31] <__mikem> avb: absolutely nothing is different. I am beginning to think the firmware is not the problem
[03:31] <avb> wgrant: a problem is that during last couple years, new developers breaks more then they makes
[03:31] <mercutio22> bsnider: do you?
[03:31] <larson9999> avb, webkit was part of kde before apple
[03:31] <bsnider> mercutio22, for glx?
[03:31] <wgrant> avb: Like what?
[03:31] <DanaG> I dislike Apple, myself.
[03:32] <avb> larson9999: khtml was a terrible engine, and apple made it usable
[03:32] <__mikem> DanaG you would
[03:32] <DanaG> It's their way or the highway, when you're in their OS.
[03:32] <avb> wgrant: let me count :)
[03:32] <avb> im not taking kernel
[03:32] <DanaG> And iPod / iPhone are the diametric opposite of Free Software.
[03:32] <mercutio22> bsnider: that replaces glxgears
[03:32] <avb> coz its another story.
[03:32] <__mikem> DanaG: and yet I don't give a crap about RMS's idea of Free Software. Give me a valid reason to hate apple
[03:32] <eodchop> #ubuntu+1
[03:32] <DanaG> I personally can't stand the OS X window manager.
[03:32] <crdlb> mercutio22: glxgears is not a hardware benchmark in any way; not even a little bit
[03:32] <DanaG> Quick, resize the left side of that window!
[03:33] <DanaG> ... oh wait, you can't.
[03:33] <__mikem> avb: it still doesn't work and for all the difference it made we might as well have not done that firmware thing
[03:33] <__mikem> DanaG: if thats the best you got, I think I'll keep my Mac
[03:33] <avb> __mikem: im giving up then :)
[03:33] <DanaG> I'm not saying they're bad... I just don't want anything to do with them, myself.
[03:33] <__mikem> avb: :(
[03:33] <mercutio22> crdlb: I heard. Can you recommend another one?
[03:33] <wgrant> crdlb: I liked it back in the good old days when one had to run it with -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark.
[03:33] <__mikem> Why won't this damn thing work
[03:33] <bsnider> __mikem, they hate freedom. they're the all-time champions of vendor lock-in
[03:33] <crdlb> mercutio22: the best way to benchmark usage is to actually use the card and benchmark that, e.g. a game
[03:34] <DanaG> But the iPhone thing: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/5-reasons-to-avoid-iphone-3g
[03:34] <mercutio22> crdlb: Yeah, I need to get a nice one
[03:34] <avb> __mikem: try to check tuxmobile.org
[03:34] <crdlb> wgrant: yeah, I miss that :(
[03:34] <mercutio22> for linux, that is
[03:34] <__mikem> bsnider: are you kidding me. They give you much more freedom than Vista does. See, if you hate apple thats fine, but I hate when people accuse apple of being "10 times worse than microsoft"
[03:34] <bsnider> apple is worse than microsoft.
[03:34] <larson9999> avb, sorry. that's all the effort i'll wasting on apple. you can have 'em.
[03:34] <DanaG> Can you use stuff like WindowBlinds on OS X?
[03:34] <crdlb> I think 'Apple vs. Microsoft' is a bit offtopic
[03:34] <__mikem> bsnider: do tell, how are they?
[03:34] <wgrant> __mikem: At least Microsoft lets you run Windows on your own hardware
[03:34] <DanaG> s/B/b/
[03:35] <bsnider> apple is evil. microsoft is merely pathetic. microsoft tries and fails to do what apple does.
[03:35] <avb> wgrant: , network manager, udev + hal at the mimimum
[03:35] <avb> now xorg
[03:35] <DanaG> bsnider: that's an awesome description.
[03:35] <__mikem> bsnider: you fail at logic
[03:35] <avb> 10 times rewrited drivers
[03:35] <avb> new methods of rendering
[03:35] <wgrant> avb: NetworkManager made everything much nicer. You aren't forced to use it. udev and HAL don't break anything that I know of.
[03:35] <avb> coming every year
[03:35] <DanaG> laptop I shall be getting when I do get one: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?p=4002272
[03:35] * histo crosses fingers doubting this will work.
[03:35] <wgrant> avb: It has needed fixing for a long time.
[03:36] <bsnider> if you buy one single apple device, you must buy _everything_ they make in order to use it properly.
[03:36] <__mikem> avb: what should I do i really need this to work
[03:36] <mercutio22> brb
[03:36] <avb> __mikem: what model of your laptop?
[03:36] <Deadboys> anyone get ibex to work with nvidia geforce 8200m
[03:36] <__mikem> bsnider: thats not true. I have gotten plenty of non apple hardware to work with my mac
[03:36] * DanaG will like having a 3-button touchpad.
[03:36] <__mikem> avb: hp pavilion dv6000
[03:36] <avb> wgrant: probably, thats a price of oss
[03:36] <wgrant> avb: ... how?
[03:37] <DanaG> Oh, and it seems like, approximately every 2 years, HP has given kernel.org new servers.
[03:37] <avb> wgrant: one guy is writting code, then he losing interest, then another guy is taking a flag and he is too lazy to fix bugs of the first one
[03:37] <__mikem> DanaG: have you ever tried using an HP Laptop. Its horrible.
[03:37] <wgrant> avb: More like the next guy comes up with a much better idea...
[03:37] <DanaG> I've used some, and not had too many issues.
[03:37] <DanaG> And business != consumer.
[03:38] <larson9999> seems my issue is "bad mode clock interlace". whatever that is
[03:38] <bsnider> __mikem, what HP does or doesn't do is not the issue.
[03:38] <avb> wgrant: :) but what if old idea was working also good? :)
[03:38] <__mikem> bsnider: issue?
[03:38] <__mikem> What issue? i was just saying i don't care for HP
[03:38] <wgrant> avb: If the old idea was unfinished and there is a new better one, why continue the old one?
[03:38] <bsnider> it sounds to me like you're saying "apple is good because they're better than HP"
[03:39] <__mikem> bsnider: my criticism of hp has nothing to do with apple
[03:40] <eodchop> anyone here have an acer aspire one?
[03:40] <__mikem> bsnider: funny thing is, I actually used to have the same complaints about apple you do, then i actually did some research that didn't involve looking at www.fsf.org and found out that a lot of what RMS says about apple isn't true. But thats not the point. When I bought that laptop I still bought into all the slander RMS spreads about Apple
[03:40] <avb> wgrant: coz it works. lets move this to a production level. one guy put an accounting system. its works but need some modifications. new guy is coming and proposing to write a new accounting system
[03:40] <Deadboys> anyone get ibex to work with nvidia geforce 8200m?
[03:40] <Deadboys> i mean the live cd of course
[03:41] <wgrant> avb: Some of these are fundamentally different, so there's no point in migrating to the old one first.
[03:43] <avb> thats why i ought to use new and new dev version :)
[03:43] <avb> coz every time one thing getting fixed or added that i need, and other is getting broken
[03:44] <avb> and im testing it, in order to get a working release for me :)
[03:44] <avb> i hope i will stop at one of the version
[03:45] <wgrant> For Jaunty, X configuration for at least input devices and video resolutions will be much nicer than it has ever been before.
[03:45] <wgrant> But it has meant some configuration ease regressions in Intrepid.
[03:45] <avb> yeh
[03:45] <wgrant> We have to make compromises sometimes.
[03:45] <bsnider> i'd like to see everything else in jaunty much nicer than it has ever been before
[03:46] <avb> now, every time when i'm connecting mine 32" tv, im getting a hang of compiz :)
[03:46] <wgrant> bsnider: It probably will be, but that other stuff isn't my field.
[03:46] <avb> once before this problem was never appear
[03:46] <wgrant> Have you filed a bug?
[03:47] <avb> yes
[03:47] <avb> #284495
[03:47] <avb> Bug #284495
[03:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 284495 in compiz "compiz hangs once enabling second monitor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/284495
[03:51] <larson9999> ok wgrant. i believe you. not sure which distro i'll run in the meantime.
[03:54] <wgrant> larson9999: Erm, Ubuntu?
[03:56] <larson9999> wgrant, maybe if i could figure out how to get a resolution i could live with. i could forego 3d. but with slack i get both.
[03:56] <wgrant> larson9999: Probably because Slackware doesn't use a recent Xorg... you could use Hardy and get the same effect.
[03:57] <larson9999> wgrant in the xorg log it's got nice messages saying it's ignoring all of the resolutions but the one i want.
[03:57] <larson9999> i mean but the one i don't want.
[03:57] <wgrant> larson9999: Which driver are you using?
[03:57] <larson9999> nv
[03:57] <wgrant> Ah. That beast.
[03:57] <bsnider> larson9999, which graphics chip?
[03:58] <DanaG> ←↖↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑↗→
[03:58] <larson9999> weren't you the one who told me not to use nvidia? forget the fact that i can't anymore :)
[03:58] <larson9999> bsnider, geforce 4 440 go
[03:58] <wgrant> larson9999: I don't recall saying that, and I definitely never said that nv was better.
[03:59] <crdlb> wgrant: the problem is that he has an LCD and nv doesn't want to offer a non-native resolution
[03:59] <larson9999> guess it wasn't you.
[03:59] <bsnider> larson9999, go back to hardy
[03:59] <J-_> Need to ask again, and get more reassurance. Will Intrepid work with my hardware? http://paste.ubuntu.com/59894/
[03:59] <larson9999> bsnider, i wasn't on hardy. slack.
[03:59] <bsnider> hardy will work though
[04:00] <bsnider> J-_, only thing i'm not 100% sur eabout is the broadcom lan device
[04:00] <larson9999> if 1600x1200 is the only option, this could be a show stopper for anyone in my age group...we're all blind.
[04:01] <bsnider> larson9999, is that your monitor's native resolution?
[04:01] <larson9999> bsnider, heck if i know. i always used to have it at 1024x768
[04:02] <bsnider> what is the phycial size of it?
[04:02] <larson9999> 15in
[04:02] <crdlb> according to the internets, the 15" 8200 is available in 1440x900 and 1600x1200
[04:03] <crdlb> err
[04:03] <bsnider> if that's the native resolution, simply increase the size of the text and icons
[04:03] <crdlb> whatever the 14xx 4:3 resolution is
[04:03] <DanaG> 1400x1050.
[04:03] <crdlb> yeah, that's it
[04:04] <wgrant> larson9999: Running LCDs at a non-native resolution is generally a bad idea, and should be avoided if at all possible. As people are saying, change the DPI instead.
[04:04] <mercutio22> I used to have an issue with my microphone being detected and being useful for recording back when using hardy. I fixed it by adding a line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base
[04:04] <mercutio22> The problem is back in Ibex
[04:04] <larson9999> bsnider, that doesn't work. for instance not all of the icons will scale. and in ff you can't just apply a global size. you have to resize EVERY page you visit.
[04:04] <DanaG> Correction: make DPI setting CORRECT.
[04:04] <J-_> bsnider: It does worth in Hardy, though.
[04:04] <DanaG> Change font size.
[04:05] <mercutio22> Should I report the problem using aport?
[04:05] <larson9999> where is the dpi setting to make sure i changed the right place?
[04:05] <DanaG> gnome-appearance-properties -> font tab -> details... button.
[04:05] <J-_> bsnider: And, I pretty much need it to work ;(
[04:05] <bsnider> larson9999, you can most definitely change the fonts in firefox
[04:05] <DanaG> http://members.ping.de/~sven/dpi.html
[04:06] <J-_> bsnider: Will trying the live CD harm the computer?
[04:06] <bsnider> no
[04:06] <J-_> cool
[04:06] <J-_> It's already downloaded, will burn and try.
[04:07] <larson9999> bsnider, i changed it but many pages rendered to the small size.
[04:07] <bsnider> larson9999, there's a difference between changing a page zoom and font sizes
[04:08] <larson9999> bsnider, i know. lemme get nv back and i'll try again.
[04:08] * J-_ wishes Amaranth was around.
[04:10] <larson9999> wgrant if i change the dpi should the desktop icons scale properly? because they aren't.
[04:11] <bsnider> larson9999, icon size is controlled by nautilus
[04:11] <larson9999> bsnider, i don't use nautilus. it's hooked in like explorer is in windows?
[04:12] <bsnider> you do use nautilus
[04:12] <bsnider> you just don't know it
[04:12] <bsnider> that's gnome's file manager
[04:12] <larson9999> bsnider, bsnider i use gxe for my file manager.
[04:12] <bsnider> ok
[04:12] <larson9999> or a commander clone. sometime thunar.
[04:13] <bsnider> gnome uses nautilus even if you choose not to
[04:13] <bsnider> unless you're not using gnome
[04:13] <bsnider> now i'm wondering just waht you are using
[04:13] <larson9999> bsnider, i'm not new. linux only since about 1999.
[04:13] <larson9999> bnsider yeah, one of the things i hate about gnome. and gconf, too.
[04:17] <larson9999> bsnider, changing the fonts works but not always. some of the fonts on a page still are small. and some of the text is now to big to fit where it's suppose to.
[04:17] <bsnider> then use the zoom feature
[04:18] <larson9999> bsnider, nah. back to slack. i can't be configuring all day. this laptop will have to wait for jaunty.
[04:19] <bsnider> if you say so, sir
[04:20] <larson9999> bsnider, yeah, if i gave to my son he'd give it back!
[04:30] <larson9999> bsnider, it's old enough maybe it's time for puppy
[04:30] <bsnider> hardy will work
[04:32] <mercutio22> I think I found a bug related to my audio card that survived through hardy and made it into ibex
[04:33] <mercutio22> whats the best way to report that so it gets solved?
[04:33] <mercutio22> I have lots of info
[04:34] <mercutio22> its not much of a bug, its just that it takes a lot of tweaking on the gnome audio settings to get the mic working
[04:35] <mercutio22> it would be nicer if one could set it up without so much hassle
[04:39] <crashsystems> @mercutio22 I've noticed that to be a common problem, so it has probably already been submitted
[04:40] <larson9999> found a review of my laptop that says, "we found the native resolution of 1600x1200 a little too small for comfort." i'm with them there.
[04:40] <crashsystems> lol
[04:40] <mercutio22> crashsystems: I am pretty sure it is a problem related to my specific HDA Intel device.
[04:41] <larson9999> yeah. not hard to find a question that goes something like, "my mic doesn't work in ubuntu, hda."
[04:41] <mercutio22> larson9999: I see
[04:41] <crashsystems> well, I know that whenever I have done an install on my laptop (which also uses an intel sound card) I must go into alsamixer to fix the audio settings
[04:41] <larson9999> mine works but has a bit of a hissing noise i'd like to live without.
[04:42] <larson9999> for the longest time just about everything was muted by default it seems.
[04:43] <larson9999> mic questions are almost as common as "flash doesn't work on ubuntu+ff"
[04:43] <mercutio22> crashsystems, larson9999 But I mean that I had to add a line to my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base saying my model has three jacks and then I had to choose digital mic1 as input source. (what I mean is there lots of options to be combined and only one of them works)
[04:44] <mercutio22> it would be nice if one needn't do such stuff
[04:44] <crashsystems> true
[04:45] <larson9999> mercutio22, plug in "mic alsa-base" into google.
[04:45] <crashsystems> I'd go searching around launchpad to see where/if it has been reported
[04:46] <mercutio22> crashsystems: you're right, I will do that. Is there a way to call attention to say this has passed to Intrepid Ibex?
[04:47] <crashsystems> I'm not very familiar with launchpad, but I do know that certain devs with special powers can target the but for intrepid release.
[04:47] <crashsystems> try to find one of them, and tell them about it
[05:00] <ralpho> Is there a way to put back clock with date
[05:04] <Kr0ntab> ralpho: yes....
[05:04] <Kr0ntab> ralpho: what date and time do you want?
[05:06] <ralpho> I removed the panel new panel is blank widgets only have time no date.
[05:06] <Kr0ntab> ohh...
[05:06] <ralpho> doh
[05:07] <ralpho> first time using kubuntu and kde4
[05:07] <Kr0ntab> oh kde...
[05:07] <Kr0ntab> yeah I don't have that memorized and don't use kde...
[05:07] <Kr0ntab> sorry mate.
[05:08] <DanaG> larson9999: oh yeah, you can set a minimum font size in Firefox.
[05:08] <ralpho> no real google help 8.10 and kde4 are to new
[05:10] <ralpho> guess you have to del a whole config file or something like that.
[05:11] <larson9999> DanaG, yeah. still not much help. things still don't fit right as the non test stuff doesn't scale right and text doesn't fit where it's supposed to. no way to figure things once and be done with it. i'll have to go to a distro that's not gonna use this version until this laptop is put to pasture.
[05:11] <DanaG> Handy hint: disable "allow to set own fonts"
[05:11] <larson9999> perhaps 8.04 will do the trick. it'll be supported for a while longer.
[05:12] <larson9999> DanaG, i've messed with all the font settings. the problem is the fonts and 'graphic' parts aren't tied to each other. so the font grows but the rest of the page doesn't.
[05:12] <ralpho> I guess i will put the binary clock in the mean time that should leave em wondering wtf.
[05:12] <DanaG> Hmm, go to about:config and see what layout.css.dpi is set to.
[05:13] <DanaG> It should be either -1 or 0.
[05:13] <DanaG> What DPI is your screen, and what is Gnome set to?
[05:14] <larson9999> DanaG, -1
[05:16] <larson9999> DanaG, i forget now and have shut the laptop down. i've decided to not mess with it anymore. the days of my spending more than i day on such matters are long gone. ended somewhere around the win modems days of the mid-late 90's.
[05:17] <DanaG> Odd. When I set my thing to 147DPI, it worked fine, and scaled.
[05:17] <larson9999> you're network manager icon scaled in systray? mine didn't
[05:18] <larson9999> DanaG, about half my icons wouldn't scale.
[05:19] <larson9999> the small text at the top of hotsheet didn't. if i made them bigger they didn't fit right. and lots of others. i don't usually care about 'pretty' but it's the ugliest desktop i've ever had. looks worst than my real desktop even.
[05:19] <DanaG> Hmm, did you try a logout? For me, that's hat it took.
[05:19] <larson9999> DanaG, yep. a few times even.
[05:19] <DanaG> Odd.
[05:20] * DanaG glares at nvidia for desupporting the old hardware without open-sourcing it.
[05:20] <larson9999> DanaG, i'm not sure i changed the dpi in the right place but the only reply i got is where i changed them in appearance fonts.
[05:21] <bsnider> DanaG, hold on a minute. the nouveau devs say they don't need anything from nvidia
[05:23] <DanaG> For me, nouveau didn't work well -- it sat there devouring 40% CPU just drawing the desktop.
[05:23] <DanaG> This was on an NV17 card.
[05:23] <bsnider> the nouveau devs need time and testing hardware
[05:23] <drakeman> Good night to All!
[05:24] <DanaG> So nvidia should give them hardware, if nothing else.
[05:25] <bsnider> i don't know if they've ever made a formal request of nvidia, but they have made requests to people that have old hardware
[05:25] <jacosta> will the 8.10 beta be upgradeable after the official launch?
[05:25] <bsnider> jacosta, i don't understand the question
[05:25] <larson9999> well i'm not buying another video card that's not open source. actually even though i get most of my hw from the rubbish bin, i'm gonna buy an open source driver card every once in a while just because.
[05:26] <larson9999> jacosta, yes.
[05:26] <jacosta> thanks
[05:26] <larson9999> jacosta, and before launch
[05:26] <td123> So I know this is beta 8.10 right, well I just spent half the day typing in openoffice.org (the one that comes with it normally) and it crashed a ridiculous amount of times... And its not even 3.0 so it should be stable
[05:27] <bsnider> this _isn't_ a beta. there was a beta release 3 weeks ago
[05:27] <larson9999> jacosta, it's supported for 18 months on the desktop and historically the ubuntu repos get updated pretty nicely.
[05:27] <td123> bsnider: what is it then? the rc isn't out yet
[05:28] <larson9999> rbc
[05:28] <bsnider> it is a developmental snapshot
[05:28] <alex_mayorga> would we get OOo 3 eventually?
[05:28] <predator363> hi when i boot into ubuntu it comes up with a screen saying its running in low graphics mode then another window that says troublshoot (which is worthless) and try to configure graphics. i am currently in vist aoperating on a wireless connection to boot into ubuntu i would also need instructions on how to configure a wireless connection in command line, and how to get irc and connect to this chat. also i first installed ub
[05:28] <td123> .. ok lol fine.. anyways oo.o 2.4.1 is really unstable on my system, is that normal because I would think nothing that oo.o is experimental
[05:29] <td123> alex_mayorga: no
[05:29] <larson9999> alex_mayorga, i would imagine but sometimes ubuntu is slow to update ooo in my opinion. for that reason i always install from ooo and skip the repos for ooo.
[05:29] <td123> alex_mayorga: we will have it unofficially though :P
[05:29] <td123> alex_mayorga: 3 will probably be included in 9.04
[05:30] * DanaG is using Ooo3.
[05:30] <larson9999> i guess too many people made fun of them for shipping with ff 3 beta
[05:30] <bsnider> ooo will be backported to intrepid as time goes by
[05:30] <td123> larson9999: meh, I was one of them :D
[05:31] <alex_mayorga> DanaG, repo?
=== BaD-CrC is now known as BaD-Laptop
[05:31] <DanaG> It's a PPA repo.
[05:31] <td123> larson9999: although you should have seen the one that shipped with 8.04 originally... ff crashed about every 20 minutes for me :D
[05:31] <predator363> hi when i boot into ubuntu it comes up with a screen saying its running in low graphics mode then another window that says troublshoot (which is worthless) and try to configure graphics. i am currently in vist aoperating on a wireless connection to boot into ubuntu i would also need instructions on how to configure a wireless connection in command line, and how to get irc and connect to this chat. also i first installed ub
[05:31] <larson9999> ooo usually has nice features i want so i don't even mess with the repos when it comes to ooo.
[05:31] <DanaG> http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu
[05:32] <larson9999> td123, i know. made me switch to arch on one machine and slack on the other. ff+flash only crashed about once a week on those two.
[05:32] <bsnider> predator363, troubleshooting is not worthless
[05:32] <alex_mayorga> predator363, graphic card and wireless card hardware info?
[05:33] <predator363> nvidia 8200m and atheros ar5009
[05:34] <bsnider> predator363, wipe out your /etc/x11/xorg.conf file
[05:34] <Lunks> After getting flash back, I get the 'missing cursor' issue again. Sometimes, cursor just disappears.
[05:34] <alex_mayorga> IIRC should work out of the box
[05:34] <bsnider> predator363, then use jockey to install the nvvidia driver
[05:34] <DanaG> wipe out? How about, move it out of the way instead.
[05:34] <Lunks> Most of the times it does, it's on a Firefox window
[05:34] <DanaG> Oh yeah, another option to set for nvidia: UseEvents and DamageEvents
[05:34] <alex_mayorga> +1 for move :)
[05:34] <predator363> bsnider: how do i do both of those things
[05:34] <DanaG> and OnDemandVBlankInterrupts
[05:34] <bsnider> wipe out. destroy. annihilate. delete.
[05:35] <predator363> ???
[05:35] <predator363> *has been working his butt off for a week just to get ubuntu running* (kills self)
[05:36] <bsnider> sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf~
[05:36] <bsnider> wait
[05:36] <predator363> thx then what
[05:36] <predator363> k
[05:36] <bsnider> sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf~
[05:37] <predator363> after that what do i do?
[05:37] <bsnider> restart the system. you'll get a gui through the nv driver
[05:37] <predator363> it will boot right up?
[05:37] <predator363> into x?
[05:37] <bsnider> yeah
[05:37] <bsnider> yeah
[05:37] <predator363> so window thingy?
[05:37] <bsnider> what?
[05:37] <predator363> THAT SEEMS SO EASY@
[05:37] <predator363> !
[05:37] <larson9999> do you have to compile nouveau?
[05:37] <predator363> the window that tells me im in low graphics mode
[05:38] <predator363> and wont let me into gui
[05:38] <bsnider> that happens because your xorg.conf file contains garbage that the x server can't make any sense of
[05:38] <predator363> NICE! if i have more problems i'll be back lol i hope this works
[05:42] <DanaG> Option "OnDemandVBlankInterrupts" "boolean" Normally, VBlank interrupts are generated on every vertical refresh of every display device connected to the GPU(s) installed in a given system. This experimental option enables on-demand VBlank control, allowing the driver to enable VBlank interrupt generation only when it is required. This can help conserve power.
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[05:53] <predator363> ok it sais no such file or directory
[05:53] <arash_> anyone have problems with vmware 6.5 and keyboard inputs?
[05:54] <predator363> i allready dont remember who i was talking to
[05:54] <predator363> and why has chat gone dead?
[05:56] <predator363> come on 202 people in this room and noone is talking?
[06:02] <drakeman> Hello, hey i have a little, question, im new in ubuntu, and i try to learn the os with a ebook called A practical guide to ubuntu linux, to learn the basics
[06:02] <drakeman> i go to system and enter in Session option and as a practice i save a session, now everytime i turn on my computer it display the session saved, how i can roll back that change?
[06:03] <drakeman> can ayone help me with this?
[06:03] <drakeman> probably is easy but i cant figure it out
[06:03] <histo> hrm. tab completion isn't working for me in terminal? Like I can't tyep in sudo apti<tab> it won't complete. Anyone have an idea of how to fix it?
[06:03] <predator363> for some reason chats gone dead
[06:03] <predator363> no one is helping anyone for some reason
[06:03] <MrKeuner> which version of openoffice is in intrepid?
[06:04] <drakeman> anyone can help me with the session thing?
[06:04] <predator363> already said chats been dead wating for a while now
[06:04] <ralpho> anyone get latest superkaramba working in kubuntu
[06:05] <predator363> ...
[06:05] <drakeman> but u are talking
[06:10] <drakeman> i fix the problem
[06:10] <drakeman> just delete the session file in .gnome2 folder!
[06:11] <drakeman> somebodys here?
[06:11] <bigfox> Were you having a problem where programs wouldn't start if you click on them?
[06:12] <drakeman> no, i save a session because im stuyi8ng with a ebook called "a practical guide to ubuntu linux"
[06:12] <bigfox> Oh.
[06:12] <drakeman> and i click system/sessions and save the current session
[06:13] <drakeman> but now everytime i restart the os it open all the windows that i had opened in saved session
[06:13] <bigfox> The solution you proposed was smiler to one that temporarily fixes the problem I am having.
[06:13] <drakeman> but deleting the file was the solution
[06:13] <drakeman> [D
[06:13] <drakeman> only you are in the forum bigfox?
[06:13] <MrKeuner> is suspend still a problem with 8.10?
[06:13] <drakeman> sorry in the chat?
[06:14] <drakeman> only three people speaking
[06:14] <bigfox> My laptop is able to suspend with 8.10. Its a Fujitsu Lifebood N Series.
[06:14] <MrKeuner> I am aware that it is due to non-free bioses though
[06:14] <bigfox> It was not able to suspend with 8.04
[06:14] <MrKeuner> bigfox: was it suspending with 8.04 as well?
[06:15] <MrKeuner> oh
[06:15] <drakeman> well, i just want to share my problem and my solution
[06:15] <drakeman> thanks to all
[06:15] <MrKeuner> bigfox: my thinkpad suspends with 8.04 but I get weird problems sometimes
[06:15] <bigfox> My laptop gets along very well with intrepid.
[06:15] <MrKeuner> bigfox: morning wakeups ring a lot bells somehow :)
[06:16] <bigfox> Its even using NDISWraper for the wireless.
[06:16] <bigfox> ?
[06:18] <MrKeuner> system bell rings several times when my laptop wakes up sometimes. usually in the morning
[06:18] <bigfox> After that does it wakeup and work, or does it crash?
[06:19] <MrKeuner> bigfox: it seem to work sometimes I get message that it could notwake up but again seems to work fine
[06:19] <bigfox> I haven't tested sleep on mine since some of the more recent updates, so I will fire it up and test it again.
[06:20] <MrKeuner> suspend is usually problem due to non-free bios
[06:20] <bigfox> Mine won't sleep properly if it has a USB thumb drive plugged into it.
[06:20] <MrKeuner> bigfox: no problem with that here
[06:22] <histo> Alright wierd problem with tab completion. I can use tab completion on the first command ex: sud<tab> would type in sudo but I can't do sudo apti<tab> it won't complete. or screen irss<tab> etc....
[06:23] <bigfox> MrKeuner: Will yours wake up fine if you sleep it then wake it up a few minutes later, but if you let it sleep for a while like overnight it has trouble waking?
[06:24] <MrKeuner> bigfox: yes, usually I get bells after a long sleep, shorter sleeps seemed more smooth
[06:24] <bigfox> I will let mine sleep all night tonight and try it in the morning. If I see you online I'll let you know. If we can reproduce it, then we have a bug report.
[06:28] <bigfox> histo: I will try that on mine and see what happens.
[06:28] <MrKeuner> bigfox: there is already a bug report for hardy if I recall right, hopefully your test will be negative
[06:28] <histo> bigfox: ?
[06:30] <bigfox> histo: trying to reproduce that tab completion bug you are having.
[06:31] <bigfox> Seams to work fine on mine.
[06:31] <DanaG> argh, my damned panel applets randomly moved again!
[06:37] <histo> Yeah I think its from my recent install. I must have removed something in ~ that I shouldn't have. Something that is created when a new user is made.
[06:38] <saint_> What must you have removed?
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[06:41] <bigfox> I am having a strange problem with two computers that were upgraded from 7.10 -> 8.04 -> 8.10
[06:41] <bigfox> When I click on a program ether in the menu or a quicklaunch it will not open. No errors given.
[06:41] <histo> Ahh no bashrc
[06:41] <td123> Wow, so my sony jog dial buttons seem to work with some installed programs (sjog)!!!
[06:42] <td123> it took nearly 7 distro releases to finally get it to work!!! :D ty
[06:42] <histo> bigfox: That was it I needed a .bashrc file in my home
[06:42] <bigfox> Oh.
[06:43] <bigfox> for the tab completion.
[06:43] <histo> yeap
[06:44] <bigfox> I wish I knew more about command line. I didn't even know about that file.
[06:44] <histo> bigfox: cli is very nice once you get the hang of things.
[06:44] <histo> can't believe I didn't see that.
[06:45] <bigfox> I use it allot for things I can't do in gui, but I am still a beginner as cli goes.
[06:45] <bigfox> Before I switched to Ubuntu, I was a Mac user.
[06:49] <td123> bigfox: ironically macs are posix compliant :P
[06:49] <bigfox> True.
[06:50] <bigfox> They do some really strange things if you put any hardware that didn't ship from apple into them though.
[06:50] <td123> bigfox: because you are expected to have apple as your sole vendor.
[06:51] <bigfox> For example, if you put a model of DVD recorder that apple never used into one, you had to generate a driver descriptor file for it.
[06:51] <bigfox> Its standard friggin ATAPI for pet sake.
[06:52] <bigfox> Then, if I put a disk in that drive and allowed the disk to spin down, any attempt to access ore eject the disk would crash the whole thing.
=== histo_ is now known as histo
[06:53] <bigfox> That drive is now working perfectly with no issues what so ever in an Ubuntu machine. It also didn't have any trouble on the mac when it was running Ubuntu.
[06:54] <bigfox> Ubuntu was also able to recover data from a Mac formatted hard drive that the mac wouldn't even attempt to mount.
[06:56] <MrKeuner> I'd like to say that, I love GNU/Linux not because it is superior, but because it is free.
[06:57] <MrKeuner> superiority is a side effect since many think like me
[06:58] <bigfox> I love the free aspect as well. Its also nice to have things just work when you plug them in. Ubuntu seams to be good at that.
[06:58] <dubby> hey anyone, I have intrepid with the new fglrx drivers but am unable to get compiz to work, when I do "glxinfo" I get "X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)"
[06:59] <MrKeuner> dubby: i heard the free driver is just fine do you really need fglrx?
[06:59] <dubby> the default is vesa
[06:59] <bigfox> fglrx is ATI right?
[06:59] <MrKeuner> right
[07:00] <bigfox> My laptop runs compiz fine. Its a Radeon mobility 9000 using the free/open driver in intrepid.
[07:00] <dubby> and it does not support composite extensions like compiz, and I see no way to get the radeonhd drivers working without doing it manually in xorg.conf which I know little about and might mess up
[07:00] <dubby> which one?
[07:00] <dubby> radeonhd or vesa
[07:00] <bigfox> Let me check.
[07:01] <MrKeuner> bigfox: have you tried googleearth by any chance?
[07:01] <dubby> bigfox: may I see your xorg.conf
[07:01] <bigfox> Not yet, but I can.
[07:01] <bigfox> Sure.
[07:01] <MrKeuner> bigfox: it does not work smoothly in in 8.04 when I use free driver
[07:02] <bigfox> Nether did mine. It is running 8.10
[07:02] <MrKeuner> bigfox: however the compiz works even better than fglrx
[07:02] <dubby> MrKeuner compiz is a composite extention while fglrx is a driver, there is no way one works better then the other
[07:02] <MrKeuner> I mean compiz works better with the free driver than fglrx
[07:04] <bigfox> Silly question, how do I ask it what driver it is using. All I know is that it isn't using a restricted driver.
[07:06] <dubby> bigfox: i would say just open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf and find the drive being used there
[07:07] <dubby> it will be under section device, and then say Driver "<driver name>"
[07:09] <bigfox> The device section reads exactly as fallows:
[07:09] <bigfox> Section "Device"
[07:09] <bigfox> Identifier "Configured Video Device"
[07:09] <bigfox> EndSection
[07:09] <dubby> thats it?
[07:09] <bigfox> Yep.
[07:09] <dubby> hmm...
[07:09] <dubby> that is definatly defaults
[07:09] <dubby> lol
[07:09] <bigfox> Compiz is working perfectly on it as we speek.
[07:11] <MrKeuner> bigfox: grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[07:11] <bigfox> It comes up with nothing.
[07:12] <dubby> its default
[07:12] <MrKeuner> oh, may be new xorg conf file is different
[07:12] <bigfox> Oops, let me try that again, forgot the xorg.conf
[07:12] <bigfox> Driver "kbd"
[07:12] <bigfox> Driver "mouse"
[07:12] <bigfox> Driver "synaptics"
[07:13] <MrKeuner> yeah looks like the conf file has evolved
[07:13] <MrKeuner> it should be because of fail safe x system
[07:13] <bigfox> They even removed all the resolution listings for the display.
[07:14] <bigfox> All that crap should just be probed on startup anyway.
[07:28] <bigfox> I am having trouble starting applications on a couple machines that were upgraded from 7.10 ->8.04 ->8.10
[07:28] <bigfox> I got a command line to load at startup so that I can try to load programs from a terminal window.
[07:29] <bigfox> It will load programs that are configured to load on login.
[07:29] <bigfox> when I try to load them from the menu or quick launch icon, it just fails and gives no error.
[07:29] <bigfox> when I try to load them from a terminal window it gives an error.
[07:30] <bigfox> bigfox@localhost:~$ firefox
[07:30] <bigfox> No protocol specified
[07:30] <bigfox> Error: cannot open display: :0.0
[07:30] <bigfox> bigfox@localhost:~$ firefox
[07:30] <bigfox> No protocol specified
[07:30] <bigfox> Error: cannot open display: :0.0
[07:31] <bigfox> If I wipe out all the gnome settings files, and force X to restart and login it will work fine until I reboot the machine, then it has the same problem again.
[07:38] <histo> bigfox1: are you trying to launch firefox from a console or a terminal?
[07:39] <histo> bigfox1: X needs to be running for you to use firefox.
[07:39] <bigfox1> Another weird thing I just found with this bug. If I disable networking in the network it will load programs but when I enable the networking again it will stop loading any new programs.
[07:39] <bigfox1> Terminal.
[07:39] <bigfox1> Not a virtual console.
[07:39] <elmargol> bigfox1: do you habe a loopback?
[07:40] <bigfox1> How do I check.
[07:40] <bigfox1> ?
=== bigfox1 is now known as bigfox
[07:40] <elmargol> ifconfig lo
[07:40] <bigfox> lo Link encap:Local Loopback
[07:40] <bigfox> Thats the first line.
[07:40] <elmargol> thats ok
[07:42] <bigfox> If I disable networking, I can load programs like firefox, and then when I re enable networking the programs that were loaded work fine, but if I close them and try to re open them or open new ones it won't work.
[07:42] <elmargol> bigfox: echo $DISPLAY
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[07:43] <bigfox> echo $DISPLAY
[07:43] <bigfox> sorry.
[07:43] <bigfox> :0.0
[07:43] <histo> ahh see pulseaudio still can't handle ogg sreams
[07:43] <histo> unreal
[07:43] <elmargol> bigfox: thats ok too
[07:51] <bigfox> I noticed that the machine uses "localhost" in the command prompt but it should have the machines hostname.
[07:56] <kulight> does any one else having network problems since yesterday ?
[07:59] <arash_> why is firefox still so buggy.....
[07:59] <frybye> hi - a partial-upgrade this morning seems to have uninstalled skype completly and now wont let me re-install it???
[07:59] <frybye> anybody else dealing with this??ß
[08:00] <dubby> whats the error when attempting to instal?
[08:00] <histo> arash_: because people haven't fixed all the bugs yet.
[08:01] <arash_> histo: works fine on my mac... and windows ehh... but ff crashes on ubuntu always
[08:01] <frybye> it says something about unresolved dependancy with skype-common (or was it core..) and that this should not be installed...
[08:01] <frybye> hang on I will paste the terminal output ...
[08:02] <kulight> frybye: thats becose only one pack was available from the 2 needed probably will be added later
[08:02] <elmargol> bigfox: /etc/hosts this file should link localhost to your hostname
[08:03] <elmargol> dell localhost.localdomain localhost <- my confg
[08:03] <elmargol> dell ist my hostname
[08:03] <frybye> ok - here is the terminal output if anybody interested.. ( in German though - I am a Brit in Berlin-) http://paste.ubuntu.com/60011/
[08:03] <elmargol> frybye: sudo apt-get install -f
[08:03] <bigfox> elmargol: It only lists the hostname Just KIT and nothing else.
[08:03] <bigfox> That may be the problem.
[08:04] <frybye> kulight: annoying thing was I was using it up until the partial upgrade this morning and then it was gone - whooosh - nada...
[08:04] <frybye> elmargol: I dont wanna force the install if there is good reason for it having been deleted and is excluded in the updated beta just now...
[08:05] <elmargol> frybye: this command should offer you a solution
[08:05] <elmargol> frybye: this is not just forcing
[08:05] <frybye> btw - i am on an amd64bit installation - does that make any difference...?
[08:06] <elmargol> -f, --fix-broken
[08:06] <kulight> frybye: the partial update removed the skype pack and only upgraded the skype-common it good to read the details of partial upgrades
[08:06] <frybye> so I need to do a sudo aptz-get install -f skype right???
[08:06] <frybye> e e e apt-get ...
[08:06] <kulight> frybye: there are no broken packs there it a dependency problem
[08:06] <elmargol> frybye: no just sudo apt-get install-f
[08:06] <bigfox> elmargol: I just checked /etc/hosts, and it is correct
[08:08] <bigfox> I did notice that before I login to X, the prompts on the virtual console refer to the machine as kitt, but then after I login to X the virtual consoles change to localhost.
[08:08] <frybye> it said (in german here-) read status-info ein.... ready - 0 updated 0 new installed 0 to remove 0 not updated...? - so did it do anything??
[08:09] <frybye> there is still no skype in the gui...
[08:09] <elmargol> frybye: yes it did nothing. thats why I use the static package
[08:10] <frybye> which static - there are 2 in snaptic...
[08:10] <kulight> frybye: you will have to wait for medibuntu to release the missing package
[08:10] <elmargol> frybye: I just use the tarball from skype.com
[08:10] <elmargol> http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-static <- this one
[08:11] <kulight> elmargol: is it for 64 bit ?
[08:11] <frybye> excuse me elmargolif I ask kulight is there any special reason not to do the above...?
[08:11] <frybye> does one have to use libget or similar on the directory...?
[08:11] <bigfox> 32 bit apps should run fine on 64 bit if you have the 32 bit libraries installed.
[08:11] <frybye> if I remember right it was orig. installed with the tarball...
[08:12] <kulight> frybye: no ecxept it wont fit the 64bit
[08:12] <frybye> kul... but it w a s working here up till this morning....
[08:12] <frybye> so i assume i hve the libs installed or...?
[08:13] <kulight> you can try or just wait a few hours and reinstall skype from synaptic
[08:13] <elmargol> well I don't like pain in the ASS thats why i don't use 64bit
[08:14] <bigfox> this command will install the 32 bit libraries that I have needed for 32 bit programs on 64 bit systems:
[08:14] <bigfox> sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk ia32-libs-kde ia32-libs-sdl
[08:17] <frybye> I will probably wait a bit I think and re-try with synapic - if it comes to it I have a hardy eeepc with skype here...
[08:17] <elmargol> frybye: if you have the time... just wait
[08:17] <frybye> kulight: can one assume that folks at medibuntu are already aware of this and working on it...?
[08:18] <frybye> elmargol: yeah if I really need skype i can run it on hardy... on the eeePc...
[08:24] <kulight> frybye: i hope so
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[08:45] <kulight> does any one else having network problems since yesterday ?
[09:12] <waldenasta> hi all
[09:13] <waldenasta> having a little problem here? Just upgraded to 8.10 and want to check out my syslog. It has grown so large that it crashes my system every time I try. Anyone have any suggestion on how I can work this out??
[09:18] <ronny> waldenasta: use the tool less ?
[09:18] <RAOF> waldenasta: How are you trying to check out your syslog?
[09:18] <waldenasta> yes
[09:18] <waldenasta> tool less?
[09:19] <waldenasta> where do I find that, sorry about been a neophyte!
[09:20] <RAOF> "less /var/log/syslog"
[09:20] <waldenasta> k
[09:20] <RAOF> In a terminal.
[09:20] <waldenasta> it tell me /var/log/syslog is a directory
[09:21] <RAOF> Really?
[09:21] <RAOF> That's odd.
[09:21] <RAOF> Mine isn't.
[09:24] <waldenasta> RAOF I think I see my problem, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
[09:26] <nekostar> hey
[09:26] <nekostar> is k3b fixed in ibex btw?
[09:27] <nekostar> all this time in hardy i've had to burn @ 4x ;_;
[09:35] <cypherdelic> Please see if you can help regarding current gamepad issues: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/284951
[09:35] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 284951 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "Intrepid: Gamepad "Saitek P580" not working in games, buttons not detected." [Undecided,New]
[09:38] <Cheery> Hi people
[09:38] <Cheery> If I have multiple keyboards installed on my system, is there a way to recognise which of the keyboards were used to input?
[09:41] <danage> i distro-upgraded to ibex yesterday. before i was getting the bug that my ath9k/network manager kept asking me for the passphrase even though it knew it. i am STILL getting this bug. anybody heard of the problem?
[09:56] <TychoQuad> can someone tell me how to get the network manager to work correctly?
[09:57] <bugabundo_work> eheh TychoQuad
[09:57] <bugabundo_work> what doesn't work for you ?
[09:57] <TychoQuad> saving changes
[09:57] <bugabundo_work> what version ?
[09:58] <bugabundo_work> 0.6 or 0.7 ?
[09:58] <TychoQuad> it says updating connection failed: nm-ifupdown-connection.c.82- connection update not supported (read-only)..
[09:58] <TychoQuad> 7
[09:58] <bugabundo_work> never saw that before
[09:58] <wolfeySI> hello i have intel PRO/Wireless 5100 and ubuntu 8.10 beta
[09:58] <bugabundo_work> what were you doing when it happen?
[09:58] <wolfeySI> WPA personal works
[09:58] <wolfeySI> enterprise doesnt
[09:58] <wolfeySI> anything i can do?
[09:59] <bugabundo_work> wolfeySI: file a bug or search for a dupe
[09:59] <wolfeySI> one was closed because of 'lack of info'
[09:59] <bugabundo_work> I can use my on WPA entreprise with intel 4965 agn
[09:59] <bugabundo_work> if it lack info, the user should have provided extra details required
[09:59] <bugabundo_work> what is the LP id so I can check?
[09:59] <TychoQuad> right-click edit connections, selected a wired connection, hit edit, and then close
[10:00] <wolfeySI> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/217653
[10:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 217653 in network-manager "Wireless connection to WPA Enterprise network fails using Intel iwl3945 driver." [Medium,Invalid]
[10:00] <bugabundo_work> did you installed it recentely and did not yet rebooted TychoQuad?
[10:00] <TychoQuad> i have rebooted before
[10:01] <bugabundo_work> please file a bug agaisnt it
[10:01] <wolfeySI> bugabundo_work: interesting is 'dmesg' log
[10:01] <bugabundo_work> and ping asac on #ubuntu-devel
[10:01] <TychoQuad> i did upgrade from hardy though
[10:01] <wolfeySI> bugabundo_work: where can i paste?:)
[10:02] <bugabundo_work> "please attach your complete /var/log/syslog taken _after_ reproducing this bug." wolfeySI
[10:02] <bugabundo_work> its all there
[10:02] <bugabundo_work> its need to help debug
[10:03] <wolfeySI> schoolmate says its common problem for all new intel wlan cards
[10:03] <wolfeySI> with new iwl driver
[10:03] <bugabundo_work> TychoQuad: maybe it's a bug on the upgrade. you should file is so other users can see it fix before release
[10:03] <bugabundo_work> even if it is a common, wolfeySI it should work and be fixed
[10:04] <bugabundo_work> you don't paste it wolfeySI... you upload your log
[10:04] <bugabundo_work> AFTER reproducing it
[10:04] <bugabundo_work> you can find it on /var/log/syslog
[10:04] <wolfeySI> i have file
[10:04] <bugabundo_work> just upload it to LP and change the status of the ticket to NEW
[10:05] <bugabundo_work> is the file from right after you tried to connect to the wifi?
[10:05] <RAOF> wolfeySI: You may well be experiencing https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/272185
[10:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 272185 in wpasupplicant "[Intrepid] iwl3945 + iwl4965 -- network-manager will not connect to a WPA Enterprise network (disassociating by local choice (reason=3) )" [Medium,Triaged]
[10:09] <bugabundo_work> RAOF: did anyone reported seeing TWO NMs ? I some times see that on boot, and one says OK and one FAIL
[10:09] <RAOF> I haven't seen that.
[10:09] <bugabundo_work> I have, but can't find in on my boot logs
[10:09] <bugabundo_work> I'll have to look better
[10:09] <wolfeySI> RAOF:
[10:09] <wolfeySI> [ 1556.564716] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:12:43:4e:39:30
[10:09] <wolfeySI> [ 1556.571477] wlan0: authenticated
[10:09] <wolfeySI> [ 1556.571495] wlan0: associate with AP 00:12:43:4e:39:30
[10:09] <wolfeySI> [ 1556.593335] wlan0: RX ReassocResp from 00:12:43:4e:39:30 (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=6)
[10:09] <wolfeySI> [ 1556.593349] wlan0: associated
[10:09] <wolfeySI> [ 1565.017044] wlan0: No ProbeResp from current AP 00:12:43:4e:39:30 - assume out of range
[10:09] <wolfeySI> this is actual problem
[10:09] <bugabundo_work> maybe that's what causing all the password probs
[10:09] <RAOF> !pastebin > wolfeySI
[10:09] <ubottu> wolfeySI, please see my private message
[10:09] <bugabundo_work> wolfeySI: don't paste it here
[10:10] <bugabundo_work> use pastebin
[10:10] <bugabundo_work> !pastebin
[10:10] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[10:10] <freaky_t> what kind of bot is ubottu?
[10:10] <bugabundo_work> hheehe
[10:10] <bugabundo_work> a really nice bot to have! lol
[10:10] <RAOF> wolfeySI: That looks like you're on the very edge of the AP's range, and it's not quite connecting?
[10:10] <freaky_t> is it a supybot?
[10:11] <bugabundo_work> why do you say that freaky_t?
[10:11] <wolfeySI> RAOF: here wlan should be fine
[10:11] <freaky_t> im asking
[10:11] <wolfeySI> RAOF: it works for everyone, worked for my former laptop
[10:12] <bugabundo_work> RAOF: my NM requires me to connect at least 3 times to my univ WiFi (eduroam)
[10:12] <bugabundo_work> its quite funny
[10:12] <bugabundo_work> because it ALWAYS works at the 3rd try
[10:12] <bugabundo_work> but always fails the first 2 atemps
[10:12] <bugabundo_work> is like it is waiting for a timeout
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
=== Eq|laptop is now known as EqUaTe
[10:31] <firestorm> Hi there. Am thinking about making the jump to intrepid. What are your thoughts on it?
[10:32] <bugabundo_work> the earlier the better! firestorm
[10:32] <bugabundo_work> it helps users to get their probs fixed before release
[10:33] <LSD|Ninja> It's late enough in the program to just wait until release now
[10:35] <wolfeySI> well bugabundo_work this eduroam doesnt work for me
[10:35] <wolfeySI> bugabundo_work: or you have some tricks ready?
[10:35] <bugabundo_work> myne is TTLS and PAP
[10:36] <bugabundo_work> who is yours?
[10:36] <wolfeySI> same
[10:36] <firestorm> is there a way I can see what is new/improved/fixed ? am currently having i915 gfx crashes with 8.04 and would be keen to see any changes
[10:36] <bugabundo_work> wolfeySI: humm did you try the 3 times trick?
[10:36] <wolfeySI> new network manager has name Tunnelled TLS?
[10:36] <bugabundo_work> brb AFK
[10:36] <wolfeySI> bugabundo_work: no idea, i tried a lot
[10:36] <wolfeySI> now i just stoled UTP from desktop PC's
[10:36] <wolfeySI> stole
[10:45] <testi> I don't manage to install new widgets via "Install new Widgets" in KDE4. It's not clear to me what to do so it installs.
[10:47] <defrysk> does anyone know the sourcepackage for usb mouse ? i need it for a bugreport
[11:01] <amikrop> Most of the times, the Release Candidate is exactly the same as the Final Release, right?
[11:02] <amikrop> (In Ubuntu, at least.)
[11:02] <amikrop> ?
[11:02] <bugabundo_work> defrysk: "linux" kernel maybe?
[11:06] <wgrant> amikrop: In Ubuntu that has never been the case.
[11:06] <wgrant> amikrop: It probably never will be.
[11:07] <bugabundo_work> eheheehhe wgrant
[11:07] <bugabundo_work> humm I remmeber one it was!!
[11:08] <bugabundo_work> gutsy or hardy? can't tell
[11:08] <wgrant> bugabundo_work: It's not designed to be the case.
[11:08] <bugabundo_work> gutsy wasnt... they had all that trouble with the kernel
[11:08] <wgrant> We don't produce RCs in the Mozilla sense.
[11:08] <bugabundo_work> just up till the last second
[11:08] <wgrant> We always have uploads right up to the end.
[11:18] <NET||abuse> hi guys.. yay, screen polling bug with compiz/nvidia 177 fixed :) good day.
[11:19] <NET||abuse> next problem, rythmbox, buffering from last.fm sucks
[11:19] <NET||abuse> keeps buffering few seconds, then stops the song every 4 seconds or so
[11:23] <petererer> screen polling bug?
[11:23] <amikrop> wgrant: I see. You follow the Greek way :P
[11:23] <bugabundo_work> yeah petererer the refresh bug
[11:23] <amikrop> Always at the last minute.
[11:24] <amikrop> (see the Olympiad 2004 stadiums building process :P)
[11:24] <bugabundo_work> petererer: #269904
[11:26] <amikrop> bug #269904
[11:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 269904 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "Screen refresh problems with nvidia on intrepid" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/269904
[11:26] <petererer> hmm, i had noticed that too
[11:26] <NET||abuse> seems to be solved for me :)
[11:27] <petererer> i shall try later :)
[11:27] <NET||abuse> very glad :)
[11:27] <NET||abuse> rythmbox behaving again, but this buffer issue happens often.
[11:27] <petererer> i hadn't used compiz before, as it was slow for me with hardy
[11:27] <NET||abuse> there doesn't seem to be an option to extend the buffer window
[11:27] <bugabundo_work> NET||abuse: give exaile a try
[11:27] <bugabundo_work> I really like it
[11:28] <NET||abuse> bugabundo_work: i did a year ago, or more, and it was just hard work,,, but ok, time to revisit
[11:29] <NET||abuse> mmm, lovely python packages being sucked down :)
[11:30] <NET||abuse> bugabundo_work: do you know a good way to get a music player such as exaile, rythmbox, amarok etc.. to look for music off a smb share, or just off a windows box, without altering the fstab
[11:31] <bugabundo_work> humm
[11:31] <bugabundo_work> doesn't exail use gvfs?
[11:31] <NET||abuse> also, exaile last.fm, jumando or magnatune plugins?
[11:31] <bugabundo_work> I think I'm going to start to file bugs against all those apps that fail to use it, like rsync
[11:31] <NET||abuse> hah,,
[11:32] <NET||abuse> rysync i'm not sure it should realy use it.
[11:32] <NET||abuse> bleh, rsync
[11:32] <NET||abuse> fudgy monday fingers
[11:32] <NET||abuse> need more coffee
[11:32] <wgrant> Apps don't have to use GVFS, thanks to FUSE.
[11:32] <NET||abuse> wgrant: hmm, this is true.
[11:33] <NET||abuse> bugabundo_work: one other killer feature that rythmbox does, can exaile use daap shares
[11:33] <bugabundo_work> wgrant: but if I mount it with fuse
[11:34] <bugabundo_work> NM will complain on shutdown...
[11:34] <zyrorl> fuse is a godsend
[11:34] <bugabundo_work> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/90795
[11:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 90795 in network-manager "Unmount of remote CIFS shares fails with timeout on system shutdown (dup-of: 42121)" [Low,Confirmed]
[11:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 42121 in sysvinit "Symlinks for umountnfs / sendsigs wrong: hang on shutdown / reboot" [Medium,Fix released]
[11:35] <bugabundo_work> we already had this discossion
[11:35] <bugabundo_work> *discussion last week
[11:35] <bugabundo_work> either apps use GVFS or that bug needs to get fixed
[11:36] * wgrant never shuts down.
[11:36] <wgrant> I suspend or I manage to hang with some of my driver antics.
[11:37] <wgrant> s/hang/hang X/
[11:37] <NET||abuse> how can gvfs get me access to the shares on my windows laptop?
[11:37] <NET||abuse> from within rythmbox or exaile or something?
[11:37] <bugabundo_work> using gnome tools
[11:38] <bugabundo_work> but then apps won't see the mount point
[11:38] <bugabundo_work> its so lame
[11:38] <wgrant> "apps won't see the mount point"?
[11:39] <bugabundo_work> ok
[11:39] <NET||abuse> bugabundo_work: em, urr,, how do i use gnome tools?
[11:39] <wgrant> Not quite the answer I was looking for, bugabundo_work.
[11:39] <bugabundo_work> how do I navigate throuth the terminal to a samba share wgrant?
[11:39] <wgrant> bugabundo_work: cd ~/.gvfs/something
[11:39] <bugabundo_work> hummm
[11:39] <bugabundo_work> never saw it
[11:39] <NET||abuse> bugabundo_work: using a mount from within gnome I didn't think you could go to that mount points
[11:40] <NET||abuse> wgrant: really? hm
[11:40] <wgrant> Yes.
[11:40] <wgrant> Although making things like that up to confuse annoying users sounds like a good idea for the future.
[11:40] <NET||abuse> sure as Shizzle there's my music share, public and user dir on office server.. awsome
[11:41] <bugabundo_work> wgrant: since I see a icon on Desktop, I thouth apps would see it too
[11:41] <bugabundo_work> but they don't...
[11:41] <bugabundo_work> ~/.gvfs is too hiden for users
[11:41] <wgrant> bugabundo_work: Much like you don't see volumes appear under your desktop.
[11:41] <wgrant> bugabundo_work: Users won't normally need to see it.
[11:41] <bugabundo_work> actaully I see... pendrives and usb disk show up there
[11:42] <NET||abuse> you know, once you know where to look, these things are way simpler.
[11:42] <bugabundo_work> plus the mount applet on my bottom bar
[11:42] <wgrant> Opening something from Nautilus in a non-GVFS app should use that implicitly.
[11:42] <bugabundo_work> what do you mean wgrant?
[11:42] <bugabundo_work> how can rsync be used with nautilus?
[11:42] <bugabundo_work> or exaile?
[11:42] <Chousuke> ~/.gvfs is evil
[11:43] <wgrant> bugabundo_work: If you're using rsync, you should know to look for ~/.gvfs.
[11:43] <Chousuke> why is it in ~/ if I can't do anything to it ;(
[11:43] <wgrant> Normal users do not use rsync.
[11:43] <bugabundo_work> I'll look for it toningh
[11:43] <Chousuke> they should move .gvfs somewhere outside ~/
[11:43] <bugabundo_work> ok, exaile then
[11:43] <bugabundo_work> it seems (acording to NET||abuse) that it won't show up eithere
[11:43] <wgrant> Chousuke: Then how would a user process write to it?
[11:44] <Chousuke> wgrant: by writing to its new location
[11:44] <wgrant> Chousuke: With which permissions?
[11:44] <Chousuke> wgrant: with the user's permissions
[11:44] <testi> I installed mencoder and it is insulting: Everything done. Thank you for downloading a media file containing proprietary and patented technology.
[11:44] <Chousuke> wgrant: user permissions are not restricted to under ~/
[11:44] <wgrant> Giving users permissions to other parts of the filesystem is not the solution.
[11:44] <Chousuke> wgrant: sure it is
[11:44] <wgrant> testi: Rightly so.
[11:44] <bugabundo_work> wgrant: what do you think of using bzr as an TimeMachine ?
[11:44] <wgrant> Chousuke: ... why?
[11:44] <Chousuke> wgrant: just make a /var/gvfs/user/ directory
[11:44] <wgrant> Chousuke: Why?
[11:45] <wgrant> bugabundo_work: Why?
[11:45] <bugabundo_work> yesterday I started using it for my apps conf files
[11:45] <testi> I don't wish to be insulted. Is there a package without that message?
[11:45] <bugabundo_work> and another for /etc
[11:45] <wgrant> testi: I fail to see how it's insulting.
[11:45] <wgrant> Slightly sarcastic, perhaps.
[11:45] <Chousuke> wgrant: ~/.gvfs contains files the user can't touch and as such it interferes with sharing $HOME accross distros for example.
[11:45] <wgrant> Chousuke: Users can't touch? What?
[11:46] <bugabundo_work> Chousuke: don't share $homes... lol
[11:46] <bugabundo_work> do you share your wife too ? /sarcastic
[11:46] <Chousuke> bugabundo_work: eh, sharing homedirs is very common.
[11:46] <wgrant> Chousuke: It contains a total of nothing other than . and ..
[11:46] <testi> However. The message is not useful. I wish it to provide useful information only.
[11:46] <wgrant> I share home directories with it fine.
[11:46] <bugabundo_work> I know it is. but it is also a cause of many probs
[11:46] <Chousuke> wgrant: it *can* contain things you might not want to share.
[11:46] <wgrant> testi: It is a useful message. Users should be informed that their file is bad.
[11:46] <wgrant> Chousuke: No, it can't.
[11:47] <wgrant> Chousuke: It's mounted on top of.
[11:47] <wgrant> The directory itself is empty.
[11:47] <bugabundo_work> encript them with encfs
[11:47] <bugabundo_work> that's what I do...
[11:47] <wgrant> If you somehow have the NFS exported from on top of that, you're probably strange anyway.
[11:48] <testi> wgrant: it doesn't even display patent no and patent holder
[11:49] <wgrant> testi: Because in lots of cases it's vague, perhaps.
[11:49] <wgrant> testi: Anyway, mplayer upstream is the place to complain.
[11:49] <wgrant> Not here.
[11:49] <testi> okay
[11:49] <testi> Thank you
[11:50] <bugabundo_work> wgrant: is it a good idea or bad to use bzr for that?
[11:51] <wgrant> bugabundo_work: For the entire filesystem it is probably a Very Bad Thing. For config files, a Good Thing.
[11:52] <Chousuke> you definitely don't want to use bzr to back up your whole filesystem.
[11:52] <Chousuke> it's going to be slow.
[11:52] <Chousuke> and probably not at all space-efficient.
[11:53] <bugabundo_work> hehe
[11:53] <bugabundo_work> its slow already
[11:53] <bugabundo_work> olive-gtk is to unstalbe too
[11:53] <bugabundo_work> Chousuke: I have plenty of disk space
[11:53] <bugabundo_work> I worry way more about losing settings
[11:53] <Chousuke> for config files version control is fine.
[11:54] <Chousuke> I should set up a git repo for my configs as well I suppose.
[11:54] <Chousuke> not too difficult
[11:54] <RAOF> bugabundo_work: You're probably more interested in that new git/bzr inspired file system thingy, then.
[11:54] <RAOF> What was it called again?...
[11:54] <Chousuke> just cd /etc/; git init; git add .; git commit -a;
[11:54] <bugabundo_work> no idea
[11:54] <bugabundo_work> but I seem to like it already
[11:55] <bugabundo_work> I do the same Chousuke with bzr
[11:55] <bugabundo_work> lol
[11:55] <RAOF> bugabundo_work: Basically, it was GNOME Storage. The most awesome idea to ever die a sad, lonely death.
[11:55] <bugabundo_work> ohhh
[11:55] <Nece228> why i cant ship ubuntu 8.10 free cds?
[11:55] <Nece228> The number of requested CDs was not provided.
[11:56] <Nece228> whats wrong?
[11:57] <Chousuke> backing up your configs is easy too with git
[11:57] <Chousuke> just cd to backup location and git clone /etc/ :P
[11:57] <bugabundo_work> what is diff with bzr?
[11:57] <Chousuke> I don't think the tool matters in this case
[11:57] <Chousuke> I just like git better.
[11:58] <bugabundo_work> I guess
[11:58] <bugabundo_work> I'll have to find the GNOME Storage thingy, RAOF mention
[11:58] <RAOF> It was on Ars Technica's open-source journal thingy recently; that's where I saw it.
[12:02] <bugabundo_work> other then bzr or git, what do you guys recommend for confs backups?
[12:02] <wgrant> bzr
[12:02] <bugabundo_work> ROFL
[12:02] <wgrant> baz!
[12:05] <Nece228> why i cant ship ubuntu 8.10 free cds?
[12:05] <Cheery> anyone remember what was that game where you flied down the cave and catched a ball, then flied out with the ball?
[12:06] <bugabundo_work> because they are available yet Nece228
[12:06] <bugabundo_work> oficial release is at the end of the month
[12:06] <Cheery> there was some cool remake about that game I've forgotten
[12:06] <Cheery> found it in debian/ubuntu repositories some years back then
[12:06] <bugabundo_work> Nece228: but you can download daily images of it and burn them to cd/dvd or pendrives
[12:06] <wgrant> Nece228: You did enter a number of CDs?
[12:06] <Chousuke> I know the game you're talking about but can't remember the name
[12:07] <Nece228> it says that i can pre-order
[12:07] <wgrant> Hmmm.
[12:08] <Nece228> wgrant: i cannot enter number
[12:08] <wgrant> Nece228: That's a Launchpad bug. I'll file it.
[12:08] <Nece228> The number of requested CDs was not provided.
[12:08] <Nece228> i got that error
[12:08] <Nece228> but i cant choose how many cds i want
[12:09] <wgrant> I know.
[12:09] <wgrant> There's a bug.
[12:09] <bugabundo_work> well they only ship 1
[12:09] <bugabundo_work> or you file a special request
[12:09] <Chousuke> Cheery: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/thrust this one? :=)
[12:09] <bugabundo_work> I just entered 10
[12:09] <Chousuke> -=
[12:09] <Nece228> no i didnt file a special request
[12:09] <bugabundo_work> then you can only get one
[12:09] <bugabundo_work> its been like that since hardy
[12:09] <Cheery> Chousuke: yep, but there were yet one, that also had custom levels and newer graphics
[12:09] <Nece228> i want one
[12:09] <Nece228> but i cant choose
[12:10] <bugabundo_work> even for special contributers like people that do translations
[12:10] <bugabundo_work> in the past that used to help bump the number
[12:10] <bugabundo_work> no need to choose
[12:10] <bugabundo_work> its just one
[12:10] <bugabundo_work> just enter your address
[12:10] <Nece228> i entered everythink but still it gives me same error
[12:11] <wgrant> Nece228: I said it's a bug.
[12:11] <Chousuke> Cheery: there's super transball but it doesn't seem to be FOSS :/
[12:11] <Nece228> ok
[12:12] <Cheery> Chousuke: that was the game I remember
[12:12] <Nece228> heres what i get
[12:12] <Cheery> wondering whether it has new levels
[12:12] <Nece228> http://img03.picoodle.com/img/img03/3/10/20/f_testm_36d85a6.jpg
[12:13] <Cheery> it looks uglier than what I remember
[12:13] <Chousuke> there's Fly Hard too
[12:13] <Cheery> hm, 2005 last update
[12:14] <Nece228> please fix that bug soon
[12:14] <Cheery> hm
[12:14] <wgrant> Nece228: It's in a piece of proprietary software, but I presume it will be fixed before release.
[12:14] <bugabundo_work> ok wgrant and Nece228 got me lost
[12:15] <bugabundo_work> what are you both talking about ?
[12:15] <bugabundo_work> isn't it about shipit?
[12:15] <Nece228> look at picture and you will find
[12:15] <Cheery> hmm
[12:16] <wgrant> bugabundo_work: ShipIt, yes.
[12:16] <Kajover> hey.. i need help.. i tried every possible way to install ubuntu through bootcamp on my macbook pro but it wont work
[12:16] <Cheery> I get freed from my current project in a day or two.. perhaps could write a game of my own
[12:17] <bugabundo_work> wgrant: it "just works" for me... just asked for cds
[12:17] <wgrant> bugabundo_work: Did you make a special request?
[12:17] <Cheery> Chousuke: it seems like there's not yet enough cave flyers yet
[12:17] <Chousuke> well there seem to be a couple finnish ones
[12:17] <Chousuke> I spotted one called "luola" in the repos
[12:18] <bugabundo_work> yes it was
[12:18] <bugabundo_work> one is not even vlose to
[12:18] <Chousuke> naming your cave flier "cave" is just lazy :)
[12:18] <Kajover> any idea? i just cant boot it
[12:18] <bugabundo_work> *close to enouth for me
[12:18] <bugabundo_work> I give more cds away to (some) new users than my locoteam
[12:18] <Cheery> I think I remember luola
[12:18] <minimec> Would anyone like to share his experiences with ATI cards in intrepid? Got a ATI x1250. I have a running fglrx configuration and a almost runnung radeonhd configuration. No chance with the opensource ati driver.
[12:19] <Cheery> minimec: had to install proprietary binary driver for it to work
[12:19] <Chousuke> I wonder if KOPS works on Ubuntu
[12:19] <Chousuke> the source is available
[12:19] <Kajover> hello anyone?
[12:19] <Chousuke> the game is sheer awesome so I should try it out.
[12:20] <wgrant> bugabundo_work: Right, it only affects the default form.
[12:20] <bugabundo_work> okay
[12:21] <minimec> Cheery: The ati proprietary driver (fglrx) is working but I only have half the fps when it coms to OpenGL (glxgears).
[12:22] <Cheery> glxgears is a poor measure
[12:22] <RAOF> minimec: glxgears is not a benchmark, no matter what it's FPS meter may suggest.
[12:22] * wgrant yearns for glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark
[12:22] <minimec> Cheery: There are some huge improvments when it comes to displaying video. This is really nice
[12:23] <Cheery> glxinfo | grep "direct"
[12:23] <minimec> Cheery: Don't have any other tools installed, besides the fgl_gears from ati
[12:23] <RAOF> Cheery: Also incorrect :)
[12:23] <Cheery> RAOF: is it? :P
[12:23] <RAOF> Cheery: Yup. Mesa's software rasteriser now supports direct rendering.
[12:24] <Cheery> uih
[12:24] <Cheery> RAOF: ok, how to find out whether the driver is running?
[12:24] <minimec> Cheery: RAOF: Have you ever tested the Phoronix benchmark tool? Or what are you using as reliable benchmark tool?
[12:25] <slestak> anyone succesfully setup a vpn using only NM gui?
[12:25] <RAOF> Cheery: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, basically.
[12:25] <Cheery> grep what from there?
[12:25] <slestak> i think 0.7 nm only did half the work necessary
[12:26] <slestak> for a pptp vpn
[12:26] <wgrant> slestak: I use it with vpnc often.
[12:26] <wgrant> Not sure about PPTP.
[12:26] <Cheery> oh
[12:26] <Cheery> grep "fglrx" or grep "nvidia" :)
[12:26] <slestak> wgrant: good morning, hope you havn't been here all night :) we were talking abt this problam last pm
[12:27] <wgrant> slestak: It's 2227 for me. I've been to uni in the meantime.
[12:27] <slestak> i checked bugs at lanchpad and posted a q on launchpad
[12:28] <Cheery> or well, yet checking grep "NVIDIA" is ok
[12:28] <bugabundo_work> slestak: mine keeps failing! it work some time ago with PPTP when enabling MPEE
[12:28] <bugabundo_work> but now not even that worsk
[12:28] <slestak> on gutsy i had a file in the peers dir for my pptp connection. for II, no such file exists. when i try to connect to vpn, no pppd process appears to be started
[12:28] <bugabundo_work> both on gnoem and kde
[12:28] <slestak> on gutsy nm + pptp works great
[12:30] <slestak> bugabundo_work: what release did yours work with and which are you trying now?
[12:31] <bugabundo_work> slestak: I'm on ibex with NM 0.7 trunk from PPA
[12:33] <Cheery> I also remember some abstract shooter where you shoot at an autogenerated battle ship
[12:45] <W8TAH> what is the default sound engine in kubuntu 8.10 beta?
[12:48] <kulight> !pulseaudio
[12:48] <ubottu> PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions
[12:52] <W8TAH> kulight, im having a bit of a war with pidgin - it seems to want to quit playing sounds after a while and requires a restart of the software to get it back --
[12:53] <W8TAH> how would i make it use pulse instead of alsa? pulse is not listed in the list of player
[12:53] <W8TAH> s
[12:53] <petererer> set gstreamer to use pulseaudio
[12:57] <W8TAH> petererer, i hate to sound like a total dufus -- but how would i do that?
[12:59] <petererer> hmm, point... i don't know kubuntu
[12:59] <W8TAH> ok
[12:59] <W8TAH> fair enough
[13:15] <tulpe_> does anyone know why custom icons for nautilus actions don't get shown in the cl+menu? build-in icons work
[13:15] <tulpe_> ^context menu
[13:18] <definitely> Hello all i have some problems. I downloaded and installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex AMD64, and after install i got peeeeeep signal and it doesnt stop... it is something with kernel. In btw i am using Intel Core 2 Quad
[13:24] <definitely> anyone ?
[13:26] <mkhlnsh> hi. does anyone know what is this message from Tiger? i really don't gett it... did it read that password? the password has UTF8 chars, is this unusual? --FAIL-- [pass009f] Login user1 has an unusual password content
[13:29] <mvo> cwillu: hey! do you remember what bugnumber the "do not automatically focus "keep" in the configuration file dialog was" ?
[13:30] <bugabundo_work> hello mvo good afternoon
[13:31] <cwillu> mvo, I don't think I ever reported it on launchpad
[13:31] <cwillu> mvo, I just yelled at you as it happened :p
[13:32] <mvo> hey bugabundo_work!
[13:32] <mvo> cwillu: ok, thanks
[13:35] <definitely> :(
[13:35] <bugabundo_work> why are you sad definitely?
[13:36] <definitely> " Hello all i have some problems. I downloaded and installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex AMD64, and after install i got peeeeeep signal and it doesnt stop... it is something with kernel. In btw i am using Intel Core 2 Quad"
[13:36] <definitely> Can't test new ubuntu :S
[13:37] <bugabundo_work> humm
[13:37] <bugabundo_work> did you test the ISO?
[13:37] <definitely> Hmm no...
[13:38] <bugabundo_work> humm wanna try ?
[13:38] <bugabundo_work> I would be impress the amount of times that's the reason (bad media)
[13:38] <definitely> It doesnt gave me any error while installing by install mode
[13:38] <definitely> I just sawy KERNEL errors
[13:38] <definitely> saw''
[13:39] <definitely> seen'' ;]
[13:39] <asabil> hi all
[13:39] <definitely> hey...
[13:40] <definitely> ok will go to test cd
[13:40] <asabil> anyone experiencing frequent banshee crashes on intrepid ?
[13:40] <cwillu> asabil, nope, working fine here
[13:41] <cwillu> asabil, run it from the console with -debug
[13:41] <cwillu> -- rather
[13:42] <asabil> ok, let me see
[13:42] <asabil> also anyone suffering overheating problems in intrepid ?
[13:43] <asabil> (I have a 1st gen macbook)
[13:48] <definitely> Checked media.
[13:48] <definitely> There was no errors :(
[13:49] <definitely> I am sure it should be something wrong with kernel.
[13:49] <definitely> Dunno Yesterday tested Fedora it worked fine, but i dont like it. I wana use Ubuntu..
[13:50] <definitely> so any ideas ?
[13:52] <bugabundo_work> nope
[13:52] <bugabundo_work> can you try the 32 bits?
[13:52] <bugabundo_work> do you know inetboot?
[13:52] <bugabundo_work> no need for media
[13:52] <definitely> I dont know inetboot
[13:52] <bugabundo_work> as long as you have access to the net
[13:52] <bugabundo_work> via cable (wifi is no good)
[13:52] <bugabundo_work> just add a few lines to grub
[13:53] <bugabundo_work> and it will boot from there
[13:53] <definitely> but my connection dowload spee is only 120 kB/s
[13:53] <bugabundo_work> do you think you are cable of doing that?
[13:53] <bugabundo_work> kiloByte?
[13:53] <bugabundo_work> more then enough
[13:53] <bugabundo_work> but it will waste 200MiBs by the time GDM gets loaded
[13:53] <definitely> hmm
[13:54] <bugabundo_work> http://openlab.jp/oscircular/inetboot/
[13:54] <definitely> Smth like 40 mins.. Dunno in wich hour my friend should come to me
[13:54] <definitely> For doing some copying of disks :S
[13:54] <BUGabundo> title Ubuntu via net (cdimage Intrepid Live CD 32bits daily)
[13:54] <BUGabundo> kernel /boot/inetbootlinux netdir=http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/intrepid-desktop-i386.iso type=casper
[13:54] <BUGabundo> initrd /boot/inetbootminirt.gz
[13:55] <definitely> How i will be able to cinfigure my modem then
[13:55] <definitely> ?
[13:55] <bugabundo_work> humm with that speed, you will get it really fast
[13:55] <bugabundo_work> I'm telling you
[13:55] <bugabundo_work> 10 mins top
[13:56] <definitely> hmm
[13:57] <definitely> It is easier to download whole iso but. I am sure it is problem with kernel and my computer..
[13:57] <frybye> anybody else lost thier skype with todayś partial upgrade??
[13:57] <BUGabundo_work> so this is much easier
[13:57] <BUGabundo_work> you can try it right there
[13:57] <BUGabundo_work> no need for donwload
[13:58] <BUGabundo_work> let me check frybye
[13:58] <BUGabundo_work> I'm on 64 by the way
[13:58] <definitely> What processor you use
[13:58] <definitely> ?
[13:58] <frybye> ok BUGabundo_work
[13:58] <BUGabundo> nope frybye. skype is up and running
[13:58] <definitely> hmm i have hardy heron 32 bit version on my cds
[13:58] <BUGabundo> definitely: intel 8300 C2D
[13:59] <frybye> mine went for a walk.. had been manually installed if i rem. rightly..
[13:59] <BUGabundo_work> use the medibuntu repos frybye
[13:59] <frybye> BUG i am also on 64bit (with the intrepid pc at home..)
[13:59] <definitely> maybe i should test from Ubuntu Hardy Heron 32 bit if it works
[13:59] <definitely> ?
[14:00] <BUGabundo_work> why not!
[14:00] <BUGabundo_work> but it is going to be hard to debug
[14:00] <BUGabundo_work> if you don't get any logs
[14:00] <frybye> BUG sure do but was missing a package this morning.. had been working till partial upgrade..
[14:00] <BUGabundo_work> does it even go past ubiquity?
[14:01] <definitely> If Hardy Heron will work, then it is problems with Intrepid Ibex and Core 2 Quad
[14:01] <BUGabundo_work> ahhh partial upgrades... don't do that frybye
[14:01] <frybye> will check when i get home.. perhaps been fixed..
[14:01] <BUGabundo_work> brb
[14:01] <frybye> i dont know enough to not do it..
[14:02] <asabil> cwillu: I am getting some gstreamer related critical warnings
[14:02] <frybye> if the sys says "can only do partial upgrade.." then i dont have much alt. but too go for it.. little b-ground knowl..
[14:03] <asabil> gst_caps_get_structure: assertion `GST_IS_CAPS (caps)' failed
[14:03] <asabil> and gst_structure_get_name_id: assertion `structure != NULL' failed
[14:04] <frybye> BUGabundo_work: and with a beta part. upgrades are normal or..?
[14:08] <definitely> hardy heron 32 bit works ok
[14:08] <definitely> ;]
[14:08] <definitely> it is problem with kernel version. wich kernel Intrepid uses
[14:08] <definitely> ?
[14:10] <kdubois> ever since upgrading to intrepid, nm-applet doesnt seem to see my ethernet port. it has a "ifupdown (usb0)" which it didnt have before (bluetooth, maybe?) but no eth0 listed. if i go do ifconfig eth0 up && dhclient eth0, things work though...
[14:12] <charlie-tca> Are the associations mixed up in Intrepid, or just in xubuntu intrepid? It's opening .odt and .ods in archive viewer
[14:14] <definitely> :(
[14:15] <damhyojung> hey,all
[14:15] <damhyojung> anybody installed 8.10 beta?
[14:15] <IdleOne> many have
[14:16] <definitely> i installed and it doesnt work
[14:16] <Pici> !doesntwork
[14:16] <ubottu> Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.
[14:16] <IdleOne> definitely: 2.6.27-7
[14:16] <charlie-tca> I'm testing the daily from yesterday.
[14:16] <damhyojung> me too, i cant go into the live CD
[14:17] <definitely> Pici: I downloaded and installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex AMD64, and after install i got peeeeeep signal and it doesnt stop... it is something with kernel. In btw i am using Intel Core 2 Quad
[14:17] <IdleOne> damhyojung: what is not working?
[14:17] <charlie-tca> damhyojung: Is it the daily image or the beta release image?
[14:17] <Pici> 'peep'?
[14:17] <IdleOne> Pici: beep
[14:17] <definitely> Signal wich doesnt stops beeep yeah
[14:17] <definitely> My english is limited.
[14:17] <definitely> :)
[14:18] <cypherdelic> oh i do not work
[14:18] <Pici> definitely: Is it the daily image or the beta release image?
[14:18] <definitely> beta
[14:18] <cypherdelic> does in not start in graphical mode?
[14:18] <kdubois> definitely: also, can you tell if the kernel is attempting to boot? if it beeps before loading the kernel, there are other problems you have...
[14:18] <damhyojung> when i go into 8.10 beta live CD,the keyboard cant in use
[14:19] <definitely> I am not able to boot into desktop
[14:19] <cypherdelic> definitely: nvidia?
[14:19] <definitely> nvidia 9500 gt
[14:19] <cypherdelic> definitely: do this: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177
[14:19] <definitely> from where ?
[14:20] <cypherdelic> definitely: then: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[14:20] <cypherdelic> definitely: in device section add Option "driver" "nvidia", save and exit
[14:20] <cypherdelic> definitely: than: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
[14:20] <cypherdelic> definitely: and you should be fine
[14:20] <td123> So the new kernel screws up the old r5u870 webcam drivers... :(
[14:21] <cypherdelic> definitely: from console, when you cant boot to desktop you should have a input
[14:21] <td123> Which includes a lot of webcams, especially laptop, and there is yet no solution
[14:21] <td123> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5990594
[14:21] <definitely> cypherdelic: That beeep is pain in my ears, i dont want to listen to it, maybe recovery mode will help me? Ubuntu has it, doesnt it ?
[14:22] <BUGabundo_work> yes it has definitely
[14:22] <definitely> ok, i will try
[14:22] <definitely> brb :)
[14:22] <charlie-tca> damhyojung: It that a USB keyboard?
[14:23] <cypherdelic> definitely: when you try to boot to desktop and it gave you an error message press STRG+ALT+F1 and please proceed as i told you
[14:23] <definitely> what is STRG ?
[14:23] <cypherdelic> definitely: dont use recovery mode
[14:23] <damhyojung> ps/2 keyboard,hehe,i am using 8.04 very well
[14:23] <cypherdelic> a key on your keyboard
[14:23] <cypherdelic> CTRL
[14:23] <cypherdelic> STRG
[14:23] <cypherdelic> sry german layout
[14:23] <definitely> aaa ok :)
[14:24] <charlie-tca> damhyojung: you may want to try the daily live cd instead then. It seems to work better.
[14:24] <damhyojung> thanks charelie
[14:25] * charlie-tca nods
=== veloc1ty_ is now known as veloc1ty
[14:27] <ytsestef> hello people
[14:27] <ytsestef> any ideas why my creative webcam doesn't work anymore in intrepid ibex? it used to work fine in hardy.
[14:29] <zniavre> is it not v4l who does not work properly ?
[14:29] <ytsestef> hm, maybe it is
[14:30] <ytsestef> it detects it as "usb webcam" (not the mark or model)
[14:30] <ytsestef> i am pretty sure it doesn't use v4l or v4l2
[14:31] <zniavre> my webcam and tvtuner are detected by lsub but unasbles since last update of v4l /xawtv/2.6.27-7
[14:31] <ytsestef> so maybe that is the case
[14:31] <ytsestef> we just wait for an update?
[14:31] <td123> ytsestef: you could try fix it yourself :P
[14:31] <zniavre> im waiting ...
[14:31] <td123> fixing*
[14:32] <ytsestef> td123: won't be even NEARLY as easy as saying it :P
[14:34] <td123> ytsestef: what gave you that impression? :) you never know until you try
[14:35] <ytsestef> funny. only 10 days before the final release and we have a package with broken content
[14:36] <definitely> Didiint did nothing. Somehow Desktop worked now and there wasnt any eror. But the same thing like in Fedora, cant connect my ADSL via ethernet :(
[14:36] <ytsestef> the only thing that still reminds me that it is beta. it is rock-steady
[14:38] <definitely> anyone ?
[14:39] <zniavre> !nouveau
[14:39] <ubottu> Nouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support. Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive
[14:40] <definitely> anyone loaded ADSL and Ethernet on Intrepid... ?
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
[14:44] <definitely> Guys stop sleeping :P
[14:44] <ideasman_42> Hi
[14:44] <definitely> hi ;]
[14:44] <ideasman_42> Im trying to install 8.10 and the boot screen wont enter
[14:45] <ideasman_42> it shows up but I cant press enter on my keyboard
[14:45] <definitely> I installed it somehow but my ADSL connection wont work.
[14:45] <ideasman_42> Its a macbook core2duo
[14:45] <ideasman_42> so I thaught 64bit linux would be ok
[14:46] <BUGabundo_work> huummmmmmmmmmmmm ahhhh what is it now definitely? I was sleeping so welll
[14:46] <definitely> <BUGabundo_work> ADSL not working. :S
[14:46] <definitely> did sudo pppoeconf, but it doesnt work pon dsl-provider says it is loaded and internet is offline
[14:46] <ideasman_42> Is there any way to book the ubuntu CD from the hard disks grub?
[14:47] <BUGabundo_work> I don't use USB ADSL it sucks
[14:47] <definitely> i use Ethernet.
[14:47] <BUGabundo_work> get an eth modem instead
[14:47] <BUGabundo_work> then what's your prob?
[14:47] <BUGabundo_work> doesn't the modem connect to your ISP?
[14:47] <definitely> Internet not working.
[14:48] <BUGabundo_work> ideasman_42: I never made it work... I wish it would work. but you can use qemu
[14:48] <BUGabundo_work> or put the images on a Pendrive with usb-creator
[14:48] <ideasman_42> So is this a known problem>
[14:48] <BUGabundo_work> definitely: (that nik is hard to type) does your modem work?
[14:48] <BUGabundo_work> is the leds bliking?
[14:49] <BUGabundo_work> can you access its webpage?
[14:49] <definitely> <BUGabundo_work>: Yeah. I am on Same PC with vista now and you see i am online
[14:49] <definitely> I cant acess any webpage from Ubuntu
[14:49] <BUGabundo_work> just saying it doesn't work doesn't help me help you
[14:49] <definitely> It says network is disconected and nothing else
[14:49] <BUGabundo_work> humm
[14:49] <ideasman_42> Is there any alternative way to boot the ubuntu install CD?
[14:49] <BUGabundo_work> does NM show the connection ?
[14:50] <BUGabundo_work> what does ifconfig show?
[14:50] <definitely> <BUGabundo_work>: i also tryed to Add DSL connection from NM, it also says Network is disconected :(
[14:50] <ideasman_42> It seems to be hanging and because its a mac laptop I cant use an external KB or mess with the BIOS
[14:50] <BUGabundo_work> can you ifconfig eth0 down
[14:50] <definitely> hmm didint tryed ifconfig, i need to try ?
[14:50] <BUGabundo_work> ifconfig eth0 up
[14:50] <BUGabundo_work> sudo dhclient eth0 ?
[14:50] <felix> hello! is there any way to get java mozilla plugin to work out on ubuntu 8.10 64bit version?
[14:51] <definitely> <BUGabundo_work>: Ok i am going to test, brbr
[14:51] <BUGabundo_work> mine works out of the box felix
[14:51] <felix> hmm thats very strange..
[14:51] <BUGabundo_work> tell me the site where you are failing!
[14:51] <felix> k 1 sec
[14:51] <felix> https://www2.sparebank1.no/portal/2299SSK/3_privat?_nfpb=true&fp_security_authentication_1_actionOverride=%2Fsb1%2Fweb%2Fsecurity%2Fauthentication%2FselectedMarketAndAuthType&_windowLabel=fp_security_authentication_1&_pageLabel=sb1_bank_login
[14:51] <gaelfx> does anyone know why every time check for updates with update-manager, Translation-en_US packages ALWAYS fail?
[14:51] <BUGabundo> felix: please repeat
[14:52] <BUGabundo> so I can copy it
[14:52] <felix> uhm what you mean? :/
[14:52] <BUGabundo_work> gaelfx: I get that from some mirrors everytime eversince feisty
[14:52] <BUGabundo> I changed PCs
[14:52] <BUGabundo> to my ubuntu laptop so I could try
[14:52] <felix> oh
[14:52] <felix> https://www2.sparebank1.no/portal/2299SSK/3_privat?_nfpb=true&fp_security_authentication_1_actionOverride=%2Fsb1%2Fweb%2Fsecurity%2Fauthentication%2FselectedMarketAndAuthType&_windowLabel=fp_security_authentication_1&_pageLabel=sb1_bank_login
[14:52] <gaelfx> BUGabundook, but it's nothing to worry about you think?
[14:52] <BUGabundo> and wasn't fast enouth
[14:52] <felix> np
[14:53] <BUGabundo> humm
[14:53] <BUGabundo> something aint loading there
[14:53] <felix> just type random 11 numbers
[14:53] <felix> at Födselsnummer etc
[14:53] <BUGabundo> my guess... bad coding
[14:53] <BUGabundo> were do you want me to tipe?
[14:53] <BUGabundo> *type?
[14:54] <felix> at the bottom of the blue square
[14:54] <BUGabundo> where it says "Vi ...." ?
[14:54] <BUGabundo> there is no input field
[14:54] <felix> oh
[14:54] <felix> O.o
[14:55] <felix> https://www2.sparebank1.no/portal/2299SSK/3_privat?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=page_privat_forside
[14:55] <BUGabundo_work> its the same on windows with FF3
[14:55] <gaelfx> ok, this is gonna sound like a weird question, but is it safe to upgrade to Ibex via update-manager from China? The last time I tried, it royally messed up my system
[14:55] <BUGabundo> and now what felix?
[14:55] <felix> try that one, then click "Logg inn" in the left upper corner (under the banner)
[14:56] <BUGabundo> !intrepid
[14:56] <ubottu> Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu
[14:56] <BUGabundo> enough gaelfx?
[14:56] <BUGabundo> ok felix, and now?
[14:57] <felix> you got the blue square now?
[14:57] <felix> and the typing field at the bottom of it?
[14:57] <BUGabundo> entered 1234455678911
[14:57] <felix> if so, just enter a random 11 digits
[14:57] <BUGabundo> and got an applet
[14:57] <BUGabundo> NEXT OpenSource Cliente
[14:58] <felix> hmm i got the message that java is not innstalled
[14:58] <BUGabundo> Linux blubug 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Fri Oct 17 22:24:30 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[14:58] <theBishop> has anyone noticed font rendering is broken?
[14:58] <BUGabundo_work> theBishop: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/269904
[14:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 269904 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "Screen refresh problems with nvidia on intrepid" [Medium,Confirmed]
[14:59] <theBishop> BUGabundo, I have Intel graphics
[14:59] <BUGabundo> felix: about:plugins
[14:59] <definitely> I am stupidddddd. Firefox Offline mode loooool
[14:59] <definitely> Kill me please
[14:59] <BUGabundo_work> diff prob then theBishop. search LP for it
[14:59] <wgrant> I'm afraid that murder is probably against the spirit of the CoC.
[14:59] <BUGabundo_work> ROFL definitely!!!!!!
[14:59] <BUGabundo_work> that doesn't help
[14:59] <definitely> thats why my network doesnt worked in Ubuntu and fedora rofl rofl :D
[14:59] <BUGabundo_work> ROFL wgrant
[15:00] <BUGabundo_work> definitely: http://www.google.pt/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Apt-PT%3Aofficial&hs=y9F&q=launchpad+firefox+offline+network+manager+intrepid&btnG=Search
[15:01] <sps_br> anyone here having problems with sounds? "Alerts an Sound Effects" dont work at all
[15:01] <theBishop> I'm also finding Firefox unacceptably buggy. Here's the most recent crash report: http://pastebin.com/m5518268a
[15:01] <definitely> <BUGabundo_work>: thats why i hate firefox :D
[15:01] <felix> BUGabundo: seems theres no java in the list
[15:02] <BUGabundo> ahhh felix... try to reinstall it then
[15:02] <BUGabundo> don't say that definitely... FF is so gud for us all.
[15:02] <felix> what is the correct packages?
[15:02] <felix> i innstalled sun java 6
[15:02] <BUGabundo> not sure
[15:02] <BUGabundo> maybe wgrant can help ?
[15:02] <theBishop> BUGabundo, here's a description of my font problem (with screenshots) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=950640
[15:03] <BUGabundo_work> definitely: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/258742
[15:03] <definitely> <BUGabundo> Opera never lied me like that. I was fcuking up for 2 days, and just now i know about that
[15:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 258742 in network-manager "[nm 0.7 intrepid] Hang when connecting DSL, pppoeconf works fine." [Undecided,Fix released]
[15:03] <definitely> :D
[15:03] <definitely> wow
[15:04] <definitely> There is no skype for My architecture ?
[15:04] <definitely> How i am supposed to run skype on intrepid ibex AMD64
[15:04] <BUGabundo_work> medibuntu reps
[15:05] <BUGabundo_work> it works. I have it
[15:05] <BUGabundo_work> http://www.medibuntu.org/
[15:05] <dfgas> how stable is 8.10 now?
[15:05] <TuniX12> not stable yet :p
[15:06] <dfgas> when is the first rc out?
[15:06] <definitely> W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783
[15:06] <BUGabundo_work> !stable
[15:06] <ubottu> Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.
[15:06] <felix> can i innstall ia32-sun-java6-bin on a 64 bit innstalation?
[15:06] <definitely> aaa
[15:06] <definitely> i frgot to add key
[15:06] <BUGabundo_work> duh definitely.. .maybe you should take another coffee cup ?
[15:07] <definitely> yeah The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[15:07] <definitely> skype: Depends: skype-common (= but it is not going to be installed
[15:07] <definitely> E: Broken packages
[15:07] <BUGabundo> definitely: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade ?
[15:07] <theBishop> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5999825 -- please take a look at this
[15:07] <definitely> BUGabundo: but why sudo apt-get upgrade
[15:07] <definitely> ?
[15:08] <BUGabundo_work> so packages get up to date ?
[15:08] <definitely> ok
[15:08] <sps_br> anyone here having problems with sounds? "Alerts an Sound Effects" dont work at all
[15:14] <gaelfx> ok, I realize this is horribly vague and a question no one probably feels comfortable answering definitively, so I won't ask for a definitive answer, but if I did a fresh install of Hardy, should the upgrade remove around 18 packages? or is that abnormally large?
[15:15] <BUGabundo_work> humm gaelfx
[15:15] <BUGabundo_work> parcial upgrade ?
[15:16] <charlie-tca> gaelfx: mine removed about 147
=== anubis is now known as darthanubis
[15:18] <TychoQuad> anyone know how to clear my old nm-applett settings so i can create new ones in ibex?
[15:19] <demontager> how to start terminal in current folder, I have installed nautilus-open-terminal but not work?
[15:20] <BUGabundo_work> demontager: humm if it is installed just right click
[15:20] <BUGabundo_work> inside a folder and there should be an option to open a terminal
[15:21] <BUGabundo_work> you need to restart your session or at least kill all nautilus for it to work, demontager
[15:21] <demontager> yes i know in hardy works
[15:21] <BUGabundo_work> TychoQuad: humm maybe by deleting its conf on your account?
[15:21] <BUGabundo_work> or you can apt-get remove --purge network-manager
[15:22] <BUGabundo_work> and then install it again
[15:22] <TychoQuad> thanks
[15:22] <demontager> ok, i'll try restart system..
[15:23] <BUGabundo_work> no need
[15:23] <BUGabundo_work> just restart your session
[15:23] <BUGabundo_work> logout and login again
[15:23] <definitely> <BUGabundo_work> When final intrepid will be out, i will not need to download any iso ? I will be able to upgrade from system wich i am using at yes ?
[15:23] <demontager> ok, thanks
[15:23] <BUGabundo_work> upgrades will make you have FINAL version
[15:24] <definitely> ok :)
[15:24] <BUGabundo_work> and you can use rsync to download the changes you need to the ISO
[15:24] <BUGabundo_work> so you don't need to download it all over again
[15:24] <BUGabundo_work> here is my script https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BUGabundo/ISORsync
[15:25] <definitely> thnx, will have in mind
[15:25] <definitely> :)
[15:25] <demontager> it's working, good
[15:25] <BUGabundo_work> nice demontager
[15:25] <gaelfx> if you can read this, please say something :S (sorry, having connection issues and not sure if my net is really working)
[15:26] <demontager> is it possible to bind keyboard key for this?
[15:26] <NET||abuse> hi guys, anyone know a good download manage for linux, something with multi connection downloads, resumable even between system boots,
[15:26] <BUGabundo_work> its coming trough gaelfx
[15:26] <gaelfx> thanks
[15:26] <BUGabundo_work> demontager: system->keyboard shortcut
[15:26] <BUGabundo_work> NET||abuse: wget ?? lol
[15:26] <BUGabundo_work> try d4x its FOSS
[15:27] <BUGabundo_work> flashget all works nice over wine
[15:27] <NET||abuse> BUGabundo_work: d4x yeh i looked at that before, but it wasn't very good,,, was a while back. give it a shot so
[15:27] <TuniX12> NET||abuse: X downloader
[15:27] <BUGabundo_work> any one here willing to let me test https://launchpad.net/remote-help-assistant on your pc ?
[15:28] <TuniX12> :P
[15:28] <BUGabundo_work> its a remote helper script!
[15:28] <BUGabundo_work> any voluteers?
[15:28] <BUGabundo_work> I promise I won't damage (much) your system
[15:28] <BUGabundo_work> kidding
[15:29] <BUGabundo_work> will you help TuniX12?
[15:29] <BUGabundo_work> NET||abuse: you maybe ?
[15:29] <TuniX12> you cant :P
[15:29] <BUGabundo_work> no ?
[15:29] <BUGabundo_work> why?
[15:33] <Guest14120> hello
[15:33] <Guest14120> help me plz
[15:34] <Guest14120> i have to install new ubuntu version
[15:34] <Guest14120> and i want to keep my programs sources to notto download them again
[15:34] <Guest14120> how to do that ?
[15:34] <Guest14120> sry new install
[15:35] <NET||abuse> backup?
[15:35] <Guest14120> i use 8.04 and have problems with it
[15:35] <Guest14120> i just need to get sources of programms that i downloaded
[15:35] <NET||abuse> sources?
[15:35] <Guest14120> so when i install new version not to download them again
[15:35] <NET||abuse> like the source code? or the download locations?
[15:36] <NET||abuse> or the deb files
[15:36] <Guest14120> when i download programs from terminal
[15:36] <kniolet> using apt-get?
[15:36] <Guest14120> it put files on aplace and install them
[15:36] <BUGabundo_work> Guest14120: all downloaded packages via APT are kept on /var/apt/archive
[15:36] <Guest14120> yeah
[15:36] <NET||abuse> Guest14120: i guess you could just backup the dir BUGabundo_work mentioned
[15:36] <BUGabundo_work> you can transfer them to another PC and install them again
[15:36] <Guest14120> yeah
[15:37] <Guest14120> so so in /var/apt/archieve
[15:37] <NET||abuse> BUGabundo_work: it's var/cache/apt
[15:37] <BUGabundo_work> or that NET||abuse
[15:37] <Guest14120> sources and i can transfer them and install them again ?
[15:37] <BUGabundo_work> tallking from head! and I'm a bit tired
[15:37] <NET||abuse> BUGabundo_work: :)
[15:37] <BUGabundo_work> those debs are NOT sources
[15:37] <BUGabundo_work> sources are a totally diferent thing
[15:37] <NET||abuse> BUGabundo_work: yeh I just checked in term
[15:38] <Guest14120> i dont know what is happened to my ubuntu
[15:38] <NET||abuse> BUGabundo_work: he/she now refered to as IT installed in terminal so i'm presuming IT didn't download them
[15:38] <Guest14120> sometimes it freeze and have to turn off power
[15:38] <NET||abuse> I mean, IT didn't download sources and compile them.
[15:38] <Guest14120> is there is anyway to get system back with no new install ?
[15:39] <gaelfx> according to system monitor, my CPU is running at 100%, but I cannot find any process that is using more than 2% CPU, how do I find what's eating up my CPU?
[15:39] <NET||abuse> Guest14120: I'm really not sure, you will have to tell us more clearly what your situation is?
[15:39] <NET||abuse> Guest14120: also, choose a nick name here so we can identify you more easily
[15:39] <BUGabundo_work> gaelfx: Firefox
[15:39] <BUGabundo_work> just happened to me TWICE today
[15:39] <Guest14120> sorry im in windwos irc and dont know much on it
[15:40] <samuel> Anyone with knowledge about how tablets are working in Intrepid with apparently no configuration in xorg.conf around?
[15:40] <NET||abuse> Guest14120: just type /nick myname
[15:40] <BUGabundo_work> just type /nick YOURNICK Guest14120
[15:40] <gaelfx> sheesh, that's no fun man, thanks though :D
[15:40] <NET||abuse> but use a nickname
[15:40] <BUGabundo_work> samuel: visit #ubuntu-mobile and ask there
=== Guest14120 is now known as kebo
[15:40] <kebo> ok
[15:40] <BUGabundo_work> samuel: make sure you mention your laptop specs and Ubuntu version using
[15:40] <NET||abuse> ok,
[15:40] <kebo> i changed it
[15:40] <NET||abuse> kebo: so what you should tell us is the whole story
[15:40] <samuel> BUGabundo_work: thanks - does it matter this isn't a tablet PC but a graphics tablet?
[15:41] <BUGabundo_work> not to me! but to ogra and Co it might
[15:41] <kebo> there is no file called apt in var
[15:41] <NET||abuse> kebo: you have a hardy install now? or you had one?
[15:41] <BUGabundo_work> its not a file
[15:41] <NET||abuse> kebo: yes, I siad above, it's /var/cache/apt/archives
[15:41] <BUGabundo_work> its a DIR
[15:42] <kebo> yeah
[15:42] <NET||abuse> kebo: where are you from, I don't mean any offence by it, but i get a sence that your not an english speaker natively?
[15:42] <kebo> thATS IT
[15:42] <kebo> but
[15:42] <kebo> how to install all of these programs at once again '
[15:43] <kebo> i cant install every program by each time
[15:43] <kebo> yeah
[15:43] <NET||abuse> kebo: the problem is a large majority of the programs will have been updated between hardy and ibex, and so most will get re-downloaded with new versions anyway
[15:43] <kebo> im from egypt
[15:43] <NET||abuse> very nice, always wanted to go to ciaro
[15:43] <NET||abuse> cairo
[15:43] <NET||abuse> anyway..
[15:43] <kebo> nice , im in cairo now :D
[15:44] <NET||abuse> for the most part you should be able to do an inplace upgrade
[15:44] <NET||abuse> are you still on hardy right now?
[15:44] <NET||abuse> or have you updated to ibex already?
[15:44] <kebo> no
[15:44] <kebo> in hardy
[15:45] <NET||abuse> If you have not already updated, I would hang on until ibex is released officially.
[15:45] <kebo> feel something wrong with kernel
[15:45] <samuel> Also - has anyone encountered GDM just stopping working!? It starts but won't actually let me log in. Xdm works fine. User Switcher app crashes on login
[15:45] <kebo> my main problem that im not at home and have weak internet connection and i cant install all of these programs again cuz of week connection and i dont remember all of them
[15:45] <NET||abuse> kebo: whne ibex is release some time in the next week or something, your hardy system will pop up a message telling you an update is available.
[15:45] <samuel> GDM lets me type username, password but then after pressing 'enter' when entering password it resets to entering username...
[15:45] <kebo> yeah
[15:46] <kebo> but my hard now freeze and no solution for it untill i power off power
[15:46] <kebo> and sometime it dont boot and give me alot of texts
[15:46] <NET||abuse> hmm, then if your internet connectino is a problem, I would get an IBEX cd and run an inplace update from the cd.?
[15:46] <NET||abuse> i think this is possible.
[15:46] <kebo> does ibex released ?
[15:46] <NET||abuse> kebo: hmm, well rather than updating, i would suggest you debug the errors more before
[15:47] <kebo> i see it is still beta
[15:47] <NET||abuse> kebo: next week i think
[15:47] <kebo> how to know errors , i feel problem in kernel
[15:47] <NET||abuse> 10 days to go for ibex release it says on the site
[15:47] <kebo> can i keep home and install ubuntu 8.04 again
[15:48] <NET||abuse> kebo: yes, absolutely.
[15:48] <BUGabundo_work> kebo: NET||abuse 30/10/2008
[15:48] <BUGabundo_work> kebo: you need to check your logs on /var/logs
[15:48] <kebo> how
[15:48] <NET||abuse> kebo: you can save your /home/ dir to an external drive,
[15:48] <kebo> i just need to install ubuntu system
[15:48] <NET||abuse> kebo: tail /var/log/messages
[15:48] <NET||abuse> or dmesg
[15:48] <NET||abuse> or boot.log
[15:48] <kebo> mean copy home folder ?
[15:49] <NET||abuse> yeh, copy the home folder
[15:49] <NET||abuse> it's always a good idea
[15:49] <kebo> aha nice
[15:49] <NET||abuse> i install my systems with usual, boot, swap and root / partition but seperate /home/ parition, i've not had a different home part for 3 releases now.
[15:50] <NET||abuse> had this home partition since gutsy
[15:50] <NET||abuse> anwyay,, i have to go back to work.
[15:50] <kebo> aha
[15:50] <kebo> ok
[15:50] <kebo> but home folder is 214 mb ?
[15:50] <kebo> and this is strange
[15:51] <NET||abuse> kebo: good luck :) solve your problems with the boot up before trying to update to ibex
[15:51] <NET||abuse> 214MB, not very big no
[15:51] <kebo> cuz i have alot of programs on it
[15:51] <NET||abuse> mine's 25GB
[15:51] <kebo> i mean it must be very big
[15:51] <BUGabundo_work> kebo: programs aren't on HOME
[15:51] <kebo> yeah
[15:51] <BUGabundo_work> progs are on /bin
[15:51] <kebo> aha
[15:51] <NET||abuse> progs on /bin/ logs on /var/ config files in /etc/
[15:52] <kebo> so which fiels not to copy in home folder
[15:52] <BUGabundo_work> what do you need exactly?
[15:53] <kebo> i want to install ubuntu again
[15:53] <kebo> and keep programs in archieve to not to download them again
[15:53] <NET||abuse> the /home/kebo/ dir is just a place for your personal files(office documents, pictures etc..) and personalized configurations for your desktop or other applications.
[15:53] <kebo> and my settings
[15:53] <kebo> ok
[15:53] <NET||abuse> kebo: you could do with running apt-cache
[15:53] <kebo> so copy home
[15:53] <kebo> and archieve
[15:53] <kebo> only ?
[15:54] <NET||abuse> well, copy archive but it will likely not do a huge amount to save bandwidth, as you will almost certainly end up downloaded updated versions of most things as they are re-packaged for ibex
[15:54] <BUGabundo_work> kebo: dpkg -l will show all instaled progs
[15:54] <BUGabundo_work> just export it and reinstall them latter if need be
[15:54] <kebo> ok
[15:54] <kebo> after i copy them
[15:54] <BUGabundo_work> if you keep /var/cache/apt all debs should be there
[15:54] <NET||abuse> kebo: yeh, do dpkg -l > /home/kebo/Desktop/installed.txt
[15:54] <kebo> and instal new ubuntu
[15:55] <frybye> re: I have been able to install skype again after a part. upgrade seemed to delete it - but it does not find my default sound setting asla.. any tips?? here 64bit with 32bit libs installed..
[15:55] <kebo> how to install all archieve programs again at once ?
[15:55] <BUGabundo_work> dpkg -I /var/cache/apt/archive/* would work
[15:55] <BUGabundo_work> but it would be a mess!
[15:55] <kebo> why
[15:55] <NET||abuse> kebo: your over simplifying it all a bit, you likely won't want to re-install all those
[15:56] <kebo> aha
[15:56] <kebo> ok
[15:56] <NET||abuse> kebo: example, the new ubuntu, Ibex, will have moreup to date versions of most applications.
[15:56] <kebo> i dont mean by new ubuntu ibex
[15:56] <NET||abuse> so it will not even need half of what's in /var/cache/apt/archive/
[15:56] <kebo> i mean install ubuntu 8.04 again
[15:57] <kebo> reinstall
[15:57] <NET||abuse> ohhhhh
[15:57] <kebo> i have problem with its kernel
[15:57] <NET||abuse> shoot, didn't think of that, your in the wrong room here nayway
[15:57] <kebo> ok
[15:57] <kebo> im sorry
[15:57] <NET||abuse> kebo: go into #ubuntu and have this conversation
[15:58] <kebo> but i need help and dont know how to go to ubuntu room cuz im in windows
[15:58] <kebo> ok
[15:58] <frybye> hi BUGabundo_work- see my stuff about skype - got it installed again but now it is not able to find audio settings somehow...?? any tips...
[15:58] <kebo> anyway all of wut u said would help me in wut i want to do , right ?
[15:58] <gilster> hello all....i use kompozer and after some recent updates i am getting constant crashes in this program any ideas?
[15:59] <BUGabundo_work> frybye: what sound deviuce do you have? pulseaudio or alsa?
[15:59] <NET||abuse> kebo: go into #ubuntu, i'm there too.
[15:59] <frybye> I have set the system|settings|audio to alsa for audio conference - is that right...
[15:59] <frybye> hitting the -test- in there gives the sound..
[16:00] <DJones> Are there any known issues with Flash 10 in Intrepid? My wife plays a game called Yoville on facebook and on the intrepid machine, it won't play. On windows it works fine using the equivalent version of Flash 10 Beta (same version numbers) and on Hardy it works fine with Flash 9. On INtrepid it just sticks at the initial screen and doesn't let you connect to the server
[16:01] <frybye> BUGabundo_work: i have switched it to autodetect and that gives a sound also...
[16:02] <frybye> BUGabundo_work: but in the skype options/audio-device even the "test sound" is greyed out...
[16:03] <frybye> BUG - there is a command to show all the audio settings for the command line - but i cant remember it??
[16:03] <BUGabundo_work> alsamixer ?
[16:03] <frybye> ok - hang on...
[16:04] <frybye> it has only one single slider.. wow...
[16:04] <frybye> hmm trying to remember how to use that alsamixer thing... hmmmm
[16:04] <BUGabundo_work> humm you have the wrong audio device
[16:05] <frybye> it says card pulse autio - chip pulse audio etc..
[16:05] <frybye> so what should i do...??
[16:06] <frybye> i have gone to system/settings/audio and changed all to pulse audio server except the mike which is a usb thingy...
[16:06] <frybye> a logitech webcam where the webcam as such dont work in intrepid but up till now the built-in mike has worked..
[16:06] <BUGabundo_work> frybye: what other opionts are there on sound settings?
[16:07] <definitely> BUGabundo: What is uvesab for ?
[16:07] <frybye> where you mean - in the os gui or in the alsamixer thing...
[16:07] <mustakimnajib> why still not supported my webcam? I think my 13 month webcam just only compatible with mac
[16:07] <frybye> i cant remember how to change anything ine alsamixer..
[16:07] <BUGabundo_work> on the Device thingy?
[16:07] <frybye> cant somehow select anything...
[16:08] <BUGabundo_work> GUI frybye
[16:08] <frybye> right I have loads of options int here and have changed them all to pulseserver except the mike...
[16:09] <BUGabundo_work> don't you have an HAD Intel Alsa Mixer or similar?
[16:09] <BUGabundo_work> on the Default Mixer Tracks
[16:09] <BUGabundo_work> brb wc
[16:09] <frybye> it is an onboard nvidia chip...
[16:10] <BUGabundo_work> back
[16:10] <BUGabundo_work> ok
[16:11] <BUGabundo_work> and does that option work?
[16:12] <frybye> that is not one option it is loads of different variations...
[16:12] <BUGabundo_work> eheh
[16:13] <BUGabundo_work> mine works fine with alsa mixer
[16:14] <frybye> hang on i need to figure out how to use the alsa mixer.. just a min i look in google..
[16:18] <frybye> BUGabundo_work: not sure what did it - but it just started working heheh
[16:18] <frybye> thanks for your help BUGabundo_work
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[16:19] <BenHoltz> Hey guys. How do I make compiz run at startup?
[16:22] <BenHoltz> anyone?
[16:23] <jimmysparkle> /join #ubuntu
[16:23] <jimmysparkle> wow
[16:23] <jimmysparkle> why did it say that?!
[16:24] * jimmysparkle ponders
[16:24] <jimmysparkle> why does the /join not work in empathy?
[16:24] <BUGabundo_work> BenHoltz: check your gnome sessions
[16:25] <BUGabundo_work> for vm-start
[16:25] <BUGabundo_work> or what name it has now
=== Oric_ is now known as Oric
[16:27] <definitely> BUGabundo_worl: still the same problem with skype
[16:27] <BenHoltz> BUGabundo_work: I'm not sure what to do in the gnome sessions?
[16:27] <BUGabundo_work> let me check mine
[16:28] <BUGabundo_work> BenHoltz: do you have an entrie called Windom Manager?
[16:28] <BUGabundo_work> it should start gnome-wm
[16:29] <lrbabe> ello everybody, I just tried to install 8.10, after successfully installing it to my hardrive, I have run an update using the update ma,ager and it get stuck at the end of the update process on those command: suppressing linux-headers-....
[16:29] <BUGabundo_work> that's a first lrbabe
[16:30] <BenHoltz> BUGabundo_work: Yes I do
[16:31] <lrbabe> supressing linux-headers-2.6.27-4-generic supressing linux-headers-2.6.27-4-generic
[16:31] <lrbabe> no, the second one is not generic : )
[16:31] <BUGabundo_work> is it selected BenHoltz?
[16:31] <BUGabundo_work> lrbabe: humm close update-manager
[16:31] <BenHoltz> BUGabundo_work: yes, and it has gonem-wm as the command
[16:32] <BenHoltz> gnome*
[16:32] <BUGabundo_work> and from a CLI kill all apt
[16:32] <BUGabundo_work> sudo pkill apt
[16:32] <BUGabundo_work> then try a sudo dpkg --configure -a
[16:32] <lrbabe> Is it safe : /
[16:33] * BenHoltz thinks its as safe as driving in Los Angeles
[16:33] <BenHoltz> lrbabe: you should be ok with that command
[16:33] <lrbabe> 'm sorry, never been to LA
[16:33] <BenHoltz> :)
[16:33] <lrbabe> ok, I'll try : )
[16:35] <BUGabundo_work> me neither... lol
[16:35] <definitely> BUGabundo: so how can i fix with skype ?
[16:35] <BUGabundo_work> it seems BenHoltz is inviting us to stay in his place over the weekend!
[16:35] <BUGabundo_work> don't know
[16:35] <BUGabundo_work> what's wrong with it '?
[16:35] <definitely> still cant install
[16:35] <definitely> same error
[16:35] * BenHoltz has a big place... but doesn't know about these "strangers" hahaha
[16:35] <definitely> broken packages. bla bla bla
[16:36] <defrysk> skype is a mess
[16:36] <peterz> any ff3.1 repo?
[16:36] <definitely> skype is good.. all people i know use it..
[16:36] <definitely> Thats why i need it
[16:36] <lrbabe> Ok, I'm gonna try to reboot : /
[16:37] <BUGabundo_work> defrysk: tehre is a PPA for it from asac
[16:37] <BenHoltz> BUGabundo_work: So... I have gnome-wm stating in the session manager... what's the next step to check?
[16:37] <BUGabundo_work> definitely: to quick fix your prob visit www.imo.im
[16:37] <BUGabundo_work> it supports skype via web browser
[16:37] <NET||abuse> having a play with gwget, kget, aria, d4x, flashgot.... any other download managers worth trying? multi connection ftp/http downloads are the focus here.
[16:38] <BUGabundo_work> BenHoltz: look at LP to see if anyone else is suffering from your bug!
[16:38] <defrysk> we use voipblastewr thru webbrowser
[16:38] <defrysk> voipblaster
[16:38] <definitely> BUGabundo: via browser it should be a pain
[16:38] <definitely> :p
[16:38] <BUGabundo_work> 2 guys told me it wouldn't start and in both cases it was missing a tick on that entrie
[16:38] <BUGabundo_work> if yours is there, then its something else
[16:38] <BUGabundo_work> definitely: go there and test it 1st before complaining
[16:39] <BUGabundo_work> ok ? xiii this people today... can't get help any way!
[16:39] <definitely> Its on browser...
[16:39] <definitely> Doh i wana use real skype
[16:39] <BUGabundo_work> remove your install
[16:39] <BUGabundo_work> and use the medibuntu version
[16:39] <BUGabundo_work> it SHOULD work
[16:39] <NET||abuse> mm, ok, cup of tea needed.
[16:40] <definitely> Medibuntu via synaptic: skype:
[16:40] <definitely> Depends: skype-common but it is not going to be installed
[16:41] <BUGabundo_work> sudo apt-get remove --purge skype
[16:41] <BUGabundo_work> sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install skype
[16:42] <definitely> when i try to remove skype 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[16:42] <definitely> Coz it wasnt able to install
[16:43] <aatk> Just a quick question, if I install the ibex beta now, it "should" upgrade correctly when ibex is officially released?
[16:43] <punzada> yup
[16:43] <definitely> aatk yeah
[16:43] <punzada> it's been fun having it installed for the past week or so
[16:43] <punzada> seeing like 50-80megs of upgrades daily
[16:44] <aatk> Cool, time to give that a shot then
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[16:46] <defrysk> aatk: still at your own risk
[16:47] <aatk> defrysk, yeah I know, I've been using Fedora 10 for the last few weeks and I'm just sick of it
[16:47] <defrysk> fedora is a joke
[16:47] <defrysk> better to use mandriva then
[16:48] <aatk> I was going to go back to arch
[16:48] <defrysk> aatk: off topic better to stop digressing
[16:48] <aatk> Okay
[16:49] <defrysk> ubuntu has a great 8.10
[16:49] <defrysk> and its their best issue
[16:49] <defrysk> imo that is
[16:51] <BUGabundo_work> definitely: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[16:51] <BUGabundo_work> just notices that skype common is still building
[16:52] <BUGabundo_work> and you might have forced the install
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[16:52] <BUGabundo_work> wait a few hours for it to build
[16:52] <BUGabundo_work> and you will be fine
[16:52] <definitely> i found deb in skype web
[16:52] <definitely> :)
[16:53] <puremichael> hi, since intrepid i get a message "/usr/bin/nm-ppp-starter: file not found" while trying to connecto to a vpn network
[16:53] <puremichael> what packages do i need to get it running again ?
[16:54] <DanaG> Grr... in the past 15 minutes, I've gotten both a kernel panic and a hard-lockup.
[16:54] <BUGabundo_work> definitely: you may try to install the older version
[16:54] <BUGabundo_work> http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/s/skype/
[16:54] <BUGabundo_work> you can force/choose that on synapctic
[16:54] <definitely> BUGabundo: Installing official version atm
[16:54] <definitely> :)
[16:55] <DanaG> !find nm-ppp-starter
[16:55] <BUGabundo_work> there is no OFFCIAL 64 version
[16:55] <ubottu> 'find' is disabled
[16:55] <DanaG> :(
[16:55] <definitely> http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu-amd64
[16:56] <BUGabundo_work> wait a few hours for it to build
[16:56] <BUGabundo_work> and update-manager will fix it for you
[16:56] <definitely> m8 i already installed official version and it works
[16:56] <definitely> so what is different ?
[16:57] <BUGabundo_work> no auto updates ?
[16:58] <|neon|> if i'm running kubuntu can i also install ubuntu alongside?
[16:59] <|neon|> not dual bot but also install the files for gnome is what i mean
[16:59] <defrysk> yes
[17:00] <defrysk> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
[17:01] <|neon|> defrysk: thanks
[17:01] <Kajover> hey.. i have problems connecting to my _encrypted_ wireless network - macbook pro (santa rosa), broadcom drivers, 8.10 beta (all updates)
[17:02] <Kajover> didnt use ubuntu before so cant tell if the problem is new.. router is a FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7140
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[17:03] <DanaG> Guess what THAT disconnect was.....
[17:03] <DanaG> ANOTHER random kernel panic.
[17:03] <Kajover> any idea?!
[17:06] <BUGabundo_work> guys... see you tomorrow. have fun
[17:06] * BUGabundo_work waves good buy
[17:06] <BUGabundo_work> *bye
[17:07] <DanaG> And THAT... was me hitting ctrl-c.... and having the X server itself somehow receive it, and quit.
[17:07] <DanaG> =þ
[17:09] <batti5_> i fixed my res problems, now i have up to 1400x1050
[17:11] <batti5_> anybody know how to connect a nokia 6300 classic trough usb?
[17:12] <batti5_> with kmobiltool
[17:12] <raymears> hi everyone, i've just upgraded to intrepid... from hardy kde4-remix and strigi doesn't run. (it didn't run on hardy either). any idea why? i tried executing /usr/bin/strigidaemon and i get a "connection error (dbus-launch failed to autolaunch d-bus session. no protocol specifie)"
[17:15] <myk_robinson> hey. How do you set custom keyboard shortcuts in GNome? I want to set a shortcut for the system monitor and for xkill
[17:15] <ali1234> raymears: try launching dbus manually?
[17:16] <raymears> right. how? :D
[17:16] <ali1234> raymears: try running "dbus-monitor" first to see if it is running already
[17:17] <raymears> failed to open connection to session message bus
[17:17] <raymears> dbus-launch failed to autolaunch dbus session: no protocol specified
[17:18] <raymears> so, i'm guessin it's not running.. but why?
[17:18] <ali1234> raymears: try running "dbus-launch"
[17:18] <ali1234> it might say the same thing
[17:18] <raymears> No protocol specified
[17:18] <raymears> and then it echoes 2 system vars
[17:19] <ali1234> then you have some kind of problem with your dbus i think
[17:19] <raymears> DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS and _PID
[17:19] <raymears> hehe. great.
[17:19] <raymears> i searched for dbus-related packages in my package manager... but everything that sounds like dbus.. seems to be already installed
[17:21] <raymears> would it help if i were to install some dev packages ? (i know i'm not really using the "scientific method" here...)
[17:21] <ali1234> no those are for developers only
[17:21] <raymears> i know... occasionally ... they help.
[17:25] <gaelfx> I just ran update-manager and it says that not all updates can be installed, is it safe to do the partial upgrade?
[17:26] <batti5_> it depends
[17:27] <batti5_> but i tink its not a problem
[17:27] <batti5_> if you use apt its safe
[17:28] <gaelfx> just do a sudo apt-get update then is what you're saying?
[17:28] <DanaG> "partial" often likes to remove stuff -- just be sure to CHECK what it wants to do. Don't just blindly approve it.
[17:28] <gaelfx> yeah, that's what happened when I tried to upgrade from Hardy, it removed all sorts of stuff that it had no place messing around with
[17:29] <batti5_> thats a different story
[17:29] <gaelfx> ok, and one more question: is there any way I can change the software sources so that I don't download from the Chinese Ubuntu archive site? it's reeeaaalllly slow
[17:29] <ali1234> raymears: do you have liborbit2 installed?
[17:30] <batti5_> yes, mainmenu > Settings > Software Sources
[17:31] <gaelfx> well, I've tried changing it there, but it still downloads all the update lists from that site, so just getting the lists is taking like more than half an hour
[17:31] <raymears> ali1234: letme check
[17:33] <DanaG> go to terminal and 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list/'
[17:34] <DanaG> change it to use archive.ubuntu.com
[17:34] <gaelfx> spiffy, thanks DanaG!
[17:35] <raymears> ali1234: yes, it was installed
[17:35] <ali1234> raymears: i don't think dbus uses it after all :(
[17:36] <gaelfx> wow, can't say enough about how great the newHuman theme is
[17:36] <raymears> ali1234: i can't seem to find anything with google... every search result is a dead end
[17:36] <ali1234> raymears: it looks like the "no protocol specified" could actually be coming from xlib
[17:37] <DanaG> Also: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors
[17:37] <klaxian> any ideas why X seems to crash/freeze when I try to log in? i just upgraded one of my computers to intrepid.
[17:37] <DanaG> It sometimes helps to have a fast local mirror listed first, and then the official archive listed afterward.
[17:37] <DanaG> That way, the local one is preferred if it's up to date, but the other is used if necessary.
[17:37] <klaxian> i get the gnome login screen, but after typing user/password for any user, it seems to try to log in and then it freezes
[17:38] <klaxian> i can move the mouse but nothing else works. however, i can ssh to the machine and other processes are running normally
[17:38] <raymears> ali1234: so why would xlib cause this?
[17:38] <ali1234> raymears: could be something to do with your xauth. did you even run an xwindows program with sudo?
[17:39] <gaelfx> ah, ok, I'll run the select best server thing again and write down what it gives, but does that test available bandwidth at all, or does it just ping the mirrors?
[17:39] <ali1234> raymears: try creating a new user and then logging in as that user and trying all the dbus stuff again
[17:39] <raymears> ali1234: well.. not with sudo per se, i use kdesu
[17:40] <raymears> ali1234: ok. i'll give it a try
[17:40] <ali1234> raymears: kdesu is ok but using sudo can mess up some important files in home
[17:40] <raymears> ali1234: i did not know that. thanks.
[17:41] <jussi01> !kdesu
[17:41] <ubottu> In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)
[17:41] <ali1234> jussio1: thanks
[17:41] <jussi01> :)
[17:41] <raymears> hehe
[17:42] <gaelfx> maybe it was a bad idea using the 64-bit version... so many apps still don't run native in it
[17:42] <raymears> i used kdesu instinctively for running graphical apps... but i had no idea sudo could mess up things
[17:43] <gaelfx> sudo will let you do pretty much anything as long as the syntax is in order
[17:44] <gaelfx> using sudo is a lot like playing Jenga, if you do it carefully and select the right things to move, things go fine, but if you don't....down goes the tower
[17:45] <raymears> ali1234: wait! hang on a second. i'm running the dbus commands as root. how can my home directory affect them?
[17:55] <ali1234> raymears: dbus communicates with all parts of the system. root doesn't necessarily have access to everything...
[17:55] <raymears> ali1234: oh... poo! it was exactly because of the fact that i was trying to run these things as root.. that they did not work. i started strigidaemon as myself..
[17:55] <ali1234> raymears: try ... yeah
[17:55] <raymears> ali1234: and it's bloody running! so... thanks for the advice...
[17:58] <ali1234> raymears: notably, being root alone is not enough to access another user's X session which is why xlib was giving the "protocol not specified" error (which usually means not authorized)
[17:59] <klaxian> i can't seem to log in to gnome. it crashes halfway through. any ideas?
[17:59] <raymears> ali1234: yeah... makes sense. i was basically doing surgery on the wrong organ, in the wrong operating room... so to speak
[17:59] <klaxian> it seems like it starts logging in
[18:00] <klaxian> but then it freezes
[18:01] <digitalspaghetti> Anyone any ideas why in the new VPN tab in the network manager that the Add button is greyed out?
[18:02] <xxploit> anyone familar on the prefetch kernel patches at (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Prefetch). The last kernel the page mentions is 2.6.22 for hardy dated 2007.
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[18:23] <klaxian> where would i check to see why X/gnome seems to be crashing during login?
[18:23] <klaxian> i assume that a default startup program is causing it, but i'm not sure which one
[18:23] <klaxian> is there a log?
[18:47] <Lordveda> any openchrome or xorg 7.4 bugs in Intrepid?
[18:50] <afflux> Lordveda: no, any xorg bugs have been fixed!
[18:55] <batti5> bluetooth, how?
[18:55] <batti5> how to use bluetooth in ibex
[18:55] <batti5> ?
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[18:58] <batti5> little help please
[18:58] <batti5> how kbluetooth4 works?
[18:59] <batti5> i can recieve, but sending?
[19:04] <|_VoiD_|> greetings
[19:04] <|_VoiD_|> i have kubuntu 8.10 .... i would like to change the file associations back tu default... how do i do that?
[19:04] <|_VoiD_|> can anyone help?
[19:07] <getyamindrit> Could someone please help me get my onboard sound working in 8.10? My sound chipset is a Realtek Alc1200. I've got all the latest updates. lspci show's it as 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller
[19:23] <getyamindrit> I still have the same issue it says "Cannot open the audio device. Another application may be using it.
[19:23] <getyamindrit> also I swear when I booted this time I heard the startup sound
[19:26] <scarface> If I grab the latest iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/, is that the same thing as if I download the Beta from 10/02 and applied all the updates from Update Manager?
[19:29] <Kr0ntab> scarface... yeah... for the most part.
[19:31] <kane> Hi, how can I select default network interface in intrepid?
[19:33] <kane> I have set up sharing of internet connection and my primary interface is wlan0 (wireless) and the secondary interface is eth0 (ethernet), however in intrepid if I configure both, then it takes eth0 as the default and it is not able to connect to the internet..
=== Nemla_is_ma_wech is now known as Nemla
[19:45] <FFForever> how do i edit the darkroom theme?
[19:46] <zniavre> to do what ?
[19:46] <FFForever> i wanna edit the color used when editing a filename
[19:47] <FFForever> the light peach is just 2 light and u cant really read it....
[19:47] <zniavre> usr/share/themes/DarkRoom/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
[19:47] <elwood> hi guys
[19:47] <FFForever> how do i edit it though?
[19:47] <elwood> i'm using intrepid since when it was a alpha, but today i have strange problem
[19:48] <zniavre> you should try the appearence properties advanced setting
[19:48] <elwood> all, also tty seems to be delayed...from keyboard to commands passed with bash...what could be? my kde4?
[19:48] <zniavre> do not know right name in english sorry
[19:48] <FFForever> how do i install the community themes btw?
[19:49] <zniavre> apt-get install community-themes
[19:51] <heiner_> Hey, i've installed 8.10 some day's ago. And i dunno why, but in certain intervalls my xserver crash's immediatly :(.
[19:51] <danbh_intrepid> anyone here using the 64bit distro of ubuntu?
[19:53] <FFForever> zniavre, u still around?
[19:56] <danbh_intrepid> very quickly, I'm still looking for a person using 64bit intrepid, and gnome. I'm curious if they are experiencing this bug 256749
[19:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 256749 in nautilus "Unable to mount location -- Internal error: No mount object for mounted volume" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/256749
[20:08] <[newnick]> greetings
[20:08] <[newnick]> anyone awake?
[20:08] <[newnick]> anyone running 8.10 on acer aspire one?
[20:08] <charlie-tca> [newnick]: yes
[20:09] <charlie-tca> no acer here
[20:09] <[newnick]> having issues with my wireless card, it worked 2-3 days after beta release but after some updates it has stopped working
[20:10] <[newnick]> the network monitor does not display my wireless networks
[20:10] <[newnick]> and leaves no error message either
[20:16] <ali1234> kane: i just ran into the same problem you are having
[20:17] <ali1234> it used to work on hardy, now when i bring up the second interface it overwrite the DNS and routing with bogus information
[20:25] <scientus> root@shawn-desktop:/home# cat /etc/mtab cat: /etc/mtab: Stale NFS file handle
[20:25] <scientus> what do i do?
[20:42] <Xray7224> hey im wondering what kernel ubuntu 8.10 has ?
[20:43] <webmaren> Xray7224: kernel 2.6.27
[20:43] <Xray7224> thanks :)
[20:43] <Xray7224> thats the one i need for my wireless card :)
[20:45] <histo> Having trouble getting windows to boot residing on a slave drive. Grub is pointed at hd(1,0) any ideas? Do I need to edit he boot.ini on the windows drive as well?
[20:46] <Xray7224> wow my download speeds are really lame
[20:50] <shirish> hi all, can somebody help me figure out if I'm using dhcp or am I using network-manager?
[21:00] <AstralJava> shirish: ps -ef|grep dhcp
[21:00] <AstralJava> shirish: If that reveals nothing but grep dhcp, then the same but instead of dhcp, use network, for instance.
[21:02] <kane77> can anyone explain how new NetworkManager play with the rest of the system? eg. how do I set internet connection sharing? (the old iptables way does not work)
[21:02] <serengeti> hi, do you know what's the status of the fglrx driver in intrepid? It seems some people are using it (bug 247376), but it doesn't appear in Hardware Drivers or even in synaptic on my system.
[21:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 247376 in fglrx-installer "undefined symbols when trying to load fglrx" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/247376
[21:04] <webmaren> serengeti: have you tried installing from command-line
[21:06] <serengeti> webmaren, ah I see, the new search box in Synaptic wouldn't show it, but the package is there
[21:07] <serengeti> I think it didn't rebuild its search index or something like that
[21:07] <digitalspaghetti> Any ideas folks - i'm on an Acer Aspire one Ibex and today I did an update and around the same time I installed the vpn stuff for network manager. SInce then my WiFi has stopped working
[21:09] <shirish> AstralJava: it seems I'm using dhcp , now how to make sure that my connectivity works only through network-manager?
[21:09] <digitalspaghetti> wlan0 isn't even in my statup logs, the last event with it was this: Oct 20 18:21:21 zombifies NetworkManager: <WARN> check_one_route(): (wlan0) error -34 returned from rtnl_route_del(): Sucess
[21:09] <shirish> AstralJava: I have also put up a question about the same at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/48571
[21:12] <shirish> AstralJava: lord, it shows both , this is ridiculious
[21:14] <shirish> AstralJava: here's the pastebin output of it http://pastebin.com/f42c4d8f0
[21:16] <digitalspaghetti> Anyone? Here is my full event log before it died: http://paste.ifies.org/118
[21:18] <shirish> another thing, does anybody what is dhcdbd being superseded by? I don't know whether that's important or not, it shows up in system-cleaner-gtk, should it show there?
[21:21] <shirish> bbiam
[21:21] * shirish out
[21:24] <billstei> I see that the 4 "magic" lines in /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh that were often used in pre-Intrepid systems to get USB to work in virtualbox guests has now been removed. Is there any information anyone can direct me to concerning this?
[21:36] <FFForever> how do i install oo3?
[21:43] <outbri> FFForever: I think all the openoffice packages are 3.0 by default, except the openoffice.org2* packages.
[21:44] <tphilosopher> outbri: That's not my experience. I had to install openoffice using debs from the website.
[21:45] <tphilosopher> openoffice 3.0*
[21:45] <tphilosopher> But maybe I'm wrong.
[21:45] <webmaren> outbri: I've got beta and it's still calling itself OO.o 2.4
[21:46] <FFForever> outbri, i upgraded from 8.04
[21:46] <FFForever> i wanna upgrade oo to 3.0
[21:46] <outbri> tphilosopher, webmaren: I think you're both right. I had thought I had 3.0, but it seems I still have the 2.4 packages.
[21:46] <tphilosopher> FFForever: Download the debs from the website and extract them.
[21:46] <outbri> So FFForever, if you want to upgrade you'd have to get the debs
[21:47] <webmaren> outbri, FFForever, tphilosopher: I don't think they're going to bundle OO.o 3.0 into Ubuntu 8.10
[21:47] <FFForever> i got the tar.gz.....
[21:47] <tphilosopher> Download the archive from the website and extract it* Lqtm
[21:47] <outbri> Yeah, I remember now.
[21:47] <FFForever> it has rpms though....
[21:47] <tphilosopher> FFForever: Use debs.
[21:47] <tphilosopher> I believe the debs and the rpms are in separate archives.
[21:47] <FFForever> from?
[21:47] <webmaren> tphilosopher: I got rpms when I d/led too, do you have to select an alternate installer on the website
[21:47] <tphilosopher> The website.
[21:48] <FFForever> link meh?, i only found one link for linux....
[21:48] <FFForever> and it has rpms....
[21:48] <tphilosopher> There was multiple links on the day of the release...
[21:48] <FFForever> yeah was....
[21:48] <FFForever> is there a way i can just install the rpms?
[21:48] <tphilosopher> They're still there.
[21:48] <tphilosopher> http://download.openoffice.org/other.html#en-US
[21:49] <webmaren> FFForever: go to website, click i want to download, click get more platforms and languages
[21:49] <tphilosopher> webmaren: That's the one. :)
[21:49] <FFForever> Thanks :)
[21:50] <FFForever> anyone know a mirror?
[21:50] <FFForever> the main is slow as ****
[21:50] <tphilosopher> When you've downloaded it, extract the archive and open the terminal.
[21:50] <tphilosopher> Type the following:
[21:50] <tphilosopher> cd DIRECTORY/WITH/DEBS
[21:50] <tphilosopher> dpkg *.deb
[21:51] <webmaren> FFForever, i'm getting 190KB/s, i don't know how high your standards are
[21:51] <webmaren> you can try the P2P options
[21:51] <FFForever> webmaren, i am only getting 22KB/S
[21:51] <FFForever> *gets the torrent file*
[21:51] <webmaren> lol
[21:51] <tphilosopher> That's what I love in particular about Ubuntu updates - 800KB/S
[21:52] <webmaren> tphilosopher: curse you and your high-powered connection
[21:52] <FFForever> tphilosopher, i am lucky to get 75kb/s on updates my local mirror is slow oddly.....
[21:52] <webmaren> 190 is my max
[21:52] <FFForever> webmaren, if i swap wifi connections i can get a awesome 1238kb/s (max)
[21:52] * tphilosopher does a little dance
[21:52] <tphilosopher> Lqtm
[21:53] <tphilosopher> I imagine mine could be higher if I switched to a wired connection.
[21:53] <FFForever> it took a download accelerator though to get that high :)
[21:53] <webmaren> lol
[21:53] <tphilosopher> I could be imagining wrong. ;)
[21:53] <FFForever> =S
[21:54] <FFForever> any one else have problems with gfx effects?
[21:54] <tphilosopher> YES! Stupid window decorator keeps becoming blank.
[21:54] <FFForever> anyone know how to fix meh problem?
[21:55] <FFForever> when booting it stalls till i hold any key for a few secs....
[21:55] <tphilosopher> GLX effects aren't enabled until you start X (login window) as far as I'm aware. Maybe even as late as when you log in.
[21:55] <FFForever> i know that this is a boot problem...
[21:55] <Psycardis> Has anyone been successful in getting their wifi to work in Intrepid? I have a BCM 4318.
[21:56] <FFForever> Psycardis, i have a bcm43xx in 8.10 working :)
[21:56] <FFForever> i used ndiswrapper
[21:56] <FFForever> :)
[21:56] <ali1234> Psycardis: yes i have. i installed the bcm fwcutter and got my 43xx working too
[21:57] <FFForever> does ath5k support packet injection?
[21:57] <Psycardis> Well, I can get it working, but for some reason it loses the settings when i reboot...
[21:58] <ali1234> Psycardis: i didn't have that problem but i have seen bugs on launchpad involving gnome-keyring (whch stores the encryption keys)
[21:58] <Psycardis> It looks like I'm having problems with ssb
[21:59] <Psycardis> It works right after I configure it, but after rebooting It shows ssb instead of ndiswrapper under module.
[21:59] <tphilosopher> Nice chatting with you guys, but I have a bed waiting for me. ;) Night!
[21:59] <Psycardis> Night!
[22:00] <Psycardis> Any suggestions?
[22:00] <ali1234> Psycardis: the b43 driver supports 4318 i suggest you try it (just install package bcm43xx-fwcutter and it will do the rest)
[22:01] <ali1234> you will have to remove ndiswrapper too i guess or it might conflict
[22:01] <Psycardis> Any pros/cons between ndiswrapper and fwcutter?
[22:02] <ali1234> Psycardis: ndiswrapper uses the windows ndis driver in a wrapper. b43 is a native driver.
[22:02] <ali1234> and the package is actually called b43-fwcutter
[22:02] <ali1234> the fwcutter just removes the firmware part of the windows driver and puts it in lib firmware
[22:03] <Psycardis> Wow, didn't know that, thank I'll try that... is it on http://packages.ubuntu.com?
[22:03] <ali1234> Psycardis: it is in the main repo
[22:04] <Psycardis> ali1234: thanks
=== ss4 is now known as Supersaiyan_IV
[22:07] <Psycardis> Ok, second question, does b43-fwcutter need working internet to install/configure?
[22:07] <sorush20> hi i need to find out what how to make a rdiff-directory
[22:07] <sorush20> !keep
[22:07] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about keep
[22:08] <ali1234> Psycardis: yes it downloads the driver and cuts out the firmware. i guess you could download the driver on another machine and copy it
[22:08] <sorush20> the kubuntu package keep is telling me that the destination folder dosen't look like a rdiff-directory
[22:08] <ali1234> Psycardis: btw your wifi is not usb is it? cos b43 doesnt support those
[22:08] <Psycardis> No, it's mini pcie
[22:09] <Supersaiyan_IV> !ubuntu
[22:09] <ubottu> Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com
[22:09] <Supersaiyan_IV> here I was trying to get a different answer
[22:10] <Psycardis> !kubuntu
[22:10] <ubottu> Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE
[22:11] <maxb_> Hrm, something in today's updates has caused ssh-askpass to start generating this error: /usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:273: Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "panel_bg.png"
[22:12] <virtuelv> Has anyone experienced Ubuntu just flat out freezing with certain wireless networks
[22:12] <virtuelv> I'm connecting through Orange's French Wifi
[22:13] <virtuelv> and in one of the setups, Ubuntu locks hard on me, while at another one of their AP's it works just fine
[22:13] <virtuelv> it's not an easy issue for me to debug, unless canonical wants to pay me 200 EUR/night, plus lost salaries to stay in a french casino
[22:14] <virtuelv> (e1000e, fwiw)
[22:18] <sorush20> !backup
[22:18] <ubottu> There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning
[22:19] <Supersaiyan_IV> virtuelv, intrepid?
[22:20] <Supersaiyan_IV> virtuelv, have you tried the intrepid beta on it before?
[22:21] <virtuelv> Supersaiyan_IV: intrepid, yes
[22:21] <virtuelv> and it's never ever crashed on me like that
[22:21] <virtuelv> it crashed 11 times today, when on a particular network
[22:21] <virtuelv> s/network/AP/
[22:21] <Supersaiyan_IV> virtuelv, but it associates?
[22:22] <virtuelv> yes, and it keeps the connection up for 10-20 minutes
[22:22] <virtuelv> and then my machine freezes solid
[22:22] <Supersaiyan_IV> virtuelv, i hope youre not a victim of the firmware erase bug
[22:22] <virtuelv> I can't restart X
[22:22] <virtuelv> I can't switch to a different terminal
[22:22] <virtuelv> but the wifi LED continues blinking
[22:23] <Supersaiyan_IV> virtuelv, there was a bug with intrepid beta which rendered e1000e wifi's useless
[22:23] <virtuelv> Supersaiyan_IV: I am aware of that bug, and I believe I was not bitten by it
[22:23] <Supersaiyan_IV> ok
[22:23] <virtuelv> because that bug would have rendered wifi completely unusable
[22:24] <Supersaiyan_IV> virtuelv, i don't really know i dont have experience with the e1000e
[22:26] <dystopia> hi, im trying to get squashfs with lzma working, i have both source tarballs from deb respository (Ubuntu ii) and then i dont see lzma module in module-assistant. When i compile squashfs it mentions i dont have lzma module installed...
[22:33] <dystopia> the module-assistant doesn't see that there is lzma module to be installed
[22:38] <dystopia> when i ran module-assistant in text mode and told it to build lzma and squashfs, both modules were made
[22:38] <dystopia> in the dialog however, it didn't show lzma as option
[22:39] <petererer> hmm, where did gnome-power-manager's cpufreq stuff go?
[22:49] <FFForever> wth... i installed all the debs....
[22:49] <FFForever> and i don't see them in my menu
[22:50] <Supersaiyan_IV> FFForever, which debs
[22:50] <guiss> hi guys, I am testing an Ubuntu 8.10 fresh install on a GA-P35-D3SL with a core2duo 8400 processor and after installation Ubuntu reboots everytime I select 2.6.27 kernel (tried with recovery mode also) on grub, any help?
[22:51] <Supersaiyan_IV> guiss, tried alternative install, with update during install?
[22:51] <FFForever> open office 3
[22:52] <guiss> how do I do that?
[22:52] <Supersaiyan_IV> FFForever, in shell, does openoffice3 pop up?
[22:52] <Supersaiyan_IV> guiss, there is a different .iso called alt install
[22:53] <guiss> gotta download again? o well
[22:53] <wgrant> guiss: At which stage does it reboot?
[22:54] <guiss> wgrant, while booting the kernel... i managed to see something about tcp/ip before rebooting but it goes too fast to read
[22:54] <wgrant> guiss: So within a couple of seconds of when you hit enter?
[22:55] <bsnider> what's up wgrant?
[22:55] <guiss> wgrant, that's right
[22:56] <wgrant> guiss: That'd be a kernel bug, which an alternate installation very probably won't fix.
[22:56] <wgrant> guiss: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug
[22:56] <Supersaiyan_IV> guiss, http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-beta-alternate-i386.iso ← worth a try
[22:56] <Supersaiyan_IV> if this doesnt work file a bug like wgrant said
[22:57] <wgrant> See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies#Filing%20Kernel%20Bug%20reports
[22:57] <guiss> I was thinking about booting with 8.04 and chrooting into the new installation to see if there's any kernel update
[22:57] <wgrant> It looks like it's crashing before it gets far into userspace, so the alternate CD probably won't work.
[22:57] <wgrant> guiss: Not a bad idea. But grabbing a daily also wouldn't be bad.
[22:57] <FFForever> what is different in the ubuntu kernel compared to the standard?
[22:57] <guiss> wgrant, the thing is that I only have a 1mbps download bandwidth
[22:58] <Supersaiyan_IV> wgrant, alt install doesnt update kernel on the fly?
[22:58] <wgrant> guiss: Ah, lovely.
[22:58] <wgrant> Supersaiyan_IV: No.
[22:58] <Supersaiyan_IV> i see
[22:58] <wgrant> FFForever: Various extra features, drivers, fixes, etc.
[22:59] <guiss> wgrant, where can I find a daily build of the installer?
[22:59] <FFForever> oowrite opens 2.4
[22:59] <FFForever> oowriter*
[23:01] <wgrant> guiss: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/
[23:01] <wgrant> You can rsync it to save bandwidth.
[23:06] <guiss> well, 8.04 livecd reboots too :(
[23:09] <wgrant> guiss: Did it ever work on that hardware?
[23:09] <guiss> don't know... a friend just got the pc
[23:09] <guiss> i don't imagine why it shouldn't work
[23:11] <guiss> in the forums some people has the same mobo and ubuntu working
[23:16] <RicardoPerez> Hi! Can anybody test if left-arrow key goes slower than right-arrow key when you previously do: xset r rate 10 50
[23:16] <RicardoPerez> Thanks
[23:20] <guiss> before rebooting I managed to read "Checking if image..."
[23:23] <mercutio22> Hello people! I just saw some new themes. The new age one looks great
[23:23] <mercutio22> is that matter settled yet?
[23:24] <storrgie> nvidia-settings segfaults when trying to save the xconf
[23:25] <mercutio22> sweeeet
[23:27] <bsnider> storrgie, i wouldn't modify xorg.conf that way
[23:27] <storrgie> bsnider: but i like the gui
[23:28] <wgrant> storrgie: You probably like a working X server more.
[23:28] <bsnider> it inserts garbage into the modern xorg.conf file that could cause problems
[23:29] <wgrant> nvidia is stuck in the old days however, so you might have no choice.
[23:29] <bsnider> add things to the device, screeen, and monitor sections only. do not add anything else
[23:31] <storrgie> well can i get the nvidia-settings prog to show me what it wants to write
[23:31] <storrgie> then i can edit it?
[23:31] <bsnider> yes you can
[23:36] <outbri> Why won't FF close with ctrl-w anymore, you have to right click on it in the taskbar or sometimes the close 'x' works?
[23:45] <storrgie> how do i export the settings of nvidia-settins?
[23:45] <storrgie> since saving to xconf causes a segfault
[23:48] <storrgie> hey bsnider i thought you said i could export the settings instead of saving to xconf
[23:48] <maxb_> The latest human-theme package seems to have a bug - it's causing '/usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:273: Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "panel_bg.png"' to appear when ssh-askpass is run
[23:49] <bsnider> storrgie, you can
[23:49] <maxb_> There also seems to be a bug in the built-in firefox restart-needed prompting, in that it keeps popping up again and again even though I do restart
[23:50] <storrgie> bsnider: im trying to figure out how, and having no luck... any suggestions?
[23:53] <mercutio22> is this the place to call attention to bugs and request features?
[23:55] <storrgie> bsnider: i cant figure it out.
[23:55] <bsnider> storrgie, you need to take the issue into the massive convolutions of your brain and churn out a solution
[23:56] <bsnider> actually, i have no idea what the hell that means...
[23:56] <storrgie> bsnider: only crickets there, no serious i dont see a way to output the settings besides save to x config which causes a segfault
[23:58] <mercutio22> Is that nautilus problem that prevented compiz from drawing one wallpaper on each cube face fixed in intrepid Ibex?
[23:59] <bsnider> storrgie, yes it does appear to be malfunctioning
[23:59] <bsnider> it used to work, but not now