UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /18 /#ubuntu-java.txt
Initial commit
[00:20] <rivers22_> hello everyone....I need some help
[00:21] <rivers22_> I've been trying to get java-gnome working
[00:23] <rivers22_> every time I try to run my app an exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no gtkjni-4.0 in java.library.path
[00:24] <rivers22_> I can't get it to work
[00:26] <persia> I suspect that this requires the installation of libjava-gnome-java, but wonder why we also have libgtk-jnu and lingtk-java-dev. We do need to clean up the duplicates one of these days.
[00:32] <rivers22_> I need help with java-gnome!!!
[00:32] <rivers22_> I can't get it to work properly
[00:34] <rivers22_> Every time I try to run an example or my own code it an exception is thrown saying that there is no gtk-4.0 in java library.path
[00:34] <persia> rivers22_, You need to install libjava-gnome-java
[00:34] <persia> rivers22_, Next time you get a similar error, you can use a command like `apt-file search gtkjni` to find out which package you need.
[00:36] <rivers22_> I can't find libjava-gnome-java in synaptic????
[00:38] <persia> Ah. It seems to only be in 8.10 beta. Sorry. You might try libgtk-jni, but that only provides libgtkjni-2.10.s0
[00:39] <rivers22_> Okay I have it install
[00:42] <rivers22_> I have libgtkjni-2.10.so and libgktjni.so in /usr/lib/jni/ and libgtkjni-4.0.so in /usr/local/lib
[00:43] <rivers22_> how could i set gtkjni-4.0 in java.library.path???
[00:45] <rivers22_> when I run the java-gnome "make demo" it runs perfectly but when I try to compile and run it manually it does not work....
[00:47] <persia> Now you've gotten outside of what I know well enough to help. Sorry.
[00:48] <rivers22_> do you have java-gnome working?
[00:49] <persia> No, but I also don't have it broken (I've not tried to play with it)
[00:50] <rivers22_> okay, so are you using and IDE to program in java?
[00:50] <persia> No.
[00:50] <persia> I play with netbeans some, but I haven't done any significant development in Java in some time.
[00:51] <rivers22_> what programming language do you use if I may ask??
[00:52] <persia> Mostly make. A bit of shell.
[00:52] <persia> I tend to do packaging, and merging of patches. Not so much development of code.
[00:53] <persia> Some of that is for Java, so I hang out here, and sometimes have useful things to say, but not once it gets into real code.
[00:54] <rivers22_> is that more difficult than development code?? I've never done any packagin or merge any patches.....
[00:54] <persia> For code questions, I usually recommend people visit ##java, but it seems like you have something in-between a code issue and an issue with how java-gnome is installed in Ubuntu, so I don't know if you are in the right place.
[00:54] <persia> It's mostly different, rather than being either easier or more difficult.
[00:55] <persia> Most of it is like plugin development : you know the system that will be calling the code, so you write to a given set of callbacks and make sure you are in the correct state at each point.
[00:56] <persia> Instead of corresponding to interpretation of mouse/keyboard/video stream/etc. events, the callbacks are things like "compile package", "install package", "remove package".
[00:57] <rivers22_> don't you have to code all of those instructions in a language???
[00:57] <persia> Yep. Like I said, mostly make or shell.
[00:59] <rivers22_> hey do you know why is taking so long for the apt-file to update??? I've just install it and ran the apt-file update command but it seems its taking a lot of time..
[00:59] <persia> It needs to download a list of every file in each of the 20,000 packages. Takes a while.
[01:00] <persia> After this, it's *really* easy to find which package has stuff, but the first update is slow.
[01:00] <rivers22_> Okay, that's good to know, I was getting worry.....
[01:00] <persia> Once you've updated the first time, it shoulld be quicker, as later updates are only updating the lists in the security or updates repos, so a few hundred packages at most, rather than all 20,000.
[01:06] <rivers22_> okay the apt-file update has finish... i run the apt-file search gtkjni command and I got back this: libgtk-java-dev: /usr/lib/jni/libgtkjni.so libgtk-jni: /usr/lib/jni/libgtkjni-2.10.so
[01:07] <rivers22_> but I already have them install, what I need to know is how to set the java.library.path
[01:07] <persia> Right. Those are the two packages that contain files containing "gtkini", so it's likely that one or both of them are the ones you want.
[01:07] <persia> Don't you just pass a CLASSPATH to javac?
[01:08] <rivers22_> yes, that's what i've been doing
[01:13] <rivers22_> okay I got it working!!!!!! yeah!@@!
[01:15] <persia> Cool! Nice job.
[01:15] <rivers22_> I just had to use -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib and then -classpath
[01:32] <rivers22_> okay well thanks, this is the first time I've use IRC, it's pretty cool....thanks a lot persia you're a genius!!!