UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /18 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
[18:12] <Azag> what good GTK2 themes are that are not black, a copu of other OS and not the human of ubuntu :)
[18:13] <Azag> ?
[19:56] <thorwil> hi _MMA_
[19:56] <_MMA_> yo :)
[20:00] * thorwil lloks at the top right of http://www.ubuntu-fi.org/ and wonders how people can be so brutal
[20:00] <thorwil> looks, even
[20:01] <_MMA_> Gross. Looks like they cut it out of something.
[20:01] <_MMA_> Looks like something we should help them with.
[20:02] <thorwil> _MMA_: there was a request from one person and i mailed him the source SVG for the translation
[20:03] <_MMA_> Ahh...
[20:03] <thorwil> _MMA_: in the mena time, somone else already "solved" this via editing the bitmaps
[20:03] <thorwil> _MMA_: early ones looked ok, it is just now with the switch in the spirals that there's not enough spacing
[20:05] <thorwil> so one again i have to note: do not trust any stranger to have any design competency until you saw it :}
[20:05] <_MMA_> Oh well. I wish we had better representation from some of these folks on our list.
[20:06] <_MMA_> thorwil: hehe. On that note, what do you think of the current drive icons?
[20:06] <thorwil> yeah. at least one responsible person for each major country on the artwork list ... one can dream
[20:06] <_MMA_> yep
[20:07] <thorwil> _MMA_: you mean drive-optical 1/2?
[20:07] <_MMA_> Yes
[20:08] <thorwil> _MMA_: as i wrote on the list, the 2nd looks unfriendly in comparison
[20:08] <_MMA_> That hard line around the tray?
[20:08] <thorwil> more the darker tone
[20:09] <_MMA_> Ahh...
[20:09] <_MMA_> thorwil: Gimme a couple of mins. I just got home and I am filthy. I need a shower. I'll be back.
[20:09] <thorwil> otherwise, the 2nd actually looks more defined
[20:10] <thorwil> ok
[20:37] <_MMA_> re
[20:38] <thorwil> _MMA_: it's true, you smell much better now!
[20:38] <_MMA_> :P
[20:40] * thorwil scrolls the distributor logo below the fold
[20:41] <_MMA_> Yeah. I'm gonna ax that one. It's really bad.
[20:43] <_MMA_> It's nothing but a bad rip of the Vista "Start" button which is a rip of those Apple bubble icons we saw 5 or so years ago.
[20:44] <thorwil> _MMA_: so, before drive-optical2 appeared, i said i'm for including that first drive-optical, as soon as the symmetry is fixed. now the small sizes of the 2nd are a bit better, but i prefer the almost white tone
[20:45] <_MMA_> Cool. Ill look over the current posts on the ML and reply to the right thread with these details. (which I also agree with)
[20:49] * thorwil be gone in 10 minutes
[20:57] <thorwil> good night!