UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /18 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] * cilkay finds the list nannies quite annoying. Personally, I don't mind the occasional off-topic conversation, especially when the channel is not busy.
[00:00] <cilkay> s/channel/list
[00:00] * stdin doesn't care if people find it annoying, it's the rules of the channel and you're expected to respect that
[00:01] <unitypunk> having trouble with wubi..
[00:02] <yousef> *hm
[00:03] <stdin> unitypunk: don't know much about wubi but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide and http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234 should have something
[00:05] <unitypunk> :-/
[00:05] <unitypunk> it keeps booting into busy box
[00:16] <mad_oz> oy guys ... hello there!
[00:17] <rod_> Hi guys I have a query as I've just installed Kubuntu on my PC Gigabyte GA-81EX motherboard
[00:18] <rod_> my issue is no audio evidiently there is no driver known Is anyone running on one of these motherboards ?
[00:19] <mad_oz> can you please help me? ... i saw kubuntu 8.10 beta was out ... can you tell me if the beta will turn into a "stable" after the stable-version is out? ... i thought about "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" every time there are updates
[00:20] <rod_> Hi Mad oz
[00:22] <mad_oz> hello rod_
[00:24] <rod_> I'm not sure if I'm in the right IRC to ask about Kubunti drivers etc as I just installed
[00:28] <nejode> rod_: first you have to find out what audio chip that MB has
[00:31] * unitypunk needs to figure out why wubi is booting to busy box?
[00:32] <White_Pelican> hi all, question about the latest news on the kubuntu site. Does this mean 3.5.10 will be available for intrepid?
[00:33] <stdin> White_Pelican: no, intrepid will have KDE 4
[00:34] <nejode> White_Pelican: they say that it's not going to be easy to downgrade to 3.5
[00:35] <White_Pelican> so sorry
[00:35] <White_Pelican> I'll stick to hardy then :)
[00:37] <Chris_Foster> is there a way to get kubuntu to play a fullscreen video at login until the video finishes, then show the desktop? My desktop looks really slow while loading, and Id like a video to cover to welcome me and cover it until its done loading. any ideas?
[00:45] <rod_> Thanks nejode Just reading through the specs it says the chipset is creative CT5880 plus Sigmatel 9708T codec
[00:46] <rod_> The GA-81EX has spdif out too
[00:49] <nejode> rod_: go to >>K menu> system> kinfocenter ... to see if your system "sees" your sound card
[00:49] <nejode> rod_: or the command "lspci"
[00:50] <nejode> rod_: or the command "sudo lshw"
[00:56] <FisherPrice> does anyone here use mythTV and knows how to set it up?
[01:00] <rod_> Kinfo centre says Audio devices NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG
[01:04] <unity`Buntu> how do i make wifi work with ndis/
[01:04] <unity`Buntu> !ndiswrapper
[01:04] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[01:05] <favro> I'm playing with the source for mpg123 and need a clue on what to look for to have it not show up in the taskbar
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[01:12] <ActionParsni1> does anybody use vmware server here. Ive got a really simple qyuery
[01:25] <unitypunk> hey
[01:25] <unitypunk> how do i make sure im using restricted drivers?
[01:37] <unitypunk> cana nyone help me set up my nvidia video card
[01:49] <DarthFrog> FisherPrice: What do you want to know about MythTV/
[01:50] <FisherPrice> oh i think i might have it sussed out now
[01:50] <FisherPrice> but there's still many questions.
[01:50] <FisherPrice> i think I might press on thanks DarthFrog
[01:50] <DarthFrog> OK.
[02:01] <unitypunk> i cant seem to get restricted drivers to work
[02:03] <unitypunk> E: nvidia-glx: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2
[02:03] <unitypunk> when i enable them.
[02:08] <Serva> Hi. How do I install mysql server on hardy? I have the installation file with me, but dont know how to run it
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[02:12] <unitypunk> gah..
[02:12] <unitypunk> damn these videocards.
[02:12] <luke> a website chatroom wants java VM, i'm pretty sure my friend put java on last night, how can i find out and turn it on?
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[02:18] <jorge_> jpw dp
[02:19] * unitypunk needs help enabling his nvidia video card..
[02:19] <unitypunk> E: nvidia-glx: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2
[02:19] <unitypunk> keep getting that after i mark the box to enable it.
[02:34] <cuznt> unitypunk needs help enabling his nvidia video card..
[02:34] <cuznt> unitypunk is it disabled in your bios?
[02:34] <cuznt> thats first
[02:34] <dr_willis> what has he done to enable it so far.. is the firs question.. and what specific kind of card...
[02:34] <unitypunk> no
[02:34] <unitypunk> its on board
[02:35] <unitypunk> laptop
[02:35] <cuznt> im out
[02:35] <cuznt> heh
[02:35] <Craihhgney> could anyone please help me with janusVM in ubuntu?
[02:35] <dr_willis> Craihhgney, never heard of it.
[02:36] <dr_willis> unitypunk, You have used the restricted-drivers gui tool to install the proper nvidia drivers yet?
[02:36] <unitypunk> no...
[02:36] <unitypunk> cmd?
[02:36] <dr_willis> Normally its got an icon at the top right.. and in the menus, its called like hardware-drivers, or somthing.
[02:36] <unitypunk> top right pf?
[02:36] <dr_willis> or from a terminal its like ' jokey-SOMTHING'
[02:37] <unitypunk> oh yeah
[02:37] <dr_willis> Top right of the panel, normally first time ya log in theres a icon/popup
[02:37] <unitypunk> i check the box
[02:37] <unitypunk> for the driver
[02:37] <unitypunk> and get E: nvidia-glx: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2
[02:37] <cuznt> JanusVM (June-2007) Release Because of two exploits found with Samba and PPTPD, plus the latest Tor update, we are encouraging existing users to update to the new version immediately! If you have not tried JanusVM, now would be a great time! It's FREE, open source, and protects your privacy when used at home or on the road.
[02:37] <cuznt> that one?
[02:39] <cuznt> from here http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=176776
[02:39] <dr_willis> unitypunk, so it seems it wants the nvidia-glx package for your card. I would try installing it from the termial with the following 2 commands.
[02:39] <dr_willis> 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' then 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx'
[02:42] <cuznt> craugggney the link to download janusvm is a dead link.. it appears not to be
[02:42] <cuznt> mmm i type well dont i?
[02:44] <dr_willis> Firefox can't find the server at janusvm.peertech.org.
[02:45] <dr_willis> http://peertech.org/ also nothing
[02:45] <dr_willis> I think thers some server issues going on.
[02:45] <unitypunk> dr_willis: http://pastebin.com/m52aa460
[02:45] <cuznt> and june 2007 is a long time ago software wise
[02:45] <unitypunk> is what happened after upgrade
[02:46] <dr_willis> unitypunk, looks like your package manager is a tad 'confused' about somting getting half way installed.. Not sur what the best way to get it back in line would be.
[02:47] <unitypunk> glah
[02:47] <dr_willis> could try the various 'force' options to apt-get
[02:47] <dr_willis> but ive rarely ever had to do that
[02:47] <unitypunk> idk how to force something
[02:47] <dr_willis> apt-get remove -force nvidia-glx
[02:47] <dr_willis> perhaps
[02:48] <dr_willis> !apt-geyt
[02:48] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about apt-geyt
[02:48] <dr_willis> !apt-get
[02:48] <ubottu> APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)
[02:48] <dr_willis> The line of interest is - "1 not fully installed or removed."
[02:48] <dr_willis> so either it needs to be forced to remove, or forced to install.. :)
[02:49] <dr_willis> the following 'might' get it going.. it might mess things up badly also --> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[02:50] <unitypunk> yerr...
[02:50] <dr_willis> OR ----> sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx
[02:51] <dr_willis> Ive not had to 'fix' apt very much. so not sure whats the best way to fix this issue is.. Im checking the forums where i searched for 'not fully installed or removed' and found several hits/tips
[02:54] <cuznt> maybe it is stuck?
[02:54] <cuznt> i try sudo dpkg --configure -a
[02:54] <cuznt> sometimes when its stuck
[02:55] <dr_willis> well its not 'not configured' it seems to be half installed..
[02:55] <dr_willis> byt thats another tio try command. :)
[02:56] <unitypunk> gah
[02:56] <DarthFrog> I don't think you can force apt-get. You'd have to use dpkg directly to force things.
[02:57] <unitypunk> i can force it to reinstall
[02:57] <dr_willis> force it to remove, then reinstall
[02:57] <DarthFrog> Try "apt-get -f install"
[02:58] <unitypunk> same thing
[02:58] <dr_willis> what 'same thing'
[02:58] <dr_willis> whats the error?
[02:58] <unitypunk> subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2
[02:59] <dr_willis> apt-get -f remove
[02:59] <dr_willis> perhaps?
[03:01] <DarthFrog> -f means fix, not force.
[03:01] <unitypunk> marked it for reinstalation
[03:01] <unitypunk> annd it went through
[03:01] <unitypunk> all gravy like..
[03:06] <unitypunk> thne
[03:13] <KingOfDos> i've got a strange problem with the panels at kubuntu 8.10
[03:13] <dr_willis> !intrepid
[03:13] <ubottu> Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[03:13] <KingOfDos> currently everything is removed from it (except the current applications)
[03:13] <dr_willis> add new plasmids back to it.
[03:13] <KingOfDos> when i'll add the K-menu again to it, that will center and cover everything.
[03:14] <dr_willis> then unlock the panel with that cashew at the side. and move them around.
[03:14] <dr_willis> and thats the extent of my kde4 knowledge..:) i dont use it much.
[03:14] <jmod> yeah you can add take away anything you like
[03:15] <KingOfDos> whehe, indeed. that should work normaly (i'll guess, now i'd see the option)
[03:16] <KingOfDos> but i can move the K-menu only up and down the panel, and the panel is at the bottom of my screen.
[03:17] <KingOfDos> but anyhow. needs all beta software to be discussed in #ubuntu+1? or is there a special kubuntu beta channel (like #kubuntu+1?)?
[03:18] <kniolet> only ubuntu+1 i think
[03:36] <Bartman84> Can anyone help me with an Xserver Issue?
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[03:40] <Bartman84> When I try to update my video driver (ATI) I get an error while running the auto installer. X Server Not Found
[03:46] <dr_willis> 'auto installer' ? what auto-installer?
[04:02] <Linux_Galore> anyone know what the default version of xorg in intrepid is ?
[04:04] <MrKennie> 7.4
[04:05] <Linux_Galore> yeah that seems correct
[04:05] <Linux_Galore> just trying to find why the ati driver is hit and miss and only randomly works
[04:06] <nelsonstreet> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xorg
[04:07] <dr_willis> And thats different fromhow ati drivers have been for the last few years - how exactly Linux_Galore ? :)
[04:12] <Linux_Galore> dr_willis: well when I activate the driver then logout /restart X it either leaves me at a blank screen then i force a shutdown (use the off button) and reboot into recovery mode then use the OSS radeon driver and Im fine, but sometimes it takes and the ati driver works
[04:13] <dr_willis> Linux_Galore, i recall a bug with the ati drivers ages ago where if i loged out of X it would bivce me a black screen. I had to edit the gdm/kdm configs and enable the 'always resstart X server' option
[04:14] <dr_willis> it affected just the fglrx driver, not the radeon driver.
[04:14] <Linux_Galore> when I login after the recovery mode swaps me back to the open radeon driver I see a notice regarding settingsmanager crashing
[04:14] <Linux_Galore> dr_willis: this is the new driver
[04:14] <dr_willis> Try booting without using GDM/KDm and see if you can 'startx' and quit and get back to a normal screen/start X again..
[04:15] <dr_willis> It may be the same issue/bug poping up again,,, or a totally new bug
[04:15] <dr_willis> it wouldent hurt to enble the 'always restart X server' setting i imagine
[04:15] <Linux_Galore> dr_willis: you mean do a standard Xinit boot and see if I can get a raw X session ?
[04:16] <Linux_Galore> dr_willis: what I fond amusing is that there isnt a captcha script to make sure the desktop has actually started, if not drop you to a vga mode
[04:16] <dr_willis> yea.. or just disable the kdm/gem service.. and see if 'startx' works fine.
[04:17] <dr_willis> On mylaptop i did that boot to login: use startx for a while till i researched the other fix's
[04:17] <dr_willis> this was on a x200m video card
[04:18] <Linux_Galore> ok Im going to enable the ati driver then do a none kdm/gdm login
[04:18] <Linux_Galore> bbl
[04:18] <tjhess> Hi there. I am having trouble with my DVD drives. I am getting errors from K3B, xine, and Kaffeine. Nothing is working. Can someone help me with my setup? TIA
[04:19] <MrKennie> tjhess: what errors are you getting?
[04:20] <tjhess> from xine: There is no input plugin available to handle "dvd:/"
[04:21] <tjhess> from xine: Maybe you don't have enough rights for this or source doesn't contain data (eg disc not in drive) (dev/dvd)
[04:21] <dr_willis> could be the /dev/dvd link is incorrect also
[04:21] <MrKennie> tjhess: does /dev/dvd exist? ls /dev/dvd in konsole
[04:21] <dr_willis> can k3b burn disks?
[04:22] <MrKennie> tjhess: sorry, ls -l /dev/dvd
[04:22] <tjhess> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2008-10-17 12:12 /dev/dvd -> scd0
[04:23] <mixed1234> anyone knows how to disable the annoying auto scrolling between deskstops by moving the mouse cursor???
[04:23] <mixed1234> anyone knows how to disable the annoying auto scrolling between deskstops WHEN moving the mouse cursor???
[04:23] <tjhess> Would you like to see my fstab entry?
[04:24] <mixed1234> tjhess, if youre a female I would like to see your fstab entry :-)
[04:25] <MrKennie> tjhess: you say xine, you;re using xine-ui or is that output from kaffeine?
[04:25] <owner> k
[04:26] <tjhess> that's xine
[04:27] <owner> wat is this this is my 1st time here?
[04:27] <tjhess> Kaffeine:
[04:27] <tjhess> The source can't be read.
[04:27] <tjhess> Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g: no disc in drive). (/dev/dvd)
[04:27] <tjhess> Kaffeine: No plugin found to handle this resource (dvd://)
[04:27] <mixed1234> Dr_Willis, are you there?
[04:27] <owner> huh?
[04:27] <tjhess> Kaffeine:
[04:27] <tjhess> 10:26:47 PM: xine: cannot find input plugin for MRL [dvd://]
[04:27] <tjhess> 10:26:47 PM: xine: input plugin cannot open MRL [dvd://]
[04:27] <tjhess> 10:26:44 PM: xine: found input plugin : DVD Navigator
[04:27] <owner> wat is this?
[04:27] <MrKennie> tjhess: do you have libdvdcss installed?
[04:28] <mixed1234> !xine
[04:28] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about xine
[04:28] <mixed1234> !dvd
[04:28] <ubottu> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[04:28] <dr_willis> Hmm>
[04:28] <tjhess> libdvdcss2, version 1.2.9-2medibuntu4
[04:28] <tjhess> installed
[04:28] <tjhess> reinstalled
[04:28] <MrKennie> tjhess: ok
[04:29] <dr_willis> mixed1234, thats a kde/pager setting last i looked.. I have it set where it auto scrolls if i am dragging a window
[04:29] <mixed1234> Dr_willis, did I wake you? My apologies! In between, do you know how to disable the annoying auto scrolling between deskstops WHEN moving the mouse cursor???
[04:29] <dr_willis> Im not in kde right now - so cant look.
[04:30] <mixed1234> dr_willis, if I take my mouse cursor and I just scroll the pointer down without clicking on anything the desktop changes automatically to the next one, i have been unable to fix that
[04:31] <dr_willis> bottom of the screen goes to the next desktop?
[04:31] <MrKennie> tjhess: in kaffeine, if you edit the xine engine parameters, chand the dvd media device to scd0 and see if that works.
[04:31] <mixed1234> dr_willis, thanks anyway, KDE screwed up my distro good this time, I can't shutdown my machine if i'm in gnome, i have to exit out of gnome first
[04:31] <MrKennie> chand/change
[04:31] <tjhess> MrKennie: trying that now
[04:32] <mixed1234> dr_willis, precisely, if I go past the screen on one deskstop it'll automatically take me to the next deskstop, this happened after I installed compiz
[04:32] <mixed1234> dr_willis, good idea! just disable compiz all together, goodbye eye candy!
[04:32] <dr_willis> mixed1234, there ya go.. its a compiz setting i imagine.
[04:32] <dr_willis> proberly just a plugin you need to disable
[04:33] <tjhess> MrKennie: Same errors
[04:33] <tjhess> The source can't be read.
[04:33] <tjhess> Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g: no disc in drive). (/dev/scd0)
[04:33] <mixed1234> dr_willis, I tried every setting imaginable in compiz but i'll give it a try either way, thanks!
[04:33] <MrKennie> hm
[04:34] <MrKennie> tjhess: are you able to browse the dvd using konqueror or dolphin?
[04:34] <tjhess> yes
[04:34] <tjhess> MrKennie: yes
[04:35] <MrKennie> tjhess: can you see which device you are browsing at the time?
[04:35] <MrKennie> eg: /media/scd0
[04:35] <Linux_Galore> well disabling kdm/gdm in intrepid then starting Xorg still crashes with the ati driver
[04:35] <tjhess> MrKennie: system:/media/scd1/
[04:36] <MrKennie> tjhess: ah, so you need to change from scd0 to scd1
[04:36] <tjhess> Have two DVD writers (DVD+R, DVD+-R)
[04:36] <dr_willis> Linux_Galore, bummer..
[04:36] <Linux_Galore> dr_willis: I cant even do the old ctrl+alt+backspace get out of jail
[04:36] <tjhess> MrKennie: Aha! Trying this out.
[04:38] <tjhess> MrKennie: It plays now! Checking K3B out now.
[04:39] <tjhess> MrKennie: Thanks for getting Kaffeine working!!!
[04:39] <MrKennie> tjhess: great! np.
[04:41] <MrKennie> k3b should automagically recognise any writers you have. I've only ever had 1 recorder at a time, though.
[04:42] <dr_willis> kb3 has a setup tool/feture that i think rescans
[04:42] <mixed1234> dr_willis, you dont use KDE? You use gnome then?
[04:43] <dr_willis> Im not using either at this time. :)
[04:43] <mixed1234> dr_willis, what do you normally prefer to use if I may know?
[04:43] <dr_willis> The machine behind me has linux on it but its updating
[04:43] <dr_willis> I use whatever i feel like at the time. Been using Jwm+Rox-Filer lately
[04:43] <mixed1234> dr_willis, yes, the kernel was updated to *.21 version
[04:45] <MrKennie> I keep trying diff desktops and wms but seem to end up back with kde3 everytime
[04:46] <tjhess> MrKennie: K3B is not working.
[04:46] <tjhess> MrKennie: Error is - K3b was unable to mount medium ArrestedDevelopment (Video DVD) in device ATAPI - DVD+RW 4X4X12
[04:46] <MrKennie> tjhess: if you go to settings -> configure k3b
[04:47] <MrKennie> oh wait, what are you trying to do?
[04:47] <tjhess> Rip DVD
[04:47] <tjhess> Rip to disk
[04:48] <dr_willis> I just use dvd::rip for that. :)
[04:48] <dr_willis> or k9copy
[04:51] <MrKennie> tjhess: well, you can check the k3b settings. Under media it should show all read-only and writable devices you have
[04:52] <tjhess> MrKennie/dr_willie: K9copy is copying now to iso file
[04:52] <tjhess> But K3b still isn't working
[04:53] <unitypunk> is there a way i can just put a bash right on the taskbar..
[04:53] <unitypunk> like
[04:53] <unitypunk> instead of a search
[04:53] <unitypunk> a line to console.
[04:53] <tjhess> MrKennie/dr_willie: thanks for the help. I'll have to take care of K3b another time. Much thanks again.
[04:54] <MrKennie> unitypunk: konsole you mean?
[04:55] <unitypunk> yeah
[04:55] <MrKennie> unitypunk: you can drag it from the menu to whereever you want it
[04:55] <unitypunk> nooo
[04:55] <unitypunk> i mean like..
[04:55] <unitypunk> bah..
[04:55] <unitypunk> i cant think of how to explain.
[04:57] <unitypunk> i want a line on my task bar to be a shell
[04:58] <dr_willis> Ive seen 'command line' applets befor
[04:58] <dr_willis> or use katapult
[04:58] <unitypunk> yeah
[04:58] <unitypunk> a commandline applet
[04:58] <dr_willis> or use yakuake
[04:59] <MrKennie> tah, yakuake is cool
[04:59] <MrKennie> yah*
[05:00] <MrKennie> there is a run command applet but not sure if that's what you want
[05:01] <yousef> lag
[05:01] <unitypunk> like..
[05:01] <unitypunk> if i need to kill a process
[05:01] <unitypunk> i dont wanna open a konsole
[05:02] <unitypunk> just wanna type kill etc in a box on the taskbar
[05:03] <dan__> hello there. can anyone tell me if its possible to open docx files on openoffice3?
[05:04] <yousef> what kind of process?
[05:04] <MrKennie> docx is the new ms office format right?
[05:04] <yousef> openoffice3 is supposed to be able to open docx
[05:04] <yousef> but you can still open docx with older versions
[05:04] <yousef> with less compatibility
[05:04] <dan__> yippee! thanks yousef! :) ooo is cool very cool!
[05:05] <yousef> np
[05:07] <dr_willis> make an icon to the 'xkill' command :)
[05:08] <yousef> if its just a window you want to kill
[05:08] <yousef> alt+ctrl+escape
[05:13] <MarshWiggle> Hello
[05:16] <MarshWiggle> is this an appropiate place to ask a kubuntu support question?
[05:17] <dr_willis> Yes
[05:18] <MarshWiggle> Thanks. I was using kubuntu 8.04 Hardy (KDE4 remix), and just used the distro upgrade feature to upgrade to 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Beta. It all seemed to go well, but now I cannot log in.
[05:19] <MarshWiggle> I can get to the login screen, but logging into KDE takes me to the splash screen and only three of the icons load and then the screne just goes blank and returns to the login screen
[05:19] <dr_willis> try logging in at the console and see what happens?
[05:19] <dr_willis> could be a kde setting issue.. or a login issue.
[05:19] <dr_willis> sounds like its a kde/settings issue from your description
[05:19] <MarshWiggle> ah, but likewise the failsafe login just blanks myscreen for a moment abut returns to the login
[05:19] <MarshWiggle> thanks, i'm not expecting the exact answer, just where i might be able to look
[05:20] <dr_willis> I would test by making a new user, see if they can login via kdm.
[05:20] <dr_willis> if so.. then that imples that somthing with the old users settings are causing an issue
[05:20] <MarshWiggle> thanks i'll try that
[05:21] <MarshWiggle> how would I create a new user if I cannot get in, i feel a bit catch 22
[05:22] <dr_willis> see if you can login at the console....
[05:23] <MarshWiggle> okay, i'll go look up how to create a new user in the console
[05:23] <dr_willis> sudo adduser username
[05:23] <MarshWiggle> thank you
[05:25] <MarshWiggle> is that username a required field where i put the namer afterwards or do i substitute that?
[05:25] <dr_willis> it asks a lot of silly questions youjust hit enter
[05:25] <dr_willis> adduser billgates
[05:25] <dr_willis> :)
[05:25] <MarshWiggle> :D
[05:59] <vikku> hi all
[05:59] <vikku> i ahve a spiderman cd how can i install it
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[06:03] <dr_willis> If you mean you have a 'windows game' you wish to try to run under linux, you would do so using 'wine'
[06:03] <dr_willis> !wine
[06:03] <ubottu> WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[06:22] <Robb_M> Can the Ubuntu Educational Addon cd be used with Kubuntu or is Gnome specific?
[06:28] <dr_willis> You could always install gnome if you want under kubuntu - if it needs tnome
[06:28] <dr_willis> In theory - the packages should grab any needed dependencies when they install
[06:30] <Robb_M> im just asking because it said "Ubuntu"..not Gnome or KDE....Ubuntu has become almost generic these days.....heh.
[06:30] <Robb_M> i mean the term itself...not the Distro...
[06:31] <Robb_M> I guess the only way to truly find out is...DIY
[06:31] <Robb_M> :)
[06:32] <Robb_M> so...let me get this straight...KDE4 variant of Kubuntu has no updates from canonical?
[06:33] <dr_willis> No 'official' I gather..
[06:33] <Robb_M> I heard that from one of my buddies on the forum (I am a member of the beginner team of UF)
[06:33] <dr_willis> but then ya get into whats community supported vs official, vs lts. vs.. whatever.. :)
[06:35] <Robb_M> community support only kinda made me wonder about the updates and stuff.....
[06:36] <dr_willis> Ive gotten where i just use whats out.. and not worry about it. :) In 6mo there will be a new releae and all sorts of new toys
[06:37] <Robb_M> true
[06:37] <Robb_M> and its not like i should be scared..as i did do the alpha/beta testing....
[06:37] <Robb_M> LOL
[06:40] <dr_willis> I just dont find kde4 that useabla at this time.. and its amazingly sluggish on my laptop
[06:45] <Robb_M> yeah someone else said that
[06:49] <dr_willis> And i am gettting constant 'video garbage' when the menus pop up and other quirks.
[06:49] <dr_willis> So for now.. Im sticking with m jwm+rox-filer
[06:55] <acee12345> i have an ubuntu related question(asking because i got no responce on that channel) i tried to install drivers from the ati website because they were newer than those offered on synaptic but after i did that i did an update wich updated my kernel and upon reboot i got a completely yellow display(with working compiz) and was unable to reverse it so i formatted. now im starting anew and was wandering if one of you might walk me through it so i dont hose
[06:56] <acee12345> version 8.04
[06:57] <dr_willis> I would try to get things working without using the ones from the ati web site.
[06:58] <dr_willis> My 'prefered' order to try the things are 'hardware-manager/repos' then 'envyng' then if all else fails - the ones from ati/nvidia
[07:00] <acee12345> everything else does fail. for the brief time between when i loaded them to when i rebooted alot of my flickering broken video etc were fixed which was not the case under restricted driver install. doesnt symantec just package the same drive as is posted on ati?
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[07:03] <dr_willis> the version in the repos - will tend to be a little bit older then the ones from ati
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[07:03] <dr_willis> but the ones fro ati . normally have to be compiled/installed for each new kernel update - if you use them
[07:04] <dr_willis> envyng - i hear is not quite up to date as the ones from ati.. but it automates it better
[07:04] <acee12345> how does ubuntu package them so such isnt necessary so i might do the same
[07:06] <acee12345> i got flamed the first time i started linux for using envy
[07:07] <Robb_M> acee12345: how long did you wait in #ubuntu before you gave up?
[07:08] <acee12345> first post was 4 hrs ago last one was 12 minutes
[07:08] <Robb_M> acee12345: yeah, those guys just didnt know....did you try posting on the forums as well?
[07:09] * Robb_M isnt trying to steer you away...just seeing what routes you took without results....
[07:09] <acee12345> not yet
[07:09] <dr_willis> problem with nvidia and ati drivers.. are that often theres issues with specific cards, and often issues with different versions.
[07:10] <dr_willis> some cards/setups just seem to have issues :(
[07:10] <Robb_M> i know that ive had issues with my memory card reader since i started ubuntu....
[07:10] <Robb_M> not that this really relates to you...it kinda does..but yeah...
[07:10] <acee12345> i understand that it worked great untill i updated my kernel
[07:10] <sigra> anyone know how to make your display picture show up to others in kopete? I selected avatar but not showing to others
[07:10] <dr_willis> Ive had some issues with built-in-non-usb laptop-media-card readers.. thats often due to the varity of the readers.
[07:10] <Robb_M> i think its more kernel relate....yeah.......
[07:11] <Robb_M> ^ dr_willis I totally agree with that statement....
[07:11] <dr_willis> Getting close enought now - you may want to 'try' 8.10 release.
[07:11] <acee12345> is there a way to turn off the kernel update
[07:11] <dr_willis> It proberly has newer drivers for the cards
[07:11] <Robb_M> 8.10 is insanely stable ATM
[07:12] <acee12345> i may giive it a go the drivers were release through ati 4 days ago
[07:12] <Robb_M> acee12345: you might be able to force the current version of kernel to stay the same...with pinning
[07:12] <acee12345> ?
[07:12] <Robb_M> !pinning
[07:12] <ubottu> pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto
[07:13] <Robb_M> it doesnt let the version update as far as i know....it just ignores future versions....
[07:13] <acee12345> any major draw backs to not update a kernel often?
[07:13] <Robb_M> you pin that version.....
[07:14] <Robb_M> acee12345: security holes.....
[07:14] <Robb_M> acee12345: ^ biggie
[07:14] <acee12345> so i just need to be sure i reinstall the xorg every time i update the kenel
[07:14] <Robb_M> acee12345: i would update the kernel often if i were you, even if the component doesnt work...it MIGHT in the future..so...update as often as possible.....
[07:14] <acee12345> untill its released through apt-get
[07:15] * Robb_M nods...i think thats a safe way to go....
[07:16] <acee12345> ok, any special procedures to manul install of drivers
[07:16] <acee12345> i havent installed restricted yet, running on mesa
[07:16] <Robb_M> not that im aware of
[07:17] * Robb_M points to the other guys...unless they have something i dont
[07:18] <acee12345> i notice that ati doesnt support xorg 7.4 how does 8.10 get around that
[07:18] <Robb_M> i havent been playing around with 8.10 so i couldnt tell you....
[07:18] <Robb_M> I believe we are steering away from xorg in the future.....
[07:19] <acee12345> oh, what will replace it?nvidia?
[07:19] <sigra> I run 8.10 kubuntu. solid stable for me here. i just cannot get kopete to display my picture to other contacts..is my only problem
[07:20] <Robb_M> acee12345: im not sure actually....looking it up though :)
[07:23] * Robb_M shrugs
[07:23] <Robb_M> all attempts fail
[07:24] <Robb_M> (google doesnt know)
[07:24] <acee12345> i looked too, nothin
[07:24] <acee12345> brother is demanding internet so i must resign my computer. thank you for your help
[07:25] <acee12345> thank you to dr_willis
[07:26] <Robb_M> sure acee12345
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[07:39] <Gadoken> query: if I install *buntu 8.10 beta, will I be able to cleanly upgrade to *buntu 8.10 come Oct. 30?
[07:40] <baudthief> nah, your machine will catch fire
[07:40] <Gadoken> damn I knew it!
[07:40] * baudthief further pretends to know what he's doing
[07:40] <dr_willis> Of course you can
[07:40] <Gadoken> I just don't feel like reinstalling every 6 months, but 8.10 Kubuntu has stuff I want
[07:41] <dr_willis> I perfer to reinstall every 6 mo. :)
[07:41] <Gadoken> ok thank you guys
[07:41] <Gadoken> GADOKEN!
[07:41] <Gadoken> anyone on the Kubuntu beta presently?
[07:42] <baudthief> BANKAI!
[07:42] <Gadoken> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFtw7qW7Vcw
=== Gadoken is now known as FALCON_PAUUNCH
[07:47] <baudthief> gah, viewing gadoken's link crashed my X lol
[07:47] <FALCON_PAUUNCH> ha
[07:47] <FALCON_PAUUNCH> I was wondering what happened there
[07:47] <FALCON_PAUUNCH> did you get to see it?
[07:48] <FALCON_PAUUNCH> <---Gadoken :)
[07:48] <baudthief> nah it openned in Konqueror, trying it in firefox now :P
[07:48] <baudthief> freakin konqueror
[07:48] <FALCON_PAUUNCH> same
[07:48] <FALCON_PAUUNCH> the khtml crashes for some reason
[07:51] <baudthief> haha
[07:51] <baudthief> biggest explosion ever :P
[07:51] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> bit much don't you think
[07:52] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> downloading the beta ^__^
[07:53] <baudthief> god dammit, I hate how youtube is flooded with AMVs
[07:54] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> heh
[07:54] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> cultural thing
[07:54] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> man KDE4 is fricken' sexy imo
[07:54] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> I want my dang multimedia button support
[07:54] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> unsure about installing beta though
[07:55] <baudthief> kde4 is terrible :P
[07:55] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> I must respectfully disagree
[07:55] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> and I think 8.10 is only KDE4?
[07:55] <vkep4eto> здрасти има ли българи на линия в този ранен час
[07:56] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> of course you could install KDE3 in an alternate user session, but meh
[07:56] <baudthief> I manually installed it yesterday, I much preferred kde3.5 w/compiz fusion :\
[07:56] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> I like both to be honest, just lately have a preference for the one
[07:56] <tamara> vkep4eto: /join #ubuntu-bg
[07:57] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> I originally installed 8.04 with KDE3 tbh :P
[07:57] <baudthief> same :P
[07:57] <unitypunk> hey
[07:57] <baudthief> I guess it depends what you use it for, I've got a dual head setup at home, and couldnt for the life of me figure out how to add an external taskbar to the second screen under KDE4, all the options I'm used to have changed
[07:57] <baudthief> its like moving from XP to vista :P
[07:58] <unitypunk> *gasp*
[07:58] <tamara> Hi! I can't change names of shortcuts on the Desktop.
[07:58] <dr_willis> I find kde4 at this time to be unbearably sluggish on my laptop.
[07:58] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> you can't just add another task bar and drag it over?
[07:58] <baudthief> dr_willis: agrteed
[07:58] <baudthief> FALCON_PAUUUUNCH: Couldnt find teh option, only "add a widget"
[07:58] <baudthief> nothing about external taskbars etc
[07:58] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> my laptop is completely compatible, its just as fast (if not faster)
[07:58] <tamara> In terminal, when I type ls -l, it shows with modified names, but on the Desktop the are still with old names.
[07:58] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> but I have an intel chipset
[07:59] <baudthief> tamara: wow, thats surprisingly awkward :P
[07:59] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> maybe 8.10 baud
[07:59] <dr_willis> I got an nvidia card. and got constant video glitzes under kde4 - ive not tried it on the desktop box yet.
[07:59] <baudthief> maybe, I left it installed anyway, but I select kde3.5 in the session manager before logging in, I'm sure it'd improve alot after some time
[07:59] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> even with the nvidya drivers?
[07:59] <INIT_7> don't really know what to search for to fix this issue. When trying to play a video off my server on my laptop it will download the video before playing. Is there a way to just stream the video off the server?
[07:59] <dr_willis> FALCON_PAUUUUNCH, yes with the nvidia drivers.
[08:00] <tamara> Before this I removed entirely my home folder (but got another one with adduser)
[08:00] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> hm that sucks
[08:00] <baudthief> INIT_7: yeah, you can find "SMB transport" under package transfers like synaptic that work with VLC
[08:00] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> I love the WM in KDE 4, sexeh stuff
[08:00] <dr_willis> INIT_7, several ways to do it.. if its a samba server, mount the shares so they appear as local directroies - is one way
[08:00] <baudthief> *package managers
[08:00] <dr_willis> fusesmb - is handy - it can mount the while windows shares/network to one directory you can browse
[08:01] <INIT_7> I will try that dr_willis because I know how to mount smb shares
[08:01] <INIT_7> thanks
[08:01] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> hum never tried that
[08:01] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> VLC can't do it automagically?
[08:02] <baudthief> apparently not
[08:02] <baudthief> it caches the whole file locally before playing
[08:02] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> huh interesting
[08:02] <baudthief> I fixed it by installing a plugin a while ago, but I cant for the life of me remember what it was called :P
[08:02] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> never tried tbh, never needed to
[08:03] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> note to self
[08:04] <baudthief> wow, I really need to poop, but thers no TP to be found in this bathroom at work
[08:04] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> lol
[08:04] <baudthief> should I like, poop first and work out the TP later?
[08:04] <baudthief> :P
[08:05] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> sandpaper/paper towels are an option if available
[08:05] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> perhaps the janitor's head
[08:05] <baudthief> hmm, I could walk to the service station up the road and buy TP, but then my intentions would be obvious
[08:06] <baudthief> curses.
[08:06] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> haha
[08:06] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> "This gentleman is obviously about to crap his pants...look at all this toilet paper."
[08:06] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> "Sir, you sicken me."
[08:06] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> lol
[08:07] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> where do you live, Australia?
[08:07] <baudthief> yep :P
[08:07] <baudthief> Sydney
[08:07] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> 12AM here in US
[08:07] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> heh
[08:07] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> service station gave it away :D
[08:07] <baudthief> was gonna say servo :P
[08:08] <baudthief> "service station" sounds like a brothel
[08:08] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> heh
[08:08] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> how much is gas in Aussie dollars btw?
[08:08] <jussi01> !ot
[08:08] <baudthief> $1.47 today
[08:08] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[08:09] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> per pint?
[08:09] <kebomix> Free Programming ebooks With Direct Links & Request ebooks Here http://request-ebooks.blogspot.com/
[08:09] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> ok meh, no one is talking in here
[08:09] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> I'm trying to use the money conversion tool in Kubuntu, please help
[08:09] <INIT_7> mounting works perfect. and it's nicer to just have the network shares mounted right on the computer and not have to browse to it every time thanks again dr_willis
[08:10] <dr_willis> INIT_7, yep. I really dislike how gnome/kde file manager does the whole browsing shares stuff.. causes a lot of little issues
[08:10] <INIT_7> yeah, does kde4 fix any of that
[08:11] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> what do you mean?
[08:11] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> its like Windows
[08:11] <baudthief> only in windows most apps recognise UNC paths heh
[08:12] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> man you guys pay like $6 for gas
[08:12] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> that's crazy....er, Kubuntu....tech stuff...et cet I'm on topic o_O
[08:12] <dr_willis> Gas is Just under $3 us a Gallon here.
[08:12] <dr_willis> US yes
[08:13] <baudthief> haha holy crap, 1 gallon = 3.78 litres
[08:13] <baudthief> we're getting screwed
[08:13] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> you are getting hosed yeah
[08:13] <baudthief> I mean err, wow KDE4 sucks
[08:13] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> haha
[08:13] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> hosed as much as the data pipelines...in my handy KDE4 window manager! yeah!
[08:14] <baudthief> I'd like to insert my flashdisk, and mount it
[08:14] <baudthief> ...if you know what I mean
[08:15] <baudthief> whoa it hapepnned automatically
[08:15] <baudthief> I didnt even know USB worked on this install!
[08:15] * baudthief <3 kubuntu
[08:15] <jussi01> Seriously, please take the non support chatter to #kubuntu-offtopic
[08:16] * baudthief goes away
[08:16] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> Juss, we are having a D e s k t o p R e l o v e l u t i o n here
[08:16] * dr_willis goes back to testing out 8.10
[08:16] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> meh, I got my question answered
[08:16] <FALCON_PAUUUUNCH> later
[08:23] <daleach> hey, I should be embarrassed to ask this but, I'm thinking of getting a dell, and using the video card from this PC. It comes with an integrated video card. Can I later add in a pci card? In general (?) and particularly will ubuntu of course. Sorry, I know nothing about integrated video cards :(
=== george_ is now known as wesleyp
[08:23] <daleach> *with ubuntu
[08:23] <dr_willis> Depends on what the motherboard supports.
[08:23] <wesleyp> Hey all. I am trying to copy and paste a folder over one in my USR dir, how do I do this with root privledges?
[08:24] <dr_willis> I would hope any new machine would have a PCI-Express slot free for video card upgrades
[08:24] <daleach> dr_willis , grr i thought u might say that heh
[08:24] <dr_willis> wesleyp, best to use the shell. and the sudo command.
[08:24] <daleach> right so if it has pci express.. then
[08:24] <wesleyp> what sudo copy /home/file /usr/file >
[08:24] <wesleyp> ?
[08:24] <dr_willis> wesleyp, or cheat like i do.. install mc, then run 'sudo mc' and that way you got a handy file manager you can run as root. :)
[08:24] <daleach> it would probably be doable right?
[08:24] <wesleyp> nice i'll do that
[08:25] <daleach> what would you do disable the integrated via software
[08:25] <daleach> ?
[08:25] <dr_willis> the command to copy is 'cp' and you will need to use some artuments to do it recursively
[08:25] <daleach> I have been so removed from the whole hardware and gaming world heh
[08:25] <dr_willis> daleach, yea. I would be SURE to check the machines and be sure it has a 'pci-express slot' avail for upgrades
[08:25] <wesleyp> daleach: i like your style. <GUI all the way for me
[08:26] <wesleyp> <hard core gamer
[08:26] <dr_willis> 'hard core drinker' :)
[08:27] <wesleyp> Wish I had a mod to post my pc info to channel but Im running Dual Core E2180 2.0Ghz, 4 gigs of ram and two 8600 SLI mode
[08:27] <wesleyp> which runs everything I throw at it currently
[08:27] <daleach> I'm a programmer who doesn't know about these hardware advancements :-\
[08:27] <unitypunk> hmm
[08:28] <unitypunk> why cant i access the drive wubi is installed on
[08:28] <daleach> btw wesleyp yeah u can prob do .. it through the gui
[08:28] <daleach> in kde right? there's a way to go admin mode or something i forgot
[08:28] <vkep4eto> where I can get security updates ?
[08:29] <wesleyp> there no ubuntu binary for MC daleach?
[08:29] <daleach> i'm in blackbox now my kwin broke does anyone knwo about this one?
[08:29] <daleach> i wasn't the one who recommended mc :)
[08:29] <wesleyp> err sorry
[08:29] <wesleyp> dr_willis:
[08:30] <daleach> vkep4eto if you do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade you should be good...if your sources file is left the way it was or are you doing stuff more complicated?
[08:31] <wesleyp> vk left
[08:31] <daleach> hah mc u guys meant midnight commander?
[08:32] <daleach> didn't realize it
[08:32] <dr_willis> mc is in the repos
[08:32] <dr_willis> Yes. :)
[08:32] <daleach> and yes
[08:32] <daleach> yeah
[08:32] <dr_willis> mc = midnioght commander
[08:32] <daleach> i was just going ot say
[08:32] <daleach> its there
[08:32] <wesleyp> one more thing, Id like to upgrade to KDE4 from KDE3 but last time I did that, it gave me double menus in my Kicker. So I am assuming I have to upgrade then remove KDE3?
[08:32] <daleach> sudo apt-get install mc
[08:32] <daleach> u mean 3->4?
[08:32] <wesleyp> gonna have to add some, u know which repos?
[08:32] <daleach> if u do
[08:32] <wesleyp> yeah kde3 upgraded to 4
[08:33] <daleach> sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade
[08:33] <daleach> id' imagine
[08:33] <daleach> u'd be able to see mc
[08:33] <daleach> how long ago did u install ubuntu?
[08:33] <dr_willis> mc + screen handy. :)
[08:33] <daleach> dr_willis he shoudl see mc no problem right? like we can?
[08:33] <dr_willis> !info mc
[08:33] <ubottu> mc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2059 kB, installed size 5944 kB
[08:33] <dr_willis> Its in universe repo.
[08:34] <wesleyp> k
[08:34] <daleach> ok so, if I have a pci express slot i should be good you guys think? hehe
[08:35] <daleach> its funny because,
[08:35] <wesleyp> whats the shell command for Dolphin?
[08:35] <daleach> i wonder if i order the video card
[08:35] <wesleyp> daleach: what was your full questions? as im running dual pci express cards
[08:36] <daleach> btw dolphin
[08:36] <daleach> opens it
[08:36] <daleach> well so, i'm thinking of getting hits pc with integrated
[08:36] <daleach> *if* it has a pci express slot i'm sure it does i can prob find that out though in the spec ithink
[08:37] <daleach> anyway, can i put one in and overide (turn off completely) the integrated gpu?
[08:37] <daleach> at the Operating system level i g uess
[08:37] <daleach> its funny I think the system i'm getting there's an option for 2 cards, prob using same motherboard WITH the integrated gpu anyway hah
[08:38] <Nyquist333> how do you get the free space listed on a drive, ls does not do it?
[08:39] <wesleyp> yeah you can
[08:39] <wesleyp> well it deponds on the bios some you can, you can only limit the rma you are giving it
[08:39] <wesleyp> ram even
[08:39] <wesleyp> Why not just buy a mobo without integrated graphics, much better in the long run
[08:40] <wesleyp> Plus you can build it yourself at a cheaper cost
[08:40] <dr_willis> Nyquist333, 'df' command
[08:41] <wesleyp> use newegg.com and if you would like you can tell me what you want and i can set you up a shopping cart with compatible hardware and then email you the shopping cart so you can review it
[08:47] <daleach> Nyquist333 u want to do df -h
[08:47] <daleach> for human
[08:47] <daleach> in megabytes
[08:48] <daleach> heh wesleyp thanks for the offer
[08:48] <daleach> one of the reasons i'm leaning towards dell is i need windows also :-\
[08:48] <daleach> a real legal version etc
[08:48] <daleach> and its lookin like ap retty good deal
[08:48] <daleach> 699 2 quad core hah
[08:49] <daleach> 4 gigs in 2 dimm
[08:50] <daleach> its funny one of the things prompting this is my windows xp box finally since 2003 got a virus.. (i run dual boot) i have some .net programming to do, and I have no time to filter through my hard drive now, i guess i could buy another hard drive and use that but i don't want to reinstall a windows don't have a disk etc..
[08:50] <wesleyp> thats not bad daleach if it includes windows
[08:50] <daleach> yeah right?
[08:50] <daleach> that's what i was thinking
[08:51] <daleach> they have such a strong deal with windows usually
[08:51] <daleach> i think it gets cheaper to build ur own with higher models
[08:51] <wesleyp> yeah doesnt sound too bad, for that price you could get an sli rig and more hard drive space but in turn ur getting a 200 dollar os
[08:51] <daleach> they don't have good grpahics cards often etc.. and i don't need a better powr supply etc..
[08:51] <daleach> not really getting it for gaming.. i'll get some other stuff for that again eventually
[08:52] <daleach> heh
[08:52] <daleach> 500 gb hard drive space will be enough for me for now
[08:52] <wesleyp> with that price u can get quad proc, good pci express video card, 750 gig HD 4 gigs of ram and 750w ps
[08:52] <wesleyp> possibly a second video card
[08:53] <daleach> hah
[08:53] <daleach> cool
[08:53] <wesleyp> im about to spend 3k to upgrade this box of mine
[08:53] <daleach> hah nice
[08:53] <daleach> you working or a kid or wha?
[08:53] <daleach> I guess you work right?
[08:54] <wesleyp> its not bad as it is but i was to SLI 3 video cards and get a quad 3ghz proc at 120w
[08:54] <daleach> I figure since I am in the field, etc... one of these days i'll get some super duper alienware or build one myself etc..
[08:54] <daleach> my brother got an alienware, we REALLY like it, its pretty sweet actually
[08:55] <wesleyp> but i am waiting 30 days to see if a new socket is gonna be released or not, theres news of more powerful processors over a new socket comming out dont know if its true or not, if it is i'll buy a new mobo in the base socket class untill more powerful come out
[08:55] <wesleyp> alienware is over rated inless ur getting an aw laptop
[08:55] <daleach> heh, you're a hardcore enthusiast that's cool heh
[08:56] <wesleyp> you cant beat the laptops but as far as desktops go, for the price you can build a better machine and even water cool it if ur willing to risk the buck
[08:56] <daleach> yeah laptops are always another story
[08:56] <daleach> yeah
[08:56] <daleach> I had a bunch of friends at school
[08:56] <daleach> that did a whole bunch of weird stuff
[08:56] <daleach> with controls for cooling and lighting and stuff
[08:56] <wesleyp> i dont personally like em because when you pack that much hardware in that small frame your giving up somthing, be it power, performance, cooling
[08:56] <daleach> kind of fun
[08:57] <wesleyp> your giving something up, now for work, and my wife i have a couple of lap tops beyond using mine for work i dont use it
[08:58] <wesleyp> my brother is a big time programmer who gets a new laptop every 6 months or so, i just buy his hand me downs
[08:59] <daleach> haha
[08:59] <daleach> cool
[08:59] <wesleyp> whats the command to make a .bin executable chmod +x or something?
[08:59] <daleach> yeah
[08:59] <daleach> sudo
[08:59] <daleach> maybe
[08:59] <wesleyp> k
[08:59] <daleach> depends if u need nah
[08:59] <daleach> don't do sudo
[08:59] <daleach> whoops
[08:59] <daleach> heh
[08:59] <daleach> try without
[09:00] <daleach> what are u installing that's a .bin? should be careful most things should be like untar and ./configure, make, make install in the *nix environment i'd think if ur not using apt that is
[09:01] <wesleyp> heres the problem its a .bin file, i just did chmod +x to make it executable and it ran kate when i clicked it
[09:01] <daleach> yeah u have to do
[09:01] <daleach> it from the shell is easiest
[09:01] <daleach> u have ot type
[09:01] <wesleyp> Its an open source mmorpg game 300 megs in size
[09:01] <daleach> ./
[09:01] <daleach> infront
[09:01] <daleach> of the file name (with the .bin at the end)
[09:01] <wesleyp> there we go
[09:01] <daleach> after u chmod it
[09:01] <wesleyp> that did it
[09:02] <daleach> yeah when u don't do ./
[09:02] <daleach> it looks in the $PATH variable type "echo $PATH" to see your path
[09:02] <daleach> and . isn't in it, you could put it there but that would be BADDDD
[09:02] <daleach> old security threat and well it'd probably just break things in your case heh
[09:03] <daleach> actually it still is a security threat heh
[09:03] <daleach> but yeah that's why you need to do that
[09:03] <wesleyp> nice i'll remember that
[09:03] <daleach> heh k
[09:03] <daleach> actually for the games to
[09:03] <daleach> echo $PATH
[09:03] <wesleyp> im a nix noob, I mean i have used it off and on since i was 13, and im 26 now
[09:03] <daleach> u shoudl write it down
[09:03] <daleach> werd
[09:03] <daleach> i started 16
[09:03] <daleach> and i'm 25
[09:04] <wesleyp> so for a while I just never retained anything and back then it all seemed like a struggle to do anything, even get drivers and my network card working
[09:04] <daleach> but i've done programming etc, i work in the field and stuff so yeah
[09:04] <daleach> exactly
[09:04] <daleach> and like i've actually learned and forgot things a bunch of times to
[09:04] <daleach> that happens
[09:04] <daleach> but you get better, and things start to make more intuitive sense i guess
[09:05] <daleach> and these days you don't even need to be as much of an expert i guess
[09:06] <wesleyp> lol no you dont
[09:06] <wesleyp> its all plug and play now
[09:06] <wesleyp> which I like
[09:06] <wesleyp> and K/Ubuntu is my fav distro yet
[09:07] <wesleyp> though one thing I miss is bitchx
[09:07] <wesleyp> !bitchx
[09:07] <ubottu> A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines
[09:07] <wesleyp> lol gonna download it
[09:07] <daleach> bitchx was irc right?
[09:07] <daleach> yeah u can get it i'm sure
[09:08] <daleach> look for it in aptitude
[09:08] <daleach> hold on
[09:08] <daleach> i wonder if they finally changed the name
[09:08] <wesleyp> i dont think its in apt
[09:08] <daleach> are you using xchat btw?
[09:08] <wesleyp> no Konversation
[09:08] <daleach> xchat is badass
[09:08] <daleach> oy
[09:09] <wesleyp> Ive used it before
[09:09] <daleach> i dno't know i never tried it maybe i should
[09:09] <daleach> konversation that is
[09:09] <wesleyp> i think there is a bitch UI for it
[09:09] <daleach> heh
[09:09] <wesleyp> konversation just comes with KDE it looks like Xchat
[09:09] <daleach> a skin or theme or something
[09:09] <wesleyp> nothing special
[09:09] <daleach> werd
[09:09] <wesleyp> I use to wine mIRC
[09:09] <wesleyp> lol
[09:09] <wesleyp> i love mIRC
[09:10] <dr_willis> I would say somthing rude. :) but i wont..
[09:10] <dr_willis> Phhht.. :P
[09:10] <dr_willis> for the record. I use xchat under linux and windows
[09:10] <daleach> !
[09:10] <daleach> i was just going to say how much i hate mirc hah
[09:10] <daleach> same haha
[09:11] <daleach> which btw thanks for reminding me
[09:11] <wesleyp> lol
[09:11] <wesleyp> how come u two hate mIRC?
[09:11] <daleach> i shoudl start using it for my .net stuff sure there is some chat somewhere
[09:11] <wesleyp> I guess im stuck on it since i used it since i was 13 or 14
[09:11] <daleach> heh
[09:11] <wesleyp> and i used to script in it too
[09:11] <daleach> another thing is
[09:11] <daleach> i'm using an all black background
[09:11] <daleach> can u do that in mirc?
[09:11] <wesleyp> yeah
[09:11] <daleach> ah ok
[09:11] <daleach> cool
[09:12] <daleach> anywayz i'm out of here thanks guys
[09:12] <wesleyp> heres the screwed up part I used mIRC with a linux IRCII type theme
[09:12] <dr_willis> xchat used to have black bg/scheme. but not for a long time . the xchat forums have links to color schemes
[09:12] <daleach> wesleyp i've seen u around b4 right?
[09:12] <wesleyp> lol
[09:12] <wesleyp> probably
[09:12] <daleach> what rooms do u hang out in?
[09:12] <wesleyp> late daleach
[09:12] <daleach> do you program also? have i seen u in those
[09:13] <wesleyp> no, im not much of a programmer, i have dabbled in java, php and .net
[09:13] <wesleyp> but nothing serious
[09:13] <wesleyp> nothing worth looking at
[09:13] <daleach> gotcha, yeah i know u said u weren't too much linux but i was thinking maybe u just do windows stuff
[09:13] <daleach> heh
[09:13] <daleach> so yeah maybe i've caught u in here b4 then
[09:13] <wesleyp> possibly
[09:13] <wesleyp> asking newb ass questions
[09:13] <daleach> heh
[09:14] <daleach> dr_willis I dunno i'm using a black background now
[09:14] <daleach> i guess i did it custom though?
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[09:14] <daleach> using old preferences i guess from back 2 years ago i guess so i don't remember how i did it, but i'm sure it wasn't too hard
[09:14] <dr_willis> Theres backgrounds, then theres color schemes. :)
[09:14] <daleach> i have everyone in a dif color on the left
[09:15] <wesleyp> yeah its just a color scheme
[09:15] <daleach> my typing in grey on
[09:15] <daleach> yeah
[09:15] <daleach> msgs come out dif of course etc
[09:15] <wesleyp> shit man its linus
[09:15] <wesleyp> *bows
[09:15] <daleach> really good colors actually
[09:15] <wesleyp> brb bio then some mmo stuff
[09:16] <daleach> alright catch ya guys later
[09:19] <wesleyp> Ouch Im getting a nasty error:
[09:19] <wesleyp> ./psclient
[09:19] <wesleyp> ./psclient.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libopenal.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[09:19] <wesleyp> if anyone can help with that
[09:20] <dr_willis> install the missing libs
[09:20] <dr_willis> apt-cache search libopenal
[09:20] <dr_willis> and see whats there.
[09:21] <wesleyp> aww nicee=
[09:21] <wesleyp> thanx
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[09:22] <wesleyp> ouch got another error
[09:22] <wesleyp> cept i wouldnt paste it here as its serveral lines
[09:22] <wesleyp> DEBUG: Sound System Software Renderer Initializing... theres a part of it
[09:22] <wesleyp> maybe sound issues
[09:23] <wesleyp> in the setup theres only a tab to enable sound
[09:23] <wesleyp> wonder how to make it use alsa
[09:24] <Psychoholic> i can't seen to find qparted in adept is it under a diffrent name there
[09:24] <dr_willis> i always just use gparted
[09:24] <dr_willis> !find qtparted
[09:24] <ubottu> Found: qtparted
[09:25] <dr_willis> !info qtparted
[09:25] <ubottu> qtparted (source: qtparted): A parted frontend using QT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu14 (hardy), package size 205 kB, installed size 712 kB
[09:25] <Psychoholic> i see ptparted
[09:25] <dr_willis> note its qt parted.. not qparted
[09:25] <Psychoholic> missed the t
[09:25] <Psychoholic> thakns
[09:44] <unitypunk> hey...
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[09:44] <Nasj> heey
[09:44] <unitypunk> anyone know of an app that simulates teh macos quick bar
[09:45] * dr_willis has no idea what the macos quikbar does. :)
[09:45] <unitypunk> dr_willis: you know the bar at the obttom of everything after like OSx?
[09:46] <dr_willis> Theres dozens of os-x like Docks out for linux
[09:46] <unitypunk> hm
[09:47] <apparle> is katapult there for KDE4
[09:52] <Nasj> Ok im in the middle of installing kubuntu
[09:52] <Nasj> right now
[09:53] <Nasj> But i want to install to a part of my storage HDD
[09:54] <Nasj> so i clicked manually for partitioning
[09:54] <Nasj> but now i have to create like ext3 and such and swap
[09:54] <Nasj> and i dont now very much about that
[09:54] <Nasj> so is there someone here who can help me ?
[09:55] <dr_willis> You need to resize whatever is on there. and free up some unallocated space.
[09:55] <dr_willis> theni normally tell the installer to use the unallocatged space and let it do the partitioning.
[09:55] <Nasj> hmm
[09:55] <dr_willis> i normally resize the parittion using a gparted live cd.. :) but thats just me.. Not sure about how the installer handles it.
[09:56] <dr_willis> if you are using Vista.. then Vista has a ntfs resize tool thats MUCH faster then gparted.
[09:56] <Nasj> the installer gives a list of all my HDD
[09:56] <Nasj> no XP
[09:56] <Nasj> :p
[09:56] <Nasj> a list of all my partitions of my HDD
[09:56] <Nasj> and howm uch is used or not
[09:57] <Nasj> ik can
[09:57] <Nasj> Edit Partition
[09:57] <Nasj> for my storage HDD
[09:57] <Nasj> to resize it
[09:58] <Nasj> maybe i just should download Gparted ?
[10:00] <Nasj> hmm
[10:00] <Nasj> thats what im gonna do :p
[10:00] <Nasj> BRB
[10:02] <dr_willis> I rarely do these complex tasks in the installer.. so cant walk ya through it
[10:02] <Nasj> hmm
[10:03] <Nasj> Well its working
[10:03] <Nasj> I overlooked an option :D
[10:04] <Nasj> installing....
[10:05] <Nasj> thanks for the help dr_willis ;p
[10:05] <unitypunk> dr_willis: ever used awm?
[10:05] <unitypunk> *awn
[10:06] <dr_willis> !info awn
[10:06] <ubottu> Package awn does not exist in hardy
[10:06] <dr_willis> If its that OS-X dock thing you are referingto.. i HATE most all of those docks
[10:06] <unitypunk> avant
[10:06] <unitypunk> eh
[10:06] <unitypunk> wich one did you like.
[10:06] <dr_willis> I use the normal kde panel.
[10:07] <dr_willis> all those docks were lacking in any real features that made things easier.. other then 'eye candy'
[10:07] <unitypunk> thats the issue im running into..
[10:07] <wesleyp> whats the chmod code to use to run a .bin file just chmod +x ?
[10:09] <dr_willis> that makes it excutable.. correct
[10:09] <dr_willis> that dosent 'run' it - it makes it runable
[10:21] <eagles> !ghost
[10:21] <ubottu> On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>
[10:21] <eagles> how do i ghost my nic
[10:22] <eagles> i cannot ghost my nic :(
[10:22] <eagles> oh wait nm
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[10:22] <Nasj> back
[10:22] <Nasj> isntallation went perfect
[10:24] <slow-motion> hi
[10:30] <dr_willis> hi
[10:51] <Nasj> who knows a good MSN client ?
[10:52] <eagles0513875> Nasj: just use kopete
[10:52] <eagles0513875> its an all in one
[10:53] <eagles0513875> Nasj: or there is amsn which i dont like
[10:53] <eagles0513875> does anyone know if archive.ubuntu.com is down
[10:53] <Nasj> an all in one ?
[10:53] <Nasj> what else is there then ?
[10:56] <blackflag> !wincodecs
[10:56] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about wincodecs
[10:56] <blackflag> !codecs
[10:56] <ubottu> For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[10:56] <jazman> any one tried suse
[10:57] <jazman> any one used intrepid yet
[10:58] <freaky_t> im on intrepid X just broke when i upgraded i startet it myself now must be something with the nvidia drivers
[10:58] <eagles0513875> jazman: is on vm
[10:58] <jazman> nope not on vm
[11:00] <Nasj> !kopete
[11:00] <ubottu> Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin
[11:00] <Nasj> !pidgin
[11:00] <ubottu> The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete
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[11:06] <Manny> Hi, I would like to get some help to same my iptables settings.
[11:06] <Manny> *save
[11:09] <MitkOK> Hey, guys. Do you know how to configure DNS server in Kubuntu latest Interpid Ibex beat ?
[11:09] <MitkOK> beta
[11:19] <sokol> /etc/resolv.conf ^))
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[11:28] <eagles0513875> i have an issue i just changed my router and got a new linksys wifi router and now i am having issues with slow internet connection apt is unable to resolve repository names and i am unable to load and download what i need
[11:45] <sybux> hi all
[11:46] <sybux> I'd like to use my server internet connection to surf on the web. Actually I connect to my server via ssh. Is it possible to make a "tunnel" for the http ?
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[12:21] <zer0o> hi guys i mounted my 4 hard drives by modifing my FSTAB, but i think ive done something wrong cuz sometimes they auto-mount at boot sometimes no, e.g.: my usb pendrive sometimes appears on the desktop as soon as jacked some other times no, same thing with my i-pod and amarok's collection sometimes desappears and i have to re-scan it all the times. here's my fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/59241/ could someone check it and tell me where im wrong
[12:21] <zer0o> (kubuntu hardy heron 8.04 on kde 3.5.9) thanks
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[12:23] <baudthief> hey guys, any idea what would cause my shortcut keys to stop working?
[12:23] <baudthief> ie: alt+f2 to run, F2 to rename, etc
[12:23] <baudthief> rebooting didnt help
[12:23] <baudthief> even alt+f4 doesnt work anymore
[12:25] <baudthief> nevermind, turns out this keyboard has a function-lock key that was turned off :P
[12:38] <blackflag> !directory-server
[12:38] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[12:39] <eagles0513875> blackflag: O_o u need somethign equivalent to ad in server 2003
[12:40] <eagles0513875> !ldap | blackflag#
[12:40] <ubottu> blackflag#: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer
[12:40] <eagles0513875> !boinc | eagles0513875
[12:40] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about boinc
[12:40] <RurouniJones> What was AD a ripoff of again? It was aNovell product but I can't quite remember the name
[12:40] <eagles0513875> RurouniJones: dunno
[12:41] <eagles0513875> RurouniJones: 2ndly its off topic for this channel if you would like to talk bout something off topic join #kubuntu-offtopic
[12:42] <RurouniJones> Well since he was after a linux equivalent of AD I thought it rather on-topic, but I digress
[12:44] <eagles0513875> RurouniJones: domains dont exist in linux u need ldap not sure exactly how that works tbh
[12:45] <eagles0513875> how do i set a pic as my desktop background
[12:46] <eirik__> Hello, can anyone help me with my Wireless problem?
[12:46] <dr_willis> eirik__, you may want to explain the problem in a bit more detail to the channel.
[12:46] <eirik__> heh
[12:46] <eirik__> right
[12:46] <serenity> hi
[12:46] <serenity> does anyone of you know, whether displaylink is supported by xorg?
[12:48] <eirik__> well, I just got a new laptop, and when I installed Kubuntu it couldn't find my wireless card. i eventually upgraded to intrepid, and now it finds the card, but it is not working, it's not scanning for networks
[12:48] <eirik__> as far as i can tell
[12:48] <dr_willis> Its possible - depending on the exactcard/chipset - you need to install some extra packages.
[12:48] <eirik__> I have a suspicion that it is because of the HW RF Kill message that shows up in dmesg
[12:49] <blackflag> <eagles0513875; yes I know that. But I need something with samba integration, cause I have also M$- clients
[12:49] <eirik__> There is a wireless switch with Fn+F2, but kubuntu doesn't seem to recognize that
[12:50] <dr_willis> normally if the module gets loaded.. tha twill turn on the wireless card
[12:50] <dr_willis> or so it does on my 3 laptops
[12:50] <blackflag> I found ebox for that porpose, but I have DNS trouble wirh ebox, cause I can not Create the DNS Settings needed for M$-clients.
[12:51] <blackflag> Im looking for an alternate for ebox.
[12:51] <eirik__> what packages would that be?
[12:51] <dr_willis> theres somthing mentioning AD in the repos i just noticed..
[12:51] <dr_willis> GUI for Likewise Open Authentication service. Likewise Open
[12:52] <blackflag> Someone knowing something or can give recommandations? How is it with fesora directory server on ubuntu?
[12:52] <eirik__> where are the repos? I'm sorry, I'm a noob
[12:52] <dr_willis> !wireless
[12:52] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[12:52] <dr_willis> repos = where the package managetrs get their packages from
[12:53] <eirik__> ok so how do I find that package?
[12:54] <blackflag> afaik likiese is only the client to connect linux to MS domain
[12:54] <dr_willis> You need to determine your EXACT chipset, and if you evenneed anything else eirik__ it may just be a configuration issue
[12:58] <eirik__> ok chipset is Mobile Intel PM965 Express
[13:02] <dr_willis> !vnc
[13:02] <ubottu> VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX
[13:07] <eirik__> ini iwconfig it says access point: not-associated
[13:08] <eirik__> I followed the troubleshooting guide in the wifi documentation, but it says that I should check the MAC adress, of which there are none
[13:09] <eagles0513875> blackflag: what exactly are you trying to do
[13:10] <eirik__> so what do I do?
[13:11] <blackflag> I want an ldap server with samba , So that I have an authentication server for Linux and M$ clients
[13:12] <eagles0513875> blackflag: not sure how you would do that
[13:12] <eagles0513875> eirik__: try iwconfig in command line and ur mac address should be listed there
[13:12] <eagles0513875> *your
[13:13] <eirik__> well it's not
[13:13] <eagles0513875> eirik__: interesting hold on
[13:13] <blackflag> yes, ebox is achaice or fedora directory server im thinking
[13:13] <dr_willis> what if the switch was OFF on the wireless ?
[13:13] <eagles0513875> eirik__: im going ot paste u a similar config but using ifconfig for my ethernet device
[13:14] <eagles0513875> blackflag: i have used ebox make sure u down load the plugins u need though if u dont ull be staring at a nice blank screen
[13:14] <eagles0513875> !ebox
[13:14] <ubottu> ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox
[13:14] <eagles0513875> !achaice
[13:14] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about achaice
[13:14] <Nasj> !themes
[13:14] <ubottu> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
[13:14] <eirik__> Well there is no way I can physically change the switch. The only way seems to be pressing Fn+F2
[13:14] <eirik__> which doesn't work
[13:14] <Nasj> !installthemes
[13:14] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about installthemes
[13:15] <dr_willis> sudo iwconfig eth1
[13:15] <dr_willis> -> dosent show the mac for my wireless card.. :) my switch dosent seem to turn it on either.
[13:15] <dr_willis> !change themes
[13:15] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about change themes
[13:15] <dr_willis> !changethemes
[13:15] <ubottu> To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes
[13:15] <eirik__> because kubuntu doesn't recognize it
[13:15] <eagles0513875> eirik__: what kinda card is it
[13:15] <eirik__> it's a intel PRO 4965
[13:16] <eagles0513875> eirik__: have u checked their website
[13:16] <Nasj> How to install a downloaded theme ? :\
[13:16] <eagles0513875> dr_willis: how do i set a pic on kde4 to be my desktop backgrnd
[13:16] <eirik__> yes they only have support for windows
[13:17] <eirik__> but it says somewhere on the site that there is a hardware switch AND a software switch for the wireless card
[13:17] <dr_willis> I dont use kde4 eagles0513875
[13:17] <eirik__> I think my hardware kill switch is on
[13:17] <blackflag> I have ebox installed. but having trouble for setting DNS entrys for MM$ clients
[13:17] <eirik__> and I don't know how to turn it off
[13:17] <blackflag> I can alnly do host records but also srv records are needed
[13:18] <blackflag> and I can not set it
[13:18] <eagles0513875> blackflag: dunno bro :(
[13:18] <eagles0513875> dr_willis: what you going to do once intrepid release with only kde4
[13:19] <dr_willis> proberly start using gnome, or stick with jdm+rox-filer
[13:19] <dr_willis> testing out 8.10 ubuntu now inside virtualbox on a machine.
[13:21] <eagles0513875> dr_willis: same
[13:21] <DarkSmoke> someone knows a prog to create slideshows please?
[13:21] <dr_willis> theres some neat 'tweaks and changes in 8.10 gnome' so far ive not had any issues.. but i will wait another 2 weeks+ befor i switch machines over..
[13:22] <dr_willis> Openoffice has a presentation tool.
[13:22] <dr_willis> that can do slide shows I think.. unless you want to clarify what youneed
[13:22] <eagles0513875> hey DarkSmoke
[13:22] <eirik__> so noone knows what I'm supposed to do?
[13:23] <Nasj> Ive download this theme its archived in tar.gz how do i install it ?
[13:23] <eagles0513875> !patience | eirik__
[13:23] <ubottu> eirik__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[13:23] <DarkSmoke> heya
[13:23] <DarkSmoke> know a prog for slideshow eagles0513875?
[13:23] <dr_willis> eirik__, with wireless - things can very greately.. best thing to do is to check the wireless docs. and forums for your exact card/chipset and see what others have had to do
[13:23] <dr_willis> !changethemes | Nasj
[13:23] <ubottu> Nasj: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes
[13:23] <eagles0513875> DarkSmoke: open office presentation
[13:24] <DarkSmoke> suckz suckz
[13:24] <DarkSmoke> coudln't add photos to pages
[13:24] <DarkSmoke> :/
[13:24] <eirik__> ok thanks
[13:24] <Nasj> dr_willis I have read that but still dont know how :(
[13:24] <DarkSmoke> np
[13:24] <eagles0513875> !presentation
[13:24] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about presentation
[13:24] <DarkSmoke> eagles0513875: you're being addicted to that bot... not good
[13:24] <DarkSmoke> ;p
[13:25] <dr_willis> Nasj, thing to rember is that a 'theme' is made of different 'parts' basicially you drag/drop the package you got into the theme/appearance control panel tool and in theory it should load it up
[13:25] <eagles0513875> DarkSmoke: yes good
[13:25] <eagles0513875> i use presentation
[13:25] <dr_willis> Nasj, its also worth remberign that some theme 'packages' you download are totally goofy. and may need some work to get installed right. due to how the people package them
[13:25] <DarkSmoke> ok
[13:25] <DarkSmoke> tell me how to add photos then
[13:25] <DarkSmoke> :o
[13:26] <eagles0513875> DarkSmoke: standby
[13:26] <DarkSmoke> hibernate
[13:26] <DarkSmoke> :p
[13:26] <DarkSmoke> ok i found
[13:26] <DarkSmoke> file > open and opened the pic
[13:26] <DarkSmoke> hehe
[13:26] <eagles0513875> DarkSmoke: lol
[13:27] * eagles0513875 smacks DarkSmoke with DarkSmoke
[13:27] <dr_willis> Darn them for making things too complex!
[13:27] <dr_willis> :)
[13:27] <DarkSmoke> lol
[13:27] * DarkSmoke jaqbdu min onqu u jifgaw
[13:27] <DarkSmoke> lol
[13:37] <sirina> hey!
[13:37] <eagles0513875> !hi | sirina
[13:37] <ubottu> sirina: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[13:37] <sirina> does anyone know which package contains the extra-plasmoids ins kde4? :)
[13:38] <eagles0513875> sirina: ask in #kubuntu-kde4
[13:38] <sirina> eagles0513875: thx
[13:38] <eagles0513875> sirina: no prob
[13:48] <v6lur> can i upgrade to intrepid (from hardy), but keep kde3?
[13:49] <eagles0513875> v6lur: ask in #ubuntu+1
[13:49] <v6lur> ok, thanks
[13:49] <eagles0513875> thats intrepid support channel
[13:58] <blackflag> !Mandriva Directory Server
[13:58] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[14:00] <dr_willis> !botsnack
[14:00] <ubottu> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!
[14:03] <eagles0513875> !yum
[14:03] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about yum
[14:03] <eagles0513875> dr_willis: care to snack on the bot for a change
[14:03] <dr_willis> !love
[14:03] <ubottu> Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.
[14:03] <eagles0513875> !hate
[14:03] <ubottu> hate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy
[14:03] <eagles0513875> !joke
[14:03] <ubottu> You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.
[14:03] <eagles0513875> !ski
[14:03] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ski
[14:04] <eagles0513875> !wengo
[14:04] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about wengo
[14:04] <eagles0513875> lol
[14:04] <eagles0513875> i stop now
[14:05] <DarthFrog> /msg NickServ identify kisutch
[14:05] <cuznt> !sex
[14:05] <ubottu> Some things are inappropriate for #kubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)
[14:06] <eagles0513875> lol
[14:06] <eagles0513875> DarthFrog: ty for ur password
[14:06] <Nasj> yeah O.o
[14:06] <DarthFrog> ??? That went out to the channel??? WTF?
[14:07] <Nasj> you probably hold ctrl or aomething
[14:07] <Nasj> you should change it before someone ghosts you
[14:07] <sirina> DarthFrog: still didn't change it?
[14:08] <DarthFrog> sirina: You've seen it before? I've done it more than once??? Geez. What is wrong with Chatzilla?
[14:09] <dr_willis> Heh heh...
[14:09] <dr_willis> :)
[14:10] <dr_willis> you put a space befor the /
[14:10] <DarthFrog> Ah, There was a space before the /msg!!! I cut 'n pasted it is why,
[14:10] <dr_willis> /this is a commnd
[14:10] <dr_willis> /me goes oops i put a
[14:12] <DarthFrog> OK, my password is more better now. :-)
[14:12] <DarthFrog> The things you do when you have insomnia and get up at 5:30.
[14:24] <werenerd> ya know what? I have been F#@!$ing around with KDE4.1 for 13 hours now. I don't think I can be friends with it
[14:25] <dr_willis> werenerd, :)
[14:25] <dr_willis> and how many times did ya crashit?
[14:25] <werenerd> oh, no crashes
[14:25] <werenerd> I just can't get anything to configure
[14:25] <DarthFrog> werenerd: What's the problem?
[14:25] <kcg> hello there, I have a question when I am trying to install the latest kubuntu. after the initial GUI, the screen went to "Busybox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.2.3....." and then I have this "ata 3.01 revalidation filaed (errorno=-5) anyone has an idea?
[14:26] <kcg> *failed
[14:26] <dr_willis> sounds like a hard drive/controller failure issue
[14:26] <dr_willis> did it install then did this? or is this the live cd crshing?
[14:26] <kcg> this is the cd crashing
[14:26] <werenerd> DarthFrog: I have been screwing around with the wireless drivers that I had set up fine in Ubuntu and Kubuntu with KDE 3.5
[14:28] <werenerd> What irks me the most, is that I have done this every time I re-install and it goes fine. But I am trying out KDE 4.1 and now it just won't work
[14:28] <DarthFrog> kcg: Install smartmontools and check the drive's health.
[14:28] <DarthFrog> Oh, it's the CD. Hmm.
[14:28] <werenerd> And why are new application not put in the new funky menu?
[14:28] <kcg> i have tried burning two cds already
[14:29] <DarthFrog> kcg: Well, either download a new ISO image and check the MD5sum. Do a checksum on the burned CD and check that it's the same.
[14:30] <kcg> DarthFrog, could you tell me how to do that? sorry im kinda new to this
[14:30] <werenerd> dr_willis: you jinxed me. I just crashed trying to use Adept
[14:30] <DarthFrog> werenerd: What version of Kubuntu are you running and what chipset does your wireless NIC have?
[14:30] <dr_willis> :)
[14:30] <DarthFrog> kcg: What are you running right now?
[14:30] <Serva> Hello, can someone tell me the package names for adobe reader plugin for firefox on kubuntu?
[14:31] <dr_willis> Serva, its listed at the medibuntu web site/repo site
[14:31] <dr_willis> I always just cut/paste it.
[14:31] <kcg> DarthFrog, its XP
[14:31] <dr_willis> !medibuntu
[14:31] <ubottu> medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[14:31] <Serva> dr_willis, tks. I'll check it out.
[14:31] <DarthFrog> Serva: Try "apt-cache search firefox | grep plugin.
[14:32] <DarthFrog> kcg: I can't tell you how to do it in XP. Only in Linux, sorry.
[14:32] <werenerd> DarthFrog: I am running the latest Kubuntu (Gutsy) and I have an Atheros with the net5211 driver
[14:33] <DarthFrog> Serva: mozilla-acroread - Adobe Acrobat(R) Reader plugin for mozilla / konqueror
[14:33] <willluongo> kcg: download the iso file, then use a program like this http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm to burn it to a cd, then reboot with teh cd in your drive. :)
[14:33] <DarthFrog> werenerd: Hardy is the latest version. Intrepid is the current beta.
[14:34] <DarthFrog> werenerd: I don't know the net5211. My Atheros NIC uses the ath_pci driver.
[14:34] <werenerd> DarthFrog: I am sorry, I have hardy. I wasn't paying attention
[14:35] <werenerd> I have to blacklist that driver
[14:35] <DarthFrog> The ath_pci driver?
[14:35] <werenerd> I just downloaded it yesterday from the kubuntu homepage
[14:36] <Serva> Also, is there a way that I can configure Backspace key to work in the same way, as it does in windows, taking me to the previous page on firefox?
[14:36] <werenerd> DarthFrog: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766169
[14:36] <werenerd> that is the instructions that has always worked for me
[14:36] <DarthFrog> Why are you using a Windows driver and ndiswrapper instead of the native Linux driver?
[14:37] <werenerd> the native driver does not work for me
[14:37] <werenerd> never has
[14:39] <kcg> this willuongo, i will give it a try
[14:39] <kcg> *thanks
[14:40] <DarthFrog> Well, personally, this is the way I'd approach it. Given that there is a new version of Kubuntu coming out in the near future, I'd download and burn a CD of the latest beta. Then boot into the Live CD from that and see if the wireless NIC works with the latest & greatest.
[14:40] <willluongo> kcg: No problem
[14:40] <dr_willis> assuming the wireless card dosetn need some propriparty drivers
[14:41] <DarthFrog> dr_willis: It's an Atheros card.
[14:42] <dr_willis> That means very little to me.
[14:42] <dr_willis> 100ft rolls of Cat6 was on sale last month.. I got the whold house wired.. From Laundry room to Toilet. :)
[14:42] <DarthFrog> werenerd: You just installed KDE 4.1 on Hardy, right? You didn't reinstall the whole OS, did you?
[14:43] <DarthFrog> dr_willis: W00t! A wired gigabit home network. You get serious geek points for that. :-)
[14:43] <dr_willis> Its not all gigabit.. yet
[14:43] <dr_willis> :)
[14:43] <dr_willis> I had to redo the network to get the 3 gb machines all on the same loop. :)
[14:44] <werenerd> DarthFrog: oh yeah, I wanted to have a clean slate
[14:44] <DarthFrog> The switch will sort all that out.
[14:44] <DarthFrog> werenerd: Ouch.
[14:46] <werenerd> DarthFrog: I wanted to see how KDE 4.1 stood up on it's own
[14:46] <werenerd> it is not ready from primetime IMO
[14:46] <DarthFrog> I have found knetworkmanager in KDE 4.1 to be a useless pile of donkey dung. I use the regular Ubuntu networkmanager app. I'm running Intrepid beta.
[14:48] <werenerd> DarthFrog: really? you don't use the kde 3.5 version?
[14:49] <DarthFrog> werenerd: Nope. KDE 4.1.2
[14:50] <DarthFrog> I don't know if KDE 3.5 is even available in Intrepid. I think they've left it behind.
[14:50] <DarthFrog> can you install network-manager-gnome and try it? I'm presuming that ndiswrapper is working and loading your driver for you.
[14:51] <werenerd> well, I am going to wipe this and start over. Back with 3.5
[14:51] <werenerd> I'll check back later
[14:56] <gulzar> !find ace-acpi
[14:56] <ubottu> 'find' is disabled
[14:56] <gulzar> :(
[14:57] <kgomotso> hi
[14:58] <gulzar> Where could i find acer-acpi ?
[14:58] <gulzar> and also acerwificontroller?
[14:59] <emma> could I have a link to the latest downloadable iso of kubuntu intrepid?
[15:14] <vicvicvic> kubuntu-8.10-beta-desktop-i386 produces unusably huge text when i boot the live cd
[15:15] <vicvicvic> everything is 72pt or so
[15:16] <vicvicvic> any ideas? :o
[15:21] <kr0n05931> hello,
[15:21] <kr0n05931> I am aware that guichan default installs into the wrong place in kubuntu when compiled, where should I install it?
[15:21] <bertram> hi
[15:27] <cuznt> morning kubuntuers
[15:28] <kr0n05931> kubuntuers sounds french :P
[15:29] <jens> hej =)
[15:32] <kr0n05931> wow
[15:32] <kr0n05931> 11k people online on the ubuntu forums
[15:36] <arkygeek> hi all.
[15:36] <arkygeek> !googleearth
[15:36] <ubottu> Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository
[15:36] <arkygeek> !Medibuntu
[15:36] <ubottu> medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[15:37] <arkygeek> does anyone have google earth running fast? here i can get only super slow rendering - as if it is in safe graphics mode... yet glxgears gives me 5500+fps
[15:39] <sirina> bye
[15:40] <Ayabara> where is the info about the wireless networks I have connected to stored?
[15:52] <DarthFrog> Ping.
[15:53] <cecko> hi all, my "df -h" says says this about root partition: 8.9G size 8.7G used, but available: 0
[15:53] <cecko> what is wrong? i cannot download in firefox, nor watch flash videos
[15:54] <DarthFrog> cecko: That's correct. Approx 5% of a file system is reserved, only root can use it.
[15:54] <cuznt> !glxgears
[15:54] <ubottu> To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal.
[15:54] <zer0o> hi guys, do you have any idea about which are the standard measures of a website page's header?
[15:56] <cecko> DarthFrog, thank you
[15:56] <DarthFrog> Ayabara: Have a look at:~/.kde/share/config/knetworkmanagerrc
[15:56] <DarthFrog> cecko: You're welcome.
[15:57] <FoxIII> Hi all. Is there a program which will allow me to record my notes, enabling me to search easily. I know I could use a WP, but I don't want to use that.
[15:57] <Ayabara> DarthFrog: thanks. so the stored info isn't shared between gnome and kde?
[15:58] <DarthFrog> Ayabara: I don't run GNOME so I can't say.
[15:59] <Ayabara> DarthFrog: I run a little bit of both :)
[15:59] <Ayabara> thanks for the info
[16:01] <avihayb> say, I want to emulate windows xp, on a standard kubuntu installation on a 32 bit core 2 computer
[16:02] <avihayb> I want to run a graphicly intensive software, that I know that it can work with a cirus logic video card, tough I prefer something better
[16:02] <avihayb> what program would you recommend?
[16:02] <avihayb> for the emulation that is?
[16:03] <FoxIII> virtualbox would probably be the best avihayb
[16:03] <cuznt> i have the google earth package for utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth is there any faq to help build it?
[16:03] <avihayb> because it's an improvement on qemu?
[16:04] <FoxIII> I find it much easier to use with regard to settings. I think you have a lot more control.
[16:05] <DarthFrog> cuznt: Why do you want to do that??
[16:05] <DarthFrog> !googleearth
[16:05] <ubottu> Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository
[16:06] <DarthFrog> !medibuntu | cuznt
[16:06] <ubottu> cuznt: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[16:06] <cuznt> ty
[16:06] <DarthFrog> np
[16:07] <blackflag> someone installed mandriva directory services on ubuntu and can give me some hints?
[16:07] <cuznt> so... good luck eh?
[16:07] * cuznt is a novice.... heh... i got to start readin more
[16:08] <cuznt> oh wait .....
[16:08] * cuznt stfu's
[16:09] <cuznt> now if i could make my web cam work
[16:09] <avihayb> microdia?
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Jontzzu
[16:20] <avihayb> FoxIII: Have you heard about xen?
[16:20] <FoxIII> No. Never heard of it. What is it?
[16:21] <Serva> how do I use google talk on kubuntu?
[16:21] <avihayb> It's a software that runs before the os
[16:22] <avihayb> it then gives the first os special privleges on the hardware
[16:22] <avihayb> and lets you run other OS as guest OSs
[16:22] <avihayb> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xen
[16:22] <FoxIII> Sounds interesting.
[16:22] <scriptx> Serva: use pidgin
[16:22] <avihayb> seems I won't be able to use a standard kubuntu dough
[16:22] <scriptx> www.pidgin.im
[16:23] <avihayb> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xen
[16:24] <DarthFrog> If you're interested in virtualisation, you don't need Xen. Linux has it's own KVM built-in!
[16:27] <AB> am I the only one who was problems with Skype in Kubuntu. Like -if my lap is working really hard skype is the first thing to crash :/
[16:28] <aotianlong> reinstall it may be can void this.
[16:28] <mrunagi> !flash
[16:28] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[16:29] <aotianlong> !automan ?
[16:29] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about automan ?
[16:29] <aotianlong> !what ?
[16:29] <ubottu> I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[16:29] <aotianlong> :)
[16:29] <AB> haha
[16:29] <zer0o> hi guys is there a way to prevent a window closing? i mean if im running an app and accidentally push the X botton to close it, is there a way i can make a pop-up window warning me, like asking me "do you really want to close this app?" that will be really useful, is there a way?
[16:30] <DarthFrog> zer0o: Check window settings in System Settings.
[16:30] <AB> zer0o: remove X as hot key ?
[16:30] <kniolet> you mean like automatically for every application?
[16:31] <AB> what IRC-client does peole use for Kubuntu ?
[16:31] <kniolet> Konversation
[16:31] <aotianlong> AB KONVERSATION
[16:31] <DarthFrog> Right now, I'm using Chatzilla.
[16:31] <AB> no one uses irssi ?
[16:31] <FoxIII> kvirc here
[16:31] <zer0o> i dont mean automatically for every window but there's this app im interested about, and it doesnt ask it by default, how can i make it ask?
[16:31] <DarthFrog> I used to use Kopete but it doesn't do IRC anymore. :-(
[16:32] <mrunagi> i cant seem to get flash to play in firefox
[16:32] <AB> i'm having a HUGE problem setting charset in IRSSI :(
[16:32] <aotianlong> mrunagi: i can.
[16:32] <aotianlong> my firefox with no problem
[16:32] <kniolet> zer0o: i dount there is a way to do that on a per app basis, email the author of tha app and ask them to add it in (or if you know c++, add it in yourself ;) )
[16:33] <aotianlong> konversation is nice.
[16:33] <mrunagi> aotianlong: what did u do to get it to work
[16:34] <aotianlong> kniolet: :)
[16:34] <aotianlong> kniolet: good way.
[16:34] <zer0o> hmmm
[16:34] <aotianlong> mrunagi: firefox3
[16:34] <aotianlong> just click install plugin button
[16:35] <kniolet> re converstion, if you are on lots of channels, you may want to change the chanel list to the left instead of the bottom
[16:35] <aotianlong> follow it,then installed.
[16:35] <kniolet> otherwise it gets to where you cant read the names of the rooms
[16:36] <kniolet> (its under settings->intertace->tabs->look->placement, i think)
[16:36] <aotianlong> a private problem
[16:36] <avihayb> zer0o: you can remove the close button
[16:36] <aotianlong> give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses
[16:37] <avihayb> on a per ap basis
[16:37] <aotianlong> what __ you __ (buy) yesterday?
[16:38] <zer0o> how do i remove it? cannot i just set it to send the app to the icon tray?
[16:38] <avihayb> ok, I might have a mistake there
[16:38] <avihayb> well, if you right click it's icon in the title bar, there is an option called window behaviour
[16:39] <aotianlong> english is difficult , i hate it.
[16:40] <avihayb> there is an option called closeable
[16:40] <avihayb> zer0o:
[16:40] <avihayb> try it
[16:40] <zer0o> where?
[16:41] <avihayb> well, I don't see an uncloseable
[16:41] <avihayb> the program's icon in the title bar, it opens a drop down list
[16:42] <avihayb> on that list, there is an option called configure window behaviour
[16:43] <zer0o> i've already tried to modify the specific window behaviour but apparently there's not such a thing
[16:43] <mauri> audacious starts at every song file selected. I would like to play only one at once
[16:43] <avihayb> you need to add one
[16:44] <avihayb> in the window behaviour window, you shoyld pick window specific
[16:44] <avihayb> then you need to create a new "rule"
[16:45] <avihayb> then you can press the detect button, and pick the program you want
[16:45] <avihayb> to add the rules to
[16:47] <avihayb> but other then changeing transperansy, I don't see anything that will actualy help you not to close it
[16:47] <zer0o> yes
[16:47] <zer0o> me neither
[16:47] <zer0o> alright thanks though
[16:48] <avihayb> DarthFrog: Does a standard kubuntu comes with the KVM kernel module built in?
[16:48] <mauri> every time I riproduce a mp3 file, audaciuos application continues to starts with every files
[16:49] <mauri> I would like to reproduce only one sond at once
[16:49] <DarthFrog> avihayb: I don't know, sorry. I know off KVM but have never played with it. We use Virtuozzo for our server virtualisation.
[16:50] <avihayb> :-<
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[16:52] <wesleyp> How can I upgrade to KDE4 while removing KDE3? Last time I installed KDE 4 it doubled all the directories in Kicker
[16:57] <Xcript> Hello there
[16:59] <oem> hola
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[17:01] <wesleyp> hey
[17:09] <Serva> How do I register a nick name?
[17:09] <bazhang> !register
[17:09] <ubottu> Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode
[17:10] <Serva> tks
[17:10] <bazhang> np
[17:12] <mauri> audacious starts at every mp selected....i would like to open it once
[17:12] <matadamas> hello
[17:12] <matadamas> i need help
[17:13] <cuznt> try just stating your prob matadamas
[17:13] <cuznt> someone will see it know the answer and tell you
=== Goan is now known as Goan_
=== Goan_ is now known as Goan
[17:17] <cuznt> try just stating your prob here matadamas
[17:18] <matadamas> hello i have a problem, i have installed ubuntu apache mod perl but i cant run cgi applications
[17:19] <matadamas> the message error is 500 internal server error
[17:19] <matadamas> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
[17:19] <matadamas> somebody can help me
[17:21] <stdin> matadamas: usually mean there is an error in the script, check the server log /var/log/apache2/error.log
[17:22] <stdin> (you may need to be root or in the adm group to read it)
[17:22] <matadamas> i found teh error log
[17:22] <matadamas> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
[17:23] <stdin> that's what was shown in the browser, not in the log
[17:23] <matadamas> malformed header from script Bad header=hello world: test.cgi
[17:23] <stdin> you need to print the HTML headers in the script
[17:24] * Nasj eten
[17:24] <stdin> matadamas: you need to print "Content-Type: text/html" and a blank line, then whatever else you want to send
[17:24] <Tm_T> Nasj: er?
[17:25] <FoxIII> Hi all. Is there a program which will allow me to record my notes, enabling me to search easily. I know I could use a WP, but I don't want to use that.
[17:26] <Tm_T> FoxIII: basket?
[17:26] <FoxIII> Sounds interesting. I'll check it out.
[17:27] <matadamas> stdin now the error is Premature end of script headers: test.cgi
[17:27] <stdin> matadamas: make sure it prints that line, then a new line, then anything else you want
[17:27] <matadamas> ok im trying
[17:27] <stdin> it must have a blank line before the content
[17:32] <matadamas> yeahh my test it works
[17:32] <matadamas> thanks stdin
[17:39] <matadamas> how change the editor jed language to spanish?
[17:53] <ActionParsnip> yo yo yo
[18:09] <mordvin> Привет
[18:12] <rogan> !ru
[18:12] <ubottu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[18:17] <msi> всем хай
=== george_ is now known as gwp1
[18:26] <sander_> i have a weird problem... i've compiled the 1.0.18rc3 alsa driver (both with and without isapnp) and everything went smoothly, no problems regarding modprobing the driver or anything; everything seems to be hunkydory. Excepting the fact that it doesn't work... cat'ing /proc/asound/cards comes up emtpy and naturally kmix cannot find any current mixer. Anyone have an idea to where to proceed?
[18:27] <gwp1> Is that the correct driver for your card?
[18:29] <sander_> aye, as far as i can tell
[18:29] <sander_> the card is an asus xonar d1, and i'm using the virtuoso driver
[18:35] <giuseppe_> Hi, my notebook is not able to shutdown, anyone can help me?
[18:36] <giuseppe_> so... anyone?
[18:38] <sigra_> Anyone know a IM for kubuntu that you can display your pic and see others pic for msn and yahoo
[18:38] <sander_> kopete?
[18:39] <sigra_> tried kopete. dont work
[18:39] <giuseppe_> amsn
[18:39] <sigra_> got msn part work..but yahoo dont work see others or show mine
[18:39] <sigra_> sometimes does..but its real glitchy
[18:39] <giuseppe_> Please, somebody can help me?
[18:40] <arty_> hi all pls help if I connect on server with ssh -x and write fillezilla they write me
[18:40] <arty_> arty@Server:~$ filezilla
[18:40] <arty_> Error: Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly?
[18:40] <lkjasa> ssh -X ?
[18:40] <arty_> lkjasa: yes
[18:40] <lkjasa> checked sshd_config?
[18:41] <arty_> not yet
[18:41] <lkjasa> should have "X11Forwarding yes"
[18:44] <arty_> lkjasa: omg Im lol
[18:44] <arty_> I write ssh -x I must write ssh -X
[18:45] <dennister> dygash: how r u making out with your 'new' kubuntu machine?
[18:45] <dygash> Hey dennister
[18:45] <dennister> thought i'd keep an eye out for ya :)
[18:46] <lkjasa> arty_: heh that's what I meant when I asked "ssh -X ?"... :)
[18:47] <arty_> lkjasa: thx m8
[18:47] <lkjasa> np
[18:47] <arty_> paprna: ahoj
[18:47] <paprna> ahoj :]
[18:48] <paprna> si rikam, kdo mna higlihtuje ;]
[18:48] * Nasj back
[18:54] <Schuenemann> hey, does anyone how can I make firefox work with openjdk for applets?
=== avihayb_ is now known as avihayb
[18:58] <avihayb> if anyone is interested, I took DarthFrog's advice and decided to use KVM. KVM turns your os into a virtual cpu manager, allowing you to run other OSs on the same CPU.
[19:05] <the_low> ok, #ubuntu seems pretty busy, maybe someone here has a quick solution:
[19:05] <the_low> I've got an old machine here running 6.06LTS. It has 12 drives as a raid5-compound which contains a luks-encrypted ext3 fs. In other words: A fsck run takes bloody ages. However, it would like to do one NOW while I would love to simply boot NOW. Is there anyway to circumvent the fsck at startup? ctrl-c won't do the trick.
[19:06] <dwidmann> the_low: you could probably mount it from a livecd, then edit the fstab so that it won't run fsck anymore (or run it less often)
[19:08] <the_low> hm. ok, I had hope there would be a simpler solution that doesn't include digging for a spare cd-rom drive, but thanks :)
[19:08] <the_low> well, it'll still be faster than waiting 3h+ for fsck to finish
[19:09] <dwidmann> the_low: the end of the fstab lines is two numbers between 0 and 2, the first is dump, the second is pass, if the second number is set to 0 then it won't run fsck, 1 is for the root filesystem, 2 is for things to be fsck'd.
[19:10] <the_low> oh, stupid me, the fstab is even on the unencrypted fs. I'll just use a usb = sata adapter and my notebook
[19:11] <the_low> dwidmann: thank you :)
[19:19] <Guildenstern> was there a date anounced already by which the 8.10 gots released?
[19:19] <Guildenstern> I have to install a new PC and I'd like to wait for 8.10
[19:21] <avihayb> Guildenstern: for ubuntu, there is
[19:21] <Guildenstern> and Kubuntu?
[19:22] <avihayb> I belive that they try to release on the same day
[19:22] <Dragnslcr> I believe it's the 30th
[19:22] <avihayb> they say in kubuntu.com that it's released in 12 days
[19:23] <avihayb> yI mean, that it will be released in...
[19:23] <Dragnslcr> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule
[19:26] <Guildenstern> thanks
[19:27] <anderson> ???
[19:27] <Chris_Foster> Hi, I had a wirless adapter plugged into kubuntu and it worked great, but now I removed it and I dont want to use wireless anymore. BUt every time I login the network manager tries to load wireless and I get annoying failed to connect messages from a bunch of applications until they all go into waiting for 2 minutes mode, then I can disable wireless and it works. I dont want to have wireless automatically, any way to fix?
[19:28] <anderson> Alguém aqui fala português???
[19:29] <DarthFrog> Chris_Foster: Use networkmanager to delete the wireless connection.
[19:29] <DarthFrog> !pt
[19:29] <ubottu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[19:29] <Chris_Foster> DarthFrog: I've already done that
[19:30] <beata> Mmkay, why would a cifs mount not allow write accesses except for the user specified in the mount options?
[19:31] <beata> Could be wrong, but I do remember it working at one point.
[19:32] <beata> Or is there a better place to ask?
[19:33] <itsatrick> Hi. Over the past few days I've been downloading an iso file. I successfully downloaded the file, but now, for some reason, the file is uploading. Why is this?
[19:33] <Dragnslcr> itsatrick- how did you download it?
[19:33] <Chris_Foster> itsatrick: if your using a torrent client, then your sharing it with other people who are downloading it
[19:34] <Chris_Foster> itsatrick: Thanks how torrents work, you download them from other people, that in turn download them from you. Its a big sharing netowrk
[19:34] <Chris_Foster> *netowrk
[19:34] <Chris_Foster> *network, lol
[19:35] <itsatrick> Dragnslcr: I went to the KUbuntu page and download the ISO file.
[19:35] <itsatrick> Am I safe to stop the task?
[19:35] <DarthFrog> itsatrick: Yes.
[19:36] <itsatrick> Thanks.
[19:37] <johan_> Heya, I am testing the 8.10 beta (64bit). I wonder, is it only me, or are there very few packages available?
[19:38] <johan_> For example, if I search for "firefox" in Adept, I find nothing.
[19:41] <manuela> hey
[19:42] <johan_> Hullo
[19:43] <EvilDaemon> is #kubuntu+1 a channel?
[19:44] <EvilDaemon> nope, forwarded to #ubuntu+1
[19:44] <EvilDaemon> thanks everyone.
[19:45] <kr0n05931> hmm
[19:45] <kr0n05931> where is the GRUB list at?
[19:46] <kr0n05931> nvm, I found it
[19:47] <kr0n05931> why are there multiple kubuntu entries in the grub.lst file?
[19:47] <kr0n05931> are these really needed?
[19:48] <kr0n05931> ah nevermind
[19:48] <kr0n05931> I see that there are different kernel versions
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[19:52] <blackflag> I just installed openldap. Can someoen tell me which user is the admin user? cause I can not log in to ldap , wrong credentials. I tried root, admin, but there are all wrong?
[19:53] <blackflag> can someone help?
[19:55] <kr0n05931> I can't wait for 8.10
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[20:00] <david_> I'm trying to burn an Audio CD with k3b, but it doesn't know how to convert MP3 to WAV. Installing extralibs uninstalls k3b. What to do?
[20:02] <david_> Any support people here?
[20:03] <the_low> david_: hardy?
[20:04] <david_> urm... how do i check? it's the current (not bleeding edge) version.
[20:04] <the_low> ok
[20:04] <the_low> sec
[20:05] <the_low> you need the libk3b2-extracodecs package
[20:05] <the_low> it contains ffmpeg and mp3 support
[20:06] <the_low> before hardy it was called libk3b2-mp3
[20:07] <the_low> stupid me, libk3b3-extracodecs
[20:07] <the_low> not 2
[20:07] <the_low> sri
[20:07] <david_> Ah. libk3b2-extracodecs actually *removes* k3b
[20:07] <the_low> yes
[20:07] <the_low> see above
[20:07] <the_low> libk3b3
[20:08] <david_> it installed, let me check k3b...
[20:08] <gwp1> how do you alt tab or minimize in full screen application (game)
=== uman is now known as cnem
[20:10] <david_> YAY! That looks like it works. (It's been bugging me for _months_).
[20:10] <the_low> not to be rude, but googling for "hardy mp3 k3b" brought up a solution in seconds ;)
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
[20:11] <johan_> Is there an alternative to Dolphin?
[20:12] <david_> Yeah, having the *right* keyword helps. Not having "hardy" gets me to instructions that breaks things. :roll:
[20:12] <david_> Thanks again!
[20:12] <cnem> Hello everyone, I have a pretty big problem. I have no idead how, but for some reason a truecrypt volume file I had got deleted. It is in the ubuntu (8.04) trash and if i mount the file from there all the files that are int the volume are fine. However, i copied the file form the trash to another folder, and when I mounted the copy, all the files were missing. What can I do to recover the file from the trash can or copy it without losing the data. PS: I only
[20:12] <cnem> have room in the root partition so i need tu use sudo i guess, or how can i chmod a folder in root / so i can drag and drop it? Thanks
[20:21] <manish> I have tried to install theme using KDM Theme Manager but it always says "It is not a valid KDM theme archive" Is there any way i can install a MacOS X theme on to my system --- Please help
[20:22] <manish> please can you help me out
[20:23] <manish> want to install a MacOS X theme on Kubuntu 8.04 and am trying since 6 days -- no success -- am a new bie
=== Goan_ is now known as Goan
[20:25] <manish> please can some body tell me how do i install Mac OS X theme in Kubuntu 8.04. I am tired of googling for days now. ALways get stuck some where or the other
[20:27] <NauarchLysander> How can I see hidden folders?
=== vlad is now known as drywater
[20:35] <avihayb> NauarchLysander: with what program? dolphin?
[20:36] <NauarchLysander> avihayb: Konqueror
[20:36] <avihayb> show hidden files under the view menu
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[20:37] <NauarchLysander> avihayb: Ok, thanks. I'm a bit stupid... ;)
[20:38] <GaMbi_DK> anyone who can tell me how to access ccsm in kubuntu? It is installed but dont know the command.. and the icon isnt there :S
[20:38] <avihayb> or maybe you just missed it
[20:38] <avihayb> it happens
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[20:38] <GaMbi_DK> desktop effects is set to custom..
[20:38] <avihayb> !ccsm
[20:38] <ubottu> To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion
[20:38] <GaMbi_DK> where do I customize?
[20:39] <contrast> Greets, everyone...
[20:39] <GaMbi_DK> nvm :) found it
[20:41] <contrast> I'm trying to add a user that will have read+write permissions to everything the default user has access to. Anyone know of an easy way to do this besides putting the new user in the default user's group and giving group read+write permissions to everything I want the new user to have access to?
[20:42] <vicente> hola amigos
[20:43] <contrast> !hi | vicente
[20:43] <ubottu> vicente: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[20:43] <vicente> gracias
[20:44] <vicente> como va todo
[20:44] <Robb_M> !es | vicente
[20:44] <ubottu> vicente: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[20:44] <Robb_M> sorry, i just knew that if i didnt do that....we wouldnt be able to help him, i only know a limited ammount of spanish :(
[20:44] <vicente> hi
[20:44] <vicente> ok
[20:44] <Robb_M> hello :D
[20:47] <GaMbi_DK> Can anyone tell me why my system slows down when I run two separated X screens? (nvidia) and apply effects? is there a fix for this?
[20:48] <Robb_M> compiz itself takes a lot of memory.......and putting 2 x screens just takes up more....
[20:48] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: Any reason you're running seperate screens as opposed to TwinView?
=== nick_ is now known as Candy|Corpses
[20:51] <Candy|Corpses> hello?
[20:51] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, TwinView works great.. but I want to be able to switch desktop on monitor and still be able to see movies on second screen(TV)
[20:51] <Robb_M> !hi | Candy|Corpses
[20:51] <ubottu> Candy|Corpses: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[20:51] * Candy|Corpses waves
[20:51] <Candy|Corpses> wow. been a long time since i used irc.
[20:51] * Robb_M waves back...
[20:51] <Candy|Corpses> lol
[20:52] <Robb_M> lol yeah, the first time i got back after 3 years i was like..wow...i need to re-learn all the commands.
[20:52] <Candy|Corpses> yep
[20:52] * Robb_M had to re-learn it because of *buntu...i needed help...
[20:52] <Robb_M> now..im helping :)
[20:52] <Candy|Corpses> nice
[20:52] <Robb_M> anyways..got a question for us?
[20:52] <Candy|Corpses> uhmmm
[20:52] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: Got cha... I had fiddled with that a while back (I have a home theater PC also). I think I read it's *possible* to get fullscreen apps (e.g., a video player playing a movie, games) to display properly w/ TwinView, but I didn't look too far into it.
[20:53] <Candy|Corpses> not really
[20:53] <Robb_M> ok
[20:53] <Candy|Corpses> unless you can help me install drivers for nvidia gforce 4 mx 4000
[20:53] <Candy|Corpses> :D
[20:53] <Candy|Corpses> i know i cannot be running x server
[20:53] * Robb_M isnt one of the regulars in here...so i dont really know whos who....
[20:53] <Candy|Corpses> ok
[20:53] <Robb_M> i dont have an nvidia graphics card..so..nope..cant help
[20:53] <Candy|Corpses> im stuck with "nv" driver for now. but its not that bad
[20:54] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, got any links? :O iw spent hours to get this fixed.. also when I download files ti my desktop they show up on TV (the TV is to the left of my monitor)
[20:54] <Candy|Corpses> everyone using kubuntu 8.10?
[20:54] <kr0n05931> im using 8.04
[20:54] <kr0n05931> I won't even touch a linux beta
[20:54] <Candy|Corpses> check out 8.10. its pretty neat
[20:55] <kr0n05931> =X
[20:55] <Spragie> yeah im good on beta
[20:55] <kr0n05931> last beta I tried ate windows
[20:55] <Candy|Corpses> it works great for me. and i run an old pc
[20:55] <Candy|Corpses> hahaha
[20:55] <Spragie> im getting ready to install kubuntu over ubuntu
[20:55] <Robb_M> shouldnt beta talk be carried elsewhere?
[20:55] * kr0n05931 goes back to reading man bash
[20:55] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, thats why im running separated x screens.. then the files ends up on monitor.. and I can change desktops on my monitor and TV is still on the same.. :)
[20:55] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: you already have nvidia-settings installed?
[20:56] <Candy|Corpses> yeha
[20:56] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, yea.. the newest with envyNG
[20:56] <Candy|Corpses> but not the drivers
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[20:56] <Candy|Corpses> i had to manualy set it to "nv" in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[20:57] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, I know how to work with it if thats what you mean.. I changed allot of stuff in the xorg.conf over the last days.. always with a backup ofc.. any tips? :)
[20:57] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: i thought that the icons would show up on the desktop of whichever screen is set to be the main screen in nvidia-settings. i might be wrong though - sorry i can't be much help, it's been a while since i messed with it.
[20:57] <Candy|Corpses> because it would not start x with "nvidia" drivers
[20:58] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: 'fraid not. i googled for a couple hours, got frustrated and gave up on it. :-\
[20:58] <ralpho> kubuntu 8.10 beats osx and vista add compiz and well its just out of the park
[20:58] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, windows (movies etc) opens on main.. but files dosn't due to rule of "put as fare left as possible" dont know if that can be changed :S
[20:59] <Candy|Corpses> yeah, once i get better graphics card err new motherboard, imma install compiz.. but for now. i like not crashing x
[20:59] <Candy|Corpses> ;D
[20:59] <ralpho> kde4 takes some learning but we all will
[20:59] <Candy|Corpses> yeh
[20:59] <Candy|Corpses> ive noticed
[20:59] <GaMbi_DK> ralpho, you'r using 8.10? no problems at all? :P
[20:59] <Candy|Corpses> like your desktop is not really your desktop
[20:59] <Candy|Corpses> lol
[20:59] <contrast> meh... kde 4's not nearly configurable enough for my liking yet. i'm giving it some time.
[20:59] <Robb_M> kde4 and kde 3.whatever are almost totally different?
[20:59] <ralpho> none yet im lovin it like mickey d's
[21:00] <contrast> Robb_M: yep
[21:00] <Robb_M> mickey d's is da bomb dude
[21:00] <Candy|Corpses> uhmmm. so you hate it? lol
[21:00] * Robb_M sighs
[21:00] <Robb_M> man...relearn KDE...yay
[21:00] <Robb_M> wasnt on my agenda for today..but..oh well :D
[21:01] <contrast> Lancelot is sick though - best thing in KDE 4 yet IMO
[21:01] <Candy|Corpses> same stuff, new gui
[21:01] <Candy|Corpses> :D
[21:01] <Makuseru> Are there any programs that let you convert MKV files to MPEG files, I have "Multimedia Converter" and it will do it, but I cant select what audio track and subtitle track I want from the MKV file. Does anyone know any programs that will let me do this?
[21:01] <ralpho> big mac rules f flamebroiled chemical taste
[21:01] <Robb_M> oh so nothings really changed as far as applications?
[21:01] <Candy|Corpses> wt eff is a MKV file?
[21:01] <contrast> Robb_M: every kde application has been, or is getting, completely redone for kde4
[21:02] <jussi01> Kde4 discussion in #kubuntu-kde4 and offtopic discussion in #kubuntu-offtopic. Thanks!
[21:02] * Robb_M sighs...fun
[21:02] <manish> how do i install the kde themes downloaded from kde-org.com
[21:02] <contrast> Robb_M: some radically different, some not so much. kde4's dolphin wipes the floor with kde3's.
[21:02] <Candy|Corpses> man, i really want someone to release music open source music production software that works
[21:02] <jussi01> Candy|Corpses: ardour is fantastic!
[21:03] <ralpho> only real problem is nightly builds are sure to break something sooner or later so 8.10 just for fun.
[21:03] <contrast> Candy|Corpses: lmms, audacity, ardour, rosegarden - you've tried all of those?
[21:03] <Makuseru> Candy|Corpses: its a type of video file that can support more than one video, audio, and subtitle tracks that you can switch between
[21:03] <Candy|Corpses> if you can get the dependencies and make it compile
[21:03] <Candy|Corpses> yepp
[21:03] <Robb_M> sorry jussi01, didnt realize we had a seperate kde4 room...
[21:03] <Candy|Corpses> and mixx. wired. etc
[21:03] <jussi01> Candy|Corpses: ardour and all of thoseare in the repositories
[21:03] <Candy|Corpses> brb
[21:04] <contrast> I'm trying to add a user that will have read+write permissions to everything the default user has access to. Anyone know of an easy way to do this besides putting the new user in the default user's group and giving group read+write permissions to everything I want the new user to have access to?
[21:04] <ralpho> hay that should be kubuntu
[21:04] <ralpho> +1 :(
[21:05] <ralpho> Make me mingle with brown wallpaper people.
[21:14] <Goan> Hi. Has anyone worked with postgresql on kubuntu
[21:15] <Goan> I have just finished installing postgresql to my hardy machine.. but I could not find the documentation for creating a database and start working on it.. on postgresql website
[21:19] <contrast> Goan: did you install the postgresql-doc package? if so, it should be under /usr/share/doc
[21:20] <contrast> Goan: i just ran "apt-cache search postgresql | grep doc" and figured that'd have what you need, but you might want to check the output of that command to see if any other packages catch your eye.
[21:21] <lokpest> since last reboot, amarok cant play mp3 anymore, the program ask if I want to add support, but doesnt when I tell it to do so
[21:21] <lokpest> whats the package to let amarok play mp3 called?
[21:22] <administrator> hello all
[21:22] <Goan> contrast, installing the doc package now
[21:22] <contrast> lokpest: strange. try "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras" - i forget the exact package, but that'll definitely pull it in if it got uninstalled for some reason.
[21:23] <lokpest> hmm
[21:23] <contrast> I'm trying to add a user that will have read+write permissions to everything the default user has access to. Anyone know of an easy way to do this besides putting the new user in the default user's group and giving group read+write permissions to everything I want the new user to have access to?
[21:23] <administrator> just a quick question, what saoftware is best for copying avi's to disk to watch on dvd player???
[21:23] <lokpest> no clue what the mp3-package is, dont like restricted-extras
[21:24] <contrast> administrator: if you're looking for something that'll let you create nice-looking, layered menus, i'd say qdvdauthor. if you want something really quick and easy, devede. they're both in the repos, and getdeb.net has newer versions.
[21:24] <contrast> lokpest: libxine1-ffmpeg i *think*
[21:25] <contrast> lokpest: err, actually looks like it's libxine1-plugins
[21:25] <LjL> lokpest, if you type "apt-cache depends kubuntu-restricted-extras", it shouldn't be hard to guess which package provides mp3 support
[21:25] <contrast> LjL: good call
[21:26] <administrator> thanks very much for your help contrast
[21:26] <contrast> administrator: np
[21:28] <administrator> its just that im new to linux and need to know what programs are best to use lol
[21:30] <contrast> administrator: KMenu -> System -> Konsole -> "sudo apt-get install gnome-app-install" -> KMenu -> System -> Add/Remove -> sort by popularity :-)
[21:31] <contrast> Adept (Kubuntu's default package management frontend) sucks next to Gnome's equivalents.
[21:32] <lokpest> fucking hell, nothing works
[21:32] <contrast> lokpest: o_O ?
[21:32] <LjL> !language
[21:32] <ubottu> Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[21:32] <GaMbi_DK> Something is wrong with my Desktops.. when I apply Desktop effects I can max have two.. when I disable desktop effects it acts funny too.. can I reinstall em or something? plz help ;)
[21:33] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: did you install compizconfig-settings-manager already?
[21:33] <GaMbi_DK> yea
[21:34] <Goan> There are changelog.gz file in postgresql-doc directory, but apprently I cant gzip -c them .. gzip -c filename > destination
[21:34] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, yea.. ccsm.. it worked on ubuntu just fine :) but the desktops are acting up now :S
[21:34] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: Advanced Desktop Effects Settings (or whatever they call it) -> Preferences -> Switch the bottom combobox to Flat-file Configuration Backend -> Back -> General Settings -> Desktop Size
[21:35] <contrast> i've never had much luck with ubuntu's compiz packages, so i've always just compiled it from git and it mostly works perfectly.
[21:37] <administrator> thanks very much contrast im doing that now thanks
[21:38] <contrast> administrator: :)
[21:38] <Goan> contrast, any info about the documentation on postgresql installation
[21:38] <administrator> is this gnome baker??
[21:38] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, still max two :S.. in "Desktop Size" it dosnt allow me to change "Number of Desktops"
[21:38] <contrast> administrator: umm... ?
[21:39] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: and you changed the backend to flat-file?
[21:39] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, yea
[21:39] <administrator> i think i herd something about this program im not sure
[21:40] <contrast> administrator: gnome baker is a burning program, i think, which i definitely would *not* recommend over K3b (Kubuntu's default).
[21:40] <administrator> o yea i seen this in the kmenu
[21:40] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: strange. have you tweaked compiz a lot? if not, i'd just delete (or move) ~/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini and see if that fixes it.
[21:41] <administrator> i tried this program aswell but it wouldnt work for me
[21:41] <contrast> administrator: which program?
[21:41] <administrator> kb3
[21:42] <contrast> Goan: nope, sorry. i know nothing about db's. :-\
[21:42] <administrator> sorry k3b
[21:42] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, now tweaks... I removed the ccsm and the compiz from the "add remove programs" or what ever.. is that enough?
[21:43] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: umm... probably not. removing packages never touches anything in your home directory.
[21:43] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, what do I do?
[21:43] <administrator> "contrast on the konsole it says ldconfig defered processing now taking place" but it not moving
[21:43] <contrast> administrator: yeah, k3b's mainly for burning stuff that's already prepared for being burnt - so you can use devede to make the .iso of the dvd disc, then just burn it with k3b.
[21:44] <administrator> o ryt i see now, o i just use the default settings on devede??
[21:45] <contrast> administrator: you should be able to, yeah. it's pretty intuitive.
[21:46] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: rm -r .config/compizconfig/compiz
[21:46] <administrator> contrast: so i need ot make it an iso beofre i can burn??
[21:47] <contrast> administrator: well, that's the way i usually do it. i think you can also just convert them to dvd-ready mpegs, or have it create the dvd folder structure containing the videos (video_ts/ and audio_ts/)
[21:48] <contrast> administrator: i know a lot of dvd players will play data discs with avis on them. did you try that already?
[21:48] <administrator> nope i havent tried that
[21:49] <contrast> of course you won't have a menu or any of the niceties that way... if you've got a really slow computer, i'd recommend that since converting the videos to DVD format can take hours. otherwise, just make the .iso with devede.
[21:49] <administrator> contrast: how long should this take to convert to iso using devede??
[21:51] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, .config/compiz/compizconfig/xonfig?
[21:51] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, .config/compiz/compizconfig/config?
[21:51] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: ~/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini - but i'd just delete the whole compiz directory to be sure. note that this will reset *all* changes you've made in ccsm, so you may want to backup Default.ini first
[21:52] <gwp1> how do you alt tab or minimize in full screen application (game)
[21:52] <contrast> administrator: depends on a lot of things - length of the video, resolution, bitrate, etc. in my experience, on average, converting a movie takes around two hours on my P4 3.4GHz w/ HT
[21:52] <administrator> im only using a 1.7ghz
[21:53] <contrast> administrator: dual-core?
[21:53] <administrator> yes dual core
[21:53] <contrast> i think devede has a checkbox for utilizing multiple cores for the conversion, so you should be alright...
[21:54] <administrator> o ryt ill try anyway
[21:54] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, .config/compiz deleted.. desktops still acting up.. only two of the 4 works.. 1 and 3 will open desktop 1... 2 and 4 will open desktop 2
[21:54] <administrator> contrast: so making th iso splits it into sound and picture files??
[21:55] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: how are you switching to them?
[21:55] <GaMbi_DK> concernedcitizen, pushing the 4 icons on my bar
[21:55] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, even sorry concernedcitizen
[21:55] <contrast> administrator: no. it just creates a single file which is ready to be burnt as a video dvd
[21:56] <administrator> o ryt ok no probs i will try that out, how do we do it if we just want the film and no menu??
[21:56] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: the pager doesn't always work right. try control+alt+left/right?
[21:56] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: you can set shortcuts for each desktop in the Rotate Cube plugin in CCSM as well
[21:57] <GaMbi_DK> flips like cube effect with only two desktops
[21:57] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: in Desktop Size - you have horizontal set to 4 and vertical set to 1?
[21:58] <contrast> administrator: the menu's optional. it's pretty self-explanatory w/ devede. :)
[21:58] <chuxxsss> Hi all
[21:58] <contrast> !hi | chuxxsss
[21:58] <ubottu> chuxxsss: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[21:59] <contrast> I'm trying to add a user that will have read+write permissions to everything the default user has access to. Anyone know of an easy way to do this besides putting the new user in the default user's group and giving group read+write permissions to everything I want the new user to have access to?
[21:59] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, no.. horizontal is 2 vertical 1
[21:59] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: so set horiz to 4 ;-)
[21:59] <administrator> ok thanks for all your help i will try this out
[21:59] <administrator> speak to you soon contrast
[21:59] <contrast> administrator: have fun
[22:00] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, worked.. but damn they are big :)
[22:00] <chuxxsss> anyone no how to change prefs in kmess it keeps opening screem instead of say firefox
[22:00] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: there's an option for how the cube is displayed across multiple monitors as well - either in general settings, desktop cube or rotate cube - i forget which one.
[22:01] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: you can always use Advanced Search in CCSM to look for a certain option
[22:01] <contrast> chuxxsss: i've never used KMess, but most KDE apps are configured via Settings -> Configure <Program Name>
[22:02] <chuxxsss> contrast thanks will look again
[22:02] <contrast> chuxxsss: do you have screem set as your default browser? (KMenu -> System Settings -> Default Applications -> Web Browser)
[22:04] <chuxxsss> contrast no it change 2 update ago
[22:04] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, thx... now it works as in ubuntu.. but damn Id like if I could rotate my monitor desktops and TV separately
[22:05] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: i'm pretty sure it's possible, but you'll want to ask google about that one.
[22:05] <GaMbi_DK> done that for days contrast :P
[22:05] <contrast> heh, sorry
[22:06] <contrast> GaMbi_DK: might also ask in #compiz-fusion
[22:08] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, thx for all the help :) was great
[22:08] <contrast> no problem :)
[22:08] <GaMbi_DK> contrast, gonna try #compiz-fusion and google some more.. cya
[22:09] <contrast> peace
[22:09] <beata> Oh hey. Any ideas about getting an 'open with' context item to open with a remote process?
[22:09] <chuxxsss> contrast:Browser set for firefox already. no setting or config in kmess which I can play with mate
[22:10] <chuxxsss> and by the way who ever made controlcenter thank you u r gr8
=== simon__ is now known as oo0
[22:11] <contrast> chuxxsss: i'm not sure then, sorry. does kmess have any features kopete is lacking?
[22:11] <oo0> my wirless dosn't working after update!
[22:11] <contrast> chuxxsss: +1 to that - Control Center >>>>> System Settings
[22:11] <chuxxsss> :)
[22:12] <contrast> oo0: what'd you have to do to get it working initially?
[22:12] <oo0> a download pack
[22:13] <oo0> but after a update it dosn't work
[22:13] <contrast> oo0: the last update came with a new kernel, so you probably just need to reinstall the module for your card and reboot.
[22:13] <oo0> madwifi-tools
[22:13] <contrast> oo0: i assume the Restricted Hardware Manager didn't work for you?
[22:13] <beata> I have a bit of an intermittant problem with wifi as well, with a new Intrepid install. But I'm also running remotely.
[22:14] <chuxxsss> kmess is ezier to use
[22:14] <oo0> hm.. ok
[22:15] <contrast> well, guys, i'm off. peace
[22:15] <chuxxsss> contract And Kmess is better in one to one chats
[22:16] <chuxxsss> contract same back
[22:17] <beata> Mine's a BCM4306.
[22:25] <epimeth> why is my firefox ugly like in KDE4?
[22:25] <epimeth> and more importantly, how do I fix it?
[22:25] <epimeth> I tried installing a new theme and it looks the same :-(
[22:26] <xevix> one theory of firefox's creation is that konqi farted one day and fire came out of his butt instead of his mouth, and caught a poor animal on fire
[22:26] <xevix> that's probably why it doesn't quite blend in
[22:29] <epimeth> interesting...
[22:29] <epimeth> konqui should definitely replace his head with his ass then
[22:29] <epimeth> cuz KHTML needs a lot of work
[22:30] <xevix> hahahah
[22:33] <avihayb> !kvm
[22:33] <ubottu> kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM
[22:35] <messed-up> hi all.. im having problems. im trying to get my wifi card up and running. my card is a old broadcom. uses chip 4306. im trying to follow the instructions on http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-b43legacy
[22:35] <messed-up> but i only get error when i try to make.
[22:36] <messed-up> btw, im in windows now..
[22:36] <messed-up> how can i get it to work?
[22:36] <messed-up> fwcutter want to go online and fetch the firmware if i understand that thingy correct.
[22:37] * Nasj gone
[22:37] <messed-up> thats kinda messed up.. how the h*** can i go online when i dont have the firmware.
[22:38] <messed-up> anyone got an idea on howto fix?
[22:40] <epimeth> messed-up: you can download it manually... its all in the instructions somewhere. I had the same problems :-)
[22:40] <messed-up> epimethwhat instuctions? not in the one im reading
[22:41] <messed-up> can you point me to that?
[22:41] <epimeth> lets see if I can find them...
[22:41] <epimeth> !bcm
[22:41] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[22:41] <messed-up> that would be nice
[22:42] <epimeth> !fwcutter
[22:42] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about fwcutter
[22:42] <messed-up> The requested URL / community/WifiDocs was not found on this server.
[22:42] <messed-up> :(
[22:43] <messed-up> oh wait,, ther was a space in the link
[22:43] <epimeth> messed-up: try this
[22:43] <epimeth> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx
[22:43] <epimeth> and this:
[22:43] <epimeth> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy
[22:43] <messed-up> i'll rad then.. thanks
[22:43] <messed-up> *read
[22:44] <epimeth> no worries!
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[22:45] <messed-up> epimeth are you using b43 or b43legacy or bcm43xx driver?
[22:45] <avihayb> umm, could someone help me set up some sort of graphical frontend to KVM?
[22:46] <epimeth> messed-up: I dunno... mine worked out of the box with hardy
[22:46] <messed-up> ? how come.. you need firmwares for this cards
[22:47] <webas> i still cant sucessfully plug in my sony dsc-w5 digital camera..any help? i tried google but i havent found any guidance there
[22:49] <epimeth> messed-up: sorry.. you're right! I had to run the restricted software updater thing
[22:49] <co_butuh_cinta> ada anak indo ga ya?
[22:49] <epimeth> the hardware drivers app says "broadcom B43 wireless driver"
[22:49] <epimeth> have you tried running that?
[22:50] <epimeth> webas: have you tried help.ubuntu.com
[22:51] <webas> no but im going there right now :)
[22:52] <epimeth> webas: good luck!
[22:52] <webas> no help there.. :) just for novices how to import photos after pluging in the camera :(
[22:53] <epimeth> webas: so you plug it in and *nothing* happens?
[22:53] <epimeth> webas: how about other USB devices? do those work?
[22:54] <webas> nothing happens.. other usb devices? i have non..well flash card works fine :P
[22:54] <epimeth> webas: do you have a windows partition? does it work there?
[22:55] <webas> well i have windows also but its really not fair..restart pc..select windows..take photos..then restart pc..go into linux..copy from windows partition :D
[22:56] <webas> also i found in google that same camera worked fine without nothing
[22:56] <webas> :D
[22:56] <epimeth> webas: that was meant as a check that your USB works :-p
[22:56] <avihayb> lsusb?
[22:56] <avihayb> !lsusb
[22:56] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about lsusb
[22:56] <webas> Bus 001 Device 007: ID 054c:0010 Sony Corp. DSC-S30/S70/S75/F505V/F505/FD92 Cybershot/Mavica Digital Camera
[22:57] <webas> what this means? that it has been detected or what? :)
[22:57] <EvilDaemon> How do I make a shortcut for Konsole?
[22:58] <avihayb> what does Kamera think about it?
[22:58] <webas> what? kamera?
[22:58] <willie_> KDE4 is not doing it for me - the NVIDIA problems are the last straw - if I can't run FGFS in accelerated mode then its no fsking use at all - any ideas on how to gracefully downgrade to 8.04 with KDE3.5 - or am I approaching this problem form the wrong angle?
[22:59] <avihayb> well, some cameras have a wird non-mass storage access to theyre memory
[22:59] <webas> hm im trying to install kamera software.. maybe this wil help
[23:04] <webas> well it found camera but something is still not nice..cant work :D
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir
[23:08] <EvilDaemon> How can I make a keyboard shortcut for konsole?
[23:14] <enemabandit> So I'm running two monitors in 8.04. Everything works fine except for one little problem. The appearance and configuration of my two main panels are different and I can't figure out what settings to mess with to make them the same. Are there any config files I can just copy and paste or something?
[23:24] <rogan> anyone have experience in installing http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/
[23:24] <gregorek> i have overclocked cpu but when i boot into system its reverted to default, powernowd uninstalled, what else can cause that?
[23:27] <Dadounet> hi :)
[23:30] <mot_> are there any failsafe ways to detect an ipod in kubuntu?
[23:30] <mot_> i've tried installing ipodslave, hipo, etc. none of them detect my ipod
[23:31] <mot_> i tried to format it by hand and i'm pretty sure it messed up and just ruined the partition table, now i can't even access the thing to format it
[23:31] <Dadounet> don't know mot_, I just plug it and it works for me
[23:32] <mot_> ....
[23:32] <Dadounet> you should repair it with iTunes I fear
[23:32] <Dadounet> I think I had the same problem some times ago
[23:33] <mot_> meh i'm too lazy to boot into windows
[23:33] <Dadounet> lol
[23:33] <mot_> lemme see if i can get an old version of itunes working i nwine
[23:33] <webas> http://pastie.org/295450 - anyone can help me get into my digital camera? :)
[23:33] <Dadounet> it's possible to install iTunes with linux no ?
[23:34] <mot_> i think older versions, yea.
[23:34] <marcin> how do I connect to the MySQL client? I keep getting Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
[23:34] <marcin> Btw, Im running lammp
[23:34] <marcin> lampp
[23:34] <Dadounet> you can automatically install iTunes 7 with PlayOnLinux
[23:34] <mot_> what's playonlinux?
[23:35] <branden> evening
[23:35] <Dadounet> try google it mot_ ;)
[23:35] <Dadounet> there is even a reposirtory for playonlinux
[23:36] <Dadounet> it's a small apps which can help you to install (via Wine) games and some apps
[23:47] <joe_> salve scusate
[23:47] <joe_> ho appena installato kubuntu e ho un paio di problemi
[23:47] <joe_> primo di tutto configugare il wirless
[23:47] <joe_> ho una broadcom b43
[23:47] <joe_> qualcuno sa aiutarmi?
[23:48] <joe_> c'è nessuno?
[23:48] <rene> algun hispano
[23:50] <rav> hello. I've just updated to the new kernel for kubuntu 8.04.1 and the nvidia driver is not working anymore, so X is not working
[23:51] <joe_> a siete dei froscetti inglesi del xcazzo
[23:51] <favro> !es
[23:51] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[23:51] <joe_> infilatevi il vostro bel linux nel culo
[23:51] <joe_> w il mac
[23:52] <Dadounet> "hello. I've just updated to the new kernel for kubuntu 8.04.1 and the nvidia driver is not working anymore, so X is not working"
[23:52] <Dadounet> hi
[23:52] <Dadounet> use the "nv" drivers
[23:53] <Dadounet> in command line, run "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf", search for the section for your video card where it is written "nvidia" and replace with "nv"
[23:53] <rav> Dadounet: at first it asked me to install displayconfig-gtk. I did, and tried to select the nv driver, and the nvidia driver. neither worked
[23:53] <Dadounet> :/
[23:54] <Dadounet> hm, do you run ibex beta ?
[23:54] <rav> no, still using hardy
[23:54] <Dadounet> ok... (i say that because in ibex, there is a feature to avoid this kind of problem that appears during kernel update :) )
[23:55] <Dadounet> well, i'm not a guru, i don't know sorry
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[23:55] <Dadounet> have you an error message ?
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[23:56] <[|Liam|]> How do you open up Tar.Gz files on Kubuntu?
[23:56] <[|Liam|]> No wait scrap that
[23:56] <[|Liam|]> How do you get Ventrilo working on Kubuntu?
[23:56] <rav> Dadounet: on bootup, everything gets an 'OK', but when it reaches the nvidia driver it says 'Failed'
[23:57] <[|Liam|]> http://www.ventrilo.com/dlprod.php?id=301 - There's this but I can't open up tar.gz files.
[23:57] <DanaKil> use Ark to open tar.gz, no?
[23:57] <DanaKil> rav : have you tried to manually set to "nv" in the xorg.conf ?
[23:58] <rav> DanaKil: no, i used displayconfig-gtk and tried both nvidia and nv
[23:59] <DanaKil> hm, you should use nano to check if your xorg.conf is really updated to "nv" :/