UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /17 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <[reed]> yes
[00:01] <fta> contrast is too high for me, too many apps still have a white background
[00:02] <fta> firefox, lifera, prism (greader/gmail), even some gtk apps
[00:10] <[reed]> well
[00:10] <[reed]> I mean specifically the desktop background
[00:10] <fta> asac, http://news.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/stacked-branches-holding-post
[00:12] <fta> i'm quite surprised by "For the code that we Launchpad developers work on, ..., it now takes less than two minutes to push up a branch. It used to take an hour and a half"
[00:12] <Starks> fta
[00:13] <fta> ?
[00:13] <Starks> i can't get hinting or subpixel to work with firefox 3.1 or tb 3
[00:13] <fta> Starks, that's mozilla bug 458612
[00:13] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 458612 in GFX: Thebes "Font regression using system cairo" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458612
[00:14] <Starks> how do i fix?
[00:14] <Starks> /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-no-sub-pixel.conf
[00:14] <Starks> deleting didn't help
[00:14] <fta> i removed /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-no-sub-pixel.conf locally but while it improved firefox, some other apps regressed
[00:15] <fta> [reed], ^^
[00:16] <fta> Starks, in fact, it's still unclear as for what is the best fix. this was supposed to be an improvement from mozilla
[00:16] <Starks> well. the bug seems to come and go from build to build
[00:16] <fta> but something in the ubuntu version of fontconfig is wrong
[00:17] <fta> Starks, really ? it supposed to be there since mid september
[00:17] <Starks> the last two builds of both fx and tb have been bad
[00:18] <Starks> btw, i really love how tb3 is in dev hell
[00:19] <fta> ?
[00:19] <Starks> it's been in development for so friggin' long
[00:20] <fta> are you using it ? i mean, from my ppa ?
[00:21] <Starks> yar
[00:21] <Starks> nobody else cares about it.
[00:21] <fta> any problem ? (except the fonts)
[00:21] <Starks> nope.
[00:22] <Starks> btw, i've never understood the placement of 'preferences' in tb and fx
[00:22] <Starks> it varies across platforms
[00:23] <Starks> it should be under tools or edit for all.
[00:29] <crimsun> fta: tb3 from your archive works well for me
[00:30] <fta> some users reported issues with addons
[00:30] <fta> ie, not being able to add some addons
[00:30] <fta> such as enigmail
[00:32] <fta> crimsun, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+queue ???
[00:32] <fta> Bug 284689
[00:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 284689 in nspluginwrapper "[Intrepid] Please add i386 build to nspluginwrapper 1.1.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/284689
[00:33] <fta> is Architecture: amd64 i386 wrong ?
[00:33] <fta> a "," ?
[00:33] <crimsun> fta: yes, I figured that's why the maintainer was listed as Ubuntu Core Developers
[00:37] <fta> why isn't nspluginwrapper on i386 ?
[00:41] <directhex> why would you want it?
[00:42] <fta> it's supposed to be in, it was in before
[00:42] <fta> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+builds?build_text=nspluginwrapper&build_state=all
[00:43] <fta> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+publishinghistory#
[00:45] <fta> 32239 fta 9 -11 2136m 1.0g 2796 S 7 53.1 71:48.81 pulseaudio
[00:46] <fta> crimsun, ^^
[00:46] <crimsun> err, sorry, what am I supposed to pull from that? the resource bit?
[00:47] <fta> 53.1% of my memory
[00:47] <fta> > 1G and 2G of virt
[00:47] <crimsun> fta: intrepid's or luke's ppa version?
[00:48] <fta> luke's
[00:50] <crimsun> ok, 0.9.13 has known issues with that
[00:50] <crimsun> every few hours someone else pops in and reports it
[00:50] <crimsun> I'd be much more worried if that were in 0.9.10
[00:50] <fta> hm
[00:53] <fta> killed, it was unusable anyway
[00:54] <crimsun> ugh, really wish I didn't have to munge so much of pulseaudio to get this stream retry working
[05:33] <Starks> fta
[05:33] <Starks> what was the number for that antialising bug again?
[10:31] <Nafallo> hi
[10:32] <Nafallo> seems my Thunderbird hates freedom and only lets me spellcheck in Swedish, whilst I want British English. what should I be looking for?
[10:33] <directhex> Nafallo, http://www.migrationsverket.se/english.html
[10:33] <Nafallo> directhex: what has that to do with anything?
[10:35] <directhex> it's humour. you complained you were only getting spellcheck options in swedish & asked for suggestions, hence a page on migrating to sweden. see? joke. thunderbird-locale-en-gb is installed?
[10:36] <Nafallo> directhex: well, you didn't get the point then :-).
[10:36] <Nafallo> ii thunderbird-locale-en-gb 1:
[10:37] <Nafallo> that said, this is more likely to be related to myspell or hunspell
[10:37] <ubuntu_demon> I fixed a bug in ubufox : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubufox/+bug/272171/comments/11
[10:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 272171 in ubufox "Firefox should not steal focus when told by another application to open a link" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
[10:38] <ubuntu_demon> I think I should try to get hold of asac right ?
[10:38] <sebner> directhex: haha
[10:39] <asac> ubuntu_demon: thanks. i am just not sure if we want to switch the default
[10:40] <asac> ubuntu_demon: for intrepid we wont change anything anymore. we can look into this for jaunty maybe
[10:40] <asac> ubuntu_demon: why do normal users not want that focus behaviour?
[10:40] <asac> i mean that my mom would get confused if she opens a link and firefox doesnt come to front
[10:41] <ubuntu_demon> asac: it used to be the default firefox behaviour (untill Hardy I believe). If you are reading your news feeds (for example through liferea) it's very irritating if you can't open a few items at once.
[10:41] <asac> ubuntu_demon: yes. but thats newsreader use case
[10:41] <ubuntu_demon> asac: same problem for reading email (but less so)
[10:41] <asac> but for normal users doing that is confusing
[10:42] <ubuntu_demon> asac: if someone sends you an email with a few links this behaviour is very tiresome
[10:42] <asac> ubuntu_demon: why? if i click on that link i want to read it. so i expect firefox to come to front
[10:43] <asac> mailing list and RSS feed might be different yes. but stopping firefox from coming to front all together
[10:43] <ubuntu_demon> asac: If I get an email with a few links I want to click them all before switching to firefox
[10:43] <asac> will cause confusion
[10:43] <ubuntu_demon> asac: it has been the default firefox behaviour until recently
[10:43] <asac> ubuntu_demon: yeah. but you are able to change that pref ;) ... while my mom isnt able to do that ;)
[10:44] <ubuntu_demon> asac: True :)
[10:44] <ubuntu_demon> asac: but your mom isn't very likely to click on links other than inside firefox itself (for example websites,webmail,...)
[10:47] <ubuntu_demon> asac: also not everyone might be able to find this option
[10:49] <ubuntu_demon> asac: if you think that a lot of regular people click on links inside external applications than you are completely right. But I think most regular people only click on links inside the web browser.
[10:50] <ubuntu_demon> asac did you did get kicked off internet or something ? :)
[10:51] <asac_> ubuntu_demon: yeah sorry. reconnect
[10:51] <asac_> 11:44 < ubuntu_demon> asac: True :)
[10:51] <asac_> 11:44 < asac> ubuntu_demon: you mean the behaviour changed from firefox 2 to firefox 3?
[10:51] <asac_> thats the last i got
[10:52] <ubuntu_demon> (11:44:34 AM) ubuntu_demon: asac: but your mom isn't very likely to click on links other than inside firefox itself (for example websites,webmail,...)
[10:52] <ubuntu_demon> (11:47:52 AM) ubuntu_demon: asac: also not everyone might be able to find this option
[10:52] <ubuntu_demon> (11:49:50 AM) ubuntu_demon: asac: if you think that a lot of regular people click on links inside external applications than you are completely right. But I think most regular people only click on links inside the web browser.
[10:53] <asac_> ubuntu_demon: i will think about it. i also have to investigate why it was changed by firefox devs
[10:53] <ubuntu_demon> asac: I'm sure that the behaviour changed. I'm quite sure it happened from 2 to 3.
[10:53] <asac_> most likely they had the argument i gave
[10:53] <asac_> most common case i can see for "normal" users is having links in IM messaging
[10:56] <ubuntu_demon> asac_: that's a good point. Do you think people want firefox to get focus immediately when you click on a link (not being able to use your IM window) ?
[10:58] <ubuntu_demon> asac_: Most users who do use IM are probably smart enough to bring firefox to the foreground. I don't know what they would prefer.
[11:00] <asac_> ubuntu_demon: actually i think its a window manager thing
[11:00] <asac_> firefox most likely uses the abstract function gtk_window_present
[11:00] <asac_> what the window manager makes out of it is undefined
[11:00] <asac_> some raise the window
[11:00] <asac_> others just flash the task bar item
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[11:01] <asac> what normal users dont want, is that they click a link and nothing happens
[11:02] <ubuntu_demon> asac: flashing the task bar item would be a good solution
[11:02] <asac> ubuntu_demon: yeah. but thats at the window managers descretion
[11:03] <asac> i think metacity raises window on present
[11:03] <asac> i think compiz indicates activity on the taskbar
[11:03] <asac> anyway. have to think about it. test and see whats up ;)
[11:04] <ubuntu_demon> asac: okay thanks for your time :)
[11:05] <ubuntu_demon> asac: It's possible for applications to set some hint to flash the taskbar. Pidgin can do this.
[11:07] <ubuntu_demon> asac: pidgin calls it the window manager "URGENT" hint (plugins->message notification)
[11:11] <ubuntu_demon> asac: there's a epiphany extension which does it but that code won't work in firefox : http://www.sstuhr.dk/epiphany-extensions/#ext-urgentcontentnotify
[12:37] <fta> asac, any idea why nspluginwrapper was not built on i386 ??
[12:37] <fta> <fta> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+builds?build_text=nspluginwrapper&build_state=all
[12:37] <fta> <fta> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+publishinghistory#
[12:37] <fta> <fta> Bug 284689
[12:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 284689 in nspluginwrapper "[Intrepid] Please add i386 build to nspluginwrapper 1.1.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/284689
[12:37] <fta> i didn't touch the "Architecture: amd64 i386"
[12:53] <asac> err
[12:53] <asac> fta: are we sure that thepackage before was actually NEWed?
[12:54] <fta> asac, your previous upload was fine on i386, and locally mine built too
[12:55] <asac> fta: ok if you tried to ubildit on i386 then ping seb. he is buildd admin i think
[12:55] <asac> maybe someone funny added a manually blacklisting or something
[12:55] <fta> asac, seb128 ?
[12:55] <asac> yes
[12:55] <fta> cool
[12:55] <asac> or pitti ... they might have better ideas then me
[12:57] <asac> fta: let me know what you found out ;)
[13:00] <fta> sure
[13:00] <fta> i'm starting to like that dark theme.. just a bit
[13:01] <gnomefreak> didnt we have firefox 3.1b1?
[13:02] <gnomefreak> already*
[13:05] <fta> where?
[13:05] <gnomefreak> fta: in your PPA or MT's PPA
[13:06] <fta> it's only in my ppa
[13:06] <fta> and a2 in MT's ppa
[13:06] <fta> but it didn't make it in intrepid :(
[13:07] <gnomefreak> yeah i know it didnt but that is fine people still have issues using stable firefox ;)
[13:28] <gnomefreak> bug 194894
[13:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 194894 in firefox "Hardy's Firefox reports "version 1.9b3" in "about:"" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194894
[13:29] <gnomefreak> can someone test the above bug on Hardy
[13:36] <gnomefreak> asac: have you heard of a patch for sunbird about generating/installing calendar-timezone.xpi (im fairly sure its -timezone.xpi i know calendar is right?
[13:37] <gnomefreak> asac: Fallen knows about the bug, not sure if you still talk to him or not
[13:45] <asac> hmm
[13:45] <asac> gnomefreak: if you built sunbird locally
[13:45] <asac> is there anything like timezone in the dist/ directory?
[13:45] <asac> maybe dist/xpi-stage ?
[13:48] <gnomefreak> asac: it doesnt generate it at all
[13:49] <gnomefreak> i may see if ther eis a newer version released with the patch already but still on bug reports atm for Ubuntu
[13:49] <asac> hmm
[13:49] <asac> gnomefreak: are you trying 0.9?
[13:49] <asac> or our package version?
[13:50] <gnomefreak> 0.9
[13:51] <gnomefreak> asac: i already built it but the .xpi isnt genrated nor installed. i looked at Makein and install.rdf and from what i can tell it looks right (these were in ./timezone dir.
[13:53] <gnomefreak> asac: 0.9 is in PPA and bzr branch(mine)
[13:53] <asac> gnomefreak: maybe that timezone thing is just a third party extension?
[13:53] <asac> gnomefreak: yeah. will upload it right when jaunty opens
[13:54] <gnomefreak> asac: no Fallen has said sunbird should gen it and install it he had to do something to get his working but i dont recall what
[13:54] <gnomefreak> asac: not until its fixed please
[13:54] <gnomefreak> it doesnt work at all without that xpi
[13:54] <gnomefreak> it opens but that is it you get error and nothing works than
[14:00] <gnomefreak> i havent updated iceowl for this reason as of now
[14:09] <asac> gnomefreak: i havent seen the "fallen" patch
[14:09] <asac> can you show that to me?
[14:09] <gnomefreak> he didnt patch it he changed it locally
[14:09] <gnomefreak> when i get done i will ask him, i think im in there
[14:10] <gnomefreak> hes away atm
[14:12] <asac> well. lets get him provide detailed infos on what he did
[14:12] <asac> its just too much guesswork if we dont know what he means ;)
[14:13] <gnomefreak> asac are you in any of the mozilla chanels?
[14:17] <fta> he is
[14:17] <fta> dev and sm
[14:17] <fta> maybe more
[14:19] <asac> mainly #developers
[14:19] <asac> not sure where else ;)
[14:19] <asac> i guess i left most other channels
[14:20] <gnomefreak> ok in sometime this morning i will ping him and ask.
[14:24] <asac> yeah ... probably best
[14:30] <gnomefreak> ok pinged him but his nick is |away
[14:32] <gnomefreak> im not sure if smuxi has beeps when nick is used so i may not see it right away but i told him if im not here or if he would rather conatct you about it. im gonna be looking for another job most of today i think
[14:38] <gnomefreak> asac: fta can we drop the ~cvs part in sunbird tarball for stable versions in mozilla-devscripts
[14:38] <fta> use a tag
[14:38] <gnomefreak> im assuming we dont want to upload with it
[14:39] <gnomefreak> a --help would b nice too ;)
[14:40] <fta> there is one
[14:40] <fta> there's also a README
[14:41] <gnomefreak> thers no --help
[14:47] <fta> gnomefreak, /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient/mozclient.pl --help
[14:48] <gnomefreak> ah
[14:50] <fta> crimsun, pulseaudio is now stuck at 50% on my dual core 2 :(
[14:50] <fta> crimsun, downgrading :(
[14:57] <fta> crimsun, i'm back to 0.9.10-2ubuntu8
[15:03] <gnomefreak> fta: that is the version in intrepid
[15:04] <fta> yes
[15:04] <gnomefreak> ah testing
[15:12] <gnomefreak> ok using make -f /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/lightning-sunbird.mk DEBIAN_DATE=20081017t0956 get-orig-source
[15:12] <fta> no
[15:12] <gnomefreak> gives me ~cvs2008.....
[15:12] <gnomefreak> after -f?
[15:12] <fta> for upstream releases, use the corresponding tag
[15:12] <fta> look at the last example
[15:13] <fta> mozclient.pl --tag FIREFOX_3_0rc1_RELEASE=1.2.3 nspr
[15:13] <fta> => nspr_1.2.3.orig.tar.gz
[15:14] <gnomefreak> us mozclient.pl instead of make -f?
[15:14] <gnomefreak> use
[15:14] <fta> if you prefer to use the makefile instead of the perl script, it's DEBIAN_TAG=TAG=version, equiv of -t TAG=version
[15:15] <gnomefreak> ok
[15:15] <gnomefreak> the README is a bit off than
[15:16] <fta> i don't think so, it hasn't changed for a long while
[15:16] <gnomefreak> make -f /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/minefield-packager.mk
[15:16] <gnomefreak> $ sudo dpkg -i firefox-minefield_3.0~b5~build2008032304-1_i386.deb
[15:16] <gnomefreak> i dont see ~cvs
[15:17] <fta> this is different, it's a packager for upstream builds
[15:17] <fta> this has nothing to do with mozclient
[15:17] <fta> this is something i use to track regressions with the official nightlies
[15:18] <fta> this is documented in the README too
[15:20] <gnomefreak> OK LET ME TRY THIS
[15:20] <gnomefreak> OOPS
[15:22] <gnomefreak> gnomefreak@Development:~/test$ mozclient.pl --tag LIGHTNING-SUNBIRD_0.9
[15:22] <gnomefreak> bash: mozclient.pl: command not found
[15:22] <gnomefreak> shoudlnt that be a command
[15:22] <fta> /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient.pl --tag LIGHTNING-SUNBIRD_0.9 lightning-sunbird
[15:22] <gnomefreak> ah still have to use path
[15:23] <fta> yes, it's not in /usr/bin
[15:24] <gnomefreak> do i need to install something?
[15:24] <gnomefreak> other than m-d
[15:25] <gnomefreak> bash: /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient.pl: No such file or directory
[15:25] <gnomefreak> add make -f maybe?
[15:25] <fta> oops /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient/mozclient.pl
[15:26] <gnomefreak> it fails too
[15:27] <gnomefreak> hold on pastbining it
[15:28] <gnomefreak> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/556170
[15:28] <gnomefreak> fails on cvs co
[15:28] <fta> your tag is wrong, it's SUNBIRD_0_9_RELEASE
[15:28] <gnomefreak> must not contain the characters `$,.:;@
[15:29] <gnomefreak> ok
[15:29] <fta> where did you find LIGHTNING-SUNBIRD_0.9 ??? use SUNBIRD_0_9_RELEASE instead
[15:30] <gnomefreak> .:10:22:39:. < fta > /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient.pl --tag LIGHTNING-SUNBIRD_0.9 lightning-sunbird
[15:30] <fta> you provided it first
[15:30] <gnomefreak> amd make -f used it as that
[15:31] <gnomefreak> make -f /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/lightning-sunbird.mk get-orig-source
[15:31] <gnomefreak> so i figured it only knew lightning-*
[15:32] <fta> the tag has to be the exact tag used by upstream in cvs, you can't guess it randomly
[15:33] <gnomefreak> well im leaning towards its not me
[15:33] <gnomefreak> nope not me
[15:33] <gnomefreak> no matter how i do it it fails
[15:33] <fta> use /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient/mozclient.pl -l lightning-sunbird | grep SUNBIRD
[15:34] <gnomefreak> SUNBIRD_0_9_RELEASE
[15:35] <gnomefreak> there is also branch and RC2
[15:35] <gnomefreak> /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient/mozclient.pl --tag SUNBIRD_0.9_RELEASE lightning-sunbird
[15:35] <gnomefreak> fails
[15:35] <gnomefreak> same error
[15:35] <fta> if it's really released, use the _RELEASE tag
[15:35] <gnomefreak> it is
[15:36] <gnomefreak> its final release
[15:36] <fta> $ /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/mozclient/mozclient.pl --tag SUNBIRD_0_9_RELEASE lightning-sunbird
[15:36] <fta> -rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta 37554980 2008-10-17 16:35 lightning-sunbird_0.9+nobinonly.orig.tar.gz
[15:36] <fta> works for me
[15:37] <gnomefreak> than why failing here?
[15:38] <gnomefreak> same error even after removing moztemp dir
[15:39] <gnomefreak> using *-devscripts 0.11~fta6
[15:40] <gnomefreak> oh
[15:40] <gnomefreak> _
[15:40] <fta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/58832/
[15:40] <gnomefreak> much better
[15:40] <gnomefreak> i used 0.9 but should use 0_9
[15:42] <gnomefreak> thanks now i can test to see if they fixed it
[16:03] <gnomefreak> ok im out for a while waiting for sunbird to build
=== KB1OHY_Rich is now known as KB1OHY
[16:28] <Starks__> can someone link me to the cairo/fontconfig bug
[16:29] <asac> Starks__: most likely fta can
[16:29] <fta> just did
[16:29] <asac> thx
[16:29] <Starks__> thx
[16:29] <asac> didnt see it here ;)
[16:30] <fta> he asked me in pm
[16:31] <asac> k
[16:31] <fta> for the records, mozilla bug 458612
[16:31] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 458612 in GFX: Thebes "Font regression using system cairo" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458612
[16:32] <fta> there's also mozilla bug 456578
[16:33] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 456578 in GFX: Thebes "Font rendering regression (hinting)" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=456578
[16:38] <asac> fta: I've cornered it between r19805 and r19808.
[16:38] <asac> those links are broken (somewhat)
[16:39] <fta> asac, bugzilla bug
[16:40] <fta> but the root cause of all this is really mozilla bug 385263
[16:40] <asac> fta: yeah. but what is the real link ;)
[16:40] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 385263 in GFX: Thebes "[pango] we call FT_Open_Face twice per font" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=385263
[16:41] <fta> http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/25ca781361ed
[16:41] <fta> http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/406819ca370c
[16:42] <nxvl> asac: hi!
[16:42] <nxvl> asac: did you had chance to check the branch>
[16:42] <nxvl> ?
[16:43] <asac> nxvl: yesterday yes. it didnt start with the right revision
[16:43] <asac> nxvl: thus you ended up loosing the change that fixed the maxVersion
[16:43] <asac> nxvl: or did you redo that already?
[16:44] <asac> nxvl: i am not really usre how to find out except that bfiller_ should try hard to remember when he exactly started to work on this feature
[16:44] <nxvl> it's actually the right version, revision 177
[16:44] <nxvl> i made some adjustments to the changelog
[16:44] <nxvl> let me grab the original changelog
[16:44] <asac> nxvl: no. point is that in the revision you built on top there was the maxVersion=. ... fix
[16:44] <bfiller_> asac: rev 177
[16:44] <asac> but that isnt in your rules, so that wasnt the revision you started ;)
[16:44] <asac> let me double check
[16:45] <bfiller_> asac: let me double check too, might have been 176, looking now..
[16:45] <nxvl> asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/58871
[16:45] <nxvl> that's the original changelog
[16:46] <nxvl> as you can see it has a UNRELEASED version before that, and the only possibility is revision 177
[16:46] <asac> bfiller_: no it must have been much earlier i think
[16:46] <asac> bfiller_: maybe you started with something ... then when we released 3.0.1 you copied the rules the same way as done now
[16:46] <asac> so we need to find the revision where you based the rules on
[16:47] <nxvl> mmm
[16:47] <bfiller_> asac: would it be easier for me to provide exactly what needs to be added? it's only a few lines to the rules
[16:47] <nxvl> that might be
[16:47] <nxvl> bfiller_: that would help, yes
[16:47] <bfiller_> nxvl: doing that now
[16:47] <asac> bfiller_: maybe we should do that
[16:48] <asac> e.g. start with a fresh 3.0.3 branch
[16:48] <asac> then open new changelog for your security update
[16:48] <asac> add the changes to rules
[16:48] <asac> and then lets do thorough QA
[16:48] <asac> to check that nothing regressed
[16:49] <asac> anyway ... have to run to run some urgent errands ;) ... will be back in a while (2-3h)
[17:05] <bfiller_> nxvl: here is the diff (against rev 182) of changes to the rules file that I made: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/58878/
[17:05] <bfiller_> nxvl: where is our branch on LP?
[17:06] <nxvl> bfiller_: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~oem-solutions-group/firefox/firefox-3.0.hardy
[17:06] <nxvl> bfiller_: are you taking care of this?
[17:07] <bfiller_> nxvl: no, just trying to understand it
[17:08] <nxvl> ok
[17:08] <nxvl> i will to it right now then
[17:12] <bfiller_> nxvl: should we speak on the phone? I want to understand exactly what we're doing, I'm a bit confused still :)
[17:13] <nxvl> i'm aplying you patch to asac'c branch
[17:13] <nxvl> your*
[17:14] <nxvl> but if you want a call i've no problem
[17:14] <nxvl> just give me one second that i'm pushing the branch
[18:47] <asac> nxvl: ok. looks good. one thing isnt accurate though
[18:47] <asac> you have a orig.tar.gz. that isnt identical to the one we ship
[18:48] <nxvl> yes
[18:48] <asac> this should be reflected in the "upstream" version
[18:48] <nxvl> right
[18:48] <nxvl> or is there anyway to add the branding without touching the orig.gz?
[18:49] <asac> i would suggest: 3.0.3+build1+nobinonly+nb-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 :)
[18:49] <nxvl> because i can't use a patch, since it was some icons on it
[18:49] <asac> nxvl: no its fine to use the changed orig
[18:49] <asac> its just that this means that the upstream version part needs to be changed and not the packaging part
[18:50] <nxvl> i was thinking in 3.0.3+build1netbook1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1
[18:50] <asac> so in general. if i take a package 1.0-0ubuntu1 and want to add something to the orig i would say 1.0+feature-0ubuntu1
[18:50] <nxvl> ok, will do that way
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[18:52] <fta> another branding? gasp, we need a more generic way to ship them
[18:52] <nxvl> fta: yes, it's for netbook
[18:53] <asac> nxvl: also try to use debcommit
[18:53] <asac> instead of bzr commit -m ...
[18:53] <fta> why is that needed? ins't plain ff or abrowser usable ? or even fennec
[18:54] <asac> it will use your changelog entry
[18:54] <nxvl> oh
[18:54] <nxvl> will try
[18:54] <asac> fta: thats hardy
[18:54] <asac> ;)
[18:54] <asac> nxvl: and try to keep the same changelog style - to get extra credit ;)
[18:54] <nxvl> bfiller: ^^
[18:54] <nxvl> :P
[18:55] <asac> but fine. now that we have this in a branch, future updates should be a breath
[18:55] <nxvl> i hope
[18:55] <nxvl> \o/
[18:56] <asac> nxvl: good.
[18:56] <asac> nxvl: may i suggest that you subscribe to the firefox hardy and xulrunner branches we have
[18:56] <asac> at least that will give you some automatic prewarning when the next update round is coming
[18:56] <nxvl> right, xulrunner branch
[18:57] <fta> asac, i have fennec 1.0~a1 in my ppa. looks nice now
[18:57] <bfiller> asac, nxvl : just make sure netbook is in the package name, or else the rules file will need to be modified
[18:57] <asac> fta: thats good crack for sure
[18:57] <asac> bfiller: yeah. whatever. my point was just that the upstream version part needs to be changed and not the package revision part ;)
[18:58] <bfiller> asac: understood
[18:58] <asac> bfiller: but good to reemphasize
[18:58] <asac> but hopefully that would show up when doing the relesae QA ;)
[18:58] <bfiller> asac: for sure :)
[19:00] <asac> fta: how to best run it?
[19:01] <asac> fta: have you tried xephyr?
[19:01] <fta> no need
[19:01] <fta> just run it as usual
[19:01] <asac> k
[19:05] <sebner> nxvl: ping, forgot my work for you? ^^
[19:06] <nxvl> sebner: what work?
[19:06] <bdmurray> Jazzva: Have you seen bug 279466?
[19:06] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 279466 in foxyproxy "Error writing settings file: file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.0.3/foxyproxy.xml" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/279466
[19:07] <sebner> nxvl: I need a little bit of motu-security magic :)
[19:07] <nxvl> sebner: hows that?
[19:07] <Jazzva> bdmurray, I think I missed it... I'll look at it
[19:08] <bdmurray> Jazzva: great, thanks
[19:08] <sebner> nxvl: mind taking a look at bug #278978 , see last comment :)
[19:08] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 278978 in ssmtp "[CVE-2008-3962] allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278978
[19:09] <Jazzva> bdmurray, np. I'll check foxyproxy.js tonight
[19:10] <asac> fta: how to zoom?
[19:10] <asac> is there a gesture or something?
[19:10] <asac> cant find a button and ctrl+ doesnt work
[19:11] <fta> mouse wheel
[19:11] <asac> fta: :)
[19:11] <asac> i have no mouse wheel ;)
[19:12] <fta> i don't know
[19:12] <asac> fta: hmm. zooms text only by default?
[19:12] <fta> no, everything
[19:12] <asac> strange the default config for browser.zoom.full is false
[19:13] <Jazzva> bdmurray, maybe we could rewrite that part to look for and use configuration file in user's profile dir, instead of /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.3
[19:13] <Jazzva> and to check if foxyproxy.xml exists, if it doesn't then we need to copy the default one from /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.3
[19:13] <Jazzva> (or from wherever the default one is)
[19:14] <Jazzva> that shouldn't be too hard
[19:14] <bdmurray> Something along those lines seemed best to me
[19:14] <asac> Jazzva: the right solution would be to check whether you can write
[19:14] <asac> otherwise use "ProfD"/foxyproxy.xml
[19:15] <Jazzva> asac, well, if it looks in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.3, you shouldn't be able to write there your own settings
[19:15] <Jazzva> asac, "ProfD"?
[19:15] <Jazzva> Profile dir...
[19:15] <asac> Jazzva: yes. thats the directory service key to use in ffox to get the profile directory location
[19:15] <Jazzva> ah :)...
[19:15] <Jazzva> thanks
[19:16] <asac> Jazzva: does foxyproxy ship a default foxyproxy.xml?
[19:16] <Jazzva> I think it has a default one... at least it should... let me check
[19:17] <nxvl> sebner: for intrepid we treat them as normal updates
[19:17] <nxvl> sebner: don't need the whole "security update" and stuff
[19:17] <sebner> nxvl: for both?
[19:17] <nxvl> sebner: but let me confirm the CVE
[19:18] <sebner> nxvl: ah, k. THANK YOU :)
[19:24] <Jazzva> asac, there is no default file, so it probably creates it somewhere on init.
[19:25] <nxvl> sebner: let's move to ubuntu-darned
[19:25] <nxvl> hardened*
[19:25] <Jazzva> I'll look where... dinnertime now
[20:02] <fta> asac, you can double click to zoom in
[20:05] <asac> fta: fta cool
[20:05] <asac> fta: thats 100% then?
[20:06] <asac> hmm
[20:06] <fta> depend, it seems to zoom based on the content
[20:06] <asac> appers to be 150
[20:06] <asac> how?
[20:06] <asac> i thought they would make a document 100%
[20:06] <asac> while be default its scaled to best fit
[20:18] <fta> mozilla Bug 449443
[20:18] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 449443 in Storage "Upgrade to SQLite 3.6.4" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=449443
[20:29] <fta> asac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=950076
[20:52] <asac> fta: hmm. so its back? in another form?
[20:53] <fta> i don't see that, but apparently several users are
[21:05] <fta> do
[21:06] <fta> damn, p-a is still sucking all the cpu
[21:08] <asac> actually after resume my sound doesnt work at all here
[21:09] <asac> ok alsa mixer doesnt have much options so that cant be it
[21:09] <fta> how come i still have hundreds of updates today ?
[21:10] <asac> yesterday das freeze
[21:10] <asac> so thats probably it
[21:10] <asac> also universe is still open mo
[21:10] <asac> more or less
[21:20] <fta> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=949680
[21:53] <fta> asac, dquilt needs a better heuristic.. for ex, for fennec and prism, i don't use embedded tarball, but i still need to run pre-build before the patches to unpack the xulapp build-system. not sure how to detect that.
[22:26] <Starks__> yo. why do firefox tabs lose their antialiasing while they are being moved?
[22:40] <crimsun> asac: grab http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh and run it using bash
[22:40] <crimsun> fta: how are you (ab)using PA now? :-)
[22:42] <fta> crimsun, the one from intrepid, both pa and libasound. it's bad
[22:43] <crimsun> fta: standard configurations, corrct? what are your use cases?
[22:43] <crimsun> correct*
[22:48] <fta> i think it's all standard now. use case is always the same, I have firefox-3.1/flash10/rhythmbox always on (rhythmbox crashes very often in gstreamer), teatime applet (no sound), mplayer from time to time (issues when paused for a while), sometimes openarena (good to choppy), sometimes totem (issues when paused and rhythmbox unpaused), etc...
[22:49] <fta> oh, and greader inside prism (so xul 1.9 and flash10)
[22:50] <crimsun> interesting. I'm guessing with the case of openarena, you don't have libsdl1.2debian-pulse installed?
[22:50] <crimsun> (and thus everything's getting routed through the alsa-lib pulse plugin)
[22:51] <fta> i just have libsdl1.2debian and libsdl1.2debian-alsa
[22:52] <crimsun> right, that should have been fixed to use -pulse, but it's not such a big deal now
[22:54] <fta> should i install libsdl1.2debian-pulse ?
[22:56] <crimsun> fta: it may help with SDL-based apps, but I don't think it will address the seemingly nefarious PA issues you have
[22:57] <fta> mplayer with ao=pulse is totally unusable, i'm back to ao=alsa
[23:08] <crimsun> I wonder why in the world I can't reproduce your symptoms with (un)pausing
[23:11] <fta> as i said earlier, it happens if i pause an app for too long, as if pa made the stream/socket timeout but the app is not aware of it, so once unpaused, it continues to push to the socket until it's full then blocks on IO, so it freezes or crashes or ends up with no sound
[23:11] <fta> that's my best guess
[23:13] <fta> but no clear idea of how to define "too long". sometimes it's the full night, sometimes when i get a phone call, sometimes when i go take a coffee, or after lunch, but it's not systematic.
[23:15] * fta wiping 500G of bzr/build-area..
[23:16] <fta> Jazzva, do you still have sound in teatime ? i don't
[23:18] <Jazzva> fta, I don't know... I haven't used it.
[23:18] <Jazzva> but, it should work...
[23:18] <Jazzva> let me see the changelog in debian
[23:19] <crimsun> hmm.
[23:19] <crimsun> I wonder if it's simply releasing and resetting the stream/context improperly
[23:19] <fta> Jazzva, could you please try ? a fake tea :)
[23:20] <crimsun> that's related to the timeout and suspend; I'll look at that tonight
[23:20] <Jazzva> that's interesting
[23:20] <Jazzva> http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/t/teatime/teatime_2.8.0-4/changelog
[23:20] <Jazzva> heh
[23:20] <Jazzva> crimsun, it might be. I haven't really worked with sound before that, so I don't know if the fix I applied is a good one.
[23:21] <fta> crimsun, i don't suspend, it's not a laptop, my box is always on
[23:21] <crimsun> Jazzva: which fix? (I'm referring to PulseAudio, BTW)
[23:21] <Jazzva> crimsun, debian bug 493868
[23:21] <ubottu> Debian bug 493868 in teatime "Patch 91_gst_enable_playing.patch doesn't get applied" [Unknown,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/493868
[23:21] <crimsun> fta: not suspend-to-*/resume. I'm referring to PA's suspend-on-idle
[23:22] <fta> .. and if there were no kernel or X upgrades, i will never restart anything
[23:22] <fta> crimsun, oh, ok :)
[23:22] <Jazzva> crimsun, look at the last part of the diff @@ -622,25 +627,25 @@
[23:23] <Jazzva> crimsun, hmm. I was sure I did something else beside commenting things out.
[23:24] <Jazzva> there's also a change at the beginning which sets state to GST_STATE_NULL
[23:25] <crimsun> well, the comments are trivially correct
[23:25] <crimsun> and yes, that's fine, too
[23:25] <crimsun> fta's symptoms really seem like the suspend-on-idle issue that I debugging the week of hardy's release
[23:27] <fta> and now, we are "the week of intrepid's release" :P
[23:28] <fta> *sigh*
[23:28] <Jazzva> heh...
[23:29] <Jazzva> anyway, I'm off. I'll be back tomorrow evening. (and hopefully fix foxyproxy issue)
[23:29] <Jazzva> see you.
[23:29] <fta> Jazzva, cu
[23:57] <crimsun> aha, yep
[23:58] <crimsun> instrumenting PA shows that suspending and releasing is causing hw: to be grabbed nondeterministically
[23:58] <crimsun> ...which is the precisely the same issue that I saw and worked around in my pulseaudio branch for hardy-updates
[23:58] <crimsun> too bad no one cared ;-)