UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /16 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:10] <anmar> Hello guys. I am testing Ubuntu Intrepid on AMD G780 and I am noticing that the entire UI is a little bit sluggish. Any idea how I can better quantify that so I can file a bug?
[00:12] <anmar> aha.... I think I got it. Turning off Compiz makes the entire feel of GNOME faster and more spunky.
[00:30] <wtgee> Greetings. Has cheese stopped working for anyone in the last couple of days?
[00:32] <danbh_intrepid> as an aside, I think cheese is no longer in main
[00:34] <danbh_intrepid> wtgee: cheese is a phail for me
[00:36] <wtgee> danbh_intrepid: It is turning my light on (next to the webcam) and seems to be thinking about it but never get a video, is that what you are seeing?
[00:36] <danbh_intrepid> wtgee: try gstreamer-properties
[00:37] <WelshDragon> Will open office 3 in be included before or after intrepid has been released? or will it only be included in jaunty?
[00:37] <danbh_intrepid> correct
[00:38] <WelshDragon> Uhh..correct to which to one?
[00:38] <danbh_intrepid> no openoffice
[00:39] <WelshDragon> Okies
[00:39] <danbh_intrepid> WelshDragon: AFAIK
[00:39] <WelshDragon> AFAIK? O.o
[00:39] <wtgee> danbh_intrepid: The capture device did the same thing, turned on my light. It gave me the 'Testing' box but didn't capture anything, and on hitting 'Ok' on the testing box it froze.
[00:40] <danbh_intrepid> wtgee: then its a gstreamer problem
[00:40] <wtgee> danbh_intrepid. Ok, gotcha. I'll search the bug listings a little later when I have time and see what else I can dig up.
[00:41] <wtgee> danbh_intrepid: I noticed it on cheese probably 3 or 4 days ago, fyi
[00:41] <danbh_intrepid> WelshDragon: I believe that new versions of ubuntu draw their upstream packages from debian unstable. Openoffice3 went into debian experimental when it was released. I don't think we will see OO3 till it at least hits debian unstable. Then, I dunno
[00:42] <WelshDragon> ah ok
[00:42] <danbh_intrepid> WelshDragon: s/unstable/testing/g
[00:43] <d4t4min3r> i need help
[00:43] <d4t4min3r> d4t4min3r@d4t4min3r-desktop:~$ dpkg --configure -a
[00:43] <d4t4min3r> dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege
[00:43] <d4t4min3r> d4t4min3r@d4t4min3r-desktop:~$
[00:44] <d4t4min3r> in the middle of a update.. my computer froze for some reason and now im getting some errors
[00:44] <danbh_intrepid> sudo dpkg --configure -a
[00:44] <d4t4min3r> update manager said to ...
[00:44] <d4t4min3r> when my computer started it said ubuntu has to run in low graphics mode
[00:45] <d4t4min3r> and it reset
[00:46] <maxb_> Has anyone managed to get a satisfactory setup for playing DVDs without compiz interfering?
[00:46] <maxb_> I find myself falling back to metacity whenever I want to have a video playing
[00:46] <d4t4min3r> ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
[00:46] <d4t4min3r> d4t4min3r@d4t4min3r-desktop:~$
[00:46] <d4t4min3r> i take it .. its done
[00:49] <DrUnKnMuNkY> hey everyone.. after the latest upgrades my system's not recognizing my wireless card anymore.. lshw -C network shows that it's there and i've tried to rmmod and modprobe it to get it to show up but no luck. any ideas?
[00:50] <dajhorn> DrUnKnMuNkY: I've got the same glitch. A new kernel package was just published, so do another upgrade through ethernet.
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[01:03] <maxb_> How does the firefox "Your browser has been updated and needs to be restarted" notifier work? It seems to be stuck on for me
[01:03] <maxb_> I restart firefox and it pops right back up again
[01:08] <crimsun> maxb_: you can rm /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/firefox-*-restart-required
[01:10] <emet> woo woo Flash 10 out
[01:10] <crimsun> already in 8.10 repository
[01:11] <crimsun> alongside requisite nspluginwrapper update
[01:12] <maxb_> crimsun: interesting... my investigation so far was suggesting it was somethign specific to my user profile that was causing the problem
[01:13] <JontheEchidna> Heh, new flash right in time for freeze
[01:14] <LocutusOfBorg> gh
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[01:31] <Aero> anyone want to help me troubleshoot my gnome login? :P
[01:31] <Aero> i have a feeling there's a log file somewhere i should be looking at, but i don't know which one...
[01:34] <crimsun> Aero: more precision, please?
[01:35] <Aero> well, attempting to login to either GNOME or Failsafe GNOME, as any user (even a brand new one via adduser) hangs at either a blank brown screen, or a black screen
[01:36] <Aero> failsafe terminal and ssh work fine...
[01:36] <Aero> been this way ever since i did a fresh install a week or so ago, been keeping up with updates
[01:36] <crimsun> Aero: start with ~/.xsession-errors
[01:37] <Aero> thanks
[01:42] <Aero> here's what i've got: http://paste.ubuntu.com/58117/
[01:48] <webmaren> I'm having problems with my xine
[01:48] <webmaren> it's telling me that my audio card does not work, yet I can get VLC to play just fine
[01:49] <dli_> the X has default "Virtual 1600x1600", I want 2048 2048
[01:50] <Aero> googled some of the stuff, found a bug about compiz... removed it and it worked, hooray.
[01:50] <Aero> thanks again, crimsun.
[01:51] <crimsun> Aero: yw.
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[02:01] <Volkodav> where did the burn effect go from compiz?
[02:01] <elliott> Can anybody think of a reason why neither the taskbar or maximized windows are displayed in kubuntu intrepid? I was having some more serious problems but most of them are fixed after installing xorg-driver-fglrx
[02:06] <DanaG> Volkodav: install ccsm and enable the Extra Animations thing.
[02:07] <Volkodav> thanks
[02:07] <DanaG> You may have to go back to the other Animations thing and reset the selection.
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[02:12] <Volkodav> I got DanaG
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[02:13] <RAdams> Where in Intrepid (Beta) do I disable the system beep?
[02:17] <crimsun> RAdams: depends on your hardware, actually. On some systems, it's an ACPI thing, and you can't.
[02:18] <RAdams> There used to be a setting in sounds to uncheck it
[02:18] <crimsun> RAdams: on other hardware (not necessarily related to ACPI), you can simply unload the appropriate kernel module(s).
[02:18] <RAdams> In Hardy and below
[02:18] <jesseboi> Does anyone know where I might find the url to the XML feed that displays updates to Intrepid Ibex... It was a .se address but I can't remember the URL.
[02:18] <RAdams> crimsun: I think I figured out how to disable it for common events: many of the "Default" sound selections in the default Ubuntu sound theme are blank, therefore it must be defaulting to system beep
[02:19] <RAdams> I hate the system beep in the OS; I like it for BIOS issues.
[02:25] <dajhorn> RAdams: On some computers, putting `setterm -blength 0` into the rc.local will squelch the beep.
[02:25] <RAdams> Ugh, it still sounds if I press the left arrow too many times. dajhorn: I will try that. Thanks
[02:29] <RAdams> dajhorn: if rc.local is executed at the end of a multiuser runlevel, how does it disable the system beep? Wouldn't I want the command to run at the beginning?
[02:29] <dajhorn> RAdams: The rc.local script will usually be run before you actually login.
[02:30] <RAdams> oh
[02:30] <RAdams> So why does it say "This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel." Runlevels befuddle me...
[02:30] <dajhorn> RAdams: If you don't want to put it in a system file, then put it in something like the .bashrc file.
[02:31] <RAdams> oh, I don't mind putting it there, I'm just trying to grok the rc.local file
[02:31] <dajhorn> RAdams: You can test the command from a console window before changing anything.
[02:33] <RAdams> dajhorn: I tested the command (ran it with sudo) and the terminal and this window still make system beeps. Safe to say it's not going to do the trick?
[02:33] <dajhorn> RAdams: Yes, unfortunately. YMMV.
[02:34] <RAdams> :\
[02:34] <dajhorn> RAdams: You'll need to play with ACPI and other knobs per the earlier suggestion.
[02:34] <RAdams> I don't get why they took that checkbox out of the sound preferences....
[02:34] <RAdams> I'll mess about
[02:41] <jpv_> anyone else have problems (unresolved dependencies) updating "update-manager"?
[02:42] <xxploit> jpv_, probably newly added and will be able to fill deps in a couple days
[02:42] <elliott> Can anybody think of a reason why neither the taskbar or maximized windows are displayed in kubuntu intrepid? I was having some more serious problems but most of them are fixed after installing xorg-driver-fglrx. I can only test it on an actual installation, but a similar problem happened on the live CD as well
[02:42] <jpv_> ok, thanks!
[02:48] <Storrgie> i just upgraded and evolution is gone!
[02:49] <Storrgie> updated
[02:49] <Storrgie> anyone here?
[02:49] <crimsun> (aye)
[02:50] <Storrgie> i just updated, and it removed evolution
[02:50] <crimsun> Storrgie: you hit the mid-development upgrade hitches (versioned dependency requirements not being fulfilled); just wait ~12 hours, and things should be straightened out.
[02:50] <Storrgie> great
[02:51] <Storrgie> did i hose my install?
[02:51] <crimsun> Storrgie: no, just wait 12 hours, and reinstall the evolution package.
[02:51] <tanath> nautilus won't let me delete some files in my home dir with perms: -rwx------ owned by me...
[02:51] <Storrgie> i will have to install it myself? or will the update take care of me
[02:51] <tanath> delete & move to trash are disabled
[02:52] <tanath> so is cut & copy
[02:53] <tanath> actually, same for every file, even with all perms
[02:58] <Storrgie> so when i lay in bed each night i shouldnt be running updates?
[02:58] <Storrgie> thats a bad idea eh?
[02:58] <Storrgie> lol
[03:22] <Windsurfer6191> Hey! I'm trying to make an Intrepid liveDVD with some example software, and I would like to know what packages I need to install to get nVidia cards working with 3D
[03:22] <Windsurfer6191> would I want nvidia-glx-173?
[03:24] * Windsurfer6191 waits patiently.
[03:25] <gnomefreak> Windsurfer6191 it depends on the card you have
[03:26] <Windsurfer6191> damn. I don't know what card I will have. It's an example DVD.
[03:26] <gnomefreak> ok ill be in a few
[03:26] <Windsurfer6191> the computers are 2 years old. What would be your best guess?
[03:27] <gnomefreak> Windsurfer6191: not sure you can check if you ave it running by using uname -a should tell you atleast some info about it
[03:27] <gnomefreak> be back
[03:33] <gnomefreak> Windsurfer6191: its not uname give me a minute i think its pci -a
[03:33] <TheBeast> is there a minimal iso for interpid?
[03:33] <gnomefreak> TheBeast: server ISO
[03:33] <TheBeast> basically I want to do a network install of the 'current' tree. just like debian unstable but ubuntu unstable.
[03:34] <Windsurfer6191> gnomefreak: That won't help. I don't have physical access to these machines until tomorrow.
[03:34] <TheBeast> gnomefreak: yeah, but that would install a whole bunch of crap that I won't need. All I'm looking for is something similar to a freebsd minimal instalation (or gentoo base system)
[03:35] <Volkodav> is there a 64 bit version of FF 3.1 ?
[03:36] <gnomefreak> Volkodav: as i recall yes, if in gnome it should be there already
[03:36] <gnomefreak> Volkodav: install firfox and see
[03:36] <gnomefreak> firefox even
[03:36] <Volkodav> o I'll try
[03:40] <Volkodav> nope
[03:40] <Volkodav> it won't run
[03:44] <Volkodav> it's 32 bit only I guess
[03:58] <DBO> what the heck does human-theme conflict with the ubuntu-looks gtk engine
[04:03] <Hobbsee> because human theme doesn't use the ubuntu-looks engine anymore?
[04:09] <dsmith_> could someone NOT install kde4 as default in kubuntu ibex?
[04:15] <Hobbsee> dsmith_: ie, get kde3? no.
[04:16] <dsmith_> i just read that kde3 will not be supported in inex, true?
[04:16] <Hobbsee> ibex, and yes.
[04:17] <dsmith_> yes, ibex.. sorry typo's
[04:17] <dsmith_> hmmmmmmmm
[04:17] <dsmith_> <---will decide to stay with 8.04 and all the 150+ users he installed for
[04:18] <dsmith_> oh well
[04:18] <dsmith_> thx!
[04:26] <solarion> dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:221: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.
[04:26] <solarion> anyone know what that's all about?
[04:38] <solarion> anyone around?
[04:43] <znoG> anyone had issues with playback in audacity?
[04:45] <burner> znoG: change the output plugin to pulseaudio?
[04:47] <LogicalDash> Hey, umm, my sound is broken. I'm on an Intel chipset.
[04:47] <LogicalDash> snd-hda-intel
[04:47] <znoG> burner: i don't think audacity supports pulseaudio, yet .. and apparently it's not under active development
[04:48] <LogicalDash> It was working yesterday.
[04:49] <bsnider> LogicalDash, there haven't been any changes to it
[04:50] <brian_> Could someone tell me if I'm asking for trouble doing a partial version upgrade with firefox and xchat open?
[04:50] <LogicalDash> bsnider, I believe you, but my sound isn't working. It might be something in PulseAudio or what have you, I'm just used to reporting my hardware every time :)
[04:50] <bsnider> LogicalDash, run this command: pulseaudio -k
[04:50] <bsnider> then run pulseaudio
[04:50] <bsnider> then test
[04:50] <LogicalDash> W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.
[04:51] <LogicalDash> Yeah, sound still not working.
[04:51] <LogicalDash> Also, when I run pulseaudio unadorned:
[04:51] <LogicalDash> W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.
[04:51] <LogicalDash> W: main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_NICE, (31, 31)) failed: Operation not permitted
[04:51] <LogicalDash> W: main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_RTPRIO, (9, 9)) failed: Operation not permitted
[04:51] <LogicalDash> ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL front:0
[04:51] <LogicalDash> ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL front:0
[04:52] <flask_> Is there a LiveCD available for Intrepid Ibex beta? I downloaded the regular 8.10 beta i386 install CD and it doesnt seem to have a LiveCD option
[04:53] <bsnider> flask_, http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20081015/
[04:53] <Kr0ntab> flask_, yes... http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso
[04:53] <Kr0ntab> or that one too
[04:53] <Kr0ntab> hehe
[04:54] <flask_> word
[04:54] <LogicalDash> Also, I tried playing a sound file in Audacity, since I read here a moment ago that it doesn't use PulseAudio, and I still didn't get any audio.
[04:55] * Kr0ntab wonders if there's an rsync service for daily disc images... so you only have to download changed bits.
[04:55] <mark__> I just did an update on 8.10 and it seems to have messed up network manager and my wireless, can anyone here help me fix it?
[04:55] <bsnider> there are rsync mirrors. i don't know where though
[04:56] <bsnider> LogicalDash, try reinstalling pulseaudio
[04:56] <Kr0ntab> yeah figured .. I'm searching for one now...
[04:56] <Kr0ntab> ah
[04:56] <Kr0ntab> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RsyncCdImage
[04:57] <Kr0ntab> w00t!
[05:00] <LogicalDash> bsnider: same messages again, still no sound
[05:00] <bsnider> LogicalDash, when was the last time this worked?
[05:01] <LogicalDash> bsnider: umm, two updates ago
[05:01] <LogicalDash> bsnider: sometime yesterday
[05:01] <bsnider> LogicalDash, and you've rebooted a bunch of times to test it?
[05:02] <LogicalDash> bsnider: well, I rebooted after every update
[05:03] <LogicalDash> bsnider: I guess I'll reboot now, brb
[05:03] <Mimi> Can that rsyncCdImage be used to sync a beta iso to a release iso?
[05:03] <cwillu> Mimi, I'd expect so
[05:03] <Mimi> Looooveeely :) Thanks
[05:06] <Hobbsee> Kr0ntab: there is.
[05:06] <Kr0ntab> yeah I found the link... it made sense that they had to be using it...
[05:06] <Hobbsee> Kr0ntab: you can rsync from cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/current
[05:06] <Kr0ntab> Thanks Hobbsee :-)
[05:08] <LogicalDash> I'm back and still without sound
[05:09] <bsnider> LogicalDash, do you have padevchooser installed?
[05:09] <LogicalDash> no
[05:09] <LogicalDash> should I?
[05:09] <bsnider> yes
[05:09] <bsnider> then launch it
[05:10] <LogicalDash> ok hold on
[05:11] <LogicalDash> hmm, libpulse-mainloop-glib0 was not installed
[05:11] <LogicalDash> that sounds like I need it
[05:12] <LogicalDash> oh man this is really slow
[05:12] <LogicalDash> brb
[05:14] <LogicalDash> ok padevchooser is running, what should I do with it
[05:16] <LogicalDash> bsnider?
[05:16] <bsnider> yeah?
[05:16] <LogicalDash> I have padevchooser running, now what?
[05:16] <bsnider> click on it, select manager
[05:16] <LogicalDash> ok
[05:17] <bsnider> what's hte server name?
[05:17] <LogicalDash> pulseaudio
[05:17] <bsnider> connect button is grayed out?
[05:17] <LogicalDash> yep
[05:17] <bsnider> that means pulse is running and everything's fine
[05:18] <LogicalDash> yeah, and I've got the volume meter open and it says there's sound running through it
[05:18] <LogicalDash> as I play a song
[05:18] <LogicalDash> but i can't hear it
[05:18] <bsnider> check alsamix to make sure that this isn't a mute problem
[05:19] <bsnider> the surround mixer up there
[05:19] <LogicalDash> alsamixer just shows a generic master volume for the PulseAudio "chip"
[05:19] <LogicalDash> oh durrrrr
[05:19] <LogicalDash> I fixed it
[05:19] <ghaith> hey did anyone try to install libcurl4-openssl-dev or libcurl4-gnutls-dev they pull an extra dependency libldap2-dev which is not available on any mirror, i also googled the filename and only .list files showed up in the search
[05:20] <LogicalDash> I went into the Volume Control app and it turns out that PCM was muted
[05:20] <bsnider> no, _i_ fixed it
[05:20] <LogicalDash> well it's fixed anyhow
[05:20] <LogicalDash> It was in fact a muting problem, thanks for your help bsnider
[05:22] <frybye> Hi - has anybody installed flash 10?
[05:23] <bsnider> everybody here has flash 10
[05:24] <frybye> really.. i thought it only came out (final-) yesterday??
[05:24] <bsnider> yeah
[05:24] <frybye> how can i check which I am running??
[05:24] <bsnider> it's in the repositories now
[05:24] <crd1b> go to 'about:plugins' in a gecko-based browser
[05:24] <frybye> has it been auto-updated???
[05:25] <bsnider> open firefox, in the address bar type "about:plugins"
[05:25] <bsnider> frybye, why so surprised?
[05:26] <ghaith> now i'm surprised because last time i updated was 3 days ago, and i have flash 10, it must have been a pre-release?
[05:27] <bsnider> we've been running release candidates all along, so it's not a big leap
[05:27] <crd1b> yes
[05:27] <bsnider> they wanted it early because it has native pulseaudio support
[05:27] <ghaith> oh ok, well it's a beta so it's normal
[05:27] <frybye> there are 2 entries for shockwave flash 10.0 r12 and 9.0 r999
[05:28] <bsnider> frybye, there's one entry here, for flash 10
[05:28] <frybye> the settings are a bit different - with the 10 it says shockwave flash and futuresplash player - and with the 9 it says adobe flash movie and futuresplash movie...?
[05:29] <frybye> both are shown enabled...
[05:29] <frybye> is that a problem...?
[05:29] <bsnider> i would think so
[05:29] <frybye> ah ha - i see now - one is the mozilla plugin...
[05:30] <frybye> should I use snaptic to take that out - but I do use flash in firefox.. that will work with the regular 10 or..?
[05:30] <bsnider> flash works with 10
[05:31] <crd1b> to take what out?
[05:31] <frybye> the flash mozilla plugin - can be found in synaptic...
[05:31] <frybye> but seems to be the 9 version...
[05:31] <bsnider> i don't th ink you could have gotten flash 9 through synaptic
[05:31] <crd1b> if you have flash 9, you probably installed it manually
[05:31] <frybye> only the moz-plugin not the other...
[05:32] <frybye> I will go check...
[05:32] <frybye> hang on...
[05:34] <frybye> yeah the mozilla flash was in synaptic and i have done a removal (not complete removal - cos I figure that might wipe out libs that flash 10 needs too..?)
[05:35] <elliott> Can anybody think of a reason why neither the taskbar or maximized windows are displayed in kubuntu intrepid? I was having some more serious problems but most of them are fixed after installing xorg-driver-fglrx. I can only test it on an actual installation, but a similar problem happened on the live CD as well
[05:35] <frybye> crd1b: well now the about:plugins shows only the 10 - i will got to some websites with flash and see what happens.. specially keen on the m-media content at the bbc - (being a brit. ex-pat..)
[05:38] <DanaG> I just love how some sites think I'm using Flash version 0.0.
[05:38] <bef0rd> Hello, I would like to know if its necessary to recompile the whole kernel just to make some changes on gspca module
[05:44] <bsnider> bef0rd, that's one of those "if you have to ask, you know the answer" kinds of questions
[05:46] <blankthemuffin> ooh nice I'm getting segfaults with LibGL.so from compiz
[05:46] <bsnider> blankthemuffin, which graphics driver?
[05:47] <blankthemuffin> latest, .70 or something? ( nvidia )
[05:47] <blankthemuffin> 177.80
[05:47] <bef0rd> bsnider, what does that mean? yes?
[05:47] <bsnider> that's nvidia's own libgl. it's not provided by linux
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[05:47] <bsnider> bef0rd, what do you want to do exactly?
[05:48] <blankthemuffin> bsnider, it doesn't stop compiz from crashing it. :P
[05:48] <blankthemuffin> Hang on there's updates anyway.
[05:48] <bsnider> blankthemuffin, doesn't crash here
[05:49] <blankthemuffin> Compiz has been getting more bugged every time I update intrepid. There's more xorg updates now though, hopefully that'll fix it.
[05:49] <bsnider> works great here
[05:50] <bef0rd> heh ok, I am trying to help a friend, his webcam sensor is supported by gpsca, but the usb id is not associated, I am trying to add it in the pac7311.c file like:
[05:50] <bef0rd> {USB_DEVICE(0x093a, 0x2621), .driver_info = SENSOR_PAC7302},
[05:50] <blankthemuffin> Yeah it worked fine on initial install, full on first linux install where everything worked flawlessly.
[05:52] <CarlFK> I have http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/kqemu-common installed, but when I run qemu I see "Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated: No such file or directory"
[05:52] <brandon1> hi, I am having a problem trying to install 8.10 on my laptop, when I select a boot option at the first menu, it just sits there and does not progress
[05:52] <CarlFK> is there somthing else I need?
[05:52] <bsnider> bef0rd, all you need is the kernel-headers package, and you can compile it back in afterwards
[05:53] <brandon1> anyone know why it does this?
[05:54] <brandon1> I am having a problem trying to install 8.10 on my laptop, when I select a boot option at the first menu, it just sits there and does not progress
[05:55] <blankthemuffin> Well he got the question asking right, but what ever happened to waiting?
[05:58] <brandon1> hi
[05:58] <brandon1> you there dli?
[05:59] <brandon1> how can I make my response show that it is directed towards you like you did?
[05:59] <dli_> brandon1, you mean grub error?
[05:59] <brandon1> i don't think its a grub error
[05:59] <brandon1> its not installed yet
[05:59] <dli_> brandon1, which step, then?
[06:00] <brandon1> when I boot up from the cd I get the menu to "try ubuntu without making changes", "install now" etc.
[06:00] <brandon1> none of the selections work
[06:01] <ghaith> since 7.10 compiz was disabled on my laptop (thinkpad z60m) because of a bug causing X to freeze randomly, now it's enabled again, however the bug is still there, should i report that or is it a normal beta behaviour (for testing or sth)
[06:01] <dli_> brandon1, oh, livecd
[06:01] <brandon1> are you saying the cd is bad?
[06:01] <dli_> brandon1, most likely
[06:02] <dli_> brandon1, you can safely use "dist-upgrade" to upgrade
[06:02] <brandon1> how?
[06:02] <brandon1> i don't have 8.04 on the laptop
[06:02] <brandon1> i just bought it today from a friend and it has xp home on it
[06:02] <dli_> brandon1, I see, you need livecd then
[06:02] <dli_> brandon1, burn livecd with verification
[06:03] <brandon1> k ill give that a shot, thanks for your help
[06:03] <blankthemuffin> brandon1, remember to check the hashsum of the image file after you download it ( or use a torrent ) and verify the disk after burning
[06:04] <brandon1> i hit escape and it went to text based
[06:04] <brandon1> what command would install?
[06:04] <brandon1> assuming the cd works that is
[06:05] <dli_> blankthemuffin, is there a liveUSB image?
[06:06] <blankthemuffin> you can make a live usb from a cd image.
[06:06] <ghaith> brandon1, go back to windows and do a check first.. it's better you don't install from that cd untill you verify it's the right disk
[06:06] <brandon1> well could i atleast run a check disk in text based?
[06:07] <dli_> brandon1, do you have linux running there?
[06:07] <brandon1> im at the menu and i hit escape and it went to text based, so no just the live cd
[06:09] <brandon1> but like i said i got this laptop today so it could be retarded, so maybe just initiating the install with a text-based comannd would work? I think it would atleast be worth a shot
[06:09] <ghaith> you need the alternate cd for that
[06:09] <ghaith> unless im missing sth, and that would have been really usefull to be if it's there lol
[06:10] <brandon1> so then whats the point of having a command prompt for this cd?
[06:11] <ghaith> command prompt is always there..
[06:12] <dli_> brandon1, I mean you should download the livecd image and burn with verification of md5 checksum
[06:12] <brandon1> ok i just hit enter at the command prompt and it went back and then the menu worked and i got an error saying bad kernel etc. so its a crappy cd
[06:12] <brandon1> yes dli i realize i just wanted to make sure it was the cd
[06:12] <brandon1> thanks for your help all
[06:16] <blankthemuffin> Nope, even with new updates compiz is still crashing.
[06:23] <paul928_laptop> will the atheros wifi card be natively supported in Intrepid?
[06:23] <blankthemuffin> Don't worry I fixed it, reinstalled the nvidia drivers. :P
[06:24] <paul928_laptop> or will madwifi still be needed?
[06:26] <EruditeHermit> paul928_laptop: I believe its included in kernel 2.6.27 natively
[06:26] <EruditeHermit> paul928_laptop: ath9k
[06:27] <EruditeHermit> paul928_laptop: if you have an Atheros AR5008 and AR9001 chipset then your answer is yes
[06:28] <paul928_laptop> EruditeHermit, that will be nice. I just reinstalled madwifi for the latest hardy bkernel upgrade and it caused a kernel panic...won't even boot
[06:28] <EruditeHermit> strange
[06:28] <EruditeHermit> what does it say
[06:29] <EruditeHermit> not that I can help too much
[06:29] <EruditeHermit> you should probably ask in #ubuntu
[06:30] <paul928_laptop> tried to load the wireless module and then showed a fatal error (kernel panic) I had to revert to the previous kernel.
[06:31] <paul928_laptop> actually lspci shows Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x as my wireless card
[06:32] <EruditeHermit> paul928_laptop: read this and hunt for a mention of your chipset
[06:32] <EruditeHermit> paul928_laptop: http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_2_6_27
[06:32] <EruditeHermit> paul928_laptop: thats a list of most of the new things in 2.6.27 kernel which will ship with intrepid
[06:34] <paul928_laptop> EruditeHermit, thanks
[06:34] <EruditeHermit> paul928_laptop: also note, I read in a forum that somtimes ath5k chips show up as ath2k
[06:34] <EruditeHermit> here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=756318
[06:37] <EruditeHermit> paul928_laptop: so if you may have a different chipset than the one shown to be detected
[06:37] <EruditeHermit> paul928_laptop: don't lose hope
[06:52] <frybye> re: when using e2fsck -b etc.. to restore alternative masterblock and the system says that the /sda1 is either mounted (when it is not!-) or another programme is using it exclusively-- what can one then do to proceed...?
[06:53] <bobertdos> frybye: Does sudo mount confirm that it isn't mounted?
[06:53] <frybye> i did sudo umount and that said that it was not mounted...?
[06:54] <frybye> unfortunatly I cant try anything right now immediatly - I am at work on a windows machine..
[06:55] <frybye> the linux box is at home...
[06:57] <frybye> bobertdos: this all relates to a live cd session with the intreped-beta live disk being used...
[06:57] <bobertdos> frybye: Well, given how many rounds of updates the beta has been through since the LiveCD release, it's probably the OS' fault :p
[06:58] <frybye> bobertdos: do you think I would be better using a hardy live cd - is that your point...?
[06:58] <bobertdos> frybye: Yeah, more or less ;)
[06:59] <frybye> ok - i will try that this afternoon... thanx...
[06:59] <frybye> is there any difference when the partition concerned is in efs3 and not efs2??
[07:00] <bobertdos> frybye: No, just the journal, otherwise ext2 and 3 are exactly the same.
[07:00] <frybye> here it is all about replacing the superblock with the alternative because the magicnummer is apparently corrupt...?
[07:01] <bobertdos> not really my area of expertise, I'm afraid
[07:01] <frybye> ok bobertdos - a noob myself your probably streets ahead of me though.. ;=)
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[07:47] <xitherun> hi, whenever I try to update to Intrepid, from Hardy, via the Update Manager, I get an error that "Authenticating the upgrade failed." is there a problem with my computer, or a problem with the server?
[07:49] <dli_> xitherun, what's in "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"
[07:50] <xitherun> uh, nothing? "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."
[07:51] <dli_> xitherun, edit /etc/apt/sources.list first
[07:53] <eitreach> Is there a way to select a different server for upgrades? The local mirror seems to be down here.
[07:54] <scizzo-> eitreach: yes.....through the mirror setup or /etc/apt/sources.list
[07:54] <eitreach> scizzo-: thanks.
[07:57] <sigma> anyone here using konq kde4 as a browser?
[07:58] <xitherun> dli_, would I have to add Intrepid sources to sources.list?
[07:59] <dli_> xitherun, replace hardy with intrepid
[07:59] <dli_> xitherun, since you can not mix
[08:01] <xitherun> dli_, ok, thanks
[08:01] <Turms> where can i find on which vanilla kernel is an ubuntu kernel based?
[08:01] <Turms> what i mean is, on top of what 2.6.27-rc is 2.6.27-3-generic based?
[08:02] <LSD|Ninja> uname ?
[08:03] <scizzo-> xitherun: I would suggest you to wait until the final release comes out if you don't really know how to change the sources.list file it seems you are new to apt-get
[08:03] <Turms> LSD|Ninja: uname -r will give me 2.6.27-3-generic, i.d. how ubuntu named it
[08:03] <RAOF> Turms: Difficult to tell; the easiest way would be to look through the changelog in /usr/share/doc/linux-image-$(uname -r)/changelog.Debian.gz
[08:04] <Turms> RAOF: unbelievable! there is not an easy way to find out what is the vanilla kernel under an ubuntu kernel?
[08:05] <Omar87> Hi, I'm trying to upgrade my system, but it says there is an error authenticating some packages, I don't know why.
[08:05] <Omar87> Any, help please?
[08:07] <RAOF> Turms: Indeed, no. We do quite a lot of forward and backward porting, so it's not really terribly useful to know, anyway.
[08:07] <Turms> RAOF: i'm the author of bug 272896 and afterwords of 11721 against kernel.org, i know thast vanilla kernel works, but i know that ubuntu 2.6.27-3 doesn't
[08:07] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 272896 in linux "intrepid - after upgrade to kernel 2.6.27 i cannot upgrade nor i can navigate internet" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/272896
[08:09] <Turms> RAOF: since i've been told by kernel developpers to use git-bisect, i wish to narrow the problem
[08:09] <Turms> RAOF: this is th reason why would be important for me to know on which vanilla kernel 2.6.27-3 (ubuntu) is based
[08:23] <LimCore> my b43 wireless does not work
[08:23] <LimCore> do I need to install some driver or something?
[08:23] <LimCore> 1) there is no popup info, no wizard etc - bad
[08:23] <LimCore> 2) search for b43 in synaptics shows nothing
[08:23] <TheInfinity> LimCore: search for it in launchpad
[08:23] <Omar87> Hi, I'm trying to upgrade my system, but it says there is an error authenticating some packages, I don't know why.
[08:24] <TheInfinity> intrepid is beta
[08:24] <Hobbsee> LimCore: b43, as in, broadcom?
[08:24] <Omar87> Any, help please?
[08:24] <TheInfinity> and you should have a look in dmesg and syslog
[08:24] <RAOF> Turms: You're actually after running a git bisect against Ubuntu's kernel repository.
[08:25] <Hobbsee> Omar87: which mirror are youusing?
[08:25] <LimCore> Hobbsee: yes
[08:25] <RAOF> Turms: Say hello to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide
[08:25] <Omar87> Hobbsee: how do I find out about that?
[08:25] <Hobbsee> LimCore: i'm fairly surethat'll requirendiswrapper.
[08:25] <Hobbsee> Omar87: /etc/apt/sources.list
[08:25] <LimCore> Hobbsee: afair on 8.04 it was easier to install
[08:25] <LimCore> so, what to install?
[08:25] <Hobbsee> !broadcom
[08:25] <ubottu> Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx
[08:26] <Hobbsee> oh, they gotsome drivers in thekernelfor it. sweet.
[08:26] <elmargol> Is there a way to disable powermixer? I think I know why my nvidia driver crashes
[08:26] <Hobbsee> broadcom must have cometo it's senses.
[08:27] <elmargol> It seems that my nvidia card crashes if the memory is at 100mhz and the temperature is ober 65°C
[08:27] <LimCore> it is harder to install in 8.10 .. I guess that *43 packages are not yet in repo
[08:27] <elmargol> if the memory is a 300mhz the card does not crash
[08:27] <Hobbsee> LimCore: do you need the new b43 drivers,or htelegacy ones?
[08:28] <LimCore> not sure.. in 8.04 - I dont remember how I installed it, but it was afair easy
[08:28] <LimCore> in 8.10 I hoped it would Just Work, or popup a question to confirm do I want to install not-free driver to user wireless
[08:28] <Hobbsee> LimCore: well, if you'd *read* the broadcominfo above, it probably wouldhave told you.
[08:31] <LSD|Ninja> LimCore: the problem with Broadcom is they don't allow distribution of the firmware blobs like Intel and Atheros do
[08:31] <LSD|Ninja> If you have a Broadcom card though you're far better off just punting it in favour of something else. Even when you get them running they aren't particularly good
[08:34] <LimCore> well, lets display the above thoughts in a popup box
[08:34] <LimCore> otherwise user do not know what is the next step to get network going
[08:34] <LSD|Ninja> LimCore: yep, you see it all the time over in #ubuntu
[08:35] <LimCore> yes, my point
[08:35] <LimCore> woot.
[08:36] <LimCore> on 8.04 cpu is around 2% of time in sleep, even when doing nothing. on 8.10 it is sleeping (C3) 99.2% time. new kernel \o/
[08:36] <LSD|Ninja> What's worse is that people assume that since they aren't prompted, it's not supported so do all kinds of stupid stuff (like ndiswrapper) when they don't have to
[08:36] <LimCore> I hope b43 was not causing the massive cpu wakups.. will see.
[08:40] <Turms> RAOF: well i think i will try to debug my problem directly on the vanilla kernel, i non that works, i'll patch the source of 2.6.26 with patch-2.6.27-rc1-git1.bz2 since i cannot find what appears in kernel.org page as plain patch-2.6.27-rc1.bz2
[08:41] <BadRobot> hi there
[08:41] <BadRobot> I am trying out ubuntu 8.10,my HSPDA Modem was working before I have update my system but it doesn't work anymore
[08:41] <BadRobot> Some could anyone help me with that
[08:42] <BadRobot> someone home?
[08:43] <Venin> yo
[08:43] <BadRobot> which kernel is Interprid using?
[08:43] <Venin> i tried the beta created on a usb stick with unetbootin.. is it the intention having few install options at boot?
[08:43] <zniavre> 2.6.27-7
[08:44] <BadRobot> Interprid is the only distro that works with my HSPDA Moden
[08:45] <LSD|Ninja> Intrepid should be out in the next two weeks or so, surely you an wait that long :)
[08:46] <BadRobot> I am using it right now
[08:46] * petererer wonders if usplash will work now
[08:46] <BadRobot> But there is a catch,before I have update the system,i could to use my HSPDA Modem,but now after the update I can't
[08:47] <Venin> im using intrepid now.. and iwconfig says eth1 not associated.. but it is...
[08:47] <Venin> is it because proprietary driver from Dell?
[08:48] <LimCore> btw, how about moving apt to use torrent as servers?
[08:48] <Venin> its a broadcom chipset
[08:48] <Venin> iwconfig doesnt give me the normal output
[08:51] <Turms> BadRobot: check if you have my same problem: bug 272896
[08:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 272896 in linux "intrepid - after upgrade to kernel 2.6.27 i cannot upgrade nor i can navigate internet" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/272896
[09:01] <scent> how that there is a import from old ubuntu accounts do i need to import when i am allready mounting /home to line them up?
[09:02] <scent> i have a bad feeling that the last install over hardy whiped out my gaim
[09:02] <scent> and evolution
[09:04] <BadRobot> which kernel does the liveCd on Interprid uses?
[09:04] <scent> can i get rid of those idiot boxes: 'you just connected to the internet!, good for you!'
[09:14] <eross> does intrepid mean adding restricted drivers as part of the install?
[09:14] <amrik> eross: they arent installed by default
[09:15] <eross> i was tryin to be funny
[09:18] <bronzewalla84> can anyone help with getting intel x3100 chipset working?
[09:18] <bronzewalla84> new dell studio won't display desktop unless i hook up external monitor on vga port
[09:21] <eross> secret encrypted directory - sounds interesting
[09:23] <eross> can't wait, hopefully new xorg features will work with my old wacom tablet
[09:23] <eross> have to hand edit it with every major release
[09:26] <amrik> eross: its too late i cant notice jokes >_<
[09:33] <Omar87> I have a problem with internet video streams like youtube, there is no voice at all. Any help?
[09:34] <Omar87> please?
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[09:59] <frevi645> Hi! I'm on Intrepid beta and I'm trying to download the kernel source but apt-get complains that it can't check the gnupg signature and therefor quits. Any help? Please?
[10:02] <frevi645> anyone? please...
[10:33] <petererer> Bah, compiled a debug amsynth and it runs :o
[10:39] <zaggynl> How is intrepid compared to its predecessor? heard something about optimizing boot time and the such
[10:39] <elmargol> zaggynl: wireless support is improved
[10:40] <zaggynl> new kernel is one heck of an improvement in terms of features/drivers I guess
[10:40] <elmargol> zaggynl: you can encrypt your home folder or the whole disc thats new too
[10:40] <zaggynl> nice
[10:40] <elmargol> I have root home and swap encrypted
[10:41] <macvr> has anyone tried intrepid on acer 5672 wlmi?
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[10:43] <macvr> elmargol: noob ques... how does encryption help? i could password protect individual folders?
[10:43] <elmargol> macvr: i have everything protected.
[10:44] <petererer> hehe, procinfo is still useless on modern systems.
[10:44] <macvr> elmargol: could i set individual folders with different passwords?
[10:44] <elmargol> My laptop writes about 27MB/s 256bit encrypted
[10:44] <dns53> i am trying to manually set up a network connection using network manager but i
[10:44] <elmargol> macvr: don't know I don't use the folder encryption. i have the partition encrypted
[10:44] <macvr> elmargol: 27!!! specs?
[10:45] <macvr> elmargol: but folder encryption can be done?
[10:45] <dns53> i am trying to manually set up a network connection using network manager but im getting the error: connection update not supported, (read only), any idea what policy makes this editable?
[10:46] <elmargol> macvr: you can have 1 encrypted folder afaik
[10:46] <elmargol> everything you put in this folder is encrypted
[10:46] <elmargol> I think thats stupid
[10:47] <macvr> elmargol: just so that if someone is going to use my user then i could prevent access!
[10:49] <macvr> ok i'd like to try intrepid.... i'm now using hardy... my home is in a different partition.... how do i update to intrepid and if i have problems with intrepid how do i revert ? i'd like to know the easiest way to upgrade and roll back?
[10:49] <elmargol> I think if you do not encrypt everything you are not secure at all
[10:50] <dns53> there is no easy way to roll back, but you should do a dpkg --get-selections > filename to save the packages installed so you can dpkg --set-selection <filename when you reinstall ubuntu
[10:50] <elmargol> Linux swaps your memory out. Some application create temp files
[10:50] <elmargol> maybe thumbnails
[10:51] <macvr> dns53: so best backup? my /root install?
[10:53] <dns53> macvr back up things like databases (do an export) and any other non ubuntu software, you may want to backup /etc as well, you could leave this in /home as you would not wipe that partition if you reinstall
[10:55] <macvr> dns53: i'm a noob! so by databases what do u mean? i just have the installed software from repos and just xchat 2.8.6 +avast, vbox, remastersys
[10:56] <dns53> macvr if you installed mysql or postgres and are running a website or something that is not part of the core os
[10:56] <macvr> dns53: i dont use mysql or website... i just a home user
[10:58] <dns53> macvr well i'd just save the list of packages you currently have then, the install will not touch your home unless you tell it to.
[10:58] <macvr> dns53: what is the use of /etc? how do i save list of packages? manually writing it down??
[11:04] <dns53> /etc holds the main set of config files, run something like this: sudo tar -zcRf /home/etc.tar.gz /etc/*
[11:08] <macvr> dns53: hei ,... i just realize something... remastersys backups the system as a reinstallable cd... so using that to backup my system and using it to reinstall will do the trick right?
[11:09] <dns53> sounds good but i'd also do the commands above as well as a second backup, it will not take up much space
[11:09] <strange> hey guys i've been having weird crashes on intrepid, out of nowhere my capslock/scrollock/numlock lights start blinking and laptop becomes unresponsive
[11:09] <strange> only way to turn it off is to remove power+battery
[11:10] <strange> happened twice now this week
[11:10] <macvr> dns53: k.. will do both.. thanx man...
[11:10] <Hobbsee> strange: that'll be a kernel panic.
[11:10] <strange> whats the best way to backtrace the errro?
[11:11] <macvr> dns53: sudo tar -zcRf /home/MACVR/etc.tar.gz /etc/* would work right? o save in my user?
[11:11] <macvr> to
[11:11] <dns53> yes
[11:12] <macvr> dns53: thanx man..
[11:24] <Plz> Wirless network does not work after the last upgrade yesterday.
[11:25] <Plz> I cannot find any wirless network or connect to Eduroam at my university.
[11:26] <Plz> When I try to connect to Eduroam I just get disconnected before I even have connected.
[11:26] <Plz> Is there any way to fix this?
[11:26] <Plz> please
[11:32] <h4wk0> Plz: What does iwconfig say/
[11:33] <Plz> http://paste.ubuntu.com/58283/
[11:35] <h4wk0> Humm, Do you have a wired conection, as i believe this has been fixed
[11:36] <Plz> Yes, the wired connectionw orks.
[11:36] <Plz> But I cannot use the wirless connection at school.
[11:37] <Plz> and it sucks.
[11:37] <Plz> It did work yesterday before I upgraded.
[11:37] <h4wk0> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=949341
[11:38] <Plz> Many peoples with the same problem...
[11:38] <Plz> I really hope they fix it
[11:39] <Plz> since now I need to use Windows at school :S
[11:39] <h4wk0> I saw i read something else this morning about this problem, Can't seem to find the post now!
[11:41] <h4wk0> Meh, think this had something to do with it firmware: Remove all firmware, now provided by linux-firmware
[11:41] <Plz> No idea how I do it
[11:41] <thesaltydog> just upgraded to intrepid, but I have no NetworkManager icon on the notification bar. Internet is working fine.
[11:41] <Plz> But I`ll wait 1-2 days
[11:41] <Plz> and see what happends.
[11:42] <maxb_> thesaltydog: try logout/login again
[11:42] <thesaltydog> maxb_: tried..
[11:42] <h4wk0> Plz: Have you double checked you are fully updated?
[11:42] <maxb_> oh. that fixed it for me
[11:42] <Plz> thesaltydog: you have probably just removed it as I did.. rightclick on the panel --> add to panel --> add "info. area?"
[11:43] <thesaltydog> I have a fixed ip setting in /etc/network/interfaces
[11:43] <Plz> h4wk0: yes
[11:43] <thesaltydog> the info area is there, but no NetworkManager...
[11:43] <Plz> weired
[11:43] <scolopendra> hi, i'm on intrepid installed on a macbookpro 2nd gen. , have you any advice on how to get the "right click" enabled on the trackpad ?
[11:44] <Plz> anyway, I don`t got school before monday again.
[11:44] <Plz> So they got 3 days to fix it :p
[11:44] <scolopendra> i followed the guide at : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro?highlight=(\bCategoryMac\b)
[11:46] <scolopendra> i added the lines in the xorg.conf, these is mine : http://rafb.net/p/P29cYs43.html
[11:47] <scolopendra> maybe can you suggest me how to modify it ? thanks for any help guys
[11:57] <Plz> h4wk0: I found a fix for it... you just need to change the "update source" to download from their mainservers.
[11:57] <Plz> not the local one.
[11:57] <Plz> then you get the fix.
[11:57] <Plz> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=948665&page=3
[11:59] <Plz> By the way, how do I install google earth?
[12:00] <Plz> I have downloaded Google_Earth_CZXD.bin from http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html, but what do I do with a bin file?
[12:04] <Plz> brb. Need to reboot.
[12:09] <h4wk0> Plz iirc apt-get holds the google earth packages somewhere, Take a look through Synaptic.
[12:10] <Plz> it does, but not able to install it
[12:10] <Plz> Tryed to install google-earth
[12:11] <Plz> I`ll look on synaptic.
[12:12] <h4wk0> I think they have version's after it
[12:14] <Plz> Didn`t find anything in synaptic.
[12:14] <Plz> But I got the .bin file from google`s homepage though.
[12:14] <Plz> The problem is how to install it.
[12:16] <Plz> Didn`t find it in add/remove programs either.
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
[12:16] <Plz> 0 posts about it on ubuntuforums.org
[12:17] <testi> I have Kubuntu, but GTK-applications don't have Qt-Style, but I installed and configured gtk-qt-engine in System Settings
[12:17] <h4wk0> !package googleearth-package > Plz
[12:17] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[12:17] <h4wk0> !package googleearth-packag
[12:17] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[12:17] <h4wk0> !package googleearth-package
[12:17] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[12:19] <Plz> How do you find it?
[12:19] <Plz> I cannot...
[12:19] <Plz> :O
[12:19] <Plz> My fault.
[12:19] <h4wk0> or
[12:19] <h4wk0> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth
[12:19] <Plz> Needed to update the synaptic.
[12:20] <h4wk0> Tells you have to install the .bibn
[12:20] <h4wk0> *.bin
[12:21] <h4wk0> Anyway back to moving my desk around.
[12:27] <fgdgfd> hi! after upgrade wireless doesn't work. any ideas how to fix this?
[12:27] <h4wk0> fgdgfd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=948665&page=3
[12:28] <Plz> Basicly you change the "update source" server from local to main.
[12:28] <Plz> Then update
[12:28] <h4wk0> Then tada :D
[12:28] <Plz> AFter that you need to restart and put it back to local.
[12:29] <fgdgfd> can i download this and install manually? using wireless other os atm
[12:31] <Plz> oh my god...
[12:31] <Plz> Google Earth is just one big bug!
[12:31] <Plz> Does not work at all.
[12:32] <fgdgfd> take off your glasses for a while buddy
[12:33] <Plz> I can`t see nothing except stars...
[12:33] <Plz> and if I try to search after something nothing happends.
[12:34] <h4wk0> Plz: Have you got you're gfx card drivers install?
[12:34] <Plz> no idea.
[12:34] <Plz> how do I check that?
[12:34] <Plz> I got Intel 950GMA? or something like that.
[12:35] <Plz> Don`t remember right now.
[12:35] <h4wk0> Humm could be why there, as you are using an on-board gfx card
[12:36] <Plz> well, it did work in Windows.
[12:36] <Plz> sadly..
[12:36] <Plz> Maybe that`s why World of Warcraft are lagging in Ubuntu to.
[12:36] <Plz> How do I check what driver I`m using?
[12:37] <h4wk0> Humm on second thoughts try this" cd | rm -Rf .config/Google | rm -Rf .googleearth "
[12:38] <Plz> When I go to system --> admin --> hardware drivers, I get a message, "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system".
[12:38] <h4wk0> Try above command then reopen it, could be that you launced auto from install and get all your config files as root
[12:40] <Plz> christer@laptop1:~$ cd
[12:40] <Plz> christer@laptop1:~$ rm -Rf .config/google
[12:40] <Plz> christer@laptop1:~$ rm -Rf .googleearth
[12:40] <Plz> Nothing happend.
[12:40] <h4wk0> Thats good :)
[12:40] <Plz> When I start Google Earth from the menu there is no diffrence :S
[12:41] <Plz> btw, the "picture" of the stars are flashing and does not look good...
[12:41] <h4wk0> Ok yeah, it might been you need a GFX card as ubuntu can't 3d render
[12:41] <Sebboh> Hi. The default editor for the Midnight Commander has been changed to nano. Or, mc is just using the default system-wide editor, or something.. Can I change that?
[12:41] <Plz> The Intel 950GMA can not do it in Ubuntu?
[12:43] <exco> tracker doesn't index my evolution imap folder after re-indexing. where do I start looking?
[12:43] <crazy_bus> I installed ibex clean over but with a seperate home drive with kubuntu 3.5 hardy. Now Places Homefolder.......desktop etc won't load and say Failed to execute child process "kfmclient" (No such file or directory) Is there anything I can do to change it and use naut?
[13:31] <zeco> hello! the Ibex Roadmap says something about FinalFreeze, Rebuild Test & Final translation export for today (October 16th). Does that mean that there will be a new beta image released somewhere? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule
[13:33] <h4wk0> Ohh, Kernel is freezing today
[13:33] <Unksi> zeco: that is for the release candidate that is going to be released next week
[13:34] <zeco> ok thx
[13:34] <wlx> hi, I am using intrepid now, and I want to recompile a package: libgdal1-1.5.0, so I apt-get source, and try dpkg-buildpackage, but get errors: see here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdal/+bug/271670
[13:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 271670 in gdal "Please sync gdal 1.5.2-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Medium,Confirmed]
[13:34] <wlx> anybody can give me a hint of this problem?
[13:37] <zeco> btw, i was hoping that my wireless network and my MemoryStick reader would be supported by linux 2.6.27 nativeley, but it didn't work out that way with the first ibex beta in live mode... is there still hope that it could work in the RC / final?
[13:40] <elvirolo> HI EVERYONE
[13:40] <elvirolo> whoops
[13:40] <elvirolo> sorry
[13:40] <h4wk0> zeco: Prob not as kernel is being froze today
[13:43] <elvirolo> i'm using kubuntu intrepid, and, since yesterday's updates (new kernel i think), knetwork manager won't let me connect to my wifi network (i'm using iwl3945)
[13:43] <elvirolo> but it works under windows, with the same carde
[13:43] <elvirolo> card*
[13:45] <h4wk0> elvirolo: system -> software sources
[13:45] <h4wk0> Change server to main server
[13:46] <h4wk0> then sudo apt-get update | sudo apt-get upgrade
[13:46] <h4wk0> Restart then it should fix it.
[13:46] <h4wk0> Then change back to the local server.
[13:46] <elvirolo> h4wk0, but the thing is I can't get a network connection :(
[13:46] <h4wk0> Wired?
[13:47] <elvirolo> h4wk0, i live on a campus, so i only have access to wireless
[13:47] <h4wk0> Unfortunably its the main server that holds the fix
[13:47] <elvirolo> h4wk0, oh, so it's a know problem is it?
[13:47] <h4wk0> Yeah, couple people already been in here today with it..
[13:48] <h4wk0> elvirolo: how are you on here now?
[13:48] <elvirolo> h4wk0, via windows xp
[13:48] <h4wk0> heh trusty dual boot.
[13:48] <elvirolo> yeah lol
[13:49] <h4wk0> let me find the forum post again see if there is anything else if you can't get a wired connection
[13:49] <elvirolo> h4wk0, i suppose i could download the approriate packages via windows
[13:49] <elvirolo> h4wk0, thank you
[13:50] <h4wk0> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=948665&page=3
[13:50] <h4wk0> Top post is the suggested fix which *has* worked
[13:52] <testi> I just updated and now shortcuts don't work any more
[13:52] <testi> programs are not started
[13:52] <testi> except
[13:53] <testi> Kopete, Konversation, Firefox, Kwrite and Kontact
[13:53] <testi> <- Kubuntu Intrepid KDE4
[13:54] <testi> I had no Emulate3Buttons entry
[13:54] <Splex> anyone know how i can get wifi connecting again?
[13:54] <testi> but
[13:55] <elvirolo> h4wk0, that's great, thank you very much
[13:56] <testi> Emulate3Buttons was enabled, but I have 2 mice connected, both have 3 buttons and Emulate3Buttons makes desktop performance horrible, because the mouse reacts horribly slow
[13:56] <testi> so i had to disable it manually
[13:56] <testi> why is that?
[14:05] <Splex> iwlagn: iwlwifi-5000-1.ucode firmware file req failed: Reason -2
[14:05] <Splex> iwlagn: Could not read microcode: -2
[14:05] <Splex> iwlagn 0000:02:00.0: PCI INT A disabled
[14:05] <Splex> anyone know how to fix this?
[14:05] <nazgul> good afternoon
[14:06] <Splex> hello nazgul
[14:06] <nazgul> referring to launchpad Bug #259214 : I believe this is a showstopper and I am wondering why severity is still set to medium.
[14:06] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259214 in network-manager "wired connection settings are lost after reboot" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259214
[14:09] <nazgul> Can someone raise the priority there?
[14:10] <Splex> since an update yesterday, i have been unable to connect via wireless. in dmesg i see 'iwlagn: iwlwifi-5000-1.ucode firmware file req failed: reason -2, iwlagn: Could not read microcode: -2'
[14:10] <Splex> any idea how i can fix this?
[14:11] <fsufitch> i got an issue with NetworkManager (i think). unless i'm connected to a network (wired or wireless) i can't ping or access localhost in any way
[14:11] <fsufitch> it says that the sendmsg command is a not permitted operation
[14:16] <noelferreira> the proprietarty drivers for the old nvidia cards (geforce 3 200 series) will never work with Intrepid or the issue will be corrected in the final release (xorg)?
[14:18] <h4wk0> Splex: system->admin->software sources
[14:18] <h4wk0> change it to main server on the drop down
[14:18] <frybye> After installing with 8.10 the partition can't be backed up in the normal way with acronis. If I try to use the "sector by sector" method it shows me that it will take 7hours or so - is this just a wrong indication or would my pc be tied up really so long.. and with this method is the backup much bigger (i.e. as big as the whole partition being imaged?)
[14:18] <h4wk0> then sudo apt-get update | sudo apt-get upgrade
[14:18] <h4wk0> restart and then chcnage back to the local server, should work :)
[14:19] <frybye> I am not really clever/knowedgable enough to use something like dd...
[14:22] <elvirolo> h4wk0: it all works fine now, thank you :)
[14:23] <joaopinto> frybye, use partimage or rsync
[14:24] <h4wk0> Splex: Did you get that?
[14:26] <frybye> does partimage use a gui??
[14:27] <frybye> is it on the intrepid live cd.. and or do I have to use it from a live session??
[14:28] <h4wk0> frybye: http://www.partimage.org/Partimage-manual_Usage
[14:28] <h4wk0> From the looks of it, yes it does.
[14:38] <frybye> andis it a given that partimage will not have the same special problems with the ".. ext3 mit 256 i-nodes parameters -" which acronis has?
=== HardyOne is now known as IdleOne
[14:50] <Oric> help me with my kernel
[14:50] <Oric> my ubuntu is 8.10 while my kernel is still 2.6.24
=== IdleOne is now known as JauntyOne
[15:00] <zniavre> !bugs
[15:00] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[15:01] <frybye> re: cant get gparted in this live session with the intrepid live cd..
[15:03] <Glady> where u find the information about the kernel
[15:03] <Pici> Glady: What kind of information?
[15:03] <frybye> here is the past of what happens in the termain when I try to get it... http://paste.ubuntu.com/58355/
[15:03] <Glady> the version, the status the anomalies
[15:04] <frybye> anybody know how to get partimage on a intrepid live cd session?
[15:05] <frybye> btw - there does not seem to be a #ubuntu+1-de or similar...
[15:05] <frybye> I am a Brit living in Germany and so have a German os
[15:06] <h4wk0> frybye: I dont think update even finished, looked like an error to me (But i can't read german
=== JauntyOne is now known as IdleOne
[15:07] <frybye> it says - some index files could not be downloaded, they were ignored or old versions used...
[15:07] <h4wk0> system>admin>software sources
[15:08] <h4wk0> Untick cd
[15:08] <frybye> ok...
[15:08] <h4wk0> now run sudo apt-get update
[15:08] <DefunctProcess> apmd is only for laptops right?
[15:09] <frybye> ok - seems to have done the trick.. thanks..#
[15:09] <h4wk0> DefunctProcess: Yes :)
[15:09] <Splex> my wireless is unable to start since a recent upgrade. there is an error of failure to read microcode in dmesg
[15:09] <Splex> anyone else having this problem?
[15:09] <h4wk0> Splex: Please read up i did reply to you :)
[15:09] <DefunctProcess> h4wk0, thank you, acpid is for desktops tho yes?
[15:10] <Splex> im in vista... so please copy and paste for me :P
[15:10] <Splex> (BSOD)
[15:10] <h4wk0> DefunctProcess: I am unsure only used apmd before - Check with google.
[15:11] <frybye> in part image I somehow cant make any entries...?? on the gui i mean
[15:11] <h4wk0> Splex: Do you have access to wired connection?
[15:11] <Splex> nope :(
[15:11] <Splex> but...
[15:11] <Splex> im in vista right now on same computer (dual boot)
[15:11] <h4wk0> You need a wired connection to fix
[15:11] <Splex> i can download debs and access them in ubuntu after restart
[15:12] <h4wk0> Basically you need to change the software sources from Local to main , as the main server holds the fix for the issue
[15:12] <Splex> which package(s)
[15:13] <h4wk0> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=948665&page=3
[15:13] <frybye> h4wk0: how can I type into the gui within the terminal with the partimage... cant figure how to make the entries.. the window seems dead...???
[15:13] <h4wk0> Holds the information.. I am unsure, as didn't have this problem my self - A couple of people have been and gone today with it.
[15:14] <h4wk0> frybye: Let me install and see if i can try
[15:14] <frybye> thanks h4wk0
[15:14] <h4wk0> Did you launch with any parameters or just partimage?
[15:14] <frybye> there is a single key one needs to use to do this - I have just forgotten what it is ..
[15:14] <frybye> just partimage
[15:15] <h4wk0> Did you sudo partimage?
[15:15] <frybye> and it is running in ther terminal window..
[15:15] <frybye> not sure.. I will close it and run again.. hang on...
[15:15] <h4wk0> I can use the directional keys fine
[15:16] <frybye> it is just the same...
[15:16] <h4wk0> Then tab onto the next option
[15:16] <h4wk0> brb
[15:17] <h4wk0> back
[15:18] <d-b> hi there if 8.10 is not ready for release will it be delayed ?
[15:19] <frybye> h4wk0: it said that sda1 was mounted at /media/Disk-1 but that is where I have sda5 or.. hmmm#
[15:19] <Splex> h4wk0: looks to me like it is the linux-firmware package? http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/linux-firmware
[15:19] <cwillu> who do I yell at?
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[15:19] <cwillu> upgrade manager should not be popping up windows with keyboard focus
[15:20] <d-b> cwillu: other softare does that too. most annoying.
[15:20] <cwillu> I just okay'd some random dialog because I was typing
[15:20] <Splex> brb, gonna try this one
[15:20] <cwillu> it _really_ had better not be the 'break your system?' dialog
[15:20] <cwillu> annnnyways :p
[15:20] <d-b> cwillu: "are you sure you want to do this" type
[15:21] <cwillu> yep
[15:21] <cwillu> bah, gotta run
[15:24] <clebert> Hello anyone:
[15:24] <clebert> I don't know if this channel would be the right channel to inform this... please let me know if I should go somewhere else...
[15:24] <clebert> I'm using Intrepid, and I have all the current possible updates...
[15:24] <clebert> I have two monitors.. each one on a different size... Xinerama is working ok on the newer version...
[15:24] <clebert> However Scale is acting weird.... (really weird)...
[15:24] <clebert> When I move the mouse over the windows... all the windows keep moving from one screen to the other... being pretty annoying.
[15:24] <clebert> I have looked if there was any configs that would fix that.. and I didn't find anything...
[15:24] <Splex> h4wk0, worked! thanks :D
[15:24] <frybye> h4wk0: not sure where to put the image - would /dev/sda2 with 6024375 blocks be big enough for a intrepid system part. image??
[15:24] <h4wk0> No worries Splex :)
[15:25] <frybye> h4wk0: and if so what would be the command to mount the partition...
[15:25] <h4wk0> frybye: What are you actually doing with this image?
[15:25] <Splex> such a horrible feeling to be without internet when things need updating
[15:25] <frybye> i wanna have an image of my system partition so that if i screw something up i can restore it..
[15:26] <h4wk0> Urmmm, i would just backup relevant files and not make an image but anyhow.
[15:26] <d-b> frybye: um..... make a chroot for the new image .... and then shap them.. (real and chroot installations)
[15:27] <frybye> i would actually prefer to put it on the other pc on my house lan (vista - ) but dont know how to do that..
[15:27] <d-b> just don't delete the old (hardy) release.
[15:27] <frybye> d-b you have lost me - i am a newbie...
[15:27] <bsnider> FYI VLC's integrated video problem has been fixed. the updated version will be available today
[15:27] <d-b> ok sorry you are on ubottu+1 so...
[15:28] <frybye> d-b all is relative.. using partimage...
[15:28] <Splex> frybye: did you try partimage?
[15:28] <frybye> h4wk0: up to now I use acronis but that dont work with intrepid partitions...
[15:28] <Regel> where did NewHuman theme go?
[15:29] <frybye> splex - that is what I am using .. i just dont know how to mouint and unmout partitions...
[15:29] <frybye> the exact commands I mean..
[15:29] <Mimi> Regel, new human is called... dark.. something now.
[15:29] <d-b> mount /dev/sdX /media/FOO -t ext3
[15:29] <d-b> or what ever the type is.
[15:29] <Regel> oh
[15:29] <h4wk0> Regel: its been renamed
[15:30] <d-b> h4wk0: is there no dummy package ?
[15:30] <frybye> I wanna put an iamge of my /dev/sda1 on the /dev/sda2 .. assuming that the system part is sda1???
[15:30] <Regel> h4wk0: thanks, it just messed up my custom theme, but i fixed it now :)
[15:30] <frybye> what is foo about???
[15:31] <Mimi> mounted on sda1 you mean? I read something about it.... there's an option to make you ignore the folder where its mounted. dont know what it is though *shrug*
[15:31] <Regel> about bar
[15:31] <Splex> FOO is the mount point
[15:31] <d-b> ~foo
[15:31] <d-b> !foo
[15:31] <ubottu> foo is bar
[15:31] <Splex> lol
[15:31] <d-b> Splex: that is so not helpful.
[15:31] <d-b> !bar
[15:31] <ubottu> baz
[15:31] <d-b> .... fail
[15:31] <frybye> how do I tell what format the images have?ß ext3 or 2 etc...
[15:32] <d-b> well did you pick it- if not it should be ext3.
[15:32] <frybye> hang on... it is in part image i think.. will start again...
[15:32] <jesseboi> can anyone tell me what version of the package "casper" is in the daily build? Or where I might look?
[15:32] <d-b> frybye: make sure you backup FIRST.
[15:32] <Splex> otherwise, you can check with either gparted or fdisk /dev/sda
[15:32] <d-b> jesseboi: yes. packages.ubuntu.com
[15:33] <frybye> backing up is what I am doing now or..?
[15:34] <jesseboi> d-b: thanks!
[15:34] * d-b if you want support please use #ubuntu
[15:35] <d-b> #ubuntu+1 is for the next release.
[15:35] <d-b> frybye: that applies to you.
[15:36] <d-b> Hobbsee: ping.
[15:37] <bsnider> d-b, she's not usually here in the day
[15:37] <d-b> bsnider: itsa actually 2 am here in australia. so no i doubt she is here i'm just up late /early.
[15:38] <bsnider> d-b, check back in about 8-10 hours
[15:38] * Mimi wishes it was 2 am here so she could go to sleep again ^.^
[15:38] <frybye> h4wk0: pse see http://paste.ubuntu.com/58370/
[15:39] <frybye> partimage says sda2 -extended- is that not ext3???
[15:39] <d-b> bsnider: .... yes i know. Mimi you don't need an excuse ^^
[15:39] <d-b> !sleep
[15:39] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about sleep
[15:39] <bsnider> frybye, that's not an ext3 partition
[15:39] <bsnider> that's what the message means
[15:39] <frybye> so what command do I need to mount it??
[15:40] <bsnider> what filesystem is it?
[15:40] <frybye> and can i use it for the image..
[15:40] <d-b> bsnider: no its the extended area. so yeah you need to mount the correct number.
[15:40] <d-b> lba. if i remember correctly.
[15:41] <bsnider> frybye, what happens if you just do sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/disk1
[15:41] <frybye> bsnider: are you speaking with me or..?
[15:41] <frybye> ok i try that...
[15:42] <frybye> it says - you must specify the filesystem type...""
[15:43] <bsnider> what _is_ the filesystem?
[15:43] <Splex> frybye: if you want to know more info on your partition, you can do sudo fdisk /dev/sda and then press 'p' to list the partitions
[15:43] <frybye> extended
[15:43] <Mimi> if you dont know , open some partition tool and it will tell you. also, i think this chat belongs in #ubuntu :P
[15:43] <frybye> i have just run gparted
[15:43] <Splex> and when you are done, 'q'
[15:43] <Splex> ohh ok
[15:43] <bsnider> frybye, that's not a filesystem
[15:43] <Splex> what does it show?
[15:44] <frybye> below that is /dev/sda5 linux-swap
[15:45] <frybye> sda1 is ext3 and sda2 is extended and sda5 is linux-swap..
[15:45] <bsnider> mount wants toknow how files on that partition are organized, not what type of partition it is
[15:45] <d-b> frybye: i told you it was extended already and please go to #ubuntu
[15:45] <frybye> d-b you assume loads of background knowledge here that I dont have...
[15:45] <frybye> if i go to ubuntu and they know i am running intrepid they will send me here pal...
[15:46] <bsnider> it looks like sda2 doesn't _have_ a file system
[15:46] <frybye> it looks like I dont have a suitable partition for this image..
[15:46] <d-b> oh you are running intrepid ... totally different. i guess... so long as it is conerning the distro and not installing it....
[15:46] <bsnider> frybye, have you formatted sda2 yet?
[15:47] <frybye> bsnider: I just let intrepid fix everything...
[15:47] * Mimi rolfs
[15:47] <bsnider> ok, that's not the answer i was searching for
[15:47] <Mimi> all intrepid is done is mess up my system, but i'm not complaining, i know its beta, hehe
[15:47] <frybye> there is no second partition on here big enough for an image..
[15:48] <frybye> Mimi - have you fun.. i am s t r u g g e l i n g at age 60 to learn soooo much to deal with ubuntu...
[15:48] <bsnider> frybye, back to square one. how did you get to this point?
[15:48] <frybye> I have noone here localally who has a clue..
[15:48] <Splex> frybye: does gparted even show the partition as having a filesystem?
[15:48] <d-b> Mimi: it is when its being shown on the ubuntu.com page .... as a beta.
[15:49] <Splex> or is it just saying it is an 'extended partition'
[15:49] <Mimi> frybye, if that is the case, I believe you should stick with Hardy (no judgment from my part). There is no reason whatsoever to be running Intrepid yet
[15:49] <frybye> i tried to use acronis to make an image of my linux box in case it gets screwed - but now i know that if you have let intrepid install cd do the partitions they cant be used by acronis...
[15:49] <frybye> i really want to put the image on a vista box on the home net - there is a public directory on there i can access from this box..
[15:50] <frybye> but dont knwo how to do it except with acronis which dont work with intrepid partitions..
[15:50] <bsnider> is acronis so useless that it can't use linux partitions?
[15:50] <d-b> nigt.
[15:50] <frybye> i dont know how to address the other pc from this one within the file system/linux addresses etc...
[15:51] <frybye> it can use all linux partitions up too the special way that intrepid does the partitions..
[15:51] <frybye> hang on .. i will show you what I am on about...
[15:51] <bsnider> what special way?
[15:51] <bsnider> this is absurd
[15:53] <noelferreira> the proprietarty drivers for the old nvidia cards (geforce 3 200 series) will never work with Intrepid or the issue will be corrected in the final release (xorg)?
[15:55] <crd1b> noelferreira: I would imagine that the ubuntu developers will put nvidia-glx-96 and -71 into intrepid (possibly in -updates or similar) if nvidia releases them in next few months
[15:57] <frybye> bsnider: this is the article about this problem (in German - perhaps you can use babelfish?) http://paste.ubuntu.com/58377/
[15:58] <w3lly> can someone tell me if openoffice3 will be in ubuntu8.10 avaible?
[15:58] <Don__> Hi! could anynoe please help me? I cant start x-server after the upgrade last night!
[15:58] <IdleOne> w3lly: Pici already answered you
[15:58] <bsnider> w3lly, no
[15:59] <arvind_khadri> hi, am on 2.6.27 wanted the ubuntu-modules for it...how can i get it?
[15:59] <frybye> the short version is - the new installer uses ext3 with 256 i-nodes and the normal stuff like acronis uses 128 i-nodes.. and so incompat...
[15:59] <arvind_khadri> whats the repo for interpid?
[15:59] <bsnider> frybye, yeah, whatever. the problem with the sda2 partition seems to be that it has no filesystem. you need to format it
[16:00] <Mimi> the same as now except replace hardy with intrepid , arvind_khadri
[16:00] <frybye> it is absurd to have to spend a week trying to make an image - if that is what you mean - sure...
[16:00] <w3lly> ok thanks....
[16:00] <arvind_khadri> Mimi, well actually am on a vanilla kernel in 8.04 wanted to enable interpid's repo
[16:00] <frybye> ok i will have a look at that...
[16:01] <Mimi> arvind_khadri, you mean you want to upgrade to intrepid, right? (I must be missing something ^^;) You're afraid you'll lose your kernel?
[16:02] <frybye> when I go to that partition in gparted the format option is shaded out???
[16:02] <Mimi> is that drive mounted? unmount it
[16:02] <arvind_khadri> Mimi, no ... actually i have no sound on this vanilla kernel...so wanted to see whether i will get sound when i use the ubuntu-modules for this vanilla kernel :)
[16:03] <frybye> and it has keys so it is mounted .. yeah we did that a bit back...
[16:03] <frybye> so now I need to unmount...
[16:04] <Mimi> arvind_khadri, gotta try it :P And you know, you could have it one day and lose it the next one, and get it bacck the next one, and so on, because of updates prior to release.
[16:04] <Mimi> arvind_khadri, try a livecd?
[16:04] <myk_robinson> Mimi: you get your stuff up and running since yesterday?
[16:04] <frybye> Mimi - can I resize a partion that has stuff on it...???
[16:05] <arvind_khadri> Mimi, hmm i want to use the vanilla kernel :)
[16:05] <Mimi> myk_robinson, hi there! Mmm... I'm not even sure anymore. I think I did. But I have such weird boot issues (hangs laptop at boot, can't even use Fn+Up/Down to change brightness) that I just gave up and came to LinuxMint.
[16:05] <Don__> Hi! could anynoe please help me? I cant start x-server after the upgrade last night!
[16:06] <myk_robinson> Don__: if you run startx from the console, what error message do you get?
[16:06] <Mimi> frybye, yes you can, but there's a possibility you might lose your data, so make a backup first. That's never happened to me, but it could!
[16:06] <myk_robinson> Mimi: how is mint working for you? Is it based on 8.04 or 8.10?
[16:07] <arvind_khadri> !find linux-ubuntu-modules
[16:07] <ubottu> 'find' is disabled
[16:07] <Mimi> myk_robinson, it's based on 8.04. They release a new version a couple months after Ubuntu. I LOVE Mint, it's ridiculously fast, but, but... I love Gnome2.24 features... and all the little things in Intrepid.
[16:08] <frybye> when I try to reduce size of sda1 and make a new partition this new one gets to be a primary partition - will the system still boot as before...?
[16:08] <Don__> myk_robinson: 1sec, need to reboot
[16:09] <noelferreira> the proprietarty drivers for the old nvidia cards (geforce 3 200 series) will never work with Intrepid or the issue will be corrected in the final release (xorg)?
[16:09] <Don__> myk_robinson: Fatal server error cant read lock file
[16:09] <Don__> myk_robinson: Fatal server error cant read lock file /tmp/.X0-lock
[16:10] <frybye> Mimi: did you see my question about what a primary partition is and if the system will still boot if this new part. i just made is now a primary partion - gparted gives me no alternative but primary..
[16:10] <myk_robinson> hmmm. not sure about that one.. lemme do some quick googling
[16:11] <Mimi> frybye, I'm not sure. Maybe someone else here can chip in
[16:11] <noelferreira> the proprietarty drivers for the old nvidia cards (geforce 3 200 series) will never work with Intrepid or the issue will be corrected in the final release (xorg)?
[16:11] <myk_robinson> Don__: what happens if you press Ctrl+Alt+F7?
[16:12] <Mimi> We don't know noelferreira. You might have to ask on launchpad so you get a developer to answer, or something.
[16:12] <arvind_khadri> Mimi, any idea on how i can make the present sources.list accept packages from interpid?
[16:12] <lirit> macbook air wireless is not working?
[16:12] <noelferreira> Mimi, no one have done that before??????
[16:12] <Don__> myk_robinson: nothing
[16:12] <frybye> I now seem to have a "New Partition #1" which has not (yet?) got an sda# is that ok?? anybody...?
[16:12] <h4wk0> !package linux-ubuntu-modules > arvind_khadri
[16:12] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[16:13] <Mimi> noelferreira, I don't know, I haven't searched launchpad. You could try.
[16:13] <arvind_khadri> h4wk0, any idea on how i can make the present sources.list accept packages from interpid?
[16:13] <myk_robinson> have you tried sudo rm /tmp/.X0-lock
[16:14] <lirit> macbook air wireless is not working. i did: rmmod ssb, modprobe wl. stil not working. how can i fix it?
[16:14] <Mimi> arvind_khadri, I don't know if it's possible to get packages from intrepid without doing a full upgrade, unless maybe you want to download each .deb from launchpad.
[16:14] <arvind_khadri> Mimi, even that will do :) .. can you direct me there?
[16:15] <Don__> myk_robinson: rm: cannot remove /tmp/.X0-lock: stalte NFS file handle
[16:15] <Don__> stale*
[16:15] <myk_robinson> Don__: this happen after and update?
[16:16] <Mimi> arvind_khadri, I'm googling, trying to find it. Have you googled it? I'm using "launchpad linux-ubuntu-modules intrepid"
[16:17] <arvind_khadri> Mimi, ya i too am googling
[16:18] <Don__> myk_robinson: yes. I mean I cant be 100% sure that it was the update, Ive been trying to get my touchpad speed to work properly. But it worked fine last night. The last thing I did was to do an update. there were something like 70 updated packages, a lot of xorg ones among them
[16:18] <myk_robinson> Don__: does that system have an ethernet connection now?
[16:18] <Don__> not atm
[16:19] <myk_robinson> once you get it connected, run updates from console, it will probably fix itself. Some of us had issues like that yesterday with wifi after updates
[16:19] <myk_robinson> you know how to run them from terminal?
[16:19] <arvind_khadri> Mimi, hey i got the sources.list working :) i had misspelled intrepid :S sorry
[16:19] <Don__> myk_robinson: apt-get update?
[16:19] <myk_robinson> two things
[16:19] <myk_robinson> first, sudo apt-get update
[16:19] <myk_robinson> then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[16:19] <Mimi> arvind_khadri, hate when silly stuff like that happens ^_^;;; Glad you got it working
[16:20] <myk_robinson> all part of the beta process, unforunately
[16:20] <myk_robinson> But at least they have this degree of testing before final release, unline M$
[16:20] <arvind_khadri> Mimi, am really sorry
[16:20] <myk_robinson> ...unlike...
[16:20] <Don__> myk_robinson: yup, I know:)
[16:21] <Don__> myk_robinson: ok, ill go and try that
[16:21] <Don__> thx!
[16:21] <myk_robinson> you able to do it now-ish?
[16:21] <myk_robinson> curious to see if its fixd yet
[16:21] <myk_robinson> took about 30 minutes for my wifi issue to get fixed
[16:21] <Don__> myk_robinson: yeah, just need to change location
[16:21] <myk_robinson> cool. I'll stick around for a minute
[16:22] <Don__> ok
[16:22] <Don__> brb
[16:24] <arvind_khadri> Mimi, there is still no ubuntu-modules released i feel for the kernel
[16:24] <arvind_khadri> Mimi, googling also says the same :)
[16:24] <Mimi> Aren't the ubuntu modules kernel version specific?
[16:35] <Don__> myk_robinson: The problem suddenly resolved itself out of the blue
[16:35] <myk_robinson> good enough! Run the updates anyway
[16:36] <myk_robinson> see what it breaks this time :)
[16:36] <Don__> myk_robinson: i managed to make an unclean shutdown, wich triggered fsck, which appearently fixed it for me
[16:36] <Don__> myk_robinson: will do! Thx!
[16:37] <bsnider> lirit, driver for that should be ath5k or ath9k
[16:37] <frybye> can I save an image of an ext3 partition in a partition that is itself ext2???
[16:37] <bstock> so i'm upgrading from hardy to intrepid, it has like 500 packages kept back, is there any flag for apt-get to install all the kept-back packages or do i have to speficy them all manually
[16:37] <lirit> bsnider: I follow this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook%20Air%201%2C1%20and%20Intrepid
[16:37] <bsnider> bstock, use dist-upgrade
[16:38] <bstock> alright, apt-get dist-upgrade then?
[16:39] <bsnider> lirit, are you sure that's your device?
[16:39] <bsnider> the macbook air 1,1?
[16:39] <frybye> bsnider: I seem to have got most stuff done ok up to this - and partimage seems to be accepting this also.. is it ok to proceeed.. the target partition is ext2 and what I am making an image of is ext3 - that ok??
[16:40] <lirit> bsnider: i'm using a macbook air
[16:40] <bsnider> why is the target partition ext2?
[16:40] <lirit> bsnider: not sure if its a 1.1. how can i find out?
[16:40] <frybye> cos it was default in gparted unfortunatly ..
[16:40] <frybye> should i cancell out and change it to ext3???
[16:40] <bsnider> lirit, haha that reminds me of spinal tap "...these go to 11"
[16:40] <ha-nocri> hi, i've a problem with nautilus file manager since 2 days. when I open home directory everything is ok, but if i try to open any directory in home directory nautilus freeze
[16:41] <bsnider> frybye, probably, if you want to keep the journaliing feature. you won't lose any data either way
[16:42] <frybye> bsnider - I think I better cancel and change the new partition to ext3 ok thanks..
[16:43] <bsnider> meh. ext3 is older than the pyramids. xfs is the best linux filesystem currently (until btrfs is done)
[16:44] <adelie42> Trying out the new 8.10, and noticed that along with the removal of 'nvidia-glx-new' being removed, that there is not a replacement accelerated 3d driver. Guessing that is something still in the works?
[16:44] <bsnider> adelie42, the replacement is there
[16:44] <bsnider> adelie42, what card do you have?
[16:44] <adelie42> 8800gtx
[16:44] <Mimi> you need to grab it from Hardware Drivers, as usual, no?
[16:44] <bsnider> install the nvidia-glx-177 package
[16:45] <adelie42> you rock. thank you
[16:45] <adelie42> does grub have xfs support yet?
[16:45] <adelie42> that is on;y thing stopping me in the past
[16:45] <bsnider> afaik
[16:46] <bsnider> lirit, open a terminal, runt he command "lspci" and then pastebin the output please
[16:47] <bsnider> !pastebin
[16:47] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[16:49] <adelie42> anyone possibly know when the new flash 10 for linux will be available for 64-bit? I saw it came out with full support for 32-bit yesterday
[16:49] <bsnider> adelie42, never
[16:49] <adelie42> ...cause there is a perfectly good wrapper?
[16:50] <bsnider> yes
[16:50] <bsnider> but also they're not working on it
[16:50] <adelie42> wrapper for the 32-bit linux package? think you might point me to a how-to?
[16:51] <bsnider> !flash
[16:51] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[16:51] <lirit> bsnider: http://paste.ubuntu.com/58401/
[16:52] <bsnider> lirit, Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n
[16:53] <lirit> bsnider: i dont know what to do with that info
[16:56] <bsnider> lirit, http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php
[16:56] <bsnider> good luck installing it
[16:57] <bsnider> lirit, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/208183
[16:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 208183 in ubuntu "bcm4328 chipset not supported by hardy heron" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[16:57] <cwillu> I've had success with that chipset via ndiswrapper (including wep and wpa), was a matter of trying a dozen windows drivers till I found one that worked
[16:58] <cwillu> does the newly available broadcom driver work with it?
[16:58] <bsnider> cwillu, sounds like fun
[16:59] <bsnider> linux drivers are developed in conjunction with the kernel development team, headed by linus. broadcom doesn't seem to understand that
[17:00] <scobby> huhu
[17:00] <cwillu> bsnider, I know. Why can't they follow nvidia and ati's lead?
[17:00] <bsnider> you don't develop your own linux drivers and then release them on your site for people to install themselves. that's how it's done on windows
[17:00] <cwillu> oh, wait...
[17:01] <bsnider> cwillu, ati is developing their radeonhd driver the correct way
[17:01] <scobby> i just did a update from hardy to intrepid, i have a wind u100, i think there is a bug with compiz which prevents gnome from load.
[17:01] <cwillu> after years of developing fglrx the wrong way
[17:01] <scobby> i think its a problem with the video driver
[17:02] <bsnider> actually come to think of it, novell is developing the radeonhd driver
[17:02] <bsnider> they can't open-source the fglrx driver because it contains drm crap
[17:02] <cwillu> it's a common mistake, but releasing the linux driver at all is a step in the right question. To respond with 'god damnit, why didn't you do more' isn't going to encourage them to continue moving our dircetion
[17:02] <bsnider> cwillu, that's where you're wrong
[17:03] <cwillu> lol
[17:03] <canta> the beta desktop cd for i386 don't load the windowmanager, there was just the background and the mousecursor. in tty1 several programs said something about a undefined symbol, something with GLIB_2.0
[17:03] <bsnider> bullying them will work
[17:03] <bsnider> it worked in atheros's case
[17:03] <cwillu> that attitude is exactly why they didn't release details of who they were talking to until they got the deal in the first place
[17:04] <bsnider> a good old fashion toungue-lashing from linus is good for the soul
[17:04] <cwillu> they need to learn that first though :p
[17:04] <cwillu> you can't sell a linus tongue lashing as a feature until they recognize it as a good thing :)
[17:05] <cwillu> canta, beta, or nightly?
[17:05] <canta> beta desktop cd
[17:05] <bsnider> when someone with the clout linux has says your company should be killed, that makes people take notice
[17:06] <cwillu> bsnider, and when your wireless chipset is in every cheap laptop out there, you laugh in the face of threats :p
[17:06] <canta> should i try the nightly?
[17:07] <cwillu> you could... it just sounded like a nightly-style-problem
[17:07] <frybye> bsnider: it has worked.. thanks a 10`6
[17:08] <canta> could i use an other linux live cd thingy to launch the ubuntu installer?
[17:08] <frybye> c u
[17:08] <cwillu> god damnit, I just clicked through three more confirmation dialogs from the updater, because they popped up with focus, with the keyboard focus on one of the keep|replace buttons
[17:08] <cwillu> mvo, is that you?
[17:08] <cwillu> mvo, if it isn't, can I yell at you anyway?
[17:09] * cwillu yells at mvo, and throws in a bonus stick poking
[17:10] <mvo> cwillu: hello!
[17:10] <cwillu> you've been poked
[17:11] <cwillu> mvo, know anything about keyboard focus in the popups from the upgrader?
[17:11] <mvo> cwillu: I don't do anything particular there to steal the focus, what WM do you run? the focus-stealing protection should prevernt that
[17:11] <mvo> (well, in theory)
[17:12] <cwillu> mvo, default compiz
[17:12] <cwillu> mvo, it's the default focus'd button that's killing me though
[17:12] <bsnider> Questioner: Out of curiosity, do you have anything to say to hardware manufacturers who refuse to release datasheets or specifications about the functioning of their hardware so it could operate with the Linux kernel?
[17:12] <bsnider> Linus Torvalds: Is "I hope you all die a painful death" too strong?
[17:13] <cwillu> mvo, popping up the window is okay (if annoying, but I don't care much), but can the control be something other than keep|replace|<any control that closes the dialog>?
[17:14] <mvo> cwillu: did you accidentially hit return or something like this?
[17:14] <cwillu> mvo, any key activates the control
[17:14] <cwillu> just happened again while I was typing that
[17:14] <cwillu> (the 'k' went to the popup, and closed it)
[17:14] <cwillu> no idea what I just confirmed
[17:14] <cwillu> and so I'm yelling at you :p
[17:15] <cwillu> 5th time so far
[17:15] <cwillu> (no enter key involved)
[17:15] <cwillu> might have been the space, but I hit space often enough, I shouldn't have to worry about it breaking something
[17:16] <cwillu> putting the focus into the text area, or on the description text above it would be sufficient
[17:16] <cwillu> but putting it on anything else is just dangerous
[17:17] * cwillu pokes mvo with the stick again
[17:17] <cwillu> this is fun :)
[17:17] <Uplink> should i install ubuntu 8.10 x64 on my AMD Turion x64 2GB RAM notebook?
[17:17] <bsnider> Uplink, no
[17:17] * mvo hides from cwillu
[17:17] <Uplink> bsnider: why not?
[17:17] <noodlesgc> Uplink 8.10 wait for release and try a live cd first
[17:17] <cwillu> Uplink, install 8.04, or wait a couple weeks
[17:18] <bsnider> Uplink, i don't know
[17:18] <Uplink> i have 8.04 :D
[17:18] <cwillu> Uplink, if you don't mind stuff breaking, and you don't mind not asking for help with it, then go for it
[17:18] <Uplink> i installed 7.04 and been upgrading my machine since then... but i have like 7 kernels... lol
[17:18] <mvo> cwillu: I have a look, but IIRC the HIG recommends that dialogs have a focus default. I think the root of the porblem here is that the dialog got focused when it shouldn't
[17:18] <noodlesgc> Uplink even more chance of it breaking
[17:18] <cwillu> but if you're gonna come in here and whine about random stuff being broken, without submitting bugs first, etc, then it's not worth it to the community :)
[17:18] <Uplink> breaking what?
[17:18] <noodlesgc> Uplink your system
[17:19] <mvo> Uplink: kernel removal got much improved for hardy->intrepid (it was overly cautious before)
[17:19] <Uplink> hmmm so i should get the live cd and try it before anything
[17:19] <Uplink> ubuntu 8.10 x64 right?
[17:20] <cwillu> mvo, there's _always_ gonna be a window open, if the dialog didn't take the focus, it wouldn't be accomplishing anything
[17:20] <bsnider> Uplink, your cpu can run 32 bit code
[17:20] <Uplink> bsnider: but its 1 core... i wanna get the most of it?
[17:20] <cwillu> god damnit, 6 times now
[17:21] <bsnider> Uplink, you can do what you want. i'm just pointing out that your cpu is not an itanium
[17:21] <cwillu> mvo, and anyways, you shouldn't ever be able to dismiss a dialog with no safe default, with a single key
[17:21] <cwillu> mvo, when dpkg prompts, there isn't a safe default, by definition
[17:21] <Uplink> bsnider: well im just asking for some advice with understandable answers
[17:21] <cwillu> mvo, it wouldn't prompt if there was
[17:22] <cwillu> mvo, so this would seem to be a very good case for ignore the hig. this isn't a preferences dialog that doesn't actually change anything by hitting 'close' by default, this has real effects, that could break stuff
[17:23] <cwillu> mvo, apache put up a prompt, and I needed to read the actual changes (related to ssl configuration). Had I skipped past it by mistake, I'd have some serious difficulties
[17:23] <cwillu> (again, this only runs a test server, but if this had been 8.10 final, I'd now have a unknown security vulnerability)
[17:24] <bp|> Hello gentlemen. I need to run an apt-get upgrade/update to a dualboot computer, the ubuntu partition of which cannot connect to the internet.
[17:24] <cwillu> basically, dialogs having a focus default is only safe if the dialog doesn't do anything by default when it's closed
[17:24] <bp|> (iwconfig says "No wireless extensions")
[17:24] <Uplink> bp|: hmm try #ubuntu
[17:25] <bsnider> bp|, what hardware do you have?
[17:25] <bp|> Nope, I'm running Intrepid. bsnider, the hardware was fully recognised till yesterday
[17:25] <noodlesgc> bp| is the other boot a linux or windows boot?
[17:25] <Uplink> bp|: oh sorry never mind
[17:25] <cwillu> mvo, I love you, btw :p
[17:25] * cwillu huggles mvo
[17:25] <bsnider> bp|, run the command "lspci" and pasebin the results
[17:26] <bsnider> !pastebin
[17:26] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[17:26] * cwillu jabs him in the side with the short stick while huggling him
[17:26] <bp|> Sorry, I dropped.
[17:26] <cwillu> <bsnider> bp|, run the command "lspci" and pasebin the results
[17:26] <cwillu> <bsnider> !pastebin
[17:26] <bp|> noodlesgc, the other is Windows.
[17:26] <noodlesgc> bp| ok nvm then, I was going to tell you to use aptoncd
[17:26] <bp|> I guess I'll boot on another computer and switch to Linux here I guess.
[17:27] <bp|> Well, up to yesterday everything was fine, then I updated some more packages
[17:27] <mvo> cwillu: right
[17:27] <bp|> in particular, the linux-general package was unupdatable to 2.27.dunno-8 because linux-something wasn't there yet
[17:27] * mvo goes and checks the code
[17:28] <bp|> so I held it as aptitude suggested
[17:28] <cwillu> bp|, refresh and update again
[17:28] <bp|> I would love to
[17:28] <cwillu> bp|, you probably just caught an old update
[17:28] <bp|> but eth1 isn't there
[17:28] <bsnider> bp|, are you running that command or not?
[17:28] <bp|> which is my wireless
[17:28] <cwillu> that had already been replaced
[17:28] <bp|> eth0 gives that error
[17:28] <bp|> lo gives that error too
[17:29] <bp|> bsnider: I need to reboot
[17:29] <cwillu> what error?
[17:29] <bp|> "No wireless extensions," if my memory serves right
[17:29] <bsnider> wireless shouldn't be eth1. eth1 should be reserved for another physical connection
[17:29] <cwillu> bp|, eh?
[17:29] <cwillu> bp|, plug in a wire
[17:29] <bp|> I did.
[17:29] <bp|> No luck either.
[17:29] <cwillu> and don't use iwconfig, that's only for wireless connections
[17:30] <cwillu> plug it in, sudo dhclient eth0 (assuming you've got a dhcp server, which you probably do)
[17:30] <bp|> Just give me the time to boot on the other computer.
[17:30] <cwillu> yep
[17:30] <Uplink> is it ok having like 7 kernels? :|
[17:30] <cdavis> Is the e1000e driver still disabled in Beta or has a fix been applied?
[17:30] <exco> am I glad that finally a working fglrx driver is out :-)
[17:31] <cwillu> Uplink, it's a mild bug, which is fixed in intrepid
[17:31] <AstralJava> bsnider: Is that (eth1 reserving for physical) a recent change? Cause I'm running a Hardy box with intel wireless, and eth1 was assigned for the wireless card.
[17:31] <bp|> Uplink: you can remove old kernels from synaptic
[17:31] <cwillu> Uplink, nothing wrong with it, except for the wasted space
[17:31] <Uplink> cwillu: so u recommend me to clean up my linux partitions and put intrepid in clean
[17:31] <cwillu> AstralJava, it's always been the case, but alot of drivers weren't configuring properly
[17:31] <bsnider> AstralJava, wireless connections are usually called "wifi" not "eth"
[17:31] <cwillu> Uplink, don't worry abou it
[17:31] <Oric> how come my ubuntu is 8.10 while the kernel is still 2.6.24?
[17:32] <cwillu> Uplink, intrepid will clean out the obsolete kernels when you upgrade
[17:32] <AstralJava> cwillu: Right, understood.
[17:32] <Mimi> Oric, its not, make sure you pick the right kernel in grub before booting
[17:32] <Uplink> cwillu: sweeeeeet :D
[17:32] <Uplink> i cant wait! :(
[17:33] <Oric> :)
[17:33] <cwillu> Uplink, just so you have some idea of the bugs that people run into after an upgrade, you may not have a network connection, x may not fire up without configuration, gnome may crash, etc
[17:33] <Uplink> cwillu: omg no :(
[17:33] <cwillu> Uplink, people who aren't able to troubleshoot those issues aren't really helping find bugs, they're just soaking up resources :)
[17:34] <Oric> is the problem of the apt source ?
[17:34] <Uplink> cwillu: hmmm so when is the release gonna be? :|
[17:34] <cwillu> I try to do my part helping those people get things working again, but I really don't know how to fix things except if I've already had the issue (or something related) myself
[17:34] <cwillu> Uplink, October 30th
[17:34] <Uplink> oh boy
[17:34] <Mimi> is there something wrong with hardy that makes you want to upgrade right NOW?
[17:34] <cwillu> there's gonna be release candidates before that I believe, those are really just as safe
[17:35] <Uplink> dude i would cry if my wi-fi doesnt work
[17:35] <cwillu> in that if they have really really big bugs, they'll be noticed really quickely
[17:35] <cwillu> Uplink, don't upgrade yet :p
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
[17:35] <Uplink> cwillu: lol i upgraded kernel tho?
[17:35] <cwillu> if wireless breaking causes tears, don't upgrade yet :)
[17:35] <Uplink> uplink@HP-Pavilion:~$ uname -a
[17:35] <Uplink> Linux HP-Pavilion 2.6.24-21-generic #1 SMP Mon Aug 25 17:32:09 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
[17:36] <cwillu> you're still on hardy's kernel
[17:36] <cwillu> intrepid is 2.6.27
[17:36] <Uplink> oh sweet
[17:36] <Uplink> cant wait :D
[17:36] <cwillu> I've noticed :p
[17:36] <Uplink> lol
[17:36] * cwillu pokes Uplink with a stick
[17:36] <Oric> how to deal with that problem?
[17:36] <Uplink> ouch wth? what was that for?
[17:37] <Oric> kernel
[17:37] <Uplink> im not a dead possum >:|
[17:37] * cwillu pokes Uplink with a stick again
[17:37] <Oric> i want 2.6.27 with intrepid
[17:37] <Oric> :)
[17:37] <Uplink> lol wth
[17:37] <cwillu> Oric, pastebin the output of "ls /boot"
[17:37] <cwillu> !pastebin
[17:37] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[17:37] <Uplink> ls /boot | pastebinit
[17:37] <Uplink> :D
[17:38] <Oric> abi-2.6.24-19-generic initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic.bak
[17:38] <Oric> abi-2.6.24-21-generic lost+found
[17:38] <Oric> config-2.6.24-19-generic memtest86+.bin
[17:38] <Oric> config-2.6.24-21-generic System.map-2.6.24-19-generic
[17:38] <Oric> grub System.map-2.6.24-21-generic
[17:38] <cwillu> Uplink, assuming it's installed :p
[17:38] <Oric> initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic
[17:38] <Oric> initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic.bak vmlinuz-2.6.24-21-generic
[17:38] <Oric> initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic
[17:38] <cwillu> Oric, pastebin == not here
[17:38] <Oric> the result
[17:38] <Uplink> lol
[17:38] <cwillu> !pastebin | Oric
[17:38] <ubottu> Oric: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[17:38] <cwillu> annnnnyways :p
[17:38] <Uplink> sudo aptitude install pastebinit
[17:38] <Uplink> =]
[17:38] <Oric> ok
[17:39] <Uplink> too late =p
[17:39] <cwillu> Oric, did the update give you any errors? how did you upgrade?
[17:40] * Uplink takes cwillu stick away
[17:40] * cwillu takes out another stick
[17:40] <Uplink> sword fight!
[17:40] <Oric> http://paste.ubuntu.com/58420/
[17:40] <Oric> here
[17:40] <Ktron> Approximately every other boot of Intrepid on my laptop hangs at the splash screen... any suggestions?
[17:40] <cwillu> Oric, did the update give you any errors? how did you upgrade?
[17:41] <Ktron> I'm willing to go through any troubleshooting/information collection needed
[17:41] <Oric> http://paste.ubuntu.com/58423/
[17:41] <cwillu> Ktron, how long does it hang for? it isn't just doing a fsck is it? (I don't think the fsck notice shows up until it's been working for a few moments)
[17:41] <jasonCO> ive been having issues with my nvida card since moving to intrepid -- i finally managed to catch an error as i upgraded today - (i'll paste in a couple parts)
[17:41] <Oric> mope
[17:41] <Oric> nope
[17:41] <cwillu> Oric, how did you upgrade?
[17:41] <Oric> see this
[17:41] <Oric> http://paste.ubuntu.com/58423/
[17:41] <jasonCO> Examining /etc/kernel/postinst.d.
[17:41] <jasonCO> run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms
[17:41] <Ktron> cwillu, I think in definitely, at minimum, 10 minutes
[17:41] <Oric> sudo update-manager -d
[17:41] <Oric> i did this
[17:42] <jasonCO> * Running DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.27-7-generic
[17:42] <jasonCO> * nvidia (71.86.04)...
[17:42] <cwillu> Ktron, you on a different machine?
[17:42] <Ktron> cwillu, yes
[17:42] <jasonCO>
[17:42] <jasonCO> ..........(bad exit status: 10)
[17:42] <jasonCO> Build failed. Installation skipped.
[17:42] <jasonCO>
[17:42] <bsnider> jasonCO, that driver doesn't work with the new x server
[17:42] <jasonCO> ok - how do i make it work?
[17:42] <cwillu> Ktron, reboot, hit 'e' , and remove the 'splash quiet' bit from the kernel line, and boot up
[17:42] <bsnider> so you can stop wasting your time by trying to install it
[17:42] <bsnider> jasonCO, unless you work for nvidia, you can't
[17:43] <Mimi> 177 doesnt work?
[17:43] <Oric> cwillu: any ideas?
[17:43] <cwillu> jasonCO, the nvidia hasn't released an updated driver for anything but 177.x.x
[17:43] <bsnider> Mimi, he isn't using the 177 driver. look closer
[17:43] <Mimi> I know.
[17:43] <jasonCO> cwillu, ok - so im stuck?
[17:43] <crd1b> and 173
[17:43] <Ktron> cwillu, I should just go into /boot/grub/menu.lst and change that permanently, I'd rather see the boot messages than the splash
[17:43] <cwillu> jasonCO, what video card?
[17:43] <cwillu> Oric, sec
[17:44] <Mimi> He said 'how do i make it work', and i was going to say, 'well, for starters try 177' but i got confused when you said it doesnt work ^^ My bad
[17:44] <cwillu> Ktron, sure, just wanted to know the last couple lines though
[17:44] <Oric> cwillu: ok
[17:44] <cwillu> Oric, sudo apt-get install linux
[17:44] <Ktron> cwillu, it didn't hang this time, I'm going to make the change permanent and then reboot again
[17:44] <bp|> Ok, what was that command again?
[17:44] <jasonCO> cwillu, 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400](rev a1)
[17:44] <bsnider> bp|, lspci
[17:44] <jasonCO> cwillu, from lspci
[17:44] <Oric> cwillu: sudo apt-get install linux-generic?
[17:45] <bsnider> jasonCO, use an open source driver or go back to hardy
[17:45] <cwillu> Oric, no, sudo apt-get install linux
[17:45] <Oric> ok,doing that
[17:45] <cwillu> jasonCO, what bsnider said :p
[17:45] <Oric> cwillu: then?
[17:45] <jasonCO> bsnider, can you recomend an opensource driver that is appropriate?
[17:45] <Oric> cwillu: finished
[17:45] <cwillu> :/
[17:45] <cwillu> sec
[17:45] <jasonCO> bsnider, back to hardy is not an option
[17:45] <bp|> Here it comes...
[17:45] <Oric> cwillu: kkkk
[17:45] <bsnider> jasonCO, x will choose the best driver automatically when you remove the xorg.conf file
[17:46] <jasonCO> ok any plans for it to work right by the time ibex goes final?
[17:46] <cwillu> jasonCO, then you're stuck until nvidia updates 77, you buy a different video card, or you learn to enjoy 2d acceleration :p
[17:46] <Mimi> No, current plans are to have ubuntu fail in every single piece of hardware :3
[17:46] <bsnider> jasonCO, not a chance
[17:47] <bp|> bsnider: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/58427/
[17:47] <cwillu> jasonCO, the problem is on nvidia's end, there's really nothing we can do :/
[17:47] <eLVis-> !ati
[17:47] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment
[17:47] <jasonCO> bsnider, cwillu thats totally fair -can you recomend a low end (read inexpensive) video card that will let me have compiz on kde on this machine?
[17:47] <bsnider> jasonCO, it is highly desirable to upgrade your card if that's possible. anything after the geforce 5xxx will work
[17:47] <Oric> cwillu: my turn?you're really busy :)
[17:47] <Ktron> cwillu, it hung this time
[17:48] <cwillu> jasonCO, the bottom of the line nvidia will support compiz
[17:48] <cwillu> Oric, open synaptic, scroll to 'linux', and tell me what installed version it reports
[17:48] <cwillu> Ktron, last couple lines?
[17:48] <Ktron> cwillu, last line is Synaptics Touchpad, model: 1, fw: 6.2, id: 0xfa0b1, caps: 0xa04713/0x200000
[17:48] <Oric> cwillu: ok
[17:48] <jasonCO> bsnider, i get paid on monday - -i dont need some gazillion dollar wiz bang card -- its an internet / chatting machine -
[17:48] <Ktron> cwillu, hold on, let me pull up a pastebin
[17:48] <jasonCO> cwillu, i thought the geforce 200 WAS the bottom of the line
[17:48] <cwillu> jasonCO, 'new' cards :p
[17:49] <eLVis-> bsnider, uhn ... do you have the same tipp for me @ATI? i'm using a IBM T40 with an internal 7500, its all looking a lit slow currently with ibex :/
[17:49] <cwillu> a gefore 8400gs goes for about 40$
[17:49] <bsnider> jasonCO, you can still find retail gf 6k cards for i dunno $50 or so
[17:49] <cwillu> geforce, rather
[17:49] <jasonCO> ok - -i'll hit the parts store on monday and see what i can find -- will it fight me when i replace it
[17:49] <bsnider> bp|, Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG
[17:49] <jasonCO> bsnider, ok -- cool
[17:49] <crd1b> eLVis-: the 7500 is only supported by the open source driver
[17:49] <cwillu> Ktron, k
[17:49] <jasonCO> so anything over the 5000 series?
[17:49] <AstralJava> jasonCO: For web browsing/chat/email, the open source driver is plenty.
[17:49] <Mimi> cwillu just told you >.<
[17:50] <bsnider> jasonCO, yes
[17:50] <Oric> cwillu: search "linux" there?
[17:50] <jasonCO> AstralJava, id really like compiz to work
[17:50] <crd1b> eLVis-: how much videoram does it have and what resolution is the screen?
[17:50] <jasonCO> bsnider, ok
[17:50] <cwillu> Oric, click in the package window, and type linux
[17:50] <AstralJava> jasonCO: Sorry, must've missed that.
[17:50] <bp|> bsnider, I do know the hardware is there and is recognised. Simply, there is no connection.
[17:50] <cwillu> jasonCO, AstralJava, bottom of the line new card will support compiz fine
[17:50] <jasonCO> ok guys thanks a bunch --
[17:50] <eLVis-> crd1b, its 1024x768, 32mb vid-ram
[17:50] <Ktron> cwillu, http://ktron.pastecode.com/8445
[17:51] <jasonCO> cwillu, you have a number for me to look for cwillu ?
[17:51] <AstralJava> cwillu: Yes, I noticed with a 30€ PCI-e card. :)
[17:51] <cwillu> jasonCO, otvtech.com -> pricelist: any card listed there will work with compiz
[17:51] <jasonCO> cool
[17:51] <cwillu> jasonCO, agp or pcie?
[17:51] <jasonCO> agp
[17:51] <Ktron> cwillu, Let me know if you need more... there's a couple more iwl3945 lines, and before that a usbhid line, and before that, usbcore
[17:51] <eLVis-> crdlb, its same descrition than on http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:T40
[17:51] <crd1b> eLVis-: that should work pretty well, but if it doesn't, you could try switching to XAA
[17:52] <jasonCO> the machine has an intel 82865 onboard video controller but kde wont even start when i use that card so its disabled
[17:52] <Mimi> Ktron, your pc is hanging at boot?
[17:52] <eLVis-> crdlb, ok - you dont have a niffty manuel posted somewhere for that? i'm a bit rusty with xserver-configs
[17:52] <bsnider> bp|, run sudo modprobe ipw2200
[17:53] <bp|> Empty output
[17:53] <bp|> (Prints nothing)
[17:53] <bsnider> that means it loaded
[17:53] <bsnider> iwconfig
[17:53] <bp|> lo: No wireless extensions.
[17:53] <cwillu> Mimi, (Ktron) yes, intermittently
[17:53] <bp|> eth0: No wireless extensions.
[17:54] <cwillu> Mimi, http://ktron.pastecode.com/8445 is the last couple lines that comes up (he just pastebinned it)
[17:54] <Ktron> Mimi, yep, what cwillu said
[17:54] <bsnider> bp|, that's it?
[17:54] <bp|> Yes.
[17:54] <Mimi> You guys have read this, right? cwillu, ktron, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/263059
[17:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 263059 in linux "[regression] 2.6.27-7 sometimes fails to boot (iwl3945 issue?)" [High,In progress]
[17:54] <Mimi> I have the same error log
[17:54] <bsnider> run the dmesg command and look for infomration about the wireless card
[17:54] <Ktron> cwillu, Mimi, if it helps, its a Dell Inspiron 9400 running Xubuntu Intrepid
[17:56] <bp|> Hmm. I do have wired connection now
[17:56] <bp|> well, aptitude should fix what it broek I guess.
[17:56] <bp|> *broke
[17:57] <bsnider> that's possible
[17:57] <crd1b> eLVis-: first of all, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and make sure that it says EXA, not XAA
[17:57] <cwillu> Oric, ping
[17:57] <Ktron> Mimi, no, I hadn't found that yet
[17:57] <Ktron> Mimi, read through it to see if I can't find a way to just delay loading as the bug mentioned
[17:57] <Oric> cwillu: ping?
[17:57] <Ktron> Mimi, I don't really want to turn off my wifi
=== bp| is now known as bp|upgrading
[17:58] <crd1b> eLVis-: if it does, open your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, find Section "Device" and add: Option "AccelMethod" "XAA" and Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps"
[17:58] <cwillu> Oric, what's going on?
[17:58] <cwillu> Oric, did you get that version number?
[17:58] <cwillu> bah
[17:58] <cwillu> Oric, don't private message people without at least telling them first
[17:58] <Mimi> me either Ktron, I don't have a eth cable so I rely on wireless :P I'm searching for how to delay the driver from being loaded too
[17:58] <cwillu> and don't pm me right now :p
[17:58] <Oric> cwillu:version number about what?
[17:58] <Oric> cwillu: ok,won't do that again
[17:58] <cwillu> I can't follow all the converstations if I have to switch windows all the time :p
[17:59] <cwillu> Oric, just meant the window where the packages are listed
[17:59] <Ktron> Mimi, cwillu, it looks like if you blacklist the module and then add "modprobe iwl3945" to rc.local it'll just load after boot instead of during... sounds plausible anyway
[17:59] <Oric> cwillu: i search for "linux" and return many results
[17:59] <cwillu> Ktron, yep
[17:59] <cwillu> Oric, don't search
[17:59] <cwillu> Oric, click in the package list, and then type 'linux'
[18:00] <cwillu> it'll be the only one called 'linux' :p
[18:00] <cwillu> tell me the version number
[18:00] <Mimi> that sounds like searching
[18:00] <cwillu> Mimi, searching is a different mechanism
[18:00] <Mimi> ^^ I understand :P
[18:00] <cwillu> this is more like 'quick scrolling' :p
[18:00] <Oric> cwillu: it returns "linux"
[18:00] <Ktron> cwillu, Mimi, there's also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/263059/comments/83
[18:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 263059 in linux "[regression] 2.6.27-7 sometimes fails to boot (iwl3945 issue?)" [High,In progress]
[18:00] <LimCore> how to hibernate, if my swap (/dev/sda3) is encrypted? 1) how to use other swap patition to write hibernation image 2) is there a way to encrypt the hibernation image with some password and be asked for it at unhibernation?
[18:00] <Oric> cwillu: and the latest is
[18:00] <cwillu> Oric, and what does it say for 'latest version'?
[18:00] <cwillu> heh
[18:01] <cwillu> Oric, pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list
[18:01] <cwillu> !pastebin | oric
[18:01] <ubottu> oric: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[18:01] <Oric> ok
[18:01] <Ktron> cwillu, Mimi, I'm going to try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/263059/comments/83 and hope that works out for me
[18:01] <cwillu> Ktron, yep, that sounds reasonable (in the 'it shouldn't be broken, but that might get it working' sense)
[18:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 263059 in linux "[regression] 2.6.27-7 sometimes fails to boot (iwl3945 issue?)" [High,In progress]
[18:02] <Oric> cwillu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/58438/
[18:02] <Oric> cwillu: here
[18:02] <Mimi> Ooooh yeah... *goes try that* thanks ktron ;)
[18:02] <cwillu> Oric, um
[18:02] <Ktron> Mimi, thanks cwillu
[18:02] <cwillu> Oric, you have feisty repositories enabled
[18:03] <cwillu> Oric, _Why_ do you have feisty repositories in there?
[18:03] <cwillu> and gutsy
[18:03] <cwillu> and edgy
[18:03] <cwillu> that's an unholy mess
[18:03] <Ktron> cwillu, that is hysterical
[18:04] <noodlesgc> Oric hey, you forgot the dapper repo's ;)
[18:05] <cwillu> Oric, copy the contents of http://paste.ubuntu.com/58440/ into /etc/apt/sources.list
[18:05] <cwillu> Oric, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list will let you do that
[18:05] <cwillu> Oric, _replace_ the contents, don't leave anything in (you can always re-add a repository later if necessary)
[18:06] <cwillu> noodlesgc, to say nothing of warty and hoary :)
[18:06] <Oric_> cwillu: sorry,i reboot "maybe rebooted"
[18:06] <cwillu> Oric, don't reboot
[18:06] <cwillu> oh, heh
[18:06] <hyperair> has anybody noticed that some compose key combinations are missing in intrepid?
[18:06] <cwillu> <cwillu> Oric, um
[18:06] <cwillu> <Ktron> Mimi, thanks cwillu
[18:06] <cwillu> <cwillu> Oric, you have feisty repositories enabled
[18:07] <cwillu> <cwillu> Oric, _Why_ do you have feisty repositories in there? and gutsy... and edgy... that's an unholy mess
[18:07] <Oric_> cwillu: parden me,what's repository in ubuntu?
[18:07] <hyperair> a + e ==> æ, but / + u doesn't give me the micro sign =\
[18:07] <eLVis-> crdlb, ok, it says XAA in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log , the /etc/X11/xorg.conf just says 'Section "Device" / Identifier "Configured Video Device" / EndSection', i'm adding the 'Option "AccelMethod" "XAA" and Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" ' befor the 'EndSection' ?
[18:07] <cwillu> <cwillu> Oric, copy the contents of http://paste.ubuntu.com/58440/ into /etc/apt/sources.list
[18:07] <cwillu> <cwillu> Oric, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list will let you do that
[18:07] <cwillu> <cwillu> Oric, _replace_ the contents, don't leave anything in (you can always re-add a repository later if necessary)
[18:07] <Oric_> ok,doing that
[18:08] <cwillu> Oric, repositories are where ubuntu keeps the packages you can install. There are seperate repositories for each release of ubuntu, and they shouldn't be mixed
[18:08] <cwillu> Oric, yours are mixed.
[18:08] <cwillu> mvo, I just lost another dialog :(
[18:09] <eLVis-> crdlb, and glxgears says somethign about 500-550fps to me currently
[18:09] <cwillu> Oric, after you've copied that in, and saved the file, close synaptic, and run sudo apt-get update
[18:09] <Oric_> cwillu: i know,that's:/var/cache/apt/archives.so what shoud i do after i pasted the sources.list
[18:09] <cwillu> Oric, you cleared everything else out of the file, right?
[18:10] <Oric_> yesh
[18:10] <cwillu> Oric_, okay, save and quit, and close synaptic
[18:10] <bp|upgrading> Btw, aptitude SIGSEV's when you play its Minesweeper.
[18:10] <cwillu> Oric_, then run sudo apt-get update
[18:11] <napsy_> Hello. I have a problem connecting to a VPN through NetworkManager. The log says that the certificate is invalid because it's self-signed. Can I ignore this and let the handshake complete?
[18:11] <Oric_> cwillu: doing that
[18:11] <cwillu> Oric, when it's done, go to system | administration | update manager, and install any updates it shows
[18:12] <cwillu> Oric, if it asks to do a 'partial upgrade', say yes.
[18:12] <Oric_> cwillu: following what you said :)
[18:12] <Oric_> cwillu: ok
[18:12] <hyperair> cwillu: #banshee?
[18:12] <Ktron> Lol, I installed the ATI fglrx driver, and now GDM is all confused and thinks I have a second monitor connected (I don't) and is displaying the login in the middle of the two of so I only see half
[18:12] * cwillu pokes hyperair with the banshee stick
[18:12] <Ktron> But, time to go
[18:12] * hyperair pokes back with a longer banshee stick
[18:22] <LimCore> there is no ext4 in ubuntu 8.10 ?
[18:23] <LimCore> there seem to be tools and support for it, why not add it to instaler
[18:24] <TheInfinity> LimCore: because ubuntu is no testing distro - and ext4 is not well tested
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[18:34] <francisco_t> Should I have a .bashrc file on my home ??
[18:36] <x1250> hey guys, can someone actually post messages into youtube videos? I can't, it just doesn't work, it keeps like trying but never finishes. Reloading the page shows that no message has been posted.
[18:36] <x1250> (firefox)
=== bp|upgrading is now known as bp|
[18:41] <bp|> Looks like that did the trick.
[18:43] <bp|> Yay! It did. Thanks b sniper
[18:44] <bp|> I also have my big bad alt-fx terminals back :D
[18:44] <bp|> Well, later all fellows.
[18:55] <scobby> why the heck the new logout button dont change the status of pidgin ???
[18:56] <vbabiy> Are going to have open office 3.0 in 8.10
[18:58] <danbh_intrepid> np
[18:58] <danbh_intrepid> no
[18:59] <vbabiy> danbh_intrepid: do you know why?
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[19:00] <danbh_intrepid> vbabiy: well, I don't know why, but I can explain my logic. If you want to know why, maybe try #ubuntu-motu
[19:00] <vbabiy> danbh_intrepid: thianks
[19:06] <Unksi> vbabiy: there is a ppa repo for it though
[19:06] <vbabiy> Unksi: is there one for both 8.04 and 8.10
[19:07] <Unksi> i think so
[19:07] <vbabiy> Unksi: do you got a link
[19:08] <Unksi> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main
[19:08] <Unksi> deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main
[19:09] <kulight1> dev said on ubuntu barinstorm that it will be backported
[19:11] <danbh_intrepid> oo3? kulight1?
[19:12] <danbh_intrepid> the crazy thing, is that I was just looking at it in the debian repos, and the final version isnt even there. Its a collecting of release candidate and beta packages
[19:13] <kulight1> danbh_intrepid: yes
[19:13] <danbh_intrepid> *collection
[19:15] <MTecknology> so
[19:15] <MTecknology> Would it make sense to need /boot on a separate partition to be able to go into hibernate?
[19:15] <MTecknology> Is that perhaps why it's never worked for me?
[19:20] <darkhamm> i've an only annoying problem with intrepid beta
[19:20] <darkhamm> i've upgraded form hardy
[19:21] <MTecknology> !ask|darkhamm
[19:21] <ubottu> darkhamm: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[19:22] <darkhamm> before the upgrade a message said me about eventually video problem because catalyst for intrepid missed
[19:22] <darkhamm> ok
[19:23] <darkhamm> after gdm, i've 2 second loading and stop. i can scroll the mouse
[19:23] <darkhamm> but nothing
[19:23] <darkhamm> brown screen
[19:23] <MTecknology> !enter
[19:23] <ubottu> Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[19:23] <darkhamm> and a mouse pointer
[19:25] <darkhamm> i can run only kde and gnome recovery
[19:25] <MTecknology> darkhamm: can you log into a failsafe session? Either Gnome/KDE or terminal
[19:25] <Mimi> i think thats what he meant by gnome recovery
[19:25] <darkhamm> yes, excuse me
[19:26] <darkhamm> in gdm i must change session
[19:26] <MTecknology> darkhamm: what's in your ~/.xsession-errors
[19:26] <darkhamm> and i can run properly only kde and gnome failsafe
[19:26] <darkhamm> i look
[19:26] <MTecknology> !enter | darkhamm
[19:26] <ubottu> darkhamm: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[19:27] <MTecknology> darkhamm: pastebin the contents of ~/.xsession-errors
[19:27] <Mimi> !pastebin | darkhamm
[19:27] <ubottu> darkhamm: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[19:29] <darkhamm> http://paste.ubuntu.com/58462/
[19:29] <darkhamm> please help me
[19:30] <darkhamm> i like this beta, (i haven't other relevant issue...) and i can't install a clean installation
[19:31] <MTecknology> !beta
[19:31] <ubottu> If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Intrepid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.
[19:31] <MTecknology> !intrepid | **
[19:31] <ubottu> **: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu
[19:31] <Mimi> might want to read the topic. type /topic
[19:31] <MTecknology> read the warning
[19:35] <MTecknology> darkhamm: I'm not sure what's going on for you. A lot of things have changed in the last 2 days with 8.10. It's likely something was removed on your system that is expected in your session. Your session isn't loaded with a failsafe session
[19:36] <darkhamm> i run ubuntu with normal kernel, not recovery mode
[19:37] <darkhamm> and in gdm i changed session
[19:37] <darkhamm> else, i've the issue
[19:37] <webmaren> i think there's something broken with phonon in my install
[19:37] <MTecknology> darkhamm: I don't think you should be using the pre-release. I think you should drop back to 8.04 until 8.10 is officaly released
[19:38] <darkhamm> MTecknology, i've upgraded all the new packeges, but nothing...
[19:38] <darkhamm> can i downgrade?
[19:38] <webmaren> it won't recognize my sound card
[19:38] <MTecknology> no
[19:38] <danbh_intrepid> darkhamm: are you running kde4?
[19:38] <MTecknology> !enter > darkhamm
[19:38] <ubottu> darkhamm, please see my private message
[19:38] <webmaren> and rm-ing .xine is not effective
[19:40] <darkhamm> MTecknology: i run kde4 in the sessione before
[19:40] <webmaren> anybody else having problems with phonon in kde4?
[19:43] <darkhamm> close this channel or reserve this for developpers, if your only response are "read the topic"
[19:45] <Mimi> darkhamm, no, it just seems a LOT of people update without realizing they should ONLY update when they wish to support the developers by helping them with bugs.
[19:46] <Mimi> There is no reason not to wait until the full version comes out
[19:47] <Mimi> specially if stability is a concern
[19:47] <darkhamm> i haven't problems
[19:48] <darkhamm> i need help only for xorg.cong
[19:48] <LogicalDash> Enigmail's password prompt isn't accepting input from either SCIM or scim-bridge.
[19:50] <LogicalDash> I was using scim-bridge in Hardy and it worked fine.
[19:50] <crd1b> darkhamm: what video card do you have?
[19:50] <darkhamm> ati radeon 9600
[19:51] <bronzewalla84> can anyone help me get a intel x3100 graphics card working?
[19:51] <Mimi> darkhamm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/277344 do you think this is relevant ?
[19:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277344 in compiz "Intrepid CD Live Gnome desktop fails" [Low,New]
[19:51] <crd1b> bronzewalla84: it should work out of the box, in what way doesn't it?
[19:52] <bronzewalla84> the only way i get a display is if i hook up an external monitor to my VGA port
[19:52] <bronzewalla84> i checked my xorg.conf and it's very minimal
[19:52] <bronzewalla84> tried running dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, to no avail
[19:53] <ralpho> whats up with that mines that way too but it works
[19:53] <darkhamm> Mimi: its similar
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[19:56] <bronzewalla84> no help?
[19:58] <darkhamm> how can i rewrite a xorg.conf to be sure to load mesa drivers?
[20:00] <rom1v> hi
[20:00] <rom1v> finally, oo3 will be included or not ?
[20:03] <Mimi> -___________-
[20:07] <SaschaRed> can I use the 8.10 beta dics to upgrade
[20:10] <darkhamm> people, i've uninstalled intrepid fglrx drivers, i've the same issue (mouse can move , brown screen and stop...) now i'me here with gnome failsafe, loaded in gdm, what of gnome can do that?
[20:11] <darkhamm> i can run properly kde4.1.2 and gnome failsafe, at an high resolurion....isn't sure about xorg...
[20:11] <danbh_intrepid> SaschaRed: alternate cd
[20:11] <SaschaRed> alternate
[20:11] <SaschaRed> damn
[20:11] <SaschaRed> okay
[20:13] <SaschaRed> i was downloading the other one
[20:13] <SaschaRed> and the whole bricking issue is fixed right?
[20:15] <SaschaRed> of ethernet cards
[20:22] <SaschaRed> wow that inspires confidence
[20:23] <zg_> does the intrepid ibex graphical installer support JFS file-system?
[20:23] <SaschaRed> did you guys fix the ethernet cards problem
[20:25] <Mimi> Yeah I did. No, I'm kidding, I'm just a Ubuntu user like you :) *** we are not developers! If we were developers we would be developing stuffs instead of hanging out here ***** :D
[20:25] <zg_> mimi != funny?!
[20:25] <bsnider> SaschaRed, it is fixed, yes
[20:25] <SaschaRed> ok just making sure
[20:26] <Mimi> zg_ kinda get like that after hanging out here all day and watching people ask the same questions over and over without doing a little research on their own (hint: google + launchpad)
[20:26] <Mimi> And watching only 2 or 3 people having the answers :P
[20:28] <bsnider> Mimi, yes but gee whiz
[20:29] <Mimi> whiz?
[20:29] <zg_> mimi: all right all right...
[20:29] <zg_> so you _are_ funny.
[20:29] <Mimi> (Just asking what "whiz" means)
[20:30] <Mimi> zg_ Thanks, *rollseyes* but I wasn't trying to be funny :D
[20:30] <bsnider> when you're hopped up on peyote like i am, you've got nothing better to do than offer answers
[20:31] <danbh_intrepid> lol, someone is asking about openoffice3 again, but in #ubuntu
[20:32] <pwnguin> theres always the 3.0 ppa
[20:32] <zg_> make some jokes about him and ooo3!! quick!
[20:32] <bsnider> is openoffice 3 really _that_ much better/different than openoffice 2.4?
[20:32] <zg_> y'need to be funny !
[20:32] <zg_> *plenk0r*
[20:32] <Mimi> Oh yeah, trust me, I understand that (I'm too, even though I'm not nearly as good as you guys about offering answers). The thing is, before I ask something, I search online to see if it has been brought up. That way I don't have to bother you guys. It seems almost no one is searching though. Something like Ooo3 has been asked a lot today, but no one seems to think about googling the topic.
[20:32] <zg_> bsnider: its +0.6points better
[20:33] <bsnider> it seems a little suspicious to go from 2.4 to 3 without 2.6 and 2.8 first. almost like a stunt
[20:33] <francisco_t> Is the "input actions" working in kubuntu ???
[20:34] <danbh_intrepid> bsnider: you must not read slashdot
[20:34] <zg_> Mimi: why should someone google when there is: a 60% of getting an answer in irc, 30% of getting an rtfm, 5% of starting a flamewar 'bout being funny with rtfm, 3% of getting some fine pr0n-links and 2% of getting kicked?
[20:34] <bsnider> danbh_intrepid, no, i didn't see what they said about it
[20:35] <zg_> Mimi: I have a question, what is the name of the new ubuntu? what is the web adress? are you funny? do you have some nice pr0n?
[20:35] <crd1b> there's nothing wrong with bumping the major version every major release
[20:35] <danbh_intrepid> bsnider: http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/10/15/2118240
[20:35] <crd1b> if the next release is 9.0 or something, then there's a problem :P
[20:36] <bsnider> crd1b, it's still a publicity stunt
[20:36] <crd1b> no, it's a release
[20:37] <bsnider> publicity stunt
[20:37] <Mimi> bsnider, yeah, it's pretty nice. you can now see 2 pages at once (side by side), there's cute little notes, ... It's not like we have MS office, so it would be really really nice to get ooo 3 in ibex. Every little feature in OOO matters ^_^;
[20:37] <zg_> Mimi: you think OOo3 needs a penis or a vagin?
[20:37] <Mimi> oooninja.com has nice info about the new features.
[20:38] <Pici> zg_: Stop.
[20:39] <crashflow> can I use openoffice 3.0 in ubuntu 8.10?
[20:39] <bsnider> crashflow, you CANNOT be serious
[20:39] <Mimi> thank you.
[20:40] <zg_> Pici: hum?
[20:40] <crashflow> oh I forgot to add "without too much hassle"
[20:40] <rnd0110> yesterday's update left me without scanner support, can anybody help?
[20:40] <andriijas> how do i change the cpu mode from dynamic to power in gnome?
[20:40] <Mimi> there's a repo for it on launchpad cash
[20:40] <Mimi> *crash
[20:40] <rnd0110> My scanner is CanoScan LIDE25
[20:40] <rnd0110> 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
[20:41] <madm1ke> where do i report kernel/module bugs? like this one: [ 337.642017] WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.27/net/mac80211/main.c:1232 i
[20:41] <Pici> zg_: Please keep the inappropriate comments to yourself. This is a support channel.
[20:41] <Mimi> You should be using 2.6.27-x in Intrepid rnd0110
[20:41] <Pici> !guidelines > zg_
[20:41] <ubottu> zg_, please see my private message
[20:41] <Mimi> 2.6.24 is a Hardy kernel
[20:41] <rnd0110> Mimi: I am using LTS release
[20:41] <bsnider> rnd0110, wrong channel
[20:42] <Mimi> #ubuntu ^^;
[20:42] <rnd0110> which one is right?!
[20:42] <Mimi> #ubuntu+1 is for Intrepid 8.10 support
[20:42] <rnd0110> ah...
[20:42] <rnd0110> sorry
[20:42] <rnd0110> but maybe someone here knows...
[20:43] <Walrusse> Hi everyone. I have some Kubuntu issues, with the new Oxygen theme that just made it in Intrepid, and Firefox. Is this the right place ?
[20:44] <zg_> !kiss > mimi
[20:44] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kiss
[20:44] <zg_> o.O
[20:44] <zg_> that's sociophobic o.O
[20:44] * rnd0110 leaving then. thanks anyway
[20:45] <danbh_intrepid> hey, anyone know why /tmp isnt mounted to tmpfs?
[20:45] <crashflow> am I right that only openoffice 2.4.1 is in the repositories?
[20:45] <danbh_intrepid> crashflow: packages.ubuntu.com
[20:45] <crashflow> thanks
[20:46] <Mimi> Oh, I thought you wanted the v.3
[20:46] * Uplink pokes cwillu with a stick
[20:46] <Glady> ok
[20:46] <cwillu> hey
[20:46] <Glady> walrusse
[20:46] <Glady> retrogradation
[20:46] <cwillu> or was that a stick poking for the sake of stick poking?
[20:46] <EruditeHermit> is jockey-gtk disabled in intrepid right now?
[20:46] <Walrusse> Problem is, the checkboxes and radio buttons were ugly before (everything was gray when the focus was on it). now, it's not the case anymore, but it has been replaced with Oxygen theme, but the issue is that those buttons and checkboxes are now way too big
[20:47] <cwillu> Walrusse, firefox icons?
[20:48] <Walrusse> cwillu: not quite. If I understood correctly, these are the icons of any gtk-apps used whithin Kubuntu
[20:48] <joshua24> why is it that the beta ubuntu (gnome obviously) wouldnt work with USB KB on Live CD
[20:48] <SaschaRed> how do I upgrade with the alternate disc
[20:48] <joshua24> and also i cant boot to it from Hardy Heron, both on separate drives...
[20:49] <joshua24> yet kubuntu's KB works... yet does not play nice with Nvidia and Gnome one does... kubuntu flickers my X server, and also wont boot from hardy
[20:49] <danbh_intrepid> !upgrade | SaschaRed
[20:49] <ubottu> SaschaRed: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[20:50] <Mimi> SaschaRed, sadly that page doesnt show how to use the alt-cd http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/843193.html second post there does
[20:51] <Walrusse> cwillu: if I go into the application "Qt configuration" and change the theme to something else (Cleanlooks for instance), the GUI of Firefox is better. But that's not a fix, since everybody getting the new Kubuntu will get Oxygen theme
[20:52] <teeahr1> Hey everybody. I just upgraded to 8.10beta, and it seems to have blown away all my old KDE4 settings. Does anyone know if this is a common problem, and if so, whether I can do anything about it?
[20:54] <zg_> teeahr1: you should close your windows next time to prevent the stormy weather blowing your stuff away dude o.O
[20:55] <zg_> kk I rly suck
=== Mimi is now known as Mimi|dinnertime
[20:59] <theBishop> man, one of the updates yesterday sure put the bugs back into my firefox... it was running very stable before then
[20:59] <badp> Hello. Can you confirm me libffi4 has an unavailable dependency?
[20:59] <zg_> theBishop: Propably Flash 10?
[20:59] <bronzewalla84> can't get sound working on dell studio, can anyone help?
[20:59] <theBishop> zg_, i think i was running flash10 before that
[21:00] <zg_> theBishop: hm k... propably there is any bug o. sth. like that and it will be re-patched untill release?
[21:00] <badp> zg_: I am running 10.0.12 according to apt, I was told I needed to get the latest flash player as well.
[21:00] <badp> *running Flash
[21:06] <Ayabara> my intrepid can't find the wireless networks I've been connected to earlier.
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[21:09] <badp> So can you confirm me libffi4 is a broken package?
[21:10] <Ayabara> anyone else having wireless-issues?
[21:10] <solarion> Ayabara: not today; have you upgraded your packages recently?
[21:10] <badp> I had earlier today, but it was about wireless not being recognised at all.
[21:11] <badp> As far as one could see in the network manager applet anyway.
[21:12] <dli_> gnome+compiz howto?
[21:12] <Ayabara> solarion: yesterday. I have had this issue for a while. maybe I have some configuration file issues. I'll create a new user and see if "he" can connect
[21:16] <solarion> Ayabara: there've been a lot of updates in the last day or so; try and update and see if it persists first
[21:16] <solarion> also make sure all the NetworkManager parts are there. :)
[21:18] <Ayabara> solarion: ok. how do I do that last bit?
[21:19] <solarion> Ayabara: make sure network-manager and network-manager-gnome (or -kde) is installed for one
[21:19] <EruditeHermit> how does jockey detect hardware such as ATI graphics cards for installation of special drivers? It is not detecting my ATI card
[21:19] <dli_> EruditeHermit, what ati card?
[21:19] <EruditeHermit> dli_: rv350
[21:20] <EruditeHermit> dli_: radeon 9600
[21:20] <crdlb> EruditeHermit: there is no fglrx for intrepid
[21:20] <crdlb> use the open source radeon driver
[21:20] <EruditeHermit> crdlb: there is an fglrx for intrepid. It got updated recently
[21:20] <dli_> EruditeHermit, it's supported by the "radeon" driver
[21:20] <EruditeHermit> dli_: I know but the fglrx driver also should support it
[21:21] <dli_> EruditeHermit, I don't do fglrx, no idea then
[21:21] <EruditeHermit> they released 8.54.3 which supports Xorg 7.4, xserver 1.5
[21:21] <EruditeHermit> so it was included in Ubuntu
[21:21] <EruditeHermit> but jockey isn't working for me. It isn't even detecting my modem
[21:22] <bronzewalla84> my sound won't work in fresh intrepid install, i've checked to make sure nothings muted, and still no sound
[21:22] <EruditeHermit> the jockey detection mechanism seems broken for me
[21:22] <EruditeHermit> as it is empty when I run it
[21:23] <exco> EruditeHermit: you enned to install xorg-driver-fglrx
[21:23] <exco> after that the driver gets detected in "Hardware Drivers" (jockey)
[21:23] <exco> *need (what was that?)
[21:24] <EruditeHermit> exco: shouldn't it detect my card and offer to install it for me?
[21:24] <crdlb> EruditeHermit: yes
[21:24] <crdlb> but give them a day or two ...
[21:25] <exco> I think so - but it didn't offer me that option ether, EruditeHermit
[21:25] <exco> *either
[21:25] <EruditeHermit> hmm
[21:26] <EruditeHermit> should I file a bug report?
[21:26] <EruditeHermit> I am not particularly interested in using it, I just want it to work for others
[21:28] <exco> EruditeHermit: I don't know about you, but for me the fglrx drivers boost performance by more than 25% - and I can downclock the graphics card to make my notebook cooler. Way smoother Compiz effects (if you're into that stuff)
[21:29] <Mimi> for nvidia? (exco)
[21:29] <EruditeHermit> I don't know because I haven't used it for a while
[21:29] <exco> Mimi: fglrx = ati
[21:29] <Mimi> thought so ^^; thanks
[21:29] <rom1v> hi again
[21:29] <rom1v> will intrepid include oo3?
[21:29] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: no
[21:29] <exco> EruditeHermit: don't change it if you're happy with your settings
[21:29] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: it will be in a PPA though
[21:30] <rom1v> :'(
[21:30] <Mimi> So you can still download and install it
[21:30] <EruditeHermit> exco: I wanted to see how much faster it is
[21:31] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive
[21:31] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: if you are desperate
[21:31] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: beware of breakage though
[21:31] <exco> I have a X700 and glxgears now shows more than 2500fps (without tweaking) and with the radeon drivers it was ~2000fps, EruditeHermit
[21:31] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: you keep both halves if it breaks
[21:32] <xxploit> 2500fps Lol
[21:32] <xxploit> wat shit card is that
[21:32] <EruditeHermit> exco: glxgears doesn't necessarily test things well. It is true that fglrx is about twice as fast in games though
[21:32] <crdlb> glxgears doesn't test things at all
[21:32] <crdlb> you should never use that number for anything
[21:32] <EruditeHermit> I used to get 3000 in hardy
[21:32] <EruditeHermit> now I get 2200 in intrepid
[21:32] <EruditeHermit> but it doesn't mean anything
[21:32] <crdlb> it either works (you have working 3d, possibly software) or it doesn't
[21:33] <exco> I couldn't care less about this test, but everything I do is smoother than before, crdlb, EruditeHermit
[21:33] <EruditeHermit> exco: I believe you
[21:33] <crdlb> fglrx _is_ faster
[21:33] <EruditeHermit> exco: it has OpenGL 2 support whereas radeon only manages 1.3
[21:33] <EruditeHermit> exco: it is a better driver by all means
[21:33] <EruditeHermit> apart from the fact it breaks if ATI doesn't update it
[21:34] <crdlb> the R300 and R400 support in radeon was reverse engineered
[21:34] <EruditeHermit> and also video playback for me was better with radeon
[21:34] <rom1v> and ekiga 3?
[21:34] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: no
[21:34] <rom1v> why that?
[21:34] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: no idea
[21:35] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: openoffice3 IS in Intrepid
[21:35] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: it ISN'T installed as the default
[21:35] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: but you can install 3.0 easily actually
[21:35] <rom1v> yes, I understood that... but "what a shame" (can we say "it's a shame", what's the difference?)
[21:36] <EruditeHermit> the reason for that is openoffice has really buggy releases
[21:36] <EruditeHermit> and I think canonical didn't want to take a risk. They have only had 3 weeks before release to work on it
[21:37] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: so they stuck with 2.4 as default and included 3.0 for those that wanted it
[21:37] <danbh_intrepid> EruditeHermit: I don't see it
[21:37] <EruditeHermit> rom1v: playing it safe
[21:37] * Mimi wonders if Ubuntu should stop having releases and just update as needed <3 <3 <3
[21:37] <EruditeHermit> danbh_intrepid: hmm maybe you are right, I have some extra repos instatlled
[21:37] <danbh_intrepid> Mimi: you forgot to duck!!!!
[21:38] <crimsun> Mimi: nothing's stopping you from doing that now...
[21:38] <Mimi> I can take it, I'm strong, bring it on!.. no, I dont want a fight >.<
[21:38] <danbh_intrepid> Mimi: I asked on the devel-discuss mailing list, and I got some explanatory reponses, and some hostile ones
[21:39] <Mimi> crimsun, I know, but if they rush to meet release deadlines, could they overlook bugs that need to be fixed?
[21:39] <Mimi> I don't care either way, I'm sticking with Ubuntu regardless. I just wonder if it would be better
[21:39] <EruditeHermit> I doubt it would be better
[21:39] <EruditeHermit> because then you'd have delays
[21:39] <Mimi> such as?
[21:39] <crimsun> Mimi: there are tons of bugs that don't get fixed simply due to lack of resources. E.g., number of eyes on bugs
[21:39] <EruditeHermit> thats what fedora does
[21:40] <danbh_intrepid> I think getdeb.net and playdeb.net are kinda bridging the gap a bit
[21:40] <EruditeHermit> and debian
[21:40] <EruditeHermit> debian especially has release delays
[21:40] <EruditeHermit> because you can never get everything
[21:40] <EruditeHermit> never going to be bugless software
[21:40] <Mimi> Novell, ofcourse not
[21:40] <Mimi> *no, ofcourse not
[21:43] <Mimi> ... diveintopython book comes installed....? Wow. How thoughtful. *opens it up and starts reading it :3 *
[21:46] <Newbie1> can anyone tell me why this is not working sudo cp ieee80211 /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
[21:46] <Newbie1> I need to get this folder in the wireless folder
[21:46] <Newbie1> I think
[21:46] <crimsun> use either -r or -a for a folder
[21:46] <Newbie1> where after the cp ?
[21:47] <crimsun> yes
[21:47] <Newbie1> done thanks
[21:49] <Newbie1> anyone running a msi wind ?
[21:51] <bronzewalla84> so i'm trying to play an mp3 with vlc, i get no sound and vlc skips through to track very quickly, i'm guessing this a codec problem, but can't figure it out... please help
[21:54] <danbh_intrepid> bronzewalla84: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
[21:54] <mich2> Hello again, i'm currently stuck at my STL problem in STL_Construct.h.. http://pastebin.ca/1228731
[21:54] <mich2> anyone an idea whats wrong since i upgraded to intrepid ?
[21:54] <danbh_intrepid> hey mich2 I had an idea, try installing build-essentials
[21:55] <danbh_intrepid> maybe something didnt upgrade right
[21:55] <Andy80> hi all
[21:55] <mich2> it's already installed
[21:55] <dphase> anyone seen issues witk jockey not able to install nvidia drivers?
[21:55] <danbh_intrepid> o well
[21:55] <mich2> maybe trying an autoremove ?
[21:55] <Andy80> a little question: when you're in the login screen, you can choose the language, set default language ecc.... but, what if you want the language to be automatically set, depending on the user that does login? for example... if I log with andy80 I want English, if I login with pippo I want Italian ecc.... is it possibile to do it?
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[22:05] <jrib> Andy80: doesn't your choice persist when you make it the first time/
[22:06] <sorush20> hi I would like to sort out this error with gpg keys..
[22:06] <sorush20> I'm not seeing the interpid repositories despite adding them correctly to the sources.list
[22:07] <sorush20> I get time out server and I'm using a proxy.. I have set synaptic to use poxy but its no use..
[22:07] <sorush20> can anyone help its been a few days
[22:08] <Andy80> jrib, the problem is that the choice persist :) I explain better.... If the default language is english, I want to login with another user that wants italian. He choose italian and at this point GDM asks: do you want Italian to be default language, only this session or cancel?
[22:09] <Andy80> if you choose default, you change the default language, and I don't want this. if you choose only this session, the choice is not saved.... understand now?
[22:09] <soundray> Andy80: choode "default language". It will only apply to that particular user.
[22:10] <soundray> *choose
[22:10] <Andy80> soundray, I try, wait...
[22:12] <MadsRH> Can anyone tell me why I can't see my webcam in 8.10? I would like to try Cheese :-) "lsusb" showes Bus 002 Device 002: ID 041e:4053 Creative Technology, Ltd Live! Cam Video IM
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[22:17] <Andy80> soundray, this is what happens (I repeat it again): when I logout from english user and try to login with italian one, I get this message: Do you wish to make English(USA) the default for future sessions? - You have chosen English(USA) for this sessione, but your default setting is Italian: Just for this session - Cancel - Make Default?
[22:18] <danbh_intrepid> MadsRH: try gstreamer-properties
[22:18] <sorush20> gpg –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com –recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5
[22:18] <Andy80> If I click on Make Default, it makes english the default language for the italian user
[22:19] <Don_Miguel> ouch
[22:19] <soundray> Andy80: that's a bug. Please report it on launchpad. Mention that it's a regression, because hardy doesn't have this problem.
[22:19] <sorush20> gpg –keyserver khp://keyserver.ubuntu.com –recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5 usage: gpg [options] [filename]
[22:20] <sorush20> I keep getting this error where is kubuntu key server?
[22:20] <Andy80> soundray, ok, I'll submit it as a bug, maybe later, I cannot right now, I've to finisgh preparing 8 pc for LinuxDay next week :)
[22:20] <Andy80> thanks anyway
[22:21] <Newbie1> sudo cp /*.ko /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
[22:22] <Newbie1> wgy doe this not work
[22:22] <dli_> how to make compiz work with gnome? I thought this was the default for gnome
[22:22] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, it is, howver you need to have to correct drivers installed
[22:22] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, also, you may need to dowload another manager from the repos
[22:22] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, intel 945, xf86-video-intel, by default
[22:23] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, which one?
[22:23] <sorush20> I keep getting key server time outs
[22:23] <sorush20> gpg --keyserver subkeys.gpg.net --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5
[22:23] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, im not sure what u mean..
[22:23] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, "to dowload another manager "?
[22:24] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, ah.. ok. go into your Repostiry, and type in Compiz extra effects or something like that
[22:25] <B3z3rk3r> will come up with CCSM i think
[22:25] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, I have ccsm now
[22:25] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, you need to install that, which u can then enable all the extra effects in compiz under Gnome
[22:26] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, already enabled them:( not seeing
[22:26] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, are u getting any effects at all ?
[22:26] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, not sure now, ps shows compiz up
[22:26] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, I am using vnc to test this remote machine, maybe effects are on
[22:27] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, thanks for help
[22:28] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, so its working?
[22:29] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, do u have access to the machine? im not sure if effects will show up on a remote machine as iv never tried honestly
[22:29] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, not sure:(
[22:29] <dli_> the machine is in another country :)
[22:29] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, I don't have a visa to go there
[22:29] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, ROFl.. so we are kinda screwed then.. ok. wel as long as CCSM is up and running, chances are that it will be fine
[22:30] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, i guess it's fine. compiz up and I can play ccsm
[22:30] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, not sure how compiz works on dual monitor still
[22:30] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, great, wel there u go then :) iv had issues with dual monitor from 7.10
[22:31] <B3z3rk3r> havent tried its since tho..
[22:31] <B3z3rk3r> so really couldnt tel u
[22:31] <B3z3rk3r> useing xp a lot more again
[22:31] <B3z3rk3r> i know.. heresy! :p
[22:31] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, can I get gnome panel up on the second monitor? I couldn't get xfce panel there either
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[22:32] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, didnt really get a chnce to play around with it much when i had it working, i simply use d it as an extention to my current monitor.. no bars.. nothing
[22:33] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, although im sure its possible to get that working, im really not sure where to go from here to help u do that as i dont have any XP with that
[22:33] <B3z3rk3r> sory bud
[22:34] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, ok:( it's a poor eee-pc, now, with large external monitor
[22:35] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, lol.. u are inflicting extra compiz effects on a EEE? man u are cruel.. lol
[22:35] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, i have seen an EEE running compiz sufiently, abliet not smoothly
[22:35] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, wouldnt reccomend it honestly
[22:36] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, it was pretty smooth with xfce+compiz
[22:37] <B3z3rk3r> on a bare install?
[22:37] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, then, we brought in extra monitor, xrandr in Xorg-7.3 contains a bug, so I upgraded
[22:37] <B3z3rk3r> to Ubuntu x.x ?
[22:37] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, the asus os is awful. I just deleted everything, use linear raid to combine two SSDs
[22:38] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, I installed 8.04, then, to get rid of the xrandr bug, upgraded to 8.10 yesterday
[22:38] <B3z3rk3r> Xandros is actually quite good i thought... just needed to become power user friendly to
[22:39] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, no, I don't like aufs, and small 4GB partition for system
[22:39] <B3z3rk3r> ah k... with 8.10 u may still ahve some teething issues as its not oficial yet as im sure u know
[22:39] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, don't see any issue yet
[22:40] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, in that case i might give it a go myself
[22:40] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, X virtual was set to "1600x1600" by default, I modified it to "2048x2048"
[22:40] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, I hate ubuntu to modify my xorg.conf, how to disable this feature
[22:40] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, cant seem to get my GTX280 to work with ubuntu 8.04, might give 8.10 a go
[22:40] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, wow.. thats a nice monitor!
[22:41] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, u can manually modify your xorg .conf
[22:41] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, no, Virtual, it's 1280x1024 and 1024x600, so, 1600x1600 slightly missed the 1624 minimum
[22:42] <B3z3rk3r> dli_, oh.. i se
[22:42] <dli_> B3z3rk3r, yes, but ubuntu keeps modifying it, I havet "chatter +i"
[22:42] <vinicius> hi! i dont know whats happening here... when I scroll the content of some windows (in office or firefox for example), the text leaves some kind of "fake text" on the screen that's only printed. If i minimize and restore the windows it comes back to normal until the next scrolling or typing...
[22:42] <vinicius> if i also change a firefox tab, the text only changes if i scroll it...
[22:42] <dli_> vinicius, video-card driver bug:)
[22:43] <dli_> ati?
[22:43] <vinicius> dli_: is that being normal in intrepid with nvidia videocards?
[22:43] <dli_> vinicius, nvidia is slightly better than ati, but still a random bug generator
[22:44] <dli_> vinicius, buy intel video card next time:)
[22:44] <vinicius> dli_: when i turn the computer off as well, some kind of gost comes off instead of the "ubuntu turn-off screen"
[22:44] <B3z3rk3r> vinicius, ati is known for por support of their cards in general, however the prob is amplified by ubuntu and linux in genral
[22:45] <vinicius> B3z3rk3r: dli_ have you seen anyone reporting somehting like this before?
[22:45] <vinicius> B3z3rk3r: dli_ it was pretty ok before with hardy....
[22:45] <dli_> vinicius, I don't care about binary only drivers:( traumatized
[22:46] <vinicius> B3z3rk3r: dli_ the new nvidia drivers released today are being downloaded right now... :(
[22:46] <vinicius> B3z3rk3r: dli_ lets see if it works
[22:46] <B3z3rk3r> vinicius, good luck
[22:46] <vinicius> B3z3rk3r: dli_ thanks for the attentio, anyway
[22:47] <B3z3rk3r> vinicius, comeback if u dont ahve any luck k?
[22:47] <vinicius> B3z3rk3r: dli_ i will... thanks!
[22:49] <Windsurfer619> Hi, suppose I have an nVidia 6150, what packages would I need to install on a liveCD to get 3D acceleration out of the box? Are there open source drivers?
[22:50] <vinicius> Windsurfer619: I suppose its the nvidia-117*
[22:50] <vinicius> or 177 :p
[22:50] <B3z3rk3r> Windsurfer619, your card should be detected automatically, and ready to go. If not come back and see us here :)
[22:51] <dli_> Windsurfer619, nouveau driver
[22:51] <vinicius> Windsurfer619: but ubuntu asks u if you want to install them at boot if theyre not opensource
[22:51] <B3z3rk3r> 178.24 is out as of 15th OCT
[22:51] <dli_> Windsurfer619, I can see the development is pretty active for nouveau
[22:51] <Windsurfer619> Keep in mind this is a LiveDVD. I tried the nvidia-glx-173. Should it just work with the 177?
[22:52] <B3z3rk3r> Windsurfer619, yes, should do? may i ask why u are runninga live cd instead of an install?
[22:53] <Windsurfer619> B3z3rk3r: Lab computers > lan party
[22:53] <B3z3rk3r> Windsurfer619, ahaha... nice!!!
[22:53] <Windsurfer619> I bought 20 DVDs for 8 bucks :)
[22:53] <Windsurfer619> well, mini-dvds, just to be cool.
[22:54] <Windsurfer619> So yeah, I need this for tomorrow... I made a test DVD with nvidia-glx-173 and it just didn't work at all. If I install the 177, it should just work out-of-the box? No "driver download" or anything once I'm in gnome?
[22:55] <B3z3rk3r> Windsurfer619, perhaps. although depends on your machines config, hardware.. blah blah blah
[22:55] <Windsurfer619> gaah
[22:56] <B3z3rk3r> Windsurfer619, so relly cant say for sure
[22:56] <B3z3rk3r> Windsurfer619, best idea is a test batch
[22:56] <Windsurfer619> Well I know it's already that awkward square-resolution screen
[22:56] <Windsurfer619> Well, I need it for tomorrow, so this is best-guess and pray
[22:57] <B3z3rk3r> if it doesnt work.. compiz isnt such a big deal.. just a cool hook really, or personally, i find it to be a productivity boost
[22:57] <B3z3rk3r> Windsurfer619, give the latest drivers a go as they will surely have the ebst support
[22:57] <B3z3rk3r> Windsurfer619, gl
[22:57] <Windsurfer619> Compiz isn't the issue. BZFlag, openarena, and warsow are.
[22:57] <Windsurfer619> okay!
[22:57] <Windsurfer619> thank you.
[23:00] <B3z3rk3r> Windsurfer619, np mate.. enjoy
[23:01] <Windsurfer619> Just wondering... what would be the cause for the 173 not working?
[23:01] <Windsurfer619> or... could be the cause
[23:05] <sorush20> hi how is everyone?
[23:06] <sorush20> ubottu: Hi can you hear me?
[23:06] <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[23:06] <Windsurfer619> Hello!
[23:06] <Windsurfer619> I'm alright.
[23:06] <sorush20> good what has happened there seems to bee low activity in terms of help and interaction
[23:06] <sorush20> is ubuntu very busy?
[23:07] <Denise> I think they are all eating their kraft dinner
[23:07] <sorush20> what is that?
[23:08] <Denise> a meal for nerds
[23:08] <B3z3rk3r> lol... /facepalm
[23:08] <Denise> geez
[23:08] <Denise> kidding
[23:09] <Windsurfer619> lol
[23:09] <Windsurfer619> I had steak and a yam, thankyouverymuch
[23:09] <sorush20> oh that is nasty
[23:09] * B3z3rk3r is only 5 mins away from completion of his psych class for today!!!
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[23:11] * B3z3rk3r bids you all farewell as class is now over! :) goodluck all, back later
[23:12] <Denise> I wonder if one can know eveything about linux
[23:12] <Windsurfer619> Un-possible
[23:13] <Denise> there are so many programs
[23:13] <Denise> and gadgets
[23:13] <Denise> and experiences
[23:13] <Mimi> I wonder if Linus knows everything about Linux
[23:13] <Denise> many of them doing the same thing
[23:16] <Denise> how come my ip is not hidden
[23:16] <vinicius> dli_: i had no luck here.. :p
[23:17] <vinicius> i took a screenshot to help explain the problem
[23:17] <vinicius> http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/2479/capturadetelanu1.jpg
[23:17] <Denise> what was ur question vinicius
[23:17] <vinicius> Denise: there I moved the openoffice cursor with the keyboard from left to right
[23:17] <vinicius> Denise: take a look in the image
[23:18] <Denise> what does it mean?
[23:18] <vinicius> Denise: the cursos leaves some traces
[23:19] <vinicius> *cursor
[23:19] <Denise> what the sentence means in english
[23:19] <vinicius> Denise: oh... thats not important at all..
[23:19] <vinicius> Denise: Im having this problem here with things printed on the screen that arent actually there
[23:20] <vinicius> Denise: if i scroll the page, so it comes back to normal
[23:20] <vinicius> Denise: but thats really pissing me off
[23:21] <vinicius> Denise: how would you describe this problem? my english is not that good and i want to put in ubuntuforums
[23:22] <Denise> i dunno
[23:22] <Denise> but i would like to know what it means in englsih
[23:22] <Windsurfer619> Sounds like you're getting graphical artifacts from the cursor in OpenOffice
[23:23] <Denise> justificativa
[23:24] <Denise> urbanism plan
[23:25] <Denise> traba
[23:25] <Denise> social assistance
[23:25] <Denise> conseguimos
[23:25] <Denise> curitabla
[23:25] <adelie42> how do you disable ipv6 support completely? having issues again since upgrading. 'blacklist ipv6' in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
[23:26] <adelie42> that worked before
[23:26] <Denise> curitaba
[23:28] <vinicius> Denise: its my degree tesis
[23:28] <vinicius> Denise: we have a lot of waste catchers here in brazil
[23:29] <vinicius> Denise: its missing social development
[23:29] <vinicius> Denise: and actually you have a brazilian name
[23:31] <Denise> DEnise?
[23:31] <Denise> brezilian?
[23:31] <Denise> lol
[23:31] <Denise> first time
[23:31] <Denise> it is portuguese?
[23:31] <LjL> !offtopic
[23:31] <ubottu> #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!
[23:31] <Denise> I was searching in my spanish dictionary
[23:32] <vinicius> Denise: yes it is
[23:32] <teeahr1> Hey everybody. Upgraded to the Kubuntu beta this morning, have had a few problems which mostly haven't been that bad. But I'm having some trouble with a program I compiled before upgrading (I had a feeling I should have run "make uninstall" first...)
[23:33] <joaopinto> teeahr1, most programs do not provide a "make uninstall"
[23:33] <joaopinto> if you upgraded to newer libs, you will need to recompile the app
[23:33] <vinicius> teeahr1: and that really sucks... once you installed.. thats it..
[23:33] <neztiti> guys how i can remove input action from my system ???
[23:33] <DrunkenPirate34> hey guys
[23:34] <joaopinto> teeahr1, you can use checkinstall make install, to produce a .deb package and then remove it
[23:35] <DrunkenPirate34> I just updated and restarted today. My wireless USB mouse worked fine before the restart, but no I cannot get it to work at all. I will test other USB devices and get back to anyone who responds. I have tried a different port, etc.
[23:35] <Denise> south america project
[23:35] <neztiti> joaopinto: let me know how
[23:35] <teeahr1> I wasn't finished, you guys out-typed me :) It's Krusader, and it compiles with cmake. It does provide a "make uninstall," I often upgrade the svn version. Since upgrading to 8.10, somehow the executable got "lost" (it's still there, in /usr/lib/kde4/bin/, but that's not in $PATH anymore)...
[23:36] <teeahr1> So I was going to uninstall and reinstall the new svn version, but now I'm getting a message that says "find_package could not find module FindKDE4Internal.cmake"
[23:36] <DrunkenPirate34> Ok, my USB system is not working at all after the update and restart...
[23:37] <DrunkenPirate34> and jokey-gtk just quit
[23:37] <teeahr1> cmake is definitely still there, but the module FindKDE4Internal.cmake isn't, or at least it's not in /usr/share/cmake/modules
[23:37] <vinicius> how can i add images on ubuntu forums? is there a [img] tag?
[23:38] <ronny> hi
[23:38] <Denise> development
[23:39] <ronny> got a weird issue, gnome-window decorations are entirely gone and all apps are started as fullscreen, anyone got an idea what could be the cause?
[23:39] <ronny> (i recently installed ubuntu-mobile by accident, removing didnt help tho)
[23:40] <skyjumper> ronny: that sounds like what happens if you press whichever key is defined as 'fullscreen' in compiz
[23:40] <pi-meson> I should be able to install the ibex beta now and basically just apt-get update/upgrade my way to the full release between now and oct 30, right?
[23:40] <Windsurfer619> yes, theoretically
[23:41] <ronny> skyjumper: any idea how to fix?
[23:41] <Denise> u make me spin
[23:41] <ronny> skyjumper: oh, compiz isnt running ?!
[23:42] <sorush20> is there something wrong with my sources list I@m not seening amarok new version
[23:42] <sorush20> (23:39:07) sorush20: http://pastebin.ca/1228832
[23:42] <pi-meson> and if my machine has an e1000 nic internally, i won't be able to use it with the beta, but I should if i upgrade?
[23:44] <ronny> anyone got an idea?
[23:47] <DrunkenPirate34> is there a fix for jockey yet?
[23:47] <sorush20> hi
[23:47] <sorush20> why am I getting this ignored list?
[23:47] <sorush20> Ign http://security.ubuntu.com intrepid-security/main Translation-en_GB
[23:47] <sorush20> why?
[23:47] <sorush20> is there something worng?
[23:47] <crimsun> sorush20: nothing has changed in that pocket, so why wouldn't it be ignored?
[23:47] <raffster> I have an issue with my wireless card in 8.10
[23:48] <raffster> I just upgraded to 8.10
[23:48] <raffster> my wireless card will not enable
[23:48] <raffster> I can detect it
[23:48] <raffster> the driver appears to be installed correctly
[23:49] <raffster> iwconfig wlan0 works fine
[23:49] <DrunkenPirate34> submit a bugreport
[23:49] <raffster> how?
[23:49] <raffster> for what package?
[23:49] <raffster> here is the thing
[23:49] <raffster> if I boot up with the old kernel
[23:49] <raffster> everything works
[23:49] <DrunkenPirate34> submit a bug report w/the kernel
[23:52] <raffster> how do I submit a bug report
[23:52] <Mimi> !bug
[23:52] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[23:52] <sorush20> crimsun: why am I getting old version of amarok?
[23:54] <sorush20> I'm getting amarok 1.4
[23:54] <crimsun> sorush20: what version did you expect?
[23:54] <sorush20> why?>
[23:54] <ralpho> how do you put back the taskbar clock the widgets one dont have date.
[23:54] <sorush20> 2.4
[23:56] <krash> Greets
[23:56] <ralpho> doh
[23:57] <krash> I just wanted to mention a couple things, they are probably known already though, but I have a few icons messed up in my taskbar and when I add an item to favorites it shows up weird
[23:58] <wastrel> hi dudes
[23:58] <crimsun> sorush20: see http://www.kubuntu.org/amarok2-beta2
[23:58] <Denise> ok
[23:59] <AdamMoredo> Any change that OpenOffice 3.0 will make it into the main repositories by Ibex's release date, or will it be reserved as a feature for 9.04 (Jaunty something?)