UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /16 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:09] <user_> hi there
[00:09] <user_> anyone realy good with kde sound here
[00:09] <_xweb> hey
[00:09] <user_> hey :)
[00:09] <user_> same problem haha
[00:10] <_xweb> still no sound
[00:10] <_xweb> try http://linuxquestions.org
[00:25] <sevenseeker> anyone here have experience with dpatch for packaging?
[00:26] <genii> sevenseeker: Try #ubuntu-motu
[00:26] <sevenseeker> genii: great, thank you
=== MisterL is now known as Guest38135
[00:31] <Guest38135> can someone tell me what the "upgrade all" button means in adept manager?
[00:32] <genii> Guest38135: It means upgrade all applications to the latest available as well as upgrade your kernel version to the latest available
[00:33] <Guest38135> so its good to do?
[00:33] <genii> GeneRALLY SPEAKING, YES
[00:33] <genii> Apologies on capslock
[00:36] <administrator> hello peeps
[00:37] <administrator> need an answer on s qestion ive got
[00:38] <administrator> ive got ARk for extracting files will this let me extract RAR Files???
[00:39] <chfwiggum> administrator: if u installed unrar or sth like that - sure
[00:39] <afeijo> hey all
[00:39] <afeijo> can I use firefox 2 and 3 on my machine??
[00:40] <chfwiggum> afeijo: sure, go ahead
[00:40] <afeijo> just install both thru adept? cool
[00:40] <afeijo> same profile or should I use 2?
[00:41] <administrator> chfwiggum is that a different program then???
[00:41] <chfwiggum> afeijo: i think it might be the same profile, but its a guess
[00:41] <afeijo> hmmm
[00:41] <chfwiggum> administrator: u need unrar to extract the rar files
[00:41] <afeijo> for safety I will use 2 and add to my shortcut the -p option
[00:41] <chfwiggum> ark is only handling the extractions
[00:42] <chfwiggum> u also might want unzip and gzip and so on
[00:42] <genii> afk
[00:42] <chfwiggum> administrator: its easily installed via adep
[00:43] <chfwiggum> adept
[00:43] <peer`> would burning a 700mb iso to a dvd to use as an installation disk be a viable option or should I use a CD-R? The target computer does have a dvd drive btw
[00:43] <administrator> ah ryt im just found it there now thanks very much for all your help on this
[00:44] <chfwiggum> peer`: u may also use a dvd, i also did this
[00:44] <chfwiggum> administrator: youre welcome
[00:45] <chrisruls00> #compiz-fusion
[00:48] <administrator> chfwiggum ive installed this but cant see it in my menu anywere, is this supposed ot happen???
[00:48] <chfwiggum> administrator: nope
[00:49] <chfwiggum> administrator: but u can start it from a console or via alt+F2
=== DrUnKnMuNkY1 is now known as DrUnKnMuNkY
[00:51] <administrator> chfwiggum ive tried to run it by pressing alt+f2 but its not coming up anywere
[00:52] <chfwiggum> administrator: :) firtst u press alt+F2 then u enter firefox in that commandline :)
[00:52] <rich_> Hi All. I have package to install. When execute 'make' this comes back: http://pastebin.com/d77320480
[00:52] <rich_> Anyone can help ?
[00:53] <administrator> sorry about this im new to this system
[00:53] <administrator> ill try now
[00:53] <peer`> on a 20gb drive, what's a good swap space for kubuntu?
[00:53] <chfwiggum> administrator: no worries
[00:53] <rich_> peer: swap should be 2x your ram size :)
[00:54] <chfwiggum> administrator: y would u install both ff versions?
[00:54] <peer`> okay so I can get away with a 1gb swap? ram is 512
[00:54] <chfwiggum> rich_: i think 1GB is more than enough
[00:54] <administrator> chfwiggum ??????
[00:55] <chfwiggum> administrator: did u install FF2 AND FF3? or did i get u wrong
=== Taladan_ is now known as Taladan
[00:56] <administrator> o ryt firefox soorry firefox 3
[00:57] <chfwiggum> administrator: i am so sorry
[00:57] <chfwiggum> administrator: i got confused. i took u for the guy who installed both firefoxes
[00:57] <chfwiggum> administrator: my bad
[00:58] <administrator> o ryt no tour ok dnt worry
[00:58] <administrator> your*
[00:58] <rich_> chfwiggum: that was old advice given to me by one of polish hackers, when 128mb ram was extreme luxury... :-)
[00:58] <rocio> hola a todos
[00:59] <chfwiggum> administrator: ure the rar guy. u simply start ark
[00:59] <administrator> yip then wot??
[00:59] <chfwiggum> rich_: that were different times then :)
[01:00] <chfwiggum> administrator: then u unpack it, if u like
[01:00] <administrator> does it let me extract rar files of this???
[01:00] <rich_> Yep:) does anyone know how to help me with that unexacutable 'make' ? details: http://pastebin.com/d77320480
[01:01] <administrator> i think i tried the other nite and itwouldnt let me
[01:01] <chfwiggum> administrator: if theres a rar-file ark will extract it
[01:02] <administrator> ok ill tyr in a sec and let you know is that ok??
[01:08] <marco> presenti?
[01:08] <woddf2> Hello
[01:08] <vom> hi all - anyone here running the spanking new flash 10 plugin ?
[01:09] <vom> im trying to see if you can reproduce a crash - just go to http://www.vzw.com (verizon wireless)
[01:10] <vom> on my end (kubuntu 8.04 - ff3) it crashes upon loading the middle section of the page
=== me is now known as Craighney
=== juna is now known as albuntu
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAky_t
[01:28] <user_> computer turned its self off
[01:29] <albuntu> user_: check the power , power supply or check your battery if you have a laptop. lol
[01:29] <user_> hehe
[01:29] <user_> albuntu: u any good with trouble shooting sound?
[01:30] <crimsun> what about sound?
[01:30] <albuntu> user_: i dont know. maybe i can help. tell me whats your problem
[01:30] <user_> kde wont play sounds yet alsa is setup
[01:30] <user_> correctly
[01:30] <user_> and works
[01:30] <user_> things like, system sounds, and web browsers
[01:30] <user_> yet, amrock plays sounds
[01:30] <albuntu> user_: try restarting alsa in terminal and pastebin the output
[01:31] <user_> how do i go about doing that
[01:31] <albuntu> sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart
[01:32] <crimsun> 1) make sure everything uses ALSA's 'default' device, not something specific like 'plug:hw:*' or 'hw:*'
[01:32] <crimsun> 2) make sure artsd's idle timeout is set to a very short interval
[01:32] <user_> just said shutting down alsa then setting up alsa
[01:33] <user_> crimsun: , dont know how mate
[01:33] <crimsun> 3) make sure you're not using something attempting to bypass ALSA, like OSS emulation
[01:33] <user_> no emulation
[01:33] <crimsun> BTW, "restarting" alsa-utils doesn't "restart" ALSA. It sets and resets the volume levels.
[01:33] <crimsun> we'll be hacking that crap out so people don't continue to mistakenly use it for "restarting ALSA"
[01:34] <user_> crimsun, its weard, basicly,its a clean install
[01:34] <user_> the device is usb
[01:34] <crimsun> user_: is it the only sound device, or do you have an onboard, too?
[01:34] <user_> i have onboard disabled
[01:35] <user_> via bios
[01:35] <crimsun> user_: what's the output from `asoundconf list' in a Konsole?
[01:35] <user_> u know a good website where i can paste that
[01:36] <user_> ahh topic!
[01:36] <user_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/58113/
[01:37] <crimsun> user_: except you need `asoundconf list', not just `asoundconf'
[01:37] <user_> oops
[01:37] <user_> um
[01:37] <user_> camera and default
[01:38] <user_> camera is the webcam as it has a mic
[01:38] <crimsun> user_: which is listed top-wise (on top of the other)?
[01:38] <user_> camera top
[01:38] <crimsun> user_: ok, and 'default' is the usb headset?
[01:38] <user_> think so
[01:38] <user_> thats the only other card connected
[01:39] <crimsun> user_: (I'm nearly positive it is.) ok, you'll need: `asoundconf set-default-card default'
[01:39] <crimsun> user_: then, log out of KDE and back in
[01:39] <user_> ok
[01:39] <user_> ill log back out and in
[01:44] <user_> well done
[01:44] <user_> :)
[01:44] <user_> worked
[01:45] <user_> so basicly the problem was the card not being default?
[01:46] <crimsun> user_: correct
[01:46] <user_> thanks crimsun :)
[01:46] <user_> very helpfull
[01:51] <Brydenn> hey guys
[01:52] <Brydenn> need some driver help for my CreativeLabs X-Fi Fatality sound card
[01:52] <Brydenn> anyone know if theres good drivers out there for it? :(
[01:53] <crimsun> not officially supported in Kubuntu Hardy or Intrepid (and won't be, since upstream is just now writing drivers for it)
[01:53] <Brydenn> ya i ran across some beta stuff
[01:53] <crimsun> if you're interested, you can track Takashi's work in his git tree, where he's hacking support for the X-Fis into ALSA
[01:53] <crimsun> (progress is extremely rapid, as he's an amazing programmer)
[01:56] <Brydenn> http://connect.creativelabs.com/opensource/Wiki/SoundCard Support.aspx
[01:56] <Brydenn> thats what i found
=== fReAky_t is now known as freaky[t]
[02:01] <dr_willis> X-Fi has sort of been a dissapointment.. Creative really dropped the ball on their linux support.
[02:01] <dwidmann> or lack thereof
[02:01] <dr_willis> Im not sure how useable it is now, or even if 8.10 will have support for it.
[02:01] <dr_willis> I was about to get one a few months ago.. and discovered that. :) so i got a low end audigy for my machine
[02:02] <Brydenn> i have 8.1 installed now and have NO sound :(
[02:09] <adrian> what do I have to do to unarchive a .rar Torrent file ? If anyone can help, please private me. Thanks
[02:09] <dwidmann> adrian: install unrar or unrar-free and then ark or the unrar command should be able to handle it
[02:10] <adrian> the unrar-free I should find at Applications - Add/Remove ?
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAky_t
[02:12] <scriptx> i seem to get this at every kde4 login: KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus, error when calling start_service_by_desktop_path:
[02:12] <scriptx> empty
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[02:13] <dwidmann> adrian: maybe, try adept manager otherwise
[02:14] <adrian> ok dwid, thanks for youre help :)
[02:16] <rogan_> best wireless keyboard/mouse for linux support?
[02:30] <g__> Hi
[02:31] <g__> some1 here?
[02:31] <dwidmann> Yeah
[02:31] <ghel> lo
[02:31] <genii> Yes
[02:31] <genii> /j #ubuntu-ops
[02:31] <genii> bah
[02:31] <g__> ok all with kde4?
[02:32] <dwidmann> it's improving. It's getting pretty stable but still hasn't achieved feature parity with kde3.
[02:32] <peer`> will kubuntu 8.04 have drivers built in for my wireless card? it's an airlink101 AWLC3026
[02:33] <dr_willis> !wireless
[02:33] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[02:33] <dr_willis> peer`, its hard to tell. withoug checking the docs/forums
[02:33] <g__> sorry i don't know why i'm here...i've a problem with my microfone on acer travermate 8103..
[02:34] <scriptx> i seem to get this at every kde4 login: KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus, error when calling start_service_by_desktop_path
[02:34] <g__> some one could help me?
[02:34] <g__> thanks
[02:34] <g__> g
[02:34] <joegeek> Im having trouble setting up my Logitech Quickcam Pro 5000,.. Im run`n kubuntu hardy on a ibm thinkpad t41p,... I also have a Logitech Quickcam EC witch works fine in any software I want to run,.. however, the only software Ive been able to get the Pro 5000 to work on is webcamd, and even then the colors are way off,.. I need both of these cams to work simutanously,...
[02:34] * genii hands Pici a coffee
[02:35] <g__> eveerybody asked but no1 response..
[02:35] <dwidmann> what kind of problem g__?
[02:35] <scriptx> sounds like a driver issue, joegeek
[02:35] <g__> thanks
=== sean is now known as psyco
[02:36] <psyco> Yo guys.
[02:36] <scriptx> brb
[02:36] <g__> no front microfone wors...
[02:36] <psyco> I have a HD and I want to make it pure storage, but when I format it to ext3 I can't paste anything.
[02:36] <psyco> What do I have to do to beable to write things.
[02:36] <g__> i've proved with alsamixer too!
[02:36] <peer`> alright, turns out there's no out of the box support for my wireless card and I will need to use NDISwrapper to get it working. The wireless chipset is a Marvell 88w8335, is there any driver for linux for that so I can avoid using NDISwrapper?
[02:37] <genii> g__: Sounds suspiciously like an issue with the Intel HDA soundcard. What does command in Konsole of: lspci | grep Audio report as your soundcard model?
[02:37] <g__> now i try to put on a consoll...
[02:38] <psyco> How should I format a HD so that I can backup stuff like Music and Downloads?
[02:38] <g__> this is the return:thanks>;
[02:38] <g__> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)
[02:38] <peer`> nevermind, I got off my lazy ass and did a little bit of digging, found the article for the Marvell 88w-etc driver
[02:38] <peer`> thanks anyways.
[02:38] <g__> tanks
[02:39] <dwidmann> psyco: could just do one huge partition if you wanted to ... whatever filesystem you've decided you like best
[02:39] <psyco> I tried ext3 but for somereason I couldn't write anything.
[02:39] <genii> !intelhda | g__
[02:39] <ubottu> g__: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto
[02:39] <dwidmann> psyco: you might need to give yourself write privileges
[02:39] <psyco> ooooo
[02:39] <genii> g__: Follow the instructions in the link provided above for your issue
[02:40] <dwidmann> psyco: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /path/to/mountpoint/of/the/device
[02:40] <psyco> dwidmann: brb need to reboot, then I shall see if I can slove this :D (yourte a genius)
[02:40] <psyco> TY
[02:40] <g__> yea another guide thank now i try...thak to all ,special genii and ubotto
[02:42] <g__> yes i retry to put on my alsa driver...
[02:42] <joegeek> scriptx: I have both v4l and v4l2 installed i also have uvc installed as well,... what am i missing or what may I have set wrong?
[02:55] <g__> sorry thanks for all 4 help,but now i've to go...may later i'll retry with your solution thanks at all 4 your time!!!
[02:55] <genii> Have fun
[02:55] <g__> you too!
[02:55] <g__> bye
=== me is now known as Guest24214
[03:10] <peer`> anybody here good with windows networking perchance?
[03:11] <peer`> it's related in so far as I need to do a little windows networking bastardizing to get a connection on my kubuntu rig
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=== benzin` is now known as peer`
[03:47] <draik> ign0ramus: Hey there.
[03:47] <ign0ramus> whoa
[03:48] <draik> MrKennie: Hello. I am trying to document what we did yesterday. This will prove to be fun.
[03:48] * genii sips a coffee
[03:50] * draik puts his cup out in hopes for some of genii's coffee
[03:51] * genii fills draik's cup with delicious Kubuntu coffee
[03:52] <draik> SWEET!
[03:52] <draik> Thanks genii
[03:52] <genii> hehe You're welcome
[03:54] * draik is actually craving coffee now.
[03:55] <rogan_> how do i install the visualizers for amarok
[03:55] <vom> anyone here running flash 10 in kubuntu ?
[03:57] <genii> vom: I'm aparently running according to apt-cache policy
[03:58] <genii> So it could be 9.0.124 or possibly
[03:58] <genii> rather
[04:01] <rogan_> any way to make amarok play mp4 format?
[04:02] <genii> rogan_: Maybe look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193748
[04:02] <vom> genii: what does adobe's test page say you have ?
[04:02] <vom> google 'flash test'
[04:05] <genii> vom: It doesn't report the version. Just a box running their flash logo with "Experience.Powerful.Results." and "Installation Complete"
[04:06] <vom> genii: you have to click on the 'info' tab on the right
[04:06] <genii>
[04:06] <vom> ahh :(
[04:06] <vom> thanks anyway
[04:06] <genii> np
[04:07] <dsmith_> could someone NOT install kde4 as default, in ibex?
[04:07] <genii> Works perfectly on all sites I've visited, as a side note
[04:07] <vom> genii: yeah im troubleshooting an issue with the newly released flash 10
[04:08] <genii> dsmith_: Since it comes by default with kde4, the short answer is likely No
[04:08] <vom> im thinking it kubuntu specific
[04:08] <vom> i.e. ubuntu/gnome folks are fine
[04:08] <dsmith_> hmmmmmmm
[04:08] <vom> i installed ubuntu 8.04 in virtualbox and i cant reproduce it
[04:08] <dsmith_> why not give people the option? instead of forcing it?
[04:08] <genii> dsmith_: However maybe ask in #ubuntu+1
[04:08] <vom> :(
[04:08] <dsmith_> ok
=== peer` is now known as kyrksaeterora
[04:20] <mu3en> after finding no way to get suspend on the KDM login screen yesterday, I'm looking for an alternative way to restart my x server after resume. any ideas?
[04:29] <putra> hai...
[04:29] <dsmith_> too me it seems the forced upgrade ot kde4 is like MS forcing users to vista, coming from xp
[04:30] <dsmith_> imho
[04:30] <genii> Well, kde3.x is being abandoned by KDE. so whats to do then?
[04:31] <genii> dsmith_: I agree with you btw. Just that the fact is as I've stated it above
[04:33] <mu3en> genii, dsmith, still another year though right? kde4 should come a long way by then.
[04:33] <genii> Traditionally the kde X.2 releases have been fairly good
[04:33] <genii> 3.2 was classic for example
[04:34] <mu3en> and plus, people pay money for vista...
[04:39] <dsmith_> hmmmmm
[04:40] <dsmith_> kde4 just hasn't warmed to me yet
[04:40] <dsmith_> I dont know what it is.. perhaps it mimics vista too much
[04:40] <dsmith_> in appearance
[04:41] <mu3en> i feel you though, me neither...but well, it is kinda promising
[04:41] <mu3en> i mean, it could be...potentially...
[04:42] * dsmith_ wonders if the dev's ever got honest feedback from users.
[04:43] <mu3en> it's only two iterations along, still needs more community momentum behind it i guess...as long as we're all sitting in kde3, it's gonna be tough.
[04:54] <dsmith_> yep
[05:01] <joegeek> anyone have experince work`n with / debugging video4linux?
[05:02] <genii> joegeek: Maybe ask in channel #v4l :)
[05:03] <joegeek> perhaps debugging is the wrong term,... i think i may mean just getting the crap to work with a peticular piece of equipment,... no activity in there for the past 3 hours
[05:06] <Krooks> I just downloaded opera for ubuntu fofrom opera website. Now how do I install it ?
[05:06] <Krooks> There is no way to open/import the deb package in Adept
[05:07] <genii> Krooks: Why not just use the opera version which you can already install from in the package manager?
[05:09] <Krooks> genii: opera not there
[05:09] <genii> !info opera
[05:09] <ubottu> Package opera does not exist in hardy
[05:09] <genii> Hmm
[05:09] <Krooks> genii: is it difficult ? In redhat I just do rpm -ihv package.rpm. Any si,ilar commnad in ubuntu ?
[05:10] <genii> Krooks: If you have: deb http://archive.canonical.com hardy/partner Packages it will be
[05:10] <genii> (in your sources.list)
[05:15] <genii> Krooks: At any rate for deb install on commandline: sudo dpkg -i package.deb
[05:15] <Krooks> done. thanks
[05:15] <TeslaTony> Is there a way to leave a user a message without them being logged in?
[05:15] <genii> TeslaTony: memo
[05:17] <TeslaTony> Cool. Thanks
[05:18] <genii> TeslaTony: /memoserv help for syntax
[05:20] <TeslaTony> Ah...nevermind. I'm talking about my linux system. When I lock the screen, the unlock dialog gives me the option to leave a message, or log in a different user. I want to be able to leave the memo, but not have that account logged in
[05:51] <kywa> fdsaf
[05:51] <kywa> dsa
[05:51] <kywa> fd
[05:51] <kywa> asf
[05:51] <kywa> sa
[05:51] <kywa> f
[05:51] <kywa> asdf
[05:51] <kywa> d
[05:51] <kywa> saf
[05:51] <kywa> ds
[05:52] <kywa> af
[05:56] <genii> kywa: Please stop that
[05:57] <zk> how to add language support
[06:00] <kywa> i love you
[06:02] <genii> kywa: If you have some question regarding Kubuntu please ask it. Otherwise the place for idle talk is in #kubunt-offtopic please
[06:02] <genii> kywa: #kubuntu-offtopic rather
[06:03] <kywa> sorry i will get out now
[06:03] <mneptok> i'd do what he says. he looks mean.
[06:07] <genii> zk: kde3?
[06:07] <zk> genii,kde4
[06:10] <genii> zk: Which language to change to?
[06:11] <joegeek> ok,.. i think I may have figured out my prob,.. not that i've solved it, but that i may have identified it,... are there problems with having v4l1 and v4l2 installed on the same system? is there software that'll use v4l1 but not compatable w/ v4l2? and is camgrab one of those pieces of software,... the software I wanna use is camgrab,.. It'll use my Quickcam EC (/dev/video1), but not my Quickcam Pro 5000 (/dev/video0), though it works with
[06:11] <joegeek> webcamd,...
[06:13] <zk> genii:My language selector cann't use. K--->System-->Language support cann't use.
[06:15] <genii> zk: You may need to install a package with name like: language-pack-kde-ur for Urdu language for instance, or language-pack-kde-eo for Esperanto and so on
[06:16] <genii> zk: Before K..System..Language knows about it
[06:17] <zk> genii:ok,I try.
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[06:42] <rogan> eloo
[07:00] <joshua__> how do i connect to irc.freenode?
[07:01] <emilsedgh> joshua__: you are already
[07:01] <joshua__> oh
[07:01] <joshua__> im using ubuntu 8.1 and i cant update......... or add/remove software
[07:01] <joshua__> it keeps crashing... do i have any other options?
[07:03] <emilsedgh> joshua__: what is the error message you get?
[07:03] <emilsedgh> joshua__: actually 'i cant' isnt so informative
[07:04] <joshua__> errror:opening the cache
[07:04] <joshua__> parcing dependcy depends
[07:04] <joshua__> its really long
[07:05] <jussi01> joshua__: please copy and paste the error into a pastebin so we can see it
[07:05] <jussi01> !paste
[07:05] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[07:06] <joshua__> 'E:Problem parsing dependency Depends, E:Error occurred while processing btnx (NewVersion1), E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repoubuntusoftware.info_dists_harty_all_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'
[07:06] <jussi01> joshua__: are you using ubuntu ultimate?
[07:06] <joshua__> yes
[07:06] <joshua__> how did you know?
[07:07] <jussi01> joshua__: Im sorry, we cant support that here as it has different sources and other stuff
[07:07] <jussi01> you need to join their support channel
[07:07] <jussi01> !ultimate
[07:07] <ubottu> The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate
[07:14] <joshua__> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
[07:14] <joshua__> i get this when i try in terminal mode
=== fReAky_t is now known as freaky_t
[07:15] <PoisonArrow> the new vesrsion well beta 8.10 supports my wireless card flawlessly now, I was wondering why is that, i heard it was becuase of the kernel 2.6.27 is that true?
[07:32] <joshua__> thanks for nothing guys
[07:37] <jussi01> joshua__: as I mentioned earlier, we cant helpyou as you are not running kubuntu.
[07:37] <joshua__> i see
[07:37] <joshua__> figured it out myself anyway
[07:38] <jussi01> great to hear. :)
[07:38] <joshua__> searched through google
[07:56] <sigma> anyone here using konq kde4 as a browser?
[07:59] <mu3en> #kubuntu-kde4
[08:09] <rogan> need a script to party lock amarok.. i got one form there site but it didnt work
[08:27] <SkEmO> is there any wine update? cos mine doesent seem to work
[08:27] <SkEmO> or how can i fix it? i try to start an application, this starts to load and simply closes before loading
[08:37] <Unity`Kubuntu> can anyone help me figure out compiz
=== lara is now known as Guest20924
[09:06] <_tom_> hi guys
[09:07] <_tom_> short question: I can't find any documentation on the web about krunner and its features in kde4?
[09:07] <_tom_> for exmaple how can I use strigi from krunner
[09:07] <_tom_> how can i open files/directories with it....
[09:07] <_tom_> etc...
[09:09] <chalcedony> /ms
[09:09] * chalcedony smiles
[09:10] <chalcedony> silly /
[09:10] <chalcedony> is anyone around who knows kmail ?
[09:13] <jars> hallo
[09:31] <zer0o> sorry guys
[09:31] <zer0o> what does this mean? Torbutton on Firefox 3 is known to leak your timezone and livemarks via Tor.
[09:36] <_tom_> short question about KDE4: I can#t find any documentation about strigi + krunner how can i open files/folders from krunner? how do I make a strigi-search from krunner? how do I execute shell commands? etc....
[09:40] <mat___> Can I download updates from identical pc on my lan instead of having to download updates "twice"
=== ubuntu_ is now known as bn32
[09:57] <frevi645> Hi! I'm on Intrepid beta and I'm trying to download the kernel source but apt-get complains that it can't check the gnupg signature and therefor quits. Any help? Please?
[10:02] <ActionParsnip> !intrepid | frevi645
[10:02] <ubottu> frevi645: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[10:02] <ActionParsnip> frevi645: like you were told in #ubuntu
[10:03] <frevi645> yes, its just that I asked here first sorry
[10:03] <ActionParsnip> frevi645: you are using alpha software which hasnt been released yet, its fairly buggy
[10:03] <frevi645> I know
[10:04] <ActionParsnip> then why install it?
[10:04] <frevi645> well.... no it's listed as beta on the website
[10:04] <katrina> to file bug reports to make things better ;-)
[10:04] <frevi645> because I need to test some new wake on lan functionality
[10:04] <frevi645> and that
[10:05] <ActionParsnip> ok, well its your computer
[10:05] <frevi645> yes, obviously there is no important data on it :) thanks for your concern ActionParsnip
[10:06] <ActionParsnip> np :D
=== me is now known as Guest23832
[10:13] <Rasputin> can i download updates from another pc on my network instead of having to download twice from internet?
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[10:15] <katrina> i would imagine if it caches the dowloaded .deb files you could could copy them over and install them, though i dont know for sure, i would imagine that they get deleted once they are installed
[10:15] <ActionParsnip> !aptoncd | Rasputin
[10:15] <ubottu> Rasputin: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers
[10:16] <ActionParsnip> Rasputin: or you could smbmount the /var/apt/cache folder of the other system as it stores the debs of updates until you run sudo apt-get clean
[10:16] <katrina> ah so it does keep them around, thats good to know
[10:17] <ActionParsnip> katrina: yeah its so you dont have to redownload what you already have
[10:17] <ActionParsnip> katrina: its kinda worthless imho as most folks have broadband and stuff but for dialup folks with multiple pcs its a godsend
[10:18] <katrina> yeah it seems like a waste of disk space when you have broadband, i wonder if there is a setting in the apt config to turn it off (will look later)
[10:19] <ActionParsnip> katrina: sudo apt-get autoclean
[10:19] <ActionParsnip> i think
[10:19] <ActionParsnip> you can configure apt by editing some file
[10:20] <katrina> looks like its in etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20archive
[10:23] <rogan> how do i get the visualisers for amarok
[10:25] <ActionParsnip> rogan: i think its in tools
[10:27] <rogan> libvisual is not installed
[10:27] <ActionParsnip> rogan: get it installed then
[10:29] <llll> user1@desktop1:~$ sudo nano /etc/sudoers
[10:29] <llll> >>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 23 <<< sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 23. i just inserted user1 ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarter at the end in /etc/sudoers and i think now i cant sudo.. any help ?
[10:34] <ActionParsnip> llll: did you add a carridge return on the end of the line?
[10:34] <ActionParsnip> llll: and its considered bad ettiquette to ask in loads of rooms
[10:35] <Rasputin> whats going on? is my irc knackered
[10:36] <ActionParsnip> Rasputin: maybe your connection is flakey
[10:37] <Rasputin> ActionParsnip: probably, where's the file that apt saves the .debs too, can I just tar that up and put it on sd card then untar on other pcs?
[10:38] <ActionParsnip> sure
[10:38] <ActionParsnip> Rasputin: /var/apt/cache
[10:38] <ActionParsnip> Rasputin: if its wron then try sudo find /var -name *.deb
[10:40] <Rasputin> not there, mind would apt-get clean remove the folder too
[10:40] <ActionParsnip> Rasputin: no only the contents
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[10:41] <ActionParsnip> Rasputin: you could always go all out with: cd / && sudo find -name *.deb
=== fReAky_t is now known as freaky_t
[10:44] <Rasputin> zzzzzz
[10:48] <ActionParsnip> no news is good news :D
[10:50] <Rasputin> I need a .deb on my system mind!! It's in var/cache/apt/archives - that sound right
=== Nash is now known as Nasj
[10:51] <ActionParsnip> Rasputin: sure, you can install individual debs with sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb
[10:51] <Nasj> Hi all
[10:52] <ActionParsnip> hi nasj
[10:53] <serenity> hi
[10:53] <serenity> i installed digikam 0.10 out via the repos of intrepid, but there is no marble integration. Any packaged i missed? libmarble and stuff are installed
[10:54] <ActionParsnip> !intrepid | serenity
[10:55] <ubottu> serenity: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!
[10:55] <serenity> ActionParsnip: just moved to #kubuntu-kde4 ;)
[10:58] <ActionParsnip> cool, intrepid isnt supported in the official rooms
[11:25] <amerigo_> hi at all
[11:25] <romance> hi all
[11:25] <amerigo_> hello
[11:25] <adrian_> can I change my nickname?
[11:25] <adrian_> or I can only use the administrator name?
[11:27] <krash> You should be able to change your nickname...
[11:27] <Nasj> yo krash :P
[11:27] <krash> Did you add a user name?
[11:27] <krash> Yo Nasj :)
[11:28] <krash> Been up all night have ya?
[11:29] <adrian_> an username to the OS ?
[11:29] <Nasj> naah
[11:29] <krash> adrian_ yeah are you on the live cd or did you install?
[11:30] <adrian_> installed
[11:31] <adrian_> last night windows pissed me off, and I've installed ubuntu to see how it is
[11:31] <krash> adrian_ It should have made a seperate account via your name or something which I suppose you are calling the administrator?
[11:31] <adrian_> and.. I like it much :)
[11:31] <krash> adrian_ I've been on ubuntu for like a month now hehe :)
[11:31] <adrian_> I didn't, this is the only account I've made
[11:32] <adrian_> r u still on that ubuntu?
[11:32] <krash> adrian_ are you logged in as root? well no, I had to try out the kubuntu beta :)
[11:32] <adrian_> :)
[11:32] <adrian_> well... sience I'm new to Linux ... I have no ideea what a root means :D
[11:33] <krash> backed up all my stuff, and switched, I like kubuntu colors better hehe
[11:33] <krash> the username you're logged in as, isn't root correct?
[11:34] <adrian_> beats me... i've just made the account and logged in to search drivers and stuff
[11:34] <adrian_> like beryl
[11:34] <adrian_> that impressed me the most
[11:34] * krash agrees absolutely.
[11:34] <adrian_> :)
[11:35] <krash> adrian_ well I highly doubt you are logged in as root, which in windows terms would be administrator
[11:35] <krash> afk a few gotta shake a tower
[11:36] <adrian_> good luck :)
[11:46] <aantipop> so no kde3 in intrepid ?
[11:48] <Nasj> so krash
[11:49] <Nasj> I found out that if i use esc i can chose wich device to boot from
[11:49] <Nasj> :D
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[11:54] <MitsuoDeshoDesho> kubuntu: xine was unable to iniitialize any audio drivers
[11:55] <MitsuoDeshoDesho> how do i fix that?
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=== asddsdds is now known as GeOcs
[11:56] <GeOcs> lol
[11:57] <GeOcs> ./nick does the job
[11:58] <GeOcs> I've just listened music with Amarok player, and suddenly it became grey and I had to force quit it.
[11:58] <GeOcs> now it wont start
[11:59] <GeOcs> and no sound from any other player or movie player will come
[11:59] <aantipop> maybe its still running in background
[11:59] <aantipop> try to kill it
[11:59] <GeOcs> can anyone tell me what is the problem? it is fixable?
[11:59] <GeOcs> like, from task manager?
[11:59] <aantipop> yeah..or in the terminal
[12:00] <GeOcs> can u please teach me how?
[12:00] <MitsuoDeshoDesho> um.. i've just update to the new kernel and rebootes. xine wont recognize audio drivers
[12:00] <MitsuoDeshoDesho> rebooted*
[12:13] <krash> Nasj: ahh yeah mine's f8 nice though :)
[12:13] <Nasj> i tried booting other HDD it blinked for a bit
[12:13] <Nasj> and the switched to my other hdd
[12:13] <Nasj> searching for OS
[12:13] <Nasj> xd
[12:14] <krash> Nasj: Yeah it won't unless you have something in it's MBR to boot
[12:14] <Nasj> but can i partition my storage HDD with the kubuntu installaition ?
[12:14] <krash> Nasj: Yeah
[12:14] <Nasj> is there high risk of data loss ?
[12:14] <krash> Nasj: Very low risk actually
[12:15] <krash> Nasj: I've never lost any and I've dual booted for ever now
[12:15] <Nasj> ok
[12:15] <Nasj> so in the installation
[12:15] <Nasj> i can pick 25gig of my storage hd to partition and install kubuntu in ?
[12:16] <krash> Nasj: it'll ask you if you want to use the entire disk, don't do that...
[12:16] <Nasj> no thats obvious xD
[12:16] <Nasj> :P
[12:16] <nelnel> hi
[12:17] <krash> Nasj: Yep, you'll get to manually partition it I still prefer reiserfs but ext3 is good too I guess
[12:17] <Nasj> ok
[12:17] <Nasj> downloading CD now :)
=== adrian_ is now known as GeOcs
[12:17] <krash> Nice which one you downloading? 8.04 or the beta?
[12:18] <Nasj> Kubuntu 8.04 - Featuring the mature KDE 3 and supported until October 2009
[12:18] <krash> hi nelnel
[12:18] <Nasj> :D
[12:18] <Nasj> taht one
[12:18] <GeOcs> who knows how to install steam & cs, css & cz on ubuntu? (-:
[12:18] <krash> Nasj: Hehe I was using Ubuntu 8.04 untill I hopped to kubuntu 8.10 beta :P
[12:19] <Nasj> ok
[12:19] <Nasj> difference between ubutnu and kubuntu is KDE and Gnome right ?
[12:20] <krash> Nasj: pretty much yeah but when I used ubuntu I still installed kde and used it too
[12:20] <Nasj> whats the major difference between gnome and kde ?
[12:20] <Nasj> kde more user friendly ?
[12:21] <Tm_T> Nasj: more feature rich, more configurable, more flexible etc etc
[12:21] <Nasj> ok
[12:21] <Tm_T> Nasj: in my books all that is more user friendly yes
[12:22] <Nasj> ok good :D
[12:22] <Rasputin> I'm back - with regards copying apt/cache to another pc.... I tried "sudo tar -cvzf apt-update.tar.gz /var/cache/apt/archives" and then copied to SD card - took to another machine and "tar -C / -zxvf apt-update.tar.gz" but get an error, is that wrong?
=== administrator is now known as boboai
[12:40] <katrina> Rasputin: whats the error?
[12:41] <Rasputin> invalid compressed data--format violated ..... the SD card is vfat would that corrupt it?
[12:44] <ubuntoil> !bot
[12:44] <ubottu> Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
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[12:46] <ActionParsnip> Rasputin: you could make an iso of it then run fsck on the sd card
[12:46] <tobor> Hi all, just moved a pair of SATA disks to a new box (disks have a kubuntu install on them) on boot the mouse isn't getting picked up. Is there a Kubuntu equivalent for Kudzu? to reset the hardware configurstion?
[12:47] <ActionParsnip> !info kudzu
[12:47] <ubottu> Package kudzu does not exist in hardy
[12:48] <ActionParsnip> tobor: try sudo modprobe mousedev
[12:48] <tobor> thanks!
[12:49] <ActionParsnip> tobor: is it just a usb mouse or is it something fancier?
[12:49] <tobor> hmmmm, FATAL: Module mousedev not found.
[12:49] <tobor> less fancy. normal pd2 connected mouse
[12:49] <tobor> *ps2
[12:50] <tobor> and when I boot the ide drive (that has RedHat 7.2!! on it ) the mouse is fine..
[12:51] <tobor> (RedHat 7.2 from the Pre-enterprise RedHat days... :-) )
[12:51] <ActionParsnip> tobor: ok so its a ps2 mouse thats cool
[12:51] <ActionParsnip> let e webbrowse
[12:52] <ActionParsnip> tobor: can i see your /etc/X11/xorg.conf please
[12:52] <ActionParsnip> !paste | tobor
[12:52] <ubottu> tobor: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
=== tina is now known as LjL^
[12:55] <eagle_> hi, is here someone who can help me bringing my intel ac 97 soundcard back to work? it worked well before the update, but now alsa doesn't find the card...?
[12:55] <ActionParsnip> eagle_: did you update to intrepid?
[12:55] <tobor> ActionParsnip: note - the first time i booted thissetup the mouse worked fine, the second time I booted it, I got a message that /dev/disk/by-uuid/<mess o' digits> was missing and itdropped into busybox.
[12:56] <tobor> ActionParsnip: Am rebooting to a diff hardware config right now.
[12:56] <eagle_> sorry, to what?
[12:56] <LjL^> eagle_: to the beta version of ubuntu, 8.10
[12:56] <ActionParsnip> tobor: thats because the UID of the disk will be different in the new system when you hauled it across
[12:57] <eagle_> i think not. i updated as usual with the adept update manager to the kernel version 2.6.24-21
[12:57] <ActionParsnip> eagle_: you may need to setup your sound agin for the new kernel
[12:59] <eagle_> i tried, but i had no success. the needed module is not be loaded, so i tried with modprobe which told me that the module doesn't exist
[13:01] <tobor> ActionParsnip: anyway to get around that?
[13:01] <Rasputin> ActionParsnip: the card did corrupt that tar, I ended up sharing it via my NAS on debian - seems to have worked. cheers
[13:01] <ActionParsnip> tobor: i think you need to recalculate the UID somehow
[13:01] <tobor> ActionParsnip: hmm.
[13:02] * tobor longs for the days when all disks were called /dev/sd<n> (BSD 4.2)
[13:03] <ActionParsnip> tobor: they are, i personally dont know what this uid stuff is, you could backup the old fstab and have it without just to test
[13:03] <tobor> ActionParsnip: OK, looks like i may have a deep hardware issue, removing the ATA controller card (Highpoint technologies) from the system and booting RH7.2 everything works fine.
[13:04] <Nasj> so
[13:04] <Nasj> just donwload the CD
[13:04] <Nasj> downloaded*
[13:04] <ActionParsnip> tobor: but that has a different fstab surely?
[13:05] <tobor> ActionParsnip: yes.. AND - No SATA drives, AND plugged the ide drives back in.
[13:05] <ActionParsnip> Nasj: md5 check the image you downloaded to make sure its ok
[13:06] <Nasj> how ?
[13:06] <ActionParsnip> tobor: extra drives may more the drive numbers around for grub
[13:06] <ActionParsnip> !md5 | Nasj
[13:06] <ubottu> Nasj: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows
[13:07] <Nasj> thankyou
[13:07] <tobor> ActionParsnip: heh, RH7.2 is back from the days RH used LILO... :-) just booting it for a sanity check.
[13:07] <ActionParsnip> Nasj: if its incorrect you will need to redownload
[13:07] <ActionParsnip> tobor: it uses lilo by default, ubuntu can use lilo if you like
[13:07] <tobor> ActionParsnip: now testing RH7.2 with the SATA card plugged in
[13:09] <Nasj> ActionParsnip i only got the iso
[13:09] <Nasj> where do i get the md5sum he has to check it iwth
[13:09] <ActionParsnip> Nasj: well go get the md5 from the same place you pulled the iso from
[13:10] <tobor> ActionParsnip: RH7.2 w/ SATA card booted fine, now trying with 1 SATA drive powered up and plugged in
[13:10] <ActionParsnip> tobor: how big is your psu?
[13:10] <Nasj> ActionParsnip: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download I cant find it
[13:11] <tobor> ActionParsnip: 300W I think
[13:11] <tobor> will verify
[13:11] <ActionParsnip> tobor: id add up what you are trying to power, it might not be enough
[13:11] <ActionParsnip> tobor: did you get the kde4 iso?
[13:11] <tobor> ActionParsnip: hmmmm, label says "MAX Load: 300W"
[13:12] <tobor> I took whateverthe default was, so I dont think I have kde4
[13:12] <ActionParsnip> Nasj: did you get the remix iso with kde4?
[13:12] <ActionParsnip> tobor: wrong target, sorry
[13:13] <ActionParsnip> Nasj: http://whyamistilltyping.wordpress.com/2008/04/24/ubuntu-804-md5-checksums/
[13:14] <ActionParsnip> Nasj: use a tool to calculate the hash then compare it to the relevant line on that site
[13:23] <regital> hey
[13:23] <divinesoul> i have a problem with my sound after i upgraded my kernel version to 2.6.24-21 now i have lost all my sound can anyone help me
[13:24] <regital> kmix?
[13:24] <regital> divinesoul: have you tried kmix?
[13:25] <divinesoul> actually i am on ubuntu
[13:25] <regital> have you tried asking #ubuntu?
[13:25] <divinesoul> but they said someone had a same kind a problem over here in kubuntu
[13:25] <regital> ah ok
[13:25] <divinesoul> so i thought i could get some help over here
[13:26] <divinesoul> it is driving me nuts
[13:26] <regital> i heard theres a way to copy text by just highlighting it... how do i do that?
[13:27] <divinesoul> select the text and press enter once and then paste it
[13:28] <lexa__> Всем привет
[13:28] <lexa__> Нужна помощь
[13:29] <lexa__> Привет, люди
[13:29] <lexa__> Кто устанавливал драйвер на Creative SB Xtreme Gamer?
[13:32] <divinesoul> guys anyone home
[13:32] <CyD> regital: you click the middle mouse button to paste selected text
=== adrian_ is now known as GeOcs
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[13:45] <Nasj> :25) * smartr (n=smartr@wlan115.comtec.e-technik.uni-kassel.de) has joined #kubuntu
[13:45] <Nasj> (14:43:42) * oem (n=oem@S0106004005311308.cg.shawcable.net) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:45] <Nasj> (14:43:42) * ellas88 (n=ellas88@adsl8-9.ath.forthnet.gr) has joined #kubuntu
[13:45] <Nasj> (14:43:59) * ella
[13:45] <Nasj> oops
[13:45] <Nasj> sorry about that
[13:46] <Nasj> <CyD> regital: you click the middle mouse button to paste selected text
[13:46] <Nasj> was just testing
[13:46] <CyD> :)
[13:51] <regital> no i mean JUST by highlighting the text...
[13:57] <IcyPolecat> hi there, anyone know how to force Kubuntu (KDE4.1) to remember my DNS servers between sessions? It remembers ok at home but at work they always come up blank. tia
[14:01] <Pensacola> how come new opened apps (like smplayer wich uses qt4) don't follow the color scheme I've set in preferences?
[14:02] <Pensacola> kde4.1.2 btw :)
[14:02] <Pensacola> they wll accept it if I change color schemes when the app is open
[14:03] <EnsaR> Kubuntu new surum add code?
[14:06] <bakoora> hi
[14:16] <MurielGodoi> Hi all, any1 noticed that "Window specific settings" is not considering opacity?
[14:27] <JuJuBee> How to I tell nfs to use tcp rather than udp?
[14:30] <BluesKaj> howdy
[14:34] <jackson_> hello
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[14:55] <pepe> join /#test
[14:55] <eagles0513875> y for some reason with any other kernel besides 16 the x server doesnt want to work for me
[14:55] <eagles0513875> [15:51] <eagles0513875> i cant load kde
[14:55] <eagles0513875> [15:52] <eagles0513875> i end up on cli only
[14:56] <eagles0513875> i was told i need to reinstall kubuntu-desktop
[14:56] <eagles0513875> if i do does that whipe out my kde4 desktop that i have setup in conjunction with kde3
[14:58] <zer0o> hi how can i see my ip?
[14:58] <eagles0513875> zer0o: ifconfig in terminal
[14:59] <zer0o> thanks
[14:59] <eagles0513875> no prob
[15:11] <Nasj> krash: you here ?
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=== david is now known as Guest9604
=== Guest9604 is now known as Hexagown
[15:19] <Hexagown> Hello guys
[15:19] <webas> hi..any ideas how to play .ape formats? ( music )
[15:20] <Hexagown> No, I'm New with Linux, but if its possible it use to work to start the media player with that file and it i'll download apps for it
[15:20] <Hexagown> and u can also try sudo apt-get update
[15:20] <Hexagown> at konsole
[15:21] <genii> webas: Perhaps see http://aidanjm.wordpress.com/2007/02/04/converting-monkey%E2%80%99s-audio-ape-files-to-flac-in-ubuntu/
[15:21] <webas> i will go try thanks genii
[15:24] <Hexagown> Someone els having issues trying to install Skype?
[15:25] <Hexagown> Nvm, got it working now :D
[15:27] <manish> i am trying to subscribe to a usenet site "news://freetext.usenetserver.com/" but firefox gives a dialogue box saying choose an application. I want to set "Pan" as my default application for opening or subscribing to newsgroups. How to I do that. how to find the exe file in kbuntu
[15:28] <Hexagown> exe isent a Linux format...
[15:28] <manish> so how do i choose an application in kubuntu
[15:28] <eagles0513875> !ape
[15:28] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ape
[15:29] <eagles0513875> !multimedia | webas
[15:29] <ubottu> webas: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications
[15:29] <eagles0513875> webas: check out those links
[15:29] <Hexagown> Im not sure, Im new with Linux, all I know is that You need Wine to start exe files.
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[15:29] <eagles0513875> Hexagown: that is correct
[15:29] <eagles0513875> !wine | manish
[15:29] <ubottu> manish: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
=== bonsi is now known as jmon
[15:31] <webas> i installed few decoders of .ape and tried to convert..but with errors..i also reade that somehow to burn it to cd might be easier way..but k3b needs some stuff to handle .cue
[15:32] <manish> i dont want to use windows program
[15:33] <Hexagown> Yey, first time iv helped out here :D Allready love it ;)
[15:33] <manish> i did "which pan" in terminal and found the path to the program but the server did not list itself as a subscription how do i suscribe to the newsgroup
[15:37] <jmon> hello, is there a twitter client for ubuntu?
[15:39] <manish> jmon: check the "sameplace extention for firefox it works with most of the IM Services
[15:42] <manish> please some body tell me how do i add sites mentioned in www.dmoz.com in my "pan newsreader"
[15:45] <IcyPolecat> jmon: gwibber is quite good. If you're running KDE4 then install the plasma fun pack to get a widget or in firefox use the twitkit sidebar
[15:52] <Rioting_pacifist> !atheros
[15:52] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[15:53] <arkygeek> Hi everyone. I have installed 8.04 and then FreeNX Server. However, when I attempt to connect to it, it can't start a kde session... any ideas? I think it is looking for kde3 and I installed the kde4 ver
[15:56] <Nasj> Anyone know how I MD5 the Kubuntu 8.04 iso ?
[15:56] <Nasj> MD% check*
[15:56] <Nasj> MD5*
[15:56] <Nasj> xD
[15:59] <arkygeek> Nasj: k3b should do it automatically iirc
[15:59] <Nasj> ??
[15:59] <Nasj> Didn't get any of that
[15:59] <arkygeek> !google
[15:59] <ubottu> google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux
[16:01] <genii> !md5
[16:01] <ubottu> To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows
[16:03] <manish> i have the addressess of news servers ending in.htm but dont know the nntp adderssess of the same how do i find that or how do i add them to my newsreader
[16:08] <luciano> hello guys
[16:08] <luciano> i need to download debian, can anyone tech me how to do that?
[16:09] <luciano> need help donloading debian please
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[16:11] <genii> luciano: Try http://www.debian.org/CD/
[16:12] <GeOcs> why does my mouse move in the center of every folder I open ?
[16:12] <GeOcs> what the hek did I activate?
[16:13] <GeOcs> i'ts kinda anoying
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[16:19] <Nasj> genii
[16:19] <Nasj> the problem is i cant find a checksum for it :S
[16:20] <genii> Nasj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes
[16:20] <Nasj> aah thankyou :D
[16:20] <genii> np
[16:23] <luciano> tx
[16:23] <luciano> guys, i downloaded an app called jigdo
[16:23] <luciano> do u know how to uninstall it?
[16:24] <scriptx> how did you install it?
[16:24] <luciano> via terminal
[16:24] <luciano> apt-get
[16:25] <scriptx> apt-get remove <packagename>
[16:25] <luciano> tx a lot
[16:27] <luciano> i have another question
[16:27] <luciano> somebody threw away a pentium III 500 with 156 of ram and a VGA
[16:27] <luciano> those r the minimum requirements to run ubuntu
[16:27] <luciano> but, will ubuntu run properly???
[16:28] <luciano> or maybe too slow
[16:29] <luciano> too many people going in and out
[16:30] <luciano> any way to disable the join and left script?
[16:31] <GeOcs> if u're using konversation
[16:31] <GeOcs> look in Settings / Configure notifications
[16:32] <luciano> and what do i do inside configure notidication?
[16:34] <GeOcs> a nick left the channel
[16:34] <GeOcs> and
[16:34] <GeOcs> new nick joined the channel
[16:34] <luciano> do i put the piece of papaer on the left or i dont?
[16:35] <GeOcs> turn off all
[16:35] <luciano> done
[16:35] <luciano> tx
[16:36] <luciano> now, can i install ubuntu in a pentium III 500 with 256 of ram?
[16:36] <GeOcs> well, either it didn't worked, or i have to do that to every chanell
[16:36] <GeOcs> didn't worked :)
[16:37] <luciano> no it didn't
[16:37] <GeOcs> dunno dude, I'm using ubuntu from yesterday ... my mouse it's moving by it's own
[16:37] <GeOcs> so anoying
[16:37] <luciano> taht's weird
[16:37] <luciano> what happens to your mouse?
[16:38] <GeOcs> compiz-fuzion messed it up
[16:38] <GeOcs> and i don't know how to repair it :)
[16:39] <luciano> i have no clue what you r talking about
[16:40] <GeOcs> compiz it's a cool program
[16:40] <GeOcs> here, let me show you
[16:40] <GeOcs> w8
[16:40] <GeOcs> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtNBZA980R8
[16:44] <amerigo> someone can explame why (or the possibly reason) that my kubuntu at each reboot lost connection information???
[16:46] <genii> luciano: To answer your question a P3 with 256Mb of ram will be fine
[16:56] <eagles0513875> how do i have konversation auto identify me
[16:56] <eagles0513875> !autoidentify
[16:56] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about autoidentify
[16:56] <eagles0513875> !identify
[16:56] <ubottu> You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.
=== chacho is now known as helpthisnoobie
[16:58] <eagles0513875> !identify
[16:58] <eagles0513875> the bots broken
=== lamur is now known as lantjie
[16:59] <lantjie> hey guys how are you doin?
[17:00] <lantjie> i want to ask how i play trainsignal videos on ubuntu
[17:00] <lantjie> you know flash player etc
[17:01] <eagles0513875> !flash
[17:01] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[17:01] <eagles0513875> lantjie: does that help any
[17:02] <genii> lantjie: xine see http://forums.trainsignal.com/showthread.php?t=120
[17:02] <eagles0513875> genii: hey how do i auto identify on konversation it doesnt seem to be working for me
[17:04] <genii> eagles0513875: Server List...Edit...Default Identity - Edit ... Bottom says:Auto Identify put into text window 1 nickserv into window 2 <yourpassword>
[17:05] <eagles0513875> genii: do i need to close out completely out of konvo and come back in cuz even if i disconnect from this channel completely and connect to it again its not working says no such nick/channel
[17:05] <eagles0513875> and when i identify manually it works
[17:06] <genii> eagles0513875: Probably
[17:06] <eagles0513875> genii: ok brb
=== moppy37m is now known as michielv
[17:15] <lantjie> eh guys thanx
[17:17] <helpthisnoobie> hi everyone
[17:18] <helpthisnoobie> is there a way to run the gnome desktop on kubuntu
[17:18] <helpthisnoobie> yet still keep kde
[17:18] <lantjie> hey guys i have another question: kan i play trainsignal training videos on ubuntu or i must play them in windows
[17:18] <lantjie> ?
[17:20] <helpthisnoobie> plz help
[17:21] <en1gma> sup all
[17:22] <en1gma> i run ubuntu and am looking for QT in synaptic.....what is QT called
[17:23] <michielv> helpthisnoobie, yes it's possible but I don't know how, if you google for it you will find the answer
[17:23] <helpthisnoobie> let me try see what I can find
[17:23] <helpthisnoobie> thanx michielv
[17:23] <michielv> no problem
[17:25] <DarthFrog> Good morning folks.
[17:25] <Judau> Hello
[17:25] <DarthFrog> Where does Kubuntu store information about X? /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't seem to be anything I recognise anymore.
[17:25] <amerigo> someone can explame why (or the possibly reason) that my kubuntu at each reboot lost connection information???
[17:25] <amerigo> kubuntu hardy 8.04
[17:25] <Judau> I ran an update last night, and now my USB headset only gets sound generated by kubuntu, but no sound from any applications
[17:26] <Judau> any ideas?
[17:26] <DarthFrog> Judau: Don't you just love regressions? File a bug report on that one, please.
[17:27] <lantjie> #ubuntu
[17:27] <amerigo> Judau: System >> Sound
[17:27] <DarthFrog> Judau: It sounds like the sound server has been reconfigured, or is not running.
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[17:27] <michielv> helpthisnoobie: http://www.watchingthenet.com/switch-between-gnome-and-kde-desktops-in-ubuntu-or-kubuntu.html
[17:27] <amerigo> default setting
[17:27] <amerigo> close and retry
[17:27] <Judau> my headset is at the top of the device preference list
[17:28] <Judau> actually
[17:28] <Judau> i have 2 copies of everything
[17:28] <DarthFrog> Judau: Does all sound come out the speakers properly?
[17:29] <DarthFrog> amerigo: Check /etc/network/interfaces and see if the info there is correct.
[17:29] <Judau> yes
[17:29] <DarthFrog> Judau: So it's just your headphones?
[17:29] <Judau> usb headset
[17:29] <Judau> like when i start up kubuntu I hear those noises
[17:30] <helpthisnoobie> thanx michielv
[17:30] <Judau> and same when i maximize a window
[17:30] <Judau> i just don't hear anything from apps on my headset
[17:30] <DarthFrog> What about once the desktop is up and running?
[17:30] <helpthisnoobie> taking a look at that site now
[17:30] <Judau> system noises i hear in my headset. Like the sound that plays when i maximize a window
[17:31] <DarthFrog> Judau: Well, the only thing I'd have to suggest would be to play around with the sound server in System Settings.
[17:33] <helpthisnoobie> i thought u might be able to rum them on the same session...I guess not
[17:33] <amerigo> !paste
[17:33] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[17:33] <helpthisnoobie> well looks like kde is more xp-like
[17:33] <helpthisnoobie> gnome looks more like win98
[17:34] <amerigo> DarthFrog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/58416/
[17:34] <amerigo> this i've got
[17:34] <DarthFrog> helpthisnoobie: Superficially, yes. But it has a *lot* more under the hood. It's much more configurable than Gnome.
[17:34] <eagles0513875> !ot | helpthisnoobie
[17:34] <ubottu> helpthisnoobie: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[17:34] <eagles0513875> helpthisnoobie: also kde is better developed
[17:34] <DarthFrog> amerigo: There's nothing there for eth0.
[17:34] <amerigo> DarthFrog: infact
[17:35] <amerigo> but i've chaged in system >> admin
[17:35] <amerigo> have you some example
[17:35] <amerigo> ??
[17:35] <helpthisnoobie> yeah I can see that
[17:35] <helpthisnoobie> I was wanting to give gnome a try....the more I learn the better
[17:36] <DarthFrog> amerigo: Add the following two lines to that file:
[17:36] <helpthisnoobie> i just got into linux about 3 months ago
[17:36] <DarthFrog> iface eth0 inet dynamic
[17:36] <DarthFrog> auto eth0
[17:36] <helpthisnoobie> trying to learn as much as I can
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[17:37] <genii> dhcp I think and not dynamic for that eth0 entry
[17:37] <helpthisnoobie> ok how do i find out what version of kde i have
[17:37] <DarthFrog> helpthisnoobie: It doesn't matter which desktop environment you choose, but my suggestion is to spend your time learning only one at the start.
[17:38] <DarthFrog> genii: Thanks, I couldn't remember whether it was supposed to be dhcp or dynamic. Since mine says static, .... :-)
[17:39] <amerigo> DarthFrog: if i want a 192.186.x.x static?
[17:41] <amerigo> DarthFrog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/58422/ this may be correct?
[17:42] <DarthFrog> amerigo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/58425/ contains my interfaces file that sets a static IP.
[17:43] <helpthisnoobie> thanx DarthFrog
[17:43] <amerigo> then: sudo /etc/network/interfaces restart ????
[17:43] <DarthFrog> amerigo: Works for me. :-)
[17:44] <DarthFrog> amerigo: Sorry, I've not finished coffee yet. I'm wrong!
[17:44] <DarthFrog> amerigo: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart
[17:44] <DarthFrog> :-)
[17:44] <amerigo> thanks
[17:44] <amerigo> very very
[17:44] <DarthFrog> amerigo: sudo /etc/init.d/networkING restart
[17:44] <DarthFrog> Oops. :-)
[17:45] <DarthFrog> The blood level in my coffee system is too high!
[17:45] <amerigo> thank i'm going to do "vi"
[17:45] <DarthFrog> vi rocks.
[17:47] <amerigo> still here?
[17:47] <chimera_> list
[17:48] <DarthFrog> Anyway, does anyone have an answer to my question about where X configuration is hiding these days?
[17:48] <amerigo> DarthFrog: a question: but init.d isn't a part of samba?
[17:48] <amerigo> DarthFrog: i was believe that
[17:49] <DarthFrog> Nope. Part of your basic system. It contains all the startup scripts that might be used.
[17:49] <Mr-S> X configuration: what do you mean by that exactly ?
[17:49] <DarthFrog> Mr-S: /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't contain any info about which server to use, etc. anymore.
[17:49] <amerigo> DarthFrog: so with init.d i can start all the process?
[17:50] <DarthFrog> amerigo: Have a look at the README file in /etc/rc2.d
[17:50] <amerigo> DarthFrog: okky
[17:50] <Mr-S> xorg.conf only stores the setting for X. What do you mean by servers ?
[17:51] <DarthFrog> Mr-S: How do I check & change which xorg-xserver is used?
[17:51] <DarthFrog> It's not done in xorg.conf anymore.
[17:52] <Mr-S> there is only one xorg server in use. Are you using dual screen perhaps ? Or Do you mean tty sessions ?
[17:53] <dwidmann> DarthFrog: you can still describe it there ... it's just generating the conf on the fly.
[17:53] <dwidmann> DarthFrog: look up bulletproof x for more details, I think.
[17:54] <DarthFrog> dwidmann: Thanks! That's the pointer I needed. :-)
[17:55] <amitshah> how to install vlc player
[17:55] <bazhang> sudo apt-get install vlc
[17:55] <amitshah> i tried but not working
[17:55] <DarthFrog> Mr-S: No. I want to verify that the non-free Nvidia xorg-server is actually being used. VMWare is bitching that I don't have a graphics card that it recognises and disables 3D rendering. I wish to enable 3D rendering in VMWare Workstation virtual machines.
[17:55] <bazhang> what error amitshah
[17:56] <DarthFrog> !bulletproofx
[17:56] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about bulletproofx
[17:56] <DarthFrog> !bulletproof
[17:56] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about bulletproof
[17:56] <DarthFrog> :-(
[17:56] <amitshah> amitshah@amitshah-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install vlc
[17:56] <amitshah> Reading package lists... Done
[17:56] <amitshah> Building dependency tree
[17:56] <amitshah> Reading state information... Done
[17:56] <amitshah> E: Couldn't find package vlc
[17:56] <amitshah> amitshah@amitshah-laptop:~$
[17:56] <DarthFrog> amitshah: apt-cache search vlc
[17:56] <DarthFrog> and it's probably called vlc-player or some such.
[17:56] <bazhang> what about apt-cache search vlc
[17:56] <bazhang> oops
[17:56] <Mr-S> Thanks for the info. Open teh xorg.conf file and locate the graphics card section. By "driver" what does it say ? nvidia or nv ?
[17:57] <DarthFrog> Mr-S: That's the point. It no longer says anything about that.
[17:57] <bazhang> amitshah, probably the repo for it is not enabled
[17:57] <bazhang> !info vlc
[17:57] <ubottu> vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release.e+x264svn20071224+faad2.6.1-0ubuntu3.2 (hardy), package size 1113 kB, installed size 3228 kB
[17:57] <amitshah> means
[17:57] <amerigo> DarthFrog: thank you sir ... more clear now
[17:57] <bazhang> amitshah, open adept
[17:57] <DarthFrog> amerigo: You're welcome.
[17:57] <bazhang> and enable multiverse
[17:58] <Mr-S> OK that is strange. I am afraid, i cannot help you out right away. sorry m8
[17:58] <amitshah> ok then
[17:58] <bazhang> then hit reload
[17:59] <DarthFrog> Mr-S: Have a read of your xorg.conf file and see if it would help you any in tracking down problems. :-)
[18:00] <aleksi_> hey this isn't relly about kubuntu but how do i ghet irssi work? i runned it in konsole and i see time and status but i don't know what to do to conneckt irc
[18:00] <nejode_> DarthFrog, Mr-s: VMWare uses a virtual graphic card
[18:00] <DarthFrog> nejode_: The newest version of VMWare allows virtual machines to do 3D rendering.
[18:01] <DarthFrog> Finally. :-)
[18:01] <DarthFrog> It also allows you to set the # of processors a virtual machine can use.
[18:02] <DarthFrog> VMWare 6.5 is nice. I love the Unity feature.
[18:02] <nejode_> DarthFrog: but it doesn't use the host's graphic card
[18:02] <DarthFrog> nejode_: Well, it does. The virtual machine doesn't have direct hardware access, though.
[18:03] <DarthFrog> nejode_: I don't know what the performance is like but until I get VMWare to recognise that my Nvidia 7300 card is actually 3D capable, I'm stymied.
[18:04] <DarthFrog> This is a new feature in VMWare.
[18:04] <nejode_> ...does it recognise your nVidia card?
[18:05] <nejode_> ...workstation, server or player?
[18:06] <DarthFrog> nejode_: It merely reports that it's disabling 3D rendering as my system doesn't have a 3D capable card it recognises. I expect that to be the case if I were running the nv driver but not the nvidia driver.. Workstation.
[18:07] <Mr-S> OK did some research. looks like Vmaware is not able to use the real drivers, and will only use the software rendering driver. In other words, vmware seems unable to connect to your nvidia card. wired ...
[18:08] <nejode_> DarthFrog: I tried the eval. version of workstation and it never did recognise my graphics card...
[18:08] <nejode_> ...one nVidia and 1 onboard INTEL
[18:09] <DarthFrog> Mr-S: Thanks! I should have done that myself, but I hadn't gotten to that point yet. Reading the manual is the last resort, of course. :-)
[18:10] <Judau> I fixed the problem by reinstalling the sound related packages
[18:10] <Judau> thanks for the help
[18:10] <DarthFrog> Mr-S: If it only does software rendering, then it's no good for gaming, darn it. Which is about the last reason that I keep WinXP around.
[18:11] <dwidmann> I don't think the linux nvidia driver supports directx anyway ... that's probably a major roadblock.
[18:11] <Mr-S> Gaming in vmware will not be much fun. Try installing wine or cross-over office to play windows games on Linux.
[18:12] <DarthFrog> nejode_: It sounds like the 3D rendering feature is still immature. Which presents hope that VMWare is working on it and future versions will be better. (crossed fingers)
[18:12] <don_jr_KS> I'm using Kubuntu HH on my laptop here with a broadcom onboard wireless card and it appears that I lose my connection about every 5 mins, then comes right back. Is there a reason for this or a way I can fix it?
[18:12] <DarthFrog> Mr-S: I had a Cedega subscription for a while but I've never really been satisfied with it.
[18:12] <Judau> what are you trying to play?
[18:13] <Mr-S> Its not perfect. The issue is Direct X, wich is hard on linux
[18:13] <DarthFrog> dwidmann: I was wondering about that. I figure they must be mapping DirectX onto OpenGL. But that's a guess.
[18:13] <Mr-S> no its not mapping. DirectX is completly different from openGL
[18:13] <black_> hello all
[18:14] <dwidmann> hnm, maybe
[18:14] <DarthFrog> Judau: Civ Beyond The Sword.
[18:14] <black_> french don't want to help me
[18:14] <dwidmann> !broadcom | don_jr_KS
[18:14] <ubottu> don_jr_KS: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx
[18:14] <black_> so I will talke my help in english
[18:14] <black_> sorry
[18:14] <dwidmann> black_: to get help with something you must first ask a question ... hehehe
[18:14] <black_> dwidmann: yes :)
[18:15] <don_jr_KS> Thank, I'm mistaken, it's a realtech. It appears to work fine, just keeps disconnecting and reconnection. But the status bars don't show the disconnect. But all downloads and websites stop working.
[18:15] <black_> i know it, don't worry
[18:15] <black_> dwidmann: in the example of my problem, can I name Url ?
[18:15] <black_> or is it forbidden
[18:15] <dwidmann> black_: sure
[18:15] <black_> ?
[18:15] <black_> ok thankls
[18:16] <DarthFrog> Mr-S: Well, perhaps mapping was the wrong term to use. Translating, perhaps? Somehow they've got to implement the DirectX API in OpenGL.
[18:16] <don_jr_KS> Even Adept stops working...I can't get many updates when they get stopped in the middle of download...very agitating
[18:16] <Mr-S> its like apples and pears ...... :(
[18:17] <Mr-S> directX has differnt setup... thats why wine,cega etc .. are in need of the windows DLLs
[18:17] <black_> When i go to skyrock chat, I need to install flash player, but it don't success anymore, and when I go to voila chat, I need to install Java, but it d'ont sucess too !
[18:17] <black_> why and how can I do
[18:17] <DarthFrog> don_jr_KS: It's like the dancing dog. It's not so much that it dances badly, the wonder is that it dances at all. :-)
[18:17] <dwidmann> black_: do java and flash work for other things?
[18:17] <don_jr_KS> DarthFrog so it's just a flaw in the card setup and I"m stuck wtih it? lol
[18:17] <black_> i use Ubuntu 8.04, it seems to have many bugs
[18:18] <black_> dwidmann: i think no, not sure, I just get Ubuntu, and principal activities is chatting
[18:18] <DarthFrog> don_jr_KS: It could be the wireless router, too.
[18:18] <don_jr_KS> black_ to get java and flash to work here I had to manually download and dpkg the .deb files.
[18:18] <DarthFrog> !flash
[18:18] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[18:18] <DarthFrog> !java
[18:18] <ubottu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper
[18:18] <dwidmann> !flash
[18:19] <black_> don_jr_KS: i use java for voila.fr, and flash for skyrock.fr
[18:19] <dwidmann> wait, I missed that darth had already done that ... hehe
[18:19] <don_jr_KS> DarthFrog it's not, it's Kubuntu's setup. FC9 works fine and doesn't have this problem. But I like ubuntus community better so I switched back after HH came out.
[18:19] <DarthFrog> black_: you need the Java Runtime Environment (i.e. JRE).
[18:19] <don_jr_KS> black_ I'm a bit new to linux as a whole, are those websites? If so what browser are you using? You'll need the flash and java plugins for that browser
[18:19] <DarthFrog> don_jr_KS: It's a good time to file a bug report, then. :-)
[18:19] <black_> thks ubottu
[18:20] <dwidmann> !bot | black
[18:20] <ubottu> black: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[18:20] <don_jr_KS> DarthFrog will do. Wasn't sure if it was an already known problem that could be taken care of or not. Thanks.
[18:20] <Mr-S> By the way... i figured out how to get root access on the latest ubuntu ....
[18:20] <Walrusse> hello everyone ! anybody using Kubuntu Intrepid Beta and having issues with qt4 theme ? It changed lately solving a problem, but it creates another one (checkbox are now way too big)
[18:20] <DarthFrog> don_jr_KS: It might well be a known problem, I don't know. But it's worth your checking.
[18:20] <don_jr_KS> Mr-S are they trying to make that harder to do now?
[18:21] <Mr-S> yep ...
[18:21] <DarthFrog> Mr-S: sudo su - && passwd
[18:21] <dwidmann> oh? Something changing with regards to sudo in intrepid?
[18:21] <Mr-S> yeah took me a while to figure it out... cannt live without root account.
[18:21] <jussi01> DarthFrog: please dont recomend sudo su
[18:22] <don_jr_KS> Mr-S didn't know, I have/had FF kubuntu and this is the first full dist upgrade I"ve downloaded and installed.
[18:22] <jussi01> DarthFrog: in future sudo or sudo -i
[18:22] <DarthFrog> jussi01: Why ever not? That's how to enable the root account.
[18:22] <dwidmann> DarthFrog: sudo -s or sudo -i
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[18:22] <dwidmann> DarthFrog: if all you want is a root shell
[18:22] <Mr-S> i have been distro jumping a lot, kubuntu is a playground i like, bit will still be my second OS
[18:22] <don_jr_KS> They don't like us having access to root....might make mistakes and have to reinstall...lol
[18:23] <DarthFrog> dwidmann: No. Mr-S was wanting to enable the root account, Not just a shell.
[18:23] <don_jr_KS> Mr-S what OS do you prefer?
[18:23] <jussi01> !supportroot | DarthFrog
[18:23] <ubottu> DarthFrog: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)
[18:23] <Mr-S> slackware
[18:23] <DarthFrog> Hehe. OK.
[18:24] <don_jr_KS> Never heard of slackware
[18:24] <don_jr_KS> another flavor of a *nix OS? or totally diff?
[18:24] <genii> don_jr_KS: another *nix
[18:24] <Mr-S> i like the easy use of kubuntu a lot ...
[18:25] <DarthFrog> don_jr_KS: Slack is one of the earliest Linux distros. It was the first one that I managed to get installed in 1994.
[18:25] <don_jr_KS> Yeah...the ease and similarity to winblows(which is all I really know) is why I use KDE with ubuntu and even FC9. I dispise windows OS Vista is just humiliating.
[18:25] <Mr-S> DarthFrog ... your my hero ! :)
[18:25] <DarthFrog> LOL!
[18:25] <don_jr_KS> So I"m going to learn to use which ever *nix OS I like the most after I'm done testing them. So Far Kubuntu's community is much friendlier and more helpfull than the others I've tried.
[18:26] <DarthFrog> don_jr_KS: FYI, *nix means Unix generically. Not Linux.
[18:26] <Mr-S> what do you like especially about ubuntu ?
[18:26] <don_jr_KS> Up to this point I've been able to get kubuntu to do everything that I want/need.
[18:27] <Walrusse> I just forgot to be clear in my first post: the issue is checkboxes, radio buttons, in Firefox within Kubuntu
[18:27] <don_jr_KS> DarthFrog forgive my noobishness...didn't realize there was much of a difference.
[18:27] <DarthFrog> i.e Solaris, BSD, SysV, Irix, Dynamix, Hockey Pux. :-)
[18:27] <Walrusse> it seems qtCurve theme was used before, now it's Oxygen in Intrepid
[18:27] <Mr-S> BSD .. mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)
[18:27] <DarthFrog> Hockey Pux = HP Unix.
[18:27] <don_jr_KS> Mr-S Mainly the extensive community and help. The site and even google offers quite a bit on ubuntu in general, and folks here are nice enough to help.
[18:28] <Mr-S> yiour absolutly right about that.
[18:28] <don_jr_KS> I need simplicity for the time being. I'll get into the technicals later.
[18:28] <dwidmann> #kubuntu ftw :)
[18:28] <don_jr_KS> Soon as it appears. I've gotten everything going that I wanted on here so far...accept getting my cell to synce, but I work on that one later, found a decent site explaining it.
[18:29] <Walrusse> and Oxygen theme's buttons are fine within Gimp for example, but are way too big in Firefox
[18:29] <Mr-S> your migh be wondering now, bit ubuntu is harder for me to setup than any distro else ( at least for my needs )
[18:29] <dwidmann> Walrusse: I'm assuming sooner or later that won't be an issue ... a lot of work has already taken place on qt-firefox :)
[18:29] <don_jr_KS> For someone that's use to one way, learning a new one is sometimes harder. That's my problem with vista
[18:30] <don_jr_KS> they've made it so simple it confuses me....not to mention half the drivers won't work with it....lol
[18:30] <don_jr_KS> I had to get away from it....so here I am
[18:30] <Walrusse> dwidmann: maybe, but it has been an issue since Hardy, and it was never solved in the distribution itself
[18:30] <don_jr_KS> And I code in java and learning C++ so this environment is much smother to code in
[18:30] <Mr-S> imho ubuntu is the windows on linux. And this is a good thing
[18:31] <jussi01> !ot
[18:31] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[18:31] <DarthFrog> don_jr_KS: I've heard many others say that Linux is a better development platform.
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[18:31] <don_jr_KS> DarthFrog it deffinatly is. it's built for it.
[18:31] <Serva> why people on other channels are not as friendly as they're here on #kubuntu
[18:31] <Walrusse> diwdmann: I'm just looking for a way to make this clear somewhere in Launchpad, but since the release is coming fast, I'm looking for the right project to submit a bug too
[18:31] <Walrusse> oops, "to"
[18:31] <don_jr_KS> Serva they have forgotten what it's like to be new to the enironment
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[18:32] <Serva> I was asked to leave the channel for asking a beginner question
[18:32] <Serva> :-(
[18:32] <DarthFrog> Serva: That's not inappropriate if the channel was not intended for beginners.
[18:33] <genii> Serva: We are usually very tolerant in here. After all, everyone was new once.
[18:33] <black_> nothing work
[18:33] <DarthFrog> genii: And that this channel is specifically for beginner support, amongst others.
[18:33] <black_> no chat work expected Irc
[18:33] <genii> DarthFrog: Yup
[18:33] <nor_> hi, mal ne frage zur verschlüsselung. Was ist sinnvoller/sicherer: 1. per alternate-boot-cd verschlüsseln 2. cryptsetup + LUKS 3. verschlüsseltes LVM?
[18:33] * Serva wonders what it is like to be a beginner among the *informed*
[18:33] <black_> I installed JAva and flash many times but nothing work
[18:34] <black_> are you sure there are no bugs in 8.04 version of ubuntu ?
[18:34] <jussi01> !de | nor
[18:34] <ubottu> nor: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[18:34] <chfwiggum> !hardware
[18:34] <ubottu> For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection
[18:34] <don_jr_KS> Man this is annoying. my torrents, keep dropping all connections and having to rebuild connections...
[18:34] <DarthFrog> nor_: Sorry, English only.
[18:34] <nor_> argh, this is english only, sry
[18:34] <Mr-S> *serva does not want to know * LOL
[18:34] <nor_> hehe :)
[18:34] <don_jr_KS> black) who said there was no bugs in *.04? lol
[18:34] <black_> of course bug always exist
[18:34] <black_> but that is a big bug
[18:34] <Mr-S> its not a bug, Its a feature
[18:34] <don_jr_KS> lol
[18:35] <black_> i can't chat anymore, does java and flash are anti-ubuntu ?
[18:35] <don_jr_KS> I havn't had a problem with java or flash with firefox and I"m using 8.04 with KDE4
[18:35] <black_> or what
[18:35] <DarthFrog> Serva: What people tend to forget is that even though they are banging away at their keyboard is that there are other real people on the other end and they should be treated with respect.
[18:35] <francisco_t> Hi
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[18:35] <Mr-S> kde4 that is a nice subject.. Who does like kde4 ?
[18:36] <jussi01> lads and ladies, please remember to keep this channel for Kubuntu support. if you want to dicuss other items, then please use #kubuntu-offtopic
[18:36] <black_> so
[18:36] <black_> does i must uninstall ubuntu ?
[18:36] <black_> i think yes
[18:36] <Mr-S> sorry your right got carried away
[18:36] * genii hands jussi01 a coffee and some Advils
[18:36] <francisco_t> Should I have a .bashrc file on my home ??
[18:36] <black_> shit
[18:36] <black_> bye
[18:36] <black_> you are shit
[18:36] <black_> all shit
[18:37] <MrKennie> a compliment?
[18:37] <DarthFrog> black_ Good-bye.
[18:38] <Guest93724> kids must play
[18:39] <MrKennie> perfect demonstration on how NOT to receive help.
[18:39] * Serva nods
[18:39] <DarthFrog> Well, it certainly wouldn't encourage anyone not being paid to provide support.
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[18:39] <don_jr_KS> KDE4 isn't bad so far Mr-S. Though the way they are handling items on the desktop now is taking some getting use to.
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[18:40] <zsz> how would one install libxine1-ffmpeg package, considering that it's a fresh kubuntu install and the computer does not have internet connection?
[18:41] <Mr-S> because this is asupport channel, i cannot go to details, but I do not like Kde4 a lot.
[18:41] <don_jr_KS> if the package is on the CD you can enable the CD's restricted repositories and install it that way
[18:41] <DarthFrog> zsz: Hmm. is that package not on the CD? Do you have another machine connected to the net that you could download the package with, burn it to a CD, then install it manually?
[18:42] <Mr-S> nope ffmpeg is not on the CD, I believe on the dvd it is.
[18:42] <DarthFrog> zsz: to install it manually: sudo dpkg -i <package filename>
[18:42] <jussi01> !offline | zsz
[18:42] <ubottu> zsz: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Gutsy and Hardy support)
[18:43] <coloclone> Quick ? Is the KDE Kiosk manager available from the apt repositories?
[18:44] <DarthFrog> jussi01: AH,it now becomes clear. THat's what the Generate download script setting is for. :-)
[18:44] <jussi01> :)
[18:46] <DarthFrog> Wonder how long it will be before Adept has that capability? Mind you, I prefer Synaptic anyway.
[18:46] <coloclone> Never mind I found it
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[18:48] <avihayb> !IDEL
[18:48] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about idel
[18:49] <avihayb> !IDLE
[18:49] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about idle
[18:50] <DarthFrog> avihayb: Do you mean the Python Idle?
[18:51] <avihayb> ya. I just figured it was a speling mistake :-<
[18:51] <DarthFrog> avihayb: apt-cache search idle
[18:53] <avihayb> DarthFrog: thanks
[18:53] <DarthFrog> You're welcome.
[18:53] <avihayb> you want an interesting discussion?
[18:53] <DarthFrog> Not here.
[18:53] <DarthFrog> #kubuntu-offtopic
[18:54] <DarthFrog> And I'm not a programmer.
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[19:14] <Walrusse> anybody did change something to their qt theme so that Firefox looks actually ok in Intrepid ? (or it's just me ?)
[19:15] <jussi01> Walrusse: best to ask in #ubuntu+1 ;)
[19:17] <DarthFrog> Well there's one thing that Kubuntu Intrepid has over Hardy/KDE4. I can actually easily configure a network printer again.
[19:18] <DarthFrog> And have it work. :-)
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[19:20] <avihayb> !envy
[19:20] <ubottu> envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk
[19:21] <DarthFrog> What does envy do?
[19:21] <LjL> --kde4
[19:23] <aziz> I've configured two Screens in xorg.conf and I'd like to switch between them, Ctrl+Alt+F8 to F12 doesn't work :/
[19:23] <avihayb> it's a program that searches and installs drivers for your ati or nvida drivers. it's kind of halfmade and can easyly break your configuration DarthFrog
[19:23] <DarthFrog> Gotcha.
[19:25] <coloclone> !opera
[19:25] <ubottu> opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser
[19:25] <szakulec> how can I install the intrepid version of a program? (I'm using hardy heron right now)
[19:26] <coloclone> I don't think the intrepid respositories are enabled yet...
[19:27] <szakulec> is there a way to just download a package from them, or will I have to compile it myself if I want it?
[19:31] <coloclone> I think that codes lives at https://launchpad.net
[19:32] <szakulec> all I'm seeing is source code for it- should there be packages available as well?
[19:34] <coloclone> http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/
[19:36] <szakulec> coloclone: thank you!
[19:36] <coloclone> I'm learning this whole thing too... Cheers
[19:47] <guille> hello people
[19:48] <Nasj> hello
[19:51] <mit__> how do i run dolphin as root?
[19:51] <emilsedgh> mit__: kdesudo dolphin i think
[19:51] <reagleBRKLN> has anyone been able to use google maps with konq 3.5.9? if so, how? (which browser ID or other options?)
[19:52] <reagleBRKLN> oh, actually using 3.5.10
[19:52] <mit__> emilsedgh, command not found
[19:52] <emilsedgh> hm
[19:53] <DarthFrog> mit__: Amplifying on what emilsedgh said. Press ALT-F2 first.
[19:53] <DarthFrog> Then enter the command there.
[19:54] <mit__> command not found
[19:54] <mit__> i can kdesu kate thou
[19:55] <jussi01> mit__: kdesu dolphin
[19:55] <DarthFrog> Strange. "sudo dolphin" works from Konsole, though.
[19:56] <jussi01> DarthFrog: dont use sudo with graphical apps
[19:56] <DarthFrog> jussi01: Please read exactly what I wrote.
[19:56] <mit__> jussi01, its 404
[19:56] <mit__> it cant see some apps
[19:56] <mit__> :S
[20:16] <Freddy2> hi
[20:16] <Freddy2> i'm having some problems with network config (hardy)
[20:16] <yuriy> !aptfix
[20:16] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[20:17] <Freddy2> every time i reboot my dns server list is gone, and also the alias of my computer dissapears from /etc/hosts
[20:17] <Freddy2> what may be going on?
[20:17] <yuriy> Freddy2: how are you changing your nameserver settings?
[20:18] <DarthFrog> Freddy2: That's odd.
[20:18] <Freddy2> i use the visual config app
[20:18] <DarthFrog> Freddy2: Your nameserver list is /etc/resolv.conf
[20:18] <Freddy2> system config may be called
[20:19] <Freddy2> right now they are there, but if i reboot the list is cleared, as soon as my alias at hosts
[20:19] <DarthFrog> Freddy2: I can't tell you how to fix your problem but I can tell you how I'd work around it.
[20:19] <Freddy2> i mean, i can set them manually, and i could even add a script at init.d in order to fix that, but..
[20:20] <DarthFrog> Freddy2: Once your system is working, from the command line, I'd issue the command "sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf".
[20:20] <DarthFrog> THat'd fix its little red wagon.
[20:20] <yuriy> Freddy2: I think network manager overwrites /etc/resolv.conf. there's another place you have to configure it..
[20:20] <Freddy2> i=inmutable?
[20:20] <DarthFrog> Zigzactly.
[20:20] <DarthFrog> and chattr -i to reverse.
[20:20] <DarthFrog> lsattr to list file attributes.
[20:21] <yuriy> Freddy2: I think it's /etc/resolvconf/ but i'm not sure
[20:21] <Freddy2> i think there's some problem with init scripts, maybe at start, or even at stop time
[20:21] <DarthFrog> Note the chattr command won't work with a reiserfs file system.
[20:21] <Freddy2> i'm using reiser XD
[20:22] <DarthFrog> Freddy2: reiser 3 doesn't implement the immutable attribute. Don't know about Reiser 4.
[20:22] <zappete> c'è qualche italiano nel canale
[20:23] <DarthFrog> !it
[20:23] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)
[20:23] <Freddy2> ok, then i'll create a script for restoring both files after the network is loaded, at init.d
[20:23] <zappete> grazie mille
[20:23] <Freddy2> seems to be the easier solution
[20:23] <DarthFrog> Freddy2: Or do it in /etc/rc.local.
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[20:32] <DarthFrog> OK, I'm confused. I just enabled fancy desktop effects for KDE in System Settings. I've got exploding windows. I'v got wobbly windows. I've got effects up the ying-yang. But what I don't have is compiz installed. So what is KDE using? Is this part of KWin for KDE 4.1?
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[20:34] <ubuntu__> hi
[20:34] <DarthFrog> Answering my own question: Yes! W00t! "This package contains KWin, the KDE 4 window manager, featuring hardware-accelerated
[20:34] <DarthFrog> compositing effects."
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[20:34] <DarthFrog> Colour me impressed.
[20:36] <Mez> tis quiet in here :(
[20:36] <genii> It often is
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[20:36] <Mez> not usually THIS quiet thought
[20:36] <DarthFrog> Shush! You'll wake up the wumpus!
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[20:38] <oo0> help my wirless dosn't working after a update!
[20:38] <jose__> has anyone heard about ubuntu in a pen drive for the eee pc
[20:40] <administrator> hi peeps just a quick question does anyone know if you can get bearshare for kubuntu?? or an alternative program like it????
[20:40] <DarthFrog> what's bearshare?
[20:40] <DarthFrog> Gnutella?
[20:41] <administrator> its la piece of software that rus searches for music
[20:42] <administrator> run*
[20:42] <DarthFrog> Try aMule.
[20:43] <DarthFrog> Or Limewire.
[20:44] <administrator> do u get this prgram on the adept manager??
[20:46] <Hexagow> Hello guys, someone here from sweden and use "SPCS"?
[20:46] <Hexagow> Becous I can't get the install right, dosen't work to start the file when Iv used "Wine"
[20:47] <DarthFrog> administrator: Yes.
[20:48] <unitypunk> can anyone help me get compiz working?
[20:49] <DarthFrog> unitypunk: As I've only just discovered, in Intrepid you don't need compiz for fancy window effects.
[20:49] <unitypunk> runninh heron
[20:49] <DarthFrog> Have you got compiz installed?
[20:49] <unitypunk> *running*
[20:49] <unitypunk> yeah
[20:49] <DarthFrog> How about compiz-kde?
[20:49] <unitypunk> and gnome, and kde.
[20:50] <unitypunk> mmhmm
[20:50] <DarthFrog> unitypunk: Use Adept and seach for compiz. See what other packages you might like, for easy configuration.
[20:50] <unitypunk> ii got the gui config app
[20:50] <unitypunk> but nothing works.
[20:51] <DarthFrog> Did you restart X?
[20:51] <unitypunk> i tried reboooting.
[20:51] <unitypunk> i dont know the command to restartx
[20:51] <DarthFrog> Not necessary. Logging out would be sufficient.
[20:52] <scriptx> control+alt+x restarts X server.
[20:52] <DarthFrog> unitypunk: CTL-ALT-Backspace will kill X.
[20:52] <scriptx> you'd need a reboot though if you replaced the driver
[20:52] <unitypunk> thanks script
[20:52] <scriptx> control-alt-backspace
[20:52] <scriptx> sorry :P
[20:52] <scriptx> ctrl+alt+x is just silly
[20:52] <DarthFrog> scriptx: Actually, CTL-ALT-Backspace kills X, not restarts it. KDM restarts it.
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[20:53] <unitypunk> nope..
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[20:53] <unitypunk> no wobbl windows, not cube :-/
[20:53] <DarthFrog> scriptx: No, you don't have to reboot!
[20:54] <teeahr1> Hey everybody. I just upgraded to 8.10beta, and it seems to have blown away all my old KDE4 settings. Does anyone know if this is a common problem, and if so, whether I can do anything about it?
[20:54] <DarthFrog> scriptx: If you installed a new driver and it's configured for use, CTL-ALT-Backspace & KDM restarting X will use it.
[20:55] <DarthFrog> unitypunk: Did you go through the Desktop effects setting in System Settings?
[20:55] <DarthFrog> teeahr1: No, it didn't blow them away.
[20:56] <DarthFrog> teeahr1: Hardy uses ~/.kde4. Intrepid uses ~/.kde.
[20:56] <teeahr1> !
[20:56] <DarthFrog> teeahr1: So rename .kde4 to .kde. Logout and log back in again.
[20:57] <teeahr1> DarthFrog: Hey, thanks a ton! That was a moment of panic right there for a second!
[20:57] <DarthFrog> :-) Been there, done that. Had to wash my shorts afterwards! :-)
[20:57] <teeahr1> lol
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[20:58] <DarthFrog> Don't forget to rename your current .kde directory first.
[20:59] <unitypunk> no DarthFrog
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[21:05] <bartolo> hola
=== constanza is now known as Lucida
=== gabriele is now known as dixtrucion
[21:25] <teeahr1> Thanks for the tip, DarthFrog, that worked. Now I've got a whole other raft of problems.
[21:26] <teeahr1> Trying to open Kontact gives me "KMail could not create folder /home/me/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail'; please make sure you can view and modify the content of the folder '/home/me'."
[21:27] <DarthFrog> teeahr1: You're welcome.
[21:28] <DarthFrog> teeahr1: open a konsole. type this command: cd .kde && sudo chown -R teearh1.teearh1 *
[21:29] <DarthFrog> replace teearh1.teearh1 with your username.groupname
[21:29] <DarthFrog> Hold on.
[21:30] <DarthFrog> Why is it trying to look in .kde4???
[21:30] <teeahr1> That's what I'm wondering.
[21:30] <PoisonArrow> How can I add more widgets?
[21:30] <Keldrona> hello
[21:31] <DarthFrog> PoisonArrow: See that little ying-yang symbol in the upper right of your desktop? Click on it.
[21:31] <Keldrona> why can't I browse internet with konqueror?
[21:31] <ispanaz> is it possible to share network in ubuntu? After trying to do just use internet in windows through ubuntu pc as gateway, here what i got: http://www.slave.lt/konkursas/?key=4db13b
[21:31] <DarthFrog> Keldrona: You're special? :-)
[21:31] <ispanaz> anyone?
[21:31] <DarthFrog> Keldrona: What happens when you try to open a URL?
[21:32] <PoisonArrow> DarthFrog, ya I have done that, Im trying to add even more to what is there. I think I need more sources list for it, becuase it seems like theres only one for Amarok
[21:32] <DarthFrog> PoisonArrow: apt-cache search plasmoid
[21:32] <Keldrona> DarthFrog: it says "an error occurred while loading www.google.com. Could not connect to host"
[21:33] <DarthFrog> Keldrona: For all sites?
[21:33] <Keldrona> yes
[21:33] <Keldrona> DarthFrog: yes
[21:33] <dwidmann> Keldrona: try killing knetworkmanager and trying again
[21:33] <PoisonArrow> DarthFrog, thanks
[21:33] <DarthFrog> Keldrona: Open a command line window and type "ping google.com". What happens?
[21:34] <Keldrona> DarthFrog: it pings it
[21:34] <DarthFrog> So you have DNS?
[21:35] <Keldrona> DarthFrog: don't know... I'm connecting with gprs
[21:35] <DarthFrog> I don't know what gprs is, sorry.
[21:35] <DarthFrog> What is in /etc/resolv.conf?
[21:36] <Keldrona> DarthFrog: with my mobile, a Nokia 6330
[21:36] <teeahr1> Hey, solved it. There was a line in ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc that referenced ~/.kde4 - I just searched for .kde4, found it and replaced it with .kde. Seems to have solved that problem, I'm into my mail at any rate.
[21:36] <DarthFrog> Umm, that's not useful for troubleshooting. :-)
[21:36] <DarthFrog> teeahr1: Excellent! You're away to the races.
[21:37] <Keldrona> nameserver
[21:37] <Keldrona> nameserver
[21:37] * dwidmann still thinks knetworkmanager could be the problem
[21:38] <DarthFrog> Keldrona: Try dwidmann's suggestion.
[21:38] <Keldrona> dwidmann: yes I think so, but what can I do
[21:38] <mike-solidus> hey, i know this isn't related to kubuntu, but i'm having infinite recursion trouble with a makefile, anyone care to help, I have 3 directories, each with a qt project in them, i'm trying to write a makefile that will cd into each directory, run qmake, run make then cd out, but it goes into infinite recursion when it runse make in the recurssed directories, as if its running itself
[21:39] <teeahr1> Well, that's one down, one to go. I really should have "make uninstalled" krusader before I upgraded to 8.10. Now I'm trying to uninstall it and cmake complains that "find_package could not find module FindKDE4Internal.cmake".
[21:39] <teeahr1> I knew something like that was going to happen too. Stupid of me.
[21:40] <dwidmann> Keldrona: you could kill knetworkmanager ... like I said at first :P
[21:40] <DarthFrog> teeahr1: A first thought is to "ln -s .kde .kde4" and try again.
[21:40] <dwidmann> DarthFrog: that's probably a bad idea.
[21:41] <DarthFrog> dwidmann: Que?
[21:41] <Keldrona> dwidmann: it works, am I too stupid to use linux?
[21:41] <DarthFrog> Keldrona: Nope.
[21:41] <DarthFrog> Keldrona: The very fact that you can ask that question is evidence that you're not. :-)
=== david is now known as No1PeaceDragon
[21:41] <dwidmann> Keldrona: killing it worked? Well ... it's a bug in knetworkmanager ... don't know what causes it or the fix though
[21:42] <dwidmann> +1 DarthFrog
[21:42] <Keldrona> I can't be stupid... I study Finnish... :-)
[21:42] <No1PeaceDragon> :;-D
[21:42] <Tm_T> Keldrona: err, that did hurt me
[21:42] <Keldrona> Tm_T: why?
[21:43] * Tm_T is native finnish
[21:43] <DarthFrog> Tm_T: In that case, Keldrona complimented you.
[21:43] <No1PeaceDragon> two questions what is a hash sum mismatch and how do I fix it?
[21:43] <Tm_T> no he didn't, but thats offtopic
[21:43] <Keldrona> Tm_T: missä sinä asut?
[21:43] <DarthFrog> i.e. you can't be stupid and speak Finnish.
[21:43] <Tm_T> Keldrona: #kubuntu-offtopic (;)
[21:45] <dwidmann> DarthFrog: symlinking .kde to .kde4 is a bad idea for a couple reasons 1) kde3 apps look in .kde, 2) kde4 apps look in .kde4 3) mixing those when there are "duplicate" applications could be trouble.
[21:45] <DarthFrog> dwidmann: In Intrepid, KDE4 is the default. There is no KDE3 so he has no KDE3 apps installed.
[21:46] <dwidmann> yes to the former, not necessarily to the latter. KDE3 apps with no equivalent were kept.
[21:46] <DarthFrog> dwidmann: symlinking .kde to .kde4 might solve his immediate problem. He can then remove the symlink.
[21:46] <dwidmann> Not sure how their conf is handled
[21:46] <ScorpKing> hi dwidmann :) long time no see
[21:47] <dwidmann> sup ScorpKing? I haven't been too active around here lately ... not sure why.
[21:47] <DarthFrog> dwidmann: The symlink would have no effect on what you describe. KDE3 apps will still look in .kde.
[21:47] <ScorpKing> dwidmann: same here. been working a bit more than usual
[21:47] <DarthFrog> Even though .kde is now for KDE4
[21:48] <DarthFrog> dwidmann: Though I'd agree with your reasoning for Hardy. Not Intrepid.
[21:48] <dwidmann> DarthFrog: besides, I didn't know we were talking about intrepid anyhow ... afterall this isn't #ubuntu+1
[21:49] <DarthFrog> dwidmann: Understood.
[21:50] <No1PeaceDragon> two questions what is a hash sum mismatch and how do I fix it? I cant download some security updates becuz of the mismatch.
[21:50] <dwidmann> No1PeaceDragon: probably a corrupt download or something
[21:51] <DarthFrog> No1PeaceDragon: Delete the file that's givng the sum mismatch.
[21:51] <DarthFrog> And try again.
[21:52] <No1PeaceDragon> ok thanks
[21:52] <DarthFrog> No1PeaceDragon: A hash sum is a type of checksum.
[21:53] <No1PeaceDragon> gDARTHfROG OK CHECKSUM i KNOW AND TY
[21:53] <No1PeaceDragon> sorry for caps
[21:57] <PoisonArrow> what can I install to stream video in firefox?
[21:58] <joshual> hi can anyone tell me how to manually configure a usb optical mouse in xorg.conf, it's not working when I simply plug it in
[21:58] <joshual> PoisonArrow: vlc
[21:58] <PoisonArrow> that stream video in firefox?
[21:59] <joshual> mozilla plugin for vlc
[21:59] <joshual> yes
[21:59] <PoisonArrow> thanks
[22:00] <joshual> mozilla mplayer plugin works too
[22:02] <steve_> ahojte
[22:06] <comedit> scorpking do you have time ?
[22:07] <ScorpKing> a little
[22:07] <comedit> we spoke earlier this week on compiling sounddriver for my laptop
[22:07] <comedit> kubuntu 64
[22:08] <bilal> Türkçe bilen arkadaş varmı aranızda.:)
[22:08] <bilal> yada Türkçe ubuntu sayfanız varmı
[22:08] <DarthFrog> !tk
[22:08] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about tk
[22:08] <DarthFrog> !tu
[22:08] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about tu
[22:08] <DarthFrog> OK, what's the country code for Turkey?
[22:08] <DarthFrog> !ty
[22:08] <ubottu> You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)
[22:09] <comedit> scorpking :would that be possible now
[22:09] <DarthFrog> bilal: English is the language of this channel.
[22:10] <llll> how do i auto start firestarter on every reboot or when kde starts? i followed http://www.fs-security.com/docs/faq.php but didnt worked. any help?
[22:10] <ScorpKing> comedit: i'm waiting for my brother to arrive from the airport at any moment now. not sure if we'll be able to finish. maybe someone here can walk you through an alsa recompile
[22:11] <DarthFrog> llll: Put the command in ~/.kde/Autostart
[22:11] <comedit> fine give my regards to your brother
[22:11] <ScorpKing> thanks will do
[22:12] <llll> DarthFrog which command
[22:12] <DarthFrog> llll: Whatever command you use to start firestarter.
[22:12] <comedit> anybody present how can help me through recompiling alsa for my card kubuntu 64
[22:12] * ScorpKing has to go now..
[22:13] <shibz> Hi, can someone please tell me where I can find a setting to increase my mouse speed?
[22:13] <shibz> I found mouse acceleration, but I want mouse speed, not acceleration...
[22:13] <DarthFrog> shibz: That sort of stuff is in System Settings.
[22:13] <llll> DarthFrog thats sudo firestarter. but i dont want to give sudo paswword again and again.
[22:14] <DarthFrog> llll: You could set it suid but that's a security risk.
[22:14] <DarthFrog> llll: What is firestarter?
[22:15] <PoisonArrow> how can i stream .wmv in firefox?
[22:16] <shibz> DarthFrog, do you know where it is in System Settings?
[22:16] <llll> DarthFrog how? iam using fs the firewall
[22:16] <shibz> I am looking at the mouse settings and I can't find it
[22:16] <DarthFrog> PoisonArrow: Do you have the w32codecs installed? Or w64codecs if you're running in 64 bits.
[22:16] <comedit> poison arrow go to howtoforge.com find the tutorial perfect desktop for kubuntu ... your version
[22:16] <comedit> and look for the part about multimedia
[22:17] <PoisonArrow> DarthFrog, I dont think I have any installed, I know before I have installed liek gviewer-codecs or something
[22:17] <PoisonArrow> forgot the name
[22:17] <DarthFrog> PoisonArrow: In that case, put the appropriate command to start firestarter in the file /etc/rc.local.
[22:17] <llll> DarthFrog how? iam using fs the firewall
[22:18] <PoisonArrow> DarthFrog, I believe I need to install all the codecs again
[22:18] <DarthFrog> Ooops, that last comment was intended for llll not PoisonArrow. :-)
[22:18] <DarthFrog> llll: In that case, put the appropriate command to start firestarter in the file /etc/rc.local.
[22:19] <PoisonArrow> :)
[22:19] <DarthFrog> PoisonArrow: I don't think you can do WMV with out the codecs.
[22:19] <PoisonArrow> DarthFrog, ok, how can I download them ^^
[22:19] <comedit> pison arrow: http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-kubuntu-8.04-lts
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[22:20] <DarthFrog> PoisonArrow: Enable the medibuntu repository and use Adept or Synaptic to install them.
[22:20] <llll> DarthFrog if i put that in rc.local. and i restart kde only. will that run again?
[22:20] <PoisonArrow> DarthFrog, ok sorry but Im not sure what they are called exactly
[22:20] <DarthFrog> llll: No.
[22:21] <DarthFrog> llll: It'll run when you reboot. Or "sudo source /etc/rc.local".
[22:21] <Guest22109> whats up people
[22:21] <DarthFrog> PoisonArrow: w32codecs or w64codecs.
[22:21] <PoisonArrow> thanks
[22:21] <llll> DarthFrog how do i run that 'sudo firestarter' wihithout paswword prompting every time, at kde start
[22:22] <DarthFrog> llll: Why do you want to run it when KDE starts? running it from rc.local is safer.
[22:22] <llll> ok
[22:22] <llll> where do i put it . after exit 0 or before?
[22:22] <llll> DarthFrog
[22:23] <DarthFrog> On the phone, sorry.
[22:24] <llll> btw, i already have 'firestarter' file in home/user1/.kde/autostart
[22:25] <comedit> anybody present how can help me through recompiling alsa for my card on a kubuntu 64
[22:27] <DarthFrog> llll: Before exit 0.
[22:28] <llll> k
[22:28] <llll> btw, i already have 'firestarter' file in home/user1/.kde/autostart
[22:28] <DarthFrog> llll: It is possible to do what you want from Autostart. But it means setting the firestarter executable as SUID. And that's a bad idea. A very bad idea. It'll work but it'll be a great big gaping security hole.
[22:29] <DarthFrog> !suid
[22:29] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about suid
[22:29] <llll> ok
[22:29] <llll> and in that file its written start hiddein --
[22:29] <llll> sudo firestarter start-hidden-
[22:30] <DarthFrog> llll: Take it out of Autostart.
[22:30] <DarthFrog> And you don't need sudo in rc.local.
[22:30] <llll> DarthFrog> llll: Take it out of Autostart.
[22:30] <llll> ?
[22:30] <DarthFrog> Just the command to start firestarter.
[22:30] <llll> k
[22:31] <llll> and it will run. but run unminimised?
[22:31] <DarthFrog> Open a Konsole and type "sudo which firestarter". Put the answer (i.e. the full path) in /etc/rc.local.
[22:31] <llll> k
[22:32] <llll> thx
[22:32] <coloclone> What is the simplist way to disable internet access but allow 1 domain to be accessed?
[22:32] <DarthFrog> I'm assuming that firestarter is a firewall, right?
[22:32] <DarthFrog> coloclone: Can you do that at the router? That might be easiest.
[22:33] <Freddy2> use iptables.. you'll need no more than 6 or 7 rules
[22:33] <sorush20> I can't get this key
[22:33] <sorush20> help 437D05B5
[22:33] <sorush20> gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5
[22:34] <sorush20> i get time out
[22:34] <coloclone> DarthFrog: This would be a single computer in a public setting... only want to allow one domain so router is out
[22:34] <DarthFrog> coloclone: Then do what Freddy2 suggests.
[22:35] <coloclone> !iptables
[22:35] <ubottu> Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).
[22:35] <DarthFrog> llll: Firestarter is a GUI app? Forget rc.local.
[22:36] <Unity`Kubuntu> :-/
[22:36] <shibz> why not use something like shorewall?
[22:36] <Unity`Kubuntu> whered my mixer go?
[22:37] <DarthFrog> coloclone: I presume that you could use a GUI firewall app to set things up the way you want. Then use "iptables -L" to get the rules to write the iptables startup script to implement them on boot.
=== david is now known as No1PeaceDragon
[22:38] <coloclone> DarthFrog: Do you suggest a specific UI?
[22:38] <DarthFrog> shibz: DOn't know. You'd have to ask llll. Personally, I like shorewall, though.
[22:39] <DarthFrog> coloclone: Well, from the bot's response to your query, it would seem that Guarddog is the KDE answer. :-)
[22:40] <DarthFrog> coloclone: And I still think it'd be easier to do at the router. :-)
[22:41] <No1PeaceDragon> DarthFrog I got all except one and still got
[22:41] <No1PeaceDragon> W: Failed to fetch http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/linux/ubuntu/archive/pool/main/k/kdepim/korganizer_3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy2_i386.deb
[22:41] <No1PeaceDragon> Hash Sum mismatch
[22:41] <coloclone> DarthFrog: I wouldn't know where to start with that.... I guess I would have to ask our router admin to do it... i.e. ask him to block all http from the computer I want and allow that computer to access only one domain i.e. ubuntu.org... does that make sense?
[22:41] <No1PeaceDragon> sorry i pasted and copied wrong part
[22:41] <DarthFrog> No1PeaceDragon: Try another mirror?
[22:42] <No1PeaceDragon> DarthFrog I tried "best server" button
[22:42] <DarthFrog> coloclone: Yes. I can do that at home on my Linksys WRT54GL router.
[22:43] <DarthFrog> No1PeaceDragon: Well, it sounds like the server has a corrupt package. Or the wrong checksum.
[22:43] <No1PeaceDragon> DarthFrog so what do I do just wait a couple days?
[22:43] <DarthFrog> No1PeaceDragon: Try another mirror.
[22:44] <coloclone> DarthFrog: K good that you understand.... maybe he will! I'm still going to try and do this on the local machine... Can I disable DNS and just put the resolved IP in the /etc/hosts?
[22:44] <Freddy2> coloclone: check this sample script for iptables http://phpfi.com/365423
[22:44] <DarthFrog> coloclone: That won't stop anyone who knows what they're doing.
[22:45] <Freddy2> you can also add rules in order to restrict packets for concrete domains.. check the -s and -d switches at iptables manpage
[22:47] <coloclone> Good point... Seems as though I can whitelist with firestarter... yeah I just realized I'm in kbuntu sry
[22:47] <DarthFrog> Freddy2: Man, that's a lot of risky work for someone who doesn't really know what they're doing! Getting the network admin to do it at the router is safer.
[22:47] <coloclone> OK I'm going to test this... Thanks guys!
[22:48] <Freddy2> make some tests before you use it in a true environment.. as DarthFrog has said you should be careful when you don't know what you're doing
[22:49] <coloclone> Right... I'm working on a test enviroment so I should be ok
[22:50] <llll> DarthFrog ok
[22:50] <Freddy2> anyway that's a generic script, all you'll need some tweaking if you need to restrict traffic to a certain destination domain
[22:51] <llll> DarthFrog fs is a gui
[22:51] <DarthFrog> llll: Security and convenience are trade-offs. This is definitely a case where you don't want to lose security to gain convenience.
[22:52] <llll> hm
[22:52] <llll> any ways. thanks! :)
[22:52] <DarthFrog> llll: Instead of "sudo firestarter" in Autostart, use "kdesu firestarter".
[22:53] <llll> DarkSmoke then i will be prompted for the password. i dont want to be prompted
[22:53] <wad> How do I type an enya character under Kunbuntu?
[22:53] <llll> DarthFrog *
[22:53] <sorush20> wow its amazing no one know how to do this key setting
[22:53] <DarthFrog> Freddy2: I like your Iptables script. A nice skeleton.
[22:53] <MrKennie> llll: why not use ufw?
[22:54] <llll> whats ufw
[22:54] <Freddy2> it's easy to manage, sure.. that's the point :)
[22:54] <MrKennie> !ufw
[22:54] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ufw
[22:54] <MrKennie> pfft
[22:54] <llll> ?
[22:55] <DarthFrog> llll: To do what you want would require setting firestarter SUID. And that's a security risk. Better to enter your password when prompted.
[22:55] <MrKennie> llll: it's an easy to use iptables tool
[22:55] <MrKennie> llll: it will load the rules you specify at boot time
[22:56] <MrKennie> llll: man ufw
[22:56] <DarthFrog> sorush20: If the server is timing out, what do you think you can do about it?
[22:58] <llll> k
[22:58] <MrKennie> looks like someone is working on a gui frontend to ufw too
[22:58] <llll> ok
[22:58] <llll> DarthFrog
[22:58] <llll> sudo /usr/sbin/firestarter --start-hidden
[22:58] <llll> in .kde/autostart
[22:58] <llll> it works too
[22:58] <DarthFrog> llll: No. kdesu, not sudo
[22:58] <llll> thx all... i gitg.. :)
[22:59] <llll> hmm. ok
[22:59] <Unity`Kubuntu> damn sound card broke :-/
[22:59] <DarthFrog> llll: sudo is command line. kdesu is GUI.
[22:59] <llll> hm
[22:59] <llll> k
[22:59] <llll> http://www.fs-security.com/docs/faq.php gives a line in
[23:00] <Freddy2> time to sleep.. gn
[23:00] <llll> /etc/sudoers
[23:00] <llll> username ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarte
[23:00] <llll> i hope it works for sudo and kdesu both
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[23:09] <jhutchins_wk> !sudo
[23:09] <ubottu> sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)
[23:14] <sorush20> what version is amarok in interpid
[23:14] <sorush20> !amarok
[23:14] <ubottu> Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok
[23:18] <CoJaBo-Eee> Is there any way to find out why knetworkmanager fails to connect?
[23:18] * krash sighs
[23:18] <krash> More wireless problems? Always wireless problems...
[23:19] <CoJaBo-Eee> It connects, it just takes up to 30 attempts, I'd like to find out why.
[23:19] <krash> Poor signal?
[23:20] <krash> Frequency interupts?
[23:20] <CoJaBo-Eee> Good, 81%, only a few feet from router.
[23:20] <krash> what channel?
[23:21] <CoJaBo-Eee> 11 I think. I tried it with the computer right next to the router, no difference.
[23:22] <krash> Hrmm 11 is good, dunno then sorry not much experience with wireless on ubuntu yet
[23:22] <CoJaBo-Eee> Is there a log or a way to see what the error is?
[23:22] <DarthFrog> Wireless seems to either just work or be a royal pain in the butt.
[23:23] <CoJaBo-Eee> I'd like to know why the connection fails on 90-97% of attempts.
[23:23] <krash> CojaBo-Eee: Yes most likely, where it's at though, I couldn't tell you off hand, perhaps someone else here would know or you could find on google?
[23:24] <CoJaBo-Eee> Tried Googling, I've had the problem for a while now.
[23:24] <DarthFrog> CoJaBo-Eee: Not that I've got any answers for you but what chipset does the wireless card use?
[23:25] <krash> CojaBo-Eee: I take it then you've researched all posibilities for your wireless card drivers too then as well yeah?
[23:25] <CoJaBo-Eee> RaLink, but same problem on 2 other cards on different computers.
[23:25] <unitypunk> i know a simple solution to wireless..
[23:26] <unitypunk> not very cost ffective..
[23:26] <CoJaBo-Eee> And its only this network.
[23:26] <unitypunk> butt, go get a ddwrt54g from somewhere
[23:26] <blackangel> hi
[23:26] <krash> yeah that's what I got :)
[23:26] <unitypunk> and flash ddwrt, and dont use wireless card ;)
[23:27] <unitypunk> use the router as a wireless reciever
[23:27] <unitypunk> the sub lan is kinda a pita though
[23:27] <CoJaBo-Eee> A router as the wireless card?
[23:27] <unitypunk> yeah
[23:27] <unitypunk> thats what i doo
[23:28] <CoJaBo-Eee> It would likely be larger than the computer itself o_O
[23:28] * krash boggles
[23:28] <unitypunk> how so?
[23:28] <unitypunk> put the wrt54g ontop of the computer
[23:28] <krash> He means hard-wire it I think
[23:28] <CoJaBo-Eee> Subnotebook. My current router is slightly larger than it lol
[23:28] <unitypunk> and get a 3ft cat5/6
[23:28] <unitypunk> ahh
[23:29] <unitypunk> i think its technicly a wireless bridge krash
[23:29] <unitypunk> between two wifi modems.
[23:29] <krash> unitypunk ahh I see you're saying now *nods*
[23:30] <unitypunk> i couldnt get my ralink card working either CoJaBo-Eee
[23:30] <chfwiggum> ls Ja
[23:30] <CoJaBo-Eee> It works fine with another network (even tho I can't actually use it because Firefox blocks the login page :/ )
[23:31] <krash> hrmm just updated my kernel/nvidia drivers gotta reboot my box only been up 1 day and 17 hrs :P
[23:31] <CoJaBo-Eee> unitypunk: I can connect, but it can take up to 30 attempts o_O
[23:31] <x-X-x> crimson?
[23:32] <x-X-x> crimsun*
[23:32] <unitypunk> CoJaBo-Eee, i could connect.. just fine for about a minute..
[23:32] <unitypunk> then the connection would time out.
[23:32] <psyco> heeeeey guysss
[23:32] <psyco> Guess who overwrote his grub stuff
[23:32] <unitypunk> me, being a noob, decided to add the wired solution in there.
[23:32] <psyco> I am in a live CD and I cant reinstall grub
[23:32] <psyco> root (hd0,1) is not found
[23:33] <crimsun> x-X-x: hi
[23:33] <CoJaBo-Eee> Mine will stay connected after it connects, it is just that it takes soo long to connect (and there is no auto-retry either, so I have to sit next to it the whole time)
[23:33] <unitypunk> bleh
[23:33] <unitypunk> wifi is a pita..
[23:33] <unitypunk> and will b e for ever.
[23:33] <CoJaBo-Eee> Works fine in XP :/
[23:33] <unitypunk> of course it does lol
=== root is now known as Guest6256
[23:34] <CoJaBo-Eee> Vista had tons of problems tho :P
[23:34] <x-X-x> crimsun: http://pastebin.com/d7fce82ef i get this error
[23:34] <x-X-x> crimsun: does this mean that i cant get equalizer with xmod?
[23:35] <crimsun> x-X-x: sec, I'm preparing for a meeting shortly
[23:35] <CoJaBo-Eee> It just says "could not connect", but I can't find what the actual error is :/
[23:35] <crimsun> x-X-x: pastebin your asoundrc
[23:36] <x-X-x> k
[23:36] <cippalippa> hi guys... got a problem... already installed Firefox 3 and installed the flash player too (with a .deb file), but it still asks me for downloading the player... anyone knows a solution?
[23:36] <okay> hola...
[23:36] <unitypunk> partyyy
[23:37] <Ano> cippalippa try to restart gnome (or kde or ...)
[23:37] <CoJaBo-Eee> cippalippa: I installed it by adept.
[23:37] <x-X-x> crimsun: http://pastebin.com/d765fa4cc
[23:37] <cippalippa> Ano: just tried...
[23:38] <CoJaBo-Eee> flashplugin-nonfree IIRC...
[23:38] <crimsun> x-X-x: line 28 is invalid
[23:38] <Ano> argh
[23:38] <crimsun> x-X-x: you cannot say "plughw"; alsa-lib needs to know which device you're referring to
[23:38] <x-X-x> crimsun: wow that was fast
[23:38] <psyco> why cant i install things on a live cd (from adept)?
[23:39] <psyco> "error commiting changes"
[23:39] <x-X-x> crimsun: what do i put?
[23:39] <sorush20> is there something wrong with my sources list I@m not seening amarok new version
[23:39] <sorush20> http://pastebin.ca/1228832
[23:39] <crimsun> x-X-x: well, which hw: device do you want to use?
[23:39] <x-X-x> xmod
[23:39] <cippalippa> CoJaBo-Eee: what's the difference between adobe-flashplugin and flashplugin-nonfree?
[23:40] <crimsun> x-X-x: the format is an integer (lower bound is zero, 0); see cat /proc/asound/cards
[23:40] <crimsun> cippalippa: the former is Adobe's 32-bit deb containing the Flash plugin; the latter is Ubuntu's 32- or 64-bit wrapper that downloads and installs the Flash plugin
[23:41] <x-X-x> crimsun: http://pastebin.com/d4d13e6e1
[23:41] <crimsun> x-X-x: so you likely want slave.pcm "hw:1"
[23:41] <crimsun> x-X-x: I'm in a meeting very shortly, so I won't be able to respond immediately
[23:42] <cippalippa> crimsun: thank you
[23:42] <administrator> I need to install GNU pascal on my kubuntu system?
[23:42] <crimsun> cippalippa: yw
[23:42] <x-X-x> crimsun: i understand
[23:42] <x-X-x> crimsun: thnx for your help you are a guru
=== unitypunk_ is now known as Unity`Buntu
[23:43] <crimsun> administrator: try installing fpc from universe
[23:43] <administrator> do anybody know some shortcut to a successfull GNU pascal installation for kubuntu?
[23:48] <cippalippa> is it possible to know all the channel list on irc?
[23:49] <psyco> Guys, I need to reinstall grub but in grub> root (0,1) doesnt detect my hardrive
[23:49] <robin0800> cippalippa: yes window chanel list
[23:51] <psyco> the live cd I have doesnt' see any of my drives, why?
[23:51] <cippalippa> robin0800: yes... really don't fancy to look for commands
[23:52] <x-X-x> crimsun: ( reply when you can ) http://pastebin.com/d109c9fa0 new error
[23:53] <crimsun> x-X-x: convert it to a more complete plug format, or use plug:equalized
[23:53] <x-X-x> k
[23:53] <crimsun> x-X-x: remember that you can test with `aplay -Dplug:equalized /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav' first
[23:53] <x-X-x> :) thnx
[23:54] <krash> Weird, a couple of my icons on my task bar are messed up and when I add an item to my favorites it shows up weird like konversation underneath it says konversation.desktop
[23:55] <krash> anyone else notice that with the beta?
[23:55] <krash> ohh I should be in a different channel for that
[23:57] <unity`Buntu> something about restricted drivers in use..
[23:57] <unity`Buntu> thats talking about my video card eight?
[23:57] <unity`Buntu> *right
[23:57] <krash> probably using nvidia drivers?
[23:57] <unity`Buntu> yeah
[23:58] <krash> then yeah
[23:58] <unity`Buntu> does that mean i can run compiz?
[23:58] <unity`Buntu> lol