UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /12 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[04:42] <shaney101> hello i tried changing my usplash but now it just shows a cursor blinking
[04:45] <jianfei> shaney101: can u still boot?
[04:48] <shaney101> hello anyone here?
[08:00] <gaminggeek> hello rsc--
[08:00] <rsc--> wahtsup
[08:00] <gaminggeek> notalot
[08:00] <gaminggeek> how is dust going?
[08:05] <jianfei> hey mate
[08:05] <jianfei> GG: you got a good login ?
[08:06] <jianfei> im looking for a good gdm
[08:08] <rsc--> Kido's working on it
[08:08] <rsc--> lots of fixes in the past few days/weeks.
[08:08] * rsc-- hates his own wallpaper :(
[08:09] <rsc--> http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_8_10_Has_a_Brand_New_Wallpaper
[08:09] <rsc--> versus http://www.behance.net/Gallery/Intrepid-Ibex/13289
[08:09] <jianfei> dust theme working well
[08:09] <jianfei> added some spec circles
[08:10] <jianfei> require a login to suite
[08:11] <jianfei> however....amsn..icon causes color issue around it when adding the recommended background
[08:13] <rsc--> did you file a bug report?
[08:13] <jianfei> rsc: me?
[08:13] <jianfei> it messes with transparency
[08:14] <jianfei> i also noticed skype did
[08:14] <jianfei> perhaps the animations
[08:16] <rsc--> yes
[08:16] <rsc--> bugs.launchpad.net/dusttheme
[08:16] <jianfei> if i can replicate i will post
[08:17] <jianfei> NP
[08:17] <jianfei> usually happens when someone leaves a msg on skype or amsn
[08:17] <jianfei> and the icon animates
[08:19] <jianfei> perhaps its the intel GFX
[08:19] <jianfei> always a suspect
[08:19] <gaminggeek> jianfei: hey there
[08:19] <jianfei> hey gg
[08:19] <rsc--> yeah maybe.
[08:20] <jianfei> rsc: im testing on compaq laptops...nx6120 and nx6130
[08:20] <jianfei> i can also test on asus fj3's
[08:21] <jianfei> lol seems the aging nx6120 is better suited than the nx6130
[08:22] <jianfei> gg: got dust working perfectly on the 6130...even with the compiz script
[08:23] <shaney101> hello i need help with usplash
[08:24] <gaminggeek> jianfei: thats cool
[08:25] <jianfei> its works perfect on the nx6120 without updates ibex clean and no icon animation issues
[08:26] <jianfei> i can do a install on asus fj3...it has a nvidia card
[08:26] <gaminggeek> sweet :)
[08:26] <jianfei> havent fired her up in a while..i think its a 6800
[08:26] <gaminggeek> its best to test where you can :)
[08:26] <jianfei> gg: yeh agree
[08:27] <gaminggeek> rsc--: why dont your like your own background?
[08:27] <jianfei> also got an acer extensa will try tomorrow with dust
[08:28] <jianfei> i think its 5120 or something...and also a dell vostro
[08:28] <rsc--> gaminggeek, it's an unfortunately watered-down version of the original
[08:28] <gaminggeek> I think the main thing with dust is not hardware because that is mostly handled by things out of thier hands but lots of apps :)
[08:28] <jianfei> gg: agree
[08:28] <rsc--> <rsc--> http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_8_10_Has_a_Brand_New_Wallpaper
[08:28] <rsc--> <rsc--> versus http://www.behance.net/Gallery/Intrepid-Ibex/13289
[08:28] <shaney101> hello i need help with usplash
[08:29] <jianfei> rsc: yeh its nice
[08:29] <gaminggeek> http://www.behance.net/Gallery/Intrepid-Ibex/13289 is a 404
[08:29] <shaney101> i tried to change splash screen
[08:29] <jianfei> and then?
[08:29] <shaney101> but now all i see is a cursor blinking
[08:29] <rsc--> meh
[08:29] <jianfei> shaney: cant u turn it all off by removing splash?
[08:29] <rsc--> http://www.behance.net/Gallery/Intrepid-Ibex/132891 :)
[08:30] <rsc--> forgot one char
[08:30] <shaney101> its usplash
[08:30] <shaney101> how to turn it off?
[08:30] <jianfei> damn whats the boot file again?
[08:30] <gaminggeek> rsc--: why did you get rid of that blue?
[08:31] <gaminggeek> it made the brown in the ibex pop nicely..
[08:31] <rsc--> ubuntu.
[08:31] <rsc--> heh
[08:31] <rsc--> *sigh*
[08:31] <gaminggeek> :)
[08:31] <rsc--> i'd say i went with the wrong direction from the start.
[08:31] <jianfei> shaney: Youll have to remove 'quiet' and 'splash' fromt he boot options. You will ahve to edit /boot/gtub/menu.lst
[08:31] <gaminggeek> so everything has to be brown?
[08:31] <jianfei> sudo in
[08:32] <gaminggeek> can't is just be that partsof it can be brown?
[08:32] <gaminggeek> *it
[08:32] <jianfei> shaney: sudo gedit /boot/gtub/menu.lst
[08:32] <jianfei> grub
[08:32] <gaminggeek> jeeze I need to start proof reading lines before I send them
[08:32] <jianfei> sorry
[08:33] <jianfei> well it worked for me
[08:33] <jianfei> lol
[08:34] <jianfei> shaney: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
[08:34] <shaney101> its grub/menu.lst
[08:34] <gaminggeek> rsc--: you managed to make the brown sexy in dust though :)
[08:34] <shaney101> yes opened
[08:34] <jianfei> remove splash
[08:34] <jianfei> scroll down
[08:35] <shaney101> grub splash?
[08:35] <shaney101> thats fine
[08:35] <jianfei> i removed quiet and splash from the end of the boot lines..i was left with a bare boot
[08:36] <shaney101> i am having problem with usplash
[08:36] <jianfei> u will need to replace after if u wanna see splash again
[08:36] <jianfei> thats all i know
[08:36] <jianfei> lol
[08:37] <shaney101> # defoptions=quiet splash vga=788
[08:37] <shaney101> should i remove things like thgis?
[08:37] <jianfei> shaney: yeh remove quiet and splash
[08:37] <jianfei> scroll down there could be a few
[08:38] <jianfei> the goal here is to get u up and running right?
[08:38] <shaney101> kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root=UUID=58b1caa1-0a83-41cc-b520-aab8923e22f1 ro quiet splash vga=788
[08:38] <shaney101> the whole line?
[08:38] <jianfei> NO
[08:38] <shaney101> then
[08:38] <jianfei> quiet and splash
[08:38] <jianfei> two words
[08:39] <jianfei> pls dont do more
[08:39] <jianfei> hehe
[08:39] <shaney101> ok you mean wherever quite or splash is written i should remove that only
[08:39] <jianfei> yes
[08:39] <jianfei> then save
[08:39] <jianfei> reboot
[08:40] <shaney101> splashimage=(hd0,4)/boot/grub/splashimages/grub_buddha.xpm.gz
[08:40] <jianfei> ignore
[08:40] <shaney101> what about this type of line
[08:41] <jianfei> just those 2 words
[08:41] <gaminggeek> I wish they had a widescreen version of the usplash...
[08:41] <gaminggeek> I dont even have a 4:3 display on ether of my computers
[08:41] <jianfei> hope it helps
[08:41] <jianfei> lol
[08:43] <jianfei> damnit i should have said they were at the end of every line
[08:44] <jianfei> in the boot file
[08:45] <jianfei> did it work?
[08:45] <shaney101> back after rebooting :)
[08:45] <shaney101> now i dont even see a cursor blinking
[08:45] <shaney101> :)
[08:45] <jianfei> good
[08:45] <jianfei> lol
[08:45] <shaney101> a black screen
[08:45] <shaney101> yes what next
[08:46] <jianfei> did u remove all splash? it was not supposed to be....just at the end of every boot command
[08:46] <shaney101> yes i did
[08:46] <jianfei> u did what?
[08:46] <shaney101> i searched every word called quiet and splash
[08:47] <jianfei> no!
[08:47] <shaney101> and then erased it
[08:47] <jianfei> lol
[08:47] <shaney101> shit!
[08:47] <jianfei> nevermind...
[08:47] <jianfei> just fix it
[08:47] <shaney101> lol
[08:47] <shaney101> ok
[08:47] <shaney101> can i mail u my .lst file?
[08:47] <jianfei> yep
[08:47] <jianfei> daniel.gluer@gmail.com
[08:48] <jianfei> i'll fix it
[08:49] <jianfei> waiting
[08:50] <jianfei> so anyway..does the dust theme have a login screen?
[08:50] <rsc--> no.
[08:50] <rsc--> not at thsi point
[08:51] <jianfei> rsc: it should..im trying to match the theme with one
[08:51] <shaney101> sent
[08:53] <jianfei> shaney: where was it located?
[08:54] <shaney101> sorry i keep getting disconnected
[08:54] <shaney101> irc is blocked in my college :(
[08:55] <gaminggeek> jianfei: I have just set it to log in to my user by default seeing as I'm the only user
[08:55] <shaney101> it was in /boot/grub
[08:55] <jianfei> shaney101: you have left spaces otherwise yours completely matches my boot.lst
[08:55] <shaney101> ok so?
[08:55] <jianfei> waity
[08:56] <shaney101> jianfei fix it and mail it back
[08:56] <jianfei> cant help u...lol...looks identical..
[08:56] <shaney101> ?? try
[08:57] <jianfei> apologies mate
[08:57] <jianfei> im happy to email u mine
[08:57] <shaney101> spaces? will they help?
[08:57] <jianfei> no
[08:57] <shaney101> ok send me ur's
[08:57] <shaney101> but my version is 8.10
[08:57] <shaney101> any prob?
[08:59] <jianfei> im searching...
[08:59] <jianfei> where is it,,,?
[09:00] <jianfei> im fucking working on 2008 servers
[09:00] <jianfei> lol
[09:00] <shaney101> ohh
[09:00] <jianfei> WHERE IS IT?
[09:00] <shaney101> what?
[09:01] <jianfei> the location of boot.lst
[09:02] <jianfei> last chance
[09:02] <jianfei> where?
[09:02] <jianfei> i am happy to give you mine
[09:02] <jianfei> 8.10
[09:03] <jianfei> l0ol
[09:03] <jianfei> where?
[09:03] <shaney101> its in "/boot/grub/menu.lst"
[09:03] <jianfei> thank you
[09:03] <jianfei> im not a linux guru
[09:04] <jianfei> yet im attempting to help
[09:04] <shaney101> guru :D
[09:04] <jianfei> will email u on the same address
[09:04] <shaney101> yes
[09:05] <shaney101> done?
[09:06] <mib_d0myt6> ?
=== mib_d0myt6 is now known as shaney102
[09:06] <jianfei> shaney: ok
[09:06] <jianfei> done
[09:07] <shaney102> got
[09:07] <jianfei> k.
[09:07] <shaney102> thanks
[09:07] <jianfei> if it fails
[09:07] <jianfei> dont blame me
[09:07] <jianfei> its a clean install
[09:08] <jianfei> shaney: btw i get paid 200k to do something else....so no offence i got to get back to it..\
[09:09] <shaney102> k bye
[09:13] <jianfei> Q: how can u replace a boot.lst file with anothers?? lol
[09:14] <shaney101> hey it failed
[09:14] <shaney101> cant even boot in my pc
[09:14] <jianfei> no shit
[09:14] <shaney101> error 17:
[09:14] <jianfei> i never said replace the boot.lst .. i meant to copy parts of it
[09:15] <jianfei> lol
[09:15] <shaney101> oops
[09:15] <shaney101> i think i must get my live cd back now
[09:15] <jianfei> good fortune
[09:15] <jianfei> - -
[09:16] <shaney101> ~_~
[09:16] <jianfei> shaney: pls dont be so rude next time...i was trying to help you
[09:17] <shaney101> hey chill
[09:17] <shaney101> its my stupidity
[09:17] <jianfei> is it?
[09:17] <jianfei> hehehe
[09:17] <shaney101> not exactly
[09:17] <shaney101> you should have been explained properly
[09:18] <jianfei> yes
[09:18] <shaney101> anyways othr pc is booting now
[09:18] <jianfei> its all my fault
[09:18] <shaney101> can i access those files from live cd
[09:18] <jianfei> of course
[09:19] <jianfei> i really tried to help you
[09:19] <jianfei> im sorry it failed
[09:19] <shaney101> hey i opened it
[09:19] <shaney101> "/boot/grub but its blank
[09:20] <jianfei> perhaps u didnt save it?
[09:20] <jianfei> u have a backup?
[09:23] <shaney101> opening my email
[09:23] <shaney101> from live cd
[09:23] <jianfei> so anyway my point is...how can we release any themes like this? the end user cant go back to dos commands...we are trying to assist..yet the result?
[09:25] <jianfei> we need to concentrate on translucency, compiz cuts it...yet it does not..
[09:26] <jianfei> we are close
[09:26] <jianfei> very
[09:27] <jianfei> majority of people wont accept a theme such as dust
[09:27] <jianfei> its a tough one
[09:28] <jianfei> in this debate...no one is liked
[09:29] <jianfei> it is survival
[09:29] <jianfei> gui wars
[09:29] <jianfei> compiz raised a lot of eyebrows
[09:29] <jianfei> yet made no one blink
[09:30] <jianfei> the real question is...........why didnt they blink?
[09:30] <karmaferit> because its hacky
[09:30] <jianfei> perhaps
[09:31] <karmaferit> compiz is a hack ontop of the os, people want things to be seemless
[09:31] <jianfei> true...pple want seemless
[09:31] <karmaferit> and thats where ubuntu fails
[09:31] <jianfei> not by much
[09:31] <jianfei> yet it does
[09:32] <karmaferit> theres not enough qualified people nitpicking at the look and feel of it all
[09:33] <jianfei> i mean i can tweak my ubuntu as much as i want...yet i still seek something more...the thing i seek is what ubuntu should deliver
[09:34] <jianfei> guess what that is?
[09:34] <karmaferit> take gnome for example, after the transition to 2.xx we went into good enough mode, ubuntu's fallen into this trap for the user experience, its focus is on getting linux installed
[09:34] <jianfei> popularity........
[09:34] <jianfei> i need to know the OS i use....is popular
[09:36] <jianfei> dont we all have to quit being...so self centred by our OS of choice...??
[09:36] <jianfei> how do u make it popular?
[09:37] <jianfei> its just a sales issue
[09:37] <jianfei> yet ubuntu is free
[09:38] <jianfei> better wallpapers?
[09:38] <jianfei> no
[09:39] <jianfei> a seemless intergration of wine..that supports the latest office and adobe..
[09:39] <jianfei> so pple wont even notice the underlying OS
[09:40] <jianfei> ubuntu...unoticed
[09:40] <jianfei> hehe
[09:40] <karmaferit> choice is the issue, people don't want it, it complicates life
[09:40] <jianfei> true
[09:40] <karmaferit> a geek sure wants choice, options are fun
[09:41] <jianfei> yet if they didnt have time to think about the OS that delivers the packages they are used to...
[09:41] <jianfei> hmmm
[09:42] <karmaferit> ever had a chance to speak with troy, your musing seems similar.
[09:42] <jianfei> karma: im used to all things gui...
[09:43] <jianfei> just for a moment think about it...a gui unnoticed
[09:43] <jianfei> the end user doest care
[09:43] <jianfei> just wants the apps delivered
[09:43] <jianfei> and they have a right to have them delivered
[09:47] <jianfei> the end user as fussy as they are.....deserve reassurance
[09:48] <jianfei> not through compiz...through software compatibilty
[09:51] <jianfei> OS acceptance has already begun
[09:53] <jianfei> if im to use openoffice 2.4 why should i be able to use beta 3?
[09:54] <jianfei> shouldnt
[09:54] <jianfei> hehe
[09:55] <jianfei> should the end user really have the choice between gnome or kde?
[09:56] <jianfei> if yes..why?
[09:56] <BHSPitLappy> Am I the only one who sees the new wallpaper as something other than an Ibex?
[09:57] <BHSPitLappy> Like, the bloodied imprint of an undead's face against a basement wall?
[09:57] <karmaferit> jianfei: choice is the bane of the end user
[09:59] <karmaferit> BHSPitLappy: its better than the dots, but ubuntu's not the distro if you want a coherent look and feel
[09:59] <BHSPitLappy> hear hear
[09:59] <BHSPitLappy> I just think it borders toward "scary"
[09:59] <jianfei> karmaferit: http://img80.imageshack.us/my.php?image=intrepiddustym5.jpg i think that looks quite nice...yet what is the audience thinking?
[09:59] <thorwil> BHSPitLappy: i think you are the first to notice. it's surely a hint that ubuntu is actually made by enslaved undead chained into a cave
[10:00] <BHSPitLappy> thorwil, so my suspicions are confirmed then.
[10:01] <jianfei> karma: they want to see that desktop filled with MS OFFICE ADOBE CS3
[10:01] <karmaferit> jianfei: they're thinking, where do i start, theres no focus for ones eyes
[10:01] <jianfei> am i false?
[10:02] <BHSPitLappy> jianfei, is that just a long exposure shot, or is it mixed media?
[10:02] <BHSPitLappy> water looks neat
[10:02] <karmaferit> knowledgeable users you're not, average users who don't know the differences yes
[10:02] <BHSPitLappy> but yeah, it's a photograph not a wallpaper
[10:02] <jianfei> BHSPitLappy: www.interfacelift.com
[10:02] <karmaferit> a average new person when shown that, isn't going to know where to focus
[10:03] <karmaferit> since focus is always in the center
[10:03] <karmaferit> then by training during childhood( reading) top left corner
[10:03] <jianfei> karmaferit: you see..someone goes 'wow' then wonders where the apps are
[10:03] <BHSPitLappy> jianfei, yeah, I thought it might be HDR
[10:04] <jianfei> BHSP: it is
[10:05] <jianfei> karma: perhaps all customers are somewhat required to be stimulated by a OS
[10:07] <karmaferit> or presented with what they need with the least ammount of work
[10:07] <jianfei> karma: after the eyecandy...comes the icons...of familiar things MSOFFICE and yes CS3
[10:07] <karmaferit> http://www.phoronix.net/image.php?id=ubuntu_810_alpha1&image=ubuntu_810a1_screen the average, it doesn't present anything to you
[10:08] <karmaferit> http://www.guidebookgallery.org/pics/gui/desktop/empty/macosx102.png average mac desktop, all the apps you need/want on the bar
[10:08] <jianfei> besides Adobe PDF.. a few plugins later..such as amsn ...what else do they really want?
[10:09] <jianfei> if we are targeting gui the real gui...then we need to plan properly
[10:11] <jianfei> visual gui seemless integration
[10:13] <karmaferit> the other big issue is that the people doing things here there arn't all using the same desktop, case in point the ubuntu websites navigation buttons, during the release of ubuntu that featured firefox 3( GTK integration for navigation buttons) swapped to custom images for the navigation buttons
[10:13] <karmaferit> now why not just leave them as they were so that ubuntu's default web browser could theme them
[10:15] <jianfei> karmaferit: coz in the end...they dont really care
[10:16] <karmaferit> which is why they won't be the end of apple
[10:16] <jianfei> karmaferit: i hated adjusting as well...
[10:17] <jianfei> karmaferit: i was happy with novell
[10:17] <jianfei> lol
[10:18] <jianfei> btw...where is the Deb..of Novell Client?
[10:18] <jianfei> lol
[10:18] <jianfei> fanised
[10:18] <karmaferit> :P
[10:18] <jianfei> :-)
[10:18] <karmaferit> i rather liked suse's enterprise desktop
[10:18] <karmaferit> 10
[10:19] <karmaferit> it was rather nice to see what could happen
[10:19] <jianfei> karma: u remember Novell though?
[10:19] <jianfei> hehe
[10:19] <karmaferit> before my time i must say :P
[10:19] <jianfei> its gone
[10:19] <jianfei> now
[10:19] <jianfei> hehehe
[10:19] <jianfei> bugger
[10:21] <jianfei> but the gui thing is different
[10:22] <jianfei> im not here for show and tell...nor do i have the right to...
[10:22] <jianfei> yet the gui issue is no longer an issue...compiz sorted that out...
[10:23] <thorwil> jianfei: what _are_ your here for?
[10:23] <jianfei> open minded discussion
[10:24] <jianfei> thorwil: if u dont like my input im happy to leave...
[10:25] <thorwil> jianfei: nah, i don't own this channel
[10:26] <jianfei> me either...but i am raising serious questions here...god knows why i care...lol
[10:27] <jianfei> my civilian job is to teach students
[10:27] <thorwil> jianfei: i just started to wonder if you would switch to at least thinking about what you could do to improve things
[10:27] <jianfei> everyday i hear parents mention microsoft.......
[10:28] <thorwil> as with all due respect, we have oceans full of open minded discussion that didn't change a thing
[10:28] <jianfei> alright from an educational point of view.....make the OS seem transparent
[10:29] <jianfei> then deliver the industry standard applications on a OS that the targeted audience doesnt even think about
[10:30] <thorwil> jianfei: if you get to apoint where it doesn't matter if it's windows or ubuntu beneath th software, ubuntu and free software will have lost
[10:30] <jianfei> thorwil: incorrect in my opinion...it will have won
[10:30] <jianfei> transparency
[10:31] <jianfei> a student will not have to think
[10:31] <jianfei> it will come down to hardware cost
[10:31] <jianfei> not software
[10:32] <jianfei> thorwil: they wont care
[10:32] <thorwil> jianfei: if all you care about is delivering proprietary applications, you lose all advantages of software freedom
[10:34] <jianfei> perhaps..yet which target audience are we focusing on?
[10:36] <jianfei> btw i dont deserve to be booted off a channel..
[10:36] <thorwil> jianfei: huh?
[10:37] <jianfei> thorwil..
[10:37] <jianfei> i was booted
[10:37] <thorwil> jianfei: nobody kicked you, it was: * jianfei has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:37] <Flannel> jianfei: No, you disconnected
[10:38] <jianfei> i felt my opinions were quite vaild
[10:39] <jianfei> arent we supposed to shape the future of OS?
[10:39] <jianfei> hehehe
[10:40] <thorwil> jianfei: it is true that there are a lot of users out there that we can hardly win without letting them have there precious adobe suite and maybe MS office
[10:40] <jianfei> thorwil: and if we attract those...
[10:41] <thorwil> jianfei: but you have to wonder why free softeware developers should invest their time and skill to serve the wishes of people who are ignorant about the very foundation of free software
[10:42] <thorwil> jianfei: also, if a user doesn't need to care if he's using ubuntu or windows, that's very bad for marketing. also means a lack of incentive for other to develop for linux
[10:42] <jianfei> thorwil: yet these are our unloyal customers...they are the 'numbers'
[10:42] <thorwil> jianfei: many say this is what killed os/2
[10:43] <jianfei> thorwil: we have to forget that
[10:43] <jianfei> thorwil: focus on the future
[10:43] <jianfei> otherwise we will be in endless blogs of argument
[10:44] <jianfei> thorwil: brb wife calls
[10:44] <jianfei> - -
[10:44] <thorwil> jianfei: yeah, i also implied that mere words will not change a thing
[10:45] <thorwil> s/also/already/
[10:46] <jianfei> thorwil: true... yet i have to order a pizza for my wife...im here but in spirit
[10:46] <jianfei> lol
[10:46] <jianfei> btw: the interpid gui is perfect
[10:47] <jianfei> intrepid
[10:48] <thorwil> perfect? by what kind of requirements / or in which context?
[10:48] <jianfei> thorwil: http://img80.imageshack.us/my.php?image=intrepiddustym5.jpg
[10:49] <thorwil> jianfei: that surely is not what users of intrepid will see
[10:50] <jianfei> thorwil: only took 15 mins
[10:50] <jianfei> hehehe
[11:00] <jianfei> thorwil: ok ..the pizza is ordered..
[11:02] <jianfei> thorwil: dont get me wrong..im questioning the gui and the effects it will have on the customers...ive noticed yes it will assist..yet in the end they expect results
[11:02] <jianfei> no matter what the age
[11:03] <jianfei> do u realise how difficult it will be to turn parents from msoffice to openoffice?
[11:04] <gaminggeek> it all depends how computer savy they areeeeeee
[11:04] <gaminggeek> woa sorry about the eeeee overload
[11:04] <jianfei> they all realise its free..yet how do u change their mindset
[11:05] <gaminggeek> just install it :)
[11:05] <thorwil> jianfei: yes, i'm familiar with users who don't actually understand a thing and work strictly schematic, if that's what you mean
[11:05] <gaminggeek> say its office 2009
[11:05] <jianfei> thats the problem im faced with every monday morning at at our board meetings
[11:06] <karmaferit> it would help if openoffice was atleast intergrated fully with atleast 1 platform
[11:06] <jianfei> it is a bugger of a thing
[11:06] <jianfei> hehe
[11:06] <karmaferit> its hacky
[11:07] <jianfei> its so fixable..
[11:07] <Hellow> lots of things are
[11:07] <karmaferit> its not gnome GTK+ so it doesn't look 100% in gnome, its not aqua so its not 100% in OS X, and its even hacky on windows
[11:07] <karmaferit> gnome's**
[11:08] <karmaferit> if i were to recreate it i would whipe the UI and make a custom version for each platform
[11:08] <gaminggeek> karmaferit: looks alright on vista
[11:09] <karmaferit> Microsoft manages to do this with Office, it has a windows version and a totally different Mac os version
[11:09] <thorwil> karmaferit: if you were to recreate it, you suddenly would have much more man hours to your disposal, then? ;)
[11:10] <karmaferit> thorwil: im musing on a ideal world
[11:11] <karmaferit> for the non-ideal i would follow firefox's lead, where they don't have native toolkit versions of the application but have intergration with each platform
[11:12] <karmaferit> for GTK+ they use the icon theme from the desktop
[11:12] <karmaferit> for all the other version they have separate themes custom made for the OS
[11:35] <jianfei> karma: perhaps we can chat another time...i would like that..my wife now knows what im doing...'are u still on ubuntu'
[11:35] <jianfei> lol
[15:13] <_MMA_> Yo kids.
[15:19] <thorwil> _MMA_: hi! right when i'm going to ride my bicycle
[15:23] <yanndinendal> hi
[15:24] <yanndinendal> do you know what happened to the new sounds that were in kwwii's ppa in august?
[15:24] <yanndinendal> was this just a test
[15:24] <yanndinendal> ?
[15:25] <yanndinendal> I liked them but they are not here anymore
[15:59] <rsc---> somethinglikethat
[16:55] <kwwii> rsc---: hey man, did you get my emails?
[16:56] <rsc---> yeah.
[16:56] <rsc---> i dont think the feedback is very good about that wallpaper though.
[16:57] <kwwii> rsc---: which feedback?
[16:57] <kwwii> don't worry about what gets said on the forums...there are always people who complain
[16:57] <rsc---> just what people say about it i mean
[16:57] <rsc---> it looks weird, etc
[16:57] <rsc---> :)
[16:57] <_MMA_> Pfftt..
[16:58] * _MMA_ loves it. :)
[16:58] * kwwii too
[17:00] <kwwii> rsc---: could you send me the original (no matter which format)...I would like to use the background image in gdm as well
[17:02] <rsc---> original of?
[17:02] <rsc---> i mean which original?
[17:13] <_MMA_> rsc---: Damn. I can't find your Ibex wallpaper page. :(
[17:14] <rsc---> its in the intrepid incoming folder.
[17:14] <rsc---> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Earthenibex_wallpaper
[17:16] <_MMA_> Muchos gracias
[17:17] <kwwii> rsc---: we are using the cave3 pic you posted last week
[17:19] <kwwii> so if you have an orig of that it would be great
[17:20] <_MMA_> rsc---: Do you have the 2nd earthenibex image minus the text?
[17:20] <rsc---> yep
[17:21] <rsc---> sigh, i wonder why its not there.
[17:21] <rsc---> lemme see if i can get it there too
[17:21] <kwwii> good idea
[17:21] <kwwii> :-)
[17:21] * kwwii cooks dinner for the family
[17:22] <_MMA_> ok. The text doesnt work well if you set the view to "Zoom" to preserve the aspect. You might wanna move the text or make a 4:3 version if you want to retain the composition.
[17:24] <tretle> Hi, Im using intrepid atm and saw this post - http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-8-10-Has-a-Brand-New-Wallpaper-95451.shtml ... Is the alternate wallpaper going to be included too?
[17:24] <_MMA_> rsc---: But man, this thing is gorgeous.
[17:25] <rsc---> on a separate note, i think i just found the cause of my harddrive crash. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DanielHahler/Bug59695 :( :( :(
[17:25] * _MMA_ clicks
[17:25] <_MMA_> rsc---: Oh wow. Ouch.
[17:25] <thorwil> _MMA_: so, how are you doing?
[17:26] <thorwil> rsc---: ouch?
[17:26] <_MMA_> Ok. Not much to do here but work.
[17:26] <_MMA_> But 60hr work weeks keep me pretty busy.
[17:26] <thorwil> ic
[17:40] <_MMA_> bbl
[17:40] <rsc---> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Earthenibex_wallpaper should be there in a few minutes
[17:45] <tretle> rsc--- so It will be included in final?
[17:46] <rsc---> i have no say on that, tretle
[17:47] <tretle> hopefully, I like the new one included but those two alternative ones would go better with newhuman
[17:48] <tretle> couldnt be a matter of cd space as I heard they are sticking on a community created song and video on the disk, would prefer some more quality wallpapers myself :D
[17:48] <thorwil> cd space seems to be a matter, always. the size restriction for the example content are pretty tough
[17:49] <rsc---> on 2nd thought i'm not happy about the new wallpaper
[17:49] <rsc---> lol
[17:50] <thorwil> rsc---: are you one of those artists that tend to be never satisfied? :)
[17:51] <rsc---> sort of, but it's beyond that.
[17:51] <rsc---> http://www.behance.net/Gallery/Intrepid-Ibex/132891 this is how it was supposed to be -- not even a wallpaper, actually.
[17:51] <rsc---> but making compromises to make it "wallpaper-able" and neutral was quite a half-baked effort
[17:52] <tretle> hmmm..... in terms of content like video/music etc I would have prefered a dropbox like solution.. Was slightly surprized to see jonos post on the added song/video when the size of the cd has always been a major restriction when it came to the inclusion of more themes/wallpapers which are more relevant to ubuntu then adding a song/video.. I do like the idea though.
[17:52] <rsc---> the end result is that it's not even recognizeable as an animal, looks dirty, etc
[17:52] <thorwil> rsc---: your half-baked is more than many other attempts had to offer at all
[17:53] <rsc---> but nonetheless half-baked.
[17:53] <rsc---> the most ideal thing to do was to actually create a wallpaper with the vision of being a neutral wallpaper
[17:53] <rsc---> but instead, it was just an image shoehorned into a wallpaper as a silhouette
[17:54] <tretle> rsc - did you make https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Earthenibex_wallpaper?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=earthenibex-full-text.png ?
[17:54] <thorwil> rsc---: there's a high risk of creating something stale if you aim at neutral too hard
[17:55] <thorwil> rsc---: anyway, might become time for you to move on
[17:55] <rsc---> tretle, everything on that wiki page, yes
[17:56] <rsc---> and the url i posted earlier
[17:56] <rsc---> thorwil, move on?
[17:56] <tretle> I hope some of the more sharp variations make it in
[17:56] <thorwil> rsc---: yes, as in leaving that ibex for good
[17:57] <tretle> would have stopped using computers all together if this made it as default - http://www.gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-files/91122-Magic_X.jpg lol
[17:57] <thorwil> wow!
[17:58] <tretle> :)
[17:58] <thorwil> but the artist should have made it glossy, somehow!!
[17:58] <rsc---> yeah maybe
[17:58] <rsc---> i got something good planne dto try out for jaunty :p
[18:01] <thorwil> would be fun to have a seemingly serious animal wallpaper with the jackalope for beta releases
[18:03] <rsc---> i gotta admit i love thsi idea http://he1z.deviantart.com/art/The-FWA-New-Day-99586296
[18:05] <rsc---> thorwil: http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/3862/screenshot2ph5.jpg
[18:05] <tretle> I don't think that aiming for something plane is the way to go, I think you did quite well with your ibex attempts, they weren't plane, they were original and they jumped out at you but not in a bad way. The colours were sharp and distinct and there was an imaginative use of textures and shapes.. The fact that it made it to softpedia was great but you should take pride that one of your works which is not included with intrepid(yet?) also made it on th
[18:05] <tretle> e article
[18:05] <rsc---> plane=plain?
[18:06] <tretle> yup
[18:06] <tretle> planne=plain?
[18:06] <tretle> lol
[18:07] <thorwil> rsc---: yes, that catches some of what we should have. allthough, for theming, there could be a conflict with making things look stable and reliable
[18:07] <rsc---> of course not for theming.
[18:09] <thorwil> rsc---: if that is yours, could you please add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/KyudoGuidelines/Mood?
[18:09] <thorwil> dinner time, bbl
[18:09] <rsc---> ill see.
[18:10] <rsc---> and yes its ine
[18:10] <rsc---> *mine
[18:13] <tretle> rsc--- you are he1z then?
[18:14] <rsc---> no
[18:14] <rsc---> oops
[18:15] <rsc---> i meant http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/3862/screenshot2ph5.jpg is mine
[18:16] <tretle> ooh.. Must of missed that link, nice :D
[18:17] * rsc--- wishes the new macbook will be compatible with Intrepid.
[18:17] <rsc---> ah shit nevermind, it doesn't come in 17" so i'm not buying one. :P
[18:20] <tretle> the one with nvidia chipset?
[18:20] <tretle> I like there new wireless keyboards, maily because of the absence of a windows/apple logo in favor for the word command
[18:21] <rsc---> oh no.
[18:22] <rsc---> apple's wireless keyboard.
[18:22] <tretle> ?
[18:22] <rsc---> aside from being ridiculously expensive, the bottom-leftmost key is the fn key
[18:22] <rsc---> (facepalm)
[18:22] <rsc---> I'd like it as ctrl thank you
[18:23] <rsc---> also, no pgup/pgdn.
[18:24] <rsc---> sucks being too reliant on ctrl/alt/super like I am. I get picky with keyboards
[18:25] <tretle> I never use pgup or pgdown so wouldnt mind, what annoys me about the apple keybaord I am using right now is the absence of a # symbol on the keyboard, annoying for so many things
[18:25] <rsc---> I use it when coding.
[18:25] <rsc---> and i edit a lot of 900-line CSS files
[18:25] <rsc---> which makes pgup/dn quite indispensable for me
[18:25] <rsc---> #? how about shift+3?
[18:25] <tretle> try no having a # symbol when coding
[18:26] <tretle> that would be the pound symbol which is pretty useless becaus ein ireland we use euros
[18:26] <rsc---> oh.
[18:26] <rsc---> nothing keyboard mapping or xmodmap couldn't fix, im sure
[18:27] <tretle> indeed but still annoying not having a physical marker as to where the # symbol is
[18:28] <rsc---> oh, well. sharpie? haha
[18:28] <tretle> and for some odd reason I have found myself freaking out at the fact keyboards are sold with that stupid windows logo, I havent used windows on my system for a long long time and I dont think hardware should be branded with there logo
[18:29] <tretle> I brame the absence of windows logo on netbooks for my new found insanity
[18:29] <tretle> :D lol
[18:55] <thorwil> plop
[18:56] <_MMA_> flush
[18:59] * thorwil looks into Sebastian's aliasing issue
[19:00] * thorwil likely knows the answer
[19:01] <_MMA_> thorwil: So what's your feeling on this optical drive if his? (anyone else feel free to chime in)
[19:01] <_MMA_> s/if/of
[19:02] <thorwil> _MMA_: i like the firts, but not the second. if he would fix the right side of the tray, i would be for including it
[19:02] * _MMA_ brings up the current images.
[19:02] <thorwil> well, ok, small sizes need some work, too
[19:04] <thorwil> _MMA_: he seems to have a quite good feel for shading and reasonably good perspective. but he has a tendency to mess up left/right symmetry
[19:04] <_MMA_> Yeah. I see issue on the right. Odd how he missed that.
[19:04] <thorwil> whereas i have to fight my damn tendency to end up with a gray mess :)
[19:05] <_MMA_> :P
[19:05] <_MMA_> I am also for using the 1st.
[19:06] <thorwil> _MMA_: a mail from you asking for that fix might motivate him. i do not want to modify his work if it's not necessary
[19:23] <kwwii> re
[19:24] <_MMA_> thorwil: Sure. I'll read over things and shoot of n email.
[19:24] * thorwil edits Means to Express the Message
[19:26] <Cimi> kwwii, update murrine
[19:26] <Cimi> and remember to add firefox support for rounded gtkentry
[19:28] <kwwii> Cimi: right, those changes should go in tomorrow sometime (or possibly later if it takes a while to get it included)
[20:04] <coz_> is troys gone for good or just temporarily?
[20:05] <_MMA_> For good last I heard.
[20:05] <coz_> oh man thats a shame
[20:07] <thorwil> the revolution will happen with or without him. or it will not happen :)
[20:07] <coz_> true
[20:08] <BHSPitLappy> and it won't be televised I hear
[20:08] <BHSPitLappy> much to the dismay of our audience at home
[20:11] <thorwil> _MMA_: i think this is for you: http://www.monkeyreview.co.uk/index.php/2008/10/09/i-introduce-the-kazookeylele-this-is-wha
[20:12] * _MMA_ clicks
[20:18] <thorwil> aww, seems he didn't like it
[20:20] <BHSPitLappy> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw8sNoodIDk
[20:20] <BHSPitLappy> way better
[20:21] <thorwil> in making the dog angry
[20:22] <BHSPitLappy> thorwil, watch it
[20:40] <jianfei> the russians are planning a attak
[20:43] <BHSPitLappy> thanks for the heads-up
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