UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /12 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <manish> i have some problem with KDE
[00:00] <manish> can not connect to internet through Konqueror and kmail
[00:00] <manish> please help
[00:01] <dustman> manish: are you using irc from the same box?
[00:01] <jmichaelx> as of the last few days, i am completely unable to play most videos in Kaffeine in k/ubuntu hardy. i believe that this started after an "upgrade" on friday. does anyone know how to correct this?
[00:01] <manish> ya
[00:02] <manish> dustman can you help me solve it
[00:02] <dustman> have you edited firewall rules?
[00:03] <manish> how do i do that
[00:03] <chfwiggum> manish: is firefox or any other browser working?
[00:03] <manish> i am able to run the net from forefox and terminal and konversation
[00:03] <manish> but not through konqueror adept and kmail
[00:04] <dustman> have you configured kmail?
[00:04] <manish> this is only happening now when i am connecting through reliance data connect
[00:04] <manish> when i connect through lanor wifi every thing works fine
[00:05] <manish> how do i do that
[00:05] <manish> it was working fine in the evening when i was connecting through my college wifi
[00:05] <dustman> manish: try using in-built help
[00:06] <manish> sorry
[00:06] <manish> ?
[00:06] <chfwiggum> jmichaelx: does mplayer work?did u upgrade to kde4?maybe youre missing some xine libs or whatsoever
[00:06] <dustman> or simply look in Settings and see what's there
[00:07] <jmichaelx> chfwiggum: no, i do not have kde4 installed, and yes, mplayer is working just fine. i have this problem on 2 different machines running kubuntu.
[00:07] <chfwiggum> then its sth with xine
[00:07] <chfwiggum> check if u got the extras installed
[00:07] <manish> but it was working fine in the evenign when i was connecting by wifi or lan
[00:08] <manish> now what happened suddenly
[00:08] <manish> like
[00:08] <jmichaelx> chfwiggum: i have all of the extras installed.
[00:08] <manish> dustman u there
[00:08] <chfwiggum> jmichaelx: is the correct driver set?
[00:09] <jmichaelx> chfwiggum: videos played just fine intil a day or so ago, on both machines
[00:09] <dustman> manish: it's hard to guess
[00:09] <jmichaelx> chfwiggum: which driver do you mean?
[00:09] <sarir> does anybody have problem to activate the hardware drivers?
[00:09] <manish> do u want any info from my side
[00:09] <dustman> just try switching wifi off and see if any of firefox or konqueror still pick connections
[00:09] <sarir> i'm trying to activate it but it seems that i doesnt work or something like that
[00:10] <sarir> it*
[00:10] <manish> wifi is not present here
[00:10] <manish> here only reliance data card is working
[00:10] <jmichaelx> chfwiggum: there was a kaffeine update/upgrade a few days ago (i think friday), and since then kaffeine has ceased to work.
[00:10] <dustman> manish: try picking at problems one by one
[00:10] <sarir> lol
[00:10] <manish> and how do i do that
[00:11] <chfwiggum> jmichaelx:u may want to check if the xine-drivers are set correct
[00:11] <dustman> well, if you disconnect wire while wifi is on, you can see if problem is at that card
[00:11] <sarir> in any case when somebody will have a little bit of time: i cannot activate my Nvidia graphics driver (version 177) - the recommended one. What should i do?
[00:12] <dustman> and vice versa
[00:12] <manish> but there is no lan or wifi here
[00:12] <jmichaelx> chfwiggum: what do you mean by xine-drivers? and why would xine settings have suddenly changed?
[00:12] <dustman> you're posting somehow, manish
[00:12] <mixed1234> dustman, have you ever had a problem with wireless with encryption enabled??? I am enabled to get an IP with encryption enabled
[00:13] <mixed1234> dustman, i meant to say I am unable to get an IP with encryption enabled :-(
[00:13] <manish> ya my konversion and terminal are working
[00:13] <manish> i mean i am able to update
[00:13] <manish> and download using terminal
[00:14] <dustman> mixed1234: sorry, but I didnøt use wifi in last 6 months
[00:14] <manish> the problem is not with wifi or lan its with reliance data connect card or the kde apps
[00:14] <dustman> manish: have you read man pages for apt-get?
[00:14] <manish> how do i do that
[00:15] <dustman> you can re-install whole kde meta package if you really need to
[00:15] <manish> and y do i need to read about apt-get
[00:15] <dustman> 'man man'
[00:15] <mixed1234> dustman, thanks anyway! I plan on being mobile, probably will get a kick-ass lappie with wireless and only use my desktop as a server but that's once i figure out how to fix the wireless on linux, it works on xp but I rarely use xp nowadays
[00:15] <dustman> quite a bit of info
[00:15] <manish> but what will be the use
[00:15] <manish> ok will do that
[00:16] <dustman> manish: most likely problem is in config of some of kde packages
[00:17] <dustman> since networking is accessible
[00:17] <manish> so how do i solve them
[00:17] <dustman> manish: most likely hard way
[00:17] <dustman> a lot of googling
[00:18] <dustman> trying to specify problem and searching for that
[00:18] <manish> but when i dont know what the prob is what do i google
[00:18] <manish> the real prob is i dont know what is the real prob
[00:18] <manish> ???:)
[00:18] <jmichaelx> chfwiggum: unforunately i am to leave for a bit, but i'll remain signed in, in case you were going to send another message.
[00:18] <dustman> well, if one browser works and another doesn't, I'd blame a browser which doesn't work
[00:19] <jmichaelx> thx for trying to help
[00:19] <manish> and what about the mailing client and package manager that dont work along with the browser
[00:20] <dustman> manish: my guess would be you did something nasty while configuring kde
[00:21] <dustman> I'm using kde just 2nd day myself and can't pinpoint your culprit
[00:22] <manish> ok
[00:22] <manish> then i wont force somethin upon yu
[00:22] <manish> have you ever used virtual machine
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[00:23] <dustman> not really, just played for a bit
[00:23] <manish> there too i have a prob
[00:23] <mixed1234> manish, if you dont get an answer heree, try www.linuxquestions.org
[00:23] <manish> would you like to peep into it
[00:26] <dustman> manish: do you have a lot of data on that laptop?
[00:27] <manish> i just formatted it a day ago
[00:27] <dustman> coz' quick check with livecd, preferably kubuntu, could answer some questions for ya
[00:28] <manish> how
[00:28] <dustman> booting from cd and checking net accessibility with konqueror will answer a quesion on config
[00:29] <dustman> if you by mistake changed something in kde, you simply can re-install whole system
[00:29] <manish> ok i can not access net using a live cd
[00:29] <manish> because i need to change settings in a file before i can use this device to access net
[00:30] <dustman> which file and which device?
[00:30] <manish> the device is reliancew data card
[00:30] <manish> reliance data card
[00:31] <dustman> manish: you used it before with linux? or windows?
[00:32] <manish> never
[00:32] <manish> with windows yes
[00:32] <manish> the company provides drivers for windows
[00:32] <manish> for linux i had to google a lot and then i found a way
[00:33] <manish> the person who suggested the way is using the net comfortably
[00:33] <dustman> but it didn't work with linux for you?
[00:33] <manish> the file is /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh
[00:33] <manish> ya
[00:34] <dustman> http://freedomyug.wordpress.com/2007/08/18/reliance-data-card-howto/
[00:34] <kanti123> Hello all
[00:34] <kanti123> I need some help with my wireless card
[00:35] <kanti123> I have m2n32 SLI mobo and i've install Kubuntu 8. The wireless card that came with mobo start working out of the box, but i don't want it to start i want to set my D-Link to be default
[00:35] <kanti123> i've already install D-link DWA 130 driver and its working
[00:35] <kanti123> just need to make it in to Wlan0 instead of wlan 1
[00:36] <kanti123> Can any one help me? Thanks
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[00:40] <chfwiggum> Tctcp bobesponja
[00:40] <kanti123> ???
[00:42] <BluesKaj> !ru | chfwiggum
[00:42] <ubottu> chfwiggum: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[00:42] <chfwiggum> BluesKaj: very funny
[00:42] <chfwiggum> :)
[00:43] <jmichaelx> as of the last few days, i am completely unable to play most videos in Kaffeine in k/ubuntu hardy. i believe that this started after an "upgrade" on friday. does anyone know how to correct this? i am experiencing this on two machines.
[00:43] <CoJaBo-Eee> jmichaelx: What does it do?
[00:44] <manish> already checked that link
[00:44] <manish> not useful
[00:44] <bobesponja> !fr
[00:44] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[00:44] <jmichaelx> CoJaBo-Eee: it simply tries to load the codecs, over and over, each time reporting that they are already installed.
[00:44] <BluesKaj> check your video card drivers , make sure they are up to date
[00:44] <bobesponja> !jp
[00:44] <ubottu> 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい
[00:44] <manish> igotcha go for now will catch up with you later
[00:45] <bobesponja> !dolphin
[00:45] <ubottu> Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.
[00:45] <bobesponja> !sex
[00:45] <ubottu> Some things are inappropriate for #kubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)
[00:46] <CoJaBo-Eee> jmichaelx: I had a lot of trouble with the default player so I installed VLC, you can try and see if that works.
[00:46] <CoJaBo-Eee> lol
[00:46] <CoJaBo-Eee> !pie
[00:46] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about pie
[00:47] <dustman> good night
[00:48] <jmichaelx> CoJaBo-Eee: unless i do not understand something, the way xine/kaffeine and other multimedia matters are maintained in kubuntu is just awful. basically no bug checking before sending upgrades through.
[00:48] <jmichaelx> i wish i could judt undo some of the updates from last week
[00:48] <jmichaelx> just*
[00:50] <CoJaBo-Eee> Mine wouldn't play certain files, it just exited. Then I got VLC and it plays everything nicely.
[00:50] <FFForever> is there any way to play rmvb in vlc?
[00:50] <sarir> i cannot activate my drivers!
[00:50] <sarir> jockey has a bug or what is it!
[00:50] <sarir> i dont know
[00:51] <jmichaelx> CoJaBo-Eee: right now kaffeine will play almost nothing. i doubt i am alone in this.
[00:51] <CoJaBo-Eee> Did you try VLC?
[00:52] <chfwiggum> jmichaelx: mine performs nicely
[00:52] <jmichaelx> i have vlc installed, and yes, it does play the videos fine.
[00:52] <jmichaelx> chfwiggum: is your machine completely updated/upgraded?
[00:53] <CoJaBo-Eee> I never even bothered to fix my other player, VLC does everything I need lol
[00:53] <chfwiggum> jmichaelx: i check my stuff
[00:54] <jmichaelx> chfwiggum: if your system is completely updated and upgraded, and you have all of your repos enabled, i would be very surprised of kaffeine were working nicely for you.
[00:54] <chfwiggum> jmichaelx: oh, those bad updates
[00:55] <jmichaelx> chfwiggum: actually, imany case, they can indeed be bad
[00:55] <jmichaelx> in many*
[00:57] <Breetai> I would like to block getting kde apps from intreped and only get kde 3.5 and apps from hardy. Anyone have any idea how to do that, or know where I could look to put something like that together?
[00:57] <dr_willis> You are using Intrepid and want to use kde 3.5 ?
[00:57] <chfwiggum> Breetai: what system are you running now?
[00:58] <jmichaelx> kubuntu switching completely to kde4 in intrepid is another bad mistake (in my opinion)
[00:58] <Breetai> I have an Acer Aspire One. It runs much better on Intreped out of the box, as opposed to Hardy and patching it.
[00:58] <dr_willis> kde3 will still be in the repos wont it? I havent messed with Intrepid yet.
[00:58] <Breetai> However the little lady wants her kde 3.5 and detests kde 4.1
[00:58] <Breetai> I want my cake and to eat it too.
[00:59] <jmichaelx> dr_willis: as i understand it, no, kde3 will not be in the official repos
[01:00] <jmichaelx> Breetai: kde4 is simply missing a lot of functionality at this point, and tends to be very crashy, at least in the implementations i have been exposed to
[01:01] <dr_willis> jmichaelx, i agree. Kde is still a work in progress
[01:02] <jmichaelx> dr_willis: of course it is, and the progress in kde4 is not far enough along to be a stable desktop.
[01:02] <Breetai> jmichaelx: 1) I agree, it is not ready for primetime. It should be able to emulate 3.5 and then they can add to that. 2) If the Folder View could be the size of the desktop and transparent, I could get away with it.
[01:04] <Breetai> I just figure there should be some way to mask out anything kde4 from apt and add "hardy" just for kde3. My skills with manipulating apt are lacking.
[01:04] <jmichaelx> i have one desktop running fedora 9, and they switched solely to kde4 months ago. it is awful.
[01:05] <Breetai> I know I can run the kde build script to build from svn, but I will have to compile every app from here to the end of time.
[01:05] <jmichaelx> Breetai: it usually does not work that way. you'd likely break your system.
[01:05] <Breetai> jmichaelx: I have considered that.
[01:06] <Breetai> jmichaelx: to bad Conical has decided that my choices are hardy and poor hardware support but KDE 3. Or to get decent hardware support on Intrepid but to go suck an egg when it comes to KDE3.
[01:06] <jmichaelx> as sloppily as kubuntu seems to be put together and maintained to begin with in kde3.5, i have little confidence in how things will be in kde4
[01:07] <jmichaelx> Breetai: you, i and many others ahre those feelings
[01:07] <jmichaelx> share*
[01:07] <Breetai> jmichaelx: There should at least be a repository for kde 3.5 that could be added. Even if not on by default.
[01:08] <jmichaelx> Breetai: i think there may already be a 3rd party kde3 repo for intrepid
[01:08] <Breetai> jmichaelx: It looks like they are trying to push users to Sidux, pure Debian or **gasp** Fedora 9.
[01:08] <jmichaelx> Breetai: fedora 9 does not have kde3
[01:08] <Breetai> jmichaelx: I have tried to find it, but google is failing me, which it rarely does.
[01:09] <Breetai> jmichaelx: Really? All the big boys are making the same mistake. Even if KDE 4 **works** it does not work well enough to shut down KDE 3.5. It is so rock solid, dependable, and FUNCTIONAL.
[01:09] <jmichaelx> i agree
[01:10] <jmichaelx> fedora was among the first to switch totally to kde4, and man have they had complaints
[01:11] <Breetai> I bet they have. I remember the switch from KDE 1 to KDE 2 and from KDE 2 to KDE 3. It was always an upgrade. You always gained more functionality, not losing it.
[01:11] <jmichaelx> i have vista installed on this desktop in virtualbox. will that virtual installation still work when i upgrade to intrepid, or will i need to re-install it.
[01:11] <jmichaelx> ?
[01:12] <Breetai> The real problem, is we have an entrenched desktop paradigm. Apple has been using it since 84. After 28 years, telling folks you cant put stuff on the desktop and see it, just does not go over well.
[01:12] <jmichaelx> Breetai: i am sure that kde4 _will_ be nice with time, but as you said, it just isn't nearly ready at this point.
[01:13] <Breetai> Yes, when they have it dialed it. It will be cool to split your desktop into lets say 3rds. Desktop icons, maybe your docuents folder, then lets say a view like all documents that have changed in the last 3 days. Or all unaswered email from the last week.
[01:13] <FFForever> how come it stops at 17% when loading linux kernel?
[01:14] <jmichaelx> Breetai: speaking literally of 'putting things on the desktop', another thing that most people do not get at this point, is the whoe 'desktop view' business in kde4. wtf is that all about?
[01:14] <Breetai> But since with all of the "cool features" around the corner, you can't have a view right now of a desktop with your background, icons on top of it that looks like the old skool stuff we all know about.
[01:14] <Breetai> It is a cool idea, once all the features are there.
[01:14] <Breetai> The real question is, even if you could do it all right now.
[01:14] <jmichaelx> Breetai: it may be, but i fail to see its value at this point
[01:14] <Breetai> Would you create a view of all unswered email?
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[01:15] <Breetai> Would you create a view of mp3's with missing album tags? All spreadsheets?
[01:15] <jmichaelx> lol
[01:16] <Breetai> I may never use it, it might be NICE, if I could do that in addition to having an old skool desktop
[01:17] <jmichaelx> i am not excited about redoing my system, but i am so tempted to switch to lenny
[01:17] <Breetai> But since they have decided that these new features are needed, that we will all love them and use them, and sacrificing 28 years of familiarity would be a worthwhile price to pay. I may join you on Lenny as well.
[01:18] <Breetai> I am sure the Ubuntu and xubuntu users will be happy.
[01:18] <Breetai> Truth be known, I run fluxbox 95% of the time, and xfce 4% of the time with 1% going to everything else.
[01:19] <clara> #alcoi
[01:19] <jmichaelx> Breetai: yeah, that would be the next option , i guess. i am a dedicated kde fan... but when fedora switched to kde4, i switched to xfce on my fedora box.
[01:19] <Breetai> KDE 4 apps will work just fine for me. I dont have to look at their desktop.
[01:20] <Breetai> It just ticks me off. We all hear about how arrogant that the gnome devs are. Pulling configurations options out to make things dumbed down. "Here you will like it just like this, if you dont' it is because you are stupid"
[01:20] <Breetai> Now the KDE devs are doing the same thing. People say "I want my desktop the old way" and they say "we know better than you do, you will like this"
[01:23] <jmichaelx> Breetai: they have alienated a lot of their users... and i am sure they didn't intend to do this. it can still be largely avoided if kde4 continues to be treated as beta software for a while yet
[01:24] <bla__> has any one used vitrualbox in ubuntu 8,10 yet
[01:25] <jmichaelx> bla__: i have not, but i have vista installed in virtualbox in 8.04, and have been wondering whether or not it would still work if i upgraded to 8.10....
[01:25] <Breetai> jmichaelx: They have made hoards of changes. All they have to do, is take the time to to make a new "Folder View" applet that takes up 100% of the desktop, is 100% transparent, and the other plasmoids would live UNDER it. Then you can F8 or something to bring the plasmoides to the top to work with them, and the cachew can stay on top all the time.
[01:25] <bla__> yea...that and i want to run dual monters
[01:26] <jmichaelx> bla__: yea what? do you mean your virtual machines did still work in intrepid after you dist-upgraded?
[01:26] <evilmole> i can't figure out how to make my panel save it's widget settings in KDE4
[01:27] <jmichaelx> Breetai: that would be an excellent idea
[01:27] <Breetai> jmicahelx: It would end all of the grief, and then they can do whatever else it is that they want to do. But noooo, it has to be a big pissing match between "whiners who want it the old way" and devs who "know what is best for you".
[01:27] <bla__> i dont know yet still installing....just geting input b4 i screw it up
[01:28] <jmichaelx> bla__: ahhh. are you in the process of upgrading to intrepid right now?
[01:28] <Breetai> jmichaelx: I bet they could whip it together in less than 2 weeks. Shoot I bet they have lost more than a month of productive coding just dealing with the grief of upset users.
[01:28] <bla__> jmichaelx, i did a clean install....no upgrade..we will c
[01:29] <sarir> i am desperate
[01:29] <jmichaelx> bla__: if you are doing a fresh 8.10 install, i would guess that chances are pretty high that virtualbox will work for you
[01:29] <bla__> what do u know about running 2 moniters
[01:29] <sarir> to alter xorg.conf file, somebody can help me. it's the last step i must do to activate the nvidia graphic driver
[01:29] <jmichaelx> i know very little about that
[01:29] <bla__> cool
[01:29] <bla__> thx
[01:30] <jmichaelx> sarir: did you just install the proprietary nvidia drivers?
[01:30] <sarir> jep
[01:30] <sarir> but now i must do the last step
[01:30] <sarir> and dont know how!
[01:30] <kevin_> hello all, after upgrading to I I 8.10 after the grub menu I get the message :unable to laod system description tables...and after that the screen goes blank, can any one help?
[01:30] <jmichaelx> sarir: it is likely that your xorg.conf was automatically changed for you
[01:30] <sarir> sarir, you also need to alter your xorg.conf file somebody told me jmichaelx
[01:31] <sarir> arg
[01:31] <jmichaelx> sarir: it is possible
[01:31] <sarir> jmichaelx, any command? please
[01:31] <sarir> to do it?
[01:32] <jmichaelx> sarir: to change to the proprietary nvidia driver, you need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf with something like nano or vim... or even gedit
[01:32] <bla__> jmichaelx,, i did an upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 vbox did not work so well.....burn the box down and did a clean intall...we wil c
[01:32] <jmichaelx> or kate
[01:32] <sarir> jmichaelx, thanks but ehm.. i am really new with linux
[01:32] <jmichaelx> bla__: ok, let us know how it goes
[01:32] <jmichaelx> sarir: ok, it's no big problem
[01:33] <bla__> will do
[01:33] <samehsmh> just upgraded to intrepid! looks good except for adept
[01:33] <sarir> jmichaelx, dont tell me i must go back to vista please
[01:33] <sarir> -.-
[01:33] <jmichaelx> sarir: you will want to open a terminal, and enter 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf'
[01:33] <jmichaelx> sarir: i would NEVER do that
[01:33] <sarir> :-D
[01:34] <sarir> ok here i am again jmichaelx
[01:35] <jmichaelx> sarir: after you anter that, you will want to scroll down to the sections called "Device"
[01:35] <jmichaelx> enter*
[01:35] <sarir> jmichaelx, section inputdevice
[01:36] <jmichaelx> sarir: under that section, lokk for the line that says 'driver'... aftert that it should state what driver your are using
[01:36] <jerem> hey
[01:36] <jmichaelx> sarir: no, not input device
[01:36] <jmichaelx> just device
[01:36] <sarir> jmichaelx, hm
[01:36] <sarir> ah ok
[01:36] <sarir> found
[01:37] <sarir> yes driver nvidia jmichaelx
[01:38] <jmichaelx> sarir: ok, it it says nvidia, that means it is already configured to use the new proprietary nvidia drivers
[01:38] <jmichaelx> if it*
[01:38] <sarir> yes
[01:38] <jmichaelx> that means you probably do not need to change anything
[01:39] <jmichaelx> just enter ctrl-x to exit
[01:39] <sarir> ok
[01:40] <jmichaelx> so... i guess you should try restarting X, or rebooting to see whether or not your new drivers are working
[01:40] <sarir> when i enter in nvidia x server setting it says :
[01:40] <sarir> you do not appear to be using the nvidia x driver. please edit your x configuration file
[01:41] <sarir> and restart the x server
[01:41] <jmichaelx> you need to restart X or reboot first
[01:41] <sarir> jmichaelx, ok what does it mean to restart X? -.-
[01:42] <sarir> i will reboot first
[01:42] <sarir> jmichaelx, thank you
[01:42] <jmichaelx> sarir: i recommend that you reboot. if this does not work, and you get no X (as in no GUI), you should enter ctrl-F1 to get to a terminial, go back to your config file, and change back to the 'nv' driver to troubleshoot
[01:42] <jmichaelx> oops
[01:42] <jmichaelx> too late
[01:45] <kevin_> can anyone help with this ....after upgrade I get "unable to load system description tables" even though I can start a session it just goes to a blank screen. I am able to get to a command line
[01:46] <sarir> again the same message when i reboot: jockey-kde crashes
[01:48] <jmichaelx> sarir: do you have any GUI at all?
[01:48] <jmichaelx> i am not sure what jockey-kde is
[01:49] <sarir> gui? jmichaelx
[01:49] <jmichaelx> sarir: do you have graphics at all? if you do, your nvidia driver is working
[01:50] <sarir> no no i have
[01:50] <jmichaelx> good
[01:50] <sarir> ok
[01:50] <jmichaelx> i am not sure what jockey-kde is, but that may well be a separate issue from your video drivers
[01:50] <sarir> everything is ok now with nvidia x server settings!!!!!!!!!!
[01:50] <sarir> jmichaelx, thank you
[01:50] <dr_willis> jockey-kde is the hardware-drivers manager tool thinggie.
[01:51] <jmichaelx> sarir: awesome.. you're very welcome
[01:51] <sarir> dr_willis, yes
[01:51] <jmichaelx> hmm, i will have to look jockey-kde up
[01:52] <sarir> and i must learn some command finally
[01:52] <sarir> commands*
[01:52] <dr_willis> its just what puts that icon in the panle to gell you about your hardware drivers.. i think
[01:52] <sarir> and english as well -.-
[01:52] <jmichaelx> sarir: welcome to linux
[01:52] <sarir> :-D
[01:52] <kevin_> any idea how to fix the 'cannot load system description tables? I can boot after upgrading but cannot start a session
[01:53] <jmichaelx> lol, english will help in this room. what is your native language, if i may ask?
[01:53] <kevin_> d
[01:53] <sarir> jmichaelx, its finnish/italian
[01:53] <jmichaelx> interesting combination
[01:53] <sarir> mainly italian i must say
[01:54] <sarir> jmichaelx, LOL
[01:54] <jmichaelx> sarir: there may well be an italian support channel, but i have no idea how many people would be there
[01:54] <jmichaelx> !it
[01:54] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)
[01:54] <sarir> jmichaelx, yes i know i know
[01:55] <sarir> but somebody made me upset
[01:55] <sarir> completely upset
[01:55] <sarir> so
[01:55] <jmichaelx> lol, that can easily happen in irc
[01:56] <sarir> jmichaelx, yes but there's a limit for everything O_O
[01:56] <jmichaelx> there is. many people tend to be far more rude and obnoxious in their internet life than they are in real life. that goes doubly for irc.
[01:57] <sarir> then first i had ubuntu in a obsolete old pc
[01:57] <sarir> then vista in the new laptop
[01:57] <sarir> now i have ubuntu under vista and kubuntu :-D
[01:57] * jmichaelx loves old, obsolete PCs
[01:57] <sarir> jmichaelx, yes but i was sooo slow
[01:57] <sarir> the mouse is already dead
[01:57] <jmichaelx> ahh
[01:57] <sarir> imagine why
[01:58] <jmichaelx> i still use a few machines that are in the 300Mhz-500Mhz range
[01:58] <sarir> jmichaelx, yes you are really right about people in chans
[01:59] <jmichaelx> i use a P2 laptop with a 33Mhx CPU and 128MB RAM regularly
[01:59] <sarir> jmichaelx, hm i was using an hp brio lol
[01:59] <jmichaelx> 333Mhz*
[02:00] <sarir> maybe i can upgrade the old pc to ubuntu intrepid... let's see--- or something else maybe
[02:00] <jmichaelx> what kind of CPU does it have?
[02:00] <sarir> you will laugh so loudly
[02:00] <sarir> forget about it
[02:01] <kevin_> I will try the forums, thanks for helping
[02:01] <jmichaelx> i never laugh at old PCs
[02:02] <jmichaelx> i do, however, laugh at some old opersating systems
[02:02] <jmichaelx> operating*
[02:02] <sarir> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://valcocomputer.com/images/HP%2520Brio.jpg&imgrefurl=http://valcocomputer.com/valcodesktop.aspx&h=640&w=480&sz=18&hl=it&start=1&um=1&usg=__j-QCduasla07Fje2s6EfhCxPqfk=&tbnid=IgslxOXSzKwvsM:&tbnh=137&tbnw=103&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhp%2Bbrio%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dit%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
[02:02] <sarir> ops
[02:02] <sarir> sorry for the chan
[02:02] <sarir> anyway that one
[02:02] <sarir> jmichaelx,
[02:03] <jmichaelx> but what kind of processor does it have?
[02:03] <sarir> i dont remember sincerely
[02:03] <sarir> it's already under the table
[02:03] <jmichaelx> ok, no big deal.
[02:04] <sarir> :-)
[02:04] <sarir> but still have thousands of pictures and music there
[02:04] <sarir> so must switch it on sooner or later
[02:05] <sarir> jmichaelx, thank you very much for your help
[02:05] <sarir> good night to the chan as well
[02:05] <jmichaelx> i have 4 PCs at this desk, connected together with a KVM switch
[02:05] <jmichaelx> good night
[02:05] <sarir> kvm switch?
[02:06] <sarir> maybe you'll tell me tomorrow.. my head is gone already
[02:06] <sarir> :-/
[02:06] <jmichaelx> you will have to google that. it allows a person to use multiple computers with one monitor, one keyboard and one mouse
[02:06] <jmichaelx> ok, take care
[02:06] <sarir> i dont know what time is there jmichaelx
[02:06] <jmichaelx> here it is 9pm
[02:06] <sarir> ah!
[02:07] <sarir> here it's 4 am O_O
[02:07] <jmichaelx> yikes
[02:07] <sarir> jmichaelx, hm usa?
[02:07] <jmichaelx> yeah
[02:07] <sarir> obama vs mccain=?
[02:07] <jmichaelx> i dislike them both, but obama is slightly less evil than mccain
[02:07] <sarir> ok is too much ot
[02:08] <jmichaelx> lol
[02:08] <jmichaelx> i am all about OT
[02:08] <sarir> looooooool less evil
[02:08] <sarir> slightly
[02:08] <sarir> muahaha
[02:08] <jmichaelx> yes, it is sad
[02:08] <sarir> i know i am also following some debate
[02:08] <sarir> s*
[02:08] <jmichaelx> it's horrible
[02:09] <sarir> sad but true
[02:09] <sarir> metallica
[02:09] <jmichaelx> our choices are 'extreme right wing' and 'somewhat less extreme right wing'
[02:09] <jmichaelx> not good
[02:09] <sarir> i can imagine....
[02:10] * jmichaelx sighs
[02:10] <sarir> oh btw i saw again the movie American history X....
[02:10] <jmichaelx> what movie is that?
[02:10] <sarir> and cried so much again
[02:10] <evilmole> can anyone help me with my kde4 problem?
[02:10] <sarir> that one with edward norton
[02:11] <jmichaelx> i am not sure i know about it... i will have to look it up
[02:11] <sarir> yes it doesnt have anything to do with what you was talking about...
[02:11] <sarir> but something maybe yes
[02:12] <jmichaelx> ok, i found it on imdb. i may have to watch it.
[02:12] <sarir> jmichaelx, but if it can help... think about italy -.-
[02:12] <sarir> jmichaelx, it's wonderful this movie..
[02:12] <jmichaelx> yeah, i know... the whole world is heading in the wrong direction right now
[02:12] <evilmole> american history x is over rated
[02:13] <sarir> it's quite an old movie already
[02:13] <jmichaelx> i see that
[02:13] <evilmole> crazy dood blows off his head
[02:13] <jmichaelx> yikes
[02:13] <evilmole> there, i wrecked the movie
[02:13] <evilmole> that's all the happens in it
[02:13] <sarir> dood?
[02:13] <sarir> my english is not good enough to understand everything
[02:14] <evilmole> ahhh
[02:14] <jmichaelx> dood=dude=guy=fellow=man
[02:14] <sarir> sorry
[02:14] <evilmole> it's slang for "some guy"
[02:14] <sarir> ah ok
[02:14] <sarir> so you didnt like it evilmole ?
[02:14] <evilmole> nah
[02:14] <sarir> hm
[02:14] <evilmole> it's not bad
[02:14] <evilmole> but it's just not that good
[02:15] <jmichaelx> i liked Vfor Vendetta ^-^
[02:15] <evilmole> yeah
[02:15] <evilmole> that is excellent
[02:15] <sarir> jmichaelx, ??
[02:15] <sarir> vendetta is revenge
[02:15] * jmichaelx puts on his Guy Fawkes mask
[02:16] <jmichaelx> sarir: V for Vendetta is a movie that was out here a few years ago, done by the same guys who did the Matrix
[02:17] <sarir> oho!
[02:17] <sarir> i'm seeing a piece of it in utube
[02:17] <evilmole> it's big brother type of government
[02:18] <sarir> emule has something to do now
[02:18] <evilmole> neat movie
[02:18] <jmichaelx> lol good ole emule
[02:18] <sarir> :-D
[02:18] <jmichaelx> ktorrent is also very useful for such tasks
[02:19] <evilmole> do you guys know what could cause my panel in kde4 not to save it's configuration?
[02:19] <sarir> evilmole, add girls please
[02:19] <evilmole> ?
[02:20] <sarir> do you guys or girls....
[02:20] <sarir> just kidding
[02:20] <evilmole> haha
[02:20] <jmichaelx> i wouldn't know. i spend a day or two from time to time in kde4, but have not yet had any desire to switch to it at this point
[02:20] <evilmole> no doubt
[02:20] <evilmole> it's still not quite there for everyday use that is for sure
[02:20] <sarir> jmichaelx, ahahaha
[02:20] <jmichaelx> sarir, are you male or female?
[02:21] <samehsmh> evilmole, i had some kde3 files inside ~/.kde it could help if you remove them
[02:21] <sarir> make a whois
[02:21] <sarir> :-D
[02:21] <jmichaelx> ahh wow
[02:21] <sarir> the dark knight.. great heath ledger
[02:22] <sarir> i liked it very much
[02:22] <evilmole> samehsmh: i think i'm using 8.04 which still uses .kde4 which i deleted in attempt to fix the prob
[02:22] <jmichaelx> sarir: i will give you another big welcome to linux.... linux needs more females
[02:22] <sarir> jmichaelx, thanks
[02:22] <sarir> i must learn a lot
[02:22] <sarir> that's it
[02:22] <samehsmh> sorry i thought you're using intrepid!
[02:22] <sarir> we are
[02:23] <jmichaelx> it takes some time, but it is worth it
[02:23] <samehsmh> so sorry!
[02:23] <evilmole> haha np
[02:23] <evilmole> i don't actually know i'm not an expert at these things
[02:23] <sarir> jmichaelx, yes i think so...
[02:23] <evilmole> i barely know how to find out what version of kubuntu i'm actually running
[02:23] <evilmole> all these names are goofy and confusing
[02:24] <samehsmh> actually me too!
[02:24] <sarir> !version
[02:24] <ubottu> To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -rc » in a !shell
[02:24] <sarir> the only thing i learned today
[02:24] <sarir> lol
[02:24] <evilmole> lol
[02:24] <samehsmh> lol
[02:24] <sarir> :-D
[02:24] <jmichaelx> knowing how to use the bot is one _extremely_ valuable irc skill
[02:24] <jmichaelx> lol
[02:25] <evilmole> there u go
[02:25] <sarir> ahahhah
[02:25] <evilmole> at least the irc command is intuitive
[02:26] <sarir> see ya...
[02:26] <sarir> night jmichaelx
[02:26] <jmichaelx> good night, sarir
[02:26] <sarir> and everybody
[02:26] <evilmole> peace, thx
[02:30] <cdm> Hola o Hello!!!!
[03:06] <coral_> hi anyone know how to raise the thumbnail filesize in dolphin?
[03:07] <coral_> it seems that images over a meg or so wont show thumbnails
=== coral_ is now known as cobelloy
[03:16] <FFForever-linux> how can i go from kde4 to 3?
=== FFForever-linux is now known as FFForever
[03:16] <evilmole> well first stab yourself in the face
[03:17] <evilmole> in preparation of the pain you will feel from the upgrade
[03:17] <evilmole> :)
[03:17] <FFForever> downgrade?
[03:17] <dr_willis> just install kde3, and puck what one to use at the kdm screen
[03:18] <FFForever> ok but i want to remove the kde4 ****
[03:18] <evilmole> oh sorry
[03:18] <dr_willis> Fire up the package manager and start removing the kde4 bits
[03:27] <unitypunk__> helppp :-/
[03:28] <dr_willis> !ask
[03:28] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[03:28] <unitypunk__> lol
[03:28] <unitypunk__> my wifi wont stay connected.
[03:28] <dr_willis> I dont use wireless.. sorry
[03:31] <Colonel_Panic> I installed a new SATA internal hard drive and now my machine won't recognize or mount USB devices
[03:31] <Colonel_Panic> Maybe I need to edit my /etc/fstab?
[03:32] <ubuntu_> hello
[03:33] <Colonel_Panic> any ideas?
[03:33] <dr_willis> the 2 should not be related
[03:33] <dr_willis> You can mount the sata drive manually?
[03:33] <Colonel_Panic> that's what I thought
[03:33] <Colonel_Panic> yeah no problem
[03:34] <Colonel_Panic> hey wait...
[03:34] <Colonel_Panic> it seems to be working now
[03:34] <dr_willis> magic!
[03:36] <Colonel_Panic> hehe never mind!
[03:37] * dr_willis sends Colonel_Panic a Bill.
[03:41] <Jucato> !d3lphin | cobelloy
[03:41] <ubottu> cobelloy: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.
[03:43] <unitypunk__> !wifi
[03:43] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[03:49] <dorkface> !bash
[03:49] <ubottu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[03:53] <unitypunk__> that didnt help
[03:54] <evilmole> stop using your cordless phone and microwave
[03:55] <dr_willis> evilmole, seen that happen also. :)
[03:55] <evilmole> ;)
[03:55] <dr_willis> Phone rings... hello... <Disconected from IRC>
[03:56] <evilmole> there were building next to use a big sky scraper,...and there was this little radio controlled blip
[03:56] <evilmole> err blimp
[03:56] <evilmole> i think for like ground surveying
[03:56] <evilmole> everytime we saw this thing in the air our wireless went down
[03:56] <sorush20> diff program is not working kde4
[03:56] <sorush20> just any ideas.. I keep getting the message diff output file can not be parsed
=== npresta is now known as NickPresta
[04:19] <joshual> hi folks, trying to watch a dvd movie, but picture quality is pretty grainy... tried in kaffeine, and mplayer... any thoughts?
[04:24] <Z> Got an off-the-wall question.
=== Z is now known as Guest49579
=== patrick is now known as patrick_
=== patrick_ is now known as patriko
[04:24] <Guest49579> I used to use SuSE 10 (SLED 10 specifically) and when you would plug a thumb drive in it would auto mount under /media and /media/<volume name> in sync mode
[04:25] <Guest49579> and auto umount when you unplugged it
=== Guest49579 is now known as Zombie_
=== Zombie_ is now known as Zombie__
[04:25] <Schuyler_> question: can i put the ISO on a DVD-RW?
[04:25] <Zombie__> Any ideas how I can do that in kubuntu?
[04:25] <Schuyler_> or does it have to be one time use disk
[04:25] <Zombie__> Schuyler_: which iso?
[04:25] <Schuyler_> um
[04:26] <unitypunk__> hey..
[04:26] <joshual> Schuyler_: any disk is fine
[04:26] <Schuyler_> kde4 remix
[04:26] <unitypunk__> how do i install a wireless pci card.
[04:26] <Zombie__> Any disk will work
[04:26] <Schuyler_> alrighty
[04:26] <Schuyler_> thanks
[04:26] <Zombie__> I thought that iso was only 660mb tho
[04:26] <Zombie__> so a cd would be enough
[04:26] <Schuyler_> fresh out of cd-rs
[04:27] <Zombie__> don't need a dvd
[04:27] <Zombie__> ahhh
[04:27] <Schuyler_> all i have atm'
[04:27] <Schuyler_> just heard rumors RW CDs are bad for operating systems
[04:27] <Zombie__> just installed XP off one
[04:27] <Zombie__> no worries...
[04:27] <Schuyler_> sweet
[04:27] <Zombie__> the drive is the problem more than the disk
[04:28] <Schuyler_> yeah
[04:28] <Schuyler_> i just had a buncha problems
[04:28] <Zombie__> some drives can't read rw's that well
[04:28] <Schuyler_> then i realized i probly had wrong iso
[04:28] <Schuyler_> AMD is 64 bit i believe
[04:28] <Zombie__> not necessarily I think
[04:28] <Zombie__> dunno for sure tho...
[04:28] <Schuyler_> i have older anthloin
[04:28] <Schuyler_> he
[04:28] <Schuyler_> heh
[04:28] <Schuyler_> only one way to find out
[04:29] <Zombie__> yep...
[04:29] <Schuyler_> nice thing about RW :)
[04:29] <Zombie__> yep...
[04:29] <Zombie__> nobody has any ideas on that whole mounting question.
[04:30] <Zombie__> How about this: Can I prevent KDE from prompting me what to do when it sees one specific piece of media?
[04:31] <evilmole> put a piece of tape over where the prompt would come up
[04:31] <Schuyler_> what is your mounting question?
[04:31] <Zombie__> evilmole: ????
[04:32] <unitypunk__> can ayone help me with my wireless card
[04:32] <Zombie__> Schuyler_: I used to use SuSE and when you plugged a thumbdrive in it would be automounted under /media/<volumename> syncronously and then auto umounted when you unplugged it
[04:32] <Zombie__> I wanna do that with kubuntu
[04:32] <Zombie__> but outside of kde if possible
[04:33] <Schuyler_> ah... thought you were referring to hhds
[04:33] <Schuyler_> linux, first day messing around with it,
[04:35] <mr---t-> !wireless | unitypunk__
[04:35] <ubottu> unitypunk__: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[04:35] <unitypunk__> been thre
[04:35] <bobleny> Hi, could someone please help me?
[04:35] <mr---t-> and what did you do with the info?
[04:36] <joshual> hi folks, trying to watch a dvd movie, but picture quality is pretty grainy... tried in kaffeine, and mplayer, vlc... any thoughts?
[04:36] <dekita> hi guys, does anyone know the MD5 hash for /kubuntu-kde4-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso it's not listed on the md5hash page
[04:36] <bobleny> The brightness on my laptop keeps reseting to a dim. I press the buttons to make the brightness go up, and a couple seconds later, the brightness just drops dim again.
[04:36] <dekita> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes#8.04%20LTS
[04:36] <unitypunk__> read it?
[04:36] <dekita> doesn't list the kde4 version
[04:37] <mr---t-> unitypunk__: if you explain your question someone could better help you
[04:38] <joshual> bobleny: what kubuntu are you running?
[04:38] <musashi> salut
[04:38] <bobleny> Oh, Kubuntu 8.04
[04:39] <musashi> juste un terst a 5h30 du mat histoire de verifier
[04:39] <joshual> kde4 or 3?
[04:39] <musashi> kde4
[04:39] <musashi> il me semble
[04:39] <bobleny> KDE3
[04:39] <musashi> test*
[04:39] <musashi> bon allez bye et bonne journé ;)
[04:39] <unitypunk__> mr---t-, i just put a wpn311 wifi card in my kubuntu box, and i dont se the device on network manager
[04:40] <mr---t-> open a terminal and type lspci
[04:40] <unitypunk__> k
[04:40] <joshual> oh i forgot already but if its like kde4 there is a battery icon (or a plug icon if your laptop is plugged in) i think you can right click that and play with those laptop settings
[04:40] <joshual> bobleny:
[04:40] <joshual> that was to you
[04:40] <bobleny> Yeah...
[04:41] <unitypunk> dohne
[04:41] <unitypunk> *done
[04:42] <syock> I use Intel video driver. I've tried compiz on GNOME, and it worked. But KWin's effects, when enabled using OpenGL, turns the whole screen black with mouse pointer left. What is the cause?
[04:42] <mr---t-> did it show up in the list?
[04:42] <unitypunk> no
[04:43] <mr---t-> run sudo lshw
[04:44] <unitypunk__> not there either
[04:44] <unitypunk__> the card itself is lit up though
[04:44] <mr---t-> are you sure it's installed correctly?
[04:45] <mr---t-> brb
[04:45] <unitypunk> yeah...
[04:46] <Schuyler_> do you guys suggest parallels or Crossover?
[04:48] <mr---t-> unitypunk__: try here http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html
[04:48] <joshual> arent they completely different types of applications?
[04:48] <joshual> one a virtual machine app, and the other not
[04:49] <joshual> im using virtualbox...
[04:50] <Schuyler_> anyone know of one that works with Steam? including its chat capabilities
[04:51] <mr---t-> unitypunk__: type sudo iwconfig and pastebin the output
[04:53] <Schuyler_> how do i get my ethernet card to work?
[04:53] <Schuyler_> its not integrated
[04:53] <pyro17> Schuyler_ get the drivers if their not there
[04:54] <pyro17> there should be a modle number and manufacturer name on the actual card
[04:54] <Schuyler_> Joshual
[04:54] <evilmole> lspci will also tell you what it is
[04:54] <Schuyler_> can i ask a really... really... stupid question?
[04:55] <evilmole> only if i can give you a really stupid answer
[04:55] <Schuyler_> .run
[04:55] <Schuyler_> is that like a windows .exe?
[04:55] <evilmole> yes
[04:55] <Schuyler_> first 10min of linux ever :(
[04:55] <Schuyler_> kinda clueless
[04:55] <evilmole> a way to tell is to type
[04:55] <evilmole> file filename.run
[04:56] <evilmole> the command file will tell you what it is
=== administrador is now known as Rosarigasino
[04:56] <evilmole> to run it, as long as it has execute permission
[04:56] <evilmole> ./filename.run
[04:56] <Schuyler_> k
[04:56] <Schuyler_> thanks
[04:56] <evilmole> if it doesn't have excutable permission just go
[04:56] <evilmole> chmod +x filename.run
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=== administrador is now known as Cristian
[05:00] <Schuyler_> when i look at softwares, which version should i select for KDE4 if kubuntu isnt on the lis
[05:00] <Cristian> somebody speak spanish?
[05:00] <mr---t-> !es
[05:00] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[05:01] <evilmole> Schuyler_: where are you "looking at softwares"
[05:01] <evilmole> i don't really understand your question
[05:01] <Schuyler_> http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
[05:01] <joshual> i'm having just horrible dvd playback quality, not only is the picture grainy, but also playback stutters every few seconds... anybody have ideas for me?
[05:01] <evilmole> just type
[05:01] <evilmole> sudo apt-get install vlc
[05:02] <Schuyler_> wow
[05:02] <Schuyler_> xD
[05:02] <Schuyler_> that is quite a bit easier
[05:02] <evilmole> joshual: are you using mplayer?
[05:02] <Schuyler_> im trying to get everything together, almost installed!
[05:02] <joshual> evilmole: ive tried with vlc as well... still poor quality...
[05:02] <evilmole> what does mplayer say when you start it
[05:02] <joshual> evilmole: tried with kaffeine, mplayer, vlc
[05:03] <joshual> nothing
[05:03] <evilmole> open konsole
[05:03] <evilmole> and type mplayer /dev/dvddevice
[05:03] <evilmole> whatever your dvd deviceis
[05:04] <Schuyler_> does sudo apt-get install"
[05:04] <Schuyler_> work with any application?
[05:05] <Schuyler_> i.e. sudo apt-get install virtualbox
[05:05] <evilmole> most
[05:05] <evilmole> if you goto the menu
[05:05] <evilmole> and select "manage packages"
[05:05] <evilmole> it has a good search interface
[05:05] <Schuyler_> k
[05:05] <evilmole> sometimes they are under weard names
[05:05] <Schuyler_> :( im so "excited"
[05:05] <Schuyler_> if only it doesnt take this long to install :(
[05:06] <evilmole> shouldn't take long
[05:06] <evilmole> unless you are just talking about the download
[05:06] <evilmole> cause when you first set it up you have a very minimal setup
[05:06] <evilmole> it'll only install parts of the system as it needs it
[05:06] <Schuyler_> no off the cd
[05:07] <joshual> evilmole: hmm lots of "error at resampling" and CRC check failed
[05:07] <Schuyler_> been running ~35 min and its at 50%
[05:07] <evilmole> so if you install a new program it'll have to install, on average, it'll have to install a few dependancies
[05:07] <evilmole> 50% installed?
[05:07] <evilmole> joshual: is the disc scratched?
[05:07] <joshual> hmm also too many video packets in the buffer
[05:07] <joshual> didnt look... looking
[05:09] <Schuyler_> as in... the whole OS itself
[05:09] <joshual> evilmole: barely a few very light scratches
[05:09] <cdm> hello!
[05:09] <cdm> somebody speake spanish?
[05:09] <dr_willis> !es
[05:09] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[05:09] <cdm> i need some information
[05:09] <dr_willis> we can try to answer.
[05:10] <cdm> thanks dr willis
[05:10] <joshual> you know i dont think kubuntu uses the proper video card for this laptop (dell inspiron 1525)... checking
[05:11] <cdm> i have a file with rpm format and don't know the programe to use it
[05:11] <cdm> #ubuntu-es
[05:11] <concernedcitizen> is it normal for Xorg to use up 30% of my CPU?
[05:11] <dr_willis> WHat are you trying to install thats in rpm? its best to find a .deb of the program
[05:11] <cdm> a swi-prolog version
[05:11] <dr_willis> You can convert rpm to .deb - but that can often break things
[05:11] <dr_willis> !alien
[05:11] <ubottu> RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)
[05:11] <dr_willis> !alien
[05:11] <dr_willis> oops.
[05:12] <cdm> what? trouble?
[05:12] <dr_willis> install/use alien - i guess.. good luck.
[05:12] <cdm> thank u dr!
[05:12] <dr_willis> ive never had to use alien to convert. so no idea how well it works
[05:12] <cdm> today was my first day in linux hahaha
[05:13] <evilmole> then don't go and install rpmson a kubuntu system
[05:13] <evilmole> :)
[05:13] <dr_willis> and you are starting off on a bad start :)
[05:13] <cdm> and execute the rpm file with rpmson?
[05:14] <dorkface> could you virtualize a red hat instance?
[05:14] <dr_willis> you dont 'execute' a rpm.
[05:14] <cdm> maybe dr, maybe
[05:14] <dr_willis> the rpm tools install the package.
[05:14] <joshual> evilmole: if you said anything to me after: <evilmole> joshual: is the disc scratched? I didnt get it...
[05:14] <dr_willis> actually you convert the rpm to a deb then install the deb.
[05:14] <evilmole> joshual: i didn't... i think you are on the right track... make sure you have the proper video driver for sure
[05:14] <dr_willis> how you run the actual program.. depends on the program
[05:15] <cdm> and how i convert the rpm?
[05:15] <dr_willis> cdm, with the 'alien' command... like we said earlier.
[05:15] <evilmole> cdm: if it's ure first day, just don't do it
[05:15] <evilmole> what programisit?
[05:15] <cdm> excuse me my bad english, too jajaja
[05:15] <evilmole> swi-prolog?
[05:15] <cdm> yes
[05:15] <dr_willis> !find prolog
[05:15] <evilmole> is that like an interpreter orcompiler?
[05:15] <ubottu> Found: gprolog, gprolog-doc, prolog-el, swi-prolog, swi-prolog-clib (and 6 others)
[05:15] <evilmole> there u go
[05:15] <evilmole> just type in
[05:15] <dr_willis> cdm, it seems that swi-prolog is IN the normal repositories...
[05:16] <evilmole> sudo apt-get install swi-prolog
[05:16] <dr_willis> cdm, so you do NOT need to mess with that rpm at all
[05:16] <dr_willis> !info swi-prolog
[05:16] <ubottu> swi-prolog (source: swi-prolog): Prolog interpreter. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.6.47-1 (hardy), package size 1915 kB, installed size 6880 kB
[05:16] <cdm> ok evilmole
[05:16] <cdm> i will try it
[05:16] <dr_willis> 'do, or do not, there is no try' :)
[05:16] <evilmole> STAY ON TARGET
[05:17] <cdm> good night all you
[05:17] <cdm> good bye and thank you
[05:17] <evilmole> peace out
[05:20] * arriesp bye
[05:20] <dorkface> If it is too off topic, never mind, but can anyone explain what that prolog interpreter does?
[05:21] <dorkface> !prolog
[05:21] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about prolog
[05:22] <evilmole> it's a programming language
[05:25] <dr_willis> i recall it been used for a long time. :)
[05:26] <dr_willis> Prolog is a logic programming language. It is a general purpose language often associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics. It has a purely logical subset, called "pure Prolog", as well as a number of extralogical features.
[05:26] <dr_willis> extralogical :)
[05:26] <dr_willis> vs extra-illogical
[05:27] <evilmole> are you dissing women?
[05:27] <evilmole> ;)
[05:27] <dr_willis> man woman
[05:28] <concernedcitizen> No manual entry for woman
[05:29] <evilmole> haha
[05:30] <dr_willis> http://www.ussg.iu.edu/usail/library/humor/funnycommand.html
[05:34] <dr_willis> I recall some 'woman' man pages once.. but cant find them
[05:34] <joshual> ok i need some help pls, I'm trying to figure out what specific video card I have and how to use the proper driver for it... lspci tells me: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c
[05:35] <evilmole> type lsmod
[05:35] <dr_willis> intel GM965/GL960 looks like.
[05:35] <joshual> all xorg.conf says about it is: Identifier "Configured Video Device"
[05:35] <joshual> evilmole: ok
[05:36] <joshual> intel_agp
[05:36] <dr_willis> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=909005 There is no proprietary driver for intel cards - only the intel-supported, open-source drivers exist.
[05:36] <joshual> oh bugger, thank you though dr_willis
[05:36] <dr_willis> Identifier is just the 'name' of the card.. it could be any string
[05:37] <dr_willis> http://www.google.com/search?q=intel+GM965+GL960+++ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
[05:37] <evilmole> have you ever had windows on your laptop?
[05:37] <dr_willis> has a few hits on the topic
[05:37] <joshual> evilmole: only via virtualbox
[05:37] <evilmole> so do you know if the comp can even play a dvd properly?
[05:38] <joshual> dr_willis: http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=49465534 says that gm965 is x3100... ?
[05:38] <dr_willis> could be ati and intel have similer named cards.
[05:39] <syock> joshual: I have GM945, and X automatically loads 'intel' driver for me
[05:39] <syock> joshual: what about the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?
[05:39] <dr_willis> or else the 2 companies are just using confusing similer names. :)
[05:40] <syock> gonna restart and test out those X composite settings
[05:42] <joshual_> wow my machine just locked up... never does that...
[05:42] <evilmole> it must be tired
[05:42] <joshual_> anyways, I haven't been around for abit (hard rebooting) if anyone said anything else to me
[05:43] <joshual_> so no better driver for me then?
[05:43] <evilmole> it's probably too shitty of a comp to play a dvd properly
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[05:45] <joshual> its not that bad, i rather like it
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[05:52] <unitypunk> l
[05:55] <schuyler_> anyone here use Virtualbox?
[05:58] <evilmole> joshual: what is the device nameof your dvd drive?
[05:59] <joshual> evilmole: it's scd0
[05:59] <evilmole> :(
[05:59] <Makuseru> Hi, I seem to be having some probems, when ever i try to install something it says "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)" "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)" what does this mean. and how can i fix it?
[06:00] <schuyler_> Joshual... your the one that suggested Virtualbox right?
[06:00] <joshual> schuyler_: no, just mentioned that i use virtualbox
[06:00] <schuyler_> ah, I am getting an error when i try to turn it on
[06:01] <joshual> schuyler_: did you install the ose version?
[06:01] <schuyler_> yes
[06:01] <schuyler_> virtualbox-ose
[06:02] <joshual> ok, there is a better way to install it, lemme see if i can find the url again
[06:02] <schuyler_> thanks
[06:02] <schuyler_> should i remove the current one?
[06:02] <joshual> yeah
[06:05] <joshual> schuyler_: this is helpful, there is other good documentation but i cant find it right now
[06:05] <joshual> http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads
[06:05] <schuyler_> np thanks
[06:05] <joshual> basically add that repo, and install
[06:06] <schuyler_> right now trying to fix this... i erased task manager >.<
[06:08] <joshual> bbl thx all
[06:14] <rafal_> hi
[06:14] <rafal_> I inserted an SD2 card into my laptops reader
[06:15] <rafal_> mmc1: new SD card at address 1234
[06:15] <rafal_> what now?
[06:15] <rafal_> I want to mount it etc. whats the dev name
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[06:16] <dr_willis> use 'dmesg' and see where its seen at..
[06:16] <dr_willis> or 'sudo fdisk -l' and see where its at.
[06:17] <dr_willis> it may be /dev/sd## ive got a weird laptop that they some times appear at /dev/mmc1 also.
[06:18] <caio> hi, i'm having my first expirience with linux(Ubuntu), iḿ running kubuntu already, i want to know where i can find some themes to kde?
[06:18] <dr_willis> theres many themes in the repositories, not installed by default
[06:18] <dr_willis> or check out kde-look.org
[06:18] <dr_willis> !changetheme
[06:18] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about changetheme
[06:18] <dr_willis> !theme
[06:18] <ubottu> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
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[06:19] <dr_willis> kde-look.org and gnome-look.org can be very very disorganized.. :) so good luck with those sites
[06:19] <caio> thanks
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[06:20] <rafal_> thx
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=== fReAky_t is now known as freaky_t
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[06:35] <schuyler_> where do i get graphic drivers?
[06:37] <dr_willis> the package manager has most of them
[06:37] <dr_willis> depending on your exact video card
[06:37] <dr_willis> !ati
[06:37] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[06:37] <schuyler_> thanks
[06:37] <schuyler_> i have old FX 5700
[06:38] <schuyler_> well
[06:39] <schuyler_> i just enabled it, and I do beleive it just downloaded them itself
[06:39] <well> schuyler_: hi, i am here
[06:39] <dr_willis> time to reboot then schuyler_
[06:39] <schuyler_> yeap
[06:39] <dr_willis> you might want to install the nvidia-settings tool to tweak the drivers later
[06:39] <well> schuyler_: is FX 5700 a nv card ?
[06:39] <schuyler_> yes
[06:40] <well> schuyler_: so, go to www.nvidia.com and download suitable driver for your card
[06:40] <schuyler_> k
[06:40] <schuyler_> last question :( how can i rearrange widgets in the bottom toolbar? Clock, icons etc. is on the left
[06:40] <dr_willis> kde 3 or 4?
[06:40] <dr_willis> kde3 = middle click i think to move..
[06:40] <dr_willis> or some of them have little handels
[06:41] <dr_willis> kde4 = use that caschew button on the far right
[06:41] <schuyler_> 3
[06:41] <schuyler_> 4*
[06:41] <schuyler_> i see the cashew, but i cant figure out how to change the position of them in the bottom dock
[06:42] <dr_willis> unlock them - i recall. then drag them around
[06:42] <dr_willis> I dont use kde4 much.. so cant tell ya much more
[06:42] <schuyler_> lol
[06:43] <schuyler_> what program runs .run files
[06:44] <dr_willis> schuyler_, none. :) its a self-installing executable
[06:44] <dr_willis> chmod +x whatever.rubn
[06:44] <dr_willis> ./whatever.run
[06:44] <dr_willis> you proberly do NOT want to run the nvidia installer from their web site
[06:44] <schuyler_> oh...
[06:44] <dr_willis> the package manager/hardware drivers tool - will auto-download/install them
[06:45] <schuyler_> i believe it alreayd did
[06:45] <dr_willis> then reboot and see if they work
[06:45] <schuyler_> how will i be able to tell/
[06:46] <omar> If my system did not recognise Eth0, is there a way to fix that manually?
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[06:46] <dr_willis> schuyler_, I alwyas enable the nvidia logo in the xorg.conf :) or you may notice the res changes, and 3d games will work
[06:46] <dr_willis> omar this is a wired network card?
[06:47] <schuyler_> k thanks
[06:47] <schuyler_> brb reboot time
[06:47] <omar> dr_willis: It's an ethernet card.
[06:47] <omar> dr_willis: For an ADSL connection.
[06:47] <dr_willis> Hmm...
[06:47] <dr_willis> !adsl
[06:47] <ubottu> Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE
[06:47] <dr_willis> thats all i know on that topic.. sorry
=== omar is now known as Omar87
[07:02] <freaky_t> is there any package for kubuntu intrepid with more themes/designs/styles for kde? oO
[07:02] <joshual> hey folks how is it possible that my systems (running intrepid ibex 8.10 beta) xorg.conf is this simple: http://paste.ubuntu.com/56545/
[07:03] <joshual> shouldn't there be more to my xorg.conf than that?
[07:04] <dr_willis> The new X releases utalize a 'auto-cofiguration' feature. makes xorg.conf very slim indeed
[07:05] <dr_willis> ive seen systems run with no xorg.conf also.
[07:05] <joshual> oh how odd ok
[07:06] <dr_willis> odd? Its been that way since 8.04 came out. :)
[07:07] <joshual> oh, guess i haven't bothered to look since prior to that
[07:12] <joshual> good night room
[07:14] <devo> i was woundering 2 ?'s here's the 1st is limewire a good program to use in linux and the 2nd what's a really good p2p program for linux???
[07:14] <dr_willis> !frostwire
[07:14] <ubottu> frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire
[07:14] <Widget> is installed a heap of kde4 stuff from Adept.. how do i switch to a kde4 desktop ?
[07:14] <dr_willis> !p2p
[07:14] <ubottu> Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information
[07:15] <dr_willis> limwire/frostwire are one type of p2p app.... theres others...
[07:15] <devo> srry i have limewire not frostwire
[07:15] <dr_willis> I would suggest using Frostwire, instead of limewire
[07:17] <devo> if i click onto the k-menu then go to interent it will say Limewire -P2P Gunttela client
[07:17] <devo> is there frostwire.deb that i can get somewhere?
[07:17] <dr_willis> <ubottu> frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire
[07:18] <Widget> anyone know ?
[07:19] <devo> know what?
[07:19] <devo> how can i install frostwire through the terminal???
[07:20] <Widget> know how to use kde4 desktop.. i installed from adept
[07:21] <Widget> but i think im still using kde3
[07:21] <devo> srry can't help ya there my friend
[07:21] <dr_willis> devo, download the deb. dpkg -i package.deb
[07:21] <dr_willis> with a sudo
[07:21] <dr_willis> That URL the bot gave.. shows ya
[07:21] <devo> i did try that but it didn't work
[07:21] <dr_willis> then ya did somthing wrong i imagine.
[07:21] <devo> yeah i'm do'n it rite now
[07:22] <dr_willis> http://www.frostwire.com/?id=thanks&os=ubuntu
[07:22] <devo> it's already downloading
[07:22] <devo> how can i uninstall a program?
[07:24] <devo> how can i uninstall a program?
[07:24] <devo> in the terminal?
[07:24] <ruka> help
[07:25] <devo> with?
[07:25] <ruka> my ubuntu dosent make arrobas
[07:25] <ruka> and any special charathers
[07:25] <ruka> keyboard defenicions are ok i guess
[07:26] <dr_willis> devo, you may want to read the apt-get manual/docs
[07:26] <dr_willis> !apt-get
[07:26] <ubottu> APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)
[07:26] <dr_willis> sudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME
[07:27] <schuyler_> i put in my spare hd, but dolphin just refuses to open it
[07:27] <schuyler_> any ideas?
[07:27] <ruka> rukamiguek (at) gmail.com
[07:27] <ruka> where the fuc* are the charaters
[07:28] <ruka> i change keyboard so for nothing
[07:28] <ruka> wtf is this
[07:28] <devo> oh ok, thnx dr_willis
[07:29] <schuyler_> i put in my spare hd, but dolphin just refuses to open it. Any ideas why?
[07:31] <schuyler_> it is ntfs format
[07:32] <dr_willis> did you mount it?
[07:33] <dr_willis> add an entry in fstab for it.. or manually..
[07:33] <dr_willis> !ntfs-3g
[07:33] <ubottu> ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions
[07:51] <bittin^> 7wi38
[08:03] <josema> hello
[08:11] <freaky_t> i love kubuntu <3 :D
[08:14] <mil> You're not alone. We love Kubuntu!!! that includes my family including my 12 year old who has it on her PC!!
=== ctux is now known as cryingtux
[08:15] <mil> freaky she's even customized her icons, desktop theme and sorts!
[08:15] <cryingtux> hello
[08:16] <rpv__> hello
[08:16] <cryingtux> i have installed kde 4 , how do i safely remove kde3 packages?
[08:16] <freaky_t> mil: hehe ;D
[08:16] <freaky_t> mil: cool ;D
[08:17] <freaky_t> cryingtux: i have no idea ;p ... wait for intrepid to be released there kde3 is replaced by kde4 ;D
[08:17] <freaky_t> it will be released this month
[08:17] <cryingtux> i want to keep only kde 4, so wanna remove all kde 3 packages including kdm
[08:17] <freaky_t> i allready have it running ;D
[08:18] <DarkriftX> freaky_t, id wait if i were you
[08:18] <freaky_t> DarkriftX: nah i installed the beta i'm happy with it ;D
[08:18] <DarkriftX> i had kde 4 up and running like a charm.... for about 7 hours before it commited suicide on me
[08:18] <cryingtux> freaky_t: you are right but my 8.04 installation is doing great and i might stick to it since it is LTS
[08:19] <freaky_t> DarkriftX: lol i have strange errors on boot up sometimes my pc doesnt stop to beep then i have to restart it and it works again but that happens at boot up time so i can just switch it off and back on again
[08:19] <DarkriftX> mine completly died, i dont mean i had to reboot
[08:20] <freaky_t> and sometimes instead of the kubuntu splash screen (boot up screen) theres just red with strange white progress-bars which moves vertically on my screen
[08:20] <DarkriftX> it killed kdm (kde4 and kde3) and now i have to login from command line (not that I mind)
[08:20] <DarkriftX> uninstall kde3 and 4, reinstall kde3 and still kdm doesnt work (that was reinstalled also)
[08:21] <DarkriftX> now kde3 doesnt work if i uninstall kde4 (i had to reinstall it to get kde3 working)..... none of it makes much sense but its working,so i leave it alone now
[08:21] <freaky_t> i never had such a problem
[08:21] <DarkriftX> of course you havent
[08:21] <DarkriftX> neither had i till that point
[08:21] <freaky_t> ;p
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[09:08] <enrico_> ciao
[09:21] <JackWinter> hiya, on kde 3.5.9 (kubuntu 8.04). kmail has stopped using the pw from kde walletmanager. any idea how i can get it going again ?
[09:30] <wat> hello all
[09:30] <wat> I've installed Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE4 yesterday
[09:30] <wat> and I can't find the updates of KDE I want to update to KDE4.1
[09:33] <jussi01> wat: I suggest joining #kubuntu-kde4 and reading the link in /topic there :)
[09:33] <wat> ok
[09:33] <wat> thanx
[09:35] <chairman> i having trouble getting to have my kde4 tray in black?
[09:41] <snyh> join #kubuntu-kde4
[09:54] <Linox> Hi all, i unziped 1 file with Ark and when i try to type in terminal: cd Noctium V2 i get: bash: cd: Noctium: No such file or directory, what am i doing wrong?
[09:55] <Reptile> try the full path ?
[09:56] <Linox> same thing
[09:56] <Jucato> Linox: the command line is very sensitive about spaces (" ")
[09:57] <Reptile> cd /home/xxx/xxx/ ?
[09:57] <Jucato> cd "Noctium V2"
[09:57] <Jucato> or cd Noctium\ V2
[09:57] <Linox> i type cd Noctium V2
[09:58] <Jucato> like I said, it's sensitive about spaces, that won't work
[09:58] <Linox> ok so what should i type?
[09:58] <Jucato> [16:54] <Jucato> cd "Noctium V2"
[09:58] <Jucato> [16:55] <Jucato> or cd Noctium\ V2
[09:58] <Reptile> or full path
[09:58] <Linox> ok ill try that
[09:59] <Jucato> Reptile: full path or not, unless he either encloses them in " " or escapes the space with \, it still won't work
[09:59] <Jucato> of course he can use the Tab key to autocomplete
[09:59] <Reptile> ok
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[10:00] <Jucato> in Linux, Noctium V2 would mean 2 files or directories, "Noctium" and "V2"
[10:00] <Linox> i typed cd "Noctium V2" and it workes
[10:00] <Jucato> so it's basically thinking you wanted to "cd Noctium" and V2 was an unnecessary directory name (and got ignored)
[10:00] <Linox> now i tryed ./configure and it dont work
[10:01] <Reptile> i usually use dolphin manager to go to the deirectory and then open the terminal from dolphin. then ur already there
[10:01] <Jucato> now that would be a different matter entirely :)
[10:01] <Jucato> Reptile: that works too :)
[10:02] <Linox> how dddo i make it work with ./configure?
[10:03] <Jucato> um... that depends on what error you are getting
[10:03] <Linox> bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
[10:04] <Jucato> well then it means there's no "configure" script in there.
[10:04] <Linox> oh ok
[10:04] <Jucato> read the instructions on how to compile what you're trying to compile
[10:04] <Linox> ok thanks
[10:06] <Reptile> this is what it says: # Download and install superkaramba from http://netdragon.sourceforge.net Once superkaramba is installed:
[10:06] <Reptile> # Download and unzip the theme archive. You can put it in any directory you want.
[10:06] <Reptile> # Run superkaramba, select "Open Theme", and open the .theme file from wherever you unzipped the theme archive.
[10:08] <KR-data> !pastebin
[10:08] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[10:09] <KR-data> I upgraded to 8.10 beta, and after the upgrade I get this message when trying to log on http://paste.ubuntu.com/56581/
[10:09] <KR-data> what can I do?
[10:10] <Jucato> KR-data: #ubuntu+1 please
[10:11] <KR-data> Jucato: sorry, and thanks for the redirection
[10:25] <lepest> привет
[10:27] <trenton_> hello all, is there a 2.6.27 kernel in a hardy repo somewhere please?
[10:27] <lepest> is it eng-chanel?!
[10:27] <RurouniJones> !ru
[10:27] <ubottu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[10:30] <alarm> goodmorning.
[10:32] <jussi01> morning
[10:32] <alarm> i got a small but annoying problem with my system. everytime i turn it on and try to boot into kubuntu, although the OS is being loaded sometimes the progress bar freezes and i do not see any hard disk drive reaction at all
[10:32] <alarm> unless i do press any key, then it continues with booting. if not it can hang there for hours
[10:32] <alarm> the problem is that as i just see the loading image i cannot know on which part this happens
[10:33] <jussi01> alarm: do you know how to edit grub options?
[10:33] <alarm> no but i can find it
[10:33] <alarm> menu.list ?
[10:34] <jussi01> alarm: its quite easy, at the grub screen the is an option to edit the command or something, might be c or e. anyway, remove quiet splash from the line, then you can see whats going on
[10:35] <alarm> ok
[10:35] <alarm> although i think i can do that also after loging in, let me check
[10:36] <jussi01> alarm: you can but I thought this way might be easiest ;)
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[10:37] <gregory> bonjout tout le monde
[10:37] <gregory> hello
[10:38] <gregory> je viens d'installer kubuntu 64bit et j'ai plein de soucis, quelqu'un peut m'aider?
[10:38] <jussi01> !fr
[10:38] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[10:38] <alarm> i wonder why french people thing that cause they do talk french the rest of the world also does
[10:39] <gregory> sorry, one moment please ^^
[10:39] <jussi01> alarm: uncalled for.
[10:40] <alarm> ok removed the splash from the menu.list
[10:40] <alarm> next reboot will show
[10:41] <alarm> thank you jussi01
[10:41] <jussi01> :)
[10:41] <jussi01> alarm: did you also remove quiet?
[10:41] <alarm> not yet , i am googling to see what quiet stands for
[10:42] <jussi01> alarm: quiet suppresses much of the output
[10:42] <jussi01> alarm: you get more verbose without it
[10:42] <alarm> oh ok, i will remove it
[10:56] <dylan_> hey
[10:59] <amaranth> привет толпа
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[11:09] <gregory_> i try to install skype on kubuntu 64bit but it doesn't run... somebody could help me?
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[11:23] <coucou> use ekiga or wengophone :)
[11:26] <SiDi> Hello
[11:28] <NauarchLysander> The tab bar in Firefox is somehow truncated (vertically). Is there a possibility to fix this? It did not appear on Gnome.
[11:30] <NauarchLysander> /ignore
[11:34] <coucou> maybe you can try removing firefox-gnome-support if installed ?
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[11:37] <NauarchLysander> coucouf: No, it does not work.
[11:37] <coucouf> then maybe installing gtk-qt-engine, it uses qt libs to render gtk apps
[11:39] <coucouf> or removing if it was installed, I just installed it and the tab bar is now truncated as you describe :)
[11:40] <NauarchLysander> Ah, that could be the reason. I just see it is installed.
[11:42] <NauarchLysander> Well, the tab bar looks better, but now I have really big lines between the bars.
[11:46] <coucouf> yes, that's the default gtk rendering in kde
[11:46] <coucouf> you should report a bug against gtk-qt-engine for the truncated tabs
[11:50] <NauarchLysander> ok
[11:54] <ubuntu> hi
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[11:55] <darx> hi, how can i set the maximum font size in konqueror? the font setting offers a minimum and medium font size but there is no maximum font size.
[11:56] <darx> I'm on kde4
[11:56] <darx> Firefox allows overriding of author fonts, so does opera. There has to be something similar for konqueror?
[11:56] <cq> hello, I just added the alt-tab switcher effect from teh system config menu, now I have a black screen with only the cursor... I can click on stuff, but only the cursor shows... reboot didn't help, I can get to teh command line no problem
[11:58] <darx> cq: there should be a failsafe mode via kdm when you reboot? did you try that?
[11:59] <cq> hm, how can I logout, or jsut reboot again to get there at the login screen?
[11:59] <darx> ctrl alt backspace should restart x
[12:00] <darx> if that doesn't work, restart
[12:00] <cq> yep, that logges me out...
[12:00] <cq> ok, it works now...
[12:00] <cq> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5950022
[12:00] <cq> that did it, disabling the effects.
[12:01] <cq> ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc
[12:02] <darx> cool
[12:06] <cq> hm, when I chage effects and apply, I get a revet to previous configuration option, but when teh screeen goes blank i don't see it anymore, that should be teh default
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[12:14] <coucouf> darx you can try adding a MaximumFontSize to .kde/share/config/konquerorrc, next to MediumFontSize and MinimumFontSize
[12:14] <coucouf> I've not seen it documented anywhere but you can always giv it a try
[12:24] <bittin^> 7wi23
[12:29] <DarkWizzard> hello
[12:29] <DarkWizzard> I've upgraded gtk-qt-engine
[12:29] <DarkWizzard> and now it's not working
[12:29] <DarkWizzard> firefox looks bad
[12:29] <romeo> WHY ?
[12:29] <romeo> WHY FIREFOX LOOKS BAD?
[12:31] <DarkWizzard> because it doesn't apply the Qt theme I'm using under kde
[12:31] <DarkWizzard> it's all gtk
[12:31] <DarkWizzard> because gtk-qt-engine is broken by the update
[12:31] <DarkWizzard> and you don't need to shout
[12:31] <SSJ_GZ> Weird guy.
[12:31] <DarkWizzard> who? me ?
[12:31] <SSJ_GZ> "romeo"
[12:32] <DarkWizzard> does anyone have this problem ?
[12:32] <DarkWizzard> I'm still using hardy
[12:33] <tinason> if i want to install, say, eclipse, where should i put it? /opt or /usr/local ?
[12:33] <DarkWizzard> I would choose /usr/local
[12:33] <tinason> why?
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[12:33] <tinason> <- bit of a n00b
[12:34] <DarkWizzard> it doesn't really matter
[12:34] <DarkWizzard> I have eclipse installed under /media/sdc :)
[12:34] <tinason> oh ok
[12:34] <tinason> thanx
[12:41] <manish> does anybody know where can i get drivers for Reliance Data card (ZTE MG 880 ) for XP
[12:41] <manish> The data card is not working on Ubuntu
[12:41] <manish> want to test if it works on XP (in a virtual box)
[12:42] <manish> any Idea regarding that
[12:42] <mefisto__> DarkWizzard: check out this firefox theme http://ramonantonio.net/kde-firefox/ it looks pretty good in kde3 and kde4
[12:44] <manish> any body knows wher can i get the drivers
[12:45] <manish> please help me to find XPDrivers for ZTE MG 880 USB Modem
[12:47] <DarkWizzard> mefisto__: it's not about the theme
[12:47] <DarkWizzard> it's about the widgets
[12:47] <DarkWizzard> it uses gtk2
[12:48] <DarkWizzard> and I need it to use qt
[12:48] <DarkWizzard> but the update broke gtk-qt-engin
[12:48] <DarkWizzard> e
[12:48] <DarkWizzard> I'm using kde3
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[12:59] <NauarchLysander> Is there a reason the YouTube site is really slow in Konqueror?
[13:03] <RenzoreK> Where can I change my DNS settings in Kubuntu
[13:03] <RenzoreK> N/m got it
[13:07] <ubuntu_> lalala
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[13:35] <rich__> dear all. how to install file with extension .run ?
[13:37] <jarle> is there a repo with latest digikam build for Kubuntu 8.04 somewhere?
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[13:47] <nielsslot> rich__: sh file.run should work.. possibly with a sudo in front of it :)
[13:56] <rich__> nielsslot: it doesn't :( how the full command should like? sudo filename.run ??
[13:57] <nielsslot> sudo sh filename.run
[13:57] <nielsslot> or else: chmod +x filename.run and sudo ./filename.run
[13:57] <rich__> nielsslot:ok. thx
[14:12] <W8TAH> hi folks -- tryin to upgrade my laptop to 8.10beta -- i run the kdesudo command and the process starts - -and gets as far as preparing the upgrade and then STOPS - -the update tool vanishes and nothing happens -- any ideas?
[14:15] <LjL> !beta
[14:15] <ubottu> If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Intrepid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.
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[14:21] <tanner_> Sound Problems....startup sounds work fine, pidgin sounds work fine, sound tests work fine...but no sound from Firefox at all. can anyone help? (Ubuntu Hardy Heron, Soundblaster X-Fi card)
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[14:34] <FFEMTcJ> is it possible to change my ubuntu install into a kubuntu install?
[14:36] <Eruaran> !kubuntu-desktop
[14:36] <ubottu> k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.
[14:36] <NauarchLysander> FFEMTcJ: Yes, just install kubuntu-desktop in Synaptic.
[14:38] <NauarchLysander> FFEMTcJ: With that you're installing KDE, nothing more. That is the only difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu. If you are sure you no longer need the Gnome desktop, deinstall ubuntu-desktop in Synaptic.
[14:46] <ForgeAus> hey all is the second life installer from getdeb old or something?
[14:48] <FFEMTcJ> NauarchLysander: i installed kubuntu-desktop.. now how do i switch from running gnome to kde?
[14:50] <NauarchLysander> FFEMTcJ: During the installation, you answered a question, stating whether you wish GDM or KDM as display manager. If you've chosen KDM, then KDE is your default display manager. To use KDE restart or log out and then choose KDE in the login menu.
[14:51] <ForgeAus> if you passed or didn't read the installation for kdm, just reinstall either KDM or GDM from synaptic or sudo apt-get
[14:51] <NauarchLysander> FFEMTcJ: I experienced I had to choose KDE in the login menu (although I've chosen KDE as my default display manager) and then once more had to state that I wish KDE as my default. Then every time I started the system, I got KDE.
[14:51] <ForgeAus> any new modern DM (except maybe wdm, I had problems with that one) asks you which DM you want to use
[14:52] <NauarchLysander> ForgeAus: Yes, but it's a bit unnecessary to ask two times. But that was probably because I did not restart.
[14:53] <ForgeAus> well theres always pure KDE (the easiest way to switch)
[14:53] <ForgeAus> !Pure KDE
[14:53] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about pure kde
[14:53] <FFEMTcJ> NauarchLysander: i just had to do that.. Thanks.. Also.. I'm trying to install kubuntu on my laptop from a cd.. every time i get to the keyboard layout and hit forward, it stops doing anything.. ive run the cd check and its ok.. any idea?
[14:53] <ForgeAus> !purekde
[14:53] <ubottu> If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »
[14:56] <NauarchLysander> FFEMTcJ: I'm right now using Kubuntu on my laptop and i did not experience that problem (although that was probably because I installed Ubuntu and then switched to Kubuntu. However, I encounter a similar problem when starting Kubuntu. During each start, it somehow stops, but when I hit a random key it resumes and everything is fine. Did you try that or did you just restart?
[14:57] <FFEMTcJ> pressing a key doesnt seem to do anything.. it just puts whatever key into the little box that checks your keyboard
[14:58] <NauarchLysander> FFEMTcJ: And what happens if you click the 'Continue' button?
[14:58] <FFEMTcJ> i clicked it.. it thought for a minute, and now the forward button isnt available to be clicked
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[15:04] <NauarchLysander> FFEMTcJ: Well, then I am sorry, but I have no idea whatsoever. The next step would be to partition the disk, perhaps there's a problem it does encounter which was not thought of by the developers. But I lack the technical experience to make suggestions on how to resume. The only thing I would probably try is to install Kubuntu from Windows (that is, if you've have installed it) or to burn a new CD with an Ubuntu ISO and
[15:06] <FFEMTcJ> ok.. thanks NauarchLysander
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[15:24] <ubuntu> Knock knock, anyone home? :-)
[15:25] <ForgeAus> no
[15:25] <ubuntu> lol Thanks, good to know.
[15:26] <ubuntu> You know anything about a kernel for SATA drives?
[15:27] <ubuntu> I am casting about trying to solve a kernel panic situation. (Can't boot... using Live CD now.)
[15:28] <ubuntu> I read something about needing a kernel specific to SATA
[15:30] <florin> How to enforce logout at specified time; tried timeoutd and it didn't ended the session ?
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[15:39] <sandy__> hi
[15:53] <sWeSelectah> ci sono italiani?
[15:54] <LjL> !it | sWeSelectah
[15:54] <ubottu> sWeSelectah: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)
[15:54] <sWeSelectah> tnx
[15:54] <sWeSelectah> bye
[16:01] <Finswimmer> hey, what is the best kde tool to get a direct PPP connection to your ISP?
[16:01] <Enselic> How do I turn off the 'beep' in yakuake?
[16:02] <neo14515> hello every body
[16:02] <neo14515> I have experience trouble since my upgrade to intrepide withe kde4 display
[16:02] <neo14515> did anyone have experience the same toubles ?
[16:03] <jussio1> neo14515: please join #ubuntu+1 for intrepid support :)
[16:03] <neo14515> thanks
[16:18] <FFForever> what happened to kcontrol?
[16:21] <emilsedgh> FFForever: its gone in kde4.SystemSettings replaced it
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[16:34] <fshero> Hello all; I'm in the Kubuntu live-cd right now and I'm planning to install. My laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1525, and I plan to install in such a way as to use the MediaDirect button boot Kubuntu as described on http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3113451
[16:35] <fshero> I have partitioned my hard disk as follows: primary fat16 (diagnostic stuff), primary ntfs (for Windows Vista), primary ext3 (for Kubuntu) and extended (split into a data partition, an ext3 partition for /home and a linux-swap partition). This is in order.
[16:36] <fshero> The article I posted suggested that Kubuntu ought to be installed on a primary partition. I'm okay with this as I've set up my partitions this way.
[16:36] <aaroncampbell> Can anyone recommend a simple (and quick to set up) FTP server? It seems there are quite a few options including proftpd, pure-ftpd, wu-ftpd, and wzdftpd
[16:36] <fshero> But how do I ensure that the bootloader is installed on the 3rd primary partition?
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[16:38] <fshero> I'm thinking that at the end of the wizard, I click the advanced button and replace (hd0) with (hd0,2) (0,2 meaning first hard disk, third primary partition)
[16:38] <fshero> Is this correct?
[16:38] <AlephTwo> Hi all. Anybody know much about ndiswrapper & bcm4311 chipset with latest kubuntu (kde3). Mainly appears to be an issue of ssb module grabbing the interface before ndiswrapper can (can't seem to stop it)
[16:38] <nino> hello all..
[16:43] <White_Pelican> When I insert a CD into the drive, flac is not one of the options when I open in a new window. How do I fix that?
[16:49] <White_Pelican> When I insert a CD into the drive, flac is not one of the options when I open in a new window. How do I fix that?
[16:52] <AlephTwo> Anybody familiar with getting the broadcom bcm4311(rev03) wireless chipset working?
[16:56] <AlephTwo_> Evenin' anybody familiar with the broadcom bcm4311(rev03) chipset?
[16:58] <guido_> Alguém do Brasil, ou que fale português?
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[17:06] <fugaz_br> HI.. Firstly sorry my bad english.. I'm in ubuntu now, and i want format the partition of windows vista, but the cd boot didn't detect the partititions. Is possible that i delete windows vista, now, in ubuntu?
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[17:09] <schuyler_> i downloaded a patch to try and fix a problem and it is a .diff file
[17:09] <schuyler_> how do i execute/apply this?
[17:12] <schuyler_> anyone?
[17:19] <sarir> kubuntu is really nice :-D
[17:20] <schuyler_> anyone?
[17:20] <sarir> yes
[17:20] <schuyler_> i downloaded a patch to try and fix a problem and it is a .diff file
[17:20] <sarir> if i can help you
[17:20] <schuyler_> how do i execute/apply this
[17:20] <sarir> schmidtm, i'm really new....
[17:20] <sarir> schuyler_, i am new
[17:20] <schuyler_> me too :(
[17:20] <schuyler_> no one here to help :(
[17:20] <sarir> i cant help you schuyler_
[17:21] <sarir> sorry
[17:21] <schuyler_> m[
[17:21] <schuyler_> np
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[17:31] <slhk> schuyler_: use patch to apply a patch (.diff)
[17:32] <gekkoo> anybody knows how to install kde4 api documentation? kdelibs5-doc does not provide the documentation
[17:33] <slhk> gekkoo: kdelibs4-doc or on the kde website
[17:34] <gekkoo> slhk: kdelibs4-doc also contains kde4 documentation? i thought its only 3.5.9
[17:35] <ubuntu> a
[17:36] <slhk> gekkoo: mmm... not sure :(
[17:38] <unitypunk_> damn this wifi
[17:39] <schuyler_> anyone here use KDE4 with ntfs drive?
[17:39] <schuyler_> or know how to?
[17:43] <brian_> hello, new to ubuntu
[17:45] <unitypunk_> wifi is still having issues..
[17:46] <sarir> unitypunk, why?
[17:46] <unitypunk_> the ubuntu pc seems to time out.
[17:47] <unitypunk_> but network manager says i stay connected.
[17:47] <sarir> unitypunk, i dont understand what you mean
[17:47] <oo0> How to del Kubuntu?
[17:47] <unitypunk_> oo0, step one: insert windows xp disk.
[17:47] <sarir> lol
[17:48] <oo0> ok
[17:48] <unitypunk_> or step one A: insert mac OS disk
[17:48] <oo0> lol
[17:48] <oo0> and soo?
[17:48] <unitypunk_> and reboot.
[17:48] <oo0> ok
[17:48] <unitypunk_> following the steps presented by the other operating system your trying to install.
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[18:01] <unitypunk_> damn pc!
[18:04] <vizion> Hi! How do i use my ATI drivers? I clicked on the restricted manager but i still have a resolution of 800x640 =(
[18:04] <Guest39727> loooool
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[18:05] <debian_5> haha
[18:06] <paolo> hi. after some days of usage, now the touchpad of my notepad doesn't work. It's not a hardware problem (with Windows it still work)... what could it be ?
[18:06] <sarir> hm the new version of kubuntu should have updated versions for skype and amsn as well, isn't it?
[18:07] <vizion> s/800x640/640x480/
[18:07] <sarir> the only thing i must say...
[18:07] <unitypunk> am i still here?
[18:07] <sarir> the graphic is much better than the last version and this is really a nice thing
[18:08] <vizion> unitypunk: no
[18:08] <sarir> unitypunk, you should know lol where and why you are here -.-
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[18:14] <michael__> how you change name
[18:15] <varanus> hi all, i have just installed kubuntu and i'd like to pass at kde4.1 from kde4. How i can configure the kinstaller so i do'nt have to compile the package manually? which should be the kde base directory?
[18:16] <michael__> ?
[18:16] <michael__> im confuzzled anyone there
[18:16] <michael__> hello?
[18:17] <michael__> hello?
[18:17] <varanus> michael__ just log out and change it efore loging in
[18:17] <varanus> before*
[18:17] <michael__> in?
[18:18] <michael__> where the hell you change it?
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=== sari is now known as sarir
[18:20] <michael__> omg this is annoying
[18:20] <sarir> what?
[18:20] <varanus> sorry michael__ i got confused with xchat
[18:20] <michael__> i dont know how to change my name
[18:20] <michael__> ive never used a linux based OS before
[18:21] <michael__> im a Windows person me xD
[18:21] <michael__> how you change name coz it dont work
[18:21] <sarir> michael__, type /nick newnick
[18:21] <sarir> that's it
=== michael__ is now known as Snyper
=== unitypunk_ is now known as unitypunk
[18:22] <Snyper> woot
[18:22] <Snyper> danke
[18:22] <Snyper> sarir
[18:22] <sarir> tell me
[18:22] <Snyper> ?
[18:22] <sarir> Snyper, do you feel better now?
[18:23] <Snyper> hell ya
[18:23] <Snyper> kk this is the first time ive ever used Linux whats the good points coz atm its annoying me
[18:23] <Snyper> well Kubuntu to be more exact
[18:24] <Snyper> ?
[18:25] <Snyper> hello
[18:25] <sarir> Snyper, it is annoying you?
[18:25] <sarir> why?
[18:25] <Snyper> yes coz ive never used it xD so i dotn know about it Ggrrr lol
[18:26] <Snyper> apartly you can programe in it better :S and make stuff :s but lol help? lol
[18:27] <sarir> Snyper, just ask
[18:27] <sarir> -.-
[18:27] <Snyper> o.k then...
[18:27] <Snyper> what is good about kubuntu?
[18:27] <sarir> somebody hopefully will answer you
[18:27] <Snyper> :P
[18:27] <Snyper> hopefully
[18:28] <Tm_T> Snyper: there's plenty of good things, easy and powerful to use, secure, fun++ ...
[18:28] <sarir> Snyper, http://www.kubuntu.org/
[18:28] <Tm_T> and plenty of functionality
[18:28] <Snyper> fun?can ya programe thing?what kinda games you can play?what kinda funcionality?
[18:28] <Snyper> ive been always a Windows person
[18:29] <Tm_T> Snyper: there's too much to tell, but try and see (:
[18:29] <jussi01> !info tremulous
[18:29] <Snyper> lol
[18:29] <ubottu> tremulous (source: tremulous): Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with elements of an RTS. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0-4 (hardy), package size 645 kB, installed size 1512 kB
[18:29] <sarir> Snyper, that's why you should take a look here http://www.kubuntu.org/
[18:29] <sarir> and read a little bit
[18:29] <Snyper> xD
[18:29] <varanus> Snyper you're kinda an impatient person, try searching the web too. don't expect everything ready in a plate
[18:29] <Snyper> :(
[18:30] <unitypunk> unity`kubuntu, still here?
[18:30] <unitypunk> mm.. maybe..
[18:30] <Snyper> i just wanna see if kubuntu is usefull if not then bye bye it goes
[18:31] <unity`kubuntu> yeye
[18:31] <unity`kubuntu> kubuntu is the shit.
[18:31] <varanus> Snyper, i'm new to linux too but the only thing i can tell you is that there are plenty of good things in linux but you have to search and learn with patient
[18:31] <jussi01> !ohmy | unity`kubuntu
[18:31] <ubottu> unity`kubuntu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[18:31] <unity`kubuntu> oh whoops..
[18:31] <unity`kubuntu> my bad..
[18:31] <Snyper> you mad him mad :S
[18:33] <unitypunk> hmm
[18:33] <sarir> Snyper, i am using linux since may this year and still i dont have a clue about commands and so on.
[18:33] <unitypunk> really sarir ?
[18:33] <sarir> you really must be patient and learn step by step... Snyper
[18:33] <unitypunk> i installed kubuntu a week ago, and i know more then a hand full of commandds.
[18:33] <sarir> unitypunk, yes
[18:34] <unitypunk> but thats mostly because things have been going bmby..
[18:34] <sarir> unitypunk, lucky you :-/
[18:34] <unitypunk> *bumby
[18:34] <Snyper> oki doki ill give it a go i know someone whoes been using linux for years so ill ask him soem stuff
[18:34] <unitypunk> i think alot of learning nix is trial and error.
[18:35] <Snyper> right bye all
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[18:41] <unitypunk> bah
[18:41] <unitypunk> timed out again..
[18:42] <stefanfu> !ebox
[18:42] <ubottu> ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox
[18:42] <unitypunk> stefanfu, what kind of server, any?
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[18:45] <stefanfu> yes I installed ubuntu server 8.04 with ebox and want to join to domain with an xp client and having much trouble
[18:45] <unitypunk> hmm
[18:45] <unitypunk> i havent gotten to networking my nix box... sorry
[18:46] <stefanfu> in the moment when I want to join I get : username is wwrong
[18:46] <stefanfu> do you have ebox with xp pro running?
[18:46] <unitypunk> no..
[18:46] <unitypunk> i has a desktop with ubuntu running.
[18:46] <unitypunk> lol
[18:47] <unitypunk> and lappy with vista
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[18:52] <Guest18847> Nick cc
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[19:11] <schuyler_> when i try to install this .run file i get administration access required error. Press return to continue
[19:11] <schuyler_> any ideas?
[19:12] <gata> #kubuntu-españa
[19:12] <draik> I can't run firefox3. Opera is my alternative and it felches enemas. How can I get FF3 to work again. Currently, it takes between 2-3 minutes to start and then I have a very small window (5-10 seconds) to use FF3 before it freezes for about 2 minutes. Rinse and repeat.
[19:13] <gata> #kubuntu-es
[19:13] <draik> schuyler_: Have you tried "sudo <command>"?
[19:13] <schuyler_> no i havent
[19:14] <schuyler_> how?
[19:14] <draik> schuyler_: How are you entering the command now for the *.run?
[19:14] <schuyler_> right clicking on file and opening with add/remove
[19:16] <draik> schuyler_: What is the file name?
[19:16] <schuyler_> VirtualBox-2.0.2-36488-Linux_amd64.run
[19:17] <draik> Isn't it in the repos?
[19:18] <schuyler_> i had some errors while trying to install it that way
[19:18] <draik> Ok
[19:18] <schuyler_> didnt give me all of the necessary files
[19:19] <schuyler_> so i downloaded the .run files from their website, but am getting this erro
[19:19] <draik> Command line: "sudo chmod +x VirtualBox-2.0.2-36488-Linux_amd64.run" and then you can "./VirtualBox-2.0.2-36488-Linux_amd64.run" Do NOT sudo the install.
[19:21] <schuyler_> it came back with the same error :(
[19:23] <draik> You will want to check the install instructions from the download page
[19:25] <schuyler_> how do i get the straight line in text?
[19:25] <schuyler_> windows it was alt+1+2+4
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[19:30] <Schuenemann> what is the straight line?
=== root is now known as Jakke77
[19:34] <Schuenemann> !info blender
[19:34] <ubottu> blender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.45-4ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 7023 kB, installed size 18512 kB
=== root is now known as J77
[19:36] <draik> Does anyone else have the same or similar issues with Firefox3 whereby it takes a while to load and then freezes after a 5-10 second window of usage?
[19:40] <Schuenemann> !info glibc
[19:40] <ubottu> Package glibc does not exist in hardy
[19:56] <george_> hello
[19:56] <george_> ola
=== sarir is now known as Sari_eating
[20:01] <draik> Opera keeps on crashing. Is there an alternative browser to Konqueror, Firefox and Opera?
[20:02] <Tm_T> draik: Dillo
[20:02] <draik> Tm_T: Thank you. Installed. Will try it now.
[20:03] <draik> Tm_T: On a long shot, would you know why firefox3 has that delay? I would nuke this HDD and start over with my installs, but that's not logical.
[20:04] <Tm_T> draik: sowwy, no idea, I use Konqueror
[20:05] <draik> Tm_T: Konqueror is limiting. Firefox3 was my favorite until it no longer worked as hoped. Opera was a substitute, but it can't be of much use when it crashes when trying to save files.
[20:05] <draik> Tm_T: Ok, now throw Dillo on the list for browsers that don't work. :(
[20:05] <Tm_T> awww
[20:06] <Tm_T> draik: for me every other browser is more limiting than Konqueror, but thats me (:)
[20:11] <draik> I've removed all of the traces of Firefox.
[20:12] <draik> I hope a reinstall works this time.
[20:14] <dambldor> хай
=== dambldor is now known as live|evil
[20:32] <heinkel_111> hi
[20:32] <heinkel_111> is it possible to move kopete settings from kde3 to kde4?
[20:32] <heinkel_111> it seems i have no contacts etc in kde4
[20:32] <schuyler_> in sudo...
[20:32] <schuyler_> how do i type in the password
[20:32] <schuyler_> it wont let me type unless i press enter
[20:33] <heinkel_111> ??
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[20:33] <schuyler_> i type sudo chmod +x VirtualBox-2.0.2-36488-Linux_x86.run
[20:33] <schuyler_> then it asks for the password
=== difflimited is now known as difflimit3
[20:33] <heinkel_111> schyler; then type the password and hit enter
[20:34] <schuyler_> it wont allow me to type
[20:34] <schuyler_> until i press enter
[20:34] <heinkel_111> relax
[20:35] <heinkel_111> schuyler: the password is entered but you cannot see the characters
[20:35] <schuyler_> ah, that explains it
[20:35] <schuyler_> btw not in bad mood, bad habit of sending mulitple messages instead of one big one :p
[20:35] <heinkel_111> schuyler: this trick protects you from your teenage son watching over your shoulder and such :)
[20:35] <schuyler_> erm
[20:36] <schuyler_> i have no teenage son
[20:36] <schuyler_> that would be bad
[20:36] <heinkel_111> schuyler> take it easy...insert your favorite nosy relative then
[20:36] <heinkel_111> :)
[20:36] <schuyler_> fine fine :P
[20:37] <heinkel_111> now can anyone tell me about kopete kde 3 to kde 4 migration?
[20:39] <draik> I have reinstalled Firefox3 and it is still sluggish.
[20:40] <Kage_Jittai> draik: how much memory do you have?
[20:40] <draik> Sysinfo for 'Lair': Linux 2.6.24-21-generic running KDE 3.5.10, CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz at 3215 MHz (6433 bogomips), HD: 535/766GB, RAM: 1167/3035MB, 133 proc's, 18.57min up
[20:42] <Kage_Jittai> draik: open a terminal and try: firefox -safe-mode
[20:42] <draik> Kage_Jittai: Ok.
[20:43] <draik> I'll get back to you in about 2-3 minutes when it loads
[20:44] <Kage_Jittai> -_-
[20:45] <Kage_Jittai> is your entire system running slow, or just firefox
[20:46] <draik> Just firefox
[20:46] <Kage_Jittai> intresting
[20:46] <draik> Opera won't let me download images from cdcover.cc
[20:46] <draik> It's either a javascript error (lengthy one, too) or it just crashes and goes away.
[20:47] <Kage_Jittai> try this, close all instances of firefox
[20:47] <draik> What instances? It's not even up yet.
[20:47] <Kage_Jittai> run killall firefox
[20:47] <Kage_Jittai> to be sure you got them
[20:47] <draik> Nevermind. I have a popup for starting in safemode
[20:48] <draik> I will kill it
[20:48] <draik> Killed
[20:48] <Kage_Jittai> now run: mv ~/.mozilla/ ~/.mozillabackup
[20:48] <draik> Done
[20:49] <Kage_Jittai> try starting firefox now
[20:49] <draik> Firefox or firefox -safe-mode?
[20:49] <Kage_Jittai> either
[20:49] <draik> From command line or K Menu?
[20:49] <Kage_Jittai> either
[20:49] <chfwiggum> lol
[20:49] <draik> Ok
[20:50] <draik> So... am I to look for something?
[20:51] <Kage_Jittai> draik: is it running any faster?
[20:51] <draik> It's not even running.
[20:51] <Kage_Jittai> run it from the command line
[20:51] <draik> Ok
[20:52] <draik> Should I have done Firefox -v?
[20:52] <gabo> hola
[20:52] <Kage_Jittai> if you want too
[20:52] <chfwiggum> hallo
[20:52] <gabo> spanish
[20:52] <chfwiggum> !es
[20:52] <ubottu> En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[20:53] <gabo> estoy aprendiendo
[20:53] <draik> Kage_Jittai: Still waiting for something.
[20:53] <draik> Nothing in CLI, not even a window
[20:53] <Kage_Jittai> odd
[20:54] <aitd> PWD
[20:54] <aitd> pwd
[20:54] <draik> ~
[20:54] <aitd> sorry, wrong screen... :\
[20:55] <Kage_Jittai> draik: run wget http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-3.0.3&os=linux&lang=en-US
[20:55] <draik> Ok
[20:55] <draik> Getting it.
[20:55] <constanza> Hello
[20:55] <draik> Should it have been the exe?
[20:56] <constanza> Que Pasa
[20:56] <draik> !es | constanza
[20:56] <ubottu> constanza: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[20:57] <Kage_Jittai> No
[20:57] <Kage_Jittai> draik: try wget "http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-3.0.3&os=linux&lang=en-US"
[20:57] <draik> `Firefox Setup 3.0.3.exe' saved [7508608/7508608]
[20:57] <Kage_Jittai> putting the url in ""
[20:58] <draik> Ok
[20:58] <draik> Ok. It is saved
[20:58] <constanza> What Is EM0?
[20:58] <Kage_Jittai> ok now run: tar -xjf firefox-3.0.3.tar.bz2
[20:58] <constanza> "La gente se vuelve mas fuerte por que tiene recuerdos que no pueden olvidar.. a eso se llama crecer "
[20:58] <constanza>
[20:58] <constanza> "Me perdi en el sendero de la vida "
[20:59] <draik> !es | constanza
[20:59] <ubottu> constanza: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.
[20:59] <draik> Kage_Jittai: Ok. Done
[20:59] <Kage_Jittai> ok cool
[20:59] <Kage_Jittai> now do:
[20:59] <chfwiggum> draik: she was just quoting :)
[21:00] <draik> Oh
[21:00] <Kage_Jittai> draik: ok, now cd firefox
[21:00] <Kage_Jittai> and ./firefox
[21:01] <draik> ok
[21:01] * draik is waiting for something to happen
[21:02] <Kage_Jittai> no error messages?
[21:02] <draik> Nothing
[21:02] <Kage_Jittai> ok, do sudo apt-get remove firefox
[21:03] <draik> Should I add --purge?
[21:03] <Kage_Jittai> sure
[21:03] <draik> Done
[21:03] <Kage_Jittai> now do: rm ~/.mozilla
[21:04] <draik> rm -r ~/.mozilla done
[21:04] <chfwiggum> :)
[21:04] <Kage_Jittai> now ./firefox
[21:05] <draik> Nothing happening.
=== constanza is now known as Lucida
[21:05] <Kage_Jittai> -_-
=== Tizz_ is now known as Tizz
[21:06] <Kage_Jittai> No error messages?
[21:06] <draik> Nope
[21:06] <Lucida> "La gente se vuelve mas fuerte por que tiene recuerdos que no pueden olvidar.. a eso se llama crecer "
[21:06] <Lucida>
[21:06] <Lucida> "Me perdi en el sendero de la vida "
[21:06] <draik> It's just a new line with the cursor waiting.
[21:07] <Schuenemann> Lucida, stop this non sense
[21:07] <Kage_Jittai> draik: run: ldd ./firefox-bin
[21:07] <draik> Nothing in CLI or GUI
[21:08] <Kage_Jittai> and pastebin the output
[21:08] <draik> Kage_Jittai: http://paste.ubuntu.com/56782/
[21:11] <eagles0513875> what package do i need to install for an ftp server i have tftp
[21:11] <Kage_Jittai> eagles0513875: I use svftpd IRCC
[21:11] <eagles0513875> Kage_Jittai: in repos
=== Tizz is now known as Tizz_
[21:13] <Dr3mro> plz i have a q? what is the memory consumption of kde4.1 after a cold reboot ?
[21:13] <Kage_Jittai> draik: you sure ./firefox does not work
[21:13] <draik> Yup
[21:13] <Dr3mro> after frsh insta
[21:13] <draik> Nothing loads. It just sits there at a new line.
[21:14] <unitypunk> gah
[21:15] <draik> It will load after 2-3 minutes from initiation.
[21:16] <unitypunk> can anyone explain an error message to me?
[21:17] <jussi01> unitypunk: ask!
[21:17] <unitypunk> when i ssh to my ubuntu box, i keept getting software caused connection abort
[21:17] <unitypunk> after a few minuts
[21:18] <FFEMTcJ> when i boot up using the live cd, theres something in the upper right hand side that says add widget.. what is running that?
[21:18] <Kage_Jittai> FFEMTcJ: plasma
[21:19] <FFEMTcJ> will that run on gnome?
[21:19] <Kage_Jittai> If your running plasma, you might as well be running all of KDE
[21:19] <Kage_Jittai> but yes
[21:19] <Kage_Jittai> it will run under gnome, in theory
[21:19] <FFEMTcJ> i installed kde, but i dont really like it so far
[21:20] <Kage_Jittai> draik: has it always run slowly
[21:20] <draik> No. This is "recent". It's been like this since about May
[21:21] <draik> *May 2008
[21:21] <eagles0513875> !aptfix
[21:21] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[21:23] <Kage_Jittai> draik: have you tried running it from the liveCD?
[21:23] <draik> Kage_Jittai: Running Kubuntu from the LiveCD and then run Firefox?
[21:23] <Kage_Jittai> yeah
[21:24] <draik> No
[21:24] <draik> The odd thing is this. The issue only happens on my desktop. The two other laptops on my home network do not have this issue
[21:24] <draik> They run identical.
[21:24] <Kage_Jittai> This is a odd issue
[21:25] <draik> SSH is also getting "segfault" between the desktop and another laptop. The other laptop can SSH into either of the two.
[21:25] <draik> The SSH issue started last week
[21:26] <Kage_Jittai> draik: did you put /home on its own partition?
[21:26] <draik> I think I will get the 1TB HDD from Seagate and put all of my Linux on there and then leave the HDD I've partitioned now to just windows.
[21:26] <draik> Kage_Jittai: Unfortunately, no.
[21:26] <unitypunk> stupid desktop!
[21:26] <Kage_Jittai> it might be some type of network card issue
[21:26] <Kage_Jittai> if ssh is acting up as well
[21:26] <draik> Kage_Jittai: For both the laptop and desktop?
[21:27] <draik> Laptop A and Laptop B have no firefox issues. Laptop A has SSH issue, not Laptop B.
[21:27] <draik> They have identical installs
[21:27] <Kage_Jittai> draik: try: ./firefox ~
[21:28] <draik> Laptop A is Dell SmartStep 200N while Laptop B is HP Pavillion N5150
[21:28] <draik> Ok
[21:28] <draik> What does the tilde at the end do?
[21:29] <Kage_Jittai> makes firefox open your home directory
[21:29] <Kage_Jittai> see if opening a local page loads any quicker
[21:29] <draik> Kew. Well, nothing happening at this time.
[21:29] <draik> Will let you know when it does
[21:30] <Kage_Jittai> just ctrl + c out
[21:30] <draik> Ok
[21:30] <Kage_Jittai> once firefox does load, does it run normally?
[21:30] <draik> Nope.
[21:30] <Kage_Jittai> I am starting to think this is a issue with your libs
[21:30] <draik> It gives me a 5-10 second window for usage before it freezes for about 1-2 minutes.
[21:31] <Kage_Jittai> no other programs are having issues ?
[21:31] <draik> Then I have another small window of usage... rinse and repeat.
[21:31] <Lucida> "La gente se vuelve mas fuerte por que tiene recuerdos que no pueden olvidar.. a eso se llama crecer "
[21:31] <draik> Nope. Everything else is running smoothly. Exception of SSH, of course.
=== Sari_eating is now known as Sarir
[21:33] <Kage_Jittai> draik: run ./firefox -g
[21:33] <draik> Ok.
[21:34] <draik> Do you want a pastebin?
[21:34] <Kage_Jittai> yes
[21:35] <draik> http://paste.ubuntu.com/56788/
[21:36] <Kage_Jittai> ok that looks good
[21:36] <Kage_Jittai> now type start and press enter
[21:36] <draik> It's stuck just after (gdb)
[21:36] <draik> Ok
[21:36] <draik> Function "main" not defined.
[21:36] <draik> Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n])
[21:37] <draik> Yes or no?
[21:37] <Sarir> ehm, i did something wrong..... now with the command sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list i see the page empty O_O
[21:37] <draik> !source-o-matic
[21:37] <ubottu> source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.
[21:37] <Kage_Jittai> yes
[21:38] <draik> Kage_Jittai: I get many (no debugging symbols found)
[21:38] <Kage_Jittai> just keep pressing enter
[21:39] <draik> Ok
[21:39] <draik> A bit on the stuck side here.
[21:39] <draik> Not going anywhere.
[21:40] <draik> Kage_Jittai: Should I reinstall the firefox package along with sun-java6-plugin now or at a later time?
[21:40] <Kage_Jittai> No point in reinstalling it at this time
[21:40] <draik> Ok
[21:41] <Kage_Jittai> draik: I think, you have a issue with one of your libraries
[21:41] <draik> It's taking its time, it just moved right now by 8 lines
[21:42] <draik> What is it doing right now, anyway?
[21:44] <Kage_Jittai> loading stuff
[21:44] <draik> Ok
[21:45] <Kage_Jittai> moving slow is not a good sign
[21:45] <draik> Didn't think so
[21:45] <lokpest> hi, I have a Dell Inspiron, the media buttons on the front side (play/pause next, prev, stop, mute etc) work, but pushing the "media direct" button just crashes the funtionality for all those buttons. I just upgraded to Hardy
[21:46] <justin_> I'm trying to get Flash to work in KDE4 Konqueror with no luck :(
[21:46] <draik> lokpest: I'm using a Logitech Elite keyboard. Same happens when I press the Media button (which was setup to start Amarok). It crashes an app (can't recall the name), but I'm still able to use the <<, <, ||, >, >> keys
[21:47] <draik> Kage_Jittai: This was the last output line: [Thread 0xb33feb90 (LWP 9538) exited]
[21:47] <lokpest> draik: It worked fine for you in gutsy too?
[21:47] <draik> lokpest: Yup
[21:47] <lokpest> ok, more with the same problem then :(
[21:47] <draik> lokpest: Now, I just use Katapult to start Amarok
[21:48] <lokpest> draik: well... starting amarok is not the problem, its using the button that is ;)
[21:49] <draik> lokpest: I know. That's why I just use Katapult to start Amarok instead of pressing the Media button which did it for me in Gutsy
[21:49] <Kage_Jittai> draik: ok
[21:49] <draik> Kage_Jittai: Sorry. It was pending on me. It was awaiting my agreement to the EULA
[21:50] <draik> Whoopsie
[21:50] <Kage_Jittai> -_-..........
[21:50] <redwolf> so I want to install kubuntu on my t400, does the latest version of kubuntu have kernel 2.6.27RC or any version affected by that wireless card bug?
[21:50] <Kage_Jittai> so its fixed now?
[21:50] <draik> No. Still sluggish.
[21:50] <Kage_Jittai> ok
[21:50] <Kage_Jittai> here is what we are going to do
[21:51] <Kage_Jittai> reinstall some packages
[21:51] <draik> Kage_Jittai: Only 2 lines were added after the agreement.
[21:51] <draik> Ok. What am I installing?
[21:53] <draik> Kage_Jittai: popup window. Start new session or continue from last?
[21:53] <Kage_Jittai> close it out
[21:53] <draik> Ok
[21:53] <Kage_Jittai> run: sudo aptitude reinstall libgtk2.0-0 libgcc1 libglib2.0-0 libcairo2 libpango1.0-0 libnspr4-0d xulrunner-1.9
[21:53] <draik> Ok
[21:54] <draik> Reinstalling...
[21:54] <rony> sera
[21:54] <Kage_Jittai> draik: cross your fingers and kiss your ass that this works
[21:54] <draik> Done
[21:55] <Kage_Jittai> try starting firefox, normally
[21:55] <Kage_Jittai> ./firefox
[21:55] <draik> Ok
[21:55] <Kage_Jittai> did it work?
[21:55] <draik> Still waiting
[21:55] <Kage_Jittai> damn
[21:56] <draik> Nothing yet
[21:57] <jack__> hello world
[21:57] <jack__> Noob here. Can someone direct me to instructions to install a webcam to kubuntu?
[21:58] <Kage_Jittai> draik: ctrl+c out
[21:58] <draik> Ok
[21:58] <Kage_Jittai> draik: then run sudo aptitude reinstall libatk1.0-0 libc6
[21:58] <draik> Reinstalling...
[21:59] <draik> Done
[22:00] <Kage_Jittai> try starting FF now
[22:00] <draik> Ok
[22:00] <draik> Still pending on a window
[22:01] * Kage_Jittai shakes his head
[22:01] <Kage_Jittai> I don't know what else to try short of reinstalling your entire system
[22:02] <Kage_Jittai> draik: sorry :(
[22:02] <sorush20> hi
[22:02] <draik> Kage_Jittai: Thanks for the help. I truely appreciate it. I think I will wait for Christmas when I buy myself the 1TB and do a completely new install of Kubuntu 8.10 and just transfer over what I have now for images, docs and other such files.
[22:02] <sorush20> just wanted to ask why the plasma told bar or panel is not being added to the buttom?
[22:02] <Kage_Jittai> draik: cool
[22:02] <sorush20> how do I get the gpg keys for here 40976EAF437D05B5
[22:03] <sorush20> !gpg
[22:03] <ubottu> gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts
[22:03] <draik> Kage_Jittai: Don't suppose you'd know why I'm getting segfault on SSH, would you?
[22:03] <Kage_Jittai> nope
[22:03] <draik> Ok
[22:03] <jackturner53> hello world
[22:03] <Kage_Jittai> and I am burnt
[22:03] <Sarir> i dont know how to set back the right sources??? -.-
[22:03] <jackturner53> Can someone help me install a webcam?
[22:04] <draik> I'll research everything and hopefully find the cause to these issues. Thanks again Kage_Jittai
[22:04] <Sarir> then where the hell area disapperaring all the time the shells i opened and the mozilla pages???
[22:04] <Sarir> bah
[22:05] <draik> !webcam | jackturner53
[22:05] <ubottu> jackturner53: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras
[22:05] <draik> !botsnack
[22:05] <ubottu> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!
[22:05] <Sarir> !sources
[22:05] <ubottu> The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[22:05] <jackturner53> Thankyou!!
[22:06] <albuntu> hi to all
[22:08] <redwolf> what kernel version does 8.10 use?
[22:10] <sorush20> what is the gpg key management front end in kde
[22:10] <sorush20> kubuntu
[22:11] <john_> wow i have learned so much cool stuff form ubuntu
[22:12] <kornflake53081> yeah kbuntu rocks
[22:12] <john_> anyone know any good stock programs?
[22:15] <chairman> how do i get the plasma look
[22:15] <dr_willis> plasma look?
[22:15] <dr_willis> You mean KDE4?
[22:17] <kornflake53081> ne one had luck geting myth tv working with a ati card?
[22:17] <Sarir> after sudo apt-get update you see a lot of "hit" and "ign" what does it mean?
[22:19] <chairman> i got kde4
[22:20] <chairman> never mind.
[22:24] <albuntu_> anyone with intrepid ?
[22:25] <dr_willis> That would be in #ubuntu+1 for now albuntu_
[22:25] <albuntu_> dr_willis : i know i am there but i just wanted to ask something related to kde
[22:25] <dr_willis> Theres also the
[22:25] <dr_willis> !kde4
[22:25] <ubottu> KDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[22:25] <dr_willis> :)
[22:26] <dr_willis> so ask away and see who answers
[22:26] <albuntu_> ok thanks :)
[22:26] <W8TAH> hi folks - -how would i take a terminal app and modify its window properties so it was borderless and semitransparent to sit on my desktop most of the time and look good too?
[22:28] <dr_willis> W8TAH, well thers that 'kstart' utility that may let ya do some of that.
[22:28] <dr_willis> but not sure about all those settings
[22:28] <W8TAH> ok - im looking at the edit window-specific settings right now - hoping to find something
[22:29] <dr_willis> kstart is worth looking at.. :) it may come in handy for other usses.
[22:29] <W8TAH> cool
[22:29] <dr_willis> i use it to make sme apps not appear in the task manager list and so forth
[22:30] <W8TAH> cool
[22:30] <W8TAH> im assuming its not the one referring to kerberos? thats the first one my google turned up
[22:31] <dr_willis> not sure what kerberos has to do with it.
[22:31] <dr_willis> I just rember kstart from ages ago. :) its an overlooked kde app/feature -
[22:31] <W8TAH> kstart is a kerberos auth faciility according to the search -- i'll keep digging
[22:31] <dr_willis> Utility to launch applications with special window properties
[22:31] <dr_willis> such as iconified, maximized, a certain virtual desktop, a special decoration
[22:31] <dr_willis> and so on.
[22:31] <W8TAH> cool
[22:32] <dr_willis> Usageexample : kstart --alldesktops --skiptaskbar hotbabe
[22:32] <dr_willis> :)
[22:32] <W8TAH> excellent
[22:32] <W8TAH> i fond the kde docs on it
[22:32] <W8TAH> :D
[22:32] <W8TAH> good stuff
[22:33] <dr_willis> Note that the thing does NOT appear to do everything, transparency and so forth.
[22:36] <W8TAH> ya - -i noticed that -- i just remembered from my gentoo days that i had transparent eterm windows - -and i was thinkin that might be a solution -- now to find those docs.....
[22:36] <W8TAH> LOL
[22:37] <john_> every time i try and play a pod cast it won't connect to stream
[22:37] <dr_willis> Transparent root eterm tricks - seen several at the kde-look.org site
[22:37] <dr_willis> then theres other ways to do similer things
[22:38] <john_> whats a realy good podcasst player?
[22:38] <dr_willis> Try songbird yet?
[22:38] <W8TAH> dr_willis, such as?
[22:38] <john_> not yes
[22:38] <dr_willis> or That other one.. err.. similer to songbird... mirro i think
[22:38] <john_> not yet
[22:39] <mot_> are there kubuntu repos out there that carry the latest kde 4.1.x build?
[22:39] <dr_willis> W8TAH, thats an old skool 'gimmic' that ive seen done in different ways.. i recall eterm beingone way, and theres other root-terminal-window methods out.
[22:39] <dr_willis> root-tail i think is another app
[22:39] <dr_willis> depends on whatyou want to do with the stuff.
[22:40] <W8TAH> dr_willis, cool -- i found what looks like a good doc in ubuntu forums (all hail google)
[22:40] <W8TAH> that i think will work
[22:41] <john_> trying songbird now it looks like i will be pleased
[22:41] <john_> lol
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[22:43] <Lucida> "La gente se vuelve mas fuerte por que tiene recuerdos que no pueden olvidar.. a eso se llama crecer "
[22:46] <banermatt> bonjour a tous
[22:52] <kornflake53081> should 7.10 work well with a pen 3 with 256 of ram
[22:52] <jmen> hi!
[22:52] <jmen> are anybody here?
[22:55] <dr_willis> Yes
[22:55] <dr_willis> kornflake53081, it should work..but more ram would really really help
[22:56] <kornflake53081> hmm wnated to use it with my ati card and mabey myth tv?
[22:56] <kornflake53081> if i can figure it out
[22:58] <dr_willis> ATI tv tuners can be a problem under linux
[22:59] <dr_willis> that low a end system.. may work ok as a mythtv server.. but i imagine it will be getting pushed hard to keep up
[23:01] <kornflake53081> yeah thats all it would do
[23:01] <kornflake53081> is so i can watch tv
[23:01] <kornflake53081> while on my other systems
[23:01] <kornflake53081> hmmmm where would be good to start on reading about hot to do it with the ati tuner
[23:01] <dr_willis> MythTV homepage, Mythbuntu homepage/forums
[23:02] <dr_willis> Its very possible that the ati tuner hsa NO linux support at all and wont work at all
[23:02] <kornflake53081> lets no jinx me yet
[23:09] <abo> hello, i've moved the harddrive from one pc to another is there a way to run hardware config utility again ?
[23:15] <dr_willis> Othher then the restrcted drivers for video/wireless - ive moved mine about.. and rarely had to do anything
[23:15] <abdoupirat> hello evrybody
[23:16] <abdoupirat> i have a big problem
[23:16] <abdoupirat> can anyone help me please
[23:16] <dr_willis> abdoupirat, ask the actual question. TO the channel
[23:17] <dr_willis> 'To the channel' seems to not be very well understood....
[23:18] <dr_willis> Ask in here abdoupirat - Not in Private Chat.
[23:18] <abdoupirat> ok
[23:18] <unitypunk_> can someone try to ssh to unitypunk.no-ip.org?
[23:18] <abdoupirat> the problem is about my hdd partition
[23:18] <dr_willis> unitypunk_ it works here.
[23:18] <abdoupirat> when i want to delete or criat new folder
[23:19] <unitypunk_> rly?
[23:19] <abdoupirat> i cant
[23:19] <dr_willis> Warning: Permanently added 'unitypunk.no-ip.org,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[23:19] <dr_willis> willis@unitypunk.no-ip.org's password:
[23:19] <unitypunk_> yayayayayaya!
[23:19] <unitypunk_> thanks a ton!
[23:19] <abdoupirat> i canout writ into my partion disk
[23:19] <dr_willis> abdoupirat, i would imagine you dont have it mounted with the proper permissions.
[23:19] <abdoupirat> no
[23:20] <abdoupirat> i have mounted it
[23:20] <dr_willis> depending on what filesystem the partition is. you need to mount it in different ways/with different options. OR it has an error and has been remoutned readonly
[23:20] <abdoupirat> i can see files
[23:20] <dr_willis> abdoupirat, #1 - what filesystem is this partition?
[23:21] <unitypunk_> if i put a . before a file name, it hides it right?
[23:21] <abdoupirat> i didn't understand what did you means
[23:21] <dr_willis> unitypunk_, 'sort of' :) most apps just ignore/hide them.. its not really nidden
[23:21] <unitypunk_> itll hide my pron stash from my friends right?
[23:21] <dr_willis> abdoupirat, is this a windows partition? NTFS? Linux?
[23:21] <dr_willis> unitypunk_, unless they do a ls -al . ;)
[23:22] <unitypunk_> psha they dunno how to get to terminal :-p
[23:22] <unitypunk_> tyx
[23:22] <unitypunk_> wait, that should work on ntfs drive right?
[23:22] <abdoupirat> it's a ntfs partiton
[23:23] <dr_willis> abdoupirat, then you need to set up ntfs-3g and give the proper options to allow all users full access to the NTFS filesystem..
[23:23] <abdoupirat> i cant writ into ntfs partition but i can see files
[23:23] <unitypunk_> abdoupirat, where is it mounted?
[23:23] <dr_willis> if you are using the 'ntfs' filesystem instead of ntfs-3g - Corrct..it will be READ ONLY.
[23:23] <abdoupirat> where i find it
[23:23] <unitypunk_> in /home/user/
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[23:23] <dr_willis> !ntfs-3g
[23:23] <ubottu> ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions
[23:24] <LjL> ahem.
[23:24] <unitypunk_> ohh mod
[23:27] <dr_willis> If one has NTFS entries in fstab like the following..... *using ntfs as the filesystem*
[23:27] <dr_willis> UUID=B22C89932C8952F1 /media/vistadata ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1
[23:28] <dr_willis> Then the 'ntfs-config' tool can be installed/ran as root and it will 'convert' them to ntfs-3g entries.. which look like the following...
[23:28] <dr_willis> UUID=B22C89932C8952F1 /media/vistadata ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 1
[23:28] <varanus> what i should prefare for browsing, firefox or konqueror?
[23:28] <dr_willis> I always use firefor varanus
[23:29] <dr_willis> firefox. :)
[23:29] <varanus> okie :)
[23:29] <varanus> cuase i just passed from suse to kubuntu so i thought asking to see what others use too :) ty dr_willis
[23:30] <dr_willis> I always install firefox from the start on a clean Kubuntu install..
[23:30] <dr_willis> and other apps. :)
[23:32] <abdoupirat> dr_willis : i cant writ please help me
[23:32] <dr_willis> abdoupirat, in order to edit the fstab file you MUST do so as root with use of the sudo, or equilient commands.
[23:33] <abdoupirat> yes
[23:33] <dr_willis> you may want to start being a little more verbose in your questions also abdoupirat im having to guess at what you actual questions are.
[23:33] <dr_willis> !sudo
[23:33] <ubottu> sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)
[23:33] <dr_willis> sudo nano /etc/fstab For cli..
[23:33] <dr_willis> or
[23:33] <abdoupirat> but what i have to writ into fstab
[23:33] <dr_willis> kdesu kedit (or kate) /etc/fstab for a Gui
=== maxi_ is now known as Madass
[23:34] <dr_willis> abdoupirat, if you have an entry with ntfs in it.. You can install/run the ntfs-config tool and just run it.. IT should edit the fstab for you
[23:34] <dr_willis> or change thelines following the examples i gave earlier.
[23:34] <dr_willis> /media/vistadata ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 became -> /media/vistadata ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 1
[23:35] <abdoupirat> can you help me stp by stup i am new on ubunto
[23:35] <dr_willis> abdoupirat, #1 - DOES your fstab file have an entry that has 'ntfs' in it? like i pasted above?
[23:36] <dr_willis> like this ------> media/vistadata ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1
[23:36] <dr_willis> note the 'ntfs' part.
[23:36] <abdoupirat> so i open fstab on gedit
[23:36] <abdoupirat> wait me
[23:36] <dr_willis> gedit is not in kubuntu, thats a gnome app. you may or may not have gedit
[23:36] <microchipv420> heys everybody, how do i downgrade from kde4 to kde3?
[23:36] <dr_willis> microchipv420, not very easially.
[23:36] <microchipv420> i was afraid of that
[23:37] <microchipv420> i am experiencing random blackout/shutdowns
[23:37] <microchipv420> it can be triggered by anything, closing a program, switching desktops, even closing a tab in a browser
[23:38] <dr_willis> sounds liek it may be more video driver related.. but its hard to tell
[23:38] <microchipv420> the screen freezes, then goes black
[23:38] <microchipv420> how can i check that>?
[23:38] <abdoupirat> what i have to writ in fstab in order i can writ on partiton???
[23:38] <dr_willis> try a different widnow manager.
[23:38] <microchipv420> hmm
[23:38] <dr_willis> abdoupirat, #1 - DOES your fstab file have an entry that has 'ntfs' in it? like i pasted above?
[23:38] <microchipv420> kk, brb
[23:39] <dr_willis> if so as i show above on my system <dr_willis> /media/vistadata ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 BECOMES -> /media/vistadata ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 1
[23:39] <abdoupirat> willis : wait i will writ waht does it writ into fstab
[23:40] <abdoupirat> look
[23:40] <abdoupirat> this is my fstab
[23:40] <abdoupirat> # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
[23:40] <abdoupirat> #
[23:40] <abdoupirat> # -- This file has been automaticly generated by ntfs-config --
[23:40] <abdoupirat> #
[23:40] <abdoupirat> # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
[23:40] <abdoupirat> proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
[23:40] <dr_willis> !pastebin | abdoupirat
[23:40] <ubottu> abdoupirat: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[23:40] <abdoupirat> # Entry for /dev/sda8 :
[23:40] <abdoupirat> UUID=05f824f7-22ab-4a4f-a53c-6877bec0cc29 / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
[23:40] <abdoupirat> # Entry for /dev/sda9 :
[23:40] <abdoupirat> UUID=8a8a1e1f-fb99-406e-8b1b-593690807def none swap sw 0 0
[23:40] <abdoupirat> /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
[23:40] <abdoupirat> <SAT> /media/<mount point> ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
[23:41] <dr_willis> the line --> <abdoupirat> <SAT> /media/<mount point> ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
[23:41] <dr_willis> is incorrect.
[23:42] <dr_willis> You must of put that in there.. and dident relize you need to use replace <SAT> with the actual /dev/WHATEVER name, and <mount point> with an actual Mountpoint directory.
[23:42] <dr_willis> Such as the examples i gave above.. heres is another example...
[23:43] <dr_willis> /dev/sda1 /media/Vista ntfs-3g rw,uid=1000 0 0
[23:43] <abdoupirat> the name of my partition is
[23:44] <dr_willis> That line mounts my vista drive on sda1, to the mountpoint /media/Vista the uid= letsmy first user have full rights.
[23:44] <abdoupirat> i have SAT
[23:44] <abdoupirat> and PC
[23:44] <dr_willis> <SAT> is not the name of a 'drive' - You define what drive to use either by /dev/sdXX or by the UUID= type format.
[23:44] <abdoupirat> please writ me what i have to writ in ordr i can writ into SAT partition?
[23:44] <dr_willis> 'sudo fdisk -l' will show a list of all drives/partitions
[23:45] <abdoupirat> ok
[23:45] <abdoupirat> wiat
[23:45] <dr_willis> use pastebin this time
[23:45] <dr_willis> 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit ' then 'sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit'
[23:46] <dr_willis> then post that url here.
[23:46] <abdoupirat> i have this
[23:46] <abdoupirat> sage: fdisk [-l] [-b SSZ] [-u] device
[23:46] <abdoupirat> E.g.: fdisk /dev/hda (for the first IDE disk)
[23:46] <abdoupirat> or: fdisk /dev/sdc (for the third SCSI disk)
[23:46] <abdoupirat> or: fdisk /dev/eda (for the first PS/2 ESDI drive)
[23:46] <abdoupirat> or: fdisk /dev/rd/c0d0 or: fdisk /dev/ida/c0d0 (for RAID devices)
[23:46] <dr_willis> its -l as in LIST
[23:47] <abdoupirat> i didn't understand
[23:48] <kornflake53081> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=574425
[23:48] <kornflake53081> yikes
[23:48] <dr_willis> You really might need to go read a few linux beginner docs/guides. You are just making one basic mistake after another.. In short.. Your fstab entry is totally wrong. and needs to be fixed. You need to use ' sudo fdisk -l' to see what partion your NTFS filesystem is.
[23:49] <dr_willis> on My system for example...
[23:49] <dr_willis> sudo fdisk -l | grep NTFS
[23:49] <dr_willis>
[23:49] <abdoupirat> wait
[23:49] <dr_willis> /dev/sda1 * 1 12748 102398278+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
[23:50] <dr_willis> that shows my ntfs drive is on /dev/sda1
[23:50] <dr_willis> the fstab entry for that Drive would be.....
[23:50] <abdoupirat> look this
[23:50] <dr_willis> /dev/sda1 /media/Vista ntfs-3g rw,uid=1000 0 0
[23:50] <abdoupirat> Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
[23:50] <abdoupirat> /dev/sda1 * 1 1275 10241406 7 HPFS/NTFS
[23:50] <abdoupirat> /dev/sda2 1276 4865 28836675 5 Extended
[23:50] <abdoupirat> /dev/sda5 1276 2550 10241406 7 HPFS/NTFS
[23:50] <abdoupirat> /dev/sda6 2551 3825 10241406 7 HPFS/NTFS
[23:50] <abdoupirat> /dev/sda7 4744 4865 979933+ b W95 FAT32
[23:50] <abdoupirat> /dev/sda8 3826 4697 7004308+ 83 Linux
[23:50] <abdoupirat> /dev/sda9 4698 4743 369463+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
[23:51] <dr_willis> Well now we know yoru ntfs drive is on sda1 ... and you have one on sda5 and sda6 and a fat32 on sda7 , and you really need to learn to use pastebinit to stop flooding the channel.
[23:51] <abdoupirat> what shold i writ now
[23:51] <dr_willis> Example fstab entry for the drive on sda1 ---------------> /dev/sda1 /media/Vista ntfs-3g rw,uid=1000 0 0
[23:52] <dr_willis> a line like that should bein your /etc/fstab for each drive
[23:52] <abdoupirat> dr_willis
[23:52] <dr_willis> You MUST change the /dev/sd## to match the drives name as you just show in your paste. and you MUST change and make the /media/Vista Directorys
[23:52] <abdoupirat> willis
[23:52] <dr_willis> So edit your fstab file, cut/paste that line 3 times.. change the 3 lines.. one for each ntfs drive.
[23:53] <abdoupirat> listen to me
[23:53] <abdoupirat> this is my fstab correct
[23:53] <abdoupirat> now
[23:54] <abdoupirat> # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
[23:54] <dr_willis> your fstab you pasted earlier had some serious mistakes in it.
[23:54] <abdoupirat> #
[23:54] <abdoupirat> # -- This file has been automaticly generated by ntfs-config --
[23:54] <abdoupirat> #
[23:54] <abdoupirat> # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
[23:54] <abdoupirat> proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
[23:54] <abdoupirat> # Entry for /dev/sda8 :
[23:54] <abdoupirat> UUID=05f824f7-22ab-4a4f-a53c-6877bec0cc29 / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
[23:54] <abdoupirat> # Entry for /dev/sda9 :
[23:54] <abdoupirat> UUID=8a8a1e1f-fb99-406e-8b1b-593690807def none swap sw 0 0
[23:54] <abdoupirat> /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
[23:54] <abdoupirat> and you know now my ntfs partition
[23:54] <dr_willis> /dev/sda1 /media/Vista ntfs-3g rw,uid=1000 0 0
[23:54] <dr_willis> needs to to at theend of your fstab.
[23:55] <abdoupirat> can you write me a true lint to have to writ into fstab
[23:55] <dr_willis> load up your text editor and edit the thing
[23:55] <abdoupirat> because i am new on linux
[23:55] <dr_willis> sudo nano /etc/fstab
[23:56] <dr_willis> its best to learn the basics.. not just cut/paste commands...
[23:56] <abdoupirat> and i reknow what i have to do
[23:56] <dr_willis> you use the text editor and add that line to the end.
[23:57] <abdoupirat> who line??
[23:57] <dr_willis> the line ive been pasteing about 10 times now
[23:57] <dr_willis> /dev/sda1 /media/Vista ntfs-3g rw,uid=1000 0 0
[23:57] <abdoupirat> so i should to writ this
[23:57] <abdoupirat> /dev/sda1 /media/Vista ntfs-3g rw,uid=1000 0 0
[23:58] <abdoupirat> on and ??
[23:58] <dr_willis> that goes in the fstab file at the end...
[23:58] <abdoupirat> ok i am
[23:58] <abdoupirat> at the end
[23:58] <dr_willis> use your text editor, to edit the fstab file, add that line to the end.. save the file.
[23:58] <dr_willis> use control-o to save the file. :)
[23:59] <abdoupirat> can you post the line now
[23:59] <abdoupirat> ??
[23:59] <dr_willis> do you not have any scroll buffer in your irc client?
[23:59] <dr_willis> /dev/sda1 /media/Vista ntfs-3g rw,uid=1000 0 0
[23:59] <dr_willis> /dev/sda1 /media/Vista ntfs-3g rw,uid=1000 0 0