UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /12 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[03:36] <ScottK> Riddell: I give on hppa and KDE. Ncommander fixed openexr for me, but now kde4libs FTBFS due to GCC segfaults (tried it twice, failed twice in different places).
[03:39] <rgreening> hey ScottK
[04:18] <ScottK> heya rgreening
[04:44] <rgreening> well... off to bed. I need to get some sleep this week-end :)
[09:11] <Tm_T> harrrr
[09:12] <Tm_T> looks like if I like to have KDE3 in intrepid I have to (re)compile it myself
[09:54] <_Sime> is 8.10 beta reasonably stable? should I try upgrading my laptop to it?
[10:01] <jussi01> _Sime: wrong place to ask - try #ubuntu+1 :)
[10:14] <Riddell> _Sime: go for it
[10:15] <_Sime> just following the upgrade instructions on kubuntu.org?
[10:15] <Riddell> yep
[10:16] <Riddell> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades/Kubuntu
[10:17] <Riddell> although that seems to be missing the "click the Version Upgrade button" step
=== akonadi is now known as nihui
[11:21] <Tm_T> Riddell: I'm evil and I'm usin wajig dist-upgrade
[11:27] <_Sime> hey, I love wajig.
[12:38] <Artemis_Fowl> apachelogger: ping
[12:38] <apachelogger> Artemis_Fowl: pong
[12:38] <Artemis_Fowl> apachelogger: I think kgrubeditor's package is missing a .desktop file
[12:39] <Artemis_Fowl> apachelogger: it installs fine under System Settings but won't appear in the menu
[12:39] <apachelogger> Artemis_Fowl: Tonio dropped it
[12:39] <Artemis_Fowl> why?
[12:40] <apachelogger> if Tonio was writting more useful changelog entries I could tell you
[12:40] <apachelogger> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kgrubeditor
[12:40] <apachelogger> 0.8.1-0ubuntu2
[12:42] <Artemis_Fowl> hmm
[12:42] <Artemis_Fowl> actually I wouldn't notice it but some GNOME user reported that he couldn't find it anywhere
[12:43] <Artemis_Fowl> and indeed unless you have system settings or know the "kcmshell4 kgrubeditor" command, you can't start it...
[12:44] <apachelogger> Artemis_Fowl: next time you see Tonio, poke him in the nose or something
[12:44] * apachelogger leaves his plasma broken and fixes kgrubeditor
[12:44] <Artemis_Fowl> ^^
[12:46] <apachelogger> Artemis_Fowl: maybe you should add a NotShowIn=KDE;?
[12:46] <apachelogger> seeing how the desktop file is redundant anyway
[12:48] <Artemis_Fowl> sure
[12:48] <Artemis_Fowl> but for the time being you can patch it, right?
[12:51] <apachelogger> doing that right now
[12:51] <Artemis_Fowl> ok
[13:40] <Tonio_> Riddell: have you consider communicating arround kolab server ?
[13:40] <Tonio_> Riddell: by default it uses kontact as main client, and seems to be one of the very best groupwares available
[13:41] <Tonio_> Riddell: N Barcet is looking forward to have prepackaged groupwares availables through the vms.... mybe we should consider looking at kolab and kontact at some points....
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[14:32] <Riddell> Tm_T: wajig?
[14:55] <Tm_T> Riddell: wajig, wrapper for apt-get and stuff
[15:04] <nielsslot> can someone here tell me why i'm getting this ( http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/9814/kubuntukickoffdrawbugsp0.png ) for 0.5 seconds when opening kick-off in kubuntu 8.10 beta?
[15:05] <Riddell> nielsslot: oxygen theme likes to do that sometimes if it has x drivers it doesn't like to talk to
[15:07] <nielsslot> what x drivers specifically?
[15:08] <rgreening> good day all
[15:09] <rgreening> Riddell: I see that regularly with my Intel GME
[15:10] <rgreening> nielsslot ^
[15:10] <nielsslot> the screenshot is from vmware..
[15:10] <nielsslot> and i've seen it on nvidia, intel and ati
[15:10] <nielsslot> but it only happens the first time i open kickoff in a session
[15:10] <rgreening> There is an open bug at KDE
[15:11] <nielsslot> funny thing is that i've only seen it in kubuntu, opensuse and fedora are fine in vmware
[15:11] <rgreening> if you look closely, I'm sure you will see it with other menus that open.
[15:11] <nielsslot> i have..
[15:12] <rgreening> Do opensuse and fedora have ozone theme and do they have effects enabled when you try this?
[15:13] <rgreening> just to make sure we are comparing the same
[15:13] <nielsslot> effects doesn't matter
[15:13] <nielsslot> and at least fedora has ozone..
[15:14] <nielsslot> i've tried fedora snapshot (build of yesterday i think)
[15:14] <nielsslot> and from opensuse version 11.0, cd dvd from akademy
[15:14] <nielsslot> http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/6707/kubuntuplasmamenudrawbueg8.png << the same with the right click menu on a plasma taskbar
[15:20] <nielsslot> rgreening: do you have the nummer of the bug open at kde?
[15:20] <rgreening> not off hand.. it's in this channel log from yesterday though...
[15:21] <nielsslot> can i find that somewhere?
[15:21] <Riddell> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/10/11/%23kubuntu-devel.html
[15:21] <nielsslot> thanks
[15:21] <Riddell> can't see anything from a quick search
[15:23] <nielsslot> me neither..
[15:24] <Riddell> nielsslot: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169106
[15:24] <ubottu> KDE bug 169106 in general "Rendering glitches for dialog, windows, contexts etc " [Normal,Unconfirmed]
[15:26] <nielsslot> sounds like my bug..
[15:26] <nielsslot> next to windows i've also seen it on window borders.. really weird..
[16:11] <Riddell> hmm, twitter plasmoid seems crashy
[16:15] <apachelogger> smarter said that yesterday as well
[16:16] <apachelogger> uh
[16:16] <apachelogger> oh my, landscape-common depends on update-motd which runs a cron every 10 minutes
[16:16] <apachelogger> landscape--
[16:17] <Riddell> is that bad?
[16:18] <apachelogger> unnecessary
[16:19] <apachelogger> which makes landscape even more undefaulty
[16:19] <Riddell> but what's wrong with it?
[16:19] <Riddell> I find update-motd quite interesting
[16:19] <apachelogger> Riddell: what for?
[16:19] * apachelogger doesn't like stuff that floods his logs
[16:20] <Riddell> for moderately interesting information when logging in at a terminal
[16:21] * apachelogger doesn't like it by default
[16:21] <apachelogger> maybe kmail and nepomuk should also expose some information at login
[16:22] <apachelogger> would be pretty much the same :P
[16:22] <apachelogger> anyway
[16:22] <apachelogger> how to debug pam?
[16:28] * jtechidna sets up his forum.kde.org account
[16:30] * apachelogger is not going to get an account until it got openid support :P
[16:40] <apachelogger> ewww
[16:52] <apachelogger> PAM no modules loaded for `kde' service
[16:53] * apachelogger is wondering why kcheckpass tries to load kde instead of kcheckpass
[16:53] <apachelogger> ~twitter kcheckpass + pam + apachelogger = bad idea
[16:53] <kubotu> incorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help twitter'
[16:53] <apachelogger> ~twitter update kcheckpass + pam + apachelogger = bad idea
[16:53] <kubotu> status updated
[16:54] <apachelogger> jtechidna: btw, please focus on finding fixable stuff
[16:55] * apachelogger thinks lp user usr needs a spell checker
[17:25] <stdin> apachelogger: "usr" is the reporter of my all-time most annoyingly useless "bug" report ever
[17:25] <stdin> bug 150333
[17:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 150333 in kubuntu-meta "Kubuntu does not have the same "magic" than Ubuntu" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150333
[17:26] <jtechidna> stdin: agreed
[17:26] <stdin> it's more a whine than a bug and the endless edits (which get emailed to me) are annoying, they guy need to figure out what a wiki is
[17:27] <stdin> s/they/the/
[17:27] <apachelogger> *nod*
[17:28] <stdin> </mini-rant> :)
[17:31] <jtechidna> Kubuntu-bugs currently watches 1869 bugs, we need to get that down :D
[17:33] <rgreening> man, just got back from digging up some trees to replant in my garden. I'm bushed :P
[17:34] <jtechidna> rgreeningthumb
[17:35] <ScottK> rgreening: You mean they aren't covered in snow yet?
[17:35] <rgreening> hahahah!
[17:35] <rgreening> no snow on the Avalon peninsula (yet)
[17:36] <rgreening> soon though... weeks away
[17:37] <rgreening> I think I will have a new recruit to teach the way of patching and packaging in the next couple of days. He really wants to learn.
[17:38] <jtechidna> apachelogger will make sure he never learns how to patch :P
[17:38] <apachelogger> no no
[17:38] <rgreening> lol. I'm gonna show him pbuilder
[17:38] <apachelogger> he needs to learn the ways of the force
[17:38] <rgreening> and be done with it
[17:38] <rgreening> :P
[17:39] <apachelogger> but the dark side he has to avoid
[17:39] <rgreening> Oh yeah, he's a star wars \fan too
[17:39] <apachelogger> perfect
[17:40] <rgreening> Anyway, I'm going to get him setup with lp, wiki, the forums, etc. He's been only using Linux for about 1 year, and has zero programming which I will help him with
[17:41] <rgreening> I figure getting him to work on bug validation/reporting is a good start...
[17:41] <jtechidna> good luck, we always need more minions to help the rebellion against the Galactic Ubuntu Empire
[17:41] <jtechidna> :P
[17:42] <rgreening> I agree. :>
[17:46] <rgreening> http://digg.com/linux_unix/Microsoft_Novell_Fork_OpenOffice_org_and_Insult_Sun - oh my
[17:55] <apachelogger> hm
[17:56] * apachelogger feels a disturbance in the force
[17:57] <jtechidna> I didn't really see that article cite any sources besides previous articles from that website...
[17:57] <rgreening> hehe
[17:58] <rgreening> "im not paranoid, they really are out to get me"
[18:02] <rgreening> can we get launchpad.net to re-direct ot edge.launchpad.net or make the Google maps api work correctly. If I go to launchpad.net with Konqueror, it balks and will not show the map. Going to edge.launchpad.net works correctly.
[18:05] <apachelogger> jtechidna, rgreening: any workspace changes that need upload?
[18:05] <jtechidna> none that I can think of at the moment
[18:06] <rgreening> hmm... I passed off something the other day. 1sec...
[18:07] <rgreening> apachelogger: you already did the one I sent you correct? to remove the kwin branch
[18:07] <apachelogger> yes
[18:07] <rgreening> if so, that's it for now for me
[18:07] <rgreening> k
[18:07] <apachelogger> k, just uploading the pam fix then
[18:08] * jussi01 walks in and tacklehugs the channel :D
[18:08] <rgreening> is there something else I can work on over the next day?
[18:08] <jtechidna> rgreening: I did see an update notification passivepopup in the top left corner of my screen today
[18:09] * rgreening ducks and catches jussi01 in the stomach and hurtles 'im overhead
[18:09] <jussi01> hehe
[18:09] <rgreening> jtechidna: hmm. anything specific that was happening at that time?
[18:10] <jtechidna> rgreening: nothing that really pops up
[18:10] <rgreening> pardon the pun
[18:10] <jtechidna> apt-get did it's autoupdate-daily thing as schedules
[18:10] <jtechidna> oh, doh XP
[18:10] <rgreening> :)
[18:11] <rgreening> Start closing icons in the system tray for me. and see if any show up that weren't there before.
[18:11] <rgreening> I bet there may be
[18:12] <jtechidna> kmail and kmix gone, no new icons
[18:12] <jtechidna> I still have a reboot icon there from the last kernel upgrade
[18:13] <jtechidna> maybe that has something to do with it?
[18:13] <rgreening> jtechidna: shouldn't
[18:13] <rgreening> close everything else
[18:13] <rgreening> but that
[18:14] <jtechidna> ok, brb then
[18:15] <JontheEchidna> Nope, nothing
[18:18] <rgreening> JontheEchidna: hmm... I have sometimes
[18:19] <rgreening> seen this when an app gets stuck and doesn't show up in the tray
[18:20] <rgreening> It may be that the qtimer or sleep in the update-notifier-kde is not long enough. was your system under any load at the time?
[18:20] <rgreening> a load can cause this
[18:20] <rgreening> I believe
[18:20] <JontheEchidna> I think it could have been
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[19:41] <HalphaZ> hello
[19:42] <HalphaZ> is there a howto to make deb packages of kde4 starting from source code?
[19:42] <JontheEchidna> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete
[19:42] <HalphaZ> thankisi!!!
[19:44] <HalphaZ> why a howto page is AES protected?
[19:44] <HalphaZ> https
[19:50] <smarter> because you can login in wiki.ubuntu.com with a password
[19:50] <smarter> also, if you already know how to do some packaging, you can apt-get source any kde app and see how it's done
[19:51] <smarter> basically, we use cdbs with "include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/kde4.mk" and voilà.
[19:55] <apachelogger> I actually think it's ssl'ed because we have a security obsession ever since it turned out our openssh keys were not as random as we thought they were :P
[20:02] <smarter> :]
[20:16] <yuriy> adept updater sure takes long to start from the notifier
[20:50] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: could you look at the patch in the last comment of bug 203331?
[20:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 203331 in adept "Recommend that users launch Adept with kdesudo" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203331
[21:12] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: is the only difference between th strings s/sudo/kdesudo/ ?
[21:12] <JontheEchidna> yeah
[21:13] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: best not to be adding new strings then, just do a replace("sudo", "kdesudo")
[21:13] * JontheEchidna is not 1337 enough to know about replace()
[21:13] <JontheEchidna> I"ll look it up though
[21:15] <Riddell> qt:qstring
[21:15] <Artemis_Fowl> seele: ping
[21:16] * JontheEchidna will look at it when he gets back from town
[21:19] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: I'll rework the patch when I get back from town
[21:19] <JontheEchidna> bbl
[23:17] <Riddell> apachelogger: you said you found a problem with the ksmserver patch to kdebase-workspace?
[23:31] <apachelogger> Riddell: already fixed