UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /12 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== calimer- is now known as calimer
[17:54] <andresmh> we have developed an educational programming environment for kids (scratch.mit.edu) implemented in Squeak. How should we go about asking people to help us package it for Edubuntu?
[17:55] <nubae> andresmh: talk to MOTU
[17:56] <andresmh> nubae: what is MOTU?
[17:56] <andresmh> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU
[17:56] <andresmh> ?
[17:56] <nubae> masters of the universe... they maintain universe packaging, which is where it would go...
[17:56] <nubae> yes thats the link
[17:57] <nubae> there should be some help on packaging there, and u can subscribe to the mailing list and mention the project
[17:57] <andresmh> i guess we're a step before that, we don't have a .deb package and we want to learn how to go about creating one that, say MOTU, would be happy with
[17:57] <andresmh> ah
[17:57] <andresmh> nice
[17:58] <andresmh> thanks nubae
[17:59] <nubae> there is even a youtube video