UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /11 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:17] <charlie-tca> I reported a bug against the Xubuntu Intrepid daily-live cd yesterday, bug #280900.
[00:17] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 280900 in ubiquity "Xubuntu Intrepid daily-live 2008-10-09 won't install from desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/280900
[00:18] <charlie-tca> Today, another reporter confirmed the issue in the live cd. Can someone confirm the bug?
[02:45] <lfaraone> Hey, is bug 281540 the expected behavior for Ubuntu?
[02:45] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 281540 in ubuntu-meta "dpkg-dev not installed on ubuntu-desktop, so apt-get source fails" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/281540
[02:46] <wgrant> lfaraone: Yes, see the bug.
[02:47] <lfaraone> wgrant: Ah, ok. Sorry to bother.
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[06:40] <AnAnt> Hello, is there something to add or someone to subscribe to this bug #281451 ?
[06:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 281451 in linux "uvesafb does not support 1280x800 resolution for NVIDIA graphics adapters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/281451
[07:12] <AnAnt> tseliot: can we continue here ?
[07:12] <tseliot> sure
[07:12] <AnAnt> compiz core dumps
[07:13] <tseliot> I need to see the output. Can you use pastebin to show me what happens?
[07:13] <tseliot> and I would also like to see your xorg.conf
[07:13] <AnAnt> tseliot: http://pastebin.com/m2522f07
[07:15] <AnAnt> tseliot: xorg.conf is uploaded to the bug report now
[07:16] <tseliot> both files look good to me
[07:17] <tseliot> I haven't tried the latest release of Compiz
[07:17] <AnAnt> I had this problem since Hardy btw
[07:17] <tseliot> but I don't see why it should segfault
[07:17] <AnAnt> I upgraded something (nvidia driver maybe)
[07:17] <AnAnt> and since then, no compiz
[07:17] <tseliot> is this a clean installation of Ubuntu?
[07:18] <AnAnt> nope, upgrade
[07:18] <tseliot> If not you could try the livecd, install the nvidia driver from "Hardware Drivers", log out, log in and try to enable Compiz
[07:18] <AnAnt> tseliot: that does not work
[07:18] <AnAnt> tseliot: livecd says that I must reboot
[07:19] <tseliot> ok but just ignore that
[07:19] <tseliot> and simply log out
[07:19] <AnAnt> tseliot: what's 'Disable "dri2"' for
[07:19] <tseliot> and log in
[07:19] <AnAnt> tseliot: tried that, it doesn't work, probably because it doesn't modprobe nvidia ?
[07:19] <tseliot> nothing you should worry about. It's a module that doesn't exist
[07:19] <AnAnt> tseliot: doesn't work, means that X does not work, I have to revert to old xorg config
[07:20] <tseliot> you can try to modprobe the driver manually before you log out
[07:20] <tseliot> sudo modprobe nvidia
[07:20] <AnAnt> tseliot: ok, I'll try that
[07:21] <AnAnt> tseliot: btw, do you know where to find the session about how to use DKMS ?
[07:23] <tseliot> this is about packaging with DKMS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek0809/DKMSPackage
[07:23] <AnAnt> yes, thanks
[07:24] <AnAnt> ok, I'll try livecd now
[07:42] <AnAnt1> tseliot: it works in live CD
[07:42] <AnAnt1> I had to use the 173 driver though
[07:43] <tseliot> AnAnt1: ok, please add this to the bug report
[07:43] <AnAnt1> that's wierd though, right ?
[07:45] <AnAnt1> the difference between the 2 xorg.conf is that the installed one got: BusID "PCI:5:0:0"
[07:50] <tseliot> there's no difference
[07:50] <tseliot> that can't prevent Compiz from working
[07:50] <AnAnt1> should I add any info to the bug report except that it worked with 173 driver on livecd ?
[07:53] <tseliot> maybe try to remove your ~/.config/compiz directory and make sure that
[07:53] <AnAnt1> that what ?
[07:53] <tseliot> "compositing_manager" is not enabled in /->apps->/metacity in gconf
[07:54] <AnAnt1> ok
[07:54] <tseliot> actually it's /->apps->/metacity->general
[07:58] <AnAnt1> ok, anything else before I reboot ?
[07:58] <AnAnt1> any info you need from the live session I mean
[08:00] <AnAnt1> tseliot: ?
[08:02] <AnAnt1> hmmm, rebooting then
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[11:05] <rom1v> hi
[11:05] <rom1v> since 2 days ago, nvidia+compiz is unusable in intrepid beta
[11:05] <rom1v> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/281065
[11:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 281065 in compiz "window contents don't refresh until window is clicked" [Undecided,Confirmed]
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[11:07] <persia> There were a couple people troubleshooting something similar about 6 hours ago. You might want to check the transscript at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/10/11/%23ubuntu-bugs.html
[11:07] <persia> If course, I could be completely mistaken.
[11:10] <rom1v> I don't think it's the same problem
[11:12] <persia> Hrm. Then I suspect you'll have to catch one of the people who knows about the nvidia drivers. I know the kernels changed a bit in the last couple days, so maybe some refresh or something is needed.
[11:13] <tseliot> rom1v: I guess it's a duplicate of this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/269904
[11:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 269904 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "Screen refresh problems with nvidia on intrepid" [Medium,Confirmed]
[11:16] <rom1v> ok, it seems :)
[11:16] <rom1v> I mark 281065 as duplicate
[11:17] <tseliot> ok
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[13:59] <penguin42> did someone run a script over all xorg bugs that asked reporters for log files etc?
[14:21] <balachmar> Hi, is anyone aware of a bug with the nvidia drivers? I wanted to run GuildWars in wine again after upgrading to intrepid. But I get the following message in the terminal NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied). I think that because of this GW doesn't recognize any 3d capabilities and it doesn't start anymore. The same error also appears when I run glxgears.
[14:32] <balachmar> I just posted a bug report: 281747
[14:32] <balachmar> I just posted a bug report: bug 281747
[14:32] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 281747 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "NVIDIA: Direct rendering failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/281747
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[22:23] <shmengie> 6 leged critters anyone?
[22:23] <shmengie> or is it 8 only?
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