UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /09 /#ubuntu-website.txt
Initial commit
[19:56] <thorwil> newz2000: evening! my blog is now linked by pages in what looks like 8 languages, regarding the countdown/release banners :)
[19:57] <newz2000> it's pretty stunning how many people see that
[19:57] <thorwil> newz2000: i know of one translation into finnish of the banner itself
[19:58] <newz2000> I was alluding to this on the list... it'd be nice to modify the js so you could point the path to the images somwhere else and just use the js served by us
[19:58] <newz2000> maybe next time we should use an iframe
[19:59] <newz2000> that way if someone wants to make kde images or translated images they can
[19:59] <newz2000> and it'd still be one line of html
[19:59] <thorwil> good thinking
[20:02] <newz2000> yikes. Only 21 days to go before release! That's three weeks and we haven't even got the start page done yet!!!!
[20:02] <newz2000> hardly started even
[20:02] * newz2000 panics
[20:04] <thorwil> didn't really follow on what's happening there. can't clone myself ... :)
[20:05] <newz2000> hey thorwil, I'm not really clear on what this kyudo thing is you're working on... is it a theme for GNOME?
[20:06] <thorwil> newz2000: right now it's work on a foundation for a theme for Ubuntu. compiz/metacity/GTK/GDM/Wallpaper ...
[20:07] <newz2000> so will the end result be a theme or is it something that you use as the basis for new themes?
[20:08] <thorwil> newz2000: the result should be a theme, maintained and renewed from release to release
[20:08] <thorwil> this of course depends on the people that will hopefully join the effort
[20:09] <newz2000> imho you are a good leader and I think you have a great chance
[20:09] <thorwil> thank you :)
[20:09] <newz2000> you seem to be good at encouraging others to do well, which is a stark contrast to a lot of other chatter on that list
[20:10] <thorwil> newz2000: interesting. i actually sometimes wonder if i scare people away with my strictness
[20:11] <newz2000> yeah, there's a fine line
[20:11] <newz2000> somehow a person can do it in an encouraging way and antoher can do it in a way that seems biting
[20:13] * newz2000 reboots