UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /08 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== cprov1 is now known as cprov
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
[18:21] <crevette> hello ther
[18:21] <crevette> e
[18:22] <crevette> is there people frm the Bluez crew who wants to test gnome-user-share .
[18:22] <crevette> while I packaged it, I can't have it working with bluettoh
[18:22] <crevette> which is a little frustrating
[18:55] <ian_brasil> are both ubuntu-mobile and ubuntu-mid being built on cdimage.ubuntu.com
[18:58] <ian_brasil> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mid/intrepid/
[18:59] <ian_brasil> is ubuntu-mid or ubuntu-mobile?
[19:00] * ian_brasil is getting all confused again
[19:00] <ogra> thats mid, mobile is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mobile/intrepid/
[19:00] <ogra> yes, both are build between 2:20 UTC and 3:00 UTC daily
[19:00] <ian_brasil> ogra: thx..i will update the wiki page then
[19:00] <ogra> (mid is the former, mibile is built afterwards)
[19:00] <ogra> *mobile
[19:04] <persia> crevette, What changes did you make? Is this targeted at intrepid?
[19:11] <ogra> persia, he commented on the bluez master bug
[19:11] <ogra> persia, asking for a new upstream instead of backported patches
[19:14] * persia should probably read email more
[19:28] <persia> crevette, Caught up. I'll try to do some testing from that soon. Is there a specific test case that needs to be tested, or just basic transfer back & forth between devices, and browsing?
[20:16] <crevette> hey persia
[20:17] <crevette> persia: this is targeted for intrepid yes
[20:17] <crevette> this is the latest version with Bluez 4.x patch
[20:19] <crevette> persia: the test case it (at least) test the bluetooth functionality which mean sending files to the system running gnome-user-share
[20:20] <crevette> the webdav feature was not touched recently in the code
[20:20] <crevette> I've added feature upstream wich are neat, like notification on file reception :)
[20:21] <crevette> for me bluetooth doesn't work
[20:22] <crevette> it seems to be caused by obex-data-server
[20:32] <persia> crevette, superm1 and slytherin were discussing options in #ubuntu-motu about half an hour back : you might check with them. I know that o-d-s and g-u-s were under discussion.
[20:48] <Vuokko> Hello
[21:05] <Vuokko> is mobile version right for F-S biblo U50 /lifebook u1010 or should I just try to get on with normal ubuntu?
[21:06] <Vuokko> this has atom 110 cpu
[22:59] <Vuokko> I don't want to be rude rude but is this channel just for idling?