UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /08 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[01:22] <LiquidRain> hello - I have a bug with the Intrepid beta regarding my Intel video driver not changing refresh rates. I think I read there's another channel for video related bugs.
[01:23] <LiquidRain> (since Intrepid uses HAL for Xorg configuration right now, tweaking my xorg.conf is not working, and trying to find out where to disable HAL seems impossible)
[01:54] <LiquidRain> might be a general Ubuntu bug, actually...
[02:11] <unfo> hi all. I am writing a bug report. When you are running Linux in console mode, and press PrintScreen by accident, it sends SIGQUIT, so the current app dumps core and quits unless it traps SIGQUIT. But vim, nvi, and nano all trap SIGQUIT so are not affected. What are some other console-mode apps in which users might do 2 hours of work then lose it all by a SIGQUIT? I want to find a good example for my bug re
[02:11] <unfo> was that last post truncated before "report."?
[02:11] <LiquidRain> we got "bug re"
[02:11] <LiquidRain> close enough
[02:12] <unfo> LiquidRain: :)
[02:12] <LiquidRain> maybe an SQL command line?
[02:12] <unfo> LiquidRain: could a sql cmd really take 2 hours to write? also, wouldn't it remain onscreen in scrollback?
[02:13] <LiquidRain> mabe not 2 hours, but if you're in a transaction that you're working on you (could) lose some work
[02:13] <LiquidRain> it's far-fetched
[02:13] <LiquidRain> I guess I can't think of much :)
[02:14] <unfo> LiquidRain: the ideal would be a text editor that doesn't save auto-recovery data, and doesn't trap SIGQUIT. maybe none exists.
[02:14] <unfo> well, NLED by my former dean probably counts
[02:14] <unfo> maybe some small emacs clones in apt too. /me goes to try a bunch
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[03:02] <r_logan> is anyone home
[03:03] <unfo> r_logan: please tell me: how many people are in this channel?
[03:03] <unfo> :)
[03:03] <unfo> r_logan: it is likely someone will answer your question.
[03:03] <r_logan> from what i can see quite a few ppl here,
[03:03] <rockstar> unfo, I think the question he asked has still not been answered.
[03:03] <rockstar> r_logan, yes
[03:04] <rockstar> unfo, now it has been. :)
[03:04] <unfo> rockstar: true.
[03:04] <unfo> r_logan: i am home, in my basement.
[03:04] <r_logan> what i am wondering is how can someone try and help bug fixing with no recent programming skills
[03:04] <r_logan> as i would like to contribute in some way
[03:04] <rockstar> r_logan, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
[03:05] <unfo> r_logan: how good are your linux skills?
[03:05] <r_logan> have been there but not 100% sure where to start, skill wise ok generally but really want to learn more and help out
[03:06] <unfo> r_logan: please be more detailed than "ok" :) For example, here is a summary of my skills:
[03:07] * unfo scratches his head
[03:07] <unfo> r_logan: Myself, I know how to build simple .deb packages, how to use the coreutils including head tail xargs find grep, a little Perl, a little shell, a little PHP
[03:08] <r_logan> i guess i can get myself around getting my 3 machines running , so a bit more than basic but no geek on things as yet, in the past used to do a lot of 68k assembler but that was years,
[03:08] <unfo> r_logan: how about your linux-related skills?
[03:09] <r_logan> i am not beginner but not in your league, would like to get into packaging and back in coding again. linux wise i am more than beginner but no expert
[03:12] <r_logan> i know some command line but certainly need more knowledge
[03:14] <unfo> r_logan: there are many ways to help out with Ubuntu, and with open source software in general. You should find out what is the best way for you to help (best use of your current existing skills), then help out in that way. It may be contributing with bugs, or it may be something else. It depends on you.
[03:15] <unfo> r_logan: maybe we can help you figure out what's the best way for you to help. Want that?
[03:16] <r_logan> yeah that would be great, thanx
[03:18] <unfo> r_logan: take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu and tell us: what items look like good matches for your skills?
[03:18] <unfo> what do you think you can do, and do well?
[03:20] <unfo> r_logan: also: have you contributed any volunteer effort to Ubuntu or any open source software before? For example, if you have written a manpage, tell us a weblink to the manpage. When you did the volunteer effort, what did people think of the results? Were they happy?
[03:20] <unfo> r_logan: also, what is your day job? What things do you do outside of computers? Could any be useful to Ubuntu?
[03:22] <r_logan> having a look at the webpage at the moment, i haven't contributed to any software for ages, last time was when i was writing antiviral stuff back in the amiga days, been away for a long time, haven't done docs since then either
[03:23] <r_logan> my trades are electrical engineering and horticulture, day job is now stay at home dad, but previously worked for comms company/isp and horticultral industry
[03:25] <unfo> r_logan: electrical engineering. Hmmm. Could you help out with hardware-related things like making Rockbox (www.rockbox.org) work with MP3 players it doesn't yet support? (I don't know if that needs programming knowledge though. It might.)
[03:26] <r_logan> from the webpage , i certianly do h/w testing with my own equip now as I d/l all new versions as they come out as alpha, beta etc and check on my hardware and send test results back, try out any new app that i like the look of, also have laptop so could add to that area
[03:27] <r_logan> mmmm not sure about rockbox, can't say i have seen it, just brought up webpage, mmm might have to get mp3 player to check it out, but wonder how that would function with mediagate mg350
[03:28] <r_logan> i really appreciate your time
[03:29] <r_logan> have bookmarked rockbox so will cert have a look at that
[03:31] <r_logan> certainly could help beginners with getting up and running, have given a few ppl help via the forums, should get back to doing that
[03:33] <unfo> r_logan: glad to help.
[03:45] <r_logan> thanx unfo for your thoughts, will try and keep an eye on the bug side of things as my skill levels get up, really would like to help there in someway
[03:48] <unfo> r_logan: why are you so focused on the bug side? If you want technical, if you can program, try contributing to a game you like.
[03:48] <unfo> r_logan: frozen-bubble is written in Perl, an easier language than C / C++
[03:49] <unfo> r_logan: there are dozens of games written in easier languages than c / c++
[03:49] <r_logan> i have done programming in c/c+ years ago and didn't find it that difficult, was looking at learning perl though
[03:50] <r_logan> i think bugs is an area where it helps everyone and i feel it would be a good challenge as well
[03:52] <greg-g> r_logan: not sure if this was said before or not, but the #ubuntu-devel channel might be a great resource for help in fixing programming bugs.
[03:52] <r_logan> ok will check that out as well
[03:52] <unfo> r_logan: if you can code, don't triage bugs. fix them. I suggest you start with games, it's less bad if you make a mistake.
[03:53] <greg-g> this channel is mostly people who help triage bugs while -devel is more the people who do the actual fixing (that is a very broad generalization)
[03:53] <greg-g> I would have to say: start on what interests you, otherwise the fun and desire to continue won't be there
[03:54] <r_logan> ok, the only prob is that i haven';t programmed since early mid 90's, so feeling rather rusty
[03:54] <greg-g> don't worry about it
[03:54] <greg-g> you get the source, do some edits, compile, if it doesn't work, try again.
[03:54] <greg-g> you won't be hurting anyone else
[03:55] <unfo> greg-g: fair.
[03:55] <greg-g> plus, usually just by necessity, you start with smaller patches (like 1-5 liners) that aren't difficult and help you learn how the code works
[03:55] <unfo> by "mistake" I meant sending a patch which introduces new bugs :)
[03:55] <greg-g> then you move on and do bigger and better things as you learn an applications code better
[03:55] <r_logan> yeah can agree with the enjoyment factor, yeah the game options could be a possibility and i am worried with being rusty about causing issues for others, yeah knew what you meant
[03:56] <r_logan> true if it is 1-5 liners
[03:57] <LiquidRain> if trying to help to fix bugs by programming is causing an issue for others
[03:57] <LiquidRain> the issue is with the others
[03:57] <greg-g> either way, r_logan, it is awesome you want to help with development, thanks!
[03:57] <LiquidRain> If you were trying to help me fix bugs on a program I wrote, I'd be more than happy to teach you the ropes
[03:58] <r_logan> thats no probs at all you have all be great
[03:58] <LiquidRain> don't think too little of yourself, I'm sure whoever you help will be happy to have somebody eager.
[03:58] * LiquidRain salutes
[03:58] <LiquidRain> I'm off, later
[03:59] <r_logan> sorry guys just had to show my son (6yrs) how to get to the wormux site
[03:59] <r_logan> cheers liquidrain
[04:03] <greg-g> r_logan: if you have any questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask in either here or #ubuntu-devel
[04:03] <greg-g> but now, I too must be off. take care
[04:03] <r_logan> thanks greg-g,
[04:04] <r_logan> thanks unfo for your thoughts, might check out the games side of things, would be nice to help on something close to home in Australia though
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[04:18] <r_logan> cheers gotta head
[04:43] <unfo> rock star: now filed. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-data/+bug/279973 ("PrintScreen key causes many apps to suddenly die if you are running in Linux text mode"). I chose aptitude and lynx as my examples.
[04:43] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 279973 in console-data "PrintScreen key causes many apps to suddenly die if you are running in Linux text mode" [Undecided,New]
[04:46] <greg-g> unfo: confirmed
[04:47] <greg-g> that is a weird issue
[04:48] <unfo> greg-g: thanks for marking confirmed. it's a usability problem nobody has bothered to fix. back in the year 2000 someone recommended "if you don't like it, just edit your keymaps to fix the definition". lol
[04:48] <unfo> greg-g: i think it should have higher priority than Normal, since it *is* a dataloss bug, even though not such a common one.
[04:49] <maco> amusing bug: bug 279623
[04:49] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 279623 in firefox-3.0 "Crap" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/279623
[04:49] <maco> 279? oh jeez we're coming up on 280,000
[04:49] <greg-g> unfo: good point on data loss
[04:50] <unfo> also, it doesn't let you lose data in all apps, only in non-texteditors. All texteditors seem to trap SIGQUIT, even the obscure ones like e3 and pfe.
[04:50] <greg-g> unfo: interesting
[04:51] <unfo> though I bet NLED, the editor written by the dean of my former cs dept. and that all the cs students at my school used, might not trap SIGQUIT.
[04:51] <greg-g> maco: do you want to close that one or me? :)
[04:51] <unfo> s/ all/ most
[04:51] <maco> greg-g: its currently marked invalid, isnt it? i got bug mail saying it had been...
[04:52] <maco> doh its open again...ok
[04:52] <greg-g> heh
[04:55] <unfo> did i reopen it by accident with my 2 comments?
[04:59] <maco> argh, what do i do when someone files a bug, it is marked won't fix because it's a design decision, they argue some more in that bug then invalidate it themselves, then file the same darned bug again
[04:59] <maco> ?
[04:59] <maco> bug 277407 & bug 279939
[04:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 277407 in fast-user-switch-applet "user account switcher panel item is placed after the time by default" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277407
[04:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 279939 in fast-user-switch-applet "numerous problems with new placement of fast-user-switch-applet in intrepid (dup-of: 277407)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/279939
[04:59] <greg-g> maco: if they filed the same bug again, then mark it a duplicate?
[05:00] <maco> i did, but this is annoying
[05:00] <unfo> ban them from bugzilla :)
[05:00] <unfo> s/bugzilla/launchpad
[05:01] * unfo vaguely wonders if such a thing is even possible
[05:01] <maco> or at least from filing fusa bugs
[05:02] <lifeless> just leave the bug
[05:02] <lifeless> let them farm it in their own little world
[05:04] <unfo> I've never used 8.10 but I do think it'd be weird not to have the time be in the far corner of the screen. In every other distro I've used, the time is in the far corner. That said, I'm not the maintainer and I am grateful that I am not. :)
[05:04] <unfo> maintainers do very important work.
[05:55] <mrooney> anyone know who might be able to give more insight into bug 235600?
[05:55] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 235600 in compiz-fusion-plugins-main "Certain windows cannot be dragged across workspaces in Expo view." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235600
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Next Hug Day is 9 Oct | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
[07:42] <thekorn> good morning bugsquad
[08:19] <thekorn> does anybody know the id of the masterbug of the "white screen of death"-issue with ati cards?
[08:20] * thekorn has no luck finding it, but is sure there is one
[08:21] <Hobbsee> thekorn: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/159594 ?
[08:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 159594 in compiz "Crash to white screen of death (possibly Firefox?)" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[08:22] <Hobbsee> hm, perhaps not.
[08:22] <thekorn> I'm sure there is one with tons of duplicates
[08:23] <Hobbsee> there probably is.
[08:23] <thekorn> all bugs I found matching this creteria are about nv cards
[08:27] <Hobbsee> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=ati+white&orderby=-number_of_duplicates&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_
[08:27] <Hobbsee> package=
[08:27] <Hobbsee> thekorn: doesn't look like anything with tons of dupes that i can find, but there are a few there.
[08:27] <Hobbsee> unless it's been marked as fixed, ro something
[08:33] <thekorn> Hobbsee: ok, thanks, will have a closer look at it in a bit
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[09:54] <thekorn> seb128: sorry for messing up bug 264723, I'm wondering why there are some bugreports where the issue described by the user is different to the apport crash
[09:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 264723 in nspluginwrapper "Intrepid 10- the "quit" button does not show" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/264723
[09:54] <thekorn> bug 279265 is another example
[09:54] <seb128> thekorn: you get a text entry where you can describe the bug when you get a crash, some user just writte about all their issues there
[09:54] <ubottu> Bug 279265 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/279265 is private
[09:55] <seb128> thekorn: that's not really usuable though
[10:12] <willgreg> Hello all. Iḿ new and wondering if Iḿ on the correct channel... Is this a channel for people trying to fix bugs?
[10:18] <ara> willgreg: here is more to discuss if a bug has been already reported, if it is duplicated, etc. once the bug is confirmed, #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu should be better channels to fix it
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[12:37] <Hobbsee> bug #246969
[12:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 246969 in module-init-tools "[Intrepid] snd_pcsp module causing lockup when running as a VMWare guest" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246969
[13:23] <Waistless> hi, can someone please look at this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emerald/+bug/205364 This bug has been around for AGES and it still hasn't been fixed, it cripples emerald because it starts with no visible way to get themes
[13:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 205364 in emerald "Repositories tab missing in emerald-theme-manager" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[13:41] <ivoks> any suggestions how to start debugging and solving problems in bug 261318
[13:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 261318 in xorg "Regression: new Toshiba Laptop Support (tlsup) driver breaks Toshiba hotkeys; input device does not support 'kbd' input handler" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261318
[14:46] <Hew> Hey guys. Bug 99508 is a human-theme / compiz titlebar bug that was present in Hardy development and has reappeared in Intrepid. It has been nominated for Intrepid but not accepted yet, and I believe it to be release critical due to the large number of users it will affect. Anyone else familiar with this issue, or able to give it some attention? :-)
[14:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 99508 in compiz "Window titlebar displayed not right with compiz enabled" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99508
[14:47] <seb128> mvo: could be a bug for you
[14:50] <mvo> Hew: thanks, that does only happen on some nvidia cards, no?
[14:50] <mvo> seb128: hm, I get evol-alarm-notify failure during a upgrade
[14:50] <seb128> mvo: what? crash?
[14:51] <mvo> seb128: "an error ccurred while loading or saving configuration information ... Adding client to servers list failed, CORBA error" (a dialog)
[14:51] <Hew> mvo: The nvidia titlebar problem that I am aware of is bug 186382. This problem happens with AMD/ATI as well from memory.
[14:52] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 186382 in linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 "[nvidia 169.xx] gtk window decorator somtimes draws decoration ugly or not at all" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186382
[14:52] * Hew re-reads the report to check
[14:52] <seb128> mvo: I've already seen this error in some bugs ages ago, I think it's something which happens randomly and it's there since warty
[14:54] <mvo> seb128: ok
[14:54] <mvo> Hew: thanks, I'm pretty sure it does not happen on every system, I have no seen it on my nvidia or intel systems
[14:55] <Hew> mvo: Ok, that's good to know :-), I just wouldn't want a large number of people with horrible titlebars on Intrepid release :S
[14:56] <mvo> Hew: agreed :)
[14:56] <mvo> Hew: its just difficulting currently to figure out how is affected and how is not, help with that would be very welcome :)
[14:58] <Hew> mvo: Yes, it's especially hard to find out who is NOT affected on bug reports, where it's populated mainly by people who are experiencing the problem themselves. There hasn't been a comment confirming this issue with a non-nvidia card on Intrepid yet, so I'll try and collect more information.
[14:59] <seb128> Hew: didn't notice a such issue on my intel intrepid
[15:00] <mvo> Hew: excellent, thanks! might be releated to the version of the nvidia driver even, I have -177 and have not seen it, so it might only happen with 173
[15:01] <Hew> seb128: Thanks. Yes, it appears this may be yet another nvidia issue after all..
[15:01] <Hew> mvo: Good idea, I'll test with other driver versions.
[15:01] <Hew> I'm using -177 myself and I get the problem.
[15:08] <mvo> Hew: oh, you get it? excellent
[15:40] <mvo> Hew: what card do you have exactly? human theme is the one in "system/preferences/apperance/Human (or do you use human-clearlooks" ? any special settings (twinview etc)?
[15:42] <Hew> mvo: I have a nvidia geforce 7600GT, and the problem occurs with both human and human-clearlooks (I guess they use the same titlebar art). Specifically using the "clearlooks" titlebar does not trigger the issue. I have no special graphics settings (single display).
[15:46] <mvo> Hew: and you see it on every title bar? do you have any special settings in compiz maybe?
[15:46] <seb128> mvo: btw about the rarian upgrade issue you mentionned yesterday no idea, I already wanted to ping you about this one
[15:46] <mvo> Hew: and you see a similar problem like one in the bugreport?
[15:48] <Hew> mvo: I see it on every windowed titlebar (not maximised). I just reset to metacity and to "normal" compiz from appearance prefs, and can confirm the issue with default settings. I get the grey titlebar issue all the time on Intrepid (that didn't happen with Hardy), and sometimes can see the stripey issue (which is what happened on Hardy until the workaround patch).
[15:56] <mvo> Hew: I guess the new compiz from the compiz PPA does not help either?
[15:58] <Hew> mvo: Correct, I'm running compiz 1:0.7.8-0ubuntu1~ppa1 and I still have the problem, unfortunately.
[15:58] <mvo> Hew: thanks
[15:58] * mvo scratches his head
[16:00] <Hew> mvo: No worries, thanks for looking into it. It's also worth noting that the other 'nvidia titlebar' bug occurs with maximised windows and can be triggered by changing the titlebar text, whereas this issue occurs with unmaximised windows and is triggered by moving the mouse over the three top-right window buttons.
[16:01] <Hew> So even though it's only really been confirmed on nvidia devices for now, I don't think they're the same issue.
[16:21] <mvo> Hew: oh, that is good and useful information, I have a non-standard button layout, I will change it and see if that helps triggering it
[17:11] <mrooney> Is there anything I need to do to make bug 273385 public? I can't see any attachments that are necessary to remove.
[17:12] <ubottu> Bug 273385 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/273385 is private
[17:16] <bdmurray> mvo: I've an Intrepid daily partial upgrade stuck at Cleaning up w/ python-support
[17:16] <mvo> bdmurray: excelllent
[17:17] <mvo> bdmurray: is it still running?
[17:17] <bdmurray> mvo: yep, still stuck
[17:17] <mvo> bdmurray: eh, its cleaning python-support?!?
[17:17] <james_w> mrooney: it looks ok to me, go ahead
[17:17] <bdmurray> mvo: no, processing triggers for python-support
[17:17] <mvo> bdmurray: puhh, ok :) what is it removing?
[17:17] <bdmurray> mvo: "cleaning up" after "installing"
[17:17] <mvo> bdmurray: could you please run a pstree and put that into a pastebin?
[17:19] <mrooney> bdmurray: regarding bug 274995, apparently removing quiet splash doesn't provide any extra output, any other hints?
[17:19] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274995 in ubuntu "shutdown freeze on alsa shutdown" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274995
[17:20] <bdmurray> mvo: http://pastebin.osuosl.org/22263
[17:20] <bdmurray> whoops, that might not be helpful
[17:20] <mvo> bdmurray: hm, pstree -A maybe ?
[17:21] <mvo> (sorry for not mentioning that)
[17:21] <bdmurray> http://pastebin.osuosl.org/22264
[17:21] <bdmurray> mvo: I should have known! ;)
[17:22] <mrooney> james_w: same for bug 272660 except remove the coredump?
[17:22] <ubottu> Bug 272660 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/272660 is private
[17:23] <james_w> yeah, if you've checked the other attachments
[17:23] <james_w> mrooney: are those two duplicates?
[17:23] <bdmurray> ogasawara: can you help mrooney with bug 274995?
[17:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274995 in ubuntu "shutdown freeze on alsa shutdown" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274995
[17:23] <mrooney> james_w: yeah, they are duplicates of 254359, which is what I am working on
[17:24] <james_w> mrooney: coolio
[17:25] <ogasawara> bdmurray, mrooney: just a sec, tied up right now
[17:26] <bdmurray> mvo: anything?
[17:28] <mvo> bdmurray: could you please strace the gnome-pty-helper
[17:28] <mvo> bdmurray: the one that is a child of update-manager
[17:28] <mvo> bdmurray: and update-manager too (strace) - is there anything intressting showing up?
[17:28] <mrooney> james_w: but is the answer yes, just remove the coredump?
[17:29] <james_w> mrooney: yes
[17:30] <mrooney> james_w: okay, great, thanks! so when don't you remove the coredump?
[17:31] <mrooney> bdmurray: hey speaking of stuck upgrades, my Intrepid upgrade is stuck at Cleaning up > ldconfig. Is that a known issue?
[17:32] <mrooney> sorry by upgrade I mean the one triggered by a partial update
[17:32] <mrooney> not Hardy -> Intrepid
[17:32] <james_w> mrooney: don't remove it if you want apport to use it, e.g. just retagging to make the retracer try again
[17:33] <mrooney> james_w: ahh I see, interesting
[17:33] <bdmurray> mvo: I don't think so
[17:33] <mvo> mrooney: if it is still running, can you do a pstree -A please?
[17:33] <mvo> bdmurray: hm, what is it doing? just polling ?
[17:34] <mrooney> mvo: it is. just in another terminal?
[17:34] <mvo> mrooney: yes please
[17:35] <bdmurray> mvo: and writing the progress bar I believe
[17:36] <mvo> bdmurray: hm, could you give me the last couple of lines of the gnome-pty-helper strace?
[17:36] <mrooney> mvo: http://dpaste.com/83172/, any use?
[17:37] <mrooney> mvo: you are quite the multitasker today :)
[17:37] <mvo> mrooney: hm, please run a strace on gnome-pty-helper
[17:37] <bdmurray> mvo: http://pastebin.osuosl.org/22265
[17:38] <mvo> bdmurray: ls -l /proc/$(pidof gnome-pty-helper)/fd/0 ? is that pointing to a pipe?
[17:38] <mrooney> mvo: would it be related to bug 254359 which happened during the update?
[17:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 254359 in openoffice.org "soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in FcConfigSubstituteWithPat()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/254359
[17:41] <bdmurray> mvo: there are actually multiple gnome-pty-helper processes now
[17:42] <mvo> bdmurray: hm, the one that is part of update-manager
[17:42] <mvo> mrooney: is the strace showing a read(0 for you too?
[17:42] <mvo> bdmurray: is the read(0, going away at some point? or is it staying there?
[17:43] <bdmurray> mvo its stuck there
[17:43] <mrooney> mvo: I have never used strace before, I am trying to figure it out and find the pid of gnome-pty-helper :)
[17:43] <bdmurray> mvo: and its pointing to a socket
[17:43] <mrooney> mvo: yeah
[17:43] <mrooney> mvo: read(0,
[17:45] <mvo> thanks! looks like its the same bug. i blame the pty helper, but I need to try to reproduce it I guess
[17:45] <mvo> but food first :)
[17:45] <bdmurray> mvo: is there anything more we sould do or can we safely interrupt it somehow?
[17:47] <mvo> bdmurray: does presing keys in ther terminal help?
[17:47] <bdmurray> mvo: nope
[17:47] <bdmurray> mrooney: did you choose to remove packages or not? I did not.
[17:47] <mvo> bdmurray: ok, then just try to kill or ctrl-c it
[17:48] <mvo> bdmurray: oh - you did not?
[17:48] <ogasawara> mrooney: I posted a comment to 274995
[17:48] <mrooney> bdmurray: it asked if I wanted to remove, there was one, and I said okay
[18:13] <chrisccoulson> ping pedro_
[18:14] <pedro_> hey chrisccoulson
[18:14] <chrisccoulson> hi, i noticed you responded to one of my crash reports earlier, asking if i can provide a backtrace
[18:14] <pedro_> chrisccoulson: yes, do you managed to get one?
[18:15] <chrisccoulson> only problem is, it might be many eons before i can reproduce the crash. i should be able to run gdb on the already existing coredump attached to a bug report shouldn't i?
[18:15] <chrisccoulson> although the core dump is not attached to the report anymore, i was wondering if it's possible to extract the coredump from the apport crash file, which i've still got
[18:16] <Tech2000> Hi I'm going to report a bug in the top right standard clock in ubuntu intrepid ibex... the problem - which package is it in?
[18:17] <pedro_> chrisccoulson: well yes, you can try that if you want to, there's some instructions on how to get it with apport btw here: wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport
[18:17] <pedro_> Tech2000: gnome-panel
[18:17] <Tech2000> thx
[18:17] <pedro_> you're welcome
[18:17] <chrisccoulson> thanks pedro_, i'll take a look at that
[18:18] <chrisccoulson> fantastic! apport-unpack seems to be just what i'm looking for!
[18:20] <techno_freak> Tech2000, your problem is with the clock or with the Locations in it?
[18:23] <Tech2000> techno_freak: while "open" the clock/calender and I choose a day with an anniversary in it and click the arrow to "open" the birthdays and anniversary the "window" jumps a few pixels to the right.. out-of-screen
[18:24] <Tech2000> I have a screenshot to show it.. is it possible to add 2 screenshots to show the effect of the bug?
[18:24] <pedro_> that's known
[18:24] <Tech2000> ahh. okay... than no bugreport is needed!!
[18:25] <Tech2000> thanks for the info..
[18:26] <techno_freak> Tech2000, you can find if it is already reported and add to it. there's a "i too suffer from this problem" option in LP now
[18:26] <Tech2000> techno_freak: cool!! I'll look into it..
[19:28] <bdmurray> mvo: I ran into bug 249335 today fwiw
[19:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 249335 in update-manager "update manager lines are unreadable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/249335
[19:28] <mvo> bdmurray: with what theme?
[19:29] <mvo> bdmurray: aha, nevermind
[19:34] <mvo> bdmurray: thanks, I wonder if that is reproducable in any way for you
[19:35] <bdmurray> mvo: how could I make a package need to be upgraded? just manually install an old version?
[19:35] <mvo> bdmurray: yes, e..g by downloading a previous (or the hardy) version
[19:35] <mvo> I use 2vcard a lot for this :)
[19:36] <mvo> (small and no dependencies)
[19:36] <bdmurray> mvo: I seem to remember you mentioning that before ;)
[19:37] <bdmurray> I'll see what I can do
[20:23] <crimsun> james_w: RE: 106934, because the default task is the current development version, it doesn't make sense to "track ov511 source", because that no longer exists in 8.10. It is obsoleted by ov51x-jpeg.
[20:27] <james_w> crimsun: I didn't think it was obsoleted
[20:28] <james_w> it's merged to mainline apparently
[20:29] <james_w> and I don't think the ov511 driver failing to compile is the fault of the ov51x-jpeg package, so I would have suggested to close the bug
[20:30] <crimsun> james_w: that's fine. Apparently I clicked to submit changes without updating the status to incomplete.
[20:30] <james_w> crimsun: no problem. A bit more explanation and I could have tracked this down at the time. Thanks for looking at the bugs.
[20:31] <maco> for the firefox 3 hug day, should the 131 say "Confirmed" cuz we currently have two "New Bugs" sections
[20:31] <maco> er, on the wiki, i mean
[20:38] <crimsun> maco: bdmurray already adjusted.
[20:39] <maco> ohok
[20:39] <maco> hadnt refreshed
[20:40] <crimsun> uh, the terminator sync from Debian unstable completely fubared my alternatives fix.
[20:40] <crimsun> wtg.
=== chuck__ is now known as zul
[20:42] <asac> bdmurray: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20081009
[20:42] <asac> i updated the page and added "important info for firefox bug triage" ... and removed the stock reponses
[20:43] <asac> bdmurray: who is derreck on irc? I would like to inform him about that too
[20:43] <asac> bdmurray: thanks
[20:44] <james_w> asac: it's Awsoonn
[20:44] <asac> Awsoonn: ping ^^ :)
[20:44] <asac> Awsoonn: thanks for your effort ;)
[20:45] <hggdh> on the ff wiki: s/ment/meant/
[21:22] <yusuf_> Want to help out with some easy bugs, anyone to run me thru a few, launchepad looks to complicated
[21:25] <crimsun> yusuf_: sure, which release(s) are you using?
[21:26] <fuzz_78_2> I don't know if it is a bug or not. But why have all the keycodes changed in X?
[21:28] <yusuf_> crimsun: Hardy
[21:28] <crimsun> yusuf_: take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20081009
[21:30] <yusuf_> crimsun, have it open
[21:31] <crimsun> yusuf_: try the Confirmed bugs section
[21:33] <yusuf_> crimsun: what is there to do (I'm not sure) please note i never did one in my life.
[21:34] <yusuf_> should i do those that are of the same version that i', running?
[21:34] <crimsun> yusuf_: you probably want to read the instructions at the top of the page, then.
[21:51] <yusuf_> crimsun: have confirmed a bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/263298 what do i do next?
[21:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 263298 in firefox-3.0 "FF does not honor Preferences for MP3-Files" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[21:52] <crimsun> yusuf_: just mark it "green"
[21:52] <yusuf_> how to do that
[21:55] <maco> crimsun: green?
[21:55] <maco> oh on the wiki page
[21:56] <maco> yusuf_: at the top of the hugday wiki page it tells you to edit the page and put lightgreen for the background color and add your name to the last column
[21:57] <yusuf_> maco: forgot to sign in.
[21:58] <mrooney> does anyone think bug 235600 deserves the usability tag? or know what the next step is for it?
[21:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 235600 in compiz-fusion-plugins-main "Certain windows cannot be dragged across workspaces in Expo view." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235600
[22:01] <maco> yusuf_: i think it's fine as it is. it's marked triaged, so there isn't a next step for triagers. now it's up to developers. well, except if you can reproduce it with upstream compiz and report a bug up there, that's a good idea
=== nhandler1 is now known as nhandler
[22:10] <kblin> hi folks
[22:11] <nhandler> Hi kblin
[22:12] <yusuf_> maco have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/279018
[22:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 279018 in firefox-3.0 "html editor joomla don't work" [Undecided,New]
[22:12] <kblin> is there an easy way to access an lvm volume from a livecd?
[22:14] <kblin> uh, hang on
[22:18] <kblin> where's qemu on 8.10?
[22:29] <bucket529> Could someone please change bug 237672 from 'undecided' to 'wishlist'?
[22:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 237672 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] qgtkstyle" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237672
[22:34] <nhandler> bucket529: Done ;)
[22:34] <bucket529> nhandler: Thanks
[22:35] <nhandler> No problem bucket529