UbuntuIRC / 2008 /10 /08 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:19] <Velmont> INTREPID: Hello, -- programs keep crashing. However, when I press the report button in Apport - I finally get to launchpad, there I see many others have the same problem, and I give up. -- Is there a better way? A way of saying "me too" that's easy and will link my infrmation with the other bug? Is my info even uploaded to launchpad? Very often I just go on working when I see there are 10 other bug reports already.
[00:20] <beuno> Velmont, there's a feature in beta already that does exactly that
[00:20] <beuno> members of the beta testers team are already using it :)
[00:21] <beuno> feel free to apply to the team: https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-beta-testers
[00:27] <Velmont> beuno: Great. That will probably help much. I guess since I'm having a problem with it many others have as well ;-) It'll probably even better show what bugs are being triggered often. Bug reporting is a dense jungle, great that you are making it easier.
[00:28] <Velmont> I can wait for the feature to roll in. I just like feeling helpful when pressing the "report crash" button, but feel let down when I actually can't help quick and easy as I want. -- I'm in the process of writing/delivering an exam now so I shouldn't be reporting bugs nor chat on IRC :P
[00:29] <beuno> hehe
[00:29] <beuno> well, the fact that the bug has already been reported
[00:29] <beuno> actually means there's a greater chance it will be fixed soon
[00:29] <beuno> I love it when I go to report something and it's already there :)
[00:33] <stgraber> beuno: btw, from an UI point of view I'm not sure it's the best place for the "me too" link
[00:33] <stgraber> beuno: I didn't notice it until you mentioned it :)
[00:33] <beuno> stgraber, intellectronica has a branch that will make it easier to find
[00:33] <beuno> so, I agree
[00:34] <beuno> I've complained
[00:34] <beuno> and intellectronica did his magic
[00:34] <stgraber> cool
[00:34] <beuno> so, a fix soon, in a Launchpad near you
[01:22] <adamsgtorl> t
[01:22] <adamsgtorl> T
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[04:37] <Hobbsee> for the record, can i say those calendar buttons for registering yourself at a sprint look right out of windows 3.1, and should be changed?
[04:42] * wgrant waits for HTML5.
[07:22] <Hobbsee> Hmmm. is PPA / soyuz actually working?
[07:23] <Hobbsee> my build is queued, but still is'nt being taken - and there's 2 / many buildds actually building something.
[07:24] <cody-somerville> link?
[07:26] <Hobbsee> cody-somerville: https://edge.launchpad.net/~hobbsee/+archive/+build/732927
[07:30] <Hobbsee> cprov1: do you know why this is happening?
[07:31] <Hobbsee> wow. 35.773 second page load.
[07:36] <Hobbsee> still dead...
[07:43] <cody-somerville> Is gstreamer suppose to take 21 hours to build?
[07:43] <Hobbsee> i don't think so...
[07:44] <Hobbsee> cody-somerville: i'ts not supposed to take 2 days, either.
[07:44] <cody-somerville> ouch, yea
[07:45] <cody-somerville> the build seems to have stopped but the buildd thinks its still going
[07:45] <Hobbsee> buildds may well have timed out
[07:45] <cody-somerville> okay
[07:45] * Hobbsee smites Cancel (13). Not implemented yet.
[07:45] <cody-somerville> ppa buildds seem to be working again
[07:47] <cody-somerville> Although I'm not impressed with the wait times for builds to start
[07:47] <persia> I've encountered a bit of a UI overlap : http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lpuiod4.png : is this a bug, or should I not be using LP like this?
[07:48] <Hobbsee> oh good, thanks for poking ppa buildds.
[07:51] <Hobbsee> excellent. it even built.
[08:01] <BjornT_> persia: that's a bug. i suspect the fix will be to remove that page, and incorporate it with the normal +filebug.
[08:04] <persia> BjornT_, Umm. That page remains the sane means of filing bugs. Will this include some other changes to the UI to still have a simple interface?
[08:10] <BjornT_> persia: well, the only thing that +filebug-advanced provides is the possibility to specify tags. it also reduces the number of page loads by skipping the search for duplicates. i assume that you're concerned about the number of page loads, right?
[08:10] <persia> And the ability to enter tags directly (which is also about page loads).
[08:12] <BjornT_> persia: right. but by incorporating +filebug-advanced into +filebug, i meant making it possible to enter tags there. we'll be redesigning the ui to take advantage of ajax, which should reduce the number of page loads.
[08:13] <persia> BjornT_, Oh, excellent news then : that probably saves me the page load of clicking "Give me the complicated bug filing interface" or whatever the link is called now :)
[08:17] <det> Can I make a ppa build use a build dependancy that is in hardy-backports ?
[08:18] <Hobbsee> no
[08:18] <Hobbsee> grab the dependancy you want, and build it in your ppa
[08:19] <Hobbsee> then upload whatever depends on it.
[08:19] <det> yoko
[08:19] <det> see pm
[08:19] <YokoZar> just saw that :)
[08:19] <YokoZar> Thanks for being one step ahead of me, heh
[08:19] <det> kk :-)
[08:19] <det> nothing in pm then
[08:19] <YokoZar> err basically I have to do this the hard way
[08:20] <YokoZar> would be nice if there were a virtual "backports ppa" that I could use the copy packages button on
[08:20] <YokoZar> especially since backports could depend on other backports
[08:24] <det> How to handle the source package signing? Do you have to change the maintainer, or is there another way ?
[08:28] <NCommander> det, debuild -k*keyid*
[08:29] <det> ahh, thanks
[08:42] <YokoZar> You do, however, need to do a dch -i in order to change "hardy-backports" back to "hardy"
[08:43] <YokoZar> Honestly it would be so much nicer if I could just depend on backports
[08:51] <det> Although that might pull in packages you dont want
[08:51] <det> I like your suggestion of a ppa to copy packages from
[09:12] <oly-> hi, can some one tell me if there is a way to link existing blueprints into other projects when there related ?
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[09:31] <liw> hi. how can I change the e-mail address launchpad has for me?
[09:32] <liw> https://launchpad.net/~liw has a "Change details" link, but that doesn't let me change e-mail
[09:33] <wgrant> liw: Edit Emails in the menu on "Change details"
[09:33] <liw> ah yes
[09:33] <liw> I did not notice the _fourth_ level of horizontal menus at the top
[09:33] <liw> thanks
[09:34] <wgrant> Hmm, if only kiko were here.
[09:34] <wgrant> They were recently made black to make them more obvious.
[09:34] <wgrant> But it apparently didn't work.
[09:34] <liw> hmm
[09:35] <liw> I type "lars@ubuntu.com" into the "Add new address" box, and press Enter, and I get an error saying "lars@canonical.com is already set as your contact address"
[09:36] <wgrant> liw: Click "Add".
[09:36] <wgrant> I suspect the form's default submit button is bad.
[09:36] <liw> yeah, but pressing enter should do the same thing
[09:36] <liw> "The email address 'lars@ubuntu.com' is already registered to Lars Wirzenius. If you think that is a duplicated account, you can merge it into your account." -- hmph
[09:36] <det> Does the ppa use build dependencies from your own ppa ?
[09:36] <liw> it does not list that for me
[09:36] <wgrant> det: Yes.
[09:36] <wgrant> liw: You probably have another account.
[09:37] <wgrant> Click the link.
[09:37] <wgrant> (that will happen if you upload a package referencing an unlinked email address)
[09:38] <liw> ok, done
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
[11:18] <Peng_> Augh, why does LP's mirroring program think it gets "Connection refused" from me? It seems to have started 2 days ago.
[11:18] <Peng_> ...And why does it seem to be true, at least some times? It said it tried again 9 minutes ago and my logs don't show it.
[11:28] <spiv> Peng_: that's a good question. I have no idea. Bug abentley, mwhudson or jml until you find out :)
[11:30] <Peng_> Yeah, I usually bug jml about these things. :)
[11:30] <Peng_> spiv: Think I should file an answer or something?
[11:40] <kiko_> morning morning
[11:41] <wgrant> kiko_: Apparently black doesn't make the menus a whole lot better...
[11:41] <wgrant> 19:31:52 < liw> hi. how can I change the e-mail address launchpad has for me?
[11:41] <wgrant> 19:32:19 < liw> https://launchpad.net/~liw has a "Change details" link, but that doesn't let me change e-mail
[11:41] <wgrant> 19:33:30 < wgrant> liw: Edit Emails in the menu on "Change details"
[11:41] <wgrant> 19:33:37 < liw> ah yes
[11:41] <wgrant> 19:33:46 < liw> I did not notice the _fourth_ level of horizontal menus at the top
[11:41] <kiko_> how about that
[11:42] <wgrant> And of course it's actually "E-mail settings", but the URL isn't.
[11:42] <wgrant> Oops.
[11:57] <Peng_> Haha, someone else already filed a bug for my smart server issue.
[12:11] <Peng_> Is there a bug for "the branch mirror program cannot mirror branches over bzr+http when they aren't pack-0.92"?
[12:11] <Peng_> (Or maybe just when they're incompatible with pack-0.92, e.g. rich-root-pack.)
[12:13] <Peng_> Man, how many different ways have I broken the puller now? 4? 5?
[12:14] <Hobbsee> cody-somerville: whatever you did for the PPAs earlier, can you do it again please?
[12:14] <Hobbsee> (pitti in -devel is having similar problems)
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=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
=== cprov1 is now known as cprov
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
[13:57] <zooko> Should I try upgrading to a newer version of the launchpad-trac integration plugin?
[14:39] <mrevell> gmb: Can you help zooko?
[14:43] <gmb> zooko: Hi. I was just about to reply to your comment on question 46871, in fact.
[14:43] <gmb> zooko: There's a bug in Launchpad that currently preventing it from authenticating with your Trac instance.
[14:43] <zooko> :-)
[14:43] <zooko> I'm cooking breakfast and helping my son with his homework...
[14:44] <gmb> zooko: That bug's now bee fixed (bug 278276) but it's not made its way onto the production servers.
[14:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 278276 in malone "Launchpad drops the trac-auth cookie when authenticating with LP Plugin enabled Tracs" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/278276
[14:44] <gmb> I'll be checking that it works on staging this afternoon; once I know that it works I'll let you know what needs to happen next. You shouldn't have to do anything, though.
[14:45] <zooko> Great! Thanks.
[14:45] <zooko> Chat later.
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Community help contact: sinzui
[14:54] <Peng_> Good morning. :)
[16:16] <CardinalFang> Hi all. https://code.launchpad.net/~mysql/mysql-server/mysql-6.0-bugteam "out of date". Has lp moved its downloader, perhaps?
[16:16] <CardinalFang> I think we restrict access based on address.
[16:16] <kiko_> CardinalFang, hmmm, what do you mean?
[16:17] <CardinalFang> kiko_, See the warning?
[16:17] <kiko_> ah, indeeed
[16:18] <kiko_> yeah, something on the far end
[16:18] <CardinalFang> kiko_, I'm the far end. Have lp moved addresses lately?
[16:18] <kiko_> CardinalFang, they did indeed, they did indeed.
[16:19] <kiko_> herb, can you help CardinalFang out with the new IP addresses for codehost?
[16:19] <CardinalFang> Ah! What should I punch in my firewall?
[16:19] <kiko_> CardinalFang, what number do you currently have?
[16:19] <CardinalFang> Eh, no idea.
[16:20] <herb> kiko_, CardinalFang: It's
[16:26] <CardinalFang> herb, Is a cidr net smarter? Do you envision sharding? Perhaps all that is nat'd away anyway?
[16:27] <herb> CardinalFang: I do envision sharding, but we don't yet have a plan or timetable on that. If you have the option I'd put the entire /24 in the firewall.
[16:28] <CardinalFang> Thanks.
[16:53] <leonel> hello : I'm porting a package from debian to hardy and I'd like to keep updated in my ppa, do I need to change the XSBC-Original-Maintainer field ??
[16:53] * sinzui looks
=== kiko_ is now known as kiko
[16:57] <sinzui> leonel: I do not believe you do. Updating the debian/changelog appears to be required.
[16:58] <Hew> Hi. I seem get kicked off my launchpad login shortly after I start doing things with bugs in the Gufw project (the only launchpad project I really use, other than Ubuntu). I heard there was a similar problem with feeds doing this a while ago when I had this problem, but I'm still experiencing it. Is this a known issue? I can't find an open bug about it.
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
[17:00] <sinzui> Hew: The feeds issue (specifically relating to branch feeds) is fixed.
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
[17:02] <Hew> sinzui: Should I report a bug about this issue then? I'm using edge. I've had this happen about 5 times now, and it only happens when interacting with this project (I otherwise spend a lot of time on Ubuntu bugs, and have never been logged out there).
[17:03] <sinzui> Hew: I'm looking into this now. Are using feeds, or are you using the launchpad UI
[17:03] <Hew> sinzui: Launchpad UI. I have never used Launchpad feeds, apart from having the feed icon appear in firefox for them.
[17:04] <sinzui> thanks
[17:05] <sinzui> Hew: you were commenting some bugs, and were logged out after each bug? or just after some period?
[17:07] <sinzui> Hew: what browser are your using? Do you know what your cookie policy is?
[17:07] <Hew> sinzui: In previous cases I have gone to submit a comment (I can see I am logged in), but it then sends me to a page saying I am unauthorised, and I need to log in again. This time I actually noticed I was logged out (I was using mutiple tabs and had already commented).
[17:08] <sinzui> Hew: interesting. Are you a beta tester who also uses edge.launchpad.net?
[17:09] <Hew> sinzui: I'm using firefox (abrowser), and my cookie policy is the default. I am quite sure this is a problem with gufw or projects in general, as I spend 95% of my time triaging Ubuntu bugs, and the logouts only occur when doing things with gufw
[17:09] <Hew> sinzui: Yes. https://edge.launchpad.net/~hew
[17:10] <sinzui> The guwf project is data, it cannot influence Launchpad, but Launchpad can do some strange things to beta users
[17:10] <Hew> sinzui: Yes, I suspect if I started commenting on bugs in other projects, the same thing would occur.
[17:11] <sinzui> Hew: It may be the case that you are not logged in one host, so you are being bounced between them and seeing different states. I personally see this?
[17:13] <sinzui> Hew: visit https://edge.launchpad.net/, then https://launchpad.net/ to confirm you are logged in in both
[17:13] <Hew> sinzui: I am logged into both
[17:16] <sinzui> Hew: I assume you were working on edge when this happened. Am I right?
[17:16] <Hew> sinzui: Correct
[17:17] <leonel> sinzui: I've edited the changelog thank you
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[17:23] <sinzui> Hew: I'm commenting on some bug and will watch the clock. How much time elapsed when you saw the problem?
[17:24] <Hew> sinzui: From being logged out to noticing it? Hmm, could have been less than a minute, maybe two or three?
[17:24] <sinzui> OK
[17:28] <sinzui> Hew. I cannot reproduce the problem.
[17:30] <sinzui> Hew: What is the expiration date for the launchpad.net edge cookie? I am looking at Menu > Edit > Preferences > Privacy > Show Cookies
[17:30] <Hew> sinzui: It doesn't seem to happen immediately, or even for each comment. I can sometimes post multiple comments without being logged out.
[17:30] * Hew checks
[17:30] * sinzui nods
[17:32] <Hew> sinzui: Fri 09 Oct 2009 03:22:19 EST
[17:32] <sinzui> Hew: Are you running any plugins?
[17:34] * sinzui recalls very bad interactions with firebug and Moin openid login pages
[17:34] <Hew> sinzui: Not really, I have ubufox, adblock, flashblock, netusage
[17:34] <Hew> sinzui: I also have greasemonkey disabled which I don't use. It may have been enabled in the past but I don't think so, and it wasn't enabled just now.
[17:36] <sinzui> Hew: we can isolate session/preferences/plugins by running another profile
[17:36] <sinzui> firefox -P test
[17:36] <sinzui> will create a new profile that you can try to see if the problem continues.
[17:37] <Hew> sinzui: I'll play around on staging for a bit then
[17:39] <sinzui> Hew: right...I should have been smart enough to suggest that too. :)
[17:39] <Hew> hehe
[17:58] <leonel> I have my gpg key in one machine and the packages I've build are in another do I need to rebuild and sign the packages so I can Upload to my ppa ???
[17:58] <bigjools> leonel: man debrsign
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[18:01] <Hew> sinzui: I've tried everything I can think of, multiple times, but it won't log me off anymore :-(
[18:01] <leonel> bigjools: Sweet ! thanks
[18:02] <Hew> sinzui: I guess I'll just come back here if/when it kicks me of edge again. I'll pay more attention to what I'm doing when it happens.
[18:02] <leonel> bigjools: Do I need to sign the package to upload to ppa ?
[18:02] <sinzui> Hew: staging and edge are not 100% the same this week...
[18:02] <bigjools> leonel: yes
[18:03] <sinzui> Hew: You may want to try your default profile and the tester profile on edge the next time you work bugs to compare the experience.
[18:03] <Hew> sinzui: Hmm ok. It seems to happen fairly randomly, but always around when I comment on gufw (which is a small fraction of my launchpad time)
[18:03] <Hew> sinzui: Ah yes, ok
[18:07] <Hew> sinzui: Thanks for your assistance looking into this problem, you've been very helpful :-)
[18:08] <Hew> I'm off now, I'll probably be back next time I get logged out, haha
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=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
[19:09] <sidnei> hello there, i've setup a remote bug watch but pasted in the wrong url. there doesn't seem to be a way to remove the wrong remote bug watch: i pasted in the correct url and now i have two watches :(
[19:10] <sidnei> dang, and one second after saying that i figure out what the yellow icon stands for
[19:10] <exarkun> icons are hard
[19:11] <sidnei> even harder when inconsistent :(
[19:12] <sinzui> And you don't see them if they are used everywhere.
[19:17] <qebab> Hey guys, any plans to make it possible for lp to import git projects anytime soon?
[19:19] <sinzui> qebab: I do not think we plan that for this year. The topic comes up often. Let m ask someone with more knowledge.
[19:19] <qebab> sinzui: Thanks :)
[19:33] <kiko> sinzui, it's actually on the 3.0 plan
[19:36] <sinzui> qebab: ^ we intend to support git for 3.0, which is a goal o next year. That means the feature may be available before then sine we release new features every month. It will definitely appear in the announcements on the Launchpad front page when the feature is available.
[19:38] <qebab> sinzui: Thanks a lot :)
[19:38] <pro-rsoft> can some admin remove the "1.8.x" and "1.7.x" series in the project "panda3d" ?
[19:39] <sinzui> pro-rsoft: I will make the request.
[19:39] <pro-rsoft> sinzui, thanks
[19:41] * sinzui really must add subscribe a user to a question.
[19:59] <leonel> I got this error when uploading to my ppa Unable to find cherokee_0.9.3.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution How do I upload the .orig.tar.gz ??
[20:00] <cprov> leonel: build the source with `debuild -S -sa`
[20:00] <leonel> cprov: thanks that was missing ..
[20:00] <cprov> leonel: np.
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[21:19] <cody-somerville> Hobbsee, ping
[21:25] <mdke> is anyone around who can delete a pot template currently in the import queue which I uploaded to the wrong place?
[21:27] <Rinchen> mdke, I might be (haven't tried my super powers there yet). URL?
[21:27] * sinzui looks in awe at Rinchen
[21:28] <mdke> Rinchen: well, there isn't really a url for the specific template as far as I can see. The relevant queue filter is - https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/ubuntu-docs/+imports?field.filter_status=NEEDS_REVIEW&field.filter_extension=pot
[21:28] <mdke> it's the first item on that screen
[21:30] <mdke> I got "There are 19 errors" when I tried to delete it
[21:32] <mdke> see if you can better that
[21:36] <feuervogel> Hello.
[21:36] <feuervogel> I am pretty confused about Launchpad. Can someone have a look on those two links and tell me the difference !
[21:36] <feuervogel> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic
[21:36] <feuervogel> https://bugs.launchpad.net/synaptic
[21:36] <Peng_> One's about Ubuntu's synaptic package, and one's about the synaptic project.
[21:37] <Rinchen> mdke, phone....bbib
[21:37] <Peng_> ...Which really overlaps a lot.
[21:37] <mdke> Rinchen: ok, thanks
[21:37] <sinzui> feuervogel: the second represents the upstream project
[21:38] <sinzui> feuervogel: the first is the version used of the synaptic product used in ubuntu
[21:39] <feuervogel> ok, if I want to report a bug in synaptic, I should do it in the first or the second
[21:40] <feuervogel> I guess the first if I'm using ubuntu
[21:40] <sinzui> feuervogel: I am mistaken about the first link, in that synaptic is using Launchpad for hosting and bug management
[21:40] <sinzui> feuervogel: report/check the bug against the Ubuntu version.
[21:41] <sinzui> feuervogel: a bug contact may report the bug is also in the main project.
[22:01] <Rinchen> mdke, do you see that in deleted status now?
[22:03] <mdke> Rinchen: yep - thanks :)
[22:03] <Rinchen> my pleasure mkd
[22:03] <Rinchen> mdke,
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
[23:55] <maco> uh, weird problem. i can edit bugs from my host machine, but not from inside a vm. the +editstatus page takes ages to load then just comes up blank